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Abstract and Figures

Proton induced reactions have been studied in the energy region from ≈7.0 to 12.5 MeV for niobium, using the stacked foil activation technique followed by gamma ray spectroscopy. The excitation functions for the production of 93mMo, 93mNb and 89gZr have been determined. The experimental data have been compared with theoretical calculations based on compound reactions in statistical equilibrium as well as on pre-equilibrium reactions.
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Energy dependence of pre-equilibrium emission for the (p,xn)
reactions in niobium
I A Rizvi
, K Kumar
*, T Ahmad
, A Agarwal
and A K Chaubey
Department of Physics, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh 202002, Uttar Pradesh, India
Department of Physics, Bareilly College, Bareilly 243005, Uttar Pradesh, India
Department of Physics, Addis Ababa University, P.O. Box 1176, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Received: 22 January 2011 / Accepted: 21 February 2012 / Published online: 24 June 2012
Abstract: Proton induced reactions have been studied in the energy region from &7.0 to 12.5 MeV for niobium, using
the stacked foil activation technique followed by gamma ray spectroscopy. The excitation functions for the production of
Nb and
Zr have been determined. The experimental data have been compared with theoretical calculations
based on compound reactions in statistical equilibrium as well as on pre-equilibrium reactions.
Keywords: Excitation functions; Nuclear reactions; Niobium; Proton induced reactions; Stacked foil activation
technique; Pre-equilibrium emission; GDH model
PACS Nos.: 25.40.-h; 25.70.Gh
1. Introduction
Nuclear reaction cross-section data are generated by
nuclear physics experiments and also by nuclear theory
model codes [1]. To determine the optimum irradiation
condition for the production yield of various radioisotopes
more and more experimental nuclear reactions cross-sec-
tion data are needed. These reaction cross-sections are also
in demand in order to know the transmutation probabilities
for the proposed accelerator driven systems [2] popularly
known as energy amplifiers. Though several investigations
[3] are available in literature for the determination of
reaction cross-sections related to the production of radio-
nuclides, there are large discrepancies in the cross-sections
measured for the same reaction by different authors.
Besides, analysis of these excitation functions in the past
has been carried out on the basis of compound nucleus
(statistical equilibrium) model and in general this mecha-
nism of reaction could not account for the high energy tails
of the excitation functions.
The possibility of particles being emitted after the first
stage of nuclear interaction but long before the establish-
ment of statistical equilibrium (pre-equilibrium [PE]
emission) has been the point of interest for the last several
years [46]. Many attempts have been made to understand
such reactions. Starting from the pioneer work of Griffin
[7], which provides the first explanation spectral shapes of
the excitation function in the frame work of exciton model,
many other semi-classical models have been proposed [8
12]. The hybrid and geometry dependent hybrid (GDH)
models proposed by Blann [10,11] have been found to be
relatively simple and closed form models for the successful
reproduction of the experimental data.
In this context, a careful and systematic study of exci-
tation function and a comparison with the predictions of
some of these models would help the understanding of the
intricate mechanism of PE emission. With this motivation,
the present work was undertaken to measure the excitation
functions for residues
Nb and
Zr in
proton interaction. Though present measurements were
done up to 12.5 MeV beam energy but comparison of
theory with literature values [1320] has been made up to
30 MeV, to see the PE effect. As a matter of confidence the
relative intensities of the identified c-rays have also been
*Corresponding author, E-mail:
Indian J Phys (October 2012) 86(10):913–918
DOI 10.1007/s12648-012-0134-y
2012 IACS
2. Experimental details
2.1. Target preparation
A spectroscopically pure niobium target was made of thick-
ness &10.5 mg/cm
,withpurity&99.99 %. The niobium
foil was cut into pieces of size 1.5 cm 91.5 cm, and each of
them was glued to an aluminum frame, having a circular hole
of diameter 1.2 cm in its centre. Energy degrader aluminum
foils of thickness &13.5 mg/cm
were sandwiched between
the niobium foils whenever required, so as to get the wide
range of energy of desired proton beam incident on each foil.
2.2. Irradiation
The stack comprising of eight target and degrader foils was
irradiated for about 30 min with a &12.5 MeV diffused
proton beam of diameter &5 mm, at the Variable Energy
Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata, India. The beam energy was
determined from a curve that related to the cyclotron RF
with energy constructed from experimental data on elastic
scattering. The energy of the proton particle after travers-
ing half of the thickness of each target foil was computed
from the stopping power table of Northcliffe and Schilling
[21]. A typical experimental set up for the stack irradiation
is shown in Fig. 1.
2.3. Flux measurements
During the irradiation of the stack, the counting of the incoming
proton particles was done from an integrated beam charge. The
beam was totally stopped in the electrically insulated irradia-
tion heads serving as a kind of Faraday Cup [22]whereelec-
trons were prevented from escaping. Using this charge, flux
was calculated. Copper foil of thickness &10.68 mg/cm
used as a flux monitor [23] for checking the flux and good
agreement was found with \10 % discrepancy.
2.4. Efficiency and energy calibration
The efficiency and energy calibration of the HPGe detector
was employed using various standard sources, i.e.,
Ba and
Eu of known strengths. The
geometry dependent efficiency (e
) of the detector for
different source detector distances was computed using the
relation [24]
where Cis the number of counts per second under the
photo peak, his the absolute intensity of the relative
gamma ray, kand S
are the decay constant and strength of
the source at the time of its manufacture respectively, tis
the time lapse between the date of manufacture of the
source and the time of experiment. The values of hand k
were taken from the Table of Radioactive Isotopes, by
Browne and Firestone [25]. The values of e
thus obtained
were plotted as a function of energy using the program
origin 6.0. A polynomial of degree 4 having the following
form was found to give the best fit for these curves.
where a
and a
are the coefficients having
different values for different source detector distances.
xBeing the energy of the characteristic c-ray. A typical
geometry dependent efficiency curve of the 100 cm
detector obtained at a particular distance from the detector
surface is shown in Fig. 2.
Fig. 1 Typical experimental setup for stack irradiation with proton
Fig. 2 Geometry dependent efficiency curve of the 100 cm
detector at a particular source to detector surface distance
914 I A Rizvi et al.
2.5. Recording of gamma ray spectra and identification
of reaction residue
After the irradiation of the stack, the characteristic c-
activities induced in the individual foils were recorded with
a high resolution (&2 keV for 1,332 keV c-ray of
HPGe detector coupled to the ORTEC PC based multi-
channel analyzer. The counting geometry was chosen by
adjusting the target detector surface separation in such a
way that the dead time remains less than 10 %. Evapora-
tion residues were identified using their characteristic
gamma rays adopted from the Table of Radioactive Iso-
topes by Browne and Firestone [25].
2.6. Formulation
The activation cross-section was computed using the fol-
lowing expression [26].
rðEÞ¼ Akexpðkt2Þ
where K=[1 -exp (-ld)]/(ld) is the correction factor
for the self-absorption of gamma rays in the sample of
thickness d(g/cm
) and of absorption coefficient l(cm
Ais the counts under the photo peak of the characteristic
gamma ray, kis the decay constant of the residual radio-
isotope, N
is the number of nuclei in the sample, his the
absolute intensity of the characteristic c-ray, e
is the
geometry dependent efficiency of the HPGe detector, /is
the average flux of the incident proton beam, t
is the
irradiation time, t
is the time lapse between stopping the
beam and start of counting, and t
is counting time.
3. Experimental results
The spectroscopic data of identified gamma rays are given
in Table 1. Other details viz. residual nucleus, Qvalue, half
life, gamma ray energies, and corresponding intensities are
also given in Table 1.TheQvalues of different reactions
were taken from Atomic Data Nuclear Data Tables by
Wapstra and Bos [27] and other decay data from Table of
Radioactive Isotopes by Browne and Firestone [25]. To
check the identification of the gamma rays, the relative
intensities of detected gamma rays have been calculated. It
can be seen from Table 1that the measured relative
intensities are in good agreement with their respective lit-
erature values [25].
The activation cross-section for the same reaction has
been calculated from the intensities of the various identi-
fied c-rays emitted from the same residual nucleus. The
reported value has been taken as the weighted average [28]
of the various cross-section values so obtained. The overall
error in the present measurement is estimated to be £38 %
including the statistical errors. The measured cross-sections
for the population of residues
Nb and
Zr are
presented in Table 2.
4. Model calculations
The excitation functions have been evaluated theoretically
using the computer code ALICE-91 [29]. This code
employs the Weisskopf–Ewing model [30] for statistical
component and GDH model of Blann [11] for the PE
emission. Since several authors have already discussed the
code and the theories involved, we restrict ourselves here
by referring only to the review of Blann [12] on PE decay.
Table 1 Spectroscopic data and measured relative intensities of gamma rays
Energy (kev)
Absolute abundance (h)[15] Normalized relative intensity
Present measurement Literature value [15]
Mo, t
of product nucleus 6.85 h, Qvalue -1.20 MeV
114 0.0067 7.1 ±0.5 6.8
263 0.5676 627.1 ±2.6 569.0
685 0.9968 1000.0 ±4.6 1000.0
1363 0.0078 7.9 ±1.0 7.9
1477 0.9900 999.6 ±5.6 994.0
Nb, t
of product nucleus 10.15 days, Qvalue -8.816 MeV
934 0.9900 100.0
Zr, t
of product nucleus 3.268 days, Qvalue -5.498 MeV
909 0.9901 100.0
Normalization has been done with respect to this value from literature
Energy dependence of pre-equilibrium emission 915
In this code, the level density parameter constant Kmay be
varied to match the experimental data. In the present cal-
culations, a value of K=8 has been found to reproduce
experimental data satisfactorily. For the PE calculations the
initial exciton number (n
) was taken to be 3 (1p ?1n ?
1h) as it was derived from the investigation of nucleon
spectra [31].
5. Results and discussion
The measured excitation functions together with the litera-
ture values [1320] and ALICE-91 [29] calculations are
shown in Figs. 3,4and 5. The excitation function of the
Mo reaction, measured in this work (Fig. 3),
was found to be in good agreement with the values reported
by Levkovskij [15], Avila-Rodriguez et al. [16] and Ditroi
et al. [17]. The data of Albert [13], Chodil et al. [14], Singh
et al. [18] and Kiselev and Faizrakhmanova [19] for this
nuclear reaction shows considerable discrepancies in the
magnitude of cross-section values. A better agreement in the
trend of the excitation functions of our measured data and
the literature values was found when executing theoretical
calculations using GDH model (solid line) [11]. The theo-
retical and the experimental data for the
reaction is shown in Fig. 4. The good agreement between the
experimental data and the theoretical values was found when
executing GDH model (solid line) calculations using the
ALICE-91 code. However, discrepancies in the magnitude
of cross-section values are evident between the data reported
by Levkovskij [15] and Kiselev and Faizrakhmanova [19].
Figure 5shows the excitation function of
reaction. As can be seen from Fig. 5, discrepancies in the
magnitude of cross-section values are evident between the
data reported by different groups [1517,19] Again, the
trend of the excitation functions of literature values and
theoretical values in the high energy range agree with the
ALICE-91 [29] GDH Model calculations (solid line) except
with data of Kiselev and Faizrakhmanova [19].
The present analysis indicates clearly the presence of
significant PE contributions in proton induced reactions.
The PE fraction (f
) is a measure of the relative weight of
Table 2 Experimental cross-sections for (p,n) (p,pn) and (p,an)
Cross-section (mb)
Projectile energy
MO (p,pn)
Nb (p,an)
7.2 5.7 ±0.6
8.0 9.9 ±0.6
8.7 15.1 ±0.9
9.8 18.6 ±1.1
10.6 22.9 ±1.0
11.2 26.7 ±1.4
11.9 30.4 ±2.0 1.2 ±0.4 0.4 ±0.08
12.5 31.2 ±1.4 1.3 ±0.5 0.2 ±0.05
Fig. 3 Experimental and theoretical excitation function for the
Mo reaction
Fig. 4 Experimental and theoretical excitation function for the
Nb reaction
Fig. 5 Experimental and theoretical excitation function for the
Zn reaction
916 I A Rizvi et al.
the PE contribution needed for the reproduction of exci-
tation functions and it reflects the relative importance of PE
and equilibrium processes. It is more meaningful to look
for the total PE fraction of all type of emitted particles [32].
In a given target nucleus the total PE fraction, for all types
of reactions like (p,xn) reactions, are calculated using the
ALICE-91 [29] code. Because of the considerable contri-
butions to the PE fraction from the PE emission of charged
particles, the calculated total PE fraction are not directly
comparable with the measured excitation functions for
(p,xn) type reactions. However, no definite trend for the
variation of the PE fraction with the excitation function
energy or compound mass number and changes in initial
exciton number are reported [32], yet it is reasonable to
assume that f
depends on the excitation energy of the
compound system [12]. In the present calculations, the f
is inherently energy dependent. This dependence is derived
from consideration of the internal transition rates and of the
continuum decay rates. The f
has been taken to be pro-
portional to the cumulative sum of the probability of
finding the particle in the continuum for every possible
configuration during the process of equilibrium. The cal-
culation f
for the system
Nb is shown in Fig. 6,asa
function of bombarding energy in the energy ran-
ge &7–30 MeV. It can be seen that the f
increases with
incident proton beam energy.
6. Conclusions
In general, it is evident from Figs. 3,4and 5, that PE
emission of multi-particles is necessary before the system
is equilibrated and hence the experimentally observed high
energy tail of the excitation function can be explained only
when the combination of semi-classically treated PE
emission GDH model followed by particle evaporation
from the equilibrated system (Weisskopf–Ewing model) is
taken into account. The pure equilibrated reaction in its
decay is unable to explain the experimental data in the high
energy tail portion of the excitation function. It is clear
from Figs. 3,4and 5that calculated values shown by
broken lines (based on the pure equilibrium model) do not
reproduce the experimental data. These data are repro-
duced only when the PE emission is also taken into
account, as shown by solid lines.
Acknowledgments The authors are thankful to the Chairman,
Department of Physics, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh (India)
for providing necessary facilities to carry out this work. Thanks are
also due to the IUC UGC-CSR Kolkata for financial support through
IUC project.
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918 I A Rizvi et al.
... The production of 93m Mo has been realized by using radiofrequency accelerators [24][25][26][27]. In a recent experiment showing the evidence of NEEC with a reported beam intensity of ∼6 × 10 8 ions/s, the total production rate of 93m Mo is estimated to be ∼9.3 kHz [28]. ...
... When the proton temperature becomes >2. 25 MeV, the peak excitation efficiency exceeds 10 17 particle/s. Such efficient isomer excitation may be helpful to explore the NEEC and NEET effects since, currently, the detection of these effects is very challenging due to the extremely low isomer depletion probability and significant background signals [51]. ...
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Nuclear isomers play a key role in the creation of the elements in the universe and potentially have significant applications related to the controlled release of nuclear energy on demand. Particularly, Mo93m is a good candidate for studying the depletion of nuclear isomers via nuclear excitation by electron capture. Therefore, it is necessary to explore the efficient approach of Mo93m production. In this paper, we experimentally demonstrate an efficient production of Mo93m via Nb93(p,n) reaction induced by an intense laser pulse. Employing the picosecond-duration, 100 J laser pulse, the Mo93m isomer at 2425 keV (21/2+, T1/2=6.85h) is generated with a high yield of 1.8×106 particles/shot. The resulting peak production efficiency reaches 1017 particles/s, which is at least five orders of magnitude higher than that obtained using the classical accelerator. The impacts of the production and destruction of Mo93m to the astrophysical p-nuclide Mo92 are studied. It is found that the Nb93(p,n)Mo93m reaction is an important production path of Mo93m, which could further influence the production of Mo92. In addition, a direct measurement of the (p,n) reaction rate is proposed using the laser-induced proton beam of which the energies follow the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution well. It is believed that the laser-induced proton beam opens an avenue for the production of nuclear isomers with high peak efficiency used for the studies of p-nuclei nucleosynthesis.
... Comparisons with the TENDL-2019 library [21] are also made. Additionally, the cross section measurements in this work are compared to the existing body of literature data, retrieved from EXFOR [2,12,[30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45]. ...
... Plots of extracted cross sections in this work are given with reference to existing literature data, TENDL-2019, and reaction modeling codes TALYS-1.9, EMPIRE-3.2.3, CoH-3.5.3, and ALICE-20 using default parameters [2,12,[30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45]. Subscripts (i) and (c) in figure titles indicate independent and cumulative cross sections, respectively. ...
A number of accelerator-based isotope production facilities utilize $100-200$ MeV proton beams due to the high production rates enabled by high-intensity beam capabilities and the greater diversity of isotope production brought on by the long range of high-energy protons. However, nuclear reaction modeling at these energies can be challenging because of the interplay between different reaction modes and a lack of existing guiding cross section data. A Tri-lab collaboration has been formed between the Lawrence Berkeley, Los Alamos, and Brookhaven National Laboratories to address these complexities by characterizing charged-particle nuclear reactions relevant to the production of established and novel radioisotopes. In the inaugural collaboration experiments, stacked-targets of niobium foils were irradiated at the Brookhaven Linac Isotope Producer ($E_p=200$ MeV) and the Los Alamos Isotope Production Facility ($E_p=100$ MeV) to measure $^{93}$Nb(p,x) cross sections between $50-200$ MeV. The results were compared with literature data as well as the default calculations of the nuclear model codes TALYS, CoH, EMPIRE, and ALICE. The default code predictions largely failed to reproduce the measurements. Therefore, we developed a standardized procedure, which determines the reaction model parameters that best reproduce the most prominent reaction channels in a physically justifiable manner. The primary focus of the procedure was to determine the best parameterization for the pre-equilibrium two-component exciton model. This modeling study revealed a trend towards a relative decrease for internal transition rates at intermediate proton energies ($E_p=20-60$ MeV) in the current exciton model as compared to the default values. The results of this work are instrumental for the planning, execution, and analysis essential to isotope production.
... Cross sections curve of 93 Nb(p, n) 93m Mo reaction calculated by Talys software[44] together with the available experimental data[45][46][47][48]. ...
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Nuclear isomers play a key role in the creation of the elements in the universe and have a number of fascinating potential applications related to the controlled release of nuclear energy on demand. Particularly, $^{93m}$Mo isomer is a good candidate for studying the depletion of nuclear isomer via nuclear excitation by electron capture. For such purposes, efficient approach for $^{93m}$Mo production needs to be explored. In the present work, we demonstrate experimentally an efficient production of $^{93m}$Mo through $^{93}$Nb(p, n) reaction induced by intense laser pulse. When a ps-duration, 100-J laser pulse is employed, the $^{93m}$Mo isomer at 2425 keV (21/2$^+$, $T_{1/2}$ = 6.85 h) are generated with a high yield of $1.8\times10^6$ particles/shot. The resulting peak efficiency is expected to be $10^{17}$ particles/s, which is at least five orders of magnitudes higher than using classical proton accelerator. The effects of production and destruction of $^{93m}$Mo on the controversial astrophysical p-isotope $^{92}$Mo are studied. It is found that the $^{93}$Nb(p, n)-$^{93m}$Mo reaction is an important production path for ^{93m}Mo seed nucleus, and the influence of ^{93m}Mo-^{92}Mo reaction flow on ^{92}Mo production cannot be ignored. In addition, we propose to directly measure the astrophysical rate of (p, n) reaction using laser-induced proton beam since the latter one fits the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution well. We conclude that laser-induced proton beam opens a new path to produce nuclear isomers with high peak efficiency towards the understanding of p-nuclei nucleosythesis.
... Plots of extracted cross sections in this work are given with reference to existing literature data, TENDL-2019, and reaction modeling codes TALYS-1.9, EMPIRE-3.2.3, CoH-3.5.3, and ALICE-20 using default parameters [2,12,[31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46]. Subscripts The derived parameter adjustments from the fitting procedure applied to the 93 Nb(p, x) and 139 La(p, x) data are listed in Tables VIII and IX. ...
Background: A number of accelerator-based isotope production facilities utilize 100- to 200-MeV proton beams due to the high production rates enabled by high-intensity beam capabilities and the greater diversity of isotope production brought on by the long range of high-energy protons. However, nuclear reaction modeling at these energies can be challenging because of the interplay between different reaction modes and a lack of existing guiding cross-section data.
... The reaction cross sections of the observed ERs populated through different fusion processes were calculated using the standard formulation [28], given as ...
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In order to investigate the systematic of fusion incompleteness in reactions induced by α cluster projectiles, a detailed study was carried out using the Ne20+Ho165 system at energies above the barrier. Measurements of the excitation function (EF) of the observed evaporation residues (ERs) were carried out by employing the offline characteristic γ-ray detection method. The EFs of the ERs populated through xn/pxn channels were found to be in good agreement with the prediction of the statistical model code pace4, whereas the EF of the ERs populated through the α emitting channels shows an enhancement over the pace4 prediction. The degree of fusion incompleteness in the Ne20+Ho165 reaction is estimated by comparing the fusion EF with coupled channels calculations and the extracted fusion function with the universal fusion function. The influence of input angular momentum on fusion reaction dynamics is explored in light of the sum-rule model. An attempt has also been made to examine the dependence of incomplete fusion probability on various entrance channel parameters.
... As a representative case the half-life decay curves of the 94g Tc and 101 Ag residues, having half-lives of 4.88 hours and 11.1 minutes, respectively, are shown in Fig. 3. The reaction cross sections of the observed ERs populated through different fusion processes were calculated using the standard formulation [21] given by ...
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Measurement of forward recoil range distribution (FRRD) of evaporation residues (ERs) populated in the O16+Y89 reaction at Elab≈105 MeV have been carried out by employing the offline characteristic γ-ray detection method. The FRRD pattern of ERs populated through xn/pxn channels comprises a single peak only whereas ERs populated through α emitting channel have multiple peaks in their FRRD. FRRDs of the observed ERs support the presence of the complete fusion (CF) process in the population of xn/pxn channels residues and an admixture of complete and incomplete fusion (ICF) processes in the population of α emitting channel residues. The observed ICF process in the population of α emitting channel residues is explained through the breakup fusion model. The fusion function is derived from the experimental CF cross section data and the extracted fusion function is compared with the universal fusion function to estimate the degree of ICF contribution to the total fusion cross section. An attempt has also been made to explore the dependence of ICF probability on target charge.
... Moreover, our results were against other literature data. Ditrói et al. (2008) reported the 934.53 keV gamma ray energy of 92m Nb nucleus, while Rizvi et al. (2012) gave this energy as 934 keV, and Naik et al. (2013) showed as 934.46 keV. It can be said that our results are in agreement with both NuDat database and the results of the previous work. ...
The bremsstrahlung photons of 18 MeV end-point energy produced by a clinical linear accelerator were used to irradiate 93 Nb, producing 92m Nb via the photonuclear reaction. The gamma-ray spectrum emitted by the excited nucleus was measured with high purity germanium detector. For analysis of the energy transitions, both gf3 and ROOT spectrum analysis programs were applied. The results were shown to be comparable with the literature values, demonstrating the ability to use a clinical liner accelerator in nuclear physics measurements.
Production cross sections for the 93Nb(p, x)90Mo, 92m,90,89mNb, 89,88,86Zr, and 88,87m,87gY reactions were measured using a stacked-foil technique in the proton energy range of 58–100 MeV. The target was arranged in the stack including Nb, Al, Au foils, and Pb plates and was irradiated with 100-MeV protons. After the irradiation, the production yields of the interested radionuclei were measured by a γ -ray spectroscopy system using HPGe detectors. Proton beam intensities were measured using the 27Al(p, 3pn)24Na, 197Au(p, p3n)194Au, and 197Au(p, pn)196Au monitor reactions. Some 54 cross section data points were measured, including independent and cumulative cross sections and were compared with other experimental data. The excitation functions of the reactions were also calculated by nuclear models using the TALYS code with a default mode as well as different nuclear level-density models. The calculated cross sections were compared to the measured data and to the TENDL library. It was figured out that the theoretical calculations could reproduce the shape of the measured cross sections well, whereas the magnitude of the cross sections was not reproduced. It was also shown that the preequilibrium mechanism played an important role in the cross section calculations in this paper.
The excitation functions of ⁹³Nb(p,x) reactions from their respective thresholds to 42.5 MeV were measured at the MC-50 cyclotron of Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences by using the stacked-foil activation and off-line γ-ray spectrometric technique. The thick target integral yields for the formation of the investigated radionuclides from the respective thresholds to 42.5 MeV were deduced based on the measured cross sections data. The ⁹³Nb(p,x) reactions cross sections obtained in the present work were compared with the literature data and theoretical values based on the TENDL-2015 data library. The production cross sections of the investigated radionuclides (e.g. 88,89Zr, 87,88Y, ⁹⁰Nb) are applicable in research, medical diagnosis and radiotherapy. The present data provide information’s, which will support in testing and understanding the nuclear reaction models.
In this paper, the nuclear ground states properties such as binding energies per particle, charge, neutron and proton rms radii, and charge, neutron and proton density distributions of 181Ta and 182, 183, 184, 186W structural materials for acceleration driven subcritical reactor system have been investigated. Calculations have been performed using Skyrme force parameters, which are based on the nuclear saturation properties, in the Hartree–Fock method. The obtained results have been discussed and compared with the results of experimental and relativistic mean field theory.
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Excitation functions for the reactions 89 Y(p, n)89gZr and 89Y(p, n)89mZr have been measured over the energy ranges from threshold to 15 MeV using stacked foil activation technique. The isomeric cross-section ratio σm/(σm+σg) for the formation of 89m, gZr was determined. The excitation functions and isomeric cross-section ratios were calculated for the reactions 89Y(p, γ)90m, gZr, 89 Y(p, n)89m, gZr, 89Y(p, p)89m, gY and 89Y(p, αn)85m, gSr also for energy range 4–40 MeV. The PE emission fraction is found to depend strongly on the energy of the incident particle. The isomeric cross-section ratio is found to depend strongly on the relative spins of the isomeric and ground state and some dependence on energy difference between the levels.
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In this study, neutron-emission spectra produced by (n,xn) reactions up to 26 MeV for some deformed target nuclei as 165Ho, 181Ta, 184W, 232Th and 238U have been investigated. Also, the mean free path parameter’s effect for (n,xn) neutron-emission spectra has been examined. In the calculations, pre-equilibrium neutron-emission spectra have been calculated by using new evaluated hybrid model and geometry dependent hybrid model, full exciton model and cascade exciton model. The reaction equilibrium component has been calculated by Weisskopf-Ewing model. The obtained results have been discussed and compared with the available experimental data and found agreement with each other.
The cross sections for different kinds of nuclear reactions are calculated as functions of the energy of the bombarding particles by means of statistical methods. Their application is restricted to heavy elements (A>50) and to bombarding energies greater than 1 Mev. The excitation curves of several (p,n)-reactions have been measured for elements with A between 60 and 115; it is found that the measured cross sections and their dependence on the energy suggests a nuclear radius of R=1.3×10−13×A13 cm for these elements. Section I gives a complete discussion of the calculated cross sections. Section II and III contain the derivations of these expressions. Section IV describes the new experimental material and its implications for the theory.
With the motivation of studying complete and incomplete fusion reactions in a 12C+59Co projectile target system, the excitation functions for (C, p3n), (C, 2p2n), (C, αn), (C, α2n), (C, αp3n) and (C, 2α2n) reactions have been measured up to 80 MeV. The well-known activation technique followed by offline high purity Ge γ-ray spectroscopy was used. The measured experimental values were compared with the statistical model calculations by using the ALICE-91 and CASCADE codes. For the calculations obtained by CASCADE, the variation of parameter Fθ, which is the ratio of actual moment of inertia to the rigid body value have also been studied. Considerable enhancement of the measured excitation functions compared to theoretical predictions for some channels clearly indicates the presence of incomplete fusion with complete fusion in the present projectile energy range. The measurements of forward recoil range distribution of evaporation residues at 80 MeV projectile energy confirm these observations.
(p, n) cross sections were measured for 18 medium-weight nuclei in the 4- to 5.5-Mev region. In this energy region, de-excitation of the compound nucleus by neutron emission is largely favored over charged particle emission; consequently, the (p, n) reaction dominates competing compound-elastic and inelastic scattering processes. The experimental results are compared with theoretical reaction cross sections predicted by the optical model for protons. It is found that the parameters which provide the best theoretical fit to these data also provide reasonable fits to neutron total, nonelastic, and elastic cross sections measured elsewhere when the latter are compared with theoretical cross sections predicted by the optical model for neutrons. It is concluded that the intrinsic nuclear well depth for protons and neutrons are equal to within +/-7% uncertainty.
Niobium is a metal with important technological applications: use as alloying element to increase strength of super alloys, as thin layer for tribological applications, as superconductive material, in high temperature engineering systems, etc. In the frame of a systematic study of activation cross-sections of charged particle induced reactions on structural materials proton induced excitation functions on Nb targets were determined with the aim of applications in accelerator and reactor technology and for thin layer activation (TLA). The charged particle activation cross-sections on this element are also important for yield calculation of medical isotope production (88,89Zr, 86,87,88Y) and for dose estimation in PET targetry. As niobium is a monoisotopic element it is an ideal target material to test nuclear reaction theories. We present here the experimental excitation functions of 93Nb(p,x)90,93mMo, 92m,91m,90Nb, 88,89Zr and 88Y in the energy range 0–37MeV.The results were compared with the theoretical cross-sections calculated by means of the code ALICE-IPPE, EMPIRE-3, TALYS and with the literature data. The theory reproduces the shape of the measured results well and magnitude is also acceptable.Thick target yields calculated from our fitted cross-section give reliable estimations for production of medically relevant radioisotopes and for dose estimation in accelerator technology.
Stacked foil activation technique and Ge(Li) γ-ray spectroscopy have been used for the determination of the excitation functions, up to 50 MeV, of seven reactions, 107Ag(α, n), (α, 2n), (α, αn), (α, α2n); 109Ag(α, 2n), (α, 3n) and (α, 4n). Since, natural as the target has two odd-mass stable isotopes of about equal abundance, 107Ag(51.83%) and 109Ag(48.17%), their activation in some cases gives the same residual nucleus through different reaction channels, but with very different Q-values. In such cases, the individual reaction cross sections are separated with the help of the ratio of the theoretical cross sections. The theoretical predictions based on a pre-equilibrium exciton model, with an initial exciton configuration of n0 = 5 (5p0h), appear to give a good fit to the experimental data.
A Thomas-Fermi approach is used to investigate the importance of the nuclear density distribution on pre-equilibrium decay. Two different density-dependent phenomena are pointed out, and both are shown to be equally important in modifying and improving pre-equilibrium decay predictions with respect to earlier models in which average density distributions were assumed.