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Diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2) is a chronic condition characterized by elevated blood glucose leading to organ dysfunction including the lung. In this study, we tried to determine the effects of hyperglycemia on lung functions and evaluate the role of certain oral antidiabetic medications in respiratory function changes. Two hundred and sixty individuals of both genders were enrolled in the study: 100 healthy individuals, and an age-matched group of 160 DM2 patients. Patients' groups were further classified into 3 groups: (51) patients on metformin; (56) patients on metformin plus thiazolidinedione and (53) patients on metformin plus sulfonylurea. Clinical examination, electrocardiography, HbA1c, and pulmonary function parameters were estimated for all participants. Pulmonary function parameters significantly diminished (p < 0.05) in diabetic patients with increased restrictive disorder. Metformin plus sulfonylurea was more associated with decreased pulmonary function parameters with an odd ratio (OR: 2.999; at 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.006-8.937, (p > 0.05) than other medications. Pulmonary function parameters may act as a screening method to detect changes in diabetic lungs and manage pulmonary dysfunction, which was mostly restrictive. Assessments of pulmonary function may be useful to prescribe suitable medication, particularly for those with respiratory issues. Rezumat Diabetul zaharat de tip 2 (DZ2) este o afecțiune cronică definită prin creșterea glicemiei ce induce disfuncția organelor, inclusiv a plămânilor. În acest studiu, am evaluat efectele hiperglicemiei asupra funcțiilor pulmonare, precum și rolul anumitor medicamente antidiabetice orale în modificările funcției respiratorii. 260 de indivizi de ambe sexe au fost înscriși în studiu: 100 de indivizi sănătoși și un grup de 160 de pacienți cu DZ2. Pacienții au fost împărțiți în 3 grupuri: (51) pacienți tratați cu metformin; (56) pacienți tratați cu metformin plus tiazolidindionă și (53) pacienți tratați cu metformin plus sulfoniluree. S-au efectuat: examenul clinic, electrocardiografia, HbA1c și parametrii funcției pulmonare. Parametrii funcției pulmonare au scăzut semnificativ (p < 0,05) la pacienții diabetici. Co-administrarea metformin plus sulfoniluree a fost asociată mai mult cu scăderea parametrilor funcției pulmonare (OR: 2,999; la un interval de încredere (IC): 95%: 1,006-8,937, (p > 0,05) decât alte medicamente. În urma evaluărilor funcției pulmonare pot fi alese medicamentele adecvate pentru a fi prescrise, în special pentru cei cu probleme respiratorii.
FARMACIA, 2022, Vol. 70, 6
1Al-Fayhaa Teaching Hospital, Basrah Health Directory, Basrah City, Iraq
2Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, College of pharmacy, Basrah University, Basrah City, Iraq
3Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Basrah University, Basrah City, Iraq
*corresponding author: Manuscript received: July 2022
Diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2) is a chronic condition characterized by elevated blood glucose leading to organ dysfunction
including the lung. In this study, we tried to determine the effects of hyperglycemia on lung functions and evaluate the role of
certain oral antidiabetic medications in respiratory function changes. Two hundred and sixty individuals of both genders were
enrolled in the study: 100 healthy individuals, and an age-matched group of 160 DM2 patients. Patients’ groups were further
classified into 3 groups: (51) patients on metformin; (56) patients on metformin plus thiazolidinedione and (53) patients on
metformin plus sulfonylurea. Clinical examination, electrocardiography, HbA1c, and pulmonary function parameters were
estimated for all participants. Pulmonary function parameters significantly diminished (p < 0.05) in diabetic patients with
increased restrictive disorder. Metformin plus sulfonylurea was more associated with decreased pulmonary function
parameters with an odd ratio (OR: 2.999; at 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.006 - 8.937, (p > 0.05) than other medications.
Pulmonary function parameters may act as a screening method to detect changes in diabetic lungs and manage pulmonary
dysfunction, which was mostly restrictive. Assessments of pulmonary function may be useful to prescribe suitable
medication, particularly for those with respiratory issues.
Diabetul zaharat de tip 2 (DZ2) este o afecțiune cronică definită prin creșterea glicemiei ce induce disfuncția organelor,
inclusiv a plămânilor. În acest studiu, am evaluat efectele hiperglicemiei asupra funcțiilor pulmonare, precum și rolul anumitor
medicamente antidiabetice orale în modificările funcției respiratorii. 260 de indivizi de ambe sexe au fost înscriși în studiu: 100
de indivizi sănătoși și un grup de 160 de pacienți cu DZ2. Pacienții au fost împărțiți în 3 grupuri: (51) pacienți tratați cu
metformin; (56) pacienți tratați cu metformin plus tiazolidindionă și (53) pacienți tratați cu metformin plus sulfoniluree. S-au
efectuat: examenul clinic, electrocardiografia, HbA1c și parametrii funcției pulmonare. Parametrii funcției pulmonare au
scăzut semnificativ (p < 0,05) la pacienții diabetici. Co-administrarea metformin plus sulfoniluree a fost asociată mai mult cu
scăderea parametrilor funcției pulmonare (OR: 2,999; la un interval de încredere (IC): 95%: 1,006 - 8,937, (p > 0,05) decât alte
medicamente. În urma evaluărilor funcției pulmonare pot fi alese medicamentele adecvate pentru a fi prescrise, în special
pentru cei cu probleme respiratorii.
Keywords: pulmonary function parameters, DM2, antidiabetic medications
Type 2 Diabetes mellitus (DM2) is a chronic condition
characterized by impaired metabolic regulation as
well as by the potential for vascular and neuropathic
consequences. It comprises a collection of heterogeneous
consequences with elevated blood glucose levels as
a common diagnostic sign [16]. It is associated with
long-term impairment and multi organs dysfunction.
Its complications mostly result from 
and  destructions [14, 20].
Although a lot of attention revolved around diabetic
complications including cardiovascular; nephropathy;
and neuropathy, respiratory complications of DM2
might be clinically unreported. This is primarily
because the lung has a considerable physiological
reserve, and losing this reserve could have significant
clinical consequences [19, 24]. Recently, the concept
of the lung as a potential target organ for micro-
angiopathy of the disease is getting more attention
[25, 42]; and pulmonary function in diabetes has
become an interesting topic in the context of evolving
research into the lung safety of inhaled insulin [35,
36]. Due to its extensive vascular network and high
collagen and elastin content, the pulmonary system is
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FARMACIA, 2022, Vol. 70, 6
vulnerable to microvascular injury and nonenzymatic
glycation in diabetes [8, 33]. Despite, the fact that
many researchers have investigated the pulmonary
functions and diffusion capacity of diabetic patients,
the results have consistently been inconsistent [23].
Pathological studies in diabetic patients have depicted
alterations in the basal lamina of the alveolar walls
and pulmonary capillaries [21] and obstructive or
restrictive disorders may arise as a result [7]. Some
histopathological evidence indicated the involvement
of lungs in patients with DM2 demonstrating that
alveolar walls and pulmonary capillary walls were
thickened due to collagen and elastin changes and
microangiopathy. These changes might be the cause
of pulmonary complications [6]. In this context,
many researchers tried to investigate the association
between antidiabetic medications and pulmonary
impairment in DM2. Previous studies suggested that
metformin might play a role in respiratory diseases
independently from the antidiabetic role, and it might
be of therapeutic effect in lung diseases and clinical
uses [26, 37]. While other studies indicated that
Pioglitazone (a thiazolidinedione) had a favorable
impact on lung fibrosis, indicating that it may act as an
anti-fibrotic agent [3]. On the other hand, glibenclamide
(sulfonylurea) has been represented to play a protective
role in the development of asthma through the relaxation
of respiratory airway muscles in mice [11]. Therefore,
this study was conducted to assess the effects of
chronic hyperglycemia on lung functions, focusing
on spirometric parameters which determine the
mechanism of lung function the precise volume or
flow of air inhaled and exhaled in one maneuver, as
well as to discover the role of certain oral antidiabetic
medications (metformin, metformin plus thiazolidine-
dione and metformin plus sulfonylurea) in respiratory
function changes.
Materials and Methods
Study design
This observational cross-sectional study was carried
out in Basra City, Iraq, from November 2021 to April
2022. It has been performed according to the guide-
lines of STROBE (Strengthening the Reporting of
Observational Studies in Epidemiology), the statement's
recommendations for reporting observational studies
[13]. The protocol was approved by the local Ethical
Committee of the University of Basrah, College of
Pharmacy, Iraq.
A total of two hundred and sixty participants of
both sexes were enrolled in the present study. The
participants were divided into two major groups:
100 healthy individuals in (group 1), (48% females
and 52% males), were within the age range of (40 -
62) years, and had a mean of 51.49 ± 10.99. The
other participants were 160 patients with diabetes
mellitus type 2 (DM2), divided into 3 groups based
on the type of antidiabetic medication: (51) patients
on metformin as group 2. This group included (24
females and 27 males), with a mean age of 55.48 ±
7.62. The other group (group 3) on metformin plus
thiazolidinedione was 56 (27 females and 29 males)
patients with a mean age of 53.78 ± 7.25 and (group 4)
included 53 (25 females plus 28 males) patients on
metformin plus sulfonylurea with a mean age of
54.52 ± 8.55. Characteristics of each group are
illustrated in Table Ⅰ.
Participants were randomly selected according to
several inclusion and exclusion criteria applied in
this study. All patients were selected from the internal
medicine consulting clinic at one of the Teaching
hospitals in Basrah City, Iraq, while participants of
healthy group 1 were university employees and patients'
relatives. However, the participants were physically
and clinically examined by a specialized physician to
assess their health status including the cardiovascular
system, respiratory system; neuromuscular functions
to exclude inadequate patients.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria. Patients with DM2
who had been on oral hypoglycemic medicines for at
least a year were eligible, while patients with a chest
infection, chronic respiratory diseases, cardiovascular
problems, smoking, and morbid obesity (BMI ≥ 40)
were excluded from the study.
Demographics and characteristics of all individuals
such as age, sex, height, weight, body mass index
(BMI), diseases/drug history and smoking status were
collected via a questionnaire.
Measurement of HbA1c of all participants was done
by the diagnostic tina-quant hemoglobin A1c kits of
to the current guidelines [46]. Patients were previously
diagnosed with diabetes mellitus type 2 based on
symptoms of diabetes plus clinical measurements;
random blood sugar (200 mg/dL), Fasting blood
glucose level (126 mg/dL) or glycated Hemoglobin
A1c ≥ 6.5% [18].
Pulmonary function parameters
Measuring the parameters of pulmonary functions
was done by a medical and diagnostic spirometer
(MIR Spirol III Diagnostic Spirometer, Ltd. England).
The procedure was performed for all participants, in
standing position between (9:00 am - 12:00 pm), by
one trained expert technician, following the American
Thoracic Society (ATS) guide [17]. The individual's
characteristics (age, gender, weight, height and race)
were all recorded and the participant was instructed to
inhale and exhale the air forcefully and continuously
in the mouthpiece of the instrument.
The measurement was repeated three times, reaching
the accepted degree of patient cooperation to get the
most suitable record of pulmonary function parameters
and diagnosis. The recorded parameters included forced
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FARMACIA, 2022, Vol. 70, 6
vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in 1
second (FEV1), FEV1/FVC in percentage (%), estimated
lung age (ELA), maximal voluntary ventilation (MVV)
and peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR). Normal
pulmonary function is when the values of FVC and
FEV1 are normal. A decrease in one parameter or
more refers to pulmonary disorder.
Echocardiogram test
To rule out any heart conditions that can alter the
results of the lung function test, all patients underwent
an echocardiography evaluation by a cardiologist
using a (GE vivid 7 U.S.A.) cardiac ultrasound machine.
The necessary information was gathered on a collection
form and then moved to an Excel sheet. The data
collecting form was checked to adjust any discrepant
values. Then, the required data were statistically
evaluated and compared.
Statistical Analysis
The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS
version 26) program was used to analyze the data.
For comparisons, the data were given as Mean plus
standard deviation. To check whether numerical data
had a normal distribution, the Shapiro-Wilk and
Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests were used. An independent
sample t-test was used for data with a regular distribution,
while the Mann-Whitney U-test was used for data
with a non-normal distribution. The strength of the
association between two variables was assessed
using Spearman's rank and Pearson's correlation
coefficients, while the binary logistic regression
analysis was used to determine the odd ratio (OR) and
confidence interval (CI) for DM2 patients. Statistical
significance was considered as a p value of less
than 0.05.
Results and Discussion
Table illustrates the demographics of the healthy
controls (group 1) and other groups of diabetic patients
with different medications (groups 2, 3 and 4). These
groups were matching in age, height, weight, BMI,
as well as gender distribution (females/males’ ratio),
when statistically analyzed it revealed no significant
difference (p > 0.05), while HbA1c revealed significant
differences between healthy (group 1) and each of
diabetic patient’s groups (groups 2, 3 and 4) with p <
0.05. All participants were free of any other disease
including hypertension or other serious disease.
Table I
Groups Characteristics
Group parameters
Group 1 (N = 100)
Mean ± SD
Group 2 (N = 51)
Mean ± SD
Group 3 (N = 56)
Mean ± SD
*p value
Age (years)
51.49 ± 10.99
55.48 ± 7.62
53.78 ± 7.25
Gender ratio
Female/male ratio)
(48%, 52%)
(48%, 52%)
Weight (kg)
71.91 ± 14.81
82.00 ± 7.79
81.98 ± 13.56
height (cm)
168.77 ± 9.54
169.46 ± 9.88
168.78 ± 10.74
BMI (Kg/cm2)
28.54 ± 4.24
28.77 ± 3.86
29.06 ± 5.88
4.67 ± 0.
8.93 ± 1.61
8.38 ± 1.59
*A significant difference is when p 0.05; N: number; Mean ± SD is the mean value + standard deviation
In this study, we compared healthy individuals (group
1) and all DM2 patients regardless of the type of
medication and it revealed that pulmonary function
parameters (FVC, FEV1, PEF, MVV and ELA) were
significantly lower in DM2 patients (2.88 ± 0.72;
2.96 ± 0.79; 4.91 ± 2.07; 59.03 ± 18.53 and 66.17 ±
13.11) than healthy (group1) (3.45 ± 0.80; 3.21 ± 0.74;
6.50 ± 2.01; 108.15 ± 16.14 and 45.47 ± 17.07) (p <
0.05) except for FEV1/FVC% which showed a non-
significant difference (p > 0.05) between healthy and
DM2 patients in general (90.86 ± 5.96 vs. 89.61 ±
8.68), as illustrated in Table Ⅱ.
This result shows that diabetes mellitus gradually
affects the lungs among other body organs and systems
with multisystemic complications [10]. Pulmonary
complications of diabetes and the exact etiology of
pulmonary complications are not fully established yet.
As seen in Table II, analysis displayed a significant
decline in values of most pulmonary function parameters
including FVC, FEV1, PEF and MVV (p < 0.05)
when comparing DM2 patients in general to healthy
controls (group 1), whereas, the mean value of
(FEV1/FVC%) showed a non-significant difference
between group 1 and DM2 patients in general, (p >
0.05). This finding might rule out the obstructive
pattern disorder among DM2 patients involved in the
study. It is well established that FEV1/FVC ratio is
used to determine if a person is with a restrictive or
an obstructive lung pattern. When FVC is declined
and FEV1/FVC ratio is normal, this indicates a
restrictive pattern. A restrictive disorder occurs when
an individual can't breathe in deeply and forcefully
as normal. It is linked to damage of lung tissues [32].
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FARMACIA, 2022, Vol. 70, 6
Table II
Comparison between pulmonary function test for all patients and control
function parameters
Group 1 (N = 100)
Mean ± SD
DM2 Patients (N = 160)
Mean ± SD
*p value
ELA (years)
*p value is significant when it > 0.05; N: number; Mean ± SD is the mean value + standard deviation; DM2: diabetes mellitus type 2;
FVC: forced vital capacity; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 second; FEV1%: is the FEV1/FVC ratio; MVV: maximal voluntary
ventilation; PEF: peak expiratory flow; ELA: estimated lung age
Regarding the respiratory patterns, the percentages
of normal spirometry were as the following: 86% in
group 1 and a lesser percentage in the different
medication groups of diabetic patients (84%, 75%
and 64% in groups 2, 3 and 4, respectively). The
groups also showed a significant variation in the
percentage of spirometry disorders. The percentage
of the restrictive pattern was 9% in group 1, while it
was (14%, 24% and 30% in groups 2, 3 and 4,
respectively). The obstructive pattern was also
found, but in a lesser percentage (5% in group 1) and
(2%, 4% and 8% in groups 2, 3 and 4, respectively),
(Table Ⅲ, Figure 1).
Table III
Respiratory diagnosis
Respiratory diagnosis
Group 1 (N = 100)
Group 2 (N = 51)
Group 3 (N = 56)
Group 4 (N = 53)
*p value
Obstructive N(%)
5 (5%)
1 (2%)
2 (4%)
4 (8%)
Restrictive N(%)
9 (9%)
7 (14%)
12 (24%)
15 (30%)
Combined N(%)
0 (0)
Normal N(%)
86 (86%)
43 (84%)
42 (75%)
34 (64%)
N: number
Figure 1.
Respiratory diagnosis
We found that the percentage of restrictive patterns
was higher among DM2 patients, particularly patients
on metformin plus sulfonylurea combination (group
4) than the restrictive percentage among healthy
individuals (group 1). A prior study by Mandal A et
al. has concluded the presence of a restrictive pattern
of lung function impairment in patients suffering
from diabetes of both sexes [27]. As well as a study
by Mittal S et al. [30] has demonstrated that pulmonary
function parameters declined and a restrictive pattern
of pulmonary dysfunction was observed in patients
with type 2 diabetes mellitus when compared with
healthy individuals suggesting the lungs may be
considered a primary target organ of DM complication
beside other micro and macrovascular consequences.
On the other hand, a study by Talpur AS et al. [41]
confirmed that restrictive lung disease is significantly
associated with type 2 Diabetes mellitus patients,
especially those with complicated longstanding diabetes
who were found to have restrictive lung disease and
severe dyspnea. The researchers Shah SH et al. [39]
explained the cause of the restrictive pulmonary
disorder in DM2 suggesting that diabetes mellitus
may target the glycosylation of connective tissues
resulting in a reduction of tissue elasticity in the
lung, or creating marked inflammatory changes in
the lungs.
Furthermore, the obstructive pulmonary disorder
was also reported in this study among DM2 patients
with different medications, but in a small percentage
2%, 4% and 8% in groups 2, 3 and 4 which were not
significantly different from group 1 (5%), (Table III).
However, the presence of obstructive cases was
reported in a few previous studies one of them done
by Theusen BH et al. [43] who suggested an obstructive
pattern of the lung pathology and showed that
insulin resistance is an important predictor of the
occurrence of symptoms that resembles asthma
symptoms. While Balducci et al. revealed the strength
of the respiratory muscle in DM 2 declines corresponding
to the metabolic regulation of the disease which may
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FARMACIA, 2022, Vol. 70, 6
lead to reduced lung volumes [5]. Another prior
study by Fuso L et al. [15] showed a distinct
relationship between respiratory muscle efficacy and
glycemic regulation. It demonstrated that MVV, a
simple mean for measurement of respiratory muscle
performance and strength is increased in patients
with good control of blood glycemic levels and reduced
in others with uncontrolled glycaemia. This finding
was consistent with our study that showed a statistically
significant decrease in MVV of DM patients compared
to healthy (group 1). On the other hand, a prior
study by Mishra GP et al. reported the presence of
restrictive lung patterns in DM patients with asthma
and obstructive pattern (combined pattern) [29].
However, there were no combined cases among DM2
patients in the present study. Another interesting
finding reported by this study is the significant
increase in ELA of DM2 patients in general, but no
significant changes were reported among patients of
the three groups of medications (groups 2, 3 and 4).
The parameter ELA refers to the physiological lung
age. It is the real age of the individual when respiratory
functions are normal [2]. Deterioration of PFTs was
inversely linked with ELA, implying that ELA increased
as PFTs deteriorated [4, 22].
No significant correlation between diabetic control
index (HbA1c) and pulmonary function parameters
were found in this study p > 0.05 (Table Ⅳ).
Table IV
Correlation between PFT and HbA1c for all patients
r value
0.027 -0.077 -0.033
p value
0.741 0.346 0.
HbA1c: Glycosylated Hemoglobin Type A1C; FVC: forced vital capacity; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 second; FEV1%: is the
FEV1/FVC ratio; MVV: maximal voluntary ventilation; PEF: peak expiratory flow; ELA: estimated lung age
Previous studies by Acharya PR et al. [1], Chidri SV
et al. [9] and Shah SH et al. [39] have also reported
a lack of relation between this index of diabetes
control and lung function. Because the HbA1C is
predictive of short-term glycemic control over the
last 3 - 4 months, concluding that blood glucose control
has no influence on pulmonary functioning in diabetics
based on this finding alone is inaccurate. Several
studies by Vanidassane I et al. [44], Tai H et al. [40]
and Dennis RJ et al. [12] have stated that diabetics
with uncontrolled glucose levels have decreased
pulmonary function parameters compared to those
with good control.
Comparison of pulmonary function parameters among
the study groups revealed that group 1 differed
significantly from DM2 groups (2, 3 and 4), as clarified
by Table Ⅴ. The mean values of FEV1, FVC, PEF and
MVV were significantly higher in group 1 compared
to other groups (p < 0.05). While the mean value of
ELA was significantly elevated in each DM2 patient’s
group of different medications (groups 2, 3 and 4),
(p < 0.05). On the other hand, there were no
significant changes in FEV1/FVC% in the DM2
patients’ groups (2, 3 and 4) compared to healthy
group 1. Moreover, the results revealed that there
was no significant variation when comparing every
two groups of DM2 patients’ groups of different
medication, e.g., between groups 2 and 3, or between
3 and 4, (p > 0.05), (Table Ⅴ).
Table V
Pulmonary function parameters in the study groups
Group 1
N = 100
Mean ± SD
Group 2
N = 51
Mean ± SD
Group 3
N = 56
Mean ± SD
Group 4
N = 53
Mean ± SD
1 vs 2
1 vs 3
1 vs 4
2 vs 3
2 vs 4
3 vs 4
3.45 ± 0.80
2.58 ± 0.
2.47 ± 0.
2.65 ± 0.
3.21 ± 0.74
2.64 ± 0. 
2.66 ± 0.72
2.42 ± 0.54
90.86 ± 5.96
8.73 ± 8.84
8.52 ± 6.91
85.84 ± 14.21
6.50 ± 2.01
4.27 ± 1.22
3.80 ± 1.05
3.81 ± 1.18
108.15 ± 16.14
87.47 ± 17.1
88.56 ± 14.91
90.78 ± 19.86
45.47 17.07
60.56 ± 12.15
64.98 ± 14.51
66.98 ± 12.49
*A significant difference is when p 0.05; N: number; Mean ±SD is the mean value + standard deviation; FVC: forced vital capacity;
FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 second; FEV1%: is the FEV1/FVC ratio; MVV: maximal voluntary ventilation; PEF: peak expiratory
flow; ELA: estimated lung age
The results of statistical binary logistic regression
analysis in our study show the combination of
metformin plus sulfonylurea (in group 4) is more
likely to be associated with the changed pulmonary
function parameters and lung dysfunction with an
odd ratio (OR: 2.999; at 95% confidence interval
(CI): 1.006 - 8.937, p > 0.05), whereas metformin and
metformin plus thiazolidinedione drug combination
showed a non-significant association and less OR
(1.061 and 1.986), p 0.05). Sulfonylurea glibenclamide
has been demonstrated to have impacts on the
attenuation of eosinophil-mediated airway inflammation
and hyperresponsiveness in an animal model in a
previous study [11]. However, no previous studies
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FARMACIA, 2022, Vol. 70, 6
have been published about its effect on human
respiratory function yet. On the other hand, other
medications metformin and metformin plus thiazolidine-
dione did not reveal such association with impairment
of pulmonary function parameters. A previous study
found that exposure to thiazolidinediones was related
to a significant decline in the exacerbation of obstructive
disorder among diabetic patients [34].
Regarding metformin, a prior study reported that
metformin might be a promising anti-fibrotic modality
for the treatment of pulmonary fibrosis [37] as well
as the relationship between metformin and reduction
of respiratory exacerbations which improved quality
of life in bronchospastic diseases was reported by
another study [26]. It has been found by a prospective
study of the significant effects of six months of
metformin medication in COPD, improvement in
respiratory signs and inspiratory muscle function [38].
According to prior studies, it is more likely that
diabetic lungs express a restrictive disorder due to the
disease itself regardless of the medication [28, 31].
Long-standing DM2 results in autonomic neuropathy
that may be associated with gastroesophageal reflux
disease leading to recurrent aspiration pneumonitis
and consequent fibrotic parenchymal lung changes.
On the other hand, there is a high incidence of
infections among DM2 patients, such as pulmonary
tuberculosis, that may leave marked fibrotic changes
in the lungs [45]. Further studies are required involving
a large number of patients instead of a limited number
which may be considered a study limitation. However,
the inclusion of healthy individuals as a control group
for comparison as well as a commitment to a wide
range of exclusion criteria considered a positive
aspect of accurate investigation.
Pulmonary functions were significantly affected by
DM2. Assessment of pulmonary function parameters
can be used as a screening method to detect early
changes in lung parameters in persons suffering from
DM2, to manage pulmonary dysfunction, which was
mostly a restrictive pattern. Additionally, assessments
of diabetic patients' pulmonary function characteristics
may be used to help prescribe suitable medication,
particularly for those with specific respiratory issues.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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Introduction Diabetes mellitus (DM) has been broadly recognized as the syndrome of hyperglycemia leading to various macro- and microvascular complications. The different physiological systems that have been identified as a target of these injurious effects of hyperglycemia are the excretory system, ocular system, central nervous system, and cardiovascular system. To date, not much focus has been given to the respiratory system as a possible target for the deleterious effect of hyperglycemia. Objective To assess the pulmonary functions in subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and compare them with age and sex-matched healthy controls. Methods This study was conducted on one hundred and twenty-five patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and a comparative number of age and sex-matched non-diabetic individuals (control group) who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. RMS Helios 401 computerized spirometer was used to assess pulmonary functions. Results The mean age of the control group and type 2 diabetics were 50.96±6.85 and 51.47±8.43 years, respectively. The results of the present study showed significantly lower values of FVC, FEV1, FEF25-75%, and MVV among diabetic subjects as compared to controls (<0.05). Conclusion We found that pulmonary function parameters in diabetic subjects were consistently lower than in healthy controls. This reduction in lung function is probably a chronic complication of type 2 diabetes mellitus.
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Background The present study aimed to evaluate the proportion of restrictive pulmonary disease in individuals with diabetes mellitus type II patients. Methodology A cross-sectional study was performed at Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences between May 2020 and June 2021. All individuals aged between 40 and 65 years, irrespective of gender were included in the study. While those individuals with known obstructive lung diseases, blood disorders, or malignancy were excluded. Spirometry, total lung capacity (TLC), and carbon monoxide diffusing capacity (DLCO) measurements were conducted to obtain a pattern of restrictive disease in patients. Patients were divided into three main groups; i) prediabetes, ii) newly diagnosed cases of diabetes, iii) longstanding diabetes mellitus type II, and iv) control group. The parameters like the patients’ age, sex, medication, history of smoking, and cardiac diseases, among other demographics were recorded. The data collected was recorded on a predesigned proforma. Results The majority of the newly diagnosed cases, as well as long-standing diseases, were elderly males (p=0.014 and p<0.0001). Dyspnea was significantly correlated with longstanding diabetes mellitus type II as indicated by a higher mean score of 0.65 ± 0.10 (p=0.006). Smoking did not significantly correlate with diabetes mellitus type II. In patients with longstanding diabetes, 27 (14.4%) had a modified Medical Research Council (mMRC) score of greater than two while none of the controls had severe breathlessness. Reduced forced vital capacity (FVC) was detected in 16.0% of patients with longstanding diabetes and 12.8% in patients with newly diagnosed disease. Similar results were obtained for total lung capacity (TLC) and diffusing capacity (DLCO) (p=0.003 and p=0.02). Conclusion Diabetes mellitus type II is significantly associated with restrictive lung disease in patients as indicated by a high number of patients with longstanding diabetes in our study who were found to have restrictive lung disease and severe dyspnea. Screening for lung dysfunction could aid in optimum management of this debilitating disease.
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Background: Association of diabetes with abnormal lung function was suggested by several studies. Reduced elastic recoil, reduced lung volume, diminished respiratory muscle performance, chronic low-grade inflammation, decrease in pulmonary diffusion capacity for carbon monoxide, and autonomic neuropathy involving respiratory muscles are some of the important changes occurring in diabetes mellitus (DM). Furthermore, metabolic disorders, especially diabetes that generally manifested with obesity, are associated with a substantial loss of pulmonary function in a restrictive pattern. Aims and Objectives: The findings of the pulmonary function tests (PFTs) in Type 2 DM could guide the clinicians to modify the intervention and management strategies. The present study relates duration of diabetes and glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) to lung function parameters among the Type 2 DM patients. It also compares the glycemic indices and lung function parameters of diabetics with those of the non-diabetics to reaffirm the results. Materials and Methods: Glycemic indices and lung parameters are measured among diabetics and control non-diabetics. Results: We found no effect of duration of diabetes on the mean values of the lung function parameters. All the lung function parameters showed negative correlation with HbA1c, especially for forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1%) suggesting a decline in FEV1% with an increase in HbA1c. On comparing lung function parameters between diabetics and non-diabetics, we found statistically significant reduction in forced vital capacity, FEV1, peak expiratory flow rate, and forced expiratory flow 25-75 associated with an increase in FEV1% in both male and female diabetics which points to a restrictive type of pulmonary dysfunction. Conclusions: Our study revealed restrictive pattern of lung function impairment in persons suffering from diabetes of both sexes. PFT can be used as a screening method to detect early changes in lung parameters in persons suffering from DM so as to prevent further restriction in functioning of respiratory system.
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Background Obesity could affect many functions of the body systems, particularly respiratory system. Effect of obesity on respiratory system leads to an impairment in pulmonary function tests which is represented by a decrease in lung volumes and capacities, therefore obstructive or restrictive pulmonary diseases may develop. The recent study was conducted to investigate and assess the impact of weight loss by surgery on static and dynamic lung volumes (pulmonary function tests) and the improvement in co morbidities. Patients and methods The study included 68 morbid obese patients, 36 females and 32 males. The patients were with age range 24–56 years, BMI≥ 40 kg/m²or≥35 kg/m² with co morbidities. Pulmonary volumes and function tests of all patients were measured before weight loss surgery and one year after the surgery. Result The results showed a significant reduction in the body weight (p < 0.05), with an improvement in co morbidities. Pulmonary volumes ERV,IRV,TLC, FRC and RV were significantly changed one year after surgery as well as there were significant increases in the mean values of the dynamic volumes such as FEV1,FEV1%,FEF50%, PEF and MVV.(p < 0.05). Conclusion loss of excess body weight by bariatric surgery resulted in a significant improvement in co morbidities and function of respiratory system represented by significant changes in both static and dynamic lung volumes …
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To assess the variations in pulmonary function and vascular endothelial function in their early stages (without related complications). A total of 162 type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients without diabetes complications and 55 healthy people were selected, comprising the T2DM group and the control group, respectively, to evaluate changes in vascular endothelial function and lung function and determine the correlation between them. In this study, the T2DM group exhibited significantly lower pulmonary function than that of the control group (P < 0.05). The T2DM group also showed significantly lower flow-mediated dilation (FMD) and nitric oxide (NO) (P < 0.05) than those of the control group. Pulmonary functional indexes correlated positively with FMD and NO (P < 0.05) and correlated negatively with endothelin-1 (ET-1) (P < 0.05). FMD and NO correlated negatively with diabetes duration/HbA1c (P < 0.05), whereas ET-1 correlated positively with glycosylated hemoglobinA1c (HbA1c)/diabetes duration (P < 0.05). Pulmonary functional indexes negatively correlated with HbA1c/diabetes duration (P < 0.05). Multiple linear regression was used to analyze the relationship between vascular endothelial function indexes (FMD, ET-1, and NO) and pulmonary functional indexes. The results indicated that each vascular endothelial function index (FMD, ET-1, and NO) was significantly correlated with the pulmonary functional index (P < 0.05). The patients with T2DM presented changes in the subclinical vascular endothelial and pulmonary function. They also had impaired vascular endothelial functions, which were characterized by reduced vascular endothelial function relative to those of healthy people. Regulating glycemia may improve vascular endothelial and pulmonary functions. Moreover, microvascular lesions in preclinical stages, vascular endothelial function indexes (FMD, ET-1, and NO) were valid predictors of alterations in pulmonary function in T2DM patients without related complications. Clinical Trial Registration, identifier NCT03575988.
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Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic metabolic disease and its prevalence has been steadily increasing all over the world. DM and its associated micro and macrovascular complications result in significant morbidity and mortality. The microvascular complications are usually manifested as retinopathy, neuropathy, nephropathy and macrovascular complications generally affect the cardiovascular system. In addition to these complications, DM also affects the lungs because of its rich vascularity and abundance in connective tissue (collagen and elastin). DM has been found to cause microvascular complications and proliferation of extracellular connective tissue in the lungs, leading to decline in lung function in a restrictive pattern. Interstitial lung disease (ILD) includes a diverse group of disease conditions characterized by different degrees of inflammation and fibrosis in the pulmonary parenchyma. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is one of the common type of idiopathic interstitial pneumonia with a high mortality rate. IPF is characterized by chronic progressive fibrosis leading to progressive respiratory failure. In this review we focus on lung as the target organ in DM and the association of DM and ILD with special emphasis on IPF.
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Diabetes mellitus is a chronic, progressive, incompletely understood metabolic disorder whose prevalence has been increasing steadily worldwide. Even though little attention has been paid to lung disorders in the context of diabetes, its prevalence has recently been challenged by newer studies of disease development. In this review, we summarize and discuss the role of diabetes mellitus involved in the progression of pulmonary diseases, with the main focus on pulmonary fibrosis, which represents a chronic and progressive disease with high mortality and limited therapeutic options.
Background Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a chronic, noncommunicable, multi-system disease that has reached epidemic proportions in the previous decade. Chronic exposure to hyperglycemia affects the microvasculature, eventually leading to diabetic nephropathy, diabetic retinopathy and diabetic neuropathy with high impact on quality of life and overall life expectancy of diabetic patients. Sexual dysfunction is an often-overlooked microvascular complication of T2DM, with a complex pathogenesis originating from endothelial dysfunction. Objective The purpose of this review is to present current definitions, epidemiological data and risk factors for diabetic retinopathy, diabetic nephropathy, diabetic neuropathy and sexual dysfunction, as well as to describe the clinical and laboratory evaluation that is mandatory for the diagnosis of these conditions. Method A comprehensive review of the literature was performed to identify data from clinical studies for the prevalence, risk factors and diagnostic methods of microvascular complications of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Results Diabetic nephropathy and diabetic retinopathy affect approximately 25% of type 2 diabetic patients, diabetic neuropathy is encountered in almost 50% of the diabetic population, while the prevalence of erectile dysfunction ranges from 35 to 90% in diabetic men. The duration of diabetes mellitus along with glycemic, blood pressure and lipid control are common risk factors for the development of these complications. Criteria for the diagnosis of these conditions are well established, although exclusion of other causes is mandatory to ensure the diagnosis. Conclusion Early detection of microvascular complications is of great importance, as early intervention leads to better outcomes, but requires awareness of their definition, prevalence and diagnostic modalities.