Avishkar Bhoskar

Avishkar Bhoskar
Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology | SVNIT

Doctor of Philosophy


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Welding metallurgy, materials characterization


Publications (8)
Исследовано влияние скорости подачи порошка (PFR) на структуру, фазовый состав и механические свойства покрытия из Стеллита 6, нанесенного на подложку из стали SS316L (03Х16Н15М3) методом плазменной наплавки. Установлено, что высокая PFR приводит к отслаиванию покрытия, а низкая — к экстремальной глубине плавления подложки из-за высокой тепловой эн...
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The effect of duration of post-welding heat treatment on the structure and properties of NiCrSiBC surfaced with an SS-3091 buffer layer on steel P91 (10CrMoVNb9-1) is studied. Scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectroscopy and x-ray diffractometry are used to investigate the degree of nonuniformity of the distribution of chemical elem...
This article attempts to investigate the root cause of the possible failure of the cobalt-based Stellite 6 coating deposited on SS316L substrate using plasma-transferred arc welding through an extensive metallurgical and mechanical analysis by considering parameters such as contact angle, dilution and aspect ratio. The chosen sample with optimum in...
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Исследовано влияние длительности послесварочной термической обработки на структуру и свойства наплавки NiCrSiBC с буферным слоем SS-309L на стали P91 (10CrMoVNb9-1). Методами сканирующей электронной микроскопии, энергодисперсионной спектроскопии и рентгеновской дифракции изучена степень неоднородности распределения химических элементов и образовани...
Cobalt rich Stellite 6 cladding shows a superior result against wear, corrosion and galling. However, the metallurgical bonding at the cladding interface, if not achieved carefully, may result in failure during service. Hence, the proposed Stellite 6 weld overlay is deposited by plasma transferred arc welding (PTAW) process on SS316L substrate. Mec...
Colmonoy 6 alloy has been regarded as an efficient overlay material for various grades of substrate materials. The PTAW process has been emerged as a very useful process to deposit such materials effectively. Torch oscillation may become an efficient PTAW parameter to achieve a desired microstructure due to its significant advantage over liner torc...


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