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Career Guidance Using Data Analytics



The profession direction is one of the scaffolds between the work advertise and the instructive circle. This article depends on the examination such qualities as viability of structures and strategies for the vocation direction among the understudies toward the start and toward the finish of their instructive period and which are helpful for inspiration of understudies for securing of expert aptitudes amid the whole time of concentrate with the considering the prerequisites of managers to the expert abilities which ought to be controlled by future alumni; analy-sister of the variables that add to the arrangement of understudies' learning about their picked calling; how vocation direction enables understudies to comprehend the social importance and the substance of their picked calling amid the instructive period and how this comprehension adds to the understudies' inspiration to the procurement proficient aptitudes; will the enough of those expert aptitudes that understudies gain in the college for to addresses the issues of the work market or they needs to acquire for extra expert aptitudes, which should be promotion dressed to them ahead of time. This paper encourages them to cover that part of their life and vocation development.
IJSART - Volume 5 Issue 2 FEBRUARY 2019 ISSN [ONLINE]: 2395-1052
Page | 432
Career Guidance Using Data Analytics
Prof. Balkhande Balasaheb W1, Sanjay Kumar Kesharvani2, Prakash Tarun Kumar3, Rupali Shivaji
Metkari4, Atul Kumar Prajapati5
Department of Computer Engineering
1,2,3,4,5 Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, Navi Mumbai
Abstract- The profession direction is one of the scaffolds
between the work advertise and the instructive circle. This
article depends on the examination such qualities as viability of
structures and strategies for the vocation direction among the
understudies toward the start and toward the finish of their
instructive period and which are helpful for inspiration of
understudies for securing of expert aptitudes amid the whole
time of concentrate with the considering the prerequisites of
managers to the expert abilities which ought to be controlled by
future alumni; analy-sister of the variables that add to the
arrangement of understudies' learning about their picked
calling; how vocation direction enables understudies to
comprehend the social importance and the substance of their
picked calling amid the instructive period and how this
comprehension adds to the understudies' inspiration to the
procurement proficient aptitudes; will the enough of those
expert aptitudes that understudies gain in the college for to
addresses the issues of the work market or they needs to acquire
for extra expert aptitudes, which should be promotion dressed
to them ahead of time. This paper encourages them to cover that
part of their life and vocation development.
Keywords- Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Decision Tree
Ever wondered how simple it would be, if you could
tell about all your interests and credibility and someone
presented you with a path crafted just for you, and all you had
to do is follow it and take your skills and career to a new height.
Here, we present you with a project that takes the past
credentials of people and churns it to bring a set of results that
has the potential to change their lives in such a way that they
couldn’t imagine. It shows them a path that has the credibility
to change the way they look about their career and let them
become more skilful in whatever domain they wish to take their
future in.
Information examination advances and strategies are
broadly utilized in business enterprises to empower associations
to settle on progressively educated business choices and by
researchers and analysts to confirm or invalidate logical
models, speculations and theories. As a term, information
investigation dominatingly alludes to a grouping of uses, from
essential business knowledge (BI), detailing and online
diagnostic handling (OLAP) to different types of cutting edge
investigation. In that sense, it's comparative in nature to
business examination.
The basic idea is to make a web portal where we
would provide e-counselling to all the engineering students and
information about the latest technologies in the market. While
stressing on the idea we thought that we would also take the
info about the user skills, their interests and provide them with
the suggestions to improve their skills and get a powerful
growth in their knowledge base. We pondered that, if the
scenario is same for all students, why not make a platform for
all. Then we took a consideration of the working professionals,
home-makers, unemployed. And finally decided to make a
single platform for all that will provide a counselling hub for
all. A place which will show all the technologies as per their
interests, show a path to increase their skills and hence help
them get a growth in their career or move towards their passion.
For this project, we have studied three published
papers, which are similar to our field. The three papers which
we have studied are: [1] J. A. Cazier and J. A. Green, "Life
Coach: Using Big Data and Analytics to Facilitate the
Attainment of Life Goals," 2016 49th Hawaii International
Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Koloa, HI, 2016, pp.
1000- 1008. [2] P. D. Schalk, D. P. Wick, P. R. Turner and M.
W. Ramsdell, "Predictive assessment of student performance
for early strategic guidance," 2011 Frontiers in Education
Conference (FIE), Rapid City, SD, 2011, pp. S2H-1-S2H-5 [3]
R. Ade and P. R. Deshmukh, "An incremental ensemble of
classifiers as a technique for prediction of student's career
choice," 2014 First International Conference on Networks &
Soft Computing (ICNSC2014), Guntur, 2014, pp. 384-387.
We carefully studied the given paper. From the first
paper “Life Coach: Using Big Data and Analytics to Facilitate
the attainment of Life Goals” we saw that they were using big
data and analytics for helping individuals. According to them
big data and analytics are used to for various purposes already.
IJSART - Volume 5 Issue 2 FEBRUARY 2019 ISSN [ONLINE]: 2395-1052
Page | 433
So they thought why could not use big data and analytics be
used for helping individuals. They proposed a conceptual model
for focusing on a better world using information system. In the
paper, they proposed a system which includes assistance with
careers, relations, financial help and happiness. They were
taking data from Netflix database which they used for
predicting individuals decision. Yet they did not have any
proper formula or algorithm to the predict or analysis the data.
They just thought of doing it using netflix data. The data from
this paper was limited as it consisted only of netlfix using data
In the second paper, “Predictive assessment of student
performance for early strategic guidance” they were using SAT
data to predict the performance of students in STEM
disciplines. They studied the mathematics performance of
students in sAT exams and concluded that the students
performance in mathematics was directly related to
performance in physics. They used random forest model , they
predicted the accuracy of the students. This helped in analysis
helped them in careers and better performance in academics.
This paper was limited by the data that they did only considered
the factors of mathematics and physics, but not other factors
like career choices, skills.
In the third paper, “An incremental ensemble of
classifiers as a technique for prediction of student's career
choice”- in this paper, student’s marks and results and
psychometric test data were used with supervised data mining
algorithm to predict student’s career choice. They implemented
learning properties for machine learning. The group method
proposed in this paper is contrasted and the gradual
calculations, with no group idea, for the understudy's
informational index and it was discovered that the proposed
calculation gives better exactness.
We have compared the case studies to determine what
are merits and demerits of each paper and how can it be
beneficial to us.
Life coach: using
big data and
analytics to
facilitate the
attainment of life
assistance and
guidance with
No emphasis
on the
strategies that
would be used
to implement it
goals. Published :
(2016, HICSS)
happiness and
assessment of
performance for
early strategic
: (2011, FIE)
& physics
courses is
Rely heavily on
SAT score as
well as Maths
& Physics
An incremental
ensemble of
classifiers as a
technique for
prediction of
student's career
Published : (2014,
Makes use of
algorithms on
the data in
systems and
use other
Gives high
importance to
student's marks
and the result
of some kind of
Thus, we can make a web portal where we would
provide e-counselling to all the engineering students and also
information about the latest technologies in the market.
· Our model will be trained well to accurately give
the desired output of career choice to the person.
· Our model will be regularly modified to make sure
our data is not outdated.
This work has mostly been focused on the data
analytics methods used in the project. At first, we reviewed the
research papers and applications that are nowadays used in
similar perspective as ours. There are different applications and
sites through which ‘Career Guidance’ is achieved. The
method we came up with gave efficient and effective result as
we are using data analytics to analyze each case individually
and considering all demographics. We are going to focus on
implementation part which uses decision tree classifier. During
analysis of the project, we faced difficulty in data collection and
validation, which have been described in our methodology
section. Finally, the results of the implementation of the
decision tree algorithm have been successful. The application is
now able to suggest career choices to students, professional and
even unemployed based on data analysis.
IJSART - Volume 5 Issue 2 FEBRUARY 2019 ISSN [ONLINE]: 2395-1052
Page | 434
Having endured the experience, there were many who
helped us in our project and we very much like to thank them
We are deeply indebted to our beloved Principal Dr.
M. Z. Shaikh and Our Head of Department (HOD) Dr. D. R.
Ingle, for giving us this valuable opportunity to do this project
and we express our hearty thanks to them for their assistance
without which it would have been difficult in finishing this
report synopsis successfully.
We also thank our Project Coordinator, Prof. Rahul
Patil and our Project Guide Prof. Balkhande Balasaheb W. for
helping and advising us during the work and who gave us this
opportunity to work on this project on “CAREER GUIDANCE
USING DATA ANALYTICS” which also helped us in doing a
lot of Research and we came to know about so many new things
we are really thankful to all of them.
It is great pleasure to acknowledge the help and
suggestion, which we received from the department of
computer engineering. We wish to express our profound thanks
to all those who helped us in finding information about report.
Much moral support and encouragement has provided on
numerous occasions by our whole family.
[1] J. A. Cazier and J. A. Green, "Life Coach: Using Big Data
and Analytics to Facilitate the Attainment of Life Goals,"
2016 49th Hawaii International Conference on System
Sciences (HICSS), Koloa, HI, 2016, pp. 1000- 1008.
[2] P. D. Schalk, D. P. Wick, P. R. Turner and M. W.
Ramsdell, "Predictive assessment of student performance
for early strategic guidance," 2011 Frontiers in Education
Conference (FIE), Rapid City, SD, 2011, pp. S2H-1-S2H-
[3] R. Ade and P. R. Deshmukh, "An incremental ensemble of
classifiers as a technique for prediction of student's career
choice," 2014 First International Conference on Networks
& Soft Computing (ICNSC2014), Guntur, 2014, pp. 384-
[4] DeRue, D. S., Hollenbeck, J. R., Karam, E. P. and Lam, C.
F. 2011. “The Impact of Feedback Frequency on Learning
and Task Performance: Challenging the ‘More is Better’
Assumption”, Organizational Behavior and Human
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Conference Paper
Full-text available
Most of Big Data and Analytics work is focused on getting people to do what other people want them to do. What if it could be turned around? What if all the data collected on or about individuals could instead be used to help individuals in ways they want to be helped? What if the data could help individuals achieve their life goals and dreams, and coach them through the process of life? If these individuals benefit from such a service and begin living happier, balanced, and fulfilled lives they will also become more beneficial employees to organizations and more successful members of society. In this paper, we are proposing a conceptual model of how such a system might be developed and used to benefit employees, organizations, and common citizens to build a better world through information systems. This includes assistance and guidance with careers, health, sustainability, relationships, personal finances, and overall happiness and well-being.
Conference Paper
Full-text available
In this study, we use well-accepted conceptual assessment instruments, initial state data such as the SAT, and our own recently developed instruments designed to measure aptitude in mathematics to develop a machine learning-based predictive model for student performance. Previous analysis found the expected strong correlation between performance in the mathematics and physics courses. The mathematics assessment instruments were designed to provide a means for suggesting corrective measures for students to take to improve performance in mathematics, and it was demonstrated that these measures also have an impact on performance in physics. With the predictive nature of the collected data and the impact of the various corrective measures on final grade established, we use these data to form a predictive model for student performance. By adaptively imputing missing data from previous years, and forming a random forest model, we are able to predict those students who are most at-risk of failing the introductory mathematics and physics courses with acceptable accuracy. This analysis contributes to an integrated evaluation of the current programs, which has led to an assessment-based initiative to offer strategic guidance to incoming students, better placing them for academic and career success in their selected STEM disciplines.
An incremental ensemble of classifiers as a technique for prediction of student's career choice
  • R Ade
  • P R Deshmukh
R. Ade and P. R. Deshmukh, "An incremental ensemble of classifiers as a technique for prediction of student's career choice," 2014 First International Conference on Networks & Soft Computing (ICNSC2014), Guntur, 2014, pp. 384-387\