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8 Pillars X 8 Layers Model of Metacognition Educational Strategies, Exercises &Trainings


Abstract and Figures

Metacognition is one of the foremost cardinal factors of achievement in the 21st century. Despite extensive research, there is still the need to build a unique model based on multidisciplinary research illuminating questions as regards the real nature of metacognition and the methods to develop metacognitive abilities. The current study presents a new layered model of metacognition based on well-established theories derived from cognitive science, psychology, physical and computer sciences, environmental and other sciences, even from philosophy. We describe in detail the cognitive and metacognitive processes involved at each layer, while particular emphasis is placed on the relation between the control processes as well as the special role of attention. According to our model, each layer of metacognition describes a higher-order control system which operates under the rule of a series of attention processes at an ever more refined, abstract and united level. The same applies to the cognitive processes and abilities such as attention , memory, perception, pattern recognition. At each higher level, they display more advanced attributes and functions responding to the necessity of creating more abstract mental representations and upper class motivations, thoughts and emotions. In addition, we recommend a number of strategies that support the metacognitive development at each level of the hierarchy. The multi-layered model of metacognition targets at enriching our understanding of how metacogni-tion evolves and it has the potential to guide the development of more effective strategies in educational system. 1 Introduction Many researchers have attempted to develop theories and models of metacognition. Flavell [1] recognized that metacognition consisted of both monitoring and regulating aspects. He proposed a model of metacognitive monitoring which includes the following components: metacognitive knowledge, metacognitive experiences, tasks or goals and strategies.
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Paper8 Pillars X 8 Layers Model of Metacognition: Educational Strategies, Exercises &Trainings
8 Pillars X 8 Layers Model of Metacognition
Educational Strategies, Exercises &Trainings
Athanasios Drigas 1 (), Eleni Mitsea 1,2
1 Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications, N.C.S.R. ‘Demokritos’, Athens, Greece
2 University of the Aegean, Information and Communication Systems Engineering, Samos, Greece
AbstractMetacognition is one of the foremost cardinal factors of achieve-
ment in the 21st century. Despite extensive research, there is still the need to build
a unique model based on multidisciplinary research illuminating questions as re-
gards the real nature of metacognition and the methods to develop metacognitive
abilities. The current study presents a new layered model of metacognition based
on well-established theories derived from cognitive science, psychology, physical
and computer sciences, environmental and other sciences, even from philosophy.
We describe in detail the cognitive and metacognitive processes involved at each
layer, while particular emphasis is placed on the relation between the control pro-
cesses as well as the special role of attention. According to our model, each layer
of metacognition describes a higher-order control system which operates under
the rule of a series of attention processes at an ever more refined, abstract and
united level. The same applies to the cognitive processes and abilities such as at-
tention, memory, perception, pattern recognition. At each higher level, they dis-
play more advanced attributes and functions responding to the necessity of creat-
ing more abstract mental representations and upper class motivations, thoughts
and emotions. In addition, we recommend a number of strategies that support the
metacognitive development at each level of the hierarchy. The multi-layered
model of metacognition targets at enriching our understanding of how metacogni-
tion evolves and it has the potential to guide the development of more effective
strategies in educational system.
Keywordslayers of metacognition, intelligence, consciousness, executive
functions, meta-attention, meta-memory, meta-motivations, information pro-
cessing, control systems, intervention strategies and techniques
1 Introduction
Many researchers have attempted to develop theories and models of metacognition.
Flavell [1] recognized that metacognition consisted of both monitoring and regulating
aspects. He proposed a model of metacognitive monitoring which includes the follow-
ing components: metacognitive knowledge, metacognitive experiences, tasks or goals
and strategies.
iJOE Vol. 17, No. 08, 2021
Paper8 Pillars X 8 Layers Model of Metacognition: Educational Strategies, Exercises &Trainings
Norman et al. [2] underlined the primary role of attention in the control processes.
They proposed an executive function model comprising two levels of control: a su-
pervisory attentional mechanism monitoring and manipulating automatic processes
and a contention scheduling mechanism selecting among competing schemas.
Brown [3] presented a metacognitive model based on two components: knowledge
and regulation of cognition. Knowledge of cognition depicts the conscious reflection
on ones cognitive abilities and the regulation of cognition relates to the self-
regulatory mechanisms during the ongoing attempt to learn.
Nelson and Narens [4-5] suggested an alternative model of metacognition consist-
ing of two interrelated levels called the object level and the meta-level. There are two
dominant relations between the levels known as “monitoring” and “controlling”. Met-
acognitive monitoring is a flow of information from the object level to the meta-level
whereas metacognitive control is depicted as a flow of information from the meta-
level to the object level.
Shimamura [6] developed the dynamic filtering theory, the neurocognitive coun-
terpart of Nelson and Naren’s model [4-5]. The dynamic filtering theory proposes that
the prefrontal cortex acts as a filtering mechanism that controls information pro-
Drigas et al. [7] presented an integrative model of human knowledge, intelligence
and consciousness. According to the aforementioned model, intelligence is not re-
garded as a static or one-dimensional concept. On the contrary, it could be represented
with a dynamic and multi-layered structure dependent on metacognitive procedures.
The Knowledge-Intelligence-Consciousness model is the uniformity with the ISO’s
Open Systems Interconnection Model, a conceptual framework describing the func-
tions of a networking system through a universal set of rules [8].
Recognizing the fundamental role of metacognition in human intelligence, Drigas
et al. determined the core components of metacognition [9]:
1. Deep theoretical knowledge about human cognition and metacognition
2. Self-evaluation of the factors that either facilitate or inhibit the metacognitive de-
3. Self-observation of the cognitive and psycho/physiological mechanisms
4. Self-regulation of any dysfunction that is observed
5. Adapting one’s own cognition in response to changing circumstances
6. Recognition of the totality that exists beyond the phenomena
7. Discrimination as a form of wise judging
8. Mnemosyne (which means memory in Greek) represents the internalized
knowledge that awakens and drives human towards independence and the fulfill-
ment of each one’s potential.
Although there has been growing interest in the research of metacognition, we still
lacking a solid theoretical grounding. In the present paper, we present the 8 layers X 8
pillars model of metacognition and propose relevant educational strategies.
Paper8 Pillars X 8 Layers Model of Metacognition: Educational Strategies, Exercises &Trainings
2 The 8 layers of 8 pillars of metacognition
2.1 The layer of stimuli Training the observer to pay attention and keep all
channels of sensory influx available and in readiness
Understanding sensory processing system. The sensory system, the gateway to
human intelligence, provides constant access and processability to the sensory stimuli
[10] through a fundamental set of processes involved in transforming external and
internal sensory events into both temporary and long-lasting neural representations
[11]. Sensory awareness does not involve only the five senses, but it includes: the
exteroception (awareness of the external world), the interoception (awareness of the
inner world), and the proprioception (the awareness of motion) [10,12]. Sensory sig-
nals enter the perceptual and cognitive processing systems via encoding, a top down
process which converts stimuli into representations and it is based mainly on spatial
attention and visualization [13]
Self-evaluating the facilitators as well as the inhibitors of sensory processing.
Neurological disorders, sensory impairment, age, fatigue, stress play a crucial role in
sensory processing [14]. Attentional processes influence either positively or negative-
ly. Specifically, too much stimuli reduce attentional resources and slow down the
sensory processing. On the contrary selective and sustained attention accelerate pro-
cessing [15]. In addition, distraction, limited inhibition control slows down sensory
encoding whereas visual-spatial processes enhance the quality and the speed of en-
coding [11]. Iconic memory, a basic type of sensory memory, although it has a large
capacity, its duration is very limited. If the control procedures are not mediated, the
information will not pass to the short-term memory as well as the visuo-spatial
sketchpad, which is of great importance in learning [16-17]. Any delay reduces accu-
racy and inevitably leads to information loss [17]. Expectations and goals of the ob-
servers can determine whether a stimulus will capture the observer’s attention [13].
Emerging the observer of the external and internal environment. Attention al-
lows the observer to detect stimuli [15]. Observation of the sensations requires alert-
ness, vigilance so as to free the mind of extraneous thoughts and ruminations and
keep all channels of sensory influx available and in readiness to receive and process
the sensory input in accordance with the task or the goals to be achieved [18]. Any
lack of self-observation leads to behaviors that betray hyper-responsiveness or hypo-
responsiveness [12].
Regulating the physiological and sensory processes. People manage the cogni-
tive processes that take part in detecting, filtering, inhibiting, registering, processing,
responding and modulating sensory signals. Sensory processing disorder, autism,
depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, obsessive compulsive disorder, eating disorders
are but a small sample of the disorders which fail to self-regulate the aforementioned
processes [12].
Adapting sensory processes. People should be able to self-observe, to self-
regulate, to shift attention from automatic to controlled forms of sensory processing,
to regulate fight-or-flight reactions, in other words to be flexible and adaptable so as
to achieve their goals [11-12,19].
iJOE Vol. 17, No. 08, 2021
Paper8 Pillars X 8 Layers Model of Metacognition: Educational Strategies, Exercises &Trainings
Recognizing the stimuli, the different sensory features as well as the changes
in the visual field. Agents are bombarded by stimuli, not all of which are discernable
and hence not all registered as data [20]. Individuals should use strategies, during this
pattern recognition stage, for matching information in the sensory registers against the
long-term store in order to identify the sensory features [17]. Dyslexia is characterized
by a deficit in visuospatial attention which enables people to shed the spotlight of
attention and recognize the objects [21].
Discerning between competing or similar stimuli. Attentional control plays a
key role in sensory discrimination the ability to make fine tuned perceptual judg-
ments about visual, auditory and other sensory stimuli [22]. Specifically, filtering
irrelevant stimuli and selecting between competing stimuli are the brain’s way of
controlling sensory input so as to take adaptive decisions [15, 17]. Attention allows
one to identify the differences between similar stimuli [15].
Recollecting sensory information. Sensory memory requires recollection of how
a stimulus looks, feels, sounds, etc. [23].
Useful strategies: Stimulating senses so as to enhance the ability to keep a balance
between alertness and agitation. Choosing sensory stimulation interventions such as
music, light therapy, animal-assisted therapy, acupressure, reflexology, massage and
aromatherapy [24]. Mindfulness practices play a key role in filtering input to primary
sensory neocortex and organizing the flow of sensory information in the brain [25].
Exposure to nature decreases glucose, mental fatigue and restores attention. Integra-
tive body-mind training reduces stress hormones, lower anxiety and improves atten-
tion [26]. Training attention and observation of external reality, objects, and situations
via all senses simultaneously, allowing the sensory memories contents to become data
by the procedure of observation [25-26].
2.2 The Layer of Data Training the un-reflected observer to recognize the
objects, the patterns as well as the traces in memory
Understanding data processing. Sensory input consists of a series of raw and dis-
connected observations [27], indeed meaningless at first glance. Nevertheless, data is
not sterile but carries encrypted information [20].
Self-evaluating the factors that affect data processing. Information in short-term
memory is decaying at a rapid rate. Rehearsal increases the amount of time the infor-
mation remains in short-term memory and gives coding and other storage processes
time to operate [17].
Emerging the unreflected observer while noticing the processes of data syn-
thesis. Self-observation keeps the representations active, accessible and processable.
Because a large amount of stimuli enters the sensory register very quickly and then
decays, the subjects should develop observing strategies in an attempt to transfer the
selected portion of stimuli into the short-term memory [17].
Self-regulating the processes involved in data processing. Subjects regulate via
decisions the control processes involved in coding and transit between short- and
long-term memory. Regulation processes allow short-term memory to receive data
Paper8 Pillars X 8 Layers Model of Metacognition: Educational Strategies, Exercises &Trainings
from sensory registers as well as from long-term memory. In addition, it enables
short-term memory to transfer data to long-term memory [17].
Adaptation to the competing demands. The individual flexibly should divert
his/her effort between rehearsal and various coding operations in order to strengthen
the stored information and protect it from interference [17].
Recognizing the objects, the patterns as well as the traces in memory. Recogni-
tion relates to identifying patterns previously stored in the long-term memory [28].
Since long-term memory is extremely large, people should develop search strategies
to identify the appropriate traces in memory [17].
Discerning between data. The input of new items causes an existing one in the
buffer to be bumped out, excluding those in some way connected to the long-term
memory. The subject decides via attention and other control strategies which items to
select and keep active so as to maximize his/her performance [17].
Recollecting data from the long-term memory. Short term memory (STM) receives
input both from sensory registers and long-term memory in an attempt to maximize per-
formance. A sensory item cannot be entered into STM until a long term search and match
identifies the equivalent image. Familiarity accelerates the search and the match process.
In addition to familiarity, strong pre-existing associations already in long-term memory
contribute to successful search, detection and retrieval of data. [17].
Useful Strategies: Using strategies that facilitate encoding such as rehearsal,
chunking, grouping of information [17, 29]. Nutritional enhancers boost encoding,
reduce fatigue and help cognitive capacities, such as attention and working memory to
operate more effectively [30].
2.3 The layer of Information Training the pre-reflective observer to keep
low level visualizations active, processable and convertible
Understanding information processing system. The central “engine” processing
information is located in the working memory [29]. Working memory keeps low level
visualizations active, processable and convertible to higher order ones [13, 31]. Ac-
cording to Baddeley’s model [32], the central executive, the metacognitive compo-
nent of working memory is capable of monitoring and controlling its own operations.
Nevertheless, the real supervisor of this network is attention, the control system that
constantly monitors, manages, directs and regulates the processes according to the
external demands and the internal goals [16,33]. Executive attention gives people
entry to the conscious state enabling them to gain awareness about their voluntary
ability to control their own mental processes [33-34].
Self-evaluating the inhibitors and the facilitators of information processing.
The attentional requirements of the tasks determine the individual’s attentional efforts
[14]. In addition, different people may have invariable attentional resources due to
factors such as age, health, experience, anxiety and fatigue. Overflow impairs pro-
cessing by narrowing the span of attentional control [29]. Personal goals, intentions
and motivations tend to accelerate or slow down attentional efforts. Information out-
side the attentional spotlight can be processed only superficially. Without focus, in-
formation is not processed. Active processing requires active inhibition [14]. Short-
iJOE Vol. 17, No. 08, 2021
Paper8 Pillars X 8 Layers Model of Metacognition: Educational Strategies, Exercises &Trainings
attention span and as a consequence high levels of distractibility are associated with
low working memory capacity which in turn explains the poor performance in key
learning areas such as reading and mathematics [35].
Emerging the pre-reflective observer while noticing the way information is
processed. The pre-reflective aspect of oneself corresponds to the personal pronoun
“I”, to a sense of being the immediate subject of experience [36].
Regulating information processing in service of goal directed behavior [22].
Regulation of the streams of information is necessary. The subject must decide
whether the available resources permit a parallel processing. If necessary, the tasks
should be prioritized and performed sequentially. Regulation also aims at balancing
the direction and focus of attention on task relevant information [14].
Adaptation requires flexibility to alternate the focus of attention between dif-
ferent tasks or resources of information [14].
Recognizing the most important information relevant to ongoing goals [15].
Working memory receives an overload of information some of which is relevant and
some of which irrelevant. The subject should be able to filter information in favor of
the most vital [15, 29].
Discerning the contents within the working memory. The observer selects in-
formation he/she will hold in working memory and removes no longer relevant in-
formation so as to avoid clutter [37].
Recollecting previously acquired information. Attention determines how well, fast
and accurately the target information is processed and whether the information will be
recalled [15].
Useful strategies: Τraining new skills, using mnemonic strategies [30]. Elaborat-
ing both during encoding and retrieval. Using a wide range of knowledge and senses
to make a memory as vivid as possible, yet also connected to prior knowledge. Con-
sidering how the hippocampus uses spatial properties to learn, by using the method of
loci [38]. Computer training enhances visual skills, such as visuo-spatial attention,
cognitive flexibility and working memory [30].
2.4 The layer of Knowledge Training the reflective observer to organize
information into meaningful units
Understanding knowledge processing system. Knowledge is information that has
been taken to a higher level of processing and given meaning. Knowledge emerges
from analysis, reflection upon, and synthesis of information [27]. Well-structured
knowledge allows us to quickly understand the world around us and make conscious
decisions to control behavior. Knowledge structures aid memory encoding and con-
solidation of new experiences so we cannot only remember the past, but also guide
behavior in the present and predict the future [38].
Self-evaluating the facilitators and inhibitors of knowledge acquisition. Memo-
ries are stored in long-term memory by meaning. Semantic memory is the part of the
long term memory that allows us to acquire conceptual knowledge, in other words, to
understand concepts, principles, theories, models and classifications [16]. According
to Craik at al. [39] the more deeply an item is encoded, the more meaning it has and
Paper8 Pillars X 8 Layers Model of Metacognition: Educational Strategies, Exercises &Trainings
the better it is remembered. Elaborative rehearsal, which differs from simply repeat-
ing, encodes information in more meaningful ways. Very strong schemas can lead to
unwanted side effects such as false memories and misconceptions [38].
Emerging the reflective observer while noticing the way knowledge is con-
structed. The reflective self takes on a third-person perspective. The individual rec-
ognizes oneself both as the subject and the object of experience [40]. In other words,
individuals are reflectively aware of having a perspective. In this level, a subjective
feeling of identity emerges. Internal attention as a form of reflection [15] possibly
supports this demanding process [37]. Third-person perspective is a process of recon-
struction characterized by visualization of a remembered scene including oneself from
the perspective of the observer. During this process, the observer possibly gets access
to the representations in working memory [36].
Regulating the control processes and the mental abilities involved in knowledge
acquisition and organization. The control processes are strategies that facilitate the ac-
quisition, retention and retrieval of knowledge such as rehearsal, coding, and imaging
Adapting the processes involved in knowledge construction. People, consider-
ing the processes underlying encoding, reactivation, consolidation and integration of
knowledge should flexibly adapt existing schemas to new knowledge building de-
mands [38].
Recognizing one’s own knowledge and understanding. Knowledge in the indi-
vidual’s mind is characterized by the justifiable belief that he/she knows that some-
thing is true or it appears to be true [27]. This stage is more concerned with pattern
recognition and extraction of meaning [39].
Discerning between what one knows from what he/she does not understand.
Discrimination requires the ability to identify what is valid, significant and relevant
Recollecting previously acquired conceptual knowledge, learned rules and
past experiences. Thanks to schemas, one constructs new memories or making the
better connected by filling in holes within existing memories and interpreting mean-
ing based on past memories. Culture influences one’s schemas and thus can affect
how we remember and what we know [41].
Useful strategies: Reactivating prior knowledge when one learns new information,
applying retrieval strategies and finding links between newly learned information and
existing knowledge [38]. Retrieval practice incites meaningful learning. Equally im-
portant, sleep enhances knowledge consolidation [30].
2.5 Τhe layer of Expertise Training the strategic observer to be fast, flexible,
decisive & visionary
Understanding Expertise. Experts are aware of their ability to understand infor-
mation. They have well-organized interconnected units of knowledge and have au-
tomatized steps within problem-solving strategies. Experts develop sophisticated
representations of problems. They recognize the unknown and predict the degree of
difficulty in problems. Expertise requires also high speed and accuracy in reaching
iJOE Vol. 17, No. 08, 2021
Paper8 Pillars X 8 Layers Model of Metacognition: Educational Strategies, Exercises &Trainings
appropriate solutions [42]. The true experts develop higher order social and emotional
skills [43].
Self-evaluating the inhibitors and facilitators to expertise. Expertise needs good
information processing and good strategy use. Experts possess superior short-term
capacity and extensive knowledge in the long term memory. Thereby, some aspects of
information processing become automatic with experience and systematic practice
allowing short-term memory to do other things simultaneously [44]. Working
memory and specifically its supervisory attention system overcomes the boundaries of
automaticity, proposes novel behavioral solutions and weighs options before deciding
a response [16]. Incredibly complex tasks become almost second nature after repeated
practice [14] because of procedural memory, the implicit part of the long term
memory [16]. On the contrary, low working memory is associated with difficulties in
making visual representations, transferring strategies from one area of learning to
another, to monitor more complex tasks [35]. Strong emotions [42], negative beliefs,
stereotyping are considered additional obstacles to expertise. Even experienced and
skilled performers fail under uncontrollable stress and excessive self-focus [16, 29].
However, when stress directs attention toward processes involved in the execution of
the skill, one expects a top performance. Positivity and motivation facilitate the flexi-
bility of attention improving the way one thinks, performs multiple tasks and solves
problems creatively [45].
Emerging the Strategic Observer who notices the processes of interconnection
of knowledge in cognitive and socio-emotional level. Social observers reflect on
their behaviors. This process requires the discernment between the self as the subject
and the self as the object that is known [43]. In a higher level, reflective observers can
recognize also the cause of a mental or emotional state [36]. Experts are carefully
monitoring their own problem solving strategies and processes [42]. In complex tasks,
they monitor the multiple sources of information [14]. In general, in this level of ob-
servation, the sense of self depends more on complex cognitive processing and less on
emotional and affective operations [36].
Self-regulating failures in cognitive as well as socio-emotional level. Taking
immediate decisions and altering strategies and plans are a form of self-regulation
[44]. Self-regulation in expertize depends mainly on top-down control processes,
which means that the current goals must determine what individuals focus on. Execu-
tive attention directs attention towards goals and plans, removes distractions and
temptations and keeps attention active on relevant information [37]. In social level,
people should be able to suppress automatic associations with stereotyped social be-
havior by regulating the way they process social information [29].
Adapting to various situational demands either cognitive or socio-emotional to
extract the best possible outcome. Experts consider alternatives to events, conceive
what others think, shift perspectives, mindsets and behavioral repertoires and imagine
themselves in situations which haven’t taken place yet [36, 46].
Recognizing the patterns of knowledge, the actions’ intentionality and the bi-
ased social judgements. Experts recognize the need for metacognitive strategy use
[44]. Entrepreneurs identify patterns of knowledge acquired through experience so as
to perceive connections between seemingly unrelated events [47]. In social level,
Paper8 Pillars X 8 Layers Model of Metacognition: Educational Strategies, Exercises &Trainings
experts recognize both their own as well as others mental and emotional states.
Recognition enables one to empathize, to accept others evaluations and most im-
portant to predict behaviors [43].
Discerning between alternative plans, strategies and behaviors [42]. Experts
cope with complexity by getting rid of those elements that are superfluous or redun-
dant. Professional work relies on the selection of relevant issues and the omission of
the irrelevant ones [29].
Recollecting relational knowledge consciously. The declarative memory permits
conscious recollection of facts, events, meanings and behaviors, whereas the non de-
clarative encodes sequences and permits one to develop skills such as motor skills [13].
Useful strategies: Focusing on repeated practice and experience [16]. Familiariza-
tion and task simplification turn a chaotic situation into a better structured. Mnemonic
techniques facilitate memory retrieval, which in turn supports problem-solving and
decision making. Alternating between verbal with visual code, using metaphorical
language [29], obtaining practical skills and being creative, pursuing paths of inquiry
that the others ignore or dread [42]. Remembering to work in teams, obeying the rules
of cooperation to overcome individual limitations (i.e. overflow) and increasing
productivity [29].
2.6 The layer of Self- Actualization Training the real you-observer to
realize hidden competencies and real motives, think creatively and solve
problems of meaning
Understanding Self-actualization. Self-actualization refers to the realization of
the individual’s potentialities. Self-actualization needs self-awareness, intrinsic moti-
vation, originality, intuition, optimal experience and expansion of understanding [48].
Self-evaluating the inhibitors and facilitators. Conflicting thoughts and dysfunc-
tional emotions, cognitive/psychosocial schemes, defense mechanisms, a mind
crowded with content often imposed by external situations, expectations, wishes,
obligations are just some of the obstacles. Over-learned dysfunctional structures and
social stereotypes disrupt the appraisal of here-and-now reality [40]. Supportive learn-
ing environments play a major role in cultivating an early tendency toward self-
actualization [48].
Discovering the “real you” observer. Self-actualizers desire to explore and en-
large experiences, seek meaning in life in order to expand the sense of self [46].
Self-regulating defense mechanisms and adopting adaptive coping strategies.
Self-actualizers deal with the society pressures and cope with self-incongruities so as
to become fully functioning persons [49].
Adapting to new knowledge and experiences. To be flexible, a person needs to be
open, receptive and curious so as to avoid rigidity, reliance on stereotypes, conformity and
dogmatism. Self-actualizers are ready to modify their beliefs about their own self [46].
Recognizing the hidden competencies, the real motives, the higher needs. Self-
actualizers have the capacity to appreciate the basic goods of life with awe, pleasure
and wonder [50].
iJOE Vol. 17, No. 08, 2021
Paper8 Pillars X 8 Layers Model of Metacognition: Educational Strategies, Exercises &Trainings
Discerning between moral and immoral decisions. Self-actualizers make ethical
decisions due to their ability to discern right from wrong [50].
Recollecting information with reference to self-identity. Episodic retrieval of
autobiographical events contributes to the realization of one’s own identity [43].
Useful strategies: Learning experiences that facilitate creativity, deep understand-
ing of new concepts, acceptance of failure and the intrinsic motivation to move on-
ward. Reflective technologies, artificial intelligence and human-computer learning
systems can be instrumental in developing metacognitive abilities required for self-
actualization [48]. Cultivating and developing the need to know your real self, your
true abilities and your true potential. Training new abilities of visualization, reaction
speed, mental flexibility, creativity and new ways of perception. Training to see mul-
tiple dimensions in each situation, multiple interpretations and usabilities of the same
object [26,48].
2.7 The layer of universal knowledge Training the rational observer to “see”
the global laws as the real substructure beyond phenomena
Understanding the underlying unity of knowledge. Scientists develop autono-
mous “knowledge domains”, each having their own methods, assumptions, data and
models. However, despite the differences, all these sectors develop their knowledge
domains in similar ways. The world as we experience it, appears to have a kind of
unity. Beyond the phenomena of the experienced world, there is an intelligibly orga-
nized reality. Everything exists interdependently [51]. According to Niels Bohr indi-
viduality is related to indivisibility and therefore to wholeness [52].
Self-evaluating the inhibitors and facilitators towards universal knowledge. All
knowledge is represented within a conceptual framework adapted to account for previ-
ous experience. However, any such framework may prove too narrow to comprehend
new experiences, to find a “common” language to interpret the different observations
[52]. Wisdom processing systems, like the human cognitive system, have much more
processing power, storage and network capabilities and consist of a group of powerful
expert systems connected together so as to exchange information in an attempt to make
predictions, make critical decisions and solve complex problems [53].
Revealing the Rational Observer. The Ultimate Reality becomes conscious of It-
self in human reason [54]. The rational observer does not trust subjective observations
but focus on objective scientific findings [55]. Reasoning would not be possible with-
out high working memory [56].
Self-regulating cognitive biases, false beliefs and fallacious reasoning. Self-
regulation depends on human ability to prevent subjective observations and personal
bias when tending to prioritize over objective scientific findings. Self-regulation de-
mands constant self-observation and self-evaluation so as to accurately assess the
world [55].
Adapting to the multiple dimensions of reality. Being flexible to develop superi-
or creativity in an attempt to see connections between seemingly unrelated things and
pull apart elements from an integrated whole [56].
Paper8 Pillars X 8 Layers Model of Metacognition: Educational Strategies, Exercises &Trainings
Recognizing the hidden dimensions of reality, the unity of knowledge as well
as the universality of emotions. The quest for the interpretation of the human nature
as well as the reality is reflected in Philosophy, Psychology, Science and Religion
[54]. Respectable scientists such Einstein and Minkowski as well as Nobel Laureates
developed universal theories identifying hidden dimensions of reality [57]. Many
scientists recognize consciousness as the building block of nature that is present at all
levels of the fabric of reality [58].
Distinguishing subjective from objective knowledge, meaningful from mean-
ingless theories [27, 57]. Scientists seek to discern between the interpretations of
reality and the absolute knowledge of reality itself [54].
Recollecting superior patterns. Superior pattern recognition constitutes the basis
of intelligence and permits human to reason, create symbols and produce new images
of the world in the absence of significant sensory input [59].
Useful strategies: Training visualization and scientific thinking skills (e.g., evi-
dence-based research, group discussions, evaluations of arguments) including open-
mindness, inquitiveness, the ability to test claims, data and theories, to analyze, to
interpret and to be informed consumer of information distinguishing good from bad
information. Courses and educational programs promoting scientific thinking adapted
for each grade level may provide students with the foundation of solid scientific
thinking skills and allow expansion of scientific thinking into other scholastic areas
and classes [13, 55]. Training the mind to see that everything is connected and interre-
lated. Training to see the global laws as the real substructure beyond phenomena [60].
2.8 The layer of transcendence - Training the mindful observer to be present
in deep silence fused with the vibrations of the Universe
Understanding the concept of transcendence. Transcendence means breaking the
barriers of self-limitations. The subject transcends self-focus needs and motivations and
reaches the highest forms of emotional intelligence developing self-transcendent positive
emotions like elevation, compassion, admiration, gratitude, love and awe [60]. Transcend-
ence usually emerges in life hardships like poverty, in failures, in unwanted circumstances
that one cannot avoid or resolve like illness, ageing or loss. Transcendence could be com-
pared with a state of sleep during which consciousness itself is kept alert, in a state of high
arousal and awareness of external sensorial stimulation [40].
Self-evaluating the inhibitors and the facilitators of self-transcendence. Our
limited minds, being individual parts of the cosmic consciousness, operate in time-
space energy constraints and inner conditioning that only partly can reflect the true
nature of reality [58].
Being the Mindful Observer. Mindful observer represents a dynamic totality, the
silent witness. The subject and the objects are fused into one [40]. Attention operates
without effort [61]. In mental states of decreased self-salience and increased feelings
of connectedness, the subjective sense of one’s self as an isolated entity can temporar-
ily fade. In other words, one transcends the sense of self [60, 62].
iJOE Vol. 17, No. 08, 2021
Paper8 Pillars X 8 Layers Model of Metacognition: Educational Strategies, Exercises &Trainings
Self-regulatory processes involve decentering, attentional broadening, reap-
praisal and savoring. Human takes distance from self-referential appraisals shifting
attention from egocentric to universe-centric processing, towards larger entities [62].
Adaptation requires openness to experience of deep silence. To be flexible, a
person needs to be receptive, curious and open. Openness and experience of silence
cultivates wisdom as well as an attitude of tolerance and compassion [46].
Recognizing some inexpressible truth communicated by a higher intelligence
[63]. Recognizing that each situation is different from any other and at the same time
driven from same source, increases compassionate style of communication [46].
Discriminating the Self across time and the Self in the present moment, here
and now [36,75].
Recollecting the Metacognitive Charioteer, the real holistic total Self. In the
Republic, Plato the Greek philosopher describes the tripartite structure of the psyche,
namely the rational part, the emotional and the vegetative. He explains his idea with
an allegory according to which a Charioteer, who represents the rational part of the
soul, drives a chariot pulled by two winged horses. The Charioteer directs the entire
chariot/soul, trying to stop the horses from going different ways, and to proceed to-
wards enlightenment [64]. According to Chun et al. [15], external and internal atten-
tion are on opposite ends of an axis, of a continuum which is under the law of the
goal-directed attention. According to Drigas et al. [7] metacognitive procedures, in
one word consciousness is the axis that supports the ladder of human intelligence. In
the level of Mnemosyne [9], human becomes the metacognitive charioteer who bri-
dles the two winged horses such as the internal and external attention.
Useful strategies: Spiritual exercises, meditation practices, enlightened mentors
can help one to ascend the road of transcendence dealing with disturbing emotions,
unwanted automatisms, dysfunctional schemes and defense mechanisms that come
from past life and prevent spiritual growth [40]. Mindfulness intervention, prayer
practices as well as brain stimulation could be used to reach more profound states of
consciousness [60]. Training Presence, silence, astonishment & fulfillment as the
main traits of Transcendence. Training to see and feel that everything is One. Know-
ing that everything is really motivated by seeking Knowledge of the Self & Universe,
Consciousness and Happiness [60, 75].
3 Discussion
Although we emphasize the importance of self-regulation in order to move from
the lower levels of existence to the higher, the value of self-observation tends to be
even more important. Self-observation makes us conscious. In an attempt to perceive
the observing self, a different more conscious observer emerges. This is an ongoing
process [65]. In philosophy, this form of metacognition corresponds to the recollec-
tion of past moments of consciousness, recalling both the perceived events and one-
self perceiving that event [36]. At first sight, such an infinitive process does not ex-
plain anything about self-observation [65]. However, such a finding may be of great
importance as it seems to be in line with what cybernetics underline; that the sense of
Paper8 Pillars X 8 Layers Model of Metacognition: Educational Strategies, Exercises &Trainings
self, as well as the sense of reality is just a construction. In other words, we create our
own reality [66].
Metacognition is an open-ended activity; as the cognitive system grows up or
evolves, the observer expands its description about its own cognitive system [66]. The
evolution of cybernetics seems to be aligned with the above statement. First-order
cybernetics focuses on the observable systems”, in which an external observer
emerges (subject-object paradigm). Second-order cybernetics signals the transition to
the “observing systems”, in which an internal observer is embedded in the object of
observation (subject-subject paradigm). Second-order cybernetics depends on reflec-
tion. Third-order cybernetics refers to self-developing systems in which the subject is
a “self-developing poly-subject environment” (subject-metasubject paradigm). Third-
order cybernetics depends on interpretation [67]. The fourth-order cybernetics seeks
self-consciousness, rationality, universality, coherence, order, balance and harmony as
measures of the observer [68].
The transition to higher levels of observation brings about new types of control
[67]. In human cognition, control can be viewed in terms of a set of executive atten-
tional processes [15, 37]. Attention is the core property of all perceptual and cognitive
operations [15]. Attention enables us to observe both the cognitive processes as well
as the process of observation [37]. Indeed, attention participates in processes like
selection, filtering, inhibition, processing, storage, retrieval, prediction, monitoring,
regulation, adaptation, recognition, discrimination, recollection and transformation
of knowledge. According to the new layered model of metacognition, each level de-
scribes a higher-order control system which operates under the rule of the aforemen-
tioned attentional processes at an ever more refined/abstract level. The layered model
of Metacognition, in its deep structure, could be seen as layered model of meta-
attention. Attention is omnipresent in every component of metacognition, in each
stage of metacognitive development.
Although, attention has a variety of resource pools shared across multiple systems
[15], attention is mainly driven by consciousness [69]. What we pay attention deter-
mines the content of our consciousness [46]. The central executive, which is tightly
linked to attentional control processes [16], in other words internal attention, is closest
to human consciousness [70]. It is not accidental that heightened states of attention
regulate mental operations involved in higher order cognition and contribute to altered
states of consciousness [71].
Another key point of discussion includes the factors that either accelerate or slow
down the metacognitive development. Extensive literature has already documented
the deleterious effects of heavy metal toxins on the human brain and nervous system.
Lead and mercury exposure, airborne and organic chemical pollutants have a potential
damage to brain functioning. Air pollution can significantly affect the developing
nervous systems of children as well as the mature nervous systems of adults. Organic
chemical pollutants such as PCBs and dioxins are also increasingly viewed as emerg-
ing threats due to their prolonged persistence in the environment and ability to accu-
mulate in food chains [72]. For the above reasons, one major pillar of metacognition
is about learning about the inhibitors and facilitators of metacognitive development.
By learning about the risk factors, we gain the advantage to understand the im-
iJOE Vol. 17, No. 08, 2021
Paper8 Pillars X 8 Layers Model of Metacognition: Educational Strategies, Exercises &Trainings
portance of the factors that affect our cognitive and metacognitive abilities and predict
learning and other difficulties.
Dietary factors have an important impact on fundamental cognitive and emotional
processes. Specifically, dietary factors influence molecular systems and mechanisms
which in turn have a major impact on neuronal function and synaptic plasticity. Gut
hormones or other hormones produced in the brain itself can influence our mental
abilities. Understanding the molecular basis of the effects of food on cognition will
help us to determine the best way to manipulate diet in order to increase resistance of
neurons to insults and promote mental fitness [73].
The layered model of metacognition could be adopted to formulate a unified edu-
cation policy, since it provides a holistic proposal that can cover the needs of all lev-
els and forms of education. It is totally inclusive since it adjusts to the needs of 21st
century education and the special needs of each learner regardless of the mental level,
age, educational level, profession or the origin. The learner, according to our ap-
proach, is treated as a combination of physical, cognitive, emotional and spiritual
needs which gradually advance. Education in the 21st century is called upon to both
encourage individuals’ gifts and self-actualizing needs and prepare students to enter in
a high-consciousness society [76].
4 Conclusions
Through this study, we presented the new layered model of metacognition in terms
of consciousness. In accordance with our approach, metacognition is composed of
eight constituents structured in eight interconnected stages of consciousness plus
supporting each one of the eight intelligences of Gardner’s theory (Figure 1,2) [7,9,
74]. On the basis of our model, the core metacognitive components such as self-
observation, self-regulation, flexibility, recognition, discrimination and recollection
are considered as multi-layered and not at any rate one dimensional. The same applies
to the cognitive processes and abilities such as attention, memory, perception, and
pattern recognition. At each higher level, they display more advanced or refined at-
tributes and functions responding to the necessity of creating more abstract mental
representations and upper class motivations, thoughts and emotions.
Ascending from lower to higher levels of metacognition entails moving to ad-
vanced forms of self-awareness, higher levels of self-observation which in turn as-
sumes ever higher control systems. Each layer of metacognition describes a higher-
order control system which operates under the rule of a series of attention processes at
an ever more refined, abstract, united level. Similarly, the sense of self, as a necessary
mental construction, is multi-layered too and follows the uphill road that gradually
disembodies multiplicity and reveals unity. The layered model of metacognition does
not merely aim at presenting an alternative approach but seeks to clarify that meta-
cognition goes through strictly defined stages of development. We come to the con-
clusion that it is essential to create appropriate metacognitive learning environments
based on the systematic training of each particular metacognitive level.
Paper8 Pillars X 8 Layers Model of Metacognition: Educational Strategies, Exercises &Trainings
Fig. 1. The layered model of metacognition is composed of eight pillars structured in eight
interconnected stages.
Fig. 2. The new layered model of Metacognition stands on 8 Intelligences X 8 Pillars X 8
layers of Consciousness.
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iJOE Vol. 17, No. 08, 2021
Paper8 Pillars X 8 Layers Model of Metacognition: Educational Strategies, Exercises &Trainings
6 Authors
Athanasios Drigas is a Research Director at N.C.S.R. ‘Demokritos’, Institute of
Informatics and Telecommunications - Net Media Lab & Mind-Brain R&D, Agia
Paraskevi, 153 10, Athens, Greece (e-mail:
Eleni Mitsea is with Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications - Net Media
Lab & Mind-Brain R&D, Agia Paraskevi, 153 10, Athens, Greece and University of
the Aegean, Information and Communication Systems Engineering, Samos, Greece
Article submitted 2021-04-26. Resubmitted 2021-07-08. Final acceptance 2021-07-10. Final version
published as submitted by the authors
... A key point in mobile learning theory is that it is the learner that is mobile, not the technology (Richardson, 2013). Considering that learners are the ones who decide whether they are going to partake in a learning process, this idea of learning places a significant emphasis on the learners' motivation and metacognition as the primary areas of concentration when it comes to learning (Drigas & Mitsea, 2021). ...
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With the ever-evolving landscape of education, integration of mobile games into classroom instruction has been remarkable. However, with the advancement of technology, newly developed mobile apps are needed to be evaluated before they can be fully utilized in the teaching-learning process. This study delved into the integration of Sim City, a simulation game focused on constructing cities, into Urban Geography classes with primary focus on evaluating the mobile app’s appropriateness, efficiency, and relevance, as well as its perceived impacts on motivation and metacognition of the users. The research involved the utilization of mixed-method approach using the explanatory sequential design where the survey method was utilized to determine the evaluation of the respondents on the given criteria and the interview to identify the difficulties and challenges encountered by the users which are the second-year BSE-Social Studies students. The quantitative data were analyzed using the mean by employing the Likert Scale and appropriate adjectival interpretations where it was revealed that the mobile app’s integration was highly favored. The visual clarity and compatibility of Sim City with the course content had a good impact on its appropriateness. The efficiency results emphasized the game's capacity to improve understanding through a structured learning process and challenging tasks. The relevance was confirmed, particularly in advancing the ideas about smart cities. Furthermore, participants exhibited enhanced motivation and improved metacognitive abilities. Moreover, the qualitative data were coded and analyzed by employing the content-thematic analysis. It was found that challenges encountered by the respondents included game complexity, financial aspects and resource management, and technical issues.
... The components of metacognition have been further detailed in the literature. These components include metacognitive knowledge, metacognitive experiences, metacognitive tasks or goals, and metacognitive strategies (Drigas & Mitsea, 2021). Moreover, metacognitive measures have been found to include self-knowledge and self-regulation components (Poll & Petru, 2023). ...
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Metacognition generally has two essential components: metacognitive knowledge and metacognitive awareness. Unfortunately, research that focuses on and explores the description of metacognitive knowledge and its implications for the academic success of prospective science teacher students is still rare. The current study aimed to explore (1) the baseline levels of metacognitive knowledge (MK) among prospective science teachers (PST), (2) the relationship between the extent of MK and academic success, and (3) the potential differences in MK based on gender. The correlational research with the survey method was used in the study. The study involved 206 (male: 93 and female: 113) prospective science teachers who participated in a fundamental physics course at Mandalika University of Education as a sample. Data on MK was collected using twenty items of essay tests that are valid and reliable to collect PSTs’ MK. In contrast, PSTs’ learning success data was collected using instruments used in mid-semester examinations and practical laboratory test results. The data was further analyzed descriptively and statistically using the ANOVA and Pearson correlation tests. The result shows that PSTs’ MK is in the low category (MK<60). Additionally, male prospective science teachers demonstrated better declarative (mean: 59.247; p < 0.05) and procedural knowledge (mean: 64.482; p < 0.05) indicators, and MK positively correlates in each indicator. Based on the findings, it is evident that PSTs' MK significantly differs between males and females, the positive correlations between MK indicators, and potentially impact teaching practices and cognitive outcomes. Furthermore, future research needs to develop effective interventions, learning models, and instructional practices to enhance metacognitive skills and science learning outcomes in teacher education.
... This objective is reflected in cultivating and developing students' core qualities but, more importantly, in the renewal of teaching concepts and the innovation of teaching methods (Bambang et al., 2022). Looking at a series of important research topics in educational reform, the core idea is to shift from "rote learning" teaching to a learner-centred approach (Drigas & Mitsea, 2021). This approach aims to actively facilitate learners in progressively constructing their cognitive framework, thereby fostering the development of higher-order thinking skills. ...
In the era of the knowledge economy, the intensification of the technological revolution and international competition have triggered a rethinking of the core competencies of talent in the 21st century by countries. Many countries have shifted their focus on talent development from specialized knowledge and skills to training in complex tasks and information-processing thinking. In higher education, guiding students to transition from lower-order thinking, such as memorisation and understanding of knowledge to higher-order thinking, such as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of various information is a vital aspect of the new era's innovative teaching model and the enhancement of talent cultivation. This study was conducted face-to-face interviews with 12 teachers with practical experience cultivating higher-order thinking skills using purposive sampling. The collected interview data were analysed and coded using nvivo software and qualitative research methods, constructing five teaching strategy models for cultivating higher-order thinking skills in college students: scaffolding instruction, heuristic instruction, project-based instruction, collaborative learning, and diversified assessment feedback.
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According to recent data, many communities worldwide are multicultural nowadays. Culture is believed to significantly impact the creation of therapy materials, practice models, assessment instruments, and client collaboration. Also, recent works address the interaction between a therapist and a client and the need to understand a child's social needs. Even with significant advancements in the development and delivery of efficient treatments for children with ADHD, ethnic minority youths and teens continue to lag behind their non-minority peers in terms of diagnosis and treatment rates. Various learning and behavioral obstacles are linked to this disorder because of cognitive and metacognitive functioning difficulties. Individuals can only fully integrate into society if these functions have been acquired. Children can acquire alternate strategies to manage their cognitive deficits and adapt to different circumstances by using internal attention to build self-awareness, self-regulation, and self-control. The quick progress of research has led to the development of several medicinal and psychological strategies for treating ADHD, which significantly help with symptom management. The goal of the current study is to gain an understanding of the various therapeutic approaches used to help children from racial and ethnic minorities who are suffering from ADHD. These approaches include games using augmented reality (AR) environments.
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This study explores the impact of affective instructional design in a kindergarten setting, focusing on the relationship between various instructional elements and the development of positive attitudes among young learners. Results showed that the implementation of affective instructional design elements in this setting is met with positive responses, as indicated by the children's attitudes across various dimensions such as motivation, curiosity, empathy, inclusivity, trust, and respect. Correlation analyses reveal significant relationships between specific instructional design components and these attitudes, highlighting the effectiveness of certain educational strategies. Notably, emotionally responsive teaching is identified as the most critical enabler of positive student outcomes, followed by the importance of innovative instructional strategies and collaborative learning opportunities. These findings emphasize the crucial role of a holistic and emotionally supportive approach in early childhood education. The study provides valuable insights for educators and policymakers, suggesting that the integration of affective instructional design elements can significantly enhance the learning experience and foster well-rounded development in kindergarten students
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The purpose of this study was to determine the existing level of teaching practice focused on the development of metacognitive skills in teachers of public and private educational institutions in Lima, as well as the existing differences between the associated factors, according to gender, academic grade, work situation and educational level where they work; due to the constant social changes that occur in the global context, teachers are required to manage appropriate and relevant strategies that promote the achievement of learning and autonomy of students. This study was quantitative, non-experimental, descriptive and comparative. The Teaching Intervention Scale oriented to Promote Metacognition in the Classroom (EIDOPMA) proposed by Romo et al. (2020), was the instrument, which was applied through a Google form, the sample group consisted of 384 teachers from public and private schools in Lima. The research shows that there were no significant differences in the metacognitive practice of teachers according to gender, academic grade, work situation and educational level; however, descriptively there are some differences.
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The purpose of this study was to examine the burnout dimensions of professionals working with students with special educational needs and the role played by their personal traits in the prevalence of the syndrome. To examine this objective a sample of Greek teachers was selected. The data was collected using the online form of Maslach Burnout Inventory. The results of this research showed that the main prognostic factors of the syndrome in each dimension are the total previous service with students with special educational needs, the specialty , as well as, the age of the sample.
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The empowerment of followers' personal vision and the quality of their work are both significantly associated with leadership. Additionally, the respect that a group of followers have for a leader is a criterion for labeling the leader as "charismatic-emotionally intelligent." The eventual goal and the chosen techniques are therefore crucial components of good leadership. In this way, a high-level work environment can be guaranteed, safeguarding employees against the effects of job burnout. The effects of job burnout on Special Education teachers appear to be extremely serious both for the teacher's well-being and for the effectiveness of their work. Teachers who experience job burnout tend to be mentally and physically exhausted, despondent, and constantly anxious, keeping themselves to themselves and hard to reach. In order to safeguard teachers from the threat of job burnout, this study will look at the relationship between the emotional intelligence of school administrators and the presence of a supportive work environment.
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Well-structured knowledge allows us to quickly understand the world around us and make informed decisions to adequately control behavior. Knowledge structures, or schemas, are presumed to aid memory encoding and consolidation of new experiences so we cannot only remember the past, but also guide behavior in the present and predict the future. However, very strong schemas can also lead to unwanted side effects such as false memories and misconceptions. To overcome this overreliance on a schema, we should aim to create robust schemas that are on the one hand strong enough to help to remember and predict, but also malleable enough to avoid such undesirable side effects. This raises the question as to whether there are ways to deliberately influence knowledge construction processes, with the goal to reach such optimally balanced schemas. Here, we will discuss how the mnemonic processes in our brains build long-term knowledge and, more specifically, how different phases of memory formation (encoding, consolidation, retrieval, and reconsolidation) contribute to this schema build-up. We finally provide ways how to best keep a balance between generalized semantic and detailed episodic memories, which can prove very useful in, e.g., educational settings.
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In the most challenging era in human history, the scientific community recognizes spirituality as a fundamental factor of human intelligence. Researchers from different fields such as Psychology, Medicine, Educational sciences, Economy and Business embrace the notion of Spiritual Intelligence. Nevertheless, it is considered as one of the most controversial and highly debated notions. The first section of this study gives a brief overview of the essential theoretical framework including definitions and theories related to Spiritual Intelligence. In the second section, we present a layered approach of Spiritual Intelligence based on the corresponding layered models of Knowledge-Intelligence-Consciousness. The results of this study showed that Spiritual Intelligence constitutes the backbone of every subsystem of human intelligence as it integrates, matures and transforms every physical, intellectual, and emotional ability and leads to the highest forms of self-awareness, self-knowledge and consciousness. The realization of our true Self, of our hidden and highest potentialities is tied inseparably with the hierarchical organization of knowledge through metacognition and executive functions. Specifically, higher order forms of self-observation, self-regulation through attentional, emotional and impulse control, problem solving, mental flexibility and adaptation could reveal our true and eternal identity. Spiritual intelligence is essential to be incorporated mainly into the dialogue of business ethics, leadership, mental health and psychotherapy , education especially in the case of learning disabilities and gifted education.
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I propose that the capacity of working memory places a specific limit on the maintenance of temporary bindings. Two experiments support this binding hypothesis: Participants remembered word lists of varying length. When tested on a randomly selected word, their error rates increased with the length of the list, reflecting a limited capacity for short-term maintenance. This increase in errors was predominantly due to binding errors: People confused the correct word with other words of the current memory list, but very rarely with words not in the list. The frequencies of response choices were analyzed through two measurement models - one based on the assumption of discrete memory states, one on the assumption of continuous memory strength - that capture memory for items and for bindings in separate parameters. Increasing memory set size impaired binding memory but not item memory, supporting the binding hypothesis.
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Sensory memory, formed at the beginning while perceiving and interacting with the environment, is considered a primary source of intelligence. Transferring such biological concepts into electronic implementation aims at achieving perceptual intelligence, which would profoundly advance a broad spectrum of applications, such as prosthetics, robotics, and cyborg systems. Here, the recent developments in the design and fabrication of artificial sensory memory devices are summarized and their applications in recognition, manipulation, and learning are highlighted. The emergence of such devices benefits from recent progress in both bioinspired sensing and neuromorphic engineering technologies and derives from abundant inspiration and benchmarks from an improved understanding of biological sensory processing. Increasing attention to this area would offer unprecedented opportunities toward new hardware architecture of artificial intelligence, which could extend the capabilities of digital systems with emotional/psychological attributes. Pending challenges are also addressed to aspects such as integration level, energy efficiency, and functionality, which would undoubtedly shed light on the future development of translational implementations. Transferring the biological concept of sensory memory into electronic implementation is promising to achieve perceptual intelligence. Recent endeavors on design, fabrication, and application of artificial sensory memory are summarized. Such a device would undoubtedly shed light on future advances with respect to various translational implementations such as robotics and prosthetics.
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The time is ripe to integrate burgeoning evidence of the important role of sensory and motor functioning in mental health within the National Institute of Mental Health’s [NIMH] Research Domain Criteria [RDoC] framework (National Institute of Mental Health, n.d.a), a multi-dimensional method of characterizing mental functioning in health and disease across all neurobiological levels of analysis ranging from genetic to behavioral. As the importance of motor processing in psychopathology has been recognized (Bernard and Mittal, 2015; Garvey and Cuthbert, 2017; National Institute of Mental Health, 2019), here we focus on sensory processing. First, we review the current design of the RDoC matrix, noting sensory features missing despite their prevalence in multiple mental illnesses. We identify two missing classes of sensory symptoms that we widely define as (1) sensory processing, including sensory sensitivity and active sensing, and (2) domains of perceptual signaling, including interoception and proprioception, which are currently absent or underdeveloped in the perception construct of the cognitive systems domain. Then, we describe the neurobiological basis of these psychological constructs and examine why these sensory features are important for understanding psychopathology. Where appropriate, we examine links between sensory processing and the domains currently included in the RDoC matrix. Throughout, we emphasize how the addition of these sensory features to the RDoC matrix is important for understanding a range of mental health disorders. We conclude with the suggestion that a separate sensation and perception domain can enhance the current RDoC framework, while discussing what we see as important principles and promising directions for the future development and use of the RDoC.
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p>Cognitive and metacognitive skills are recognized and studied since antiquity. From the theory of Aristotle, according to which knowledge is product of the human mind and Platonic gnosiology and the theory of true knowledge, to the modern cognitive science, the question of how people acquire knowledge, has occupied a multitude of scientists. In this article we present a cognitive-based approach to the process of acquiring knowledge, we analyze the dominant theories of knowledge, theories of intelligence, as well as learning theories, and thus we propose an eight-layer pyramid of knowledge. We also analyze the cognitive processes and metacognitive skills required to get an individual to the highest layer of the knowledge pyramid.</p
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Our brain is not a "stand alone" information processing organ: it acts as a central part of our integral nervous system with recurrent information exchange with the entire organism and the cosmos. In this study, the brain is conceived to be embedded in a holographic structured field that interacts with resonant sensitive structures in the various cell types in our body. In order to explain earlier reported ultra-rapid brain responses and effective operation of the meta-stable neural system, a field-receptive mental workspace is proposed to be communicating with the brain. Our integral nervous system is seen as a dedicated neural transmission and multi-cavity network that, in a non-dual manner, interacts with the proposed supervening meta-cognitive domain. Among others, it is integrating discrete patterns of eigen-frequencies of photonic/solitonic waves, thereby continuously updating a time-symmetric global memory space of the individual. Its toroidal organization allows the coupling of gravitational, dark energy, zero-point energy field (ZPE) as well as earth magnetic fields energies and transmits wave information into brain tissue, that thereby is instrumental in high speed conscious and subconscious information processing. We propose that the supposed field-receptive workspace, in a mutual interaction with the whole nervous system, generates self-consciousness and is conceived as operating from a 4 th spatial dimension (hyper-sphere). Its functional structure is adequately defined by the geometry of the torus, that is envisioned as a basic unit (operator) of space-time. The latter is instrumental in collecting the pattern of discrete soliton frequencies that provided an algorithm for coherent life processes, as earlier identified by us. It is postulated that consciousness in the entire universe arises through, scale invariant, nested toroidal coupling of various energy fields, that may include quantum error correction. In the brain of the human species, this takes the form of the proposed holographic workspace, that collects active information in a "brain event horizon", representing an internal and fully integral model of the self. This brain-supervening workspace is equipped to convert integrated coherent wave energies into attractor type/standing waves that guide the related cortical template to a higher coordination of reflection and action as well as network synchronicity, as required for conscious states. In relation to its scale-invariant global character, we find support for a universal information matrix, that was extensively described earlier, as a supposed implicate order as well as in a spectrum of space-time theories in current physics. The presence of a field-receptive resonant workspace, associated with, but not reducible to, our brain, may provide an interpretation framework for widely reported, but poorly understood transpersonal conscious states and algorithmic origin of life. It also points out the deep connection of mankind with the cosmos and our major responsibility for the future of our planet.
Alerte mentale : de la performance aux états modifiés de conscience et pratiques contemplatives. Pour certains chercheurs en science cognitive, la notion de vigilance renvoie au concept d’alerte mentale, c’est-à-dire, la capacité d’atteindre et de maintenir un niveau élevé d’attention pour compléter une tâche. Dans cet essai, nous explorons l’influence qu’exerce la vigilance sur la performance, et démontrons comment ces états mentaux d’attention élevée influencent plusieurs processus cérébraux perceptifs, cognitifs et idéomoteurs. Nous montrons également comment certaines conceptions actuelles sur la notion d’alerte mentale instruisent les domaines de recherche portant sur les états altérés de conscience et les pratiques contemplatives. Notre approche repose principalement sur un modèle théorique qui conçoit l’alerte mentale comme un élément central de l’attention. Nous expliquons comment ce cadre de référence fait la distinction entre les habilités mentales permettant d’atteindre un niveau élevé d’attention, et celles permettant de le maintenir. Alors que les premières correspondent principalement à une augmentation transitoire de l’activation nerveuse et de préparation à répondre, nommé l’alerte phasique ; les secondes représentent un profil tonique de l’alerte mentale notamment impliqué dans la régulation et la réactivation endogène des schémas mentaux. Nous détaillons également certaines des caractéristiques comportementales et neurobiologiques associées à ces deux profils, et mettons l’accent sur les recoupements entre le système d’alerte mentale, les processus de l’hypnose et la pratique méditative. Cette synthèse générale de la vigilance humaine ouvre la porte vers de nouvelles pistes de recherche dans ces domaines.
The purpose of this paper is to complement those that have preceded, changing the focus from the dynamics of social systems to that of individual human systems. It will be seen that fourth order cybernetic systems study self-observing systems, which are comprised by cognitive machines, information processing mechanisms that reside in the human mind. Of these, the one of rationality will be explored and then related to that of language, which acts as cognitive bridge between human systems. A model of rationality as though coherence will be offered to the reader, it will be contrasted with the traditional notion of rationality as means ends analysis, which is found in economics and philosophy.
The Mindfulness-to-Meaning Theory (MMT) is a temporally dynamic process model of mindful positive emotion regulation that elucidates downstream cognitive-affective mechanisms by which mindfulness promotes health and resilience. Here we review and extend the MMT to explicate how mindfulness fosters self-transcendence by evoking upward spirals of decentering, attentional broadening, reappraisal, and savoring. Savoring is highlighted as a key, potential means of inducing absorptive experiences of oneness between subject and object, amplifying the salience of the object while imbuing the sensory-perceptual field with affective meaning. Finally, this article provides new evidence that inducing self-transcendent positive emotions and nondual states of awareness through mindfulness-based interventions may restructure reward processing and thereby produce therapeutic effects on addictive behavior (e.g. opioid misuse) and chronic pain syndromes.