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A Survey of Three-Dimensional Flight Path Planning for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

A Survey of Three-Dimensional Flight Path Planning for Unmanned
Aerial Vehicle
Baoye Song, Gaoru Qi, Lin Xu
College of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266590
Abstract: The unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have been widely used in various fields in recent years, where the
three-dimensional (3D) flight path planning is very important to realize the autonomous flight and complete the desired
missions for the UAVs. Although the 3D flight path planning have become an active topic in the filed of the UAVs, there
are still several critical problems to be further investigated to the authors’ knowledge. Motivated by the aforementioned
considerations, the purpose of this survey is to present several representative approaches already proposed in the literature
and provide some problems to be further investigated for the 3D flight path planning of the UAVs.
Key Words: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, UAV, Three-Dimensional Path Planning, Flight Path Planning
1 Introduction
In recent years, the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have
been widely used in various fields, such as survey, recon-
naissance, surveillance, rescue and delivery [1–5], which
are increasingly attracting the attentions of scientists and
engineers all over the world. In the various applications of
the UAVs, the three-dimensional (3D) flight path planning,
which is to explore a feasible and optimal flight path be-
tween the start and the destination in the 3D environment,
is of great importance to realize the autonomous flight and
complete the desired missions for the UAVs.
Generally, the 3D flight path planning of the UAVs is a
complex multi-objective optimization problem with several
constraints [6], which can be classified into global/off-line
flight path planning and local/on-line flight path planning,
according to the available environmental information of the
working space [7]. For the off-line flight path planning, the
information of the environment is often completely known
previously, and the generated flight path is usually taken as
an expected trajectory to be followed by the UAVs. If the
UAV is working in a dynamic environment whose infor-
mation is partially or completely unknown, it is necessary
to explore the environment by using the sensors of itself
and plan an optimal flight path in real time. Up to now,
the 3D flight path planning have become an active topic in
the filed of the UAVs, see [8–13] for more details, but to
the authors’ knowledge, there are still several critical prob-
lems to be further investigated, especially for some issues
such as incomplete environmental information, real-time
path planning, kinematics/dynamics constraint and perfor-
mance optimization [14–19], etc.
Motivated by the aforementioned considerations, the pur-
pose of this survey is to present several representative ap-
This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation
of China under Grants 61703242 and 61703245.
Corresponding author. Email: (L. Xu).
proaches already proposed in the literature and provide
some problems to be further investigated for the 3D flight
path planning of UAVs. The remaining part of this paper is
arranged as follows. The modelling of the working space
is presented in Section 2, including the modelling of terrain
and threat. In Section 3, the performance criteria of the 3D
flight path planning is addressed. Section 4 details the path
planning algorithms, including the graph-based algorithms,
the heuristic search algorithms, the field-based algorithms,
the intelligent optimization algorithms as well as their sub-
classes. In Section 5, the path smoothing is discussed for
the smooth flight path planning of UAVs. Finally, the paper
is concluded and some problems to be further investigated
in the future are provided.
2 Modelling of the Working Space
The 3D flight path planning of UAVs is a non-deterministic
polynomial (NP)-hard problem with multiple constraints.
To deal with this problem, the modelling of the working
space, which mainly includes the modelling of terrain and
threat in the working space, is of practical importance to
improve the efficiency and reduce the cost for the flight
path planning of UAVs.
2.1 Modelling of Terrain
In practice, a large amount of UAVs are used for the tasks
of combat, reconnaissance and rescue, which are often car-
ried out in the vast and complex spaces such as mountains,
forests and urban environments. As such, the modelling
of terrain is of great significance to describe the working
space for the 3D flight path planning of UAVs.
With the development of the modern information tech-
nology, the terrain information of the environment can
be acquired more accurately. Compared with the two-
dimensional geographic information, the altitude of the
working space, which is usually represented by the dense
3D coordinates, is vital to supply the height information of
978-1-7281-0106-4/19/$31.00 c
2019 IEEE
the terrain for the flight path planning of UAVs. For in-
stance, the information of terrain is constructed based on
the DEM (digital elevation model) data released by USGS
(U. S. Geological Survey) in [21] to obtain the accurate
representation of the terrain for the 3D flight path planning
of UAVs. In [22], the two-dimensional grids are employed
to decompose the terrain into similar cells, the elements of
them represent the terrain elevation.
It is noted that the elevation information can also be ob-
tained by using the mathematical fitting methods to form
a complete topographic surface. For example, the cardinal
spline is applied in [23] to make the specified curve cross-
ing over all of the control points, thus the computation load
is reduced by avoiding the repeated interpolations of the
elevation at different positions. In addition, many mathe-
matical functions have been exploited to simulate the to-
pographic information of the terrain such as trigonometric
functions [24–26] and exponential functions [27], and the
smoothing methods with limited slope and curvature are u-
tilized in [28] to achieve the comprehensive smoothness of
the topography, hence the complete terrain is obtained and
the planning efficiency is also further improved.
2.2 Modelling of Threat
During the flight, many threats will be encountered by the
UAVs in the working environment, e.g. big trees, tall build-
ings and power line towers, to just name a few. Besides, the
threats such as radars, missiles and anti-aircraft artilleries
will also be confronted by the UAVs in the military appli-
In the current literature, the threats of the working space
are usually modelled by some typical shapes, e.g. cube,
cylinder and sphere, whose boundaries are extended ac-
cording to the size of the UAV. Thus, a UAV can be taken
as a point in the flight path planning and it will not collide
with the threats by following the generated feasible flight
path. For example, different shapes are employed to model
the threats according to the slenderness ratio of the obsta-
cles, which are usually amplified to reduce the modelling
error because the exact coordinates are hard to be obtained
for the real geometric centers [8]. All threats are described
as cylinders with a constant moving speed in [24] to sim-
ulate the dynamic working environment. In [29], the om-
nidirectional threats of radars and missiles are regarded as
geometric sphere. In [23], the square prisms with different
heights are utilized to model the urban environment.
Except for the situations mentioned above, some other un-
certain threats are often encountered by the UAVs, e.g. bad
weather and mobile targets, which make the modelling of
threats more difficult. For example, in order to avoid the
bad weather in the flight path planning, each discrete cell
is evaluated and given a risk value to represent the weather
condition [30].
Furthermore, the integrated threat model has been proposed
for the 3D flight path planning of UAVs in [31] with the
consideration of information sharing between the threat
netting, which consists of several active threats with the
exchange of resources and information. Sometimes, the
threats are coupled with each other, i.e., the variation of
one threat will cause the alteration of another, which will
increase the UAV’s probability of being detected and col-
liding with the threats in the combat environment. In [32],
each grid cell is evaluated and a threat network model is es-
tablished using the mutual support of threats. Three differ-
ent variables are defined in [28] to represent the probability
of threat detection in various situations, hence to handle
the problem of information sharing among various threat-
s. In [31], the exchanges of information between the air
defense threat networks are analyzed, and the models of
connectivity and threat cost are established.
3 Performance Criteria of the 3D Flight Path
The 3D flight path planning of UAVs can be regarded as an
optimization problem, whose general performance criteria
can be formulated as follows:
min f(x)
s.t. pm(x)0,m=1,2,···,i,
where f(x)is the multi-objective cost function (also called
objective function or fitness function) to evaluate the gen-
erated 3D flight path, whose performance criteria can in-
clude the path distance, flight time and energy consump-
tion, etc; pm(x)and qn(x)are respectively the inequality
and equality constraints, including the constraints such as
terrain, threat and kinematics/dynamics, etc. In the liter-
ature, the factors of the above mentioned multi-objective
cost function are usually allocated with different weight-
s to coordinate the relative importance of each other [33].
However, the weights of the factors are largely depended on
the previous experiences and personal preferences [27,29].
It is worth noting that the constraints of kinematics and dy-
namics will largely affect the results of 3D flight path plan-
ning of the UAVs, whose constraints include but not limited
to [34]:
Maximum turning angle, which is the maximum angle
that the UAV can turn in the horizontal direction.
Maximum diving/climbing angle, which is the maxi-
mum angle that the UAV can dive/climb in the vertical
Maximum/Minimum altitude, which is the maximum
altitude to save the energy consumption of the UAV
and the minimum altitude to decrease the likelihood
of being detected in the enemy territory.
Actually, the constraints of the performance criteria are of-
ten described by the penalty function, so that the 3D flight
path planning of the UAVs will be finally translated into an
unconstrained optimization problem, which can be solved
by using the heuristic intelligent optimization algorithms
discussed in the following sections.
4 Path Planning Algorithms
By now, a variety of algorithms have been reported for the
3D flight path planning of UAVs, e.g. the graph-based al-
gorithms, the heuristic search algorithms, the field-based
algorithms, and the intelligent optimization algorithms, etc.
5080 The 31th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (2019 CCDC)
4.1 Graph-based Algorithms
The graph-based algorithms mainly include the Visibility
Graph, the Voronoi Diagram, the Rapidly-exploring Ran-
dom Trees (RRT), and the Probabilistic Roadmap (PRM),
which will be discussed in this section.
4.1.1 Visibility Graph
In the Visibility Graph method, the obstacles in the en-
vironment are represented by polygons or polyhedrons,
whose vertices are connected to generate the visible path-
s. In [35], the Visibility Graph is applied for the 3D flight
path planning of the UAVs, where the obstacles are regard-
ed as polygons and the Dijkstra algorithm is used to find
the shortest path. Although this method is easy to be im-
plemented, it can not guarantee the full collision avoidance
with the obstacles in the 3D environment. Moreover, the
computation load will be greatly increased with the increas-
ing of obstacles and environment complexity [36].
4.1.2 Voronoi Diagram
The Voronoi diagram is composed of several polygonal
sides, which are produced by the perpendicular bisectors
of the connected paths between the vertices of the obsta-
cles. In [37], the Voronoi diagram is applied to produce
the initial path of the UAVs. In [38], the distributed threat
centers are acted as the vertices to generate a Voronoi dia-
gram, and then the Dijkstra algorithm is employed to seek
the optimal path based on the established threat indicators.
4.1.3 Rapidly-exploring Random Trees
In the RRT method, a root node is taken as the starting
point, and a tree is randomly expanded by adding leaf n-
odes through random sampling. In [41], an improved R-
RT algorithm is developed to generate the collision-free
waypoints in the complex natural environment, and a path
pruning algorithm is proposed to delete the redundant way-
points. In [42], a geometric method, in which the obsta-
cles are arranged in a tree list, is presented to devise the
collision-avoidance paths for the 2D and 3D path planning
of the UAVs. In [43], a new spline-RRTalgorithm is put
forward to produce the smooth paths without further path
4.1.4 Probabilistic Roadmap
The PRM is to generate several waypoints according to cer-
tain probability distribution in the search space, and the
complete path is produced by connecting the feasible way-
points that are outside of the obstacles. In [39], a random
road map is constructed by using the random sampling
method, i.e., the sampling point is included into the road
map if there is a feasible path between the sampling point
and the node on the path. In [40], a new algorithm based
on 3D graph theory is presented to avoid the collision with
the obstacles, where an adaptive heuristic cost function is
adopted to limit the complexity of the algorithm and the
latest information can be used to replan the path.
It should be mentioned that the space exploring is usual-
ly required for the graph-based algorithms before the path
optimization. So that, the graph should be updated with
the variation of the working environment, which makes it
not suitable for the real-time path planning in some cas-
es. Additionally, the performance constraints of UAVs are
scarcely considered in the graph generating and path opti-
4.2 Heuristic Search Algorithms
The heuristic search algorithms to handle the issue of path
planning mainly include the Aalgorithm, the Dalgorith-
m and their derivatives.
In [21], the three-dimensional working space is reduced
to be a two-dimensional surface by using the concept of
virtual terrain, and then the improved Aalgorithm is ap-
plied to generate the path trajectory. In [44], an improved
Aalgorithm with variable step-length is developed for the
path planning of multi-UAVs covert attack. In [45], a DEM
based Ais combined with the Bresenham line-drawing al-
gorithm to generate a satisfied path that is compatible with
the constraints of the UAV’s dynamics.
In [46], an improved DLite algorithm is used to complete
the path planning of the UAVs in the dynamic 3D environ-
ment. A Focused D algorithm is presented for the real-time
3D path planning of the UAVs in [47], but it can not find
the optimal path in real-time when the obstacle is too large.
In [30], the extensions of Lazy Thetaalgorithm are pro-
posed for the path planning of the UAVs considering the
flight of multiple drones and dynamic planning in the bad
4.3 Field-based Algorithms
The artificial potential field is a typical field-based algorith-
m that is suitable for the online path planning. An improved
artificial potential filed algorithm is put forward in [26] to
avoid the UAV falling into the shock area and local pole by
setting a guiding point in the dynamic environment. The
concept of rolling window is introduced in [48] to detect
the static and dynamic obstacles, and the artificial potential
filed algorithm is combined with the improved rolling plan
to plan the 2D and 3D paths for the UAVs in the complex
dynamic environment. In [49], a new method combining
the virtual field and Aalgorithm is developed for the path
replanning of the UAVs in the 3D environment. In [50],
a method based on the interfered fluid dynamical system is
proposed to fulfill the requirements of the 3D path planning
of UAVs.
4.4 Intelligent Optimization Algorithms
A large amount of intelligent optimization algorithms have
been used for the 3D path planning of UAVs in recen-
t years [7, 14], e.g. the genetic algorithm, the ant colony
algorithm, the particle swarm optimization algorithm, and
the wolf pack algorithm, etc.
In [51], the genetic algorithm is utilized to optimize the tra-
jectory connected by the straight lines in the azimuth space.
An improved multi-agent co-evolutionary algorithm is de-
veloped to deal with the problem of 3D path planning of the
UAVs in [27]. In [52], a multi-objective differential evolu-
The 31th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (2019 CCDC) 5081
tion based path planning algorithm is developed to generate
a set of optimal paths for multi-UAVs in a 3D environment
with obstacles and radar threats. In [33], an improved wolf
pack search algorithm with the operators of crossover and
mutation is proposed to complete the 3D path planning for
the rotor-wing UAV in the real and fake space. In [28],
an improved ant colony algorithm is combined with the ar-
tificial potential field to realize the real-time path planning
under threat networking, where a modified pheromone con-
centration updating method is proposed to improve the de-
fects of the ant colony algorithm, e.g. long searching time
and local trapping. In [53], the fruit fly optimization al-
gorithm is utilized to devise the smooth paths of the UAV
based on the B-spline in the complex environment. In [54],
an improved neural network algorithm is proposed to ob-
tain the optimal path of multi-UAVs in the 3D combat en-
vironment. In [55], an improved bat algorithm combined
with differential evolution is employed to search the op-
timal path of the UAVs in 3D environment. In [34], an
improved particle swarm optimization algorithm is applied
to the 3D path planning of the UAVs to realize the terrain
following and terrain avoidance. In [56], a grey prediction
method is used to predict the threat of moving targets, and
the optimal track points are obtained by using the improved
chaotic fish swarm algorithm. By using the proposed algo-
rithms, not only the static obstacles but also the dynamic
threats are avoided.
It should be mentioned that the intelligent optimization al-
gorithms have been increasingly widely used in the path
planning of the mobile robot in both 2D and 3D cases [57].
But all the intelligent optimization algorithms have to over-
come several frequently encountered harmful phenomena
such as local trapping and early convergence.
5 Path Smoothing
It should be highlighted that the smooth path is a desirable
performance for the 3D path planning of UAVs in the real
flight [58]. On the one hand the constraints of the nonholo-
nomic UAVs require the continuous command of angle to
implement the accurate flight turning, on the other hand the
zero curvature is necessary at certain waypoints to provide
the continuous curvature for the flight of the UAVs. As
such, a great amount of approaches have been proposed for
the smooth 3D path planning of the UAVs in recent years.
For example, the continuous-curvature steering with zero
end curvature is generated by combining the circular arcs,
clothoids and line segments [59]. However, the segments
of clothoid can only be calculated numerically by using the
Fresnel integrals. In [60], the smooth path inside a bound-
ed airspace is produced by using the Bezier curve, whose
smoothness can be enhanced by increasing the order of the
curve. Nevertheless, the additional computation is required
for the high-order polynomials. In addition, the position
variation of one control point will lead to the whole vari-
ation of the Bezier curve. Thus, the B-splines with lower-
order is exploited for the path generation, which unfortu-
nately is subject to discontinuous curvature at the connect-
ing waypoints.
Moreover, in the environment with obstacles, a two-step
approach is usually used for the path-planning [61]. In the
first step, the obstacle-avoidance straight line global path-
s are generated by using the path planners such as RRT
and PRM, and then in the second step, the global paths are
piecewise smoothed by using the smooth curves, e.g. the
cubic Bezier curve [62], the η3-spline [63] and the cubic
polynomial spline [64], etc. It is clear that this methodolo-
gy will lead to suboptimal smooth path for the task of path
planning. Besides, there is few literature on 3D smooth
path planning of the UAVs in the current research.
6 Conclusion
This paper is concerned with a survey of the 3D flight path
planning for the UAVs, where several representative ap-
proaches proposed in the literature are presented, including
the modelling of terrain and threat, the performance crite-
ria, the path planning algorithms, and the path smoothing,
By reviewing the current literature, it can be concluded that
there are several problems to be further investigated in the
future. For example, some harmful phenomena, such as lo-
cal trapping and early convergence, are frequently encoun-
tered by the intelligent optimization algorithms based path
planning methods; and the constraints of kinematics and
dynamics are still scarcely considered in the problem of s-
mooth 3D path planning of the UAVs.
In the future, we will focus on the following problems but
not limited to: (1) how to develop the new strategy to over-
come the frequently appearing harmful phenomena in the
intelligent optimization algorithm; (2) how to use the new
intelligent algorithms to deal with the problem of 3D path
planning of UAVs; (3) how to link the smoothness criteria
with kinematics/dynamics constraints directly into the op-
timization of the planning path, rather than smoothing the
straight line path afterwards, etc. These problems should be
pay more attention for the practical 3D flight path planning
of UAVs, and the thorough solution of them will greatly
advance the performance of the planning path.
7 Acknowledgement
This work is supported in part by the National Natural
Science Foundation of China under Grants 61703242 and
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5084 The 31th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (2019 CCDC)
... Existing research efforts have aimed to categorize UAV path-planning techniques into representative, collaborative, and non-collaborative approaches [12][13][14][15][16]. Discussions revolve around coverage and connectivity issues in UAV network communication; the classification of path-planning algorithms based on models, conventions, learning, and units; and the exploration of UAVCN applications and challenges in disaster management. ...
... The path planning based on the potential field method is easy to solve and can be applied to 2D and 3D spaces. Nonetheless, there is a problem in that the path cannot be found [13,15,29]. ...
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As the technology of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) advances, these vehicles are increasingly being used in various industries. However, the navigation of UAVs often faces restrictions and obstacles, necessitating the implementation of path-planning algorithms to ensure safe and efficient flight. This paper presents innovative path-planning algorithms designed explicitly for UAVs and categorizes them based on algorithmic and functional levels. Moreover, it comprehensively discusses the advantages, disadvantages, application challenges, and notable outcomes of each path-planning algorithm, aiming to examine their performance thoroughly. Additionally, this paper provides insights into future research directions for UAVs, intending to assist researchers in future explorations.
... Surveys on bio-Inspired Optimization-Based Path planning Algorithms in UAVs X X X [9] 2019 ...
... In contrast, our study concentrates on traditional optimization algorithms. The authors in [9] present a general description of 3D path planning algorithms based on the type of solution. Likewise, ref. [1] present basic concepts, algorithms, and parameters used in the path planning problem without performing a systematic study. ...
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Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) equipped with communication technologies have gained significant attention as a promising solution for providing wireless connectivity in remote, disaster-stricken areas lacking communication infrastructure. However, enabling UAVs to provide communications (e.g., UAVs acting as flying base stations) in real scenarios requires the integration of various technologies and algorithms. In particular 3D path planning algorithms are crucial in determining the optimal path free of obstacles so that UAVs in isolation or forming networks can provide wireless coverage in a specific region. Considering that most of the existing proposals in the literature only address path planning in a 2D environment, this paper systematically studies existing path-planning solutions in UAVs in a 3D environment in which optimization models (optimal and heuristics) have been applied. This paper analyzes 37 articles selected from 631 documents from a search in the Scopus database. This paper also presents an overview of UAV-enabled communications systems, the research questions, and the methodology for the systematic mapping study. In the end, this paper provides information about the objectives to be minimized or maximized, the optimization variables used, and the algorithmic strategies employed to solve the 3D path planning problem.
... It is noteworthy to mention that there are some multi-objective studies considering a combination of these objectives, simultaneously. The existing literature surveys [28,33,34] scrutinize different types of UAV path planning problems and corresponding solution algorithms. Path planning could also be categorized into offline and online problems [31]. ...
This study focuses on a 3D multi-objective collision-free offline UAV path planning problem by considering the variability in flying altitude over an urban environment that is replete with static obstacles. The environment is decomposed into several equal-sized ground cells with an infinite flying altitude. The UAV can adjust the altitude to fly above obstacles or bypass them by choosing another way. Various cells may have different flying risks at different altitude levels. This study aims to find the most efficient and safe trajectory toward the destination while maximizing the number of visited obstacle-free cells. This aim could be followed in real-world surveillance and disaster tracking operations, where the users may want to collect data even en route to the destination. This problem is formulated as a multi-objective mixed-integer non-linear mathematical model in which minimizing the flying distance, the required energy, the maximum path risk, and the number of not-visited obstacle-free cells are the objective functions. An enhanced Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-II (NSGA-II) is developed to solve the problem. Computational results indicate the superiority of the developed algorithm in solving several real-world data sets.KeywordsPath PlanningUAVMulti-objective OptimizationNSGA-II
... Many researchers have been trying to find the best path between two points in literature [17], [18], aiming to improve time and distance [19]. This type of planning has been defined as motion planning, path planning, or trajectory planning. ...
Conference Paper
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The use of autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles has increased for High-Speed flights, leading to the need for improved performance. Trajectory planning is the primary approach to achieving high speeds, as it is safer and more flexible than other planning types. Some approaches include polynomial trajectories, optimization-based, search-based, sampling-based, and artificial intelligence, mainly reinforcement learning. This paper provides an overview of the main techniques for high-speed trajectory planning in UAVs and the challenges associated with them. It also describes essential UAV dynamics, control, and perception to reach high speeds. These techniques are demonstrated in several missions and environments, describing their methodologies. Finally, we discuss the open problems and potential future research directions in this field.
... With the advancement and innovation of science and technology, including the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence, there are a large number of complex highdimensional variable optimization problems in engineering and industrial applications that need resolution, including solving engineering optimization problems [1], energy-saving development and utilization [2,3], and public facility construction [4]. Continuous, linear, and simple problems are typically amenable to traditional optimization algorithms [5][6][7], and yet when exploring larger combinatorial optimization problems, there are often great limitations, namely, low efficiency, high cost, and high energy consumption, which are not conducive to the application of engineers, and the solution accuracy cannot reach the desired value [8]. ...
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The flower pollination algorithm (FPA) is a novel heuristic optimization algorithm inspired by the pollination behavior of flowers in nature. However, the global and local search processes of the FPA are sensitive to the search direction and parameters. To solve this issue, an improved flower pollination algorithm based on cosine cross-generation differential evolution (FPA-CCDE) is proposed. The algorithm uses cross-generation differential evolution to guide the local search process, so that the optimal solution is achieved and sets cosine inertia weights to increase the search convergence speed. At the same time, the external archiving mechanism and the adaptive adjustment of parameters realize the dynamic update of scaling factor and crossover probability to enhance the population richness as well as reduce the number of local solutions. Then, it combines the cross-generation roulette wheel selection mechanism to reduce the probability of falling into the local optimal solution. In comparing to the FPA-CCDE with five state-of-the-art optimization algorithms in benchmark functions, we can observe the superiority of the FPA-CCDE in terms of stability and optimization features. Additionally, we further apply the FPA-CCDE to solve the robot path planning issue. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm has low cost, high efficiency, and attack resistance in path planning, and it can be applied to a variety of intelligent scenarios.
... (i) Path planning approach: It aims to find a short and collision-free flight trajectory towards the desired target where obstacles are static and pre-known. In general, path planning approaches are further divided into the following three categories of algorithms [244,286,330,346]: ...
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Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), also known as drones, have recently become one of the most important technological breakthroughs. They have opened the horizon for a vast array of applications and paved the way for a diversity of innovative solutions. Integrating drones with the Internet has led to the emergence of a new paradigm named the Internet of Drones (IoD). Several works dealt with the security of the IoD, and various surveys have been published on this topic over the past few years. The existing surveys either have limited scope or offer partial coverage of cybersecurity countermeasures. To address these gaps, in this paper, we provide a comprehensive survey related to the cyber and physical security of IoD. Differently from many surveys that only provide a classification of attacks/threats, we also propose three taxonomies that are related to (1) the assets of drones, (2) attacks, and (3) countermeasures. The first taxonomy is a two-level classification of the assets in the IoD. The first level considers the coarse-grained assets, which refer to the IoD's tangible elements, and the second level considers the fine-grained assets, which refer to the elements composing the coarse-grained assets. Based on the asset classification, we propose a taxonomy of attacks targeting the coarse and fine-grained assets, which allows a finer level of granularity to identify threats, and thus ensure better security. Also, we evaluate the risk of cyber and physical attacks by introducing a novel concept, named Chain of Impact, which connects four types of impacts, namely, Direct, Mission, Drone, and Environment. We propose a taxonomy of technical and non-technical countermeasures according to two implementation phases: Pre-incident, and Post-incident (or recovery). The pre-incident countermeasures are further classified as: preventive and detective. In addition, we present the countermeasures along with their performance and limitations. Finally, open research challenges are identified and ranked according to the level of attention they should receive from the research community. Also, future research directions and suggestions are presented for the security of the IoD.
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The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) has become popular in recent years, especially for their potential in various practical applications, but for their use to become a reality this context, it is necessary to study about it. One of the main problems involving UAVs, regardless of the application to which it will be used, is path planning, which is crucial to ensure safety, economy, and effectiveness. In this study we present a literature review on the optimization problem path planning and the methods used to solve it. To this end, we seek to explore the existing papers in literature on this topic, identifying mathematical models, analyzing characteristics of the objective function, types of obstacles, number of UAVs considered, the nature of the solution adopted and deployments and integration in the Internet of Drones (IoD). A comparative analysis of the works analyzed was presented in the form of tables for each path planning technique considered. In addition, some advantages and safety of the methods were also listed. We furthermore present a set of open research challenges, high-level insights, and future research directions related to the UAV path planning problem in the context of IoD. This study contributes deeply with the advancement of state of art regarding the path planning strategies on the Internet of Drones since we provide a thorough analysis of characteristics of the mathematical models used in the UAV path planning problem reviewing papers published in relevant journals and conferences in the last 4 years (2018 to 2022), highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of each method as well as the possibilities of implementation and integration with IoD.
Confined and subterranean areas are common in many civilian and industrial sites, although they are hazardous for humans given the presence of noxious gases, extreme temperatures, narrow spaces, unhealthy oxygen levels, flooding, and collapsing structures. Therefore, exploration, routine inspections, and surveillance tasks can benefit from using autonomous mobile robots to improve safety by reducing the presence of humans in those scenarios. However, despite advances in the field, there are still challenges to overcome for confined and subterranean robot operation. Real word robotic exploration requires robust and reliable map generation, precise localization, safe navigation, and efficient path planning. These requirements make exploration in complex 3D environments with rugged terrain difficult. The challenge is increased when considering multi-robot teams, as there is no guarantee of a functional network infrastructure. Despite consistent increasing interest in the area, there is a lack of research summarizing the results and best practices for exploring such environments. Therefore, in this paper, we provide a review and discuss state-of-the-art robotic exploration techniques, including single and cooperative approaches with homogeneous and heterogeneous teams, with a focus on complex subterranean and confined 3D scenarios. We also present a comprehensive list of insights on open challenges and possible directions for future investigation in the topic.
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This paper presents a geometrical path planning method, and it can help unmanned aerial vehicle to find a collision-free path in two-dimensional and three-dimensional (2D and 3D) complex environment quickly. First, a list of tree is designed to describe obstacles, and it is used to query the obstacles which block the line from starting point to finishing point (blocking obstacle). Specially, the list also stores the edge information of blocking obstacle. For the obstacles with short distance, a reasonable way to fly over is studied. Then, a shortest path planning method based on geometrical computation is proposed according to different shapes of obstacles. The obstacles are convex and divided into two cases of 2D and 3D. 2D environment includes rectangular obstacle, trapezoidal obstacle, triangular obstacle, circular obstacle and elliptic obstacle. In 3D, it includes cuboid, sphere and ellipsoid. To compare with other methods, the simulation is made in different environments. In 2D environment with circular obstacles, the method is similar to the artificial potential field. In 2D environment with rectangular obstacles, the performance of the proposed method is better than A-star. Compared with genetic algorithm, the proposed method gives a better result in 3D environment with cuboid obstacles. In 3D environment with hybrid obstacles, it is similar to interfered fluid dynamical system. Through comprehensive comparison and analysis, the conclusion is that the method has good adaptability and does not require grid modeling. It can find a shorter path in 2D/3D complex environment within a short time, so it has the ability of real-time path planning.
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The work presented in this paper relates to the conceptual definition, simulation and performance analysis of a novel, 3D graph theory based routing algorithm. The proposed router is designed to provide path planning with deconfliction, i.e. collision avoidance with other moving objects, for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) applications in general and autonomous UAV missions in particular. Thus novel ways for “sampling” 3D operating spaces containing hazard areas and other moving objects are presented. The router operates in a way that conforms to the commonly observed behavior of aircraft flying over relatively long periods of time at constant speed and barometric height. Thus flying is restricted to a number of possible altitude bands where changes in altitude and/or direction are restricted to values that ensure excessive airframe stress is avoided. The paper attaches considerable emphasis on algorithmic complexity reduction and develops a novel, adaptive, graph search scheme. The proposed router can also be used to support manned aircraft operation, both for pre-flight planning and during the mission as a pilot aid. Computer simulation results are indicative of a routing system which generates realistic flyable routes while algorithmic complexity is suppressed.
The key objective of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) path planning is to produce a flight path that connects a start state and a goal state while meeting the required constraints. Computational intelligence (CI) is a set of nature-inspired computational methodologies and approaches for addressing complex real-world problems for which mathematical or traditional modelling does not perform well. It has been applied in the field of UAVs since it can yield effective, accurate and rapid solutions. This article provides an overview of studies on UAV path planning based on CI methods published in major journals and conference proceedings. We survey relevant studies with respect to different CI algorithms utilized in UAV path planning, the types of time domain in UAV path planning, namely, offline and online, and the types of environment models, namely, 2D and 3D. It is observed that CI methods outperform traditional methods on online and 3D problems. The analysis is useful for identifying key results from UAV path planning research and is leveraged in this article to highlight trends and open issues.
This paper proposed an improved version of fruit fly optimization (FOA) to solve the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) path planning problem. The improved algorithm combines the phase angle-encoded and mutation adaptation mechanisms into the basic FOA and is referred to as θ-MAFOA. Mutation adaptation mechanism is adopted to enhance the balance of FOA in terms of the exploitation and exploration ability, while phase angle-based encoded strategy for fruit fly locations helps to achieve the high performance in the convergence process. Then, the proposed θ-MAFOA is used to find the optimal flight path for UAV in the complex three-dimensional (3D) terrain environments with various ground defense weapons. B-Spline curve that connects the start and target points is employed to represent a smooth path. Several performance criteria and constraints are taken into consideration to evaluate the cost of UAV paths. Numerical experiments are carried out on various test scenarios and the results show the proposed θ-MAFOA is superior to the basic and other two modified versions of FOA, and also more powerful than several existing state-of-the-art optimization algorithms.
Over the past few years, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have become more and more popular. The complexity of routing UAVs has not been fully investigated in the literature. In this paper, we provide a formal definition of the UAV Routing and Trajectory Optimisation Problem (UAVRTOP). Next, we introduce a taxonomy and review recent contributions in UAV trajectory optimisation, UAV routing and articles addressing these problems, and their variants, simultaneously. We conclude with the identification of future research opportunities.
Aiming at the complexity and particularity of urban environment, a solar-powered UAV (SUAV) path planning framework is proposed in this paper. The framework can be decomposed into three aspects to resolve. First, to make SUAV avoid the building obstacles, a nature-inspired path planning method called Interfered Fluid Dynamical System (IFDS) is introduced. Aiming at the defect that the traditional IFDS is not suitable for SUAV energy optimization calculation, the dynamic constraints and model are introduced to IFDS. The modified IFDS, called Restrained IFDS (RIFDS), is proposed. Second, to resolve the path planning issue efficiently, a novel intelligent optimization algorithm called Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA) is selected as the basic framework solver. To further overcome the drawback of local minima, adaptive chaos-Gaussian switching solving strategy and coordinated decision-making mechanism are introduced to the basic WOA. The modified algorithm, called Improved WOA (IWOA), is proposed. Third, to solve the accurate modeling problem of solar energy in urban environment, two measures are adopted: (1) A practical judgment method for sunlight occlusions is proposed; (2) Aiming at some unreasonable aspects in the solar energy production model, the received solar energy is modified and recalculated by ASHRAE Clear Sky Model and the solar irradiance calculation principle for slant surfaces in this paper. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed framework is tested by the simulations.