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Sensor-Based Sorting of Municipal Solid Waste using Arduino Microcontroller


Abstract and Figures

This urban areas are facing challenges in implementing environmentally sustainable and cost-effective waste management strategies due to the growing volume and complexity of solid waste streams. One of the biggest obstacles is still the absence of automatic trash segregation systems. This article describes the development and testing of a waste segregator prototype that uses an Arduino Uno R3 to automatically classify mixed solid wastes from municipal waste streams. Multiple inductive proximity, ultrasonic, and soil moisture sensors integrated with the Arduino board are used in the segregator. Prior to building the prototype, Proteus software was used to create circuit simulations and PCB layouts for the sensor integration and control system design. The goal is to develop an automated, quick, and cost-effective system that can use real-time sensor data to intelligently separate municipal solid trash into dry, moist, and metallic fractions. A decision-making algorithm divides the garbage into predetermined groups based on sensor output data triggers after the various sensors have first analyzed the composition of the input waste stream. Extensive testing demonstrates that the sensor-enabled prototype system can effectively separate various municipal solid waste flows into the intended fractions with very accurate and dependable results. Increased use of these automated segregator systems can lead to notable gains in waste management methods' environmental sustainability and economic viability for all communities.
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International Journal of Engineering Inventions e-ISSN: 2278-7461, p-ISSN: 2319-6491 Volume 13, Issue 3 [March. 2024] PP: 189-200 Page | 189
Sensor-Based Sorting of Municipal Solid Waste using
Arduino Microcontroller
Azahari Salleh, Najmiah Radiah Mohamad, Nik Mohd Zarifie Hashim
Center for Telecommunication Research and Innovation (CeTRI), Fakulti Teknologi Kejuruteraan Elektronik
dan Komputer(FTKEK), Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM), Hang Tuah Jaya, 76100, Durian
Tunggal, Melaka, Malaysia
Corresponding Author: Azahari Salleh
ABSTRACT: This urban areas are facing challenges in implementing environmentally sustainable and cost-
effective waste management strategies due to the growing volume and complexity of solid waste streams. One of
the biggest obstacles is still the absence of automatic trash segregation systems. This article describes the
development and testing of a waste segregator prototype that uses an Arduino Uno R3 to automatically classify
mixed solid wastes from municipal waste streams. Multiple inductive proximity, ultrasonic, and soil moisture
sensors integrated with the Arduino board are used in the segregator. Prior to building the prototype, Proteus
software was used to create circuit simulations and PCB layouts for the sensor integration and control system
design. The goal is to develop an automated, quick, and cost-effective system that can use real-time sensor data
to intelligently separate municipal solid trash into dry, moist, and metallic fractions. A decision-making
algorithm divides the garbage into predetermined groups based on sensor output data triggers after the various
sensors have first analyzed the composition of the input waste stream. Extensive testing demonstrates that the
sensor-enabled prototype system can effectively separate various municipal solid waste flows into the intended
fractions with very accurate and dependable results. Increased use of these automated segregator systems can
lead to notable gains in waste management methods' environmental sustainability and economic viability for all
Date of Submission: 16-03-2024 Date of acceptance: 31-03-2024
Municipal solid waste (MSW) encompasses the diverse assortment of solid waste generated in urban
areas, including household waste, waste from institutions, commercial waste, and industrial waste. This waste
comprises various materials such as food scraps, paper, plastics, glass, metals, yard trimmings, and consumer
electronics that are discarded as part of the regular functioning of a city. The exponential growth of population,
accelerated urbanization, and industrial development have led to a substantial rise in the production of waste,
making municipal solid waste (MSW) a critical global concern [1]. Managing municipal solid waste (MSW)
involves many methods such as waste reduction, reuse, recycling, energy recovery, and safe disposal in landfills
[2]. An effective strategy to increase the percentage of renewable energy in the overall energy output is to utilize
municipal solid waste (MSW) for energy generation [3]. Regrettably, inadequate management of municipal
solid waste (MSW) has resulted in health hazards, environmental pollution, and occupational accidents for
waste collectors [4][6].
The worldwide production of MSW is projected to increase from approximately 1.3 billion tons per
year in 2012 to around 2.2 billion tons per year by 2025 [1]. In view of the significant risks to human and
environmental well-being resulting from the surge in garbage production, it is imperative to implement efficient
waste management strategies. In addition, the improper disposal of municipal solid waste (MSW) has led to
groundwater contamination and environmental degradation in many areas [7]. Governments are encountering
difficulties due to insufficient management of solid waste, particularly in developing countries where population
growth and urbanization have resulted in a rise in the output of municipal solid garbage [8], [9]. In addition,
MSW exposes waste collectors to health problems associated with their occupation, since they frequently come
into close proximity with hazardous compounds in the waste [4]. Moreover, MSW management entails many
hazards that pose a threat to the well-being and safety of waste management experts [6]. To safeguard the well-
being of the general public and workers, it is imperative to implement efficient waste management protocols due
to the potential health hazards associated with MSW.
The effective organization and recycling of municipal solid waste (MSW) are becoming more crucial
in urban areas, leading to an urgent need for its management [10]. The implementation of sensor-based
technologies in solid waste sorting has shown great potential for enhancing waste management systems and
Sensor-Based Sorting of Municipal Solid Waste using Arduino Microcontroller Page | 190
achieving good outcomes [10]. The study gaps indicate a lack of understanding regarding the elements that
influence community engagement in home waste sorting, especially in developing nations [11], [12]. In
addition, the challenges associated with handling electronic trash, commonly known as "e-waste," in developing
countries highlight the importance of having efficient recycling facilities and promoting the remanufacturing of
items to extend their lifespan [13]. Furthermore, an essential issue that requires further investigation is the
influence of governance on the sustainable management of municipal solid waste [14].
An emerging technique that shows promise for trash management systems is automated sensor-based
sorting [10]. Various sensor technologies such as X-ray scanning, fluorescence spectroscopy, and near-infrared
can be employed to distinguish different types of rubbish as they pass along a conveyor belt [15]. The complex
automated sorting procedure employs a hydraulic robotic arm in [16]. The availability of cost-effective
microcontrollers, such as Arduino, has enabled the development of customized sorting systems that rely on
sensors [17]. Despite the utilization of PIC and Raspberry Pi microcontrollers [18][19] to assess sensor-based
waste segregators, there is a scarcity of study on implementing Arduino-based systems.
This study presents a proposed automated waste segregation system that incorporates many sensor
technologies and an Arduino Uno board. The main objectives are to develop a cost-effective and uncomplicated
system that is efficient for waste management activities on a small scale.
Fig. 1 depicts the comprehensive technique or sequence of procedures employed in creating the waste
segregation system utilizing Arduino UNO R3. The procedure commences with a comprehensive examination
of existing literature, wherein established methodologies, constraints, and areas of research deficiency in waste
management and segregation are scrutinized. This step is crucial in developing the project objectives and design
specifications. Subsequently, the project design is defined by establishing the specifications, which encompass
the choice of hardware components (such as Arduino UNO R3, sensors, and servo motor), system prerequisites,
and the comprehensive system structure. The hardware development phase entails the integration of the chosen
components, constructing the circuit on a breadboard or PCB, and verifying the correct connections and
functionality of the hardware elements. Concurrently, software development occurs, in which the Arduino UNO
R3 is developed using the Arduino IDE to manage the sensors, analyze the input signals, and drive the servo
motor for waste segregation. After the development of the hardware and software components, the integration
and testing phase commences. During this phase, the hardware and software components are integrated, and the
entire system undergoes thorough testing in order to detect and repair any problems or glitches that may arise in
different settings.
The design criteria included an automated waste segregation system that categorizes residential
garbage into three distinct groups: organic waste, plastic waste, and metal waste. The system utilized an Arduino
UNO R3 microcontroller as the primary control unit, in addition to three separate sensors for precise garbage
detection and categorization. A soil moisture sensor was used to identify wet garbage. This sensor quantifies the
volumetric water content in the trash by detecting the resistance between its two probes, which fluctuates in
accordance with the moisture level. As the moisture level increases, the resistance decreases, enabling the
device to properly detect wet trash. An ultrasonic sensor was integrated to identify plastic garbage. This sensor
functions by producing ultrasonic waves and calculating the duration it takes for the waves to reflect off an item.
The system may use time-of-flight analysis to accurately measure the distance to the waste and categorize it as
either plastic or dry waste, using a predetermined threshold distance. An inductive proximity sensor was
employed for the purpose of detecting metal trash. This sensor operates based on the theory of electromagnetic
induction, generating a high-frequency electromagnetic field that is disturbed by the existence of metallic
objects within its detection range. When a metallic waste object is inserted, the sensor detects the alteration in
the electromagnetic field and notifies the system appropriately.
Furthermore, a servo motor was incorporated to control a revolving platform that has three specific
compartments for each sort of waste. The servo motor, renowned for its meticulous angular manipulation, was
programmed to spin the platform and align the suitable bin in front of the user for garbage disposal, depending
on the identified waste category. The system was equipped with an LCD display that offered visible feedback to
the user, indicating the identified type of trash and the relevant bin for disposal. The primary objective of this
intuitive interface is to streamline the waste segregation process and encourage the adoption of effective waste
management practices within households.
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Fig. 1 Flowchart of system development process
The initial phase of hardware development entailed the assembly of components on a breadboard for
the purpose of testing and resolving any issues as shown in Fig. 2. The breadboard offered a practical platform
for establishing temporary connections and conducting circuit design experiments prior to finalizing a
permanent printed circuit board (PCB). The Arduino UNO R3 microcontroller board was firmly affixed to the
breadboard, guaranteeing accurate positioning and steadiness. The several sensors, such as the soil moisture
sensor, ultrasonic sensor, and inductive proximity sensor, were strategically positioned on the breadboard,
taking into account their pin configurations and connection needs. The servo motor, which is responsible for the
rotation of the waste bin platform, was meticulously placed on the breadboard to ensure ample space for its
movement. The LCD display module was linked to the corresponding pins on the Arduino UNO R3 in order to
present feedback and instructions to the user. Special consideration was given to the arrangement of the wiring,
ensuring that the connections between the components and the Arduino were systematically ordered and easily
distinguishable. This aided in the identification and resolution of any potential difficulties encountered during
the troubleshooting procedure. The components were connected to the Arduino using jumper wires of suitable
lengths, following the schematic diagram and according to correct electrical norms.
Fig. 2 Flowchart of system development process
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After positioning the components on the breadboard and establishing connections with the Arduino
UNO R3, thorough testing and troubleshooting were conducted to verify correct operation and detect any
possible problems. This procedure encompasses multiple stages, including the evaluation of sensors, the
examination of servo motors, the testing of LCD displays, and the integration testing. Each sensor (soil moisture,
ultrasonic, and inductive proximity) underwent separate tests to confirm its functionality and calibration as
shown in Fig 3 (a), (b) and (c). The sensor data were observed and contrasted with established reference values
to guarantee precise identification of waste categories. During the testing of the servo motor, various pulse
width modulation (PWM) signals were sent from the Arduino to guarantee that it rotated to the specified
positions (0°, 90°, and 180°) that corresponded to the locations of the garbage bins. Subsequently, the
functionality of the LCD display module was evaluated by transmitting diverse textual commands from the
Arduino in order to verify its accurate depiction of the identified waste category and its matching receptacle.
Once the individual components were verified, the entire system underwent testing by introducing various types
of trash and analyzing its overall functionality. This entailed monitoring the sensor data, confirming the rotation
of the servo motor, and ensuring the accuracy of the output on the LCD display. Throughout the troubleshooting
process, all problems or inconsistencies were recognized and resolved. These actions may have included fine-
tuning sensor calibrations, altering the program code, verifying wiring connections, or replacing defective
components as needed.
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Fig. 3 (a) Metal sensor test (b) Ultrasonic sensor (c) Soil moisture test
In order to achieve a small and durable end product, the circuit design was migrated from the
breadboard to a printed circuit board (PCB). The PCB layout was created utilizing Proteus software, enabling
accurate positioning of components and routing of circuit traces as shown in Fig 4 (a), (b) and (c). The
schematic design was initially generated using the program to ensure precise depiction of the components and
their interconnections. The PCB layout was carefully planned, taking into account aspects such as component
spacing, trace routing, and potential electromagnetic interference (EMI) concerns, as indicated by the schematic.
After the PCB layout was completed, it was printed onto a transparent film or a specialized PCB transfer paper
using a high-resolution printer. This printed layout functioned as a template for transposing the circuit design
onto a copper-clad board. To ensure effective adherence of the printed layout, the surface of the copper-clad
board was cleaned and deoxidized. The printed pattern was transferred onto the copper-clad board using a UV
exposure equipment or a similar method, resulting in a negative image of the circuit traces. Following the
exposure phase, the board underwent an etching procedure in which a chemical etchant solution was employed
to eliminate the undesired copper regions, thereby retaining the desirable circuit traces. This procedure
necessitated meticulous supervision and stirring to guarantee thorough etching without causing harm to the
intended circuitry. After the etching process was finished, the board underwent a meticulous cleaning and drying
procedure to eliminate any remaining etchant or debris. Subsequently, the component pads and through-holes
were perforated either by drilling or punching, facilitating the further positioning and soldering of the
components. The Arduino UNO R3, sensors, servo motor, and LCD display were meticulously soldered onto
the PCB, ensuring that they were placed correctly according to the layout and with the correct polarity and
orientation. Following the soldering process, a thorough examination was conducted to detect any possible cold
joints or shorts, thereby guaranteeing a dependable and resilient circuit. Next, the manufactured printed circuit
board (PCB) was combined with the essential housing, fasteners, and any supplementary elements needed to
complete the construction of the waste segregation system.
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Fig. 4 (a) PCB layout for printing (b) PCB layout in Proteus (c) Final PCB layout
The software development procedure for the waste segregation system utilizing Arduino UNO R3
commences by establishing the Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE) on the computer and
verifying the installation of the necessary libraries and drivers for the Arduino board. Subsequently, the essential
constants and variables are established and initialized, encompassing sensor thresholds, servo motor positions,
and pin allocations for the sensors, servo motor, and LCD display. The setup function initializes the serial
interface, if necessary for debugging purposes, and sets the pin modes for the sensors and servo motor. In
addition, the method initializes the LCD display. The main functionality of the program is included within the
loop function. In this function, the values from the moisture sensor, ultrasonic sensor, and inductive proximity
sensor are obtained using the relevant Arduino functions or libraries. The program utilizes conditional
statements, such as if-else statements, to create waste detection logic based on the sensor values. If the moisture
sensor reading over a predetermined threshold, the garbage is classified as "Wet Waste." If the value of the
ultrasonic sensor falls below a specific distance threshold, the waste is categorized as "Plastic Waste." When the
inductive proximity sensor detects metal, it categorizes the garbage as "Metal Waste." Once the waste kind is
identified, the program transmits the suitable PWM signal to the servo motor, which in turn rotates to the
assigned position that corresponds to the waste bin specifically meant for that waste type. Subsequently, the
waste kind that has been detected and its related bin are exhibited on the LCD display by utilizing the suitable
functionalities from the LCD library. During the development process, the program undergoes constant testing
and debugging by introducing various waste types and evaluating the sensor readings, servo motor rotation, and
LCD display output. The code is optimized and refined to improve efficiency, and any necessary extra features
or error handling procedures are added. After the software is finished and extensively tested, it is sent to the
Arduino UNO R3 board using the upload feature of the Arduino IDE. The software development process strictly
adheres to best coding practices, which include utilizing descriptive variable names, incorporating comments to
enhance code readability, and following the Arduino programming conventions and rules. Fig. 5 shows the
pseudo code of system.
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Fig. 5 Pseudo code of system
During operation, the waste segregation system operates in the following manner: Upon the
introduction of garbage into the system, the sensors promptly identify the sort of waste by analyzing their
respective principles, which include moisture level, distance, and metal presence. The Arduino microcontroller
analyzes the sensor inputs and identifies the correct waste category. Subsequently, it transmits a signal to the
servo motor, prompting it to spin the platform and align the suitable bin in front of the user for waste disposal.
The LCD display of the system gives visual feedback by identifying the identified waste type and the
corresponding bin to be utilized. This automated procedure streamlines trash segregation for residential users,
advocating for appropriate waste management and facilitating effective recycling or disposal methods. Fig. 6
shows the operation of system.
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Fig. 6 Flowchart of system operation
Fig. 7 shows the circuit connection of system. The circuit connection for the waste segregation system
was devised using Proteus software, guaranteeing seamless integration of all components. The Arduino UNO
R3 microcontroller functioned as the primary control unit, facilitating communication between the sensors and
actuators. The soil moisture sensor was attached to the 7th digital pin of the Arduino, which is used to detect the
presence of moisture in the soil. The ultrasonic sensor was utilized to distinguish between plastic and dry
garbage, with its trigger attached to the 6th pin and its echo connected to the 5th pin. The inductive proximity
sensor, despite its absence in the Proteus library, was utilized in the hardware prototype to identify and locate
metallic debris. The servo motor, linked to the 8th pin, rotated the bin platform according to the detected waste
category. The user was provided with visual feedback using an LCD display that was connected to the A5 and
A4 pins using an I2C module. This feedback indicated the type of trash that was detected and the appropriate
bin. In addition, an audible buzzer was linked to the 3rd pin to offer notifications when waste was detected.
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Fig. 7 Circuit connection of system
The trash segregator system effectively showcased its ability to identify and separate garbage into three
distinct categories: organic waste, plastic waste, and metal waste. Upon the introduction of a waste item into the
system, the sensors promptly and precisely detected its properties. When the soil moisture sensor detects a high
moisture level, the system categorizes the garbage as "Wet Waste" and moves the servo motor to place the wet
waste bin in front of the user as shown in Fig. 8(a). Moreover, in the event that the ultrasonic sensor identified
an object within a predetermined distance limit, the system categorized the garbage as "Plastic Waste" and
adjusted the rotation of the bin platform accordingly as shown in Fig. 8(b). Upon detecting the presence of metal,
the inductive proximity sensor categorizes the waste as "Metal Waste" and locates the appropriate metal waste
bin as shown in Fig. 8(c). The LCD display presented explicit directions to the user, specifying the identified
waste category and the matching receptacle for proper disposal.
(a) (b)
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Fig. 8 (a) Turns 0° for plastic waste (b) Turns 90° for wet waste (c) Turns 180° for metal waste
A fully operational prototype of the waste segregation system utilizing Arduino UNO R3 was
effectively created and examined as shown in Fig. 9. The prototype comprised the Arduino UNO R3 board, a
soil moisture sensor, an ultrasonic sensor, an inductive proximity sensor, a servo motor, an LCD display, and
three designated waste bins affixed to a revolving platform. The sensors were strategically positioned to identify
the specific attributes of the garbage, and the servo motor adjusted the bin platform accordingly, aligning it with
the detected waste category. The LCD display offered intuitive feedback, assisting the user in navigating the
trash disposal procedure.
Fig. 9 Final Prototype of system
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For the discussion, the garbage segregation system designed using Arduino UNO R3 has the capacity
to make a substantial contribution to sustainability and environmental conservation initiatives. The technology
enhances waste management practices and streamlines recycling and disposal operations by automating waste
sorting at the household level. Historically, home waste has commonly been combined and disposed of without
discrimination, resulting in environmental contamination and difficulties in recycling and reclaiming resources.
The trash segregation system tackles this problem by dividing garbage into specific categories, facilitating
improved waste management and utilization of resources. By separating garbage into different categories, it is
possible to recycle it more efficiently, which in turn reduces the strain on landfills and minimizes the negative
effects of incorrect waste disposal on the environment. Moreover, the method enhances the knowledge of
households regarding the significance of waste segregation and promotes responsible waste management
practices. Through the implementation of a user-friendly and automated solution, the system has the ability to
effectively impact behavior and foster a culture of environmental awareness. Moreover, the waste segregation
system has the potential to be incorporated into broader waste management frameworks, so enhancing the
overall sustainability endeavors of municipalities or waste management organizations. By optimizing the waste
segregation process at its origin, the system can improve the effectiveness of subsequent processes, such as
material retrieval, composting, and energy generation from waste. In summary, the trash segregation system
designed using Arduino UNO R3 is a practical and unique solution that adheres to the ideals of sustainable
development and environmental preservation. The system contributes to a more sustainable future and a
healthier environment by advocating for effective waste management, enabling the recovery of resources, and
promoting responsible garbage disposal through increased awareness.
The utilization of Arduino UNO R3 in creating a trash segregation system has effectively showcased
the capabilities of automation and technology in tackling the difficulties associated with managing MSW. The
primary results of the experiment emphasize the system's efficiency in precisely identifying and separating
home garbage into three specific categories: organic waste, plastic waste, and metal waste. However, future
endeavors may entail broadening the system's functionalities to accept more forms of waste or integrating more
sophisticated sensor technologies to enhance waste identification. Integrating with Internet of Things (IoT)
technology has the potential to facilitate remote monitoring and data collecting, offering significant insights for
waste management enterprises and municipal authorities. Moreover, the system has the potential to be expanded
and implemented in bigger residential communities, business establishments, or even at the municipal level,
thereby amplifying its influence on waste management methods. Engaging in cooperation with local authorities
and trash management agencies could streamline the incorporation of the system into current waste collection
and processing frameworks, hence enhancing the overall effectiveness and environmental friendliness of MSW
management plans.
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ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
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This paper provides an overview of waste generation and treatment operations in the European Union (EU) and other European countries and an analysis of the possibilities for the use of municipal solid waste (MSW) for energy production. A geographic information system based methodology was developed to investigate the spatial distribution of MSW and to identify the optimal location for new potential waste-to-energy in Europe. In 2016, there were 512 plants in Europe, with 251 combined heat and power plants, 161 electricity-only and 94 heat-only plants, which provide a total incineration capacity of 93 million tonnes. The suitability analysis showed that there is a potential to implement around 248 new waste to energy plants in the EU and 330 in all Europe, with a total capacity of 37 and 50 million tonnes, respectively. This represents an additional primary energy production of 260 PJ (6.2 Mtoe) in the EU, in comparison to 406 PJ (9.7 Mtoe) already produced in 2015, and about 352 PJ (8.4 Mtoe) in all European countries considered in this analysis.
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Collection of household waste is a job which requires repeated heavy physical activities such as lifting, carrying, pulling, and pushing. Like many developing countries, in Ethiopia municipal solid waste is collected manually. Therefore, this study is aimed to assess the extent of occupational injuries and associated factors among solid waste collectors in Addis Ababa City. A cross-sectional study was conducted among 876 respondents sampled from 92 unions. A pre-tested structured questionnaire and observation check list were used to collect data. Crude odds ratio with 95% CI was computed to see the presence of association between selected independent variables and occupational injury. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was made to see the relative effect of independent variable on the dependent variable by controlling the effect of other variables. To maintain stability, only variables that have a p-value less than 0.30 in the binary logistic regression analysis were kept in the subsequent model. Enter method was used hierarchically. The response rate of this study was 97.9%. Female respondents accounted 71.2%. The median age of the study subjects was 33 year (with 52 inter quartile range). The overall occupational injury prevalence rate in the last 12 months was 383 (43.7%). Utilization of personal protective devices and family size in the household were statistically associated with injury. As compared to workers who used personal protective equipments while being on duty, odds of injury among workers not used personal protective equipments were 2.62 higher (AOR = 2.62, 95%CI: 1.48-4.63). As compared to those who had five and more children, odds of injuries among those who had 3-4 children was reduced by half (AOR = 0.52, 95%CI: 0.30-0.93). The extent of occupational injuries among Addis Ababa city solid waste collectors is present in a level that needs immediate public health action. Implementation of basic occupational health and safety services including training on occupational health and safety, ensuring the provision and use of personal protective devices are highly advisable.
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Information and telecommunications technology (ICT) and computer Internet networking has penetrated nearly every aspect of modern life, and is positively affecting human life even in the most remote areas of the developing countries. The rapid growth in ICT has led to an improvement in the capacity of computers but simultaneously to a decrease in the products lifetime as a result of which increasingly large quantities of waste electrical and electronic equipment (e-waste) are generated annually. ICT development in most developing countries, particularly in Africa, depends more on secondhand or refurbished EEEs most of which are imported without confirmatory testing for functionality. As a result large quantities of e-waste are presently being managed in these countries. The challenges facing the developing countries in e-waste management include: an absence of infrastructure for appropriate waste management, an absence of legislation dealing specifically with e-waste, an absence of any framework for end-of-life (EoL) product take-back or implementation of extended producer responsibility (EPR). This study examines these issues as they relate to practices in developing countries with emphasis on the prevailing situation in Nigeria. Effective management of e-waste in the developing countries demands the implementation of EPR, the establishment of product reuse through remanufacturing and the introduction of efficient recycling facilities. The implementation of a global system for the standardization and certification/labelling of secondhand appliances intended for export to developing countries will be required to control the export of electronic recyclables (e-scarp) in the name of secondhand appliances.
This paper analyzes and reviews the role of governance in solid waste management as administered by the city governments in Bangladesh. An attempt has been made to examine how and to what extent operational problems impede delivery of conservancy services to urban dwellers. The study is primarily based on empirical data gathered in the years 2000, 2003 and 2009. The data document the lack of good governance which has a negative effect on the performance of a conservancy department. As a result, the department delivers inadequate and unsatisfactory services, thus rendering city governments vulnerable to citizens' complaints. A direct consequence of the poor performance of the conservancy department is the growth of community-based initiatives, private and non-government organizations, which are increasingly playing an important role in delivering conservancy services. In the light of its findings, the paper argues that city government, instead of showing indifference to private and community initiatives that have succeeded in reaching the service users, should share the service delivery responsibility with them. The results suggest that a well-built public–private partnership can ensure effective solid waste management and thus good urban governance in Bangladesh. The key lessons learned are: a number of challenges that stem from the lack of good governance thwarted an effective solid waste management; formation of public–private partnership was possible in a politically divided society; and, partnership emerged as an instrument for better service delivery.
Assessment of waste to energy generation potential of municipal solid waste: A case study of South Delhi
  • S Rawat
  • M Rai
  • S Bhadoria
Rawat, S., Rai, M., & Bhadoria, S. (2020). Assessment of waste to energy generation potential of municipal solid waste: A case study of South Delhi. In Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering (pp. 127-134).
Solid waste shredder design parameters based on experimental and theoretical studies
  • A Chabuk
Chabuk, A., et al. (2016). Solid waste shredder design parameters based on experimental and theoretical studies". Applied Mathematical Modelling, 40(2), 954-967.
Occupational health and safety practices and safety behavior among municipal solid waste workers in Bahir Dar city, northwest Ethiopia
  • Y Melaku
  • A Tiruneh
Melaku, Y., & Tiruneh, A. (2020). Occupational health and safety practices and safety behavior among municipal solid waste workers in Bahir Dar city, northwest Ethiopia. BMC Public Health, 20(1023).
Risk assessment for handling municipal solid waste in Egypt
  • R El-Wahab
  • A Eassa
El-Wahab, R., & Eassa, A. (2019). Risk assessment for handling municipal solid waste in Egypt. Egypt Journal of Occupational Medicine, 43, 101-118.
Environmental impact of municipal solid waste disposal in Chiclayo
  • R Zagozewski
  • G Jurado-Guerrero
  • D Neyra
  • M Indacochea
Zagozewski, R., Jurado-Guerrero, G., Neyra, D., & Indacochea, M. (2011). Environmental impact of municipal solid waste disposal in Chiclayo, Peru. Journal of Environmental Protection, 2(9), 1200-1210.