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Simulation as a Service for Cooperative Vehicles

Simulation as a Service for Cooperative Vehicles
org Christian Kirchhof, Evgeny Kusmenko, Bernhard Rumpe, Hengwen Zhang
Chair of Software Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany, {kirchhof,kusmenko}
Abstract—Simulating connected vehicles in realistic environ-
ments is a computationally expensive task, particularly when
large numbers of traffic participants are involved. To cope with
exploding hardware requirements it can become indispensable
to tackle such simulations in a divide and conquer manner. A
promising approach breaking down a simulation scenario in a
set of small tasks is the spatial subdivision of the simulated area.
Thereby, each spatial sector is simulated by a dedicated sub-
simulator enabling efficient distribution of the overall simulation
across multiple machines. However, a distributable and easy-
to-use simulation solution providing automated scalability and
hiding the distribution complexity from the simulation engineer
requires a service-based simulator architecture equipped with
interfaces for simulation control, integration, and resource man-
agement. In this work, building upon previous results we propose
a cloud-ready simulation infrastructure providing automotive
engineers with the ability to analyze large scale connected traffic
scenarios without caring about the execution environment. As a
consequence, the proposed solution can be integrated seamlessly
into existing continuous integration environments supporting
agile research and development processes for cooperatively in-
teracting vehicles.
Index Terms—simulation as a service, cooperative vehicles,
model-driven engineering, testing
In both research and development of Cyber-Physical Sys-
tems (CPSs), particularly of autonomous vehicles, simulation
has always been an indispensable tool to validate a system’s
behavior before it can be deployed in a real-world scenario.
In the last years, we have been experiencing a continuous
vehicle automation process leading to an increasingly rapid
softwarization of vehicle systems. Consequently, vehicle be-
havior becomes more and more difficult to grasp. The more
intelligence finds its way into our transportation systems, the
more important simulation tasks become in the development
process. Autonomous vehicle functions need to be tested, and
hence simulated, in a vast range of driving scenarios and under
an inexhaustible number of environmental conditions [1]. And
if that wasn’t enough, the next logical step is to leverage
autonomous vehicles to interactively cooperating agents re-
defining our traffic systems as highly-reactive, self-optimizing
cyber-physical networks. The implication is obvious: auto-
mated driving behavior seizes to be an isolated function pro-
vided by the host vehicle and its sensor signals, but suddenly
depends on collaborative decisions. This, in turn, imposes
new kinds of requirements towards simulation technology: a
cooperative vehicle simulator needs to take into account the
decision making of numerous traffic participants, provide a
This work was supported by the Grant SPP1835 from DFG, the German
Research Foundation.
meaningful V2X communication infrastructure, and possibly
cover large urban areas, thereby producing an unprecedented
computational load. The latter is a serious issue in many
projects and has led to the need for simulator efficiency
research [1]–[3]. To tame this complexity, we divide com-
putationally expensive simulations into a a set of smaller
simulations. These smaller simulations are executed by a set
of sub-simulators that are combined to carry out a larger
The main research question of this work is: how can a
simulation platform satisfying the performance requirements
of the cooperative driving domain be integrated into an agile
engineering (or research) process where resources need to be
provided on demand?
To answer this question we amalgamate our experiences
in agile software engineering processes and simulation tech-
nology. The concept of Continuous Integration (CI) is vital
in agile software development projects. The basic idea is
that whenever a developer commits his or her work, the
continuous integration pipeline assesses the whole updated,
integrated code-base with regard to a set of specified project
requirements. The assessment usually consists of compiling
the project and performing unit and integration tests, but
can also include the evaluation of non-functional metrics.
The point is that developers neither need to know how the
CI pipeline works nor should they be able to alter it. The
only thing they are interested in is to be notified whenever
something’s gone wrong.
The development of cooperative vehicles can be seen as a
specific kind of software projects, too, and its peculiarity is
the need for simulation. Whenever a function or a parameter
of the vehicle software is changed, in addition to the tasks
mentioned above, the CI should automatically re-simulate a
set of pre-defined scenarios, store the results so that they can
be retrieved and evaluated by the developer on-demand or
notify the developer if simulation constraints were violated
(for instance, if a crash was recorded). In the meantime, the
developer must be able to continue working on the project.
The introduction of simulator into a CI workflow poses
multiple challenges, concerning its architecture, interfaces,
and automated resource management. The main contribution
of this paper is a continuous simulation platform providing
scalability at increasing simulation complexity and hiding
the sub-simulator architecture and the resource management
overhead from the simulation engineer.
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. In
Section II we provide the foundation on which we build our
work. In particular, we introduce the basic concepts of the
[KKRZ19] J. C. Kirchhof, E. Kusmenko, B. Rumpe, H. Zhang:
Simulation as a Service for Cooperative Vehicles.
In: Proceedings of MODELS 2019. Workshop MASE, pp. 28--37, IEEE, Munich, Sep. 2019.
MontiSim simulator, the core simulation engine developed
for small scale cooperative vehicle scenarios. The service
architecture leveraging MontiSim to a cloud-ready simulation
platform by a hook-up of arbitrarily many MontiSim instances
is presented in Section III. To better understand the underlying
communication patterns, we discuss the main interfaces of the
microservice-based architecture in Section V. In Section VI we
present experimental results, showing how large-scale simula-
tions can benefit from a distributed cloud-based solution. In
Section VII we discuss related works before we conclude our
paper in Section VIII.
MontiSim is an Intelligent Transportation System (ITS)
simulator developed to facilitate the evaluation of model-
driven development techniques for automated vehicles [4].
Particularly, its main focus is Model in the Loop (MiL) and
Software in the Loop (SiL) testing of Component & Connector
(C&C) based autonomous vehicle controllers [5], [6] and
cooperative driving applications [7], [8] in automotive model-
driven systems engineering processes such as SMArDT [9],
[10]. Therefore, MontiSim was designed as an agent-based
simulator similar to MATSim [3] and Matisse [11]. Each
vehicle has its own exchangeable behavior controller making
its own independent decisions based on its own sensing.
Controllers can be integrated into the simulator and exchanged
using the middleware modeling approach [12].
Furthermore, MontiSim provides high flexibility concerning
the simulated scenarios as well as modularity and extensibility
of the vehicle models, technical infrastructure, and the environ-
ment. For instance, the desired simulation scenario specifying
the vehicles involved as well as their goals can be easily set
up using a dedicated Domain Specific Language (DSL) [4]
whereas OpenStreetMap (OSM) support enables the import of
arbitrary real-world maps [13].
However, advancing to the simulation of cooperatively
interacting vehicles leads to a set of new requirements as
mentioned in Section I and elaborated in previous work [14].
To leverage MontiSim to a cooperative driving simulator, using
its co-simulator pattern it was extended by a discrete event net-
work co-simulator providing means for V2X communication.
To tackle the exploding computational complexity in large
simulations, the so-called sectoring approach was proposed,
which will play a central role in this work. The idea is to sub-
divide a large simulation area into small partial regions. Each
region is then simulated by a dedicated simulator instance.
The core engine of each sub-simulator is still driven by the
original non-distributable simulator. Note that we distinguish
between co-simulators and sub-simulators in this work with
co-simulators being parts of an overall simulator providing
additional functionality while sub-simulators all have the same
capabilities but work on different chunks of the simulation
The simulator core is embedded into a sub-simulator shell,
which provides communication services for data exchange
and synchronization between the instances of the simulator
network. Additionally, a master entity is required to govern the
sub-simulator network. Neither automatically scaling architec-
tures, nor the performance gains achieved by the sectoring
approach were covered in previous publications.
In this work, we shift the focus from the sectorization
concept to its architectural and technical implications. In
the course of our research, we have learned that providing
a distributable architecture does not solve the problems of
the simulator user instantly. Instead, new questions arise:
how can an engineer deploy the distributed solution in his
environment? How can he manage the amount of simulation
resources or obtain the required resources on demand? How
can a distributed simulator be integrated into an automated CI
process providing simulation as a service (SimaaS), ensuring
scalability, and allocating the required resources on demand in
a multi-user environment, e.g., a company or research institute
with many engineers?
To answer these questions, the distributable simulator ar-
chitecture needs to be coupled with an appropriate technical
infrastructure. In this work, we elaborate such a symbiosis
relying on sectoring combined with containerization of simu-
lator modules. The result is easily hostable on any container-
based cloud service such as Amazon Web Services (AWS)
or Microsoft Azure. We demonstrate scalability in a series
of experiments. The concepts are applicable to any vehicle
simulator with a decent Application Programming Interface
(API) for simulation control, cf. Section V, e.g., SUMO-
based simulators [15] including TraNS [16], iTETRIS [17],
and Veins [18] using the TraCI API [19].
Traditional ITS simulators are designed for the execution
on a single host machine. Although well-written parallel
simulation code can benefit from multiple processors, e.g.,
MATSim DEQSim [3], the simulation cannot scale beyond
the capabilities of its physical host. When it comes to heavy
tasks involving massive data such as vast maps covering tens,
or hundreds of square kilometers of urban area frequented by
large numbers of traffic participants, it becomes necessary to
be able to distribute the simulation to arbitrarily many worker
The considerations of this section are not only intended to
provide a specific solution for distributed continuous simu-
lation, but can also be seen as a reference architecture for
new distributable simulators. Additionally, it reveals essential
prerequisites for the retrofitting of existing stand-alone solu-
tions. A distributable simulation solution Sdcan be obtained
by enriching a stand-alone simulator Sswith a set of adapters
Aas well as distribution functionality D. Furthermore, a set
of interfaces Iis crucial for seamless integration of Ssinto a
distributable simulation platform. The interfaces Iessentially
allow configuring, controlling, and observing the simulation
and are further discussed in Section V. The adapters Aare used
to connect the distribution functionality Dto the interfaces I,
e.g., by adding networking capabilities not included in Ss.
Fig. 1. Overview of the architecture of the distributed simulator.
Our reference architecture consists of a set of heterogeneous
components as depicted in Fig. 1. The architecture mainly con-
sists of four elements: a set of simulators that (unknowingly)
collaborate to execute a common simulation, controllers that
determine the behavior of the simulated vehicles, a registry
used for discovering simulators and controllers, and an API
server that carries out coordination tasks and allows specifying
the simulation.
Each sub-simulator is an instance of the stand-alone simu-
lator Ss(in our evaluation MontiSim) responsible for a partial
area of the overall map, or a so-called sector. MontiSim is
unaware of the fact that it is embedded in a distributed context.
The stand-alone simulator Ssis designed to do the actual
simulation work. Its functionalities include the simulation
of vehicles, pedestrians, traffic lights, etc. To embed Ssin
a simulator ensemble, we need to be able to control the
simulation process from outside. Therefore, Ssis required to
support a set of actions, namely, vehicle initialization, vehicle
removal, map loading/re-loading, simulation data retrieval,
and, most importantly, simulation start, step, pause, and stop.
To make these actions accessible to other components as a
service, they are exposed via the simulator service interface I.
Common solutions for the technical realization of Iare RPC,
RESTful and RESTful-RPC hybrid [20, p. 16]. They have their
own advantages and disadvantages: while RPC-style APIs are
great for actions, RESTful services are more resource oriented.
Therefore, an RPC-style interface is the most appropriate for
our distributed architecture.
Controller models represent the software controlling the
complete vehicle behavior, usually designed using the Em-
beddedMontiArc modeling language [5], [6]. In the simulation
process, sensor inputs of a vehicle are forwarded to its respec-
tive controller, the controller makes the driving decision based
on these data and returns the resulting actuator commands
back to the simulator [14]. In our architecture, we introduce
controllers as stand-alone services available to simulators.
The communication between the controller and the simula-
tor is based on an Remote Method Invocation (RMI) interface
provided by the controller service. Decoupling the controller
from the simulator is a central architectural decision. If the
simulator is regarded as a means to validate driving behavior,
e.g., in agile autonomous driving projects, the controller is a
piece of software which is exchanged and updated on a fre-
quent basis. Exchanging the vehicle behavior must, therefore,
be easy and should not affect the simulator. Furthermore, as
is inherent for agent-based systems, we require the possibility
to equip each traffic participant with an individual behavior
configuration. Therefore, whenever a simulator requests a
controller for one of its vehicles, it can specify the concrete
controller type. The controller service then instantiates the
correct controller implementation as well as its parameters.
This enables simulating realistic heterogeneous mixed-traffic
simulations, as well as comparing the performance of compet-
ing solutions against each other. Running control code as an
external process is a common pattern, e.g., used in Gazebo
through a Robot Operating System (ROS) interface [21].
Without an appropriate controller management infrastructure,
this is cumbersome to cope with: the user, among other tasks,
needs to instantiate a controller per vehicle, take care of the
associations to their respective vehicles, and clean up after
usage. These management tasks are provided by the controller
service in our architecture.
Maintaining reliability in such a dynamically extensible
distributed infrastructure requires elaborate service manage-
ment and supervision. In our architecture, this functionality is
provided by the Apache Zookeeper framework [22]. To make
simulation and controller services visible to other components,
we introduce a service registry. In this registry, Zookeeper
organizes the registered services as nodes in a tree structure.
Services publish and keep updating their respective configu-
rations including host addresses, ports, versions, and available
APIs to this registry. Furthermore, a health check mechanism
ensures that only reachable services are published. Other com-
ponents of the system discover available services through this
service registry and monitor their liveness by watching a set of
specific nodes. For instance, if we have a sub-simulator sim1,
it is registered with its hostname, port, and further informa-
tion as a node called /service/simulator/sim1. Other
components can discover all available simulator instances by
querying the children of /service/simulator. The same
holds for controller instances. If the simulator spawns a new
vehicle and needs an appropriate controller instance, it can
look it up using the registry service.
So far, we have only introduced interfaces between system
components. However, to make the architecture useful, we also
need to provide an interface to the outside world. In particular,
this interface must enable the simulator user to set up a
simulation task and output the computed results. We provide
such an interface through the API server. This component
can be seen as a facade pattern [23] dispatching requests to
the respective components and hiding the actual complexity
of the architecture from the user. To set up a simulation, map
and vehicle data including the vehicles’ source and destination
Fig. 2. Sectorization result of Aachen. Map nodes that belong to the same
sector are marked with the same color.
coordinates must be provided to the simulation through the
API server. This can be done interactively through a web GUI
connected to the simulator [14] or in a headless way, e.g., by
a script in a CI pipeline.
Distributing the simulation among several independent sub-
simulators requires us to synchronize the sub-simulators after
each simulation step. The synchronization phase is carried
out by a module of the API server and deals with tasks
related to handing over vehicles between map sectors and V2X
communication between agents located in different sectors.
Assume we have a vehicle Vcurrently driving through map
sector Secasimulated by sub-simulator Sa. At some point, V
reaches and crosses the boundary of Secaand enters Secb,
simulated by simulator Sb. To implement the handover, we
need to remove Vfrom Saand initialize a new vehicle Vin
Sbwhere V=V, that is, we create a copy of Vin Sband
remove it from Sa.
This process requires some data exchange between the API
server and the simulators and adds overhead to the simulation.
In contrast to [14] where the map is subdivided into equally-
sized rectangles, we reduce vehicle handovers by applying
the parallel graph partitioning algorithm METIS [24] to our
road network. By minimizing the number of edge cuts, it also
minimizes the potential number of trajectories crossing sector
borders. What is more, trajectory planning on a large map
can also benefit a lot from using overlay graphs [25]. We
encapsulate the map service carrying out the sectorization and
routing tasks in a dedicated module. Decoupling it from the
API server facilitates further experimentation on sectorization
and route planning. As an example, we show the sectorization
result in Fig. 2, where we use METIS to sectorize the map of
Aachen into 6 different sectors.
Being a central entity in our architecture, the API server
also plays an important role in resource management. Before
starting a simulation, it decides how to choose concrete
simulator and controller service instances in order to utilize
resources effectively. For example, if the whole simulation
involves nmap sectors, it is obviously unwise to reserve more
than nsimulator instance at the beginning.
Finally, we employ a set of data services as depicted in
the rightmost box in Fig. 1. Their purpose is the storage of
resources such as map and configuration data as well as data
exchange between functional components. We use a MySQL
database (DB in Fig. 1) to store the path of map files and
the map partition results. Message queues (MQ in Fig. 1)
are used to exchange messages between simulators to support
V2X communication. Storage and management of all map data
can be done locally on the API server or alternatively in a
cloud-based service such as Amazon EFS (Files in Fig. 1)).
Our goal is to provide a solution that integrates seamlessly
into agile self-driving vehicle development processes. Con-
tinuous integration is an important and widely used means
for quality assurance, however seldom adopted in disciplines
beyond classical software engineering. Whenever engineers
commit code changes, a CI server is triggered and performs
a series of tests and other quality assessment tasks. In MiL,
SiL, and Hardware in the Loop (HiL) tests this cannot be done
without a simulator service in the CI toolchain.
Due to our service-based architecture, a simulation can be
triggered in a CI pipeline by interacting with the API server
managing the simulation cluster. Thereby, the API server
expects a simulation description model telling the simulator
what it is expected to simulate [4] as well as a corresponding
OSM map. Once the simulation is finished, simulation results
are returned to the CI server and can be used for automated
evaluation or to generate statistics. For instance, we want to
ensure that our autonomous driving controllers do not produce
vehicle crashes and also keep the vehicle on the road. Simu-
lation results are provided as timed data frames containing all
trajectory and crash information, cf. Fig. 3. This data can be
analyzed automatically, e.g., it can be searched for crashes and
off-road trajectories. For instance, the shown frame contains
the state of the vehicle with the id defined in line 11. Its
position is held in a three-dimensional vector representing the
vehicle’s longitude, latitude, and height information in lines
4-6. The variable totalTime denotes the absolute point
in simulation time at which the frame was captured, while
deltaTime is the simulation time elapsed since the last
frame for this vehicle was recorded. steering contains the
actual steering angle for this vehicle. The Boolean variable
collision is set to true, iff the collision detection observed
a collision for this vehicle during the current time frame.
If the analysis terminates with no findings, the CI pipeline
succeeds. Otherwise, a problem report is generated, e.g.,
mentioning the problem, the corresponding simulation time,
as well as the vehicles involved, causing the CI pipeline to
fail. In the case of a failed pipeline, the engineer is notified
and can analyze the problem. Additionally, the frame data can
3"deltaTime":33,//simulation time since last frame
4"position":[//current vehicle position
7"steering":0.0165,//steering angle in radians
8"collision":false,//no collision at this sim. step
9... //further vehicle information
10 "totalTime":4059,
11 "vehicleID":"45124cec-120e-11e9-85d6-d2002090b701" //
unique vehicle id
12 },
13 ... ]
Fig. 3. Excerpt of a vehicle frame serialized using the JSON format.
be used to visualize the simulation helping to understand the
circumstances of the problem [14].
The presented simulation as a service (SimaaS) is a cen-
tral tool to the continuous simulation lifecycle enabling the
developer or the researcher to focus on functionality and
only requiring a human to look at simulation results when
something undesirable happens. Particularly, if the simulation
infrastructure is deployed in a cloud, as CI services mostly
are today, the developer does not have to supervise the
simulation, nor to deal with technical details of its execution,
configuration, or resource management.
The purpose of cloud computing is not just to outsource a
static amount of computational resources to an infrastructure
provider, but rather to provide the required resources on-
demand. This is usually achieved by packaging executables
into so-called containers: a container can be understood as
a lightweight Virtual Machine (VM) simulating the operating
system environment including all of its dependencies and other
resources required to execute the actual job. Working out-
of-the-box as long as the host system is supported, software
encapsulated in a container is easy to ship, deploy, and update.
When the computational load increases or more data needs
to be processed, containers are replicated and executed on
newly allocated resources. When a container is not needed
anymore, it is destroyed and the computational resources
are freed. Docker is the most common containerization tool
to date. Cloud services like AWS are built around Docker
technology thereby providing a systematic way to enable
fast and automated deployment of Linux applications inside
portable containers [26].
Our service-based architecture is tailored to fit the pattern
described above. In Fig. 1, components that are required
to scale frequently are depicted as component stacks: sub-
simulators and controllers are created on-demand, i.e., they are
only needed if a simulation is requested. Moreover, the number
of required sub-simulators depends on the size of the currently
simulated area. Similarly, the number of controller instances
is determined by the number of vehicles we want to control in
the simulation. Therefore, we enable cloud-capability for our
simulator architecture by encapsulating each service instance
in Fig. 1 in a Docker container.
How can this technology be integrated into agile research
and development processes for cooperatively interacting vehi-
cles? Consider a team working on a new module for coop-
erative trajectory planning. To validate behavior correctness,
the module needs to stand several simulations, e.g., without
producing a crash. Whenever new commits are pushed into
the code repository of the module, a new Docker image for
the controller service is automatically built and pushed into
the Docker registry in the cloud by the team’s CI server. A
simulation is triggered using the new version of the cooper-
ative trajectory planning module for some previously defined
scenarios and the results are sent back to the CI server. The
latter can now mark the pipeline as succeeded or failed and
inform the developer in charge. This guarantees that a software
failing to avoid accidents or to fulfill other requirements in the
simulation is automatically rejected by the Q/A as long as the
CI pipeline keeps failing.
Another positive aspect is that the cooperative driving
development team automatically uses the latest available sim-
ulation software. Whenever the simulator vendor releases a
new version, new simulator containers are built and deployed.
Thereby, all old service instances are replaced by new ones
featuring the latest simulator version. The target machines
which the components are running on just need to pull the
latest Docker image and start the new container. We do not
roll out an update to all machines at the same time, which is
also referred to as zero-downtime updating. If a problem is
found and rollback is needed, the worker machines only need
to pull the previous Docker image and replace the problematic
Scaling dockerized software also imposes a series of chal-
lenges: server clusters consist of many machines having dif-
ferent hardware, different network configurations, such as IP
addresses, available ports, etc. How can we schedule and coor-
dinate distributed simulations in such heterogeneous environ-
ments? Container orchestrating solutions are emerging in the
cloud era, with the most popular solutions being Kubernetes,
Mesos, and Docker Swarm. We employed Kubernetes in our
architecture since it is best supported by many cloud providers.
In a Kubernetes cluster, a set of master components provide
the cluster’s control plane. There are also nodes, which are
worker machines and may be either a virtual or a physical
machine. They contain services necessary to run pods and
are managed by the master. The pod is the basic building
block and management unit of Kubernetes. It runs a single
container or a small number of tightly coupled containers. In
our prototype, we deploy each component as a single container
pod. Another essential element of Kubernetes is deployment,
the purpose of which is to keep identical pods running and
upgrade them in a managed way. Kubernetes performs rolling
updates for pods by default. The zero downtime updating
feature is backed by this mechanism. Kubernetes Deployments
can also be used to make the application scalable. It enables
us to scale the components of our simulation architecture. Our
components can be configured to auto-scale based on CPU
utilization and customized metrics, more specifically, on the
number of available controller and simulator instances. For
instance, if all available containers are busy, Kubernetes can
initialize new ones pre-emptively so that incoming simulation
requests can be handled with lower latencies.
As we have seen in the previous sections, the simulator
needs to be interfaced by CI jobs, GUIs, and other simulator
components. In the following we list some of the most
important requirements regarding the interfaces:
(R1) Map configuration (upload/partition): the simulator
must offer an interface for map upload/selection by an
external actor (a user or a CI pipeline). Additionally, the
number of sectors the map is separated into also needs to
be configurable, since it affects simulation performance
and resource consumption. More specifically, this number
affects how many simulator instances will be consumed
by the simulation.
(R2) Vehicles creation/deletion: the simulator needs to of-
fer an interface to define and configure vehicles before the
simulation is started. This action must happens inside the
distributed system. Before simulation starts, the vehicles
are created in their respective sub-simulator instances by
the API server. Furthermore, vehicle creation and deletion
is needed for vehicle handovers between sub-simulator
instances as discussed in Section III.
(R3) Simulation control (start/step/pause/stop): The in-
terface must offer a way to start the simulation asyn-
chronously after map and vehicles have been configured.
That is, clients such as browsers, or our CI servers
must be able to start the simulation using this interface
and receive a simulation id right away. They can use
this returned id to control (pause/stop) the simulator or
retrieve the results once available. Once the client has
requested a simulation, the API server needs to dispatch
the simulation tasks to selected sub-simulators and to
continue executing single simulation steps followed by
a synchronization phase until the simulation is finished.
(R4) Data exchange: the simulator needs an interface for
the exchange of simulation data such as configuration,
results, status, etc. Clients can use this interface to retrieve
simulation results for analysis. The API server also needs
this interface to retrieve the vehicles’ status to synchro-
nize data between all sub-simulators. For instance, if a
vehicle approaches a sector boundary, the API server
needs to initiate a handover.
We have presented the distributed simulation solution Sd
as a microservice-based architecture. In this architecture,
components are deployed into a distributed environment. To
implement the required interfaces, we face a new challenge:
communication. In a monolithic software, components invoke
one another by calling language level functions. In a dis-
tributed environment, however, components mostly do not run
on the same machine, let alone in the same process or memory
space. This means the communication between the compo-
nents has to be routed through the cluster network. Thereby,
we must avoid the fallacies of distributed computing [27] in
this approach. For instance, we always assume that the network
is not reliable, hence we deploy multiple instances for each
component on different machines, to ensure that if a machine
is not reachable, there is always a backup instance available.
This is critical for components that are necessary for other
services, such as the registry. We support two strategies for
the instantiation of backup containers: proactive instantiation
spawns more containers than actually needed. This enables fast
failover if a container needs to be replaced. On the other hand,
maintaining idle components is expensive. This strategy should
be employed only if high performance is crucial. Reactive
instantiation, on the other hand spawns backup containers
when they are needed. This is the recommended strategy for
most applications.
Moreover, we take advantage of the deployment component
offered by Kubernetes to ensure that unreachable services are
always restarted or recreated on healthy nodes. Since new
machines could be added to the distributed system, or services
could be redeployed on other machines, the network topology
is volatile. This is solved by the internal DNS service offered
in Kubernetes. From the services’ point of view, an IP and
port are no longer involved to communicate with others, as the
hostname is a sufficient resource locator. If a service changes
its access point (IP, port), the Kubernetes DNS service will
update this information accordingly.
Note that the requirements listed above contain interfaces
used for communication (1) between users and the distributed
simulator Sdand (2) inside of Sd. For (1), they are a set of
public APIs that are exposed to the client. They are simple
and stateless. Hence, we realized them as a set of RESTful
APIs. For this RESTful API, we model resources such as
vehicles and maps according to the simulation description
format as defined in [4]. Since RESTful APIs are resource
oriented, make full use of HTTP 1.1 verbs, and the payload
is represented using the JSON format, it is human readable,
developer friendly, and can be easily integrated with other
software. For example, we define the remote access methods
POST /vehicles to create vehicles, GET /vehicles/:id to
retrieve the vehicle status for a given id, POST /simulations
to set up a simulation, POST /simulations/:id/start to start
it, and GET /simulations/:id to pull the simulation results.
In some use cases, users need to see the visualization of
the simulation on-line, i.e., without having to wait for the
simulation to finish. To enable fast visualization, we integrated
a WebSocket API sending simulation results frame by frame
to the clients as soon as they are available. This is practical
for engineers if they want to use the simulator interactively
receiving immediate feedback on their software.
Interfaces belonging to type (2), on the other hand, are
different. Being a set of internal APIs they are invoked
much more often than type (1) interfaces and generate the
majority of network traffic inside Sd. The main load is thereby
generated by the simulator synchronization as discussed above.
We implemented type (2) interfaces using RPC-style APIs,
since most RPC frameworks provide much better performance
than HTTP 1.1 and RESTful. These frameworks use data
serialization to reduce traffic and provide alternatives to HTTP
        
Fig. 4. Computing resource consumptions as the total (blue) and average
(red) CPU time consumption of the sub-simulators.
1.1 such as TCP sockets, HTTP 2, etc., to optimize the
network performance. To be precise, we chose Google’s gRPC
framework due to the following reasons: First, gRPC uses
HTTP/2, which provides long stable connections. This reduces
the (re-)connection overhead during sub-simulator synchro-
nization. Second, gRPC uses protobuf, which is more efficient
than other RPC serialization formats such as XML. This
reduces the amount of transmitted data during synchronization.
To validate that our distributed simulator scales for an
increasing number of sub-simulators and is hence suitable for
large scale cloud-based simulations, we set up a series of
experiments measuring the resource consumption depending
on the number of sectors. Note that this is not an evaluation
of the core simulator performance, but rather of the scalability
of our distribution concepts.
In the first experiment, we demonstrate that not only the
average resource consumption per sub-simulator but also the
total resource consumption can be tremendously reduced by
distributing the simulation workload. We simulate an OSM
map containing 267784 nodes and covering 32km2of the
city of Munich spanned by the coordinates (N48.1164000°
E11.5338000°) and (N48.1593000°, E11.6242000°). The map
is separated subsequently into different numbers of sectors,
from 1 (corresponding to no distribution) to 50, and populated
with 500 randomly, spatially uniformly distributed vehicles.
For each sub-simulator, the individual CPU and memory
usage is obtained from its container’s Pseudo-file [28] used by
Docker to log its resource usage statistics. The experiment is
performed on a VM consisting of 100 GB RAM, 50 CPU cores
clocked at 2 GHz, and Docker 18.09.7. The containers are
based on the OpenJDK 8 image which includes JVM version
8u212; its memory is limited to 8GB; other Docker settings are
set to default. In each simulation, we create completely fresh
containers. Fig. 4 shows the total CPU time consumption of
the simulation (blue) and the sector average consumption (red)
        
Fig. 5. Memory resource consumptions as the total (blue) and average (red)
maximum memory usage of the sub-simulators.
depending on the number of sectors (which is also the number
of sub-simulators). Note that the vertical axis has a logarithmic
scale due to the wide range of values.
The average CPU consumption decreases by two orders
of magnitude as we increase the number of sectors from
one to five. It decreases drastically mainly because each sub-
simulator computes fewer trajectories as the number of sectors
increases. Intuitively, distributed algorithms should introduce
some overhead, i.e., the total resource consumption should
increase. Interestingly, though, distributing the simulation to
multiple sub-simulators has a positive impact on the total CPU
usage, as well. The most likely reason for this is that if the
host machine is overloaded by the simulation, e.g., because
the map does not fit into the memory, the simulation process
needs to spend more time dealing with resource management,
e.g., memory swapping.
Fig. 4 shows that using five or fewer sub-simulators over-
loads the host hardware, which is denoted by the hatched
area. As we continue to increase the number of sectors, the
reduction of average CPU consumption gets slower. This is
mainly due to the fact that beyond a certain point no tasks
can be distributed anymore. A minimum amount of resources
is needed to keep an idle sub-simulator alive. The overload
region varies depending on the concrete simulation scenario,
particularly on the number of vehicles involved. In summary,
we manage to reduce the average CPU consumption by
99.95 %, from 1846821 ms with 1sub-simulator to 931.66 ms
with 50 sub-simulators.
Looking at the memory consumption in Fig. 5, we realize
that the average maximum memory consumption per sub-
simulator (red) decreases steadily, almost linearly. The average
memory usage is reduced by 90.59 % when the number of
sectors is increased from one to fifty. In contrast to the CPU
plot, we can clearly see the overhead we have to pay for
the distribution as an increase in the total memory usage.
Nevertheless, we think that this increase is justified by the
reduction in CPU time and average memory consumption.
        
Fig. 6. Simulation result (dataframe) generating speed when running the same
simulation scenario with 1, 2, 3 and 4 sectors.
To ensure that we have an approximately even memory
distribution among the sub-simulators, the green curve in
Fig. 5 denotes the maximum memory consumption allocated
by a single sub-simulator in the course of the simulation (the
maximum is over all sub-simulators and all points in time). It
is an upper bound on the memory needed per sub-simulator to
perform the simulation. As this curve barely differs from the
average memory curve, we can conclude that the distributed
architecture is really scalable—no sub-simulator has to carry
the majority of the workload.
The goal of our second experiment is to show that our
simulator performs faster when simulating fewer vehicles per
sector. In this experiment, we use a machine with a quad-core
Intel E3-1230 CPU@3.3 GHz and 16 GB RAM, JVM memory
is limited to 4 GB. Other settings remain the same. The
simulation is based on a map of Aachen spanned by the co-
ordinates (N50.7669000°, E6.0762000°) and (N50.7802000°,
E6.0932000°) with 14517 nodes covering an area of 1 km2.
Four vehicles are simulated for approximately 26 seconds of
simulation time using one to four sectors. For each number of
sectors, the vehicles are positioned so that each sector contains
at least one vehicle. After each simulation step of 1023 ms of
simulation time, we record the time consumed to compute it.
Fig. 6 depicts the results of this experiment. The gradient of
a curve denotes the real-time/simulated-time ratio α. The less
load a sub-simulator has, the smaller the slope and the faster
the simulation. While we observed α2when no distribution
was applied, we obtained a simulation speed close to real-time
by increasing the number of sub-simulators to four. This is a
significant bound, as real-time simulations can be particularly
important for HiL testing [1] or if instant visualization is
The goal of our third experiment is to analyze the relation
between resource consumption and the number of simulated
vehicles created in the sub-simulators. We simulate the same
map as in the first experiment with 20 sectors. In each sim-
       
Fig. 7. Resource consumption when simulating with different number of
ulation, we populate the sub-simulators with random, evenly
distributed vehicles.
Fig. 7 shows the results of this evaluation. The blue curve
shows that as we increase the number of simulated vehicles,
the overall memory consumption increases almost linearly.
The process of vehicle creation mainly includes trajectory
planning, loading physical models into memory, and initializ-
ing sensors. Every sub-simulator only needs to load its map
once. Thereafter, it can compute trajectories for all vehicles
in its sector. For this reason, the trajectory planning does not
have a large impact on the overall memory usage. Loading
physical models and initializing sensors, on the other hand,
induces similar overheads for each vehicle. Therefore, the
overall memory consumption increases roughly linearly with
the total number of simulated vehicles.
The curve of total CPU time shown in Fig. 7 differs from
the one representing the total memory usage. Overall, the
total CPU time increases as the number of vehicle increases.
At some segments, e.g., going from 250 to 313, and from
375 to 438 vehicles, however, the total CPU time decreases.
The reason for that is that the time the JVM spends on
resource management is not predictable in our experiment.
More specifically, the CPU cost for garbage collection in the
experiment where we created 250 vehicles is higher than the
cost with 313 simulated vehicles. Besides CPU cost of the
JVM itself, we expect the total CPU time to increase because
the sub-simulators need more CPU resources for trajectory
Overall, we found out that splitting the simulation task into
several sectors can drastically reduce resource consumption.
However, an optimal setting depends on traffic density, total
map size, and the host hardware. The absolute values shown in
this evaluation strongly depend on the implementation of the
core stand-alone simulator, namely MontiSim. Yet we assume
that integrating another simulator, e.g., Sumo or Veins, would
lead to similar positive effects.
Shekhar et al. offer the SimaaS concept, as well [29]. Sim-
ilar to our approach, the authors propose to subdivide a larger
simulation into multiple sub-simulators running in independent
Docker containers. However, in contrast to our approach, their
work focuses on executing multiple simulations with different
parameters and aggregating the results afterwards. Our system
instead splits up large simulations into multiple jobs that are
synchronized while the simulation is executed. In a case study,
the proposed system carries out a traffic simulation based on
SUMO. In contrast to MontiSim, SUMO is not capable of test-
ing different vehicle controllers. Furthermore, by decoupling
the system-under-test, i.e., the vehicle controller, from the
simulation environment, the system-under-test can be replaced
more efficiently. This is crucial in a CI use case where many
different revisions of the system-under-test need to be tested.
SEMSim [30] also offers an architecture for executing traffic
simulations in the cloud. Similar to our architecture, an API
takes a simulation specification as input. A dispatch server then
assigns the requested simulation to a set of VMs called simula-
tion instances. Compared to our approach, SEMSim provides
more sophisticated data protection mechanisms. However,
SEMSim only parallelizes multiple runs of a simulation, while
our architecture allows distributing single runs of a simulation
across multiple containers. Hence, our architecture is more
scalable as it allows running large simulations that cannot be
executed by a single VM. At the same time, our approach can
parallelize multiple runs of a simulation by sending multiple
requests to the API Server.
The main driver behind our parallelization of a traffic
simulation is the division of the map into several sectors,
where all sectors are simulated in parallel. This strategy has
previously been proposed in other parallel traffic simula-
tors such as the parallel implementation of the TRANSIMS
microsimulation [31]. Similar to our approach, this work
represents the map as a graph and then uses the METIS
graph partitioning algorithm to distribute the workload across
multiple CPUs. The authors show that this strategy enables
an efficient simulation for maps consisting of large numbers
of edges. The core simulator TRANSIMS focuses on high-
level strategic routing decisions of vehicles based on, e.g.,
congestion. In contrast, our simulator focuses on low-level
decisions based on, e.g., sensor data that are necessary to
develop vehicle controllers.
Kiesling and Luthi discuss how to parallelize traffic sim-
ulations by subdividing the simulated time rather than the
map [32]. To do so, a synchronization between time slices
is required. While this parallelization strategy might apply to
comparably simple traffic models such as the Nagel/Schreck-
enberg model [33], the authors remark that their strategy is
ineffective if the simulation relies on complex states. Hence,
their parallelization approach cannot be applied in use cases
targeted by MontiSim, where the vehicle controllers of each
vehicle rely on a large number of parameters such as sensor
In this work, we presented an architecture as well as a
reference implementation for distributable agent-based ITS
simulators. The concepts can be applied to any stand-alone
simulator to enable large scale simulations as long as it fulfills
a set of discussed prerequisites. The achieved scalability
is supported by a series of experiments showing that both
workload and memory consumption of each worker can be
reduced substantially by the sectoring approach combined with
containerization. Although the distribution is not for free, as
we pay with increased total memory consumption and network
resources, surprisingly we observed a decrease in total CPU
time when multiple sectors are used.
However, the employed sectoring approach has both advan-
tages and disadvantages. A major drawback of static sectoring
is that some sectors might be deserted while other, highly
frequented sectors are still overloaded. The optimal number
of sectors and their shapes are parameters which need to
be chosen thoroughly and are subject to future research.
Temporarily shutting down simulators assigned to abandoned
sectors could improve the resource consumption.
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... Using an emulation, our approach is only limited by the amount of available processing resources. If the simulation is executed as a service [12] in cloud systems, this effectively means the number of tested vehicles is only limited by the cost limit. The cost for this scalability is, however, the need for a thorough validation of the emulation. ...
... MontiSim is an agent-based intelligent transportation system (ITS) simulator for the testing of autonomous driving software [12]- [14]. This means, each vehicle in the simulation is an entity with its own perception of the world (created by its respective sensors) and its own intelligence controlling the actuators. ...
... The analysis in Sec. III showed that the increased focus on particular types of use cases necessarily leads to specific requirements imposed upon the simulation architecture, which can be investigated in Fig. 3. Features like modularity, scalability, and customizability are notably absent in many traditional C-ITS simulation frameworks [39]. This necessitates an architecture that enriches a simulator core with said features to properly cover the focused use cases. ...
Full-text available
Future mobility systems and their components are increasingly defined by their software. The complexity of these cooperative intelligent transport systems (C-ITS) and the ever- changing requirements posed at the software require continual software updates. The dynamic nature of the system and the practically innumerable scenarios in which different software components work together necessitate efficient and automated development and testing procedures that use simulations as one core methodology. The availability of such simulation architectures is a common interest among many stakeholders, especially in the field of automated driving. That is why we propose CARLOS - an open, modular, and scalable simulation framework for the development and testing of software in C-ITS that leverages the rich CARLA and ROS ecosystems. We provide core building blocks for this framework and explain how it can be used and extended by the community. Its architec- ture builds upon modern microservice and DevOps principles such as containerization and continuous integration. In our paper, we motivate the architecture by describing important design principles and showcasing three major use cases - software prototyping, data-driven development, and automated testing. We make CARLOS and example implementations of the three use cases publicly available at aachen/carlos
... Under the many service layers, AWS uses containers to instantiate the IoT devices and the backends with which the devices should communicate. Kirchhof et al. [45] proposed a service architecture to simulate connected vehicles in a realistic environment. In this scenario, the hardware requirements explode as the number of automobiles grows and the simulated area becomes large. ...
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Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) is a strategic field of study that seeks to provide a coastal country with an effective monitoring of its maritime resources and its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). In this scope, a Maritime Monitoring System (MMS) aims to leverage active surveillance of military and non-military activities at sea using sensing devices such as radars, optronics, automatic Identification Systems (AISs), and IoT, among others. However, deploying a nation-scale MMS imposes great challenges regarding the scalability and cybersecurity of this heterogeneous system. Aiming to address these challenges, this work explores the use of blockchain to leverage MMS cybersecurity and to ensure the integrity, authenticity, and availability of relevant navigation data. We propose a prototype built on a permissioned blockchain solution using HyperLedger Fabric—a robust, modular, and efficient open-source blockchain platform. We evaluate this solution’s performance through a practical experiment where the prototype receives sensing data from a Software-Defined-Radio (SDR)-based low-cost AIS receiver built with a Raspberry Pi. In order to reduce scalability attrition, we developed a dockerized blockchain client easily deployed on a large scale. Furthermore, we determined, through extensive experimentation, the client optimal hardware configuration, also aiming to reduce implementation and maintenance costs. The performance results provide a quantitative analysis of the blockchain technology overhead and its impact in terms of Quality of Service (QoS), demonstrating the feasibility and effectiveness of our solution in the scope of an MMS using AIS data.
... There are research works that have built web based services to perform simulations. The authors of [17] presents a MontiSim based environment to perform simulations for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). The work in [29] and [25] provides a similar environment to simulate networks for which the users are required to provide their own models, including the simulation environment. ...
... The idea of providing a simulation as a service has been addressed by previous works, whereby two research areas can be identified: the scalability of computation and the provision of access to resources to third parties. For achieving scalability of simulations, it is possible to divide large-scale simulations in smaller sub-simulations [15]. These smaller simulations can be run in different systems in parallel before being synchronized, aggregated and returned to the user. ...
Conference Paper
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In the production industry, the digital transformation enables a significant optimization potential. The concept of reinforcement learning offers a suitable approach to train agents on learning control strategies, further advancing automation. While applications training directly on real-world processes are rare due to economical and safety constraints, simulations offer a way to develop and evaluate agents prior to deployment. With the rise of service-based business models, the simulation owner and the machine learning expert are likely to be different stakeholders in a joint project. Due to different requirements for both simulations and reinforcement-learning agents, the stakeholders may be reluctant or unable to grant full access to the respective software. This poses a serious impediment to the potential of the digital transformation. In this paper, a distributed architecture is proposed, which allows the remote training of reinforcement learning agents on a simulation. It is shown that this architecture allows the cooperation between two stakeholders by exposing a suitable technical interface to the simulation. The proposed architecture is implemented for a simulation of the multi-step metal forming process of heavy plate rolling. Furthermore, the implemented architecture is used to successfully train a reinforcement-learning agent on the task of designing optimal parameter schedules.
... Since the latter has many advantages regarding e. g. costs, expenditure and safety risks, almost all references use simulation for their proof of concept. There are many commercial and free simulators on the market, as well as simulation frameworks developed in the literature [46,47]. ...
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When will automated vehicles come onto the market? This question has puzzled the automotive industry and society for years. The technology and its implementation have made rapid progress over the last decade, but the challenge of how to prove the safety of these systems has not yet been solved. Since a market launch without proof of safety would neither be accepted by society nor by legislators, much time and many resources have been invested into safety assessment in recent years in order to develop new approaches for an efficient assessment. This paper therefore provides an overview of various approaches, and gives a comprehensive survey of the so-called scenario-based approach. The scenario-based approach is a promising method, in which individual traffic situations are typically tested by means of virtual simulation. Since an infinite number of different scenarios can theoretically occur in real-world traffic, even the scenario-based approach leaves the question unanswered as to how to break these down into a finite set of scenarios, and find those which are representative in order to render testing more manageable. This paper provides a comprehensive literature review of related safety-assessment publications that deal precisely with this question. Therefore, this paper develops a novel taxonomy for the scenario-based approach, and classifies all literature sources. Based on this, the existing methods will be compared with each other and, as one conclusion, the alternative concept of formal verification will be combined with the scenario-based approach. Finally, future research priorities are derived.
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Efficient testing is a crucial prerequisite to engineer reliable automotive software successfully. However, manually deriving test cases from ambiguous textual requirements is costly and error‐prone. Model‐based software engineering captures requirements in structured, comprehensible, and formal models, which enables early consistency checking and verification. Moreover, these models serve as an indispensable basis for automated test case derivation. To facilitate automated test case derivation for automotive software engineering, we conducted a survey with testing experts of the BMW Group and conceived a method to extend the BMW Group's specification method for requirements, design, and test methodology by model‐based test case derivation. Our method is realized for a variant of systems modeling language activity diagrams tailored toward testing automotive software and a model transformation to derive executable test cases. Hereby, we can address many of the surveyed practitioners' challenges and ultimately facilitate quality assurance for automotive software.
Conference Paper
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Software for self-driving vehicles requires intensive testing to avoid fatal accidents and to allow correct operation in real-world environments. Simulation frameworks are tools that extend component and functional tests to address interconnections between sensors, actuators, and controllers in virtual and predefined environments. Existing simulators can be separated into high-level and low-level ones. Both are designed for very specific scenarios and are not suitable for addressing all driving situations. While high-level simulators are suitable for mastering large testing environments such as cities, they lack fine-grained simulation capabilities, e.g., turning of wheels. In contrast, lowlevel simulators provide a high level of detail with realistic motion profiles. This is usually only possible in small testing environments. In this paper, we present an approach that combines the benefits of both high-level and low-level simulators to execute component and connector models. Simulation developers can choose the most suitable level of detail and integrate realworld environment data from OpenStreetMap. Moreover, the simulator allows for adaptations and extensions of the physical vehicle configuration including new sensors, actuators and control systems. Another feature of our simulator is its automated testing support and its ability to visualize 3D simulations in a browser. The here presented MontiCAR Simulator framework supports self-driving car developers with a distributed and collaborative development and testing approach as well as with the ability to partially evaluate very specific parts of the simulated car such as sensors or actuators.
Conference Paper
Component and Connector (C&C) models, with their corresponding code generators, are widely used by large automotive manufacturers to develop new software functions for embedded systems interacting with their environment; C&C example applications are engine control, remote parking pilots, and traffic sign assistance. This paper presents a complete toolchain to design and compile C&C models to highly-optimized code running on multiple targets including x86/x64, ARM and WebAssembly. One of our contributions are algebraic and threading optimizations to increase execution speed for computationally expensive tasks. A further contribution is an extensive case study with over 50 experiments. This case study compares the runtime speed of the generated code using different compilers and mathematical libraries. These experiments showed that programs produced by our compiler are at least two times faster than the ones compiled by MATLAB/Simulink for machine learning applications such as image clustering for object detection. Additionally, our compiler toolchain provides a complete model-based testing framework and plug-in points for middleware integration. We make all materials including models and toolchains electronically available for inspection and further research.