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Energy Sharing based Cooperative Dual-powered Green Cellular Networks



Solar enabled and grid connected "dual-powered" base stations (BSs) have developed as a cost effective solution to network operators. While these networks prevent energy outages and are effective in providing seamless operation for catering to the user quality of service (QoS), they still rely significantly on the power-grid, generating carbon footprint. In this paper, we propose a profitable energy sharing based cooperative framework to reduce the grid energy consumption and to facilitate better utilization of network energy. Traffic-energy imbalances in a dual-powered network often result in some BSs being energy deficient due to spatio-temporal variation of traffic. In such an event, it is proposed that the energy deficient BS, through the proposed energy cooperation (EC) framework, interact with the other networked BSs and requests them to share the deficient energy or a portion of it at a much lower price than the grid price via grid itself. We compare the proposed EC model with a without energy cooperation (WEC) model, where the BSs do not interact with one another and release energy above their storage capacity only to the power-grid for selling. Our results demonstrate that for a two BS network, the EC model provides a significant reduction in grid consumption up to 50% with a 38% gain in operator's revenue at 80% traffic skewness.
Energy Sharing based Cooperative Dual-powered
Green Cellular Networks
Ashutosh Balakrishnan1, Swades De1, and Li-Chun Wang2
1Department of Electrical Engineering and Bharti School of Telecommunication, IIT Delhi, New Delhi, India
2Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Chiao-Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, ROC
Abstract—Solar enabled and grid connected “dual-powered”
base stations (BSs) have developed as a cost effective solution
to network operators. While these networks prevent energy
outages and are effective in providing seamless operation for
catering to the user quality of service (QoS), they still rely
significantly on the power-grid, generating carbon footprint.
In this paper, we propose a profitable energy sharing based
cooperative framework to reduce the grid energy consumption
and to facilitate better utilization of network energy. Traffic-
energy imbalances in a dual-powered network often result in
some BSs being energy deficient due to spatio-temporal variation
of traffic. In such an event, it is proposed that the energy deficient
BS, through the proposed energy cooperation (EC) framework,
interact with the other networked BSs and requests them to share
the deficient energy or a portion of it at a much lower price than
the grid price via grid itself. We compare the proposed EC model
with a without energy cooperation (WEC) model, where the BSs
do not interact with one another and release energy above their
storage capacity only to the power-grid for selling. Our results
demonstrate that for a two BS network, the EC model provides
a significant reduction in grid consumption up to 50% with a
38% gain in operator’s revenue at 80% traffic skewness.
Index Terms—Dual-powered base stations, energy harvesting,
green communication, energy cooperation, revenue analysis
The past decade has witnessed pertinent efforts towards
developing off-grid base stations (BSs) that are effective in
reducing the energy consumption [1], [2]. While they are
effective in mitigating the carbon footprint generated by the
erstwhile diesel operated BSs, they are not cost effective
from the operator’s perspective [3], [4]. This is mainly due
to the additional costs involved in solar dimensioning a BS
to avoid sporadic energy outages. This has resulted in efforts
towards development of dual-powered BSs [5], [6] as a cost
effective alternative. While the dual-powered BSs have been
successful in reducing the carbon footprint generated by the
BSs, they still rely on power-grid for providing seamless
operation. In this work, we propose a profitable innovative net-
work operation framework to reduce the grid consumption of
dual-powered networks through proper utilization of network
energy, without increasing the capital expenditure (CAPEX).
A. Related works
The advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) has led to a
surge in user traffic and their corresponding data requirements
[7]. The proliferation of the IoT alongside the roll out of 5G
communications is expected to increase the number of BSs [8]
in a network to cater to the user Quality of Service (QoS), thus
increasing the network energy consumption. These BSs being
energy intensive devices, are estimated to generate about 60%
of the carbon footprint in the Information and Communication
Technology sector [9]. Recent studies focusing on reducing
the carbon emissions due to the BSs involve optimal resource
allocation [10], [11] and traffic management techniques, like
dynamic BS ON/OFF [12] or cell zooming methods [13].
Powering the BSs with renewable energy sources like solar has
gained traction in recent studies [1] - [5]. While purely solar-
enabled BSs have been very effective towards envisioning
green communication, these frameworks have been estimated
to be incurring significant CAPEX to the operator [3].
Lately, there have been efforts to design dual-powered BSs
[5], [6], [14] which not only ensures a fair reduction in carbon
footprint, but also provides a cost effective framework for
seamless operation of the BSs without energy outages. The
framework in [5] presents a coverage adjustment based frame-
work to deal with the impact of traffic-energy imbalances
in a network and study the network operator’s revenue. The
studies in [6] and [14] deal with energy cooperation among
BSs in dual-powered networks via additional infrastructure
like power lines among the BSs. These power lines result in
additional CAPEX and maintenance costs to the operator.
In this paper, to deal with traffic-energy imbalance in
cellular networks, we propose a novel energy cooperation
scheme without the need for additional inter-BS power lines
infrastructure and also without any computationally-intensive
coverage adjustment requirement of the BSs, and analyze the
impact of energy cooperation on the operator’s revenue.
B. Motivation and contributions
Designing dual-powered networks are challenging due to
the stochastic nature of solar-harvest and user mobility in the
network. This spatio-temporal variation in user traffic density
and green energy leads to traffic-energy imbalances across the
network [15]. These traffic-energy imbalances result in some
BSs having more energy than required to serve its load or may
result in some BSs being energy deficient. In this paper, our
primary motivation is to propose profitable strategies to reduce
grid consumption by improving the network energy utilization
in dual-powered networks. This is expected to be achieved
via an energy sharing based cooperative framework, without
increasing the operator’s CAPEX. In this process, we also
look to explore new cost metrics in addition to the traditional
metrics and analyze their impact on the operator’s revenue.
(a) (b)
Solar Panels
Base station
Battery storage
Figure 1: Representation of (a) dual-powered wireless communication network, (b) normalized network traffic, (c) energy dynamics in a solar-powered BS.
The main contributions in this work are as follows: (i) To
reduce the grid energy consumption and to facilitate better
utilization of network energy, we propose an energy sharing
based cooperative cellular network in which the networked
BSs can share energy. (ii) It is proposed that the BSs will share
energy amongst one another if needed via the grid itself. The
cost of sharing is proposed to be much lower than the cost
of selling or purchasing energy from the grid. This is done as
an incentive for the operator to share energy rather than sell
the energy and earn revenue, thus reducing the operational
expenditure (OPEX). (iii) Individual user power requirements
have been computed through channel inversion technique to
meet the user QoS. (iv) The proposed energy cooperation
(EC) model is compared with a without energy cooperation
(WEC) model. Both the models are compared in terms of
the annual network energy consumption and profitability to
the operator. (v) It is observed that the proposed EC model
provides significant grid energy reduction of about 50% with
a profit gain of around 38% at 80% traffic skewness.
C. Organization
The layout of this paper is as follows. Section II introduces
the system model in detail. Section III deals with the physical
resource allocation while Section IV presents the proposed
network operation strategies. In Section V, we compare the
proposed network operation strategies and discuss the obser-
vations and inferences. Section VI concludes the paper.
In this work, we consider the downlink of a dual-powered
wireless communication network subjected to skewed user
traffic, as shown in Fig. 1(a). We consider a set of active
users Ufollowing a Poisson point process (PPP) of density
λin a fixed area A, being served by two BSs. Let these
solar-enabled and power-grid connected BSs be represented as
B={BSA, B SB}. The users are assumed to displace within
this fixed area and not move out of it. It is also assumed that
each user is being served by only one BS, even if the user falls
under the coverage of both the BSs. The user-BS association
is performed on the basis of maximum received power level
criterion, with the initial BS downlink powers assumed equal
and represented as P={Pb} ∀ b∈ B s.t. 0PbPmax .
5 10 15 20
Time (Hour)
Normalized Traffic Intensity
Figure 2: Traffic distribution among BSs at 60% skewness.
Table I: Traffic skewness levels
Skewness levels: 0%20%40%60%80%
ρA(t)50% 60% 70% 80% 90%
ρB(t)50% 40% 30% 20% 10%
K-Means clustering is used to compute the optimum BS
coordinates using the user locations generated via the PPP.
The number of users associated with each BS is represented
as U={Ub} ∀ b∈ B, with the initial cell radius given as
R={RA, RB}. We discuss the skewed traffic profile and the
energy harvesting profile in the upcoming sub-sections.
A. Traffic profile
The BSs are assumed to be subjected to skewed user traffic,
in the sense that the user intensity varies spatio-temporally
throughout the day. The normalized net traffic intensity ρ(t)
over the area Ais given in Fig. 1(b). Traffic skewness is
defined as the amount of traffic imbalance in a BS. Mathemat-
ically, traffic skewness γ=|ρA(t)ρB(t)|/(ρA(t) + ρB(t)),
where ρA(t)and ρB(t)are the traffic intensities at BSAand
BSBrespectively, with ρ(t) = ρA(t) + ρB(t). To induce
spatio-temporally varying skewed traffic across the network,
we break the 24 hour day duration into six windows of 4hours
each. The skewness levels along with their traffic distributions
considered for the current two BS network is shown in Table
I. For instance, in an hour t, at 60% skewness, either of the
BS will be subjected to 80% of the net traffic given in Fig.
1(b), while the other BS will be subjected to the remaining
20% of the net traffic. An illustration of the skewed traffic
profile generation is shown in Fig. 2.
B. Energy harvesting model
The BSs being dual-powered are solar-enabled in addition
to being connected with the power-grid. The energy dynamics
of a solar-enabled BS, showcasing the direction of energy
flow in a solar-BS is illustrated in Fig. 1(c). It is assumed
that each BS is equipped with κnumber of batteries, each
having capacity Bcap and NSunit rated solar panels. Thus,
the maximum storage capacity with each BS can be given
as βmax =κBcap. Further, to prevent energy outage, it is
constrained that the battery level cannot go below a critical
level denoted as βcr =δκBcap, with δdenoting the depth of
discharge of the battery storage. Thus, the battery level of any
BS is given as βb(t)[βcr, βmax ]b∈ B. Mathematically
βb(t) = βb(t1) + Hb(t)Eb(t),b∈ B (1)
where, Hb(t)denotes the hourly energy harvested by NSunit
rated solar panels enabled at BS band Eb(t)denotes the
hourly energy consumption by BS b. We have obtained the
hourly solar-harvest data by feeding the annual solar radiation
data provided by National Renewable Energy Lab, in the
System Advisor Model [16]. A BS is termed to be energy
surplus at hour t, if βb(t)βmax and energy deficient at
hour t, if βb(t)βcr as depicted through Fig. 1(c). Following
section describes the resource allocation strategy in detail.
We assume that all BSs in the network operate with full
frequency reuse, i.e., each BS has full access to the entire
bandwidth spectrum BW . It is further assumed that a user
gets a bandwidth share of BWub =BW/Ubb∈ B for the
entire duration of connectivity, without any sharing with any
other active user. Let the data rate achievable by a user uat a
distance dub when associated with BS bbe given as rub(t) =
BWub log2(1 + SINRub (t)). Here, SINRub(t)represents the
signal-interference-to-noise ratio (SINR) observed by user u
when associated with BS band is given as
SINRub(t) = Pub(t)gub
ub +PbBPub(t)gubd2
Pub(t)refers to the power allocated to a individual user u
by BS bat hour t,gub refers to the channel gain between
user uand BS b,b B − {b}, and σ2refers to the
additive white Gaussian noise power spectral density. The term
ubb B − {b}is called inter
cell interference (ICI). In this work, we have assumed that
all the user traffic belongs to a single service class requiring
a minimum rate requirement r0. Since each user mandates a
minimum data rate requirement of r0, it becomes imperative
for the service provider to meet the user QoS demand through
the BSs. The user QoS requirements can be expressed as,
where, p0represents the probability of meeting the user QoS.
In order to obtain the individual power requirement for each
user, we solve (3) as follows.
P gub exp (r0ln 2/BWub 1) d2
or, exp exp (r0ln 2/BWub 1) d2
giving, Pub(t)exp (r0ln 2/BWub 1) d2
In the above analysis, we have assumed the channel to
be Rayleigh distributed with the corresponding channel gain
being exponentially distributed with unit mean. Thus, the BS
downlink transmit power level can be calculated as,
Pb(t) =
Pub(t), s.t. 0PbPmax .(6)
The hourly BS energy consumption is then computed as
Eb(t) = NT RX (Pb(t) + P0)b∈ B [17] where, NT RX
denotes the number of transceivers per BS, Pb(t)denotes the
hourly varying BS load, and P0denotes the static BS power
requirement. After computing the BS downlink transmit power
level, we further analyze the proposed network operation and
revenue computation strategies in the upcoming section.
In this section, the network is operated through two network
operation strategies namely, the without energy cooperation
(WEC) model and the energy cooperation (EC) model for a
two BS network. Further, the revenue earned by a network
operator is computed considering all the cost metrics.
A. Without energy cooperation model
The WEC model involves the BSs trying to maintain the
QoS of maximum possible users associated without any flex-
ibility in cell coverage. Being subjected to spatio-temporally
varying user intensities, some BSs in the network may be
energy surplus while some BSs may get energy deficient.
From the network operator’s perspective, in this strategy,
revenue can be earned by selling the hourly excess energy
εback to the grid in addition to serving users. The operator
also incurs the cost of buying energy from the power-grid
(referred as OPEX) in the scenario where the BS gets energy
deficient and there is a need to prevent an energy outage. The
WEC model is presented in Part I of Algorithm 1.
For each BS b, depending on the initial battery level βini
energy budget bud
bfor each BS is computed in Step 4. If a
BS bis energy surplus at a given hour t, then the operator
can sell εb(t)=(βb(t)βmax)energy to the power-grid and
earn revenue, as shown in Step 9. On the contrary, if a BS
bgets energy deficient at hour t, then the operator will have
to buy b(t)=(βcr βb(t)) energy from the power-grid to
prevent energy outage, as shown in Step 12 of Algorithm 1.
Power grid
Battery A Battery B
PV Panels PV Panels
Figure 3: Energy flow representation in a two BS network.
B. Energy cooperation model
The proposed EC model for network operation also involves
the BSs maintaining the QoS of maximum associated users
without any flexibility in coverage adjustment. But unlike the
WEC model, it provides flexibility to individual BSs such
that they can share the deficient energy or some portion of it,
from other networked BSs via power-grid itself in the event
of an energy outage scenario. It is proposed that this energy
can be purchased at a much lower price than the grid price
thus reducing the OPEX incurred by the operator. The system
energy flow for the proposed framework has been represented
in Fig. 3 and is presented in Part II of Algorithm 1.
The proposed EC model differs from the WEC model as
to how the energy trade between the BSs and the grid gets
triggered. The WEC model involves buying and selling energy
in extreme cases, i.e., to prevent an energy outage or selling
energy that can’t be stored by the battery storage. On the
contrary, the EC model gets triggered when a BS becomes
energy deficient. It is notable that both the models, WEC and
EC, have similar network QoS performance which is measured
in terms of the number of users served by either of the models.
It has been computed considering that the BSs do not have
flexibility of coverage adjustment [15]. In the current two-BS
network, the following scenarios may arise at any hour t,
1) Both the BSs are not in energy outage, i.e., βb(t)>
βcr b∈ B.
In this case, since both the BSs are not being in outage,
they can sell the surplus energy ε(t) = P2
βmax)at hour tto the power-grid and earn revenue.
There is no grid consumption in this scenario.
2) Both the BSs are energy deficient.
In this scenario, both the BSs being energy deficient
rely on power-grid to avoid energy outage and maintain
the user QoS. So, the operator is mandated to purchase
∆(t) = P2
b=1(βcr βb(t)) energy at hour tto prevent
an energy outage.
3) Either of the BS is energy deficient, while the other BS
is not in outage, i.e., βb(t)< βcr &βb(t)βcr.
This scenario is visualized from the perspective of the
energy deficient BS b, as it triggers request for energy
sharing with the other networked BS bwhich is not in
Algorithm 1: Network operation strategies
Result: b, εb, Es
1Input: Hb(t), βcr, βmax , Eb(t)
2Initialize: βini
b, εb(t)=0,b(t) = 0, βb(t)=0
3Part - I: WEC strategy
bβcr +P24
t=1 Hb(t)
5for t={1,2,· · · ,24}do
6for {b∈ B} do
7βb(t) = βb(t1) + Hb(t)Eb(t)
8if (βb(t)βmax)then
9εb(t) = εb(t) + βb(t)βmax
10 βb(t) = βmax
11 else if (βb(t)βcr )then
12 b(t) = ∆b(t) + βcr βb(t)
13 βb(t) = βcr
14 else
15 βb(t) = βb(t)
16 end
17 end
18 Part - II: EC strategy
19 for {b∈ B, b̸=b}do
20 Sbb(t) = βb(t)βcr +εb(t)
21 if b(t)̸= 0 then
22 if (Sbb(t)̸= 0 & Sbb(t)b(t)) then
23 Es
bb(t) = ∆b(t)
Sbb(t) = Sbb(t)b(t)
24 b(t)=0
25 else if (Sbb(t)̸= 0 & Sbb(t)<b(t))
26 Es
bb(t) = Sbb(t)
b(t) = ∆b(t)Sbb(t)
27 Sbb(t)=0
28 buy remaining b(t)from the grid.
29 else
30 (i.e., Sbb(t) = 0 = Es
31 buy b(t)from the grid
32 end
33 else
34 i.e., b(t) = 0.
35 No change in parameters required.
36 end
37 end
38 Buy, ∆(t) = Pbb(t)
39 Sell, ε(t) = Pbεb(t)
40 Share, ES(t) = PbEs
41 end
energy-outage. If BS bis energy deficient at the tth hour,
i.e., βb(t)< βcr then, BS brequires b(t) = (βcr
βb(t)) amount of energy to avoid an energy outage. Let
b(t)be the amount of grid energy required by BS b
at hour t,Sbb(t)be the amount of energy that can be
shared by BS bto BS b, and Es
bbbe the amount of
energy shared by BS bto BS bat hour t.Sbb(t)also
includes the surplus energy εb(t)and is obtained from
Table II: Network performance trends and analysis
Traffic skewness levels 0%20%40%60%80%
Percent decrease in grid
consumption with EC over
42.07% 42.46% 47.45% 47.53% 49.60%
Percent decrease in energy
sold back to grid with EC
over WEC
12.41% 8.9% 6.12% 4.70% 3.76%
Decrease in revenue earned
by serving users 0% 0.92% 2.80% 3.84% 11.01%
Percent increase in Net
profit with EC over WEC 38.15% 40.60% 46.86% 44.78% 37.20%
Step 20 of Algorithm 1. The energy deficient BS bcan
get the deficient energy as explained below
a) The BS bshares the entire deficient energy b(t).
In this case since Sbb(t)b(t), there is no
requirement of grid energy purchase at BS b. The
steps have been detailed in Steps 22 - 24 of
Algorithm 1.
b) In case, Sbb(t)<b(t), then the energy deficient
BS bstill requires b(t)Sbb(t)energy from
the grid to avoid an outage. This case has been
detailed in Steps 25 - 28 of Algorithm 1.
C. Revenue analysis
The following cost metrics are significant from the opera-
tor’s perspective in this work.
1) CAPEX: It refers to the cost incurred upon the opera-
tor during installation of BSs and solar dimensioning.
Taking cost of PV panels to be CS=USD 1300$
and storage batteries CB=USD 216$, CAPEX =
B × (CSNS+CBκ).
2) OPEX: It refers to the cost incurred upon the oper-
ator during BS operations. For a day it is computed
as OPEX =P24
t=1 P2
b=1 cbuyb(t),with cbuy =
USD 0.079$ being the cost to buy unit energy from
the power-grid.
3) Energy sharing cost: (Cshare)It can be computed
as Cshare =P24
t=1 P2
b=1 Es
bb(t)ζ, where ζ=
USD 0.015$ is the grid maintenance cost borne by the
energy-deficient BS.
4) Revenue by selling energy: (Rsell)It can be com-
puted as Rsell =P24
t=1 P2
b=1 csell εb(t), with csell =
USD 0.057$ being the cost of selling unit energy back
to grid.
5) Revenue by serving users: (Rserv)In this paper,
we calculate Rserv with the BSs having prede-
fined cellular coverage. It is computed as Rserv =
t=1 P2
b=1 cserv Ub(t), with cserv =USD 1.31$ being
the revenue earned by serving a user for 1 month.
Operator’s net profit for the WEC model is calculated as
Profit =Rserv +Rsell CAPEX OPEX. For the EC model,
the operator’s profit is calculated as Profit =Rserv +Rsell
For simulation and result generation, the area under ob-
servation A= 1km2covered by two single operator BSs is
assumed to have a user density λ= 1500. The performance
of the framework has been analyzed using solar data of New
Delhi city. The dual powered BSs are enabled with 6 unit rated
solar panels and 6 storage batteries in total. The corresponding
CAPEX for the assumed solar dimensioning is computed to
be 9096 USD. The system bandwidth BW is assumed to
be 20 MHz. The values of parameters used in our analysis
are as follows: AWGN noise variance σ2=150 dBm/Hz,
Pmax = 40W, r0= 800 ×103,p0= 0.9, and δ= 0.3.
Our results show the variation in energy and cost metrics at
varying traffic skewness. The annual grid consumption with
the WEC and the proposed EC model has been depicted
in Fig. 4(a). It is observed that the WEC model results in
a significantly higher grid consumption than the EC model
at all skewness levels. The percentage of grid consumption
that is met by energy sharing through the proposed EC
framework is given in Fig. 4(b). This percent decrease in
grid consumption with the proposed EC model over the WEC
model is showcased in the first row of Table II. We observe
that the grid consumption reduces from about 42% at 0%
skewness to about 50% at 80% skewness, thus inferring that
the grid consumption decreases with an increase in traffic
Monthly variation of grid consumption with the WEC and
EC model is shown in Fig. 4(c). We can observe from Fig. 4(c)
that the grid consumption with both the models is lowest in
the summer months of May and June. The grid consumption
then peaks in the monsoon season till August, then again
decreases slightly in the winter months before peaking in the
foggy climate of December - January.
The annual energy sold back to the grid with the WEC and
EC models is given in Fig. 4(d). It can be inferred that the
net energy being sold back to the grid reduces significantly in
the EC model. This trend is shown in second row of Table II,
where we can observe that the negative gain in energy selling
with the EC model reduces from about 12% at 0% skewness
to about 3.7% at 80% skewness. This is intuitively justified
as the EC model involves sharing of the salable energy also
to the energy deficient BS. So, increasing skewness results in
an increase in the energy being sold back to the grid, leading
to decreasing negative gains for the EC model.
Revenue earned by serving users at various skewness levels
is plotted in Fig. 4(e). It is to be noted that both WEC and
EC model, maintain similar QoS guarantees in the network.
It is observed that the decrease in revenue earned by serving
users reduces by up to 11% at 80% traffic skewness, as
given in the third row of Table II. Thus, inferring that the
revenue earned by serving users reduces with increasing traffic
skewness levels.
Finally, the net profit earned by the operator with the WEC
and EC models has been illustrated in Fig. 4(f). We observe
that the profit obtained through the EC model is significantly
higher than the profit obtained through the WEC model. This
trend is shown in the last row of Table II, with the EC
model obtaining a gain up to 47% at 40% traffic skewness
over the WEC model. The observation that the profit gain at
higher skewness levels incur slight reduction can be attributed
0% 20% 40% 60% 80%
Traffic skewness levels
Grid consumption (W)
0% 20% 40% 60% 80%
Traffic skewness levels
Energy shared (%)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Monthly variation of
grid consumption (W)
0% 20% 40% 60% 80%
Traffic skewness levels
Energy sold back to grid (W)
0% 20% 40% 60% 80%
Traffic skewness levels
Revenue earned
by serving users ($)
0% 20% 40% 60% 80%
Traffic skewness levels
Net profit ($)
Figure 4: Variation of (a) annual grid energy consumption, (b) percentage of
grid consumption met by energy sharing among the networked BSs through
EC, (c) monthly grid consumption with WEC and EC at 0% skewness, (d)
annual energy which is sold back to the power-grid, (e) revenue earned by
serving users at various traffic skewness for both WEC and EC, (f) net profit
earned by the network operator.
to the decrease in revenue earned by selling energy as well
as revenue earned by serving users. Thus, we infer that the
EC model results in providing a significant reduction in grid
consumption with consistently higher profit margins over the
WEC model with increasing skewness.
The paper has presented an energy sharing based cooper-
ative framework for reducing the reliance of dual-powered
networks on grid energy consumption and to improve the uti-
lization of network energy. The framework has been designed
to deal with the traffic-energy imbalances occurring in a dual-
powered network, which may result in some BSs becoming
energy deficient. The developed EC framework proposes in-
teraction of the energy deficient BS with other networked
BSs via the grid itself. The proposed energy cooperation
occurs such that a BS not in energy outage, can share the
deficient energy or a portion of deficient energy at a relatively
lesser price. The cooperative energy sharing method has been
compared with the WEC model in terms of annual network
energy consumption and profitability towards the operator.
The proposed energy cooperation strategy is expected to pave
way towards making the network less reliant on power-grid
and achieving self sustainable wireless networks.
This work was supported in parts by the Science and
Engineering Research Board, Department of Science and
Technology, Government of India, under the Grant No.
CRG/2019/002293, the Ministry of Science and Technology
under the Grants MOST 110-2634-F-009-021 through Per-
vasive Artificial Intelligence Research (PAIR) Labs, Taiwan,
and the Higher Education Sprout Project of the National Yang
Ming Chiao Tung University and Ministry of Education.
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... Despite a broad range of research being carried out to reduce the carbon footprint, the state-of-art has not explored the possibility of cooperative energy management [11] in residential systems. Additionally, the lack of synchronization among the residences has not been investigated. ...
... R ≥ 2 since atleast two residences are required for cooperation. The formulated problems in (10), (11), and (21) are observed to be mixed-integer linear optimization problems. These problems have been solved using standard linear optimization solvers in MATLAB. ...
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Achieving self-sustainability has been one of the key challenges in designing smart grid connected residential systems. Solar enabled and power grid connected, dual-powered residential systems is an attractive solution, but it is not carbon free and cost optimal for the end user. This paper proposes temporal energy cooperation among the dual-powered residences as a potential cost and energy efficient solution. Through this paper, we present a microgrid based, multi-residence cooperative energy transfer mechanism to offset the power grid dependency. The developed analytical framework characterizes the green energy storage as a discrete time Markov model and aims to exploit the temporal residential load variations, towards designing self-sustainable systems at a much lower capital expenditure (CAPEX). Our simulation results capture the variation of optimum residence cluster size as a function of energy sharing price and load skewness to become cost profitable. The results also demonstrate a significant reduction in CAPEX, achieved through the proposed energy cooperative framework, over a non-cooperative residential system.
... Taking the system design constraints into account, in this work we study various network operation strategies in a grid connected and solar powered setting, and compare them with a joint traffic and green energy management (JTEM) framework. The competitive state of art frameworks include: green energy aware traffic management (TM) [7], [9], traffic aware green energy management (EM) [10], [11], and a without traffic and green energy management (wTEM) framework. The frameworks are compared w.r.t. ...
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Achieving energy sustainable networks has been a key challenge in the upcoming sixth generation communication technologies. In addition to energy sustainability, cost/revenue aspects to the mobile operator also require to be incorporated in the system design analysis, so as to achieve scalability. In a grid connected and renewable energy harvesting enabled network, we study various network operation frameworks involving traffic management (TM), energy management (EM), intelligent solar provisioning, and further analyze the prospect of joint traffic and energy management (JTEM). First, we outlay the challenges and physical limits involved in optimizing a grid connected and renewable energy powered cellular network framework. Next, we discuss the system design objectives showcasing the evolution of grid connected and renewable energy powered networks. The key design objectives include achieving self-sustainability (i.e., carbon free networks), cost profitability to the operator, in addition to realizing sustainable network clusters. Simulation results demonstrate the superior gain in user quality of service and operator profit obtained through the JTEM framework over other state of art. The article concludes presenting some open issues associated with grid connected sustainable networks.
... Energy management strategies proposed in [10], [20]- [22], [35] aim to reduce the network energy consumption by intelligently exploiting the space-time inhomogeneites in BS load and energy harvest, thereby improving temporal green energy utilization as shown in Fig. 1(b). While such sharing of energy (only SE) based frameworks as in [10] are extremely effective in reducing the grid energy procurement and minimizing the carbon footprint, they are limited by finite green energy storage capacity and finite antenna power radiation limit [34] due to which a BS cannot serve a large number of users associated with it. ...
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Renewable power provisioning of the base stations (BS) in addition to the traditional power grid connectivity presents an interesting prospect towards realizing green future network services. Designing such dual-powered systems is challenging due to the presence of space-time varying stochasticity in traffic and green energy harvest at each BS. These traffic and green energy imbalances result in non-optimal network green energy utilization and thus resulting in a higher grid energy purchase to the mobile operator. In this paper, we present a novel coverage adjustment and sharing of energy (CASE) framework that exploits the user traffic load and green energy availability imbalances across the networked BSs towards maximizing the operator profit and designing energy sustainable system. The profit maximization problem is formulated considering the networked BSs to have the flexibility of load aware coverage adjustment and green energy sharing capability among themselves , in addition to trading energy with the grid. The proposed CASE framework first leverages the spatio-temporal traffic and energy inhomogeneities and performs load management for maximizing user quality of service (QoS). The CASE strategy then distributes the residual energy imbalance across the BSs and maximizes the utilization of temporal green energy harvest across the BSs. The proposed strategy is compared with only coverage adjustment, only sharing of energy, and a benchmark without CASE based framework. Our simulation results indicate significant improvement in user QoS and operator profit, up to 18% and 39% respectively at high skewness scenario, in addition to fully utilizing the green energy potential in the network.
... The BSs are of two types, i.e., off-grid BSs that only operate using the harvested energy and on-grid BSs that are also capable of purchasing energy from the electricity grid as well as using the harvested energy. Because of the imbalance in harvested energy and loads in the BSs, energy sharing among them has become a crucial requirement [11]. ...
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Energy Harvesting technology contributes significantly to green cellular networking by ensuring self-sustainability and extinguishing environmental hazards. Due to the imbalance between the harvested energy and traffic load of the base stations (BSs), energy cooperation has become a crucial requirement. However, the decision of optimal energy cooperation among the BSs in a multi-operator cellular network is a challenging task due to the consideration of various factors, such as cost, loss of energy, future information of traffic load, and harvested energy of the BSs, etc. The two conflicting objectives are minimizing the energy buying cost and the loss of energy while transferring through the power links. In this work, we present an optimal energy cooperation framework, formulated as a multi-objective linear programming (MOLP) problem which brings a trade-off between the two above-mentioned conflicting objectives considering the harvested energy and load of the BSs at future time slots. For the prediction of harvested energy of the BSs, we develop a Deep Q-Learning-based prediction method that intelligently increases measurement accuracy through continuous exploration and exploitation. The results of simulation experiments carried out in MATLAB depict that the proposed multi-operator energy cooperation framework outperforms state-of-the-art works in terms of cost, performance, and energy-loss reduction.
... The BSs are of two types, i.e., off-grid BSs that only operate using the harvested energy and on-grid BSs that are also capable of purchasing energy from the electricity grid as well as using the harvested energy. Because of the imbalance in harvested energy and loads in the BSs, energy sharing among them has become a crucial requirement [11]. ...
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Energy Harvesting technology contributes significantly to green cellular networking by ensuring self-sustainability and extinguishing environmental hazards. Due to the imbalance between the harvested energy and traffic load of the base stations (BSs), energy cooperation has become a crucial requirement. However, the decision of optimal energy cooperation among the BSs in a multi-operator cellular network is a challenging task due to the consideration of various factors, such as cost, loss of energy, future information of traffic load, and harvested energy of the BSs, etc. The two conflicting objectives are minimizing the energy buying cost and the loss of energy while transferring through the power links. In this work, we present an optimal energy cooperation framework, formulated as a multi-objective linear programming (MOLP) problem which brings a trade-off between the two above-mentioned conflicting objectives considering the harvested energy and load of the BSs at future time slots. For the prediction of harvested energy of the BSs, we develop a Deep Q-Learning-based prediction method that intelligently increases measurement accuracy through continuous exploration and exploitation. The results of simulation experiments carried out in MATLAB depict that the proposed multi-operator energy cooperation framework outperforms state-of-the-art works in terms of cost, performance, and energy-loss reduction.
... The results from [12] and [13] demonstrated that the dual powered system can increase the revenue gain while guaranteeing user requirements such as delay constrained and tolerance. In [14], the authors proposed an energy sharing based cooperative framework for dual-powered BS wherein a BS that is not experiencing an energy outage can conduct the energy cooperation. Li et al. [15] designed a energy efficient mmWave cellular networks where SCs harvest electromagnetic energy and optimized the transmission power of SCs by formulating a fractional programming problem and exploiting several mathematical methods (i.e., Dinkerbach and Lagrange dual decoupling). ...
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In the downlink of millimeter wave (mmWave) cellular networks, coordinated multi-point transmission (CoMP) with the joint transmission (JT) strategy can achieve a higher data rate at cell edge by multiple desired signals. However, since cooperative transmissions among multiple cells lead to increased energy consumption for these cells, an energy efficient CoMP-JT strategy is required. In this paper, we propose an energy efficient CoMP-JT (EE-CoMP) scheme with hybrid power, where a small cell base station (SC) can use both renewable power and grid power. In EE-CoMP, when the multiple neighboring SCs conduct a cooperative transmission, these SCs determine whether or not to conduct CoMP-JT in a distributed manner. To minimize the grid energy consumption of SCs while maintaining the outage probability, we consider a stochastic game model with constrains for an EE-CoMP based system. In this way, the policy for conducting CoMP-JT can be obtained by applying a best response algorithm. Evaluation results show that EE-CoMP can reduce the grid energy consumption by 80% compared with a probability-based scheme while providing a sufficiently target outage probability (e.g., 0.1).
... In [1], we explored the effect of traffic-energy imbalances on operator revenue and grid consumption in a two-BS scenario. In this paper, we extend the idea to a multi-BS dualpowered scenario and present the following contributions. ...
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Designing solar-enabled and power grid connected, 'dual-powered', cellular networks is challenging due to the double stochasticity arising from energy harvest and user traffic, resulting in spatio-temporally varying traffic-energy imbalances. Improper strategy to optimize the power grid connectivity results in generation of significant carbon footprint. In this paper, we present an analytical framework to mathematically capture the traffic-energy imbalances in such a dual-powered network and propose to improve the temporal network energy utilization by exploiting these imbalances through a cooperative energy sharing mechanism among the base stations (BSs), via the grid infrastructure itself. The cooperative communication system is designed and optimized independently from two perspectives, namely, grid energy procurement and carbon emission minimization (in carbon free 'energy producer' mode) and operator revenue maximization (in 'energy prosumer' mode). The energy producer mode involves the BSs, without the flexibility to procure energy and acting as distributed energy source to the power grid. The energy prosumer mode provides additional flexibility of grid energy procurement to the BSs in addition to energy sharing and selling. For a given capital expenditure (CAPEX), both the optimization problems are reformulated into convex quadratic problems and closed form expressions for the optimal quanta of energies to be shared/procured through/from the grid are obtained. The optimal CAPEX for the proposed modes of network operation are obtained via linear revenue maximization problem formulation. The results demonstrate that the proposed cooperative energy framework significantly improves the temporal network energy utilization, thereby reducing the grid energy procurement and providing significant revenue gains compared to the state-of-art.
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The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector consumes around 10% of global electricity generating around 2% of global carbon footprint. The advent of Internet of Things (IoT) alongside evolution of 5G and 6G communication technology is estimated to increase the number of mobile subscribers by around 13%. With continually increasing user Quality of service (QoS) demands, the network energy consumption is estimated to rise significantly by 170% in the coming few years. To mitigate the increasing carbon footprint, we propose to have dual power connectivity on the base stations (BS), i.e., the BSs are provisioned with solar panels and storage batteries in addition to power grid connectivity. These BSs act as distributed energy source to the power grid as well as energy consumer. Optimally designing dual-powered networks is challenging as the dual-powered networks are prone to space-time variation of BS load and green energy harvest, leading to traffic-energy imbalances throughout the network. We propose an energy prosumer framework invoking the flexibility of cooperative energy transfer among the BSs using the grid infrastructure, toward designing energy efficient and cost-optimal, scalable networks. We propose to provide newer avenues of revenue generation to the mobile service provider so as to offset the capital expenditure (CAPEX) involved. Our results demonstrate significant CAPEX and operational expenditure (OPEX) savings to service provider, in addition to significant revenue gains and reduction in carbon-footprint. The proposed system is expected to pave way towards carbon-free self-sustainable communication networks.
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Traffic-energy imbalance poses a major challenge on enabling of green-communication through dual-powered green networks, which are becoming increasingly attractive due to their cost efficiency and low carbon footprint. Dual-powered networks are prone to traffic-energy imbalance mainly due to spatio-temporal traffic variation and random solar energy harvest. Thus, it becomes imperative to study the effects of this traffic-energy imbalance in green networks and to formulate network operation strategies. We present an analytical framework for computing the operator’s revenue while fulfilling the users’ service guarantee. The revenue maximization problem is solved algorithmically through proposed network operation and green energy allocation strategies. The network is subjected to heterogeneous skewed traffic of varying degrees and operated using two distinct strategies, the conventional without coverage adjustment (WCA) and the proposed cooperative coverage adjustment (CCA) model. In the conventional WCA model the cells do not dynamically adjust their coverage areas, whereas the proposed CCA model involves the radio network controller (RNC) for adjusting the cell coverage areas based on traffic load and energy availability. Our analysis and simulation results demonstrate that the proposed CCA model is highly effective in addressing traffic-energy imbalance at the cellular level and significantly improves the revenue as compared to the conventional WCA model. Our results demonstrate that with the proposed CCA model, the revenue gain increases with an increase in traffic skewness. For example, it provides a gain up to 61% under high (80%) traffic skewness while serving about 25% of more users.
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Solar-powered and power grid connected green cellular networks are becoming attractive due to low carbon footprint and cost-effectiveness in providing uninterrupted service. In this paper, we analyze the performance of such dual-powered multi-cell network in presence of skewed traffic load across the different base stations (BSs). Cell coverage is decided at the network design stage based on long-term average traffic intensity across the various regions of a multi-cell coverage area. In presence of dynamically-changing skewness of traffic loads across different cells, we propose to adjust the cell coverage to accommodate the traffic and energy availability imbalance in the cells, while the demand for residual energy deficiency for serving the customers is fulfilled through the power grid connectivity. Network service provider’s cost with the proposed coverage adjustment based strategy is compared with that of the conventional approach where the individual BSs do not undergo any cell coverage adjustment and seek to provide the maximum network performance. Our analysis and simulation-based performance results demonstrate, that the network performance as well as monetary gains of the service provider are significantly higher with our proposed strategy. For example, at a moderate (30%) traffic skewness, the proposed strategy offers about 4% gain in operator’s annual profit, while serving about 8% more users on average at the peak hour. At a very high (80%) skewness, these numbers are respectively about 50% and 39%.
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Dimensioning of a solar-enabled system requires estimation of appropriate size of photovoltaic panel and storage capacity. In this paper, dimensioning problem is analyzed in order to reduce the computation overhead, where stand-alone solar-enabled base station (SS-BS) is considered as a case study. First, the power consumption model of BS is revised to save energy and revenue. Then, the lower bounds on panel size and storage capacity are obtained using Gaussian mixture model, which provide a reduced search space for system dimensioning. The cost function and energy outage probability are modeled as functions of panel size and number of battery units using curve fitting technique. The cost function is proven to be quasiconvex, whereas energy outage probability is proven to be convex function of panel size and number of battery. This transforms the problem into a convex optimization framework. Finally, a computationally-efficient energy outage aware cost-optimal dimensioning algorithm is proposed. The proposed framework is tested and validated on solar data of several cities; for illustration purpose, three cities located at different geographical regions, are considered. The optimization framework determines the system dimension accurately, while reducing 68% to 94% computational overhead with respect to the exhaustive search method in existing works.
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Abstract: This paper proposes: 1) a traffic flow management policy, which allocates and organizes machine type communication (MTC) traffic flows network resources sharing within evolved packet system (EPS); 2) an access element as a wireless sensor network gateway for providing an overlaying access channel between the machine type devices and EPS; and 3) it addresses the effect and interaction in the heterogeneity of applications, services and terminal devices, and the related quality of service (QoS) issues among them. This paper overcomes the problems of network resource starvation by preventing deterioration of network performance. The scheme is validated through simulation, which indicates the proposed traffic flow management policy outperforms the current traffic management policy. Specifically, simulation results show that the proposed model achieves an enhancement in QoS performance for the MTC traffic flows, including a decrease of 99.45% in packet loss rate (PLR), a decrease of 99.89% in packet end to end (E2E) delay, a decrease of 99.21% in packet delay variation (PDV). Furthermore, it retains the perceived quality of experience of the real time application users within high satisfaction levels, such as the voice over long term evolution service possessing a mean opinion score (MOS) of 4.349 and enhancing the QoS of a video conference service within the standardized values of a 3GPP body, with a decrease of 85.28% in PLR, a decrease of 85% in packet E2E delay and a decrease of 88.5% in PDV.
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What will 5G be? What it will not be is an incremental advance on 4G. The previous four generations of cellular technology have each been a major paradigm shift that has broken backwards compatibility. And indeed, 5G will need to be a paradigm shift that includes very high carrier frequencies with massive bandwidths, extreme base station and device densities and unprecedented numbers of antennas. But unlike the previous four generations, it will also be highly integrative: tying any new 5G air interface and spectrum together with LTE and WiFi to provide universal high-rate coverage and a seamless user experience. To support this, the core network will also have to reach unprecedented levels of flexibility and intelligence, spectrum regulation will need to be rethought and improved, and energy and cost efficiencies will become even more critical considerations. This paper discusses all of these topics, identifying key challenges for future research and preliminary 5G standardization activities, while providing a comprehensive overview of the current literature, and in particular of the papers appearing in this special issue.
Considering the exponential increase in mobile traffic, requiring denser cellular access networks, the use of renewable energy (RE) to power base stations (BSs) may contribute to reduce the huge operational cost faced by Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) due to power supply. Furthermore, the Smart Grid (SG) paradigm is deeply changing the energy market, envisioning an active interaction between grid and customers. Hence, MNOs can combine renewable-powered BSs with properly designed energy management strategies to improve the interaction with the SG, with the twofold objective of reducing the energy bill and providing ancillary services. We propose a stochastic model to investigate a renewable-powered mobile network dynamically adapting its energy consumption to accomplish SG requests, and receiving rewards in return, by exploiting two techniques. First, Resource on Demand can dynamically switch off unneeded BSs. Second, an energy management policy takes efficient decisions about using/harvesting locally produced RE, depending on SG requests. The proposed techniques highly increase the probability of responding to ancillary service demands, up to 90%, also depending on the RE system size, with RoD raising by up to 20% the probability of accomplishing SG requests. Consequently, cost saving can become equal to the total cost or even greater, providing revenues to the MNO.
Cellular base stations (BSs) powered by renewable energy like solar power have emerged as a promising solution to address the issues of reducing the carbon footprint of the telecom industry as well as the operational cost associated with powering the BSs. This paper considers a network of off-grid solar powered BSs and addresses two key challenges while operating them (a) avoiding energy outages and (b) ensuring reliable quality of service (in terms of the network latency). In order to do so, the problem of minimizing the network latency given the constrained energy availability at the BSs is formulated. Unlike existing literature which have addressed this problem using user-association reconfiguration or BS on/off strategies, we address the problem by proposing an intelligent algorithm for allocating the harvested green energy over time, and green energy and delay aware downlink power control and user association. Using a real BS deployment scenario, we show the efficacy of our methodology and demonstrate its superior performance compared to existing benchmarks.
Cellular operators are increasingly turning towards renewable energy (RE) as an alternative to using traditional electricity in order to reduce operational expenditure and carbon footprint. Due to the randomness in both RE generation and mobile traffic at each base station (BS), a surplus or shortfall of energy may occur at any given time. To increase energy self-reliance and minimize the network's energy cost, the operator needs to efficiently exploit the RE generated across all BSs. In this paper, a hybrid energy sharing framework for cellular network is proposed, where a combination of physical power lines and energy trading with other BSs using smart grid is used. Algorithms for physical power lines deployment between BSs, based on average and complete statistics of the net RE available, are developed. Afterwards, an energy management framework is formulated to optimally determine the quantities of electricity and RE to be procured and exchanged among BSs, respectively, while considering battery capacities and real-time energy pricing. Three cases are investigated where RE generation is unknown, perfectly known, and partially known ahead of time. Results investigate the time varying energy management of BSs and demonstrate considerable reduction in average energy cost thanks to the hybrid energy sharing scheme.
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In this paper we study cellular access networks which solely rely on renewable energy. We consider a cellular network in which a mesh of base stations (BSs) that are powered with renewable sources, and interconnected with wireless backhaul links, cover the service area, and provide connection to few, typically remote, wired network accesses to the national and international backbone. In particular, we study how to dimension BS power generators and energy storage. We start by discussing the BS energy need, that depends on both the BS consumption model and the BS traffic profiles. Focusing then on some specific locations, we consider the use of photovoltaic (PV) panels, and dimension them based on the daily energy need of the BS and on typical radiative power of sun in the considered locations. Once the PV system has been dimensioned, we also evaluate the energy storage capacity that is needed to absorb energy production variability due to both daily and seasonal radiative power variations. Finally, we investigate the effectiveness of integrating the PV system with wind turbines, as well as the benefit induced on the system by base station sleep modes.