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The long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) is among the Cercopithecidae primates that can be found in Gunung Keriang Recreational Park (GKRP), Kedah, Peninsular Malaysia. Its population size, human-primate interactions, and public perceptions have never been revealed. This study aimed to estimate the population size, evaluate interactions between macaques and visitors, determine the perception of visitors and locals toward primates, and assess the potential of GKRP as ecotourism site. The population size of long-tailed macaques was estimated through census walk, whereas the interactions between visitors and macaques were evaluated through scanning sampling technique. The perception of visitors and local people and the potential of GKRP as ecotourism site were determined through a questionnaire. Results indicated that 72 individuals of M. fascicularis were found ranging in GKRP. The interactions between visitors and macaques in GKRP were primarily constituted of positive interactions. Contrast perceptions between visitors and local people toward GKRP primates were obtained that were due to different experiences with primates encountered by both respondent groups. Visitors were inclined to accept macaques, whereas a majority of locals dislike them. GKRP has a potential to become an established ecotourism site considering values this recreational park has given to the visitors. Research findings were anticipated to increase the knowledge on human-primate interactions and ecotourism management that ultimately contributed toward the management of long-tailed macaques and their natural habitat.
Taufet-Rosdi and Md-Zain J. Anim. Plant Sci., 33 (4) 2023
N. E. A. Taufet-Rosdi and B. M. Md-Zain
Department of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan
Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
Corresponding author’s email:
The long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) is among the Cercopithecidae primates that can be found in Gunung
Keriang Recreational Park (GKRP), Kedah, Peninsular Malaysia. Its population size, human–primate interactions, and
public perceptions have never been revealed. This study aimed to estimate the population size, evaluate interactions
between macaques and visitors, determine the perception of visitors and locals toward primates, and assess the potential
of GKRP as ecotourism site. The population size of long-tailed macaques was estimated through census walk, whereas
the interactions between visitors and macaques were evaluated through scanning sampling technique. The perception of
visitors and local people and the potential of GKRP as ecotourism site were determined through a questionnaire. Results
indicated that 72 individuals of M. fascicularis were found ranging in GKRP. The interactions between visitors and
macaques in GKRP were primarily constituted of positive interactions. Contrast perceptions between visitors and local
people toward GKRP primates were obtained that were due to different experiences with primates encountered by both
respondent groups. Visitors were inclined to accept macaques, whereas a majority of locals dislike them. GKRP has a
potential to become an established ecotourism site considering values this recreational park has given to the visitors.
Research findings were anticipated to increase the knowledge on human–primate interactions and ecotourism
management that ultimately contributed toward the management of long-tailed macaques and their natural habitat.
Keywords: Macaca fascicularis, long-tailed macaques, human–primate interaction, ecotourism
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution
(CC BY) license (
As the human population increases
exponentially over time, there is an obvious need for
space for more human settlements. Thus, deforestation
can indirectly cause the available ranging domain for
most primates to be reduced (Fuentes and Hockings,
2010). Reduction of primary food and limitation of safe
habitat forced primates to live in human vicinity (Fuentes
and Hockings, 2010). This adversity has also affected
Malaysian Cercopithecidae primates as they are often
observed to adapt and live in anthropogenic areas (Md
Zain et al., 2010a; Md-Zain and Ch’ng, 2011; Hambali et
al., 2014).
Cercopithecidae or Old World Monkey can be
classified into two major subfamilies, namely,
Cercopithecinae and Colobinae. In Peninsular Malaysia,
many studies on Cercopithecidae particularly the long-
tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) and the dusky
langur (Trachypithecus obscurus) have been conducted to
document their population status (Karuppannan et al.,
2014; Md-Zain et al., 2010b), social organization (Anuar
and Karimullah, 2011), activity budget (Md-Zain et al.,
2010b), habitat use and ranging pattern (Hambali et al.,
2014; Hambali et al., 2016; Mohd-Daut et al., 2021),
feeding ecology (Ruslin et al., 2019; Mohd-Daut and Md-
Zain, 2021), and population genetics (Abdul-Latiff et al.,
2014a,b). As for the context of interactions between
human and primates, studies were generally conducted on
the human–primate conflict (Hambali et al., 2012; Md-
Zain et al., 2014; Abdul-Nasir et al., 2021), monkey
school (Ruslin et al., 2017), and social interactions
between human and primate (Md-Zain et al., 2010a).
Relatively, the occurrence of human–primate interactions
is inevitable when human and primate live within the
same area especially in the human-influenced landscape
(Sha and Hanya, 2013). Hence, this study is anticipated to
contribute in refreshing the studies of human–primate
interactions and the potential primate ecotourism in
Primate ecotourism has been incorporating
primates as main attractions for visitors (Matheson,
2017). Primate tourism has been viewed as an ecotourism
provided that the endeavor occurs in an undisturbed
Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 33(4): 2023, Page: 1021-1032
ISSN (print): 1018-7081; ISSN (online): 2309-8694
Taufet-Rosdi and Md-Zain J. Anim. Plant Sci., 33 (4) 2023
natural area in addition to involving the experiences of
tourist with wildlife and the rationale of tourist for
traveling to such place (Matheson, 2017). Primate
tourism is a product of community-based conservation
initiative along with the potential to attain primate
conservation goals in conjunction with financial and
educational benefits for local communities (Berman et
al., 2007; Hill, 2002).
Macaca fascicularis is the most common
Cercopithecinae in Peninsular Malaysia (Anuar and
Karimullah, 2011). The long-tailed macaques adopt a
semi-terrestrial lifestyle and can be commonly found near
the coastal lowland forest; primary or secondary forest
and mangrove swamp (Ruslin et al., 2019). As they
occupy a wide range of habitat, the long-tailed macaques
are ecologically opportunistic and have adapted
particularly well in living sympatrically with human
(Gamalo et al., 2019). In Peninsular Malaysia, several
primate ecotourism sites have been identified and studied
including Bukit Malawati Kuala Selangor (Hambali et
al., 2014; Mohd-Daut and Md-Zain, 2021) and Penang
Botanical Gardens (Md-Zain and Ch’ng, 2011).
However, human–primate interaction survey at a
recreational park based on geopark site in Peninsular
Malaysia has yet to be revealed. Gunung Keriang is one
of the best geopark attraction sites for visitors in Kedah
as the hill is composed of limestone aged from Early
Permian to Early Triassic and the presence of free long-
tailed macaques (Metcalfe, 1984). Thus, this study aimed
to determine the population size of long-tailed macaques
(M. fascicularis) as well as the human–primate
interactions that occur in Gunung Keriang Recreational
Park (GKRP). In addition, visitors’ and locals’ perception
toward the free-ranging primates and values that they
perceived at GKRP were evaluated.
Study site and focal group: Primate survey was focused
at GKRP, Kedah, Peninsular Malaysia (Figure 1). GKRP
has become a popular recreational park and interface
zone for human and primates. This park has convenient
tracks for the observers to perform the behavioral data
collections as long-tailed macaque (M. fascicularis) and
dusky langur (T. obscurus) were commonly identified to
be free-roaming. The primate group size was obtained
through census walk along the existing roads in GKRP.
All the primate group was named according to the zone
(Zone A and Zone B) where they are commonly found.
Zone A is situated near the main entrance where the
Muslim graveyard, crystal shops, and medium-sized field
are located, whereas Zone B comprises a playground,
larger field, food stalls, and a man-made pond.
Figure 1. The Gunung Keriang site attracts tourists to its recreational park and long-tailed macaques.
Taufet-Rosdi and Md-Zain J. Anim. Plant Sci., 33 (4) 2023
Data collections were obtained through direct
sighting in the morning (0800–1200 h) and in the evening
(1500–1800 h) from April to September 2019. To ensure
that the data acquired were accurate, repeated census and
tally counter were used during the counting. Individual
characters such as the shape of the face and any visible
defects or injuries were used to differentiate among
individuals and to avoid multiple counting. Sex and age
were recorded based on body size assessment, genitalia,
and level of development of primary and secondary sex
organs (Sha et al., 2009). A relative age scale and sex
determination for M. fascicularis were based on Schillaci
et al. (2007).
Behavioral interaction data collections: Human–
primate interaction survey was focused only on long-
tailed macaques. Dusky langurs were not seen to be
involved in any interactions with human that fit their
native shy behavior (Md-Zain and Ch’ng, 2011). The
observation was slow as the time of waiting for the
interaction to occur was extended in which the interface
event commonly happens in the evening when visitors
started to visit the park. Behavioral interaction was
observed using scan sampling technique (Altman, 1974)
for every 30 s for 10 min with 5 min rest. Observations
on all macaques were only possible when the study
groups are present within the GKRP. The macaques
sometimes spent their time on the limestone mountain
that was inaccessible for the observer. Observation was
stopped when the macaques were out of sight. Two
different categories of human–primate interactions that
were recorded comprised macaques-to-visitors and
visitors-to-macaques. The categories of social behaviors
included monitoring and watching, approaching, feeding,
avoidance, and aggressive behavior (Hanson and Riley,
2017; Kaburu et al., 2019; Md-Zain et al., 2010a).
Behavioral data collections were collected along selected
routes following the presence of high human and
macaque activities that include two zones (Zone A and
Zone B) in GKRP. Data were analyzed using Kruskal–
Wallis test to determine the statistical differences.
Questionnaire survey: Questionnaires were distributed
to visitors and local residents in GKRP. The
questionnaires were constructed to evaluate i) rationale
for visiting GKRP, ii) perception and attitudes toward the
free-ranging primates, and iii) opinions on the potential
of ecotourism in GKRP. As for the rationale of visiting
the park, the section was only administered to the visitor
respondents. The answers for the questions were
constructed according to Likert scale: strongly agree,
agree, moderately agree, disagree, and strongly disagree.
Additionally, the aspect of knowledge regarding primates
that interest respondents is investigated. As for the
perception and attitude toward primates’ section,
questions were assigned into five dimensions according
to previous studies on human–primate interactions
(Kumara et al., 2018; Lee and Davey, 2015; Sengupta
and Radhakrishna, 2018; Thanh An et al., 2018). A total
of 14 questions were posed to measure the perception and
attitude toward macaques in which items 1–2 belong to
the dimension of knowledge, items 3–4 belong to the
dimension of the value of enjoyment, items 5–7 belong to
the dimension of fear and expectation, items 8–11 belong
to the dimension of nuisances, and items 12–14 belong to
the dimension of attitude toward the macaques. A total of
100 feedbacks were collected from the visitor group,
whereas only 51 feedbacks were collected from the local
Cercopithecidae of GKRP: Two groups of M.
fascicularis were identified to be roaming in GKRP. The
survey counts for M. fascicularis in Zone A were 44
individuals, whereas 28 individuals were in Zone B
(Table 1). Both social units are multimale–multifemale
and habituated to human and anthropogenic food sources.
The accounted age structure of the long-tailed macaques
in both zones was 26.4% adults, 25% sub-adults, 36.1%
juveniles, and 12.5% infants. It was calculated that the
sex ratio was 1.71 adult females per adult males.
Immature macaques that constituted of sub-adults,
juveniles, and infants accounted for 73.6% of the
population, with the ratio of immature individuals per
adult of 2.79. Only one group of T. obscurus was
identified to be roaming around in GKRP. There were 35
dusky langurs counted that constituted of 31.4% adults,
25.7% sub-adults, 34.3% juveniles, and 8.6% infants. The
ratio of the immature individuals to the adults is 2.18
with 68.6% of immature langurs living in GKRP and 1.2
of adult females per group. The group often split up into a
few small groups in the morning to forage when there is
less visitor in the park.
Interaction between macaques and visitors: The
interactions between visitors and macaques happened
inconsistently and usually occurred in the evening. The
Kruskal–Wallis one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)
test showed significant variations (p < 0.00, p = 62.37, df
= 4, α = 0.05) between the distribution of frequency and
the behavior elicited by macaques during the interface
event with human. During the presence of visitors,
macaques were observed to elicit monitoring and
watching behaviors the most with 55.36%, followed by
feeding (22.7%) and approaching (20.77%) (Figure 2).
Avoiding and aggressive behaviors were accounted as the
least produced interactions by macaques with 1.07% and
0.11%, respectively.
Taufet-Rosdi and Md-Zain J. Anim. Plant Sci., 33 (4) 2023
Table 1. Long-tailed macaque and dusky langur individual ages around the Gunung Keriang.
Social unit ID Adult male Adult female Sub Adult Juvenile Infant Total
Long-tailed macaque (ZONE A)
Long-tailed macaque (ZONE B)
Dusky langur
Figure 2. Long-tailed macaques’ behavior during interactions of macaques and visitors.
There was also a significant difference between
the distribution frequency and the behavior elicited by
visitors during the interface event with macaques (p <
0.00, p = 62.04, df = 4, α = 0.05). The prevalent social
interactions prompted by the visitors toward the
macaques were monitoring and watching (91.68%),
whereas feeding, approaching, and aggressive behavior
were allocated for 6.15%, 1.82%, and 0.23%,
respectively. In addition, visitors were observed to show
0.11% of avoiding interactions toward macaques that
denote avoiding as the least frequent interactions
prompted by visitors toward macaques. Additionally, a
statistically positive weak correlation between the
frequency of macaques-to-visitors interactions and the
frequency of visitors-to-macaques interactions was found
(r = 0.336, n = 11200, p < 0.001, Figure 3). This suggests
that the increase in the frequency of visitor-to-macaque
interactions corresponded with the increase of macaque-
to-visitor interactions.
Perception toward macaques: Cronbach's alpha for all
questions in this section scored 0.887 that suggests that
the items have relatively high internal consistency.
Kruskal–Wallis one-way ANOVA describes that there
were significant differences between groups of
respondents with several items enquired. All dimensions
except the attitude toward macaques contained at least
Taufet-Rosdi and Md-Zain J. Anim. Plant Sci., 33 (4) 2023
one item that was significantly different between groups of respondents (Table 2).
Figure 3. Positive relationship between the frequency of macaques and visitors’ interactions.
Table 2. Perception and attitudes toward macaques across groups.
Item (Cronbach’s alpha: 0.887)
Median (IQR) Kruskal-Wallis
Visitor Local
residents p-value
I like the response prompted by the macaques when they were
4 (2) 4(2) 5.96 0.015
I have never been disturbed (chased or bitten) by macaques in Gunung
4 (2) 4(2) 6.02 0.014
I have never seen other people being disturbed (chased or bitten) by
4 (2) 2(1) 25.88 0.000
Most of the respondents indicated agreement
that they were aware of the presence of macaques in
GKRP (Visitor: Mdn = 5, IQR = 1; Local: Mdn = 4, IQR
= 1). However, there were disparities between groups of
respondents in which most visitors stated that they were
unsure (Mdn = 3, IQR = 1), whereas local residents
generally agreed (Mdn = 4, IQR = 2) that they can
discriminate M. fascicularis. Opinions were also divided
among respondents in which many visitors expressed
agreement (Mdn = 4, IQR = 2), whereas local
respondents showed disagreement (Mdn = 2, IQR = 2) in
denoting likeness toward the presence of macaques. In
perceiving that macaques hold the value of enjoyment,
both groups of respondents stated agreement that they
like the responses elicited by macaques during food
provisioning activity (Visitor: Mdn = 4, IQR = 2; Local:
Mdn = 4, IQR = 2).
With respect to fear, most of the visitors (Mdn =
4, IQR = 2) were not afraid and can cross macaque troops
without fear (Mdn = 4, IQR = 1), whereas local residents
were mostly neutral (Mdn = 3, IQR = 2). However, in
signifying that macaques were tame, both groups of
respondents appeared unsure (Visitor: Mdn = 3, IQR = 1;
Local: Mdn = 3, IQR = 2). As for the aspect of nuisances,
Taufet-Rosdi and Md-Zain J. Anim. Plant Sci., 33 (4) 2023
results indicated that macaques did not cause
disturbances to the park in which most visitors agreed
(Mdn = 4, IQR = 2), whereas local residents stated
otherwise (Mdn = 2, IQR = 2). Both visitors and locals
admitted never been chased or bitten by macaques
(Visitor: Mdn = 4, IQR = 2; Local: Mdn = 4, IQR = 2).
Opinions were also split between visitors and locals in
denoting that their things have not been stolen by
macaques in which most visitors agreed (Mdn = 4, IQR =
Many visitors believed (Mdn = 4, IQR = 2),
whereas half of local respondents were uncertain (Mdn =
3, IQR = 2) that the macaques should be provisioned with
food. Despite that, both respondent groups showed
indecisiveness in prepared food to be given to macaques
(Visitor: Mdn = 3.5, IQR = 2; Local: Mdn = 3, IQR = 2).
With respect to proclaiming that the respondents fed the
free-roaming macaques, the result was polarized among
the visitors, although most of them agreed in doing that
(Mdn = 4, IQR = 3). As for the local respondents, they
were discovered to be neutral in denoting that they have
been feeding the macaques before (Mdn = 3, IQR = 2).
Ecotourism potential in GKRP: Kruskal–Wallis test
shows no significant differences measured on motivation
and rationale of respondents in deciding to come to
GKRP (Table 3). A large group of respondents agreed
that their motivation of going to the park was to indulge
in the natural environment as well as to get away from a
busy life. They were also aware about the presence of
macaques prior to coming to the park (Mdn = 4, IQR =
1). Many visitors agreed in visiting the park to see the
free-roaming macaques (Mdn = 4, IQR = 2). With respect
to outdoor and recreational activities as the motivation in
coming to GKRP, the responses given by most of the
visitors strongly agreed (Mdn = 3.5, IQR = 1). Moreover,
almost all of the respondents noted that their visitation to
the park was voluntary (Mdn = 5, IQR = 0).
Table 3. Visitor’s rationale visiting Gunung Keriang Recreational Park.
Item Median (IQR) Kruskal-Wallis
Kruskal–Wallis one-way ANOVA described
significant differences across groups of respondents on
every query in the questionnaires (Table 4). Cronbach's
alpha for the items addressed in this section was 0.801
that indicates a reliable scale. The majority of visitors
strongly agreed, whereas locals appeared to indicate
agreement that the presence of primates does not destruct
the sight in GKRP (Visitor: Mdn = 5, IQR = 1; Local:
Mdn = 4, IQR = 2). Both groups also agreed that it is
worthwhile to visit the park and watch the wild primates
(Visitor: Mdn = 4, IQR = 1; Local: Mdn = 4, IQR = 2).
As for proclaiming that the park has the potential to be a
primate tourism site, both groups agreed about the matter
(Visitor: Mdn = 5, IQR = 1; Local: Mdn = 4, IQR = 0).
The respondents from both visitor and local groups also
agreed visiting the park again (Visitor: Mdn = 5, IQR =
1; Local: Mdn = 4, IQR = 0). Both groups of respondents
also agreed on the necessity to preserve the natural
environment for future generations to see wild primates
(Visitor: Mdn = 5, IQR = 1; Local: Mdn = 4, IQR = 0).
Table 4. Perception of visitors and local residents on Gunung Keriang Recreational Park.
The presence of macaques and langur does not spoil the view at Gunung
5(1) 4(2) 32.74 0.000
It is worth visiting Gunung Keriang to see the macaque’s and langur’s
4(1) 4(2) 20.13 0.000
If we do not preserve the natural environment well, the chances for our
future generations to see wild primates (e.g., macaques and langurs) will
5(1) 4(0) 29.70 0.000
signifies significant differences across groups (group = visitors, local residents) (alpha = 0.05).
Respondents’ interest is varied on the long-tailed macaques of GKRP. They wanted to know more on the behavior of the primates (N
= 72, 47.68%) and human–primate relationships (N = 41, 27.15%). Other aspects that constituted of human’s effect, primates’
Taufet-Rosdi and Md-Zain J. Anim. Plant Sci., 33 (4) 2023
relationships among each other, threats, and reason why primates are roaming in the area scored 3.31% (N = 5), 7.28% (N = 11), 5.3%
(N = 8), and 9.27% (N = 14), respectively (Figure 4).
Figure 4. Respondents’ interest regarding primates in Gunung Keriang Recreational Park.
Primates of GKRP: The 72 accounted macaques for
both groups were not considered as high-density group.
This is probably influenced by the GKRP size that is a
small fragmented recreational park. The average
individual of wild non-provision M. fascicularis was
accounted to be an average of 30 individuals with few
cases exceeding 40 individuals (Van Schaik et al., 1983).
A group size of macaques that has approximately 100
individuals is extremely large, and this generally occurs
due to the high density of accessible and provisioned
anthropogenic food (Hansen et al., 2015). M. fascicularis
has been acknowledged to adapt living in an area within
human vicinity and human-impacted landscapes
(Hambali et al., 2012; Sinha and Vijayakrishnan, 2017),
and this circumstance did occur in GKRP. Both macaque
and langur groups adopted a sympatric lifestyle in GKRP
and adapted in tolerating each other’s presence in the
same habitat (Ruslin et al., 2019). No hardly any conflicts
were observed between the long-tailed macaques and
dusky langurs in GKRP. Interspecific competition on
resources could induce conflicts between different
species in the same habitat. Ruslin et al. (2019)
demonstrated dietary overlap between these two groups
that then suggested that the reason for low resources
competition was due to different food alternatives. T.
obscurus could easily shift to eating leaves, whereas M.
fascicularis could shift to anthropogenic food, although
both species adopted similar dietary preferences on fruits
(Ruslin et al., 2019).
Human–primate interactions: The macaques were
inclined to roam in the park when there were food
provisioned activity and presence of visitors. This shows
that the adaptation of macaques being concurrent with the
presence of visitors was likely led by the food
provisioning activity. However, macaques in GKRP were
not entirely dependent on the anthropogenic food as the
park is located along the edge of the limestone hills that
bear natural food. As an opportunistic primate, macaques
can still majorly rely on their natural food and adjusted to
feed on anthropogenic food when the opportunity came
up (Yeager, 1996). Provisioning that is generally being
associated with visitors was believed to be the factor of
human–primate interactions (Fuentes et al., 2008;
McCarthy et al., 2009). Zhao (2005) believed that
macaques have adapted to condition themselves in seeing
visitors as food resources. In conjunction to this, it was
suggested that the long-tailed macaques in GKRP have
been accustomed to associate food with visitors in their
vicinity. This is pertinent with the finding in which
monitoring and watching visitors became the most
prevalent behavior shown by the macaques.
As feeding and approaching being the second
and the third behavior mostly demonstrated, this shows
that the act of long-tailed macaques monitoring and
watching visitors was linked with the tendency of
macaques to anticipate food from visitors. Macaques’
feeding activity indeed happened during the human–
macaque interactions. The association of long-tailed
macaques with human presence has been established in
Taufet-Rosdi and Md-Zain J. Anim. Plant Sci., 33 (4) 2023
previous studies (Fuentes et al., 2008; McCarthy et al.,
2009; O’Leary and Fa, 1993). O’Leary and Fa (1993)
found that macaques at Gibraltar tend to spend less time
being on the ground when they were not in the vicinity
with visitors. Macaques were inclined to adjust their
activity pattern in accordance with the visitation routines
by human (O’Leary and Fa, 1993). Macaques tend to
come out from their natural roaming area and travel to the
area with visitors for food before returning to the forest
(Qingming et al., 2012).
In GKRP, food provisioning was not as common
as watching and monitoring behavior. It was also hard to
see aggressive behavior of macaques in GKRP. High
density of natural food around the area may have
contributed to less aggression. Macaques do not entirely
depend on the anthropogenic food. Reduced aggressive
behavior was also correlated with the increased number
of visitors that is associated with a large amount of
provisioned food during human–macaque interactions
(Hansen et al., 2015). However, in other cases, increased
provisioned activity can also induce the agonistic
behavior of macaques (Fa, 1992; Hsu et al., 2009). These
varying findings on the connotation of aggression with
the number of visitors and food provisioning described
that macaques’ aggression can be influenced by many
As for visitor-to-macaque interactions, visitors
also demonstrated least aggression toward macaques in
GKRP. This was correlated with the least aggression
prompted by the macaques during interactions. Most
visitors indicated that they have not encountered losing a
belonging to macaques that eliminate the need for them
to be aggressive to macaques. Generally, long-tailed
macaques’ aggression was influenced by the act of
aggression demonstrated by human, whereas human
aggression toward macaques was influenced by the
potential of belongings being damaged (Beisner et al.,
Although GKRP has become the interface zone
of human–primate interactions, food provisioning activity
accounted for only 6.15%, and this was considered very
low compared to other studies. O’Leary and Fa (1993)
found that the activity of feeding the macaques accounts
for half of the entire interactions recorded. Compared to
the activity of watching macaques that occurs frequently
in this study, feeding activity was not even accounted a
third of the total percentage of interactions recorded. This
could also justify the lack of aggressive behavior shown
by macaques during the human–macaque interactions in
GKRP. The more intense the food provisioning activity,
the more aggressive behavior could be elicited by the
macaques. Hsu et al. (2009) found the correlation of
increased food provisioning with the increased agonistic
Perceptions toward primate: Both groups of
respondents relatively have different perceptions over
macaques in GKRP. Visitors generally showed positive
perception toward macaques, whereas a majority of
residents dislike the primates. This is due to the different
circumstances that have been encountered by both
visitors and residents. Contrast perception between
visitors and locals was consistent with the finding in
China (Qingming et al., 2012) and Singapore (Sha et al.,
2009). Most visitors encountered less negative
interactions or nuisances from the macaques as they only
visit the park for only a few hours. Generally, visitors
were regarded as a group of people who travel to a place
other than their usual environment without staying there
(McIntyre, 1993). In contrast, the residents who lived
along the edge of GKRP are confronted with the
nuisances caused by the primates. The nuisances include
stolen crop and poultry eggs as well as annoyances since
the macaques were commonly noticed to have jumped
from roof to roof and creating noises. Although it was not
observed during this study, the locals indicated that the
macaques would occasionally enter their home and steal
food. This is relevant with the feedbacks obtained from
the questionnaires. According to the locals, long-tailed
macaques were also accountable for the damage of
properties and facilities around the area.
As the visitors of GKRP showed positive
perceptions toward macaques, this could be justified with
the aesthetic values that were associated with animals in
their natural habitat (Qingming et al., 2012). Based on the
behavioral observations, the frequent behavior
demonstrated by visitors during the interface was
watching and monitoring. This type of behavior does not
have a direct impact on the provocation that could be
demonstrated by the macaques, hence explaining the
positive perceptions given by the visitors to the
macaques. The perception of visitors could also be linked
with the indications given by them that describe that the
free-roaming macaques are tame as most of them have
not encountered an attack from the macaques. In addition,
primate energetic characteristics were known to have the
capabilities in giving wonders and enjoyment to the
visitors, thus inducing the visitors’ approval toward the
primates (Lee and Davey, 2015).
Most visitors admit that they fed the macaques,
although they did not initially bring or prepare food for
the macaques beforehand. It can be implied that the
thought of feeding the macaques came after seeing the
macaques roaming in the GKRP and waiting for visitors
to give them food. As the park was recognized as a
recreational park, there were food vendors and mini
restaurants operating there where the visitors were
believed to obtain the food before directly feeding the
macaques. In other places, it has been established that the
visitors have also been inclined to feed primates and feel
satisfied in doing so as the activity was considered as
Taufet-Rosdi and Md-Zain J. Anim. Plant Sci., 33 (4) 2023
enjoyment (Dittus et al., 2019; Marechal, 2016; Sengupta
and Radhakrishna, 2018).
Despite the dislike, most locals denote neutral
response in approving feeding the free-roaming macaques
in the area or supporting the act. It was suggested that the
visitors perceived that by giving a solid answer on either
agreeing or disagreeing that they have been feeding the
macaque as a cumbersome answer especially considering
that most of them dislike the primates. In addition, the
lack of knowledge and awareness was believed to
contribute to the indecisiveness of residents on how food
provisioning and nuisances behavior of primates were
corresponding with each other.
Ecotourism potential: Most of the visitors who
participated in the survey indicated that the reason for
visiting GKRP was to indulge with the natural
environment and to see the free-roaming primates,
consistent with the finding found by Lee and Davey
(2015). Opportunity to see wildlife in their habitat and
being in the natural environment have often been the
most important features behind the visitation to the
ecotourism area (Moscardo and Saltzer, 2004). There was
a residential area along the park and Gunung Keriang; the
area was not considered to be severely fragmented and
still sustains the value of its natural elements. Natural
elements have the potential of providing the value of
healing and happiness to human (Stalhammar and
Pedersen, 2017), hence justifying the anticipated value of
relaxation sought by the visitors of GKRP. Additionally,
satisfaction of the visitors on the mentioned values
obtained during the visitation can be measured by the
indication of the visitors about making a return visit to
GKRP in which the majority of them agreed to do so.
Interpretations obtained by the visitors as well as
the residents through the interaction with either primates
or natural elements in GKRP were believed to make them
aware of the importance of conserving the natural
environment for the benefit of future generations.
However, it could be supposed that the enlightenments on
the importance of conservation have already been
comprehended before the visitation. Visits to an
ecotourism area that have the potential of rewarding
environmental education could induce or heighten the
awareness on the significances of protecting nature that
then implicitly taught the visitors about the commitment
that the public can do to help the effort (Mondino and
Beery, 2018).
The majority of respondents were interested to
know more about the behavior of primates in GKRP.
Although environmental and wildlife education
encompassed a plethora of aspects that can be anticipated
to learn by the visitors, the experiences of direct
interactions and seeing the lifestyle of primates in their
innate habitat were believed to encourage them to sought
information on the primates’ behavior. Visitors were
inclined to enjoy watching the primates and describe their
experiences with primates as enjoyment (Lee and Davey,
2015). Thus, it was believed that this factor instigated the
motivation to learn more regarding primates’ behavior
among respondents.
Conclusion: GKRP has become a place for human–
primate interactions and M. fascicularis living
particularly well in the vicinity of human. It was found
that the human–primate interactions in GKRP primarily
constituted of positive interactions. Both visitors and
residents have different perceptions toward the free-
roaming primates in GKRP. This was due to the different
experiences faced by both groups of respondents that
greatly influenced their perceptions and attitudes toward
the primates. GKRP is believed to have the potential to
become a popular ecotourism site considering the values
the place has been given to the visitors. GKRP provides
aesthetic values to the visitors especially when the place
keeps its natural elements with the majestic limestone
mountains along with the presence of free-ranging
primates. Although GKRP is not yet an established
ecotourism place, it is worth to note that people approved
on the values that GKRP bears that include the preserved
natural element of Gunung Keriang and the presence of
free-ranging primates. GKRP should be managed by the
local authority to be as an effective ecotourism place
where the locals can have the opportunity to grasp
Acknowledgments: We are grateful to YBhg. Dato’
Abdul Kadir bin Abu Hashim, Director General of the
Department of Wildlife and National Parks. We also
thank the Department of Wildlife and National Parks for
granting research permit (JPHL and TN (IP):100-34/1.24
Jld 8). The authors acknowledge Universiti Kebangsaan
Malaysia for providing the necessary funding, facilities,
and assistance. This research was supported by grant
GUP-2019-037 and ST-2021-017.
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... Human-animal conflict in Kuala Selangor is recognized from the many complaints that centre around LTM and relate to their endeavors to obtain anthropogenic food (e.g., foraging bins for food) [27]. Despite this, aggressive behaviors were extremely low, which is consistent with observations about LTM in Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre, Malaysia [25] and in Gunung Keriang Recreational Park, Kedah, Peninsular Malaysia [47]. This suggests that public perception fuels conflict mitigation strategies, which include lethal control: 97,200 LTM were culled in 2012 [48]. ...
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Simple Summary Monkeys in urban spaces are often labeled as ‘pests’ by people who share spaces with them, mainly driven by their behavior to adapt and survive in a human-dominated environment. In Malaysia, there has been an increase in complaints about urban monkeys, which drives management strategies mainly to reduce human populations that impact the animals’ welfare and conservation. Understanding the dynamics between monkeys, people, and the urban ecosystem is the first step to identifying the drivers of the complaints. This study investigates the types of ecological activities of the long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) at an urban tourism site and how human activity influences it. Monkeys were impacted negatively by the presence of humans. Less affiliative interactions were performed when human traffic was high; for example, less social behavior was seen in the group. The monkeys also used anthropogenic structures predominantly when people were present and would spend time on natural structures when people were not. This study supports evidence that monkeys alter behaviors to adapt to living in urban spaces. A structured management plan needs to consider these dynamics to manage complaints. Abstract The increasing overlap of resources between human and long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) (LTM) populations have escalated human–primate conflict. In Malaysia, LTMs are labeled as a ‘pest’ species due to the macaques’ opportunistic nature. This study investigates the activity budget of LTMs in an urban tourism site and how human activities influence it. Observational data were collected from LTMs daily for a period of four months. The observed behaviors were compared across differing levels of human interaction, between different times of day, and between high, medium, and low human traffic zones. LTMs exhibited varying ecological behavior patterns when observed across zones of differing human traffic, e.g., higher inactivity when human presence is high. More concerning is the impact on these animals’ welfare and group dynamics as the increase in interactions with humans takes place; we noted increased inactivity and reduced intra-group interaction. This study highlights the connection that LTMs make between human activity and sources of anthropogenic food. Only through understanding LTM interaction can the cause for human–primate conflict be better understood, and thus, more sustainable mitigation strategies can be generated.
... The adult category was found to be the highest members in TBSS (Table 1). Members of the group were classified by age primarily based on physical traits(Taufet-Rosdi & Md-Zain 2023;Zamri & Md-Zain, 2022). The male adult was found to be larger in size, with a tail that was longer and thicker. ...
The progressive growth of urban environments has increasingly forced populations of nonhuman primates to coexist with humans in many cities, which has resulted in problems such as behavioral alterations, conflicts with humans, and threats to the health of the monkeys, due to their consumption of anthropogenic foodstuffs. These anthropogenic foods, which are rich in calories, are the principal driver of the proximity between humans and primates, even though the acquisition of these foods tends to be risky for the monkeys and involve a variety of challenges derived from specific features of the urban environment. The present study evaluated the success/risk relationship of foraging for anthropogenic food by tufted capuchins ( Sapajus libidinosus ) in Brasília National Park. The data were analyzed using a binary logistic regression, with the backward‐stepwise Wald method, to investigate the factors related to the foraging success of the capuchins, considering variables such as their sex and age, the type of approach and its context, and interactions with humans. The capuchins were influenced by the anthropogenic context, which affected their foraging strategies and diet. Interactions with humans reduced the success of foraging for anthropogenic foods. Conflicts between humans and the capuchins were common, especially in the context of access to food. The capuchins thus preferred to access feeding resources directly, probably due to the reduced human interference, which resulted in greater foraging success for unattended food brought by park visitors and the raiding of trash cans. Based on the observed behavior patterns, a number of measures can be proposed to mitigate these conflicts. These recommendations include not bringing food into areas frequented by the capuchins, not reacting to approaching animals, and removing all trash generated during a visit. A cleaning team dedicated to the maintenance of the visitation area free of anthropogenic waste is also be recommended.
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Bukit Melawati is a small hill park located in Kuala Selangor, Malaysia. people are attracted lor its historical site, beautilul offshore scenery and the presence of lree ranging habituated silver leaf monkeys. Social interactions between visitors and habituated silvered leaf monkeys (Trachypithecus cristatus) at Bukit Melawati were investigated using direct field observation of the behavior ofsilvered leafmonkeys and visitors. Focal sampling was employed as the method of observation. one hundred park visitors were interviewed about their perception towards silvered leaf monkeys. Results indicated that of visitors' interaction with leaf monkeys, feeding langurs (51.197o) was the highest activity followed by approaching (35.90%), observing from a distance (6.02%), playing (3.95%), threatening Q.lzo/o), keeping a distance (0.66%) and hitting (0.16%). For silvered leaf monkey behavior observation, results showed that approaching visitors was the highest behavioral interaction (37.41%), followed by begging for food (33.91%o), staring (18.61%o), touching (9.5%), stealing food (0.57o) and refusing food (0.0770). No aggressive contact was initiated by silvered leaf monkeys. The interviews conducted imply that visitors generally have positive perceptions towards silvered leaf monkeys.
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CONTENTS 1-5 7-18 19-26 49-75 99-104 105-111 113-136 77-84 Notes on diet and anthropogenic food consumption of habituated silvered langurs (Trachypithecus cristatus) at Bukit Melawati, Kuala Selangor, Selangor, Malaysia Father-son relationship of Sulawesi babirusa (Babyrousa celebensis) Ra esia tiomanensis (Ra esiaceae), a new species from Pulau Tioman, Pahang, Malaysia Studies on Aglaonemateae (Araceae) of Peninsular Malaysia I : Aglaonema cochinchinense Engl. and A. pumilum Hook. f., two new records for Peninsular Malaysia Notes on the distribution of a rare taxon, Margaritaria indica f. indica (Phyllanthaceae) in Peninsular Malaysia A preliminary checklist of owering plants in Ma'okil Forest Reserve, Johor, Malaysia Distribution of Corbicula uminea (Muller, 1774) in Kelantan, Malaysia Abstract : Visitors presence in primate ecotourism areas could provide variety in primate dietary intake. For this reason, we recorded a list of plants and anthropogenic foods that are consumed by habituated silvered langurs (Trachypithecus cristatus) of Bukit Melawati, Kuala Selangor, Peninsular Malaysia. A total of 24 plant species was identified as the primary natural food resources. Langurs were also exposed to anthropogenic foods brought by visitors. Interestingly, langurs become more selective with anthropogenic foods when they are full. They were also observed rejecting all types of sweets. As feeding primates with anthropogenic food can be harmful, visitors should be educated and provided appropriate information to prevent feeding langurs inappropriate foods. We also suggest that the effects of these foods on langurs should be examined in future studies.
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Tourists are attracted to the Bukit Melawati Kuala Selangor (BMKS) of Peninsular Malaysia, a small hill park, for both its status as a historical site and the free-ranging silvered langurs (Trachypithecus cristatus) that come for provisioning. We assessed the population trends and group sizes of T. cristatus over 10 years in the BMKS and examined their ranging patterns. Comparisons of observed populations between 2005 (190 individuals) and 2017 (193 individuals) revealed the stable demography and group sizes of the six T. cristatus groups in the BMKS. Based on a total of 185 location points of the six groups in 2017, their mean ranging area was 3.6 ha with a range of 0.86–6.93 ha with extensive spatial overlap. We also found a significant positive relationship between the six groups’ ranges and group sizes in 2017. Additionally, qualitative ecological comparisons with a previous study on T. cristatus in 1965 (before provisioning) suggest that the artificial food supply in the study area could modify the population dynamics and socioecology of T. cristatus. The modifications might alter their range size and territoriality in the BMKS. Overall, we found that provisioning had negative effects on the ecology of T. cristatus in the BMKS. Therefore, modifying management policies, such as banning feeding and implementing educational programs, may contribute to their proper conservation.
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The presence of long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) in the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) campus has created a complex human-monkey conflict. For many years, long-tailed macaques contributed the most to wildlife nuisance cases on the campus. Although many precautionary actions have been implemented, the problem of human-macaque conflicts on the campus still exists. This study was carried out to portray current human-macaque conflicts in the campus by analyzing annual complaint reports and questionnaire surveys that were distributed to students and staffs in UKM. All complaint reports regarding the macaque nuisances in UKM were received from the Centre of Risk Management, Safety and Occupational Health and Security Division of UKM. The findings indicated that the Faculty of Science and Technology (47%) and Kolej Pendeta Zaaba (25%) had the highest macaque nuisance cases among all the faculties and student residential colleges surveyed. Nuisances caused by macaques were mostly driven by foraging food resources in the particular area. Efficient methods such as improving the waste management, creating a buffer zone, allocating proper monkey-proof trash bins and cooperating with the Department of Wildlife and National Parks to translocate macaques were suggested by respondents to manage wildlife nuisance cases in UKM. The respondent also suggested that public awareness programmes and long-term population monitoring can be done to reduce the nuisance caused.
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Time is a valuable but limited resource, and animals' survival depends on their ability to carefully manage the amount of time they allocate to each daily activity. While existing research has examined the ecological factors affecting animals' activity budgets, the impact of anthropogenic factors on urban-dwelling animals' time budgets remains understudied. Here we collected data through focal animal sampling from three groups of rhesus macaques in Northern India to examine whether interactions with humans decrease macaques' resting and social time (time constraints hypothesis), or whether, by contrast, foraging on anthropogenic food, that is potentially high in calories, leads macaques to spend more time resting and in social interactions (free time hypothesis). We found that macaques who interacted more frequently with people spent significantly less time resting and grooming, supporting the time constraints hypothesis. We argue that these time constraints are likely caused by the unpredictability of human behaviour.
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Pre-phd project survey on the abundance of long-tailed macaques in tourist areas in Baluran National Park
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Sri Lanka is a biodiversity hotspot with high human density that contributes to increasing human-monkey conflict (HMC). In 50 years of primate studies there, the development of HMC has been documented, and many workshops and interventions organized to ameliorate HMC. These activities prompted the present survey. In the extensive lowland dry zone of Sri Lanka, the affected nonhuman primates are the toque macaque, gray and purple-faced langurs and slender loris. We surveyed and evaluated the attitudes of rural residents towards these four species in an effort to contribute to an ethnoprimatological approach to conservation, i.e., promote a coexistence and sharing of habitat between humans and monkeys. We selected 13 villages near Polonnaruwa, located centrally in the dry zone. The four nonhuman primate species differ in their behavioral ecologies, and this influenced how frequently they were thought of as pests. Most HMC was with the macaque and gray langur, less with the purple-faced langur and least with the loris. The underlying sentiment among stakeholders towards monkeys was generally either neutral or positive. Nonetheless, the majority (80%) of people desired a translocation of the troublesome monkeys from their properties to protected areas, which is impractical. Few (< 1%) openly wanted monkeys destroyed. While a traditional reverence for monkeys provides a solid basis for science and media-based education, it also contributes to the feeding of monkeys and consequent unnatural population growth, and enhanced HMC. Public understanding of the underlying causes of HMC was poor, hindering effective solutions. A combination of a feeding ban, possibly contraceptive intervention at localized HMC trouble spots, and extensive education may be the only benign alternatives to the destruction of wild primates by a powerful minority. Coexistence through strengthening and expansion of exclusive suitable protected habitats for all wildlife is a priority.
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Different nuisance behaviors of macaques have been reported in different parts of the world where humans and macaques have been living in the same habitats and sharing the same resources. In this study, nuisance behaviors of Long-tailed Macaques were documented in Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park using direct observation, survey questionnaire and by visiting the complaint section database. The attitudes and practices of the locals towards the macaques were also investigated. From the result of the study, it was observed that the most common nuisance behavior of macaques in Central Park Station was littering, while according to the locals, eating of crops was the most common nuisance behavior. There was no existing tourist complaint about the macaques in the area, however, park personnel reported that aggressive tourist-macaque encounters sometimes happened. These nuisance behaviors were observed to be linked to food security of the animals which results in negative interaction. Meanwhile, it was also observed that the practices of most people towards macaques in the area are still relatively positive despite the nuisance behaviors of the macaques. Only a small percentage of respondents hunted macaques, experienced keeping macaques as pets or experienced eating macaque meat. The direct observations revealed that the degree of human-macaque interaction in the park was relatively mild compared to the reports in other countries, partly because of the positive human attitudes towards the animals and the effective management practices in the area.
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Knowledge about the feeding ecology and dietary overlap of sympatric primates is essential for understanding how animals avoid or reduce interspecific competition. From April 2014 to March 2015, we investigated the feeding ecologies of two sympatric primates, a hindgut fermenter, the long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) and a foregut fermenter, the dusky langur (Trachypithecus obscurus obscurus), in a mixed landscape consisting of urban and agro-forested areas and forest fragments in Malaysia. We collected a total of 5570 and 4029 of feeding records for M. fascicularis and T. o. obscurus, respectively, using the 10-min scan sampling method. Food availability and seasonal changes in plant species consumed by both study groups were determined by vegetation surveys carried out across an area of 1.6 ha. A total of 113 and 130 plant species were consumed by M. fascicularis and T. o. obscurus, respectively. Leaves (51%) and fruits (40%) accounted for the majority of the feeding records in T. o. obscurus, whereas fruits (32%) and anthropogenic foods (27%) together with leaves (15%) and insects (6%) accounted for the majority of the feeding records for M. fascicularis. Throughout the year, there were 59 consumed plant species common to both species, and the dietary overlap was the highest for fruits. Although leaves were always more abundant than fruits in our study site, the amount of monthly fruit eating by the two species showed a significant correlation with that of fruit availability. Monthly fruit availability had a positive effect on overall monthly dietary overlap while flower and leaf availability had a negative effect. We showed that fruit was the preferred food resource of two sympatric species with different digestive systems. This could have implications for resource competition, interspecific competition, and niche separation, which should be investigated in more detail.