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Predict Students’ Academic Performance based on their Assessment Grades and Online Activity Data

(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 11, No. 4, 2020
185 | P a g e
Predict Students Academic Performance based on
their Assessment Grades and Online Activity Data
Amal Alhassan1, Bassam Zafar2
Information Systems Department, FCIT
King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Ahmed Mueen3
CIT Department, Faculty of Applied Studies
King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
AbstractThe ability to predict students’ academic
performance is critical for any educational institution that aims
to improve their students' learning process and achievement.
Although students’ performance prediction problem is studied
widely, it still represents a challenge and complex issue for
educational institutions due to the different features that affect
students learning process and achievement in courses. Moreover,
the utilization of web-based learning systems in education
provides opportunities to study how students learning and what
learning behavior leading them to success. The main objective of
this research was to investigate the impact of assessment grades
and online activity data in the Learning Management System
(LMS) on students’ academic performance. Based on one of the
commonly used data mining techniques for prediction, called
classification. Five classification algorithms were applied that
decision tree, random forest, sequential minimal optimization,
multilayer perceptron, and logistic regression. Experimental
results revealed that assessment grades are the most important
features affecting students' academic performance. Moreover,
prediction models that included assessment grades alone or in
combination with activity data perform better than models based
on activity data alone. Also, random forest algorithm performs
well for predicting student a cademic performance, followed by
decision tree.
KeywordsPredict student performance; learning management
system; data mining; educational data mining; classification model
Educational data mining (EDM) is an emerging field in
data mining; aims to transform data accumulated in the
educational system into information help educational
institution to make informed decisions [1]. EDM uses data
mining tools and techniques in education field to analyze
student performance, predict their outcomes to help students at
risk of academic failure, and provide feedback for the faculties
and instructors to improve student outcomes and their learning
process [2]. Most of the previous works have proved the
effectiveness of data mining to address various educational
issues. Student performance prediction is one of the most
important issues studied by data mining techniques.
Moreover, the growing use of the internet in education
produced a new context called web-based learning or learning
management system (LMS). LMS is a web-based application
for managing online learning. LMS allows an educational
institution to manage students, monitor their participation and
tracking their progress via the system [3]. LMS can provide
accurate insight into student online activity and their learning
behavior because all data related to students’ actions and
events are monitored and recorded [4]. These data can be
useful to analyze students learning behavior and create
prediction models for their performance.
Predicting student performance is a crucial issue for each
educational institution aims to improve students' performance
and their learning process. Based on the prediction output, an
educational institution can support those identified as low
performing students. Although predicting students'
performance is widely studied, it still a challenge and complex
process because students' performance influenced by different
features such as demographic, social, academic, economic, and
other environmental features [5, 6]. Cognition of these features
contributes to control their impact on student performance.
The main objective of this research is to investigate the
impact of assessment and activity features from LMS on
students' academic performance. Based on one of the most
common data mining techniques for prediction, namely
classification. Five classification algorithms are applied include
decision tree (J48), random forest (RF), sequential minimal
optimization (SMO), multilayer perceptron (MLP), and logistic
regression (Logistic) for predicting students' performance.
The rest of this paper is structured in six sections. In
Section 2, a review of the related work is presented. In
Section 3, concepts and definitions related to this research are
introduced. Section 4 explains the methodology followed to
predict students' academic performance and identify the
important features that affect their performance. Section 5
discusses the experimental results with previous works.
Section 6 presents the conclusion and limitations of this study.
The insights about future work are provided in Section 7.
In recent years, many researchers studied features extracted
from Learning Management System (LMS) and whether can be
used as predictors for students’ academic performance. As in
[7] researcher investigated the important behavioral indicators
from LMS to predict student outcomes in online courses. The
researcher considered indicators that reflect regular study as
important features can be used to predict student outcomes.
Other researchers investigated the impact of students’
participation in an online discussion forum on their academic
performance [8, 9]. In [8] the authors used qualitative,
quantitative, and social network forum indicators to predict
student performance. While in [9] students' performance was
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Vol. 11, No. 4, 2020
186 | P a g e
predicted based on participation in the discussion forum and
their academic records (e.g. assignments, quizzes, and exams).
Moreover, the impact of student online activity on their
academic performance have been studied in different forms. In
[10] researcher looked into four features of student activity on
Moodle that are the number of viewed files, exchanged
messages, completed quizzes, and content created by the
student. While in [12] performance of 22 students was
predicted based on their academic records and time spent by a
student on Moodle. However, in [11] researchers considered
online assessment data as indicators for student activity. They
examined activity data from LMS in the form of assessments
and exams to improve student engagement in a blended
learning. Another study has predicted the performance of
students based on enrollment data and activity on LMS [6].
They considered the heterogeneity of different students' sub-
groups to predict their performance based on important
enrollment data (e.g. gender and attendance type) and the level
of their online activity.
Other studies looked into the different feature sets to
predict student academic performance rather than all features in
the dataset. As in [13] authors investigated the influence of
different feature sets such as course features, student features,
behavioral features, and past performance in the course on
students’ performance. Also, in [14,15] they examined the
impact of different feature sets such as demographic, academic,
behavioral, and extra features related to parents’ participation
in the learning process and student absence days. Furthermore,
other researchers proposed the use of sub-groups (or sub-
datasets) to construct effective prediction models, as in [6] they
divided students' dataset into sub-datasets using enrollment and
activity data to predict their academic performance. Moreover,
sub-datasets is used in [16] to predict student dropout at
academic institutions using enrollment data, first-term, and
second-term data.
Many works employed feature selection algorithms to
create an effective classification model by excluding irrelevant
and redundant features from the dataset [9, 3, 17, 18]. Feature
selection algorithms can be divided into two basic groups are
filter and wrapper methods. Different feature selection
algorithms have been applied and compared in past works, as
in [19] comparative study conducted using filter-based
methods to evaluate the performance of the classification
algorithm before and after feature selection application.
Moreover, in [20] the performance of different filter-based
methods was compared for predicting students’ performance in
the final exam. Also, in [21] researchers evaluated and
compared the performance of different filter and wrapper
methods on the dataset that has been gathered for predicting
students' grades in the final examination.
Classification is one of the most common data mining
techniques for prediction. Classification is a supervised
learning process that predicts the class label of the target
variable for a given dataset. In the classification model, the
dataset is partitioned into two sets are training set for the
learning process and test set to implement the classification
process. Several classification algorithms have been used in
previous works to predict students’ academic performance
[22]. In this research, five classification algorithms are used
include Decision Tree (J48) [23], Random Forest (RF)
[24,2,12], Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO) [13],
Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) [25] and Logistic Regression
(Logistic) [26] for predicting students’ academic performance.
These algorithms are used depending on their effectiveness in
previous works for predicting students’ performance.
Decision Tree (J48) is widely used for classification. J48
uses the C4.5 algorithm for constructing a decision tree. It
similar to a tree structure and consists of three types of nodes
are root, internal, and leaf nodes. This method partition the
training set into several subsets recursively using the best
features selected by merit criteria until it reaches termination,
the termination occurs when all features values belong to a
class label [27]. Random Forest (RF) constructs multiple
decision trees instead of a single decision tree. Trees are
constructed based on different samples and features selected
randomly from the dataset to form the forest. It gets the result
of the prediction from each created decision tree and selects the
best prediction result based on the voting process [28, 29].
Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO) uses an
optimization technique for training support vector machine
(SVM) [6]. SMO performs the classification process by finding
the linear hyper-plane that can differentiate between classes
very well. It can also deal with non-linear classification
problems using kernel technique to convert low dimensional
data space to a higher dimension that allows classifying the
data [30]. Logistic regression (Logistic) is used in classification
problems for prediction based on probability concept. This
algorithm differs from linear regression by using logistic
function instead of linear function for mapping the values of
the prediction to probabilities. The probability of a dependent
variable that has a binary value is predicted using a set of
different independent values [30, 29]. Multilayer Perceptron
(MLP) is a multilayer network of interconnected neurons.
Neurons are represented in three layers include input, hidden,
and output layer. MLP uses sigmoid function in hidden and
output layers to predict probability [30]. This algorithm learns
in the training process by adjusting the weights iteratively
using a backpropagation function to attain sufficiently good
output [31].
Previous works have studied the impact of different
features on students' academic performance, but few works
have focused on the impact of assessment and activity data
together. Moreover, most of the previous works have used the
whole dataset to construct the prediction models. These
comprehensive models may unuseful to identify the effect of
different features on student performance. However, this work
contributes by investigating the impact of assessment and
activity data jointly and separately. Sub-datasets is used to
create prediction sub-models instead of the whole dataset; sub-
datasets have been used in [6]. This work differs from [6] by
studying other features related to students’ assessment data and
their online activity in the form of course access and mobile
course access measurements. Additionally, feature selection
using two different methods are applied to identify the most
important features that affect students' academic performance.
Finally, the performance of created prediction models is
evaluated and compared.
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A. Imbalanced Class Distribution
The imbalanced class distribution occurs in the
classification model when the number of instances in one class
is significantly lower than the number of instances in the other
class. A class with a small number of instances called minority
class, while the class with a large number of instances known
as the majority class. The performance of machine learning
algorithms is best when the classes are almost balanced in the
dataset. Hence, the application of machine learning algorithms
on an unbalanced dataset leads to bias the result into the
majority class [30]. Several solutions have been proposed in
previous works to handle an imbalance in the dataset [32]. This
research looked into feature selection and sampling algorithms
for solving the imbalance problem.
B. Feature Selection
Feature selection considered one of the most important data
pre-processing steps, is used frequently in previous works to
identify the relevant features as a subset of the original features
in the dataset [3]. The subset produced by feature selection
allows classifiers to reach the optimal performance and can be
a good solution for imbalanced classes’ distribution [32, 33].
This research looked into two methods of feature selection are
filter and wrapper methods. Filter method uses a ranking
technique to rank the features; the highly ranked features are
applied to the classifier, while other features are excluded from
the dataset [3]. While wrapper method selects a subset of
features using an induction algorithm as a "black box" method
to search for a good subset of features [20]. The accuracy of
the inducted algorithm is estimated using the techniques of
accuracy estimation.
C. Sampling
Sampling (or Resampling) is a technique used to resample
the dataset artificially for balancing the number of instances in
the classes [34]. It is considered a data pre-processing step and
can be achieved by two ways are under-sampling the majority
class and over-sampling the minority class.
D. Environment
All algorithms used in this research are implemented using
the Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis (WEKA),
which has been developed by Waikato University in New
Zealand [31]. WEKA is a software tool based on java
language, provides several algorithms for machine learning and
data mining application.
E. Performance Evaluation Measures
This research used different evaluation measures that have
been used in the literature to evaluate and compare the
performance of classification models. These measures are (1),
(2), (3), (4), (5), (6), and (7):
Accuracy [35]: is the common measure used to evaluate
the performance of classifiers, calculates the ratio of
correctly classified instances to the total number of
     (1)
Precision [36]: is used to evaluate model exactness. It
represents the ratio of true positive instances from all
instances classified as positive by a classifier.
    (2)
Recall [36]: is used to evaluate model completeness. It
represents the ratio of true positive instances classified
correctly by the classifier.
    (3)
F-measure [36]: is used to get the average value of
precision and recall. It used commonly by researchers
to compare different classifiers performance.
     
 (4)
Area under ROC curve (AUC) [35]: is used to evaluate
the capability of classification model to distinguish
between classes. Its value figures out the tradeoff
between true positive rate (TPR) and false positive rate
(FPR) for a given classification model.
     (5)
Kappa value [6, 29]: is used to measure the accuracy of
the classifier compared to the expected random
classifier accuracy.
  
 (6)
Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) [17]: is used to
compare prediction errors by evaluating the difference
between the actual value and prediction value.
  
 (7)
To predict students’ academic performance, the
methodology suggested in this research follows five main
phases include data collection, data pre-processing, sub-
datasets generation, classification algorithms application, and
evaluation (see Fig. 1).
A. Dataset
Student data used in this research was obtained from the
Deanship of E-Learning and Distance Education at King
Abdulaziz University. Data include 241 records for
undergraduate students were gathered from six different
courses delivered from 2017 to 2019 in the Department of
Information Systems, Faculty of Computing and Information
Technology. Students' data include assessment grades and
activity data on the blackboard. All students' data were
extracted from the Learning Management System (LMS) into
several Excel files. One file for students' activities on the
blackboard and 26 files dedicated to the assessment grades
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188 | P a g e
Fig. 1. Method Suggested for Predicting Students’ Academic Performance.
During the data collection process, the file that contains
students' activity and their IDs is merged with the files that
include student IDs and corresponding assessment grades.
Then, data cleaned by deleting fields that have few entries and
zero values. After that, data transformation is performed. Data
transformation is a critical step to convert the data from the
format of the source file to the format of the destination file. In
this case, the created Excel file converted into (CSV) format
then to (ARFF) format to be compatible with the WEKA
software tool for data mining application.
The features extracted from the LMS include students'
assessment grades and measurements of their online activity on
the blackboard. These features are categorized into three major
groups that are assessment grades, course access
measurements, and mobile course access measurements. The
description of these features and their type are shown in
Table I.
In King Abdulaziz University (KAU), student performance
is assessed using the course grading system. In this system,
each course is given a sum of 100 marks distributed for the
midterm exams, final exam, and course-work (e.g. quizzes,
assignments, projects, and labs work). The final mark earned
by a student in the course is corresponding to a letter symbol
for the grade [37]. Hence, in this classification problem,
students are classified into low-performing students who
earned grades D+, D, and F, and high-performing students who
earned grades A+, A, B+, B, C+, and C in the course.
B. Data Pre-Processing
Data pre-processing is an essential phase before
classification algorithms application. In this research, pre-
processing phase includes two steps are feature selection and
sampling. After that, the results of feature selection and
sampling algorithms are compared to find better algorithm to
deal with the imbalance in the dataset and enhance the
accuracy of classification algorithms.
Feature selection is applied to select a subset of features
that have a greater impact on student academic performance.
Moreover, the subset produced by feature selection allows
classifiers to reach optimal performance and can be a helpful
solution for imbalanced class distribution in the dataset [32,
33]. Therefore, six different filter and wrapper methods are
applied on student dataset. Three filter methods are applied
include Correlation Attribute Evaluation, Information Gain
Attribute Evaluation, and CFS Subset Evaluation [19, 20].
Besides three popular machine-learning algorithms include
Decision Tree (J48), Naive Bayes (NB), and K-Nearest
Neighbor (IBK in WEKA) are used to implement wrapper
method [21]. The results of these six feature selection
algorithms show that assessment grades are the most important
features that affect student academic performance.
Correlation and Information Gain algorithms give the same
high ranking for six features that are assignments mark, final
exam, second midterm exam, lab mark, quizzes mark, and first
midterm exam. While CFS subset selects four features that are
assignments mark, quizzes mark, second midterm exam, and
final exam as highly influential features.
Assessment data
Assignments mark
Quizzes mark
First midterm exam
Second midterm exam
Lab work mark
Final exam mark
Course access data
Number of times course
Number of times a
course item access
Number of course
Number of a course
item interactions
Crse_Item_ Mins
Time spent on course
item in minutes
Number of times
content access
Number of times
assessment access
Mobile course access data
Number of times a
course access via
Number of times a
course item access via
Number of course
interactions via mobile
Time spent on a course
access via mobile in
Number of times a
content access via
Number of times an
assessment access via
Generate sub-
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The subsets produced by wrapper methods show that
Wrapper-J48 algorithm selects two features are assignments
mark and final exam. While Wrapper-NB subset includes four
features that are assignments mark, first midterm exam, final
exam, and assessment access. The Wrapper-IBK algorithm
determines only one feature is the assignment mark as the most
important feature.
For sampling, three algorithms are applied on students
dataset include random over-sampling of the minority class
(Resample), random under-sampling of majority class
(SpreadSubsample), and synthetic minority over-sampling
technique (SMOTE), which have been used in [30, 34].
1) Comparison and evaluation results: To compare
feature selection and sampling algorithms, these algorithms
are applied along with five classification algorithms include
J48, RF, SMO, MLP, and Logistic. The performance of these
algorithms is evaluated and compared using 10-folds cross-
validation and accuracy metric. Evaluation and comparison
results of feature selection and sampling algorithms are
presented in Table II and Fig. 2.
Results in Table II and Fig. 2 show that both feature
selection and sampling algorithms improve the performance of
classifiers. For feature selection algorithms, the subset
produced by Wrapper-J48 attains the highest accuracy value of
98.42 when classified also using J48 algorithm. While the CFS
subset obtains the second highest accuracy value of 97.38
when classified using MLP.
Also, Wrapper-IBK achieves the highest accuracy value of
97.10 for RF algorithm, CFS subset achieves the highest
accuracy value of 95.27 for Logistic algorithm, Wrapper-NB
achieves the highest accuracy value of 93.53 for SMO.
Original dataset
Feature selection
CFS Subset
Fig. 2. Accuracy Rsults for Feature Selection and Sampling Algorithms.
Thus, there is no one feature selection algorithm obtains
better accuracy results for all classifiers. However, it observed
that the subset produced by the Wrapper-J48 performs better
than other subsets, by achieving accuracy results above 97.00
when classified using J48, RF, and MLP.
Results of sampling algorithm in Table II and Fig. 2 show
that Resample algorithm obtains the highest accuracy values of
98.75, 99.17, 98.08, and 97.04 for J48, RF, MLP, and Logistic
respectively. While SMO obtains its highest accuracy value of
96.17 with SMOTE. Furthermore, SpreadSubsample algorithm
obtains the worst results of accuracy, even worse than the
original dataset.
For both feature selection and sampling algorithms,
Resample algorithm achieves the highest accuracy results with
all classifiers, except SMO obtains the best accuracy with
SMOTE. However, the use of SMO with Resample algorithm
does not result in poor performance, but its performance
considered better with SMOTE.
Therefore, Resample algorithm is used to balance the
dataset and create more accurate prediction models for
students’ performance. Hence, SMO is excluded and used the
remaining four classification algorithms that are J48, RF, MLP,
and Logistic for creating prediction models of students’
academic performance.
C. Generate Sub-Datasets
To investigate the impact of student assessment grades and
activity data jointly and separately. Students’ dataset is
partitioned into six sub-datasets based on the three major
groups of features (in Table I). The generated sub-datasets are
described in Table III.
D. Predicting Students’ Academic Performance
After resampling and generate sub-datasets, sub-models are
constructed in each sub-dataset displayed in Table III.
Additionally, the base model is constructed using "All
features" to evaluate the performance of the sub-models
compared to the base model. These prediction models are
created using four classification algorithms include J48, RF,
MLP, and Logistic.
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Full students’ dataset include assessment
grades and blackboard activity data.
Assessment only
Assessment grades without blackboard
activity data.
Assessment +
Course access
Assessment grades with course access
Assessment +
Mobile course
Assessment grades with mobile course
access measurements.
Course access +
Mobile course
All blackboard activity data without
assessment grades.
Course access only
Course access measurements only.
Mobile course
access only
Mobile course access measurements
The performance of base models and sub-models is
evaluated and compared using different evaluation measures,
which have been used in [6]. In this research, models are
trained and tested using 10-folds cross-validation method [3].
In this method, the dataset is divided into ten equal subsets for
training and testing. Each subset is run ten times, in each time
90% of instances are trained while 10% of instances are used
for testing the model, tested instances in each iteration are
different. Then the average of results is computed as the final
E. Results
To evaluate and compare the performance of prediction
models, first, precision, recall, F-measure, Kappa value, and
area under the ROC curve (AUC) are measured. Second, as a
complement for previous measures, accuracy and the root
mean squared error (RMSE) are measured [6]. All these
evaluation measures are computed using 10-folds cross-
validation method for all classifiers, where the better results are
1) Evaluate and compare the performance of sub-models
to the base model based on Precision, Recall, F-measure,
Kappa value, and Area under ROC curve (AUC): Table IV
shows the results of Precision, Recall, F-measure, Kappa
value, and Area under ROC curve (AUC) achieved by J48,
RF, MLP and Logistic classifiers for the base model and sub-
models. Results in Table IV show that created sub-models
using "assessment only", "assessment + course access",
"assessment + mobile course access" features and base model
have the same high performance using random forest and J48
classifiers in terms of evaluation measures. For these sub-
models and base model, random forest achieves the highest
result of 0.99, 0.98, and 1 in terms of f-measure, kappa, and
AUC respectively. While J48 achieves the second highest
result of 0.99, 0.98, and 0.99 for f-measure, kappa, and AUC,
All features
Assessment +
course access
Assessment +
mobile course
Course access +
mobile course
Course access
Mobile course
access only
All features
Assessment +
course access
Assessment +
mobile course
Course access +
mobile course
Course access
Mobile course
access only
All features
Assessment only
Assessment +
course access
Assessment +
mobile course
Course access +
mobile course
Course access
Mobile course
access only
All features
Assessment only
Assessment +
course access
Assessment +
mobile course
Course access +
mobile course
Course access
Mobile course
access only
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Moreover, the sub-model that generated based on
"assessment + mobile course access" features outperforms to
its base model and other sub-models when using MLP and
Logistic algorithms. This sub-model with MLP algorithm
achieves results higher than other models in terms of precision
and kappa value of 0.99 and 0.97 respectively. Also, this sub-
model with logistic algorithm obtains results higher than other
models in terms of precision, recall, f-measure and kappa value
of 0.98, 0.98, 0.98 and 0.95, respectively.
However, the performance of created sub-models using
activity data only (such as "course access only", "mobile
course access only", and "course access + mobile course
access") deteriorate comparing to performance of the base
model. Hence, base model performs better than sub-models
created based on activity data only by achieving values above
0.97, 0.94, and 0.97 for f-measure, kappa, AUC, respectively
for all classifiers.
Among sub-models created based on activity data only,
sub-model that represent the "course access only" features with
random forest classifier achieves result better than other
activity sub-models. This sub-model obtains values of 0.97,
0.94, 0.99 in terms of f-measure, kappa, AUC, respectively.
Followed by the sub-model created using all activity data
("course access + mobile course access") with the random
forest, it obtains results better than other sub-models of activity
that have been created using J48, MLP, and Logistic
algorithms. This sub-model obtains values of 0.96, 0.93, and
1.00 for f-measure, kappa, AUC respectively.
2) Evaluate and compare the performance of sub-models
to the base model based on accuracy and root mean squared
error (RMSE): Table V shows the results of accuracy and root
mean squared error (RMSE) achieved by J48, RF, MLP and
Logistic classifiers for the base model and sub-models.
Results in Table V show that base model that represents "all
features" with random forest superior to all other classifiers
and models by achieving the highest accuracy value of 99.17.
In addition, random forest ensures sub-models produced using
"assessment only", "assessment + course access", and
"assessment + mobile course access" features obtain high
accuracy value close to 99.00 and low RMSE value of 0.06.
However, the two sub-models based on "assessment only"
and "assessment + mobile course access" features with the J48
classifier outperform their base model and other sub-models by
achieving the lowest root mean squared error (RMSE) value of
0.04 and accuracy value of 98.92. Moreover, the sub-model
that generated using "assessment + mobile course access"
features with MLP classifier outperform to its base model and
other sub-models by achieving higher accuracy of 98.38 and
lower root mean squared error (RMSE) value of 0.07. Also, the
sub-model based on "assessment + mobile course access"
features using the Logistic classifier outperforms its base
model by achieving a higher accuracy value of 97.54.
All features
Assessment only
Assessment + course access
Assessment + mobile course access
Course access + mobile course access
Course access only
Mobile course access only
All features
Assessment only
Assessment + course access
Assessment + mobile course access
Course access + mobile course access
Course access only
Mobile course access only
All features
Assessment only
Assessment + course access
Assessment + mobile course access
Course access + mobile course access
Course access only
Mobile course access only
All features
Assessment only
Assessment + course access
Assessment + mobile course access
Course access + mobile course access
Course access only
Mobile course access only
This research was to investigate the impact of assessment
and activity data on students’ academic performance.
Therefore, students' dataset was analyzed using different
feature selection algorithms to identify important features that
affect their academic performance. Moreover, the base model
and sub-models based on assessment and activity features
jointly and separately were constructed. Also, the performance
of used classification algorithms was compared to find the best
algorithm for classifying student performance.
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 11, No. 4, 2020
192 | P a g e
Feature selection results revealed the important features
that affect student performance are assessment grades,
especially assignments mark and final exam. Hence, this
research corroborates with the finding reached by [11, 13] they
concluded that student performance significantly influenced by
assessment data. In [13] they compared four feature sets
include student and course characteristics, LMS features, and
past performance including assessment grades. Their results
demonstrated that student characteristics and the assessment
grades had a larger impact on student performance than other
features sets. While authors in [11] found a strong correlation
between grades of assessments and examinations with students'
final grades.
For the base and sub models, the experimental results
showed that base model generated from "All features" dataset
and classified using random forest algorithm outperforms other
prediction models, by obtaining the best results for all
performance evaluation measures, especially best accuracy
value of 99.17. Moreover, sub-models that include the
assessment grades separately or jointly with activity data obtain
results better than sub-models rely on the activity data alone for
prediction. Additionally, the findings reveal that sub-model
generated based on "assessment + mobile course access"
features perform well to predict student academic performance.
Researchers in [6] reported that the performance of created
sub-models superior to the performance of the base model. In
addition to the effectiveness of use students' sub-datasets to
predict their academic performance. The results supports this
fact to some extent, in terms of the usefulness of investigating
the sub-datasets to predict students’ academic performance and
assess the impact of different features on their success in
courses. However, the results revealed that base model based
on all features and sub-models that included assessment data
separately or jointly with activity features achieved high
performance results. That indicates both base model and sub-
model perform well to predict students’ academic performance.
Regarding the impact of assessment and activity data,
results showed prediction models that include assessment
grades separately or jointly with activity data have superior
prediction results compared to models based on activity data
alone. This finding indicates assessment grades affect students'
performance significantly, while activity data alone has less
impact. Hence, this research corroborates with the finding have
been reached by researchers in [11], they revealed a strong
relationship between students’ online activities in the form of
assessments and exams with their final grades in the course.
Their finding indicates the importance of assessment data in
predicting students’ achievement in the course. In addition to
the usefulness of investigating students’ online activity to
assess its impact on academic achievement.
Furthermore, researchers reached a similar conclusion in
[13]; they found past performance in the course (including
assessment grades) and student characteristics have a greater
impact on student performance, while LMS features had a
lower impact. The experimental result support this fact, activity
data alone have a lower impact on student performance
compared to the assessment grades. However, assessment and
activity data together enhance the accuracy of the prediction
model. Hence, this finding demonstrates the importance of
including the assessment grades with activity data for the
prediction model of students’ academic performance.
However, researchers in [11] concentrated on online
assessments alone as indicators for student activity. Others in
[12] investigated only one feature of online activity data which
is time spent by a student on Moodle, while Moodle (or LMS)
provides more features that can be investigated. Moreover, the
dataset used in [12] included 22 instances only; which can be
considered a very small number of instances compared to
datasets used in previous works. However, this work studied
more features of student online activity than those examined in
[11, 12], using dataset includes 241 instances. Also, this
experiment studied the impact of students’ online activity in
other forms like course access measurements and mobile
course access measurements as well as the assessment grades.
For classification algorithms, the experimental results
revealed the random forest algorithm perform better compared
to other classification algorithms. This finding is in accordance
with findings reported by [12, 24, 2]; they also found random
forest algorithm outperform other classification algorithms for
student performance prediction using different features such as
personal, academic, and activity data. Moreover, in this
experiment, random forest algorithm ensures the highest
performance results for base and sub models. Followed by
decision tree algorithm by obtaining the second highest
performance results. As random forest does not provide
interpretable results, decision tree can be considered more
This research was to investigate the impact of assessment
and activity data on students’ academic performance. For this
purpose, different feature selection algorithms were used to
identify the important features that affect students' academic
performance. Also, prediction models were constructed based
on assessment and activity data jointly and separately using
four classification algorithms that are decision tree, random
forest, multilayer perceptron, and logistic regression.
Results of feature selection revealed that the most
important features that affect student academic performance
are assessment data, especially assignments mark and final
exam. For prediction models, results demonstrated that both
base model and sub-model perform well for predicting
students' academic performance. Random forest outperformed
other classifiers to predict students’ performance by achieving
the highest accuracy degrees for both base model and sub
model, followed by decision tree. As the random forest does
not provide understandable output, the decision tree can be
considered more useful.
Furthermore, prediction models that included assessment
data separately or jointly with activity data performed better
than models based on activity data alone. This indicates that
assessment data affect student performance significantly, while
activity data have a lower impact. However, assessment and
activity data together work better to enhance the accuracy of
the prediction model. It is important to include assessment data
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 11, No. 4, 2020
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with activity data for the prediction model of students’
academic performance.
However, certain limitations are observed in this research.
The experiment was conducted using data of students for a
specific department at faculty. Dataset had only 241 records
and 19 features. These results might be different for another
dataset with more records and other different features. Also,
there might be a possibility of achieving more accurate results
by other data mining algorithms.
In future work, this work can be further extended to predict
students' academic performance using data from other faculties
and different departments to generalize the results. Also,
further work may visualize and interpret decision tree result to
obtain understandable results help to support low-performing
students. Moreover, the same features can be used with other
data mining techniques such as regression to predict student
final grade in the course, association rule to detect the
relationships between students’ final grade with their
assessment and activity data.
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... The traditional method of evaluating students focuses only on students' past achievements, but this lacks the ability to predict students' future development. Therefore, it is necessary to change the way in which grades for future academic performance are predicted; this is one of the most important things that all educational institutions must seek to strengthen and develop within their education administration [3]. ...
... It is also possible to sort students into groups according to their level in such a way that an instructor can determine a way to deal with each group according to its level, as in [8] and [10]. Many authors have used data mining in prediction in different areas, including [1][2][3][4][5], [6], [11], [20][21] and [23]. ...
In this study, the academic performance of students from the E-Commerce department at Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie is predicted using a Markov chains model and educational data mining. Based on the complete data regarding the achievements of the students from the 2016 cohort of students obtained from the university’s admissions and registration department, a Markov chain is built, in which the states are divided according to the semester average of the student, and the ratio of students in each state is calculated in the long run. The results obtained are compared with the data from the 2015 cohort, which demonstrates the efficiency of the Markov chains model. For educational data mining, the classification technique is applied, and the decision tree algorithm is used to predict the academic performance of the students, generalizing results with an accuracy of 41.67%.
... The supervised learning strategy is the one that is typically adopted in machine learning since it primarily relies on the many academic variables of students to forecast whether or not students will succeed [18]. Numerous supervised machine learning methods exist including random forests [19], support vector machines [20], naive bayes [21], K-nearest neighbors (KNN) [22], linear discriminant analysis, decision tree [23], logistic regression, classification and regression techniques, and so on. In the study of [19], the regression way known as logistic regression works effectively when the outcome is binary. ...
... Numerous supervised machine learning methods exist including random forests [19], support vector machines [20], naive bayes [21], K-nearest neighbors (KNN) [22], linear discriminant analysis, decision tree [23], logistic regression, classification and regression techniques, and so on. In the study of [19], the regression way known as logistic regression works effectively when the outcome is binary. The ultimate grade of the student, whether eligible or rejected, is predicted by several academic characteristics. ...
Conference Paper
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Student performance prediction is a complex problem in which a computer predicts student's future performance while they engage in their studies. To enable effective educational interventions during a course, accurate early forecasts of a student's performance is essential. The review proposed a silent method and the latest data for capturing student behaviour is classroom video monitoring. For student performance prediction dynamics to be understood and subsequently improved, it is essential to understand students' attention spans and what kinds of behaviours may advise the absence of attention. The ability to detect student attention is one of the features of computer vision systems used to monitor classrooms. This review included the pertinent Educational Data Mining literature on identifying dropouts and students at risk from classroom data. For example, during class hours students are to concentrate, focus and give all their attention in class. A machine learning approach can be used to rate each student's concentration with the help of computer vision algorithms since most studies use student data from colleges such as quiz marks and exam scores. The assessment outcomes revealed that a variety of Machine Learning (ML) and computer vision techniques are developed to understand and address the main problems, including guessing about to-fail learners and student dropouts. It has been validated that machine learning systems are important for detecting at-risk students and dropout frequencies which help for improving student success. To find the basics that can have an impact on how well students perform academically machine learning algorithms can be used to study a student’s daily routine such as their study habits, social interactions, and extracurricular activities. Since it applies the most relevant advanced methods for each specific task, this student concentration score using computer vision offers the ideal answer for monitoring classrooms. The integration of facial recognition algorithms and machine learning provides an assuring approach for monitoring classroom engagement and enhancing educational interventions.
... However, most of these studies have been conducted using a logistic regression model. In recent years, many machine learning algorithms have been found to outperform the logistic regression models in terms of prediction (Alhassan et al., 2020). Therefore, machine learning-based methods have become potential tools for the study of the prediction of CT concepts using students' cognitive, affective, and demographic characteristics. ...
... In a comparison of several machine learning methods, Singh et al. (2016) showed that the decision tree model was more accurate than the Naïve Bayes model in predicting primary school students' academic performance. Alhassan et al. (2020) found that assignment marks and final examination grades were important features in predicting students' academic performance. Compared with other models such as decision trees, neural networks, and logistic regression models, they found that the random forest model was the most accurate in predicting student performance. ...
... The study emphasized Decision Trees and Random forests' common use in solving classification and regression issues. The investigation (Alhassan et al. 2020) highlighted the influence of assessment grades on academic performance, demonstrating that models incorporating these grades or combining them with activity data outperform those relying solely on activities. The Random Forest algorithm shows strong predictive abilities, closely followed by Decision Trees in forecasting student academic success. ...
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The precision of predicting student performance in Mathematics is pivotal for educational advancement, relying heavily on advanced machine learning (ML) methodologies. This predictive approach involves analyzing comprehensive datasets, emphasizing academic records, demographics, and various educational metrics, with a particular focus on Mathematics. Techniques like classification, regression analysis, decision trees, and neural networks yield highly accurate projections, aiding in timely interventions crucial for supporting students navigating mathematical complexities. These algorithms optimize resource allocation within educational institutions, identifying and aiding students requiring extra assistance in their mathematical pursuits. This study pioneers the enhancement of predictive capabilities in Mathematics through the innovative integration of the K-Nearest Neighbor Classification (KNNC) model with 2 novel optimization techniques: the Honey Badger Algorithm (HBA) and the Arithmetic Optimization Algorithm (AOA). By harnessing these cutting-edge ML and bio-inspired algorithms, the research is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of precision and reliability in forecasting, with a specific focus on elevating educational outcomes within the domain of Mathematics. The outcomes obtained for G1 and G3 reveal that the KNHB model exhibited outstanding performance in predicting and categorizing G3. It achieved remarkable Accuracy and Precision of 0.921 and 0.92, respectively. Moreover, the KNHB proved to be the most precise predictor for G1 value prediction, with Accuracy and Precision scores of 0.899% and 0.9%, respectively, in the prediction task.
... One prominent area of research revolves around the application of various machine learning algorithms for student performance prediction (Shetu et al., 2021;VeeraManickam et al., 2019;Xue & Niu, 2023). Another line of research focuses on feature selection techniques to improve prediction models in the field of Educational Data Mining (EDM) (Estrera et al., 2017;Ramaswami & Bhaskaran, 2009;Febro, 2019;Zaffar et al., 2018;Alhassan et al., 2020;Mythili & Shanavas, 2014). Despite the existing literature on student performance prediction and feature selection, certain limitations persist. ...
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This study addresses the crucial issue of predicting student performance in educational data mining (EDM) by proposing an Adaptive Dimensionality Reduction Algorithm (ADRA). ADRA efficiently reduces the dimensionality of student data, encompassing various academic, demographic, behavioral, social, and health-related features. It achieves this by iteratively selecting the most relevant features based on a combined normalized mean rank of five feature ranking methods. This reduction in dimensionality enhances the performance of predictive models and provides valuable insights into the key factors influencing student performance. The study evaluates ADRA using four different student performance datasets and six machine learning algorithms, comparing it to three existing dimensionality reduction methods. The results show that ADRA achieves an average dimensionality reduction factor of 6.2 while maintaing comprable accuracy with other mehtods.
... While the current landscape of educational data mining underscores the importance of integrating feature selection with prediction modeling, a noticeable research gap exists. Many studies have explored either feature selection or predictive modeling in isolation, leaving a dearth of comprehensive approaches that bridge these two aspects cohesively [46]. This research gap highlights the imperative need for innovative methodologies, such as the Adaptive Feature Selection Algorithm (AFSA), which holds the promise of amalgamating feature selection with predictive modeling. ...
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Educational Data Mining (EDM) is used to ameliorate the teaching and learning process by analyzing and classifying data that can be applied to predict the students’ academic performance, and students’ dropout rate, as well as instructors’ performance. The prediction of student performance is complicated by the vast and diverse range of variables from academic records to behavioral and health metrics. In this paper, we have introduced a new Adaptive Feature Selection Algorithm (AFSA) by amalgamating an ensemble approach for initial feature ranking with normalized mean ranking from five distinct methods to enhance robustness. The proposed method iteratively selects the best features by adjusting its threshold based on each feature’s rank to ensure significant contributions to model accuracy and also effectively reduces dataset complexity. We have tested the performance of the proposed feature selection algorithm using five machine learning classifiers: Logistic Regression (LR), K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Naïve Bayes (NB) classifier, and Decision Tree (DT) classifier on four student performance datasets. The experimental results highlight the proposed method significantly decreases feature count by an average feature reduction factor of 5.7, significantly streamlining datasets while maintaining competitive cross-validation accuracy, marking it as a valuable tool in the field of educational data analytics.
... According to their analysis results, the random forest algorithm was recommended to predict students' academic performance. [2] Ramraj .S. and three others have done a quantitative comparison of the accuracy and speed of the XGBoost algorithm in the multi-threaded single system and Gradient Boosting with different data sets. ...
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Education is an important factor that measures the nation's wealth and education directly affects the country's future development. All children at all levels in Sri Lanka are entitled to free education up to the university level. During that period, the students have to face two essential examinations to complete their senior secondary education. According to the Sri Lankan education schema, students happen to select one subject stream to start their senior secondary education key stage 2. Most of the students select that subject stream without thinking deeper, thereby that decision will cause them to create a good future as well as not create. A prediction system which is called 'Subject Stream Prediction' predicts the appropriate subject stream to begin senior secondary education based on students' previous examination results as well as their skills, and preferred working area for their target career. If some student does not satisfy with one predicted answer, the model proposes ten appropriate subject streams with relevant jobs and educational and technical qualifications that need for those careers based on the above features. I have done a performance analysis between four machine learning algorithms to select the best-suited algorithm to predict the suitable subject stream by accessing their accuracy levels. That analysis demonstrates that the 'Random Forest Classifier' algorithm gives high accuracy (72).
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Accurately predicting student performance remains a significant challenge in the educational sector. Identifying students who need additional support early can significantly impact their academic outcomes. This study aims to develop an intelligent solution for predicting student performance using supervised machine learning algorithms. This proposed focus on addressing the limitations of existing prediction models and enhancing prediction accuracy. In this work employed three supervised machine learning algorithms: Random Forest, Extra Trees, and K-Nearest Neighbors. The steps of research methodology contained (data collection, preprocessing, feature identification, model construction, and evaluation). This paper utilized a dataset comprising 24,000 training instances and 6,000 testing instances, applying various preprocessing techniques for data optimization. The Extra Trees algorithm achieved the highest accuracy (98.15%), followed by Random Forest (94.03%) and K-Nearest Neighbors (91.65%). All algorithms demonstrated high precision and recall. Notably, K-Nearest Neighbors exhibited exceptional computational efficiency with a training time of 0.00 seconds. This study proposed an efficient model for prediction student performance. The high accuracy and efficiency of the proposed system highlight its potential for application in educational data mining. The findings of this proposed to improving student success rates in educational institutions by enabling timely and appropriate interventions.
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The use of machine learning and data mining techniques across many disciplines has exploded in recent years with the field of educational data mining growing significantly in the past 15 years. In this study, random forest and logistic regression models were used to construct early warning models of student success in introductory calculus-based mechanics (Physics 1) and electricity and magnetism (Physics 2) courses at a large eastern land-grant university. By combining in-class variables such as homework grades with institutional variables such as cumulative GPA, we can predict if a student will receive less than a “B” in the course with 73% accuracy in Physics 1 and 81% accuracy in Physics 2 with only data available in the first week of class using logistic regression models. The institutional variables were critical for high accuracy in the first four weeks of the semester. In-class variables became more important only after the first in-semester examination was administered. The student’s cumulative college GPA was consistently the most important institutional variable. Homework grade became the most important in-class variable after the first week and consistently increased in importance as the semester progressed; homework grade became more important than cumulative GPA after the first in-semester examination. Demographic variables including gender, race or ethnicity, and first generation status were not important variables for predicting course grade.
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Data mining offers strong techniques for different sectors involving education. In the education field the research is developing rapidly increasing due to huge number of student’s information which can be used to invent valuable pattern pertaining learning behavior of students. The institutions of education can utilize educational data mining to examine the performance of students which can support the institution in recognizing the student’s performance. In data mining classification is a familiar technique that has been implemented widely to find the performance of students. In this study a new prediction algorithm for evaluating student’s performance in academia has been developed based on both classification and clustering techniques and been ested on a real time basis with student dataset of various academic disciplines of higher educational institutions in Kerala, India. The result proves that the hybrid algorithm combining clustering and classification approaches yields results that are far superior in terms of achieving accuracy in prediction of academic performance of the students.
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Educational Data Mining (EDM) techniques offer unique opportunities to discover knowledge from data generated in educational environments. These techniques can assist tutors and researchers to predict future trends and behavior of students. This study examines the possibility of only using traditional, already available, course report data, generated over years by tutors, to apply EDM techniques. Based on five algorithms and two cross-validation methods we developed and evaluated five classification models in our experiments to identify the one with the best performance. A time segmentation approach and specific course performance attributes, collected in a classical manner from course reports, were used to determine students' performance. The models developed in this study can be used early in identifying students at risk and allow tutors to improve the academic performance of the students. By following the steps described in this paper other practitioners can revive their old data and use it to gain insight for their classes in the next academic year.
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Classification techniques have been applied to many applications in various fields of sciences. There are several ways of evaluating classification algorithms. The analysis of such metrics and its significance must be interpreted correctly for evaluating different learning algorithms. Most of these measures are scalar metrics and some of them are graphical methods. This paper introduces a detailed overview of the classification assessment measures with the aim of providing the basics of these measures and to show how it works to serve as a comprehensive source for researchers who are interested in this field. This overview starts by highlighting the definition of the confusion matrix in binary and multi-class classification problems. Many classification measures are also explained in details, and the influence of balanced and imbalanced data on each metric is presented. An illustrative example is introduced to show (1) how to calculate these measures in binary and multi-class classification problems, and (2) the robustness of some measures against balanced and imbalanced data. Moreover, some graphical measures such as Receiver operating characteristics (ROC), Precision-Recall, and Detection error trade-off (DET) curves are presented with details. Additionally, in a step-by-step approach, different numerical examples are demonstrated to explain the preprocessing steps of plotting ROC, PR, and DET curves.
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The real dataset has many shortcomings that pose challenges to machine learning. High dimensional and imbalanced class prevalence are two important challenges. Hence, the classification of data is negatively impacted by imbalanced data, and high dimensional could create suboptimal performance of the classifier. In this paper, we explore and analyse different feature selection methods for a clinical dataset that suffers from high dimensional and imbalance data. The aim of this paper is to investigate the effect of imbalanced data on selecting features by implementing the feature selection methods to select a subset of the original data and then resample the dataset. In addition, we resampled the dataset to apply feature selection methods on a balanced class to compare the results with the original data. Random forest and J48 techniques were used to evaluate the efficacy of samples. The experiments confirm that resampling imbalanced class obtains a significant increase in classification performance, for both taxonomy methods Random forest and J48. Furthermore, the biggest measure affected by balanced data is specificity where it is sharply increased for all methods. What is more, the subsets selected from the balanced data just improve the performance for information gain, where it is played down for the performance of others. Keywords— Clinical Data; Imbalance Class; Feature Selection; Oversampling; Under-sampling; Resampling.
The capacity to predict student academic outcomes is of value for any educational institution aiming to improve student performance and persistence. Based on the generated predictions, students identified as being at risk of academic retention or performance can be provided support in a more timely manner. This study creates different classification models for predicting student performance, using data collected from an Australian university. The data include student enrolment details as well as the activity data generated from the university learning management system (LMS). The enrolment data contain student information such as socio-demographic features, university admission basis (e.g. via entry exam or past experience) and attendance type (e.g. full-time vs. part-time). The LMS data record student engagement with their online learning activities. An important contribution of this study is the consideration of student heterogeneity in constructing the predictive models. This is based on the observation that students with different socio-demographic features or study modes may exhibit varying learning motivations. The experiments validated the hypothesis that the models trained with instances in student sub-populations outperform those constructed using all data instances. Furthermore, the experiments revealed that considering both enrolment and course activity features aids in identifying vulnerable students more precisely. The experiments determined that no individual method exhibits superior performance in all aspects. However, the rule-based and tree-based methods generate models with higher interpretability, making them more useful for designing effective student support.
Conference Paper
Application of data mining techniques in an educational background can discover hidden knowledge and patterns that will support in decision-making processes for improving the educational system. In e-learning system or web-based education, student’s behavioral(SB) features play an important role that will show the student’s interactivity towards the e-learning system. The aim of this paper is to show the importance of SB features and for this task we have collected the educational dataset from learning management system (LMS). On the included dataset, feature analysis has been done and after that, we have used data preprocessing phase that is an important step in knowledge discovery process. On the preprocessed dataset, classification is performed on it by using classifiers namely; Decision Tree (ID3), Nave Bayes, K-Nearest Neighbor, Support vector machines to predict student’s academic performance. The accuracy of the proposed model is achieved by using Ensemble Methods. We have used Bagging, Boosting, and Voting Algorithm that are the common ensemble methods. On using ensemble methods, we have got the better result that proves the reliability of the proposed model.