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Ethnic differences in allopregnanolone concentrations in women during rest and following mental stress


Abstract and Figures

The neuroactive steroid allopregnanolone (ALLO) is stress sensitive, negatively modulates the HPA axis, and has been implicated in mood disorders. We examined ethnic differences in plasma ALLO at rest and following mental stress in African American (AA) men (n = 21) and women (n = 24) and non-Hispanic White men (n = 24) and women (n = 25). Overall, AA women had lower ALLO concentrations than non-Hispanic White women (p < .05), especially following mental stress (p < .01). Only 20% of AA women showed the expected stress-induced increase in ALLO compared with 59% of non-Hispanic White women (p < .01). No ethnic differences were seen in men. For both ethnic groups, poststress ALLO was negatively correlated with poststress cortisol (p < .05). Results are interpreted to reflect dysregulation in ALLO mechanisms in AA women and may have implications for ethnic differences in mood disorders.
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Ethnic differences in allopregnanolone concentrations in
women during rest and following mental stress
Department of Psychiatry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA
Department of Psychology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA
The neuroactive steroid allopregnanolone (ALLO) is stress sensitive, negatively modulates the HPA axis, and has been
implicated in mood disorders. We examined ethnic differences in plasma ALLO at rest and following mental stress in
African American (AA) men (n521) and women (n524) and non-Hispanic White men (n524) and women (n525).
Overall, AA women had lower ALLO concentrations than non-Hispanic White women (po.05), especially following
mental stress ( po.01). Only 20% of AA women showed the expected stress-induced increase in ALLO compared with
59% of non-Hispanic White women ( po.01). No ethnic differences were seen in men. For both ethnic groups,
poststress ALLO was negatively correlated with poststress cortisol ( po.05). Results are interpreted to reflect dys-
regulation in ALLO mechanisms in AA women and may have implications for ethnic differences in mood disorders.
Descriptors: Allopregnanolone, Stress, Ethnic differences
It is well established that relative to Caucasians, African Amer-
icans bear a disproportionate burden of medical illness in the
United States, such as hypertension (Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, 2005; Flack et al., 2003) and pain-related dis-
orders (Edwards, Doleys, Fillingim, & Lowery, 2001; Edwards,
Fillingim, & Keefe, 2001; McCracken, Matthews, Tang, & Cub,
2001; Riley et al., 2002). Evidence also suggests that African
Americans may have a higher prevalence of specific types of
mental illness, including depression (Bolden & Wicks, 2005; U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services, 1999; Wells, Klap,
Koike, & Sherbourne, 2001). Greater psychosocial stress asso-
ciated with poverty, crime, and racism has been implicated in the
greater rates of both medical and mental illness in African Amer-
ican populations (Anderson, McNeilly, & Myers, 1992; Mechlin,
Maixner, Light, Fisher, & Girdler, 2005; Riolo, Nguyen, Greden,
& King, 2005; Sachs-Ericsson, Plant, & Blazer, 2005). Conse-
quently, numerous studies have examined ethnic differences in
biological responses to stress as a potential pathophysiological
mechanism contributing to the greater rates of illness in African
Americans (e.g. Anderson et al., 1992; Light et al., 1993; Mechlin
et al., 2005; Stoney, Hughes, Kuntz, West, & Thornton, 2002) .
The present report examined ethnic differences in a relatively
novel stress-responsive factor, allopregnanolone (3a-hydroxy-
5a-pregnan-20-one). Allopregnanolone (ALLO) is an A-ring-
reduced metabolite of progesterone (Paul & Purdy, 1992). Pro-
geseterone metabolites fall within the general class of endogenous
steroids termed ‘‘neuroactive steroids,’’ which are pregnane and
androstane steroids that are produced both de novo in brain but
also peripherally in ovary and adrenals. Owing to its lipophili-
city, even peripherally produced ALLO readily crosses the blood
brain barrier, where it rapidly alters central nervous system
(CNS) excitability, producing behavioral effects within seconds
to minutes (Paul & Purdy, 1992; Purdy, Morrow, Moore, &
Paul, 1991). ALLO enhances neuronal inhibition via a potent
and selective interaction with the GABA
receptors (nanomolar
concentrations), and it is through this mechanism that it exerts
anxiolytic, analgesic, and anticonvulsant actions, and, at higher
doses, it is sedative, hypnotic, and induces anesthesia (Belelli et
al., 2006; Morrow, Suzdak, & Paul, 1987).
ALLO has been shown to be stress sensitive in rat models,
with CNS levels rising quickly following acute stress (Barbaccia
et al., 1996; Purdy et al., 1991). Peripheral levels in rat also in-
crease significantly following stress, though the response is more
delayed (Paul & Purdy, 1992). Animal models indicate that
stress-induced increases in ALLO serve to negatively modulate
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activity, thereby
facilitating the recovery of physiologic homeostasis in this sys-
tem following stressful stimuli (Guo et al., 1995; Patchev, Has-
san, Holsboer, & Almeida, 1996). In humans, an early study by
Genazzani et al. (1998) employed endocrine challenge paradigms
in healthy men and women and found that both GnRH and
CRH administration increased serum ALLO levels whereas sup-
pression of adrenal steroidogenesis markedly reduced ALLO.
This research was supported by NIH grants RO1-DA13705 and
GCRC RR00046.
Address reprint requests to: Susan S. Girdler, Ph.D., University of
North Carolina, CB #7175, Medical Research Bldg. A, Mason Farm
Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7175, USA. E-mail: susan_girdler@med.
Psychophysiology, 43 (2006), 331–336. Blackwell Publishing Inc. Printed in the USA.
Copyright r2006 Society for Psychophysiological Research
DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8986.2006.00410.x
These results suggested that, in humans, both the ovary and
adrenal cortex are major sources of circulating ALLO and that
ALLO is stress responsive.
Although ALLO appears to serve an adaptive function during
the defense reaction, dysregulation of ALLO mechanisms has
been implicated in a number of psychiatric conditions, particularly
mood disorders (Strous, Maayan, & Weizman, 2006). For exam-
ple, in both men and women, patients with current depression
have reduced ALLO concentrations that correlate with severity of
depressive symptoms (Nappi et al., 2001; Romeo et al., 1998;
Strohle et al., 1999, 2000; Uzunova et al., 1998), and clinically
efficacious treatment with selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors
is associated with increases in ALLO in depressed patients (Strohle
et al., 1999, 2000; Uzunova et al., 1998). The antidepressant-
like effect of ALLO is also well recognized in animal models
(Uzunova, Ceci, Kohler, Uzunov, & Wrynn, 2003; Uzunova et
al., 2004). Moreover, we recently reported that relative to never
depressed women, women with a history of depressive disorders
showed dysregulation in ALLO responses to experimental chal-
lenges (Klatzkin, Morrow, Light, Pedersen, & Girdler, 2006).
Alteration in ALLO mechanisms has also been implicated in
gynecological conditions in women. The postpartum period is char-
acterized by an increased vulnerability to the development of mood
disorders. Progesterone levels rise during pregnancy, followed by a
rapid drop in serum and brain following delivery (Concas et al.,
1998; Luisi et al., 2000), and it is the rapid withdrawal of proges-
terone that has been implicated as a candidate in the induction of
postpartum mood changes (Nappi et al., 2001). However, because
ALLO concentrations increase in parallel with progesterone during
gestation and parturition (Luisi et al., 2000), rapid reductions in
ALLO in the postpartum period may also be a contributing factor
to postpartum dysphoria in vulnerable women. In support of this is
evidence that women with postpartum ‘‘blues’’ have lower circulat-
ing ALLO than euthymic postpartum controls (Nappi et al., 2001).
Thus, although lower ALLO concentrations are associated with
dysphoric mood in both men and women, ALLO may have par-
ticular relevance for mood disturbance in women.
Because African Americans may be at increased risk for
mood disorders (Bolden & Wicks, 2005; U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services, 1999; Wells et al., 2001) and a
recent study documented that, even after controlling for demo-
graphic factors, history of depression, and other predictors, Af-
rican American women were more than twice as likely to
experience postpartum depressive symptoms than non-Hispanic
White women (Howell, Mora, Horowitz, & Leventhal, 2005),
studies on ethnic differences in ALLO may serve to elucidate a
pathophysiological mechanism contributing to ethnic disparities
in mental health. Thus, one purpose of the present report was to
compare African Americans with non-Hispanic Whites for dif-
ferences in ALLO concentrations. Moreover, because it is well
established that stress is an independent predictor of depressive
disorders (e.g., Kendler, Kuhn, & Prescott, 2004) and because
animal models clearly indicate an adaptive role of ALLO fol-
lowing exposure to stress (Barbaccia et al., 1996; Purdy et al.,
1991), we examined ethnic differences in ALLO concentrations
at rest and also following mental stress.
Participants that comprise the present report represent a large
subsample of the participants tested in a study designed to ex-
amine ethnicity, menstrual cycle, and stress-induced analgesia
(Mechlin et al. 2005). Of the 107 participants tested in the parent
study, we analyzed ALLO in plasma from 84 participants.
The subsample of participants providing ALLO samples was
composed of 41 men and 44 women, aged 18–47 years. Ap-
proximately half (n545) of the participants self-identified as
African American/Black (21 men, 24 women) whereas the others
were selected based on self-identification as non-Hispanic White
(n539; 20 men, 19 women). Because statistical power was not
sufficient to examine other ethnic groups (7% Asian, 7% Indian,
and 5% Hispanic), subjects endorsing other ethnic categories
were dropped from all analyses.
There were no gender or ethnic group differences in age (range
18–47), diastolic blood pressure (DBP; range 50–87 mmHg), or
heart rate (range 50–92 bpm). There were expected ethnic dif-
ferences in body mass index (BMI), because African Americans
had higher BMIs than non-Hispanic Whites (28.9 vs. 25.1;
F[3,82] 57.92, po.01). For the women, there were no differ-
ences between African American and non-Hispanic Whites in
luteal progesterone concentrations (13.5 vs. 15.4 ng/ml, respec-
tively), with all women exhibiting levels consistent with an
ovulatory luteal phase.
All participants were medically healthy, with no more than
mildly elevated blood pressure (o160/90 mmHg) as determined
during an initial screening session. Only 4 participants (2 African
Americans and 2 non-Hispanic Whites) had elevated BP, defined
as SBP 4135 mmHg and/or DBP 485 mmHg. Additionally,
participants were not taking any prescription medication, in-
cluding oral contraceptives, hormonal replacement therapy, or
psychotropics, and none took any over-the-counter medication
on a regular basis (e.g., nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents,
antihistamines). All women reported regular menstrual cycles.
Excluded from participating were participants with chronic
pain conditions (e.g., temporomandibular joint disorder, fibro-
myalgia, arthritis) and those with signs of depression or anxiety
based on Hamilton rating scales (47 for depression, 49for
anxiety). The protocol was approved by the institution’s Insti-
tutional Review Board and all participants provided informed,
written consent prior to participating. Participants received $150
As part of the larger protocol (see Mechlin et al., 2005), women
were tested three times, once during the early follicular, once
during the late follicular, and once during the luteal phase of their
menstrual cycle. Cycle phases were confirmed using serum est-
radiol and progesterone concentrations. Men were also tested
three times, matched for number of days between test sessions.
Because ALLO levels are nondetectable in a substantial propor-
tion of women in their follicular phase (Girdler, Straneva, Light,
Pedersen, & Morrow, 2001), only luteal phase data are included
in the present report. There were no significant differences in the
proportion of African Americans versus non-Hispanic White
women whose luteal phase session was the first test session (9 vs.
7, respectively), second test session (6 vs. 11), or last test session
(10 vs. 6) (w
For all participants, laboratory testing began between 12 p.m.
and 2 p.m. An intravenous line (i.v.) was established in an arm
vein and, once it was in place, a curtain was drawn to hide the i.v.
and arm and to minimize awareness of blood sampling. Because
one purpose of the overarching research protocol was to examine
stress-induced analgesia (reported in Mechlin et al., 2005),
332 S.S. Girdler et al.
participants were exposed to a series of pain tests, once after the
mental stressor battery (described below) and once after a rest
control period, counterbalancing order of rest versus stress first
within each ethnic and gender group. Thus, for fully half of each
ethnic/gender group, stress testing was the first event experienced
and preceded all pain testing. For the other half, stress testing
followed one series of pain testing, with a 20-min recovery period
imposed between the last pain test and the baseline rest period.
Baseline. Immediately following the i.v. setup, 20 min of qui-
et rest followed. The first 10 min served as recovery from veni-
puncture, and the last 10 min constituted baseline. Blood was
sampled at minute 10 for baseline ALLO and cortisol.
The Trier Social Stress Test (TSST). The TSST is a stress
test that reliably induces large and consistent HPA and cardi-
ovascular responses (Kirschbaum, Pirke, & Hellhammer, 1993).
The TSST involved the following components: (1) pretask in-
structions (5 min); (2) speech preparation period (5 min), during
which time subjects were left alone to prepare their talk; (3) job
speech (5 min), delivered in front of a ‘‘selection committee’’ and
tape recorded; and (4) Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test
(PASAT; Gronwall, 1977) (8.5 min), involving a tape-recorded
presentation of numbers that were serially added. Subjects had
the opportunity to earn up to $10 for each task based upon
Stress recovery (10 min). Subjects rested quietly alone.
Blood was sampled at the end of this period to capture the de-
layed plasma cortisol response to the TSST (Kirschbaum et al.,
1993) and also for ALLO, because animal models indicate a
delayed plasma ALLO response to stress (Purdy et al., 1991).
Plasma ALLO (3a,5a-THP) was assessed by radioimmuno-
assay (RIA) following extraction and purification by column
chromatography as previously described (Girdler et al., 2001;
Janis, Devaud, Mitsuyama, & Morrow, 1998). The 3a,5a-THP
antiserum has previously been shown to produce minimal cross-
reactivity with other circulating steroids (Janis et al., 1998).
Cross-reactivity with progesterone (o3%) as well as the stereo-
chemical isomers of 3a,5a-THP is minimal (3a,5b-THP 6.6%;
3b,5a-THP 2.8%; 3b,5-THP 0.5%). In contrast, the steroid
3a-hydroxy-4-pregnen-20-one binds to the antibody to a greater
degree than 3a,5a-THP (169% of 3a,5a-THP). It is unknown,
however, whether 3-hydroxy-4-pregnen-20-one exists in human
serum. If the steroid does exist in human serum, then it may
contribute to the measurement of ALLO; however, because both
ALLO and the pregnen-4 compound are equally efficacious
agonists of GABA
receptor mediated Cl uptake (Morrow,
Pace, Purdy, & Paul, 1990), they would be expected to produce
similar effects.
Plasma cortisol was determined by RIA using commercial kits
from ICN Pharmaceuticals. The sensitivity of the assay is excel-
lent at 0.07 mg/dl. The specificity of the RIA for cortisol is high,
showing only 0.05%–2.2% cross-reactivity with most similarly
structured compounds.
Data Reduction and Analyses
Our first aim was to examine ethnic differences in the absolute
concentrations of ALLO at baseline and poststress. Because
ALLO concentrations are significantly greater in women than in
men, gender was treated as an independent variable in the anal-
yses. Thus a 2 (Ethnicity) 2 (Gender) 2 (Stress: baseline vs.
poststress) repeated measures ANOVA was employed with stress
as the repeated factor. Where significant interactions emerged,
these were followed by simple effects analyses to determine the
source of the effect. Post hoc examination of the data revealed
that some individuals exhibited positive changes in ALLO from
baseline to stress, whereas others exhibited negative changes.
Chi-square analysis was used to determine if the percentage of
individuals showing positive versus negative ALLO responses to
stress differed by ethnicity. Finally, we examined the relationship
of plasma ALLO to plasma cortisol concentrations using Pear-
son Product Moment Correlational Analyses.
Gender and Ethnic Differences in ALLO Concentrations at Rest
and Poststress
As expected, women in the luteal phase of their menstrual cycle
had significantly higher levels of ALLO than men at both
baseline rest (1.43 vs. 0.36 ng/ml, respectively) and poststress
time points (1.34 vs. 0.35 ng/ml; main effect of Gender:
F[1,80] 5116.8, po.0001). However, a Gender Ethnicity in-
teraction was also observed, F(1,80) 55.1, po.05. Simple effects
analyses conducted separately in the genders revealed an ethnic
difference in women only (main effect of Ethnicity: F[1,42] 55.8,
po.05) because African American women had lower ALLO
concentrations than non-Hispanic White women at baseline rest
(1.25 vs. 1.62 ng/ml, po.10; d50.52) but especially following
mental stress (1.10 vs. 1.60 ng/ml, po.01; d50.86; Figure 1). In
contrast, there was no difference between African American and
non-Hispanic White men in either baseline ALLO (0.36 vs.
0.35 ng/ml) or poststress ALLO (0.35 vs. 0.35).
The omnibus ANOVA failed to reveal any significant main
effects, F(1.80) 51.72, or interactive effects, Fs(1,80) 50.55–
1.33, involving stress for ALLO concentrations because average
ALLO concentrations did not change significantly from baseline
rest to poststress. Post hoc examination of the data indicated that
the absence of an overall stress effect for ALLO was driven by the
fact that approximately half of the subjects showed an increase in
ALLO whereas the other half showed a decrease in ALLO from
baseline to poststress. Specifically, in the entire sample, a de-
crease in ALLO from baseline to poststress was observed in 57%
of the participants (mean decrease 50.25 ng/ml, SEM 50.04;
d50.74), whereas a mean increase in ALLO was observed in the
other 43% of the participants (mean increase 51
0.16 ng/ml,
Ethnic differences in allopregnanolone 333
Allopregnanolone in ng/mL
Baseline ALLO Post-Stress ALLO
African Americans
(n = 25)
non-Hispanic Whites
(n = 20)
Figure 1. Mean (1SEM) plasma allopregnanolone (ALLO)
concentrations in women at baseline and following mental stress as a
function of ethnic group.
SEM 50.05; d50.50). Paired-comparison ttests revealed that
the average magnitude of the ALLO change was significant
whether negative ( po.0001) or positive ( po.01).
Chi square analyses revealed that African American women
were more likely to exhibit a decrease whereas non-Hispanic
White women were more likely to exhibit an increase in ALLO
levels from baseline to poststress (w
57.6, po.01; see Figure
2). In men there were no ethnic differences in the proportion
showing a decrease (50% African American vs. 60% Caucasian/
Others) versus an increase in ALLO (50% African Americans vs.
40% Caucasian/Others; w
Relationship of ALLO Concentrations to Cortisol Concentrations
Both African Americans and non-Hispanic Whites showed the
expected negative correlation relating poststress ALLO concen-
trations to poststress cortisol (r50.34, po.05 and r50.46,
po.01, respectively). Although the direction of the relationship
was the same for baseline levels, the correlation was statistically
significant only in the non-Hispanic Whites (r50.49, po.01)
but not in the African Americans (r50.23).
This is the first study of which we are aware to examine ethnic
differences in ALLO concentrations. We observed that African
American women exhibited both lower resting plasma concen-
trations of ALLO and lower ALLO concentrations following
mental stress. Moreover, African American women were more
likely to show a decrease in ALLO concentrations from rest to
poststress, whereas non-Hispanic White women were more likely
to show an increase. No ethnic differences in ALLO concentra-
tions or in direction of change from rest to poststress were ob-
served in men.
The magnitude and direction of the ALLO response following
stress deserves comment. Although nearly half of the sample
showed a significant increase in ALLO of 10.16 pg/ml from
baseline to poststress, the possibility exists that our sampling
interval did not capture the peak ALLO response to stress and
this could contribute, in part, to the observed ethnic differences in
the proportion of women showing an increase versus decrease in
ALLO poststress. Though no studies exist on the time course of
the ALLO response to stress in humans, our first study on ALLO
reactivity to stress in a primarily Caucasian sample of healthy
women (Girdler et al., 2001) found an average increase in ALLO
of 10.22 pg/ml when ALLO was sampled earlier, at 17 min fol-
lowing the onset of stress. In the present study, we sampled for
poststress ALLO at 30 min following the onset of mental stress
because this time point is associated with peak cortisol responses
(Kirschbaum et al., 1993), but it may not be associated with peak
ALLO responses in humans. This is supported, in part, by our
most recent study on ALLO reactivity to stress (Klatzkin et al.,
2006) that found nonsignificant increases in stress-induced
ALLO in healthy Caucasian women when ALLO was sampled
at 30 and 60 min poststress, even though the 60-min time point
was specifically selected because it is associated with peak serum
ALLO responses to stress in animals (Purdy et al., 1991). Par-
ametric studies in humans designed to sample ALLO at various
time points following a standardized mental stressor battery are
needed. Failure to sample for ALLO when responses to stress
peaked or ethnic differences in the time course of the ALLO
response to stress could have contributed to the ethnic difference
observed in women in the direction of ALLO responses from
baseline to poststress.
Another possibility for the ethnic differences in the directional
change in ALLO may reflect alterations in the regulation of
ALLO in African American women. Consistent with the seminal
paper of Siever and Davis (1985) on the dysregulationhypothesis
of depression, dysregulation in stress-responsive systems is ev-
idenced by more erratic basal output and/or less selectivity in
responsiveness to environmental stimuli. Either of these mech-
anisms could contribute to lower poststress values relative to
baseline values. Similar to the current pattern of results, two
separate studies from our laboratory have documented evidence
for dysregulation in ALLO responses to stress in women with
mood disorders because we found that women with premenstrual
dysphoric disorder or women with histories of depressive disor-
ders exhibit a decrease in ALLO from baseline to poststress not
seen in healthy control women (Girdler et al., 2001; Klatzkin et
al., 2006). It is important to note, however, that while we did not
assess histories of depressive disorders in the present study, none
of the women had current depression or anxiety. Although this is
speculative, given that African American women are at increased
risk to develop mood disorders, particularly postpartum depres-
sion (Howell et al., 2005), the possibility exists that dysregulation
in ALLO mechanisms or responses to stress is a marker for in-
creased vulnerability to mood disorders. Longitudinal studies
would be needed to address this issue.
Irrespective of ethnic differences in the direction of change in
ALLO following stress, the African American women had lower
circulating ALLO levels across both time points relative to the
non-Hispanic White women. Because we did not observe differ-
ences in progesterone concentrations, one possibility is that there
are ethnic differences in the metabolic pathways involved in the
conversion of progesterone to neuroactive steroids. The 5a-re-
ductase enzymes catalyze the reduction of progesterone into
pregnane steroids, which are further reduced to the neuroactive
steroids ALLO or 3a,5a-tetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone (3a,5a-
THDOC). Studies in depressed patients suggest a differential
conversion of progesterone to 3a,5a-THDOC because depressed
patients have lower circulating plasma ALLO but higher plasma
concentrations of 3a,5a-THDOC (Strohle et al., 1999, 2000).
Though both ofthese neuroactive steroids are potent modulators
of the GABA
receptors (Purdy, Morrow, Blinn, & Paul, 1990),
it is reasonable to think that shifts in metabolic processes may
have functional significance because distinct neurosteroid
334 S.S. Girdler et al.
% of Each Ethnic Group
Showing Response
Decreased ALLO Increased ALLO
African Americans
(n = 25)
non-Hispanic Whites
(n = 20)
Figure 2. Percent of women showing an increase versus a decrease in
plasma allopregnanolone from baseline to poststress as a function of
ethnic group.
binding sites have different affinities for various neuroactive
steroids (Morrow et al., 1990). Studies designed to assess each of
the neurosteroid metabolites of progesterone will be needed to
clarify whether ethnic differences in the metabolism of proges-
terone to ALLO contribute to lower circulating ALLO concen-
trations in African American women.
Regardless of mechanism, the lower absolute concentration
of ALLO seen in African American women relative to non-
Hispanic White women at both baseline rest and following stress
may have implications for ethnic differences in the development
of stress-related illness. Consistentwith animalmodels, we found
that greater poststress ALLO concentrations were correlated
with lower poststress cortisol concentrations in both the African
Americans and the non-Hispanic Whites. Thus, to the extent that
lower ALLO concentrations, especially following stress, are as-
sociated with diminished capacity to negatively modulate the
HPA axis and facilitate its recovery following stress exposure
(Guo et al., 1995; Patchev et al. 1996), then ethnic differences in
the regulation of the HPA axis by ALLO may contribute to
ethnic differences in the etiology of mood disorders.
In conclusion, the results of this study suggest that African
American women have lower circulating concentrations of
ALLO and may also exhibit dysregulation in ALLO responsive-
ness to stress. Future studies on the time course of the ALLO
stress response in humans are needed to clarify the nature of the
ethnic differences in the poststress ALLO measure. Evidence for
an association of lower poststress ALLO with higher poststress
cortisol suggests there may be ethnic differences in the regulation
of the HPA axis by ALLO following stress. It is unclear why no
ethnic differences in men were observed in the present study,
though generally lower concentrations in men may have pre-
vented us from detecting ethnic differences. For women, how-
ever, ALLO may have special relevance for ethnic differences in
mood disorders, particularly postpartum depression.
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(Receiv ed March 9, 2006; Accepted May 1, 2006)
336 S.S. Girdler et al.
... These results are limited by the small number of subjects involved in the studies, but it appears that several variables may influence the allopregnanolone response to stress. One such variable can be ethnicity; in fact, in women tested during the luteal phase, the psychosocial Trier Social Stress Test did not increase allopregnanolone levels overall, but this effect was related to ethnicity; 59% of non-Hispanic white women showed the stress-induced increase in allopregnanolone levels, but among African American women this percentage dropped to 20%, and acute stress decreased allopregnanolone levels in this latest group [81]. Overall, the allopregnanolone and cortisol responses to this acute stress were inversely correlated in women; however, these effects were not observed in men, as no ethnic differences in the allopregnanolone response to stress were present [81]. ...
... One such variable can be ethnicity; in fact, in women tested during the luteal phase, the psychosocial Trier Social Stress Test did not increase allopregnanolone levels overall, but this effect was related to ethnicity; 59% of non-Hispanic white women showed the stress-induced increase in allopregnanolone levels, but among African American women this percentage dropped to 20%, and acute stress decreased allopregnanolone levels in this latest group [81]. Overall, the allopregnanolone and cortisol responses to this acute stress were inversely correlated in women; however, these effects were not observed in men, as no ethnic differences in the allopregnanolone response to stress were present [81]. ...
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The neuroactive steroid allopregnanolone ((3α,5α)-3-hydroxypregnan-20-one or 3α,5α-THP) plays a key role in the response to stress, by normalizing hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis function to restore homeostasis. Most studies have been conducted on male rats, and little is known about the allopregnanolone response to stress in females, despite that women are more susceptible than men to develop emotional and stress-related disorders. Here, we provide an overview of animal and human studies examining the allopregnanolone responses to acute stress in females in the context of stress-related neuropsychiatric diseases and under the different conditions that characterize the female lifespan associated with the reproductive function. The blunted allopregnanolone response to acute stress, often observed in female rats and women, may represent one of the mechanisms that contribute to the increased vulnerability to stress and affective disorders in women under the different hormonal fluctuations that occur throughout their lifespan. These studies highlight the importance of targeting neuroactive steroids as a therapeutic approach for stress-related disorders in women.
... basal levels (Altemus et al. 2001;Childs and de Wit 2009;Childs et al. 2010;Girdler et al. 2006) Chronic stress ↑ basal levels (Girdler et al. 2001) ↑ sensitivity to 3α,5α-THP (Backstrom et al. 2013) basal levels (Rapkin et al. 1997;Schmidt et al. 1994;Wang et al. 1996) ↓ basal levels (Klatzkin et al. 2006;Monteleone et al. 2000;Rasmusson et al. 2006) ↓ response to a stress challenge (Klatzkin et al. 2006) These effects are described and referenced in the text ↑ increase, ↓ decrease,unchanged, N.A. not assayed (Naert et al. 2007). All these effects were rapid and likely mediated by a direct action of neuroactive steroids on GABA and glutamate neurotransmission in the hypothalamus that regulate HPA axis activation. ...
... Acute stress activates the HPA axis and increases serum 3α,5α-THP concentrations in human subjects (Droogleever Fortuyn et al. 2004;Girdler et al. 2001), similar to what has been shown in rats. However, others have also reported no change in serum 3α,5α-THP levels after acute stress, albeit different stress paradigms and time points were examined (Altemus et al. 2001;Childs and de Wit 2009;Childs et al. 2010;Girdler et al. 2006). Most of the studies in humans have focused on dysregulation of the HPA axis associated with several psychiatric and neurologic conditions. ...
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Neuroactive steroids are endogenous or synthetic steroids that rapidly alter neuronal excitability via membrane receptors, primarily γ-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptors. Neuroactive steroids regulate many physiological processes including hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis function, ovarian cycle, pregnancy, aging, and reward. Moreover, alterations in neuroactive steroid synthesis are implicated in several neuropsychiatric disorders. This review will summarize the pharmacological properties and physiological regulation of neuroactive steroids, with a particular focus on divergent neuroactive steroid responses to stress and ethanol in rats, mice, and humans. GABAergic neuroactive steroids exert a homeostatic regulation of the HPA axis in rats and humans, whereby the increase in neuroactive steroid levels following acute stress counteracts HPA axis hyperactivity and restores homeostasis. In contrast, in C57BL/6J mice, acute stress decreases neurosteroidogenesis and neuroactive steroids exert paradoxical excitatory effects upon the HPA axis. Rats, mice, and humans also differ in the neuroactive steroid responses to ethanol. Genetic variation in neurosteroidogenesis may explain the different neuroactive steroid responses to stress or ethanol. Rats and mouse strains show divergent effects of stress and ethanol on neuroactive steroids in both plasma and brain. The study of genetic variation in the various processes that determine neuroactive steroids levels as well as their effects on cell signaling may underlie these differences and may play a relevant role for the potential therapeutic benefits of neuroactive steroids.
... However, this article will focus on the role of THP ([allo]pregnanolone, 3α-OH-5[α]βpregnan-20-one) in mediating some of the changes in mood and cognition observed during the pubertal period. THP is also a steroid released by stress (Girdler et al., 2006;Higashi et al., 2005;Purdy et al., 1991), by the adrenal and CNS in both humans and rodents, which functions to modulate inhibition via direct effects on the GABA A receptor (GABAR), a receptor shown to play a pivotal role in anxiety (Rudolph et al., 1999;Trincavelli et al., 2012) in mice and humans. ...
... In rodents, its levels in brain increase by up to 20-fold after 45 minutes of restraint stress or other forms of stress (CO 2 inhalation) (Higashi et al., 2005;Mukai et al., 2008;Purdy et al., 1991) when decreases in anxiety are observed (Barbaccia et al., 2001). Circulating levels of this steroid are also evidenced in humans after sustained stress associated with performance (Droogleever Fortuyn et al., 2004;Girdler et al., 2006). One potential mechanism for this increase in THP is via CRH and ACTH which have been shown to increase circulating and brain levels of the steroid (Torres et al., 2001), most likely due to activation of adrenal steroidogenesis by ACTH. ...
It is well-known that the onset of puberty is associated with changes in mood as well as cognition. Stress can have an impact on these outcomes, which in many cases, can be more influential in females, suggesting that gender differences exist. The adolescent period is a vulnerable time for the onset of certain psychopathologies, including anxiety disorders, depression and eating disorders, which are also more prevalent in females. One factor which may contribute to stress-triggered anxiety at puberty is the GABA(A) receptor (GABAR), which is known to play a pivotal role in anxiety. Expression of α4βδ GABARs increases on the dendrites of CA1 pyramidal cells at the onset of puberty in the hippocampus, part of the limbic circuitry which governs emotion. This receptor is a sensitive target for the stress steroid THP (3α-OH-5[α]β-pregnan-20-one), which paradoxically reduces inhibition and increases anxiety during the pubertal period (∼PND 35-44) of female mice in contrast to its usual effect to enhance inhibition and reduce anxiety. Spatial learning and synaptic plasticity are also adversely impacted at puberty, likely a result of increased expression of α4βδ GABARs on the dendritic spines of CA1 hippocampal pyramidal cells, which are essential for consolidation of memory. This review will focus on the role of these receptors in mediating behavioral changes at puberty. Stress-mediated changes in mood and cognition in early adolescence may have relevance for the expression of psychopathologies in adulthood.
... Therefore, in the present study, we also administered THP during the pubertal period to decrease α4βδ expression which would be expected to reduce synaptic pruning post-pubertally (PND 56). Because THP is released following chronic stress (Purdy et al., 1991, Droogleever Fortuyn et al., 2004, Girdler et al., 2006, effects of pubertal administration of this steroid on spine density are also relevant for the impact of stress during adolescence on spine density. ...
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Synaptic pruning underlies the transition from an immature to an adult CNS through refinements of neuronal circuits. Our recent study indicates that pubertal synaptic pruning is triggered by the inhibition generated by extrasynaptic α4βδ GABAA receptors (GABARs) which are increased for 10 d on dendritic spines of CA1 pyramidal cells at the onset of puberty (PND 35-44) in the female mouse, suggesting α4βδ GABARs as a novel target for the regulation of adolescent synaptic pruning. In the present study we used a pharmacological approach to further examine the role of these receptors in altering spine density during puberty of female mice and the impact of these changes on spatial learning, assessed in adulthood. Two drugs were chronically administered during the pubertal period (PND 35-44): the GABA agonist gaboxadol (GBX, 0.1 mg/kg, i.p.), to enhance current gated by α4βδ GABARs and the neurosteroid/stress steroid THP (3α-OH-5β-pregnan-20-one, 10 mg/kg, i.p.) to decrease expression of α4βδ. Spine density was determined on PND 56 with Golgi staining. Spatial learning and relearning were assessed using the multiple object relocation task (MPORT) and an active place avoidance task (APA) on PND 56. Pubertal GBX decreased spine density post-pubertally by 70% (P<0.05), while decreasing α4βδ expression with THP increased spine density by two-fold (P<0.05), in both cases, with greatest effects on the mushroom spines. Adult relearning ability was compromised in both hippocampus-dependent tasks after pubertal administration of either drug. These findings suggest that an optimal spine density produced by α4βδ GABARs is necessary for optimal cognition in adults.
... In addition to time course and stressor characteristics, interindividual characteristics would be expected to influence the magnitude of neurosteroid reactivity to mental stress in humans. A prior study of ours illustrates this point (Girdler et al. 2006). In a sample of 85 healthy men and premenopausal women, half of each gender group was African American (AA) and the other half was non-Hispanic White (nHW), initial results revealed that in the entire sample, there was no significant change in ALLO in response to the TSST. ...
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A robust epidemiological literature suggests an association between chronic stress and the development of affective disorders. However, the precise biological underpinnings of this relationship remain elusive. Central to the human response and adaptation to stress, activation and inhibition of the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis involves a multi-level, multi-system, neurobiological stress response which is as comprehensive in its complexity as it is precarious. Dysregulation in this complex system has implications for human stress related illness. The pioneering research of Robert Purdy and colleagues has laid the groundwork for advancing our understanding of HPA axis regulation by stress-derived steroid hormones and their neuroactive metabolites (termed neurosteroids), which are potent allosteric modulators of GABAA receptor function in the central nervous system. This review will describe what is known about neurosteroid modulation of the HPA axis in response to both acute and chronic stress, particularly with respect to the current state of our knowledge of this process in humans. Implications of this research to the development of human stress-related illness are discussed in the context of two human stress-related psychiatric disorders - major depressive disorder and premenstrual dysphoric disorder. Neurosteroid-mediated HPA axis dysregulation is a potential pathophysiologic mechanism which may cross traditional psychiatric diagnostic classifications. Future research directions are identified.
... Unlike most steroids, THP has no known effect at classic nuclear steroid receptors, but instead is a modulator of the GABAR (Smith et al., 2007Purdy et al., 1991; Higashi et al., 2005; Mukai et al., 2008) when decreases in anxiety are observed (Barbaccia et al., 2001). Similarly, in humans, circulating levels of this steroid increase after sustained stress associated with performance (Droogleever Fortuyn et al., 2004; Girdler et al., 2006). Thus, THP is one factor which is part of the stress response, and because it typically acts as an anxiolytic (Bitran et al., 1999), it would be expected to mitigate the anxiety reaction to stress in adults. ...
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The onset of puberty is associated with alterations in mood as well as changes in cognitive function, which can be more pronounced in females. Puberty onset in female mice is associated with increased expression of α4βδ γ-amino-butyric acid-A (GABAA) receptors (GABARs) in CA1 hippocampus. These receptors, which normally have low expression in this central nervous system (CNS) site, emerge along the apical dendrites as well as on the dendritic spines of pyramidal neurons, adjacent to excitatory synapses where they underlie a tonic inhibition that shunts excitatory current and impairs activation of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors, the trigger for synaptic plasticity. As would be expected, α4βδ expression at puberty also prevents long-term potentiation (LTP), an in vitro model of learning which is a function of network activity, induced by theta burst stimulation of the Schaffer collaterals to the CA1 hippocampus. The expression of these receptors also impairs spatial learning in a hippocampal-dependent task. These impairments are not seen in δ knock-out (-/-) mice, implicating α4βδ GABARs. α4βδ GABARs are also a sensitive target for steroids such as THP ([allo]pregnanolone or 3α-OH-5α[β]-pregnan-20-one), which are dependent upon the polarity of GABAergic current. It is well-known that THP can increase depolarizing current gated by α4βδ GABARs, but more recent data suggest that THP can reduce hyperpolarizing current by accelerating receptor desensitization. At puberty, THP reduces the hyperpolarizing GABAergic current, which removes the shunting inhibition that impairs synaptic plasticity and learning at this time. However, THP, a stress steroid, also increases anxiety, via its action at α4βδ GABARs because it is not seen in δ(-/-) mice. These findings will be discussed as well as their relevance to changes in mood and cognition at puberty, which can be a critical period for certain types of learning and when anxiety disorders and mood swings can emerge.
The impact of sex and the menstrual cycle phase on the autonomic response to psychosocial stress remains controversial. This study explored autonomic nervous system activity through salivary alpha-amylase, heart rate, and heart rate variability responses to the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST) in healthy young people. The sample was composed of 25 men, 26 women in the luteal phase, and 25 women in the follicular phase, from 18 to 25 years of age. Participants were exposed to the TSST or a control condition. The results indicate that women in their follicular phase showed a blunted alpha-amylase response to stress compared to men and women in the luteal phase. In addition, men showed higher sympatho-vagal activity in the stress condition compared to the two groups of women. These results confirm that sex and the menstrual cycle phase are potential modulators of autonomic nervous system reactivity to psychosocial stress.
Neuroactive steroids such as 3α-OH-5α[β]-pregnan-20-one (THP; 3α-OH3α[β]-THP or allopregnanolone) are potent positive modulators of the GABAA receptor. Because the GABAA receptor mediates most fast inhibition in the brain, THP reduces anxiety and prevents seizures. As a metabolite of progesterone, circulating levels of THP fluctuate across the ovarian cycle and pregnancy, but are also increased by stress, to some extent by localized neuronal synthesis, classifying THP as a neurosteroid. GABAA receptors containing the δ-subunit are the most sensitive to THP, an effect dependent upon the direction of Cl-flux through the receptor channel. α4β2δ receptors are localized extrasynaptically in dentate gyrus, where they underlie a tonic current. This tonic current is especially sensitive to THP, but is also regulated by the ovarian cycle and stress, which increase δ-subunit expression and enhance inhibition. Fluctuations in THP also increase expression of α4βγ2 GABAA receptors, which increase excitability in CA1 hippocampus, due to their fast kinetics. In addition, fluctuations in steroids at the onset of puberty increase α4βδ GABAA receptors in CA1 hippocampus where they are inhibited by this stress steroid, thereby increasing anxiety. Thus, steroid–GABAA receptor interactions may have relevance for premenstrual syndrome, postpartum dysphoria, catamenial epilepsy, and mood swings at puberty.
Neurosteroids, such as the progesterone metabolite 3 alpha-OH-5 alpha[beta]-pregnan-20-one (THP or [allo]pregnanolone), function as potent positive modulators of the GABA(A) receptor (GABAR) when acutely administered. However, fluctuations in the circulating levels of this steroid at puberty, across endogenous ovarian cycles, during pregnancy or following chronic stress produce periods of prolonged exposure and withdrawal, where chanaes in GABAR subunit composition may occur as compensatory responses to sustained levels of inhibition. A number of laboratories have demonstrated that both chronic administration of THP as well as its withdrawal transiently increase expression of the alpha 4 subunit of the GABAR in several areas of the central nervous system (CNS) as well as in in vitro neuronal systems. Receptors containing this subunit are insensitive to benzodiazepine (BDZ) modulation and display faster deactivation kinetics, which studies suggest underlie hyperexcitability states. Similar increases in alpha 4 expression are triggered by withdrawal from other GABA-modulatory compounds, such as ethanol and BDZ, suggesting a common mechanism. Other studies have reported puberty or estrous cycle-associated increases in delta-GABAR, the most sensitive target of these steroids which underlies a tonic inhibitory current. In the studies reported here, the effect of steroids on inhibition, which influence anxiety state and seizure susceptibility, depend not only on the subunit composition of the receptor but also on the direction of Cl- current generated by these target receptors. The effect of neurosteroids on GABAR function thus results in behavioral outcomes relevant for pubertal mood swings, premenstrual dysphoric disorder and catamenial epilepsy, which are due to fluctuations in endogenous steroids. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Neuroactive steroids such as 3α-OH-5α[β]-pregnan-20-one (THP; 3αOH-3α[β]-THP or allopregnanolone) are potent positive modulators of the GABAA receptor. Because the GABAA receptor mediates most fast inhibition in the brain, THP reduces anxiety and prevents seizures. As a metabolite of progesterone, circulating levels of THP fluctuate across the ovarian cycle and pregnancy, but are also increased by stress, to some extent by localized neuronal synthesis, classifying THP as a neurosteroid. GABAA receptors containing the δ-subunit are the most sensitive to THP, an effect dependent upon the direction of Cl- flux through the receptor channel. α4β2δ receptors are localized extrasynaptically in dentate gyrus, where they underlie a tonic current. This tonic current is especially sensitive to THP, but is also regulated by the ovarian cycle and stress, which increase δ-subunit expression and enhance inhibition. Fluctuations in THP also increase expression of α4βγ2 GABAA receptors, which increase excitability in CA1 hippocampus, due to their fast kinetics. In addition, fluctuations in steroids at the onset of puberty increase α4βδ GABAA receptors in CA1 hippocampus where they are inhibited by this stress steroid, thereby increasing anxiety. Thus, steroid-GABAA receptor interactions may have relevance for premenstrual syndrome, postpartum dysphoria, catamenial epilepsy, and mood swings at puberty.
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We recently reported that fluoxetine or paroxetine, two selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), when administered to rats, increase the brain content of the neurosteroid 3alpha-hydroxy-5alpha-pregnane-20-one (3alpha5alpha-ALLO) without altering the brain content of other neurosteroids. ALLO (3alpha5alpha and 3alpha5beta isomers) binds with high affinity to various gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor A subtypes and facilitates the action of GABA at these receptors. We hypothesized that the increase of ALLO brain content induced by treatment with SSRIs could contribute to alleviating the anxiety and dysphoria associated with the symptomatology of major unipolar depression. We measured ALLO content in four cisternal-lumbar fractions of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) before and 8-10 weeks after treatment with fluoxetine or fluvoxamine in 15 patients with unipolar major depression. The concentration of ALLO ( approximately 40 fmol/ml in each CSF fraction of three control subjects) was about 60% lower in patients with major unipolar depression. However, in the same patients, fluoxetine or fluvoxamine treatment normalized the CSF ALLO content. Moreover, a statistically significant correlation (r = 0.58; P < 0.023; n = 15) existed between symptomatology improvement (Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression scores) and the increase in CSF ALLO after fluoxetine or fluvoxamine treatment. The CSF content of PREG and PROG remained unaltered after treatment and failed to correlate with the SSRI-induced increase of CSF ALLO. The normalization of CSF ALLO content in depressed patients appears to be sufficient to mediate the anxiolytic and antidysphoric actions of fluoxetine or fluvoxamine via its positive allosteric modulation of GABA type A receptors.
One of the most consistent findings in the cardiovascular epidemiologic literature is the higher resting blood pressure and greater prevalence of essential hypertension among black compared to white adults (Folkow, 1982, 1987). The higher rate of hypertension among blacks has been documented for males between the aged of 25 and 64 years and for females aged 25 through 74 years (Obrist, 1981). Not surprisingly, given the extraordinarily high rate of hypertension morbidity among blacks, this group also suffers disproportionately higher rates of hypertension-related mortality from heart disease, cerebral vascular disease, and renal disease (Matthews, Weiss, Detre, Dembroski, Falkner, Manuck, & Williams, 1986; Obrist, 1981).
There is evidence for a differential alteration in the concentrations of 3α-reduced neuroactive steroids in major depression. Because it has been suggested that fluoxetine may shift the activity of the 3α-hydroxysteroid oxidoreductase towards the reductive direction, treatment of major depression may be accompanied by a further increase in plasma 3α,5α-tetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone (THDOC) concentration. We studied eight male depressed patients before and after treatment with fluoxetine and compared them to healthy age-matched control subjects. Blood samples were quantified for 3α,5α-tetrahydroprogesterone, 3α,5β-tetrahydroprogesterone (THP) and THDOC by means of a highly sensitive combined gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis. Compared to control subjects, concentrations of THDOC were higher in depressed patients and decreased after fluoxetine treatment. In contrast, THP concentrations were lower in depressed patients and increased after fluoxetine treatment. Our results give further evidence for a disequilibrium of 3α-reduced neuroactive steroids in major depression, which is normalized by treatment with fluoxetine.
provide a review of studies of racial differences in stress-induced reactivity / present a model describing a contextual perspective for understanding the possible biopsychosocial interactions that might underlie the racial differences in reactivity and hypertension prevalence black–white differences in reactivity / predictors of reactivity among blacks / augmented reactivity in blacks (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
The need for a measure of severity of concussion apart from duration of post-traumatic amnesia is examined. The paced auditory serial-addition test, a measure of rate of information processing, is presented as a convenient test for estimating individual performance during recovery. Procedures for administration and control data are given, and the programme used for managing the rehabilitation of concussion patients described.
Neuroactive steroids are natural or synthetic steroids that rapidly alter the excitability of neurons by binding to membrane-bound receptors such as those for inhibitory and (or) excitatory neurotransmitters. The best-studied neuroactive steroids are a series of sedative-hypnotic 3 alpha-hydroxy ring A-reduced pregnane steroids that include the major metabolites of progesterone and deoxycorticosterone, 3 alpha-hydroxy-5 alpha-pregnan-20-one (allopregnanolone) and 3 alpha,21-dihydroxy-5 alpha-pregnan-20-one (allotetrahydroDOC), respectively. These 3 alpha-hydroxysteroids do not interact with classical intracellular steroid receptors but bind stereoselectively and with high affinity to receptors for the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in brain, gamma-amino-butyric acid (GABA). Biochemical and electrophysiological studies have shown that these steroids markedly augment GABA-activated chloride ion currents in a manner similar (but not identical) to that of anesthetic barbiturates. Several steroids have also been observed to have convulsant or proconvulsant properties, including the synthetic amidine 3 alpha-hydroxy-16-imino-5 beta-17-azaandrostan-11-one (RU5135) and the natural sulfate esters of pregnenolone and dehydroepiandrosterone. Several of these have been shown to be bicuculline or picrotoxin-like GABAA receptor antagonists. Examples of steroids that alter neuronal excitability rapidly by augmenting or inhibiting excitatory amino acid receptor-mediated responses have also been reported. Recently, allopregnanolone and allotetrahydroDOC have also been measured in brain and plasma where their levels have been shown to fluctuate in response to stress and during the estrous and menstrual cycles of rats and humans, respectively. Although the major fraction of allopregnanolone in tissue, including brain, is of adrenal and/or ovarian origin, appreciable levels of allopregnanolone can still be measured in the brains of adrenalectomized and/or oophorectomized animals. Receptor-active neurosteroids may represent an important class of neuromodulators that can rapidly alter central nervous system excitability via novel nongenomic mechanisms.
The potentiation of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor-mediated 36Cl- uptake by various steroids has been characterized in rat cerebral cortical synaptoneurosomes. Several of these steroids, including 3 alpha-hydroxy-5 alpha-pregnan-20-one (3 alpha-OH-DHP) and 3 alpha,21-dihydroxy-5 alpha-pregnan-20-one (THDOC), increase the potency of muscimol to stimulate 36Cl- uptake in a concentration-dependent and stereospecific manner. Concentration-response curves for 3 alpha-OH-DHP, THDOC, 3 alpha-hydroxy-pregn-4-en-20-one, and pentobarbital enhancement of muscimol-stimulated 36Cl- uptake are biphasic, with Hill coefficients significantly less than 1.0. Computer-modeling (ALLFIT analysis) of these curves suggests that these steroids and pentobarbital interact with multiple binding sites on GABAA receptor(s). In contrast, the concentration-response curve for THDOC 21-mesylate is monophasic, with a smaller maximal response, and yields a Hill coefficients of 1.0. In addition to modulating GABA receptor-mediated 36Cl- uptake, THDOC enhanced the ability of the benzodiazepine clonazepam to potentiate muscimol-stimulated 36Cl- uptake. The central benzodiazepine antagonist Ro15-1788 failed to inhibit THDOC-induced potentiation of muscimol-stimulated 36Cl- uptake, although it has been previously reported to inhibit some of the behavioral actions of THDOC. In contrast to the A ring-reduced metabolites and analogues of progesterone and deoxycorticosterone, glucocorticoids had no effect on muscimol-stimulated 36Cl- uptake in cerebral cortical synaptoneurosomes at concentrations between 20 nM and 5 microM.
A 3 alpha-hydroxy A-ring-reduced metabolite of progesterone, 3 alpha-hydroxy-5 alpha-pregnan-20-one (allopregnanolone), and one of deoxycorticosterone (DOC), 3 alpha,21-dihydroxy-5 alpha-pregnan-20- one (allotetrahydroDOC), are among the most potent known ligands of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors designated GABAA in the central nervous system. With specific radioimmunoassays, rapid (less than 5 min) and robust (4- to 20-fold) increases of allopregnanolone and allotetrahydroDOC were detected in the brain (cerebral cortex and hypothalamus) and in plasma of rats after exposure to ambient temperature swin stress. Neither steroid was detectable in the plasma of adrenalectomized rats either before or after swim stress. However, allopregnanolone, but not allotetrahydroDOC, was still present in the cerebral cortex (greater than 3 ng/g) after adrenalectomy. These data demonstrate the presence of allopregnanolone and allotetrahydroDOC in brain and show that acute stress results in a rapid increase of these neuroactive steroids to levels known to modulate GABAA receptor function.
Certain 3α-hydroxy steroids have recently been shown to bind to the 7-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor gated chloride ion channel with high affinity and to potentiate the inhibitory effects of GABA when measured both in vitro and in vivo. In the present study, a series of natural and synthetic 3α-hydroxy steroids were tested for their ability to potentiate GABA-receptor-mediated chloride ion (Cl-) uptake into cerebral cortical synaptoneurosomes. The naturally occurring metabolites 3α-hydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one (allopregnanolone) and 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one (allotetrahydroDOC) were found to be the most active in augmenting GABAA-receptor-mediated Cl- uptake. Pharmacological activity was reduced in the corresponding isomers with the 5β-pregnane configuration and by some, but not all, modifications of the side chain. The ability of these steroids to potentiate muscimol-stimulated Cl- uptake is lost by acetylation at C3, introduction of unsaturation at C9(11), inversion to the 3β-hydroxy isomer, or inversion of configuration at C17. A facile procedure is reported for the synthesis of unlabeled and tritium-labeled allopregnanolone and allotetrahydroDOC. The 9α,11α,12α-3H-labeled derivatives of allopregnanolone and allotetrahydroDOC were used to identify the distribution and metabolic products of these active steroids. Uptake of the more hydrophobic [3H]allopregnanolone into brain was significantly greater than that of [3H]allotetrahydroDOC. The principal 3H-labeled metabolites recovered from brain were the 3-ketone derivatives of allopregnanolone and allotetrahydroDOC, which are both inactive on GABA-receptor-mediated Cl- flux. Molecular modeling of the active steroids based on quantitative structure-activity relationships provides evidence to support the stereospecificity of the binding interactions and suggests that there may be more than one type of steroid binding site associated with the GABAA-receptor-mediated chloride ionophore.