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Maternal and umbilical serum levels of interleukin-6, interleukin-8, and tumor necrosis factor-α in normal pregnancies and in pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia

Taylor & Francis
The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine


The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship of maternal and umbilical cord interleukin-6 (IL-6), interleukin-8 (IL-8), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) serum levels with the existence and severity of preeclampsia. A particular objective was the comparison of normal umbilical serum levels to preeclamptic values. The study group consisted of 24 patients with third trimester singleton pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia (15 severe and 9 mild preeclampsia). The gestational age-matched 19 healthy pregnant women were compared by study group. Maternal and umbilical serum IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-alpha were calculated by using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Significantly increased maternal and umbilical serum levels of IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-alpha were found in preeclamptic patient group in comparison with the control group. Maternal serum IL-8 and TNF-alpha concentration were significantly higher in patients with severe preeclampsia than in mild preeclampsia. Increased umbilical serum levels of IL-6 and IL-8 were found in severe preeclampsia than in mild preeclampsia. There were significantly higher levels of maternal serum IL-8 and TNF-alpha in patients with preeclampsia with IUGR than in patients with preeclampsia with normal fetal growth. Our findings suggest that increased concentrations of IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-alpha in the maternal and umbilical serum play a significant role in pathogenesis of preeclampsia. Alterations in maternal and umbilical serum levels of IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-alpha may also play role in preeclampsia complicated by intrauterine growth retardation. These associations may offer insight into the etiology and pathogenesis of preeclampsia.
Maternal and umbilical serum levels of interleukin-6, interleukin-8, and
tumor necrosis factor-ain normal pregnancies and in pregnancies
complicated by preeclampsia
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and
Department of Biochemistry, Ondokuz Mayis University, Samsun, Turkey
(Received 1 November 2009; accepted 11 March 2010)
Objectives. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship of maternal and umbilical cord interleukin-6 (IL-6),
interleukin-8 (IL-8), tumor necrosis factor-a(TNF-a) serum levels with the existence and severity of preeclampsia. A
particular objective was the comparison of normal umbilical serum levels to preeclamptic values.
Materials and Methods. The study group consisted of 24 patients with third trimester singleton pregnancies complicated by
preeclampsia (15 severe and 9 mild preeclampsia). The gestational age-matched 19 healthy pregnant women were compared
by study group. Maternal and umbilical serum IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-awere calculated by using enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay.
Results. Significantly increased maternal and umbilical serum levels of IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-awere found in preeclamptic
patient group in comparison with the control group. Maternal serum IL-8 and TNF-aconcentration were significantly
higher in patients with severe preeclampsia than in mild preeclampsia. Increased umbilical serum levels of IL-6 and IL-8
were found in severe preeclampsia than in mild preeclampsia. There were significantly higher levels of maternal serum IL-8
and TNF-ain patients with preeclampsia with IUGR than in patients with preeclampsia with normal fetal growth.
Conclusion. Our findings suggest that increased concentrations of IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-ain the maternal and umbilical
serum play a significant role in pathogenesis of preeclampsia. Alterations in maternal and umbilical serum levels of IL-6,
IL-8, and TNF-amay also play role in preeclampsia complicated by intrauterine growth retardation. These associations may
offer insight into the etiology and pathogenesis of preeclampsia.
Keywords: Interleukin-8, interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor-a, preeclampsia
Preeclampsia is a relatively common gestatitional
disorder affecting about 2.5–5% pregnancies. It
occurs in the second half of pregnancy and is
characterized by proteinuria and hypertension [1].
Preeclampsia is still one of the leading causes for
maternal and fetal mortality and morbidity. Although
placental ischemia and endothelial damage have
been reported as the key factors in preeclampsia,
the exact pathological process has not been identi-
fied, yet [1,2].
In a normal pregnancy, mild inflammatory re-
sponse including increased release of inflammatory
cytokines, activation of granulocytes and comple-
ment system is present, but in preeclampsia there is
excessive maternal inflammatory response, possibly
against foreign fetal antigens resulting abnormal
trophoblast invasion [3].
In a study, myometrial vessels of uncomplicated
pregnant women were incubated with the plasma
obtained from both preeclamptic and normal preg-
nant women. In plasma of preeclamptic women,
endothelium-dependent relaxation was significantly
reduced. So it was thought that altered cytokines in
plasma may be one of the causative factors for
abnormal placentation and endothelial dysfunction
Interleukin-6 (IL-6) is produced by human tro-
phoblasts. It increases trophoblastic proliferation,
Correspondence: Handan Celik, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ondokuz Mayis University, Samsun, Turkey. E-mail: drhandancelik@
The Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, August 2010; 23(8): 880–886
ISSN 1476-7058 print/ISSN 1476-4954 online Ó2010 Informa UK Ltd.
DOI: 10.3109/14767051003774942
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For personal use only.
invasion, and differentiation. It is a multifunctional
cytokine that regulates also immune response,
hematopoiesis, acute phase reactions, and inflamma-
tion [5–7].
Interleukin-8 (IL-8) is a major neutrophil che-
moattractant. It has been found in endothelial cells
and regulates endothelial cell proliferation, angio-
genesis, and tumor growth and participates in graft
rejection and placental infection [8–10].
Tumor necrosis factor-a(TNF-a) is a polypeptide
cytokine produced by monocytes and macrophages.
TNF-ais a potent immune modulator also. It acts in
inflammation, endothelial cell activation, regulation
of metabolic activities of tissues, shock, and death. It
circulates throughout the body responding the
stimuli, like tissue injury or infectious agents by
activating neutrophils and changing the endothelial
cell functions [11,12].
On the basis of these facts, IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-a
may be involved in the pathophysiological processes
causing preeclampsia. Evaluation of abnormal in-
flammatory response and defective trophoblast inva-
sion in preeclampsia may improve the understanding
of pathophysiological mechanisms, prevention, and
treatment of preeclampsia.
So we aimed to compare serum levels of IL-6, IL-
8, and TNF-ain maternal and umbilical cord of
healthy pregnant women to those measured in the
presence of preeclampsia. For the case of a possible
relationship, an investigation of correlation with the
severity of disease was also premeditated.
Materials and methods
All samples were obtained from patients and healthy
pregnant women admitted to Ondokuz Mayıs Uni-
versity, Obstetrics and Gynecology Department.
Ethical approval was received from ethics committee
of the same University and all participants gave
informed signed consent.
Nineteen normotensive pregnant women were
age-, parity-, and gestational age- matched with 24
women with preeclampsia.
Mean gestational age of patients was 37, 74 +1.43
weeks (range: 37–40 weeks). Gestational age differ-
ence between the controls and cases was 2 weeks.
Mean maternal age and mean parity was 28.48 +
5.42 years (range: 19–41 years) and 1.06 +1.14
(range: 0–5), respectively. Maternal age difference
within 4 years and parity within 2 were matched with
each other.
Study group was further classified as mild and
severe preeclampsia according to disease severity.
Preeclampsia was defined as if the blood pressure
diagnosed after 20 weeks of pregnancy was 140/
90 mmHg or greater 6 h apart with proteinuria of
300 mg/day or one dipstick measurement of þ1
according to the Committee of Terminology of
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecolo-
gists definition. Preeclampsia was categorized as
severe if the systemic blood pressure was 160/
110 mmHg or more on two occasion 6 h apart with
severe daily (45 g/day) or with one dipstick mea-
surement of þ3orþ4 proteinu¨ ria. Presence of visual
disturbances, upper abdominal pain, convulsion,
oliguria, headache, elevated serum liver enzymes or
serum creatinine, thrombocytopenia was other evi-
dences of severe preeclampsia. Women who met the
preeclampsia criteria but not severe preeclampsia
were classified as mild preeclampsia. Initially all the
candidates were evaluated by measuring the blood
pressure 6 h apart, by proteinuria with 24 h mea-
surement or with one dipstick measurement of þ3or
þ4 proteinuria (in some of the patients with severe
preeclampsia in whom the delivery was planned
before 24 h) as well as by clinical and biochemical
tests. In the first 24-h of hospitalization period, the
patients were assigned to the severe or mild
preeclampsia group, according to the result of these
parameters. Patients classified as severe preeclampsia
were given an intravenous infusion of MgSO
2 g per hour after a loading intravenous dose of 6 g
All healthy control subjects presented with single-
ton uncomplicated pregnancies without evidence of
hypertension or proteinuria and gave birth to healthy
neonates of appropriate size for gestational age.
Intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) was de-
fined as a birth weight below the 10th percentile for
gestational age. Patients with preeclampsia were
further divided into two groups according to the
presence or absence of growth retardation.
Gestational age of all pregnant women participated
in the study was 37 weeks. The serum samples
were taken from the patients before the cesarean
delivery and from the umbilical vein before the
delivery of placenta by cesarean section. Pregnancies
with chronic hypertension, diabetes mellitus, kidney
diseases, fetal chromosomal or structural abnormal-
ities, polyhydramnios, and multiple pregnancies were
excluded from the study. The patients in active phase
of labor, premature rupture of membranes, clinical
chorioamnionitis, and maternal autoimmune or
infectious diseases recognized in pregnancy and the
other factors (multiple gestation, fetal anomaly,
intrauterine fetal death, and fetal distress) that may
affect the IL level in serum were also excluded from
the study. All participants underwent cesarean
section. As active labor may effects serum levels of
interleukins, women with active labor or delivering
vaginally were excluded from the study. Active phase
of labor was defined as a faster rate of cervical
dilatation which begins with 2–4 cm dilatation of
Role of interleukins in preeclampsia 881
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Preeclampsia, previous cesarean section, abnormal
fetal position, cephalopelvic disproportion were the
indications for cesarean delivery.
Ten milliliters of blood were taken by venipunc-
ture from each woman before the cesarean delivery
and from umbilical vein of placental cord just after
the delivery of baby. All samples were collected in
sterile tubes and stood at room temperature at least
30 min for clotting and then centrifuged at 4500gfor
10 min. Serum was separated and stored 7808C
until assay. Maternal and umbilical serum IL-6,
IL-8, TNF-aconcentrations were assayed using
commercially available kits according to the manu-
facturer’s instructions. The concentrations of IL-6
and TNF-ain the serum were assayed using
commercially available enzyme-linked immunosor-
bant assay (ELISA) kits (BioSource International,
Camarillo, CA), and the concentrations of IL-8 in
the serum were assayed using Ray-bio ELISA kit
(Ray-Bio Tech, Norcross, GA). Lower detection
limits were 2, 1, and 0.7 pg/ml for IL-6, IL-8 and
TNF-a, respectively. Interassay coefficient of varia-
tion (CV) % and intraassay CV % for IL-6, IL-8, and
TNF-awere 4.4%, 512%, 3.3% and 4.2%, 510%,
6.3% respectively. All assays were conducted accord-
ing to the manufacturer’s instructions. The samples,
which have shown higher concentrations, were
diluted and measured in triplicate.
Statistical analyses were done with NCSS 2007
and PASS 2008 Statistical Software (Utah, USA).
Data were expressed as mean +standard deviation.
Groups were compared by using Student’s t-test,
chi-square test as appropriate. In the absence of
normal distribution and nonparametric data Mann–
Whitney U-test was used (Mann–Whitney U-test
was used to determine significant differences in
biochemical parameters between pregnant women
with severe preeclampsia and mild preeclampsia and
between pregnant women with preeclampsia and
controls). Pvalues 50.05 was considered statistical
A total of 26 women with preeclampsia and 21
normal pregnant women were enrolled into the
study. Two patients from the preeclampsia group
(one patient with fetal anomaly and one patient with
polyhidramnios) and two patients from the control
group (both with a gestational age of lower than 37
weeks) were excluded from the study. The remaining
24 women with preeclampsia and 19 normal
pregnant women were studied. Clinical character-
istics of patients are shown in Table I. There were no
statistically significant differences in maternal age
gravidity, parity, and body mass index between
normal pregnancy and those with preeclampsia.
None of the subjects were smokers in both study
and control groups. The mean systolic and the mean
diastolic blood pressure values were significantly
higher in preeclampsia than normal pregnancy
(P50.05). Mean gestational age at the time of
delivery (37.12 +1.45 weeks vs. 38.52 +0.96
weeks) and mean birth weight of infants (2530 +
425 g vs. 3310 +450 g) were significantly lower in
preeclampsia than in normal control subjects.
The mean concentrations of IL-6, IL-8, TNF-ain
maternal and umbilical cord serum of normal
pregnancy group and the preeclamptic group were
shown in Table II. Serum concentrations of IL-6,
IL-8, and TNF-awere significantly different among
the groups. Increased maternal and umbilical serum
levels of IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-awere found in
preeclampsia group in comparison with the control
group. The maternal serum concentrations of IL-6 in
preeclampsia and in control groups were 57.93 pg/
ml (range: 30.19–669.79 pg/ml) and 13.57 pg/ml
(range: 5.45–476.45 pg/ml), respectively (P50.01).
The maternal serum levels of IL-8 were 403.86 pg/
ml (range: 140.40–1056.55 pg/ml) in preeclampsia
and 88.70 pg/ml (range: 74.29–774.71) in control
group. The maternal serum values of TNF-awere
14.93 pg/ml (range: 4.06–30.67 pg/ml) in pree-
clampsia and 4.5 pg/ml (range: 2.32–30.67 pg/ml)
in control group. These differences were statistically
significant (P50.01).
There were higher levels of IL-6 in the um-
bilical serum in preeclamptic patients than in
controls (114.51 pg/ml (range: 43.57–712.89 pg/
ml) and 23.72 pg/ml (range: 7.48–422.62 pg/ml)
Table I. Clinical findings of patients.
Mean +SD
age (years)
28.5 +5.83 28.47 +5.01 0.988
Parity 1.67 +1.31 0.95 +0.91 0.816
Body mass
index (BMI)
28.9 +6.4 27.4 +5.6 0.04
age at delivery
37.12 +1.45 38.52 +0.96 0.001**
Birth weight
of infant (g)
2530 +425 3310 +450 0.001**
Systolic blood
162 +25 118 +13 0.001**
Diastolic blood
120 +13 73 +5 0.001**
*P50.05; **P50.01.
882 M. Tosun et al.
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respectively) (P50.01). Umbilical serum levels of
IL-8 and TNF-awere significantly higher in pre-
eclampsia than in normal pregnant women also
(IL-8 umbilical serum levels: 254.58 pg/ml (range:
140.73–6707 pg/ml) in preeclampsia and 135.02
pg/ml (range: 135.02–940.69 pg/ml) in control
group (P50.01)) TNF-aumbilical serum levels:
15.95 pg/ml (range: 5.66–19.78 pg/ml) in pree-
clampsia and 9.18 pg/ml (range: 4.06–18.27 pg/ml)
in control group (P50.05).
The pregnant women with preeclampsia were
further divided into the two groups according to
the disease severity. There were 15 severe pree-
clampsia and nine mild preeclampsia. The maternal
and umbilical serum levels of IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-a
in mild and severe preeclampsia are shown in
Table III.
Maternal serum levels of IL-8 and TNF-awere
significantly related with the disease severity. In
severe preeclampsia, IL-8 and TNF-amaternal
serum levels were significantly increased in compar-
ison with mild preeclampsia (maternal serum IL-8:
681.32 pg/ml (range: 140.40–1056.55 pg/ml) in se-
vere preeclampsia versus 140.40 pg/ml (range:
48.60–742.72 pg/ml) in mild preeclampsia (P5
0.05); maternal serum TNF-a: 15.95 pg/ml (range:
5.66–15.95 pg/ml) in severe preeclampsia versus
8.85 pg/ml (range: 4.06–14.79 pg/ml) in mild pre-
eclampsia (P50.01). There was no significant
difference in serum concentration of IL-6 between
patients with mild and those with severe preeclamp-
sia (P40.05).
Umbilical serum levels of IL-6 and IL-8 were
significantly increased in severe preeclampsia group
than in mild preeclampsia group. Umbilical serum
levels of IL-6 was found 118.31 pg/ml (range: 76.81–
546.35 pg/ml) in severe preeclampsia and 72.89 pg/
ml (range: 49.75–155.45) in mild preeclampsia.
Similarly umbilical serum levels of IL-8 in severe
and mild preeclampsia were 331.97 pg/ml (range:
147.96–670.70 pg/ml) and 130.85 pg/ml (range:
70.67–199.03 pg/ml), respectively. These differences
were statistically significant (P50.01). There was
no significant difference in the mean serum concen-
tration of TNF-abetween mild and severe pre-
eclampsia groups (P40.05).
Patients with preeclampsia were further divided
into two groups according to the presence of growth
retardation or not. Three were 12 pregnant patients
with preeclampsia complicated by IUGR. There
were statistically higher maternal serum levels of
IL-8 and TNF-ain patients with preeclampsia with
IUGR than in patients with preeclampsia with
normal fetal growth (700.90 pg/ml (range: 148.28–
1056.55 pg/ml) vs. 326.99 pg/ml (range: 48.60–
742.72 pg/ml) for IL-8, P50.05; 16.39 (range:
Table II. Analysis of maternal and umbilical serum levels of IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-ain patients with preeclampsia and in control subjects.
Mean +SD, median (range)
PPreeclampsia (n¼24) Normal pregnancy (n¼19)
Maternal serum
IL-6 101.23 +121.02; 57.93 (30.19–669.79) 25.18 +24.46; 13.57 (5.45–476.45) 0.001**
IL-8 479.26 +318.96; 403.86 (140.40–1056.55) 89.46 +42.39; 88.70 (74.29–774.71) 0.001**
TNF-a15.03 +6.05; 14.93 (4.06–30.67) 6.98 +7.01; 4.5 (2.32–30.67) 0.001**
Umbilical cord
serum values(pg/ml)
IL-6 180.48 +178.65; 114.51 (43.57–712.89) 36.94 +28.56; 23.72 (7.48– 422.62) 0.001**
IL-8 3077.38 +1362.09; 254.58 (140.73–670.70) 154.35 +84.99; 135.02 (135.02–940.69) 0.013*
TNF-a19.45 +13.84; 15.95 (5.66–19.78) 10.57 +5.90; 9.18 (4.06–18.27) 0.006*
Mann–Whitney U-test was used.
*P50.05; **P50.01.
Table III. Maternal and umbilical serum levels of IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-ain mild preeclampsia and severe preeclampsia.
Mean +SD; median (range)
PMild preeclampsia (n¼9) Severe preeclampsia (n¼15)
Maternal serum
values (pg/ml)
IL-6 58.73 +26.45; 69.79 (30.19–333.87) 126.73 +147.65; 52.84 (112.89–669.79) 0.531
IL-8 284.52 +275.16; 140.40 (48.60–742.72) 596.10 +291.32; 691.32 (140.40–1056.55) 0.0 19*
TNF-a9.94 +3.77; 8.85 (4.06–14.79) 18.07 +5.05; 15.95 (13.92–30.67) 0.001**
Umbilical cord serum
values (pg/ml)
IL-6 80.59 +35.03; 72.89 (49.75–155.45) 240.42 +203.64; 118.31 (76.81–546.35) 0.002**
IL-8 126.84 +53.29; 130.85 (70.67–199.03) 4847.67+17214.61; 331.97 (147.96–67070) 0.001**
TNF-a24.96 +21.94; 15.81 (5.66–15.95) 16.15 +2.89; 16.39 (8.30–19.78) 0.676
Mann–Whitney U-test was used.
*P50.05; **P50.01.
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13.92–30.67) vs. 12.21 (range: 6.70–15.66 pg/ml)
for TNF-aP50.01, respectively). Umbilical serum
levels of IL-6 and IL-8 were found higher in patients
with preeclampsia complicated by IUGR than in
patients with preeclampsia with normal fetal growth.
These differences were statistically significant
(P50.05, P50.01, respectively) (Table IV).
In preeclamptic group, maternal serum concen-
tration of IL-8 was correlated with serum concentra-
tion in umbilical venous blood (r: 0.440; P: 0.031).
In control group, maternal serum concentration of
TNF-awas correlated with serum concentration in
umbilical venous blood (r: 0.759; P: 0.001). How-
ever, there were no statistical correlation with the
other cytokines between maternal serum and umbi-
lical venous blood (P40.05).
This study demonstrated elevated concentrations of
inflammatory cytokines (IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-a)in
maternal and umbilical cord of preeclampsia when
compared with healthy pregnant women. The results
of this study also showed that increased maternal
serum levels of IL-8 and TNF-awere related with
the severity of preeclampsia. These findings point to
the importance of IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-ain the
pathophysiology of preeclampsia.
Endothelial damage and endothelial dysfunction
as a result of excessive maternal inflammatory
response to pregnancy by increasing proinflamma-
tory molecules, cytokines, and adhesion molecules
have been considered the key pathophysiologies of
preeclampsia [1,2,13]. IL-6 is produced by macro-
phages, monocytes, and endothelial cells and normal
human trophoblasts. It induces cell proliferation and
neutrophil mediated endothelial injury [14,15]. The
increased concentration of IL-6 in preeclampsia, as
observed in this study, is consistent with observations
by other authors [16–18]. Moreover, increased
production of IL-6 from the endothelial cells of
women with severe preeclampsia has been shown by
Takacs et al. [19]. Contrasting results were obtained
by Hayashi et al. [20], who reported that IL-6 in the
placenta and blood does not play significant role in
the induction of an immunologic imbalance in
preeclampsia. Al-Othman et al. [21] have also
reported that there was no significant difference in
the IL-6 levels in maternal serum between pre-
eclampsia and normotensive pregnant women. In
our study, we observed significantly higher concen-
tration of IL-6 in both maternal and umbilical serum
of patients with preeclampsia than in healthy
pregnant women.
In many studies, it was shown that IL-8 may play a
crucial role in the pathophsiology of preeclampsia
[18,22,23]. However, there are a few contrasting
results [16] that IL-8 serum levels did not differ
between preeclampsia and healthy pregnant women.
In this study, increased maternal and umbilical cord
serum IL-8 concentration was found in preeclampsia
in comparison with normal pregnant women. Similar
results were observed by Zhang et al. [22] who
demonstrated that maternal serum IL-8 concentra-
tion was higher in preeclampsia than in healthy
pregnant and nonpregnant women. In this study,
endothelial monolayer permeability was increased by
serum from women with preeclampsia but not from
healthy pregnant women or nonpregnant women.
Women with preeclampsia have higher leukocyte
counts and increased number of circulating neutro-
phils compared to normal pregnant group [24]. One
possible mechanism in preeclampsia is that abnormal
activation of neutrophils and monocytes cause
increased production of TNF-a, which in turn causes
endothelial dysfunction. In this study, maternal and
umbilical cord serum concentrations of TNF-awere
significantly higher in preeclampsia than in normal
As it was reported that labor can affect the serum
levels of inflammatory markers [25,26] subjects that
in this study were not in labor and delivered by
cesarean section. Similarly, gestational age may
effects serum levels of interleukins, to avoid possible
Table IV. Serum concentrations of IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-abetween preeclamptic patients with intrauterine growth retardation or not.
Preeclampsia (mild and severe
preeclampsia) (n¼24)
Mean +SD; median (range)
PIUGR (þ)(n¼12) IUGR (7)(n¼12)
Maternal serum
IL-6 103.46 +100.78; 52.5 (112.89–669.79) 99.0 +143.01; 72.5 (30.19–546.35) 0.862
IL-8 609.23 +308.56; 700.90 (148.28–1056.55) 349.28 +283.99; 326.99 (48.60–742.72) 0.028*
TNF-a18.84 +5.40; 16.39 (13.92–30.67) 11.21+3.96; 12.21 (6.70–15.66) 0.001**
Umbilical cord
serum values(pg/ml)
IL-6 268.09 +220.25; 133.8 (76.81–546.35) 92.87 +38.42; 81.47 (43.57–155.45) 0.015*
IL-8 5967.32 +19243.45; 353.49 (170.58–67070) 187.43 +170.39; 144.34 (30.85–693.31) 0.001**
TNF-a16.41 +3.04; 16.83 (8.30–19.78) 22.49+19.26; 15.15 (6.10–17.71) 0.436
IUGR, intrauterine growth retardation.
Mann–Whitney U-test was used.
*P50.05; **P50.01.
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confusion, both the study and control group were
chosen from the third trimester of pregnancy
(between 37 and 40 weeks). In many reported
studies, inflammatory cytokine levels in serum were
also studied according to trimesters [17,23,27,28].
However, even 1 week difference between the study
and control group may influence inflammatory
cytokine levels in serum. The type of anesthesia in
cesarean section may also affect the umbilical cord
serum levels cytokines, in this study both the
epidural and general anesthesia were used, which
could be considered as limitations of the study.
Ramsay et al. [29] reported that women with
preeclampsia have significantly impaired endothelial
function compared with healthy pregnant women. It
was shown that inflammatory cytokines impair
endothelium dependent relaxation [30]. They also
inhibit endothelial nitric oxide synthesis [31]. By
these mechanisms elevation of inflammatory cyto-
kines to some degree may responsible for endothelial
dysfunction seen in preeclampsia.
The results of the current investigation revealed a
significant elevation of umbilical serum IL-6 and IL-
8 but not TNF-ain preeclampsia compared with
normal pregnancy, implying alterations in circulating
cytokines of fetus in preeclampsia. To the best of our
knowledge, this is the first report describing umbi-
lical serum levels of IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-aduring
normal pregnancy and in preeclampsia.
In this study, significantly increased maternal
serum levels of IL-8 and TNF-awere found in
patients with preeclampsia with IUGR in comparison
with preeclamptic patients with normal fetal growth.
There were also higher levels of umbilical serum IL-6
and IL-8 in patients with preeclampsia complicated
by IUGR than in patients with preeclampsia with
normal fetal growth. Similar results were presented
by Laskowska et al. [23] who observed higher
concentrations of maternal and umbilical IL-8 in
preeclampsia with IUGR than in preeclampsia with
appropriate intrauterine growth. Although differ-
ences in maternal and umbilical IL-8 between
preeclamptic patients with IUGR and with normal
fetal growth were not statistically significant in this
study, they concluded that more advanced patholo-
gical changes in the placental and fetal circulatory
system in preeclamptic patients with IUGR result in
inadequate fetal oxygenation and nutrition leading to
fetal hypotrophia in these patients.
In conclusion, in this study it was observed that
altered endothelial function in preeclampsia is likely
related with increased concentrations of IL-6, IL-8,
and TNF-ain maternal serum. Increased concentra-
tions of IL-8, and TNF-ain maternal serum seemed
to be related with the severity of preeclampsia.
Greater inflammatory response by increased release
of IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-aas well as other proin-
flammatory cytokines might be associated with the
pathophysiology of preeclampsia. Alterations in
cytokine production may be one of the causes of
the pathological function in placenta and may result
in preeclampsia and IUGR.
Further studies with a larger patient cohort may
provide more meaningful data about the exact role of
cytokines in the development of preeclampsia.
Declaration of interest: The authors report no
conflicts of interest. The authors alone are respon-
sible for the content and writing of the paper.
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... However, Tosun et al observed a rise in the IL6 level in postnatal peripheral blood of preterm infants born of preeclampsia mothers. 28 Additionally, Ødegård et al found a decrease in the level of IL6 in cord blood that had a positive correlation with birth weight; however, they measured the IL6 level using colorimetric assay of hybridoma cell line B13.29 clone 9 growth. 29 Three studies reported an increase in the IL8 levels in preeclampsia, while Faulhaber et al found a decrease and Cakir et al found no difference in the IL8 levels between the two groups. ...
... Mellembakken et al identified a higher level of GROα in cord blood samples from preterm infants with preeclampsia than from full-term healthy controls. 15,17,18,28,30 In four research 13,29,31,32 there were a higher level of IL6 in preeclampsia group, however in only one study 15 there was no changes. Besides higher level of TNF-α in cord blood, Xia et al 31 reported higher level of TLR4 protein expression in cord blood and Guillemette et al 32 revealed high level of TNF-α in maternal blood in the second trimester. ...
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Preeclampsia (PE) is a prevalent disease especially in developing countries. PE influences maternal immune cells and cytokines, with prevailing of proinflammatory cytokines and reduction of regulatory cells. It has a short- and long-term impact on newborn mortalities and morbidities. The aim of this study is to provide an overview of previous literature discussing the effect of PE on infant immunity to help design future research. A comprehensive search was done on three databases including PubMed, Medline, and EMBASE with mesh and text terms. We could identify 851 titles published from 2000 to the time of search. Twenty-four studies met the inclusion criteria, and they were included in the quality assessment. Twenty-four studies were identified, covering the impact of PE on various neonatal immune cells and cytokines. PE is associated with a decrease in the number of several immune cells in newborns, particularly neutrophils, with enhancing cytotoxic effect of both neutrophils and natural killer (NK) cells. Treg cells were considerably reduced with increase of cytotoxic T cells CD8+ and memory cells CD45RO+ in both CD4+ and CD8 + . Proinflammatory cytokines like IL6, IL8, and TNF were raised in severe PE. PE is linked to a decrease in regulatory immune cells and an increase in the immune cells' cytotoxic capability, as well as the prevalence of proinflammatory cytokines in newborns. These changes were observed in cord blood and peripheral blood samples; however, future research should investigate the long-term effect of PE on neonatal immunity.
... IL-8 is an inflammatory cytokine produced by different cell types such as macrophages, neutrophils, natural killer cells, and endothelial cells [9]. IL-8 stimulates the permeability of the damaged endothelium, promoting the progression of PE as it modulates the expression of molecules related to ED, causing endothelial junction damage, increased endothelial permeability, and synthesis of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) [10][11][12][13][14]. ...
... Endothelial dysfunction occurs during the second stage of PE as a consequence of the imbalance between different bioactive factors, including ROS and inflammatory cytokines that induce the expression of MMPs, which activate endothelial cells, damaging endothelial integrity [11][12][13][14]. Nitric oxide acts as an endothelial relaxant, and its effects as an antioxidant factor have been described in PE [23]. ...
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Endothelial dysfunction (ED) in preeclampsia (PE) results from the convergence of oxidative stress, inflammation, and alterations in extracellular matrix components, affecting vascular tone and permeability. The molecular network leading to ED includes IL-8 and MMP-2. In vitro, IL-8 regulates the concentration and activity of MMP-2 in the trophoblast; this interaction has not been studied in endothelial cells during PE. We isolated human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) from women with healthy pregnancies (NP, n = 15) and PE (n = 15). We quantified the intracellular concentration of nitric oxide and reactive oxygen species with colorimetric assays, IL-8 with ELISA, and MMP-2 with zymography and using an ELISA-type system. An IL-8 inhibition assay was used to study the influence of this cytokine on MMP-2 concentration and activity. HUVECs from women with PE showed significantly higher oxidative stress than NP. IL-8 and MMP-2 were found to be significantly elevated in PE HUVECs compared to NP. Inhibition of IL-8 in HUVECs from women with PE significantly decreased the concentration of MMP-2. We demonstrate that IL-8 is involved in the mechanisms of MMP-2 expression in HUVECs from women with PE. Our findings provide new insights into the molecular mechanisms regulating the ED distinctive of PE.
... It regulates immune responses, inflammation, hematopoesis, and also trophoblast proliferation, invasion, and differentiation [6]. It is produced by macrophages, monocytes, fibroblasts, endothelial cells, and trophoblasts [7]. This cytokine is a major mediator of organism response to infection or tissue injury. ...
... The authors found significantly higher concentrations of serum IL-6 in infected women in both maternal and fetal blood in comparison to healthy controls. No correlations between maternal and fetal IL-6 concentrations were observed in that or other studies [7,25,26]. Taglauer et al. observed differing maternal-infant correlation profiles of IL-6, IL-8, and interferon-gamma-induced protein 10, which indicates that fetal cytokine elevations are not merely a passive transfer of maternal cytokines into fetal circulation [26]. Therefore, it can be assumed that maternal blood, amniotic fluid, and umbilical cord blood act like three separate compartments. ...
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Background: SARS-CoV-2 infection in pregnant women may induce inflammation within the amniotic cavity and/or an increase in proinflammatory cytokines in fetal circulation. The aim was to investigate levels of IL-6 in maternal blood, umbilical cord blood, and amniotic fluid in pregnant women infected with SARS-CoV-2 at delivery. Methods: A single-center prospective observational case-control study of pregnant women diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 infection at delivery was conducted. A total of 48 infected and 42 healthy women had IL-6 concentrations measured in their blood, amniotic fluid, and umbilical cord blood. Results: The concentrations of IL-6 in maternal blood and amniotic fluid were similar in the study and control groups, while umbilical cord blood concentrations were significantly higher in SARS-CoV-2-positive women. The umbilical cord blood IL-6 concentration was related to composite neonatal morbidity. Conclusions: Maternal SARS-CoV-2 infection in pregnant women at delivery increases umbilical cord blood IL-6 concentration. The correlation between maternal and umbilical blood concentrations indicates a possibility of passage of IL-6 through the placenta. Perinatal alterations resulting from maternal SARS-CoV-2 infection at delivery carry a risk of impacting the health of infants even in asymptomatic course of infection.
... In two different studies, Page et al [18] . and Tosun [19] et al. have shown that maternal serum levels of IL-6 significantly increased in pre-eclamptic patients rising in a way that higher levels are found in patients with severe compared to mild preeclampsia. Studies done by Desai et al. [20] and Maruo et al [21] suggested that IL6 interferes with endothelial cell function and contributes to the systemic endothelial activation and vascular damage suggesting that preeclampsia is associated with elevated plasma IL6 levels. ...
There has been an increase incidence of Pre eclampsia which is one of the important causes of maternal as well as foetal mortality and morbidity. The changing life style and various stresses in this fast growing world further increase the incidence of Pre eclampsia. The exact cause is still not known beside exploratory study but it seems a state of inflammatory and oxidative stress. Our aim was to evaluate the role of Interleukin 6 (IL6) and to compare its value in normal pregnancy and pre eclampsia. We found in this study that level of IL6 is significantly high in pre-eclamptic compare to normal pregnant women. Our study shows that Preeclampsia pregnancy is associated with an enhanced maternal inflammatory condition.
... Elevated maternal circulating TNFα is observed in several forms of pregnancy complication including PE (Benyo et al., 2001;Hung et al., 2004;Raghupathy, 2013;Wang & Walsh, 1996). TNFα expression is also significantly increased in human placentas and cord blood from PE (Laskowska et al., 2006(Laskowska et al., , 2007Tosun et al., 2010;Wang & Walsh, 1996), contributing to impaired angiogenic activity in PE (Zhou et al., 2010). Similarly, TNFα inhibits cell proliferation (Jiang et al., 2016), migration and capillary tube formation (Hsu et al., 2016) and downregulates endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) (Kim et al., 2017), as well as affecting cytokine-induced endothelial leukocyte adhesion molecule expression in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) in vitro (Collins et al., 1995;Mahboubi et al., 2000;Van Antwerp et al., 1998). ...
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Preeclampsia (PE) differentially impairs female and male fetal endothelial cell function, which is associated with an increased risk of adult‐onset cardiovascular disorders in children born to mothers with PE. However, the underlying mechanisms are poorly defined. We hypothesize that dysregulation of microRNA‐29a‐3p and 29c‐3p (miR‐29a/c‐3p) in PE disturbs gene expression and cellular responses to cytokines in fetal endothelial cells in a fetal sex‐dependent manner. RT‐qPCR analysis of miR‐29a/c‐3p was performed on female and male unpassaged (P0) human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) from normotensive (NT) pregnancies and PE. Bioinformatic analysis of an RNA‐seq dataset was performed to identify PE‐dysregulated miR‐29a/c‐3p target genes in female and male P0‐HUVECs. Gain‐ and loss‐of‐function assays were conducted to determine the effects of miR‐29a/c‐3p on endothelial monolayer integrity and proliferation in response to transforming growth factor‐β1 (TGFβ1) and tumour necrosis factor‐α (TNFα) in NT and PE HUVECs at passage 1. We observed that PE downregulated miR‐29a/c‐3p in male and female P0‐HUVECs. PE dysregulated significantly more miR‐29a/c‐3p target genes in female vs. male P0‐HUVECs. Many of these PE‐differentially dysregulated miR‐29a/c‐3p target genes are associated with critical cardiovascular diseases and endothelial function. We further demonstrated that miR‐29a/c‐3p knockdown specifically recovered the PE‐abolished TGFβ1‐induced strengthening of endothelial monolayer integrity in female HUVECs, while miR‐29a/c‐3p overexpression specifically enhanced the TNFα‐promoted cell proliferation in male PE HUVECs. In conclusion, PE downregulates miR‐29a/c‐3p expression and differentially dysregulates miR‐29a/c‐3p target genes associated with cardiovascular diseases and endothelial function in female and male fetal endothelial cells, possibly contributing to the fetal sex‐specific endothelial dysfunction observed in PE. image Key points Preeclampsia differentially impairs female and male fetal endothelial cell function in responses to cytokines. Pro‐inflammatory cytokines are elevated in maternal circulation during pregnancy in preeclampsia. MicroRNAs are critical regulators of endothelial cell function during pregnancy. We have previously reported that preeclampsia downregulated microRNA‐29a‐3p and 29c‐3p (miR‐29a/c‐3p) in primary fetal endothelial cells. However, it is unknown if PE differentially dysregulates the expression of miR‐29a/c‐3p in female and male fetal endothelial cells. We show that preeclampsia downregulates miR‐29a/c‐3p in male and female HUVECs and preeclampsia dysregulates cardiovascular disease‐ and endothelial function‐associated miR‐29a/c‐3p target genes in HUVECs in a fetal sex‐specific manner. MiR‐29a/c‐3p differentially mediate cell responses to cytokines in female and male fetal endothelial cells from preeclampsia. We have revealed fetal sex‐specific dysregulation of miR‐29a/c‐3p target genes in fetal endothelial cells from preeclampsia. This differential dysregulation may contribute to fetal sex‐specific endothelial dysfunction in offspring born to preeclamptic mothers.
... Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF) is a pro-inflammatory cytokine involved in physiological processes such as cellular proliferation and differentiation, apoptosis, cell proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, and inflammation [87]. Higher levels of TNF are reported in preeclamptic compared to normotensive pregnancies and hypertensive pregnancies uncomplicated by PE [88][89][90][91]. Women with pregnancies complicated by early-onset PE have significantly elevated levels of serum TNF in contrast to women with late-onset PE [92]. ...
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Purpose of Review Preeclampsia (PE) is a leading global cause of maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. The heterogeneity of this disorder contributes to its elusive etiology. Due to the ethical constraints surrounding human studies, animal models provide a suitable alternative for investigation into PE pathogenesis and novel therapeutic strategies. The purpose of this review is to compare and contrast the various rodent models used to study PE, in order to demonstrate their value in investigating and identifying different characteristics of this disorder. Recent Findings Several approaches have been employed to create an appropriate animal model of PE, including surgical, genetic manipulation, and pharmacological methods in an attempt to mimic the maternal syndrome. Despite the absence of a model to completely model PE, these models have provided valuable information concerning various aspects of PE pathogenesis and novel therapeutic strategies and have led to the discovery of potential predictive markers of PE. Summary Rodent and murine models have contributed significantly to the study of the pathology associated with specific aspects of the disorder. As a single fully encompassing animal model of PE remains absent, the use of a combination of models has potential value in understanding its etiology as well as in new treatment and management strategies.
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Cytokines play a role in nearly all reproductive and pregnancy processes. These proteins are expressed in various body fluids and tissues related to reproduction. Interleukin-6 (IL-6) stands out as one of the best-characterized members of the cytokine family. This protein has an immense and imperfectly understood impact on both normal and pathological aspects of human pregnancy. IL-6 exerts a wide range of effects on the immune system, and it plays crucial roles in regulating inflammation processes and homeostasis. Herein, we summarize current knowledge on IL-6 secretion during pathophysiological events of pregnancy: preterm birth, preeclampsia, fetal growth restriction and gestational diabetes mellitus. Cytokines, particularly interleukin-6, play crucial roles in regulating pregnancy physiology. Maintaining IL-6 homeostasis is essential for the health of both the mother and fetus. IL-6 supports pregnancy by influencing uterine receptivity, trophoblast function, and immune interactions at the feto–maternal interface. Disrupted IL-6 expression may contribute to various pregnancy complications. A deeper understanding of IL-6 regulation can help detect dysregulation and potentially optimizing pregnancy outcomes. Addressing knowledge gaps identified in this review is vital for improving current practices and enhancing pregnancy outcomes.
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Preeclampsia (PE) is a multisystem disorder characterized by elevated blood pressure in the mother, typically occurring after 20 weeks of gestation and posing risks to both maternal and fetal health. PE causes placental changes that can affect the fetus, particularly neurodevelopment. Its key pathophysiological mechanisms encompass hypoxia, vascular and angiogenic dysregulation, inflammation, neuronal and glial alterations, and disruptions in neuronal signaling. Animal models indicate that PE is correlated with neurodevelopmental alterations and cognitive dysfunctions in offspring and in humans, an association between PE and conditions such as cerebral palsy, autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and sexual dimorphism has been observed. Considering the relevance for mothers and children, we conducted a narrative literature review to describe the relationships between the pathophysiological mechanisms behind neurodevelopmental alterations in the offspring of PE mothers, along with their potential consequences. Furthermore, we emphasize aspects pertinent to the prevention/treatment of PE in pregnant mothers and alterations observed in their offspring. The present narrative review offers a current, complete, and exhaustive analysis of (i) the pathophysiological mechanisms that can affect neurodevelopment in the children of PE mothers, (ii) the relationship between PE and neurological alterations in offspring, and (iii) the prevention/treatment of PE.
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Diabetes-related pathophysiological alterations and various female reproductive difficulties were common in pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), who had 21.1 million live births. Preeclampsia (PE), which increases maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality, affects approximately 3%–5% of pregnancies worldwide. Nevertheless, it is unclear what triggers PE and GDM to develop. Therefore, the development of novel moderator therapy approaches is a crucial advancement. Chemokines regulate physiological defenses and maternal-fetal interaction during healthy and disturbed pregnancies. Chemokines regulate immunity, stem cell trafficking, anti-angiogenesis, and cell attraction. CXC chemokines are usually inflammatory and contribute to numerous reproductive disorders. Fractalkine (CX3CL1) may be membrane-bound or soluble. CX3CL1 aids cell survival during homeostasis and inflammation. Evidence reveals that CXC and CX3CL1 chemokines and their receptors have been the focus of therapeutic discoveries for clinical intervention due to their considerable participation in numerous biological processes. This review aims to give an overview of the functions of CXC and CX3CL1 chemokines and their receptors in the pathophysiology of PE and GDM. Finally, we examined stimulus specificity for CXC and CX3CL1 chemokine expression and synthesis in PE and GDM and preclinical and clinical trials of CXC-based PE and GDM therapies.
Problem: Promotion of a healthy pregnancy is dependent on a coordinated immune response that minimizes inflammation at the maternal-fetal interface. Few studies investigated the effect of fetal sex on proinflammatory biomarkers during pregnancy and whether maternal race could impact this association. We aimed to examine whether fetal sex could, independently of maternal race/ethnicity and the condition of pregnancy (normal vs. complicated), impact inflammatory markers (C-reactive protein [CRP] and interleukin-8 [IL-8] levels) in early and late pregnancy. Methods of study: This study was a cohort analysis using prospectively collected data from pregnant women who participated in the Vitamin Antenatal Asthma Reduction Trial (VDAART, N = 816). Maternal serum CRP and IL-8 levels were measured in early and late pregnancy (10-18 and 32-38 weeks of gestation, respectively). Five hundred and twenty-eight out of 816 pregnant women who participated in the trial had available CRP and IL-8 measurements at both study time points. We examined the association of fetal sex with early and late CRP and IL-8 levels and their paired sample difference. We further investigated whether maternal race/ethnicity, pregnancy complications (i.e., preeclampsia and gestational diabetes), and early pregnancy body mass index (BMI) could affect the association between these two biomarkers and fetal sex adjusting for potential confounders. For this purpose, we used generalized linear and logistic regression models on log-normalized early and late CRP and IL-8 levels as well as their split at median to form high and low groups. Results: Women pregnant with male fetuses (266/528 = 56.5%) had higher CRP levels in early to mid-pregnancy (β = .18: 95% confidence interval [CI]: CI = 0.03-0.32; p = .02). Twenty-seven percent (143/528) of the study subjects were Hispanic. Hispanic African American [AA] women and women of races other than White and AA had higher levels of CRP at early to mid-pregnancy compared with White women (β = .57; 95% CI: 0.17-0.97; p < .01 and β = .27; 95% CI: 0.05-0.48; p = .02, respectively). IL-8 levels were not associated with fetal sex in early and late pregnancy (p's > .05). Other factors such as gestational diabetes and early pregnancy BMI were associated with higher CRP levels and higher CRP and IL-8 levels, respectively. Dichotomizing log-normalized cytokine levels at the median in a sensitivity analysis, women with male fetuses had lower odds of high (above-median) IL-8 levels at early pregnancy. Also, women with races other than AA and White carrying male fetuses had higher odds of having high (above-median) late-pregnancy CRP and early-pregnancy IL-8 levels (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 3.80, 95% CI: 0.24-1.23; p = .02 and aOR = 3.57; 95% CI: 0.23-1.03; p = .02, respectively). Of the pregnancy complications, women with gestational diabetes mellitus had a higher paired difference of early and late pregnancy CRP levels (β = .38; 95% CI: 0.09-0.68; p = .01), but no difference in IL-8 levels (p's > .05). No associations between the inflammatory markers and preeclampsia were found. Conclusion: Fetal sex is associated with CRP in early pregnancy and an association with IL-8 in early pregnancy is implied. Our study further indicates that maternal race/ethnicity could be a contributing factor in the relationship between fetal sex and inflammatory responses during pregnancy. However, the specificity and level of the contribution might vary by type of cytokine, pregnancy stage, and other confounding factors such as BMI that may impact these associations.
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Since the early trials using human interferon (hIFN) derived from blood leukocytes or cell lines, fever has been a prominent component of IFN therapy. Human protein impurities might account for the fever to cell-derived hIFN, but recombinant hIFN, free of extraneous human proteins, has produced fever in nearly all recipients during clinical trials. Our present studies were carried out to determine the mechanisms of fever due to recombinant hIFN currently being used in humans. Because recombinant hIFN is produced in Escherichia coli, in these experiments we considered contaminating endotoxin as the cause of fever. Polymyxin B, which blocks endotoxin, had no effect on the pyrogenicity of hIFN in rabbits. In addition, hIFN injected into an endotoxin-resistant strain of mice produced fever. The pyrogenicity of hIFN does not appear to involve production of leukocytic pyrogen (LP), since no circulating LP was detected in rabbits during IFN fever. Furthermore, human mononuclear cells incubated with hIFN in vitro at 10(4)-10(6) U/ml did not release LP. However, hIFN stimulated prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) release from rabbit hypothalamic tissue in vitro. Intracerebroventricular injection of hIFN into the awake cat also produced fever and a rise in PGE2 levels in the cerebrospinal fluid; both effects were reversed by treatment with indomethacin. We conclude that the fever of recombinant hIFN is not due to endotoxin but that hIFN is intrinsically pyrogenic by inducing PGE2 in the hypothalamus.
Although several CXC chemokines have been shown to induce angiogenesis and play roles in tumor growth, to date, no member of the CC chemokine family has been reported to play a direct role in angiogenesis. Here we report that the CC chemokine, monocyte chemotactic protein 1 (MCP-1), induced chemotaxis of human endothelial cells at nanomolar concentrations. This chemotactic response was inhibited by a monoclonal antibody to MCP-1. MCP-1 also induced the formation of blood vessels in vivo as assessed by the chick chorioallantoic membrane and the matrigel plug assays. As expected, the angiogenic response induced by MCP-1 was accompanied by an inflammatory response. With the use of a rat aortic sprouting assay in the absence of leukocytic infiltrates, we ruled out the possibility that the angiogenic effect of MCP-1 depended on leukocyte products. Moreover, the direct effect of MCP-1 on angiogenesis was consistent with the expression of CCR2, the receptor for MCP-1, on endothelial cells. Assessment of supernatant from a human breast carcinoma cell line demonstrated the production of MCP-1. Treatment of immunodeficient mice bearing human breast carcinoma cells with a neutralizing antibody to MCP-1 resulted in significant increases in survival and inhibition of the growth of lung micrometastases. Taken together, our data indicate that MCP-1 can act as a direct mediator of angiogenesis. As a chemokine that is abundantly produced by some tumors, it can also directly contribute to tumor progression. Therefore, therapy employing antagonists of MCP-1 in combination with other inhibitors of angiogenesis may achieve more comprehensive inhibition of tumor growth.
Preeclampsia is the main cause of maternal mortality and is associated with a five-fold increase in perinatal mortality in developing countries. In spite of this, the etiology of preeclampsia is unknown. The present article analyzes the contradictory results of the use of calcium supplementation in the prevention of preeclampsia, and tries to give an explanation of these results. The proposal of an integrative model to explain the clinical manifestations of preeclampsia is discussed. In this proposal we suggest that preeclampsia is caused by nutritional, environmental and genetic factors that lead to the creation of an imbalance between the free radicals nitric oxide, superoxide and peroxynitrate in the vascular endothelium. The adequate interpretation of this model would allow us to understand that the best way of preventing preeclampsia is the establishment of an adequate prenatal control system involving adequate antioxidant vitamin and mineral supplementation, adequate diagnosis and early treatment of asymptomatic urinary and vaginal infections. The role of infection in the genesis of preeclampsia needs to be studied in depth because it may involve a fundamental change in the prevention and treatment of precclampsia.
TNF's main function is to stimulate inflammation by turning on gene transcription through the IKK/NFκB and JNK/AP-1 signaling cascades. TNF also can trigger apoptosis through caspase-8, but the role and underlying mechanism of this activity are not fully understood. Here, we review recent data on the role of JNK in the regulation of TNF-dependent apoptosis and discuss what is known so far about how cells decide whether to live or die in response to TNF.
We have investigated the role of leukocyte-endothelial cell interactions in a rabbit model of hemorrhagic vasculitis. Microvascular injury was produced in the skin by intradermal injection of Salmonella typhosa endotoxin followed 20 h later by intravenous zymosan, which activates complement. Hemorrhagic necrosis develops in the "prepared" skin sites which is characterized by microthrombi, neutrophil aggregation, platelet and fibrin deposition, and massive extravasation of erythrocytes. Hemorrhage in these Shwartzman-like lesions was quantitated by 99mTc-labeled autologous erythrocytes. Inhibition of the hemorrhagic response was obtained with mAb reactive with ICAM-1 as well as mAb against the leukocyte CD18 when either was administered intravenously just before intravenous zymosan challenge. This observation suggests that an intravascular event occurring in response to complement activation is required for the development of hemorrhagic vasculitis. We hypothesize that agents which successfully prepare the skin for the Shwartzman response after their intradermal injection do so by promoting increased intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) expression on the vascular endothelium. Activation of complement then induces CD11/CD18 expression on circulating leukocytes thus producing an intravascular CD11/CD18-ICAM-1 (leukocyte-endothelium) adhesion event. Inhibition of intravascular leukocyte-leukocyte aggregation with mAb against CD11b (Mac-1) showed partial inhibition of hemorrhage, while mAb against CD11a (LFA-1) showed no inhibitory activity. This type of cytokine-primed, neutrophil-dependent vascular damage may be a model of human vasculitic processes where microvascular damage is produced in the absence of immune-complex deposition.
Incubation of the human U937 histiocytic lymphoma cell line with granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) rendered the cells responsive to induction of TNF by LPS. Treatment with IL-6 reduced TNF production in GM-CSF-primed U937 cells. The inhibitory effect was most pronounced (approximately equal to 80%) when IL-6 was added either along with GM-CSF or within the first 3 h of GM-CSF treatment. Both GM-CSF or IL-6 inhibited [3H]TdR uptake in U937 cells, and simultaneous treatment with GM-CSF and IL-6 resulted in an additive inhibitory effect on cell proliferation. However, the inhibition of TNF production could not be explained by the inhibitory effect of IL-6 on cell growth, nor was it due to a reduction in cell viability. An inhibition of TNF production by IL-6 was also demonstrated in cultured human peripheral blood monocytes. Treatment with IL-6 also resulted in a dose-dependent reduction of the 17-kDa TNF band revealed by SDS-PAGE after labeling monocytes with [35S]cysteine and immunoprecipitation with anti-TNF mAb. In addition, treatment with IL-6 resulted in a reduction of monocyte in vitro cytotoxicity for tumor target cells. Finally, in mice sensitized by the administration of Bacillus Calmette-Guérin, the injection of IL-6 significantly reduced the levels of TNF found in the serum upon challenge with LPS. Inasmuch as TNF is known to be an inducer of IL-6, the inhibitory action of IL-6 on TNF production may represent the negative arm of a regulatory circuit. The inhibitory action of IL-6 on TNF production is consistent with a predominantly antiinflammatory role of IL-6 in the intact organism.
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To determine if plasma concentrations of defined cytokines are increased in women with preeclampsia, and to correlate any increases with the elevated concentrations of the vascular cell adhesion molecule (VCAM)-1. Twenty primigravidas with preeclampsia were compared to 20 healthy primigravidas. Plasma levels of cytokines, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF alpha), interleukin (IL)-6, IL-8, IL-1 beta, IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra), granulocyte macrophage-colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), and VCAM-1, were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Concentrations of IL-6 and IL-1ra were significantly higher (P < .01) in preeclamptic women (2.56 and 251.85 pg/mL, respectively) compared to normal pregnant patients (2.06 and 142.00 pg/mL, respectively). There were no significant changes in concentrations of TNF alpha, IL-8, GM-CSF, and IL-1 beta in preeclamptic patients (14.09, 50.52, 125.8, and 2.08 pg/mL, respectively) compared to normal patients (11.96 44.46, 121.3, and 2.01 pg/mL, respectively). Serum concentrations of VCAM-1 were increased in women with preeclampsia (preeclamptic group 841.9 +/- 49.7 ng/mL, control group 560.2 +/- 47.9 ng/mL; t = 3.673, P < .001). Interleukin-6 and IL-1ra concentrations correlated with VCAM-1 concentrations (IL-6: r = 0.539, z = 2.9, P < .005; IL-1ra: r = 0.451, z = 2.428, P < .02). Increased cytokine concentrations may contribute to the endothelial damage that occurs with preeclampsia and may explain the mechanism underlying leukocyte activation in this disorder. The increased cytokine concentration may also be responsible for the endothelial adhesion that accompanies preeclampsia.
Lymphohemopoietic cytokines are now recognized to be central participants in the cellular communication events underlying the complex and dynamic remodeling processes required to accommodate the semiallogeneic conceptus during mammalian reproduction. Cytokines are identified to be particular importance in mediating communications between the conceptus and maternal cells, particularly the uterine epithelium and infiltrating leukocytes, both prior to implantation and as the placenta develops. In this review we summarize recent experimental data concerning the synthesis of various cytokines in uterine and conceptus-derived tissues and highlight current hypotheses for their roles in establishing and maintaining successful pregnancy. It is concluded that complex and finely balanced cytokine networks underpin precise regulatory mechanisms controlling the rate and degree of conceptus development and invasion into maternal tissues.
We measured the amniotic fluid Interleukin-8 (AF IL-8) levels of 80 women to see whether or not AF IL-8 levels were of value in the diagnosis of intraamniotic infection. Of twelve patients developing conventional signs of infection, 9 had an AF IL-8 concentration above 10,000 pg/ml serum. In two patients, whose baby had a serious neonatal infection, AF IL-8 concentration also exceeded 10,000 pg/ml. Only one out of 66 apparently uninfected patients had an AF IL-8 level above 10,000 pg/ml. We therefore suggest that measuring the AF IL-8 levels is of value in cases of suspected intraamniotic infection.