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Abstract and Figures

The vulnerabilities in most web applications enable hackers to gain access to confidential and private information. Structured query injection poses a significant threat to web applications and is one of the most common and widely used information theft mechanisms. Where hackers benefit from errors in the design of systems or existing gaps by not filtering the user's input for some special characters and symbols contained within the structural query sentences or the quality of the information is not checked, whether it is text or numerical, which causes unpredictability of the outcome of its implementation. In this paper, we review PHP techniques and other techniques for protecting SQL from the injection, methods for detecting SQL attacks, types of SQL injection, causes of SQL injection via getting and Post, and prevention technology for SQL vulnerabilities.
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Asian Journal of Research in Computer Science
10(3): 13-32, 2021; Article no.AJRCOS.70376
ISSN: 2581-8260
SQL Injection Attacks Prevention System
Technology: Review
Fairoz Q. Kareem
, Siddeeq Y. Ameen
, Azar Abid Salih
Dindar Mikaeel Ahmed
, Shakir Fattah Kak
, Hajar Maseeh Yasin
Ibrahim Mahmood Ibrahim
, Awder Mohammed Ahmed
, Zryan Najat Rashid
and Naaman Omar
Duhok Polytechnic University, Duhok, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
Sulaimani Polytechnic University, Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
Authors’ contributions
This work was carried out in collaboration among all authors.. All authors read and approved the final
Article Information
DOI: 10.9734/AJRCOS/2021/v10i330242
Dr. Dariusz Jacek Jakóbczak, Koszalin University of Technology, Poland.
Muralidharan J, KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, India.
Singaraju Suguna Mallika , CVR College of Engineering, India.
G.S.N.Murthy, Aditya College of Engineering, India.
Saroj Kumar Dash, BPUT,India.
Complete Peer review History:
Received 01 May 2021
Accepted 06 July 2021
Published 06 July 2021
The vulnerabilities in most web applications enable hackers to gain access to confidential and
private information. Structured query injection poses a significant threat to web applications and is
one of the most common and widely used information theft mechanisms. Where hackers benefit
from errors in the design of systems or existing gaps by not filtering the user's input for some
special characters and symbols contained within the structural query sentences or the quality of the
information is not checked, whether it is text or numerical, which causes unpredictability of the
outcome of its implementation. In this paper, we review PHP techniques and other techniques for
protecting SQL from the injection, methods for detecting SQL attacks, types of SQL injection,
causes of SQL injection via getting and Post, and prevention technology for SQL vulnerabilities.
Keywords: SQL injection; PHP; database security.
Review Article
Kareem et al.;
AJRCOS, 10(3): 13-32, 2021; Article no.AJRCOS.70376
Website applications play an essential part in
daily life in today's technology-driven world.
People use websites for various purposes,
including internet shopping, banking, and
chatting with friends. Often, websites use
databases to store user data on the backend [1].
Since sensitive information, including passwords,
credit card numbers, and social security
numbers, is kept in such files, malicious hackers
often attack them [2-4].
According to an analysis of numerous hacking
events, when operating system security improves
and security protection software and hardware
solutions become more widespread, network
attacks directly triggered by operating system
vulnerabilities decrease year after year, while the
usage rate of WEB application system
vulnerabilities increases. Because of its easy
syntax and high development performance, PHP
has become the language of choice for
developing all types of portal websites and Web
application programs. LAMP architecture (Linux
+ Apache + MySQL + PHP) is a PHP language
development environment with fast speed, high
compatibility, free open source, and other
benefits [5]. Based on the current traffic levels,
about 70% of the LAMP architecture relies on the
present-day network conditions [6]. Since the
PHP early design process is over-efficient and
transparent, some necessary security
specifications in the programming language are
not strictly restricted [7]. Adding delicate data is
needed. It is counterproductive because the
programmer lacks their security knowledge while
the machine functions are jeopardized [8].
Some sections of the system face no constraints
in their operational protection [9]. So many data
are vulnerable, resulting in the fact that the
system can present significant security risks [10].
Especially prominent among them are SQL
injection vulnerabilities. For the first time since
1999, the SQL injection has been in people's
minds and was ten years old. While a
comprehensive preventive plan is now in place,
its capacity cannot be underestimated [11]. One
of the most dangerous loopholes is SQL injection
[12]. OWASP Top 10 for 2010, OWASP Top 10
for 2013, and OWASP Top 10 for 2017, SQL
injection was ranked as the top challenge to Web
application systems three times [13,14].
SQL injection vulnerabilities compromise the
protection of individual websites and the
entire database infrastructure and network
system that hosts related applications [15].
It is easily capable of causing large sections of
web pages to hang, viruses to spread,
privacy breaches, remote control of servers, and,
in extreme cases, network paralysis [16].
Also, due to its simplicity, SQL injection
vulnerabilities are often used as a stepping stone
for network attacks, which have the objective of
penetrating the target's network step by step
[17]. While hackers may also use their expertise
to infiltrate only an application or a single server,
they want the ability to get full access to the
network or get complete internal information
One of the common ways for hackers to attempt
databases is this SQL injection attack. More and
more programmers use this mode to create apps
in the development of the B/S mode application
[19,20]. Given the unequal degree of
programmers' experience, a significant
percentage of programmers do not assess user
input data's authenticity when developing code,
which poses concerns for the application's
security [21,22]. Users can submit a database
query code and obtain data based on the
program outcomes they wish to know [23]. One
of the methods of database security assault is
the SQL injection assault. The database security
protection technology can successfully secure it
It is not unusual nowadays to note media
coverage of any serious violation of the
cybersecurity of a significant firm [25,26]. Many
of these infringements are attributable to
software or system flaws [27]. Once a thorough
study was carried out of these vulnerabilities, the
development issues revealed a high number of
these flaws [28,29]. More specifically, the
vulnerabilities were caused by either developers
or the design process. Injection attacks are a
specific vulnerability triggered by developers or
by an imperfect design process [30]. SQL
injection attacks were mainly attributable to most
of the cybersecurity violations committed by the
organization. This kind of attack can harm a
company or company [31,32]. These effects
might include monetary loss, the disclosure of
private corporate data, consumer exposure, a
drop in stock, or a mix of the four [33,34]. In
interactive online applications, SQL injection
attacks are relatively frequent. They can not only
be detected readily and reasonably
easy to mitigate by SQL injection assaults
Kareem et al.;
AJRCOS, 10(3): 13-32, 2021; Article no.AJRCOS.70376
A relatively common online vulnerability is
Structured Query Language Injection Attack
(SQLIA) [37,38]. To obtain data access or make
unauthorized modifications to the data, the
attacker adds malicious structured query
language (SQLs) code to the input area of a web
form [39,40]. Successful malicious SQL injection
leads to significant cash losses, reputation
losses, compliance and regulation violations in
the targeted business [41,42]. Several research
projects have been undertaken to identify and
prevent SQL injections. However, a single
advanced tool for identifying and mitigating SQL
injection threats remains unusual [43,44].
SQL Injection may be defined as allowing
hackers to use a web app to perform a malicious
SQL query on the database server to access
sensitive information or database [45,46]. This
web-based vulnerability enables the attacker to
spot the identity, delete the system's data, and
modify the database records [47,48]. SQL
injection's main effects include loss of
Confidentiality, authentication as an attacker
without providing the original user name and
password to access the network successfully by
manipulating the SQL command logically, loss of
authorization as an attacker leaves complete
system information, and lack of integrity as
hacker gets access to the database [49,50].
To adapt to changing business requirements,
information systems typically migrate to the Web;
however, these technologies are sometimes
vulnerable to an enormous variety of assaults
with their security weaknesses [51,52]. According
to Mitre Corporation, SQL Injection Threats
(SQLIA) are among the most prevalent types of
safety attacks these systems face [53,54].
The internet network has now become one of the
primary everyday requirements of humans in the
era of continuously changing and growing
information technology [55,56]. Web applications
such as online banking, web-based e-mails,
instant communications networking are aimed at
attackers [57,58]. Their main aim is to obtain
critical user information and use it for their
purposes. The SQL injective attacks are one way
to target online apps and web-based information
systems [59,60].
SQL Injection Assault is one of the most frequent
and most damaging ways of a hacker attack.
SQL injector attacks and prevention are essential
and challenging subjects to teach in information
system protection in our school [61,62]. SQLi-
labs have different vulnerabilities to teaching help
software [63]. The instructor may perform in-
class SQL injection assaults via the aid of this
program, helping pupils understand the SQL
injection attack and preventive concept [64,65].
A primary security concern is posed by a SQL
injection attack (SQLIA) in Web applications
backed by a database [66]. This exploit allows
attackers to easily access the application's
underlying database and the potentially sensitive
information contained in the databases [67,68]. A
hacker can access database content by carefully
crafted input, which otherwise cannot. Usually,
this is done by modifying SQL statements used
in online applications [69]. Researchers have
investigated SQLIA detection and prevention
thoroughly and created numerous approaches
because of the safety of web applications
As the internet is used to provide online services,
web security risks are also drastically grown
every day [72,73]. SQL injection is one of the
most significant and dangerous vulnerabilities in
online applications [74]. SQL injection attack
occurred when a part of a malicious SQL query
was inserted in the legal query statement via an
invalidated user entry [75,76]. This will lead to
the execution of such instructions and SQL
injection [77]. The database management
system's Confidentiality, integrity, and availability
of information in the database have interfered
with successful SQL injection attacks [78,79].
With the progress of the Web, the majority of
people transact on the Web, for example,
through data research, banking, shopping,
management, surveillance and management of
dam and commercial exchanges, etc [80]. Web
apps have adapted to the daily life of many
people. Web applications' dangers have
extended to include enormous expansion [81]. At
the moment, the more vulnerabilities are reduced
every day, the greater the number of threats [82].
The SQLIA is one of the most significant hazards
of online applications risks [83]. Structured
queries are an injection attack [84]—the lack of
SQL web-based injection attack validation flaws
[85]. SQLIA is a malignancy that involves the
abuse of data-driven applications through
negated SQL declaration [86]. This vulnerability
allows an attacker to communicate the
applications' interaction with backend databases
by complying with the designated input [87].
Therefore, access to the database can be
obtained by the insertion, modification, or
Kareem et al.;
AJRCOS, 10(3): 13-32, 2021; Article no.AJRCOS.70376
deletion without valid authorization of essential
information [88].
In this paper, we discussed the SQL injection
prevention methods in depth: in section 1, we
introduced a general concept of SQL injection. In
section 2, we explained in-depth the database
security threats and SQL injection (attacks and
types), in section 3, the Prevention technology
for SQL vulnerabilities was discussed, in section
4, we explained the related work on SQL
injection with PHP and different techniques, in
section 5 we discussed the SQL injection
prevention with PHP and we compared with
other authors. Finally, the conclusion expounds
and summarizes the attack principle and attack
implementation SQL injection attack Principles
and Preventive Techniques for PHP Sites.
Database security is described as a collection of
measures, policies, and processes for ensuring
data confidentiality, integrity, and availability and
combating potential device attacks (threats) from
both insiders and outsiders, both malicious and
unintentional [89]. On the other hand, data
security is described as using hardware or
software to protect information from unwanted
access, modification, or destruction [90]. In a
database world, protection is achieved by
defining risks and selecting appropriate policies
and mechanisms, which contribute to what the
security system is supposed to do and how the
security system can meet the security objectives
[91]. It also entails providing security system
assurance, which relates to how well the security
system satisfies the defense specifications and
performs its functions [89].
A relational database is a set of data points with
specified relationships that can be accessed
easily [92]. The Structured Query Language
(SQL) is a relational database's standard user
and application program interface (API) (SQL).
2.1 Structured Query Language (SQL)
SQL (Structured Query Language) is a text-
based language for interacting with database
servers. SQL commands such as (INSERT,
RETRIEVE, UPDATE, and DELETE) are utilized
to operate on the Database. The programmer
uses this command to manipulate data in the
database server. SQL Injection is a strategy for
injecting SQL commands into a web server that
runs in a backend database by exploiting an
invalidated input weakness.
According to the concept, a SQL Injection attack
is hazardous because the attacker who
successfully enters the server database will
access the data already present in the database.
Improper manipulation of data by an attacker can
cause harm to the owner of an injected website.
The leakage of data and information is fatal.
Such data may be misused by irresponsible
parties [93].
According to the definition, a SQL Injection attack
is hazardous since an attacker who has
successfully infiltrated the system database can
change the data already present. An attacker's
improper data modification can affect the owner
of an injected website. Data and information
leakage may be disastrous. Irresponsible
persons may misuse this information.
2.2 SQL Injections Attacks
SQL injection is a type of code injection attack in
which the user's data is placed into the SQL
query, causing a portion of the user's input to be
interpreted as SQL code [9]. This is a technique
to use web pages as an input to insert SQL
queries or orders. It happens when the data
supplied by the user is not checked correctly and
explicitly used in the SQL questionnaire. An
attacker can directly access the database by
using these vulnerabilities. There are two key
SQL injection strategies, according to Sharma
(2005). (Access through login page and access
through URL). The first method is most easy
under which login types are circumvented as
passwords are used for user authentication. The
attackers will do this by: 'or' state, 'getting'
clause, various queries, and expanded stored
procedure. An intruder may execute the second
technique: manipulate the question string in a
URL and use the statements 'SELECT' or
UNION. This type of vulnerability indicated a
Suppose the formula returns [1 = 1] or an empty
row in the user's table, a user was detected. The
first [‘] quote ends the string, and the characters
[--] indicate the start of a SQL comment; anything
after that is ignored. The database's
interpretation of the problem is now a tautology
that is still fulfilled. As a result, an attacker can
get unlimited access to sensitive information on
the server by bypassing all authentication
modules. SQL injection can damage any
database, regardless of software or web
application. This attack can
be used to steal
sensitive information, circumvent authentication
protocols, alter databases, and run arbitrary
code. In some instances, the attacks were
directed at the database server itself
2.3 SQL Injection Attack
s Can Take
Several Types
2.3.1 properly filtered escape character
This is a kind of injection attack where the user is
not bound to prevent them from writing
something they do not want to write and is
therefore passed on to a SQL statement. If this
results in the end-
user handling the SQL
statements, this can only lead to complications
for the user. A notable
example of this issue is a
code fragment that illustrates this vulnerability:
Statement: (“SELECT * FROM users
WHERE name =’” + 17
username + “;”)
Select * from users where username = ‘ “&username “ ‘ and password =’
If the username and password as provided by the user are used , the query to be submitted to
the data base takes the form
Select * from users where username=’guest’ and password=’guestpass’
If the user were to enter [; or 1=1
take the form: select *from users where username = ‘ ’ or 1=1
Kareem et al.;
AJRCOS, 10(3): 13-32, 2021
; Article no.
database, regardless of software or web
be used to steal
sensitive information, circumvent authentication
protocols, alter databases, and run arbitrary
code. In some instances, the attacks were
directed at the database server itself
s Can Take
2.3.1 properly filtered escape character
This is a kind of injection attack where the user is
not bound to prevent them from writing
something they do not want to write and is
therefore passed on to a SQL statement. If this
user handling the SQL
statements, this can only lead to complications
example of this issue is a
code fragment that illustrates this vulnerability:
Statement: (“SELECT * FROM users
username + “;”)
The general aim of this code is to pull out a
single user from its list, but if the user’s
name is compromised, the action can go
off in an unexpected direction.
2.3.2 Failure to handle sort
There are several attack patterns of this kind. If
an attacker
applies simple types in a
nonconfirmed field, this attack may be made
Until submitting it to the database (whether it is
numeric or not). As another case:
ent: (“SELECT * FROM data WHERE id =
+ a_variable +”;;)
The Author expects a variable to be a number
connected to the “id” field, as can be seen by this
sentence. But if the end-
user selects a string, it
circumvents the need for escapes. For instance,
t a variable to 1; user of the DROP tab to
remove the user table
from the database and to
the SQL statement: (SELECT * DATA WHERE
ID = 1); user of the DROP Tab;
. 1. the process of SQL injection
Select * from users where username = ‘ “&username “ ‘ and password =’ “&userpassword& “ ‘ ”
If the username and password as provided by the user are used , the query to be submitted to
Select * from users where username=’guest’ and password=’guestpass’
If the user were to enter [; or 1=1
--] and [
] instead of [guest] and [guestpass], the query would
take the form: select *from users where username = ‘ ’ or 1=1
-‘ and password=’ ’
; Article no.
The general aim of this code is to pull out a
single user from its list, but if the user’s
name is compromised, the action can go
off in an unexpected direction.
There are several attack patterns of this kind. If
applies simple types in a
nonconfirmed field, this attack may be made
Until submitting it to the database (whether it is
ent: (“SELECT * FROM data WHERE id =
The Author expects a variable to be a number
connected to the “id” field, as can be seen by this
user selects a string, it
circumvents the need for escapes. For instance,
t a variable to 1; user of the DROP tab to
from the database and to
the SQL statement: (SELECT * DATA WHERE
“&userpassword& “ ‘ ”
If the username and password as provided by the user are used , the query to be submitted to
] instead of [guest] and [guestpass], the query would
Kareem et al.;
AJRCOS, 10(3): 13-32, 2021; Article no.AJRCOS.70376
2.3.3 Database server vulnerabilities
Often the database system program has bugs
like the MYSQL server real _escape_ string ()
feature vulnerability. An attacker will use this flaw
to launch a powerful SQL injection attack using
incorrect unified character encoding [96].
2.3.4 Blind SQL injection attack
A so-called blind SQL injection. An application is
vulnerable to attack, but its impact is not
apparent to the attacker. A SQL injection is put
into the SQL becomes a "blind" one. The
information could be expanded without being
displayed but using valid statements, logical
processes inserted into the system will lead to
various developed data outcomes [97]. New
bytes must be added for any byte added to the
database when a unique string is tested. When
you know where the flaw is located, you can use
Absinthe to search for the corresponding target
2.3.5 Conditional response
It's worth noting that a SQL injection causes the
database to calculate the value of a logical
argument on a typical application screen:
SELECT book title FROM booklist WHERE
book Id
='00k14cd'AND 1 = 1 This leads to a
standard face, while the statement
SELECT book title FROM booklist WHERE
book Id
='00k14cd'AND 1 = 2)
The outcome can be different when a page
is vulnerable to SQL injection attacks. This
single injection would demonstrate that
blind SQL injection is feasible, allowing an
attacker to create claims that judge
authenticity based on the content of a field
in another table.
2.3.6 Conditional errors
If the WHERE statement is correct, the database
is forced to judge a message that causes an
error, resulting in a SQL error. Consider the
following example:
username='Ralph'. If Ralph exists, dividing by
zero will lead to errors.)
2.3.7 Time delay
A kind of blind SQL injection involves delaying
the execution of a statement for a predetermined
length of time. Under this logic, the SQL engine's
implementation is likely to take a long time to
execute or wait for a long queue to be
completed. You may calculate the amount of
time needed to load a page to decide whether or
not a test statement is accurate [98].
2.4 SQL Injection Causes in PHP Code
A web application often expects to receive input
from a user and a human to respond. The user
must provide data to the server as part of the
interaction procedure [99]. After receiving data
from the user, the web application queries the
database system to show the client conditionally.
Users typically provide data to the server through
the GET, POST, and Cookie methods. The GET
technique involves directly writing the data to be
submitted in the URL, and it is frequently used to
transmit less data while browsing. The POST
method is commonly used as a form submission
and is frequently utilized when users need input
data, which is usually a considerable amount of
data. Cookies are small pieces of data that an
online application saves in the user's browser
buffer. They're typically used to store user IDs or
track their browsing habits [100,101].
In Table 1, the three data transfer methods are
described in terms of their characteristics and
danger levels. The fundamental reason for SQL
injection vulnerability is that the web application
system does not immediately identify the
transmitted data as it passes it. In the course of
writing the code, the programmer uses the code
directly. The information is combined with SQL
commands before being sent to the database
system for processing. If an attacker includes
more SQL commands in the provided data, they
will all be executed simultaneously, resulting in
SQL injection.
2.5 SQL Injection in the GET Mode
Since the data supplied by the GET method is
written in the URL, it is straightforward to update
and pass the data, and the data to be transferred
is merely adjusted in the URL [102]. For
example, the GET method is used to immediately
transmit the employee number to the web
application system during the regular use of the
employee number to query employee
information. Fig. 1 shows the URL and the SQL
command data. Since the query's keyword is
exposed explicitly in the URL, an attacker can
find the passed variable name and data format
and change the URL to add a SQL command to
the injector's URL. For instance, inserting the
"OR empId=10002" injection code can inquire
and leak information from other employees.
2 shows the URL and S
QL command details
An attacker may receive information from all
employees in extreme instances. For instance,
the attack principle is the same as
injections by using (OR embed > 0,) Scattered
SQL controls
must be updated to (SELECT *
FROM tab employee when EmpId=10001 OR
embed >0), and the original injection information
must be substantially altered. By examining the
Table 1.
Methods of web applications
. 2. The employee number usually is used to obtai
. 3. The addition of information about injectio
A large amount of data must be delivered, and
it must be submitted via form forms or the
AJAX post technique.
Less data is passed by directly writing data in
the URL.
Sorted in the browser cache of the user's end,
the data is large and sensitive
Kareem et al.;
AJRCOS, 10(3): 13-32, 2021
; Article no.
the injector's URL. For instance, inserting the
"OR empId=10002" injection code can inquire
and leak information from other employees.
QL command details
An attacker may receive information from all
employees in extreme instances. For instance,
the attack principle is the same as
Fig. 3 in
injections by using (OR embed > 0,) Scattered
must be updated to (SELECT *
FROM tab employee when EmpId=10001 OR
embed >0), and the original injection information
must be substantially altered. By examining the
SQL command, they noticed that it was added to
the SQL command logically or operational
bed information equal to or higher than 10001
or empId is taken from the tb employee
The SQL statement is compatible with the
implementation results (SELECT * FROM TB
employee where the empId >0) since 10001 is
more significant than 0. The integer n
be higher than 0 when the employee number is
programmed in the employee number of the
database. All the information of the employees
may be obtained an
d the batch information
Methods of web applications
receive data from users
. 2. The employee number usually is used to obtain information from the employee
. 3. The addition of information about injectio
ns leads
to a lack of knowledge
Degree of Risk
; Article no.
SQL command, they noticed that it was added to
the SQL command logically or operational
bed information equal to or higher than 10001
or empId is taken from the tb employee
The SQL statement is compatible with the
implementation results (SELECT * FROM TB
employee where the empId >0) since 10001 is
more significant than 0. The integer n
umber must
be higher than 0 when the employee number is
programmed in the employee number of the
database. All the information of the employees
d the batch information
n information from the employee
to a lack of knowledge
Kareem et al.;
AJRCOS, 10(3): 13-32, 2021; Article no.AJRCOS.70376
2.6 SQL Injection in the POST Mode
The POST method's SQL injection vulnerabilities
are the same as the GET method. After the user
receives it, the web application system's data
doesn't require security detection. The
splicing with the SQL command is immediately
the result. The POST method requires the Form,
Delivery method, compared with the GET
method Risk degree characteristics GET [104]—
the transfer of data typed directly into the URL,
less high data POST. Submitted using the form
or POST method by AJAX giant cookie, a large
amount of data to be transmitted. The data is
vast and sensitive stored in the user end
browser cache—moderate SQL Attack
Principles of SQL Injection Site Prevention
Furthermore, an annotation utilizing SQL
commands, often prevalent upon user login, is
one of the primary POST injection methods. For
example, single-line comments ("--" and "#")
commonly use a MySQL database. Once
mention in the SQL command occurs, the
contents of the statement will not be used as
comments. If the attackers enter a login account
and login code, an annotation can be used to
eliminate the authentication portion and log in
with the login account [105].
The previous description of SQL injection
vulnerabilities and standard methodology
determined that the same features apply to all
SQL injection locations. Programmer’s simply
paying attention to the application function while
designing application programs, have little regard
for application security, and even have no basic
sense of security protection [106,107]. Given the
causes mentioned above, it is vital to present
focused preventative measures and preventative
strategies using summaries of the reasons for
SQL injection vulnerabilities.
3.1 User Data Sensitive Keyword Filtering
The user receives the user data to the Web
application system in PHP language ($_GET,
$_POST) and other global variables. All user
data received on the server-side are assumed to
be "unsafe" and cannot be used straight away
only after the sensitive keywords are filtered out.
Mainly SQL instructions and special characters
are typical filter keywords. Table 3 shows the
particular filter content.
3.2 Using the Apache Server's Rewrite
Module, prevent SQL Injection
To obtain search engine optimization (SEO) and
concealed development technology and use it for
the precaution against SQL injection, people
commonly utilize the rewrite module on an
Apache server. In truth, the Rewrite is a SQL
injection prevention module that is relatively
straightforward to use. In the settings Apache
HTTPd.conf, it must be activated when using the
Rewrite module. The replacement rules are
configured in two ways [5]. The first is to set the
virtual host when adding a replacement rule, and
the second is to build an htaccess file to replace
the rules file in the site directory [108]. The first
benefit is that Apache automatically loads rule
information when starting up, running efficiently,
and replace the rules specified in the Apache
Configuration File. However, after changing the
replacement rules, you need to restart Apache,
which causes business disruption. The second is
a more flexible procedure. The replacement rules
and the Apache setup file are separated. They
come into effect immediately following the
addition or modification of the rules. You need
not restart Apache, although there is a low
running efficiency [109].
Table 2. Prevent SQL injection filtering keywords
Content of filter
The purpose of the filter
Insert Prevent the use of additional SQL commands to insert data
Select Prevent subquests for injections
Delete Prevention of further SQL command update removal
Update Prevention of further SQL command update removal
Drop Prevent further command up SQL
Truncate Prevent further emptying of the SQL command
Special symbols to include features such as (>, <, =, ', space, etc.) to block any more logic
Logical Operators (AND, OR, NOT) PREVENT the inclusion of additional query criteria
. 4. an injection process that begins with user input, carries performed on the website, and
concludes with a
Using Various Techniques
Detection the
Database Such
(Lightweight Directory Access
What is LDAP Injection and how to exploit it:
LDAP or the so-
called Lightweight Directory
Access Protocol is one of
the networking
protocols, which is mainly used in the process of
verifying the identity of the user in addition to his
powers and the way to access any services
within the network such as printers, shared files,
and others. What can be done in LDAP?
h this protocol, many things can be done,
such as:
Search found items (users, sources, groups,
.....etc) [110,111].
It was comparing or checking whether a
particular element has an input that contains a
specific value or not.
Add a new item.
Delete an existing item.
Update an existing item.
Among the services or servers that deal with this
Apache Directory Server
Red Hat Directory Server
Novell eDirectory
Active Directory Microsoft
LDAP Query Language:
The LDAP protocol uses a straightforward query
language. For example, if they want to query all
Kareem et al.;
AJRCOS, 10(3): 13-32, 2021
; Article no.
. 4. an injection process that begins with user input, carries performed on the website, and
concludes with a
username and password interface
Using Various Techniques
of the
(Lightweight Directory Access
What is LDAP Injection and how to exploit it:
called Lightweight Directory
the networking
protocols, which is mainly used in the process of
verifying the identity of the user in addition to his
powers and the way to access any services
within the network such as printers, shared files,
and others. What can be done in LDAP?
h this protocol, many things can be done,
Search found items (users, sources, groups,
It was comparing or checking whether a
particular element has an input that contains a
Among the services or servers that deal with this
The LDAP protocol uses a straightforward query
language. For example, if they want to query all
the existing elements (user
, group, printer, etc.)
that contain the word Mohammad in the given
name field, which is the first name, they write the
following sentence: (givenName=mohammad)
In the previous example, the query clause
contained one condition: the first name, so if they
wanted to put more than one condition?
They put each condition separately and then put
the condition type before these sentences,
saying that the condition can be AND or OR. An
example of this is the following:
So that
(l=amman) is to search in the property of
the region Location and
(givenName=mohammad) is to search in the first
name and the sign & is to apply the two
conditions together (and), in other words, all
elements that have these two properties should
be returned together.
If they write *amm -
>, it means to search for the
one ending in amm.
And if they write amm*
< it means to search
for ones that start with amm.
And if they write *amm*
< it means to search
for the one that contains amm.
If they write * by themselves -
>, it means to
return all elements that contain this property.
; Article no.
. 4. an injection process that begins with user input, carries performed on the website, and
, group, printer, etc.)
that contain the word Mohammad in the given
name field, which is the first name, they write the
following sentence: (givenName=mohammad)
In the previous example, the query clause
contained one condition: the first name, so if they
wanted to put more than one condition?
They put each condition separately and then put
the condition type before these sentences,
saying that the condition can be AND or OR. An
example of this is the following:
(l=amman) is to search in the property of
the region Location and
(givenName=mohammad) is to search in the first
name and the sign & is to apply the two
conditions together (and), in other words, all
elements that have these two properties should
>, it means to search for the
< it means to search
< it means to search
>, it means to
return all elements that contain this property.
Now that we have learned about this protocol
and how to query through it and its uses, it is
time to learn how
and how to exploit the LDAP
Injection vulnerability.
Suppose there is a login form on a site, and this
form verifies the login data for users by checking
within the LDAP. The query sentence will be as
This senten
ce means checking both the user
name and the password in LDAP. In this case,
there are several ways to check whether this
form is infected or not:
First method:
When entering the symbol * inside the username
or password box, or both, the query sentence
becomes as follows:
(&(USER=myUserName)(PASSWORD=*)) or
(&(USER=*)(PASSWORD=myPassword)) or
In all of the previous cases, the query statement
will return data because the condition is proper,
and therefore they will bypass the
entry form.
Second method:
If they enter in the UserName box the following
value, for example:
5. flowchart of LDAP Directory Tree
OU=OrganizationUnitName, UID=Userid)
Kareem et al.;
AJRCOS, 10(3): 13-32, 2021
; Article no.
Now that we have learned about this protocol
and how to query through it and its uses, it is
and how to exploit the LDAP
Suppose there is a login form on a site, and this
form verifies the login data for users by checking
within the LDAP. The query sentence will be as
ce means checking both the user
name and the password in LDAP. In this case,
there are several ways to check whether this
When entering the symbol * inside the username
or password box, or both, the query sentence
(&(USER=myUserName)(PASSWORD=*)) or
(&(USER=*)(PASSWORD=myPassword)) or
In all of the previous cases, the query statement
will return data because the condition is proper,
entry form.
If they enter in the UserName box the following
And they are sure that the users AHMED and ALI
are present in the LDAP, but they don't know the
password's value. The query statement will l
like this:
And since there is no between the first part of the
sentence and (&(USER= AHMAD)(USER=ALI)))
And the second part is (PASSWORD=*))
Either & or | This will cause the first part of the
sentence to be
executed and the second part to
be ignored, which leads to the statement
returning a valid value because they knew that
the users AHMAD and ALI already existed in
Or the user name box can be injected with the
following value if they already know
from the system users so that the result of the
query statement is correct:
As for the injection of the password box, it is rare,
because in most cases, a password HASH is
done before it is sent to LDAP to be checked so
that it is
afraid of the type of HASH used from
one server to another, some of which use MD5
some of which use SHA and so on.
5. flowchart of LDAP Directory Tree
Where (DC= domain component
OU=OrganizationUnitName, UID=Userid)
; Article no.
And they are sure that the users AHMED and ALI
are present in the LDAP, but they don't know the
password's value. The query statement will l
And since there is no between the first part of the
sentence and (&(USER= AHMAD)(USER=ALI)))
And the second part is (PASSWORD=*))
Either & or | This will cause the first part of the
executed and the second part to
be ignored, which leads to the statement
returning a valid value because they knew that
the users AHMAD and ALI already existed in
Or the user name box can be injected with the
following value if they already know
a user name
from the system users so that the result of the
As for the injection of the password box, it is rare,
because in most cases, a password HASH is
done before it is sent to LDAP to be checked so
afraid of the type of HASH used from
one server to another, some of which use MD5
some of which use SHA and so on.
Where (DC= domain component
Kareem et al.;
AJRCOS, 10(3): 13-32, 2021; Article no.AJRCOS.70376
How to protect the application from LDAP
Any LDAP web developer can protect their
application from LDAP injection by doing a
server-level validation of all input from browsers
to the application so that only letters and
numbers are allowed in.
Many researchers have discussed the subject of
SQL injection, and in different ways, we will
discuss some researchers and their techniques
in this section as follows:
4.1 Prevention SQL Injection using PHP
PHP is the most popular scripting language for
web development. It is free, open-source, and
server-side (the code is executed on the server).
The following is the PHP code of the application
that contains an SQL Injection vulnerability of
some researchers.
The authors in [112] Present a way to prevent
assaults by SQL on e-commerce websites. This
is done by using PHP Data Object (PDO) and
Prepared Statement to connect to the database,
insert, update, select and enter Web forms. The
approach employed in these documents is Agile
Methodology, which follows planning,
requirements analysis, design, coding, testing,
and documentation in parallel during the
production process phase. A penetration test
was performed at many websites, one utilizing
PHP data objects and prepared statements, and
the other using a standard PHP script to see
whether or not they are injectable. The
perforated penetration demonstrated that SQL
injection attacks were not visible on the PHP
Data Object and Prepared Statement website. At
the same time, other websites produced with
standard PHP connectivity could be viewed and
injected into SQL Injection. SQL injection attacks
employing the PHP Data Object and Prepared
Statement have blocked the system.
Other Author in [113] The SQL Injection
Vulnerability Auto Black Box Test Proposes
(SQL). This automates an SQLIV evaluation in
SQLIA. Recent research has also demonstrated
that existing SQLIVS has to be improved to
reduce manual vulnerability inspection costs and
the risk of being attacked because of inaccurate
false-negative and false-positive results. This
research aims to enhance the effectiveness of
SQLI VS by suggesting in its development an
object-orientated approach to decrease and
contribute to the incidence of false-positive and
false-negative results and enable potential
researchers to improve a proposed scanner. As
compared to the previous investigations, the
results of the experimental study reveal a
substantial improvement. Likewise, the analysis
demonstrated that the suggested scanner could
analyze the page response attacked by four
different strategies.
In [114] “Neutralized SQL Injection web-based
application attacks by server-side code
changes," it offers a way to increase web safety
by detecting Web-based SQL Injection assaults
through server-based modifying code to limit
vulnerability and alleviate fraudulent and
damaging activities. This solution has been
deployed on a simple website with a database to
record users with a controlled administrator. The
server utilized is local, and PHP was the
background server code. MySQL was used for
the front end. The scripting language on the PHP
server-side was being used for code
modification. 'PDO prepares' a parameter
preparation to run. With its ability to block all
kinds of SQL assaults, the solution provided
proved efficient. Acunetix was used to test the
code's vulnerability, and it was implemented with
a simple database on a simple website. To
validate the model, some prominent SQL
injection attack tools and security data sets have
been employed. The acquired results are
promising, with a high precision rate for SQL
injection detection.
Also, the Author used the PHP system in [103].
They introduced a hybrid technique in PHP, the
popular server-side programming language, for
preventing SQL assaults. This strategy is more
effectively used without extensive string analyzer
logic to prevent an attack of SQL injected into a
dynamic Web content context. Initially, the
application is built in safe mode to construct the
query model for each hotspot. Dynamically
produced queries are validated in the production
environment. The results and analysis suggest
the recommended solution prevent common SQL
injection vulnerabilities is simple and effective.
In [5], researchers Highlighted carrying out a
PHP language-based safety check. This tool may
uncover SQL and cross-site scripting
vulnerabilities to Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) by
constructing a tree-like query structure before
Kareem et al.;
AJRCOS, 10(3): 13-32, 2021; Article no.AJRCOS.70376
passing it to the parser. It helps extract invalid or
a weak point easier by identifying sink points for
the data flow information through target
application sources. The presence of the sink-
point is validated when a language-dependent
parser compares the structure of the resulting
tree query with queries. It leads to the
classification of the vulnerability class according
to their patterns when the sink point is found. The
program may also analyze incoming user queries
or ask for an applied tree-like structure using
taught attack patterns. It allows the device to
statistically assess the questions and decide how
they might be fixed in the list of susceptible
questions. Many Whitebox safety control
instruments that may provide somesthetic or
syntactic elements of a legitimate query may be
expanded into a security assessment language
but are typical with significant false alarms.
In [115] Proposes a vulnerability assessment
technique to address the issue of SQL injection
attacks. A pattern matching technique is used to
categorize input and function variables into a
design with attack vector properties. Then, a
code analyzer is used to verify incorrect queries
with sensory inputs. Tools to apply this method
employ an innovative rule model to decide on
possibly susceptible scripts for SQLI and XSS
attacks. The experimental assessment reveals
consistent results for PHP test boards and minor
false alarms. A unique code is used to train data
sets and test datasets of attack patterns to
eliminate false alarms. The training dataset is
divided into five log partitions of the repository
and is used to test each test dataset using SQLI
assault patterns and vectors.
In [116], a little method based on an EQA
encoding concerning traffic metrics such as
request and response time and message length
is described. EQA conceals SQL related to the
database and avoids some common SQL
injection kinds (Tautology, Piggybacked, and
Comment). Using MySQL and PHP environment
and Wireshark platform, EQA is developed and
tested. The findings show that the proposal has
high safety performance and reduces HTTP
demand, response time, and message length.
The Author in [117] Developed a new framework
for developing a web-based application based on
the Model View Controller's architectural design
and Ajax technology (MVC). Ajax technology with
its built-in library is implemented in the
framework. Their findings revealed that the new
PHP web application framework might assist
users in constructing dynamic and real-time web
applications as a web application development
4.2 Prevention SQL Injection Using
Various Techniques
In [118], Using multiple assumptions, the
researchers proposed a software component
engineering technique for discovering
vulnerabilities in SQL injection attacks.
Researchers developed a method to decrease
false warnings, and this work aims to address
flaws in currently available SQL injection
vulnerability scanners. For valid and erroneous
query requests, the established SQL detection
algorithm is based on grammatical, structural
patterns. The test results show that the SQL
detection is highly accurate and false-positive
when a valid query request contains a phrase
(e.g., Orton, Fernando, Hernando, Armando,
etc.) that is considered suspicious in the
grammatical tree model built.
Table 3. Prevention SQL injection using PHP system
PHP Data Object,
the PHP Data Object and Prepared
Statement could block the system.
SQL IDs, phrases, and keywords
cannot be used as arguments in
prepared statements.
using these three techniques has a
lot of advantages one of them is has
a high precision rate for SQL injection
MySQL disadvantages are not very
efficient in handling the same number
of databases.
PHP, MVC, Ajax The PHP and MVC techniques have
a positive result for the security of
web technology
But the Ajax technique disadvantages
is not worked on all browsers, and
security is more diminutive.
PHP, EQ The advantages of EQA, it has high
safety performance, reduce HTTP
demand, response time, and the
length of the message
EQA does not measure routine
performance and has a high workload
for (NRL).
Kareem et al.;
AJRCOS, 10(3): 13-32, 2021; Article no.AJRCOS.70376
Also, the authors in [119] The three most often
used content management systems have
compared SQLi vulnerabilities utilizing Nikto, a
vulnerability scanner called SQLMAP for
penetration testing. This was implemented on the
default pages of WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla
on the LAMP server (Localhost). Results
demonstrated that all content management
systems were not susceptible to assaults via
SQLi, but provided alerts on other potential flaws.
The Author in [54] Applied a Query Tokenization
to express each SQL query, use the Word2vec
Skip-gram model to create word embedding for
each query, and then train the SVM classification
system using eigenvector to identify fraudulent
requests. Tokenization Experimental results
indicate the efficiency and low overhead
performance of all forms of SQL assaults, in
particular tautological assaults.
In [113], They suggested a concept of SQL
injection attack detection by comparing the
language and the syntax tree. They tried to
overcome formidable obstacles and many forms
of SQL injection vulnerabilities not before
uncovered. The grammar correspondence is
based on rules-based pattern mining, collecting
and analyzing signature patterns in the SQLIA
mode stored. The methodology also employs
attack patterns, signature and feature sets that
have been learned as SQL injections, and
trained data set evaluated in different techniques
for machine learning. For testing and evaluating
prototypes in two testbed situations, SVM, Naive
Bayesian, Random Forest, ID3, and K-means
are employed. Experimental findings reveal that
BTestSet1dataset results in all five algorithms
more accurately than GTestSet1 in ATTAR. On
the other side, by having more SQLIA
assaults, the flawed alarm of the model can be
The researchers in [120] Proposed A-Gap
Weighted String Subsection Algorithm for
categorizing genuine and malicious queries
based on the extraction properties of a string
match. The methodology proposed utilizes
trained and tested examples to detect and halt
the SQL injections tautology type dynamically.
The model test cases for current or future
tautological SQL injection attacks are prepared
employing attack extraction features using the
support vector machine (SVM). The investigation
reveals that the suggested solution can block
existing SQL injection tautology attacks and
launch new SQL assaults with comparable
assault patterns and payloads with the current
In [121] Suggested a free safe SQL injection
technique to identify and prevent SQL assaults.
Java and algorithm implementation outlines the
way they follow SQL Injection Prevention
Procedures. Comparison of similar assault types
with the characteristics Lastly, the assessment
shows that the algorithm detects SQLIAs with
high efficiency.
On the other hand, the authors in [122] The new
DIAVA Traffic-based SQLIA Vulnerability
Analysis and Detection Framework has been
launched, allowing tenants proactively to provide
alerts quickly. DIVA can detect successful
SQLIAs among all suspects correctly by
evaluating the two-way network traffic of SQL
operations and using their suggested regular
multi-level model for expression. Meanwhile, the
severity of such SQLIAs may be promptly
assessed by DIAVA based on its GPU-based
dictionary attack analysis engine as well as the
vulnerabilities of the related disclosed data.
Research shows that DIAVA conducts advanced
WAFs for SQLA detection from the point of view
of precision and recall and allows the
assessment of leaked data causing SQL injection
in real-time.
The authors in [123] suggest that the suggested
system was evaluated using an SQlMapproject
attack tool utilizing two safety measures, namely
the use of an intrusion detection system as a
sensor to identify an attack occurring on SQL
and the use of a web-based firewall (Mod
secure) as a security system to stop assaults.
SQLMapproject is used before and after
protecting web applications. The findings suggest
that the safety system presented works properly
and can successfully safeguard the web-based
database system, high performance, and
In [124], the researchers proposed a new
technique for accurate SQL injection detection
based on neural networks. Their approach is
genuine, effective, and practical since they start
by obtaining Internet Service Provider (ISP) user
URL access log data and ensure that it is true,
accurate, and valuable. For data analysis, they
perform a statistical study on regular data and
SQL injection data. Based on the findings shown
in the chart, plan to use eight different
characteristics and train an MLP model. The
model retains an extremely high accuracy of
Kareem et al.;
AJRCOS, 10(3): 13-32, 2021; Article no.AJRCOS.70376
Table 4. Prevention SQL injection using various techniques
Techniques Advantages Disadvantages
all content management systems were not
susceptible to assaults via SQLi but provided
alerts on other potential flaws.
The most common disadvantages
of SQLMAP are the pilferage of
SQL injection
with (SVM)
launch new SQL assaults with comparable
assault patterns and payloads with the
current one.
SVM methods do not make
suitable with the large number of
data set.
SQL injection
with neural
its advantages are the accuracy of neural
networks for detecting SQL injection is
superior to the relevant machine learning
These algorithms often demand far
more data than the classic
machine learning techniques.
DIAVA not only conducts advanced WAFs for
SQLA detection from the point of view of
precision and recall but also allows the
assessment of leaked data causing SQL
injection in real-time
The more significant false-negative
rate of this input process due to
DIAVA: a Traffic-based Framework
for SQL Injection Attacks Detection
around 99 percent. Meanwhile, they assess and
compare various machine learning algorithms
(LSTM, for example). The findings show that the
technique provides better outcomes than these
related machine learning techniques.
PHP remains the most popular server-side
language for websites and web applications.
According to the latest data from w3techs, it is
used by 79% of websites whose server-side
language is known. Therefore, secure PHP
programming and configuration are of critical
importance. SQL Injection vulnerabilities have
been on the OWASP Top 10 list since its
beginning. They may appear in all languages,
including the Web’s two most popular languages,
PHP and Java. SQL Injection vulnerabilities pose
a serious threat to sensitive data and web
application security in general. Attackers may
use malicious code to get complete control of the
system. In this study, we can compare PHP
results with other techniques, such as the
authors in [36] used a PHP system to prevent
SQL injection attacks. The results and analysis
show the approach is simple and effective to
avoid common SQL injection vulnerabilities. Also,
we can see the authors in [115] used PHP Data
Object (PDO) to preventing SQL injection attacks
on e-commerce websites. The penetration test
showed that the system was entirely controlled
from SQL injection attacks using PHP Data
Object and Prepared Statement. Using various
techniques for detection SQL injection, the
authors in [53] Proposed A-Gap Weighted String
Subsection Algorithm to categorize genuine and
malicious queries based on the extraction
properties of a string match. The methodology
proposed utilizes trained and tested examples to
detect and halt the SQL injections tautology type
dynamically. The model test cases for current or
future tautological SQL injection attacks are
prepared to utilize attack extraction features
using the support vector machine (SVM). The
investigation reveals that the suggested solution
can block existing SQL injection tautology
attacks and launch new SQL assaults with
comparable assault patterns and payloads with
the current one.
There are many dangerous functions in PHP that
can cause high-risk vulnerabilities in PHP web
applications if web application developers misuse
them. PHP Web application developers must do
stringent filtering of user input so that most
exposures can be avoided. In general, the more
convenient it is for developers, the more security
risks it may mean. This paper expounds and
summarizes the attack principle and attack
implementation SQL injection attack Principles
and Preventive Techniques for PHP Sites.
Process of SQL injection and demonstrates the
SQL injection vulnerability exploiting method by
manual injection. Because the attack principle
has certain universality, the Web application
systems developed in other languages can also
use the practices described in this article for
security testing. With the continuous
improvement of SQL injection technology, as
long as the Web is still used in programs or
source code, there are still vulnerabilities and
hidden dangers. Based on the summary of the
Kareem et al.;
AJRCOS, 10(3): 13-32, 2021; Article no.AJRCOS.70376
SQL injection, this article proposes a variety of
suggestions for preventing SQL injection during
the development of Web application systems.
The products used for this research are
commonly and predominantly use products in our
area of research and country. There is absolutely
no conflict of interest between the authors and
producers of the products because we do not
intend to use these products as an avenue for
any litigation but for the advancement of
knowledge. Also, the research was not funded by
the producing company rather it was funded by
personal efforts of the authors.
Authors have declared that no competing
interests exist.
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... SQL injection vulnerabilities occur when user input is used to construct dynamic queries or when the system uses stored strings and non-validated user input to build queries to a database [44,45]. There could be many causes, such as when the type of a user-supplied field is weak, type coercion is not mandated, user input is not filtered against escape characters, or the absence of a filter to restrict multiple command execution in a single query. ...
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The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) is a formal dictionary of vulnerabilities and associated weaknesses reported by the community. As programming practices, platforms, hardware, and networking capabilities have evolved, the trends in reported vulnerabilities have also changed. This paper focuses on vulnerabilities that resulted in information disclosure and how their characteristics changed over two decades, from 1999 to 2020. The purpose of this analysis was to understand the development in conventional programming and its relationship with information disclosure-causing vulnerabilities. The focus period of this study was divided into two decades: 1999-2010 and 2010-2020. To understand the vulnerabilities that were reported in the first decade and remained popular in the second decade, the crawled CVEs were filtered based on their publication and update dates. The analysis revealed that the execution of arbitrary code remained a favorite among hackers over the two-decade focus period. As attackers' skills have improved, restrictions bypass and memory violations also increased. The study aimed to discover and represent factors that quantify the severity of a reported CVE. Additionally, it highlights the reciprocal relationship between conventional software development strategies and the minimization of a computing system's exploit potential.
... SQL injection attacks are one of the most dangerous flaws that attackers use to obtain private data without permission, steal money, and hurt reputations [6]. Information disclosure, data manipulation, account takeover, code execution, and denial of service are some of the most hazardous vulnerabilities exploited as a result of SQL injection attacks. ...
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SQL injection attack is considered one of the most dangerous vulnerabilities exploited to leak sensitive information, gain unauthorized access, and cause financial loss to individuals and organizations. Conventional defense approaches use static and heuristic methods to detect previously known SQL injection attacks. Existing research uses machine learning techniques that have the capability of detecting previously unknown and novel attack types. Taking advantage of deep learning to improve detection accuracy, we propose using a probabilistic neural network (PNN) to detect SQL injection attacks. To achieve the best value in selecting a smoothing parament, we employed the BAT algorithm, a metaheuristic algorithm for optimization. In this study, a dataset consisting of 6000 SQL injections and 3500 normal queries was used. Features were extracted based on tokenizing and a regular expression and were selected using Chi-Square testing. The features used in this study were collected from the network traffic and SQL queries. The experiment results show that our proposed PNN achieved an accuracy of 99.19% with a precision of 0.995%, a recall of 0.981%, and an F-Measure of 0.928% when employing a 10-fold cross-validation compared to other classifiers in different scenarios.
... SQL injection is an attack to interfere with the database on a website. The attacker uses malicious SQL commands to manipulate authentication so the information in the database can be exploited illegally [4]. The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) puts SQL injection as the top 10 vulnerabilities [5]. ...
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Today, academic institution involves digital data to support the educational process. It has advantages, especially related to ease of access and process. However, security problems appear related to digital data. There were several information security incidents in the academic environment. In order to mitigate the problem, metrics identification is required to determine the risk of incidents. There are many risks model and metrics to estimate the risk, such as DREAD, OWASP, CVSS, etc. However, specific metrics are required to obtain appropriate risk values. Therefore, this study aims to define metrics for an academic institution. The proposed metrics are obtained from The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) regulation. It consists of directory information, educational information, personally identifiable information, and risk of information leakage. In order to achieve the objective, this study involves survey and reliability analysis to result in output. The survey is conducted by involving 90 respondents with various levels of education and jobs. The Cronbach's alpha and Test-retest are methods to determine this study's reliability. According to reliability analysis, the Cronbach's alpha method results in coefficients for the metrics between 0.730 - 0.911, while the Test-retest method results in coefficients between 0.630 - 0.797. These coefficients have a reliable category, so the proposed metrics are adequate for determining risk of information security incidents in academic environments. The reliable metrics will be developed as variables of the risk assessment model for the academic environment in the future study.
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The power supply and distribution system provides powerful support for the efficient operation of the negative ion source neutral beam injector (NNBI) experiment. To centrally manage the power supply equipment of each subsystem of NNBI, a power supply, and distribution monitoring system based on WinCC software and SQL Server database is developed. The system has an excellent man-machine interaction interface and realizes the monitoring and management of energy consumption in the power supply and distribution system. It has circuit process monitoring, fault alarm, operation log, historical data query, and other functions. After testing, the system can run stably and reliably control each device. At the same time, the system has good compatibility and expansibility and meets the needs of intelligent management and monitoring of the power supply and distribution system.
Conference Paper
The internet and web applications are the only things that run the modern world. Today, the biggest concern facing businesses is web security. It is seen as serving as the fundamental framework for the global data society. Security breaches can happen to web applications. Web security is merely protecting a layer of a web application from attacks by attackers or unauthorized users. A large number of problems with web based applications are mostly the result of incorrect client input. The various facets of web security are covered in this paper, along with its flaws. This paper also discusses the key components of web security strategies, including encryption, authentication, passwords, and integrity. Additionally described in detail are the attack methods and the anatomy of a web based application attack. This paper explores a number of methods for detection and prevention of vulnerabilities in the web application. This research suggests a more effective method for reducing this category of web vulnerabilities. Additionally, it offers the finest defence against the a for mentioned threats.
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Development and growth in all spheres of life has led to increased demand for modern technology such as video surveillance system. In this paper an oil pipeline surveillance system based on Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANET) as one of the means used to limit these risks is designed, implemented and evaluated. The MANET is infrastructure less (self-organized) wireless network, where each node can work as host (camera) and router at the same time. The topology design of oil pipeline imposes several constraints on the amount of video can be transmitted through the network depending on the size and the rate of the packets generated by each camera. Two types of routing protocols are examined for the proposed surveillance MANET, reactive (AODV) and proactive (OLSR). The results of comparison under different network loads and packets rate show that the AODV gives better performance over OLSR in terms of throughput, Packet lost, PTR and overhead. Therefore AODV protocol can be considered as strong candidate to be used in MANET wireless networks for oil and gas surveillance system.
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Today, web services rapidly increased and are accessed by many users, leading to massive traffic on the Internet. Hence, the web server suffers from this problem, and it becomes challenging to manage the total traffic with growing users. It will be overloaded and show response time and bottleneck, so this massive traffic must be shared among several servers. Therefore, the load balancing technologies and server clusters are potent methods for dealing with server bottlenecks. Load balancing techniques distribute the load among servers in the cluster so that it balances all web servers. The motivation of this paper is to give an overview of the several load balancing techniques used to enhance the efficiency of web servers in terms of response time, throughput, and resource utilization. Different algorithms are addressed by researchers and get good results like the pending job, and IP hash algorithms achieve better performance.
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Biometrics is developing into a technological science in this lifelong technology for the defense of identification. Biometrics is the technology to recognize individuals based on facial features, fingerprints, iris, retina, speech, handprints, etc. Biometric features are used for human recognition and identification. Much research was done in the last years on the biometric system because of a growing need for identification methods. This paper offers an overview of biometric solutions using fingerprint and iris identification, their uses, and Compare the data set, methods, Fusion Level, and the accuracy of the results.
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Recently, computer networks faced a big challenge, which is that various malicious attacks are growing daily. Intrusion detection is one of the leading research problems in network and computer security. This paper investigates and presents Deep Learning (DL) techniques for improving the Intrusion Detection System (IDS). Moreover, it provides a detailed comparison with evaluating performance, deep learning algorithms for detecting attacks, feature learning, and datasets used to identify the advantages of employing in enhancing network intrusion detection.
Full-text available
Semantic web and cloud technology systems have been critical components in creating and deploying applications in various fields. Although they are self-contained, they can be combined in various ways to create solutions, which has recently been discussed in depth. We have shown a dramatic increase in new cloud providers, applications, facilities, management systems, data, and so on in recent years, reaching a level of complexity that indicates the need for new technology to address such tremendous, shared, and heterogeneous services and resources. As a result, issues with portability, interoperability, security, selection, negotiation, discovery, and definition of cloud services and resources may arise. Semantic Technologies, which has enormous potential for cloud computing, is a vital way of re-examining these issues. This paper explores and examines the role of Semantic-Web Technology in the Cloud from a variety of sources. In addition, a "cloud-driven" mode of interaction illustrates how we can construct the semantic web and provide automated semantical annotations to web applications on a large scale by leveraging Cloud computing properties and advantages.
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In recent years, when users across the world have embraced smart devices in greater numbers owing to recent advances and appealing applications, they have also become a target for criminals who are zealously attempting to breach protection. As a result, a significant number of attacks have been observed on these systems. As a result, several password-based authentication mechanisms have been proposed to counteract these attacks. Among them, the graphical password scheme is more consistent with smart devices, which are highly graphic-oriented. However, current graphical password schemes are vulnerable to a variety of assaults, including shoulder surfing, smudging, intersection attacks, and reflection attacks. Thus, the paper aims to review recent published papers on android smart phone graphical password and identify used techniques. Moreover, the paper analyzes results to give better understanding for users of such devices to protect their devices from unauthorized access and attacks.
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The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of today's most rapidly growing technologies. It is a technology that allows billions of smart devices or objects known as "Things" to collect different types of data about themselves and their surroundings using various sensors. They may then share it with the authorized parties for various purposes, including controlling and monitoring industrial services or increasing business services or functions. However, the Internet of Things currently faces more security threats than ever before. Machine Learning (ML) has observed a critical technological breakthrough, which has opened several new research avenues to solve current and future IoT challenges. However, Machine Learning is a powerful technology to identify threats and suspected activities in intelligent devices and networks. In this paper, various ML algorithms have been compared in terms of attack detection and anomaly detection, following a thorough literature review on Machine Learning methods and the significance of IoT security in the context of various types of potential attacks. Furthermore, possible ML-based IoT protection technologies have been introduced.
Conference Paper
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The continuing success of the Internet has greatly increased the number of text documents in electronic formats. The techniques for grouping these documents into meaningful collections have become mission-critical. The traditional method of compiling documents based on statistical features and grouping did use syntactic rather than semantic. This article introduces a new method for grouping documents based on semantic similarity. This process is accomplished by identifying document summaries from Wikipedia and IMDB datasets, then deriving them using the NLTK dictionary. A vector space afterward is modeled with TFIDF, and the clustering is performed using the HAC and K-mean algorithms. The results are compared and visualized as an interactive webpage.
Conference Paper
Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are modern computing methods that have been used extensively in solving many complicated problems in the physical world. The attractiveness of ANNs stems from its remarkable data processing features, which mainly related to high parallelism, fault and noise resistance, learning and widespread abilities of nonlinearity. This paper introduces a review for some ANNs architectures in the field of recognition, prediction and control to be a useful toolkit and reference for the ANNs modelers. The review mechanism depends on performing a comparison among the newest research in these fields in terms of implemented field, used tools, research technique and significant satisfied aims.
Conference Paper
In the recently developed document clustering, word embedding has the primary role in constructing semantics, considering and measuring the times a specific word appears in its context. Word2vect and Glove word embedding are the two most used word embeddings in document clustering. Previous works do not consider the use of glove word embedding with DBSCAN clustering algorithm in document clustering. In this work, a preprocessing with and without stemming of Wikipedia and IMDB datasets applied to glove word embedding algorithm, then word vectors as a result are applied to the DBSCAN clustering algorithm. For the evaluation of experiments, seven metrics have been used: Silhouette average, purity, accuracy, F1, completeness, homogeneity, and NMI score. The experimental results are compared with the results of TFIDF and K-means algorithms on six datasets. The results of this work outperform the results of the TFIDF and K-means approach using the four main evaluation metrics and CPU time consuming.