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IoT Based Risk Monitoring System



The Internet of things (IoT) aims at connecting different objects, things using internet. The IoT is expanding rapidly and this motivates to apply for the food preservation domain such as preserve the standard of the veggies and fruits. In this paper we have worked on a cold storage system to analyze the environmental conditions under which the food item is being stored. The proposed system senses the temperature, moisture, gas parameters of surrounding environment as these parameters affect nutritional values of food items. An Arduino-based system is created and put into operation; it serves as both a central hub and a network layer for the refrigerated holding tank. It is also linked to the cloud, where an open-source application server supports digital storage functions. By establishing a connection to the database (DB) via its IP address, the measured variables are delivered to the base station (BS) from the cloud and stored there. Then, a cooperative sensing model that uses many observed information as input and one merged informational item or action to be performed as output is tried. As a result, numerous inputs, such as temperature and humidity, were combined and averaged to provide a tightly integrated result. Last, the system integrated an android mobile application which is used to facilitate user interaction and connect through IoT based system that is station or gateway and the internet. GPS is Used to track the remote cold storage and transport container live locations.
2022-IEEE International Interdisciplinary Humanitarian Conference for Sustainability (IIHC-2022), November 18th & 19th 2022
978-1-6654-5687-6/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE
IoT Based Risk Monitoring System
Salna Joy
Dept. of Electronics and Communication
New Horizon College of Engineering
Neethu P S
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
School of Engineering and Technology,
CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Bangalore,India
Dept. of Electronics and Communication
New Horizon College of Engineering
Anju M I
Dept. of Electronics and
Communication Engineering
New Prince Shri Bhavani College of Engineering and Technology
Chennai ,India
AbstractThe Internet of things (IoT) aims at connecting
different objects, things using internet. The IoT is expanding
rapidly and this motivates to apply for the food preservation
domain such as preserve the standard of the veggies and
fruits. In this paper we have worked on a cold storage system
to analyze the environmental conditions under which the
food item is being stored. The proposed system senses the
temperature, moisture, gas parameters of surrounding
environment as these parameters affect nutritional values of
food items. An Arduino-based system is created and put into
operation; it serves as both a central hub and a network
layer for the refrigerated holding tank. It is also linked to the
cloud, where an open-source application server supports
digital storage functions. By establishing a connection to the
database (DB) via its IP address, the measured variables are
delivered to the base station (BS) from the cloud and stored
there. Then, a cooperative sensing model that uses many
observed information as input and one merged informational
item or action to be performed as output is tried. As a result,
numerous inputs, such as temperature and humidity, were
combined and averaged to provide a tightly integrated
result. Last, the system integrated an android mobile
application which is used to facilitate user interaction and
connect through IoT based system that is station or gateway
and the internet. GPS is Used to track the remote cold
storage and transport container live locations.
KeywordsIoT, sensors, climate changes, Arduino
It is critical to address specific supply chain (SC) risks,
such as ensuring good state of the environment and
guaranteeing worker safety in the temperate winters,
because managing ecologically sensitive products needs
careful supervision within specified settings all through the
SC [1]. Smart security of information, though, depends on
a unified place, making it vulnerable to manipulation. In
this research, we build a multi-sensors (WSN) monitoring
system using blockchain to gather performance
specifications and validate data given for enhancing
confidence and openness in frozen storage. Programs for
performance analysis used the K-means and SVM
algorithms to categorise or forecast the quality
deterioration of refrigerated seafood [2]. The impact of diet
on human wellbeing has emerged as one of the biggest
significant issues facing cultures over the recent ten years.
In order to meet this problem, European nations, and
particularly the European Union, are put in place
regulations and guidelines that enable countries to trace
and control meals throughout the entire manufacturing
cycle till ingestion. The EU has required food and feed
producers to establish surveillance and control systems for
its goods by implementing certain regulations. The
delivery network is among these networks' more crucial
components [3]. Refrigerated operations are challenged by
the increasing demands for fragile goods around the world,
which is driven by a fundamental shift in client
expectations. Findings indicate that a lack of transparency
throughout the distribution chain contributes to an elevated
number of losses. To increase service quality, it is essential
to concentrate on operations and electronic connectivity
within all participants. The purpose of this article is to
present a concept, to continuously track effectiveness, and
to improve judgement.
Fig 1. Supply Chain
With its extremely low cost, simple deployment,
ease with different networks, high energy efficiency, and
efficient information assessment highlight, the suggested
cold storage approach based on NB-IoT is a tangible value
improver and is perfect for a temperature-sensitive final
part to end distribution network tracking. The pallet's
integrated NB-IoT device incorporates heat and other
ambient fluctuation detectors. Heavy coverage ability at a
reasonable price will help to enhance communication and
upgrade the refrigeration for best experience [4].
Among the new blockchain uses for product testing and
anti-counterfeiting in current history has indeed been
product tracking. Current systems for tracking foodstuffs
don't really provide a significant degree of network
dependability, flexibility, or informativeness. In addition,
tracing procedures in contemporary networks of SC are
time-consuming and challenging. Distributed ledger
technology holds out the possibility of developing a novel
paradigm for SC traceability, allowing these worries.
However, as technological innovation was primarily
created for cryptocurrencies rather than SC traceability, it
2022 International Interdisciplinary Humanitarian Conference for Sustainability (IIHC) | 978-1-6654-5687-6/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/IIHC55949.2022.10060418
Authorized licensed use limited to: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY TIRUCHIRAPALLI. Downloaded on March 18,2023 at 11:18:31 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
is impossible to simply adapt blockchain technology to
food traceability.
A blockchain IoT-based food traceability system
(BIFTS) is suggested in [5] to combine the unique
installation of blockchain, IoT technology [67], and
probabilistic reasoning [89] into a complete traceable rack
control method for monitoring perishables. Compact and
vaporised qualities are included in the chain to meet the
needs for product traceability [10-11], where as a unified
decentralized network that takes into account shipping
travel times, customer evaluation, and shipping is
integrated. [12-14].
Most small producers do have low finances, none of
them can pay for enough RFID tags to affix them to each
packaged food. Consequently, the study takes into account
a practical strategy to aid poor farmers and imposes the
least degree of financial pressure on individuals [15]. The
flow of the work is depicted in Fig.2. They suggest that
such simple food packages used for the interaction among
producers and the logistics system contain a sheet
pedigree which has been approved by the producer as well
as the wholesaler. Each batch is repackaged by the
wholesaler onto RFID-tagged containers, and information
first from printed pedigree is kept inside the EPCIS
database. The ePedigree Collection and ePedigrees
Inquiry programmes are employed to create and validate
the ePedigress. The EPC activity occurrence is appropriate
to keep the delivered and accepted ePedigrees because
they are related to the activity of the item.
To determine the exact environmental moisture and
temperature throughout refrigerated temperature, a sensor-
based surveillance was created in [16]. Fish quality was
determined using digital sniff information. Electronic nose
readings (ENS) being clustered using principal component
analysis (PCA), while key attributes such as material,
colour, smell, and pH are evaluated and assessed. The
quality degree of fish specimens held in a particular
refrigerated storage is clustered using the CNN-SVM
method based.
Fig 2. Work flow in [15]
A thorough analysis and evaluation of the concept and
program's capabilities was conducted. The refrigerated
cycle abiotic factors might be effectively monitored by the
IoTMS. PCA can separate various distinctive smells using
ENS. The CNN-SVM method approach to determining
ripeness class seems to have a better predictive prediction
accuracy. About 90% of the instructional dataset's
reliability is accurate, as well as the total prediction
accuracy is at 95.6%. In order to manage heat and
minimise wastage throughout fish refrigerated temperature,
grade sensors and a spoiling surveillance system are
In this study, we developed and put into use a tracking
that employs WSN ZigBee and Firebase to track a number
of characteristics that define the chilled bins. Package
characteristics like climate and humidity are updated in
real-time on a website, as well as the segmentation. The
information is sent to a web computer using a 4G network
in this setup. Further examinations involving moisture and
temperature readings were conducted. The exactness was
assessed together with the calculation of the relative error.
In order to improve the geolocation, we additionally
analyse the GPS Logger Shield-acquired geolocation. The
future focus will be on creating a scheduling mechanism
that will use less power and prolong the battery
performance of the destination node. The proposal's goal is
to manage insider data for the cargo containers and keep
track of the moisture, and air somewhere inside them. The
IoT is used in this method to accomplish the development
of a smart surveillance system that can check the heat,
moisture, and gas levels within refrigerated vehicles as
well as monitor the whereabouts of those vehicles in real-
time during the course of transit. The designed scheme
made use of a GPS module, an ESP32 central control
device, an LM35 for temperature monitoring, and a MQ-2
gas sensor.
Global production, distribution, storage, and
transportation of thousands of tons of heat items each day
makes climate and humidity management of these products
crucial. Manufacturers, distributors, logistical selection,
and purchasers are becoming increasingly concerned with
safety control and tracking of items even during cold
storage facilities.
Fig 3. Flow of cold storage mechanism in [17]
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Using a mix of RFID and Sensor gadgets, a series of
investigations were carried out in three industrial retail
rooms totaling 1848 m3 with various steady states and
items. The findings are presented in this study. From each
compartment, up to 90 semi-passive RFID data recorders
was implanted concurrently along with 7 specks over the
course of 7 days [17]. The flow of this work is depicted in
As a whole, the achievement of the Radio
frequency identification as well as the Sensor endpoints
has been good. The information failures were manageable
and tiny enough to allow it to analyse the variables and
produce pressure - volume illustrations and charts of heat
transfer. However, this configuration is really only
practical during the trial phase. A arbitrary variant of this
technology needs to be created for every situation because
using this many Tags in just this situation would be
feasible given how they were placed. Because RFID
recorders are relatively inexpensive, it is possible to apply
them densely and get precise data on temperature
gradients within compartments. With a suitable tool, such
as specialised Matlab applications, the quantity of
information gathered from across all tags is reasonable.
On the contrary side, given the location and also the
principal constraints of such recorders, that are their
scanning distance or monitoring devices, everything was
challenging to collect the data from a significant number
of these units in the chilly chambers that were the study's
focal point. While it is possible to replace a few of the
recorders with heat estimating approaches, other recorders
placed in crucial locations shouldn't be done so due to the
continually shifting situations that seem to be impossible
to forecast, like the mobility of the boxes within the space.
By creating a complicated system made up of Edge
devices and Rf modules, additional tests may result in a
tighter use of the two platforms. The advantages of this
execution are demonstrated in this job.
It is understood that botanical food' antioxidant
activity (AOA) serves as a proxy for the human exposure
advantages associated with its intake. Plant - based foods
are primarily eaten or used as semi - processed owing to
their high wastage and periodicity, while one of the
methods employed in the production of high-quality foods
is chilling. Nevertheless, cell breaks that occur after
thawing and cold preservation might cause reactive
molecules to be released and then degraded as a result of
both enzymatic and chemical oxidation events, which
might lead to a decreased antioxidant capacity than the
equivalent new stuff [18]. The current understanding on
the individual and cumulative effects of chilling and
cryogenic processing conditions on the antioxidant
capacity of veggies and fruits in addition to the function of
freeze drying, is compiled and presented in [19]. One of
most popular techniques for assessing the oxidative action
in vitro are indeed provided, along with categories of
chemicals essential for the antioxidant function of plant
diets. To emphasise their impact on the AOA of fruits and
vegetables, the freeze concepts as well as the impacts of
crystallisation and crystallisation on fruits, veggies,
including its principal constituents is discussed. A number
of unique features (also including size and structure)
affected how chilling and refrigerated keeping affected the
AOA of plant meals, although the significance of
exogenous manufacturing variables, including such
chilling and retention temps, remains unclear. According
to the analysis methodology utilised for the AOA
assessment and information presentation, numerous
findings, with a significant degree of heterogeneity, are
described. The aforesaid disparities are caused through
other inherent source microstructures (such as varietal and
level of ripeness), post-harvest circumstances, in addition
to refrigerating techniques that really are generally
underreported by research.
Grocery outlets' electricity usage efficiency was
way greater than that of office towers and motels because
of their small footprints but high installation
concentration. As a consequence, it's essential to evaluate
or manage the condition of the quick shop to get a low
EUI and use less electricity. This study makes use of a
grocery shop to assess energy usage and run a Cfd model
to observe how cold storage showcase (CSS) equipment
impacts the environment. A study of preliminary data via
information gathering and power comparing information
has indeed been supplied and thoroughly reviewed
utilizing field tests and on-site internet information [19].
The ESP32 is the main controller which collects
the sensor data like temperature and humidity from
DHT11. A unified 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
combination device called the ESP32 was created using
TSMC's amazingly 40 nm tech. A microcontroller called
Arduino UNO is built on the Atmega328P. It can be
powered by an AC to DC adapter or attached to a
computer using a USB wire. Additionally, it also doesn't
call for costly or specialist wi-fi test rig.
A temperature sensor is an LM35. The voltage level of
the LM35 line accuracy incorporated temperature
measurement is directly equal to the heat in degrees
Celsius. In comparison to conventional thermometers
measured in Kelvin, the LM35 sensor has a benefit
because it does not necessitate the user to deduct a
significant voltage level from the outputs in order to gain
easy Celsius scale. The moisture of the air is measured and
reported by a humidity sensor.
Digital hygrometers can be used to monitor humidity.
Ruthenium oxide, a thick film conductor of precious
metals like gold, is printed and shaped into the form of a
honeycomb to create an electrodes. This is then covered
with a polymer membrane that, because it contains mobile
ions, functions as a humidity sensor. The shift in the
number of mobile ions causes an impedance shift. The
MQ-2Gas sensor can detect gas and other flammable
streams as well as Liquid petroleum gas, propane, and
hydrogen with excellent sensitivity. The delicate sno2
substance used in the construction of the MQ-2 gas sensor
has a lower thermal conductivity in fresh air. The device's
conductivity increases in the presence of the desired
gaseous fuel. The shift in resistivity is converted using a
signal conditioning device so that the signal matches the
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source measured value. By establishing a connection to the
DB via its IP address, the sensor values are delivered to the
BS from the cloud and kept there. And, finally it produces
single consolidated output which contains the co-ordinates
of the container along with the humidity, temperature and
gas detected outputs.
The Arduino Integrated Development Environment, often
known as the Arduino IDE, is available along with a word
processor for coding, a user's experience, a text terminal, a
sidebar with icons for frequently used functions, and a
variety of menus. The IDE is used to develop computer
programmes called sketches. These sketches are made in
the text editor and saved solely with the filename uno. The
language for coding is embedded C. The android app is
created with Android Studio. The accountable staff can use
the software to remotely and whenever necessary track the
temperature, moisture, and occupancy in the deep freeze
and containers. Real time values of parameters can be
obtained from cloud database. GPS shows the exact
location of the container. Temperature, Humidity and Gas
detected or not are displayed on the screen and recorded in
the cloud. Alert messages are popped out on the android
application. The aforementioned factors are shown on the
Android screen so that judgments can be made in the long
term. In Fig. 4, the block diagram is displayed.
Fig 4. Overall system structure
The trial is performed with tomatoes as it’s a very
common rapid perishing commodity. Tomatoes are kept in
a cold environment and checked with the proposed system
sensors. Ethylene is produced by rotting tomatoes which
causes a foul smell is detected by the system. The IDE is
also provided, along with a word processor for coding, a
messaging area, a text terminal, a sidebar with icons for
often used functions, and a variety of menus. This IDE is
used to generate computer programs called sketches. The
software application was used to create these drawings,
which were then stored with the. ino filename. The
language for coding is embedded C. The android app is
created with Android Studio. The accountable staff can use
the app to remotely and whenever necessary track the
temperature, moisture, and occupancy in the deep freeze
and box. Real time values of parameters can be obtained
from cloud database. GPS shows the exact location of the
container. Temperature, Humidity and Gas detected or not,
are displayed on the screen and recorded in the cloud. Alert
messages are popped out on the android application.
The container serves as the primary importer and
exporter of products as the principal logistical vector of
global transportation. Transportation management control
systems emphasize the use of containers in their
operations. Foodstuffs and medications can be transported
safely thanks to the container's ability to keep temperature
and humidity levels inside a set range. Therefore, it is
crucial to continuously monitor and transmit the container's
temperature and humidity in order to guarantee the security
of any goods being carried.
Fig 5.Output Screen of IoT Risk Monitoring System
Fruits, vegetables, meat, chicken, and other dairy
products are examples of perishable commodities that have
a short shelf life after harvest and are more likely to
degrade if not stored properly. This degradation in
quality is the result of the storage unit's and the
transporting container’s incapability to preserve and
monitor key environmental characteristics. The Risk
Monitoring system helps to keep temperature, humidity
and freshness of these commodities from storage to
grocery shops without much manual supervision.
The system can be adapted to smart refrigerators as
well with necessary modifications. It helps to measure and
control ambient parameters so as to keep the commodities
fresh and nutrient. Decision making capability can be
incorporated with the help of Artificial Intelligence
algorithms based on the sensor values. Light density and
CO2 level can be controlled for freshness of commodities.
Thus, we can able to prevent the loss of perishable goods
by utilizing real-time monitoring system and the
information gathered over time will assist in identifying
the ideal storage conditions and will help to preserve
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the quality of goods throughout the course of a long-term
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Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) have revolutionized technology and taken the world by storm. They established the foundation for numerous future innovations. Virtual and augmented reality are now widely employed to improve user experiences in various areas. Over time, more and more companies and businesses have begun to use this cutting-edge technology to improve their products and services. Recently, the attention to VR and AR has exploded with the concept “Metaverse” surfacing in mainstream media. Many major companies have already set their goals in motion and are working on building the core of their metaverses. This review paper focuses on explaining the concept of the metaverse, its history, and its associated benefits. Through a survey, it helps understand people’s concerns with the metaverse and how it can impact and affect humans mentally, physically, and psychologically. The analysis of this paper can help humans prepare themselves for what the new technologies have to offer, in addition to assisting companies in building a flawless metaverse.
Conference Paper
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Abstract- In the present times, security is the primary concern for any household. Automatic door control comes as a technological boom that works on sensors in providing security. Home automation is digitized, replacing the physical switches which have limited applications. This paper provides a study on the design, technology, advantages, and applications of automatic door control. The role of various sensors involves different technologies to control the door automatically. The information is then communicated to the house owner via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. These Smart systems enable high level security without our physical presence. This article proposes a method by which the door of the house can be opened automatically for the authorized person based on face and voice recognition when the owner is not at home
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The integration and development of electronics in the recent years have impacted a major development on the world and humans, one among that is nanotechnology. Nanotechnology has achieved a greater progress in biomedical engineering in diagnosis and treatment, leading to the introduction of nano-materials for drug delivery, prostheses and implanting. This work describes the Bio-Nano-tools that are developed based on iron oxide properties, automated tools used in the tumor detection, satin bowerbird optimization (SBO) technique employed in diagnosis of skin cancer. This work also highlights the post introduction development of nanomaterials like combination of nanotechnology with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its impact, advancement of nanomaterials based on their operations, shapes and characteristics that leading to the growth of nanostructures with operations control properties. The paper also highlights the improvement of silicon neuromorphic photonic processors and parallel simulators in the development of bio inspired computing. We are hopeful that this review article provides future directions in Bio-Inspired Computing.
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The intake of the perishable fruits and vegetables (FVs) in the human diet can contribute to reduce the risk of some chronic diseases. But unfortunately, FVs loss rate is high among all the food produced annually and occurs at storage stage of post-harvest life cycle. One of the key factors contributing to this high loss rate is inability to gauge vital ambient environmental parameters in cold storage. The existing monitoring solutions about cold storage are limited to only gauge temperature, relative humidity and ignore other vital ambient environmental parameters such as luminosity and concentration of gases. This is a critical issue that needs to be addressed to overcome the loss rate of FVs. This paper presents a real-time intelligent monitoring and notification system (RT-IMNS) banked on an Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled approach for real-time monitoring of temperature, relative humidity, luminosity and concentration of gas in cold storage and notifies the personnel on exceeding of dangerous limits of these parameters. Moreover, decision support is implemented in the RT-IMNS using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) with forward propagation to classify the status of commodity into one of three classes i.e. good, unsatisfactory or alarming. The proposed prediction model outperforms Compress Sending (CS), Adaptive Naïve Bayes (ANB), Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) and Data Mining (DM) with respect to forecasting accuracy. We achieved 99% accuracy using forward propagation neural network model while existing models such as CS, ANB, XGBoost, DM achieved 95.60%, 87.50%, 93.59%, 90% accuracy respectively. Moreover, proposed approach achieved 100% precision, 100% recall, 100% F1-score for good class is achieved, for unsatisfactory class precision is 98%, recall is 99%, F1-score is 98% and for alarming class precision is 100%, recall is 98% and F1-score is 99%.
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The antioxidant activity (AOA) of plant foods is recognized as an index of the potential health benefits resulting from their consumption. Due to their high perishability and seasonality, plant foods are largely consumed or used as processed products and freezing is one of the technologies used for the production of high-quality foods. However, cell breakages occurring during freezing and frozen storage can lead to the release of antioxidant compounds and their degradation due to chemical and enzymatic oxidation reactions, and thus, they could present a lower antioxidant activity compared to the corresponding fresh product. In this context, process conditions, freezing pre-treatments and the use of cryoprotectants can limit the extent of freeze-induced damages and preserve the antioxidant activity of plant foods. This review collects and discusses the state-of-the-art knowledge on the single and combined effect of freezing and frozen storage conditions on the antioxidant activity of fruits and vegetables as well as the role of cryoprotectants. Classes of compounds responsible for the antioxidant activity of plant foods and the most common methods used for the evaluation of the antioxidant activity in vitro are also presented. The freezing principles and the effects of ice nucleation and crystallization on fruits, vegetables and their main derivatives (juices, pulps) have been addressed to highlight their impact on the AOA of plant foods. The effect of freezing and frozen storage on the AOA of plant foods resulted dependant on a series of intrinsic factors (e.g., composition and structure), while the role of extrinsic processing-related factors, such as freezing and storage temperatures, is ambiguous. In particular, many conflicting results are reported in the literature with a high variability depending on the method of analysis used for the AOA evaluation and data expression (fresh or dry weight). Other intrinsic raw material properties (e.g., cultivar, ripening degree), post-harvest conditions, as well as defrosting methods that in the majority of the studies are scarcely reported, contribute to the aforementioned discrepancies. Finally, due to the limited number of studies reported in the literature and the high variability in product processing, the effect of cryoprotectants on the AOA of plant foods remains unclear.
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Salmon is a highly perishable food due to temperature, pH, odor, and texture changes during cold storage. Intelligent monitoring and spoilage rapid detection are effective approaches to improve freshness. The aim of this work was an evaluation of IoT-enabled monitoring system (IoTMS) and electronic nose spoilage detection for quality parameters changes and freshness under cold storage conditions. The salmon samples were analyzed and divided into three groups in an incubator set at 0 °C, 4 °C, and 6 °C. The quality parameters, i.e., texture, color, sensory, and pH changes, were measured and evaluated at different temperatures after 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, and 14 days of cold storage. The principal component analysis (PCA) algorithm can be used to cluster electronic nose information. Furthermore, a Convolutional Neural Networks and Support Vector Machine (CNN-SVM) based algorithm is used to cluster the freshness level of salmon samples stored in a specific storage condition. In the tested samples, the results show that the training dataset of freshness is about 95.6%, and the accuracy rate of the test dataset is 93.8%. For the training dataset of corruption, the accuracy rate is about 91.4%, and the accuracy rate of the test dataset is 90.5%. The overall accuracy rate is more than 90%. This work could help to reduce quality loss during salmon cold storage.
Inpainting is the ancient art technique of modifying the image when it can’t be detected. This current study discusses the various approaches in image inpainting and compares the methods with their time of detection and accuracy. There are many different approaches to solve the inpainting problem. These approaches such as feature distribution, sparse representation, Markov random field, multiscale graph cuts, neural networks, and GAN-based methods are studied. The limitations that are imposed on the regions of the images to be inpainted are studied in the current work. The applications of such approaches are discussed in brief.
This current review describes the various microfabrication techniques, the reliability view of various processes, and the various problems that are caused during these processes. This study also emphasizes some of the new device design features. Many parameters that affect and are responsible for these processes are discussed here. The micromachining processes like surface, bulk, LIGA are studied. The study of miniaturization in Micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) is studied in this paper. The advantages of various actuation and their limitations in certain conditions are highlighted. The methods to overcome creep, and to reduce Stiction is presented in detail. The best choice available to print ink with good quality is also highlighted in this paper.