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Enterocutaneous Fistulas and a Hostile Abdomen: Reoperative Surgical Approaches


Abstract and Figures

Damage-control surgery and open-abdomen is an acceptable—and often lifesaving—approach to the treatment of patients with severe trauma, abdominal compartment syndrome, necrotizing soft tissue catastrophes, and other abdominal disasters, when closing the abdomen is not possible, ill advised, or will have serious sequelae. However, common consequences of open-abdomen management include large abdominal wall defects, enterocutaneous fistulas (ECFs), and enteroatmospheric fistulas (EAFs). Furthermore, in such patients, a frozen and hostile abdomen (alone or combined with ECFs) is not uncommon. Adding biologic mesh to our surgical armamentarium has revolutionized hernia surgery.
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Enterocutaneous Fistulas and a Hostile Abdomen: Reoperative
Surgical Approaches
R. Latifi
B. Joseph
N. Kulvatunyou
J. L. Wynne
T. O’Keeffe
A. Tang
R. Friese
P. M. Rhee
Published online: 6 October 2011
Ó Socie
Internationale de Chirurgie 2011
Abstract Damage-control surgery and open-abdomen is
an acceptable—and often lifesaving—approach to the
treatment of patients with severe trauma, abdominal com-
partment syndrome, necrotizing soft tissue catastrophes,
and other abdominal disasters, when closing the abdomen
is not possible, ill advised, or will have serious sequelae.
However, common consequences of open-abdomen man-
agement include large abdominal wall defects, enterocu-
taneous fistulas (ECFs), and enteroatmospheric fistulas
(EAFs). Furthermore, in such patients, a frozen and hostile
abdomen (alone or combined with ECFs) is not uncom-
mon. Adding biologic mesh to our surgical armamentarium
has revolutionized hernia surgery.
For patients with complex abdominal wall hernias and
other abdominal wall defects, significant advances in sur-
gical techniques have been made, and new materials (both
synthetic and biologic) have become available. Yet major
abdominal wall defects remain a worldwide problem. In
the United States alone, more than 250,000 abdominal
incisional ventral hernias are repaired each year [1]. Of
all large abdominal defects, the most complex are those
associated with enterocutaneous fistulas (ECFs), enteroat-
mospheric fistulas (EAFs), and/or stomas, as well as those
involving a loss of abdominal wall domain and/or morbid
obesity [2, 3]. The number of patients who have concom-
itant fistulas and a large abdominal wall defect is unclear,
but their care is complex and surgeons face serious ques-
tions: When should we operate in patients with a hostile
abdomen? How long should we wait until we think it is the
optimal time to operate? What should we tell the patient?
How do we know that ‘things will get better with time’ in
an abdomen that looks like one large ‘stoma city’’? What
surgical technique(s) should we use in approaching and
repairing a massive abdominal defect? What kind of mesh
should we use, and how should we place and fix the mesh?
The answers to such questions regarding a ‘disastro-
ma,’ or hostile abdomen, are not straightforward [24].
Clearly, multiple factors affect a surgeon’s decisions to
adopt one or another technique, one or another mesh, and
one or another waiting time. To name just a few, factors to
be considered include the individual patient’s anatomy,
physiology, and religious beliefs, and the particular sur-
geon’s expertise, hospital resources, and support staff. A
special issue that in itself affects the patient, the family,
and the surgeon, is the overall ability to cope with the
pathology at hand.
For this review, we assume that patients have overcome
the acute phase of their disease; that intra-abdominal sepsis
has been controlled; that electrolyte and fluid normalization
have been achieved; that total parenteral nutrition (TPN) is
being maintained in patients unable to eat and use their
gastrointestinal (GI) tract; that patients are in a ‘status
quo’ surgical condition; and that large abdominal wall
defects are open to air or have been covered with healed-
over skin grafts (Fig. 1a–d) [47]. Because most fistulas,
especially high-output fistulas, require surgical treatment
R. Latifi (&) B. Joseph N. Kulvatunyou
J. L. Wynne T. O’Keeffe A. Tang R. Friese P. M. Rhee
Division of Trauma, Surgical Critical Care, and Emergency
Surgery, Department of Surgery, University of Arizona,
1501 N. Campbell Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85724, USA
R. Latifi
Department of Surgery, Trauma Section, Hamad Medical
Corporation, Doha, Qatar
World J Surg (2012) 36:516–523
DOI 10.1007/s00268-011-1306-1
[813], patients with this condition need to be prepared for
surgery. During this preoperative period continuous
meticulous attention must be paid to avoid or at least
minimize sepsis (such as catheter-related sepsis in patients
receiving TPN), to minimize electrolyte and fluid distur-
bances, and to overcome malnutrition [5, 6].
Timing of the operation
In an attempt to reduce the frequency of leaving our
patients with an open abdomen, surgeons in the trauma
community in particular have changed our mindset and our
approach toward open abdomen. Evidence is mounting that
this vital procedure, once overused, is being used less often
[1417].We have all departed from a ‘leave it open’ to a
‘sew it up’ strategy as soon as it is technically and
physiologically is possible to close the abdomen [14, 15].
After the open-abdomen approach, complications such as
ECFs are a major problem. In one study, the most common
fistula site was the colon (69%), followed by the small
bowel (53%), the duodenum (36%), and the stomach
(19%). In the same study 56% of ECF patients had multiple
hollow viscus injuries. The development of an ECF was
associated with a significant increase in the intensive care
unit (ICU) length of stay (28.5 ± 30.5 days with an ECF
vs. 7.6 ± 9.3 days without an ECF; P = 0.004), in the
hospital length of stay (82.1 ± 100.8 vs. 16.2 ± 17.3
days; P \ 0.001), and in hospital charges ($539,309 vs.
$126,996; P \ 0.001) [17].
To avoid such sequelae, different surgical techniques to
aid in closing the abdomen have been reported, such as
progressive abdominal closure, vacuum-assisted closure,
the use of biologic mesh at an early stage, and/or tissue
transfer [1623]. The most essential question is this: When
do we ‘‘attack’’ a frozen abdomen and an ECF? The answer
is uncertain. Surgeons have wrestled with the question of
when to operate and how to succeed for years [20]. Certain
anatomic factors are known to affect the closure, such as
the length of the fistulous tract and the anatomic location of
the fistula [2226]. Ideally, the anatomy of complex ventral
hernias, ECFs, and EAFs can properly be identified (pre-
operatively, if at all possible). Any previous operative
reports for a given patient should be obtained and studied.
On many occasions, however, the surgeon must make a
difficult decision and embark on operation even without
completely discerning the anatomy, without having a sur-
gical road map to follow. In such situations the surgeon can
only hope that, intraoperatively, the anatomy will become
Overall, there are two camps of surgeons: those who
wait until things have ‘settled down’ and those who
choose to operate early [20]. At our institution, we choose
to operate early, although ‘early’ has not been defined
clearly in the literature. Rather, the decision is clinical,
based on the individual patient.
One recent study that looked at early planned operations
in patients with ECF reported a 21% mortality rate from
multiple-organ system failure and a 17% complication rate
[26]. But other recently reported mortality rates are as low
Fig. 1 ‘Status quo’ surgical
condition. a A 51-year-old
female status post catastrophic
laparoscopic cholecystectomy
with multiple injuries to the
large intestines not recognized
at the time of operation. Now
she is in a ‘status quo’ surgical
condition. Multiple EAF, skin
graft, ‘ileostomy’ insisting on
definitive reconstruction.
b Intraoperative view, after
fistulas were taken down, and
GI tract continuity was
established. c Large piece of
Strattice was used to cover the
abdominal content. Wound
VAC is applied (d)
World J Surg (2012) 36:516–523 517
as 7% [23], much better than the historical mortality rate of
43% reported in 1960 [9]. Some authors have suggested
waiting 4–5 weeks before operating, just long enough to
make sure that patients are nutritionally sound and that
sepsis is controlled [27]. Most surgeons, however, wait
3–6 months and others wait 12 months or longer.
In preparation for the operation, key clinical and labo-
ratory issues must be addressed. For example, blood sugar
levels must be controlled. Patients must stop smoking for at
least a month before the surgery. The bioburden must be
reduced through application of vacuum-assisted closure
(VAC) of the wound or through other modalities, including
stoma protection techniques. Hypovolemia and chronic
anemia must be corrected. A complete biochemical profile
(including levels of trace elements, vitamins, and essential
fatty acids) must be obtained and any problems resolved.
Surgical approach
Either open or laparoscopic surgical techniques can be used
to repair abdominal wall defects. But in patients with a
frozen or a hostile abdomen and with ECFs and/or EAFs,
the open approach is standard. Each surgeon will use cre-
ativity and a combination of different techniques and
repairs, depending, primarily, on the mission at hand. If the
goals of the operation are to take down fistulas, establish GI
tract continuity, and concomitantly repair abdominal
defects, then things become more complicated, and the
surgeon should plan accordingly [2, 3, 20, 23]. Preopera-
tively, surgeons should assume that all patients with ECFs
and/or EAFs have a frozen abdomen or a hostile abdomen,
and that entering the abdominal cavity will be extremely
challenging. Proper mental preparation is essential—for the
surgeon as well as for the patient and family. When pos-
sible, the surgeon should avoid going through the same
incision used in prior operations. Instead, attempts should
be made to enter the abdomen from nonviolated areas of
the abdominal wall. But doing so may not always be pos-
sible, especially in patients who have previously undergone
laparoscopy for trauma or other major operations. Some
authors have suggested alternative methods of entering the
abdomen through a transverse incision [11, 20]. At our
institution, we have rarely used a transverse incision in
such patients. Instead, when a frozen abdomen is covered
with a skin graft, we prefer meticulous dissection on either
side, using the medial edges of muscle. During fascial
closure, utmost care must be taken to avoid injury to the
underlying bowel: the consequences of inadvertent enter-
otomies are not trivial. In one study, patients with inad-
vertent enterotomies had a significantly higher rate of
postoperative complications (P \ 0.01) and of urgent rel-
aparotomies (P \ 0.001), a higher rate of admission to the
ICU (P \ 0.001) and of parenteral nutrition use
(P \ 0.001), and an increased postoperative hospital length
of stay (P \ 0.001) [28]. If an enterotomy is recognized, it
should be either repaired at once or marked with a silk
suture for later identification. Most authors agree that
surgeons should mobilize and identify the entire GI tract,
from the gastroesophageal (GE) junction to the rectosig-
moid junction. Identifying all of the fistulas and the entire
GI tract is pivotal. Marking free segments of bowel with
silk sutures helps to locate the ‘free segment’ of the
intestines for proper anastomosis. Resecting multiple fis-
tulas as one segment en masse is preferable, but this may
not be possible if the fistulas are located at a distance from
one another (Fig. 2). Thus, difficult decisions must often be
made during the course of the operation: Should more than
two or three anastomoses be created, running the risk of a
leak or an ECF? Or, should the number of anastomoses be
minimized? Should large segments of small bowel be
resected, potentially creating GI-crippled patients with
possible short gut syndrome? Or should one create more
anastomoses? Only the operating surgeon can make that
judgment. It is important to recognize that intestines look
shorter than they in fact are in the abdomen that has been
operated previously. If at least 20–25 cm of bowel can be
left between anastomoses, a hand-sewn double-layer
technique should be used. A stapler, however, should not
be used [22]. To avoid resecting a large amount of bowel,
adjunct procedures (such as a modified strictureplasty)
can be used in certain fistulas. If the integrity of the
Fig. 2 ‘En mass’ resection of multiple fistulas. Difficult questions:
How much do you resect and how many anastomoses do you create?
518 World J Surg (2012) 36:516–523
anastomoses or anastomosis is questionable, revision is
reasonable, as is creation of a proximal diverting ostomy.
Surgeons should not promise their patients that they will
not have a stoma, temporary or otherwise. These operations
can take a long time, so surgeons should consider stopping
and returning the next day to complete the anastomosis or
to reconstruct the abdominal wall. We have called this
‘damage control on demand.’ During the interim period,
patients can be resuscitated, coagulation and acidosis can
be corrected, and the surgeon and surgical team can get
some much-needed rest before performing the definitive
Intraoperatively, these patients need to be resuscitated
just like trauma patients. Adequate oxygen delivery and
maintenance of normal tissue perfusion and adequate body
temperature are mandatory. Fluid status should be moni-
tored. Hypotension should be avoided, especially if the
patient underwent preoperative bowel preparation.
Reconstruction of abdominal wall defects
The goal of the operation in patients with ECFs and/or
EAFs is to definitively correct the problem. Operative
treatment with takedown of ECFs or fistula excision and
abdominal wall reconstruction is successful in 80–90% of
patients [12, 22]. Once GI tract continuity has been
established (as described above), the next big step is to
cover the intraperitoneal content. But doing so can be a
serious surgical challenge. To cover the abdominal cavity
and create the ‘new’ abdominal wall, native tissue and
prosthetic mesh should be used. No one technique has been
reported to be superior to others. Many authors have
described a combination of different approaches, based on
the location and the type of defects. Using a combination of
different techniques and a preplanned algorithm based on
careful analysis of the defect and location, a 92% rate of
successful closure of this complex of defects has been
reported [28]. In most patients, some combination of
reconstruction will be done. If native tissue can be used
without undue tension, then using it should be the primary
step. But if midline tissue cannot be easily approximated,
or if mesh reinforcement is needed (as it is in almost all
abdominal wall defects larger than 6 cm), then other
techniques must be considered. A detailed summary of
tissue transfer techniques is beyond the scope of this
review. In brief, if midline tissue cannot be easily
approximated, then separation of lateral components or
some sort of tissue transposition needs to be done, as
originally described by Albanese in 1951 [29] and popu-
larized later [30]. Component separation results in medial
advancement of intact rectus myofascial units bilaterally,
closing defects of up to 10 cm in the upper abdomen, of up
to 20 cm in the mid-abdomen, and of 6–8 cm in the lower
abdomen. Different techniques [3137] for abdominal wall
reconstruction include the use of tissue expanders or other
highly sophisticated plastic surgery tools and operations, as
described elsewhere in this issue of World Journal of
Surgery by Leppaniemi and Tukianen [35].
Choice of mesh
Is biologic mesh the new answer to an old problem? In
recent years, the need for biological mesh in the surgical
repair of complex, contaminated, or potentially contami-
nated abdominal defects has become evident [3848]. Its
use is becoming common and is supported by a whole new
industry and data, although long-term studies are still
lacking. According to a hernia grading system developed
by the Ventral Hernia Working Group [1], in patients
whose risk is classified as either grade 3 or grade 4, syn-
thetic mesh should be avoided because of the fear (borne
out by substantial evidence) of high wound infection rates
(often necessitating removal of infected mesh for source
control) and of other complications (such as newly created
fistulas) (Fig. 3a, b).
Most recently, the use of biologic mesh has become
standard in high-risk patients with contaminated and dirty-
infected wounds [4350]. One multicenter study of 242
patients who were followed for slightly less than a year
(317 days) found that human acellular dermal matrix
(ADM) is a suitable alternative for complex ventral hernia
repair in a compromised surgical field [43]. The overall
mortality rate in that study was 2.9% and the hernia
recurrence rate was 17.1% (41 patients). Repair of a fistula
or stoma was associated with hernia recurrence (P = 0.03)
and with fistula recurrence (
P \ 0.001). Logistic regression
analysis showed that a surgical site infection and a body
mass index of greater than 30 were independent risk factors
for hernia recurrence. Another recent multicenter, pro-
spective, cohort study of 80 patients with clean-contami-
nated and dirty-infected wounds reported similar results
Definitive abdominal wall reconstruction at the time of
hernia repair or at the time of takedown of ECFs and/or
EAFs, even in contaminated fields, should be attempted.
Stoma or fistula takedown at the time of complex hernia
repair has been reported to be associated with significant
complications [49]. These studies suggest that biologic
mesh implantation is a valid option for complex abdominal
wall reconstruction in high-risk trauma and acute care
surgery patients. As previously described, in our practice,
the three most common techniques used to place mesh
during abdominal wall reconstruction are onlay placement
(Fig. 4a, b), interposition or bridge (Fig. 5a, b), underlay
World J Surg (2012) 36:516–523 519
Fig. 3 a Infected synthetic mesh placed onlay in a diabetic woman following ventral hernia repair that required excision. There were no signs of
active infection at the time of implantation of the mesh. b Following excision of the synthetic mesh 2 weeks later
Fig. 4 Overlay mesh placement. a Primary closure of fascia followed by overlay mesh reinforcement. b Illustration of the mesh placed, before it
is fixed tightly to reduce seromas
Fig. 5 a Bridge interposition of biological mesh in a patient that
despite component separation, we were unable to approximate the
native abdominal wall tissue. After multiple drains are placed (not
shown) skin and adipose tissue is closed over the mesh. b Patient from
above picture undergoing bridge graft interposition. When possible
skin and subcutaneous tissue should cover the underlying mesh.
Feeding jejunostomy tube may be required as in this case
520 World J Surg (2012) 36:516–523
placement (Fig. 6a, b), and placement—or a combination
of the three (Fig. 7a, b) [2].
In 9 patients with ECFs and/or EAFs, previously
reported we used underlay placement in 4 (44%) and
interposition or bridge placement in 5 (56%) [2]. In the
same series of patients who underwent ADM implantation
with either AlloDerm or Strattice, 35 had contaminated
fields as defined by presence of intra-abdominal or soft
tissue infection, stoma, or fistula. Of those 35, most of
them—26 (74%)—were grade 4, per a hernia grading
system [1]. There were no differences in terms of the rates
of overall complications, recurrence, and of infectious
complications between patients with ECFs and/or EAFs
and those without concomitant ECFs and/or EAFs.
When mesh is used as a bridge, and when there is no
skin or subcutaneous tissue to cover the mesh, then we use
wound vacuum-assisted closure with continuous irrigation,
which keeps the mesh moist and speeds the process of
granulation for later skin grafting [2]. Whenever possible,
we use 4 to 5 drains that stay in place for 10–15 days or
until drainage from the individual drain measures less than
25 ml/24 h. To minimize the drain displacement, we fix all
of the drains to tissue with fine chromic sutures.
Perioperative morbidity
There is significant potential morbidity when we operate in
patients with ECF in need for concomitant abdominal wall
reconstruction [3, 4952]. In one study of 62 patients,
major complications, including postoperative respiratory
and surgical site infection occurred in 82.5% of the patients
[3]. Fistula reocurred in 7 cases (11.1%) but was more
common when the abdominal wall was reconstructed with
prosthetic mesh (7 of 29, 24.1%) than with sutures (0 of 34,
0%). Porcine collagen mesh was associated with a partic-
ularly high rate of fistula recurrence (5 of 12, 41.7%) [4].
Despite all of these complications, abdominal wall recon-
struction offers the only possible option to significantly
improve the quality of life in this group of patients.
Surgical treatment of patients with ECFs and a hostile
abdomen and other complex abdominal defects is chal-
lenging and expensive; it requires significant resources,
both surgical and financial. Careful planning and advanced
surgical techniques are required, often involving the use
(alone or combined) of biologic mesh and composite tissue
Fig. 6 Underlay biological mesh placement (Strattice was used in this case). a Mesh is stretched laterally to cover the lateral edge of the
component separation. b Fascia is closed over the underlay mesh. Skin and subcutaneous tissue is closed over multiple drains (not shown)
Fig. 7 Interposition mesh used as a bridge and ‘underlay.’ Attempt
is made to fix the mesh under the fascia at least 5–6 cm lateral from of
the edge of the muscles
World J Surg (2012) 36:516–523 521
transfer. With careful planning and proper surgical tech-
niques, using biologic mesh may be the only viable choice
and could offer excellent results. Furthermore, while
abdominal reconstruction in patients with fistulas and
abdominal defects is challenging and complex, and is
associated with significant morbidity and potential mor-
tality, abdominal wall reconstruction offers the only pos-
sible option to significantly improve the quality of life of
this group of patients.
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... The abnormal fistulous connection can occur between the gastrointestinal tract and the skin (enterocutaneous fistula, ECF), another portion of the gastrointestinal tract (enteroenteric fistula) or the urogenital tract. The increasingly widespread use of open abdomen (OA) techniques for the initial treatment of abdominal sepsis and trauma has led to the observation of the so-called entero-atmospheric fistulas (EAF) [12][13][14][15]. ...
... This heterogeneity determines different treatments and a lack of a standardized protocol [24]. In EAF, the first-choice treatment is conservative, and surgical therapy should be considered only in case of its failure because of the high risk of bowel injury due to the presence of a "frozen abdomen" [15,[25][26][27][28][29][30]. ...
... EAFs are a devastating complication of OA treatments and originate when there is a large dehiscence of the abdominal wall or in the case of a "frozen abdomen" [15,30,69,70]. EAFs are associated with severe morbidity rates, reduced patient health-related quality of life, and increased rates of mortality, duration of hospital stay, and hospital costs [71]. ...
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Enteric fistulas are a common problem in gastrointestinal tract surgery and remain associated with significant mortality rates, due to complications such as sepsis, malnutrition, and electrolyte imbalance. The increasingly widespread use of open abdomen techniques for the initial treatment of abdominal sepsis and trauma has led to the observation of so-called entero-atmospheric fistulas. Because of their clinical complexity, the proper management of enteric fistula requires a multidisciplinary team. The main goal of the treatment is the closure of enteric fistula, but also mortality reduction and improvement of patients’ quality of life are fundamental. Successful management of patients with enteric fistula requires the establishment of controlled drainage, management of sepsis, prevention of fluid and electrolyte depletion, protection of the skin, and provision of adequate nutrition. Many of these fistulas will heal spontaneously within 4 to 6 weeks of conservative management. If closure is not accomplished after this time point, surgery is indicated. Despite advances in perioperative care and nutritional support, the mortality remains in the range of 15 to 30%. In more recent years, the use of negative pressure wound therapy for the resolution of enteric fistulas improved the outcomes, so patients can be successfully treated with a non-operative approach. In this review, our intent is to highlight the most important aspects of negative pressure wound therapy in the treatment of patients with enterocutaneous or entero-atmospheric fistulas.
... El manejo del abdomen hostil requiere de un profundo conocimiento de las potenciales complicaciones que pueden acontecer durante las etapas evolutivas mal controladas 15 , tales como falla intestinal, peritonitis, sepsis, formación de abscesos, fístulas enterocutáneas, entero atmosféricas, uso de nutrición parenteral prolongada, síndrome de intestino corto a raíz de múltiples resecciones, oclusión intestinal recurrente y altos costos en la atención 1 . En este entendido, el manejo de este tipo de pacientes debe ser dirigido por un equipo multidisciplinario en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI) teniendo la experiencia para afrontar este reto quirúrgico, de forma individualizada e íntegra 15,16 . Los pilares del tratamiento ante la presencia de un abdomen hostil se basan en la estabilización hemodinámica oportuna, instauración de terapia antimicrobiana empírica, adecuada nutrición, y control oportuno de la fuente infecciosa utilizando el manejo del abdomen abierto, junto a técnicas de cierre temporal para permitir múltiples revisiones abdominales, reducir el trauma continuo de la pared abdominal y controlar todas las complicaciones mencionadas 17 . ...
... realizar estomas definitivos15,16,17 . Las decisiones quirúrgicas dependen de los hallazgos intraoperatorios, planteamiento de objetivos que beneficien al paciente, minimización de riesgos y realizadas en manos experimentadas. ...
... Sin embargo, por tratarse de una patología de gran complejidad, elevada mortalidad, y la presentación de la misma no reconocida en su momento como abdomen hostil, dificulta ser descrita como tal15 .La presencia de un defecto importante en la pared abdominal como resultado esperable, secundario a retracción aponeurótica, debe ser en efecto reparado conjuntamente como paso final, teniendo múltiples opciones; técnica de separación de componentes, prótesis de malla artificial o tejido autólogo con colgajos pediculares o micro vasculares, las cuales deben ser adaptadas individualmente 18 . Por las características del paciente en el caso clínico, se aplicó la técnica de separación de componentes debido a su utilidad en retracciones mayores a 10 centímetros, menor porcentaje de recidiva, y la combinación con tejido autólogo o protésico para evitar la tensión de la pared abdominal16,19 observándose resultados satisfactorios. ...
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El abdomen hostil es una severa complicación, resultado de múltiples intervenciones quirúrgicas de emergencia realizadas para controlar procesos sépticos abdominales, fugas anastomóticas, complicaciones postoperatorias, y evitar un síndrome compartimental. Estas secuencias quirúrgicas llevan a la creación de ostomías, retracción aponeurótica y formación de adherencias fibrosas intraperitoneales; creando un abdomen de difícil abordaje al momento de la reconstrucción y cierre abdominal, una vez superada la fase aguda. Se presenta el caso clínico de un paciente masculino de 24 años con antecedente de nueve cirugías a raíz de una apendicitis complicada, que lo hace portador de ileostomía, hernia insicional gigante y un abdomen congelado. Acude para la restitución de tránsito intestinal y reparación del defecto herniario, representando un reto quirúrgico de manejo multidisciplinario y un impacto psicológico como económico para el paciente donde las decisiones se basan en los hallazgos intraoperatorios.
... In all other cases, prevention of the contamination of the abdominal cavity and subcutaneous tissue through isolation of the EAF remains the mainstay of the treatment. The definitive reconstruction is indicated at a later stage, usually after 8-12 months [10]. ...
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Enteroatmospheric fistulas (EAFs) are still the worst complication of the open abdomen. They lead to a significantly prolonged intensive care unit and hospital stay and to high mortality. Despite the various techniques described in the literature EAFs remain “a nightmare” for the patient, the surgeon, and the hospital. Here we describe a case of right colectomy for obstructing Crohn’s disease in a 26-year-old. On the 19th postoperative day, he developed a superficial EAF. Due to the frozen abdomen, neither resection of the anastomosis, nor implementation of the known techniques for treatment of EAFs were possible. This prompted us to modify the Pepe technique. The EAF was isolated from the upper and lower parts of the wound through deep-skin and subcutaneous sutures and the application of two small pieces of non-adherent plastic foil. The lower holes of a single drain, put through a piece of black foam, were placed over the fistula. The upper holes, which were enveloped with the foam, remained in contact with the wound. The drain was connected to a negative pressure of 125 mmHg. NPWT (negative pressure wound therapy) was also applied by two separate sponges and drains in the upper and lower part. The mainstay of EAF treatment is the isolation of the EAF from the abdominal cavity and subcutaneous tissue, supported by control of the sepsis and adequate nutrition. The proposed technique is applicable in cases with a single, superficial EAF on the background of the frozen abdomen with minimal lateral fascial retraction. As of today, due to the rarity of the condition and lack of randomized trials, EAFs still represents a unique challenge often requiring improvisation.
... The latter is much reduced using negative pressure wound therapy compared to moist dressings, and generally avoids the use of a active external warming device to support normothermia. Both ECF and EAF are often challenging with regard to fluid loss as well as electrolyte derangement based on external losses as well as the common practice of avoiding luminal nutritional supplementation in favor of intravenous nutritional support (Fig. 2) [27,28]. Despite ideal management, nonresolving organ failure in TP patients results in mortality in 30-64% [16,19,29]. ...
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Peritonitis, as a major consequence of hollow visceral perforation, anastomotic disruption, ischemic necrosis, or other injuries of the gastrointestinal tract, often drives acute care in the emergency department, operating room, and the ICU. Chronic critical illness (CCI) represents a devastating challenge in modern surgical critical care where successful interventions have fostered a growing cohort of patients with prolonged dependence on mechanical ventilation and other organ supportive therapies who would previously have succumbed much earlier in the acute phase of critical illness. An important subset of CCI patients are those who have survived an emergency abdominal operation, but who subsequently require prolonged open abdomen management complicated by persistent peritoneal space infection or colonization, fistula formation, and gastrointestinal (GI) tract dysfunction; these patients are described as having tertiary peritonitis (TP).The organ dysfunction cascade in TP terminates in death in between 30 and 64% of patients. This narrative review describes key—but not all—elements in a framework for the coordinate multiprofessional team-based management of a patient with tertiary peritonitis to mitigate this risk of death and promote recovery. Given the prolonged critical illness course of this unique patient population, early and recurrent Palliative Care Medicine consultation helps establish goals of care, support adjustment to changes in life circumstance, and enable patient and family centered care.
... NPWT activates wound healing, acts as wound fluid drainage, reduces infection and abdominal compartment syndrome (7)(8)(9). A "frozen abdomen" and entero-atmospheric fistulas are among possible complications of OA treated with NPWT (10,11). The retraction of the fascial edges can lead to failure of delayed primarily fascial closure and patients end up with planed hernias (12). ...
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Introduction: Patients with open abdomen after surgical interventions associated with the complication of secondary peritonitis are successfully treated with negative pressure wound therapy. The use of dynamic fascial sutures reduces fascial lateralization and increases successful delayed fascial closure after open abdomen treatment. Methods: In 2017 we published the follow-up results of 38 survivors out of 87 open abdomen patients treated with negative pressure wound therapy and dynamic fascial sutures between 2007 and 2012. In our current study we present the 10-years follow-up results regarding long-term complications with the focus on incisional hernias and pain. Since 2017 seven more patients have died, hence 31 patients were included in the current study. The patients were asked to answer questions about specific long-term complications of OA treatment including pain, the presence of incisional hernias and subsequent surgical interventions. Demographic data and data regarding fascial closure after open abdomen treatment were collected. All results were analyzed quantitatively. The follow-up period was 8–13 years. Results: The median age was 69 (30–90) years, and 15 (48.4%) were females. Twenty-four patients (77.4%) responded to the questionnaire: Three patients (12.5%) suffered from pain in the original operating field, all three at rest but not during exercise. None of the patients required analgesic treatment. Eleven patients (45.8%) were found to have incisional hernias. Five out of 11 hernias (45.5%) were treated by surgery and did not declare any pain in the operating field. Among the patients with incisional hernias lower MPI (Mannheimer Peritonitis Index) at the time of primary surgery but more reoperations and treatment days were found. The technique of fascial closure was heterogenic and no differences in the occurrence of incisional hernia could be detected. Conclusion: The incidence of incisional hernias after open abdomen treatment is still high, but are associated with little pain in the original operating field. Further studies are required to investigate methods for fascial closure techniques after OA treatment.
Background: Enteroatmospheric fistulas are a serious complication of Open Abdomen. The goal of this study was to present the strategy and results of enteroatmospheric fistulas treatment during the last 10 years, after a long learning period. Methods: Seventy-seven patients with enteroatmospheric fistulas were treated and the data recorded between 2012 and 2021. For local treatment, 3 negative pressure methods were used, according to the wound characteristics. The results of conservative and surgical treatments were retrospectively identified and described, including nutritional recovery, morbidity and mortality. Predictors of spontaneous closure, as well as risk factors for the fistula's recurrence and mortality were analyzed. Results: Nutritional and clinical recovery was achieved in 66 patients (85.7%). Fourteen patients (18%) were healed without surgery after a median of 57 days (range 35-426 days). Unique lesions (13/46; P = .02, OR 10.23), initial output ≤700 mL/day (9/28; P = .0035, OR 3.79) and deep fistulas (9/12; P = .00001, OR 33.6) were encountered and acknowledged to be as spontaneous closure factors. Fifty-six patients (72.7%) required reconstructive surgery of the intestinal tract after a median of 187 days since last laparotomy (range: 63-455 days). There were 9 postoperative recurrences (16%), 5 of them closed with conservative treatment. No significant risk factors for recurrence nor postoperative mortality were found. Fistula complete closure was achieved in 63 of the 77 patients studied (81.8%), and 7 patients died (9%). Conclusion: The combination of 3 vacuum methods used for enteroatmospheric fistula management was effective. Spontaneous closure of an enteroatmospheric fistula is unlikely but feasible when lesions are single, deep, with limited output, and when intestinal continuity is preserved. Surgical indications are well defined, although mortality and recurrence rates are still high.
Complex abdominal wall defects represent one of the more challenging dilemmas faced by general surgeons. Such defects may result from incisional hernia related to multiple abdominal operations, surgical resection of the abdominal wall, necrotizing abdominal wall infections, or therapeutic open abdomen, and can be complicated by the presence of an entero-atmospheric fistula. Many of these abdominal wall defects can be quite large and are often associated with a significant loss of abdominal domain. Careful planning and advanced surgical techniques are required, often involving the use (alone or combined) of biologic mesh and composite tissue transfer. Furthermore, while abdominal reconstruction in patients with or without fistulas and abdominal defects is challenging and complex, and is associated with significant morbidity and potential mortality, the abdominal wall reconstruction offers the only possible option to significantly improve the quality of life of this group of patients.
In the last decades, the concept of damage control surgery (DCS) has changed the way abdominal injuries are treated, modifying the surgical approach from “early definitive treatment” to “bridge surgical therapy.” The advancements in acute care medicine and antibiotic therapy and the rising comprehension of the pathophysiology of trauma and abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) made the open abdomen (OA) a cornerstone step of damage control surgery (DCS). Currently, the advantages of OA and DCS in trauma patients are well known, but this technique brings with itself a great burden of dreadful complications, the most feared and devastating being the rise of an enteroatmospheric fistula (EAF) whose mortality can still be as high as up to 40%.
The increasing comprehension of the patho-physiology of trauma and Abdominal Compartment Syndrome (ACS) made the Open Abdomen (OA) a cornerstone step of damage control surgery (DCS), but the exposure of the abdominal viscera to the outer environment brings itself a great burden of dreadful complications, the most feared and devastating complication is the formation of an entero-atmospheric fistula (EAF mortality rate that can nowadays still be as high as up to 40%).
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Background: The open abdomen technique, after both military and civilian trauma, emergency general or vascular surgery, has been used in some form for the past 30 years. There have been several hundred citations on the indications and the management of the open abdomen. Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma practice management committee convened a study group to organize the world's literature for the management of the open abdomen. This effort was divided into two parts: damage control and the management of the open abdomen. Only damage control is presented in this study. Part 1 is divided into indications for the open abdomen, temporary abdominal closure, staged abdominal repair, and nutrition support of the open abdomen. Methods: A literature review was performed for more than 30 years. Prospective and retrospective studies were included. The reviews and case reports were excluded. Of 1,200 articles, 95 were selected. Seventeen surgeons reviewed the articles with four defined criteria. The Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma primer was used to grade the evidence. Results: There was only one level I recommendation. A patient with documented abdominal compartment syndrome should undergo decompressive laparotomy. Conclusion: The open abdomen technique remains a heroic maneuver in the care of the critically ill trauma or surgical patient. For the best outcomes, a protocol for the indications, temporary abdominal closure, staged abdominal reconstruction, and nutrition support should be in place.
Objective To discuss the difficulties in dealing with infected or exposed ventral hernia mesh, and to illustrate one solution using an autogenous abdominal wall reconstruction technique. Summary Background Data The definitive treatment for any infected prosthetic material in the body is removal and substitution. When ventral hernia mesh becomes exposed or infected, its removal requires a solution to prevent a subsequent hernia or evisceration. Methods Eleven patients with ventral hernia mesh that was exposed, nonincorporated, with chronic drainage, or associated with a spontaneous enterocutaneous fistula were referred by their initial surgeons after failed local wound care for definitive management. The patients were treated with radical en bloc excision of mesh and scarred fascia followed by immediate abdominal wall reconstruction using bilateral sliding rectus abdominis myofascial advancement flaps. Results Four of the 11 patients treated for infected mesh additionally required a bowel resection. Transverse defect size ranged from 8 to 18 cm (average 13 cm). Average procedure duration was 3 hours without bowel repair and 5 hours with bowel repair. Postoperative length of stay was 5 to 7 days without bowel repair and 7 to 9 days with bowel repair. Complications included hernia recurrence in one case and stitch abscesses in two cases. Follow-up ranges from 6 to 54 months (average 24 months). Conclusions Removal of infected mesh and autogenous flap reconstruction is a safe, reliable, and one-step surgical solution to the problem of infected abdominal wall mesh.
Objective To determine the successs of early surgical intervention in management of ileal enterocutaneous fistula. Patients and Methods It is a prospective non-randomized study of 28 patients who developed entero-cutaneous fistula (ECF) after surgery on small and large intestine. Only Ileal fistulae developed after surgery for typhoid, tuberculous, traumatic perforations and intestinal obstruction were included. Out of these, 21 were categorized as high output and seven as low output fistula. In most patients' fistula occurred on 6th and 7th post-operative day. All patients were managed initially for 24 to 72 hours with application of fistulae collection device, correction of fluid and electrolyte deficit, antibiotics and occasional blood transfusion, and then re-operated on 3rd or 4th day after the development of fistulae. The data was analysed using SPSS software. Results Overall six patients were expired and in remaining 22 patients, the post operative complications were seen in 17 % and with mean hospital stay was 6.5 days. Conclusion An appropriately timed, planned early surgical intervention is life saving, cost effective and has reduced morbidity and mortality.
Background: Local custom, rather than evidence-based medicine, dictates how a surgeon closes abdominal wounds. Closures might be more secure if grounded on statistical data. Materials and methods: A meta-analysis of 12,249 patients with abdominal wound closures was made. Infections, hernias, and dehiscences were compared examining continuous versus interrupted closures, continuous (absorbable versus nonabsorbable), interrupted (absorbable versus nonabsorbable), and mass versus layered. Results: Continuous absorbable closures showed more hernias ( P = 0.0007). Dehiscences were significantly more with continuous nonabsorbable suture ( P = 0.01). Interrupted nonabsorbable closures showed a higher incidence of hernias and dehiscences ( P = 0.0002, P = 0.04). Mass closures produced significantly less hernias and dehiscences when compared with layered closures ( P = 0.02, P = 0.0002). Conclusions: Continuous closures with nonabsorbable suture should be used to close most abdominal wounds. However, if infection or distention is anticipated, interrupted absorbable sutures are preferred. Mass closures are superior to layered closures.
Background: Some studies have identified and selected factors that were associated with prognosis in patients with gastrointestinal fistulas, but a multivariate analysis to determine their relative importance and independent predictive value has not been done. The aim of this study was to determine independent prognostic factors for fistula closure and death in patients with gastrointestinal fistulas using a multivariate model.Study Design: Several variables were assessed related to spontaneous closure, surgical closure, and mortality in 188 patients with digestive fistulas (duodenal 22.3%, jejunoileal 28.7%, colonic 23.9%, biliopancreatic 25%). Selection of the variables was done through a forward stepwise logistic regression procedure; the final models were used to estimate the probability of closure, either spontaneous or surgical, and the probability of death.Results: Variables significant for spontaneous closure were: cause of the fistula (p = 0.027), fistula output (p = 0.037), institutional origin of the patient (p = 0.026), and occurrence of complications (p Conclusions: We conclude that the likelihood of spontaneous fistula closure is higher for fistulas with surgical causes, low output, and with no complications. Mortality is higher in patients with complications and with high-output fistulas.
Repair of a ventral hernia is one of the most common surgical procedures performed in the United States. Yet ventral hernia repair in the setting of a contaminated surgical field presents a very difficult surgical dilemma. Prosthetic mesh has been widely employed since the 1950s for the elective repair of ventral hernias. Beyond hernia recurrence, prosthetic mesh has known complications such as infection, contracture, and intestinal fistula formation. In the setting of a clean-contaminated and/or dirty surgical field, prosthetic mesh is contraindicated due to high complication rates [1–4].
Enterocutaneous fistulas (ECFs) remain a feared complication of surgery, particularly in acute care and trauma patients. Despite advances in medical and surgical therapies, ECFs are associated with significant morbidity and mortality; in addition, significant health care resources are consumed in their treatment. Because of the frequency nowadays of open-abdomen and damage-control surgery, of aggressive treatment for abdominal compartment syndrome, and of necrotizing soft tissue infections of the abdominal wall, ECFs are becoming common; so are enteroatmospheric fistulas (EAFs), which represent a new entity where the lumen of the intestine is directly exposed to the outside environment and has no track through subcutaneous or cutaneous tissue. The surgical management of abdominal wall defects, including ECFs and/or EAFs, is often associated with major hernias and other complexities. Careful planning and advanced surgical techniques are required, often involving the use, alone or in combination, of biologic mesh and composite tissue transfer. The treatment of ECFs in patients with large abdominal wall defects is challenging, but with proper techniques, the results can be excellent. Biologic mesh is the mesh of choice in such patients. KeywordsAbdominal trauma–Emergency surgery–Infection–Plastic and reconstructive surgery–Polytrauma