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The acceptance of conditionally automated cars from the perspective of different road user groups

  • Institute for Empirical Sociology at the FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg
  • Research Institute for Empirical Sociology
  • Institut für empirische Soziologie an der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (IfeS)

Abstract and Figures

While public acceptance and the acceptance of potential users have already been intensively researched, this study investigates the acceptance of CACs from the point of view of different road user groups, such as pedestrians, cyclists and riders of powered two-wheelers as so-called vulnerable road users (VRUs), as well as the drivers of conventional cars. The study explores a priori road user acceptance of CACs with a specifically developed measuerement tool using an international population survey that was conducted within the framework of the EU Horizon 2020 funded project ‘BRidging gaps for the adoption of Automated VEhicles’ (BRAVE) in the participating EU-countries France, Germany, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden as well as in Australia and the USA, including 5,827 respondents.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Issue 21(4), 2021, pp. 81-103
ISSN: 1567-7141
The acceptance of conditionally automated cars from the
perspective of different road user groups
Bernhard Schrauth1
Institute for Empirical Sociology at the Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg,
Walter Funk2
Institute for Empirical Sociology at the Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg,
Sarah Maier3
Institute for Empirical Sociology at the Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg,
Clemens Kraetsch4
Institute for Empirical Sociology at the Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg,
The foreseeable advent of conditionally automated cars (CACs)
at SAE Level 3 opens a range of opportunities along with
numerous questions that must be addressed to safely adopt this
new vehicle technology. While public acceptance and the
acceptance of potential users have already been intensively
researched, this study investigates the acceptance of CACs from
the point of view of different road user groups, such as
pedestrians, cyclists and riders of powered two-wheelers as so-
called vulnerable road users (VRUs), as well as the drivers of
conventional cars. The study measures a priori road user
acceptance of CACs using an international population survey
that was conducted within the framework of the EU Horizon
2020 funded project ‘BRidging gaps for the adoption of
Publishing history
Submitted: 16 December 2020
Accepted: 30 September 2021
Published: 16 November 2021
Cite as
Schrauth, B., Funk, W., Maier,
S., & Kraetsch, C. (2021). The
acceptance of conditionally
automated cars from the
perspective of different road
user groups. European Journal
of Transport and
Infrastructure Research, 21(4),
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EJTIR 21(4), 2021, pp.81-103 82
Schrauth, Funk, Maier and Kraetsch
The acceptance of conditionally automated cars from the perspective of different road user groups
Automated VEhicles’ (BRAVE) in the participating EU-countries
France, Germany, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden as well as in
Australia and the USA. Including 5,827 respondents, the study
findings disclose a rather positive acceptance of CACs from the
perspective of different road user groups. However, concerns are
also apparent. Results from multivariate analyses indicate that
the acceptance of CACs differs between road user groups in that
VRUs demonstrated lower acceptance than non-automated car
drivers. The role of trust in the new vehicle technology also
appears to be significant. Consequently, future developments of
CACs should also focus on the communication between
automated cars and bystanders (e.g. via external human-machine
interfaces) to reduce uncertainties and promote trust.
© 2021 Bernhard Schrauth,
Walter Funk, Sarah Maier,
Clemens Kraetsch
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International
License (CC BY 4.0)
Keywords: conditionally automated cars, population survey, road user
group-specific acceptance, SAE Level 3, trust, vehicle automation
1. Introduction
1.1 Technological development and the acceptance of automated vehicle technology
The technological development of automated vehicles is in full swing. Automated vehicles from
SAE Level 3 to SAE Level 5, as defined by SAE International, are already in pilot stages or being
tested. One distinctive feature of this development is that automation from SAE Level 3 onwards
exceeds the limit that drivers must always drive during the journey: In certain driving situations,
the machine is the executing and responsible system, and the human driver is the fallback system
(see SAE International, 2018). Conditionally automated cars (CACs) corresponding with SAE
Level 3 will be the first step towards automated driving, representing an upcoming paradigm shift
in which the driver hands over the driving task to the car. Though in SAE Level 3 technology, the
CAC being in automated mode requires the driver to be vigilant while attending to other tasks
such as reading or using a smartphone etc. The driver must be able to take over the wheel and the
pedals at any time. By definition, this restriction is only lifted in the later SAE levels 4 or 5.
According to experts, the market-wide introduction of cars with SAE Level 3 technology may be
expected within a few years, albeit at first in special traffic situations such as on motorways
(Eriksson, 2021).
Despite the rapid progress in the last decade, the development of market-ready CACs still faces
technological challenges, such as the vigilance on the part of the driver and the critical situation
that follows take-over requests from the automated system (Banks et al., 2018; Gold, Happee &
Bengler, 2018). Other problems refer to the interaction with other road users that remain to be
defined (Straub & Schaefer, 2019). While the introduction of automated driving opens a range of
societal opportunities, this technological challenge also creates a multitude of political and social
problem areas (Fagnant & Kockelman, 2015; Johnsen et al., 2018; Milakis, van Arem & van Wee,
2017). A successful introduction of CACs, however, requires acceptance by potential users or
buyers as well as by society and other road users. Concerns that are not taken seriously or
insufficient clarification of regulatory issues could lead to a negative attitude towards CACs,
potentially preventing their widespread introduction. Moreover, and along the same lines,
researchers consider the widespread acceptance of CACs in society an important prerequisite, as
the benefits of automated vehicle technology will only materialise if this technology is widely
disseminated (Cunningham & Regan, 2020).
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The acceptance of conditionally automated cars from the perspective of different road user groups
While public acceptance and potential users’ approval of the technology have already been
intensively researched, the acceptance of automated driving vehicles from the point of view of
different road user groups, including vulnerable road users (VRUs) such as cyclists and
pedestrians, has received scarce attention to date (Deb et al., 2017; Hulse, Xie & Galea, 2018; Saleh,
Hossny & Nahavandi, 2017). Pedestrians, cyclists or riders of powered two-wheelers (PTW riders)
have most often been included in the discussion when their communication or interaction with
automated vehicles have been the object of research (Merat et al., 2018; Stanciu et al., 2018).
However, the research and development of automated vehicle technology might consider the
drivers of non-automated vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians as ‘bystanders’ (Scholtz, 2003) whose
acceptance must also be comprehensively taken into account in the event of this impending change
in road traffic. In this sense, the technological development of automated vehicles must follow the
principle of a Pareto-optimal improvement (Diekmann, 2016). That is, it must be of general interest
that the introduction of CACs must not be limited only at increasing the road safety and comfort
of the ‘drivers’ of automated vehicles. At the same time, other road users like pedestrians, cyclists,
PTW riders and drivers of non-automated cars must not be placed in a worse position and exposed
to any new safety risks or other disadvantages created upon the introduction of automated vehicle
1.2 Study aims
Against that background, the first aim of this study is to investigate the acceptance of CACs from
the perspective of the different road user groups. For this purpose, this paper proposes a
measurement tool for road user acceptance that captures the a priori acceptance of CACs from the
perspective of other road users and explores the mentioned research gap. Subsequently, as a
secondary goal, the research examines whether road user groups differ in their a priori acceptance
of automatic vehicles with SAE Level 3 technology. In this regard, a special focus will be placed on
the acceptance of CACs on the part of VRUs and whether VRUs differ from each other as well as
from drivers of manually driven cars.
The study bases its findings on a population survey from the research project ‘BRidging gaps for
the adoption of Automated VEhicles’ (BRAVE), funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme (No. 723021). This multidisciplinary research project,
including partners from seven countries, evaluated the needs and concerns of all road users
affected by the introduction of CACs and sought to encourage technological improvements
In this paper, chapter 2 addresses the mentioned research aims by reviewing the status of the
existing literature on the acceptance of automated vehicle technology and identifying crucial
factors for examining road user groups’ acceptance of CACs. Chapter 3 then describes the methods
chosen to measure the acceptance of CACs from various road users’ perspectives. The survey
results thus obtained are analysed in chapter 4. Chapter 5 discusses the study findings, and chapter
6 completes this study with a conclusion.
2. Literature
2.1 Acceptance of automated vehicle technology
A major challenge for measuring the acceptance of automated vehicle technology (i.e. more
advanced than SAE Level 2) by users or different road user groups is the lack of automated cars
featuring SAE Level 3 and above on the roads. Consequently, measuring the acceptance of CACs
in surveys based on objective criteria, observable behaviour or subjective experiences is not
currently possible. At present, studies are limited to approximating acceptance through
Although the survey and the presented results explicitly focus on automation at SAE Level 3, the following
chapter uses the term ‘automated’ for SAE Levels 3 to 5 without detailing the specific level.
EJTIR 21(4), 2021, pp.81-103 84
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The acceptance of conditionally automated cars from the perspective of different road user groups
experiments, simulations or surveys examining the willingness to buy, the attitudes towards
automated cars or the intention to use them (Adell, Nilsson & Várhelyi, 2014).
In related research, several theoretical psychological models have been applied to predict the
individual behavioural intention to use or buy a CAC as proxies for an a priori acceptance. For
example, the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) (Ajzen, 1991) and the Technology Acceptance
Model (TAM) (Davis, Bagozzi & Warshaw, 1989) or the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of
Technology (UTAUT) (Venkatesh et al., 2003) have been used in research investigating the
acceptance of automated vehicles (Kaye et al., 2020; Madigan et al., 2017; Nordhoff et al., 2020). In
these theoretical models, acceptance was originally recorded as the observable behaviour
concerning the use of the technical artefact. In case of the acceptance of automated cars, any
research objectives are limited to measuring behavioural intention. Different factors in these
theoretical models facilitate explaining attitudes and behavioural intentions towards automated
vehicles, such as perceived usefulness or perceived ease of use of automated vehicles (Choi & Ji,
2015; Zhang et al., 2019; for a review, see also Jing et al., 2020).
Besides these theoretically oriented studies, the body of research regarding the public acceptance
of automated vehicles is continuously growing, using respondents’ attitudes, behavioural
intentions or the willingness to pay or buy to measure this phenomenon (Becker & Axhausen, 2017;
Cunningham et al., 2019b; Daziano, Sarrias & Leard, 2017; Gkartzonikas & Gkritza, 2019; Jing et
al., 2020; Nordhoff et al., 2019). In general, empirical studies have reported mostly positive
attitudes towards the new automated vehicle technologies or rather, positive intentions to use an
automated vehicle. For example, Schoettle and Sivak (2014a) found that 65.8% of their respondents
from the USA, UK and Australia expressed at least a slight interest in owning or leasing an SAE
Level 4 automated car. Other empirical studies, however, have indicated a certain reluctance
towards the adoption of CACs. In the BRAVE population survey, 39.0% of the respondents agreed
with the item ‘I think I will not use conditionally automated cars when available’ and only 33.2%
of the respondents expressed their future intention to use a CAC by refusing this item; 27.8% of the
respondents stayed neutral (Schrauth et al., 2020). Further empirical results have shown that
potential users would pay less for SAE Level 3 automated vehicles than for vehicles featuring SAE
Level 4 (Bansal, Kockelman & Singh, 2016; Kyriakidis, Happee & Winter, 2015). Furthermore,
acceptance studies often took a country-specific perspective and documented results e.g. for
Australia (Cunningham et al., 2019a) or Austria (Wintersberger, Azmat & Kummer, 2019). But
there is also a substantial number of studies that conduct multi-country surveys which often report
diverging results between the countries (Kaye et al., 2020; Kyriakidis, Happee & Winter, 2015;
Nordhoff et al., 2020; Schoettle & Sivak, 2014b).
Research findings also demonstrated that sociodemographic characteristics affect people’s
attitudes or behavioural intentions toward automated vehicles; for example, males tend to show a
higher acceptance of automated vehicles than females (Choi & Ji, 2015; Cunningham et al., 2019a;
Hohenberger, Spörrle & Welpe, 2016; Hulse, Xie & Galea, 2018; Kyriakidis, Happee & Winter, 2015;
Zhang et al., 2019). Although findings based on age vary or are not statistically significant in
multivariate settings, results generally tend to indicate higher acceptance among younger
respondents (Bansal, Kockelman & Singh, 2016; Nordhoff et al., 2019; Schoettle & Sivak, 2014a).
Furthermore, people living in urban areas apparently display a higher acceptance of automated
vehicle technology (Hudson, Orviska & Hunady, 2019; Piao et al., 2016). Findings reflecting
individual socioeconomic background are scarce, though some have indicated positive influence
of higher education on acceptance (Hudson, Orviska & Hunady, 2019) or of higher income on the
willingness to pay for automated technology (Bansal, Kockelmann & Singh, 2016; Kyriakidis,
Happee & Winter, 2015). In addition to individual sociodemographic characteristics, individual
attitudes toward the use of new technologies also show a positive influence on the acceptance of
automated vehicle technology (Deb et al., 2017; Zmud & Sener, 2017) or on the intention to use or
For a discussion on a priori acceptance and acceptability, see Adell, Várhelyi, and Nilsson (2014).
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The acceptance of conditionally automated cars from the perspective of different road user groups
buy it (Bansal, Kockelmann & Singh, 2016). In several studies that capture both sociodemographic
and attitude-based variables it appears that attitudinal measures outweighed characteristics such
as gender or age. Attitude-based measures often demonstrated a stronger correlation with the used
measure for the intention to use, the willingness to buy a vehicle with automated technology or
acceptance of automated vehicles in multivariate settings (Cunningham et al., 2019b; Kaye et al.,
2020; Payre, Cestac & Delhomme, 2014).
Parallel to the research on acceptance of automated vehicle technology, numerous studies have
collected insights on concerns, needs and expectations raised by the foreseeable introduction of
CACs (König & Neumayr, 2017; Schoettle & Sivak, 2014a). Gkartzonikas and Gkritza (2019) in their
meta-study provided a concise overview of extant findings. Among the frequently mentioned
benefits leading to increased acceptance of automated vehicles, the authors enumerated
improvements in road safety, increased productivity, higher fuel efficiency, lower emissions and
cost reductions for fuel, parking or insurance. Additionally, automated technology might provide
enhanced mobility for persons with reduced mobility (Piao et al., 2016). On the other hand, research
studies have uncovered serious concerns about automated technology, including various aspects
of safety issues related to system failures, legal liability or data privacy as well as the cybersecurity
of automated vehicles (Gkartzonikas & Gkritza, 2019).
2.2 Trust as a precondition for acceptance
Trust in vehicle technology, which was not explicitly taken into account in the original versions of
psychological acceptance models, was later integrated, e.g. in a revised version of the TAM
(Ghazizadeh et al., 2012). Nevertheless, researchers regard trust as a vital factor in the acceptance
of automated vehicle technology (Hoff & Bashir, 2015; Lee & See, 2004). Lee and See (2004) captured
trust as an attitude and a prerequisite for the development of behavioural intentions and actual
behaviour, making it an essential issue for measurement in the context of automated vehicle
technology. The formation of trust is described as an experience-based variable (Hoff & Bashir,
2015) which can hardly be depicted as such in current research on CACs. Thus, Hoff and Bashir
(2015, p. 420) referred to initial trust as ‘trust prior to interacting with a system’, in contrast to the
dynamic learned trust formed via interaction with a system.
Several relevant studies have proven trust being a significant factor in research on the experimental
or simulated use of automation technology (Gold et al., 2015; Hergeth et al., 2016; Payre, Cestac &
Delhomme, 2016). Other empirical studies have included this dimension in analysing the
acceptance of automated cars and verified its importance (Choi & Ji, 2015; Kaur & Rampersad,
2018; Jing et al., 2020; Zhang et al., 2019). Results indicate that higher levels of trust in the
automation technology correlate specifically with an increased intention to use automated vehicles
or, more generally, with higher acceptance. Likewise, Zmud and Sener (2017) reported a lack of
trust as the top reason for a low probability of using automated vehicles.
2.3 Acceptance of other road users
A major part of research to date has examined users' or public acceptance of automated vehicle
technology. However, this perspective overlooks the various road users who will be directly
affected and forced to interact with automated cars in road traffic. Even though many studies have
asserted that automated vehicle technology will increase road safety, for example, by reducing
human errors and following traffic rules, researchers also pointed out numerous barriers and
concerns about the pending introduction of automated vehicles that refer to users and other road
users (Gkartzonikas & Gkritza, 2019; Johnsen et al., 2018; König & Neumayr, 2017).
To date, only a few empirical studies have focused on the perspectives of other road users and
examined their attitudes towards automated vehicles (Deb et al., 2017; Penmetsa et al., 2019;
Pyrialakou et al., 2020). Deb et al. (2017) conducted a survey to identify pedestrians’ receptivity of
fully automated vehicles. Their findings indicated a positive correlation between the acceptance of
vehicle technology and three identified factors: the safe operation of an automated vehicle, the
EJTIR 21(4), 2021, pp.81-103 86
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interaction with an automated car in a crossing situation and the compatibility of an automated
vehicle with the existing traffic system. Penmetsa et al. (2019) reported that pedestrians and cyclists
who had experienced interactions with automated vehicles on Pittsburgh’s public proving ground
expressed more positive beliefs regarding their safety than others with no interaction experience.
Pyrialakou et al. (2020), in a study involving interactions on a public testing ground in Phoenix-
Mesa-Scottsdale, Arizona, found that respondents felt safer driving near an automated vehicle than
walking or cycling close to it. In these studies, males showed more positive attitudes towards
automated vehicles than females. Moreover, the studies’ results partially confirmed the previously
mentioned findings relating to age and location from other acceptance studies.
Behavioural studies evaluating the interaction of road users with automated vehicles have
additionally pointed to possible adverse reactions of other road users toward automated vehicles
on the road. Specifically, road users might exploit the risk-averse and rule-compliant driving style
of automated vehicles by taking the right of way or driving aggressively, knowing that the
automated vehicle will stop or give way in any case (Camara et al., 2018; Liu et al., 2020; Millard-
Ball, 2018).
3. Methodology
3.1 Study design
Data from an international population survey were used to pursue the investigation of the study
aims outlined in section 1.2. The survey, which was conducted within the context of the research
project BRAVE (Schrauth et al., 2020), took place in the seven countries of the participating project
partners (the EU countries France, Germany, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden plus Australia and the
USA) and lasted from December 2019 to February 2020. The survey was conducted via computer-
assisted web interviews. Participant recruitment for the online survey was carried out using the
online access panel from KANTAR Lightspeed. The Ethics Commission of the School of Business,
Economics and Society of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg approved this research project.
The survey was performed concurrently in all seven countries in the respective national language,
and quotas for gender, age and regions within each of the countries were applied (for more details
see Schrauth et al., 2020). In each of the participating countries, 1,000 road users aged 18 and above
were interviewed. Of these 7,000 respondents, 392 cases were deleted after data quality checks,
leaving 6,608 respondents in the data set of the BRAVE population survey for further analyses.
3.2 Questionnaire
In the BRAVE project, the questionnaire for the population survey was developed according to the
results from a preceding literature review (Johnsen et al., 2018) and explorative focus group
discussions conducted in four countries Germany, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden (Kraetsch et al.,
2019). The questionnaire’s introduction informed the respondents about the concept of SAE Levels
as well as the characteristics of vehicles with SAE Level 3 technology and specified that the survey
questions throughout referred to CACs featuring SAE Level 3. The questionnaire covered multiple
topics and contained questions regarding the acceptance of and trust in CACs as well as concerns
and expectations towards the new automated vehicle technology. Furthermore, it included
questions exploring respondent’s affinity for technology, preferences for external human-machine
interfaces (HMIs) and the ethical and legal implications of CACs. The gathered survey data also
yielded information on preferences related to the main transportation mode, the mobility
behaviour and social demographics of the respondents. The complete questionnaire containing 62
questions and statements to assess can be viewed in the documentation of the openly accessible
data (Schrauth et al., 2021).
At the core of the questionnaire, respondents were provided with a description of a predefined
traffic situation including a fictitious interaction with a CAC in automated mode. This description
varied for the different types of the main transportation mode, including pedestrian traffic (see
EJTIR 21(4), 2021, pp.81-103 87
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The acceptance of conditionally automated cars from the perspective of different road user groups
Table 1). The respondents were given the traffic situation that corresponded to their previously
indicated main transportation mode most frequently used in a working week.
This approach
allowed exploiting respondents’ experiences regarding their main transportation mode in the
survey. Furthermore, possible differences between road user groups could be detected. All the
presented fictitious traffic situations had in common that they contained a crossing situation in
which the respondent as a pedestrian, cyclist, PTW rider or car driver would have the right of
way over the CAC. Following the description of the road user-specific traffic situation, respondents
were asked to document their subjective feelings about their personal road safety in this
hypothetical situation, along with their acceptance of and trust in CACs from their point of view.
Table 1. Specified traffic situations for different road user groups
Main mode of transportation
Specified traffic situation
You are walking in an urban area and want to cross the road at a pedestrian
crossing without traffic lights. At the same time, a conditionally automated
car (SAE Level 3) approaches the pedestrian crossing. The car is driving in
automated mode.
You are riding a bicycle in an urban area and approach a junction without
road signs or traffic lights. From the left, a conditionally automated car (SAE
Level 3) approaches. The car is driving in automated mode. You have the
right of way in this situation.
PTW rider
You are riding a powered two-wheeler in an urban area and approach a
junction without road signs or traffic lights. From the left, a conditionally
automated car (SAE Level 3) approaches. The car is driving in automated
mode. You have the right of way in this situation.
Car driver
You are driving a non-automated car in an urban area and approach a
junction without road signs or traffic lights. From the left, a conditionally
automated car (SAE Level 3) approaches. The car is driving in automated
mode. You have the right of way in this situation.
3.3 Measures
Road user acceptance
Setting up and analysing a measure for the a priori acceptance of CACs from the perspective of
other road users was one central aim of this study. As outlined earlier, a fundamental problem in
measuring the acceptance of CACs is the non-market ready stage of their technological
development and the resulting lack of approval for road traffic. The current measurement of
acceptance can only refer to road users’ a priori acceptance since the respondents most likely have
not had any experience with automated vehicles from SAE Level 3 onwards. Another issue
impedes the measurement of non-user’s acceptance: While most of the existing research has
examined the potential users’ acceptance of automated vehicle technology, comparable studies and
theoretical concepts for developing and assessing the measurement tool for road user acceptance
proposed in this study are hardly available.
The approach chosen in the BRAVE population survey was based on the findings of
psychologically oriented user-centred research (Johnsen et al., 2018). Existing research on user
acceptance employing simulations or experiments has already identified dimensions that provide
explanatory power for predicting user acceptance, such as perceived ease of use, perceived
usefulness or the compatibility of (conditionally) automated vehicles (Choi & Ji, 2015; Ghazizadeh
et al., 2012; Jing et al., 2020; Zhang et al., 2019). These dimensions were used for an attitude-based
The use of public transport was omitted because users of public transport would not be in direct interaction
with the CAC. Instead, respondents were asked to consider the way to or from public transport in indicating
their main transportation mode.
EJTIR 21(4), 2021, pp.81-103 88
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measurement of road users’ acceptance of CACs (see Table 2). Accordingly, the three items listed
in Table 2 were specially (re-)formulated or modified according to the prevailing intention of the
population survey. In the questionnaire, these items followed the description of the traffic scenario
outlined in section 3.2 and their formulation was individually adapted to reflect the respondents’
indicated main mode of transportation so that the specific perspective of a pedestrian, cyclist, PTW
rider or driver of a non-automated car was collected. Respondents could state their opinion on a 5-
point Likert scale ranging from 1 ‘I strongly disagree’ to 5 ‘I strongly agree’.
Table 2. Items for the measurement of road user acceptance of CACs and descriptive
As a [pedestrian/cyclist/rider of
a PTW/driver], I think
conditionally automated cars will
be easy to communicate with.
Perceived ease of use
Elaboration based on:
Ghazizadeh et al. (2012)
As a [pedestrian/cyclist/rider of
a PTW/driver], I think that
conditionally automated cars will
cause problems for me and other
road users.8
Elaboration based on:
Ghazizadeh, Lee, and Boyle
As a [pedestrian/cyclist/rider of
a PTW/driver], I think that
conditionally automated cars will
make roads safer.
Perceived usefulness
Elaboration based on:
Ghazizadeh et al. (2012)
* Response categories for items on road user acceptance: 1 = ‘I strongly disagree’, 2 = ‘I disagree’, 3 = ‘I neither
agree nor disagree’, 4 = ‘I agree’, 5 = ‘I strongly agree’.
* SD = standard deviation
To assess the consistency of the scale, the reliability measure of Cronbach's alpha is used.
Cronbach’s alpha for the three items was 0.78, which is above the generally agreed lower limit of
0.70 and thus allows further use in one index (Hair et al., 2014). Hence, these three items were used
to calculate an additive index representing the a priori road user acceptance of CACs. The index
was calculated by adding the values of each of the three items and dividing the sum by the number
of items resulting in an index that ranges from 1 to 5 corresponding to the single items. The built
index reflects the measurement of an a priori acceptance of CACs from the perspective of road
users and forms the central target variable of bi- and multivariate analyses in this study.
General trust in CACs
The measurement of general trust in CACs was carried out with an already existing scale consisting
of three items and having proven reliability (Choi & Ji, 2015; Zhang et al., 2019). As with the
measure of acceptance, these items cannot depict trust formed by real experiences but can represent
the initial trust that road users may place in CACs (Hoff & Bashir, 2015). The formulation of the
items has been adapted to the context of CACs. For further use in statistical analyses, the three
items were combined into an additive index in the same way as for the road user acceptance before.
The reliability analysis for the three items yielded a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.89 (see Table 3).
Because of the negative formulation of this item in contrast to the other two items on road user acceptance, the
values of this variable were recoded for the calculation of the additive index of the road user acceptance. With
the reversed coding, the values of all items now point in the same direction where higher values correspond
with more positive attitudes towards CACs.
If not otherwise emphasised in the following text, the road user acceptance in this study always refers to an a
priori measurement.
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The acceptance of conditionally automated cars from the perspective of different road user groups
Personal innovativeness
Several studies have shown the importance of enthusiasm to use or try out technology, e.g. Deb et
al. (2017) identified personal innovativeness as a predictor for the acceptance of automated vehicle
technology. Innovativeness describes a personal interest in testing and using new technical
devices. In this study, an already existing measurement instrument was used to assess personal
innovativeness (Agarwal & Prasad, 1998) that has also been used in Deb et al. (2017). For the
questionnaire, three items were selected from the original instrument and slightly modified to fit
the research subject. To conduct further statistical analyses, an index was formed out of the three
items. Again, the additive index was formed in the same way as the index of the road user
acceptance before. Cronbach’s alpha for these three items was 0.75 (see Table 3).
Table 3. Items and descriptive statistics for measurement of general trust in CACs and
personal innovativeness
General trust in CACs
Conditionally automated cars will be dependable.
Conditionally automated cars will act reliably.
Overall, I will trust conditionally automated cars.
Personal innovativeness
Among my peers, I am usually the first to try out
new technologies.
In general, I am hesitant to try out new
I like to experiment with new technologies.
* Response categories for items on general trust in CACs and personal innovativeness: 1 = ‘I strongly disagree’,
2 = ‘I disagree’, 3 = ‘I neither agree nor disagree’, 4 = ‘I agree’, 5 = ‘I strongly agree’.
Sociodemographics and mobility behaviour
Next to the attitude-based measures, several information on sociodemographics and the mobility
behaviour of the road users surveyed are available in the dataset. The survey data entails
information on gender and age as well as measures for the educational level, the socioeconomic
status and the place of living. The measurement of these latter three variables follows standardized
questions from the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP), which ensures international
comparability (GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Science, 2019). The educational level was
measured by the highest educational degree following a slightly modified standardised procedure
specified by the ISSP for each country (ISSP Research Group, 2019). The socioeconomic status was
depicted with an existing self-placement scale for social positioning within the society. This
instrument measured the self-assessment of respondents using a 10-point scale from 1 ‘Lowest,
Bottom’ to 10 ‘Highest, Top’. The respondents’ place of living was operationalized using five
categories of which the two categories ‘village’ and ‘farm’ were combined due to the low number
of respondents on farms.
Measures reflecting the mobility behaviour of the road users surveyed were the average frequency
of trips on a day from Monday to Friday, the most frequently used mode of transportation for
everyday private mobility and the previous experience with advanced driver assistance systems
(ADAS) which was measured on a 4-point Likert scale ranging from 1 ‘Never’ to 4 ‘Often’.
Like in footnote 8, the negative formulation of this item was considered in data analysis by recoding the values
of the variable.
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3.4 Data analysis
Data analysis was performed in two steps. In the first step, the results of the measurement tool
determining road user acceptance were examined with the use of univariate and bivariate analysis
methods. The bivariate analysis used a set of independent variables, including gender, age,
respondents’ country of residence and main transportation mode demonstrating underlying
correlations of the variables with the road user acceptance. In the second step, a multivariate
analysis was applied, considering the calculated additive index of road user acceptance as the
dependent variable. By using a multivariate analysis method, the individual effects of the different
determinants can be depicted in isolation while controlling for the chosen set of independent
variables. According to the metric level of the dependent variable, a two-step linear regression was
carried out. From the 6,608 respondents remaining in the original sample of the BRAVE population
survey, some were removed due to missing values mostly caused by item non-response, leaving
5,827 records for the univariate and bivariate as well as for the multivariate analyses.
predictors of age and respondents’ socioeconomic status as well as personal innovativeness and
general trust in CACs are included as metric variables in the regression analysis. The categorical
independent variables of main mode of transportation, place of living, highest educational level,
number of trips per day, and experience with ADAS are added to the model in dichotomized form.
So is gender, which is also included dichotomously in the calculation. The analytical strategy took
into account the location of the respondents in the individual countries to adequately address the
multi-level research design of the survey, which had been conducted in seven countries. Thus, the
multivariate analysis used one common model for all countries with country-specific clustered
standard errors (Bryan & Jenkins, 2016). Data analysis was performed using Stata IC 13.
4. Results
4.1 Demographics and technology-related attributes
In the data set prepared for the data analyses (n = 5,827), 50.0 % female road users remained. On
average, the survey participants had an age of  = 44.69 years (standard deviation SD = 16.44).
Regarding the respondents’ educational level, the category of educational degrees on tertiary level
formed the largest group with 45.2%, participants with upper or post-secondary degrees comprise
39.5%. The lowest proportion was made up by road users with lower or no educational degrees
(15.3%). Regarding the self-reported estimation of socioeconomic status, the respondents ranked
themselves, on average, somewhat above the middle ( = 6.23; SD = 1.66).
26.1% of road users in the dataset lived in cities and 23.0% in suburbs. The largest proportion of
31.1% resided in towns and 19.2% of the road users stated that they live in villages or on farms.
Regarding the mode of transport used most often for everyday private mobility, car drivers formed
the largest (66.9%) and pedestrians the second largest proportion (24.7%); cyclists (6.0%) and
motorcyclists (2.4%) were in the minority. The median number of trips per day was = 3.
Of the road users surveyed, 15.5% had already often used ADAS up to the time of the survey.
Furthermore, in the survey 25.2% stated they have sometimes used ADAS and 22.2% stated that
they have rarely done so. The share of respondents not having used ADAS was the largest with
37.1%. Regarding the respondents’ enthusiasm of dealing with new technologies, the index for
personal innovativeness yielded an average of  = 3.21 (SD = 0.93) and the average general trust in
CACs was  = 3.28 (SD = 0.95).
4.2 Univariate analysis of items regarding road user acceptance
The additive index calculated from the three items introduced in Table 2 yielded an average value
of  = 3.12 (SD = 0.87) on a scale ranging from 1 ‘I strongly disagree’ to 5 ‘I strongly agree’. The
The results reported below may differ from results presented in Schrauth et al. (2020), as this paper’s findings
refer to the cases included in the multivariate analysis only.
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response frequencies to the three items underlying the formation of road user acceptance are
presented in Table 4. 44.7% of the road users in the sample expected easy communication with
CACs, remarkably less survey participants (strongly) disagreed with this statement (27.1%). The
statement that CACs will make roads safer was (strongly) agreed to by 47.1%. This assessment is
contradicted by 23.2% of the road users surveyed. In contrast to the rather positive attitudes before,
39.7% of road users expected problems for themselves and other road users; 30.1% of the
respondents, on the opposite, did not expect any problems. The univariate findings suggest a basic
acceptance of CACs in which positive agreement exceeds disapproval regarding the
communication with the CAC and the expected improvements in road safety. However, the
findings simultaneously signal doubts about how the new technology will fit into the current road
traffic system.
Table 4. Items and descriptive statistics for measurement of the road user acceptance of
I strongly
I agree
I neither
agree nor
I dis-
I strongly
As a [pedestrian/cyclist/rider of a
PTW/driver], I think conditionally
automated cars will be easy to communicate
As a [pedestrian/cyclist/rider of a
PTW/driver], I think that conditionally
automated cars will make roads safer.
As a [pedestrian/cyclist/rider of a
PTW/driver], I think that conditionally
automated cars will cause problems for me
and other road users.
4.3 Bivariate analysis of the road user acceptance
For subsequent bivariate analyses, the additive index of the road user acceptance of CACs was
used as the dependent variable. A correlation analysis of road users’ acceptance and gender using
Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient resulted in a moderate negative correlation
(r = -0.13, p < 0.001). This result suggests that the female road users demonstrated less road user
acceptance of CACs than males. A negative correlation also resulted from the bivariate correlation
analysis between road user groups’ acceptance and age (r = -0.20, p < 0.001), signalling that
acceptance of CACs decreased with advancing age. Categorising age into subgroups as presented
in Table 5, furthermore, a non-linear relationship became apparent saying that in particular the
oldest age group demonstrates a lower acceptance of CACs.
Road user acceptance differed greatly depending on the respondents’ countries of residence
(Kruskal-Wallis H test with χ2(6) = 220.041, p < 0.001; Cramer’s V = 0.10, p < 0.001). Respondents from
Spain and Slovenia showed, on average, the highest acceptance of CACs (see Table 5). Meanwhile,
respondents from Sweden, Australia and France ranked midfield, and road users from the USA
and Germany comparably reported the lowest acceptance of CACs on the street.
The subgroup analysis by the means of transport most frequently used in a working week also
demonstrated statistically significant differences (Kruskal-Wallis H test with χ2(3) = 21.214, p < 0.001;
Cramer’s V = 0.06, p < 0.01). Among the road user groups, PTW riders showed the highest
acceptance of CACs on the road, followed by car drivers and cyclists (see Table 5). In all countries,
pedestrians indicated the lowest acceptance of CACs on the road. That is, motorized road user
groups showed higher acceptance of CACs than cyclists and pedestrians.
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Table 5. Index of road user acceptance by gender, age, respondents’ country of residence and
main mode of transportation
Index of road user acceptance
By gender
By age (in years)
Up to 24
25 to 34
35 to 44
45 to 54
55 and more
By country
By main mode of transportation
PTW rider
Car driver
Bivariate analyses with the attitude-based predispositions of general trust in CACs (= 3.28,
SD = 0.95) and personal innovativeness ( = 3.21, SD = 0.93) revealed a strong relationship with
the index of road user acceptance. The calculated correlation between road user group acceptance
and general trust was r = 0.71 (p < 0.001). As proposed by the theoretical models, this strong
positive correlation highlights the essential role of trust for the acceptance of CACs. The correlation
coefficient for the relationship between road user acceptance and personal innovativeness was
r = 0.46 (p < 0.001). Thus, personal interest to experiment with new technologies showed a
moderately strong positive correlation with the acceptance of CACs.
4.4 Multivariate analysis of the road user acceptance
This section reports the results of a multivariate two-step linear regression analysis carried out
with the index of road user acceptance of CACs as the dependent variable. In the first step of the
multivariate analysis, the relationships between the dependent variable and variables covering
sociodemographic characteristics such as gender and age
, the main transportation mode, the
frequency of daily trips and experience with ADAS were estimated (see Table 6). Likewise, the
impact of the location of residence, the socioeconomic status and the highest educational level of
the respondents on the specific acceptance of CACs was examined in the analysis since the extant
research results have emphasised their relevance. The second step additionally included the
variables of attitude-based predispositions ‘personal innovativeness’ and ‘general trust in CACs’
in Model 2.
In the regression, age was included as a metric variable. The addition of age squared addressed the curvilinear
relationship indicated in the preceding bivariate analyses (see Table 5).
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Table 6. Linear regression models with road user acceptance of CACs as the dependent
variable; use of robust standard errors, clustered by country (i.e. standard errors
(SE), confidence intervals (CI))
Model 1
Model 2
Robust SE
Robust SE
Female (ref.: male)
-0.29, -0.13
-0.09, -0.00
-0.01, 0.03
-0.00, 0.02
-0.00, 0.00
-0.00, 0.00
Main mode of transportation
(ref.: car driver)
-0.17, -0.01
-0.15, -0.05
-0.25, -0.02
-0.24, -0.05
PTW rider
-0.26, 0.13
-0.37, -0.05
Location of residence
(ref.: farm/village)
-0.05, 0.20
-0.07, 0.12
-0.06, 0.15
-0.11, 0.04
-0.01, 0.34
-0.08, 0.07
Highest level of education
(ref.: low educational level)
Middle educational level
-0.13, 0.08
-0.07, 0.05
High educational level
-0.09, 0.06
-0.08, 0.02
Social positioning
0.02, 0.07
-0.02, 0.01
Average number of trips per day
(ref.: none or one trip per day)
Two trips per day
-0.07, 0.26
-0.09, 0.14
Three to four trips per day
-0.01, 0.28
-0.08, 0.13
Five to eight trips per day
0.010, 0.26
-0.05, 0.15
Nine and more trips per day
-0.05, 0.31
-0.10, 0.18
Experience with ADAS (ref.: never)
0.17, 0.28
-0.06, 0.08
0.26, 0.41
0.00, 0.07
0.26, 0.56
-0.04, 0.09
Personal innovativeness
0.15, 0.20
General trust in CACs
0.52, 0.63
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Table 6. (continued)
Model 1
Model 2
Robust SE
Robust SE
2.21, 3.00
0.12, 0.94
Number of observations
Adjusted R-square
* Significance level: * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001.
Table 6 presents the results of the linear regression analysis, including 5,827 respondents. Model 1
achieved an explanatory power of Adjusted R2 = 0.12 indicating an only weak explanatory power.
Statistically significant predictors in this model were the road users’ gender and belonging to the
vulnerable road user groups of pedestrians and cyclists each in contrast to the drivers of
conventional cars. Despite the significance in bivariate analysis, age and age squared did not yield
a significant prediction in the regression model. Further variables of statistical relevance were the
self-reported social positioning, a certain frequency of trips per day (five to eight) and previous
experience with ADAS. These three variables all exerted a positive influence on road user
acceptance in the first regression model. In other words, a higher self-placement on the ten-point-
scale of the social positioning towards upper social strata, a higher number of trips per day, and
more experience with ADAS significantly correlated with higher acceptance of CACs. In contrast,
being female lowered road user acceptance as well as being mainly a pedestrian or a cyclist in
reference to driving a conventional car. Other sociodemographic factors such as age or educational
level did not yield a statistically significant relationship in the regression model.
The introduction of the attitude-based predispositions ‘personal innovativeness’ and ‘general trust
in CACs’ in Model 2 remarkably increased the predictive power of the statistical regression model
(Adjusted R2 = 0.54). Simultaneously, some of the observed results in Model 1 disappeared, or the
calculated strength of the correlation decreased in the second model. Of the variables identified in
Model 1, gender and the main mode of transportation remained statistically significant predictors
for the acceptance of CACs. Though, the strength of the correlation between gender and the
dependent variable was considerably reduced in Model 2, females continued to exhibit
significantly less acceptance of CACs than males. In contrast, the relationship between the main
mode of transportation and the acceptance of CACs became more prominent and stronger in
Model 2. Compared to drivers of manually driven cars, pedestrians, cyclists and PTW riders
demonstrated significantly lower road user acceptance levels. This indicates that the modes of
transportation attributed to VRUs stood out markedly in their lower acceptance of CACs. Whereas
drivers of conventional cars, on the opposite, showed the greatest acceptance of CACs in the
fictitious traffic scenarios in the questionnaire presented.
In Model 2, the indices of personal innovativeness and general trust in CACs proved statistically
significant and appeared to be positive and rather strong determinants of road user acceptance in
CACs. Comparatively, general trust in CACs showed an even stronger positive correlation than
personal innovativeness. According to these results, the coefficients of the two attitudinal variables
in the second model and the additional explanatory power show that personal innovativeness and,
in particular, general trust in CACs were essentially related to road user acceptance of CACs as
measured in the predefined traffic scenarios.
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5. Discussion
5.1 Synthesis of findings
This study assessed the a priori acceptance of CACs from the perspective of different road user
groups. Upon the market-wide introduction of CACs, road users such as pedestrians, cyclists and
PTW riders as well as drivers of non-automated cars will be forced to interact with CACs, raising
questions about their safety, especially among VRUs. Accordingly, the first aim of this study was
to measure the acceptance of CACs from the perspective of the different road user groups.
Furthermore, as a secondary goal, the presented study explored whether the road user groups
differed in their acceptance of CACs on SAE Level 3. These research aims were investigated with
a specifically developed measurement tool, building on previous research on user-centred
acceptance of automated vehicle technology. Given prior findings, the items of this tool refer to the
dimensions of the perceived ease of use, the compatibility with prevailing road traffic and the
perceived usefulness and are adapted to the perspective of the road users. The questionnaire of the
BRAVE population survey initially presented a description of a specific traffic situation involving
an interaction with an approaching CAC. This description differed according to the individually
used main mode of transportation, followed by the three items measuring the road user’s
acceptance of CACs.
The univariate results of the items for road user acceptance indicated a basic acceptance of CACs
in which communication with the CACs and their benefits for road safety were rated quite
positively. In this regard, the findings basically correspond with previous studies on public or user
acceptance of automated vehicle technology (Cunningham & Regan, 2020; Jing et al., 2020).
Compared to the positive assessment towards communication with CACs and their road safety,
however, findings revealed doubts from the road users about the compatibility with the existing
conditions in road traffic. Therefore, concerns raised regarding the reliability, cybersecurity or
liability of CACs as well as detecting the intentions of other road users in the BRAVE population
survey (Schrauth et al., 2020) should be thoroughly addressed in the further development and
implementation of automated vehicle technology to further improve acceptance among all road
user groups. An introduction of SAE Level 3 vehicles with insufficient acceptance among road
users might lead to rejection or undesired behaviour of other road users towards automated
vehicles, e.g. bullying or exploiting the risk-averse driving style of automated cars (Camara et al.,
2018; Liu et al., 2020).
Results on sociodemographic variables from the bi- and multivariate analyses performed with the
additive index of the road user acceptance of CACs recall similar patterns in familiar research on
user or public acceptance (Hulse, Xie & Galea, 2018; Kyriakidis, Happee & Winter 2015; Nordhoff
et al., 2020). Regarding gender, female road users showed a lower specific acceptance of CACs than
males. This relationship has been statistically confirmed in bi- and multivariate analyses. Though
in Modell 2 of the regression analysis, the gender effect weakened considerably after controlling
for general trust and personal innovativeness. A weakening or non-existent gender effect after
controlling for attitude-based variables in multivariate analyses was already evident in user-
centered acceptance studies of Kaye et al. (2020) or also Payre, Cestac & Delhomme (2014).
Similarly, the predictors of age and age squared did not become statistically significant in the
regression models as they did in bivariate analyses before. Comparable findings on weak or
diminishing effects of age on the acceptance of automated vehicle technology in multivariate
settings were also reported in Nordhoff et al. (2019), Kaye et al. (2020) and again in Payre, Cestac
& Delhomme (2014). These results reflect previous findings and underline the assumption
proposed by Hohenberger, Spörrle & Welpe (2016) that attitudes may mediate the correlation
between gender or age and the acceptance of automated vehicle technology.
Besides gender and age, other sociodemographic or mobility-related predictors, such as the
frequency of trips per day, the experience with ADAS, the respondent’s place of living, the highest
level of education or subjective social positioning, were not relevant or rather lost their statistical
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significance in step two of the regression analysis. Instead, general trust and personal
innovativeness were the central determinants for explaining road user acceptance of CACs. Both
attitude-based determinants had the strongest correlation with the road user acceptance of CACs,
while gender, age and other sociodemographic as well as mobility-related variables only showed
a small, often non-significant relation with the explanandum in the multivariate setting.
These findings point out the central role of trust and innovativeness for the road user acceptance
of CACs, which largely outweighs sociodemographic or mobility-related characteristics. As in
other research, a reasonable conclusion is that trust in and enthusiasm for technology determine
the acceptance of CACs among road users (Deb et al., 2017; Zhang et al., 2019). From the present
results, it appears that trust could be one of the crucial factors to increase the acceptance of CACs
among other road users. Further studies should thus also place trust in CACs at the centre of
research interest and investigate its determinants more closely. First experiences in interaction with
automated vehicles demonstrate positive effects on building trust, as has already became apparent
in the research of e.g. Penmetsa et al. (2019) and underpinning the experienced-based character of
trust (Hoff & Bashir, 2015). Though, it is challenging building trust in a vacuum where no CACs
are yet driving in real traffic. What an appropriate trust-building measures in the current stage
could look alike requires further efforts from research, industry and politics.
Next to the development of a measurement tool for road user acceptance, the second central aim
of this study was to investigate the differences in the acceptance of CACs among distinct groups
of road users. In this respect, the findings demonstrate that the road user groups significantly
varied in their specific acceptance of CACs. In the multivariate analysis, all groups of VRUs
pedestrians, cyclists and PTW riders revealed a lower acceptance of CACs in contrast to the non-
automated car drivers. Interestingly, results for PTW riders in the second model reveal a stronger
negative correlation than in the first model. This effect can be explained by examining the bivariate
correlations between the main mode of transportation and general trust as well as personal
innovativeness of the different road user groups: PTW riders have above-average general trust in
CACs and above-average personal innovativeness compared to the other road user groups.
Controlling for these relations in the second model, the net effect remains for the PTW riders, who
then demonstrated a strongly reduced acceptance compared to car drivers.
According to these results, the road user groups showed diverging levels of acceptance of CACs,
with VRUs expressing greater concerns about their subjective safety than car drivers. Two reasons
seem plausible for this assessment: first, it is conceivable that VRUs assume they are less likely to
be detected by CACs than cars and anticipate coordination problems with CACs. In addition, VRUs
are less protected in the event of a crash with a CAC and perceive themselves to have a higher risk
of injury when colliding with a CAC. Additionally, it fits the picture that cyclists and PTW riders
who will share the road with CACs are even less accepting CACs than pedestrians. The interaction
of CACs with pedestrians, cyclists and PTW riders must receive strong attention during
technological development to ensure that the safety of the VRUs is not jeopardised by unsuitable
detection systems that cannot precisely predict the VRUs’ intentions.
Moreover, it is remarkable that the addition of trust and innovativeness in the second model
reduced the effect sizes of most determinants regarding variables covering sociodemographics and
mobility behaviour but not those of the road user groups. The effect sizes and differences between
the road user groups remained persistent or even became more explicit and signal that besides
general trust-building measures, especially the individual road user groups must be targeted with
policies fostering acceptance of CACs.
Above that, findings from the bivariate analysis pointed out substantial differences in road user
acceptance of CACs among countries. Against the background of previous cross-national studies
on public or user acceptance, the results fit the picture of varying degrees of acceptance between
different countries (Cunningham & Regan, 2020) or different determinants within country-specific
analyses (Kaye et al., 2020). However, it is difficult to clearly attribute the differences between these
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seven western and industrialized countries neither to varying information regarding CACs in the
countries, diverging national technological progress, cultural aspects nor to the diversity in the
transport system. Similarly, Kaye et al. (2020) in their comparative study also found country-
specific results but could not clearly attribute them to specific reasons. Exemplary, Nordhoff et al.
(2020) in their international study likewise acknowledged country differences and declared this to
be still a research target. In this regard, more cross-country comparative studies would have to be
carried out to obtain a possible consistent picture of country differences. At the same time, further
multi-country studies would have to aim at exploring the effects of e.g. cultural aspects or national
conditions. A more detailed cross-country analysis of the acceptance of CACs seems essential as
the introduction of CACs will not be limited to one country only. International regulations for
manufacturing or also cross-border traffic require cross-national consensus.
5.2 Practical implications
A core result of the study involved the clear differences in the acceptance of CACs between the
distinct groups of road users. This road user group-specific acceptance was lower among VRUs
than among drivers of conventional cars. The reason for the VRUs’ more reserved acceptance might
stem from higher scepticism towards self-driving cars, possibly resulting from higher uncertainty
about interacting with these vehicles. Next to the implicit communication like the approach speed
of CACs, the installation of external HMIs on automated vehicles might be one way to reduce such
uncertainty. Examples of preferred solutions that were also surveyed in the BRAVE population
study include an indication when the CAC is in automated mode or flashing light signals at the car
when the CAC approaches a pedestrian crossing and gives way (Schrauth et al., 2020). The use of
external HMIs on automated vehicles is already being researched and tested (Rouchitsas & Alm,
2019; Schieben et al., 2019). Results, however, show that attention must be paid to a moderate use
of external HMIs to ensure comprehensible communication with road users via external HMIs
(Kaleefathullah et al., 2020). Uniform and barrier-free concepts must also be considered, as well as
the opportunity for road users to learn how to interpret the external HMI system.
Above that, communication via external HMIs as currently designed is unidirectional and
originates solely from the CAC. In certain traffic situations, the pedestrian, cyclist or PTW riders
may wish to communicate with the CAC and may wave the CAC past, for example. Such
bidirectional communication does not seem to be foreseen in the current use of external HMI and
is certainly an issue that needs to be addressed in the future.
The installation of external HMIs on CACs might also generate a trust-building effect. As the
results presented here and in other research studies show, trust will be a substantial component in
encouraging the acceptance of CACs from the specific perspective of the different road user
groups as well as from the viewpoint of potential users. Regarding the presented results, especially
pedestrians, cyclists and PTW riders should be sensitised to interact with CACs. Likewise,
women’s scepticism about automated vehicle technology might also be addressed in
communication campaigns that are expected to increase acceptance of automated vehicles
(Pettigrew et al., 2019).
At the same time, technological developments and regulatory standards for the approval of
automated vehicles must give the studied groups and all other population groups every reason to
place trust in the technology and road safety of CACs. In the current absence of CACs in real traffic,
it seems important for policymakers and the industry to create a trust-building framework through
appropriate communication and by transparently setting the regulations for e.g. ethical and legal
issues that are in line with societal values.
5.3 Strengths and limitations
The investigation of road user acceptance of CACs was conducted within a large-scale population
survey including seven countries. Thus, the study took advantage of a commercial online access
panel that has some considerable limitations (Couper, 2017). Besides the unfavourable response
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behaviour addressed by checks for the length of interviews and the identification of indifferent
response behaviour (Schrauth et al., 2020), the representativeness of the data is another issue.
Nevertheless, comparisons of selected sociodemographic data between the survey data and official
population data from the United Nations (2019) demonstrate that the recruited survey participants
approximately reflect the population in the seven countries in terms of gender and age (Schrauth
et al., 2020). However, survey data from online access panels principally lack generalisability to the
whole population of a country and must be considered representative only for Internet users in
that country.
In the present study, an in-depth analysis of country differences was neglected in favour of
measuring factors influencing the road user acceptance of CACs; these differences were instead
considered a cluster variable in the regression. Hence, while this paper does not address the
differences between the individual countries that appeared in the bivariate analyses, they are
displayed in more detail in Schrauth et al. (2020). As already outlined, explanations for these
diverse results regarding countries have not yet been explored in detail and should be addressed
in further studies. In this regard, approaches dealing, for example, with legal regulations for a
worldwide introduction of automated vehicle technology must consider national differences,
which relate not only to road users’ acceptance but also to initial trust in conditional automated
technology, as well as technical and ethical considerations (Schrauth et al., 2020).
Moreover, the measurement tool for road user acceptance of CACs has been applied for the first
time and in the context of one specified traffic situation. In doing so, the study primarily referred
to extant findings from user-centred research on automated vehicles and draws on three central
dimensions for the formulation of its three items. Comparable research results of acceptance of
CACs from a non-user perspective are rare, making it difficult to assess the validity however,
they appear, against the backdrop of existing findings, theoretically and empirically plausible. Of
course, this situation is also as in all other studies a matter of missing possibilities to measure
acceptance of or trust in the new automated vehicle technology against real conditions. Therefore,
using the measurement tool in other contexts as well would be desirable, e.g., in (quasi-)
experimental research designs to verify the differences between the road user groups found in this
Another methodological remark concerns the operationalisation of the general trust in CACs and
its textual proximity to the measurement tool of the road user acceptance of CACs. In the data
analysis, it must be critically questioned, whether the strong correlation between trust and road
user acceptance may also refer to the operationalisation of both variables. Future studies may, thus,
try a different indicator measuring initial trust in CACs to better separate the two theoretical
constructs of trust and acceptance.
6. Conclusion
The present study focused on the a priori acceptance of CACs from the perspective of different
road user groups who will have to interact with automated vehicles after their introduction
without actively having ‘decided’ to do so. Following the principles of a Pareto-optimal
improvement on the introduction of CACs, the different road users may not be put in a worse
position. For example, they must not experience a higher risk to their subjectively perceived or
objective road safety, nor must they inevitably encounter restrictions to their freedom of movement
in road traffic especially as high expectations on automated vehicle technology are at present
largely speculative and yet to be proven(Cunningham & Regan, 2020, p. 96).
For this reason, the legitimate interests of the different road user groups, particularly the VRUs,
must be sufficiently considered in the development of automated vehicle technology prior to a
market-wide introduction. Findings from this study reveal a basic acceptance on the part of the
road users towards interactions with CACs on the road, though concerns about such interactions
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The acceptance of conditionally automated cars from the perspective of different road user groups
were apparent as well. Moreover, the presented findings provide initial evidence that, at least in
the traffic situations defined in the questionnaire, the acceptance of CACs differs between the road
user groups and thereby has identified a road user group-specific acceptance of CACs.
Furthermore, it is remarkable that from their point of view, the VRUs currently feel unequally
affected by the introduction of CACs and reveal a lower acceptance of CACs than drivers of non-
automated cars.
These results provide a reason for further investigation of the acceptance of automated vehicle
technology from the perspective of different road user groups. A greater consideration could
ensure better identification of issues raised by road user group-specific requirements for
interaction and communication with CACs. Nevertheless, it must be acknowledged that in this
context, not only the requirements of the different road user groups already discussed must be
considered, but further thought should be given to the needs of children, elderly or people with
This paper builds upon data gathered in the research project BRidging gaps for the adoption of
Automated VEhicles’ (BRAVE), which received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation program under grant agreement No 723021.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships
that could have appeared to influence the work reported in the paper.
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... In this sense, AVs may facilitate increased accessibility to other social activities and places (e.g., social events, healthcare centres, groceries work) enhancing their well-being and the self-sense of independence [26]. A difference in gender is found as well, as men tend to state a higher acceptance of AVs compared to women [20,27]. With regard to income, Childress et al. (2015) [9] found no difference in impact between income groups on perceived accessibility. ...
... The model shows there is no significant difference between people between 19 and 35 years old and 36 and 50 years old (p > 0.05), but there is a significant difference between people between 19 and 35 years old and people between 51 and 65 years old and 66 years and older. This suggest that as people age, the less likely they are to buy a PAV, which is in line with the AV literature, which has suggested that young people are more likely to use AV technology as similar to other transport innovation where young individuals are generally considered as innovators [19,27]. Being a member of a carsharing service has no significant effect on the likeliness to buy a PAV. ...
... The results of the analysis suggest that, consistent with what Harb et al. (2018) [4] and Schrauth et al. (2021) [27] revealed, age does have a significant effect on the likeliness to buy a PAV or use an SAV. Specifically, whereas the PAV model suggested that older people tend to be less likely to buy a PAV than people under 50 years of age, the SAV model suggested that people who are 36 years or older are less likely to use an SAV than people between 19 and 35 years old. ...
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Electric automated vehicles (AVs) are expected to become part of the transportation system within the coming years. The implications of their implementation are still uncertain. What is known is that human behaviour will be central to determining AV adoption. This research aims to gain insight into how potential users of privately owned (PAVs) and shared (SAV) electric automated vehicles are characterised across three different continents assessing the influence of cultural and geographic features, personal attitudes and characteristics and the perceived advantages and disadvantages of AVs. Using survey data collected among residents (N = 1440) in Greater Sydney, Australia; Greater Montréal, Canada; and the Randstad, the Netherlands, this paper explores individuals’ willingness to adopt PAVs and SAVs using statistical descriptive analysis and logistic regression models. The study supports the impact of personal characteristics (e.g., age and travel characteristics) and attitudes towards personal and societal gains on the willingness to adopt AVs. Furthermore, this paper provides cross-continental evidence for the regional socio-urban context, affecting the desire to adopt AVs in different forms. Policy-makers should consider these factors and tailor different strategies according to cultural norms in order to motivate a coherent and sustainable implementation of AVs into existing and future mobility landscapes.
... Most of the literature has focused on drivers' perceptions towards, and acceptance of AVs. However, and more recently, there has been an emergence of studies which examined vulnerable road users' acceptance of AVs (e.g., Rahman et al., 2019;Schrauth et al., 2021) and interactions between vulnerable road users' and AVs (e.g., Vondráčková et al., 2022), particularly in relation to pedestrians' intentions to cross in front of AVs (e.g., Rad et al., 2020;Zhao et al., 2022;Afghari et al., 2021). Rahman et al. (2019) recruited adults aged 60 years and older to examine acceptance of AVs from both drivers' perspective and pedestrians' perspective. ...
... However, from a pedestrian's perspective, participants' attitudes towards AVs were neutral. Further, Schrauth et al. (2021) examined 1,929 vulnerable road users' and 3,898 car drivers' acceptance of conditional AVs. Their findings highlighted that acceptance of conditional AVs differed between road user groups, with pedestrians and cyclists reporting slightly lower levels of acceptance of conditional AVs compared to car drivers. ...
... Given that previous research has reported that acceptance of AVs differs between different road user groups, it is important to examine drivers', cyclists', and pedestrians' acceptance of AVs separately. This research extends upon Schrauth et al. (2021) by assessing drivers', cyclists', and pedestrians' acceptance of FAVs as opposed to conditional AVs, and if there are any differences in perceptions between these road user groups of sharing roads with FAVs. ...
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Despite the promised benefits, the introduction of Automated Vehicles (AVs) on roads will be confronted by many challenges, including public readiness to use those vehicles and share the roads with them. The risk profile of road users is a key determinant of their safety on roads. However, the relation of such risk profiles to road users' perception of AVs is less known. This study aims to address the above research gap by conducting a cross-sectional survey to investigate the acceptance of Fully Automated Vehicles (FAVs) among different non-AV-user groups (i.e., pedestrians, cyclists, and conventional vehicle drivers). A total of 1205 road users in Queensland (Australia) took part in the study, comprising 456 pedestrians, 339 cyclists, and 410 drivers. The Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) is used as the theoretical model to examine road users' intention towards sharing roads with FAVs. The risk profile of the participants derives from established behavioural scales and individual characteristics are also included in the acceptance model. The study results show that pedestrians reported lowest intention in terms of sharing roads with FAVs among the three groups. Drivers and cyclists in a lower risk profile group were more likely to report higher intention to share roads with FAVs than those in a higher risk profile group. As age increased, pedestrians were less likely to accept sharing roads with FAVs. Drivers who had more exposure time on roads were more likely to accept sharing roads with FAVs. Male drivers reported higher intention towards sharing roads than female drivers. Overall, the study provides new insights into public perceptions of FAVs, specifically from the non-AV-user perspective. It sheds light on the obstacles that future AVs may encounter and the types of road users that AV manufacturers and policymakers should consider closely. Specifically, groups such as older pedestrians and road users who engage in more risky behaviours might resist or delay the integration of AVs.
... However, fewer have explored the interaction from the bicyclists' perspectives (Penmetsa et al., 2019). VRUs such as pedestrians, bicyclists and powered two-wheeler riders seem to have less trust in AVs than car drivers, attributing it to greater concerns about their subjective safety (Schrauth et al., 2021); in the same study, trust in and enthusiasm for the technology were discussed to determine the amount of acceptance that VRUs have for AVs. In a survey (Rahman et al., 2021), perceptions of VRUs towards AVs were explored: Negative perceptions mostly included a lack of perceived safety, less comfort around AVs and less trust in the AV technology, and bicyclists were also concerned about technology issues. ...
... Future studies should investigate user acceptance of on-bike HMIs among bicyclists on a larger scale to test the findings' generalisability, and explore other, perhaps more viable solutions than on-bike HMIs for enhancing AV-cyclist interaction Berge et al., 2022). As the group of VRUs typically includes other road users as well, such as powered two-wheeler riders and pedestrians (Schrauth et al., 2021), some of our results might be transferable to these groups as well. However, pedestrians do not share the road with cars as much as bicyclists do, so the more comparable group is the powered two-wheeler riders. ...
Full-text available
Efforts to advance Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) have taken on a central role in research and development in recent years and will have a significant influence on road traffic in the future. Research on AVs has mainly focused on the technology itself and the direct users of AVs and their acceptance. However, the role of bicyclists, interacting with AVs in traffic, is not yet researched as thoroughly. Using a mixed methods approach, we combine quantitative results from a survey among bicyclists (N = 889) and qualitative results from a focus group (N = 19) to give insights into bicyclists’ attitudes and expectations towards self-driving cars. The results showed that bicyclists’ affinity for technology is a significant predictor for both their trust and perceived safety towards self-driving cars, as well as an effect of age and gender on these variables. Both from the quantitative and qualitative results, it is clear that flawless functioning of the technology of AVs is a prerequisite for bicyclists encountering and interacting with AVs in traffic, and that the status of the vehicle (autonomous vs. non-autonomous) is very important as well as easy to understand signals that indicate the next manoeuvres of the AV. For supporting interaction with AVs, we found that bicyclists are open to External Human Machine Interface (eHMI) solutions, as long as these ensure inclusion and support the easily-accessible nature of bicycling. Our findings can inform the design of eHMIs that help shape the interaction between bicyclists and AVs in the future, and provide insights on which factors determine the perception of AVs and, ultimately, the acceptance of AVs as part of road traffic.
... Other studies have explored the technology without using a technology acceptance model. For example, Schrauth et al. [22] looked at 5827 participants from France, Germany, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Australia, and the United States using an iterative evaluation approach based on the ISO 9241-210:2015 standard. Their findings show a generally positive acceptance of CAVs among different road user groups, although they note that not everything was positive, and there were notable concerns. ...
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Public acceptance of conditionally automated vehicles is a crucial step in the realization of smart cities. Prior research in Europe has shown that the factors of hedonic motivation, social influence, and performance expectancy, in decreasing order of importance, influence acceptance. Moreover, a generally positive acceptance of the technology was reported. However, there is a lack of information regarding the public acceptance of conditionally automated vehicles in the United States. In this study, we carried out a web-based experiment where participants were provided information regarding the technology and then completed a questionnaire on their perceptions. The collected data was analyzed using PLS-SEM to examine the factors that may lead to public acceptance of the technology in the United States. Our findings showed that social influence, performance expectancy, effort expectancy, hedonic motivation, and facilitating conditions determine conditionally automated vehicle acceptance. Additionally, certain factors were found to influence the perception of how useful the technology is, the effort required to use it, and the facilitating conditions for its use. By integrating the insights gained from this study, stakeholders can better facilitate the adoption of autonomous vehicle technology, contributing to safer, more efficient, and user-friendly transportation systems in the future that help realize the vision of the smart city.
... The automated vehicle acceptance literature is skewed towards acceptance, applying technology acceptance models to identify the factors predicting acceptance by drivers (Louw et al., 2021), passengers (Pascale et al., 2021), and other road users (Schrauth, Funk, Maier, & Kraetsch, 2021). Most studies used specific early-adopter populations consisting mostly of males, younger-to middle-aged, and tech-savvy individuals. ...
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The resistance towards automated vehicles (AVs) is little understood. The main objective of this study is to examine the resistance towards AVs, identifying the factors explaining and predicting resistance. Comments submitted by Californian residents to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) on the fared deployment of AVs were analyzed. In total, we identified four main themes, and twenty-nine sub-themes. We developed a conceptual framework for resistance by individual and vehicle characteristics, the direct and indirect consequences of use, reactions of others, and external events. AVs were considered incompetent, and unpredictable, violating traffic rules, blocking traffic, not explicitly engaging in communicating with other road users, and causing conflict situations. Respondents questioned the effectiveness of AVs in meeting today’s transportation-related challenges, and feared the indirect negative consequences of the deployment of AVs for traffic safety, flow efficiency, transition towards sustainable mobility, environmental efficiency, privacy, economy, social equity, livability of cities, and humanity. Respondents perceived a low responsibility of stakeholders involved in the manufacture, deployment, and regulation of AVs given a lack of accountability, and legal liability, and reported a limited involvement of local residents and community in the decision-making processes behind AV deployment as well as an unjust distribution of costs and benefits. The scientific dialogue on acceptance of AVs needs to shift towards resistance as the ‘other’ essential element of acceptance to ensure that we live up to our promise of transitioning towards more sustainable mobility that is inclusive, equitable, fair, just, affordable, and available to all.
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The resistance towards automated vehicles (AVs) is little understood. The main objective of this study is to examine the resistance towards AVs, identifying the factors explaining and predicting resistance. Comments submitted by Californian residents to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) on the fared deployment of AVs were analyzed. In total, we identified four main themes, and twenty-nine sub-themes. We developed a conceptual framework for resistance by individual and vehicle characteristics, the direct and indirect consequences of use, reactions of others, and external events. AVs were considered incompetent, and unpredictable, violating traffic rules, blocking traffic, not explicitly engaging in communicating with other road users, and causing conflict situations. Respondents questioned the effectiveness of AVs in meeting today's transportation-related challenges, and feared the indirect negative 19 consequences of the deployment of AVs for traffic safety, flow efficiency, transition towards sustainable mobility, environmental efficiency, privacy, economy, social equity, livability of cities, and humanity. Respondents perceived a low responsibility of stakeholders involved in the manufacture, deployment, and regulation of AVs given a lack of accountability, and legal liability, and reported a limited involvement of local residents and community in the decision-making processes behind AV deployment as well as an unjust distribution of costs and benefits. The scientific dialogue on acceptance of AVs needs to shift towards resistance as the 'other' essential element of acceptance to ensure that we live up to our promise of transitioning towards more sustainable mobility that is inclusive, equitable, fair, just, affordable, and available to all.
Automated driving technology is considered a disruptive innovation. Mixed traffic composed of level-3 automated vehicles (L3 AVs) and non-AVs will exist long before fully automated driving arrives. During this transition, drivers will be the first to use L3 AVs, so studying drivers’ behavioural intentions to use L3 AVs is vital. This paper focuses on the influence of social conformity and gender on drivers’ intentions to drive L3 AVs. Three hundred one participants completed an online questionnaire containing 1) demographic information, 2) a scale based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) under two scenarios (large-group scenario: 80% of drivers are driving AVs in the road, small-group scenario: 20% of drivers are driving AVs in the road), and 3) a scale measuring conformity tendency and personal innovativeness in information technology. In the large-group scenario, drivers have stronger intentions to drive L3 AVs, and there is no significant gender difference. In the small-group scenario, the male drivers’ driving intentions were significantly higher than those of the female drivers. The predictive model based on the TPB explained 81.1% and 64.8% of the variance in driving intention in the two scenarios, respectively. The three traditional variables (attitude, subjective norm, perceived behaviour control) of the TPB appeared to be the main predictors for the model. The results of this study provide some practical implications for manufacturers of AVs.
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Objective To investigate pedestrians’ misuse of an automated vehicle (AV) equipped with an external human–machine interface (eHMI). Misuse occurs when a pedestrian enters the road because of uncritically following the eHMI’s message. Background Human factors research indicates that automation misuse is a concern. However, there is no consensus regarding misuse of eHMIs. Methods Sixty participants each experienced 50 crossing trials in a Cave Automatic Virtual Environment (CAVE) simulator. The three independent variables were as follows: (1) behavior of the approaching AV (within-subject: yielding at 33 or 43 m distance, no yielding), (2) eHMI presence (within-subject: eHMI on upon yielding, off), and (3) eHMI onset timing (between-subjects: eHMI turned on 1 s before or 1 s after the vehicle started to decelerate). Two failure trials were included where the eHMI turned on, yet the AV did not yield. Dependent measures were the moment of entering the road and perceived risk, comprehension, and trust. Results Trust was higher with eHMI than without, and the −1 Group crossed earlier than the +1 Group. In the failure trials, perceived risk increased to high levels, whereas trust and comprehension decreased. Thirty-five percent of the participants in the −1 and +1 Groups walked onto the road when the eHMI failed for the first time, but there were no significant differences between the two groups. Conclusion eHMIs that provide anticipatory information stimulate early crossing. eHMIs may cause people to over-rely on the eHMI and under-rely on the vehicle-intrinsic cues. Application eHMI have adverse consequences, and education of eHMI capability is required.
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We investigated public acceptance of conditionally automated (SAE Level 3) passenger cars using a questionnaire study among 9,118 car-drivers in eight European countries, as part of the European L3Pilot project. 71.06% of respondents considered conditionally automated cars easy to use while 28.03% of respondents planned to buy a conditionally automated car once it is available. 41.85% of respondents would like to use the time in the conditionally automated car for secondary activities. Among these 41.85%, respondents plan to talk to fellow travellers (44.76%), surf the internet, watch videos or TV shows (44%), observe the landscape (41.70%), and work (17.06%). The UTAUT2 (Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology) was applied to investigate the effects of performance and effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, and hedonic motivation on the behavioural intention to use conditionally automated cars. Structural equation analysis revealed that the UTAUT2 can be applied to conditional automation, with hedonic motivation, social influence, and performance expectancy influencing the behavioural intention to buy and use a conditionally automated car. The present study also found positive effects of facilitating conditions on effort expectancy and hedonic motivation. Social influence was a positive predictor of hedonic motivation, facilitating conditions, and performance expectancy. Age, gender and experience with advanced driver assistance systems had significant, yet small (< 0.10), effects on behavioural intention. The implications of these results on the policy and best practices to enable large-scale implementation of conditionally automated cars on public roads are discussed.
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The foreseeable advent of conditionally automated cars (CAC) at SAE Level 3 opens up a multitude of questions that have to be addressed for a safe adoption of the new vehicle technology. To explore the opinions of other road users affected and especially of the vulnerable road users – pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists – on CACs, a population survey of road users was conducted in the EU member states France, Germany, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden as well as in Australia and in the USA within the EU-funded project BRAVE. On the basis of 6,608 survey data sets, the study provides reliable findings on acceptance and trust in CACs from a road user’ perspective, on the use of external human-machine interfaces (HMI) as well as on ethical and legal considerations. The road users’ acceptance of CACs appears to be rather positive in principle but varies between the road user groups. At the same time, doubts in trust in CACs from the perspective of the studied groups of road users are identified. Different opinions on ethical and legal issues arise which vary also according to the respondents’ country of residence.
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Excessive dependence on autonomous vehicles (AVs) may exacerbate traffic congestion and increase exhaust emissions in the future. The diffusion of AVs may be significantly affected by the public’s acceptance. A few factors that may affect people’s acceptance of AVs have been researched in the existing studies, one-third of which cited behavioral theories, while the rest did not. A total of seven factors with behavior theories are screened out that significantly affect the acceptance intention, including perceived ease of use, attitude, social norm, trust, perceived usefulness, perceived risk, and compatibility. Six factors without behavior theories are summed up that affect AV acceptance, namely safety, performance-to-price value, mobility, value of travel time, symbolic value, and environmentally friendly. We found that people in Europe and Asia have substantial differences in attitudes toward AVs and that safety is one of the most concerned factors of AVs by scholars and respondents. Public acceptance of the different types of AVs and consumers’ dynamic preferences for AVs are highlighted in the review too. The quality of literature is systematically assessed based on previously established instruments and tailored for the current review. The results of the assessment show potential opportunities for future research, such as the citation of behavior theories and access to longitudinal data. Additionally, the experimental methods and the utilization of mathematical and theoretical methods could be optimized.
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Automotive manufacturers are competing to be the first to introduce customer-ready autonomous vehicles. Some manufacturers are claiming to launch their first self-driving cars as early as 2020. Which all sounds very good and futuristic; however, the question arises, are customers even ready to adopt this new technological advancement? Therefore, this pilot study is aimed at finding out the answer to this question in the Austrian market. This study discovers the standpoint of Austrian consumers concerning the acceptance of self-driving cars for daily usage and gives an overview of the current point of view regarding autonomous vehicles (AVs). The data for this study was collected using an online, user-friendly, Likert scale survey. The collected data were processed and analyzed for empirical significance in SPSS using Spearman's rank correlation and the Mann-Whitney U test supported by descriptive analysis. The results of the study indicate that Austrian consumers are well aware of autonomous vehicles and their technology. However, they have specific concerns about reliability, cybersecurity, and futuristic car-sharing models. Therefore, these concerns about AVs should be addressed by auto manufactures in order to gain consumers' trust and sell them a new form of mobility.
Automated vehicles (AVs), the wide adoption of which is expected to improve traffic safety significantly, are penetrating our roads. The AVs that are testing on public roads have been bullied by human road users. We are not sure whether the bullying incidents are isolated or will be common in the future. In a cross-national survey (N = 998 drivers in China and South Korea), we developed an eleven-item bullying intention questionnaire. We assumed and confirmed that, overall, participants had a greater intention to bully machine drivers than to bully other human drivers. Compared to the Korean participants, the Chinese participants reported a greater intention to drive aggressively. The correlations of their intention to bully AVs with their attitude toward AVs and with risk-benefit perception of AVs were weak. Male participants (vs. female participants) and younger participants (vs. older participants) reported a greater intention to drive aggressively. Drivers' aggressive behaviors toward AVs might be common in the future, which might increase traffic risk and hinder the implementation of this technology.
To assess and explain finely drivers' a priori acceptance of highly automated cars, this study used the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) and the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). Further, the current study sought to extend upon previous research to assess if intentions to use highly automated cars in the future differed according to country (i.e., Australia, France, & Sweden). These three countries were selected to enable comparisons of a priori acceptance between countries of differing levels of exposure to highly automated cars. Participants (N = 1563; 62.1 % male) were recruited in Australia (n = 558), France (n = 625), and Sweden (n = 380) to complete a 20 min online questionnaire. The findings differed according to country of residence. Individuals residing in France reported significantly greater intentions to use highly automated cars when they become publicly available compared to individuals residing in Australia and in Sweden. Of the TPB constructs entered at step 1 in the hierarchical regression, attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control (capability and controllability) were significant predictors of intentions to use highly automated cars for participants residing in Australia and France. For participants residing in Sweden, only attitudes and PBC-capability were significant predictors of intentions. Of the UTAUT constructs entered at step 2, performance expectancy and effort expectancy were significant predictors of intentions for participants residing in France and only performance expectancy a significant predictor of intentions for participants residing in both Australia and Sweden. Age and gender did not add to the prediction of intentions when entered at step 3. However, pre-existing knowledge was a significant negative predictor of intentions when entered at step 3 for participants residing in Australia. Overall, the findings found some support for applying the TPB and UTAUT to assess intentions to use highly automated cars in different countries. The findings also highlight differences in a priori acceptance across countries and the factors which predict such acceptance.
Introduction: While improved safety is a highly cited potential benefit of autonomous vehicles (AVs), at the same time a frequently cited concern is the new safety challenges that AVs introduce. The literature lacks a rigorous exploration of the safety perceptions of road users who will interact with AVs, including vulnerable road users. Addressing this gap is essential because the successful integration of AVs into transportation systems hinges on an understanding of how all road users will react to their presence. Methods: A stated preference survey of the Phoenix, Arizona, metropolitan statistical area (Phoenix MSA) was conducted in July 2018. A series of ordered probit models was estimated to analyze the survey responses and identify differences between various population groups with respect to the perceived safety of driving, cycling, and walking near AVs. Results: Greater exposure to and awareness of AVs are not uniformly associated with increases in perceived safety. Various attitudinal factors, level of AV automation, and other intrinsic and extrinsic factors are related to safety perceptions of driving, walking, and cycling near AVs. Socioeconomic and demographic characteristics, such as gender, age, income, employment, and automobile usage and ownership, have various relationships with perceived safety. Conclusions: Cycling near an AV was perceived as the least safe activity, followed by walking and then driving near an AV. Both similarities and differences were observed among the factors associated with the perceived safety of different travel alternatives. Practical Applications: Public perception will guide the development and adoption of AVs directly and indirectly. To help maintain control of public perception, transportation planners, decision makers, and other stakeholders should consider more deliberate and targeted messaging to address the concerns of different road users. In addition, more careful pilot testing and more direct attention to vulnerable road users may help avoid a backlash that could delay the rollout of this technology.
Public acceptability, and ultimately acceptance, of automated vehicles (AVs) is critical in order to ensure that drivers utilise them and thus realise their predicted safety and other benefits. The aim of this study was to gauge public acceptability and opinions of AVs within an Australian context, for which there is currently a scarcity of empirical research. The study employed a national sample of 5089 respondents who responded to a large online survey (including 45 items specifically targeting aspects of AV acceptability). Survey items gauged demographic and other sample characteristics , and probed responses to questions on key issues including (a) the perceived benefits of AVs, (b) sources, and degree, of concerns regarding AV-related issues, and (c) willingness to pay for AV technology. Overall, it was found that, even though Australian respondents tended to agree with many of the potential benefits of AVs probed in the survey, they have considerable concerns regarding many AV-related issues. Furthermore, a majority of Australians are currently not willing to pay any more for a fully autonomous vehicle than for a manually operated vehicle. Results also showed that a number of sample demographic and characteristic variables (e.g., gender, self-classification as an early vs. late adopter of technology) have unique associations with aspects of AV acceptability. Important theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.