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A preoperative use of manual therapy in a patient with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis awaiting lung transplant: a case report

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A preoperative use of manual therapy in a patient
with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis awaiting lung
transplant: a case report
Beth Moody Jones, Adam Walsh & Kathy Lee Bishop
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A preoperative use of manual therapy in a patient with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
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A preoperative use of manual therapy in a patient with idiopathic pulmonary
brosis awaiting lung transplant: a case report
Beth Moody Jones PT, DPT, EdD
, Adam Walsh PT, DPT
, and Kathy Lee Bishop PT, DPT, FNAP
Division of Physical Therapy, Department of Orthopaedics, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, USA;
Division of Physical Therapy,
School of Medicine, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA
Introduction: This case report describes the outcomes of a patient with idiopathic pulmonary
brosis (IPF) treated with manual therapy (MT) in an outpatient physical therapy setting. IPF is
a life-threatening interstitial lung disease, often requiring lung transplant for prolonged health
related quality of life and survival. There is little literature to support use of MT for IPF.
Clinical Findings: The patient was a 66-year-old male with IPF and on the Organ Procurement and
Transplant Network (OPTN). The patient was dependent on oxygen and referred to physical
therapy with neck pain, shoulder pain, and headaches. Evaluation revealed impairments classied
as thoracic hypomobility paired with upper extremity referred pain, shoulder impairments and
neck pain. Headaches were classied as cervicogenic in nature.
Outcomes: Improved objective measures of cardiovascular function and quality of life pre- and
post- transplant were observed in this patient after 14 treatment visits.
Discussion: The utilization of MT appeared to address the patient’s impairments, improved quality
of life, improved pulmonary function and improved transplant outcomes.
Received 30 September 2023
Revised 15 March 2024
Accepted 8 April 2024
classification; thoracic spine;
physical therapy; pulmonary
Despite decades of research, idiopathic pulmonary
fibrosis (IPF) remains a therapeutic enigma, the patho-
genesis is unknown, and the prognosis is poor (Hanson,
Winterbauer, Kirtland, and Wu, 1995; Nathan et al.,
2011; Oldham and Noth, 2014; Raghu et al., 2011;
Song et al., 2019). IPF is considered a progressive and
life-threatening interstitial lung disease (ILD) character-
ized by scarring of the lungs and exertional dyspnea
(Raghu et al., 2011). With the exception of a few phar-
macological options, there have been limited recent
changes in the treatment of IPF, with transplant being
the ultimate treatment option (Pleasants and Tighe,
2019). Lung transplantation is considered an accepted
treatment option for patients with chronic end-stage
lung disorders including IPF (Kistler, Nalysnyk,
Rotella, and Esser, 2014).
There are currently no clinical practice guidelines
for rehabilitation in lung transplant candidates and
recipients (Wickerson et al., 2016); however, physical
therapy (PT) has been shown to be an important part
of a pre- and post-operative pulmonary rehabilitation
(PR) program with most chronic lung diseases
(Corhay, Dang, Van Cauwenberge, and Louis, 2014).
Current guidelines recommend aerobic, resistance,
and flexibility training for patients pre and post lung
transplant (Spruit, Janssen, Franssen, and Wouters,
2009; Wickerson et al., 2016). Research on PR benefits
for patients with ILD including IPF, however, is lim-
ited (Dowman, Hill, Holland, and Holland, 2021;
Kenn, Gloeckl, and Behr, 2013; Nolan et al., 2022;
Panchabhai, Abdelrazek, and Bremner, 2019).
Optimal timing and components of PR for IPF are
still unknown and require further elaboration
(Dowman, Hill, Holland, and Holland, 2021; Kenn,
Gloeckl, and Behr, 2013; Panchabhai, Abdelrazek,
and Bremner, 2019; Spruit, Janssen, Franssen, and
Wouters, 2009). Typically, a combination of aerobic
testing, muscle function, and physical activity assess-
ment is used to evaluate exercise capacity and function
in lung transplant candidates and recipients (Spruit,
Janssen, Franssen, and Wouters, 2009). Further devel-
opment of standardized physical function measures
that can predict post-transplant outcomes are neces-
sary (Wickerson et al., 2016). Outcomes used post-
transplant include days on mechanical ventilation,
length of hospital stay, survival, and aerobic exercise
capacity, including six-minute walk distance (6MWD)
and the Upper Limb Exercise Test (Spruit, Janssen,
Franssen, and Wouters, 2009; Wickerson et al., 2016).
CONTACT Beth Moody Jones PT, DPT, EdD Division of Physical Therapy, University of New Mexico, MSC09 5230, 1 University
of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131, USA
© 2024 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
Currently, the American Association of Cardiovascular
and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR) does not
include manual therapy (MT) within the definition of
PR (Spruit, Janssen, Franssen, and Wouters, 2009).
However, literature supports that increased mobility of
the thorax can improve pulmonary function, supporting
a possible inclusion of thoracic MT as an addition to PR
(Hwangbo, Hwangbo, Park, and Lee, 2014). Systematic
reviews in 2018 and 2019 of randomized controlled trials
(RCT) utilizing MT with COPD patients demonstrated
low quality of evidence (Galletti, Mcheileh, Hahne, and
Lee, 2018; Simonelli et al., 2019). In a prior review of MT
with patients with COPD, there was no consistency in
either the direction or magnitude of change after inter-
vention across a range of lung function measures
(Heneghan, Adab, Balanos, and Jordan, 2012). Galletti,
Mcheileh, Hahne, and Lee (2018) reported “in people with
COPD, MT (either with or without PR) improved func-
tional exercise capacity, but had no effect on lung func-
tion, or health related quality of life (HRQL).” While PT is
pursued pre and postoperatively for exercise prescription
as part of PR, rarely is PT directed at thoracic mobility
issues that may occur with progressive lung disease
(Florian et al., 2013; Spruit, Janssen, Franssen, and
Wouters, 2009; Wickerson et al., 2016).
Thus, the purpose of this case report is to demon-
strate the management and outcomes of a patient with
IPF who presented to an outpatient PT clinic with initial
reports of neck pain, shoulder pain, and headaches
while awaiting lung transplant. Through utilizing the
impairment-based classification for thoracic spine pain
disorders in the treatment of this patient and using
conventional orthopedic and manual therapy techni-
ques, this report illustrates the secondary improvement
in quality of life, lung function, decreased hospitaliza-
tion, and early recovery following lung transplantation
in this patient (Kenn, Gloeckl, and Behr, 2013).
Informed consent to report this case was obtained and
the rights of subjects were protected.
Case description
The patient was a 66-year-old adult male, dependent on
oxygen with IPF and secondary neck and shoulder pain
and cervicogenic headaches (Headache Classification
Committee of the International Headache Society
[IHS], 2018). He reported being diagnosed with IPF
approximately one year prior to this PT evaluation and
was listed on the Organ Procurement and Transplant
Network (OPTN) wait list for a single lung transplant.
A complete medical timeline can be seen in Figure 1.
The patient’s primary goal for PT was to be able to
function with less pain and decreased headaches to
allow improved function in concentration, sleeping,
recreation and self-care. The patient reported an unre-
markable medical history up until this recent diagnosis
Figure 1. Patient reported medical history timeline. B: Bilaterally; CXR: Chest Roentgenogram; CT: Computerized Topography; D/C
Discharge/Discontinue; DLCO: Diffusing Capacity of Lungs for Carbon Monoxide; ECG: Electrocardiogram; FEV1: Forced Expiration Volume in
1 Second; FVC: Forced Vital Capacity; IPF: Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis; L: Left; LL: Left Lobe; MW: Minute Walk (Distance Walked % of
Expected 6MW Distance calculated on age/gender/height -; O2: Oxygen; PFT:
Pulmonary Function Test; PNA: Pneumonia; POD: Post-Operative Day; PRP: Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program; PT: Physical Therapy; R: Right;
RML: Right Middle Lobe; R/O: Rule Out; VAT: Video Assisted Thoracotomy; S/S: Signs & Symptoms; UIP: Usual Interstitial Pneumonia.
of IPF. He enjoyed playing golf for recreation, however,
he had greater difficulty recently due to his neck and
shoulder pain.
The patient reported “shooting pain and tingling into
the left upper extremity and constant neck pain” (2016
patient interview with BM Jones; unreferenced). These
symptoms worsened with left shoulder movement and
occured regardless of activity level. His pain originally
started insidiously six months prior in the region of the
cervicothoracic (CT) junction, gradually peripheralizing
to the left (L) shoulder.
The treating physical therapist completed all standard
sections of an outpatient orthopedic evaluation and con-
sidered differential diagnoses to confirm the patient’s
impairments were of a musculoskeletal origin. The iden-
tified patient impairments included: limited active range
of motion in the left shoulder, restricted passive mobility
of the left glenohumeral joint (GHJ), decreased lower
rib excursion with diaphragmatic breathing with
a compensatory breathing pattern using accessory mus-
cles assessed via manual palpation and incentive spirom-
eter, poor posture (head forward and rounded
shoulders), reproduction of headache symptoms with
suboccipital musculature palpation, and structural
impairments of the ribs linked to the CT junction.
A list of full evaluation findings can be found in Table 1.
The patient was classified into a clinical framework using
the classification method described by Olson (2015). The
patient was classified into three out of the six impairment
levels: (1) thoracic hypomobility with upper extremity
referred pain, (2) thoracic hypomobility with shoulder
impairments, and (3) thoracic hypomobility with neck
pain. The headache was classified as cervicogenic accord-
ing to the International Health Society Headache
Classification schema (2018). Clinical reasoning ruled
out the differential diagnoses of radiculopathy, sub-
acromial pain syndrome (SPS) and adhesive capsulitis
(Table 1). Radiculopathy and SPS were ruled out due to
negative clinical prediction rules (Park et al., 2005;
Waldrop, 2006). Adhesive capsulitis was ruled out due
to the lack of a capsular pattern and inconsistent capsular
limitations (Manske and Magee, 2021).
The primary problems addressed by the physical
therapist included: (1) difficulty breathing due to
IPF causing increased use of accessory respiratory
muscles leading to chronic CT junction pain, (2)
decreased function in bilateral upper extremities,
and (3) headaches. These primary problems
restricted the patient’s participation in his recrea-
tional activities. Long term goals included: (1)
improve diaphragmatic breathing pattern to reduce
excessive use of accessory respiratory muscles, (2)
improve posture and alignment in the upper thoracic
region to reduce neurodynamic restrictions and pain,
and (3) improve function.
Initial interventions included patient education
focused on anatomy, proper body mechanics and pos-
ture, and diaphragmatic breathing without compensa-
tory accessory motion. Treatment included manual
therapy and therapeutic exercise for encouraging thor-
acic mobility and improved diaphragmatic excursion, as
well as headache reduction. Aerobic activity and other
general conditioning exercises were already a part of his
normal fitness routine and completed independently
outside of the therapy sessions. A thorough scope of
findings and treatment for each visit can be found in
Appendix A.
The manual therapy techniques to the spine and rib
cage consisted of thoracic thrust and non-thrust manip-
ulation, CT junction thrust and non-thrust manipula-
tion, rib mobilization, muscle energy techniques to the
cervical spine and soft tissue release, including the sub-
occipital cervical and thoracic regions. GHJ mobiliza-
tion were specifically focused on inferior glide and gen-
eral stretching for shoulder internal rotation (IR) and
elevation. Neural mobilization was directed at the med-
ian and radial nerves.
MT is considered a safe and useful treatment, with
the most common benign adverse effects of MT direc-
ted at the spine being a temporary increase in discom-
fort, stiffness, or headache (Swait and Finch, 2017). MT
has been shown to be safe and effective in those with
chronic lung disease (Clarke, Munro, and Lee, 2019)
and have no additional adverse effects or increased risk
of adverse effects compared to a healthy population
(Roh, Kim, Jung, and Wieland, 2021; Swait and Finch,
2017). With no conclusive predictive factors estab-
lished for patients who are at increased risk of an
adverse effect to MT (Paanalahti et al., 2014; Swait
and Finch, 2017; Walker et al., 2013), the utilization
of MT in this patient, even in light of the presenting
comorbidities, was considered to be a safe treatment
The patient’s outpatient PT frequency ranged from
0 to 1 ×/week across a span of 37 weeks totaling 14
visits until discharge from PT prior to a lung transplant
surgery. See Appendix A for a complete timeline of
treatment sessions throughout the plan of care. The
patient demonstrated increased oxygen saturation
) after most PT treatments while maintaining
the same amount of supplemental oxygen throughout
the span of PT treatment. The patient’s SpO
recorded and is illustrated in Figure 1.
Two months prior to receiving a lung transplant the
patient relocated states and was discharged from PT.
The following goals were successfully achieved: (1)
improved diaphragmatic breathing pattern to reduce
excessive use of accessory respiratory muscles (2)
improved posture and alignment in the upper thoracic
region to reduce neural tension (3) decreased pain (4)
decreased headaches and (5) increased function. The
standard outcome measure used in this outpatient
rehabilitation facility was CAREConnections
Table 1. Patient evaluation.
Comorbidities IPF, HTN, history of GERD, pre-diabetes, CAD, neuropathy, R parotidectomy, H/O infected gall bladder, AF,
polypoid adenoma, Indirect hyperbilirubinemia likely related to Gilberts disease, blood clot L hand and
R forearm, BMS LCA 80% blockage; H/O whiplash 30 years prior
Labs Lung biopsy year 2, See Figure 1 for PFT results
Medications Gabapentin, Tylenol with codeine 3, Benzonatate, Omeprazole, Cozaar
Social History H/O tobacco use, quit 30 years ago, lives with his wife
Prior Level of Function Active golfer who enjoyed working on cars, racing, hiking, traveling
Reason for visit Neck and shoulder pain – insidious onset. See pain chart for location. His pain makes it difficult to fall asleep
and he awakens with pain. Pain is worse with movement. He describes pain as shooting pain at cervical
thoracic junction that sends tingling pain into left upper extremity. His neck hurts constantly with
intermittent issues in shoulder and UE.
Objective findings Posture: Forward head with elevated 1st and 2nd ribs on R.
Functional deficits: Limitations in personal care, sleeping, concentration and presence of headaches
(see Table 2). Continues to play golf even with pain.
ROM: Shoulder elevation in sitting R 140°, L 125°. Shoulder IR in supine R 40°, L 10° with pain.
Shoulder B – ER > 90°. Restricted inferior glide in L GH joint. Cervical ROM WFL.
Strength: Strong and pain-free throughout BUE.
Neurological: Bilateral positive ULNT median. No changes in reflexes, sensation, or strength. Spurling’s
test is negative.
Palpation: Pain in left serratus posterior superior region. Pain and increased tone in right scalene
Special tests: Speeds test is negative. Empty can test is positive on the L.
Spinal mobility: Bilateral stiffness at CT junction and throughout T1-T6 levels. Generalized stiffness
noted in entire thoracic cage including rib mobility.
Diaphragmatic breathing: Unable to get a good deep diaphragmatic breath using the incentive
spirometer or with manual resistance.
Clinical Reasoning/ Differential diagnosis Cervical spine is clear for radiculopathy: no neurological signs and negative CPR.
Neurodynamic changes could be due to changes in posture from declining pulmonary function and
shoulder pain.
Negative SPS CPR. Positive empty can test appears to be false positive.
GH issues appear to be capsular in nature and responded well to joint mobilizations and exercises.
Declining pulmonary function could explain increased tone of accessory respiratory muscles and
stiffness at cervical thoracic junction and thoracic cavity.
Problems (1) Difficulty breathing due to pulmonary fibrosis causing increased use of accessory muscles possibly
leading to chronic CT junction pain and stiffness and thoracic cage stiffness.
(2) Decreased function in bilateral upper extremities with possible GH joint capsular restriction.
(3) Neurodynamic tension bilaterally.
(4) Hypomobility of thoracic cage and spine.
(5) Decreased function (see Table 2).
Goals (1) Improve diaphragmatic breathing to allow improved expansion of thoracic cavity, better profusion,
decreased overutilization of accessory muscles.
(2) Improve posture and alignment of cervical – thoracic spine to improve function of upper extremities.
(3) Improve neural dynamic mobility.
(4) Return to normal pain free golf.
which measures subjective functional ability of the
cervical/thoracic region and is reported in Table 2.
has a similar MCID (7) to the
neck disability index (NDI) (Hoekstra, Deppeler, and
Rutt, 2014). A visual analog scale (VAS), as a part of
was used to record pain changes
and goniometric measurements were used to assess
range of motion changes. The outcomes over the
treatment period are illustrated in Appendix A. The
patient also achieved his goal of playing symptom free
golf until required to stop one month before his
Table 1. (Continued).
Initial Treatment
(see Appendix A for detailed description of
other treatment sessions)
(1) Patient education and manual instruction in diaphragmatic breathing while utilizing incentive
spirometer for biofeedback.
(2) Manual therapy for the following:
a. GHJ inferior glide.
b. Soft tissue releases to scalene muscle, serratus posterior superior, cervical and thoracic extensor
c. Neural dynamic mobilization for median nerve.
d. Rib non-thrust manipulations with breathing.
e. Prone CT thrust manipulation technique.
f. Prone P/A non-thrust manipulation throughout thoracic spine grade 3.
g. Supine thoracic thrust manipulation to upper thoracic spine from T2-T6.
(3) Home exercise program
a. Side lying “bow and arrow” for thoracic rotation 5 repetitions bilaterally, twice daily.
b. Side lying GHJ circumduction with thoracic rotation on L 5 repetitions twice daily.
c. Diaphragmatic deep breathing utilizing manual biofeedback along with incentive spirometer
feedback 5 times a day for 5 repetitions.
d. Use of foam roller perpendicular to thoracic spine for thoracic extension, twice daily for
3–5 repetitions up and down thoracic spine.
e. Use of foam roller for pectoralis opening lying parallel on the foam roller, twice daily for
3–5 minutes or as tolerated.
f. Ipsilateral cervical rotation with shoulder ER followed by reciprocal motion on the contralateral
side, “Egyptian,” 5 repetitions twice a day.
AF: atrial fibrillation; B: bilaterally; BMS: bare metal stent; CAD: coronary artery disease; CPR: clinical prediction rule: CT cervical thoracic; ER: external rotation;
GERD: gastrointestinal reflux disease; GH: glenohumeral; GHJ: glenohumeral joint; H/O: history of; HTN: hypertension; IPF: idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis; IR:
internal rotation; L: left; L: lumbar; LCA left coronary artery; P/A: posterior/anterior; PFT: pulmonary function tests; R: Right; ROM: range of motion; SAPS: sub-
acromial pain syndrome T: thoracic; UE: upper extremity.
Table 2. CARE connections cervical/thoracic form.
Choose one answer in each section that
best describes your condition. 6 items in
each category
graded 0–5, 5 = full function Initial evaluation
4 months post initial evaluation
7 months post initial
Walking 5 – “symptoms do not prevent me
walking any distance”
5 5
Work 5 – “I can do as much work as I want
5 5
Personal care 4 – “I can manage all personal care
with some increased symptoms”
5 4 – “I can manage all
personal care with some
increased symptoms”
Sleeping 3 – “My sleep is disturbed (1–2 hours
3 – “My sleep is disturbed (1–2 hours
5 – “I have no trouble
Recreation/sports 5 – “I am able to engage in all my
recreational/sports activities without
increased symptoms”
4 – “I am able to engage in all my
recreational/sports activities with
some increased symptoms”
Concentration 4 – “I can concentrate fully when I want
to with slight difficulty”
5 – “I can concentrate fully when I want
to with no difficulty”
Headaches 2 – “I have moderate headaches which
come frequently”
4 – “I have slight headaches which come
less than 3 per week”
Reading 5 – “I can read as much as I want
without increased symptoms”
5 5
Driving 5 – “I can drive my car or travel without
any extra symptoms”
5 5
Lifting 5 – “I can lift heavy weights without
extra symptoms”
4 – “I can lift heavy weights, but it gives
me symptoms”
Total Up to 50 points
x 2 = % Function
43 × 2 = 86% 45 × 2 = 90% 49 × 2 = 98%
VAS (10 cm) 4 1.9 0
%: percent; VAS: visual analog scale.
The patient received pulmonary function tests (PFT)
throughout his care leading up to the lung transplant and
after the surgery. The patient’s outcomes of forced vital
capacity (FVC) and diffusing capacity of carbon monox-
ide (D
) are illustrated in Figure 2. The patient’s FVC
had been steadily declining over the ten months prior to
this PT intervention going from 59% to 46% as seen in
Figure 3. The patients FVC at time of initiation of this
therapy was 46%. His FVC measured at the time of dis-
charge had stabilized and improved to 50%. The minimal
clinically important difference of FVC in a population
with IPF is between 2% and 6%, making the patient’s
FVC improvement of 4% in a gray area of being clinically
meaningful (du Bois et al., 2011). Taking into considera-
tion a 13% decline in the 10 months prior to initiation of
therapy, the authors suggest that the improvement of 4%
in FVC over the course of treatment is clinically
Hospital admission for the lung transplant and
events during admission are according to patient report.
The patient was in the Intensive Care Unit post-
operative day one (POD1) and by POD2 the patient
was off mechanical ventilation and out of bed. The
patient reported ambulation on POD3 and was trans-
ported to a Progressive Coronary Care Unit on POD4.
The patient’s supplemental oxygen use was discontin-
ued at rest on POD7. The patient was discharged home
on POD10. His total hospital length of stay (LOS) was
ten days status post a single lung transplant, nearly
2.5× shorter than average (Florian et al., 2013).
Patient perspective
The patient continued to participate in golfing much
longer than expected pre-transplant. Approximately half-
way through PT treatment, the patient reported improved
pulmonary function with both lung capacity and
perfusion, crediting the improvements to the
outpatient PT treatment. The patient described
a conversation he had with his surgeon during a pre-
operative appointment. He informed his surgeon of his
outpatient PT treatment and reported his surgeon “was
pleased with the mobility in his chest.” The patient
reported that “after the transplant, many people would
feel as though they could breathe better, however, their
lung was too big for their chest” (2016 patient interview
with BM Jones; unreferenced). This patient stated he
never felt that his lungs were too big for his chest. The
patient stated he felt he “was well prepared for the lung
transplantation and recovered well” (2016 patient inter-
view with BM Jones; unreferenced). He also reported that
his surgeon was significantly impressed with his ease of
recovery and was curious about the manual therapy he
had received.
This case report reflects the intervention of MT aimed to
improve thoracic hypomobility in a patient with IPF.
While PT has been shown to be an important part of
a pre- and post-operative PR program with most chronic
lung diseases (Corhay, Dang, Van Cauwenberge, and
Louis, 2014) there is limited evidence of the utilization
of MT in patients with IPF. Using a classification method
of practice, the therapist categorized this patient with
cervicogenic headaches and the primary glenohumeral
and cervical complaints into an impairment classification
of thoracic hypomobility with upper extremity referred
pain, shoulder impairments and neck pain; all while
considering the co-morbidity of the underlying cardio-
pulmonary disease process.
The proposed mechanism in which MT provided the
patient with symptomatic relief and objective
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Visit number
Patient SpO2Before & After Physical Therapy
Before After
Figure 2. Patient SpO
before and after physical therapy intervention.
improvement is multifactorial. The classical theory of MT
improving joint mobility via a mechanical response to
intervention has merit, as numerous studies have shown
increases in joint mobility (Beneck, Kulig, Landel, and
Powers, 2005; Cramer et al., 2012) and a positive influence
on chest wall compliance (Wall, Peiffer, Losco, and Hebert,
2016) after MT to the spine. While this increase in mobility
plays an important factor in patient outcomes, central and
peripheral neurophysiological mediated mechanisms also
play a large role in patient outcomes post MT intervention.
MT has been shown to decrease inflammatory biomarkers,
increase markers of cellular repair, inhibit nociceptive
transmission in the spinal cord, and enhance muscle
activation (Crane et al., 2012; Dishman, Burke, and
Dougherty, 2018; Kingston, Claydon, and Tumilty, 2014;
Lohman et al., 2019; Muth, Barbe, Lauer, and McClure,
2012; Teodorczyk-Injeyan, McGregor, Triano, and
Injeyan, 2018). It is impossible to attribute a percentage
of patient improvement to mobility improvements versus
the neurophysiological effects of MT. Any MT interven-
tion will result in both proposed mechanisms of improve-
ment in patient outcomes, thus the importance of the
specific mechanism of how MT improves patient out-
comes is minimal. Specific to this patient, the improve-
ment in joint mobility through the thoracic spine and
ribcage after MT treatment likely increased the compliance
of his thoracic cavity, thus decreasing subjective symptoms
and increasing objective findings such as FVC.
Therapeutic exercises prescribed to this patient were to
reinforce the improvements MT provided and likely con-
tributed to the patient’s successful outcome.
Decreased survival or predicted mortality in IPF is
associated with decline of FVC by 5–10% (Florian
et al., 2013). According to Song et al. (2019),
the percent predicted D
and FVC are key inde-
pendent prognostic indicators of IPF. In this case
report, stabilization and improvement of FVC, lack
of decline in the D
, decreased pain, improved
mobility, and increased ability to participate in golf
were all observed in this patient prior to his lung
transplant. According to Florian et al. (2013), when
looking at the effects of PR on survival rate post-
transplant the average days in hospital for IPF lung
transplant patients who underwent PR prior to trans-
plant was 23 (19–33) days with the average ICU stay
being 6 (4.5–13) days. His ICU and hospital LOS were
significantly lower than average for a single transplant
in those with IPF who had participated in PR (Florian
et al., 2013).
The following are potential limitations of this retro-
spective case report. This is a single case report of
a patient with IPF responding to orthopedic MT.
Measurements and outcomes relied on the availability
and accuracy of medical records and patient self-
reporting. Finally, improvements in lung transplant out-
comes may have been due to multiple factors including,
but not limited to, pulmonary rehabilitation and medi-
cations that were not fully described here. In this case,
the addition of MT to the patient’s treatment program
seems to have influenced the patient outcomes, though
no causation can be concluded from a singular case
report. Further research is warranted to establish a link
between MT and outcomes, including FVC, in those
with IPF.
The purpose of this case report was to describe the
successful treatment of an individual with IPF utilizing
a manual therapy approach. While the utilization of
manual therapy for neck and shoulder pain has been
30 26 23 22 20 19 15 13 *9 6 1 2 3 8
Predicted Percent Value
Months Pre/Post Lung Transplant
Patient Pulmonary Function Tests FVC DLCO
Figure 3. Pulmonary function tests. FVC: Forced Vital Capacity (Liters) % Predicted; D
Diffusing Capacity of Carbon Monoxide
(ml/min/mmHg) % Predicted; *: Recommended Lung Transplant; - - -: Received Single Lung Transplant; : Received Outpatient
Physical Therapy.
well established, there is no literature, to the authors’
knowledge, on the utilization of manual therapy for pre-
operative care in individuals with IPF or results of pre-
operative manual therapy on post-operative lung trans-
plant outcomes (Chaibi, Stavem, and Russell, 2021;
Hidalgo et al., 2017; Miller et al., 2010) This case report
suggests that MT as an aspect of physical therapy care
improved outcomes and function post-transplant for
this patient with IPF.
Physical therapists often serve as the entry point in the
health care system for evaluation and treatment (Bernard
Becker Medical Library Digital Collection, 2009). A patient
with a cardiopulmonary diagnosis, such as IPF, is rarely
referred to an outpatient orthopedic PT practice for
shoulder or neck pain. This case is an example of the
potential benefits of a merger of specialty of practice; that
of manual orthopedic PT and cardiopulmonary PT.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
The author(s) reported there is no funding associated with the
work featured in this article.
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Appendix A. Individual Treatment Sessions
Treatment week (months
prior to surgery) Subjective Assessment Treatment Outcomes
1 2 (9) Using oxygen daily now. Neck felt better after
initial treatment for 2 days. UE felt better for
one day. No pain in UE unless he tries to
induce it.
ROM GHJ L IR; 10 degrees
Tightness in pectoralis minor L
Continued stiffness in thoracic
Neural tension test positive for
median and radial nerves.
Reviewed goals with spirometer.
GHJ inferior glide.
Thrust manipulation to upper thor-
acic spine.
Non-thrust mobilization to entire
thoracic spine and ribs.
Soft tissue manipulation to posterior
CT junction and L pectoralis minor.
Neural dynamic flossing to median
nerve and radial nerves.
ROM GHJ L IR: 45 degrees without
pain. Decreased pain in thorax.
2 4 (8.5) Pulmonary function test 6 days ago was poor.
Will now be on call for transplant with team
out of state. Has been told if he does not get
the transplant, he has only 2 years to live.
Feels 80–90% better in his shoulder. Neck still
hurts all the time but overall 80% better. Not
needing as much ibuprofen for pain.
Able to reach behind his back
with his L UE now.
Restricted elevation of rib 6
B with inspiration.
Stiffness in thoracic cage and
spine continues.
Neural tension test positive for
median and radial nerves.
GHJ inferior glide.
Thrust manipulation to upper thor-
acic spine.
Non-thrust mobilization to entire
thoracic spine and ribs.
Rib mobilization with breathing to
rib 6 B prone.
Soft tissue manipulation to posterior
CT junction.
Neural dynamic flossing to median
and radial nerves.
Improving function and decreasing
pain. Rib 6 moving with breathing
and less pain with mobilization of
thoracic cage.
3 5 (8.25) Shoulder is feeling better, he went out to hit golf
balls. Had some dizziness with this activity
but no pain.
Improved mobility in thoracic
spine and in the ribs.
SpO2 was only 88% at start of
visit but patient wanted to con-
tinue because he felt that PT
helped his breathing.
UE is doing well with increased
function in ADLs.
Reassess neural dynamics with
no restriction upon
Thrust manipulation to upper thor-
acic spine in supine with cavitation.
Non-thrust mobilization to entire
thoracic spine and ribs.
Soft tissue manipulation to posterior
CT junction.
Feels like he can breathe better.
Treatment to thoracic cage may be
improving his oxygenation and
ability to breath. PT will start to
monitor SpO2 before and after each
4 6 (8) Feeling pretty good. No complaints. SpO2 before treatment 93%.
Reassess neural dynamics with
no restriction upon
Thrust manipulation to upper thor-
acic spine.
Non-thrust mobilization to entire
thoracic spine and ribs.
Soft tissue manipulation to posterior
CT junction.
SpO2 97% after therapy.
Able to reach with L UE to upper
lumbar region now without pain
Treatment week (months
prior to surgery)
Subjective Assessment Treatment Outcomes
5 13 (7) Will be having another pulmonary test to see if
he is a candidate for transplant. Having some
neck pain again. Asked for strengthening
exercises to rotator cuff.
SpO2 before treatment 89%. As
he reclined for treatment it
dropped to 84% and patient put
on O2 at 3 L. SpO2 then leveled
off at 92% and treatment was
Increased stiffness was noted at
Reassess neural dynamics with
no restriction upon
Thrust manipulation to upper thor-
acic spine.
Non-thrust mobilization to entire
thoracic spine and ribs.
Soft tissue manipulation to posterior
CT junction.
GHJ L grade II inferior glide.
Added side lying ER in 90–90 for ER
to HEP with 2-pound dumbbell.
SpO2 92% after therapy. Improved
mobility in spine and decreased
pain in shoulder and CT junction
after treatment.
6 14 (6.5) Having a cardiac catheterization tomorrow.
Began new medication – pirfinadone 3×
a day. Continues with HEP daily as he is able.
SpO2 82% Wants to continue
PT. Pulmonary team aware of
Still with radial nerve ULTT but
median nerve is improved.
GHJ joint inferior glide limited.
Thrust manipulation to upper thor-
acic spine.
Non-thrust mobilization to entire
thoracic spine and ribs.
Soft tissue manipulation to posterior
CT junction.
GHJ inferior glide
Neural dynamic flossing to radial
SpO2 92% after therapy.
Continues to feel like he can
breathe better after treatment.
7 15 (6.25) Feeling so much better. Feeling “great.” Cardiac
catheterization was last week and all went
Awaiting transplant.
SpO2 before treatment 98%.
No pain in shoulder with
Has reached 2000 level on his
incentive spirometer.
Able to deep breath with infer-
ior ribs movement.
Mild tightness in B scalene
L GHJ elevation to 159 degrees.
Tightness in L pectoralis major
and teres major muscles.
Tissue release to pectoralis major
and teres major in supine.
Non-thrust mobilization to entire
thoracic spine and ribs.
Soft tissue manipulation to posterior
CT junction and scalenes.
SpO2 97% after therapy.
Able to elevate shoulder and have full
SHJ ER without pain.
8 19 (5.25) Has been doing well and did not feel the need to
come in. Pain in L shoulder continues
occasionally. Meeting the transplant team in
a few weeks. Still playing golf. Using 2 L of
oxygen daily. Lifted the garage door open
and it took 5 minutes to recover. Had
a pulmonary function test and his lung
capacity and profusion was improved. Patient
credits PT with this change. He no longer has
any nerve pain. His golf game has improved
with more ROM with his swing.
SpO2 95%.
L GHJ elevation 155, IR 25.
Mild decreased inferior glide.
Improved mobility of ribs with
Rib 5 B is lacking movement and
elevation with inspiration.
Reassess neural dynamics with
no restriction upon
GHJ inferior glide
Thrust manipulation to upper thor-
acic spine.
Non-thrust mobilization to entire
thoracic spine and ribs.
Soft tissue manipulation to posterior
CT junction.
Rib mobilization with breathing to
rib 5 B prone.
SpO2 96% after treatment.
GHJ IR 45 degrees.
Treatment week (months
prior to surgery)
Subjective Assessment Treatment Outcomes
9 23 (4.5) Went to transplant team and was presented for
lung transplant. Surgeon in transplant
hospital is “pleased” with his mobility in his
chest was. Patient is feeling good, and is
playing golf. Continues to have pain with GHJ
IR while reaching behind his back.
SpO2 94% with 2 L oxygen.
Stiff, elevated and restricted 1st
and 2nd ribs B and throughout
Pain 1.9 on VAS.
Reassess neural dynamics with
no restriction upon
GHJ inferior glide.
Thrust manipulation to upper thor-
acic spine.
Non-thrust mobilization to entire
thoracic spine and ribs.
Soft tissue manipulation to posterior
CT junction.
Non-thrust mobilization with
breathing to rib 1 and rib 2 B supine.
96% after treatment.
improved 4%- improved
concentration and headaches.
Reports some decreased ability to
lift heavy weights and golf.
10 26 (4) Feeling 80% better. Shoulder is only painful at
end ranges now. Continues to have CT
junction stiffness. Still able to hit 2000 on the
incentive spirometer.
SpO2 94% no oxygen.
Mild restriction in ribs 3 & 4 B.
Mild tightness of posterior cer-
vical muscles B.
Good mobility at GHJ and with-
out pain at full ER
Reassess neural dynamics with
no restriction upon
Thrust manipulation to upper thor-
acic spine.
Non-thrust mobilization to entire
thoracic spine and ribs.
Soft tissue manipulation to posterior
CT junction.
Soft tissue releases to upper cervical
spine along semispinalis capitus.
SpO2 98% after treatment.
11 27 (3.75) Is being presented this week to transplant team
for activation.
SpO2 93% before (without
Pain-free GHJ ER.
Mild tightness continues in
B scalenes.
Some stiffness in T5-T6.
Tightness of posterior cervical
muscles continues.
Reassess neural dynamics with
no restriction upon
Thrust manipulation to upper thor-
acic spine.
Non-thrust mobilization to entire
thoracic spine and ribs.
Soft tissue manipulation to posterior
CT junction.
Soft tissue releases to upper cervical
spine along semispinalis capitus.
SpO2 96% after treatment.
12 28 (3.5) Was listed on the transplant list and will be
activated July 1. No complaints. Shoulder and
neck and feeling better.
SpO2 97%.
GHJ ROM L ER 90 degrees, IR 48
degrees, elevation 145 degrees.
Improved breathing and mobi-
lity of lower rib cage.
Improved forward head.
No pain in cervical region.
Decreased mobility at T5 and T6
with restricted flexion rotation
and side bending to the L at T5
and to the R at T4.
Reassess neural dynamics with
no restriction upon
Thrust manipulation to T4 and T5
thoracic spine.
Non-thrust mobilization to entire
thoracic spine and ribs.
Nearing 100% of initial goals. Will hold
PT unless patient has recurring
13 37 (2) Returns for DC prior to leaving for transplant
hospital. (note: transplant occurs in 2 months)
All goals met.
Independent and able to con-
trol pain and has full mobility.
Pain 0 on VAS.
General review of home program.
Non-thrust mobilization to entire
thoracic spine and ribs.
now 12%
improved with only one area
selected under personal care. DC PT.
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Full-text available
(1) Background: Acute neck pain is common and usually managed by medication and/or manual therapy. General practitioners (GPs) hesitate to refer to manual therapy due to uncertainty about the effectiveness and adverse events (AEs); (2) Method: To review original randomized controlled trials (RCTs) assessing the effect of spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) for acute neck pain. Data extraction was done in duplicate and formulated in tables. Quality and evidence were assessed using the Cochrane Back and Neck (CBN) Risk of Bias tool and the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) criteria, respectively; (3) Results: Six studies were included. The overall pooled effect size for neck pain was very large −1.37 (95% CI, −2.41, −0.34), favouring treatments with SMT compared with controls. A single study that showed that SMT was statistically significantly better than medicine (30 mg ketorolac im.) one day post-treatment, ((−2.8 (46%) (95% CI, −2.1, −3.4) vs. −1.7 (30%) (95% CI, −1.1, −2.3), respectively; p = 0.02)). Minor transient AEs reported included increased pain and headache, while no serious AEs were reported; (4) Conclusions: SMT alone or in combination with other modalities was effective for patients with acute neck pain. However, limited quantity and quality, pragmatic design, and high heterogeneity limit our findings.
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Background The adherence to and clinical efficacy of pulmonary rehabilitation in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), particularly in comparison to people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), remains uncertain. The objectives of this real-world study were to compare the responses of patients with IPF with a matched group of patients with COPD undergoing the same supervised, outpatient pulmonary rehabilitation program, and to determine whether pulmonary rehabilitation is associated with survival in IPF. Research question Do people with IPF improve to the same extent with pulmonary rehabilitation as a matched group of individuals with COPD, and are non-completion of and/or non-response to pulmonary rehabilitation associated with one-year all-cause mortality in IPF? Study design and methods Using propensity score matching, 163 patients with IPF were matched 1:1 with a control group of 163 patients with COPD referred to pulmonary rehabilitation. We compared between-group pulmonary rehabilitation completion rates and response. Survival status in the IPF cohort was recorded over one-year following pulmonary rehabilitation discharge. Cox proportional-hazards regression explored the association between pulmonary rehabilitation status and all-cause mortality. Results Similar pulmonary rehabilitation completion rates (IPF: 69%; COPD: 63%; p=0.24) and improvements in exercise response were observed in both groups with no significant mean (95% confidence interval (CI)) between-group differences in incremental shuttle walk (ISW) change (2 (-18 to 22) meters). Pulmonary rehabilitation non-completion (hazard ratio (HR) (95%CI) 5.62 (2.24 to 14.08)) and non-response (HR (95%CI) 3.91 (1.54 to 9.93)) were independently associated with increased one-year all-cause mortality in IPF. Interpretation Compared with a matched group of patients with COPD, this real-word study demonstrates that patients with IPF have similar completion rates and magnitude of response to pulmonary rehabilitation. In IPF, non-completion of and non-response to pulmonary rehabilitation were associated with increased all-cause mortality. These data reinforce the benefits of pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with IPF.
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Background Manual therapy (MT) can be beneficial in the management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). However, evidence of the efficacy of MT for COPD is not clear. Therefore, we aimed to review the effects of MT, including Chuna, in people diagnosed with COPD. Methods MEDLINE via PubMed, EMBASE, The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), China National Knowledge Database (CNKI), KoreaMed, Korean Medical Database (KMbase), and Oriental Medicine Advanced Searching Integrated System (OASIS) were searched. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and crossover RCTs were included. The main inclusion criteria were COPD diagnosis (forced expiratory volume in the first second [FEV 1 ]/forced vital capacity [FVC] < 0.70). The primary outcomes were lung function and exercise capacity. The secondary outcomes were symptoms, quality of life (QoL), and adverse event (AE)s. Studies reporting one or both of the primary outcomes were included. The Cochrane RoB 2.0 tool was used to assess the risk of bias. Data synthesis and analysis were conducted according to the trial design. Results Of the 2564 searched articles, 13 studies were included. For the primary outcomes, the effect of MT on pulmonary function and exercise capacity in COPD was partly significant but could not be confirmed due to the limited number of studies included in the subgroups. For the secondary outcomes, no definitive evidence regarding the improvement of symptoms and QoL was found, and some minor adverse effects were reported. Conclusions There is insufficient evidence to support the role of MT in the management of COPD. High-quality studies are needed to thoroughly evaluate the effect of MT on COPD.
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Objective: Provide information for pharmacists on idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) and its treatment. Study Selection and Data Extraction: All articles with data from randomized controlled trials of nintedanib or pirfenidone were reviewed. Data Synthesis: IPF is a progressive and ultimately fatal interstitial lung disease characterized by decline in lung function and worsening dyspnea. It is uncommon and mainly occurs in individuals aged >60 years, particularly men with a history of smoking. Nintedanib and pirfenidone were approved in the United States for the treatment of IPF in 2014 and received conditional recommendations in the 2015 American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society/Japanese Respiratory Society/Latin American Thoracic Association treatment guidelines. These drugs slow the progression of IPF by reducing the rate of decline in lung function. Their adverse event profile is characterized mainly by gastrointestinal events, which can be managed through dose adjustment and symptom management. Management of IPF should also include smoking cessation, vaccinations, and supportive care such as patient education, pulmonary rehabilitation, and the use of supplemental oxygen as well as optimizing the management of comorbidities. Relevance to Patient Care and Clinical Practice: This review provides clinical pharmacists with information on the course of IPF, what can be expected of current treatments, and how to help patients manage their drug therapy. Conclusions: IPF is a progressive disease, but treatments are available that can slow the progression of the disease. Clinical pharmacists can play an important role in the care of patients with IPF through patient education, monitoring medication compliance and safety, ensuring drugs for comorbidities are optimized, and preventive strategies such as immunizations.
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Background The prognosis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is the worst among all interstitial lung diseases, and is related to the disease itself. Comorbidities or complications can worsen IPF. We assessed the effect of comorbidities on the survival of IPF patients. A retrospective review of patients with IPF was completed. Material/Methods Information on demographic features, clinical examination, and comorbidities at baseline were obtained. Then, median, 1-year, and 5-year survival was calculated. A total of 380 patients with IPF admitted to Beijing Chao-Yang Hospital from 1 April 2002 to 31 March 2015 were followed up until December 2016. Results Of these 380 patients, 71.9% died during the study period. Median survival was 2.25 years and overall 5-year survival was 28.5%. Also, 86.3% of patients were males. A total of 248 cases underwent lung function tests, and 178 patients underwent bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL). Multivariate analyses showed that forced expiratory volume in 1 second/forced vital capacity (FVC), diffusing capacity of the lungs for carbon monoxide percent predicted, FVC% predicted, the number of macrophages, neutrophils, and lymphocytes in BAL fluid, pulmonary hypertension, hypoxemia, and hydropower disorder were independent prognostic indicators of IPF, GAP gender (G), age (A), and 2 pulmonary physiological parameters (P) model can help to predict prognosis of IPF. Conclusions Spirometry, GAP model, and BAL are helpful to forecast the prognosis of IPF. IPF patients also suffering from pulmonary arterial hypertension, hypoxemia, and hydropower disorder have a poor prognosis.
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Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a respiratory condition associated with altered chest wall mechanics and musculoskeletal changes. In this narrative review, we describe the underlying musculoskeletal abnormalities in COPD, the reasons for applying manual therapy techniques, their method of application and clinical effects. A variety of manual therapy techniques have been applied in individuals with COPD, including soft tissue therapy, spinal and joint manipulation and mobilisation, and diaphragmatic release techniques. These have been prescribed in isolation and in conjunction with other treatments, including exercise therapy. When applied in isolation, transient benefits in respiratory rate, heart rate and symptoms have been reported. Combined with exercise therapy, including within pulmonary rehabilitation, benefits and their corresponding clinical relevance have been mixed, the extent to which may be dependent on the type of technique applied. The current practical considerations of applying these techniques, including intense therapist–patient contact and the unclear effects in the long term, may limit the broad use of manual therapy in the COPD population. Further high quality research, with adequate sample sizes, that identifies the characteristic features of those with COPD who will most benefit, the optimal choice of treatment approach and the longevity of effects of manual therapy is required.
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Study Design: Randomized clinical trial with pre-test, post-test control group design. Objectives: To examine the immediate effects of cervical spinal manipulation (CSM) on serum concentration of biochemical markers (oxytocin, neurotensin, orexin A, and cortisol). Background: Several studies have found an association between spinal manipulation (SM) and pain perception. However, the mechanism by which SM modulates pain remains undefined. Methods: Twenty-eight female subjects with non-specific mechanical neck pain were randomly assigned to one of two interventions (CSM versus sham CSM). Blood samples were drawn before and immediately after the respective interventions. Oxytocin, neurotensin, orexin A, and cortisol were measured from the blood and serum using the Milliplex Map Magnetic Bead Panel Immunoassay on the Luminex 200 Platform. Results: In the CSM group, there were significant increases in pre- versus post-manipulation mean oxytocin (154.5 ± 60.1 vs. 185.1 ± 75.6, p = .012); neurotensin (116.0 ± 26.5 vs.136.4 ± 34.1, p < . 001); orexin A (52.2 ± 31.1 vs. 73.8 ± 38.8, p < .01) serum concentration; but no significant differences in mean cortisol (p = .052) serum concentration. In the sham group, there were no significant differences in any of the biomarkers (p > .05). Conclusion: The results of the current study suggest that the mechanical stimuli provided through a CSM may modify neuropeptide expression by immediately increasing the serum concentration of nociception-related biomarkers (oxytocin, neurotensin, orexin A, but not cortisol) in the blood of female subjects with non-specific mechanical neck pain.
Background: Interstitial lung disease (ILD) is characterised by reduced functional capacity, dyspnoea and exercise-induced hypoxia. Pulmonary rehabilitation is often used to improve symptoms, health-related quality of life and functional status in other chronic lung conditions. There is accumulating evidence for comparable effects of pulmonary rehabilitation in people with ILD. However, further information is needed to clarify the long-term benefit and to strengthen the rationale for pulmonary rehabilitation to be incorporated into standard clinical management of people with ILD. This review updates the results reported in 2014. Objectives: To determine whether pulmonary rehabilitation in people with ILD has beneficial effects on exercise capacity, symptoms, quality of life and survival compared with no pulmonary rehabilitation in people with ILD. To assess the safety of pulmonary rehabilitation in people with ILD. Search methods: We searched CENTRAL, MEDLINE (Ovid), Embase (Ovid), CINAHL (EBSCO) and PEDro from inception to April 2020. We searched the reference lists of relevant studies, international clinical trial registries and respiratory conference abstracts to look for qualifying studies. Selection criteria: We included randomised controlled trials and quasi-randomised controlled trials in which pulmonary rehabilitation was compared with no pulmonary rehabilitation or with other therapy in people with ILD of any origin. Data collection and analysis: Two review authors independently selected trials for inclusion, extracted data and assessed risk of bias. We contacted study authors to request missing data and information regarding adverse effects. We specified a priori subgroup analyses for participants with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) and participants with severe lung disease (low diffusing capacity or desaturation during exercise). There were insufficient data to perform the prespecified subgroup analysis for type of exercise training modality. Main results: For this update, we included an additional 12 studies resulting in a total of 21 studies. We included 16 studies in the meta-analysis (356 participants undertook pulmonary rehabilitation and 319 were control participants). The mean age of participants ranged from 36 to 72 years and included people with ILD of varying aetiology, sarcoidosis or IPF (with mean transfer factor of carbon dioxide (TLCO) % predicted ranging from 37% to 63%). Most pulmonary rehabilitation programmes were conducted in an outpatient setting, with a small number conducted in home-based, inpatient or tele-rehabilitation settings. The duration of pulmonary rehabilitation ranged from three to 48 weeks. There was a moderate risk of bias due to the absence of outcome assessor blinding and intention-to-treat analyses and the inadequate reporting of randomisation and allocation procedures in 60% of the studies. Pulmonary rehabilitation probably improves the six-minute walk distance (6MWD) with mean difference (MD) of 40.07 metres, 95% confidence interval (CI) 32.70 to 47.44; 585 participants; moderate-certainty evidence). There may be improvements in peak workload (MD 9.04 watts, 95% CI 6.07 to 12.0; 159 participants; low-certainty evidence), peak oxygen consumption (MD 1.28 mL/kg/minute, 95% CI 0.51 to 2.05; 94 participants; low-certainty evidence) and maximum ventilation (MD 7.21 L/minute, 95% CI 4.10 to 10.32; 94 participants; low-certainty evidence). In the subgroup of participants with IPF, there were comparable improvements in 6MWD (MD 37.25 metres, 95% CI 26.16 to 48.33; 278 participants; moderate-certainty evidence), peak workload (MD 9.94 watts, 95% CI 6.39 to 13.49; low-certainty evidence), VO2 (oxygen uptake) peak (MD 1.45 mL/kg/minute, 95% CI 0.51 to 2.40; low-certainty evidence) and maximum ventilation (MD 9.80 L/minute, 95% CI 6.06 to 13.53; 62 participants; low-certainty evidence). The effect of pulmonary rehabilitation on maximum heart rate was uncertain. Pulmonary rehabilitation may reduce dyspnoea in participants with ILD (standardised mean difference (SMD) -0.36, 95% CI -0.58 to -0.14; 348 participants; low-certainty evidence) and in the IPF subgroup (SMD -0.41, 95% CI -0.74 to -0.09; 155 participants; low-certainty evidence). Pulmonary rehabilitation probably improves health-related quality of life: there were improvements in all four domains of the Chronic Respiratory Disease Questionnaire (CRQ) and the St George's Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) for participants with ILD and for the subgroup of people with IPF. The improvement in SGRQ Total score was -9.29 for participants with ILD (95% CI -11.06 to -7.52; 478 participants; moderate-certainty evidence) and -7.91 for participants with IPF (95% CI -10.55 to -5.26; 194 participants; moderate-certainty evidence). Five studies reported longer-term outcomes, with improvements in exercise capacity, dyspnoea and health-related quality of life still evident six to 12 months following the intervention period (6MWD: MD 32.43, 95% CI 15.58 to 49.28; 297 participants; moderate-certainty evidence; dyspnoea: MD -0.29, 95% CI -0.49 to -0.10; 335 participants; SGRQ Total score: MD -4.93, 95% CI -7.81 to -2.06; 240 participants; low-certainty evidence). In the subgroup of participants with IPF, there were improvements at six to 12 months following the intervention for dyspnoea and SGRQ Impact score. The effect of pulmonary rehabilitation on survival at long-term follow-up is uncertain. There were insufficient data to allow examination of the impact of disease severity or exercise training modality. Ten studies provided information on adverse events; however, there were no adverse events reported during rehabilitation. Four studies reported the death of one pulmonary rehabilitation participant; however, all four studies indicated this death was unrelated to the intervention received. Authors' conclusions: Pulmonary rehabilitation can be performed safely in people with ILD. Pulmonary rehabilitation probably improves functional exercise capacity, dyspnoea and quality of life in the short term, with benefits also probable in IPF. Improvements in functional exercise capacity, dyspnoea and quality of life were sustained longer term. Dyspnoea and quality of life may be sustained in people with IPF. The certainty of evidence was low to moderate, due to inadequate reporting of methods, the lack of outcome assessment blinding and heterogeneity in some results. Further well-designed randomised trials are needed to determine the optimal exercise prescription, and to investigate ways to promote longer-lasting improvements, particularly for people with IPF.
Connective tissue diseases (CTDs) are autoimmune diseases that can result in end-stage interstitial lung diseases and pulmonary hypertension. Certain organ system dysfunctions have been thought to affect survival after lung transplant in patients diagnosed with CTDs. This article discusses the current data suggesting that clinical outcomes in patients with CTDs are similar to outcomes of patients who undergo lung transplant for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Larger studies focusing on the management of esophageal dysmotility and strategies of desensitization for increased antibody levels may result in approval of more patients with CTDs for lung transplant.
Purpose: Manual therapy (MT) has been proposed in pulmonary rehabilitation programmes for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), but an updated systematic review of the evidence is lacking. We aimed to systematically review the effectiveness of MT interventions, alone or added to exercise, on lung function, exercise capacity and quality of life in COPD patients, compared to other therapies (e.g. exercise alone) or no treatment. Materials and methods: We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, Physiotherapy Evidence Database, and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials databases, using the terms: COPD, manual therapy, manipulation, joint mobilisation, osteopathic manipulation. Only randomised controlled trials (RCT) were considered. Results: Out of 555 articles screened, 6 fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The study designs were heterogeneous (with different intervention schedules) and there was a high risk of bias. No effect on lung function was found, while results on exercise capacity were contrasting. MT had no effect on quality of life, although valid measures were available only in one study. Only mild adverse events were reported. Conclusions: Few RCTs of poor methodological quality are available on the effects of MT in COPD. More and better quality RCTs are needed before this technique can be included in rehabilitation programmes for these patients.