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Towards the Development of Intelligent Pedestrian Mobility Systems (IPMS)



In today's highly developed traffic networks, too much emphasis is given on the development of intelligent systems for vehicles, while pedestrians/bicyclists are mainly ignored. Clearly, there is a need for effectively integrating pedestrians in the overall design of intelligent transportation systems for the sustainable development and effective utilization of urban traffic networks. Especially, with the currently available technology, a lot can be achieved in this direction. This paper reviews current technologies on their capability to be employed for increasing connectivity, conspicuity, comfort, convenience, and conviviality of urban pedestrian networks. As a result, recommendations are given for developing what we call Intelligent Pedestrian Mobility Systems (IPMS), which should be a basic ingredient for any smart city.
Towards the Development of Intelligent Pedestrian
Mobility Systems (IPMS)
George Papageorgiou
European University Cyprus Research Center
CY–2404 Nicosia, Cyprus
Athanasios Maimaris
European University Cyprus Research Center
CY–2404 Nicosia, Cyprus
Abstract—In today’s highly developed traffic networks, too
much emphasis is given on the development of intelligent systems
for vehicles, while pedestrians/bicyclists are mainly ignored.
Clearly, there is a need for effectively integrating pedestrians
in the overall design of intelligent transportation systems for the
sustainable development and effective utilization of urban traffic
networks. Especially, with the currently available technology, a
lot can be achieved in this direction. This paper reviews current
technologies on their capability to be employed for increasing
connectivity, conspicuity, comfort, convenience, and conviviality
of urban pedestrian networks. As a result, recommendations are
given for developing what we call Intelligent Pedestrian Mobility
Systems (IPMS), which should be a basic ingredient for any smart
Index Terms—Pedestrian Navigation, ITS, Smart Cities, Urban
The current pedestrian pavement conditions in urban areas
of many countries of the world desperately call for improving
mobility, comfort, and safety for all pedestrians groups. Such
improvements are possible through accurate measurement
and evaluation of the pedestrian network with respect to
advancements in technology. This paper aims at providing
a literature review on current advancements in technology
such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS), electronic
sensor systems, communication technologies, as well as social
media crowdsourcing through machine learning information
extraction for assessing and planning the pedestrian traffic
The review is carried out based on the provision of safe
and comfortable walking conditions to all people in a specific
community, such as disabled people, visually impaired and
the elderly. Even though there have been extensive devel-
opment in Intelligent Transportation Systems, ITS aims at
mainly satisfying the needs of vehicle users and ignore the
tremendous potential for serving the needs of pedestrians and
especially elderly people and people with disabilities, who
use the sidewalk. Specifically, research conducted in Cyprus
during the last decade shows that ITS is widely utilized
for vehicle traffic optimization, ignoring pedestrians [1]–[5].
Unfortunately, current ITS systems promote vehicle use, which
is contrary to the efforts of the world community for reducing
the carbon footprint [6]. An interresting study by Bothos et al
[7] showed the potential of current available technologies for
promoting green transportation decisions in urban mobility.
Further, municipalities and local authorities have no effec-
tive index of measuring the level of service of pedestrian
footways. As a result, the pedestrian traffic network is usually
abandoned and its quality of service (QoS) is very low. Even
though some ITS systems seem to support pedestrians, they
merely represent extensions to vehicle navigation systems
and ignore the footway conditions, which might have serious
obstructions and pose safety issues, especially for the elderly
and disabled.
The need we would call a ”right” for safe and comfortable
mobility is violated every second in the traffic networks of
many cities around the world. In this paper, we provide
recommendations in order to satisfy this need. This carried
out by reviewing existing technologies for developing new
intelligent systems for pedestrians. The technologies are re-
viewed based on their capability for serving the needs of
the pedestrian population. We take into consideration aspects
such as minimization of fatal accidents, injuries, or any other
casualties especially to the vulnerable groups of our society.
Further, the aspect of sustainable mobility is considered.
Further, we aim at bringing together transport planning
approaches such as the Level of Service (LOS) based on
pedestrian mobility index and advancements in Information
and Communication Technologies (ICT) such as sensors,
mapping, machine learning etc. This is carried out based
on specific pedestrian network criteria such as connectivity,
conspicuity, comfort, convenience, and conviviality [8]. As a
result, recommendations will be given for the development of
intelligent systems tailored to the needs of pedestrians.
In many urban areas around of the world, pedestrian mo-
bility is compromised due to the lack of accessible sidewalks.
Accessibility and safety are especially reduced in the case of
people with disabilities and other special groups in our society
such as mothers with young children. Therefore, a need arises
for an effective intelligent mobility/navigation system for all
members of our society. Such a system could also serve as
an assessment tool for the sidewalk/pavement condition to be
used by municipalities and local authorities.
Although, there are many mobility/navigation systems in
the market, these are mainly addressing the needs of vehicle
users and they do not take into account the conditions of the
pedestrian pavement. Further, the existing products do not
serve the particular needs of people with disabilities. This
calls for developing an integrated intelligent system, which
will serve both the needs of local authorities as well as the
needs of city residents. As we see further on in our paper,
recent advancements in technology would allow us to develop
such a system.
Recent technological advancements permit the mapping and
promotion of generic elements of the pedestrian environment
such as connectivity, conspicuity, comfort, convenience and
conviviality . These generic elements should be included in
the pedestrian environment for effective mobility. Please find
below a detailed description of the above ve generic elements
based on the work of [9] [10] [11].
Connectivity refers to the extent to which the pedestrian
network links to key trip origins and destinations, as well
as the extent of linkages between different routes on the
network. Specific features include undisturbed routes between
origin and destination places, the absence of obstacles and
obstructions, and access to public transport nodes such as bus
stops and railway stations. Further, the presence of appropri-
ately located parking spaces would add to connectivity. As
we see further on, specific technologies can be employed for
enhancing connectivity such as GIS, 3G/4G, bluetooth etc.
Conviviality is the extent to which walking is a pleasant
activity, in terms of interaction with people, the built and
natural environment, and other road users. Some conviviality
criteria include the absence of conflicts with other means
of transportation, absence of threats and assaults, absence of
rubbish, potholes, roots, and damaged surfaces, adequate street
furniture, benches, and other places to rest. Conviviality can
be facilitated by crowdsourcing, police database scanning and
machine learning of images to identify potential problem.
Conspicuity is the extent to which walking routes and public
spaces feel safe and inviting for pedestrians, in terms of clear
signing and information. Conspicuity criteria include light-
ing and visibility, delineation and legibility and traffic signs
for information and orientation. Here, the use of municipal
databases, Bluetooth beacons and signage images can grately
contribute to conspicuity.
Comfort refers to the extent to which walking is ac-
commodated to competences and abilities of all types of
pedestrians. Comfortable pedestrian networks include well
maintained footpaths of adequate widths, smooth pavement
surface with minimum obstacles. Comfort features include
attractive landscape design and architecture, and provision of
rest place opportunities, and absence of noise and fumes from
motor traffic. Sensor technologies such as lidar, infrared video,
accelerometers, and depth sense sensors can objectively assess
the pedestrian environment conditions for the level of comfort.
Convenience is the extent to which walking is possible
and able to compete with other modes of transport in terms
of efficiency such as time, money and space. A convenient
pedestrian network includes road crossing opportunities such
as location, type, and waiting time, walkable distances between
key destinations and directness, and absence of barriers in
terms of changing level (steps and slopes) and discomfort.
GIS mapping has great role for promoting convenience as well
as connectivity to databases of public transport modes to get
relevant travel information.
Further on we will provide an analysis of the main current
technologies, based on their potential to be used in an intelli-
gent system for pedestrian mobility. The analysis is carried
out with respect to the above five criteria of connectivity,
conspicuity, comfort, convenience and conviviality. Finally, we
provide a review of methodologies for assessesing pedestrian
footways toward a Pedestrian Mobility Index (PMI), to be
incorporated in what we call an Intelligent Pedestrian Mobility
System (IPMS).
A. Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are extremely im-
portant for the development of a smart mobility system for
pedestrians. GIS systems can store and retrieve a huge quantity
of information, which is associated with a specific area. In
the case of pedestrian mobility, there is a lot of data stored
electronically at various places, both free and commercial,
from public and private sources. This data should be acquired
and imported in a central GIS server, preferably on the cloud,
for convenience of querying at a later time. The data will
help generate a sophisticated map forming the foundation of
pedestrian navigation. It will also generate data needed for the
routing tasks.
The GIS Engine needs to collect data from multiple sources,
so individual interfaces are needed for each source of data
identified. The GIS data being collected and organized consist
of geographical data, available transport modes, etc. Crowd-
sourcing information from pedestrians themselves can keep
the GIS data up to date, especially for near realtime problem
situations. In order to encourage the users to create a commu-
nity that will embrace crowdsourcing, social media publicity is
needed. Also, the social media can be a source of information
on a variety of pedestrian issues, and so big data machine
learning is necessary to convert the social media chatter into
useful data. Facebook posts, Twitter messages, Instagram and
Flikr pictures are especially useful. The collected data should
be further processed in order to be homogenized, updated and
checked for their integrity before being used.
Further, freely available datasets should be considered. One
prominent example is OpenStreetMap datasets [12] that are
under the Open Data Commons Open Database License [13].
Furthermore, in order to incerase interoperability, metadata
preparation and acquisition should follow the INSPIRE EU
Directive [14].
GIS contributes to all five generic elements that a pedestrian
environment should possess. Particularly GIS contribute to
connectivity, whereby pedestrians will have full information
on possible walking routes and other public transport modes.
B. Electronic Sensor Systems
Secondary sources of data are useful, such as Open-
StreetMap datasets, however primary sources of data are
always definitely necessary. One way to acquire primary data
is to create the data using sensors. Sensors, although not
infallible, are more objective than people in describing a
situation, in the sense that they give measurements directly,
and if they are combined with a GPS system, they also specify
the geographic location of the measurements.
The most ubiquitous sensor device in the hands of pedestri-
ans is the smartphone. A smartphone has luminocity, sound,
video, photo, 3D orientation (x,y,z), position (GPS, gyro),
magnetic field (x,y,z), near field communication (NFC), blue-
tooth, WiFi, phone signal strength, acceleration (x,y,z), baro-
metric pressure and step counter sensors. An application
for crowdsourcing data on a smartphone is sine qua non
for pedestrians, since it combines this multitude of sensors
with GPS positioning of the measurements. Therefore, any
Intelligent Pedestrian Mobility System (IPMS) should make
use of a smartphone.
These smartphone sensors, however many, do not cover
the whole range of available sensors capable of helping with
pedestrian mobility. Depth sense, or 3D sense is missing from
the lot, with the exception of the Google Tango technology
[15], that is currently available only on a single smartphone
model, that is Lenovo Phab 2 Pro [16]. Depth sense is
vital in describing obstructions in their true size. It is also
possible to get some details from 2D pictures, through deep
learning (artificial intelligence) feature extraction and user
description. Lidar is also a plausible technology for evaluating
the condition of the pedestrian network. Lidar sends laser
beams which bounce off objects and based on the resulting
reflection it can measure the distance from a solid objects.
A low cost solution is a 256x64 lidar [17] that can map
with sufficient accuracy the available pavement width for a
pedestrian in conjunction with a gps/accelerometer/gyroscope.
We envision an IPMS that is able to obtain and store data
related to pavement topology and conditions. The proposed
system would monitor different aspects of pavement condi-
tions and pedestrian obstructions. Data related to physical
properties of concrete or other pavement material (stress,
strain, cracking, temperature and moisture) may be obtained
to assess its quality and response. In addition, estimates on
pavement layer thickness/width and longevity predictions are
to be obtained by the envisioned IPMS. Further, the system
could incorporate changes due to construction work.
Specially modified vehicles, which could take the form
of a wheelchair, push stroller, bicycle or municipal garbage
collector can be employed to house an extensive set of sensors.
These could include laser reflectometer, ultrasonic sensors,
accelerometers, global positioning system, gyroscope, video
and machine vision systems) and computers, along with other
highly advanced technology subsystems. The core idea is that
technologies such as wireless communication, data acquisition
and sensors will be integrated to monitor appropriate physical
properties of pavements and pedestrian movement in order to
assess its quality and derive an appropriate performance index.
C. Current Communication Technologies
Communication technology plays a major role in the de-
velopment of an Intelligent System for Pedestrian Mobility.
A review by Maimaris and Papageorgiou [18] reveals the
usufulness of several communication technologies for Intel-
ligent Transportation Systems (ITS) applications, adapted to
Intelligent Pedestrian Mobility Systems (IPMS) usefulness.
These include technologies such as Radio Frequency Iden-
tification (RFID), Bluetooth, Wifi, 2G/3G/4G/5G Cellular,
GPS/GLONASS/Galileo/Baidou Positioning, ZigBee, and In-
strumentation, Scientific Medical Radio Frequencies (ISM–
RF). The comunication technologies are depicted in table I
and described as follows:
RFID utilizes pedestrian to infrastructure communication
[19]. RFID tags in signage can provide pedestrians with local
information if read by their smartphones and subsequently
retrieve the information from the Internet. Also, if pedestrians
carry an RFID tag themselves, an automatic counter can
assess pedestrian density, direction of movement and speed.
This, however raises privacy issues, as the RFID tag can be
associated with a particular person.
Bluetooth [20] can be used to collect the MAC address of
mobile devices passing by, which is very useful in building
origin–destination matrices and measuring pedestrian density.
Also, bluetooth beacons provide local information and ad-
vertising material, even without an Internet connection. This
is helpful in remote areas and areas with no free Internet.
Bluetooth is also the main communication method for various
sensors to a smartphone e.g. health tracking bracelets.
Wifi is a useful communication technology in achieving
Internet connectivity for pedestrians. It is capable of duplex
communication and natively supports TCP/IP. It is well under-
stood, and models exist for all the key network simulators such
as OPNET [21], NS–2 [22], NS–3 [23], and OMNET++ [24]
for research purposes. The last three are open source and can
and are hacked to provide any features missing from build–in
implementations. In real experiments, the equipment is cheap
and readily available to buy. Wifi is used for information
dissemination, location–based services, and the Internet.
2G [25], 3G [26], 4G [27] and the upcoming 5G [28] mobile
communication is very useful to obtain location based services
e.g. interactive maps and Internet (on-line connectivity). Also,
the Internet unleashes the power of artificial intelligence and
machine learning through sending sensor information and
receiving interpreted results e.g automatic translation of signs
when taking a picture. It also provides a channel to feed
sensor information to the proposed IPMS to build up an almost
realtime pedestrian network condition service.
GPS [29] (USA), GLONASS [30] (Russia), Galileo [31]
(EU) and BeiDou (China) [32] are also extensively used in
smartphones which are the prime devices the proposed IPMS
pedestrian service. GPS technology is extremely useful in
deriving accurate location information. Pedestrian navigation
Technology Type Distance RF Spectrum Main Use
RFID simplex 10m 135kHz, 13.56MHz, 433MHz,
860-960MHz, 2.45GHz, 5.8GHz
Identify location / pedestrian counting
signage details through Internet
Bluetooth simplex 10m / 100m 2.4-2.45Ghz
Collect MAC address of mobile phone for
pedestrian OD detection, flow density calculation /
location information beacon works without Internet
connect to health tracking devices
WiFi duplex 50m 2.4GHz, 5.8GHz information dissemination / location based services / Internet
2G/3G/4G/5G duplex Global 850MHz, 900MHz, 2100MHz Location based services, Internet
Galileo/BeiDou simplex Global 1.57542 GHz / 1.2276 GHz Location based services
ZigBee duplex 20m 2.4GHz Internet of Things (IoT) devices / consumer devices
ISM RF duplex 20m–2km 868MHz, 915MHz, 2.4GHz Internet of Things (IoT) devices / consumer devices
without global positioning is almost impossible. Also, the
recording of other sensor information, such as pictures or
video of a pedestrian obstruction, cannot establish proper
context without accurate position information. Further, other
location–based services are unavailable without it, for example
local tourist historical sights.
The ZigBee protocol [33] is widely used in wireless sensor
networks (WSN) and is part of the Internet of Things (IoT)
revolution of today. The high availability and low cost have
resulted in good simulation models in most simulators. How-
ever, the use of device-packed 2.4GHz frequency means that
communication is easily broken. In contrast to RFID, it is a
full duplex communication protocol, allowing complex device
construction and simulation. The small antenna and low power
consumption are prime characteristics for portable consumer
devices, likely to be carried by a pedestrian.
ISM RF [34] is license free, simple, wireless communica-
tion, part of the Internet of Things (IoT) revolution of today,
that can reach from 20m to 2Km (unsafe power levels for use
on a person) depending on antenna and RF power available,
for custom products. There is no fixed protocol, so consumer
product companies and researchers can use any wireless pro-
tocol they wish for devices using these radio frequencies. It
is hard, though, to mix and match components from different
manufacturers since there is no common protocol. The ISM
spectrum consists of many different frequencies e.g. 868MHz,
915MHz, 2.4GHz. The difficulty exists in developing cross-
Atlantic technologies since the FCC and the European Union
decided on different frequencies to be available in their re-
spective regions.
D. Toward a Pedestrian Mobility Index (PMI)
During the last decades a variety of methodologies have
been developed in order to assess the Level of Service (LoS)
of pedestrian footways. Some of the methodologies developed
include the Multi Modal Level of Service (MMLOS) Model
Methodology of the 2010 Highway Capacity Manual (HCM)
[35] and the Pedestrian Performance Measures (PPM) Model
Methodology [36].
The scope of the above methodologies is to assess the
performance of pedestrian footways. In order to assess the
LoS of pedestrian footways, inspection and assessment of the
conditions of the pedestrian environment is required. After a
set of calculations, the LoS index can be provided for each
These LoS methodologies for pedestrian footways have
been based on the LoS methodologies for vehicle oriented
infrastructure and take into account a large number of param-
eters. An indicative list of the major parameters include: Lane
(pedestrian and cycle) widths; Shoulder widths and buffers;
Speed of traffic at the outside lane; Crossing characteristics
(lengths, delays etc); Pedestrian demand and Traffic demand.
A numerical value needs to be assigned to each parameter,
in order to estimate the LoS of the pedestrian footway.
Apart from the LoS methodologies described above, walk-
ability audits [37] are also used to assess pedestrian acces-
sibility which offers an overall assessment of the pedestrian
environment. A number of these audit methodologies have
been developed in many countries and generally involve the
development of a checklist, for pedestrian accessibility assess-
ment. The audit, includes information on geometric charac-
teristics (minimum width, longitudinal gradient, etc), but also
emphasizes on qualitative parameters such as opportunities for
shading and street furniture.
Walkability Audit methodologies include parameters such as
signage, distinct pathways, crossings, street furniture, personal
safety, adjacent traffic and aesthetics. The final aim is to
propose measures that would encourage pedestrian mobility.
The envisioned IPMS would produce an assessment index
for pedestrian footways. The needs of impaired and mobility
restricted users would be taken into account in the devel-
opment of the index. This new methodology of accessibility
assessment will be based on existing LoS and Audit method-
ologies and their implementation.
The reason for not using an existing methodology is that the
aim of the envisioned IPMS differs from the general scope of
LoS and Audit methodologies. The aim is to assess efficiently
and cost effectively, large areas of the pedestrian infrastructure,
using the absolutely necessary parameters. The index score for
every footway, should be incorporated with GIS technologies
to create a map of the area to assist users on the planning of
their journey.
As we have seen in the review section above, current
technologies provide tremendous opportunities for increasing
connectivity, conspicuity, comfort, convenience, and convivi-
ality for high quality of service in urban pedestrian networks.
In this section, we examine the potential challenges and
provide specific recommendations for developing what we call
Intelligent Pedestrian Mobility Systems (IPMS).
Based on the anticipated use and functionality of the
envisioned IPMS, a number of general technological chal-
lenges can be forseen. These include the following: different
interfaces to internal and external data sources; worldwide
functionality; invalid, inaccurate data; sensor failure; loss of
data; security issues, such as intentionally invalid data.
Therefore, caution should be taken on the choice and im-
plementation of technology to be used. Obviously, an effective
design of IPMS should mitigate the above potential risks.
Based on current technologies and our experience on infor-
mation systems development, please find below some general
recommendations for effectively developing IPMS. The re-
viewed communication technologies in section II-C can easily
be incorporated in IPMS, which will result in increased safety
and comfort for the pedestrian through provision of local
information. IPMS should be designed as a multi–platform
application so that any implementation problems related to
smartphone operating systems and network providers will be
easier to handle. During development, effective coordination is
nessesary for tackling any plausible risk areas that might arise,
and institute an effective control system for further monitoring,
problem identification and proactive corrective action. IPMS
should provide its users suggestions for safe and comfortable
mobility via their smartphone and should primarily be serving
the needs of disabled people, people using push chairs and
people with special needs. Further, should serve as an as-
sessment tool for municipalities and local authorities, Public
Works Departments, and Transport Planning Authorities on
benchmarking their pedestrian pavement network infrastruc-
ture. Also, IPMS should be designed to manage and deliver all
the information the pedestrian needs to perform not only a trip
on foot as well as incorporate multi–modal mobility options.
IPMS development should be based on sound management and
engineering principles. The estimated costs and benefits from
the IPMS development should continuously be assessed and
a clear identification of the representative user groups should
be carried out, such as pedestrians, pedestrians with special
needs, tourists, children, municipalities, local authorities.
Further, several methods could be incorporated in the de-
velopment process of IPMS, including user surveys, focus
groups, interviews and workshops. The identified users, user
groups and organizations should be sorted in several categories
and an appropriate method of requirements gathering should
be applied. User surveys could be carried out through online
Finally, IPMS should be developed as a computerized
assessment platform for evaluating the pedestrian environment
of urban areas. This will be achieved by an automated process
of collecting data about the pedestrian environmental and
physical conditions through an electronic sensor system. The
collected data will then be integrated with existing geo-
graphical information systems (GIS) data. Through the IPMS
platform, municipalities and other local authorities will be
able to efficiently and accurately assess the current pedestrian
environment of their area, and provide useful information to
their residents or visitors through a software application, which
could be installed at kiosks or mobile smartphones.
In summary, IPMS should provide the following function-
ality: Incorporate a pedestrian mobility index (PMI); Sug-
gest optimal walk routes taking into consideration safety,
distance, and comfort; Provide information on the existence
of ramps for disabled people, traffic light or other types
of pedestrian crossings; Collect route data from users; In-
corporate a pedestrian environment Data Inventory; Include
a dashboard, which will allow the municipalities to select
and/ or establish individual elements of assessment; Build
a pedestrian environment database where municipalities can
upload their data concerning the conditions of the pedestrian
environment; Include an ’individual walk engine’ which based
on the Pedestrian mobility index for each individual walk will
produce a number of optimal alternatives.
This paper reviewed current technologies on their capability
to be used in developing what we call Intelligent Pedestrian
Mobility Systems (IPMS). The review was carried out based
on specific criteria for conditions of the pedestrian environ-
ment such as connectivity, conspicuity, comfort, convenience,
and conviviality. As a result, recommendations are derived for
developing IPMS.
The envisioned IPMS would take the form of a smartphone
software application with a server component. IPMS repre-
sents an entirely new way of thinking in the area of smart
cities enabling municipalities and local authorities to focus on
sustainable urban development. In this way, citizens will get:
safe, comfortable mobility with minimal carbon footprint.
IPMS would complement current ITS by focusing on
pedestrians, giving them information that would improve their
quality of life, or could even save them from a potential threat
of a road accident. Further, IPMS would promote walking
rather than driving, leading to great advantages for reducing
the carbon footprint, reducing obesity, increasing the quality
of life of citizens all over the world.
The authors are currently working on a European project
for developing an IPMS. The project, named Smart Pedes-
trian Network (SPN) aims at guiding
urban and transportation policies by providing a model to
help European cities to be people–oriented by improving
walkability as this is one of the important dimensions of smart
sustainable and inclusive cities.
The research presented in this paper is co-funded by the
Republic of Cyprus and the European Regional Development
Fund as part of ERA–NET Cofund Smart Urban Futures
(ENSUF) Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) Urban Europe,
though the Research Promotion Foundation, protocol no.
KOINA/ΠKΠURBAN EUROPE/1215/11. This framework is
supported by the European Commission and funded under the
HORIZON 2020 ERA–NET Cofund scheme.
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... Advancements in Computer Science and Information and Communication Technology (ICT), present a great opportunity for promoting active mobility urban development strategies. Despite the opportunity it should be noted that in recent years ICT applications were mainly used to facilitate motorized vehicles by optimizing traffic flows via Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) techniques [16]. Unfortunately, this situation promotes vehicle traffic, which creates more air pollution with negative effects on human health and negative consequences for the natural environment. ...
... We can calculate the income of SPN from healthcare cost savings per step for every year as follows: HealthcareIncome = 0.25*0.30*HealthcareCost (16) Further, support from municipalities and governments will also provide additional sources of income for SPN. As already seen, the cost savings of such an application can be significant. ...
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Information and Communication Technology (ICT), and recent advancements in Computer Science can serve as a catalyst for promoting sustainable means of transport. Through ICT applications, active mobility can be promoted and established as a viable transport mode. This can be achieved by providing relevant information for fostering social capital and promoting physical activity, thus contributing to a higher quality of life. Further, active mobility can greatly contribute to reducing air pollution and improving health status. For this purpose, the implementation of a Smart Pedestrian Network (SPN) information system is proposed. Such an implementation requires the collaboration of various stakeholders including the public, local authorities and local businesses. To convince stake-holders of the viability of implementing SPN, the benefits of active mobility should be clear. This paper proposes a framework to quantify active mobility benefits so that stake-holders can assess the investment that can be realized from implementing SPN. The proposed framework makes use of quantifying benefits in various market conditions. The benefits are shown to be significant and very much in favor of investing in technology and implementing the envisioned SPN system.
... The Internet of Things (IoT) concept and its applications in city administrations how promise in this regard [2] [8]. Data collecting has grown to be a major concern as digitization has per-edited daily life [9]. A broad, mobile, networked infrastructure is necessary for every smart city program to collect data. ...
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For effective crowd mobility, smart cities must have smart transportation. Smart cities need a transportation system that is intelligent, simple, and effective. Here is a creative idea for modernizing the current public transit system. Hardware modules based on the Internet of Things (IoT) that are required for implementation are discussed in this work. Traffic circumstances and extra elements have been added to Dijkstra’s shortest path method. The proposed algorithm has been tested in a number of circumstances, and the outcomes have been displayed accordingly. At a cheaper cost, the suggested solution can upgrade the current infrastructure. With various request counts, the algorithm performs well.
... [6]. To ensure the successful development of innovative products, the Smart Pedestrian Network (SPN) System must be implemented using a variety of data sources [11]. ...
SPN is an important aspect of smart and sustainable mobility in cities that promote walkability (SPN) walking is becoming an important component of transportation and urban policies to achieve more sustainable development. Riyadh's rapid urban expansion and population growth have increased pedestrian accidents and damaged people's daily walking conditions during the last four decades. As a result, implementing the Smart Pedestrian Network has the potential to significantly increase walkability and create more sustainable urban spaces. The research technique is deductive, with modern technology playing a significant part in introducing new ways to pedestrian path planning and design, ultimately improving this form of transportation in Riyadh. The current paper concluded with proposed guidelines for strategic implementation using the Smart Pedestrian Network system and a conceptual framework for smart pedestrian networks, both of which could add value to exploring the pedestrian network in more advanced ways in Riyadh. The application of a smart network for pedestrians resulted in increased walkability and satisfaction with walking in Riyadh city, according to the findings © The Author 2022. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License ( that allows others to share and adapt the material for any purpose (even commercially), in any medium with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal
... Other methods, including machine learning (including clustering approaches) and identifying patterns in energy consumption, have been used to assist energy management systems in understanding the variation in household routines [47][48][49][50]. Additionally, other research has highlighted the potential of education and changing individuals' attitudes and mindsets to achieve energy savings [51,52]. However, achieving long-term behavioural changes is difficult, with many individuals reverting to their previous behaviours [32]. ...
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Human behaviour is a major driver and determinant of household energy consumption, with routines and practices shaping daily energy profiles. These routines and practices are made up of individual lifestyles and other contextual factors that vary from home to home. Social and psychological theories aim to explain and describe how people consume resources in the home, which has resulted in the development of the home system of practice. This evaluates how occupants live and follow multiple routines which result in varying energy consumption practices. This paper develops a methodology to identify and support the concept of the home system of practice using a data analytical approach and link it to residential energy and distribution network management. This paper utilises k-means cluster analysis to identify these different home systems of practices and routines in energy use by using real-time energy consumption data from July 2019 to March 2021 from a living laboratory in Australia. The results of the analysis show the different daily energy profiles for each of the 39 households, with some homes observing large fluctuations and changes in the way they consume energy during the day. Specific homes were discussed as case studies in this paper focusing on linking the occupants’ contextual factors to their energy profiles. This variation is discussed in terms of the routines of the occupants and associated lifestyles that explain why some energy peaks occurred at different parts of the day and differed during the COVID-19 lockdown period in Australia. The paper conducts a comparison between these case studies to show how people’s lifestyles impact household energy consumption (and variation). These case studies investigated the heating and cooling practices of the occupants to demonstrate how they impact overall consumption. This variation is discussed in relation to energy management and prediction of when homes will consume energy to assist in net-zero energy developments and grid stabilisation operations.
... In the current transport model used in our cities, we see that we heavily rely on vehicle use and current Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) solutions mainly support mo-torised vehicles [10]. Sustainable urban transport policies can be enhanced with the use of ICT to substitute vehicle use with active means of transport. ...
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This paper presents a strategic approach for implementing a Smart Pedestrian Network (SPN) navigation System that is geared towards promoting sustainable mobility. The SPN system is being designed to reach multiple market segments by providing information on suitable walking routes aiming to satisfy potential users’ needs, but also multiple stakeholder demands. The paper presents the main objectives of the SPN system as well as its system structure, application features, functions, and relevant data sources. The proposed strategic implementation framework deems necessary for scaling up so that the SPN system is successfully implemented in a variety of urban conditions. The framework emphasizes the element of adaptability, so that SPN can be adjusted where and when necessary, to deal with a variety of contexts and specific sustainable mobility issues, depending on the particular municipality conditions. The proposed framework combines elements of both the waterfall and agile software development methods, as well as, aspects of Open Innovation, Customer Involvement and Co-Creation taking a multiple stakeholder approach.
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Walking is considered as one of the major modes of active transportation, which contributes to the livability of cities. It is highly important to ensure walk friendly sidewalks to promote human physical activities along roads. Over the last two decades, different walk scores were estimated in respect to walkability measures by applying different methods and approaches. However, in the era of big data and machine learning revolution, there is still a gap to measure the composite walkability score in an automated way by applying and quantifying the activityfriendliness of walkable streets. In this study, a street-level automated walkability score was estimated by detailing the methodology of automatic data collection procedure through applying computer vision and artificial intelligence. The first part of the study explores the trend of walkability measures over the past two decades by considering a comprehensive literature review. The outcome shows that there are needs for tools automatically collecting walkability data by taking advantage of recent advancement in machine learning and image processing technologies. The second part of the study identifies the existing major variables related to walkability and walk-score measures. Two objective approaches, word frequency and correspondence analysis, and one subjective approach, an analytical hierarchical process was applied to identify the potential walkability variables. The third part of the study investigates the new attributes related to walkability measures by assessing the relationship between human walking activities and surrounding visual environmental attributes along the foot-walk. Statistical analysis results showed positive correlation between human walking activities and visual environmental attributes, such as surrounding building enclosure, streetlight/pole, traffic sign and billboard, street greenery, and the enclosure of the sky view factor. The fourth part of the study evaluates the pedestrian walking experience along segments mixed with pedestrians, bicyclists and e-scooter users. Higher rating and positive walking experiences were observed along the sidewalk enabled with buffer, in addition to other walkability attributes, such as high greenery, low building density, and low bike/e-scooter density. The final part of the study combines the existing and new walkability attributes, and employs the street-level automated walk score for the city of Kalamazoo and Arlington. Semantic segmentation technique based on convolutional neural network (CNN) algorithm, along with spatial analysis was performed to automatically the walkability attributes from the Google street view images and Geographic Information System (GIS) shapefiles. Both Kalamazoo and Arlington city showed positive relationship between the computed walk score and the walking activities along the sidewalks. It was evident from the result; the computed walk score shows higher correlation to smart city indices (i.e., Health Index, Property Value, Bike and Transit score, etc.) in comparison to existing Walk Score® for both study areas This study presents a novel methodology to measure and develop an automated street-level walkability score; which could be readily replicable and significantly reduce the labor cost, effort, and time in comparison to other traditional walkability measures.
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The recent advancements in electronics and computer networks, as well as the clear need for interoperability and connectivity makes communication technologies and algorithms crucial for the success of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) applications. This survey paper provides a classification of communication technologies concerning their use in ITS and an assessment of their effectiveness. As a result, opportunities, gaps, and issues are identified in ITS and their associated Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs). Even though several communication technology types are extensively used in ITS, there are challenges and issues regarding their operational effectiveness and reliability, which are thoroughly discussed in this paper. These challenges include the distance factor, bandwidth and medium access control, time/emergency situation, routing protocols, security, and privacy. In conclusion, this paper provides suggestions for improvement and directions for successfully utilizing communication technology in the area of ITS.
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The Chinese BeiDou navigation satellite system (BDS) aims to provide global positioning service by 2020. The combined use of BDS and Global Positioning System (GPS) is proposed to provide navigation service with more stringent requirements. Actual satellite data, signals and measurements were collected for more than one month to analyze the positioning service qualities from both BDS and GPS. In addition to the conversions of coordinate and timing system, five data quality analysis (DQA) methods, three signal quality analysis (SQA) methods, and four measurement quality analysis (MQA) methods are proposed in this paper to improve the integrated positioning performance of BDS and GPS. As shown in the experiment results, issues related to BDS and GPS are resolved by the above proposed quality analysis methods. Thus, the anomalies in satellite data, signals and measurements can be detected by following the suggested resolutions to enhance the positioning performance of the combined use of BDS and GPS in the Asia Pacific region.
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The objective of this paper is to present the process of developing a traffic simulation model for evaluating a number of Bus Rapid Transit system components in a highly congested traffic network in Nicosia, Cyprus. The scenarios to be evaluated include the use of dedicated bus lanes and high occupancy vehicle lanes. The assessment is carried out via validated microscopic simulation models of the traffic network under study. As seen from the analysis of the results, a viable long term solution to enhancing the bus transport mode is drawn where significant improvements are achieved regarding a number of measures of effectiveness, such as travel time, delays and speed.
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Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (vanet) are a special kind of Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (manet) adapted to the communications between vehicles. Several specific protocols to vanets have been developed to improve performances and satisfy vehicular application needs. To evaluate a protocol for vanet, some realistic mobility models are needed. Unfortunately, such models are not provided by Opnet Modeler. In this work, we propose a framework that enhances Opnet Modeler simulation scenario using realistic vehicular mobility models. This framework makes use of the open source software called “Simulation of Urban MObility" (sumo) and the “input trajectory files" feature of Opnet Modeler.
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Device-to-device (D2D) is increasingly becoming a prominent technology within the 5G story, portrayed as a means of offloading traffic from the core network. The ever increasing demand for vehicular traffic consumption is providing the impetus for a new architectural design that can harness the benefits of D2D for vehicular users, taking a step toward offloading vehicular traffic from the core network. We propose the notion of extending D2D for vehicular scenarios with the potential to coordinate vehicular traffic using the LTE band. Furthermore, we then extend this approach by investigating cognitive radio in synergy with a geo-location database, to exploit white spaces as a means of further offloading vehicular users. Our simulation results have shown that our approach can outperform the legacy IEEE 802.11p in terms of delay.
Shaping Neighbourhoods is unique in combining all aspects of the spatial planning of neighbourhoods and towns whilst emphasising positive outcomes for people’s health and global sustainability. This new edition retains the combination of radicalism, evidence-based advice and pragmatism that made earlier editions so popular. This updated edition strengthens guidance in relation to climate change and biodiversity, tackling crises of population health that are pushing up health-care budgets, but have elements of their origins in poor place spatial planning – such as isolation, lack of everyday physical activity, and respiratory problems. It is underpinned by new research into how people use their localities, and the best way to achieve inclusive, healthy, low-carbon settlements. The guide can assist with: • Understanding the principles for planning healthy and sustainable neighbourhoods and towns • Planning collaborative and inclusive processes for multi-sectoral working • Developing know-how and skills in matching local need with urban form • Discovering new ways to integrate development with natural systems • Designing places with character and recognising good urban form Whether you are a student faced with a local planning project; a public health professional, planner, urban designer or developer involved in new development or regeneration; a council concerned with promoting healthy and sustainable environments; or a community group wanting to improve your neighbourhood – you will find help here.
The Paris Agreement contains an ambition to limit global warming to no more than 1.5 [deg]C above pre-industrial levels, changing the context for policy-relevant research and extending a challenge to the IPCC and researchers.
Persuasive technologies are suitable for encouraging green transportation behaviour towards CO2 emissions reduction. For example, such technologies can guide and support users in finding trips that cause low emissions and in the long term change their behaviour and habits towards more sustainable transport decisions. In this paper, we focus on persuasive strategies supported by a choice architecture approach and incorporated in a smartphone application, aiming at providing urban travellers with a solution that will influence them to consider the environmental friendliness of travel modes while planning a route. We focus specifically on the persuasive strategies of Reduction, Tailoring, Tunnelling, Cause-and-Effect Simulation and Suggestion. The choice architecture approach leverages routing options and results of a commercial routing engine in order to provide proper default options as well as filter and structure the results according to user preferences and contexts while emphasizing environmentally friendly routes. Our approach is integrated in a route-planning assistant for everyday use that is implemented for Android mobile phones and follows a client– server architecture. An evaluation with 24 participants using the system for 8 weeks showed good acceptance of our approach, increased environmental impact awareness, and qualitative comments also conveyed instances of behavioural change.