Beata Piskorska

Beata Piskorska
John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin · Institute of Political Science and Public Administration

Assoc. Professor


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Political scientist, Assoc. Professor at the Institute of Political Science and Public Administration of the Catholic University of Lublin John Paul II, Department of International Relations; Member of Team Europe at the Representation of the European Commission in Poland, President of the Association of Education and International Research (ERIA), Editor in Chief Studies and Analysis of Political Science. Email:;


Publications (30)
The European Union granted Turkey the rank of potential member almost fifteen years ago. However, because of Turkey’s current situation, it is difficult to imagine it as a stable member that fulfills the rules of accession. Turkey’s contemporary history is one of deep engagement with Europe and the West. The country’s Western orientation has long b...
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The research problem of this publication is one of the key issues of theory and practice of the contemporary international relations, that is, the impact of a given subject on its surroundings in order to change it in accordance with its own preferences. The analysis has been made based on the example of the European Union which exploits the resour...
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The purpose of the article is to try to outline whether the EU is still an attractive actor in international relations, which is conceptualised as a specific soft, normative and the same transformative power and the centre of attraction for states located outside this organisation. The credibility of the European Union on international arena was un...
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It has been ten years since Poland and Sweden proposed the East- ern Partnership project, which was subsequently adopted on 7 May 2009 by the EU Council at the Prague Summit as the official policy of the European Un- ion. It is a component of the broader EU foreign policy – the European Neigh- bourhood Policy, which was created in 2004. During this...
The European Union relations with the Eastern Partnership countries are developed in a very specific manner. Unstable political and economic situation in these countries has attracted the EU’s attention mostly since its biggest enlargement to the East in 2004. This chapter will analyze the main types of cooperation between the EU and eastern neighb...
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The main problem analysed by the article is one of the key issues of theory and practice in European studies, the impact of the European Union on its surroundings, mainly eastern neighbours in order to change it in accordance with its own preferences. The analysis has been made based on the specifics of the nature of the European Union, which explo...
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The immediate neighbourhood and the processes that are taking place here represent a significant challenge for the European Union from its very beginning. Recently there have been overlapping crises and transformations that have a significant impact on the whole region, but also on the shape of EU foreign and security policy. These include the arme...
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Wartość Europy-to Europa wartości" R. Schuman 1 Załamanie się 25 lat temu porządku międzynarodowego, zwanego zwłaszcza w odniesieniu do Europy, jałtańsko-poczdamskim, spowodowało, iż niemal wszystkie jego elementy uległy modyfikacji. Zmienili się jego uczestnicy (nastąpił wzrost znaczenia i różnorodność podmiotów pozapaństwowych), pojawił się nowy...
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Publikacja poświęcona została wyborom do Parlamentu Europejskiego w oparciu o kampanię wyborczą na Lubelszczyźnie. Rozdziały kolejno poświęcone zostały genezie i specyfice Parlamentu Europejskiego, ukazaniu wyborów do Parlamentu Europejskiego jako miernika rozwoju społeczeństwa obywatelskiego w Polsce, nakreśleniu aksjologicznego tła analizowanej k...
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W niniejszej analizie autorka bada efektywność normatywnej siły Unii Europejskiej realizo- wanej w ramach Europejskiej Polityki Sąsiedztwa (EPS). Polityka ta urzeczywistniana jest w drodze osiągania celów normatywnych poprzez promowanie wspólnych wartości, ale i realizację wspólnych interesów. Przedstawione zostaną zatem podstawy koncepcyjne postrz...


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