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Antidyslipidemic Effect of Fenugreek Seeds Powder against Sodium Fluoride-Induced Dyslipidemia in Male Rabbits

  • Sabratha Universty


Background: Although fluoride is everywhere in the environment, the major environmental sources of population exposure to elevated levels of fluoride are water, food, beverages, air, food supplements, and dental products. Fluoride is a well determined non-biodegradable and moderate pollutant, which at high levels causes serious health problems. Objectives: The present study aimed to evaluate the anti-dyslipidemia effect of fenugreek seeds powder against dyslipidemia induced by sodium fluoride in male rabbits. Materials and Methods: This study included twenty-four adult male rabbits, which were divided into 4 groups, 6 rabbits for each. Group I (control group): Animals were provided with tape water and fed with normal diet for 30 days. Group II (Fenugreek seeds powder group): Fenugreek seeds powder was given to rabbits in food at a dose of 10 g per kilogram of diet weight/kg of body weight/day for 30 Days. Group III (sodium fluoride group): Rabbits were injected intraperitoneally with sodium fluoride at a dose of 15mg/kg of body weight/day for 30 consecutive days. Group IV (Sodium fluoride/fenugreek co-administered group): Fenugreek seed flour was added at a rate of 10 g per kilogram of diet weight, and rabbits were injected with intraperitoneally with sodium fluoride at a dose of 15mg/kg of body weight/day for 30 consecutive days. After thirty days, blood samples were taken for biochemical analysis. Biochemical analyzes were performed to measure of the serum concentrations of cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL-C, LDL-C, and VLDL-C in all groups. Results: The results of the study showed that the treatment of male rabbits with sodium fluoride resulted in a significant increase (P<0.01) in the serum concentrations of cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL-C, and VLDL-C, and a significant decrease was observed (P<0.01) in serum HDL-C compared with the control group. In rabbits received fenugreek seeds powder only, the serum triglycerides and VLDL-C were significantly (P<0.01) decrease and the serum HDL-C was significantly (P<0.05) increase compared with the control group. A significant decrease (P<0.01) was observed in serum cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL-C, and VLDL-C, and a significant increase was observed (P<0.01) in serum HDL-C in rabbits treated with sodium fluoride and fenugreek seeds powder compared with the sodium fluoride group, but these measurements did not reach normal levels in the control group. Conclusion: The results showed that injection of rabbits with sodium fluoride led to serum dyslipidemia, and the injection with sodium fluoride and treatment of fenugreek seeds powder alleviate dyslipidemia induced by sodium fluoride. The use of fenugreek seeds powder by humans can be considered beneficial in the alleviation of dyslipidemia. It is recommended that humans exposed to sodium fluoride should be advised to take Fenugreek seeds powder as a rich source of antioxidant to prevent serum dyslipidemia induced by sodium fluoride. Further studies are necessary to elucidate exact mechanism of the antidyslipidemic effect of Fenugreek seeds powder and potential usefulness of Fenugreek seeds powder as a protective agent against sodium fluoride induced dyslipidemia in clinical trials.
J, Biotechnology and Bioprocessing Copy rights@ Azab Elsayed Azab
Auctores Publishing Volume 2(3)-028
ISSN: 2766-2314 Page 1 of 8
Antidyslipidemic Effect of Fenugreek Seeds Powder against
Sodium Fluoride-Induced Dyslipidemia in Male Rabbits
Munira Ammar Algridi 1 and Azab Elsayed Azab 2*
1 Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Alejelat, Zawia University, Alejelat, Libya.
2 Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Sabratha University, Sabratha, Libya.
*Corresponding author: Azab Elsayed Azab, Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Sabratha University, Sabratha, Libya.
Received date: February 11, 2021; Accepted date: February 19, 2021; Published date: February 23, 2021
Citation: Munira A. Algridi and Azab E. Azab (2021) Antidyslipidemic Effect of Fenugreek Seeds Powder against Sodium Fluoride-Induced
Dyslipidemia in Male Rabbits J, Biotechnology and Bioprocessing 2(3); DOI: 10.31579/2766-2314/028
Copyright: © 2021, Azab Elsayed Azab, This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Background: Although fluoride is everywhere in the environment, the major environmental sources of population exposure to
elevated levels of fluoride are water, food, beverages, air, food supplements, and dental products. Fluoride is a well determined non-
biodegradable and moderate pollutant, which at high levels causes serious health problems.
Objectives: The present study aimed to evaluate the anti-dyslipidemia effect of fenugreek seeds powder against dyslipidemia
induced by sodium fluoride in male rabbits.
Materials and Methods: This study included twenty-four adult male rabbits, which were divided into 4 groups, 6 rabbits for
each. Group I (control group): Animals were provided with tape water and fed with normal diet for 30 days. Group II (Fenugreek
seeds powder group): Fenugreek seeds powder was given to rabbits in food at a dose of 10 g per kilogram of diet weight/kg of body
weight/day for 30 Days. Group III (sodium fluoride group): Rabbits were injected intraperitoneally with sodium fluoride at a dose
of 15mg/kg of body weight/day for 30 consecutive days. Group IV (Sodium fluoride/fenugreek co-administered group): Fenugreek
seed flour was added at a rate of 10 g per kilogram of diet weight, and rabbits were injected with intraperitoneally with sodium
fluoride at a dose of 15mg/kg of body weight/day for 30 consecutive days. After thirty days, blood samples were taken for
biochemical analysis. Biochemical analyzes were performed to measure of the serum concentrations of cholesterol, triglycerides,
HDL-C, LDL-C, and VLDL-C in all groups.
Results: The results of the study showed that the treatment of male rabbits with sodium fluoride resulted in a significant increase
(P<0.01) in the serum concentrations of cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL-C, and VLDL-C, and a significant decrease was observed
(P<0.01) in serum HDL-C compared with the control group. In rabbits received fenugreek seeds powder only, the serum
triglycerides and VLDL-C were significantly (P<0.01) decrease and the serum HDL-C was significantly (P<0.05) increase
compared with the control group. A significant decrease (P<0.01) was observed in serum cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL-C, and
VLDL-C, and a significant increase was observed (P<0.01) in serum HDL-C in rabbits treated with sodium fluoride and fenugreek
seeds powder compared with the sodium fluoride group, but these measurements did not reach normal levels in the control group.
Conclusion: The results showed that injection of rabbits with sodium fluoride led to serum dyslipidemia, and the injection with
sodium fluoride and treatment of fenugreek seeds powder alleviate dyslipidemia induced by sodium fluoride. The use of fenugreek
seeds powder by humans can be considered beneficial in the alleviation of dyslipidemia. It is recommended that humans exposed
to sodium fluoride should be advised to take Fenugreek seeds powder as a rich source of antioxidant to prevent serum dyslipidemia
induced by sodium fluoride. Further studies are necessary to elucidate exact mechanism of the antidyslipidemic effect of Fenugreek
seeds powder and potential usefulness of Fenugreek seeds powder as a protective agent against sodium fluoride induced
dyslipidemia in clinical trials.
Keywords: sodium fluoride, dyslipidemia, lipid profile, fenugreek seeds powder, antidyslipidemic effect, male rabbits
1. Introduction
Fluoride is a well determined non-biodegradable and moderate pollutant,
which at high levels causes serious health problems [1]. Fluorides are
released into the environment due to human activities and naturally from
natural sources. The manufacturing of steel, brick, ceramic, glass,
aluminum, copper, nickel, glues, adhesives, and the production of
hydrogen fluoride, chlorofluorocarbon and phosphate fertilizer and use of
fertilizer released fluoride into the environment (air, water, plants,
animals, rocks and soil) [2, 3]. Combustion of fluoride impurities
containing coals as well as the use of fluoride containing pesticides and
controlled fluoridation of drinking water supplies also release fluoride
into the environment [3]. Mining activities and deep wells of springs may
release a large amount of fluoride into the atmosphere. Fluorides also
released into the environment naturally through weathering and
Open Access
Research Article
Journal of Biotechnology and Bioprocessing
Azab Elsayed Azab *
Globalize your Research
J, Biotechnology and Bioprocessing Copy rights@ Azab Elsayed Azab
Auctores Publishing Volume 2(3)-028
ISSN: 2766-2314 Page 2 of 8
dissolution of fluoride-bearing minerals like fluorite, rock phosphate,
fluorapatites, and topaz [3, 4]. Fluorides are released into the environment
through atmospheric emissions from volcanoes and sea water [3]. Traces
of fluorides are present in many waters; higher concentrations are often
associated with underground sources. In seawater, a total fluoride
concentration of 1.3 mg/litre has been reported. In areas rich in fluoride-
containing minerals, well water may contain up to about 10 mg of fluoride
per litre. Fluorides may also enter a river as a result of industrial
discharges [5]. In ground water, fluoride concentrations vary with the type
of rock the water flows through but do not usually exceed 10 mg/litre [6].
Sodium fluoride is the most commonly used compound in oral caries
prevention in the form of fluorinated drinking water, salts or milk, tooth
pastes, mouth washes and fluoride tablets that adversely affects liver
functions parameters [7]. Although fluoride is everywhere in the
environment, the major environmental sources of population exposure to
elevated levels of fluoride are water, food, beverages, air, food
supplements, and dental products [3, 8, 9]. Fluoride salts generate free
oxygen radicals which cause lipid peroxidation resulting in cell
membrane damage and toxicity [10].
Heart disease or cardiovascular disease is a global of chronic human
disease and over the past centuries, cardiovascular disease has been
remained as common public health problems throughout the world [11].
To date, cardiovascular disease is still remaining a leading cause of death
in both developed and developing countries [12] and by 2020, it is
predicted to be main causes of morbidity and mortality in most developing
countries [13]. Lipids play an important role in virtually all aspects of
biological processes in the body. Disturbances of their level in tissues and
serum are usually associated with many abnormalities, including
atherosclerosis, and coronary artery disease [14]. As people grow older,
fat, cholesterol, and calcium build up in the walls of arteries and form hard
structures called plaques. The process of calcium accumulation in blood
vessels resembles bone formation and involves maintaining a balance
between bone-forming cells called osteoblasts and bone-destroying cells
called osteoclasts. The resulting plaques cause arteries to become narrow
and stiff and can obstruct blood flow. As a consequence, oxygen-starved
tissue can become damaged or die, leading to heart attack and stroke [15].
Afolabi et al., [16] suggested that the association between fluoride
exposures with cardiovascular diseases may be related to its ability to
disturb lipid homeostasis and oxidative stress.
Modern lipid lowering agents i.e. statins (atorvastatin, cimvastatin,
rosuvastatin etc.) are expensive. The most important adverse effects of
statins are liver and muscle toxicity. Other risk factors are hepatic
dysfunction, renal insufficiency, hypothyroidism, advanced age and
serious infections [17, 18]. Liver and kidney functions may be modified
In the present century modern medicine draws its nourishment from the
rich legacy of traditional medicine [19]. Herbal agents like fenugreek, is
economical and easily available in many countries like Bangladesh, India,
Nepal, Pakistan and Mediterranean region and South African countries
[18, 20]. Fenugreek (Trigonella foenumgraecum) is one of the oldest
medicinal plants, dating back to Hippocrates and ancient Egyptian times
[20, 21]. Fenugreek seed is one of the well-known spices in human food
which is cultivated worldwide as a semiarid crop. It belongs to the family
of Fabaceae. Fenugreek provides natural food fiber and other nutrients
required in human body. Aromatic and flavourful fenugreek seed is a
popular spice and is widely used for well recognized culinary and
medicinal purposes [3]. The chemical composition of fenugreek (such as
seeds, husk and cotyledons) showed that endosperm had the highest
(4.63g/100g) saponin and (43.8g/100g) protein content [22, 23].
Fenugreek can be recommended for the diet and must use in daily habit
for its medicinal health benefits and its safe use. The functional,
nutritional and therapeutic characteristics of fenugreek can be use further
in the development of healthy life and nutritional value of medicinal
plants [23]. Fenugreek seed is used in physiological utilization for the
treatment of antibacterial, anticancer, hypocholesterolemic,
hypoglycemic antioxidant, and antidiabetic agent [3]. The
antihyperlipidemic properties of oral fenugreek seed powder has been
suggested [19, 24].
2. Objectives
The evidences reporting the antidyslipidemic effects of fenugreek seeds
powder against sodium fluoride induced dyslipidemia in male rabbits are
hardly found. So, the present study aimed to evaluate the anti-
dyslipidemia effect of fenugreek seeds powder against dyslipidemia
induced by sodium fluoride in male rabbits.
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Animals
24 adult male rabbits, aged between 35-37 weeks and weighing 1.5-1.8
kg, were used in the current study. The rabbits were housed in a room
under standard conditions of ventilation, temperature (25 ° C ± 2), and
humidity (60 - 70) %, rabbits were separated in a plastic cage, the animals
were provided with free drinking water and standard commercial food.
3.2. Chemicals
Sodium fluoride was purchased from Sigma Chemicals Company, and
rabbits were injected intraperitoneally with sodium fluoride at a dose of
15mg/kg of body weight/day for 30 consecutive days [25].
3.3. Fenugreek seeds
Fenugreek seeds was purchased from the Zawia market, and the
fenugreek seeds were ground and added at a rate of 10 gm of fenugreek
seeds powder per kilogram of diet weight that was provided to rabbits for
30 days.
3.4. Experimental Design
After one week of acclimation, the animals were randomized and divided
into four groups (6 rabbits for each) as follows: Group I (control group):
Animals were provided with tape water and fed with normal diet for 30
days. Group II (Fenugreek seeds powder group): Fenugreek seeds powder
was given to rabbits in food at a dose of 10 g per kilogram of diet
weight/kg of body weight/day for 30 Days. Group III (sodium fluoride
group): Rabbits were injected intraperitoneally with sodium fluoride at a
dose of 15mg/kg of body weight/day for 30 consecutive days. Group IV
(Sodium fluoride/fenugreek co-administered group): Fenugreek seed
flour was added at a rate of 10 g per kilogram of diet weight, and rabbits
were injected with intraperitoneally with sodium fluoride at a dose of
15mg/kg of body weight/day for 30 consecutive days. At the end of the
experiment and 24 hours after the last dose, all animals were anesthetized
with ether and blood samples were collected by heart puncture.
3.5. Biochemical Analysis
The blood sample was collected in clean dry tube and centrifuged at 3000
rpm for 15 minutes then, serum was separated and kept in a deep freezer
at -20◦C until biochemical measurements were carried out. Total
cholesterol concentration was estimated according to Allain et al. [26],
triglycerides concentration also by the method of Fossati and Prencipe
[27] and HDL-cholesterol by Burstein et al. [28]. VLDL-cholesterol and
LDL-cholesterol concentrations were estimated by using the Friedewald
equation [29].
3.6. Statistical Analysis
The values were presented as means ± SD of different groups. One-way
analysis of variance (ANOVA) was carried out. For the comparison of
significance between groups, Duncan’s test was used as a post hoc test
J, Biotechnology and Bioprocessing Copy rights@ Azab Elsayed Azab
Auctores Publishing Volume 2(3)-028
ISSN: 2766-2314 Page 3 of 8
according to the statistical package program (SPSS version 25.0). The
results were considered statistically significant when P <0.05.
4. Results
Rabbits that received intraperitoneal injection of sodium fluoride only
(15mg/kg of body weight/day) for 30 days had significantly (P<0.01),
increased the serum concentrations of triglycerides, cholesterol, LDLc,
and VLDLc (Table. 1 & Fig.1, 2, 4, 5), as compared with the control
group. On the other hand, serum HDLc concentration was significantly
(P<0.01) decreased as compared with the control group (Table. 1 &
Fig.3). In rabbits received fenugreek seeds powder only, the serum
triglycerides and VLDL-C were significantly (P<0.01) decrease and the
serum HDL-C was significantly (P<0.05) increase compared with the
control group (Table.1 &Fig.1, 3, 5).
A significant decrease (P<0.01) was observed in the serum cholesterol,
triglycerides, LDL-C, and VLDL-C, and a significant increase was
observed (P<0.01) in the serum HDL-C in rabbits treated with sodium
fluoride and received fenugreek seeds powder compared with the sodium
fluoride group, but these measurements did not reach normal levels in the
control group (Table.1 & Fig.1-5).
Sodium Fluoride
Sodium Fluoride +
Fenugreek Seeds
Mean + SD
Mean + SD
Mean + SD
Triglycerides concentration (mg/dl)
66.2 ± 2.6
91.3 ± 2.0**
71.3 ± 2.0**##
Cholesterol concentration (mg/dl)
55.5 ± 2.7
97.8 ± 4.3**
60.5 ± 2.7*##
High-density lipids concentration (mg/dl)
27.2 ± 1.7
18.8 ± 1.5**
24.3 ± 1.6**##
Low-density lipids concentration(mg/dl)
15.1 ± 3.9
60.7 ± 5.4**
21.9± 3.4*##
Very low-density lipids concentration (mg/dl)
13.2 ± 0.5
18.3 ± 0.4**
14.3 ± 0.4**##
*: Significant at (P<0.05) when compared with control group, **: Significant at (P<0.01) when compared with control group,
##: Significant at (P<0.01) when compared with Sodium Fluoride group.
Table 1. Effect of administration of sodium fluoride and/or fenugreek seeds powder on serum lipid profile parameters concentrations in male rabbits.
Figure 1. Effect of administration of sodium fluoride and/or
fenugreek seeds powder on serum Triglycerides concentration in
male rabbits.
Figure 2. Effect of administration of sodium fluoride and/or
fenugreek seeds powder on serum cholesterol concentration in
male rabbits.
Control Fenugreek Sodium
Fluoride Sodium
Fluoride +
Serum triglycerides concentration (mg/dl)
Control Fenugreek
Sodium Fluoride Sodium Fluoride + Fenugreek
Control Fenugreek Sodium
Fluoride Sodium
Fluoride +
Serum cholesterol concentration (mg/dl)
Control Fenugreek
Sodium Fluoride Sodium Fluoride + Fenugreek
J, Biotechnology and Bioprocessing Copy rights@ Azab Elsayed Azab
Auctores Publishing Volume 2(3)-028
ISSN: 2766-2314 Page 4 of 8
Figure 3. Effect of administration of sodium fluoride and/or
fenugreek seeds powder on serum HDL-cholesterol concentration
in male rabbits.
Figure 4. Effect of administration of sodium fluoride and/or
fenugreek seeds powder on serum LDL-cholesterol concentration
in male rabbits.
Figure 5. Effect of administration of sodium fluoride and/or fenugreek seeds powder on serum VLDL-cholesterol concentration in male
5. Discussion
High fluoride could cause metabolic disorders of rabbits, thus lead to
hypercholesterolemia. Hypercholesterolemia, especially LDL-C, could
cause endothelial dysfunction, increase the permeability of the endothelial
layer; induce oxidative stress injury and vascular inflammation,
consequently resulting in atherosclerosis [30, 31]. It has been reported that
lipid, lipoprotein and apolipoprotein levels in both fluorosis patients and
experimental rats showed abnormal changes [31, 32]. Also, previous
studies recorded that fluoride exposure disturbs lipid metabolism [16, 33-
35]. Additionally, chemical liver injury caused by chronic fluorosis can
lead to damage, steatosis, eosinophilic and inflammatory responses of
hepatocytes, resulting in abnormal catabolism of blood lipids and
lipoproteins and elevating blood lipids [31, 36].
The results of the current study showed that the treatment of male rabbits
with sodium fluoride resulted in a significant increase (P<0.01) in the
serum concentrations of cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL-C, and VLDL-C,
and a significant decrease was observed (P<0.01) in serum HDL-C
compared with the control group. These results run parallel to those
reported by many of previous studies in rabbits [31], rats [37, 38], mice
[39], and Guinea pigs [40, 41]. Afolabi et al., [16] reported that exposure
of rats to 50 mg/L and 100 mg/L of fluoride through drinking water for
seven weeks led to hypercholesterolemia while the 100 mg/L
concentration induced hypertriglyceridaemia. High density lipoprotein
(HDL) cholesterol levels dropped in the exposed rats. Also, Rupal and
Narasimhacharya [42] reported significant high level of total cholesterol,
LDL-C, and VLDL-C after exposure of rats to 100ppm of sodium fluoride
for four weeks. Fluoride was found to have an inhibitory effect on hepatic
cholesterol and free fatty acid synthesis in fluoride treated rabbits [43,
Cholesterol is an essential part of every cell in the body. It is necessary
for formation of new cells and for older cells to repair themselves after
injury. It is also used by the adrenal glands in the synthesis of some
hormone, such as cortisol, by the testicles to form testosterone, and by the
Control Fenugreek Sodium
Fluoride Sodium
Fluoride +
Serum HDL- cholesterol concentration
Control Fenugreek
Sodium Fluoride Sodium Fluoride + Fenugreek
Control Fenugreek Sodium
Fluoride Sodium
Fluoride +
Serum LDL- cholesterol
concentration (mg/dl)
Control Fenugreek
Sodium Fluoride Sodium Fluoride + Fenugreek
Control Fenugreek Sodium
Fluoride Sodium
Fluoride +
Serum VLDL- cholesterol
concentration (mg/dl)
Control Fenugreek
Sodium Fluoride Sodium Fluoride + Fenugreek
J, Biotechnology and Bioprocessing Copy rights@ Azab Elsayed Azab
Auctores Publishing Volume 2(3)-028
ISSN: 2766-2314 Page 5 of 8
ovaries to form estrogen and progesterone [45]. The high cholesterol level
in plasma may be due to increased uptake of exogenous cholesterol and
subsequent deposition and decreased cholesterol catabolism as evidenced
by a reduction in bile acid production and turnover of bile acids. The
metabolism of free and ester cholesterol are impaired in liver, spleen and
thymus tissue and the rate of turnover was specifically decreased in all
tissues of hyperlipidemic rats [46]. Increase in LDL, VLDL levels are
increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases [47].
The hypertriglyceridemic effect of fluoride may be related to lower
hydrolysis of triglyceride, attributable to fluoride-induced reduction in the
activity of lipoprotein lipase [16, 48]. Hypetriglyceridemia may be due to
stimulation of hepatic synthesis of very low density lipoprotein, which is
a consequence of increased hepatic fatty acid synthesis, activation of
adipose tissue lipolysis, and/or suppression of fatty acid oxidation and
ketogenesis [16, 49].
Excess intake of fluoride was found to increase LPO and MDA levels
significantly and accumulate the products of oxidative stress [31, 50, and
51]. So, oxidative stress caused by excess intake of fluoride might play an
important role in the development of hypercholesterolemia in
experimental animals [31]. The products of oxidative stress could induce
the production of oxidized low density lipoprotein, and the atherogenic
effect of oxidized low density lipoprotein is stronger than that of LDL
[31, 52]. Firstly, oxidized low density lipoprotein can injure endothelial
cells, causing degeneration, necrosis and shedding. Secondly, oxidized
low density lipoprotein can promote adhesion to endothelial cells, a key
event in the formation of foam cells. Finally, oxidized low density
lipoprotein can induce hyperplasia of endothelial cells and smooth muscle
cells [31, 53].
The observed abnormalities in lipoprotein profile after exposure to NaF
might be due to over-production of VLDL by the liver or to the decrease
in removal of VLDL and LDL from the circulation [44, 54]. It could be
suggested that the abnormal activities of lipases enzymes seemed to be
one of the chief and responsible factors for the rise in serum triglycerides
and cholesterol. It appeared that enzymes inhibited by fluoride, such as
triglyceride lipase, unspecific esterase and pyrophosphates [33, 44] lead
to weaken lipid metabolism and a case of dyslipidemia. Moreover
oxidative stress induced by NaF [44, 55] could be claimed. NaF
intoxication registed an increased in lipid peroxidation and loss of
membrane integrity which might be important in altered lipid metabolism
and closely associated with observed hyperlipidemia [44, 56]. Besides,
fluoride was found to cause hypercholesterolemia due to lower insulin
level [44, 57].
The synthesis and release of HDL into the peripheral vasculature is the
first step in reverse cholesterol transport that is proposed to be a major
mechanism by which HDL mediates its atheroprotective effects [58].
HDL has also been demonstrated to improve endothelial function,
maintain the integrity of vascular endothelium and may induce the
production of vasodilators, such as prostacyclin, by the endothelium.
HDL has also been demonstrated to exhibit anti-thrombotic and anti-
inflammatory activities [59]. HDL acts as a transporter of a variety of fat-
soluble vitamins, including vitamin E, and also as a natural anti-oxidant
protecting for LDL in a multifactorial manner. Moreover, HDL are
associated with enzymes with anti-oxidant capacity like paraoxonase that
is a major contributor to the anti-oxidant activity of HDL [58].
HDL-C inversely correlates with the risk of coronary heart disease and its
reduction by fluoride reflects changes in HDL metabolism that could lead
to defective reverse cholesterol transport, eventually promoting
atherogenesis. The dyslipidemic effect of fluoride reflected in
hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, increased levels of
triglyceride-rich lipoproteins, and HDL depletion may well contribute to
its atherogenic tendencies, as dyslipidemia has been well implicated in
cardiovascular disease [16, 60].
In recent years, there has raised public concern about damage to the
cardiovascular system, especially atherosclerosis and hypertension,
which caused by excessive exposure to fluoride [31]. Excessive exposure
to fluoride can cause a metabolic, structural and functional damage to the
cardiovascular system [31, 32, 61-62]. Atherosclerosis is an inflammatory
process of the vascular wall, characterized by the accumulation of lipids
and fibrous elements in the large and medium-sized elastic and muscular
arteries [31, 63]. Previous studies have shown that chronic exposure to
high levels of fluoride can not only influence lipid metabolism, but also
affect oxidative stress [31, 64, and 65].
Fenugreek seeds may be useful in hyperlipidemic states of patients with
hypertension, atherosclerosis, ischemic heart diseases etc [19].
Results of the present study which have shown that co-administration of
fenugreek seeds powder with sodium fluoride induced a significant
reduction in the serum triglycerides, cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, and
VLDL- cholesterol concentrations and elevation in the serum HDL-
cholesterol concentration. Similar observations were also made in a study
that demonstrated hypolipidemic effect of fenugreek powder in
experimental animals like rabbits, rats, etc [18, 19, and 66]. These results
are in concordant with those of Moosa et al., [19] who reported that
administration of fenugreek seed powder of 25 gm orally twice daily for
3 and 6 weeks produces significant (p<0.001) reduction of serum
triglycerides, total cholesterol, and LDL-cholesterol in
hypercholesteremic group but the change of serum HDL-cholesterol was
not significant. Researchers suggest that fenugreek seed powder would be
considered as effective agent for lipid lowering purposes. Also, there was
a reduction in total blood cholesterol, LDL, VLDL level, and triglycerides
and there was an increase in HDL cholesterol level after the consumption
of sprouted fenugreek seeds in Albino rabbits [23]. Fenugreek seed
administration and its extracts significantly decreased plasma cholesterol,
triglyceride, and LDL cholesterol [23, 67]. The inclusion of fenugreek
seeds as a diet component for the mice aided in reducing cholesterol level
up to 42% and 58% both in control group and in hypocholesterolemic
group, respectively [23, 68]. Also, Umarani et al.,[69] recorded that
supplementation of dietary rutin has been shown to reduce the
bioavailability of fluoride in rats, reduced clinical signs of fluoride
poisoning and reduced fluoride accumulation and prevented the damage
through its free radical scavenging activity. Similarly, Emejulu et al., [70]
reported that aqueous fruit juice extract of Irvingia gabonensis has
hypolipidemic effect on NaF induced dyslipidemia. The extract was able
to normalize lipoprotein phenotype altered by NaF-induced toxicity in
albino rats by enhancing HDL-C concentration and lowering serum LDL-
C concentration. Which may be due to its reportedly rich vitamin C
content and plant polyphenolics [70-72]. Also, this could be related to
presence in the plant of alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids and polyphenols
commonly known to reduce serum lipids in animals [70, 73].
Fenugreek seeds lower serum triglycerides, total cholesterol (TC), and
low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C). These effects may be due to
sapogenins, which increase biliary cholesterol excretion, in turn leading
to lowered serum cholesterol levels. The lipid-lowering effect of
fenugreek might also be attributed to its estrogenic constituent, indirectly
increasing thyroid hormone (T4) [23, 74]. Sharma [75] demonstrated that
fenugreek administration increased excretion of bile acids and neutral
sterols in feces, thus depleting the cholesterol stores in the body in
experimental rats.
This lipid lowering effect of the fenugreek powder may be due to the
sapogenins which it contains, which increase the biliary cholesterol
excretion [18, 76]. Its triglyceride lowering effect may be due to the pectin
component of the fenugreek extract that absorbs the bile acids [18, 77].
J, Biotechnology and Bioprocessing Copy rights@ Azab Elsayed Azab
Auctores Publishing Volume 2(3)-028
ISSN: 2766-2314 Page 6 of 8
The fenugreek seeds contain the phenolic compounds, mainly flavonoids.
An amino acid compound, 4-hydroxyisoleucine, was identified in the
fenugreek extract by using an LC-MS apparatus in the positive ionization
mode [18, 78]. The hypolipidaemic effect of the fenugreek seeds could be
attributed to the presence of 4-hydroxy isoleucine, an atypical, branched
chain amino acid [18, 79]. The lipid lowering effect of fenugreek is due
to its action on the adipocytes and the liver cells, which leads to decreased
triglycerides and cholesterol synthesis in addition to an enhanced low
density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor mediated LDL uptake [18, 80].
Fenugreek seeds able to prevent from lipid peroxidation and restoration
of GSH and SOD in various causes of oxidative stress [81-84]. It is likely
that lipid peroxidation in the liver is owing to antiradical and antioxidant
potential of fenugreek seeds emphasized through in vitro and in vivo
experiments [84-86]. Shang et al. [87] identified five different flavonoids
namely vitexin, tricin, naringenin, quercetin and tricin-7-O-β-d-
glucopyranoside to be present in fenugreek seeds. The scavenging
activities of the phenolic substances are attributed to the active hydrogen-
donating ability of the hydroxyl substitutions [84, 88]. Quercetin, one of
the identified flavonoids in fenugreek seeds, was found able to protect rat
hepatocytes against oxidative damage induced by ethanol [84, 89].
6. Conclusion
The results showed that injection of rabbits with sodium fluoride led to
serum dyslipidemia, and the injection with sodium fluoride and treatment
of fenugreek seeds powder alleviate dyslipidemia induced by sodium
fluoride. The use of fenugreek seeds powder by humans can be considered
beneficial in the alleviation of dyslipidemia. It is recommended that
humans exposed to sodium fluoride should be advised to take Fenugreek
seeds powder as a rich source of antioxidant to prevent serum
dyslipidemia induced by sodium fluoride. Further studies are necessary
to elucidate exact mechanism of the antidyslipidemic effect of Fenugreek
seeds powder and potential usefulness of fenugreek seeds powder as a
protective agent against sodium fluoride induced dyslipidemia in clinical
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... 45 The humans exposed to sodium fluoride were recommended to take Fenugreek seeds powder as a source of antioxidant to prevent serum dyslipidemia induced by sodium fluoride. 6 T. foenum-graecum suspension taken by freshly diagnosed adult-onset hyperglycemic patients produced a significant reduction in total cholesterol, triglycerides and low density lipoprotein level and increase in high density lipoprotein level. 41 Fenugreek leaves are useful in maintaining stomach and blood pH and preserving a good oxidative status which positively reflects on general health. ...
Herbal plants are used by traditional medical practitioners for the treatment of various diseases. The present review summarizes information about the phytochemistry, biological properties, traditional and medicinal uses of five herbal plants: Plectranthus amboinicus (Indian Borage), Ocimum tenuiflorum (Holy Basil), Mentha piperita (Peppermint), Trigonella foenum-graecum (Fenugreek) and Acalypha indica (Indian Acalypha). The therapeutic uses of plants are considered inexpensive and efficient due to their ease of availability and wide range of biological activities. These herbs are used in medicine for the treatment of various disorders such as asthma, flu, eczema and cardiovascular disorders. They possess medicinal properties and are pharmacologically beneficial through their antioxidant, antimicrobial, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, anticancer, analgesic, antimalarial, antibiofilm, antidiuretic, wound healing activity, skincare, hepatoprotective and hypolipidemic activities. This is due to the presence of various secondary metabolites such as flavonoids, terpenoids, glycosides, phenols, alkaloids, tannins and steroids which have been identified through various spectroscopic methods. The different parts of these herbs have been used to prepare medicines. Due to the presence of various important phytochemicals, they are used in food, nutrition and medicine without side effects. These further find applications in drug discovery, novel drug development, nanodiagnostics and nanotherapy.
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The present study aims to evaluate the beneficial effect of fenugreek seeds against Irradiation-induced oxidative stress in adult rats. Forty-two healthy adult male Wister rats were divided into four groups: normal control, irradiated control, pre-treated irradiated group and pre and post-treated irradiated group. Results showed significant increase (P<0.05) in liver relative weight in irradiated control group after one and fourteen days post-irradiation compared to normal control group. Feeding rats with fenugreek 5% showed significant (P<0.05) decrease in the liver relative weight of the two groups (Pre-treated irradiated and pre and post-treated irradiated) compared to irradiated control group. Exposing rats to irradiation showed significant (P<0.05) increase in the level of liver enzymes (AST, ALT and ALP) in irradiated control group after fourteen days post irradiation. Regarding the changes occurred in antioxidants enzymes in liver tissues, a significant (P<0.05) decrease (GSH & SOD) and increase in (LOP) in irradiated control group. There were significant (P<0.05) increase in GSH & SOD levels of Pre and Post-Treated Irradiated group at both one and fourteen days post irradiation. In irradiated rats, exposure to radiation caused severe liver damage including hepatocyte edema, necrosis of the hepatocytes, karyolysis, proliferation of kupffer cells and dilated sinusoids.
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Current lifestyle, stress, and pollution have dramatically enhanced the progression of several diseases in human. Globally, scientists are looking for therapeutic agents that can either cure or delay the onset of diseases. Medicinal plants from time immemorial have been used frequently in therapeutics. Of many such plants, fenugreek is one of the oldest herbs which have been identified as an important medicinal plant by the researchers around the world. It is potentially beneficial in a number of diseases such as diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, and inflammation and probably in several kinds of cancers. It has industrial applications such as synthesis of steroidal hormones. Its medicinal properties and their role in clinical domain can be attributed to its chemical constituents. The 3 major chemical constituents which have been identified as responsible for principle health effects are galactomannan, 4-OH isoleucine, and steroidal saponin. Numerous experiments have been carried out in vivo and in vitro for beneficial effects of both the crude chemical and of its active constituent. Due to its role in health care, the functional food industry has referred to it as a potential nutraceutical. This paper is about various medicinal benefits of fenugreek and its potential application as therapeutic agent against several diseases.
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Fluoride content of the soils and some vegetables from three farms near the bank of river Galma, Zaria, Nigeria were estimated by Alizarin red spectrometric method. The mean soil leachable fluoride for all the soils was in the 0.075-0.200 mg Kg-1 range. At 95% confidence limit (p=0.05), the mean concentration of soil leachable fluoride for soils from the farms A, B, and C investigated were 0.139 ± 0.030, 0.115 ± 0.041, and 0.080 ± 0.005 mg Kg-1 respectively. The mean fluoride content in vegetable at the same confidence limit was Cabbage: 0.054 ± 0.0093 mg Kg, Carrot: 0.035 ± 0.01mg Kg-1, and Lettuce: 0.096 ± 0.0199 mg Kg-1. The texp evaluated to compare the averages of fluoride levels in the vegetables using t-test at 95% confidence level (p=0.05) for 18 degrees of freedom, 2.10 critical value, were 1.62, 5.77, and 1.84 for lettuce and cabbage, carrot and cabbage, and carrot and lettuce respectively. Significant difference only exists in the fluoride levels of carrot and cabbage with texp> the critical value. All the values obtained were well below the toxic limit of 2.57-16.44 mg Kg-1 in soil and maximum contaminant level of 4.0 mg Kg in food and vegetable stipulated by EPA, FAO, and WHO Joint Standard limit for fluoride. The implication of the results is that the use of the Galma river water for irrigation, and the contribution of fluoride to the soil and vegetables from anthropogenic sources within and around the Galma river area, has no deleterious effect on the soil and some vegetables cultivated in farms at the river bank.
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Effect of Irvingia gabonensis fruit juice administration on serum lipid profile of sodium fluoride (NaF)-intoxicated rats was investigated. Twenty-four (24) male Wistar rats divided into four groups of six (6) animals each-one control and three intoxicated groups were used. The normal control (NC) group received only standard pelletized diet and water. All three intoxicated groups received 20 mgkg-1 bodyweight of NaF daily by gavage for 35 days. While the first group (NaFC group) received only NaF, the second in addition was treated with I. gabonensis fruit juice (I. gabonensis group). The third received NaF plus 15 mgkg-1 body weight Quercetin + 100 mgkg-1 bodyweight vitamin E (Q+Vit E group). Result showed that LDL-C was significantly elevated, while HDL-C was markedly reduced in the NaFC group. In the I. gabonensis-treated group, lipoprotein phenotypes were normalized, with HDL-C increasing from 38.92±9.28 mgdl-1 in NaF intoxicated group (NaFC) to 65.14±5.33 mgdl-1 , which was even higher than 60.83±4.56 mgdl-1 obtained in the standard (Q+Vit E) group. Low density lipoprotein-cholesterol concentration also reduced from 17.3±3.2 mgdl-1 in NaF-intoxicated group to 7.5±1.0 mgdl-1 in I. gabonensis-treated group, which compared favourably with that of the standard. Furthermore, NaF toxicity resulted in the elevation of atherogenic index in the NaFC group. This was significantly (p<0.05) lowered in all other groups. The total non-HDLcholesterol and LDL/HDL ratio were significantly reduced in I. gabonensis-treated rats. This tends to suggest that the juice of I. gabonensis may be useful in alleviating and preventing cardiovascular diseases.
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Fluoride salts generate free oxygen radicals which cause lipid peroxidation resulting in cell membrane damage and toxicity. Morphologically toxicity to liver is manifested as ballooning degeneration of cells, necrosis and infiltration of mononuclear cells in hepatic lobules. Aims and Objectives: The present experimental study is designed to investigate the toxic changes in the liver of sodium fluoride treated mice and evaluate the protection provided by vitamin E. Four groups with 12 animals in each are used. Materials and Methods: Group A was given olive oil 6.67 ml/kg/day orally for 30 days. Group B was given sodium fluoride 10 mg/kg/day dissolved in distilled water + olive oil 6.67 ml/kg/day both orally for 30 days. Group C was given sodium fluoride 10 mg/kg/day dissolved in distilled water and vitamin E 15 mg/kg/day dissolved in olive oil both orally for 30 days. Group D was given vitamin E 15 mg/kg/ day dissolved in olive oil orally for 30 days. Results: On histological examination, animals of group B showed altered structure of hepatic lobules with deranged radiating hepatocytes, many of which manifested ballooning degeneration and statistically significant increase in their size (p-value < 0.001), vacuolation, presence of necrotic foci and peri-portal inflammation. These deranged histological findings were correlated with elevated levels of liver enzymes in serum. Co-administration of vitamin E and sodium fluoride to animals of group C showed statistically significant prevention of signs of degeneration in hepatic lobules.
Objective: The present study was designed to evaluate the anti-diabetic activity of methanolic extract of Calotropis gigantea seeds on streptozotocin induced diabetic rats. Methods: The acute toxicity studies were performed on mice while adopting the OECD-420 Guidelines (fixed dose procedure). The anti-diabetic activity of plant seeds were investigated on the standard 21 days Streptozotocin induced diabetes model. Results: Treatment with methanolic extract of Calotropis gigantea (MECG) seeds at the dose 200 mg/kg and 400 mg/kg body weight, significantly decrease the blood glucose levels from 277.33±5.207 and 294.5±12.26 to 141.5±8.807 and 120.5±9.68 respectively. The activities were also compared with the effects produced by the standard anti-diabetic drug, glimipride 10 mg/kg. Conclusion: The present findings indicate that the seeds of Calotropis gigantea possess potent anti-diabetic effect on streptozotocin diabetic rats.