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Patterning counts: Individual differences in children's calculation are uniquely predicted by sequence patterning



Many studies have examined the cognitive determinants of children’s calculation, yet the specific contribution of children’s patterning abilities to calculation remains relatively unexplored. This study investigated whether children’s ability to complete sequence patterns (i.e., add the missing element into 2–4–?–8) uniquely predicted individual differences in calculation and whether these associations differed depending on the type of stimuli in these sequence patterns (i.e., number, letter, time, or rotation). Participants were 65 children in first and second grade (Mage = 7.40 years, SD = 0.44). All children completed four tasks of sequence patterning: number, letter, time, and rotation. Calculation was measured via addition and subtraction tasks. We also measured cognitive determinants of individual differences in calculation—namely symbolic number comparison, motor processing speed, visuospatial working memory, and nonverbal IQ—to verify whether patterning predicted calculation when controlling for these additional measures. We observed significant relationships between the patterning dimensions and calculation, except for the rotation dimension. Follow-up regressions, controlling for the aforementioned cognitive determinants of calculation, revealed that the number and time dimensions were strong predictors of calculation, whereas the evidence for the letter dimension was only anecdotal and the evidence for the rotation dimension was nonexistent, suggesting some degree of specificity of different types of sequence patterning in predicting calculation. Symbolic magnitude processing remained a powerful unique correlate of calculation performance. These findings add to our understanding of individual differences in calculation ability, such that sequence patterning could begin to be considered as one of the cognitive skills underlying calculation ability in young children.
MacKay, K.J., & De Smedt, B. (2019) Patterning counts: Individual differences in children’s
calculation are uniquely predicted by sequence patterning. Journal of Experimental Child
Psychology, 177, 152-165. doi: 10.1016/j.jecp.2018.07.016
Patterning Counts: Individual Differences in Children’s Calculation are Uniquely Predicted by
Sequence Patterning
Kelsey J. MacKay & Bert De Smedt
Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
KU Leuven, University of Leuven, Belgium
Word Count: 7790
Corresponding author:
Prof. Dr. Bert De Smedt
Parenting & Special Education Research Unit, University of Leuven
Leopold Vanderkelenstraat 32, box 3765, B-3000 Leuven, BELGIUM
Tel. +32 16 32 57 05; Fax. +32 16 32 59 33
Patterning Counts: Individual Differences in Children’s Calculation are Uniquely Predicted by
Sequence Patterning
Many studies have examined the cognitive determinants of children’s calculation, yet the
specific contribution of children’s patterning abilities to calculation remains relatively
unexplored. This study investigated if children’s ability to complete sequence patterns (i.e. add
the missing element into: 2–4–?– 8) uniquely predicted individual differences in calculation and
whether these associations differed depending on the type of stimuli in these sequence patterns,
i.e. number, letter, time or rotation.
Participants were 65 children in first and second grade (Mage=7.40, SDage=0.44). All
children completed four tasks of sequence patterning (number, letter, time, and rotation).
Calculation was measured via addition and subtraction tasks. We also measured cognitive
determinants of individual differences in calculation, namely symbolic number comparison,
motor processing speed, visuospatial working memory, and non-verbal IQ, to verify if patterning
predicted calculation when these additional measures were controlled for.
We observed significant relationships between the patterning dimensions and calculation,
except for the rotation dimension. Follow-up regressions, controlling for the aforementioned
cognitive determinants of calculation, revealed that the number and time dimensions were strong
predictors of calculation while the evidence for the letter dimension was only anecdotal and for
the rotation dimension was non-existent, suggesting some degree of specificity of different types
of sequence patterning in predicting calculation. Symbolic magnitude processing remained a
powerful unique correlate of calculation performance.
These findings add to our understanding of individual differences in calculation ability,
such that sequence patterning could begin to be considered as one of the cognitive skills
underlying calculation ability in young children.
Many studies have examined the cognitive determinants of children’s calculation, yet the
specific role of children’s (sequence) patterning remains relatively unexplored. Even though
there have been suggestions of the links between patterns and mathematics (Papic, Mulligan, &
Mitchelmore, 2011; Starkey, Klein, & Wakeley, 2004; Warren, Cooper, & Lamb, 2006), and
patterning remains a component of children’s education (Clements, Sarama, & Liu, 2008),
research on patterning as one of the potential components of individual differences in
mathematics development is lacking, with the existing literature on the origins of individual
differences in mathematics being mainly focused on working memory or numerical processing
(Peng, Namkung, Barnes, & Sun, 2016; Schneider et al., 2017; Vanbinst & De Smedt, 2016).
While the existing body of patterning studies have almost exclusively examined the association
between repeating patterns and calculation (Miller, Rittle-Johnson, Loehr, & Fyfe, 2016; Papic et
al., 2011), sequence patterning is a relatively understudied type of patterning, in comparison to
repeating patterns. Therefore, the goal of the current study was to address this gap in the
literature and examine the specific role of sequence patterning in elementary school children’s
calculation. In the remainder of the introduction, we summarize the existing literature on
relational thinking, patterning, and present the aims of the current study.
Sequence patterns, compared to other types of patterning (e.g., repeating patterns), might
be more critical to children’s mathematical development, when referring to counting sequences
and number representation (e.g., counting; Thomas, Mulligan, & Goldin, 2002). The reason for
this could be due, for example, to sequence patterns being related to relational thinking.
Relational thinking, in the context of mathematical cognition, refers to the idea of inspecting the
connections between two or more objects to solve a problem (Molina, Castro, & Ambrose,
2005). While repeating patterns would also activate this type of thinking, sequence patterns are a
more complex method by which to examine children’s relational thinking. Taking relational
thinking into account, and the complexity of sequence patterns compared to repeating patterns,
sequence patterns are a potentially more beneficial type of patterning to examine compared to
repeating patterning. Moreover, the idea of relational thinking has been applied in the domain of
algebra (Carpenter, Levi, Franke, & Zeringue, 2005) as well as fraction learning (Empson, Levi,
& Carpenter, 2011), and has been shown to be an important step in the development of arithmetic
to algebraic learning (Napaphun, 2012). Sequence patterning can therefore be investigated with
regard to its importance in mathematics competency, potentially through the mechanism of
relational thinking.
Although relational thinking can be conceived as a potential general mechanism in
sequence patterning, it is also possible that relational thinking is only involved in more specific
associations with sequence patterning. For instance, a sequence pattern can be in numbers (i.e.,
2-4-6-8) but can also be in letters (i.e., a-c-e-g). The question regarding relational thinking in
sequence patterns can therefore also include the distinction between domain-specific (i.e.,
sequence patterns being related to mathematics only within some of these dimensions) and
domain-general (i.e., every dimension of sequence patterning is related to mathematics) sequence
patterns. In examining distinct dimensions of sequence patterning and their relations to
mathematics, the potential mechanism of relational thinking in the association between sequence
patterning and mathematics can be examined as being either domain-specific or domain-general.
A pattern is any replicable regularity in which the items have relations to one another and
are predictable (Economopoulos, 1998; Fyfe, McNeil, & Rittle-Johnson, 2015; Hendricks,
Trueblood, & Pasnak, 2006; Papic et al., 2011). Patterns can be found in a variety of domains
including, but not limited to, poetry, music, as well as mathematics (Bjorklund & Pramling,
2014), showing it is important to understand the placement and use of patterning skills.
The type of patterning that is usually the focus of the classroom as well as the literature
on children’s mathematical development, is that of repeating patterns (i.e., a-b-a-b-a-b; Clements
et al., 2008; Rittle-Johnson, Fyfe, McLean & McEldoon, 2013), and these repeating patterns are
deemed important for later mathematical development (Economopoulos, 1998; Ford & Crew,
1991; Rittle-Johnson, Fyfe, Loehr, & Miller, 2015). However, much less focus is given to
sequence patterning. Piaget (1952) theorized that a milestone in children’s cognitive
development lies in seriation and transitivity, in other words, sequences or patterns, showing it is
a relevant area for research on children’s mathematical development. Sequence patterns can also
be linked to an understanding of ordinality, such that it involves participants providing yes/no
answers regarding a set of numbers appearing in a row. Importantly, ordinality has been found to
be linked to various aspects of mathematical ability, specifically the processing of symbolic
numbers (Goffin & Ansari, 2016; Lyons, et al., 2016). Further, both repeating and sequence
patterns offer a method by which children can exercise their relational thinking, as mentioned
above, to understand how items in a pattern relate to one another (Blanton & Kaput, 2005;
Pasnak et al., 2015). Taken together, these arguments motivated the use of sequence patterning in
the current study.
A sequence pattern is defined as a type of pattern in which the items follow a certain
sequence, that is not repeating, but rather is increasing or decreasing at a constant rate and is
sometimes referred to as a growing pattern (Economopoulous, 1998; Papic et al., 2011). As an
example, a sequence pattern involving numbers would look like: 2 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 10. In some tasks
using sequence patterning, a sequence is presented with one of the numbers missing (i.e., 2 - 4 - ?
- 8 - 10) and children are then presented with four options to choose from, of which one is the
correct answer (Gadzichowski, 2012).
Previous intervention studies (Hendricks et al., 2006; Kidd et al., 2013, 2014) have
shown that patterning instruction involving a variety of patterns (e.g., repeating, symmetrical
increasing sequence patterns) in many dimensions (e.g., number, letter, shapes, symbols, objects)
improves academic achievement in mathematics as compared to control groups receiving other
types of instruction (e.g., math, reading, social studies) or business-as-usual instruction. These
studies provide evidence that relationships between patterning and mathematical ability exist.
However, these findings were based on the combination of all types of patterns, including
sequence patterns, in all dimensions, leaving the disentanglement of which type(s) of patterning
and in which dimensions contribute to these findings.
Lee, Ng, Bull, Pe, and Ho (2011), examined the role of sequence patterning in 10-year
old children’s mathematical abilities via a number series task (sequences of whole or rational
numbers following a rule) and a function machine task (pairs of numbers with a specific
relationship). They observed unique associations between the patterning tasks and different
measures of mathematical ability (i.e., computational fluency and algebraic proficiency).
However, their patterning tasks only included numerical stimuli, leaving it unresolved as to
whether only numerical patterning abilities or more general patterning abilities are predictive of
mathematical performance.
In a follow-up study, Lee et al. (2012) investigated the same relationships but in younger
six-year old children. They administered executive functioning tasks, numerical and arithmetic
proficiency measures and three types of patterning tasks. They administered a similar function
machine task, as described above, with both geometric shapes and numbers. They also included a
shapes-within-shapes patterning measure, which involved manipulating the size, shape and
position of the shapes (e.g., ; Lee et al., 2012). The authors observed that the
patterning tasks explained individual differences in numerical and arithmetical proficiency, and
that the numerical patterning task explained higher variance compared to the geometrical task
and shapes-within-shapes task. While Lee et al. (2012) made an important step in understanding
the role of sequence patterns, they did not consider other specific determinants of individual
differences in mathematics, such as number processing, as we will do in the current study.
More recently, Pasnak et al. (2016) examined the specific relationship between sequence
patterning, specifically, and mathematical abilities in first-grade children. The results showed
that children’s fall scores on number sequences were significantly correlated with their spring
scores on the standardized math assessment, while the fall scores on the standardized math
assessment were not significantly correlated with spring scores on number sequences. One
limitation of this study, however, much like many other patterning studies (e.g., Hendricks et al.,
2006; Kidd et al., 2013, 2014), is the limited specificity regarding mathematical abilities. In other
words, these studies used general, standardized mathematical measures that examined large
components of mathematical ability (e.g., quantitative concepts, mathematical concepts), leaving
it unresolved as to which type of mathematical ability sequence patterning is specifically related.
Because predictors of individual differences are dependent on the math ability under study (De
Smedt, 2016; Peng et al., 2016; Schneider et al., 2017), the current study restricted the focus to
calculation (i.e., addition and subtraction) as it plays a quintessential role in mathematics and
given that the existing body largely has focused on this part of mathematics.
The present study
As hinted briefly in the literature summary of patterning studies, there are two major
shortcomings in previous patterning research which the present study will aim to resolve. Firstly,
previous patterning research has not investigated different dimensions of sequence patterning,
leaving it unresolved whether sequence patterning generally relates to mathematics or if this
association is domain-specific (i.e., number patterns relate to mathematics, while letter patterns
do not). Secondly, previous research examining the major determinants of individual differences
in calculation have not considered sequence patterning as a potential major determinant,
therefore it is unknown whether sequence patterning uniquely contributes to individual
differences in calculation, beyond other known cognitive determinants of calculation ability, such
as numerical magnitude processing or visuospatial working memory (De Smedt et al., 2009;
Peng et al., 2016; Schneider et al., 2017; Vanbinst & De Smedt, 2016).
Based on these two shortcomings in patterning research, two research questions were
derived. The first was to determine the associations between dimensions of the sequence
patterning task and calculation. If the association is domain-specific, we expected to see
correlations between the number and time dimensions (given their proximity to number) and
calculation, whereas, if the association is general, we expected to see correlations between each
of the sequence patterning dimensions and calculation. The second question was to determine if
sequence patterning plays a unique role in explaining the individual differences in children’s
calculation when symbolic number comparison, motor processing speed, visuospatial working
memory and non-verbal IQ were taken into account. To follow-up previous patterning literature
(Hendricks et al., 2006; Kidd et al., 2013, 2014; Pasnak et al., 2016), we focused on children in
early elementary school.
To answer these two questions, we administered a sequence patterning task in four
dimensions (number, letter, time and rotation) as well as a calculation task assessing both
addition and subtraction. Also, to assess how patterning uniquely contributes to calculation skills,
various cognitive measures were added, as the literature clearly shows that individual differences
in arithmetic can be explained by a variety of cognitive skills (Chu, vanMarle, & Geary, 2015;
Desoete, 2015; Xenidou-Dervou, De Smedt, Van Der Schoot, & van Lieshout, 2013). In terms of
cognitive measures, we included numerical magnitude processing, as it is known to be crucial in
explaining the individual differences found in children’s calculation performance (Vanbinst & De
Smedt, 2016), but restricted our focus to symbolic measures, in view of the meta-analysis by
Schneider et al. (2017) showing that these are significantly more correlated to individual
differences in mathematics than non-symbolic ones. We also focused on visual measures for
working memory and IQ, seeing as the patterning task is also visual in nature. Visuospatial
working memory has also been found to be related to calculation, further motivating its use in
the current study (e.g., De Smedt et al., 2009; Schmerold, 2017). Against this background, we
assessed children’s symbolic number comparison, motor processing speed, visuospatial working
memory, and non-verbal IQ in addition to sequence patterning as potential variables that could
explain variance in children’s calculation ability.
Participants were 65 typically developing children, ranging in age from six to nine years
old (28 girls, 37 boys, Mage = 7.40, SDage = 0.44) from three different international schools in
Belgium. Twenty-five children were recruited from two of the schools in the spring, while 40
children were recruited from the third school the following fall. Grouping all the children
together, 15 were in Grade 1 (23%) and 50 were in Grade 2 (77%). All children were taught in
English and followed similar curricula. All students were able to communicate well in English,
follow the task instructions and ask questions clearly if help was needed.
Patterning. This task was the same as in Kidd et al. (2014) and consisted of 12 problems
in each of the four dimensions of patterns (i.e., number, letter, time and rotation), for a total of 48
items. The items were all combined, regardless of dimension, as decided by a Latin Square table.
There were four practice items (one for each dimension). The patterns consisted of five stimuli,
with one item missing, as shown by a question mark. The items varied such that the first, third or
fifth item of the pattern could be missing. Depending on whether the item was vertically or
horizontally presented, four possible answers were presented beside or below the problem,
respectively. Children received a score out of 12 for each of the four dimensions of patterns. For
an example of each of the dimensions of patterns, see Figure 1.
Calculation. The task comprised six sections, each increasing in difficulty. There were
two versions; one for addition and one for subtraction, for a total of 12 subsections. The sections
were lettered and were categorized based on the sum and minuend of the problems for the
addition and subtraction versions, respectively. The sections were made to increase in difficulty
with two assumptions: that smaller sums and minuends were easier and that problems in which
children were not required to carry were easier than those that required the child to carry. The
items increased from single- to double- to triple-digit with each set presenting first no-carry-
problems followed by carry-problems. Each section contained six problems and had
approximately an equal number of problems in each decade. Problems that contained a decade, 0
or 1 in either the operands or solution were excluded. A list of the specific problems is provided
in the Appendix. The children moved through the sections at their own pace and were instructed
to continue through as many sections as possible. There was no time limit. The total number of
problems answered correctly, per operation, was used as the score.
Symbolic number comparison. We administered the SYMP Test (Brankaer, Ghesquière,
& De Smedt, 2017) to assess children’s symbolic magnitude comparison skills. The task of the
child was to cross out as fast and accuracy as possible the largest number when given a pair of
numbers. The task existed in two versions, single-digit and double-digit, each comprising of four
practice problems followed by 60 problems, of which children completed as many as possible in
45 seconds. Children received a score for the total number of problems correct for each version
of the task. Performance on this group administered test is known to correlate very highly with
classic computerized versions of the comparison task in children of this age (rs > .58; Brankaer
et al., 2017).
Motor processing speed. This measure was taken from the SYMP Test (Brankaer et al.,
2017) and was administered as a control task to account for the speed in which children
completed the symbolic number comparison tasks. It had exactly the same design as the SYMP
Test (four practice items followed by 60 items) , except that the stimuli were pairs of shapes that
were either solid black or white with a black outline. Children were asked to cross out the black
shape. Children received one score for the total number of problems correct within the time limit
(20 seconds).
Visuospatial working memory. The Corsi Span measure was used to assess visuospatial
working memory (De Smedt et al., 2009). The experimenter placed a wooden plate to which 9
blocks at random positions were glued. The experimenter indicated to the child that she would
tap a sequence of blocks and the child’s task was to repeat the tapped sequence, in the same
order. After two practice problems, the test stimuli then began, starting with three sequences of
two blocks. The sequence increased with one block after three items of the same list length. The
task stopped when the child could not complete all three problems of the same length. The
child’s score was calculated to be the total number of items solved correctly.
Non-verbal IQ. We used the block design task from the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for
Children – III (WISC-III; Wechsler, 1991) as a proxy for non-verbal IQ.
General Procedure
The testing order was the same for every child. Children first completed the group
administered tests in the following order: patterning task, calculation task, single-digit number
comparison, motor processing speed, double-digit number comparison. After that, visuospatial
working memory task and non-verbal IQ were administered individually in a quiet room.
Descriptive Statistics
Descriptive statistics for all the tasks and their reliabilities can be found in Table 1. The
addition and subtraction items of the calculation task were highly positively correlated (r = .64, p
< .001), as were the single- and double-digit number comparison scores (r = .70, p < .001), and
were therefore combined into a total calculation score and a total number comparison score,
respectively, to reduce the number of correlations. In addition, the original patterning task from
Kidd et al. (2014) had 48 items; however, we discovered an error in one rotation item after
testing and therefore, this item was removed from the analysis, resulting in 11 instead of 12 items
for this dimension. Results show no ceiling or floor effects, with each task having high
reliability, with the exception of the rotation dimension which was found to have a lower
Correlational analyses
A summary of the correlations between each of the measures can be found in Table 2. All
patterning dimensions except rotation were positively significantly correlated with children’s
calculation. These relationships can be seen graphically in Figure 2. The number and time
dimensions significantly positively correlated with children’s total number comparison score.
The letter and time dimensions significantly positively correlated with children’s visuospatial
working memory. None of the patterning dimensions correlated with motor processing speed.
Only the rotation dimension of the patterning test correlated significantly with children’s non-
verbal IQ. Age correlated only significantly positively with the letter dimension of the patterning
task as well as motor speed and visuospatial working memory while sex only significantly
correlated with number comparison. Finally, it should be noted that all the patterning dimensions
significantly correlated with each other, with the exception of the correlation between the letter
and rotation dimensions.
Linear regressions
Four linear regressions were executed to examine how each of the dimensions of the
patterning tasks uniquely predicted children’s calculation scores. Other cognitive determinants of
children’s calculation were added to determine if the dimensions contributed additional
explained variance in children’s calculation, namely symbolic number comparison, motor
processing speed, visuospatial working memory, non-verbal IQ. Age was added in the linear
regressions as it was significantly correlated with the letter dimension of the patterning task. Sex
was not added as a predictor as it showed no significant correlations with any of the dependent
variables (Table 2). The children in this study came from three different schools, and therefore
school was first entered as a dummy variable to account for school-to-school differences. The
results of the regression analyses were similar whether or not school was accounted for and
therefore only the results without the dummy variables are reported.
The outcome of the regression analyses is depicted in Table 3. It is important to note that
the regression diagnostics (variance inflation factor) indicated that there was no evidence for
multicollinearity of the predictors. The regression analyses indicated that the number, time, and
letter dimensions were significant unique predictors of children’s calculation, controlling for age,
symbolic number comparison, motor processing speed, visuospatial working memory and non-
verbal IQ, while the rotation dimension was not. Symbolic number comparison emerged as a
powerful unique predictor, even when patterning abilities (in the different dimensions) were
controlled for.
We also ran Bayesian analyses, which allowed us to test the degree of support for a given
predictor. We calculated the Bayes factor, which is the ratio of the evidence for the alternative
hypothesis compared to the null (see Andraszewicz et al., 2015 for an excellent elaboration).
Adding the Bayes factors to our analyses (Table 3) allowed us to infer which hypothesis for a
given predictor is the most plausible (i.e. alternative vs. null) and to identify for which
predictors, the evidence in the data is the strongest. The Bayesian analyses were generally in line
with the frequentist data, supporting the observation that the number and time dimensions were
strong predictors of the variability in children’s calculation. The evidence for the contribution of
the letter dimension was only anecdotal. For the rotation dimension, there was more evidence in
the data for the null hypothesis of no association, although this evidence was also only anecdotal.
Symbolic number comparison was an even stronger predictor (as indicated by the Bayes factors)
than any of the patterning measures. Interestingly, the Bayes factors for age, motor processing
speed, visuospatial working memory, and non-verbal IQ and were all below 1, indicating that
there is more evidence in the data for the null hypothesis (i.e. that this variable is not correlating
with calculation) than for the alternative hypothesis.
The goal of the present research was to determine the specific role of sequence patterning
in elementary school children’s calculation. Two research questions were posed for the current
study: 1) Are associations between dimensions of the sequence patterning task and calculation
ability domain-specific (i.e., only some dimensions of sequence patterning are associated with
calculation) or domain-general (i.e., every dimension of sequence patterning is associated with
calculation)?, and 2) Does sequence patterning play a unique role in explaining the individual
differences in children’s calculation when symbolic number comparison, motor processing
speed, visuospatial working memory and non-verbal IQ are added? The current data revealed
that number, letter and time patterning but not rotation patterning correlated with calculation
ability. These associations remained, once symbolic number comparison, motor processing
speed, visuospatial working memory and non-verbal IQ were controlled for. This suggests an
important and unique role for sequence patterning in predicting individual differences in
calculation, as we elaborate in more detail below.
With regard to the first research question, correlations determined that sequence
patterning is significantly positively related to addition and subtraction skills, such that only
number, letter, and time patterns were associated with calculation. Firstly, our results extend the
literature that has studied the association between repeating patterning and mathematics
(Economopoulos, 1998; Ford & Crew, 1991; Papic et al., 2011; Rittle-Johnson et al., 2015;
Starkey et al., 2004) and show that sequence patterning, in certain dimensions (i.e., number,
letter, and time), is another type of patterning related to calculation abilities. Our study also
therefore replicated and extended Lee et al. (2012), who found that number patterns were
associated with arithmetic proficiency. Further, the results provide evidence that sequence
patterning is related to a specific type of mathematical ability, i.e., calculation, which extends the
findings from previous sequence patterning literature examining broad mathematical measures
(Hendricks et al., 2006; Kidd et al., 2013, 2014; Lee et al., 2011, 2012; Pasnak et al., 2016). We
focused on calculation as the dependent variable as it plays a quintessential role in mathematics
and given that prior research has largely focused on this part of mathematics. With regard to the
strength of the correlations, number and time were found to be more strongly related to
calculation in comparison with the letter and rotation dimensions, therefore confirming some
degree of specificity within sequence patterning.
As hinted above, the rotation dimension of the patterning task did not correlate with
individual differences in calculation. Lee et al. (2012) found that numerical patterning explained
more variance in numerical proficiency compared to the geometrical task, showing that perhaps
geometrical tasks, such as the rotation sequence patterns used in the current study, explain less
variance with regard to mathematical abilities. On the other hand, the rotation task was found to
have low reliability in the current study, showing that it is possible that the task was too difficult
for this age group, therefore resulting in non-significant association between the rotation
sequence patterns and calculation. Taking this low reliability of the rotation dimension into
account, we should be cautious in drawing strong conclusions about domain-specificity. Further
investigation is required regarding rotation sequence patterns and their association with
calculation in this age group and older.
The similarity in the associations of both number and time with calculation, might
suggest that perhaps the cognitive representations of sequence patterns in the dimensions of
number and time may not be so distant from one another and could even reflect basic magnitudes
in different dimensions (e.g., Bueti & Walsh, 2009; Lourenco & Bonny, 2017; Park & Cho,
2017). However, the rotation dimension did not correlate with calculation, suggesting that these
representations of space, time, and number maybe not so well connected, at least not in children.
Future studies are needed further investigate the interrelations between measures of space, time,
and number.
To further examine the possibility of domain-specificity within sequence patterning as
part of our first aim, the Bayesian regression analyses demonstrated that the association between
number and calculation was the strongest of all the dimensions on the patterning task. The
association between the time dimension and calculation was also found to be quite strong. The
evidence for the importance of letter patterns, however, was much less strong, even at the
anecdotal level, and there was no evidence for an association between the rotation measure and
calculation. In other words, if there would be a domain-general association between patterning
and calculation, one should observe similar associations for all patterning dimensions under
study, and this was not the case. Against this background, the current data suggest that the
association between patterning and calculation is more domain-specific.
Although our findings point to domain-specific relations between sequence patterning
and children’s calculation, the underlying mechanisms of this relationship are still unknown. Our
results particularly emphasize the role of the number and time dimensions of sequence patterns,
rather than the letter and rotation dimensions, in explaining children’s calculation, although the
Bayesian analyses point to number as being stronger than time. The understanding of the number
and time dimensions of sequence patterns could be related to children’s understanding of
ordinality (i.e., the ability to order numbers correctly). Recently, there has been an increased
focus on ordinality and individual differences in mathematical achievement (Goffin & Ansari,
2016; Lyons & Beilock, 2011, 2013). However, it should be noted that while sequence patterns
and ordinality are similar, they may not tap into the same cognitive abilities. Rather, as sequence
patterning requires complex relational reasoning, while ordinality tasks do not, the underlying
mechanism could perhaps be this relational reasoning with numbers (Carpenter et al., 2005;
Empson et al., 2011; Napaphun, 2012) that is used in the sequence patterns, as opposed to the
letter and rotation sequence patterns, for which reason number and time are strong predictors of
calculation performance.
For our second aim, in order to understand the unique role of sequence patterning in
children’s calculation abilities, linear regressions as well as Bayesian analyses examined the role
of each of the dimensions alongside symbolic number comparison, motor processing speed,
visuospatial working memory, and non-verbal IQ in explaining variance in children’s calculation
abilities. These analyses further revealed that the number and time dimensions were unique as
well as stronger predictors of children’s calculation ability compared to the letter dimension
(anecdotal evidence) and rotation dimension (no evidence). These results are consistent with
those of Pasnak et al. (2016) that number sequences and not letter sequences are unique
predictors of children’s calculation abilities, although Pasnak et al. (2016) did not investigate
dimensions of time and rotation. Importantly, our findings go beyond Pasnak et al. (2016) by
showing that the association with number sequence patterns remains when other well-known
cognitive determinants of calculation are controlled for.
The current findings also replicate the observation that symbolic number processing is a
major underlying ability that predicts children’s arithmetic (Schneider et al., 2017; Vanbinst &
De Smedt, 2016). The current data extend this body of evidence by showing that this association
also remains when sequence patterning abilities, including number patterning, are additionally
controlled for. Our data also indicate that numerical magnitude processing and number patterning
are related, yet each of them provides a unique contribution in explaining individual differences
in calculation. Both symbolic number comparison and sequence patterning tasks require children
to use relational reasoning, therefore supporting the idea that relational reasoning could be the
underlying mechanism driving both of these competencies. On the other hand, it needs to be
emphasized, as is evidenced by the differences in Bayes factors, that the evidential strength for
symbolic number comparison as a predictor of calculation was substantially higher than the
evidential strength for number or time patterns.
Future research should additionally examine the relationships between each of the
dimensions of sequence patterning and calculation (or other specific mathematical abilities) in a
longitudinal study, to verify the direction of the association, and especially to ensure that our
findings generalize beyond our sample of students in international schools. Moreover, the
addition of other known cognitive variables, such as approximation skills, could be relevant
(Xenidou-Dervou et al., 2013). Further, the current study used increasing sequence patterns,
however, decreasing sequence patterns have also been used in some patterning research
(Hendricks et al., 2006) and would be an interesting next step regarding sequence patterns, to
determine if similar associations exist for decreasing sequence patterns. Finally, a future study
could examine the same sequence patterning task in older children, to get a better sense of the
relationships with the rotation dimension, as it could have been too difficult for this age group.
As for implications of our research, Sarama and Clements (2009) discuss the importance
of including (repeating) patterns into daily environments of children. Building on this idea,
sequence patterns could also be integrated into the classroom, however, as part of a lesson plan in
mathematics. Seeing as our research found that particularly the number and time dimensions of
sequence patterns are related to calculation, this activity in math classrooms will be an
innovative and potentially interesting pathway for children to develop their calculation skills.
In conclusion, our results revealed that there is a relationship between sequence
patterning, in particular number, letter, and time, and calculation. Further, sequence patterning in
the dimensions of number and time are strong predictors of children’s calculation abilities above
and beyond symbolic number comparison, motor processing speed, visuospatial working
memory, and non-verbal IQ, suggesting that certain types of sequence patterning make a
significant contribution to individual differences in young children’s arithmetic abilities.
We would like to thank all the students, teachers, principals, and secretaries that participated in
this research. Special thanks are due to Marinka Gadzichowski for her open communication and
sharing of the patterning task used in this study. This work was partially supported by grant
C16/16/001 of University of Leuven Research fund.
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Figure 1
Number Letter
Time Rotation
Figure 1. Examples of each of the dimensions of patterns used in the Patterning Task, based on
(Gadzichowski, 2012). From left to right and top to bottom, an example of number patterns,
letter patterns, time patterns and rotation patterns can be seen.
Figure 2
Figure 2. The linear relationships between each dimension of the patterning task and the total
calculation score.
r = .54 r = .18
r = .37r = .53
Table 1
The means, standard deviations, minimum and maximum, theoretical maximum and reliability
for all tasks completed.
M SD Min Max Theoretical
Patterning Task
Number 7.34 3.71 0 12 12 .88 a
Letter 5.95 3.31 0 11 12 .81a
Time 6.11 3.10 0 12 12 .77 a
Rotation 4.05 2.18 0 9 11 .54 a
Calculation Task Total 33.06 14.44 11 71 72 .96 a
SNC Total 43.35 9.84 19 69 120 .79b
Motor Processing Speed 25.98 6.41 12 42 60 .86b
Visuospatial working
8.84 1.99 5 14 24 .77c
Non-verbal IQ 26.15 11.59 2 51 69 .87d
Note:SNC symbolic number comparison, a Cronbach alpha calculated from the current study, b
Test-retest reliability from the manual in children of the same age, c Calculated from the sample
in De Smedt et al., 2009 in children of the same age, d from Sattler, 2001, Non-verbal IQ uses
raw scores
Table 2
Zero-order correlations of all tasks used.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
1. Number -
2. Letter .61** -
3. Time .51** .36** -
4. Rotation .36** .14 .40** -
5. Calculation .53** .37** .54** .18 -
6. Number
Comparison .31* .18 .39** .07 .56** -
7. Motor Speed .15 -.07 .22 .13 .36** .44** -
8. Visuospatial
Working Memory .20 .28* .29* .19 .33** .15 .08 -
9. Nonverbal IQ .05 .20 .23 .34** .11 .04 -.03 .23 -
10. Age .16 .26* .14 .14 .24 .10 .28* .27* .17 -
11. Sex .09 .21 -.01 -.00 -.16 -.42** -.09 -.12 -.21 .22 -
* p < .05, ** p < .01
Table 3
Linear regression models predicting calculation, estimated for the different dimensions of the
patterning task.
Predictors R2adj β p VIF Bayes
Number (F (6, 54) = 9.616, p < .001) .463
Number patterning .316 .003** 1.138 24.001 .088
Age in months .027 .793 1.177 0.135 .001
Symbolic Number Comparison .439 .000** 1.366 572.690 .135
Motor Processing Speed .086 .435 1.323 0.340 .021
Visuospatial working memory .116 .263 1.176 0.620 .012
Non-verbal IQ .124 .221 1.125 0.716 .014
Letter (F (6, 54) = 8.086, p < .001) .415
Letter patterning .236 .037* 1.244 2.708 .044
Age in months -.001 .990 1.232 0.314 .000
Symbolic number comparison .470 .000** 1.355 857.067 .091
Motor Processing Speed .147 .217 1.414 0.511 .043
Visuospatial working memory .115 .290 1.188 0.623 .011
Non-verbal IQ .101 .344 1.150 0.564 .009
Time (F (6, 54) = 8.842, p < .001) .440
Time patterning .301 .010** 1.350 13.366 .067
Age in months .055 .599 1.171 0.364 .003
Symbolic Number Comparison .421 .001** 1.451 191.537 .118
Motor Processing Speed .082 .462 1.323 0.343 .018
Visuospatial working memory .106 .318 1.190 0.501 .010
Non-verbal IQ .058 .590 1.213 0.352 .003
Rotation (F (6, 54) = 7.024, p < .001) .376
Rotation patterning .107 .337 1.164 0.633 .009
Age in months .047 .670 1.172 0.368 .002
Symbolic number Comparison .535 .000** 1.271 4299.127 .217
Motor Processing Speed .067 .574 1.350 0.329 .041
Visuospatial working memory .135 .229 1.182 0.800 .015
Non-verbal IQ .106 .348 1.209 0.657 .009
Note. *p < .05, ** p < .01
Appendix – Calculation Task
2 + 4 = ______
1 + 2 = ______
5 + 4 = ______
3 + 1 = ______
2 + 6 = ______
7 + 3 = ______
8 + 6 = ______
5 + 11 = ______
3 + 9 = ______
13 + 6 = ______
7 + 4 = ______
12 + 3 = ______
11 + 27 = ______
76 + 23 = ______
35 + 13 = ______
41 + 26 = ______
32 + 54 = ______
24 + 31 = ______
17 + 16 = ______
35 + 26 = ______
66 + 29 = ______
49 + 22 = ______
28 + 14 = ______
27 + 58 = ______
113 + 105 = ______
453 + 536 = ______
324 + 161 = ______
404 + 273 = ______
211 + 384 = ______
534 + 262 = ______
349 + 125 = ______
108 + 167 = ______
236 + 647 = ______
513 + 178 = ______
258 + 336 = ______
568 + 424 = ______
3 – 2 = _____
9 – 2 = _____
6 – 4 = _____
8 – 3 = _____
5 – 1 = _____
7 – 4 = _____
15 – 2 = _____
16 – 4 = _____
17 – 6 = _____
18 – 3 = _____
19 – 8 = _____
17 – 5 = _____
97 – 16 = _____
35 – 14 = _____
66 – 12 = _____
59 – 17 = _____
89 – 23 = _____
68 – 31 = _____
56 – 38 = _____
24 – 17 = _____
92 – 13 = _____
41 – 16 = _____
87 – 18 = _____
63 – 24 = _____
778 – 355 = _____
212 – 101 = _____
979 – 323 = _____
338 – 122 = _____
686 – 124 = _____
553 – 231 = _____
311 – 209 = _____
883 – 325 = _____
337 – 118 = _____
923 – 288 = _____
645 – 217 = _____
462 – 126 = _____
... These regularities exist at multiple levels such as the repetition of the digits 1-9 in each decade of the count sequence, the successor principle relating count words to quantities (e.g., each successive number in the count string represents an increase in quantity of exactly one), the correspondence between placevalue notation and base-10 structure, and arithmetic principles that dictate consistent properties of operations (e.g., if a + b = c then b + a = c). The ability to deduce rules and structure, as indicated by patterning knowledge, has been found to be related to both procedural and conceptual mathematics knowledge from preschool through college (MacKay and De Smedt, 2019;Wijns et al., 2021;Borriello et al., 2023). Given that statistical learning is responsible for implicit learning of patterns, it may be the most proximal process accounting for the relation between individual differences in pattern knowledge and mathematics outcomes. ...
... While further work is needed to test this possibility, we believe it is consistent with recent work pointing to a relation between patterning skill and numeracy knowledge (Kidd et al., 2013;Rittle-Johnson et al., 2017;Burgoyne et al., 2019;MacKay and De Smedt, 2019). Children who do better on patterning tasks also have greater numeracy knowledge. ...
... Children who do better on patterning tasks also have greater numeracy knowledge. For instance, children in first-and second-grade who were better able to complete growing patterns (e.g., "5, 7, 9, 11,?") were also better at calculating number facts, controlling for a broad range of cognitive skills (MacKay and De Smedt, 2019). Some evidence also supports a causal relation between patterning ability and arithmetic. ...
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Statistical learning—an unconscious cognitive process used to extract regularities—is well-established as a fundamental mechanism underlying learning. Yet, despite the prominence of patterns in the number system and operations, little is known about the relation between statistical learning and mathematics knowledge. This study examined the associations among statistical learning, executive control, and arithmetic knowledge among first graders (N = 54). The relations varied by operation. For addition, children with greater statistical learning capacity responded more quickly to problems that were part of a principle (i.e., commutativity) pair than to unrelated problems, even after accounting for baseline performance, executive control, and age. For subtraction, results indicated an interaction between children's baseline subtraction performance and their statistical learning on accuracy. These findings provide an impetus for testing new models of mathematics learning that include statistical learning as a potentially important mechanism.
... Örüntüler, tekrar eden bir birime (ör. AB | AB), bazen sıralama modeli olarak adlandırılan tekrar eden bir kurala (ör. 1, 3, 5, 7) veya büyüyen bir ilişkiye (ör. 1, 2, 4, 7) sahip olma durumlarına göre yapısal olarak farklılık gösterir (MacKay & De Smedt, 2019). ...
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Matematiksel özel yetenekliliğin kilit karakterlerinden biri olan genelleme becerisi, matematiksel örüntülerle ilişkilidir. Erken yaşlarda cebirsel ve fonksiyonel düşünmenin gelişimi için bir bağlam olarak örüntüler ve özellikle tekrarlanan örüntüler öne çıkmaktadır. Ayrıca, öğrencilerin tekrarlanan örüntülerle çalışma süreçlerinde ortaya koydukları bilişsel çabanın belirlenmesi, örüntü becerisinin gelişimi açısından önemlidir. Belirtilenler doğrultusunda, bu çalışmanın amacı, özel yetenekli öğrencilerin tekrarlanan örüntü becerilerini ve tekrarlanan örüntülerle çalışma sürecinde ortaya koydukları bilişsel istem düzeylerini keşfetmektir. Çalışmada, durum çalışması deseni kullanılmıştır. Katılımcılar, beşinci sınıf düzeyinde öğrenim gören, tanılama testleri aracılığıyla özel yetenekli tanısı konulan beş öğrencidir. Veriler, açık uçlu problemlerden oluşan “Tekrarlanan Sayı Örüntüsü Görev Formu”yla toplanmıştır. Veri toplama yöntemi, görev temelli görüşmedir. Veriler tematik analiz yöntemiyle çözümlenmiştir. Bulgulara göre, tüm öğrenciler, tekrarlanan sayı örüntüsü görevinin yakın, orta, uzak terimini ve kuralını doğru bir şekilde ulaşmıştır. Çalışma sonuçlarına göre, özel yetenekli öğrenciler tekrarlanan sayı örüntüsü görevinin yakın, orta ve uzak terimini bulmak için “yinelemeli”, “sayma”, “bölümden kalanı sayma” ve “çarpım üzerine sayma” stratejilerini kullanmışlardır. Örüntüde yer alan rakamların dizilişindeki ilişkiyi tüm öğrenciler tekrar birimini belirleyerek açıklamıştır. Çalışma sonuçları, özel yetenekli öğrencilerin örüntü görevinin yakın ve orta uzaklıktaki terimini bulmak için “bağlantısız işlemler” ve “bağlantılı işlemler” düzeyinde bilişsel istem sergilediklerini göstermiştir. Ayrıca, öğrenciler örüntünün uzak terimini ve kuralını bulmak için “bağlantılı işlemler” düzeyinde bilişsel istem sergilemişlerdir.
... Patterning skills predicted applied arithmetic fluency in Grade 1 above and beyond the original Pathways to Mathematics model. The finding that patterning skills predict arithmetic fluency is consistent with the findings of other research on calculation MacKay & De Smedt, 2019) and arithmetic skills (Burgoyne et al., 2017(Burgoyne et al., , 2019. Fyfe et al. (2017) suggested that calculation skills are supported by children's ability to identify and generalize predictable sequences in both objects and numbers. ...
According to the Pathways to Mathematics model [LeFevre et al. (2010), Child Development, Vol. 81, pp. 1753–1767], children’s cognitive skills in three domains—linguistic, attentional, and quantitative—predict concurrent and future mathematics achievement. We extended this model to include an additional cognitive skill, patterning, as measured by a non-numeric repeating patterning task. Chilean children who attended schools of low or high socioeconomic status (N = 98; 54% girls) completed cognitive measures in kindergarten (Mage = 71 months) and numeracy and mathematics outcomes 1 year later in Grade 1. Patterning and the original three pathways were correlated with the outcomes. Using Bayesian regressions, after including the original pathways and mother’s education, we found that patterning skills predicted additional variability in applied problem solving and arithmetic fluency, but not number ordering, in Grade 1. Similarly, patterning skills were included in the best model for applied problem solving and arithmetic fluency, but not for number ordering, in Grade 1. In accord with the hypotheses of the original Pathways to Mathematics model, patterning varied in its unique and relative contributions to later mathematical performance, depending on the demands of the tasks. We conclude that patterning is a useful addition to the Pathways to Mathematics model, providing further insights into the range of cognitive precursors that are related to children’s mathematical development.
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While symbolic number processing is an important correlate for typical and low mathematics achievement, it remains to be determined whether children with high mathematics achievement also have excellent symbolic number processing abilities. We investigated this question in 64 children (aged 8 to 10), i.e., 32 children with persistent high achievement in mathematics (above the 90th percentile) and 32 average-achieving peers (between the 25th and 75th percentile). Children completed measures of symbolic number processing (comparison and order). We additionally investigated the roles of spatial visualization and working memory. High mathematics achievers were faster and more accurate in order processing compared to average achievers, but no differences were found in magnitude comparison. High mathematics achievers demonstrated better spatial visualization ability, while group differences in working memory were less clear. Spatial visualization ability was the only significant predictor of group membership. Our results therefore highlight the role of high spatial visualization ability in high mathematics achievement.
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One of the cognitive characters emphasized by different researchers in mathematically gifted students is generalization of mathematical structures and patterns. In particular, experience with growing geometric patterns is important for initiating and developing algebraic thinking. In this context, this study aimed to explore the generalization strategies used by gifted students in the growing geometric pattern task. The study was designed in a case study. The participants of the study are five eighth grade students who were diagnosed as gifted through diagnostic tests. The data of the study were collected with the "Geometric Pattern Task Form" consisting of open-ended problems. The geometric pattern task consists of linear and quadratic patterns. Data were collected by task-based interview method and analyzed with thematic analysis. The results of the study show that gifted students exhibit figural and numerical approaches while solving pattern problems. In particular, for quadratic (non-linear) pattern, gifted students used functional strategy in all problems of finding near, far terms, and general rule of pattern. However, in the problems of finding the number of white balls (linear pattern), different strategies (e.g., recursive, chunking, contextual) than the functional strategy were also used. Based on the results of the study, it is suggested that geometric pattern tasks involving linear and non-linear relationships may be centralized in the development of functional thinking and generalization skills of gifted students in classroom practices.
This study examined repeating and growing pattern knowledge and their associations with procedural and conceptual arithmetic knowledge in a sample of U.S. children (N = 185; Mage = 79.5 months; 55% female; 88% White) and adults (N = 93; Mage = 19.5 years; 62% female; 66% White) from 2019 to 2020. Three key findings emerged: (1) repeating pattern tasks were easier than growing pattern tasks, (2) repeating pattern knowledge robustly predicted procedural calculation skills over and above growing pattern knowledge and covariates, and (3) growing pattern knowledge modestly predicted procedural and conceptual math outcomes over and above repeating pattern knowledge and covariates. We expand existing theoretical models to incorporate these specific links and discuss implications for supporting math knowledge.
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Research shows that attention to pattern and structure is fundamental to mathematical learning and attainment yet early mathematics curricula in England underplay the importance of patterning. In a critical realist notion of powerful knowledge, pattern teaching has the potential to empower children to notice patterns, mathematise their everyday experiences and engage in mathematical sense-making. This study investigated how to harness this potential. It reports on participatory research with ten teachers of three to five-year-old children in England as they developed pattern teaching in their classrooms. Findings indicate that teacher knowledge, pedagogic interactions and pattern-rich environments (all underpinned by an appropriate developmental progression and extended to form a setting-wide shared approach) support the development of patterning praxis in early childhood classrooms. These offer potential priorities for ECE teachers in developing their patterning praxis in order to support children’s mathematical learning.
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Patterning, or the ability to understand patterns, is a skill commonly taught to young children as part of school mathematics curricula. It seems likely that some aspects of executive function, such as cognitive flexibility, inhibition, and working memory, may be expressed in the patterning abilities of children. The primary objective of the present study was to examine the relationship between patterning and executive functioning for first grade children. In addition, the relations between patterning, executive functioning, mathematics, and reading were examined. The results showed that patterning was significantly related to cognitive flexibility and working memory, but not to inhibition. Patterning, cognitive flexibility, and working memory were significantly related to mathematical skills. Only patterning and working memory were significantly related to reading. Regression analyses and structural equation modeling both showed that patterning had effects on both reading and mathematics measures, and that the effects of cognitive flexibility were entirely mediated by patterning. Working memory had independent effects on reading and mathematics, and also effects moderated by patterning. In sum, these findings suggest that cognitive flexibility and working memory are related to patterning and express their effects on reading and mathematics in whole or in part through patterning.
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The ability to compare symbolic numerical magnitudes correlates with children’s concurrent and future mathematics achievement. We developed and evaluated a quick timed paper-and-pencil measure that can easily be used, for example in large-scale research, in which children have to cross out the numerically larger of two Arabic one- and two-digit numbers (SYMP Test). We investigated performance on this test in 1,588 primary school children (Grades 1–6) and examined in each grade its associations with mathematics achievement. The SYMP Test had satisfactory test-retest reliability. The SYMP Test showed significant and stable correlations with mathematics achievement for both one-digit and two-digit comparison, across all grades. This replicates the previously observed association between symbolic numerical magnitude processing and mathematics achievement, but extends it by showing that the association is observed in all grades in primary education and occurs for single- as well as multi-digit processing. Children with mathematical learning difficulties performed significantly lower on one-digit comparison and two-digit comparison in all grades. This all suggests satisfactory construct and criterion-related validity of the SYMP Test, which can be used in research, when performing large-scale (intervention) studies, and by practitioners, as screening measure to identify children at risk for mathematical difficulties or dyscalculia.
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Ninety-six first grade students in an urban school system were tested in October and May on reading, mathematics, and their understanding of sequences of letters and numbers. A time lag analysis was subsequently conducted. In such analyses, cross-correlations between the first measurement of one variable and the second measurement of another are compared. The larger of the correlations indicates the direction of the relationship; i.e., which variable is most likely to be causal. Correlations of the fall scores on the number sequences with spring scores on the mathematics concepts scale were significant, while correlations of the fall mathematics concepts scores with spring number sequence scores were negligible. This indicates that understanding such complex sequences has a directional effect on understanding mathematics concepts. Fall–spring cross-correlations for the letter sequences and reading test, although significant, did not differ, and hence provided no indication of the direction of the relationship. Potential explanations were discussed.
This book provides a comprehensive overview of numerical cognition by bringing together writing by leading researchers in psychology, neuroscience, and education, covering work using different methodological approaches in humans and animals. During the last decade there had been an explosion of studies and new findings with theoretical and translational implications. This progress has been made thanks to technological advances enabling sophisticated human neuroimaging techniques and neurophysiological studies of monkeys, and to advances in more traditional psychological and educational research. This has resulted in an enormous advance in our understanding of the neural and cognitive mechanisms of numerical cognition. In addition, there has recently been increasing interest and concern about pupils' mathematical achievement, resulting in attempts to use research to guide mathematics instruction in schools, and to develop interventions for children with mathematical difficulties. This book aims to provide a broad and extensive review of the field of numerical cognition, bringing together work from varied areas. The book covers research on important aspects of numerical cognition, involving findings from the areas of developmental psychology, cognitive psychology, human and animal neuroscience, computational modeling, neuropsychology and rehabilitation, learning disabilities education and individual differences, cross-cultural and cross-linguistic studies, and philosophy. It also includes an overview 'navigator' chapter for each section to provide a brief up-to-date review of the current literature, and to introduce and integrate the topics of the chapters in the section.
The last several years have seen steady growth in research on the cognitive and neuronal mechanisms underlying how numbers are represented as part of ordered sequences. In the present review, we synthesize what is currently known about numerical ordinality from behavioral and neuroimaging research, point out major gaps in our current knowledge, and propose several hypotheses that may bear further investigation. Evidence suggests that how we process ordinality differs from how we process cardinality, but that this difference depends strongly on context—in particular, whether numbers are presented symbolically or nonsymbolically. Results also reveal many commonalities between numerical and nonnumerical ordinal processing; however, the degree to which numerical ordinality can be reduced to domain-general mechanisms remains unclear. One proposal is that numerical ordinality relies upon more general short-term memory mechanisms as well as more numerically specific long-term memory representations. It is also evident that numerical ordinality is highly multifaceted, with symbolic representations in particular allowing for a wide range of different types of ordinal relations, the complexity of which appears to increase over development. We examine the proposal that these relations may form the basis of a richer set of associations that may prove crucial to the emergence of more complex math abilities and concepts. In sum, ordinality appears to be an important and relatively understudied facet of numerical cognition that presents substantial opportunities for new and ground-breaking research.
This contribution reviewed the available evidence on the domain-specific and domain-general neurocognitive determinants of children's arithmetic development, other than nonsymbolic numerical magnitude processing, which might have been overemphasized as a core factor of individual differences in mathematics and dyscalculia. We focused on symbolic numerical magnitude processing, working memory, and phonological processing, as these determinants have been most researched and their roles in arithmetic can be predicted against the background of brain imaging data. Our review indicates that symbolic numerical magnitude processing is a major determinant of individual differences in arithmetic. Working memory, particularly the central executive, also plays a role in learning arithmetic, but its influence appears to be dependent on the learning stage and experience of children. The available evidence on phonological processing suggests that it plays a more subtle role in children's acquisition of arithmetic facts. Future longitudinal studies should investigate these factors in concert to understand their relative contribution as well as their mediating and moderating roles in children's arithmetic development.
In this chapter I summarize research on individual differences in arithmetic fact retrieval through the lens of educational neuroscience. By generating predictions about underlying cognitive processes based on neuroimaging data, developmental behavioral studies have revealed that symbolic numerical magnitude processing plays a unique role in children’s early arithmetic facts acquisition. Such studies also suggest that phonological processing might play a role in fact retrieval. Other studies in educational neuroscience point to the recruitment of a widespread brain network during fact retrieval, including the prefrontal cortex, inferior parietal cortex, and the medial temporal lobe. The fact that the organization of this network changes over time highlights the continuing need for developmental imaging studies.
A growing body of evidence suggests that non-symbolic representations of number, which humans share with nonhuman animals, are functionally related to uniquely human mathematical thought. Other research suggesting that numerical and non-numerical magnitudes not only share analog format but also form part of a general magnitude system raises questions about whether the non-symbolic basis of mathematical thinking is unique to numerical magnitude. Here we examined this issue in 5- and 6-year-old children using comparison tasks of non-symbolic number arrays and cumulative area as well as standardized tests of math competence. One set of findings revealed that scores on both magnitude comparison tasks were modulated by ratio, consistent with shared analog format. Moreover, scores on these tasks were moderately correlated, suggesting overlap in the precision of numerical and non-numerical magnitudes, as expected under a general magnitude system. Another set of findings revealed that the precision of both types of magnitude contributed shared and unique variance to the same math measures (e.g., calculation and geometry), after accounting for age and verbal competence. These findings argue against an exclusive role for non-symbolic number in supporting early mathematical understanding. Moreover, they suggest that mathematical understanding may be rooted in a general system of magnitude representation that is not specific to numerical magnitude but that also encompasses non-numerical magnitude.