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Rewarding effects of ethanol and cocaine in μ opioid receptor-deficient mice


Abstract and Figures

To investigate the role of mu opioid receptors in the reinforcing effects of psychotropic drugs, the voluntary ethanol intake and ethanol- and cocaine-induced conditioned place preference in mu opioid receptor-deficient mice and their wild-type counterpartners was tested. Moreover, dopamine D1 and D2 receptor binding was measured. It was found that ethanol intake was significantly lower in deficient mice. Conditioned place preference in wild-type animals was induced with 5.0 mg/kg cocaine and this dose was ineffective in the knockouts. In this group conditioned place preference occurred after injection of 10.0 mg/kg cocaine. Cocaine induced a similar increase in locomotor activity in both groups of mice. There was no difference in dopamine D1 receptor binding, whereas dopamine D2 receptor binding was significantly lower in the hippocampus of deficient animals. This suggests that interaction between opioid systems and dopaminergic systems may account for the differences in responding to the drugs.
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Abstract To investigate the role of µopioid receptors in
the reinforcing effects of psychotropic drugs, the volun-
tary ethanol intake and ethanol- and cocaine-induced con-
ditioned place preference in µopioid receptor-deficient
mice and their wild-type counterpartners was tested.
Moreover, dopamine D1 and D2 receptor binding was mea-
sured. It was found that ethanol intake was significantly
lower in deficient mice. Conditioned place preference in
wild-type animals was induced with 5.0 mg/kg cocaine
and this dose was ineffective in the knockouts. In this
group conditioned place preference occurred after injec-
tion of 10.0 mg/kg cocaine. Cocaine induced a similar in-
crease in locomotor activity in both groups of mice. There
was no difference in dopamine D1 receptor binding,
whereas dopamine D2 receptor binding was significantly
lower in the hippocampus of deficient animals. This sug-
gests that interaction between opioid systems and dopamin-
ergic systems may account for the differences in respond-
ing to the drugs.
Keywords µopioid receptor · Transgenic mice ·
Ethanol · Cocaine · Self-administration · Conditioned
place preference · Dopamine binding
A body of evidence suggests that µopioid receptors are in-
volved in the reinforcing effects of ethanol (Herz 1997,
1998; Hyytia 1993; Krishnan-Sarin et al. 1998; Matsuzawa
et al. 1998, 1999). Studies with opioid receptor antago-
nists have shown that ethanol drinking was reduced by
µ1- but not by δreceptor blockade (Honkanen et al. 1996;
Hyytia 1993; Krishnan-Sarin et al. 1998). µand dopamine
D2 receptor antisense nucleotides injected in the nucleus
accumbens (Nacc) suppressed high ethanol intake in ge-
netic drinking HEP rats (Myers and Robinson 1999). This
is in line with results by others (Hall et al. 2001; Roberts
et al. 2000) demonstrating that µopioid receptor knockout
mice did not self-administer ethanol either in operant pro-
cedures or a two bottle-choice paradigm.
Addictive drugs have rewarding properties and also
produce locomotor stimulating effects. It is commonly ac-
cepted that both locomotor stimulation and rewarding ef-
fects of addictive drugs are associated with the activation
of the mesolimbic dopaminergic system, originating from
the ventral tegmental area (VTA) to the Nacc. There is ev-
idence that the Nacc is a heterogeneous structure and can
be divided into subregions termed the shell and core. It
was proposed that the reinforcing and sensitising proper-
ties of addictive drugs seem to be differentially regulated
in these subregions (Pierce and Kalivas 1995; Pontieri et
al. 1995; David et al. 1998).
There is little doubt that midbrain dopaminergic sys-
tems play an essential role in the acquisition of reward
and drug-seeking behaviour (Spanagel and Weiss 1999)
but other neurotransmitters were also suggested to be im-
plicated in the acquisition of reward and drug-seeking be-
haviour. This is mediated by either increase in extracellu-
lar dopamine by inhibiting the re-uptake of released dopa-
mine by the dopamine transporter (Amara and Kuhar
1993; Giros and Caron 1993; Horn 1990) or, alternatively,
by release of dopamine from presynaptic nerve terminals
in addition to inhibiting re-uptake (Le Pen et al. 1998;
Seiden et al. 1993; Sora et al. 1998, 2001). Thus, ethanol
avoidance in dopamine D2 receptor-deficient mice might
be easily explainable (Phillips et al. 1998). Interestingly,
dopamine D3 receptor blockade was reported to enhance
ethanol reward (Boyce and Risinger 2000).
Given the role attributed to complex µopioid receptor
effects and dopamine effects it was of interest to investi-
Axel Becker · Gisela Grecksch · Jürgen Kraus ·
Horace H. Loh · Helmut Schroeder · Volker Höllt
Rewarding effects of ethanol and cocaine
in µopioid receptor-deficient mice
Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Arch Pharmacol (2002) 365:296–302
DOI 10.1007/s00210-002-0533-2
Received: 25 July 2001 / Accepted: 14 January 2002 / Published online: 21 February 2002
A. Becker () · G. Grecksch · J. Kraus · H. Schroeder · V. Höllt
Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology,
Otto-von-Guericke University, Leipziger Strasse 44,
39120 Magdeburg, Germany
Tel.: +49-391-6715351, Fax: +49-391-67190149
H.H. Loh
Department of Pharmacology,
University of Minnesota Medical School, 3-249 Millard Hall,
435 Delaware Street S.E., Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA
© Springer-Verlag 2002
gate further the role of this interaction. For that purpose,
ethanol and cocaine were selected as pharmacological
agents. As referred above, µopioid receptor effects and
dopamine effects mediate rewarding action of ethanol.
Rewarding effects of cocaine were thought to rely on do-
pamine effects and interaction resulting from interactions
with opioid systems (Gerrits et al. 1995; Houdi et al.
1989; Izenwasser et al. 1996; Kuzmin et al. 1997; Rowlett
and Spealman 1998). Therefore, in the present study we
tested rewarding effects of ethanol and cocaine in the
model conditioned place preference in µopioid receptor-
deficient mice and their wild-type counterpartners. In ad-
dition, voluntary ethanol drinking in a two bottle-choice
test was investigated in these animals.
Materials and methods
Animals. For the experiments, µopioid receptor knockout mice
were used (Loh et al. 1998). Breeding of the animals, genotyping,
H]DAMGO receptor autoradiography, and results of binding
studies have been published earlier (Becker et al. 2000). After
genotyping, homozygote animals were bred according to a standard
breeding protocol.
The animals were kept under controlled laboratory conditions
with lighting regime LD=12:12 (light on at 06.00 a.m.), tempera-
ture 20±2°C, and relative air humidity 50%–60%. The animals had
free access to standard rat pellets (Altromin 1326) and tap water.
After weaning on day 21 post partum, the animals were separated
according to sex and sheltered litter-wise in Macrolon III cages.
Behavioural testing. Male mice aged 7–8 weeks at the beginning
of the experiments.
Voluntary ethanol intake. In this experiment six µopioid receptor-
deficient mice (-/-) and ten wild-type mice (+/+) were used. The
animals were matched according to body weight. Mean body weight
in the -/- group was 27.6±5.3 g and in the +/+ group 27.7±1.7 g. To
measure individual fluid intake, the animals were singly housed in
Macrolon III cages. Each cage was equipped with two bottles con-
taining either water or 10% v/v ethanol solution. Fluid intake was
calculated based on bottle weight measured twice a week. Total
fluid intake was defined as water intake + ethanol solution intake
and it was expressed as g/kg body weight. The position of the bot-
tles was changed at weighing. This experiment ran over a period of
4 weeks.
Conditioned place preference. The apparatus (TSE, Bad Homburg,
Germany) was T-shaped. The central alley (40×11 cm) consisted
of grey polyvinyl chloride (PVC). The two end-compartments
(50×11 cm) were also made from PVC. One end-compartment had
white walls and the floor was covered with a wire mesh whereas
the other end-compartment had black walls and the floor was cov-
ered with a wire grid. The arms were equipped with guillotine
doors. Number of arm crossings and time spent in each arm were
measured via infrared photocells mounted next to the arm entry. A
personal computer controlled the experimental sessions and col-
lected data.
On day 1, the animals were habituated for 30 min with the ap-
paratus. The day after habituation, a session was performed to de-
termine the animals’ arm preference. For that purpose, a mouse
was placed in the apparatus for 30 min. The end-compartment
where the animals spent less than 50% of the test time was consid-
ered as the non-preferred compartment. On the following 4 days
the animals were alternatively intraperitoneally (i.p.) injected with
either ethanol (2.0 g/kg or 4.0 g/kg) or saline. After ethanol mice
were placed for 30 min in the non-preferred end-compartment and
after saline they were placed in the preferred arm. Control animals
received saline prior to placing in the apparatus. During condition-
ing sessions the guillotine doors were closed. Pilot studies have
shown a strong preference for the black arm of the apparatus.
Therefore we decided to use the biased protocol. Data obtained us-
ing biased compartments can be a valid reflection of drug reward
(Carr et al. 1989). On day 7 place preference was measured. The
animals were allowed to explore all arms of the apparatus over a
period of 15 min. The difference in % time spent in the non-pre-
ferred arm on day 2 and day 7 was used as an index of place pref-
erence. For control, two groups of mice injected with saline alone
were used. Similarly, different doses of cocaine (5.0 mg/kg and
10.0 mg/kg) were tested in this paradigm in another group of mice
according to the protocol as described above.
Locomotor activity. Locomotor activity was measured using a fully
computerised activity meter (Moti-Test; TSE, Bad Homburg, Ger-
many). First, for basal locomotor activity during a habituation pe-
riod locomotor activity was measured for 15 min. After habitua-
tion, the animals were injected with either saline, 20 mg/kg or
40 mg/kg cocaine i.p., and the locomotion was measured for fur-
ther 45 min.
Substances. Cocaine (free base) was obtained from Sigma. It was
prepared as a 5.0 mg/kg and 10.0 mg/kg (conditioned place prefer-
ence) or 20.0 mg/kg and 40.0 mg/kg (locomotor activity) solution
in isotonic saline (sal) adding one drop of 1 N HCl. The drug was
i.p. injected at a volume of 1 ml/kg body weight. For control, the
solvent alone or the solvent added with a drop of 1 N HCl was
In the conditioned place preference (CPP) and locomotor activ-
ity experiment physiological saline served as solvent.
Ethanol dilution (10%, v/v) was made up with 95% ethyl alco-
hol and tap water.
Dopamine D1 and D2 receptor binding assay. The dissection of
the brain regions was done according to Popov et al. (1973).
The [
H]L-SCH 23 390 and [
H]spiroperidol binding was mea-
sured using a method described by Köhler et al. (1994). A crude
synaptic membrane suspension was incubated with 30 mM Tris-
HCl buffer (pH 8.0, containing 120 mM NaCl, 5 mM KCl, 2 mM
, 1 mM MgCl
) and [
H]SCH 23 390 or [
(+ 50 nmol unlabelled cinanserin to block 5-HT
receptors) for
40 min and 30 min at 37°C, respectively. Specific binding was cal-
culated by subtracting non-specific binding – defined as that seen
n the presence of 0.5 nM [
H]SCH 23 390 (specific activity:
1.43 TBq/mmol; NEN-Dupont, USA) or 1 nM [
(specific activity: 800 GBq/mmol; NEN-Dupont, USA) plus 1 µM
unlabelled cis-flupenthixol or 2 µM d-butaclamol (Serva, Heidel-
berg, Germany) – from total binding obtained with [
H]SCH 23 390
or [
H]spiroperidol alone.
The reaction was terminated by rapid filtration under reduced
pressure through 0.1% polyethyleneimine-treated GF 10 glass-fiber
filters using an Inotech harvester (Berthold, Wildbad, Germany).
Filters were washed with buffer and taken for liquid scintillation
counting in a toluene containing solvent. The data were determined
as fmol bound radioligand per mg protein.
Statistics. To evaluate total liquid intake and ethanol consumption,
the repeated measure model was applied. Locomotor activity and
results obtained in the CPP experiment were first analysed using a
two-way ANOVA, with genetic background (i.e. +/+ and -/-) and
treatment (i.e. saline, 5.0 mg/kg and 10.0 mg/kg cocaine) as de-
pendent variables. One-way ANOVA with Tukey post-hoc test was
performed in both groups of mice. Data obtained in the binding as-
say were analysed by Mann-Whitney U-test. SPSS+ software was
used and the significance level was fixed at 0.05.
Voluntary ethanol intake
As shown in Fig.1 (upper panel) there was no difference
in total liquid intake in both groups of mice (F
P=0.43). Interestingly, ethanol intake was significantly
lower in -/- mice (F
=4.955, P=0.042; Fig.1, lower panel).
Conditioned place preference (ethanol)
In Fig.2 it is demonstrated that in the conditioned place
preference test both groups of mice showed preference to
that arm which was associated with ethanol. There was no
effect of the genetic background (F
=0.196, P=0.66) and
no genetic background ×treatment interaction (F2,59=0.167,
P=0.846) but there was a significant effect of ethanol
treatment (F
=3.5, P=0.037). This suggests that the ani-
mals reacted in a comparable manner to the treatment re-
gardless of the genetic background.
Conditioned place preference (cocaine)
In the CPP (Fig.3) experiment using cocaine, there was
no effect of treatment (F
=2.1, P=0.129), but a signifi-
cant effect of the genetic background (F
=1.89, P=7.43)
and a significant genetic background ×treatment interac-
tion (F
=5.187, P=0.008).
In response to cocaine, +/+ mice differed (Fig.3, left
panel) significantly (F
=4.5, P=0.016). Tukey test re-
vealed that the difference between sal-injected control
mice (P=0.024) and mice injected with 10.0 mg/kg (P=0.02)
was lower than in animals injected with 5.0 mg/kg co-
caine. There was no difference between sal-injected con-
trol animals and those mice which received 10.0 mg/kg
cocaine (P=0.99). This U-shaped dose-response curve
clearly reflects appetitive and aversive properties of the
Significant differences (Fig.3, right panel) were found
in the -/- group (F
=3.94, P=0.029). It is the more so in-
teresting that in -/- mice the difference between sal-in-
jected animals (P=0.042) and 5.0 mg/kg cocaine-injected
mice (P=0.49) is significantly lower compared with ani-
Fig.1 Total liquid intake (upper panel) and voluntary ethanol in-
take (lower panel) in wild-type (+/+) mice and their µopioid re-
ceptor-deficient counterpartners (-/-). The test ran over a period
of 4 weeks and liquid intake was measured twice a week. The dif-
ference in ethanol intake is significant (F
=5.39, P=0.036).
Means ± SEM
Fig.2 Conditioned place preference in wild-type (+/+) and µopi-
oid receptor-deficient mice (-/-) in response to ethanol. Means ±
SEM; n= number of animals used
Fig.3 Conditioned place preference in wild-type (+/+) and µopi-
oid receptor-deficient mice (-/-) in response to cocaine. Means ±
SEM; n= number of animals used. *P<0.05
mals which received 10.0 mg/kg cocaine. The difference
between sal-injected controls and animals which received
5.0 mg/kg cocaine is insignificant (P=0.99). This indi-
cates a shift in the dose-response curve to the right.
Locomotor activity
In the habituation period wild-type animals showed higher
activity scores (F
=7.622, P=0.007) compared with de-
ficient mice (Fig.4). There were no differences between
the three groups (i.e. saline, cocaine 20 mg/kg, cocaine
40 mg/kg) from each genetic background (wild type:
=0.036, P=0.96; deficient animals: F
P=0.93). In reaction to cocaine, there was effect of dose
=24.78, P<0.001), but there was no effect of the ge-
netic background (F
=3.17, P=0.08) and no genetic
background ×treatment interaction (F
=0.09, P=0.91).
Animals from both groups reacted in a similar manner to
cocaine injection (saline vs. 20 mg/kg, 20 mg/kg vs. 40 mg/
kg; P<0.001, Tukey test).
Binding study
As shown in Fig.5 (upper panel) there were no differ-
ences in dopamine D1 binding either in the frontal cortex,
the striatum or the hippocampus of drug-naive +/+ and
-/- animals. Similarly, we did not find differences in D2
binding in the frontal cortex and the striatum (Fig.5,
lower panel). However, D2 receptor binding in the hip
is significantly lower in -/- mice compared with
their wild-
type counterpartners.
The present results confirm that voluntary ethanol intake
in µopioid receptor-deficient mice is lower than in wild-
type mice (Fig.1). The animals showed a conditioned
place preference to ethanol regardless of the genetic back-
ground (Fig.2). Cocaine induces CPP in +/+ animals at a
dose of 5.0 mg/kg whereas the same dose had no effect in
the knockouts (Fig.3). Deficient mice showed CPP when
cocaine was administered in a higher dose of 10.0 mg/kg.
From literature it is well known that effects of ethanol
in the conditioning place task depend on a number of fac-
tors such as dose, application schedule, and genetic back-
Fig.4 Locomotor activity in wild-type (+/+) and µopioid recep-
tor-deficient (-/-) mice in response to cocaine. Means ± SEM; n=
number of animals used
Fig.5 [
H]SCH 23 390 (upper panel) and [
H]spiroperidol (lower
panel) binding to synaptic membranes from the frontal cortex and
the hippocampus of wild-type (black bars) and µopioid receptor-
deficient (open bars) mice [CRT cortex (n=6), HIP hippocampus
(n=7), STR striatum (n=6)]. *P<0.05
ground (Cunningham and Henderson 2000; Risinger and
Oakes 1996). Thus, it is difficult to compare experimental
data obtained in different laboratories.
Our findings are in line with others (Hall et al. 2001;
Roberts et al. 2000) who found that in mice lacking the
µopioid receptor ethanol consumption is decreased, either
in operant or bottle-choice paradigms. Similar results
were obtained in experiments using dopamine D2 recep-
tor-deficient mice (Phillips et al. 1998). This suggests that
complex interaction between both types of receptors con-
tributes to the rewarding effect of ethanol.
It is evident from the ethanol drinking experiment that
the acutely rewarding effect is the same in +/+ and
-/- mice up to the fourth measurement. After this point the
wild-type animals gradually increase their ethanol intake
and preference since total liquid intake is not changed
(Fig.1). In contrast, -/- remain on the same ethanol drink-
ing level. Thus, the two groups display a difference in the
acquisition of ethanol preference (Fig.1) but not in the re-
sponse to the acute rewarding effects of ethanol (Fig.2).
Dopamine receptors have been implicated in the be-
havioural effects of drugs of abuse (Harris and Aston-
Jones 1994; Koob 1996; Spanagel and Weiss 1999; Uhl et
al. 1998). These effects are thought to be mediated by the
mesolimbic dopaminergic pathway arising from the ven-
tral tegmental area and projecting to the nucleus accum-
bens and prefrontal cortex. Ethanol was shown to increase
the dopamine level after intake (Bunney et al. 2000; Kat-
ner and Weiss 2001; Nurmi et al. 1998; Yavich and Tiiho-
nen 2000; Yim and Gonzales 2000; Yoshimoto et al. 2000)
and excites dopaminergic ventral tegmental area reward
neurones directly (Brodie et al. 1999). Cocaine increases
dopamine levels by blocking the dopamine transporter
(Ferraro et al. 2000; Rocha et al. 1998). To shed light on
opioid-dopamine interaction, we measured D1 and D2
binding to synaptic membranes from neurones of the fron-
tal cortex and the hippocampus. As shown in Fig.5, there
was no difference in D1 binding in the frontal cortex,
striatum and hippocampus in both groups of mice. Simi-
larly, D2 binding was comparable in the frontal cortex and
the striatum of +/+ and -/- mice. Interestingly, in the hip-
pocampus as part of the limbic system D2 receptor bind-
ing is significantly diminished in deficient mice. It was
speculated that the reduction in D2 binding sites occurs in
response to an enhanced dopamine release measured ex
vivo by K
-stimulated release of [
H]dopamine from hip-
pocampal slices of drug-naive wild-type and µopioid-de-
ficient mice (Schroeder et al. 1999). The reduced D2 re-
ceptor binding in the hippocampus might result in a re-
duction of the rewarding effect of ethanol resulting in
nificantly lower voluntary ethanol consumption in
-/- mice. This is favourably in line with other results (Phillips
et al. 1998; Risinger and Oakes 1996). It was found that
D2 receptor knockout mice have reduced ethanol con-
sumption and lacked of operant ethanol self-administra-
tion, respectively. The authors concluded that reduced re-
sponding in the knockout animals for several reinforcers
including ethanol indicates a more general role for dopa-
mine D2 receptors in motivated responding rather than a
specific role in ethanol reinforcement. Reduced D2 bind-
ing would also explain the higher dose of cocaine needed
to induce CPP in these animals. On the other hand, the
hippocampus was reported to be an important structure
for the mediation and modulation of rewarding effects of
substances. It was speculated that the hippocampal CA3
region may be an important target site for opioid reward
and opioid dependence (Stevens et al. 1991; Wise 1989).
This hypothesis was underlined by lesion experiments.
Morphine rewarding properties were modulated by frontal
cortical and hippocampal lesions (Glick and Cox 1978;
Kelley and Mittleman 1999).
Subchronic cocaine treatment resulted in a significant
µreceptor upregulation in different brain regions of Fisher
rats (Unterwald et al. 1994). Beside an involvement of the
µopioid receptor in cocaine-induced sensitisation to toxic
effects (Braida et al. 1997) there is also evidence that lo-
comotor activity, conditioned motivational, discrimina-
tory, and reinforcing effects of the substance are mediated
by opioid systems (Gerrits et al. 1995; Houdi et al. 1989;
Kuzmin et al. 1997; Mitchem et al. 1999; Rowlett and
Spealman 1998; Suzuki et al. 1992). However, some stud-
ies failed to demonstrate these interactions (Broadbent et
al. 1995; Schad et al. 1995). As shown in Fig.3, wild-type
mice showed a conditioned place preference in reaction to
5.0 mg/kg cocaine, whereas in deficient animals the effec-
tive dose was 10.0 mg/kg. At this dose, cocaine is neutral
to wild-type animals. This shift in the dose-response
curve to the right well matches with findings as referred
above demonstrating complex opioid-dopamine interac-
tions underlying the reinforcing effect of cocaine.
The conflict between CPP data (ethanol vs. cocaine)
and decreased voluntary ethanol intake in the -/- mice is
apparent (Figs.2, 3). Both procedures are being advocated
as possible measures of drug reward (Carr et al. 1989).
Thus, one would expect that the data generated by these
models are consistent. However, there are several reports
on dissociative effects (e.g. DeWitt and Wise 1977; Roberts
et al. 1980). Carr et al. (1989) explained these discrepan-
cies in terms of procedural differences. Operant responses
are necessary for self-administration but not in the CPP
paradigm during conditioning. Moreover, the motiva-
tional background (i.e. voluntary vs. forced drug intake)
might affect the results (Heyne 1996; Ufer et al. 1999).
Acknowledgements The skilful technical assistance of Mrs. D.
P. Dehmel, B. Reuter, G. Schulze, I. Schwarz and I. Gräbe-
dünkel is gratefully acknowledged. We are grateful to Mr. A. Toms
(UK) for linguistic improvement.
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... The mu-opioid receptor (MOR), which is coded for by the Oprm1 gene, is widely expressed throughout the central nervous system and directs inhibitory mechanisms both pre-and postsynaptically [2]. MORs are strongly implicated in alcohol drinking behaviors, including consumption, preference, and the acute stimulant and anxiolytic actions of ethanol (EtOH) [3][4][5][6][7][8]. Specifically, pharmacological blockade of MORs has been shown to reduce alcohol-seeking behaviors in mice [3,[9][10][11]. ...
Mu-opioid receptors (MORs) in the amygdala and striatum are important in addictive and rewarding behaviors. Foxp2 is a marker of intercalated (ITC) cells in the amygdala and a subset of striatal medium spiny neurons (MSNs), both of which express MORs in wild-type mice. For the current series of studies, we characterized the behavior of mice with genetic deletion of the MOR gene Oprm1 in Foxp2-expressing neurons (Foxp2-Cre/Oprm1fl/fl). Male and female Foxp2-Cre/Oprm1fl/fl mice were generated and heterozygous Cre+ (knockout) and homozygous Cre- (control) animals were tested for aversion-resistant alcohol consumption using an intermittent access (IA) task, operant responding for a sucrose reward, conditioned place aversion (CPA) to morphine withdrawal, and locomotor sensitization to morphine. In IA, mice with the MOR-knockout were more sensitive to quinine-adulterated ethanol (EtOH) and less aversion-resistant, as they decreased EtOH consumption from baseline at all quinine concentrations, while control animals did not. In operant conditioning, Cre+ mice similarly exhibited less aversion-resistant reward seeking than Cre- mice when sucrose was adulterated with quinine. For CPA, both control and MOR-knockout mice demonstrated withdrawal-induced aversion. For locomotor sensitization, Cre+ mice demonstrated decreased locomotion following morphine injection compared to Cre- mice. The results of these studies suggest that MOR expression on Foxp2-expressing neurons is not necessary for rewarded behaviors or expression of opioid withdrawal but may be involved in aversion-resistance.
... Increases in mu opioid receptor (MOR) expression and affinity have been associated with enhanced alcohol intake and dependence in rodents, non-human primates, and humans (Barr et al., 2007;Bart et al., 2005;Learn et al., 2001;Oslin et al., 2003). Genetic deletion of the mu opioid receptor (MOR) in mice reduces consumption (Becker et al., 2002;Hall et al., 2001;Roberts et al., 2000) as well as the acute stimulant and anxiolytic actions of ethanol (EtOH) (Ghozland et al., 2005). Further, systemic MOR antagonists decrease alcohol consumption in rodents (Gilpin et al., 2008;Heyser et al., 1999;Hyytiä and Kiianmaa, 2001) and the MOR antagonist naltrexone is one of three medications approved in the United States to treat AUD. ...
Heavy alcohol use and binge drinking are important contributors to alcohol use disorder (AUD). The endogenous opioid system has been implicated in alcohol consumption and preference in both humans and animals. The mu opioid receptor (MOR) is expressed on multiple cells in the striatum, however little is known about the contributions of specific MOR populations to alcohol drinking behaviors. The current study used mice with a genetic deletion of MOR in cholinergic cells (ChAT- Cre/Oprm1 fl/fl ) to examine the role of MORs expressed in cholinergic interneurons (CINs) in home cage self-administration paradigms. Male and female ChAT-Cre/Oprm1 fl/fl mice were generated and heterozygous Cre+ (knockout) and Cre- (control) mice were tested for alcohol and nicotine consumption. In Experiment 1, binge-like and quinine-resistant drinking was tested using 15% ethanol (EtOH) in a two- bottle, limited-access Drinking in the Dark paradigm. Experiment 2 involved a six-week intermittent access paradigm in which mice received 20% EtOH, nicotine, and then a combination of the two drugs. Experiment 3 assessed locomotor activity, sucrose preference, and quinine sensitivity. Deleting MORs in cholinergic cells did not alter consumption of EtOH in Experiment 1 or 2. In Experiment 1, the MOR deletion resulted in greater consumption of quinine-adulterated EtOH in male Cre+ mice (vs. Cre-). In Experiment 2, Cre+ mice demonstrated a significantly lower preference for nicotine but did not differ from Cre- mice in nicotine or nicotine + EtOH consumption. Overall fluid consumption was also heightened in the Cre+ mice. In Experiment 3, Cre+ females were found to have greater locomotor activity and preference for sucrose vs. Cre- mice. These data suggest that cholinergic MORs are not required for EtOH, drinking behaviors but may contribute to aversion resistant EtOH drinking in a sex- dependent manner.
... Mu-opioid receptor (MOR) knockout mice show reduced motivation to eat (Papaleo et al., 2007), reduced anticipation of food reward (Kas et al., 2004;Selleck and Baldo, 2017), and reduced maternal attachment (Moles et al., 2004). MOR knockout mice also have reduced reward responses to morphine (Contet et al., 2004;Hall et al., 2001;Norman and D'Souza, 2017), as well as to cocaine and alcohol (Becker et al., 2002). Consistent with preclinical studies, human studies have reported that food reward processing in humans is mediated by MOR (Loseth et al., 2014;Nummenmaa et al., 2018;Rabiner et al., 2011). ...
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Background: Reward processing deficits are a core feature of schizophrenia and are thought to underlie negative symptoms. Pre-clinical evidence suggests that opioid neurotransmission is linked to reward processing. However, the contribution of Mu Opioid Receptor (MOR) signalling to the reward processing abnormalities in schizophrenia is unknown. Here, we examined the association between MOR availability and the neural processes underlying reward anticipation in patients with schizophrenia using multimodal neuroimaging. Method: 37 subjects (18 with Schizophrenia with moderate severity negative symptoms and 19 age and sex-matched healthy controls) underwent a functional MRI scan while performing the Monetary Incentive Delay (MID) task to measure the neural response to reward anticipation. Participants also had a [11C]-carfentanil PET scan to measure MOR availability. Results: Reward anticipation was associated with increased neural activation in a widespread network of brain regions including the striatum. Patients with schizophrenia had both significantly lower MOR availability in the striatum as well as striatal hypoactivation during reward anticipation. However, there was no association between MOR availability and striatal neural activity during reward anticipation in either patient or controls (Pearson's Correlation, controls df = 17, r = 0.321, p = 0.18, patients df = 16, r = 0.295, p = 0.24). There was no association between anticipation-related neural activation and negative symptoms (r = -0.120, p = 0.14) or anhedonia severity (social r = -0.365, p = 0.14 physical r = -0.120, p = 0.63). Conclusions: Our data suggest reduced MOR availability in schizophrenia might not underlie striatal hypoactivation during reward anticipation in patients with established illness. Therefore, other mechanisms, such as dopamine dysfunction, warrant further investigation as treatment targets for this aspect of the disorder.
... Opiates, psychostimulants, and most other drugs of abuse increase the release of dopamine along the mesolimbic pathway (Koob and Bloom, 1988;Di Chiara, 1999), a circuit that plays a central role in reinforcement learning (Schultz et al., 1997). On top of this, the reinforcing properties of addictive drugs also depend on their ability to activate the µ opioid receptors (Le Merrer et al., 2009;Benjamin et al., 1993;Becker et al., 2002). This suggests that both the dopamine and the opioid systems might be particularly relevant in model-free reinforcement learning processes that drive the formation of habitual behaviour. ...
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Human behaviour requires flexible arbitration between actions we do out of habit and actions that are directed towards a specific goal. Drugs that target opioid and dopamine receptors are notorious for inducing maladaptive habitual drug consumption; yet, how the opioidergic and dopaminergic neurotransmitter systems contribute to the arbitration between habitual and goal-directed behaviour is poorly understood. By combining pharmacological challenges with a well-established decision-making task and a novel computational model, we show that the administration of the dopamine D2/3 receptor antagonist amisulpride led to an increase in goal-directed or ‘model-based’ relative to habitual or ‘model-free’ behaviour, whereas the non-selective opioid receptor antagonist naltrexone had no appreciable effect. The effect of amisulpride on model-based/model-free behaviour did not scale with drug serum levels in the blood. Furthermore, participants with higher amisulpride serum levels showed higher explorative behaviour. These findings highlight the distinct functional contributions of dopamine and opioid receptors to goal-directed and habitual behaviour and support the notion that even small doses of amisulpride promote flexible application of cognitive control.
The second volume of Behavioral Genetics of the Mouse provides a comprehensive overview of the major genetically modified mouse lines used to model human neurobehavioral disorders; from disorders of perception, of autonomous and motor functions to social and cognitive syndromes, drug abuse and dependence as well as neurodegenerative pathologies. Mouse models obtained with different types of genetic manipulations (i.e. transgenic, knockout/in mice) are described in their pathological phenotypes, with a special emphasis on behavioral abnormalities. The major results obtained with many of the existing models are discussed in depth highlighting their strengths and limitations. A lasting reference, the thorough reviews offer an easy entrance into the extensive literature in this field, and will prove invaluable to students and specialists alike.
The second volume of Behavioral Genetics of the Mouse provides a comprehensive overview of the major genetically modified mouse lines used to model human neurobehavioral disorders; from disorders of perception, of autonomous and motor functions to social and cognitive syndromes, drug abuse and dependence as well as neurodegenerative pathologies. Mouse models obtained with different types of genetic manipulations (i.e. transgenic, knockout/in mice) are described in their pathological phenotypes, with a special emphasis on behavioral abnormalities. The major results obtained with many of the existing models are discussed in depth highlighting their strengths and limitations. A lasting reference, the thorough reviews offer an easy entrance into the extensive literature in this field, and will prove invaluable to students and specialists alike.
The second volume of Behavioral Genetics of the Mouse provides a comprehensive overview of the major genetically modified mouse lines used to model human neurobehavioral disorders; from disorders of perception, of autonomous and motor functions to social and cognitive syndromes, drug abuse and dependence as well as neurodegenerative pathologies. Mouse models obtained with different types of genetic manipulations (i.e. transgenic, knockout/in mice) are described in their pathological phenotypes, with a special emphasis on behavioral abnormalities. The major results obtained with many of the existing models are discussed in depth highlighting their strengths and limitations. A lasting reference, the thorough reviews offer an easy entrance into the extensive literature in this field, and will prove invaluable to students and specialists alike.
The second volume of Behavioral Genetics of the Mouse provides a comprehensive overview of the major genetically modified mouse lines used to model human neurobehavioral disorders; from disorders of perception, of autonomous and motor functions to social and cognitive syndromes, drug abuse and dependence as well as neurodegenerative pathologies. Mouse models obtained with different types of genetic manipulations (i.e. transgenic, knockout/in mice) are described in their pathological phenotypes, with a special emphasis on behavioral abnormalities. The major results obtained with many of the existing models are discussed in depth highlighting their strengths and limitations. A lasting reference, the thorough reviews offer an easy entrance into the extensive literature in this field, and will prove invaluable to students and specialists alike.
The second volume of Behavioral Genetics of the Mouse provides a comprehensive overview of the major genetically modified mouse lines used to model human neurobehavioral disorders; from disorders of perception, of autonomous and motor functions to social and cognitive syndromes, drug abuse and dependence as well as neurodegenerative pathologies. Mouse models obtained with different types of genetic manipulations (i.e. transgenic, knockout/in mice) are described in their pathological phenotypes, with a special emphasis on behavioral abnormalities. The major results obtained with many of the existing models are discussed in depth highlighting their strengths and limitations. A lasting reference, the thorough reviews offer an easy entrance into the extensive literature in this field, and will prove invaluable to students and specialists alike.
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Cocaine blocks uptake by neuronal plasma membrane transporters for dopamine (DAT), serotonin (SERT), and norepinephrine (NET). Cocaine reward/reinforcement has been linked to actions at DAT or to blockade of SERT. However, knockouts of neither DAT, SERT, or NET reduce cocaine reward/reinforcement, leaving substantial uncertainty about cocaine's molecular mechanisms for reward. Conceivably, the molecular bases of cocaine reward might display sufficient redundancy that either DAT or SERT might be able to mediate cocaine reward in the other's absence. To test this hypothesis, we examined double knockout mice with deletions of one or both copies of both the DAT and SERT genes. These mice display viability, weight gain, histologic features, neurochemical parameters, and baseline behavioral features that allow tests of cocaine influences. Mice with even a single wild-type DAT gene copy and no SERT copies retain cocaine reward/reinforcement, as measured by conditioned place-preference testing. However, mice with no DAT and either no or one SERT gene copy display no preference for places where they have previously received cocaine. The serotonin dependence of cocaine reward in DAT knockout mice is thus confirmed by the elimination of cocaine place preference in DAT/SERT double knockout mice. These results provide insights into the brain molecular targets necessary for cocaine reward in knockout mice that develop in their absence and suggest novel strategies for anticocaine medication development.
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 Previous research in squirrel monkeys has shown enhancement of the discriminative stimulus effects of cocaine by μ-opioid agonists, but not by the δ agonist BW373U86. To examine further the role of µ and δ receptor stimulation in the ability of opioid drugs to modulate the discriminative stimulus effects of cocaine, the present study assessed the effects of cocaine alone and combined with SNC 80, a selective high-efficacy δ agonist, and fentanyl, a selective high-efficacy µ agonist. Five adult male squirrel monkeys were trained to discriminate IM injections of 0.3 mg/kg cocaine from saline under a fixed-ratio 10 schedule of food presentation. Cumulative doses of cocaine (0.03–1.0 mg/kg) engendered dose-related increases in drug-lever responding to a maximum of 100%, with a decrease in response rate observed at 1.0 mg/kg. Cumulative doses of SNC 80 (0.03–1.0 mg/kg) or fentanyl (0.001–0.01 mg/kg) resulted in a maximum of 22% and 48% drug-lever responding, respectively, accompanied by pronounced decreases in response rate. Administration of either SNC 80 (0.1–1.0 mg/kg) or fentanyl (0.001–0.01 mg/kg) prior to cumulative doses of cocaine produced dose-dependent leftward shifts in the cocaine dose-response function. When the selective δ antagonist naltrindole (1.0 mg/kg) was combined with SNC 80 (1.0 mg/kg) or fentanyl (0.01 mg/kg) prior to cumulative doses of cocaine, the leftward shift of the cocaine dose-response function produced by SNC 80 was blocked, whereas the leftward shift produced by fentanyl was not. By contrast, the µ antagonist naltrexone (0.3 mg/kg) blocked the cocaine-enhancing effects of fentanyl, but not of SNC 80. Combinations of SNC 80 (0.03–0.3 mg/kg) with fentanyl (0.001–0.003 mg/kg) resulted in leftward shifts in the cocaine dose-response function that were comparable in magnitude to the shifts in the cocaine dose-response function produced by either drug alone. These results suggest that opioid enhancement of the discriminative stimulus effects of cocaine is mediated independently by δ- and µ-receptor mechanisms.
Rationale: Differences in µ-opiate receptor (MOR) gene expression may modulate the rewarding effects of ethanol. Objective: The effects of MOR gene knockout (KO) were examined in wild-type (+/+), heterozygote MOR KO (+/–), and homozygote MOR KO (–/–) mice on voluntary ethanol consumption, conditioned place preference produced by ethanol, and locomotor responses to ethanol in separate groups of mice. Methods: Voluntary ethanol consumption (2–32% v/v) was examined in a two-bottle home-cage consumption test. The conditioned place preference paradigm was a biased design. Mice received four pairings of ethanol (2.0 g/kg IP) on the initially preferred side and four pairings on the initially non-preferred side with saline. The difference in time spent on the initially non-preferred side (pre- versus post-conditioning) was the measure of drug-induced preference. After habituation to a novel locomotor test chamber mice were tested, on subsequent sessions, for ethanol induced locomotion (0.0, 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 g/kg IP). Results: Heterozygous and homozygous MOR KO mice consumed less ethanol than wild-type mice. These effects appeared to be greater in female KO mice than in male KO mice. MOR KO mice, especially females, exhibited less ethanol reward in a conditioned place preference paradigm. These effects on ethanol reward were produced by reductions in MOR expression levels as small as 50%. MOR KO mice exhibited less ethanol-stimulated locomotion than did wild-type mice, an effect that was also largest in females. Conclusions: These data fit with the reported therapeutic efficacy of MOR antagonists in the treatment of human alcoholism. Allelic variants that confer differing levels of MOR expression could provide different degrees of risk for alcoholism.
Cocaine and methylphenidate block uptake by neuronal plasma membrane transporters for dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine. Cocaine also blocks voltage-gated sodium channels, a property not shared by methylphenidate. Several lines of evidence have suggested that cocaine blockade of the dopamine transporter (DAT), perhaps with additional contributions from serotonin transporter (5-HTT) recognition, was key to its rewarding actions. We now report that knockout mice without DAT and mice without 5-HTT establish cocaine-conditioned place preferences. Each strain displays cocaine-conditioned place preference in this major mouse model for assessing drug reward, while methylphenidate-conditioned place preference is also maintained in DAT knockout mice. These results have substantial implications for understanding cocaine actions and for strategies to produce anticocaine medications.
Morphine-induced place preference was demonstrated recently in wild-type mice, whereas this conditioned behaviour was not observed in µ-opioid receptor-deficient mice. In the present study, we investigated locomotor effects of subcutaneously (s.c.) injected morphine as well as intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) morphine self-administration in µ-opioid receptor-knockout mice. After s.c. morphine injection, locomotor activity significantly increased in wild-type animals. As expected, in the self-administration test the rate of self-administration constantly increased in wild-type mice reflecting reward effects of morphine. This increase was independent of locomotor/motor activity. In contrast, self-administration rates and locomotor/motor activity significantly decreased in the receptor-deficient animals. It was shown that this aversive effect might partly be due to κ-opioid receptor interaction.
The μ opioid receptor gene (MOR) was mutated in mice by a gene targeting procedure. In these MOR-knockout mice, the analgesic effects of morphine, its major metabolites, morphine-6-glucuronide (M-6-G) and morphine-6-ethereal sulfate (M-6-S), and endomorphin-2, as well as morphine-induced lethality, were drastically reduced, whereas the effects of DPDPE and U50488 remained unchanged. It is concluded that analgesic effects of μ-specific opioid ligands and acute morphine lethality are mediated by the μ receptor.