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DDoS Attack Classification on Cloud Environment Using Machine Learning Techniques with Different Feature Selection Methods


Abstract and Figures

Cloud Computing is a prominent compelling paradigm for managing and delivering services over the Internet. It is modifying the landscape of information technology in terms of data storage. In large data storage requirements, highest priority is to be given for data security. Intrusion is one of the important security issues in today's cyber world. Due to networked nature of the cloud, resources, data and applications are vulnerable to the attack in cloud environment. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) are employed in the cloud to detect malicious behavior in the network and in the host. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is one of challenging task in IDS, as it creates a huge volume of malicious data in the network. Data mining methods for cyber analytics provide support for intrusion detection. A significant number of techniques are developed, based on machine learning approaches. Feature selection methods also play an important role in reducing the dimensionality of the dataset. In this work, two approaches are proposed and the dataset is collected from NSL-KDD. The first approach uses Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ), a filter method and the second approach uses Principal Component Analysis (PCA), a dimensionality reduction method. The selected features from each approach is used for classification using Naïve Bayes (NB), Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Decision Tree (DT) and compared the results in terms of their detection capability for DDoS attack. Results shows that LVQ based DT technique overtakes the others in terms of attack identification.
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C.Bagyalakshmi et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 9(5), September - October 2020, 7301 – 7308
DDoS Attack Classification on Cloud Environment Using
Machine Learning Techniques with Different Feature
Selection Methods
C.Bagyalakshmi1 , Dr.E.S.Samundeeswari2
1Research Scholar, Department of Computer Science, Vellalar College for Women, Erode, Tamilnadu,
2Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, Vellalar College for Women, Erode, Tamilnadu.
Cloud Computing is a prominent compelling
paradigm for managing and delivering services over
the Internet. It is modifying the landscape of
information technology in terms of data storage. In
large data storage requirements, highest priority is to
be given for data security. Intrusion is one of the
important security issues in today’s cyber world. Due
to networked nature of the cloud, resources, data and
applications are vulnerable to the attack in cloud
environment. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) are
employed in the cloud to detect malicious behavior in
the network and in the host. Distributed Denial of
Service (DDoS) attack is one of challenging task in
IDS, as it creates a huge volume of malicious data in
the network. Data mining methods for cyber analytics
provide support for intrusion detection. A significant
number of techniques are developed, based on
machine learning approaches. Feature selection
methods also play an important role in reducing the
dimensionality of the dataset. In this work, two
approaches are proposed and the dataset is collected
from NSL-KDD. The first approach uses Learning
Vector Quantization (LVQ), a filter method and the
second approach uses Principal Component Analysis
(PCA), a dimensionality reduction method. The
selected features from each approach is used for
classification using Naïve Bayes (NB), Support
Vector Machine (SVM) and Decision Tree (DT) and
compared the results in terms of their detection
capability for DDoS attack. Results shows that LVQ
based DT technique overtakes the others in terms of
attack identification.
Key words: Cloud Computing, SVM, DT, NB, LVQ,
Cloud computing is an emerging technical
advancement for providing information technology in
terms of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform
as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS).
Adoption of cloud computing is considered as public,
private and hybrid clouds [1]. Public clouds basically
reside outside of an organization’s premises and is
accessible through the Internet. Private clouds reside
in an organization’s premises. Hybrid clouds allow
organizations to use a mix of private and public
clouds to provide services. For organizations in order
to change their working environment to clouds, it
becomes important for cloud providers to assure
major level of security for their clients. Cloud service
providers are in need to ensure the security measures
through firewalls and IDS by enhancing the
architecture of cloud to the clients [2][20].
Intrusion reduces the confidentiality, availability and
integrity of entire computer resources. An attackers
causes threats to network security by means of
trespassing unauthorized users, stealing of assets,
acquisition of privileges, performing beyond the limit
and injecting malicious activity into the network
traffic. In order to solve the above mentioned
problems, IDS have been developed to
analyze/monitor the network traffic and test whether
the traffic is normal or variant [7]. Due to variations
in network configurations several types of intrusion
detection types are emerged. Each type of IDS has
different advantages and disadvantages in terms of
cost, configuration and detection rate. Based on the
deployed area, IDS is classified as host based IDS,
network based IDS, hypervisor based IDS and
distributed IDS.
Data mining tools are used to fetch the details about
the different type of attacks [3][21]. Inputs from the
mining tools help to improve the data security and to
identify the behavior of the attackers. Behaviors of
the attack is detected through supervised learning and
unsupervised learning. Data mining approach helps to
improve the network security by collecting the
information on the activities of the attackers. Based
ISSN 2278
Volume 9, No.5, September - October 2020
International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering
Available Online at
C.Bagyalakshmi et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 9(5), September - October 2020, 7301 – 7308
on obtained data appropriate algorithms applied to
predict behavior of attacker in the network.
In this research work, machine learning techniques
are implemented on NSL-KDD dataset to detect
DDoS attack in cloud environment. For
implementing the mining methods effectively, LVQ
and PCA based feature selection techniques are used.
Classification techniques are implemented on
selected features.
Different data mining techniques are to be studied in
IDS. Literatures are collected by focusing towards
the identification of different classification
techniques to implement IDS for cloud environment.
Background study about these topics are discussed in
this section.
Jaswinder,[6](2012), focused on Distributed
Denial of Service (DDoS) attack and identified
different types of DDoS attacks by simulation.
Legitimate traces are found during simulation of
DDoS attacks. Network topology is simulated along
with attached real time traces. The impact of attack is
measured in terms of metrics like throughput and
percentage link utilization.
Singh, [3](2013), developed a predictive model
for supervised learning based Intrusion Detection
System (IDS) to identify the intruders and attackers
in a network. The Naïve Bayes (NB) and J48(C4.5)
techniques are implemented on a standard benchmark
dataset. The NB algorithm gives better accuracy
while compared with tree based supervised learner
J48. The supervised learning based IDS provides a
proper way to identify the intruders and hackers in
real time networks.
Ryan, [12] (2013), created a set of experiments
to examine the performance of most typical
virtualization techniques under typical Denial of
Service (DoS) attacks. However, a small packet is
sent at a high rate caused degradation to a virtualized
system. DoS attack on a virtualized system has
serious performance impacts. Hence, isolated
environment suffered from greater performance
degradation compared with its non -virtualized
counter environment.
Keisuke, [8] (2014), developed an intelligent
detection system for Distributed Denial of Service
(DDoS) attacks. It detects attack patterns using
network packet analysis and utilizing machine
learning techniques. Dataset provided by the Center
for Applied Internet Data Analysis is utilized with
detection system using a Support Vector Machine in
Radial Basis Function (Gaussian) kernel. Calculated
bytes per second with the time sequence in DDoS
attack and detection system is accurate in detected
DDoS attacks.
Zerina, [17] (2017), proposed an automated
classification system for Denial of Service (DoS)
attack detection in the cloud computing. This study is
performed in several phases like attack simulation,
data collection, feature selection, and classification.
Data for this study is obtained by simulating the
cloud environment and DoS attack, using Wireshark
with Tshark option is extracted with necessary
features. Support Vector Machine (SVM) is one of
the model for classification of DoS attacks and
normal network behaviors.
This section describes the detection of DDoS attack
in NSL-KDD dataset using data analysis. The work
flow of intrusion detection model is shown in Figure
1. Two feature selection methods are applied to
obtain a reduced set of features.
Figure 1: Proposed Model for IDS in Cloud Environment
The reduced feature set is applied to various
classification techniques. Validation metrics are
calculated from the confusion matrix.
3.1 Data set Description
The cost of network erection in a real distributed
testing environment is very high. Simulation is a
significant method in network research as it can be
used to analyze network related problems under
different protocols, traffic and topologies with less
cost. There are two types of data sets available, such
as direct data set and public data set. The dataset
created with the help of some open source software is
called direct data set, if the user donated their own
C.Bagyalakshmi et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 9(5), September - October 2020, 7301 – 7308
dataset with help of online platform then it is called
as public dataset.
A public dataset, NSL-KDD is used in this work [18].
The original data set contains 2, 26,283 instances
with 42 features and 4 category of attacks. For this
analysis work, only DDoS type of attacks are
considered and it results in 15,452 instances of DDoS
attack. Data set is divided into 70% for training and
30% for testing. R tool is used to implement the
above model.
3.2 Feature Selection
Feature selection method is a technique which selects
the important features that has more impact on the
predicted variable. Inclusion and exclusion of data in
feature selection will not affect the entire data set for
prediction. In the proposed work two methods of
feature selection are carried out. They are filter
method and dimensionality reduction method.
3.2.1 Filter Method
LVQ algorithm is supervised learning and it is used
in Artificial Neural Network. The architecture of
LVQ is n number of input units and m number of
output units. The layers are fully interconnected with
having weights on them. The working principle of
LVQ method is based on k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN)
algorithm [5]. The LVQ parameters used for training
process are x,T,wj,Cj and j. x is a training vector
x(x1,x2……xn). T is the class for training vector x.
wj is weight vector for jth output unit. Cj is the class
associated with the jth output unit.
The following steps are involved in LVQ algorithm,
Step 1: Initialize, determine the initial weight,
maximum epoch (number of training
processes to be repeated) and the learning
rate (alpha) value.
Step 2: If repetition conditions are fulfilled, do
steps 2- 8.
Step 3: Set initial conditions epoch= 0.
Step 4: If the condition (epoch<MaxEpoch) then
epoch= epoch+ 1
Step 5: Calculate the minimum distance ||xi-wj||
using Euclidean distance.
Step 6: Update weight wj with the conditions:
If T=Cj, then wj (new) = wj(old) + α(x
wj(old)) (closer together)
If T≠Cj, then wj (new) = wj(old) α(x
wj(old)) (further apart)
Step 7: Reduce learning rate (α) = (0,1∗)
Step 8: Stop condition test: the condition where the
learning rate (α) and the error reach the
specified target value.
3.2.2 Dimensionality reduction method
Dimensionality reduction is a method for reducing
irrelevant features in sequential manner.
Dimensionality reduction is implemented using
Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Large set of
data variables are reduced as small variables using
PCA [19]. The data set patterns are easily highlighted
for visualizing the data variables. PCA uses variable
distribution in an orthogonal statistical format in
order to carry out transformation of data variables.
PCA concepts are implemented based on
mathematical Standardization, Covariance,
Eigenvalues and Eigen vectors.
Step 1: Standardization
Standardization is one of the method of mathematical
structure followed to implement PCA algorithm in
larger data set. Data initially scaling is to be carried
out between 0 to1, all the variables are equally
contributing for the analysis. Mathematically
standardization is carried out using equation (1), after
standardization all variables are converted into same
scale. (1)
Where, x – Number of observation in the dataset,
µ - Mean of total observed data and
σ – Standard deviation of observed data
Step 2: Covariance
Covariance is calculated by considering the variables
of input data set, its variations are relevant to mean.
Highly correlated variables expresses the irrelevant
data. A covariant symmetrical type of matrix is
developed based on the number of dimensions. This
matrix gives all possible combinational pairs are
represented with respect to covariance. The relation
between two variables are represented by following
conditions, if two variables are directly correlated
then positive otherwise if two variables are inversely
correlated then negative(2)
xi & yi Input values (attributes) from the data
mx & my – Mean values (attributes) of the data
Step 3 – Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors
Eigen values and Eigen vectors play an important
role in the operation of PCA. Eigen values are
diagonal numbers of a covariance matrix whereas
Eigen vectors are new rotated axes of covariance
matrix. In order to calculate Eigen values, initially
the covariance matrix is computed using equation (3),
A – Input value of covariance matrix, λ – Eigen
value and I – Identity Matrix
A new variable has been created for the PCA
component with some information loss.
Dimensionality reduction is carried out using PCA
C.Bagyalakshmi et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 9(5), September - October 2020, 7301 – 7308
with equal number of original values. Based on the
ranking order of Eigen vectors and their values from
highest to lowest order of significance in PCA. After
completing the above set of procedures to find the
Eigen values and Eigen vectors, some more
additional steps are to be followed to complete the
PCA implementation in the data set. The additional
steps includes transposition of Eigen vectors and
transpose the adjusted data. By these adjusted data,
new data can be formulated using equation (4),
Where, AT – Transpose of Eigen value input vectors
and x – Input data set.
3.3 Classification Techniques
Data analysis is carried out using classification
algorithms in NSL-KDD data set. Classification
algorithms will support prediction in the data set. In
classification techniques, a model is developed in
connection with the relationship between values of
predictors and target [10]. Based on the relation, a
model can be used for different set of data for which
classes are unknown. In this work, classifiers used
are Naïve Bayes, Support Vector Machine and
Decision Tree. These classification models are used
to predict the normal and malicious record in data set.
3.3.1 Naïve Bayes (NB)
Naive Bayes is constructed on theory of probability
machine learning algorithm based on the Bayes
Theorem. It is used in wide variety of classification
tasks. The probabilities are calculated for each
feature and highest probability is selected. Naive
Bayes classifier assumes that all features are not
related to each other. The probability of malicious
records for the dataset are calculated as shown in the
equation (5).
P (B|A) - Probability of the evidence (Likelihood).
P (A|B) - Probability of the hypothesis gives that
the evidence is there (Posterior
P (A) - Number of probabilities of attack in the
data set (Class Prior Probability)
P (B) - Total number of available features
(Predictor Prior Probability)
On implementing NB algorithm for the
dataset with LVQ and PCA based feature selection
gives and accuracy of 0.9197 and 0.8721
3.3.2 Support Vector Machine (SVM)
In a set of large data with different class members a
decision plane is required to separate. SVM
technique supports decision plane for defined
decision boundaries. It takes the data as an input and
output as a line that separates those classes if
possible. To find the data points closest to the line
from both classes, these data points are called support
vectors. The hyperplane and support vectors distance
are computed, is called as a margin. The hyperplane
for which the margin in maximum is the optimal
hyperplane [18]. For the given data set SVM method
was experimented and it gives an accuracy values of
0.9288 in LVQ method and 0.9847 in PCA method.
3.3.3 Decision Tree (DT)
Decision Tree (DT) is a classification and prediction
based method. Decision tree algorithm consists of
predicted decisions with conditional control
statements. All possible consequences of decisions
are considered while developing this algorithm. DT
includes several nodes and subsets of all possible
decisions and outcomes [3]. DT algorithm is a better
method of representing the data it considers all
probable part of final decision through tree-like
structure. While carrying out this process recursive
mode decision making is conducted. It is also able to
handle high dimensional data with good accuracy.
DT algorithm results on the given data set reveals
that an accuracy value of 0.9874 in LVQ method and
0.9860 in PCA method.
4.1 Summary of Results
Results are obtained R tool is used for predicting the
malicious record from the NSL-KDD data set.
Feature selection methods are applied, the resultant
feature set is used for classification. The validation
metrics are calculated using the standard formulas of
accuracy, precision, recall, specificity and f-measure,
and tabulated in the Table 2 & 4.
Precision proportion of normal record
(positive cases) that were correctly identified.
Recall or Sensitivity – proportion of actual
normal record (positive cases) which were correctly
Specificity – proportion of actual malicious
record (negative cases) were correctly identified
F-Measure - F-Measure is combination of
results obtained from Recall and Specificity
4.2 LVQ Based Classification
After implementation of LVQ method in the data set
20 important variables (Table 1) as shown in figure 2
are filtered out from 41 variables of the given data
C.Bagyalakshmi et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 9(5), September - October 2020, 7301 – 7308
Table 1: Implementation of LVQ ranking for most important variables
Attribute Names
(out of 41)
Attribute Names
(out of 41)
1 same_srv_rate 0.83733 11 dst_host_srv_serror_rate 0.22677
2 dst_host_same_srv_rate 0.68643 12 serror_rate 0.2257
3 dst_host_srv_count 0.61586 13 dst_host_serror_rate 0.22522
4 dst_bytes 0.57396 14 srv_serror_rate 0.22449
5 dst_host_srv_rerror_rate 0.51681 15 dst_host_count 0.21432
6 dst_host_rerror_rate 0.51325 16 service 0.09433
7 rerror_rate 0.51265 17 srv_diff_host_rate 0.07459
8 logged_in 0.51233 18 diff_srv_rate 0.05513
9 srv_rerror_rate 0.51196 19 dst_host_diff_srv_rate 0.03789
10 count 0.33889 20 dst_host_srv_diff_host_rate 0.03271
Figure 2: Results of LVQ Method
4.2.1 Classification on features obtained through
LVQ method
Experimental results are shown in Table 2 and figure
3 for the given data set. After implementation of
LVQ, Classification techniques are applied such as
NB, SVM and DT. The DT classifier provides better
performance level as compared to NB and SVM for
detecting the malicious record.
Table 2: Results of LVQ Method
Figure 3 : LVQ Method
4.3 PCA Based Classification
The importance of variables are filtered out
from the data set (Table 3). PCA reduces 21 out of 41
variables in the given data set. It is shown in figure 4.
Naïve Bayes SVM Decision Tree
Accuracy 0.9197 0.9288 0.9874
Precision 0.9085 0.9060 0.9887
Recall 0.9727 0.9897 0.9914
Specificity 0.8250 0.8249 0.9808
F-Measure 0.9395 0.9460 0.9901
C.Bagyalakshmi et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 9(5), September - October 2020, 7301 – 7308
Table 3: List of important variables retrieved by PCA
S.No Selected Attribute Names Dimension
srv_serror_rate 18.46
serror_rate 18.05
dst_host_srv_serror_rate 17.98
dst_host_srv_rerror_rate 17.43
dst_host_serror_rate 17.39
dst_host_rerror_rate 17.18
srv_rerror_rate 12.23
rerror_rate 11.68
same_srv_rate 10.53
num_root 8.52
num_compromised 8.45
hot 8.42
dst_host_same_srv_rate 8.38
su_attempted 7.52
logged_in 5.95
dst_host_srv_count 5.89
srv_count 5.36
protocol_type 4.95
Count 4.64
num_file_creations 3.78
Figure 4: Results of PCA Method
4.3.1 Classification on features obtained through
PCA method
Dimensionality Reduction is implemented
using PCA method, the results are shown in figure 5.
From the Table 4 performance of DT algorithm with
0.9860 of detection accuracy is better, compared to
NB and SVM. In this feature selection method,
number of features are considered to be 22 out of 42.
Table 4: Results of PCA Method
Bayes SVM Decision
Accuracy 0.8721 0.9847 0.9860
Precision 0.9562 0.9904 0.9983
Recall 0.8561 0.9851 0.9781
Specificity 0.9358 0.9839 0.9972
F-Measure 0.9034 0.9878 0.9881 Fi
gure 5: PCA Method
C.Bagyalakshmi et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 9(5), September - October 2020, 7301 – 7308
4.4 Comparative Result
The performance of classifiers were
compared, based on the results (Table 5), DT shows
(Figure 6) better performance in both feature
selection methods. Therefore, LVQ based DT
algorithm is preferred to classify the malicious
Table 5: Comparative Results of LVQ and PCA
Algorithms Detection Accuracy
NB 0.9197 0.8721
SVM 0.9288 0.9847
DT 0.9874 0.9860
Figure 6: Comparative Results of LVQ and PCA
Intrusion detection is a primary part of the data
security process. Intrusion detection system for cloud
environment data is implemented on a benchmark
data set NSL-KDD. Only records related to DDoS
attack is considered in this work. The attacks were
classified using machine learning techniques of NB,
SVM and DT with feature selection methods such as
LVQ and PCA. The performance of these algorithms
were analyzed to classify the DDoS attack. 20
features out of 42 features were selected by LVQ and
21 features were selected by PCA. Results shows that
LVQ based feature selection in DT model identifies
the attacks more accurately then the other methods
considered. Also works out to be better than other
models in terms of precision, recall, specificity and f-
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... Nandi et al. employed various methods, including NB, Bayes Net, Decision Table, J48, and RF, and their results indicated that the hybrid approach demonstrated superior detection rates compared to existing methods. In their study, Bagyalakshmi et al. [23] introduced two approaches utilizing a dataset sourced from NSL-KDD. The first approach employs Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) as a filter method, while the second approach utilizes Principal Component Analysis (PCA) as a dimensionality reduction method. ...
... Bagyalakshmi et al. applied NB, SVM, and DT as classification methods. The findings presented by Bagyalakshmi et al. [23] indicate that the LVQ-based DT technique outperforms the others in terms of identifying attacks. In their work, Sahoo et al. [24] employed an SVM with kernel principal component analysis (KPCA) for feature selection, while a GA algorithm was utilized to optimize the SVM parameters. ...
... Another study [25] mentioned developing a model for detecting DDoS attacks in cloud environments using a supervised learning algorithm based on the intrusion detection system (IDS). They proposed two approaches: the filter method represented by learning vector quantization (LVQ) and the dimensionality reduction method defined by principal component analysis (PCA), and the dataset was collected from NSL-KDD. ...
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Cloud computing services have become indispensable to people’s lives. Many of their activities are performed through cloud services, from small companies to large enterprises and individuals to government agencies. It has enabled clients to use companies’ services on demand at the lowest cost anywhere, anytime, over the Internet. Despite these advantages, cloud networks are vulnerable to many types of attacks. However, as the adoption of cloud services accelerates, the risks associated with these services have also increased. For this reason, solutions have been implemented to improve cloud security, such as monitoring networks, the backbone of the cloud infrastructure, and detecting and classifying cyberattacks. Therefore, an intrusion detection system (IDS) is one of the essential defenses for detecting attacks in the cloud computing network. Current IDSs encounter some challenges in handling and simultaneously analyzing the large scale of traffic found in the cloud environment, and this affects the accuracy of cyberattack detection. Therefore, this research proposes a deep learning-based model by leveraging advanced convolutional neural networks (CNNs)-based model architecture to detect cyberattacks in the cloud environment efficiently. The proposed CNN-based model for intrusion detection consists of multiple significant stages: dataset collection, preprocessing, the SMOTE balance data strategy, feature selection, model training, testing, and performance evaluation. Experiments have demonstrated that the proposed model is highly effective in protecting cloud networks against various potential attacks. With over 98.67% accuracy, precision, and recall, the model has proven its ability to detect and classify network intrusions. Detailed analyses show that the model is proficient in securing cloud security measures and mitigating the risks associated with evolving security threats.
... The review focuses mainly on deep learning techniques and does not provide an extensive analysis of other machine learning algorithms used in network intrusion detection. Bagyalakshmi (2020) [5] The paper used various machine learning algorithms that detect intrusion detection datasets processed by learning vector quantization or PCA and performed a comparative analysis. ...
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This research study explores the application of machine learning algorithms for effective network security threat detection. The study aims to assess the performance and efficacy of various machine learning techniques in predicting and mitigating potential security breaches. A comprehensive dataset of network traffic, comprising both normal and malicious activities, is collected and used for training and evaluating the machine learning models. The study utilizes decision trees, random forests, support vector machines, and naive Bayes classifiers to build predictive models for network security threat detection. Key features and attributes extracted from the network traffic data serve as input to the models. The performance of each algorithm is assessed based on accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score metrics. The research findings highlight the superiority of certain algorithms, such as random forests, regarding detection rates and accuracy. In addition, the identification of significant features contributes to the understanding of attack signatures and patterns. The implications of this research are relevant to organizations and individuals seeking to strengthen their network security defenses by proactively identifying and mitigating potential security breaches. The scalability and adaptability of machine learning models make them applicable to various network architectures and environments. This research provides valuable insights for enhancing network security and safeguarding critical information in the digital age.
The distributed and decentralized architecture of cloud computing is important for a number of industries, including business, government, entertainment, education, and information technology. It facilitates a wide aspect of information technology, where the computing model is vulnerable to attacks or intrusion. For detecting malicious activities, a novel intrusion detection system (IDS) is required to be developed. In this paper, an enhanced synthetic minority oversampling technique (SMOTE) with a hybrid one‐dimensional residual auto encoder and the Ensemble of Gradient Boosting (1D‐RAE‐EGB) models are proposed for cloud intrusion detection. The proposed IDS resolves the class imbalance problem through enhanced SMOTE. In addition, noise reduction is accomplished with ID‐RAE, which minimizes the data dimension. Finally, the soft voting‐based ensemble classification model is used for attack detection. The ensemble gradient boosting model comprises categorical boosting (CatBoost), extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost), and light gradient boosting machine (LightGBM). The ensemble model is fine‐tuned by reducing the number of parameters under fitting conditions since it is not compulsory to re‐adjust the weight values in a backpropagation process. The proposed IDS is implemented in Python using the NSL‐KDD dataset. The accuracy, precision, recall, f1‐score, false positive rate (FPR), false negative rate (FNR), specificity, and Kappa measure obtained for the proposed IDS are 99.98%, 99.3%, 98.5%, 99.95%, 0.723, 0.46, 99.98%, and 99.97%, respectively.
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The use of the Internet is enhanced drastically in the current era, which connects multiple computers in a network and a group of devices. In addition, every sector uses the Internet to communicate and send data digitally. However, the Internet is affected due to unwanted activities and cyber-attacks by attackers. Hence, intrusion detection systems have recently been used to detect incoming attacks. Therefore, the present study has designed and developed the intrusion detection scheme for cloud computing through ensemble learning and a feature selection approach. The proposed system is tested on NSL-KDD datasets. The critical features were selected from the dataset, and dimensionality was reduced using feature selection methods. The ensemble learning approach combined the single process to generate the robust way and successfully confirmed with high accuracy and negligible error rate. Two machine learning methods, such as decision tree and Naïve Bayes, have been used in training the ensemble learning models. The overall accuracy was 90 and 99%, with 9.61 and 0.21% error rates for Naïve Bayes and decision tree classifier, respectively. The present study can successfully detect network attacks and secure cloud-based platforms. The proposed approach is more stable and more accurate than the earlier research.
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In the current situation, digital technology is a necessary component of daily life for people. During the Covid-19 pandemic, every profit and non-profit making businesses organizations moved online, which caused an exponential rise in incursions and attacks on the digital platform. The Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack, which may quickly paralyse Internet-based services and applications, is one of the deadly threats to emerge. The attackers regularly update their skill tactics, which allows them to get around the current detection and protection systems. The standard detection systems are ineffective for identifying novel DDoS attacks since the volume of data generated and stored has multiplied. So, the main goal of this work is to employ data fusion applications for secure cloud services and demonstrate the detection of DDoS attacks with the applications of machine learning classifiers that can further be helpful for cloud forensic investigation process. A variety of machine learning models, including decision trees, Navies Bayes, SVM, and KNN are used to detect and classify cloud DDoS attacks. The outcomes of the experiments demonstrated that decision tree is the most feasible and better performer method to classify cloud DDoS attacks.
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Wireless communication has changed and improved people’s lives and society, especially with the arrival of the Internet of Things (IoT) era. Despite the maturity of wireless communication, the security issue of communication remains the most stubborn and troublesome problem due to the increasingly complex and large amounts of data. An Intrusion Detection System is the guarantee of secure communication. However, variable protocols and drastic growth in data volume make intrusion detection a difficult task. In this paper, we proposed a framework of anomaly-based NIDS to finish detection job. First, UNSW-NB15 is selected as the research object. Based on this new dataset, we built a detection model combining a deep learning method and a shallow learning approach. The former one is a deep auto-encoder used for feature learning, which can discover important representations of data and accelerate detection. The latter one is a powerful Support Vector Machine (SVM), where Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm is used to find optimal parameters for SVM with 5-fold cross validation (5FCV). Various experiments are conducted and the simulation results prove that the proposed method performs quite better than some of state-of-the-art intrusion detection approaches, including the method based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and some other machine learning strategies.
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Cloud computing is a trending technology, as it reduces the cost of running a business. However, many companies are skeptic moving about towards cloud due to the security concerns. Based on the Cloud Security Alliance report, Denial of Service (DoS) attacks are among top 12 attacks in the cloud computing. Therefore, it is important to develop a mechanism for detection and prevention of these attacks. The aim of this paper is to evaluate Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm in creating the model for classification of DoS attacks and normal network behaviors. The study was performed in several phases: a) attack simulation, b) data collection, c)feature selection, and d) classification. The proposedmodel achieved 100% classification accuracy with true positive rate (TPR) of 100%. SVM showed outstanding performance in DoS attack detection and proves that it serves as a valuable asset in the network security area.
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Nowadays, many companies and/or governments require a secure system and/or an accurate intrusion detection system (IDS) to defend their network services and the user’s private information. In network security, developing an accurate detection system for distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks is one of challenging tasks. DDoS attacks jam the network service of the target using multiple bots hijacked by crackers and send numerous packets to the target server. Servers of many companies and/or governments have been victims of the attacks. In such an attack, detecting the crackers is extremely difficult, because they only send a command by multiple bots from another network and then leave the bots quickly after command execute. The proposed strategy is to develop an intelligent detection system for DDoS attacks by detecting patterns of DDoS attack using network packet analysis and utilizing machine learning techniques to study the patterns of DDoS attacks. In this study, we analyzed large numbers of network packets provided by the Center for Applied Internet Data Analysis and implemented the detection system using a support vector machine with the radial basis function (Gaussian) kernel. The detection system is accurate in detecting DDoS attacks.
As network applications grow rapidly, network security mechanisms require more attention to improve speed and accuracy. The evolving nature of new types of intrusion poses a serious threat to network security: although many network security tools have been developed, the rapid growth of intrusive activities is still a serious problem. Intrusion detection systems (IDS) are used to detect intrusive network activity. Machine learning and data mining techniques have been widely used in recent years to improve intrusion detection in networks. These techniques allow the automatic detection of network traffic anomalies. One of the main problems encountered by researchers is the lack of data published for research purposes. In this research work the proposed model for intrusion detection is based on normalized feature and multilevel ensemble classifier. The work is performed in divided into four stages. In the first stage data is normalized using statistical normalization. In second stage multilevel ensemble classifier is used. © 2018, World Academy of Research in Science and Engineering. All rights reserved.
Intrusion detection is one of the important security problems in today’s cyber world. A significant number of techniques have been developed which are based on machine learning approaches. However, they are not very successful in identifying all types of intrusions. In this paper, a detailed investigation and analysis of various machine learning techniques have been carried out for finding the cause of problems associated with various machine learning techniques in detecting intrusive activities. Attack classification and mapping of the attack features is provided corresponding to each attack. Issues which are related to detecting low-frequency attacks using network attack dataset are also discussed and viable methods are suggested for improvement. Machine learning techniques have been analyzed and compared in terms of their detection capability for detecting the various category of attacks. Limitations associated with each category of them are also discussed. Various data mining tools for machine learning have also been included in the paper. At the end, future directions are provided for attack detection using machine learning techniques.
This survey paper describes a focused literature survey of machine learning (ML) and data mining (DM) methods for cyber analytics in support of intrusion detection. Short tutorial descriptions of each ML/DM method are provided. Based on the number of citations or the relevance of an emerging method, papers representing each method were identified, read, and summarized. Because data are so important in ML/DM approaches, some well-known cyber data sets used in ML/DM are described. The complexity of ML/DM algorithms is addressed, discussion of challenges for using ML/DM for cyber security is presented, and some recommendations on when to use a given method are provided.