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Towards Systems That Care: A Conceptual Framework based on Motivation, Metacognition and Affect.



This paper describes a Conceptual Framework underpinning "Systems that Care" in terms of educational systems that take account of motivation, metacognition and affect, in addition to cognition. The main focus is on motivation, as learning requires the student to put in effort and be engaged, in other words to be motivated to learn. But motivation is not the whole story as it is strongly related to metacognition and affect. Traditional intelligent educational systems, whether learner-centred or teacher-centred in their pedagogy, are characterised as having deployed their intelligence to assist in the development of the learner's knowledge or skill in some domain. They have operated largely at the cognitive level and have assumed that the learner is already able to manage her own learning, is already in an appropriate affective state and also is already motivated to learn. This paper starts by outlining theories of motivation and their interactions with affect and with metacognition, as developed in the psychological and educational literatures. It then describes how such theories have been implemented in intelligent educational systems. The first part of the Conceptual Framework develops the notion of a partial hierarchy of systems in terms of their pedagogic focus. These range from traditional, cognitively intelligent systems, essentially concerned with cognition up to "Systems that Care". Intermediate classes of system include Metacognitively Intelligent systems, Affectively Intelligent systems and Motivationally Intelligent systems. The second part of the Conceptual Framework is concerned with the design of systems. This is characterised in terms of (i) the kinds of diagnostic input data (such as the learner's facial expression offering clues as to her demeanour) and (ii) the repertoire of tactical and strategic pedagogic moves (such as offering encouragement), applicable at different levels of the hierarchy. Attention is paid to metacognition, meta-affect and meta-motivation covering the capability of both the learner and the educational system to understand, reason about and regulate cognition, affect and motivation. Finally, research questions and areas of further work are identified in theory development, the role of the meta levels, and design considerations.
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education XX (20XX) NNNN
IOS Press
1560-4292/08/$17.00 © 20XX – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved.
Towards Systems That Care: A Conceptual Framework
based on Motivation, Metacognition and Affect
Benedict du Boulay, Human Centred Technology Research Group, University of Sussex,
Brighton, UK
Katerina Avramides, Rosemary Luckin, London Knowledge Laboratory, Institute of
Education, UK
{K.Avramides, R.Luckin}
Erika Martínez-Mirón, Departamento de Tecnologías de la Información, CCADET -
UNAM, Mexico
Genaro Rebolledo Méndez, Facultad de Estadística e Informática, Universidad
Veracruzana, Mexico
Amanda Carr, Department of Psychology, Roehampton University, London, UK
Abstract: This paper describes a Conceptual Framework underpinning Systems that Care” in terms of
educational systems that take account of motivation, metacognition and affect, in addition to cognition. The
main focus is on motivation, as learning requires the student to put in effort and be engaged, in other words to be
motivated to learn. But motivation is not the whole story as it is strongly related to metacognition and affect.
Traditional intelligent educational systems, whether learner-centred or teacher-centred in their pedagogy, are
characterised as having deployed their intelligence to assist in the development of the learner’s knowledge or
skill in some domain. They have operated largely at the cognitive level and have assumed that the learner is
already able to manage her own learning, is already in an appropriate affective state and also is already
motivated to learn. This paper starts by outlining theories of motivation and their interactions with affect and
with metacognition, as developed in the psychological and educational literatures. It then describes how such
theories have been implemented in intelligent educational systems. The first part of the Conceptual Framework
develops the notion of a partial hierarchy of systems in terms of their pedagogic focus. These range from
traditional, cognitively intelligent systems, essentially concerned with cognition up to “Systems that Care”.
Intermediate classes of system include Metacognitively Intelligent systems, Affectively Intelligent systems and
Motivationally Intelligent systems. The second part of the Conceptual Framework is concerned with the design
of systems. This is characterised in terms of (i) the kinds of diagnostic input data (such as the learner’s facial
expression offering clues as to her demeanour) and (ii) the repertoire of tactical and strategic pedagogic moves
(such as offering encouragement), applicable at different levels of the hierarchy. Attention is paid to
metacognition, meta-affect and meta-motivation covering the capability of both the learner and the educational
system to understand, reason about and regulate cognition, affect and motivation. Finally, research questions and
areas of further work are identified in theory development, the role of the meta levels, and design considerations.
Various researchers are building educational systems that attempt to take the learner’s motivational,
metacognitive and/or affective state dynamically into account (see e.g., Paiva, Prada, & Picard, 2007).
For example, AutoTutor (S. D'Mello, Graesser, & Picard, 2007; Graesser, et al., 2008) has been
instrumented to observe the facial expression and posture of the learner in an attempt to move the
learner towards (or maintain the learner in) a positive learning state such as “engaged”, and also to
move the learner away from negative learning states such as “bored”. In a similar vein, Kapoor and
others (2007) have developed a system that is able to make a good estimate of when a learner is
“frustrated” based on a number of features such as hand pressure by the learner on the mouse. These
technologies are also now finding their way into mainstream education (Arroyo, Cooper, et al., 2009;
Dragon, et al., 2008) and the more general issue of the affective dimension of human computer
interaction is well established (Picard, 2000).
These kinds of system raise a number of theoretical and practical questions: What kinds of data
are available on which to make inferences about the motivational, metacognitive and affective states
of the learner? What is the nature of the theory that links such data to inferred motivational,
metacognitive and affective states? What kinds of motivational states are to be distinguished, one from
another? What are the relationships between learning and either relatively stable personality traits or
relatively transient motivational states and feelings, or less transient affective states such as moods?
What are the predictable trajectories between affective states over the duration of a lesson or of a
course? And what is the nature of the theory that determines how a caring system might best assist the
learner to move away from trajectories or states that might inhibit learning towards those that might
enhance it? In other words, what is the nature of the theory that helps the learner follow a trajectory of
states that enhances and opens new possibilities (see e.g., S. D'Mello, Person, & Lehman, 2009; Kort
& Reilly, 2002), even if there are individual negative episodes along the way, as opposed to a
trajectory that limits possibilities and is dysfunctional or maladaptive, even if there are individual
positive states along the way?
Much of the detailed practical work in this area has emerged out of the field of Artificial
Intelligence in Education where the tradition of building educational systems that model and react to
the state of the knowledge and skill of the learner is central. This paper briefly reviews those
intelligent educational systems and intelligent learning environments that go beyond simply modelling
knowledge and skill but also attempt to take the learner’s motivational, metacognitive and affective
states dynamically into account in the way they interact. The main contribution of this paper is the
development of a conceptual framework with which to view these kinds of system in terms of what
they might seek to achieve and how they might seek to achieve it. A number of systems are
mentioned as part of this framework to illustrate different aspects of it, but the paper does not provide
an exhaustive review of all systems and related work in this area.
According to Lepper et al., expert human teachers include among their goals “first, to sustain and
enhance their students’ motivation and interest in learning, ... and second, to maintain their pupils’
feelings of self-esteem and self-efficacy, even in the face of difficult or impossible problems” (Lepper,
Aspinwall, Mumme, & Chabay, 1990, p. 219). Note that two different but related issues are addressed
here: one concerned with motivation specifically, the other concerned with feelings. One goal of
designing caring systems is to try to understand how exactly to do this: how to interweave the
motivational and affective with cognitive and metacognitive tactics so as to try to reproduce this kind
of human expert behaviour.
As De Rosis (2001) points out, affective issues are linked to learner goals and to their beliefs
about the achievability of those goals, are time-dependent, are influenced by context, depend on the
internal state of the student, and are mutually interdependent so modelling them is both complex and
uncertain. So how can a system take the above motivational and affective issues into account? For
example, how could a system distinguish a “clever, confident but lazy student” from a “clever,
anxious and hard-working one”, and even if it could make this distinction how should its behaviour
towards these two kinds of student differ? This distinction takes on further force if we hope that the
overall educational goals of a system could be to help the student improve their metacognitive and
meta-affective capability as learners and their willingness and ability to engage effectively in further
learning activities.
The structure of the paper
We start by examining theories of motivation and their interactions with metacognition and affect
from a psychological and pedagogical point of view. In particular we draw on the work of Pintrich
(2003) in terms of his analysis of motivation in terms of “values”, “expectancies” and “affect”
. The
paper then reviews operational models of metacognition, motivation and affect as implemented and
adapted to building educational systems, ranging from relatively complex models of the cognitive
appraisal of emotion to simple models based round a small number of key motivational variables.
These operational models embody the reasoning capability of the systems. For example, a system
whose rationale is based on notions of learner-independence and learner-confidence (as well as
learner-performance and skill) will have, in principle, pedagogic tactics and strategies that apply to
these two motivational variables, but will not be able to reason about anxiety (Pekrun, Goetz, Titz, &
Perry, 2002) unless that joins independence and confidence as a “first class” notion within the system.
Out of this background we develop a conceptual framework
. This has two aspects. The first is
concerned with the pedagogic focus of educational systems. For example, we distinguish systems that
aim to manage the affective state of the learner from those that aim to manage her motivation, though
clearly the two are linked. The second aspect of the conceptual framework is concerned with the
design of systems in terms of the categories of diagnostic data they might use and the kinds of
pedagogic tactics they might deploy. Each category is illustrated with one or more systems that
exemplify work in that category, though no attempt is made to offer a comprehensive review of all
such systems. The final section of the paper draws conclusions and sets an agenda for future work.
This section outlines theories of motivation from the psychological and educational literature and
briefly examines the relationship between motivation, affect and metacognition. The purpose is not to
review the motivation literature per se, but (a) to show the diversity in the definitions of motivation,
(b) to illustrate the difficulty in translating motivational theory into system design, and (c) to highlight
that, while motivation is intertwined with affect, the two need to be clearly distinguished in AIED.
This section of the paper draws heavily on (Avramides & du Boulay, 2009)
This section of the paper draws heavily on and develops (du Boulay, Luckin, Martinez-Miron, Rebolledo-
Mendez, & Harris, 2008; du Boulay, Rebolledo-Mendez, Luckin, & Martinez-Miron, 2007)
Theories of motivation
Motivation can be broadly defined as the force behind action that explains why a person acts in a
particular way. Beyond this broad definition, a number of theoretical frameworks have tried to define
the components of motivation and explain what determines it. The following overview is based on
Pintrich’s (2003) framework for integrating the literature on motivation, as he tried to incorporate
different theoretical frameworks and identify the central components of motivation (in an educational
context). (For a more detailed discussion of the literature see e.g., Murphy & Alexander, 2000;
Pintrich, 2003; Schunk, Pintrich, & Meece, 2008). Pintrich (2003) identifies three motivational
components that are present across motivational theories (though the conceptualisation of each varies):
beliefs about one’s ability to perform a task (expectancy component), beliefs about the value of the
task (value component), and affective reactions to the task (affective component). Only the first two
are considered in this section. The relationship between motivation and affect is discussed more
generally later.
According to Pintrich’s analysis, the expectancy component has been considered in two senses:
beliefs about the control one has over the outcome of the task (or one’s environment more generally)
and beliefs about one’s efficacy. Pintrich draws a broad conclusion from this research: believing that
one has control over the outcome of a task (e.g. “if I study hard I will get a good grade”) leads to
higher cognitive engagement and performance. In contrast, having a low belief in one’s degree of
control leads to a low outcome. The notion of self-efficacy is related to control but is less stable and
varies depending on the task and environment. There is strong evidence that self-efficacy beliefs are
related to learning and performance (Bandura, 1997; Schunk, et al., 2008) believing that one is able to
perform a task is strongly related to high performance and learning.
The value component of motivation in Pintrich’s analysis is broken down into two central
components: goal orientation and task value. People’s goal orientation has typically been defined in
terms of two broad orientations, (though this conceptualisation varies, e.g., Ames, 1992; Boekaerts, de
Koning, & Vedder, 2006; Dweck & Leggett, 1988): an orientation towards increasing competence
(mastery orientation) or an orientation toward increasing performance relative to others (performance
orientation). Evidence suggests that the former leads to higher performance and learning, but results
regarding the latter are mixed. Specifically, a distinction is made between being orientated towards
achieving high performance (approach) in contrast to avoiding low performance (avoidance). There is
some evidence to suggest that having an approach performance orientation leads to high achievement
and learning, whereas an avoidance performance orientation leads to low learning outcomes (e.g.
Harackiewicz, Barron, & Elliot, 1998). The other element of the value component of motivation, task
value, has been defined by Eccles (1983) in terms of three components: how important the task is for
the individual, their personal interest in the task, and their perception of the utility of the task for
future goals. Evidence suggests that the higher the perceived value of a task, the higher the
engagement and learning outcome. The notion of value applies to both intrinsic and extrinsic
motivation (Ryan & Deci, 2000).
Motivation and affect
Motivation and affect are closely intertwined in a bidirectional relationship. For example, if I perform
well on an exam, I am likely to feel positive, which in turn is likely to increase my motivation to study
for the next exam, which is likely to lead to a high outcome. However, it is important to distinguish
between the two, as a positive affective state is neither necessary nor sufficient for high motivation
and learning. The learning process may involve and even require negative affective states (for
example, the frustration associated with problem-solving). It is the learner’s motivation (e.g. task
value or self-efficacy) that will determine how they react to those states (e.g. whether and how hard
they persevere). Moreover, a positive affective state does not necessarily imply that a learner will be
motivated to engage in increasing their competence; they may be content with avoiding having their
performance compared to others’.
It is particularly important to make this distinction in developing motivationally intelligent
tutoring systems, as this endeavour has been closely linked to the development of affectively
intelligent tutoring systems. A system that can detect and react to a learner’s affective state is not
necessarily motivationally intelligent. For example, a learner who is anxious may be helped by the
system reacting to the affective state per se, e.g. through reassurance, but if the anxiety is due to low
self-efficacy and an avoidance performance orientation, then the impact of the reassurance may be
temporary and relatively ineffective. It may calm them and, therefore, help them focus, but it will not
push the learner to engage in increasing their understanding. That is not to say that a positive affective
state is not beneficial, or that engaging the learner in an activity to get them out of a negative affective
state will not have a positive influence on their learning. A motivationally intelligent tutoring system
must also be affectively intelligent. But it must go beyond that. It is not enough to assess whether a
learner is in a positive state and engaged in interacting with the system. The system must be able to
diagnose the nature of the learner’s engagement, e.g. their valuation of the task and their expectations,
in order to accurately assess their motivational state and to react to it effectively.
Motivation and metacognition
Meta-cognition is normally regarded as knowledge about what we know. In relation to learning this
means both our ability to monitor how well we understand something as well our ability to regulate
our learning activities (Flavell, 1979). So, for example, someone who deliberately engages in self-
explanation while they learn new material would be showing evidence of well-developed meta-
cognitive self-regulatory ability (Conati & Van Lehn, 2000).
Motivation and metacognition are also closely intertwined in a bidirectional relationship. For
example, if I perform well on an exam, I am likely to increase my belief in my mastery of the exam
material, and the effectiveness of my learning strategies, which will increase my self-efficacy and
motivation to study for the next exam, which is likely to lead to a high outcome. In Pintrich’s (2003)
terms, the “expectancy” component of motivation is closely linked to metacognition through the
notion of self-efficacy. Classically metacognition is defined in terms of “knowing what one knows” as
well as in the ability to regulate one’s learning (Flavell, 1979). That is, it covers both the declarative
notion of understanding what we do and do not understand or we can do or cannot do, as well as the
procedural notion of being able to apply effective tactics and strategies to improve that understanding
or that skill.
As illustrated earlier, motivation is a multi-faceted construct that is determined by many factors.
Moreover, as discussed in (Murphy & Alexander, 2000), there are many terms to denote closely
related constructs, which makes it difficult to integrate the literature. More generally, there is no
overarching theory on how these different elements of motivation interact. Motivation research is also
still at early stages in terms of our understanding of how motivation impacts the learning process and
how tutors and school environments can foster a constructive motivational state. In terms of
motivational diagnosis, there is the issue of self-report (either direct or indirect) on which the majority
of research on motivation is based. How reliable are self-report measures? Another issue is that of
generality and context-dependency of self-efficacy and control beliefs. How stable across contexts are
these beliefs? Moreover, the scientific understanding that has been developed in this field is not
formulated in formal terms that can be easily applied to the design of tutoring systems (Herrington &
Herrington, 2005).
The design of motivationally intelligent tutoring systems has followed several approaches. Three
aspects of these approaches are examined: (i) how motivation is defined, (ii) what information is used
in order to diagnose a learner’s motivational state, and (iii) what is the nature of the motivational
pedagogy that is applied. This is not intended to be a comprehensive overview of all approaches. The
purpose is to draw out important design issues.
Motivational ontology
A fundamental issue in operational models is how motivation is conceptualised. Del Soldato and du
Boulay (1995) and de Vicente and Pain (2002) specify the components of motivation (such as
confidence and effort) on which motivational diagnosis is based. However, much research is based on
more open and pragmatic definitions of motivation. For example, Arroyo and Woolf (2005) state that
their approach “merges motivation, learning, and misuse of tutoring systems in one single Bayesian
model […] advocating for data-driven models that integrate cognition, motivation and their expression
with different behavioral patterns” (p. 33). They do not confine themselves to a narrow definition of
motivation, and the questionnaire instrument they used to diagnose learners’ motivation and attitudes
included generic questions that reflect many components of learners’ motivation. For example,
learners were asked to state the extent to which the following statement was representative of their use
of the system: “I just wanted to get the session over with, so I went as fast as possible without paying
much attention”. A learner might have wanted to get the session over with because she did not believe
she could do any of the activities well and wanted to avoid performing poorly, but she could also have
wanted to get the session over with because she found it boring. The system may be able to accurately
diagnose when the learner is not paying much attention, but it will fail in terms of diagnosing the
learner’s motivational state and reacting appropriately to it. Moreover, learners’ attitudes are likely to
vary during their use of the system. Other indicators were also used, such as requests for help and
timing of help (e.g. before or after making an attempt to solve the problem). However, as discussed by
de Vicente and Pain (2002), the relation between such interactional data and motivation needs to be
There are also implicit assumptions about the connection between affect and motivation. For
example, in the work on AutoTutor, D’Mello et al. (2008) discuss how deep learning involves
negative affective states, such as frustration, and confusion. Once in these states, the learner is
assumed to be unmotivated. The envisioned intelligence in AutoTutor appears to seek to react to
negative affective states by trying to change them to positive ones through increasing engagement or
challenge. There is no reference to the motivational state of the learner, which will determine how
they react to those negative states and to what extent they will be engaged in learning. D’Mello et al.
(2007) do consider learning goals in the design of the system’s reaction in order to engage the learner.
However, there is no diagnosis of the nature of the learner’s goals. Moreover, the basis of the tutor’s
reaction is not completely clear. It is proposed that by having the tutor display empathy the learner
will be more likely to adopt the learning goals put forth by the tutor.
A similar criticism also applies to the implicit consideration of motivation in OCC theory
(Ortony, Clore, & Collins, 1988) which has formed the basis of much research on ITSs. The basis of
this theory is that learners’ (or people’s more generally) affective states arise from their reaction to
goals, events, and agents. The learner is assumed to be motivated to achieve a set of goals. However, it
does not take into account variables relating to the nature of these goals which are important in the
learning process. This may be appropriate in the context of a game, as in Conati and Maclaren’s
(2005) research. In this context a learner may well have well-defined goals that are achieved or not,
such as to win. But in a more general context of learning with tutoring systems, a learner’s motivation
to engage with the system requires a more complex definition.
Other researchers start from a different theoretical position on emotion to refine down to
emotions relevant to learning but without such a clear-cut emotional causality as in OCC. (S. D'Mello,
et al., 2007), for example, refine the Basic Emotions of Ekman and his colleagues (1972) such as
anger, fear and happiness to a more learning-centric list. Others have worked empirically by
questioning students about the emotions they experience in class, in studying and around assessment
(Pekrun, et al., 2002). We note that Pekrun and his colleagues found as many examples of positive
emotions during learning as of negative, and of the negative, anxiety was the one most commonly
Motivational diagnosis
De Vicente and Pain (2002) specifically consider the issue of motivational diagnosis. Their definition
of the components of motivation is based on (Keller, 1983) and (Malone & Lepper, 1987). A
distinction is made between ‘trait’ variables, which are assumed to remain stable throughout the
learning session and ‘state’ variables, which are assumed to vary. The motivational state of the learner
is inferred solely from interaction with the tutoring system (e.g. mouse movements and use of help),
which also incorporates a facility for self-reporting one’s motivational state. A set of rules was
developed for inferring a learner’s motivational state based on work with human tutors. The tutors
inferred a learner’s state based on pre-recorded interactions. The results were integrated into a set of
rules that could then be implemented in the system.
A different approach was taken by del Soldato (1995). The theoretical basis was similar in terms
of the components of the learner’s motivational state (Keller, 1983; Malone & Lepper, 1987). The
diagnosis was made along three components (effort, confidence, and independence) and was based on
the degree of persistence the learner showed in solving problems (effort), the learner’s self-reported
degree of confidence in solving a problem before attempting it (confidence), and the learner’s use of
help (independence). The system reacted with comments, encouragement, provision of help, or choice
of activity (e.g. a more challenging problem). These reactions were determined on the basis of a set of
production rules that fired in response to the values of the three variables.
In contrast to the above, the approach taken by Arroyo and Woolf is more directly data-driven
(Arroyo & Woolf, 2005). They used log data from a tutoring system to explore the relationships
between learners’ observable interaction with the system and their answers to a retrospective
questionnaire relating to their attitudes and motivation (though the definition of motivation on which
these questions are based is not always clear). For example, the questionnaire asked learners to specify
how seriously they tried to learn from the system. Arroyo and Woolf built a Bayesian Network in
order to diagnose a learner’s ‘hidden’ variables (obtained through the retrospective questionnaire)
from their observable interaction with the system.
A similar approach is taken by Conati and her colleagues. They have developed an emotional
model that guides the actions of a pedagogical agent in the context of an arithmetic game (Conati &
Zhou, 2002; Manske & Conati, 2005). Because the context is a game, they feel that it is inappropriate
to break off the interaction and request input from the learner about how she feels. So they are
devising a means to determine the learner’s affective state from external clues. At present their
affective user model has been developed separately from a learning model but is being integrated with
it!(Conati & Manske, 2009; Manske & Conati, 2005). The researchers have used a subset of 6 of the
22 emotions delineated in the OCC theory (Ortony, et al., 1988). These are divided into three subsets
focusing on different issues, and each expressing an emotional dimension: joy/distress about the
current state of the game; pride/shame for the learner’s own performance so far; and
admiration/reproach for the behaviour of the agent
Students are characterized in terms of a number of standard personality traits: neuroticism,
agreeableness, conscientiousness and extraversion and they are assumed to entertain a range of goals
such as: have fun, avoid falling, beat partner, learn math[s] and succeed by myself. When playing the
game their actions are logged under a number of headings such as: use of the game tools available,
speed of play, requests for help, use of that help, and quality of moves.
The above factors (the traits and goals) are linked together in a Dynamic Bayesian Network
(essentially a more general form of a Hidden Markov Model). Establishing exactly which nodes in the
network should be linked to which, as well as the initial probability values between nodes was derived
from an analysis of logfiles of users with the system as well as by triangulating this data via offline
evaluations. One of the outcomes of this analysis was that students vary their goals (e.g. have fun,
learn maths etc) during the course of the interaction, depending on how things turn out. The analysis
also lead to the introduction of a new goal, “want help” that better explained some of the user data
than the existing set of goals. The Bayesian Dynamic Network therefore models both the students’
emotional states as well as the motivational and affective pedagogic theory of what actions the system
should choose in order to optimize a learner’s state.
D’Mello et al. (2008) are exploring how a system can be designed to detect the learner’s affective
state through the detection of conversational cues, facial features, and posture. The authors select the
following affective states as those most relevant to learning, based on observations of learners using
the system: boredom, engagement, confusion, and frustration. The system focuses on the learner’s
affective state, not their motivational state, but there appears to be an implicit definition of motivation
in terms of engagement (without a clear separation of affect and motivation). For example, they use
the term motivation quite loosely, as illustrated in the following quote in which they explain the goals
of the system: “the other essential component is to build mechanisms that empower AutoTutor to
intelligently respond to these emotions, as well as to their state of cognition, motivation, social
The game involves “climbing a mountain” of numbered positions organized around the notion of factorisation.
The game can be played with a partner, in which case the pedagogical agent helps the player about to make a
move, or played in practice mode just against the pedagogical agent. Making a good move involves climbing
higher. Making a bad move involves falling back. So one could imagine that when the student makes a good
move, following help from the pedagogical agent, her degrees of joy, self-pride and admiration of the
pedagogical agent would all increase.
sensitivity, and so on. In essence, how can an affect-sensitive AutoTutor respond to the learner in a
fashion that optimizes learning and engagement? Therefore, the next phase of our research focused on
fortifying AutoTutor with the necessary pedagogical and motivational strategies to address the
cognitive and the affective states of the learner” (p.37).
A further issue is what information is used in order to make a diagnosis about the learner’s
motivational state. The above approaches have included interactional data and physiological and
behavioural indicators of the learner’s affective state. The approach by Arroyo and Woolf (2005)
raises questions about the reliability of the diagnosis of the learner’s attitudes based on self-report at a
single point in time. Many of the components of motivation are not stable, but are likely to vary within
a session (Keller, 1983; Malone & Lepper, 1987). The question is then, to what extent are students
self-reported motivations at the end of a session representative of their motivations during the session?
Therefore, in what sense can it be related back to their interactions with the system? AutoTutor has
been designed to take into account physiological and behavioural data to diagnose the learner’s
affective state. However, as discussed previously, these need to be coupled with data about the
learner’s motivational state. Finally, approaches based on OCC theory assume that a learner’s
affective state can be diagnosed based on whether they have achieved their goals or not. As discussed
above, this may be appropriate in the narrow context of a game, but the definition of a learner’s goals
and whether or not they have been achieved is more complex in other learning contexts (see e.g.,
Pekrun, et al., 2002). Learner self-report was used as part of the diagnostic toolkit by del Soldato (del
Soldato, 1994) and more recently has been used as a way of calibrating other methods of gathering
information about learner state (see e.g., Robison, McQuiggan, & Lester, 2009). The main worry is
not so much the reliability and accuracy of self-report (Balaam, Harris, & Fitzpatrick, 2009) as the
intrusion of making self-reports during learning
Motivational pedagogy
The motivational, metacognitive and affective theories briefly outlined earlier provide some
background to understand the design of systems, though the literatures on motivation, metacognition
and affect are large and with many conflicting views. We should not lose sight of the fact that most
systems are designed, at base, to improve the cognitive state of the student
. They employ
motivational, metacognitive and affective reasoning as a means to this end. So their pedagogy focuses
on diagnosing the student’s state, and if that state is sub-optimal with respect to learning, helping the
student move into a state more conducive to learning. Once the student is in a good state for learning
the pedagogy aims to maintain that state.
The underlying premise is that the student’s Cognitive, Motivational, Metacognitive and
Affective (CMMA) state can be modelled, albeit with imprecision and uncertainty. From this
standpoint operational motivational and affective pedagogy comprises three kinds of reasoning.
Let us assume that the student is in cognitive, motivational, metacognitive and affective state
, then the three kinds of reasoning are as follows:
Of course, some systems are designed to improve the student’s metacognitive state per se (see e.g.,
Aleven, McLaren, Roll, & Koedinger, 2006; Rose Luckin & Hammerton, 2002).
(i) Reasoning about causes: How did the student get into the state CMMA
? Some states,
for example, frustration, boredom and anxiety have a number of possible causes. It is not
enough simply to ascertain that the student is bored (say) for the system to make right
pedagogical move. It is important to trace the cause of that state. The student might be
bored because the work is too easy. But they may be bored because the work is too hard
and is “going over their heads”. What needs to be done in these two cases is very
different. The issue of causation is developed more fully in du Boulay (in press)
(ii) Reasoning about consequences: How will the student’s state CMMA
be affected by
an event such as completing a problem successfully, or being praised for her effort, or
taking time to think about her goals. In other words what will CMMA
be like? For
example, in many tutors completing a problem successfully produces positive increments
in the model of the student’s ability to solve similar problems in the future, and also
positive increments in whatever variables are used to represent the student’s feeling of
well-being. This kind of reasoning can be used by the system to predict the consequences
of events including those events not provoked by the system itself.
(iii) Reasoning about means: the inverse of the above is reasoning by the system as to what
action it should take that would be most likely to help move the student from her current
state CMMA
to a desired state CMMA
: for example, from a student state of
relative ignorance about how she might feel about a future learning outcome to one of
considered anticipation, or from a state where the student tends to overuse the help facility
in solving problems to one where her use is more careful. This kind of reasoning can be
used to help the system select from its repertoire of actions what might be best to do next:
offer advice, ask the student to explain she has just done, ask her to consider how much
help she is using and so on.
Reasoning about consequences
Exactly how cognition, motivation, affect and learning interact is still largely understood in the
qualitative terms of psychological and educational theory rather than in the detail needed for system
design (see e.g., Herrington & Herrington, 2005; Wentzel, 2002), though to some extent Conati and
her colleagues’ methodology (see earlier) avoids the need to grapple with this tricky issue.
Most models centre around a “node and link model” of CMMA, with varying complexity in
terms of the number of nodes and the kinds of interactions between them. Node and link models
themselves vary along a continuum of internal complexity as well as along a continuum of
motivational and affective richness. At one end of the continuum there are complex models of
emotional processing in general (cognitive) terms that provide a way to understand how emotions
emerge, develop and change: OCC being a well-known instance (Ortony, et al., 1988). At the other
end of the continuum are much simpler models of motivation only, based on the interactions between
a small number of variables, as in MORE (del Soldato & du Boulay, 1995). Finally there are models
somewhere between the two that are complex but cover only those emotions that are relevant in
educational situations. Conati and her colleagues’ work falls into this latter class (Conati & Maclaren,
2005; Conati & Zhou, 2002).
Reasoning about means
The theory of the relation between motivational, metacognitive and affective states and learning is
relatively undeveloped at the kind of detailed level required by intelligent educational systems. For
recent progress in the area of affect see Blanchard and his colleagues for a useful short guide to “affect
management in AIED systems, including distinctive strategies for managing emotions, moods,
attitude and interpersonal stance (E. G. Blanchard, Volfson, Hong, & Lajoie, 2009); also see Lehman
and his colleagues for detailed analyses of how human tutors deal with student Emotions (Lehman,
Matthews, D'Mello, & Person, 2008). In the general most approaches centre around getting the student
into a good state for learning and then keeping her there.
One aspect of this approach was explored nearly a century ago and encapsulated in the Yerkes-
Dobson law which suggests that the most productive state of learning is neither when the student is
emotionally under-aroused or over-aroused, but in some intermediate state between the two (For an
application of this law in an educational context and for a more general discussion, see Bregman &
McAllister, 1982; Picard, 2000).
In terms of motivational pedagogy, the rules for the behaviour of systems, the work of Keller and
his ARCS model provides some qualitative guidance. The model is a qualitative theory of
motivational pedagogy based around the key factors of Attention, Relevance, Confidence,
Satisfaction, curiosity, and independence (Keller, 1983). It sets out a qualitative theory of what the
teacher needs to do to ensure that students learn effectively. This was expressed in terms of making
sure that the students were attending to what was to be learned, that it was relevant to their needs, that
they remained confident in their ability to tackle the material, that they were satisfied by their
interaction, that their curiosity was stimulated and that they enjoyed a sense of independence.
Various researchers have built motivational models, including Keller himself in his Genetics
program based on ARCS (Song & Keller, 2001). For example, the authors of this paper have
developed three systems that are based on ARCS (del Soldato & du Boulay, 1995; Martinez-Miron,
Harris, du Boulay, Luckin, & Yuill, 2005; Rebolledo-Mendez, du Boulay, & Luckin, 2006). Each of
these systems has modelled motivation by choosing numeric variables to represent some of the ARCS
factors, typically including confidence and independence. Both student actions and system reactions
are presumed to have effects on these variables, either incrementing or decrementing their values.
When a value reaches a threshold it will either trigger a system reaction or will cause the system to
react in a different way to an event, such as solving a problem. We describe these as thermostat”
models in that they effectively attempt to maintain the variables representing the student’s
motivational state between upper and lower bounds of normality so acting like a motivational
Another approach to reasoning about means divides motivational and affective states between the
positive (e.g. delight) and the negative (e.g. confusion) and systems are developed and evaluated in
terms of maximizing the frequencies of the student transitioning into a positive state (including from a
positive state) and minimizing frequencies of transitioning into a negative state (see e.g., Baker,
Rodrigo, & Xolocotzin, 2007).
Given the complexity of operationalising motivational and educational theory, new useful
approaches are now being adopted by various researchers. One such involves trying to relate
motivational states to learning empirically. This can be done “live”, as it were, by observing students
undertaking some learning task, categorising their demeanours into such states as “engagement” or
“frustration” and then trying to either link this to learning outcomes or back to particular events or
interaction in the learning (Baker, et al., 2007). In a similar vein D’Mello and his colleagues are
exploring the interactions between problem-solving states and affective states and have found certain
cyclic phenomena such as the virtuous cycle of curiosity, expected positive feedback, happiness and
further curiosity (S. D'Mello, et al., 2009).
A further approach is to mine the large amounts of user interaction data now available. These
methods are used to find relationships in that data to measurable variables such as post-test
performance e.g. via Hidden Markov Models (Soller & Lesgold, 2003); or via other machine learning
techniques (Mavrikis, Maciocia, & Lee, 2007). For example, Arroyo & Woolf (2005) use Dynamic
Bayesian Networks to infer (probabilistic) relationships between externally measurable values such as
the number of times the student sought help with hidden, internal variables such as the student’s
attitude to challenge. By correlating these values with self-report post-tests of student attitudes and
performance (such as “I just wanted to get the session over with, so I went as fast as possible without
paying much attention”), the researchers are moving towards a theory of what kinds of actions and
reactions of the system are likely to best induce good attitudes as well as good learning in future
In order to pull some of the preceding theory and implementation together we present a conceptual
framework. This is in two parts. First we identify a partial hierarchy of increasingly intelligent
educational systems in terms of where their educational priorities and focus lie, and the kinds of
resources and reasoning that they are able to deploy (see Table I). In the subsequent section the
conceptual framework looks at the design of systems from the point of view of the kinds of diagnostic
data available to them (to determine the student CMMA state) and the repertoire of actions available
to it to help change that state (see Table II).
The partial hierarchy in Table I is organised as follows. At the base are cognitively and
metacognitively intelligent systems together with affectively intelligent and meta-affectively
intelligent systems. Cognitively intelligent system have a focus on increasing the learner’s knowledge
and skill, whereas metacognitively intelligent systems have a focus on helping the learner to better
understand and manage her own learning.
At the same base level, affectively intelligent systems have a focus on increasing the student’s
feelings of well-being as a learner, whereas meta-affectively intelligent systems have a focus on
helping to increase the learner’s insight into her own feelings as a learner and also her ability to
manage and regulate those feelings. While affect and cognition are themselves strongly interlinked, as
we have already argued, they are sufficiently distinct to merit different names and both feed
“upwards” into motivation. At the next level up we have motivationally intelligent and meta-
motivationally intelligent systems. The former focus on improving the learner’s motivation and her
willingness to expend effort in learning, while the latter focus on helping the learning gain insight into
her own motivation and into ways of managing that are effective for her.
At the apex of the partial hierarchy are Caring Systems that have a regard for the growth of the
learner as a person.
Table I: Partial hierarchy of intelligent educational systems
Kind of system
Caring systems
Meta-motivationally intelligent
Increasing the learner’s
capability e.g. her
insight and
regulation of her
Increasing the
learner’s desire to
learn, e.g. her
willingness to expend
effort on the learning
Kind of system
Pedagogic Focus
Kind of system
Pedagogic Focus
Increasing the learner’s
metacognitive capability,
e.g. insight into what she
understands and can
do, and her ability to
regulate her
learning process
Increasing the
learner’s knowledge and skill
Meta-affectively intelligent
Increasing the
learner’s meta-
capability, e.g.
her insight
of her
as a
Increasing the
learner’s overall
sense of well-being
Cognitively intelligent educational systems
At the base of the partial hierarchy on the left lie traditional, cognitively intelligent educational
systems whose priority is to improve the knowledge and skill of the learner and which do not take
metacognitive, motivational or affective issues dynamically into account. A typical example of this
class of system would be the PAT Algebra Tutor (Koedinger, Anderson, Hadley, & Mark, 1997). This
is not to say that this system is not motivating to use, just that the system itself cannot reason about
motivational issues.
We propose the following definition of a traditional intelligent educational system:
A cognitively intelligent educational system is a system that is able to deploy its
resources and tactics dynamically and effectively to support learning but without
modelling the metacognitive, affective or motivational states of the learner.
This definition is agnostic as to whether the system is teacher-centred or student-centred, or one-
to-one or supporting collaborative work. The main issue is that it has explicit representations of the
domain, of the learner and of its pedagogy and uses these to reason about how to make dynamic
decisions at run-time so as to maximize the learning of the learner(s). Of course the designers of such
systems will have designed-in such motivating elements as they can, but the basic assumption is that
the system will be used by motivated learners, who are in a happy frame of mind, and able to manage
their own learning so that if a particular learner is, or becomes, demotivated (say) the system has no
means of noticing this in these terms or of reasoning about how to deal with it.
Metacognitively intelligent educational systems
An extension to traditional systems includes those which also reason about the learner’s metacognitive
capability, either simply in support of developing the learner’s knowledge or skill, or more
ambitiously, with the focus of developing their metacognitive capabilities per se.
A metacognitively intelligent educational system is a system that is able to deploy its
resources and tactics dynamically and effectively to improve the metacognitive capability of the
Examples of such system include Gama’s system to develop student’s ability to reason about
mathematical problem solving (Gama, 2004), Conati and Van Lehn’s system to develop the student’s
ability to self-explain (Conati & Van Lehn, 2000). There are also those tutors aiming to develop
students’ use of on-line help (Aleven, et al., 2006) and propensity to embrace learning challenges
(Rose Luckin & Hammerton, 2002). Betty’s Brain is a system designed to confront the learner with
the adequacy or otherwise of what she understands in a particular domain by inviting her to teach
“Bettyand then have Betty take a test on that material. If the test indicates that Betty has not been
able to answer a question correctly, the learner has the opportunity to refine what she taught Betty.
The system is based around the metaphor of learning by teaching and a recent version contains
specific feedback to the learner about self-regulated learning strategies such as suggesting that Betty’s
understanding of the domain would need to be updated if she is to score better on the test (Leelawong
& Biswas, 2008). A similar concern for the motivational and reflective learning aspects of teaching a
(non-embodied) pedagogical agent was explored by Uresti & du Boulay (2004). Their agent (unlike
Betty) rather realistically occasionally forgot what it had been taught. This feature was disliked by the
students – another plausibility problem.
Affectively intelligent educational systems
At the base of the hierarchy on the right are affectively intelligent educational systems. These are a
class of systems which are able to reason about the learner’s affective state.
An affectively intelligent educational system is a system that is able to deploy resources and
tactics dynamically to provide an educational experience that improves the student’s state of
well-being during learning.
Note that the educational focus of such a system may still be largely on the performance and skill
of the learner. It may take affective issues into account but only in support of performance goals.
Typical examples here would be AutoTutor (S D'Mello, et al., 2008) and Wayang Outpost (Arroyo,
Cooper, et al., 2009).
Meta-affectively intelligent educational systems
Also at the base of the hierarchy on the right are meta-affectively intelligent educational systems.
These are a class of systems whose focus is on helping the learner to understand and manage her own
affective states more effectively.
A meta-affectively intelligent educational system is a system that is able to deploy resources
and tactics dynamically to provide an educational experience that improves the student’s
understanding of, and her ability to manage, the affective dimension of her learning.
As far as we are aware no-one has attempted to build a meta-affectively intelligent system but
Yussof has taken some steps in this direction (Yussof & du Boulay, 2009) and Zhang et al. have built
a system in which learners are prompted to reflect on the emotional inner life of the characters in an
animated drama (Zhang, Gillies, Dhaliwal, & Gower, 2009).
Motivationally intelligent educational systems
In the second tier up of the hierarchy are systems that reason about the motivational state of the
learner. They are placed at this level, as understanding and reasoning about motivation involves
understanding and reasoning about both cognition and affect in the first instance as well as
metacognition and meta-affect in the second instance. We define a motivationally intelligent
educational system as follows:
A motivationally intelligent educational system is an intelligent system that is able to deploy
resources and tactics dynamically to maintain or increase the student’s desire to learn and her
willingness to expend effort in so doing.
The special goal of such systems is to maintain or even increase the learner’s desire to learn and
her willingness to expend effort in undertaking the, sometimes hard, activities that lead to learning.
Such a goal is in addition to, but intertwined with, the more traditional educational system goals of
offering information, activities and support for learning new knowledge and skills (see e.g., Song &
Keller, 2001). A reason for placing this kind of system higher in the hierarchy than either
metacognitively or affectively intelligent systems is that the theories of motivation taken as a whole
(see earlier) have both a metacognitive and an affective dimension. The motivationally expert
(human) teacher exploits what she understands of both the learner’s individual affective disposition
and her particular metacognitive insight to find and operate the keys to motivate her. To that extent
such a teacher taps into the deeper values of the learner that underpin her willingness to engage
wholeheartedly in learning at that particular moment.
Meta-motivationally intelligent systems
A meta-motivationally intelligent system aims to improve the student’s ability to understand and
manage her own motivational processes. Thus we define a meta-motivationally intelligent system as
A meta-motivationally intelligent educational system is an intelligent system that is able to
deploy resources and tactics dynamically to increase the student’s ability to understand and
regulate her own motivation.
As far as we know there is no intelligent system that attempts meta-motivational teaching but the
goal is similar to that undertaken by human sports coaches who seek help their coachees understand
and regulate their ability to drive themselves forward through training and, in competitive sports, deal
with the motivational aspects of starting to lose a game (say), or indeed starting to win.
Caring Intelligent Systems
Finally at the top of the hierarchy we have, to use the term from Self (1999), Caring Intelligent
Systems. These are meta-motivationally intelligent systems that also can reason about overall context
and environment within which the student is learning. The main difference between a caring system
and a meta-motivationally intelligent system is in terms of the degree of regard that the system has for
the “whole learneras a person operating within an educational, physical and social context and also
as someone sensitive to, and able to, regulate cognitive and affective aspects of their learning.
Artificial Intelligence is still some way from producing Caring Systems. To gain some insight
into what this would mean in practice, see the work of Rosiek (2003). She describes how insightful
human teachers can subtly reconceptualise material to be taught in order to make it more accessible to
the learner, or less negatively “loaded” emotionally, thus maximising the chance that they will engage
positively and minimising the chance that they dismiss the issues out of hand.
A special issue of the International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education was devoted to
honouring John Self and his notion of systems that care. Various authors delineated aspects of caring,
for example, Cooper (2003) noted that care in an educational setting involves “profound empathy in
one to one empathic relationships” with concern for both the personal and academic development of
the learner. Kay & McCalla (2003) developed the issue of care in terms of “computational mathetics
(a basic science of learning). Bull, Greer & McCalla (2003) described the I-Help system that involves
the learner having a personal agent who helps them, sometimes by seeking out someone else who
might provide assistance. Dimitrova (2003) saw care in terms of ensuring that the system has as good
a model of the learner as possible and argues for interactive open learner modelling. Katz and her
colleagues (2003) saw an aspect of care in careful reflective discussions with the learner after
problem-solving. Finally Tedesco (2003) saw care in terms of the role played by a system in
managing conflict in group interactions.
We now turn to the second part of the conceptual framework, namely identifying issues around
diagnosis and reaction. So we consider the nature of the data that the different kinds of intelligent
system make use of and the kinds of adaptive pedagogic tactics and strategies that they are able to
deploy. There is clearly a relationship between the position of the system in the partial hierarchy
explained earlier (see Table I) and the data that the system uses and the pedagogic moves it can
deploy: broadly systems nearer the top of the hierarchy are able to deploy a more expert set of moves
and usually need a broader range of data in order to determine those moves. However the relationship
needs to be viewed with care, as we argue below.
We define four broad categories
of diagnostic input and feedback reaction, see Table II. These
categories mirror, to some extent, the hierarchy of systems developed in Table I. By “inputs” here we
mean the kind of event or measurement that provides input data to the system, such as the student
asking for help, completing a problem, dominating a discussion with a peer, or changing their posture.
By “reactions” we mean actions, reactions or outputs by the system, such as setting a harder problem,
putting two students in touch with each other, changing the facial expression of an online pedagogical
agent, or providing a deeper level of help and so on.
These four categories largely mirror the earlier part of the paper and are: (i) the cognitive and
metacognitive; (ii) the affective and the meta-affective; and (iii) the motivational and meta-
motivational. To these three we add a fourth category, namely the context and meta-context: in what
kind of location and milieu is the learning taking place? What is the physical ambience? And so on.
At the meta-level there are issues around the degree that the learner can articulate and possibly control
the effects of these factors on her learning e.g. does she need to listen to music as a background to
Student actions and their own or the system’s reactions do not necessarily operate within the
same category. A system may take diagnostic input in one category but react in others. For example,
imagine that a system is able to detect physical symptoms of nervousness on the part of a student, e.g.
via sensors connected to the student’s hands or via wriggle detectors in her chair. On the basis of this
input data the system might decide that one way to assist that particular student might be to react in
terms of the educational context by changing the nature of the interaction from one-to-one, to many-
to-one by inviting some of the student’s peers to also take part in the same activity.
Earlier papers by the authors have described these categories in different ways.
Table II: Categories of input and reaction
The spatial, physical, social and
temporal milieu within which
the student is learning.
Location e.g. classroom,
home, library. Peer
group. Physical
Change of location, use
of available peers and
others, Change of
ambience e.g. light
What the learner knows and can
articulate and regulate about the
context in which she is learning.
Comments from the
learner about the
Conversations about the
nature of the context
and how different
contexts affect learning.
What drives the learner to learn
or not to learn, what they think
they are going to achieve, why
they are learning at all and the
social and temporal milieu
within which the learner is
Goals, expectations,
values, needs, rationale
as well as contextual
features such as
educational milieu.
Flagging of goals and
outcomes, intrinsic and
extrinsic rewards. Use
of available peers and
others, change of
educational milieu.
What the learner knows and can
articulate and regulate about her
Comments from the
learner about the
Conversations about the
nature of the
development of
How the learner feels about the
learning activity.
Demeanour of the
learner e.g. happy,
Praise, encouragement,
criticism, politeness,
teacher’s demeanour.
What the learner knows, can
articulate and regulate about her
actual and expected feelings.
Comments from learner
about expectations of
feelings, motivation.
Conversations about
expectations of feelings,
state of motivation,
Bodily aspects such as heart and
breathing rate, skin
conductance, facial expression,
body language and posture.
Sensors: skin, body
movements, Cameras:
facial expression,
Breathing exercises,
mantras, pauses.
Changes in the physical
context e.g. warmth,
light, ambient noise.
What the learner knows and can
articulate and regulate about her
physiological responses.
Comments from learner
about her body.
Conversations about
physiological response.
Knowledge and skills of the
Performance, latencies,
effort, focus of
Activity choice, pace or
order of work, provision
of help.
What the learner knows, can
articulate and regulate about her
knowledge and skills.
Difficulty of work
chosen, use of available
help (including
gaming), goal
Conversation about
performance, degree of
challenge, use of help,
narrative framework.
The paper now takes each block of Table II in turn and describes one or more systems that have
operated primarily at that level, allowing for the fact that many systems have operated at more than a
single level, and sometimes have operated at one level for diagnostic input and at another for
feedback reaction.
Cognitive and metacognitive
Systems operating exclusively at the cognitive level for diagnostic input and feedback reaction are
what we have earlier described as traditional intelligent educational systems and we need say no more
Diagnostic input
Various systems have been built to deal with different metacognitive issues. These have made use of
data both at the cognitive level and at the metacognitive level. Ecolab II, for example, was designed to
teach to 10-11 year olds, at the domain level, the concepts of food webs and chains, and at the
metacognitive level, effective choice of problem and effective use of help (Rose Luckin &
Hammerton, 2002). The system offers a virtual laboratory which can be viewed from different
perspectives, and into which children can introduce various creatures and populations of creatures to
see what eats what and how the sizes of population vary over time. Diagnostic input included the
accuracy of the student’s answers to problems, the difficulty of the problems chosen and the
complexity or amount of help sought from the system. Aleven et al. have built a tutor based on both a
model of desired help-seeking behaviour as well as rule-based analysis of inappropriate uses of help
(such as clicking through hints”). Their system is built on top of, and uses the same technology as,
earlier Cognitive Tutors. The input to the system is the learner’s use and misuse of the help system
including timings (Aleven, et al., 2006).
Feedback reaction
In terms of reactive feedback most systems attempt to guide the learner to behave in ways similar to a
metacognitively more aware learner, but do not engage the learner in a dialogue about their
metacognitive insight as such. This means that the metacognitive advice is focused on the specific
application domain without explicitly attempting to help the student reflect and generalise this to other
domains. So the Ecolab II system commented to the student about her strategy, perhaps suggesting
that she tackle more demanding problems, or perhaps try to solve the problems using less help. The
help-seeking tutor (Aleven, et al., 2006) tries to guide the learner to behave more like an ideal student,
e.g. by making use of hints or an online glossary as initial tactics when she believes that she needs
Affective and meta-affective
Diagnostic input
The affective level has received a lot of attention both in educational systems and in intelligent
interaction in general (Paiva, et al., 2007). For example, on the diagnostic input side, D’Mello et al.
(2006) found ways to predict the learners’ affective states (e.g. confusion, eureka, frustration)” by
looking at the conversational patterns between the learner and AutoTutor. McQuiggan and his
colleagues (2007) have developed a method for detecting the onset of frustration based on an inductive
approach working from the learners “actions, locations [within the learning environment, Crystal
Island], goals and temporal information” (p. 699). Arroyo & Woolf (2005) detected the learner’s
hidden affective state from external task performance data using a Bayesian Network. Chaffar &
Frasson (2004) determined the learner’s optimum emotional state for learning using the learner’s
choice of a sequence of colours that had been calibrated earlier via a decision tree. De Vincente &
Pain (2002) helped teachers articulate rules that infer learners’ affective state from interaction data
between students and an online mathematics teaching system. Hernandez & Noguez (2005) predicted
the learner’s affective state in terms of the OCC model, based on personality traits, student
knowledge state, mood, goals, and tutorial situation (i.e. outcome of the student’s actions)”. Zhang et
al. (2005; 2009) have explored methods of detecting learners’ affective state from their textual
contributions to what characters should say in an e-drama, and Beal & Lee (2005) have used learner’s
self-reports to determine their affective state for the Wayang-West ITS. Finally, we note the work of
Balaam et al. (2009). They have designed a classroom technology for use by learners called a Subtle
Stone that has both communicative (to the teacher) and reflective (for the learner herself) capability.
The technology enables the leaner to communicate her current affective state to the teacher privately
without other learners in the classroom being aware.
Lehman and his colleagues have built on the work of Lepper and others to investigate the range
of learner affective states as they occur working with expert human tutors in a classroom and found
that the most common emotions were confusion, anxiousness and happiness. They also looked at the
ways that expert tutors reacted to different student states e.g. “they were more likely to provide
positive feedback when the students were confused than when frustrated”, or that they were “more
likely to utilize off-topic conversation when students were happy or anxious(Lehman, et al., 2008,
pp. 55-56).
Feedback Reaction
On the reactive side different researchers have opted to try to deal with different aspects of affect.
Some have been concerned to try to map out the territory of student affect and of teachersability to
recognise and codify affective states (see e.g., Alexander, 2005; de Vicente & Pain, 2002; Porayska-
Pomsta, Mavrikis, & Pain, 2008). Despite the evidence that teachers can adapt at the macro level to
some changes in the affective states of students or predict their affective states based on experience,
there are serious questions to ask as to how far human teachers are able to identify and classify
accurately the changing affective states of students at the micro level over the course of a lesson (see
e.g. Balaam, et al., 2009; S. D'Mello, Taylor, Davidson, & Graesser, 2008). Whether this is to do with
insufficient specific teacher training or to do with the inherent ambiguity of the available affective
clues or to do with the affective impact of factors outside the educational interaction is a moot point
(S. D'Mello, et al., 2009).
Researchers have been concerned to explore potential strategies for managing affect (see e.g., E.
G. Blanchard, et al., 2009; Rosiek, 2003). In terms of implemented systems, Baylor et al. have
explored ways of dealing with learner frustration either by having an interface agent emit apologetic
messages (after a system malfunction) or by having it emit empathetic messages such as, “It must have
been very frustrating to try to finish the survey with the problem you were experiencing. I sympathize
with how you feel. I wish that I could have helped you overcome this problem. Please take a few
minutes to describe your experiences from the previous screens. Thank you” (Baylor, Warren, Park,
Shen, & Perez, 2005, p. 75). The results suggested that plausibility (du Boulay & Luckin, 2001) was
an issue, more so for apologetic messages than for the empathetic. Forbes-Riley & Litman (2009)
have developed a tutor that takes account of the learner’s self-expressed degree of uncertainty in
answering physics problems. Using a Wizard of Oz methodology, they found that adapting feedback
specifically to learner uncertainty via empathetic responses improves both learning efficiency and
learner satisfaction.
At the meta-affective layer there has not yet been much progress in the sense of the system
engaging the learner directly in discussion about affective issues. So for example in the systems
described above empathy is used as part of the feedback to self-reported, observed or inferred learner
states, but not in anticipation of such states. Indeed the systems that have been implemented tend to
concentrate on the meta-affective aspects of scenarios other than the current learning situation. An
example is the work of Marsella et al. (2003) who have developed a system to conduct an interactive
pedagogical drama for health interventions with a view to assisting the learner gain insights into her
own affective reactions to situations portrayed in the drama. In a similar vein, but working more
indirectly on meta-affective issues is the work of Zhang and colleagues (Zhang, et al., 2005; Zhang, et
al., 2009).
Yussof has developed a tutor for programming that invites the learner to pause and undertake
relaxation exercises between problems. This is aimed to improve their sense of well-being, especially
if they have not done so well on a problem (Yussof & du Boulay, 2009).
Pedagogic agents
One of the areas in which motivational and affective modelling comes into sharp, contemporary
focus involves the use of animated pedagogical agents. Systems employ such agents in a wide variety
of roles: as embodiments of one or more teachers, one or more peers, as team-mates, as pets to be
managed and so on. In terms of their reactions, such agents can operate at all the levels identified. So
they can offer advice and guidance at the cognitive level or at the metacognitive level, can offer
affective feedback by smiling or scowling, and indeed adjust the problem context by offering team-
mates to help someone learn a complex, collaborative, procedural task (Johnson, Rickel, & Lester,
2000). A particular recent focus has been on agents which provide affective feedback in the form of
encouragement, empathy, smiley faces and so on. Much of the research has concentrated on mapping
out the consequences of employing different kinds of pedagogical agents for different kinds of learner.
So for example, Arroyo and her colleagues have compared the effects of agents of different gender
which presented themselves in varying affective states in order to demonstrate empathy with the
learner’s affective state, e.g. confident, excited, bored, focused, frustrated, anxious (Arroyo, Woolf,
Royer, & Tai, 2009). In a similar vein Baylor & Plant (2005) compared how agents which varied in
terms of gender, age, attractiveness and coolness affected female students’ views about engineering.
Haake & Gulz have compared the learner preferences along a number of dimensions including their
“visual static appearance, pedagogic role, and communicative style” (Haake & Gulz, 2009). Kim
(2007) explored interactions between learner characteristics and agent characteristics e.g. competency
and control, and found differences in preference between academically strong and academically weak
learners. For example strong learners liked strong agents and valued their high degree of control.
Baylor and Kim (2005) compared agents playing three different roles: an expert, a motivator and
a mentor. The motivator was designed to encourage by using an effusive and enthusiastic tone of
voice and emotional animation thereby operating on the affective aspects of acknowledgement,
confusion, disapproval, excitement, pleasure and surprise. The mentor was similar to the motivator
though it also provided information and adopted a confident and calm voice as opposed to an effusive
and enthusiastic one. The expert provided information in an authoritative manner and did not
explicitly attend to the affective dimension (though of course, a teacher failing to attend to the
affective dimension may well have affective consequences for some learners). They found that “the
Expert agent led to increased information acquisition, the Motivator led to increased self-efficacy, and
the Mentor led to overall improved learning and motivation” (Baylor & Kim, 2005, p. 95).
Clearly animated pedagogical agents now bring to the fore a number of interesting
“interpersonal” and social issues that have a bearing on motivation. Should the agent face the learner?
How much of the agent should be visible? What facial expression should be adopted? What body
language and posture should be shown? What degree of politeness offered? And so on. Many of these
issues raise design questions that were not so problematic when educational systems could offer only
typed messages on the screen back to learners. Clearly the issue of plausibility is central too.
So for example, we have Johnson & Rizzo (2004), Porayska-Pomsta and colleagues (2008; 2004)
working on the relation between the politeness and social sensitivity of the tutor and the expected
motivational state of the learner including maintaining the learner’s sense of “face”; there are Chen
and his colleagues (Chen, Chou, Deng, & Chan, 2007; 2005) working on the effects of pedagogic pets
of different degrees of cuteness and their effects on learners; and Gulz & Haake (2005) and Kim
(2005) investigated how pedagogical agents should represent themselves to users.
Physiological and meta-physiological
There is an obvious overlap between dealing with diagnostic input at the affective level and with its
physiological manifestations, such as sweaty hands or engaged posture.
Diagnostic Input
We already mentioned the work of D’Mello et al. (2008) and Kapoor et al. (2007) in the Introduction.
Heraz & Frasson (2009) are exploring the use of brainwaves as correlates to self-reports of emotional
states (pleasant to unpleasant, degree of arousal, and dominance/control) and were also able to
determine whether a learner was guessing or answering randomly in a test based on brainwave
activity. D’Mello and colleagues make use of conversational cues (dialogue features such as response
verbosity), gross body language (posture features via pressure sensitive pads in seat and back of the
learner’s chair) and facial expressions monitored via a camera. Kapoor and colleagues have adopted a
similar multi-modal approach. Also of note are Kleinsmith et al. (2005) who explored recognising
emotional state from posture, Prendinger et al. (2005) who recognised emotional state from body
sensors and Mozziconacci (2001) who explored how to interpret the facial expressions and voice.
This technology is now moving out of the laboratory and into the classroom: Arroyo and her
colleagues have collected sensor data in a classroom environment and correlated it with learner self-
reports of their confidence, frustration, excitement or interest. The sensor data was collected via a
camera, the learner’s chair, a wrist sensor and a pressure-sensitive mouse. They found that they could
predict learner’s self-reported emotional state from sensor data with a good level of reliability
(Arroyo, Cooper, et al., 2009).
Feedback Reactions
There is very little work on reacting automatically to physiological data. For instance, one might
imagine a system that changed the air temperature or angle of the learner’s chair in response to a
judgement about the learner’s state of engagement or effort. Moreover, no system that we know of is
concerned with what the learner knows and can articulate and regulate about her physiological
responses, or can accept comments from the learner about her physiological state, or can conduct
conversations with the learner about her physiological response to past, present or anticipated learning
Motivation and meta-motivation
Diagnostic Input
MORE was one of the first motivationally intelligent systems to be developed (del Soldato, 1994; del
Soldato & du Boulay, 1995). The domain was Prolog debugging and the system was designed for
one-to-one undergraduate use. It was based on an ARCS model of motivational pedagogy and
monitored the amount of effort, persistence, use of help, self-reports and quality of answers to
determine the learner’s state of motivation expressed in terms of her confidence, independence and
effort. For example, MORE sought information from the learner about how she felt about tackling a
new problem, after just an initial glimpse. However the way that input was gathered blurred the
distinction as to whether the learner was making a meta-affective or metacognitive comment when
either accepting to solve the new problem or rejecting it.
McQuiggan and Lester investigated ways of automatically determining a learner’s self-efficacy.
They looked for correlations between learners’ answers to a standardised questionnaire on self-
efficacy with a range of static data as well as with a variety of dynamic measures. They found an
interesting relation between heart rate and skin galvanic response and self-efficacy for a group of adult
learners where the pattern of change of heart rate during problem-solving of those with high self-
efficacy differed markedly from those with low self-efficacy (McQuiggan & Lester, 2006).
Feedback Reactions
MORE reacted both at the domain level e.g. by adjusting the difficulty of the next problem or by
changing the degree of help that would be offered and at the motivational level by praising either
performance or effort. In a similar fashion, Blanchard & Frasson (2004) chose to focus their design
aspirations on dealing with the learner’s sense of autonomy, though they exemplify this largely in
terms maintaining the learner’s sense of engagement with the activity by adjusting the nature of the
activity if need be. Rebolledo-Mendez’s extension of Ecolab II (Rose Luckin & Hammerton, 2002)
also introduced new elements into the educational interaction, such as a quiz and a treasure hunt, when
motivation was detected to be flagging. This was coupled with reactions at the affective level by
adjusting the facial expression and tone of voice of two pedagogical agents (Rebolledo-Mendez, et al.,
2006). A similar approach was used by Kelly and Weibelzal to maintain the learner’s interest and
particularly to “making the learner confident that effort and performance are closely coupled with
consequences” (Kelly & Weibelzhal, 2006, p. 537).
There is increasing interest in developing intelligent systems using either an educational interaction
based on games or exploiting the graphic and interaction technology that underpins games. It is a
truism that many students find computer games compelling and enjoyable, have “flow experiences
while playing and exhibit high degrees of motivation to continue. For example, Bader-Natal and
Pollack developed a system that supports pairs of learners (Grades 3-7) playing a competitive spelling
game. They were concerned to increase the degree of challenge in the interactions by differentially
rewarding well-chosen words for the other person to spell. However the most sophisticated
contemporary example of this approach are the language tutors developed by Johnson (see e.g.,
Johnson, 2007). The domain of language learning fits well with the ethos of computer games, but in
other domains (such as writing skills) there may be tension between the motivational effect of the
game and its cognitive and particularly metacognitive effects unless special care is taken (Howland, du
Boulay, & Good, 2009).
Context and meta-context
We have added context and meta-context as two areas that potentially provide both input data (such as
the nature of the physical environment or the social context within which the learning is taking place)
and also possibilities for feedback reaction (getting two individually bored students to work as a pair).
While many systems are carefully designed, tuned and integrated into the actual classroom of use (see
e.g., Koedinger, et al., 1997) no system that we know of is able to make such adjustments
automatically nor is concerned explicitly with what the learner knows and can articulate and regulate
about the context for her learning, can accept comments from the learner about the context, or can
conduct conversations with the learner about the consequences on her learning of different kinds of
context. For a much fuller discussion of the notion of context, see Luckin (2010).
This paper has provided a conceptual framework that describes the space between traditional
intelligent systems and systems that care. A partial hierarchy of systems has been identified
distinguishing metacognition, motivation and affect. The paper has described individual systems in
terms of the way such systems (i) derive input data and (ii) the manner in which they react in order to
maintain or develop the learner’s motivational and/or affective state. This analysis suggests that there
are overlaps and confusion particularly between affect and motivation; and that not all areas have been
tackled as yet, particularly those for meta-affect and meta-motivation. The analysis also points to the
lack of work on context, both in terms of the system understanding and reasoning about the context of
use and then engaging the learner at the meta-level about this. Four areas of further work are
identified: theory development, the role of the meta level, tradeoffs between categories and
While the psychological and pedagogic literature offers a rich set of theories in the areas of
motivation and affect, the range of working operational models of such theories exploitable by
motivationally intelligent systems is more limited. This has led to different teams of researchers
operating with different motivational ontologies, looking at different aspects of educational
interactions over different timescales and with different granularities, and categorising learners in
terms of individual differences in a variety of ways. This has meant that it is hard to accumulate the
findings from one piece of work with another so as to build the kind of comprehensive pay-off”
matrix that one might like to embody as a default motivational pedagogy. For an example of part of
such a matrix derived from observation of human expert tutors, see (Lehman, et al., 2008). A more
comprehensive matrix might contain rules something like as follows:
IF a learner who has personality characteristics A, B and C, and expectancy in this
context of D, is feeling E & F just now and holds values G & H, and has just solved a
problem without much help, but with a lot of effort, and . . .
THEN the system should comment in terms of I, choose a next problem of type J,
adjust the learning context to K, and update the student model as per L, M and N, and . . .
Of course such a set of rules is an ideal that will be hard to realise, given the huge variability of
learners and contexts within which they might be assisted to learn (for a discussion of this issue see
e.g., Zakharov, Mitrovic, & Johnston, 2008). An additional complicating factor is that not only are the
clues offered by the learner about their motivational state often ambiguous, so are the reactions by the
system. A comment from the system about the learner’s effort (say) may be interpreted by the learner
in number of ways, and depending on that interpretation have different effects.
Some researchers are partially circumventing the lack of operational theory (but adding to the
fragmentation) by building different kinds of probabilistic model that link observables of various
kinds, via motivational and affective models, to learning outcomes. While this is a sensible way
forward for optimising particular systems, more work needs to be done to derive models that apply
across a range of systems and in identifying the key variables that best determine how the system
should react.
A particular factor that has been identified in each category is its associated meta-level. The
importance of these meta-levels emerges from motivational theory. Few systems have attempted to
interact with the learner in the meta-affective, meta-physiological category or in the meta-motivational
category, i.e. discussing with the learner the kinds of feelings that they are likely to experience in
future learning interactions or inviting self-reflection from learners about how past learning
experiences actually felt or indeed what kinds of social context they expect to make most progress
within. In just the same way that there are clear benefits in bringing meta-cognition and self-reflection
to the fore, we argue that meta-affective and meta-motivational reflection can produce similar benefits
in terms of increases in learning at the domain level as well as more mature attitudes to future
learning. There may well be mileage in assisting students to reflect on each of the meta-levels
themselves even if the educational system has limited capability to take input and react at that level
(Avramides & du Boulay, 2009).
While work in the classroom is starting to provide data on what works motivationally and
affectively and what does not, there remain many similar questions in the design of systems. For
example, what are the tradeoffs for diagnosing and reacting in the different categories? Imagine that
you detect that a learner has disengaged somewhat and has started gaming the system. What should
the system do? At the level of the domain, it could make adjustments to the educational activity; at the
meta-cognitive level it could offer advice about effective learning; at the affective level, it could offer
an affective diversion a joke possibly; at the meta-affective level, it could try to find out how the
learner is feeling; at the physiological level, it could suggest a screen break; at the motivational level,
it could change the nature of the educational activity and make it a collaborative or cooperative one;
and so on. What is for the best? The response from the system will be determined both by
considerations of what caused the issue, of what might work best as well as by more pragmatic
concerns. It is possible that a multi-category approach might be best. These kinds of trade-off are a
relatively new area of research that will help build up the matrix of rules mentioned above. For
example, Robison and her colleagues have captured learners’ preferences for task-based vs affect-
based feedback from a pedagogical agent and induced a model that explains a high percentage of the
expressed preferences (Robison, et al., 2009). Observing non-expert human tutors working with
computer science students (via terminals), Boyer et al. investigated the balance between cognitive and
motivational scaffolding in tutorial dialogue. Among other results they found that “positive cognitive
feedback may prove an appropriate strategy for responding to questionable student problem-solving
action in task-oriented tutorial situations” and also that “direct standalone encouragement” helped
students of low self-efficacy but not those with high self-efficacy (Boyer, Phillips, Wallis, Vouk, &
Lester, 2008, p. 247). Barrow et al. (2008) investigated the trade-off between positive and negative
feedback against purely negative feedback in the SQL database query language tutor and found that
learning was more efficient for the group who received both positive and negative feedback.
Finally there is the issue of plausibility (du Boulay & Luckin, 2001). As we have noted various
researchers start from observations of human tutors when designing their systems. This is clearly a
sensible place to start, as we indicated in the Introduction, but reactions from a human teacher and a
human peer do not always have the same effect as identical” reactions delivered from systems. For
example, while a human tutor might get away with refusing a help request when asked, it is
questionable as to whether this would be acceptable behaviour from a system. In a similar vein much
effort is focused on ensuring that animated pedagogical agents display reactions that mimic their
human counterparts. Again this remains somewhat of an open question as is the utility of the realism
of the rendered face of the agent (see e.g., Haake & Gulz, 2009).
We thank many people for helpful comments on drafts of this paper including Paul Brna, the
anonymous referees for the International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, Kaska
Porayska-Pompsta and various members of the IDEAS lab at Sussex University.
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... Examining the learner's traits, features, and preferences, such as cognitive state and learning style, effort, and behavior (Troussas et al., 2020), and inducting them into the recommendation process, is an essential ingredient of successful recommendations in academic advising systems. The importance of the learner's profile is also highlighted in this extensive, state-of-the-art review on 82 recommender systems (RS) from 35 countries (Drachsler et al., 2015), which analyzes a number of papers (Bielikovà et al., 2014;Casali et al., 2011;Kaklauskas et al., 2013;Martín & Carro, 2009;Santos et al., 2014;Schoefegger et al., 2010), outlining the significant aspects of Technology-Enhanced Learning that include also the user's prior knowledge, skills, and abilities in the process. Since grades, scores, exams, GPA, SATs, etc., offer a way to quantitatively measure/capture these different learner features, past performance gets promoted as a key concept to be considered when devising frameworks and methods for building intelligent recommender systems (Aguilar et al., 2017;Thanh-Nhan et al., 2016), recommending personalized learning pathways (Xu et al., 2016), applying predictive analytics to find out the suitable courses for a student's admission to a college (Upendran et al., 2016), or even establishing a prediction model for the potential of a student opting for early admission in a university (Chen et al., 2014). ...
... This key concept alone cannot encapsulate the learner acquired knowledge and skills, as it needs to be complemented by their Perceived Difficulty of the Learning Pathway and/or Object. Also, variations like advanced learner or beginner learner, as well as time constraints (limited time available for studying) can add up to the difficulty factor (Drachsler et al., 2015). Therefore, matching up learners' abilities with the difficulty levels of a recommended learning object and/or pathway makes the difference for academic advising systems in avoiding disorientation or cognitive overload during (Wigfield & Cambria, 2010) the learning process (Chen & Duh, 2008;Chen et al., 2005). ...
... The same principle applies also to mature learners that participate in Higher Education, whose motivational dynamics is strongly associated with extrinsic and intrinsic factors that stem from sources like career progression, professional improvement, development of professional and personal competences, economic advantage, new career opportunities, etc. (Duarte et al., 2018). The higher value a learner perceives for a task, the higher the commitment and learning outcome (Du Boulay et al., 2010;Ryan & Deci, 2000). Consequently, this adds Perceived Career Opportunities into the blueprint for modeling a learner's profile. ...
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Students attending Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are faced with a variety of complex decisions and procedures. To provide students with more sustained and personalized advising, many HEIs turn to online academic advising systems and tools as a way to minimize costs and streamline their advising services. However, in such systems, uncertainty in the learner’s parameters is a factor, which makes the decision-making process more difficult. Fuzzy logic, a multivalued logic similar to human thinking and interpretation, is highly suitable and applicable for developing knowledge-based academic advising systems that conserve the inherent fuzziness in learner models. In this paper, an innovative hybrid software infrastructure is presented which integrates expert system, fuzzy reasoning, and ontological tools to provide reliable recommendations to students for the next appropriate learning step. The software comprises a fuzzy logic component that determines the student’s interest degree for a specific academic choice accompanied by an ontological model and a conventional rule-based expert system for the composition of personalized learning pathways. In order for the system to recommend the next step of the learning pathway, the output of the fuzzy logic component together with the knowledge that is modeled as part of the multi-facet ontology and the machine perceptible academic advising guidelines expressed as semantic rules interoperate in a dynamic and seamless manner. The paper presents the key modeling artifacts of the proposed approach and the architecture of the implemented prototype system. During the case study, the developed system yielded satisfactory results in terms of overall inter-rater reliability and usefulness.
... A key vision of learning analytics is to support students in gaining insights into their engagement, thereby closing the feedback loop (Clow, 2012). In line with this mission, there now exist "systems that care" (du Boulay et al., 2010) that personalise feedback and support to address students' motivation, metacognition, and affect; for example, ECoach (Matz et al., 2021), OnTask (Pardo et al., 2018), and the Student Relationship Engagement System, SRES (Liu et al., 2017). Such systems have shown promising outcomes relating to student performance and self-regulated learning, with some suggested impact on students' sense of belonging (e.g., Arthars et al., 2019;Lim et al., 2022). ...
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It is well-established that a student’s sense of belonging is associated with successful transition into higher education, along with a raft of positive outcomes including enhanced learning, well-being, and attainment for all students. The importance of belonging was further heightened by the Covid-19 pandemic, as the increased shift to online learning highlighted the challenges of monitoring and supporting student belonging in online settings. A significant challenge lies in the contested nature of belonging, as well as its complexity – students’ experience of belonging is both dynamic and contextual. In creating a new agenda connecting the fields of belonging and learning analytics, we propose the idea of “belonging analytics” to address the challenge of tracking students’ belonging. We present the emerging landscape of belonging by discussing how the advancements in the learning analytics field indicate great potential for the field to explore how digital trace data, narratives, textual data, or a combination, could be harnessed to gain insights into the ongoing experience of belonging, and consequently, to support belonging. We conclude with a set of open questions to interested researchers, to advance the field of belonging analytics.
... A key vision of learning analytics is to support students in gaining insights into their engagement, thereby closing the feedback loop (Clow, 2012). In line with this mission, there now exist "systems that care" (du Boulay et al., 2010) that personalise feedback and support to address students' motivation, metacognition, and affect; for example, ECoach (Matz et al., 2021), OnTask (Pardo et al., 2018), and the Student Relationship Engagement System, SRES (Liu et al., 2017). Such systems have shown promising outcomes relating to student performance and self-regulated learning, with some suggested impact on students' sense of belonging (e.g., Arthars et al., 2019;Lim et al., 2022). ...
Full-text available
Students’ sense of belonging is associated with successful transition into higher education and a range of positive outcomes including enhanced learning, well-being, and demonstrated achievement. The COVID-19 pandemic underscored the importance of belonging as the shift to online learning highlighted the challenges of supporting and monitoring student belonging. Attending to belonging is not simple, however; students’ experiences with belonging are complex, dynamic, and contextual. In creating a new agenda connecting the fields of belonging and learning analytics, we propose the idea of “belonging analytics” to address the challenge of supporting and tracking students’ belonging. In this paper, we discuss how the understanding of belonging may be enhanced through learning analytics. Advancements in learning analytics, such as digital trace data, narratives, textual data, or a combination, may be harnessed to gain insights into ongoing experience of belonging, and consequently to support belonging. We conclude with a set of open questions to interested researchers and practitioners, to advance the field of belonging analytics.
... In the revisited search for compassion and precision in the design and implementation of intelligent learning systems, a broader understanding of caring can be observed, and it was also deepened by Kay and McCalla (2003). Several studies related to the broader sense of caring systems can also be identified in the research about emotions (Feng et al., 2020;Liu et al., 2021;Mandalapu & Gong, 2018), flow (Hallifax et al., 2020;Semerci & Goularas, 2021;Tao et al., 2020b), engagement (Emerson et al., 2020b;Upadhyay et al., 2021;Zhu et al., 2020), conversational agents (Peng et al., 2020;Tegos et al., 2014;Zapata-Rivera & Forsyth, 2022), motivation (Challco et al., 2020;Riaz et al., 2019;Sharma et al., 2020), self-regulation (Martens et al., 2020;Yuan, 2021), conscientiousness (Ting et al., 2020), satisfaction (Hew et al., 2020), Growth Mindset (Kizilcec & Goldfarb, 2019), interest (Walkington & Bernacki, 2019), caring assessment (Zapata-Rivera, 2017;Zapata-Rivera et al., 2020), meta-cognition (Du Boulay et al., 2010) and so on. ...
The unprecedented global movement of school education to find technological and intelligent solutions to keep the learning ecosystem working was not enough to recover the impacts of Covid-19, not only due to learning-related challenges but also due to the rise of negative emotions, such as frustration, anxiety, boredom, risk of burnout and the so-called “Covid fatigue”. Although this is not a new problem, it was deepened during the pandemic, and we need to face old and new challenges in different ways. Despite focusing only on the learning system’s inefficiencies and on the hegemony of solutions to tackle the learning gap, we also need to shed light on the strengths and the positive aspects of the learning process to promote wellbeing. As highlighted by John Self, an intelligent tutoring system would behave as if it genuinely cared about the student’s success. This note from John Self sheds light on the importance and reflection of what success means and for whom. This study presents a roadmap for positive psychology and artificial intelligence in education. It is intended to identify and understand how the intersection of Positive Psychology and Artificial Intelligence in Education can support the promotion of learning and wellbeing of students, teachers, and other educational stakeholders. As such, a bibliometric analysis of positive psychology and artificial intelligence in education was made as the so-called Positive Artificial Intelligence in Education (P-AIED). The search string was performed in 2021, and the total number of studies gathered was 10,777. After all the PRISMA steps, 256 studies were approved according to the inclusion criteria. The main conclusions were the high number of institutions and researchers with related publications indicate a new trend for the community of AIED; the high number of collaboration from different countries indicates a possible global movement toward P-AIED; Positive Emotion and Engagement were the main Positive Psychology constructs identified in the studies; the lack of well-grounded theories of Positive Psychology indicates an excellent research opportunity; Positive Learning Analytics (P-LA), Positive Educational Data Mining (P-EDM) and Positive Intelligent Tutoring Systems (P-ITS) are three hot topics for P-AIED.
... No entanto, algumas limitações foram apresentadas na literatura com respeito ao escopo epistemológico dado às primeiras abordagens de STI, pois quase não priorizava, ou na maioria dos casos não contemplava, aspectos envolvidos nas dimensões social, metacognitiva e afetiva/motivacional. Entretanto, nos últimos dez anos tais limitações têm sido cada vez mais reduzidas, tendo as recentes abordagens de STIs avançado e dado passos importantes em direção ao provimento de adaptação e personalização, refletindo-se particularmente na qualidade dos feedbacks gerados, com maior sofisticação ao ampliar o foco para contemplar as mencionadas dimensões. Assim, por exemplo, em du Boulay et al. (2010), dentre outros trabalhos, aborda-se outros níveis de aprendizagem: cognitiva, metacognitiva, motivacional e social. As consequências positivas desse avanço na qualidade e ampliação dos recursos de feedback são bem notáveis, por exemplo, viabilizando feedback de pares e seus reflexos sociais e afetivos. ...
... First, it might be important to keep in mind that reactions from a human teacher or human peer do not always have the same effect as "identical" reactions delivered from computerized systems [59]. Hence, whether our approach, which consisted of pursuing more naturalistic display of emotion by animated agents, is desirable remains somewhat of an open question that future research should address in much more detail. ...
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In second-language communication, emotional feedbacks play a preponderant role in instilling positive emotions and thereby facilitating the production of the target language by second-language learners. In contrast, facial expressions help convey emotion, intent, and sometimes even desired actions more effectively. Additionally, according to the facial feedback hypothesis, a major component of several contemporary theories of emotion, facial expressions can regulate emotional behavior and experience. The aim of this study was to determine whether and to what extent emotional expressions reproduced by virtual agents could provide empathetic support to second-language learners during communication tasks. To do so, using the Facial Coding Action System, we implemented a prototype virtual agent that can display a collection of nonverbal feedbacks, including Ekman’ six basic universal emotions and gazing and nodding behaviors. Then, we designed a Wizard of Oz experiment in which second-language learners were assigned independent speaking tasks with a virtual agent. In this paper, we outline our proposed method and report on an initial experimental evaluation which validated the meaningfulness of our approach. Moreover, we present our next steps for improving the system and validating its usefulness through large-scale experiments.
... Important indicators of motivational factors include time spent on a completing a learning task, quiz scores, and various sensor data. The identification of the physiological or behavioural indicators of motivation is still at its initial stage, though researchers have stated that through motivation-diagnostic input data, appropriate tactical and strategic pedagogic moves are applicable toward motivationally intelligent systems (du Boulay et al. 2010). Increasingly more attention has been paid to the use of physiological sensor data in detection of mental states. ...
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Motivation to engage in learning is essential for learning performance. Learners’ motivation is traditionally assessed using self-reported data, which is time-consuming, subjective, and interruptive to their learning process. To address this issue, this paper proposes a novel framework for multimodal assessment of learners’ motivation in e-learning environments with the ultimate purpose of supporting intelligent e-learning systems to facilitate dynamic, context-aware, and personalized services or interventions, thus sustaining learners’ motivation for learning engagement. We investigated the performance of the machine learning classifier and the most and least accurately predicted motivational factors. We also assessed the contribution of different electroencephalogram (EEG) and eye gaze features to motivation assessment. The applicability of the framework was evaluated in an empirical study in which we combined eye tracking and EEG sensors to produce a multimodal dataset. The dataset was then processed and used to develop a machine learning classifier for motivation assessment by predicting the levels of a range of motivational factors, which represented the multiple dimensions of motivation. We also proposed a novel approach to feature selection combining data-driven and knowledge-driven methods to train the machine learning classifier for motivation assessment, which has been proved effective in our empirical study at selecting predictors from a large number of extracted features from EEG and eye tracking data. Our study has revealed valuable insights for the role played by brain activities and eye movements on predicting the levels of different motivational factors. Initial results using logistic regression classifier have achieved significant predictive power for all the motivational factors studied, with accuracy of between 68.1% and 92.8%. The present work has demonstrated the applicability of the proposed framework for multimodal motivation assessment which will inspire future research towards motivationally intelligent e-learning systems.
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Metacognitive awareness is knowing about learners’ own thinking and learning, facilitated by introspection and self-evaluation. Although metacognitive functions are personal, they cannot be explained simply by individual conceptions, especially in a collaborative group learning context. This study considers metacognitive awareness on multiple levels. It investigates how metacognitive awareness at the individual, social, and environmental levels are associated with collaborative problem solving (CPS). Seventy-seven higher education students collaborated in triads on a computer-based simulation about running a fictional company for 12 simulated months. The individual level of metacognitive awareness was measured using the Metacognitive Awareness Inventory. The social level of metacognitive awareness was measured multiple times during CPS through situated self-reports, that is, metacognitive judgements and task difficulty. The environmental level of metacognitive awareness was measured via a complex CPS process so that group members’ interactions were video recorded and facial expression data were created by post-processing video-recorded data. Perceived individual and group performance were measured with self-reports at the end of the CPS task. In the analysis, structural equation modelling was conducted to observe the relationships between multiple levels of metacognitive awareness and CPS task performance. Three-level multilevel modelling was also used to understand the effect of environmental-level metacognitive awareness. The results reveal that facial expression recognition makes metacognitive awareness visible in a collaborative context. This study contributes to research on metacognition by displaying both the relatively static and dynamic aspects of metacognitive awareness in CPS.
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span lang="EN-US">This study aimed to observe student learning activities in terms of number material metacognition. The method is a case study qualitative research. The research subjects were 30 students of the fifth-grade elementary school in Malang. Data collection techniques use tests and interviews by carrying out three stages: planning, monitoring, and evaluation. The results showed that internal and external factors caused 75% of moderate learning difficulties. Internal factors arise due to a lack of understanding of mathematical concepts, lack of thoroughness, and interest in literacy. Meanwhile, the external media used by the teacher was deemed less supportive, and the class conditions were not conducive. Thus, there is a conclusion that internal and external factors cause students’ metacognition analysis.</span
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Objective: Nowadays, artificial intelligence (AI) has become part of everyone's life. It has almost impacted all aspects of human life, including education and has become an important global topic. Virtual reality (VR) is one of the most beneficial tools for implementing AI in education. By combining these two technologies, programs and games can be produced to facilitate the process of students' learning and understanding of scientific concepts. AI and VR can create the most accurate scenarios and simulations to provide an influential education and eliminate the boundaries of time and place in front of learning. The applications of AI in education and its tasks are different according to the target which can be student, instructor or institution. The present review aims to analyze the integration of AI and VR in education and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the integration. Furthermore, the challenges of the integration, the importance of cognitive beliefs and how to create a passion for learning through using these technologies are discussed. Results: Therefore, the paper provides an overview of the AI and VR roles in education. Conclusion: In conclusion, the application of AI and VR in education is continuously expanding and by employing new concepts, new methods and new approaches, education will have significantly improved.
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One of the most important highlights of personal tutoring is that of recognizing the student’s affective state and reacting accordingly by expressing the pedagogical movements in an affectively suitable way. In this paper, we propose a model for an affective tutor. The intelligent tutor integrates an affective student model based on the OCC cognitive model of emotion, with a cognitive student model, within a virtual laboratory for teaching robotics. The main contribution of this work is in the affective behavior model, which integrates the information from the student cognitive and affective state, and the tutorial situation, to decide the best pedagogical action. We use Bayesian networks and we propose the use of a decision network with a utility measure on learning. By using the decision network, the tutor will select the best pedagogical and affective response given the current state of the student. We present some initial examples of possible affective and pedagogical responses under different situations.
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The types of goals that students adopt in educational settings and the consequences of those goals on 2 important educational outcomes - performance and intrinsic motivation - are discussed. In the case of performance, we briefly review and evaluate a large body of theory and research conducted by other investigators. In particular, we consider the possibility that some commonly accepted conclusions about the effects of achievement goals are premature. In the case of intrinsic motivation, we describe a theoretical model that has guided our own work on this topic and provide some recent experimental results. We believe that this model and our experimental results can contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of goals and optimal motivation. Finally, we return to the college classroom environment and examine the consequences of goals for both performance and intrinsic motivation, offering a broader analysis of success in college courses.
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In an attempt to discover links between learning and emotions, this study adopted an emote-aloud procedure in which participants were recorded as they verbalized their affective states while interacting with an intelligent tutoring system, AutoTutor. Various characteristics and assessments of the participants' interactions with AutoTutor were recovered by mining its log files. These interaction patterns were correlated to the affective states expressed by the participants. We identify significant correlations and speculate on their implications for the larger project of extending the AutoTutor system into a non-intrusive, affect-sensitive, intelligent tutoring system.
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In broad terms intelligent educational systems, whether learner-focused or teacher-focused, deploy their intelligence to assist in the development of the learner's knowledge or skill and assume that the learner is motivated to learn. By contrast, motivationally intelligent systems are able to deploy resources and tactics dynamically to maintain or increase the student's desire to learn and her willingness to expend effort in so doing. The design of motivationally intelligent systems is characterised in terms of (i) the data potentially available to the system for undertaking motivational and cognitive modelling and reasoning about those models and (ii) the ways that the system can dynamically react back to the learner on the basis of that reasoning. Three categories of diagnostic input and feedback reactions are outlined, each with its associated meta-level: (i) the domain and metacognitive; (ii) the affective and the meta-affective; together with their physiological and meta-physiological; and (iii) the overall educational context and meta-context. Three questions arising from this conceptualisation are presented.
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Our project focuses on the design, implementation and evaluation of a ITS pedagogical model that considers student motivation, mood and cognitive processes in making instructional decisions in the domain of secondary school mathematics. Students complete integrated self report assessments of motivation and mood. Cognitive skillls such as math fact knowledge, spatial cognition, and prior math achievement are also assessed. The pedagogical model adapts instruction (problem selection, problem difficulty, topic area, choice of activity, choice of help type, and availability of help) following a model of human tutoring expertise that balances motivational and cognitive goals.
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The practical knowledge that enables good teaching has emerged over the past decade as an area of critical interest to educational researchers. This article reports on insights gathered during a series of teacher practical knowledge research projects that took place over a 10-year period with more than 40 teacher interns and experienced teachers. The groups were convened for the purpose of critiquing and refining the concept of pedagogical content knowledge. One practice that became a focus of inquiry in these groups was the tailoring of pedagogical representations to influence students’ emotional response to some specific aspect of the subject matter being taught. This practice was named emotional scaffolding. Several examples of emotional scaffolding are provided and a typology of approaches to emotional scaffolding is offered. Possible implications for teacher knowledge theory and teacher education curriculum are explored.
As greater accountability in higher education grows, authentic learning has found a prominent place in the education agenda. Technology continues to open up possibilities for innovative and effective learning opportunities, and students and teachers are no longer happy to accept familiar classroom-based pedagogies that rely on content delivery and little else. Authentic learning environments have their foundations in situated approaches to learning which advocate that learning is best achieved in circumstances that resemble the real life application of knowledge. Authentic Learning Environments in Higher Education provides a coherent description of the principles that guide the development of an authentic learning environment, and gives concrete examples across a wide range of discipline areas. The book helps teachers to reflect on the important elements of an authentic approach, and to use the descriptions of a range of implementations to guide their own design and development of an authentic learning environment.
Intrinsic and extrinsic types of motivation have been widely studied, and the distinction between them has shed important light on both developmental and educational practices. In this review we revisit the classic definitions of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in light of contemporary research and theory. Intrinsic motivation remains an important construct, reflecting the natural human propensity to learn and assimilate. However, extrinsic motivation is argued to vary considerably in its relative autonomy and thus can either reflect external control or true self-regulation. The relations of both classes of motives to basic human needs for autonomy, competence and relatedness are discussed.
Academic emotions have largely been neglected by educational psychology, with the exception of test anxiety. In 5 qualitative studies, it was found that students experience a rich diversity of emotions in academic settings. Anxiety was reported most often, but overall, positive emotions were described no less frequently than negative emotions. Based on the studies in this article, taxonomies of different academic emotions and a self-report instrument measuring students' enjoyment, hope, pride, relief, anger, anxiety, shame, hopelessness, and boredom (Academic Emotions Questionnaire [AEQ]) were developed. Using the AEQ, assumptions of a cognitive-motivational model of the achievement effects of emotions, and of a control/value theory of their antecedents (Pekrun, 1992b, 2000), were tested in 7 cross-sectional, 3 longitudinal, and 1 diary study using samples of university and school students. Results showed that academic emotions are significantly related to students' motivation, learning strategies, cognitive resources, self-regulation, and academic achievement, as well as to personality and classroom antecedents. The findings indicate that affective research in educational psychology should acknowledge emotional diversity in academic settings by addressing the full range of emotions experienced by students at school and university.