Conference PaperPDF Available

Blockchain-based Electronic Voting System for Modern Democracy: A Review



Electoral integrity is not only imperative for countries that are ruled by democracy, but it is also influential in enhancing public voters' confidence and accountability. Also, security, integrity and, trust are three essential pillars of fair and modern democracy. The use of blockchain technology leverages the expected level of protection. Also, it provides cheaper, faster, and immutable service to the liquid democracy where voters can review their casted votes at any instant. Thus, there is a need to use blockchain-based electronic voting systems. E-voting systems can be defended easily and efficiently using the blockchain principles of universal ownership, transaction format, and storage in a chain. Another wall between freedom and the fall of democracy is that to change results; one would need approval from everyone who voted and to go back through each block in the chain to get to a specific transaction. Using Smart Contracts erase the middleman of current systems and are digital documentation of the transaction and proof for certification of votes. Also, this system fulfills the essential requirements of e-voting systems which includes: no coerce to voters, no traceability of voters' identity, the assurance and proof of vote, no one could change the casted votes, the counting of votes and election result must be decentralized, security and integrity of ballot to cast individual votes. There are many proposed frameworks are available in the literature. Therefore, this paper reviewed those existing frameworks and found the essential requirements and possible solutions to implement in the e-voting system.
Blockchain-based Electronic Voting System for
Modern Democracy: A Review
DylanWeiss, Jacob Wolmer, and Avimanyou Vatsa,,
Abstract - Electoral integrity is not only imperative for
countries that are ruled by democracy, but it is also
influential in enhancing public voters’ confidence and
accountability. Also, security, integrity and, trust are
three essential pillars of fair and modern democracy. The
use of blockchain technology leverages the expected level
of protection. Also, it provides cheaper, faster, and
immutable service to the liquid democracy where voters
can review their casted votes at any instant. Thus, there
is a need to use blockchain-based electronic voting
systems. E-voting systems can be defended easily and
efficiently using the blockchain principles of universal
ownership, transaction format, and storage in a chain.
Another wall between freedom and the fall of democracy
is that to change results; one would need approval from
everyone who voted and to go back through each block
in the chain to get to a specific transaction. Using Smart
Contracts erase the middleman of current systems and
are digital documentation of the transaction and proof
for certification of votes. Also, this system fulfills the
essential requirements of e-voting systems which
includes: no coerce to voters, no traceability of voters’
identity, the assurance and proof of vote, no one could
change the casted votes, the counting of votes and
election result must be decentralized, security and
integrity of ballot to cast individual votes. There are
many proposed frameworks are available in the
literature. Therefore, this paper reviewed those existing
frameworks and found the essential requirements and
possible solutions to implement in the e-voting system.
Index Terms - e-Voting System, Blockchain, Ethereum,
Democracy, Federal Election Commission (FEC).
Electronic voting (e-voting) has become increasingly
popular in our technology-driven world. Not only do
countries vary in the form of electronic voting, but they also
vary in the amount of usage, with countries like Brazil
relying solely on electronic voting and countries like Italy
only beginning to experiment with electronic voting methods
in 2006 [3, 21]. The different forms of e-voting range from
the use of punch cards, optical scan systems, and direct-
recording electronic (DRE) voting systems to voting via
Internet ballots and telephone votes.
Initially, e-voting was proposed to solve the challenges of
paper-based voting to ensure accurate and bias-free
elections. While adopting an e-voting system, one must ask:
Why is the electronic voting system considered a better
option than a traditional ballot voting paper? It not only
improves democracy but is expected to be a solution for
some problematic situations such as improving accessibility
to the election, the elderly, and the disabled ability to vote,
increasing election turnout, and being easy to operate getting
a quick result. However, it is well-known that operating e-
voting systems under strict security procedures is crucial,
primarily when relying on advanced encryption techniques
[6]. Given the new technological (Blockchain Technology)
advancements, it is necessary to create a new blockchain
voting system due to its ability to improve democracies
around the world. Security issues concerning e-voting
systems have been extensively studied in the literature. The
studies show that the utilization of e-voting may entail the
following challenges: data integrity, reliability, transparency,
the secrecy of the ballot, consequences of breakdown,
uneducated voters, specialized IT skills, storage of
equipment, security, results of fraud, and cost.
The e-voting system has many benefits. It is very convenient
in vote casting because it eliminates transportation and
postage on paper ballots. A quality e-voting system would
allow people to forego the usual hurdles for casting a vote
and increase election participation [3, 21]. However, these
remarkable benefits come with many challenges. People are
afraid when it comes to voting online due to election
tampering. There is the possibility of malicious activities,
including malware attacks, with internet access.
Additionally, hackers could tamper with votes, election
process, and results. Further, many people who aren’t
familiar with Blockchain Technology (BT) could eliminate
the above drawbacks. The features of emerging and evolving
BT may solve issues like election tampering, decreased
voting accuracy, and disenfranchisement [3, 6, 9, 13].
The confidentiality, authentication, and integrity of e-
voting is also a remarkable and challenging issue. Thus, the
DRE voting machines or kiosk voting (forms of e-voting in a
polling station or another area that election officials
supervise) solve the voters’ identification issues, but it looks
like a similar process as we have been using in the
traditional voting system. Furthermore, voters authenticate
themselves with an electronic ID card with remote Internet
voting. If such a system does not exist, they can authenticate
themselves by using a combination of username, password,
due authentication, and associated personal information [3,
13, 20].
A necessary precondition is an electronic voters’
registration. In the case of voter identification, additional
arrangements need to be in place to ensure that the voters’
identity may not be linked to the content of their vote.
Specific cryptographic or BT security measures are needed
in order to guarantee that these two sets of information
cannot be connected at any time and under any
circumstances (secrecy of the vote). Also, it is essential that
these measures are reliable and they can be communicated
and demonstrated to interested stakeholders [3, 5, 6].
A secure electoral process ensures that votes are
counted in accordance with the will of the voters. In
civiciti’s e-voting processes, in addition to logical and
physical protection layers, mechanisms are established to
ensure that only users accredited by an official document
participate so that all security guarantees are provided that
equate the electronic voting process with a classic electoral
process [17].
Another issue is the psychological and social aspects;
making people believe in this new reality is necessary. There
is much skepticism aimed at anything online replacing the
authentication and integrity of paper ballots. Especially BT,
which is relatively new and not known widely in the general
public. Many believe it is a scam due to the fact that it is
tough, almost nearly impossible, to differentiate legitimacy
and fraud. Due to the truth is relies on an individual
verifying their vote, there can be significant pressures. A
local man can force someone else to vote how he wants to as
the only way to approve the vote is by the individual, and
someone can physically force you to vote a particular way.
Many also believe that it does not solve many of the issues
that voting has, in fact, it only creates more. It is impossible
to detect using BT to know if a vote has been hacked and
altered prior to its receiving in the blockchain system (meet-
in-middle attacks). There are a few issues to BT voting
systems that are crucial to solving in order to replace the
current election system [16,18,19].
BT is a decentralized system that enables connected and
shared securely and immutable information. The simplest
form is blocks of information that are connected one a chain
which is a public digital database [3, 22]. The idea that
blockchain is public is very important because it creates a
system of checking. There is no one ruler or commander of
blockchain technology; therefore, it is more secure and
immutable than other systems. The blocks in the system are
essential and remarkable for three main reasons. First, they
share a plethora of information about transactions on aspects
such as date, time, and dollar amount. It also stores
information on the person who made the purchase and from
what. But it has a safety aspect, so the name displayed is not
the actual name of a person but rather a code (public key), so
others do not know your personal information on your
purchases. The technology also uses hash code
(cryptographic hash), creating a secret code for your
transaction that is so unique that it is impossible to tell what
it is. Even if someone purchases something very similar to
what you did, the hash code would be extremely different.
Blocks can also store a few MegaByte (MB) of data, which
means that each block can hold any different transactions
from many different people [2, 9]. Each new transaction is
added to the chain. To have the block added to the chain,
four things happen. First, a transaction has to happen. Then,
it has to be verified, and this is a crucial step because many
nodes check to see this, which secures the integrity and
safety of blockchain. Next, the block is stored. And finally,
the block has a unique hash assigned to it [2, 9]. There are
four main benefits to the security aspect of BT. The first is
immutability, or no other person can change data. Next is
tamper prom, which essentially makes censorship
impossible. Then security hacking is protected against, and
there is no centralization, so hacking is much more complex.
And lastly, zero downtime, which means applications are
always running and can never be turned off.
BT leverages the opportunity to have secure e-
voting that protects the privacy and integrity of the
individual (voters, candidates, and FEC personnel, etc.) and
correctly counts the number of votes without any
interference. Due to the advanced security measures, it is
nearly impossible to hack the associated data or activities.
Since it is a chain, going back and changing something
would essentially mean one must go back and change
everything on the chain after that point. Also, the uniqueness
of the hash code makes it even harder to hack. No one can
figure out what each hash means therefor, it would be
impossible to hack if one did not know the hash code. And,
the voters' authentication, privacy, and integrity would be
held as no one knows who each individual is because of the
code number that acts as a username for each individual
person. Lastly, the verification system that involves many
computers would be nearly impossible to attack. Overall, the
BT has fascinating security aspects that make it very close to
impossible to attack and change the votes. The smart
contracts of BT and cryptographic methods are a great way
to collect and count votes. Additionally, it fulfills the
requirements of remote voting and protects the democracy in
a fair and trustworthy way [1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 14, 22, 23].
Smart contracts are a new and advanced way to
essentially “erase the middleman” in an exchange of
anything from money to the property to shares of a value.
Smart contracts are significant because they clearly show the
rules and penalties that are similar to a contract. Still, they
also automatically enforce those rules in the agreement.
Vittalik Buterin nicely states, “in a smart contract approach,
an asset or currency is transferred into a program and the
program runs this code and at some point, it automatically
validates a condition and it automatically determines
whether the asset should go to one person or back to the
other person, or whether it should be immediately refunded
to the person who sent it or some combination thereof.”
Smart contracts are also a good tool as they create an
automatic receipt that replicates the document and stores it
for security purposes and integrity to create fewer issues
further down the road. The smart contract is written in code
that is highly useful due it being simple yet complex. It
identifies and portrays the rules and regulations of an
agreement and erases the need for a middleman. The
contract helps with the security aspect as it creates digital
documentation and receipt of any transaction. It is also
helpful because it is a validation tool to ensure something
happens or does not happen. Smart contracts are
revolutionary and help in many different ways [4, 20].
Smart contracts are very unique and useful. It is an
extremely useful tool that can propel blockchain and even
society's services further. The ability for the smart contract
to initiate the agreement is one of the many essential steps
that it takes to achieve the overall goal. Also, the fact that it
checks for verification is critical and crucial in the sense that
it can help with other projects (including the e-voting
system) by securing the data and helping reduce the risk of
violating the integrity and hacking. Smart contracts make it
clear what is being agreed upon and verify the transaction.
Also, they “erase” the middleman because the contract
themselves establishes the principles in the agreement going
forward. This helps even more with the security aspect as it
makes it so no one will have to rely on a third-party source
that can potentially be biased or interfere with important
matters such as online voting. Lastly, they create an online
receipt that makes ensuring and validation even easier so no
lies can be told essentially and there is forever data and
evidence of something. Smart contracts are very important
and are helpful in numerous ways [3, 12, 15, 20].
Ethereum is a platform that is available for everyone across
the globe that is decentralized so not run by anyone who is
primarily focused on money and other general applications
(e.g., e-voting). It is a platform that enables people to write
their code for applications for others to use globally. It is
based on blockchain technology but is simpler and easier to
use source to build and deploy applications (e-voting). It
focuses on the coding aspect and uses people's code to run
projects. The token (cryptocurrency) is called an Ether in the
platform, but gas is also needed to execute a task. The
beauty of it is that there is no possibility for any disruptions
such as fraud or interference. Ethereum is unique because it
does not have a limited amount of operation, giving the
developer more freedom. Ethereum is unique and platforms
independently because it has a specific Ethereum Virtual
Machine (EVM), enabling anyone using any language to use
the platform. This helps make different applications all in
one same site. It saves a lot of time and is extremely
efficient. Ethereum allows any centralized system to be
decentralized and not have/run by a single person or
network. Ethereum also uses DAO’s (Decentralized
Autonomous Organizations), which are autonomous and
decentralized and use code under the smart contracts which
are created on the platform [3, 8, 10]. The basic principles of
DAO’s are “owned by everyone who purchases tokens, but
instead of each token equating to equity shares & ownership,
tokens act as contributions that give people voting rights.”
Ethereum is so universal that is enables other applications
and more cryptocurrencies (Ether) to be based and off from
Ethereum. The downside is that humans create smart
contracts, so they can be prone to human error, creating
issues further down the road. Ethereum has many upsides
and is a new and efficient way to build, design, implement,
and learn.
Ethereum is the perfect fit for voting systems due to the
many factors and benefits that come with it. First, e-voting
systems need to be equipped and ready to handle attacks and
be very secure to avoid such problems. In addition, there is
the factor that it is run by everyone involved, not one group,
so it is even harder to hack. Furthermore, it is a blockchain
technology with its many cryptographic benefits, like a
public key, digital signature, and hash coding that makes it
impossible to go back and alter the data. Thus, Ethereum is
very secure and can implement e-voting systems. There are
numerous benefits, and it has the necessary detection against
hacking and changing data is essentially impossible due to
the complex and intricate technology that is inside of
Ethereum platform [4, 16, 18, 19]. The programming
language used to implement the e-voting and other
applications are Solidity. Due to its specificity and easily to
handle language with a large amount of data, it is the best
with e-voting [3, 15, 20]. Since the elections will have
millions of transactions, the language needs to be able to
handle large amounts of data, which is the main reason
solidity will be used [2].
E-voting systems have been around for a long time, but there
are many cons. Manually having to go to a specific place can
put a strain on voting and make people less likely to vote
than voting digitally online. An example of this includes
during the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), voting
cannot be taking place as people should not be in contact
with others. Online or e-voting fixes the issue as one can
vote from wherever.
E-voting systems have many issues that can
potentially be exploited to alter an election. As of now, there
are still many flaws in the system that have been deciding
leaders of the world. There is also an aspect of unfairness
and voter suppression with the current system. States can
decide where to put voting areas and put fewer options in
areas that tend to vote a certain way. There are many other
issues and flaws with the current system that need to be
addressed for future elections to prevent the integrity of
elections and the democracy that our country was founded
on and makes us who we are. It is our duty to protect and
establish a right and just system to elect our leaders [5, 7, 9].
Another problem is that voting means taking a lot
of time in some cases out of one’s day and driving/going to
the nearest polling station, which in some cases is miles
away. This is another issue as it can steer people away from
voting as many values work more and do not want to go
through the tricky hassle to cast a vote over voting. The
issues that occur right now need to be fixed and they will
only create more problems in the future. With the utmost
urgency, society transitions to a new form of voting that can
ensure fairness and stop the issues that are going on right
These are fixed in the blockchain-based e-voting
system (e.g., BCT-Voting [3]). Although it solves many
other major problems, it is tough for people to accept change
and many might be hesitant to adapt to the new BT world.
An important strategy to fix this issue is to educate and
inform the public on what the new system is and how it
operates to know what happens and the integrity and success
of the new system. This can be done in various ways.
Educating the public on a certain topic can come in all
forms. For example, creating many websites makes it easy to
learn what is happening and broadcasting on news channels
what is happening so those who are skeptical or wish to
learn more have the opportunity to do so. The last issue is
that someone can coerce and force someone to vote a certain
way. This is a problem because only you can confirm your
vote virtually. But someone can physically be next to you
and watch you and make you vote a certain way. This is a
more significant issue of people harming others. If this is the
case, it is best to report this to authorities and have them
handle the issue as it is a crime to do this. The new system
clears the way to a brighter future that can erase the issues of
current voting systems. Although its potential brings some
problems, these issues can be dealt with and fixed.
Therefore, the new online blockchain voting system is the
optimal option [10, 11, 13].
Another aspect of the plan is to make it, so people
do not have to travel places to vote and do not have to go
through the time-consuming and stressful form of voting that
is currently in place. The BCT-Voting system is an excellent
win for elections as it will ensure that everyone can vote no
matter the circumstance as well as being able to protect and
continue fair and balanced elections \cite{raikar2021}. Since
BCT-Voting is a Dapp, it would mean that anyone can vote
from anywhere. Due to the BT in place, it is more secure and
non-vulnerable to attacks than current systems. Additionally,
smart contracts in the Ethereum framework make it even
safer for people to use and keep the integrity of the vote and
the election safe and secure. Many small details and
preventions, like codes and computer checking, make it
essentially impossible to hack [3, 4, 12, 15].
E-voting (e.g., BCT-Voting, etc.) is a voting method that
uses electronic devices to record or count votes. The e-
voting system needs to include registration, verification,
voting, tallying phases, and donation module [3, 20].
Furthermore, these steps are involved in the e-voting system:
The first process is to register voters and candidates
(registration). Then, BT-based authentication is based on
voters’ credentials on election day (verification, validation,
and authentication). Next phase, eligible voters can vote
(casting collation). The vote should be encrypted and
verifiable. The confidentiality, anonymity, and accuracy of
the votes must be guaranteed and cannot be changed or
deleted in any way. Finally, e-voting systems counting is
done by adding all the votes according to the design
(counting presentation of results) [3,20, 23].
Several threats may arise when conducting a systematic
mapping study. For example, not all relevant sources of
voters’ credentials may be identified. In order to eliminate
this threat, we have to identify the correct source and search
criteria on various databases of FEC. The external
verification and validation refer to the extent of the results of
the trust. It can be generalized for other situations, people
and times. In addition, what are the other possible research
questions and corresponding solutions that need to be
addressed in the e-voting system? Also, do we need to
change the platforms/consensus algorithm in e-voting
Moreover, we may create public and private keys
with crypto phrases, a sequence of less than or greater than
twelve words. The crypto phrases may be created using
smart contract. This will give each user a unique and easy to
remember public and private keys that needs to be entered to
gain access to the e-voting system. An example of a crypto
phrase is “the cat runs donkey fdu yale ronny displacement
energy cow mice corn”, an easy crypto phrase for more
efficiency. Crypto phrase may retrieve on-chain data quickly
from the database of BCT-Voting systems.
In our systematic review, e-voting as a result of emerging
research questions and benefits are discussed in terms of
current blockchain research and trends. Further, this paper
mentioned issues like current benefits and challenges and the
usefulness of BT and smart contrast in e-voting. It
contributes to the possible chances of progressive growth
and benefit of society or community. In addition, it argued
on pros, cons, and potential remedies such that vulnerable
threats may differ. Further, blockchain based electronic
voting system has the power to change the world in a
positive manner changing the voting process to be more
efficient, secure, and accessible. Finally, it addressed the
possible improvement in the e-voting system for humanity.
Fairleigh Dickinson University supports this work under the
research release time grant.
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Dylan Weiss, Deep Chain Lab, Fairleigh Dickinson
University and a student of Tenafly High School, Tenafly,
Jacob Wolmer, Deep Chain Lab, Fairleigh Dickinson
University and a student of Tenafly High School, Tenafly,
Avimanyou Vatsa, Assistant Professor, Department of
Computer Science, Fairleigh Dickinson University, Teaneck,
... Furthermore, AI has the potential to detect outbreaks of diseases early by monitoring water and other sources. Thus, from these examples alone, we can see how AI will improve many areas of healthcare with its applicability to a vast array of problems [1,16,17,19,23,24,25,26,27,28,29]. ...
... We began by collecting five different datasets in our previous study [16,17,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29] of early and accurate melanoma skin cancer detection and prevention with melanoma skin cancer. We then used the largest one to train a CNN with VGG16 network architecture to identify image patterns. ...
... The better this value is, the fewer incorrect diagnoses come from the mode. The lower this number is, the more lives are lost, or more money is wasted on false positives [16,17,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29]. ...
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In this fast-paced automated digital world, people's feelings about Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications in healthcare depend on the diverse attitudes of the patients. It also depends on reliable sources and anxiety about healthcare and AI. However, healthcare faces many challenges in trying to achieve its goals. The four main goals of healthcare are to improve population health, patients' experience, and caregiver experience and to reduce the rising cost of care. Although people are getting a better understanding of healthcare situations and are encouraged to broaden their thoughts on the potential computerized technologies, people are still concerned about the effect of AI in the medical domain. Therefore, applying technology and AI in healthcare can help hospitals, especially when viruses like COVID reduce the workforce. As a result, if AI is successfully implemented, we could see a rapid change in the hospital experience, reduce the amount of work needed in the hospital, protect healthcare professionals from life-threatening viruses or infections, and diagnosis would be efficient, effective, fast, and accurate.
... This would also decrease the money and time spent running polling stations, transporting ballots, and auditing votes. At the same time, the immutability of the blockchain technology-based system would prevent any one individual or group of individuals from maliciously changing the results of the election [1,12,14,15]. However, to implement this system a form of voter registration and verification would still be required voting accounts. ...
... This prevents any user from altering the record of transactions or, in the case of BCT voting, altering the casted votes and voters' identity. In order to modify the chain of blocks in this way, a malicious user would need control of at least 51 percent of nodes on the network so that they control the majority of ledgers, a practically impossible task on large networks [1,6,12]. The distributed nature of the network prevents a single node's failure, causing the entire network's failure. ...
... Each value is reliant on the previous ones. Recalculating them to match a maliciously changed ledger would be highly computationally intensive [6,12]. ...
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Voting is one of the critical processes of modern democracy. It gives freedom to the people to choose a representative leader to implement their ideas and promote policies that benefit them. Elections can also be audited to ensure each vote is counted correctly. However, corruption: ballot forgery, coercion, etc can cause the public to lose trust in this system. Thus, BCT-Voting [8]-a fully secure and decentralized blockchain technology-based e-voting system (DApp)-was proposed as a voting system that can increase transparency and public trust. This system will provide a secure form of electronic voting which will allow for remote voting. The proposed BCT-Voting system has been deployed on the Ethereum framework. It includes five modules-nomination process, voter identity, vote tampering, donation module, and final counting of votes. However, the data retrieval and sorting from the Ethereum blockchain is a complex process because the personal identity of voters is not known. Therefore, in this paper, we propose an Ethereum Query Language (EQL) to query data from the smart contract of the BCT-Voting system. The query method allows voters or The Federal Election Commission (FEC) to retrieve the required information from the Ethereum chain such as which account voted, when, and for who while still maintaining the privacy of the voter. This method of querying provides fast and minimally labor-intensive audits of elections. It includes recounting ballots and efficiently tracking the history of casted votes to ensure that votes were counted and handled correctly. In this system finding duplicate and fraudulent voters will be easy and it will increase the efficiency and transparency of the electoral process.
... For instance, cGANs may accept class labels as input for picture-generating tasks, enabling users to direct the generator to produce images that fall into particular classes. This extra knowledge acts as supervised learning, influencing generative processes in a targeted manner [15,16,17,18,40]. ...
... Through conditional information during the training phase, cGANs improve the controllability and flexibility of generative models, increasing their ability to conform to particular needs and tasks. The concepts behind cGANs have become essential tools in deep learning and have opened the door for additional developments in generative modeling [15,16,17,18,40]. ...
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Melanoma, the most common form of skin cancer, occurs when abnormal cells grow in the skin. It could be detected in the early stage to cure and save patients' lives. However, early detection is possible from dermoscopic images to train, test, and validate through deep learning models [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]. However, our current dataset is unbalanced-fewer malignant images in comparison to benign images. Therefore, this paper reviewed different Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) algorithms to generate synthetic malignant images. The variety of GAN algorithms, including Deep Convolutional GAN (DCGAN), Conditional GAN (cGAN), Progressive GAN (PGAN), Wasserstein GAN (WGAN), GFP (Generative Facial Prior) GAN, Radio GAN, and Cycle GAN, etc. These algorithms provide many opportunities and have many challenges in the reconstruction of natural and correct patterns of images. The major challenges include different sizes of images, preprocessing of raw images, correct number of epochs, appropriate training of generator and encoder, discriminator methods of GANs, etc. These GAN methods generated images are useful in achieving better performance of image classification.
... The node classification predicts a target for each node to get the equivalent output. Additionally, to characterize the edges of a graph, a link prediction identifies the properties of edges and the combination of features used to classify edges-further, the graph classification finds a pattern of the invariant output of the entire graph [16,17,18,26,27]. ...
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To address the scarcity of food by 2050 for the world population and increase food productivity, this study considered the maize plant as an organism [24]. This study used its phenotypes (lesions), observable and measurable traits of an organism of six different inbred lines (genetic backgrounds). The phenotypes are complex due to interaction among biochemical reactions, environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, soil quality, rainfall, etc.), and genomic expressions. The maize phenotype images are collected from field experiments over fifteen pedigrees. These image datasets are input datasets [7, 8, 15] to find a network among phenotypes and classify them. Therefore, this research uses a Deep Learning method called Graph Neural Network (GNN)), and other variants of GNN (Convolutional GNN, Graph Autoencoder (GAE), Recurrent GNN, Gated GNN, Spatial-Temporal GNN (STGNNs), etc.), and Python packages, including OpenCV Python, on the Keras framework. These identify nodes and edges to find the network among phenotypes. Also, this research provides a framework for predicting nodes, edges, network mining among maize phenotypes, and graph-related problems. Later, this outcome will help identify a group of genes responsible for this phenotype, including the yield of maize kernels.
... Nevertheless, these methods struggle in video segmentation due to complex texture, similar foreground and background appearances, highlights, shadows, etc. [28,29,31]. However, due to advancements in image classification using deep neural network-based algorithms (CNN, RNN, etc.), many applications use these methods for video segmentation [23,24,27,32,33,34,35,45,46,47]. ...
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The State of the World's Birds 2022 report estimated a decline in 30% of the world's birds since 1970, largely attributed to habitat loss, climate change, and other anthropogenic factors [1, 3]. Chimney swifts are aerial insectivores that forage during the day and commonly roost in large colonies inside hollow vertical human-made structures such as chimneys. Signaled by sunset, large groups of this species, sometimes comprised of thousands of individuals, exhibit an impressive display of coordinated entry into their roosting sites. Despite this striking behavior and close relationship with humans, the factors influencing this collective behavior are poorly understood. To understand how anthropogenic and environmental factors influence the population health of this (and other species), reliable methods for counting individuals are required. The purpose of this study is to develop an automated method to accurately count the number of birds over a given period at the roosting site. To understand the behavior of colonially roosting species such as the Chimney swift, we proposed a methodology in which we collect and analyze videos of birds at roosting sites to understand their behaviors. The proposed approach consists of two steps: physically gathering the video with cameras perched at optimal locations [2] and utilizing video segmentation algorithms to count the number of birds at roosting sites over time. The final goal of this research is to build useful data for ecologists that can be utilized to fill critical gaps in knowledge. To achieve this, the number of birds counted over time will be analyzed with ambient weather datasets at different geographical locations. Therefore, in this paper, we use four video segmentation algorithms to detect and track the movement of birds, count the number of birds at certain intervals, and then compare the performance of the algorithms.
... In contrast, local features determine the identifying key points (shape, color, orientation, texture, etc.) or interest regions and their description in an image. The local feature of images plays an important role in image classification since global features cannot differentiate between the foreground and background of the image, and they mess up the key points together [6,9,14,15,35,36,37]. ...
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Computer vision plays a beautiful role in the early identification of Melanoma skin cancer. Images are used to classify malignant and benign phenotypes. Also, Dermatologists claim that Melanoma may be diagnosed and cured if it is identified in the early stage. However, selecting an appropriate classification algorithm is essential in early and accurate melanoma detection. Therefore, inspired and motivated by our previous study outcome, we know that early detection and prediction of melanoma skin cancer may be cured (malignant and benign images are classified using CNN, RNN, and XG-Boost methods) [10, 11, 22, 23, 24, 25]. In this experiment, we compared the performance of supervised learning methods like Linear Regression, Light Gradient Boosting Regression, Random Forest Regression, Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machine (SVM), K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) Classifier, Decision Tree, Passive Aggressive, Multinomial Naïve Bayes, and Bernoulli Naïve Bayes. Moreover, a better and more accurate performing algorithm is used in early melanoma skin cancer detection.
... The use of blockchain technology is still in its early stages. It has advanced modern science and technology one step closer to a future world of fantasies with the emergence of the concept "Metaverse" [7], [17], [18]. By cutting transaction costs and eliminating middlemen, using digital real estate tokens to represent tangible assets might speed up the process of buying and selling homes, apartments, and other real estate in many nations throughout the world. ...
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Block-chain is widely praised as an astounding advancement because of its recent development in security. Many believe that information stored in a block-chain is secure because of its decentralization and cryptographic methods. Consensus is the most important layer in block-chain architecture, and it is responsible for the network’s security and reliability. Block-chain schemes’ stabilization relies heavily on consensus-algorithms. The article provides an in-depth explanation of the most common consensus algorithms, including Proof-of-Work (PoW), Proof-of-Stake (PoS), Proof-of-Burn (PoB), Proof-of-Activity (PoA), Proof-of-Vote (PoV) and Proof-of-Elapsed-Time (PoET). An in-depth evaluation of these consensus mechanisms has been conducted, and the results have been presented. These algorithms can be measured using a variety of metrics, including security, efficiency, and scalability. A secured system that functions properly needs to identify the algorithm and its strength. According to various parameters, such as decentralization, POA has a lower level of decentralization than other protocols.
Online voting is gaining traction in contemporary society to reduce costs and boost voter turnout, allowing individuals to cast their ballots from anywhere with an internet connection. This innovation is cautiously met due to the inherent security risks, where a single vulnerability can lead to widespread vote manipulation. Blockchain technology has emerged as a promising solution to address these concerns and create a trustworthy electoral process. Blockchain offers a decentralized network of nodes that enhances transparency, security, and verifiability. Its distributed ledger and non-repudiation features make it a compelling alternative to traditional electronic voting systems, ensuring the integrity of elections. To further bolster the security of online voting, we propose DemocracyGuard platform on the Ethereum blockchain, which incorporates facial recognition technology to authenticate voters. By leveraging these advancements, DemocracyGuard aims to provide a secure and resilient platform for online voting, paving the way for its broader adoption and revolutionizing the electoral landscape.
The aim of this article is to explore the procedures and technologies involved in digital voting system for a secured and legitimate election. An ideal electronic voting follows the fundamental laws that protects privacy and integrity of voters while preserving the openness and adaptability. In fact, fair election is not only essential to democratic governance but more importantly it can increase voters’ confidence and understanding of their roles. As per the literature, centralized and decentralized voting systems are currently being established to make voting secure while also addressing concerns about anonymity and security. The latter one provides advantages in terms of transparency, availability, and robustness against failures. In this regard, Blockchain technology stands out as a prominent decentralized solution through universal ownership, type transfer, and on-chain storage. A value change in the chain must be approved by each node and each block to approve a particular change. Blockchain is capable of removing the man-in-the-middle from the existing system with smart contracts. The Blockchain-enabled system ensures no coercion and traceability of individual voters. In other words, manipulation of the choices and counting of votes is hard when Blockchain technology is adopted. Moreover, such a system meets all the basic requirements of electronic voting which includes confidentiality, integrity, availability, authenticity, and non-repudiation of votes. The paper concludes that the Blockchain framework has the potential to handle all the basic requirements of a digital voting system. However, Blockchain systems still need optimization in cost and scalability to be adopted widely in electronic voting.
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Voting is one of the critical processes of modern democracy. It gives freedom to the people to choose a representative leader to implement their ideas and promote policies that benefit them. Elections can also be audited to ensure each vote is counted correctly. However, corruption: ballot forgery, coercion, etc can cause the public to lose trust in this system. Thus, BCT-Voting [8]-a fully secure and decentralized blockchain technology-based e-voting system (DApp)-was proposed as a voting system that can increase transparency and public trust. This system will provide a secure form of electronic voting which will allow for remote voting. The proposed BCT-Voting system has been deployed on the Ethereum framework. It includes five modules-nomination process, voter identity, vote tampering, donation module, and final counting of votes. However, the data retrieval and sorting from the Ethereum blockchain is a complex process because the personal identity of voters is not known. Therefore, in this paper, we propose an Ethereum Query Language (EQL) to query data from the smart contract of the BCT-Voting system. The query method allows voters or The Federal Election Commission (FEC) to retrieve the required information from the Ethereum chain such as which account voted, when, and for who while still maintaining the privacy of the voter. This method of querying provides fast and minimally labor-intensive audits of elections. It includes recounting ballots and efficiently tracking the history of casted votes to ensure that votes were counted and handled correctly. In this system finding duplicate and fraudulent voters will be easy and it will increase the efficiency and transparency of the electoral process.
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In order to support the nation's security of a modern democratic country, the security of the election polling system has a major role. It includes high-level security and immutable feature of votes cast by voters. The identification, authentication, and detection of fraud voters are also major concerns in democracy. Furthermore, the background check of electoral candidates, detection of fraud voters and donors, and detection and prevention of malicious software (Malware) or cyber-attacks on e-voting systems are challenging issues. Moreover, the effort, time, and cost of an election process need to be minimized. Therefore, there is a need to model, design, implement a trusted, transparent, integrated, and secure voting system that is based on blockchain technology, called BCT-Voting. Blockchain technology works for an untrusted ecosystem in a decentralized environment. Additionally, blockchain technology provides privacy of traceable and verifiable features of a voting process such that fraud activities may be detected and prevented. This paper has contributed four models-registration and login, vote casting and counting, result declaration, and donation. These models are designed and implemented using a blockchain technology framework enabled with smart contracts and cryptocurrency wallets. These proposed secure and immutable voting system (BCT-Voting) solves five major issues of the electoral process-nomination of candidates, secure voter Identity, vote tampering, a donation to electoral parties or candidates, and counting of votes and winner announcement. These processes will be validated and verified by a consensus mechanism. Also, a user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) -Dapp- is proposed.
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Due to availability of computational tools for data acquisition, it is very easy to collect many dimensions from an object. Nevertheless, data acquisition from an object in an experiment may have a low number of dimensions. The analysis of low dimensional data has breakthrough role. But raw and sparse nature of dataset imposes new challenges and requirements for data analysis due to their special and unique characteristics. In the process of overall characterization of low-dimensional data, the data pre-processing plays crucial role. One of the first processes is normalization and standardization process. Therefore, in this paper, I would like to propose novel standardization technique called SDFS (Standardization for Distribution Free Statistics) for nonparametric data analysis. This technique is robust for small sample size with missing values of data points, which commonly exist in real time experiments lead to sparse low-dimensional data. The comprehensive experimental evaluation shows that SDFS standardization is significantly outperforms on existing standardization methods.
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The evolution of blockchain-based systems has enabled researchers to develop next generation e-voting systems. However, the classical consensus method of blockchain, that is, Proof-of-Work, as implemented in Bitcoin, has a significant impact on energy consumption and compromises the scalability, efficiency, and latency of the system. In this paper, we propose a hybrid consensus model (PSC-Bchain) composed of Proof of Credibility and Proof of Stake that work mutually to address the aforementioned problems to secure e-voting systems. Smart contracts are used to provide a trustworthy public bulletin board and a secure computing environment to ensure the accuracy of the ballot outcome. We combine a sharding mechanism with the PSC-Bchain hybrid approach to emphasize security, thus enhancing the scalability and performance of the blockchain-based e-voting system. Furthermore, we compare and discuss the execution of attacks on the classical blockchain and our proposed hybrid blockchain, and analyze the security. Our experiments yielded new observations on the overall security, performance, and scalability of blockchain-based e-voting systems
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A blockchain is a distributed, digitized and consensus-based secure information storage mechanism. The present article provides an overview of blockchain based e-voting systems. The primary purpose of this review is to study the up-to-date state of blockchain-based voting research along with associated possible challenges while aiming to forecast future directions. The methodology applied in the review is a systematic review approach. Following an introduction to the basic structure and features of the blockchain in relation to e-voting, we provide a conceptual description of the desired blockchain-based e-voting application. Symmetrical and asymmetrical cryptography improvements play a key role in developing blockchain systems. We have extracted and reviewed 63 research papers from scientific databases that have advised the adoption of the blockchain framework to voting systems. These articles indicate that blockchain-supported voting systems may provide different solutions than traditional e-voting. We classified the main prevailing issues into the five following categories: general, integrity, coin-based, privacy and consensus. As a result of this research, it was determined that blockchain systems can provide solutions to certain problems that prevail in current election systems. On the other hand, privacy protection and transaction speed are most frequently emphasized problems in blockchain applications. Security of remote participation and scalability should be improved for sustainable blockchain based e-voting. It was concluded that frameworks needed enhancements in order to be used in voting systems due to these reservations.
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Based on the blockchain, homomorphic ElGamal encryption and ring signature, an electronic voting scheme based on blockchain is proposed for large-scale voting, which has the properties of decentralization, self-management, non-interactive and free-receipt, furthermore the one-time ring signature ensures the anonymity of the vote trading in the blockchain. The public verifiable billboards guarantee the voting fair, and the miner nodes provides ciphertext ballot counting service makes large-scale voting feasible. Finally, we analysis the security of the blockchain voting system and present the performance in large-scale nodes.
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The recent approval of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) imposes new data protection requirements on data controllers and processors with respect to the processing of European Union (EU) residents' data. These requirements consist of a single set of rules that have binding legal status and should be enforced in all EU member states. In light of these requirements, we propose in this paper the use of a blockchain-based approach to support data accountability and provenance tracking. Our approach relies on the use of publicly auditable contracts deployed in a blockchain that increase the transparency with respect to the access and usage of data. We identify and discuss three models for our approach with different granularity and scalability requirements where contracts can be used to encode data usage policies and provenance tracking information in a privacy-friendly way. From these three models we designed, implemented, and evaluated a model where contracts are deployed by data subjects for each data controller, and a model where subjects join contracts deployed by data controllers in case they accept the data handling conditions. Our implementations show in practice the feasibility and limitations of contracts for the purposes identified in this paper.
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The tremendous growth of MANET(Mobile Ad hoc network) demands the need to meet different real time applications available over the networks. Due to mobility feature of mobile Ad-hoc networks, it becomes too difficult to guarantee QoS requirements for real time applications across such networks. In this paper we design a QoS delay and routing scheme over QOLSR(QoS routing scheme over OLSR)andODCR(optimized Delay Constrained Routing) protocol, called NODCR(New optimized Delay Constraint Routing). In our work, We introduce more appropriate Delay and routing algorithms. In order to improve Quality of services requirements in routing and delay management module introduced for distributed and scalable mobile Ad-hoc network(MANET). The proposed module will find near optimal solution in much quicker time.
Since the issue of using e-voting in both corporate and government voting has not yet been fully resolved, there remains a wide scope for improving existing approaches and proposing new protocols enabling the voting system to be resistant to various kinds of attacks. Due to the rapid development of distributed ledger technologies and their potential for solving existing problems we propose a modified protocol of the published earlier voting scheme which is complemented by blockchain technology to increase trust between participants. This approach allows carrying out combined voting of both traditional paper voting and e-voting. In this paper we describe the architecture of our solution, discuss its implementation based on Hyperledger Fabric platform and demonstrate its functionality.