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Hierarchical coding in the perception and memory of spatial layouts



Two experiments were performed to investigate the organization of spatial information in perception and memory. Participants were confronted with map-like configurations of objects which were grouped by color (Experiment 1) or shape (Experiment 2) so as to induce cognitive clustering. Two tasks were administered: speeded verification of spatial relations between objects and unspeeded estimation of the Euclidean distance between object pairs. In both experiments, verification times, but not distance estimations, were affected by group membership. Spatial relations of objects belonging to the same color or shape group were verified faster than those of objects from different groups, even if the spatial distance was identical. These results did not depend on whether judgments were based on perceptually available or memorized information, suggesting that perceptual, not memory processes were responsible for the formation of cognitive clusters.
Bernhard Hommel á Jo
rg Gehrke á Lothar Knuf
Hierarchical coding in the perception and memory of spatial layouts
Received: 7 October 1999 / Accepted: 17 February 2000
Abstract Two experiments were performed to investi-
gate the organization of spatial information in percep-
tion and memory. Participants were confronted with
map-like con®gurations of objects which were grouped
by color (Experiment 1) or shape (Experiment 2) so as to
induce cognitive clustering. Two tasks were adminis-
tered: speeded veri®cation of spatial relations between
objects and unspeeded estimation of the Euclidean dis-
tance between object pairs. In both experiments, veri®-
cation times, but not distance estimations, were aected
by group membership. Spatial relations of objects be-
longing to the same color or shape group were veri®ed
faster than those of objects from dierent groups, even if
the spatial distance was identical. These results did not
depend on whether judgments were based on perceptu-
ally available or memorized information, suggesting that
perceptual, not memory processes were responsible for
the formation of cognitive clusters.
Spatial cognition is of central importance for a wide
range of human everyday activities, because most of our
actions rely on the perception and memories of spatial
relations, such as in reaching and grasping an object,
typing on a keyboard, or ®nding one's way home. To
perform successfully in such tasks, our cognitive system
not only needs to register and integrate relevant portions
of the available spatial information, but also retrieve and
use already acquired and stored information from short-
term and long-term memory. Interestingly, there is
strong evidence that spatial information undergoes
considerable changes on its way from the sensory surface
to memory, often distorting the original information in
systematic ways (for overview see McNamara, 1991;
Tversky, 1981). In the literature, such distortions have
been often attributed to memory processes, such as the
encoding of spatial information (e.g., McNamara &
LeSueur, 1989), its retrieval (e.g., Sadalla, Staplin, &
Burroughs, 1979), or both (Tversky, 1991). However,
here we entertain the hypothesis that at least some dis-
tortions might originate already from perception, not
memory, hence much earlier in the processing stream
that hitherto assumed. There is some evidence that
complex visual structures are coded in a hierarchical
fashion in both perception and memory. Memory dis-
tortions are often ascribed to hierarchical representa-
tion, so that such a commonality suggests that memory
distortions may merely re¯ect the perceptual organiza-
tion of stimulus information. We report two experiments
that investigated whether and how perceptual similari-
ties between perceived and to-be-memorized elements of
a map-like display aect perception- and memory-based
judgments of spatial relations. Our data provide evi-
dence that the structure of memory representations is
already formed in perception, a ®nding that calls for a
reinterpretation of a considerable part of previous
Hierarchical coding in memory
There are quite a number of studies supporting the idea
that spatial relations are coded hierarchically in memo-
ry. Maki (1981) had participants verify sentences de-
scribing the spatial relation between pairs of American
cities (``City A is west of City B'' or ``City A is east of
City B''), and observed that, as one might expect, veri-
®cation time was a decreasing function of Euclidean
inter-pair distance. However, this was only true for cities
that belonged to the same state (e.g., Alamo and
Psychological Research (2000) 64: 1±10 Ó Springer-Verlag 2000
B. Hommel (&)
University of Leiden, Section of Experimental and Theoretical
Psychology, Postbus 9555, 2300 RB Leiden, The Netherlands;
B. Hommel á J. Gehrke á L. Knuf
Max Planck Institute for Psychological Research,
Munich, Germany
Burlington, North Dakota), but not for cities located in
dierent states (e.g., Jamestown, North Dakota, and
Albertville, Minnesota). Such ®ndings might indicate
that information about cities and states is hierarchically
organized, so that cities are stored as elements of su-
perordinate state categories. If so, comparing elements
from the same category should be in fact easier the more
discriminable (i.e., distant) the elements are; however,
judgments about elements from dierent categories
might be often based on category membership, hence
in¯uenced by the spatial relationship between categories
(i.e., states), so that within-category discriminability
does not (or not that much) come into play.
Further evidence for hierarchical structures in mem-
ory comes from the experiments of Stevens and Coupe
(1978). These authors presented their subjects with to-
be-memorized arti®cial maps each containing two cities
(e.g., city x and city y) that fell in dierent superordinate
regions (e.g., Alpha county, Beta county). In a congru-
ent condition, the spatial relation between the cities
matched the relation between the counties, e.g., city x
(located in Alpha county) was to the west of city y (lo-
cated in Beta county) and Alpha county was to the west
of Beta county. In an incongruent condition, the rela-
tionship between cities was the opposite of that between
counties, e.g., city x was to the west of city y and Alpha
county was to the east of Beta county. When subjects
made directional judgments about the two cities, sys-
tematic errors were observed with incongruent condi-
tions producing more errors than congruent conditions.
According to Stevens and Coupe, this is because par-
ticipants used their knowledge about superordinate re-
lations in judging the subordinated cities, so that the
judged relations were distorted to conform with the re-
lation of the superordinate geographical units.
A similar type of bias can also be demonstrated for
real-world locations, as shown by the study of Hirtle and
Jonides (1985) on the cognitive representation of land-
marks in the city Ann Arbor, Michigan, (e.g., city hall,
central cafe). Protocols of the free recall of landmarks
were used to (re-) construct individual clusters, sepa-
rately for each subject, and the validity of these clusters
was then tested by means of a spatial-judgment task
(i.e., distance estimation). As expected, distances within
a cluster were judged smaller than distances across
In experiments reported by Hirtle and Mascolo
(1986), participants memorized maps in which place
names fell into two semantic cluster: names of recre-
ational facilities (e.g., Golf Course or Dock) and names
of city buildings (e.g., Post Oce or Bank). Locations
were arranged in such a way that, although places be-
longing to the same semantic cluster were spatially
grouped on the map, the Euclidean distance of one
recreational facility was shorter to the cluster of the city
buildings than to any other recreational facility, and vice
versa. However, when subjects were asked to estimate
inter-object distances on the basis of memory informa-
tion, they showed a clear tendency to (mis)locate these
critical places closer to their fellow category members
than to members of the other cluster.
Taken altogether, these results provide strong evi-
dence that global nonspatial relations between objects
induce the formation of hierarchical object clusters in
memory, thereby distorting certain inter-object spatial
relations, or at least the judgments made about these
Hierarchical coding in perception
The available results from memory studies provide
strong evidence for the assumption that information
about spatial con®gurations is not cognitively repre-
sented in a one-to-one correspondence, but seems to be
at least partly organized in a hierarchical fashion.
However, it is far from being settled which processes are
responsible for such an organization. Obvious candi-
dates are memory processes, which may work to reduce
the perceptual information to minimize storage costs,
optimize later retrieval, and so forth. But hierarchical
coding may also be a result of perceptual, or perceptu-
ally driven, processes, which may not only register sen-
sory evidence but actively integrate it into a structured
whole. If so, hierarchical coding in memory would tell us
not so much about memory principles but about per-
ceptual organization
Several authors have argued that complex visual
structures are perceptually coded in a hierarchical
fashion. Navon (1977) tested the idea that global
structuring of a visual scene precedes analysis of local
features. Participants were presented with large letters
(the global level) made of small letters (the local level),
and they were to recognize either the global or the local
letter level. There were two important outcomes: First, it
According to the classical Gestalt-psychological view, perceptual
organization proceeds preattentively and autonomously, hence
before codes of perceptually available information are brought into
contact with stored knowledge. If so, the rules according to which
perceptual information is organized are hard-wired into the per-
ceptual system and cannot be modi®ed by experience, an assump-
tion that draws a thick line between perceptual and memory
systems and processes. In contrast, more recent approaches (e.g.,
Goldstone & Barsalou, 1998) propose a more continuous view on
the relation between perception and memory that allows for in-
teractions between perceptual and memory contents in the pro-
cessing of perceptual input. We do not think that the logic of our
study presupposes the acceptance of one or other view, or that our
®ndings help to decide which one is more tenable. What we wish to
investigate is (1) whether the cognitive clustering (i.e., the organi-
zation) of spatial- and location-related information about map-like
layouts is aected, and can be experimentally induced, through
purely perceptual, nonspatial characteristics of the layout, and (2)
whether such clustering eects are restricted to memory-driven
tasks (i.e., tasks requiring memory retrieval) or whether they can
also be obtained before the layout has been memorized and stored,
i.e., in a perceptually-driven task not relying on memory retrieval.
However, even though our study does reveal clustering eects in
perceptually driven tasks ± an outcome suggesting an important
role of perceptual organization ± there is nothing in our data that
would exclude (or suggest) experience- or memory-related contri-
butions to perceptual organization.
took less time to identify the global than the local letter,
showing that global identi®cation is easier than local
identi®cation. Second, the congruence between global
and local letter produced asymmetric eects, that is,
global identi®cation was more or less independent of the
identity of the local letters, while local identi®cation was
much easier if global and local letters were identical than
if they were incongruent. This latter ®nding supports the
notion that local analysis is always preceded by global
processing, while global information can be extracted
without local analysis. Obviously, visual structures are
perceptually represented in a hierarchical fashion and
this hierarchy aects informational access.
More evidence for hierarchical clustering of visual
information has been found by Baylis and Driver (1993),
who had their subjects judge the relative height of object
features that were part of the same or of dierent visual
objects. Although the distance between the features was
held constant, the judgments were made faster when
both features were part of the same rather than dierent
objects. The authors argued that codes of features of the
same object, including their spatial relations, make up a
single representational cluster, with dierent clusters
(i.e., object representations) being hierarchically orga-
nized. If so, judging features of dierent objects requires
switching between cluster levels, while judging features
of the same object does not, so that between-level
judgments are slower than within-level judgments. Ob-
viously, these argument follow exactly the same lines as
those of Maki (1981), although Baylis and Driver refer
to perception, while Maki refers to memory. This
strengthens our suspicion that the way complex con®g-
urations are represented in perception and memory may
be similar, or even identical.
Gestalt principles in spatial cognition
Taken altogether, the literature reviewed so far suggests
that perceptual coding processes do not only aect
perceptually based judgments, but may also determine
the way perceptual information is stored, thus indirectly
aecting memory-based judgments. This implies that the
distortions and clustering eects observed in memory
tasks may not so much re¯ect organizational principles
of memory processes, but be a more or less direct con-
sequence of distortions and clustering tendencies in
perception. Accordingly, we wanted to test whether ex-
perimental, stimulus-related factors that are known to
aect perception can also be shown to aect memory-
based performance, and whether their eects on per-
ception and memory are comparable. In particular, we
investigated whether Gestalt principles can be demon-
strated to aect perception and memory the same way.
Gestalt principles are known to exert powerful eects
on perception. Important for our study is the fact that
elements tend to be grouped perceptually if they are
similar in color, shape, or other attributes (see Rock &
Palmer, 1990). Several investigators have shown that
such perceptual-clustering phenomena are associated
with biases and errors in spatial judgments analogous to
visual-geometric illusions (e.g., Canter & Tagg, 1975;
Coren & Girgus, 1980), suggesting that the perceived
distance between items belonging to the same phenom-
enal group is contracted. That is, Gestalt principles and
their eects on perceptual organization may lead to
distortions of the perceived space or, more precisely, of
the spatial characteristics of perceived con®gurations.
Indeed, Canter and Tagg found evidence that Gestalt
features of map-like stimuli can lead to measurable bi-
ases in performance: When facing a city with a river
running through it, people seemed to mentally divide the
city in halves, as expressed in their tendency to judge
distances between places within a half of the city dif-
ferently than across the river.
In the present two experiments, we used the Gestalt
principle of similarity, that is, the tendency of people to
perceive similar objects as belonging to a common
group. Similarity between objects was expected to in-
duce the cognitive clustering of the representations of
these objects, which again should aect performance in
perceptual and/or memory tasks. In Experiment 1, the
stimulus layout was a visual map-like con®guration of
18 objects (Fig. 1), namely houses of an arti®cial city.
The coloring of the objects was chosen in such a way
that the con®guration was subdivided into three or four
groups of adjacent objects with the same color. In Ex-
periment 2, the same grouping of objects on the stimulus
layout was achieved by using dierent shapes of the
objects (Fig. 2).
To test whether the non-spatial factors color and
shape would aect the coding of the spatial information
between the objects, participants were asked to perform
two ``spatial'' tasks: a speeded veri®cation of sentences
describing spatial relations (e.g., ``Is house A above
house B?'') ± a task often used in perceptual experiments
± and an unspeeded estimation of Euclidean distances ±
a task very common in memory experiments. We had
our participants perform these tasks under three condi-
tions in three consecutive sessions. In the perceptual
session, the con®guration was constantly visible; in the
memory condition, participants ®rst memorized the
con®guration and then performed the tasks without
seeing it; and in the perceptual/memory condition, the
con®guration was again visible, so that both perceptual
and memory information was available.
We expected both tasks to reveal the same pattern of
results, hence the cognitive clustering of the con®gura-
tion should aect veri®cation times as well as distance
estimations. Our prediction for both experiments were
as follows: Objectively identical Euclidean distances
between two given objects should be estimated as being
smaller when both objects were elements of the same
(identical color or shape) rather than dierent visual
groups. Such a result would suggest that the cognitive
representations of the objects were in fact clustered as a
consequence of Gestalt factors (e.g., similarity of color
or shape) and that this clustering led to the distortion of
the objective spatial information. We assumed that the
visual grouping of objects by similarity would induce a
similar kind of cognitive clustering as presenting or re-
ferring to abstract knowledge about category or group
membership ± the manipulation used in previous studies
(e.g., Stevens & Coupe, 1978). Along the same lines, we
expected the veri®cation of spatial relations to proceed
more quickly if the to-be-judged object pair belonged to
the same as compared to dierent visual groups. If so,
this would support the idea that (inter-)object informa-
tion is hierarchically represented, so that within-cluster
information can be accessed more quickly than between-
cluster information. Finally, given the idea that memory
eects may often merely re¯ect the outcome of percep-
tual organization, we expected that the same pattern of
result for distance estimations and veri®cation times
should be present in all three conditions, that is, results
to be independent of whether the perceptual information
is available or not.
Experiment 1
Experiment 1 was conducted to provide a ®rst test of our
hypothesis that Gestalt factors of a stimulus layout
(here: the color-based grouping of objects) induce the
hierarchical coding or clustering of the objects making
up this con®guration, and that this eect in¯uences
perception and memory in comparable ways.
Participants. Eighteen adults (mean age 24 years), 11 females and 7
males, were paid to participate in the experiment. They reported
having normal vision or corrected-to-normal vision, and were un-
aware of the purpose of the study.
Apparatus and stimuli. Stimuli were presented via a video beamer
(BARCODATA 800) on a 140 ´ 110 cm projection surface and
participants were seated in front of the surface with a viewing
distance of about 180 cm. The data acquisition was controlled by a
personal computer. Participants made their responses by pressing a
left or right sensor key with the corresponding index ®nger.
Stimuli were two versions of map-like con®gurations of 18
colored houses, which were introduced to the participants as houses
of a virtual city (Figs. 1, 2). The houses measured 15 ´ 15 cm and
were arranged as shown in Fig. 1, plus a randomly determined jitter
of up to 5 cm around the location centers. Each house was labeled
by a consonant-vowel-consonant nonsense syllable without any
obvious phonological, semantic, or functional relation to locations
or location-related words. The name-to-house mapping varied
randomly between participants. In one version of the con®guration
(C3), three dierent colors were used to subdivide the map into
three perceptual groups (group C3
: C, E, H, L, O; group C3
I, J, M, Q; and group C3
: D, G, K, N, P). In the second version
(C4) four groups were formed using four colors (group C4
D, F; group C4
: E, H, I, L; group C4
: G, J, K, N; and group C4
M, O, P, Q). The houses in locations A and R served as neutral
items in both con®gurations; their only use was to avoid possible
end or anchor eects on veri®cation or estimation performance.
Eight vertical location pairs were chosen for location veri®ca-
tions and distance estimations. The members of each of these pairs
were separated by 300 mm on average. Half the pairs were com-
posed of elements which were located within a perceptual group
(B±F, E±L, G±N, M±Q) and the other half consisted of elements of
adjacent groups (C±I, D±J, I±O, J±P). A small set of diagonal and
Fig. 1 Schematic graph of the layout used in Experiment 1
(example). The letters indicating the locations were not shown to
the subjects; instead each house was identi®ed by a nonsense
``name'' (i.e., a meaningless syllable like ``MAW'', omitted here)
appearing in its center. Each con®guration consisted of 18 colored
houses (colors indicated here by texture). Three to four of them had
the same color, this making up either three or four color groups
(con®gurations C3 and C4). For example, in C4 houses in locations
B, C, D and F might be red, houses in E, H, I, and L green, houses
in G, J, K, and N blue, and houses in M, O, P and Q yellow. White
houses A and R, that were not used in any task, were added to all
con®guration versions
Fig. 2 Illustration of the objects used in Experiment 2. All objects
were uncolored and varied in shape only. Three to four of them
were of the same type, this making up either three or four shape
groups (con®gurations C3 and C4, respectively). Houses of type 3
served as neutral objects in locations A and R
horizontal pairs was used as ®llers, but results for these pairs were
not further analyzed.
Design. The experiment consisted of three experimental sessions
(perceptual, memory, and perceptual/memory condition). Each
session was divided into one experimental block for location
judgments and another block for distance estimations, with task
order being balanced across participants. A set of 320 judgments
was composed of 10 repetitions for each possible combinations of
eight experimental pairs, two relations (under, above), and two
orders of location within the pair (A±B, B±A); 88 ®ller judgments
were added to the set. Half of the participants responded yes and
no by pressing the left and right response key, respectively, while
the other half received the opposite response-key mapping. A set of
48 distance estimations comprised three repetitions of each of the
possible combinations of eight experimental pairs and two order-
ings of location within the pair. Twelve further pairs served as
®llers. Half of the participants worked on con®guration C3, con-
sisting three perceptual groups, and the other half worked on
con®guration C4, consisting four perceptual groups.
Procedure. Each participant participated in three experimental
sessions on three consecutive days. The stimulus con®guration for a
given participant was the same in each session. In the ®rst session
(perceptual condition), the con®guration remained visible while
subjects worked through the distance estimation task and the lo-
cation veri®cation task. The second session (memory condition)
started with an acquisition phase, in which the participants mem-
orized the positions and syllables of the displayed houses. Then
they performed the estimation and the veri®cation tasks in front of
a blank projection surface, hence without seeing the con®guration.
The third session (perceptual/memory condition) was identical to
the ®rst session, hence the con®guration was visible while the two
tasks were performed.
Distance estimations. Sixty pairs of house names (48 critical dis-
tance pairs and 12 ®ller pairs) were displayed one pair at a time in
the upper center of the projection surface. The names were dis-
played in adjacent positions, separated by a short horizontal line.
Another horizontal line of 70 cm in length was shown below the
names and participants were told that this line represented the
width of the whole projection surface (which actually spanned
double the size). It was crossed by a vertical pointer of 5 cm in
length, which could be moved to the left or right by pressing the left
and right response key, respectively. For each indicated pair, par-
ticipants were required to estimate the distance between the cor-
responding objects (center to center) by adjusting the location of
the pointer accordingly, and then to verify their estimation by
pressing the two response keys at the same time. They were in-
structed to take as much time as needed for each estimation. The
critical dependent measure (i.e., estimated distance) was computed
by taking the distance indicated on the screen in pixels, multiplied
by 2, and transforming it into millimeters.
Location judgments. A series of 408 (320 critical and 88 ®ller) to-
be-veri®ed locational statements was presented to each participant,
one statement at a time. In each trial, a ®xation cross appeared for
300 ms in the top center of the display. Then the statement ap-
peared, consisting of the names of two objects and a relation be-
tween them, such as ``RUK under JOX'' or ``KAD above NOZ''.
Participants were instructed to verify (or falsify) as quickly and as
accurately as possible by pressing the yes or no key accordingly; the
assignment of answer and response key was counterbalanced across
participants. The sentence stayed on the projection surface until the
response key was made. After an intertrial interval of 600 ms the
next trial appeared. In the case of an incorrect key being pressed,
the error was counted without feedback and the trial was indexed.
Such an indexed trial was incorporated into the rest of the series
at a random position within the series. If the same error on the
same trial was made for three times, this trial was excluded from
the data.
Acquisition. The second session always started with the acquisition
of the stimulus con®guration. The con®guration was presented to
the participants, who had unlimited time to memorize the locations
and names of the displayed objects. The con®guration then dis-
appeared and the participants were sequentially tested for each
object. An object-size rectangle appeared in the lower right corner
of the display, together with an object name in the lower left corner.
Using a joystick, participants were asked to move the rectangle to
the exact position of the named object. After pressing the left and
right key simultaneously, the computer recorded the position of the
rectangle, the projection surface was cleared, and the next test trial
started. There were 18 such trials, one for each object, in a random
order. If an object was mislocated for more than 2.5 cm, the whole
procedure was repeated from the start
The acquisition phase ended after the participant completed
three correct positioning procedures.
From the data of the distance-estimation task, mean
estimates in millimeters were computed for each partic-
ipant and condition. Over all conditions, the real dis-
tance was clearly underestimated: 237 mm instead of
300 mm. Estimates took about 15 s on average and
there was no indication of any dependency of estimation
latency on session. To test our hypotheses, comparisons
were made between pooled estimates of the within-group
pairs B±F, E±L, G±N and M±Q and pooled estimates of
the between-groups pairs C±I, D±J, I±O and J±P.
However, an ANOVA with the within-subject factors
session/condition (perceptual, memory and perceptual/
memory) and group membership (within-group vs be-
tween-groups) did not reveal any signi®cant main eect
or interaction. That is, no systematic distortions were
observed for object pairs spanning two vs one group.
Figure 3 shows the estimated distances for the pooled
within-group pairs and between-groups pairs across
In the locational-judgment task, error rates were be-
low 5% and the respective trials were excluded from
This procedure might have provided subjects with feedback to
improve and correct their spatial memory, which again might have
worked against possible distortion eects. However, there are
reasons why this should not represent a serious problem for in-
terpreting our ®ndings. First, every study on spatial memory re-
quires some kind of check of whether the stimulus con®guration
has actually been learned. The previous studies described above
also used some kind memory test that was repeated if too many
errors were made. Despite this feedback, several of these studies
found distortions in distance estimations. Second, even if repeti-
tions of the test were used as feedback, the subjects could not
attribute their failure to a speci®c object. Therefore, all that the
repetitions oered was practice, which should have aected all
objects ± and, by implication, all object pairs ± equally. This rules
out speci®c eects of test repetitions on represented locations or
distances between within- and/or between-groups pairs ± apart
from the fact that a tolerance of 25 mm still leaves room for some
distortion eects.
analysis. In a ®rst step, the remaining reaction times
were analyzed as a function of con®guration type (C3 vs
C4), spatial relation (above vs under), and response (yes
vs no). The corresponding ANOVA revealed a highly
signi®cant main eect for response, F(1, 16) 39.98,
p < 0.001, indicating that positive responses were faster
(2,656 ms) than negative responses (2,888 ms). The sec-
ond signi®cant source of variance was an interaction of
relation and response, F(1, 16) 5.24, p < 0.05. As
revealed by a Schee
test (p < 0.05), this was produced
by an eect of relation restricted to positive reactions,
where subjects veri®ed ``above'' statements faster than
``below'' statements (2,588 vs 2,724 ms). Other sources
of variance failed to reach the signi®cance level.
Again, the most interesting analysis concerned the
comparison of the reaction times within- and between-
groups pairs (Fig. 4). In an ANOVA with the factors
session/condition and group membership, the main ef-
fects of session/condition, F(2, 16) 38.74, p < 0.01,
and of group membership, F(1, 17) 54.36, p < 0.01,
were signi®cant, while the interaction was not. In
contrast to the distance estimation task, the grouping of
the elements by color was quite eective: Faster reac-
tion times were obtained within groups of identical
colored objects (2,523 ms) than between groups
(3,021 ms). Additionally, the reaction times decreased
over sessions (critical dierence of the Schee
661 ms, p < 0.05), but the type of session did not aect
the grouping eect.
The aim of Experiment 1 was to examine how a visual
layout of objects is coded in perception and memory
and, in particular, whether the color-induced grouping
of objects leads to the hierarchical organization of their
cognitive representations. We used two tasks which are
very common in perception and memory studies. In
contrast to our expectations of converging results in
both tasks, the results turned out to depend on the
measure taken.
Fig. 3 Mean estimated Euclid-
ean inter-object distance in
Experiment 1 as a function of
sessions/conditions (P percep-
tual condition, M memory
condition, P/M perceptual/
memory condition) and group
membership of object pairs.
The dotted line indicates real
Fig. 4 Mean reaction times of
judged spatial propositions in
Experiment 1 as a function of
session/condition (P perceptual
condition, M memory condi-
tion, P/M perceptual/memory
condition) and group member-
ship of object pairs
On the one hand, performance in the veri®cation task
provided some strong evidence for hierarchical organi-
zation: Reaction times were shorter if the to-be-judged
object pair belonged to the same rather than to dierent
color groups. This suggests that objects of the same
color were integrated into one cognitive cluster, and that
this similarity-based clustering aected the access to
representations of cluster members in judgments of rel-
ative location. Importantly, pronounced within-group
bene®ts were found in all three sessions, that is, inde-
pendent of whether perceptual information was avail-
able or not. This observation has two implications.
First, the fact that clustering eects appear in the
®rst, perceptual session already demonstrates that these
eects do not require memory storage and retrieval to
show up. Apparently, the cognitive structuring of in-
formation can be induced by purely perceptual means
like visual similarity manipulations. As mentioned
above, this does not necessarily mean that the clustering
is achieved by some autonomous, purely perceptual
system without any top-down in¯uence from memory ±
nor does it exclude this possibility. However, it does
imply that when people perceive a relatively complex
visual layout, they already integrate and cluster the
perceptually available information in ways that show up
in their location judgments. Second, the fact that the size
of clustering eects does not increase if the judgments
are made from memory at least suggests that processes
of memory encoding and/or retrieval do not determine,
and perhaps do not even contribute to, that and how the
spatial information is coded and integrated. However,
this second conclusion needs to be treated with caution
as it rests on a statistical null eect (the absence of a
session-by-group interaction). Moreover, Experiment 2
will show that there are situations where the size of the
grouping eect can vary between sessions. What seems
clear, though, is that, if anything, storage and retrieval
adds very little to the clustering eect, suggesting that
perceptual and memory-informed judgments are based
on the same cognitive representations.
On the other hand, visual grouping did not produce
any systematic distortion in distance estimations. Apart
from the general tendency to underestimate physical
distances, no dierences could be observed between the
estimates of within-group and between-groups pairs.
There are at least four possible explanations for this
®nding. First, the absence of grouping eects on distance
estimations might indicate that grouped objects were
simply not cognitively clustered. Given that eects in-
dicative of clustering were obtained in the veri®cation
latencies, this explanation is not very plausible unless
one could come up with a reasonable story of why the
two tasks were aected dierently.
Second, and this may be such a story, estimating a
distance and verifying a location require dierent types
of judgments and make use of dierent measurement
scales. Therefore, a dissociation of these two measures
may simply re¯ect their dierent degrees of sensitivity to
memory distortions. Although this possibility cannot be
ruled out on the basis of the present ®ndings, it would
raise the question of why a discrete, relative judgment
should be more sensitive than a continuous, absolute
judgment that has already been shown to be aected by
memory distortions in several previous studies.
Third, objects and their relations might have been
represented in a distorted way but, in contrast to the
veri®cation task, the unspeeded nature of distance esti-
mations allowed for correcting these errors before overt
emission of the response
Fourth, it may also be that veri®cation latency and
the reliability of distance estimations tap dierent cog-
nitive processes. Distance estimations may more or less
directly re¯ect the quality and representation of spatial
information that is used in both veri®cation and esti-
mation tasks. If so, the fact that we did not ®nd sys-
tematic distortions of estimations would indicate that
this information was relatively reliable (i.e., of high
quality) at least in our study. Yet, veri®cation latencies
need not re¯ect the quality of spatial information. In-
stead, they may depend on how accessible this infor-
mation is, which again depends on how it is stored and
organized. That is, Gestalt-induced grouping may lead
to the hierarchical clustering of data entries (i.e., the
formation of stronger links between codes of objects
belonging to the same visual group) but not, or not
necessarily, to the distortion of the data themselves.
On the basis of our results we are not able to dis-
tinguish between the last three of these possibilities.
Importantly, however, each suggests that distance esti-
mations and veri®cations of spatial relations measure
dierent processes (or at least measure them to dierent
degrees) and, therefore, tap into dierent aspects of
spatial representations. Given that in the past distance-
estimation and location-veri®cation tasks have been
used more or less interchangeably, such a possibility
raises important implications for further research on
spatial cognition apart from and beyond the present
The dissociation of veri®cation and estimation per-
formance notwithstanding, it is interesting to note that
there were no systematic dierences between estimations
under perceptual and memory conditions, hence no
main eect of session. In contrast to this ®nding, pre-
vious research has suggested that judgments made from
the memory can dier systematically in the accuracy
from those made perceptually (Kerst & Howard, 1978;
Moyer, Bradley, Sorensen, Whiting, & Mans®eld, 1978).
For example, Kerst, Howard, and Gugerty (1987) re-
ported that perceptual pair-distance judgments were
more veridical than judgments made from memory after
a brief (10 min) or a long (24 h) retention period.
An obvious test of this idea would be to vary the time available for
estimations. We actually did this in a follow-up experiment, where
estimation time was either limited or unlimited ± with little success
(i.e., no impact on the estimations). However, as even in the limited
condition the interval was as long as 7 s (which was the minimum
to handle the input device), we do not consider this to represent a
strong test of the correction hypothesis.
Interestingly, however, the properties of the used maps
itself ± the building sites on the left half of the map were
labeled with dormitory names and those on the right
were labeled with department names ± had no eect on
the accuracy of distance judgments. This latter obser-
vation is in line with our ®ndings, thus supporting the
view of a close correspondence between perception and
memory-based estimates and, presumably, of the data
these processes operate on.
Experiment 2
Experiment 1 provides the ®rst evidence that nonspatial
Gestalt factors like color grouping aect the coding and/
or organization of spatial information in the perception
and memory of map-like layouts. Also of interest, al-
though the two measures we used yielded dierent out-
comes, there was no evidence for session or condition
eects, suggesting that perceptual and memory processes
are based on the same representations. Experiment 2 was
conducted to replicate and extend Experiment 1 for
three reasons. First, we wanted to see whether our basic
®nding generalizes to other domains, i.e., whether a
within-group bene®t in veri®cation times can be ob-
served with another grouping factor than color. Second,
given that the somewhat surprising dissociation of ver-
i®cation and estimation measures was based on a null
eect in the estimation task, we were interested in
whether this null eect can be replicated at all. Third, it
seemed important to test whether the null interaction of
group membership and session/condition can be repli-
cated. After all, arguing on the basis of a null eect is
problematic, so that we sought for converging evidence
to strengthen our conclusions from Experiment 1. As a
result of these considerations, we repeated Experiment 1
but, instead of color, attempted to induce similarity
between objects by shape. That is, visual groups were
formed using the same type of house for each subgroup
of objects.
Eighteen dierent adults (mean age 24 years), 11 females and 7
males, were paid to participate in the experiment. They ful®lled the
same criteria as in Experiment 1. The apparatus was the same as in
Experiment 1 as was the method, except that the 18 houses diered
not in color (i.e., all were presented in black outline on white
background) but shape (see Fig. 2).
The data were analyzed as in Experiment 1. In the dis-
tance-estimation task, the real distance was again un-
derestimated: 222 mm instead of 300 mm. Estimates
took about 12 s on average, with no indication of any
dependency of estimation latency on session. An
ANOVA revealed only a signi®cant main eect for the
factor session/condition, F(2, 15) 5.96, p < 0.01, due
to participants estimating the Euclidean distances be-
tween objects as being shorter in the memory condition
(217 mm) than in the perceptual condition (240 mm;
critical dierence of Schee
test: 17 mm, p < 0.05)
(Fig. 5).
In the locational-judgment task, error rates were
again below 5%. An ANOVA with the factors con®g-
uration type (C3 vs C4), spatial relation (above vs un-
der), and response (yes vs no) revealed main eects of
spatial relation, F(1, 16) 13.57, p < 0.01, and re-
sponse, F(1, 16) 42.28, p < 0.01. Mean reaction times
were shorter if a yes response was required (3,257 ms) as
compared to a no response (3,550 ms). Furthermore,
``above'' judgments were faster (3,341 ms) than ``below''
judgments (3,466 ms). Other sources of variance failed
to reach signi®cance.
A further ANOVA with the factors session/condition
and group membership yielded a highly signi®cant main
eect of session/condition, F(2, 16) 84.97, p < 0.01,
which showed a decreasing reaction time over sessions
(perceptual condition: 4,272 ms; memory condition:
3,571 ms; perceptual/memory condition: 2,447 ms; crit-
ical dierence of the Schee
test: 489 ms, p 0.05). The
Fig. 5 Mean estimated Euclid-
ean inter-object distance in
Experiment 2 as a function of
sessions/conditions (P percep-
tual condition, M memory
condition, P/M perceptual/
memory condition) and group
membership of object pairs.
The dotted line indicates real
second signi®cant source of variance was the main group
membership eect, F(1, 17) 15.34, p < 0.01, that
replicated the results from Experiment 1: faster reaction
times for within-group pairs (3,165 ms) than for be-
tween-groups pairs (3,695 ms). This time, however, the
two factors interacted, F(2, 16) 4.69, p < 0.05, due to
larger group-membership eects in the second and third
session than in the ®rst session. However, separate
comparisons con®rmed that the group-membership ef-
fect was signi®cant in all sessions, p < 0.05 (Fig. 6).
All in all, Experiment 2 represents a successful replica-
tion of Experiment 1. With regards to our ®rst goal, this
means that eects of inter-object similarity on veri®ca-
tion performance is not limited to the domain of color
but can also be demonstrated for shape. Although other
types of similarity may also be interesting to investigate,
we can safely conclude that the grouping eect seems to
be fairly general. A second aspect of the present results is
that the selective eect of group membership on veri®-
cation times, but not on distance estimations, could be
replicated as well. Even though one may still argue that
the null eect in the estimation task merely re¯ects its
less pronounced sensitivity, the replication strengthens
our suspicion that veri®cation and estimation tasks
measure dierent things.
With regard to our third goal, the outcome is
somewhat mixed. On the one hand, grouping aected
performance from the ®rst session on, which points again
to a major role of cognitive clustering in a perceptually
driven task. On the other hand, in contrast to Experi-
ment 1, the eect of grouping on veri®cation latencies
increased from the ®rst, perceptual session to the two
following, memory-related sessions. There are at least
three possible, partly related reasons for this increase.
First, it may be that storing and/or retrieving infor-
mation about spatial layouts as such introduces further
integration processes that strengthen the organization
suggested or already achieved by perceptual or percep-
tually driven processes. Second, the need to memorize a
complex spatial layout may lead subjects to make active,
strategic use of the structured organization already of-
fered by their perceptual system. Third, performance in
the ®rst, perceptual session may re¯ect a mixture of
several, sometimes opposing eects of perceptual orga-
nization. Although our shape manipulation was quite
eective, we cannot exclude the additional impact of
other organizational tendencies. For instance, people
may tend to organize our layouts into diagonal clusters,
this way grouping, say, locations A, B, D, G, and K,
locations C, F, J, and N, and so forth. Accordingly,
the pair B±F, say, would represent a between-groups
pair, which would con¯ict with the shape-induced cod-
ing as a within-group pair. Once coded and stored,
however, one interpretation ± presumably the shape-
based one ± might prevail, so that no coding con¯ict
would occur from session 2 on. From this view, the in-
teraction of session and group membership may merely
re¯ect the fact that perceptual information can be or-
ganized in dierent ways.
At this point, we are unable to decide between these
three possibilities. On the one hand, the fact that clus-
tering eects varied with session in Experiment 2 but
not in Experiment 1 seems to point to a more strategy-
based interpretation, such as the second, memorizing-
related hypothesis. On the other hand, it seems clear
that a ®rmer conclusion regarding this issue would
presuppose a direct manipulation of the individual en-
coding and/or retrieval strategies. Nevertheless, the
most important message from Experiment 2 is that,
whatever may have increased the clustering eect in the
second session, it was reliably present before. This
demonstrates that the hierarchical organization of in-
formation about map-like layouts appears in perceptu-
ally driven performance already and, therefore, does not
require or rely on processes responsible for memory
storage or retrieval.
Fig. 6 Mean reaction times of
judged spatial propositions in
Experiment 2 as a function of
session/condition (P perceptual
condition, M memory condi-
tion, P/M perceptual/memory
condition) and group member-
ship of object pairs
Studies of human spatial cognition commonly focus on
either the on-line use of perceptual information for on-
going action or on the representation and organization
of spatial knowledge in memory. In contrast, the present
experiments investigated and compared the ways spatial
information is coded in perception and memory. In our
view, three important conclusions can be drawn from
our ®ndings.
First, exogenous factors such as Gestalt characteris-
tics of spatial layouts strongly aect the way spatial in-
formation is organized. In showing that, our results are
in line with, and extend, previous demonstrations that
spatial memories are in¯uenced by nonspatial informa-
tion such as linguistic information (Bower, Karlin, &
Dueck, 1975; Daniel, 1972), semantic relations (Hirtle &
Mascolo, 1986; McNamara & LeSueur, 1989; Sadalla
et al., 1979), functional object information (McNamara,
Halpin, & Hardy, 1992), or landmark-induced visual
grouping (Gehrke & Hommel, 1998). These demonstra-
tions are inconsistent with the idea that cognitive repre-
sentations are mere copies of external stimulus arrays.
Instead, spatial information seems to be integrated with
nonspatial information in such a way that the retrieval of
spatial information leads to the automatic activation of
nonspatial information and, presumably, vice versa.
Second, there was very little evidence, if any, for
coding dierences in perception and memory. In Ex-
periment 1 color grouping aected perception- and
memory-based performance to the same degree, and the
dierences observed in Experiment 2 were more quan-
titative than qualitative in kind. In as much as exoge-
nous grouping can be assumed to induce the cognitive
clustering of spatial information, this implies that clus-
tering arises in perception already instead of re¯ecting a
process of memory organization. Accordingly, at least
part of the demonstrated in¯uences of nonspatial factors
on spatial memory may tell us more about the principles
of coding and organization in the perceptual system
than about memory processes.
Third, the lack of converging results in the location-
veri®cation and the distance-estimation tasks raises the
question of whether both tasks tap into dierent pro-
cesses. Although we are reluctant to draw strong con-
clusions from the present data, it seems clear that these
two measures should not be treated as equivalent. Pos-
sibly, distance estimations assess the quality of spatial
information, while veri®cation latencies indicate the way
this information is organized.
Acknowledgements The research reported in this paper was sup-
ported by a grant of the German Science Foundation (DFG, HO
1430/6-1/2) and by the Max Planck Institute for Psychological
Research in Munich. We are grateful to Sabine Miller, Edith
ller, and Agnes Pohlinger for collecting the data.
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... Distortions in cognitive maps can be associated with a hierarchical organisation of represented space (OOMS et al. 2013;HUYNH et al. 2008;HOMMEL et al. 2000;TVERSKY 2000;GOLLEDGE 1991;MCNAMARA et al. 1989;HIRTLE and JONIDES 1985;STEVENS and COUPE 1978). Hierarchical coding in spatial memory refers to nested levels of detail in which spatial information is organised according to superordinate and subordinate structure units (EASTMAN 1985a). ...
... Gestalt laws (PALMER 1992;COREN and GIRGUS 1980). It was shown that the way objects are grouped during the perception of a spatial layout influences spatial judgements and shapes a cognitive map (HURTS 2005;KLIPPEL et al. 2004;HOMMEL et al. 2000;MONTELLO 1998;OKABAYASHI and GLYNN 1984;TVERSKY 1981). TVERSKY (1981) gave evidence for the impact of the Gestalt laws of grouping objects by proximity and common fate. ...
... Their original shape was simplified, changed and distorted. HOMMEL et al. (2000) showed that grouping of objects in map-like displays is influenced by colour and shape, going along with the Gestalt law of grouping objects by similarity. In their experiments, colour and shape similarities influenced the response times of spatial judgements. ...
... Tversky, 1981) and environmental cues, as landmarks (e.g. Hommel et al., 2000;Jansen-Osmann & Berendt, 2005). These three principles involve the perceptual and attentive cognitive systems and are behind the general cognitive functioning (Gibson, 1979;Neisser, 1976;Rosch, 1973), and may result in distance distortions (Tversky, 1992). ...
... A similar argument applies to landmarks: relevant buildings belonging to the same group (e.g. proximity, functions, colour, etc.) would be perceived as closer than what they are, whereas elements of different classes are estimated to be more distant than in reality (see : Hirtle & Jonides, 1985;Hommel et al., 2000). ...
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Spatial cognition is fundamental to the behaviour and activity of humans in urban space. Humans perceive their environments with systematic biases and errors, and act upon these perceptions, which in turn form urban patterns of activity. These perceptions are influenced by a multitude of factors, many of them relating to the static urban form. Yet much of geographic analysis ignores the influence of urban form, instead referring most commonly to the Euclidean arrangement of space. In this paper, we propose a novel spatial modelling framework for estimating cognitive distance in urban space. This framework is constructed from a wealth of research describing the effect of environmental factors on distance estimation, and produces a quantitative estimate of the effect based on standard GIS data. Unlike other cost measures, the cognitive distance estimate integrates systematically observed distortions and biases in spatial cognition. As a proof-of-concept, the framework is implemented for 26 cities worldwide using open data, producing a novel comparative measure of ‘cognitive accessibility’. The paper concludes with a discussion of the potential of this approach in analysing and modelling urban systems, and outlines areas for further research.
... Hierarchical planning has been studied in a broad range of experimental and theoretic settings, such as problem-solving games (Ward & Allport, 1997;Knoblock, 1990), regionalised virtual environments (Wiener & Mallot, 2003;Wiener, Schnee & Mallot, 2004), the linguistic impact of semantics and preferences for regional crossings (Schick et al., 2019;Schick, 2018), latent graphs governing transitions between object stimuli (e.g. Wiener, Ehbauer & Mallot, 2009;Hommel, Gehrke & Knuf, 2000;Solway et al., 2014) or a virtual subway network task (Balaguer et al., 2016). Evidence from these studies suggests not only the existence of regionalised representations of different environments, but also that humans exploit hierarchical levels to minimize planning demands (Balaguer et al., 2016;Schick et al., 2019;McNamee, Wolper & Lengyel, 2016;Correa et al 2023). ...
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... One possible explanation is that nonhomologous uncertainty may add up to homogeneous uncertainty, leading to decreased processing efficiency due to the limited capacity for cognitive processing (Fan, 2014;Wu et al., 2020aWu et al., , b, 2021. Future studies could investigate the possibility of hierarchical coding processing that transforms low-level uncertainty into high-level homogeneous uncertainty and explore its underlying neural network (Hommel et al., 2000). ...
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... The function of the knowledge representation within the human brain has been a controversial topic since the so-called gestalt theory. Modern attempts such as Wagemans and Kimchi [24] or Hommel et al. [62] reveal spatial layouts, organized hierarchically, that represent the human perception memory. A relationship-focused multilevel hierarchical structure of parts represents environmental information. ...
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The long-term vision for robotics is to have fully autonomous mobile robots that perceive the environment as humans do or even better. This article transfers the core ideas from human scene perception onto robot scene perception to contribute toward a holistic scene understanding of robots. The first contribution is to extensively survey and compare state-of-the-art robot scene perception approaches with neuroscience theories and studies of human perception. A step-by-step transfer of the perceptual process reveals similarities and differences between robots and humans. The second contribution represents an analysis of the status quo of holistic robot perception approaches to extract to what extent the perceptual capabilities of humans have been reached. Building on this, the gaps and potentials of robot perception are illustrated to address future research directions.
... Some previous studies by Hommel and colleagues investigated whether color would bias memory for spatial relationships (Gehrke & Hommel, 1998;Hommel, Gehrke, & Knuf, 2000;Hommel & Klippel, 2007;Hommel, Müsseler, Aschersleben, & Prinz, 2001). In these studies, subjects viewed a top-down 2D map with clusters of objects that had different colors or shapes, and then made judgments about the spatial relationships. ...
The cognitive map theory suggests the hippocampal-entorhinal system has a representation of space that encodes geometric properties. There is also evidence that the hippocampus plays a critical role in supporting declarative memory, and recent theories have hypothesized the mechanism for encoding space is the same as that for processing memory. If space is not represented independently, it might be influenced by non-spatial properties. This study tested whether connections between non-spatial properties can distort judgments about spatial distance. In virtual reality, subjects navigated through an environment to learn the locations of target houses, and then were tested on their ability to judge the pairwise distances between houses and reconstruct a map of the environment. The environment was constructed to have pairs of houses with the same spatial distance but either the same or different color. If memory for spatial and non-spatial properties interact, similar houses would be expected to be judged as closer. In Experiment 1, the similar pairs all had the same color, while in Experiment 2, each pair had a different color to make the pairs more distinctive. We observed that similar houses were drawn closer on reconstructed maps in both experiments, and pairwise distance judgments were smaller for similar houses in Experiment 2. Biases from color similarity are difficult to reconcile with independent representation of space. Our results support theories that space is represented with other properties, and the mechanisms for encoding space in the hippocampal-entorhinal system have a broader function.
The study aimed to explore the effect of hierarchical complexity on task switching. The participants (n = 36) were asked to perform a magnitude or parity judgement on digits (1–9) in the hierarchical simple or complex block. In the simple block, participants made a numerical judgement on the presented digit (1–9) in each trial, whereas in the complex block, they had to first identify whether the digit in the current trial belonged to a predefined category (e.g., whether it was an even number), then perform a numerical judgment or not respond. The behavioural results revealed a significant interaction between hierarchical complexity and transition type (repeat vs. switch), with greater switch cost in the complex than in the simple block. Event-related potentials (ERPs) locked in the cue stage did not reveal this interaction, whereas the ERPs locked in the target stage revealed this interaction during the N2 and P3 time windows, with a larger switch negativity (switch minus repeat) in the complex than in the simple block. These findings demonstrate that an increase in hierarchical complexity triggers increased reactive control in the inhibition of the old task-set and reconfiguration of the new task-set during task switching.
Spatial boundaries play an important role in defining spaces, structuring memory and supporting planning during navigation. Recent models of hierarchical route planning use boundaries to plan efficiently first across regions and then within regions. However, it remains unclear which structures (e.g. parks, rivers, major streets, etc.) will form salient boundaries in real-world cities. This study tested licensed London taxi drivers, who are unique in their ability to navigate London flexibly without physical navigation aids. They were asked to indicate streets they considered as boundaries for London districts or dividing areas. It was found that agreement on boundary streets varied considerably, from some boundaries providing almost no consensus to some boundaries consistently noted as boundaries. Examining the properties of the streets revealed that a key factor in the consistent boundaries was the near rectilinear nature of the designated region (e.g. Mayfair and Soho) and the distinctiveness of parks (e.g. Regent's Park). Surprisingly, the River Thames was not consistently considered as a boundary. These findings provide insight into types of environmental features that lead to the perception of explicit boundaries in large-scale urban space. Because route planning models assume that boundaries are used to segregate the space for efficient planning, these results help make predictions of the likely planning demands of different routes in such complex large-scale street networks. Such predictions could be used to highlight information used for navigation guidance applications to enable more efficient hierarchical planning and learning of large-scale environments.
Conference Paper
The ability to navigate a spatial environment strongly depends on how well individuals learn, represent and make use of their knowledge about the environment. In the past, research investigated these aspects separately and often in a virtual environment. The current work studied these three aspects of navigation in a real-real world setting to understand how humans navigate naturally in a complex, urban environment like London, UK. Of particular interest was to determine if there was evidence of hierarchical representations during route planning as found in previous behavioural, neuroscientific or computational studies. Most past studies have explored knowledge for simplistic environments or fragmented knowledge of real-world environments. By contrast, licensed London taxi drivers acquire a unique, almost perfect mental representation of the street network, the location of places and the traffic rules that apply to it. Here, the rare knowledge of these navigation experts was explored in three studies with novel approaches. First, to gain an understanding of the training process of unqualified taxi drivers, information from an interview with a teacher, training lessons and study material was collected, summarised and reported. A range of learning strategies was identified that was linked to theoretical, map-based learning and practical, in-situ experiences of London and pointed towards a segmented planning of routes through subgoal selection. Second, a potential mental segregation of London was studied with qualified taxi drivers through boundary drawings of specific London districts with a paper map to understand a potential hierarchical representation. Higher agreement was found for geographical structures and topically distinct districts surrounded by a linear, almost rectangular street network, whereas agreement was lowest for irregularly shaped districts with similarities to neighbouring areas. Finally, taxi drivers were asked to plan and then verbally recall each street they would take along routes between selected origin destination pairs. Audio recordings of these routes made it possible to relate the response times between individual streets to specific street network properties. The analysis using a linear mixed model indicated slower responses at upcoming turns and entering main roads, whereas boundary streets were recalled faster, as were finial streets when compared to initial street. No effects of Euclidean distance or detours were found. Observations from the training process indicate that a potential segregation of the environment, which might impact on later route planning, might be formed already through specific learning strategies. Faster response times for boundary streets support models in which planning is hierarchical. These findings extend past work on route planning in lab-based networks to real-world city street networks and highlight avenues for future research to explore and make use of real-world data.
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In 3 experiments, 56 college students were taught the names and locations of either real or artificial cities on the maps of 2 states. Then, they verified the truth of statements about the relative east–west locations of pairs of the cities. In Exp I with real cities, verification RTs decreased as the distance between the cities increased when the cities belonged to the same state; when they belonged to different states, RT was not affected by the distance between the cities. Bowed serial position curves also showed a sharp dip at the state boundary. Thus, categorization effects were observed. In Exp II–III, artificial materials were used in a similar task. When natural categories were grouped in the states, effects similar to those seen in Exp I occurred. When unrelated words were used as city names, categorization effects occurred only after practice. With practice, then, artificial categories came to function like natural categories. (17 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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Two studies were performed to evaluate the role of information retrieval in the cognition of traversed distance. In Study 1, subjects walked a pathway containing intersections that were labeled with either high-frequency or low-frequency proper names. The pathway with high-frequency names was estimated as longer than the pathway with low-frequency names. Subsequent tests of memory for names indicated that high- and low-frequency names were recognized equally well, but that the former were recalled more easily. Prompting subjects with intersection names eliminated the difference in distance estimation between highand low-frequency name conditions. A second study demonstrated that category prompts that increased information recall also increased estimated distance. Results were interpreted as suggesting a significant role of information retrieval in distance cognition.
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The thesis advanced is that people remember nonsensical pictures much better if they comprehend what they are about. Two experiments supported this thesis. In the first, nonsensical "droodles" were studied by subjects with or without an accompanying verbal interpretation of the pictures. Free recall was much better for subjects receiving the interpretation during study. Also, a later recognition test showed that subjects receiving the interpretation rated as more similar to the original picture a distractor which was close to the prototype of the interpreted category. In Experiment II, subjects studied pairs of nonsensical pictures, with or without a linking interpretation provided. Subjects who heard a phrase identifying and interrelating the pictures of a pair showed greater associative recall and matching than subjects who received no interpretation. The results suggest that memory is aided whenever contextual cues arouse appropriate schemata into which the material to be learned can be fitted.
This chapter reviews that spatial descriptions spontaneously construct spatial mental models of the described scenes as a natural consequence of reading for comprehension and memory, with no special training, instructions, or prior visual displays. The spatial mental models constructed reveal people's conceptions of space, which, though built on their perceptions of space, are more abstract and general. In the first set of experiments, subjects read route or survey descriptions of four environments, and verified verbatim and inference statements about those environments from both the same and the other perspective. Subjects were equally fast and accurate in verifying inference statements from the read perspective and the other perspective. This led to the conclusion that subject's mental models capture the categorical spatial relations described in the text, but not from any particular perspective. Like structural descriptions, spatial mental models contain information about the parts of a scene and the relations between the parts. Unlike images, which have been likened to internalized perceptions, spatial mental models are perspective-free and allow the taking of many perspectives, required in order to verify the test statements. The second set of studies examined perspective taking and information retrieval in a particular, one that is simple and common, that of an observer surrounded by objects. The chapter reviews that the experiments reported have added to that body of research, uncovering many features of spatial mental models in the process.
This chapter discusses and evaluates research regarding how interobject spatial relations are represented in long-term memory. It discusses a number of methodological issues, in particular, some concerns that have recently arisen regarding the use of certain tasks to investigate spatial memories. It discusses that on hierarchical relations, apparent violations of metric axioms, and the integration of spatial and nonspatial information do not bode well for models of spatial representation in which interobject spatial relations are encoded solely in an analog format. It is a spatial representations of large-scale environments contain more information and structure than would be predicted by a pure analogical model. However, when similar results are found for very simple spatial layouts, as many of the maps used in the studies reported, the tenability of these models becomes doubly dubious. The problem is to reconcile this conclusion with the observations that people claim to use spatial images to solve numerous spatial problems.
Compared the relative accuracy of distance judgments obtained using both subjective pair-distance judgments and map sketching, either perceptually with the map in view or from memory following a study period. Six groups of 10 undergraduates were tested. The perceptual distance estimates were more accurate than those made from memory. When responses were made from memory, intersite distances on the sketched map were more accurate than the same distances estimated in the pair judgment task. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
The idea that global structuring of a visual scene precedes analysis of local features is suggested, discussed, and tested. In the first two experiments subjects were asked to respond to an auditorily presented name of a letter while looking at a visual stimulus that consisted of a large character (the global level) made out of small characters (the local level). The subjects' auditory discrimination responses were subject to interference only by the global level and not by the local one. In Experiment 3 subjects were presented with large characters made out of small ones, and they had to recognize either just the large characters or just the small ones. Whereas the identity of the small characters had no effect on recognition of the large ones, global cues which conflicted with the local ones did inhibit the responses to the local level. In Experiment 4 subjects were asked to judge whether pairs of simple patterns of geometrical forms which were presented for a brief duration were the same or different. The patterns within a pair could differ either at the global or at the local level. It was found that global differences were detected more often than local differences.
Spatial language is widely used, both literally to describe space and figuratively to express a broad range of ideas. This article reviews two projects studying the nature of mental representations of space induced entirely by language. The first project investigates perspective in descriptions of large-scale (e.g., convention center, town) space. People typically describe environments using a route or survey perspective, or a mixture of both. Route perspectives take a view from within the environment and describe the locations of landmarks with respect to a moving observer in terms of the observer's left, right, front, and back. Survey perspectives take a view from above the environment and describe locations of landmarks with respect to each other in terms of north, south, east, and west. Features of the environment, such as having a single or multiple path, affect choice of perspective. In comprehension, readers seem to form the same perspective-free mental representation irrespective of description perspective. They respond with equal speed and accuracy to inference questions from either perspective regardless of read perspective. The second project investigates mental representations of the objects located immediately around the body. Readers seem to form mental spatial frameworks, extensions of the three body axes, associating objects to the frameworks. The accessibility of the three axes depends on characteristics of the body, characteristics of the perceptual world, and posture of the observer. For example, for an upright observer, times to access objects along the head/feet axis are fastest because it is an asymmetric axis of the body and is correlated with the only asymmetric axis of the world, that created by gravity. Times to access objects along the front/back axis are next fastest as it is an asymmetric axis of the body, and times to the left/right axis are slowest as it is an axis with few asymmetries. Evidence for the spatial framework hypothesis was obtained in a variety of situations, varying posture, perspective, number of observers, and cause of reorientations. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Separate groups of people estimated the sizes of perceived or of remembered objects. In three independent experiments, both sets of data were well fit by power functions, and the exponent was reliably smaller by remembered than for perceived size.