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Prevalence and Genotype Distribution of Human Papillomavirus Among a Subpopulation of Jordanian Women


Abstract and Figures

Objectives: Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is the leading sexually-transmitted infection worldwide and the main etiology of cervical cancer. HPV infection rates are important in directing vaccination policies and screening for cervical cancer. Unfortunately, no recent reports have evaluated the prevalence of HPV infection amongst Jordanian women, despite the major globalization-driven changes in sexual behavior. This study aims to determine the prevalence of HPV infection and its genotypic distribution in cervical samples of Jordanian women. Materials and Methods: The study was carried out at Prince Hamza Hospital (Amman, Jordan) during 2016-17. Women (15 and 75 years old) were randomly selected for cervical cell collection. DNA was extracted and then amplified using MY09/11 and GP5+/6+ consensus primers. Positive samples were then genotyped using RT-PCR and reverse line blotting. Results: Fourteen out of 348 women tested positive for HPV with a prevalence rate of 4%. Multiple HPV genotypes were seen in 36% (5/14) of infected women, while single HPV genotype infection was seen in 64% (9/14) of infected women. High-risk HPV genotypes were detected in most cases with 78.6% (11/14) infection rate, potential high-risk HPV genotypes were detected in 42.9% (6/14), and low-risk HPV genotypes were detected in 7.1% (1/14) of infected women. Ten different genotypes were detected in the infected women; the most common type was HPV 16 (42.9%; 6/14). Conclusions: Our data suggests that the prevalence of HPV infection amongst Jordanian women is below the global and regional rates. This data should facilitate the implementation of appropriate cervical cancer screening and future HPV vaccination programs.
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Cervical cancer represents the fourth most frequently
diagnosed malignancy in women and the fourth leading
cause of cancer-related demise worldwide (1-3). In
addition, human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is the
leading sexually-transmitted infection (STI) globally (4).
Multiple clinical and epidemiological reports have clearly
established the role of HPV infection as the primary
etiologic factor of cervical cancer (5-7). According to
their oncogenicity, HPVs are classified into high-risk
(HR), potential high-risk (pHR), and low-risk (LR)
groups. The oncogenic HR-HPV genotypes 16 and 18
are the most prevalent types in individuals with cervical
carcinoma or cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and are
implicated in more than 70% of cervical carcinoma cases
(8, 9). Conversely, the LR group genotypes 6 and 11 are
implicated in most cases of condylomata and genital warts
(10, 11). Given that HPV prevalence and distribution
differ geographically and within different populations,
there is a constant need for conducting HPV genotype
screening routinely.
In Jordan, the annual incidence of cervical cancer
is estimated at 50-60 cases with a 50% mortality rate
(12). These low figures could be largely attributed to
predominant conservative sexual practices in Jordan.
However, in recent years, globalization has tremendously
affected several aspects of social life. Unfortunately, no
recent report has examined whether this change has
affected HPV infection rates. Furthermore, these changes
in sexual practices might still be accompanied by the
underutilization of mechanical protection (condoms),
which significantly decreases the risk of STIs, which is
still a main concern in the Middle East region (13). In this
pilot study, Jordanian women attending the Gynecology
Clinic at Prince Hamza Hospital were screened to identify
the frequency of the HPV infection in this population.
Moreover, the distribution of HPV genotypes and the
extent of multiple HPV infections were studied in
Objectives: Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is the leading sexually-transmitted infection (STI) worldwide and the main
etiology of cervical cancer. HPV infection rates are important in directing vaccination policies and screening for cervical
cancer. Unfortunately, no recent reports have evaluated the prevalence of this infection among Jordanian women despite major
globalization-driven changes in sexual behavior. Accordingly, this study aimed to determine the prevalence of HPV infection and
its genotypic distribution in the cervical samples of Jordanian women.
Materials and Methods: The study was carried out at Prince Hamza Hospital (Amman, Jordan) during 2016-2017. Women (15-
75 years old) were randomly selected for cervical cell collection. DNA was extracted and then amplified using MY09/11 and
GP5+/6+ consensus primers. Finally, positive samples were genotyped by applying real-time- polymerase chain reaction and
reverse line blotting.
Results: Fourteen out of 348 women tested positive for HPV with a prevalence rate of 4%. In addition, multiple HPV genotypes
were observed in 36% (5/14) of infected women while single HPV genotype infection was found in 64% (9/14) of infected women.
Further, high-risk (HR), potential high-risk (pHR), and low-risk (LR) HPV genotypes were detected in most cases with a 78.6%
(11/14) infection rate, 42.9% (6/14), and 7.1% (1/14) of infected women, respectively. Eventually, 10 different genotypes were
detected in infected women and HPV 16 was the most common type (42.9%, 6/14).
Conclusions: Our data suggest that the prevalence of HPV infection among Jordanian women is below the global and regional
rates. It is hoped that these data should facilitate the implementation of appropriate cervical cancer screening and future HPV
vaccination programs.
Keywords: Human papillomavirus, Real-time PCR, HPV 16, Prevalence, Jordan, Cervical cancer
Prevalence and Genotype Distribution of Human
Papillomavirus Among a Subpopulation of Jordanian
Ashraf I. Khasawneh1*
, Fida F. Asali2
, Rami M. Kilani2
, Jumana A. Abu-Raideh1
, Nisreen M.
, Muna A. Salameh3
, Ghadeer H. Al Ghabbiesh4
, Tareq Saleh1
Open Access Original Article
International Journal of Women’s Health and Reproduction Sciences
Vol. 9, No. 1, January 2021, x–x doi 10.15296/ijwhr.2021.xx
ISSN 2330- 4456
Received 7 November 2019, Accepted 20 January 2020, Available online 14 February 2020
1Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, the Hashemite University, Zarqa, Jordan. 2Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Faculty of Medicine, the Hashemite University, Zarqa, Jordan. 3Department of Basic Medical Sciences, College of Medicine, Al-Balqa’ Applied
University, Al-Salt, Jordan. 4Molecular Biology Department, MedLabs Consultancy Group, Amman, Jordan
*Corresponding Author: Ashraf I. Khasawneh, Tel: +962 (5) 3903333(5562), E-mail:
Khasawneh et al
International Journal of Women’s Health and Reproduction Sciences, Vol. 9, No. 1, January 2021
women from the region of Amman, Jordan. To the best
of our knowledge, this is the first report that provides
epidemiologic data on HPV infection and highlights its
prevalence and genotype distribution in a general female
subpopulation from a local area in Jordan.
The identification of specific HPV genotypes in the
clinical setting is critical for accurate diagnostic workup,
treatment planning, and prediction of the prognosis of
HPV infection-related pathologies in certain populations.
Accordingly, our results provide essential information to
guide the future planning of public prevention programs
and the potential use of HPV type-specific vaccines,
ultimately, leading to an overall reduction in the incidence
of cervical cancer in Jordan.
Materials and Methods
Specimen Collection
Cervical samples were collected from 380 healthy, married
Jordanian females aged 18-70 years. Women attending
the Gynecology Clinic at Prince Hamza Hospital as part
of a routine gynecological exam were recruited during
2016-17. Single unmarried women, pregnant women, and
those with previous hysterectomy or previously diagnosed
with cervical cancer were excluded from this study. The
samples were obtained using a Digene cervical brush,
and then transferred into sterile tubes containing 2 mL
of phosphate buffer saline, and finally, stored at 4ºC for
DNA extraction (14). The Institutional Review Board
approvals of this study were obtained from the Hashemite
University and Prince Hamzah Hospital according to
the established guidelines. All participating individuals
signed an informed consent form, along with a structured
Nucleic Acid Extraction
Cervical samples were vortexed to dissociate the cells
and centrifuged at 10 000 rpm for 5 minutes. Then the
supernatant was discarded and DNA was extracted from
cervical samples using the DNeasy Blood and Tissue Kit
(Qiagen, USA) according to the manufacturer’s protocol.
Next, DNA was eluted in 200 µL of the Adams–Evans
buffer and stored at -20ºC for subsequent processing.
Eventually, DNA concentration was measured using the
Qubit 3.0 Fluorometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA) as
detailed by the manufacturer.
HPV Detection Through Conventional Polymerase Chain
A touchdown Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) was
used to amplify the conserved sequences of the HPV L1
gene by employing the consensus GP5+/GP6+ primer
set. As previously mentioned, touchdown PCR enhances
the detection of HPV-positive samples compared to the
conventional PCR (15). The applied primer sets in this
study are listed in Table 1. The PCR for the GP5+/GP6+
primer set was carried out in a 25 µL final volume using
the HotStarTaq Master Mix (Qiagen, USA) as reported
previously (15). To increase the yield of HPV-positive
sample detection, the MY09/MY11 primer set was also
used to screen cervical samples for HPV infection (16).
Moreover, PCR for the MY09/MY11 primer set was
conducted in a 25 µL final volume by utilizing HotStarTaq
Master Mix (Qiagen, USA) under the conditions of initial
denaturation at 95ºC for 15 minutes, followed by 40 cycles
at 94, 55, and 72ºC for 45, 45, and 45 seconds, respectively,
with a final extension step of 72ºC for 5 minutes. All PCR
runs included a negative control (no DNA template) and
a positive control (HPV 16 or 18) thankfully provided
by MedLabs Consultancy Group (Amman, Jordan).
Additionally, the human Beta-globin gene was employed
as an internal control to check for the quality and adequacy
of the extracted DNA. Then, the electrophoresis of PCR
products was conducted using a 2% agarose gel stained
with ethidium bromide, and finally, visualized using UV
transillumination (Alpha Innotech, USA).
HPV prevalence among women in Jordan is 4%.
HPV 16 is the most common subtype identified in 43%
of infected Jordanian women.
The introduction of the HPV bivalent vaccine as part
of the national vaccination program is recommended.
Key Messages
Table 1. Primer Sequences Used for HPV Amplification
Primer Name Target Gene Primer Sequence Band Size
BG-F β-globin 5’-GAAGAGCCAAGGACAGGTAC-3’ 268 bp
The table includes a detailed illustration of all the applied primer sequences for detecting positive HPV samples. Consensus HPV primers were used to detect
the HPV L1 gene sequence.
Note. HPV: Human papillomavirus.
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International Journal of Women’s Health and Reproduction Sciences, Vol. 8, No. 4, October 2020 3
HPV Genotyping
Two methods were used for HPV genotype identification,
including the real-time PCR (RT-PCR) kit and a reverse
line blot kit (AB ANALITICA, Italy). REALQUALITY
RQ-Multi HPV detection is an in vitro diagnostic kit
which is capable of identifying 28 HPV types including
14 HR (16,18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66, and
68), 6 pHR (26, 53, 67, 70, 73, and 82), and 8 LR (6, 11, 40,
42, 43, 44, 55, and 83) genotypes (17). This kit amplifies a
fragment in the regions of E6 and E7 in the HPV genome
and detects different genotypes as a pool except for
HPV 16 and HPV 18 which are detected individually. In
addition, the kit includes an internal control (human beta-
globin) to monitor for the quality of DNA extraction and
the amplification process. Further, it provides a negative
control (nuclease-free water) and a positive control
(plasmid DNA contains the fragments of HPV 16, 18, and
33 for HR-HPV, along with the fragments of HPV 6, 11,
and 26 genotypes for LR-HPV).
The inconclusive results of a single genotype were further
(version 3.0, AB ANALITICA, Italy) according to the
s instructions (18). This kit can identify 40
HPV individual genotypes based on the amplification of
a 145-bp fragment in the L1 region of the HPV genome,
followed by a reverse line blot assay. Furthermore, the
kit includes a housekeeping gene control and a plasmid
DNA with fragments of the HPV 61 genotype as a positive
Statistical Analysis
All statistical calculations were performed using SPSS
software, version 22 (IBM, USA), and the chi-square test
was the main tool for testing differences in proportions.
In this study, a P < 0.05 was used as the point of statistical
This cross-sectional study recruited 380 females attending
the Gynecology Clinic at Prince Hamza Hospital as part
of a routine gynecological exam. Of 380 collected samples
collected, a few had no cells, looked turbid, or were
extremely bloody, and thus were excluded from the study.
Some cervical samples yielded no housekeeping gene
(β-globin) and thus were not further processed. However,
most samples tested positive for internal control (Figure
1A). The remaining 348 samples were further analyzed by
the PCR using MY09/11 and the GP5+/6+ primers (Figure
1B-C). MY09/11 and the GP5+/6+ are L1 consensus
primer sets that are routinely used for detecting HPV
DNA using the PCR (16). Samples that demonstrated a
strong positive (a sharp band) or a possibly positive (a faint
band) were further analyzed by the RT-PCR in order to
confirm or rule out the presence of HPV infection (Figure
2A). Moreover, the indeterminate HPV genotype in the
RT-PCR was further tested for using the reverse line blot
assay (Figure 2B), and the prevalence of HPV infection in
the studied population was 4%.
Table 2 summarizes the demographic data and risk
factors for the studied group. Based on the data, the mean
age of women in the studied population was 42.61 ± 10.95,
and there was no difference in the mean age between
HPV positive and negative women. Furthermore, other
demographic data such as educational level, marital status,
and body mass index revealed no significant differences
between the two populations. Finally, risk factors such as
the onset of sexual activity, pregnancy, abortion, alcohol,
and tobacco use also demonstrated an insignificant
variability between HPV positive and negative groups.
As mentioned earlier in Table 3, 14 women were infected
with HPV with a prevalence of 4%. Additionally, 36%
(5/14) of women were found to be infected with multiple
HPV genotypes while 64% (9/14) of them showed single
HPV genotype infection. Based on the results, HPV low-
risk infection was detected in 7.1% (1/14) of women
whereas the pHR HPV infection was observed in 42.9%
(6/14) of women. Similarly, infection with high-risk HPV
was detected in the majority of cases with a 78.6% (11/14)
infection rate. A total of 10 different HPV genotypes were
detected as well (Table 3). HPV type 16 was the most
common type (42.9%, 6/14), followed by HPV 53 and 73
Figure 1. PCR of β-globin and HPV consensus primers MY09/11 and
GP5+/6+. A. A 268 bp band representing the presence of β-globin genes
in all six cervical samples is shown, samples with negative β-globin were
excluded from the study. B. PCR amplification with the MY09/11 primer
yielded a 450 bp band. C. GP5+/6+ primer amplified a 150 bp band. Arrows
represent HPV positive samples, while stars represent a possible positive
HPV sample that needs further testing, unmarked samples represent an HPV
negative sample. M: DNA ladder, NC: Negative control, PC: Positive control.
Khasawneh et al
International Journal of Women’s Health and Reproduction Sciences, Vol. 9, No. 1, January 2021
(21.4%, 3/14), HPV 18, 68, 70, and 82 (14.3%, 2/14), and
HPV 6, 35, and 53 (7.1%, 1/14).
Based on data in Table 3, 14 women were infected
with HPV with a prevalence of 4%. The results revealed
that 36% (5/14) of women were infected with multiple
HPV genotypes while 64% (9/14) of them demonstrated
single HPV genotype infection. In addition, HPV low-
risk infection was detected in 7.1% (1/14) of women
whereas the pHR HPV infection was observed in 42.9%
(6/14) women. Eventually, infection with high-risk HPV
was found in the majority of cases with a 78.6% (11/14)
infection rate. In general, 10 different HPV genotypes
were detectable (Table 3). Accordingly, HPV type 16 was
the most common type (42.9%, 6/14), followed by HPV
53 and 73 (21.4%; 3/14), HPV 18, 68, 70, and 82 (14.3%,
2/14), and HPV 6, 35, and 53 (7.1%, 1/14).
The pathogenic role of HPV infection in cervical cancer
is well identified. It is expected that sexually active men
and women eventually acquire an infection with a strain
of HPV during their lifetimes with an associated increased Table 2. Demographic Data and the Risk Factors of Women Included in the
Variable HPV (-) HPV (+) P Value
Age (y)
42.61 ± 10.89
42.73 ± 10.95
39.71 ± 9.38
Marital status
Married (n=331) 91.4% (318) 3.7% (13)
Separated (n=17) 4.6% (16) 0.3% (1)
0.976≤ 9 years (n=123) 33.9% (118) 1.4% (5)
≥ 9 years (n=225) 62.1% (216) 2.6% (9)
Onset of sexual activity
0.471≤ 18 years (n=77) 21.6% (75) 0.6% (2)
≥ 18 years (n=271) 74.4% (259) 3.4% (12)
0.819None (n=20) 5.5% (19) 0.3% (1)
One or more (n=328) 90.5% (315) 3.7% (13)
0.619No (n=227) 62.4% (217) 2.9% (10)
Yes (n=121) 33.6% (117) 1.1% (4)
Body mass index
≤ 29 (n=183) 50.3% (175) 2.3% (8)
≥ 30 (n=165) 45.7% (159) 1.7% (6)
0.887Yes (n=80) 22.1% (77) 0.9% (3)
No (n=268) 73.9% (257) 3.1% (11)
Yes (n=4) 1.1% (4) 0% (0)
No (n=344) 94.8% (330) 4% (14)
The table describes several demographic parameters of the participating
subjects, including age, marital status, education, and the onset of sexual
activity. It also provides the quantification of several risk factors associated
with cervical cancer.
Note. HPV: Human papillomavirus.
risk of cancer development in both populations (19).
The increasing rates of HPV-associated malignancies
have guided the implementation of rigorous vaccination
protocols against HPV and the development of screening
protocols for cervical cancer (20). On the contrary,
cultural and religious conservatism in the Middle East is
expectedly a major contributor to the lower prevalence
of HPV infection in comparison to Western societies,
particularly among females (21). However, certain sexual
behaviors are gradually being adopted in Arab countries
due to globalization, suggesting the possibility of changes
in HPV infection rates, especially in the last few years.
These changes would certainly require the reassessment
of the currently implemented strategies to lower the risk
of cervical cancer among women living in the Middle
East, including Jordan. Unfortunately, there are no recent
reports estimating the prevalence of HPV infection, and so
far, this has been the first study that has directly reported
this issue among Jordanian women.
Figure 2. A Representative RT-PCR and Reverse Line Blot Strip Analysis
(A) A RT-PCR run using REALQUALITY RQ-Multi HPV detection kit. A single
demonstrative run for 20 samples using the cy5 channel is shown which
detects an individual genotype (HPV 18). The 3S-shaped curves represent
the positive control (PC) and two positive samples (S1 and S2) while the
remaining samples and the negative control (NC) run along the baseline.
(B) A reverse line blot HPV genotyping test strip showing colored bands
corresponding to HPV68 73 and 82. The strip is coated with a staining
control, an amplification control, and a universal HPV band. Note. RT-PCR:
Real-time polymerase chain reaction; HPV: Human papillomavirus.
Khasawneh et al
International Journal of Women’s Health and Reproduction Sciences, Vol. 8, No. 4, October 2020 5
In our study, the prevalence of HPV infection was 4%
(14/348) in women attending the Gynecology Clinic at
Prince Hamza Hospital (Amman, Jordan). This prevalence
rate was in accordance with that of a recent study done at
King Hussein Cancer Center in Amman, showing a 3.8%
abnormal Pap smear rate among a total of 5,529 routine
tested smears (22). Our results showed slightly higher
HPV infection rates when compared to other local studies
that demonstrated a low prevalence of cervical epithelial
cell abnormality as an indicator of HPV infection (23).
This favors the expectation that the number of HPV-
positive and thus individuals at the risk of cervical cancer
is increasing.
It should be noted that the HPV infection rate varies in
different countries, with a global prevalence of 11.7% (24).
The highest infection rates were recorded in Africa (21%),
followed by Central America and Mexico (13%), and
then North America, Europe, and Asia with 4.7%, 14.2%,
and 9.4%, respectively (24). In the Middle East, HPV
prevalence studies are scarce. However, in recent years, a
number of studies have emerged in Iran, Kuwait, Qatar,
Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Palestine, reporting
10.3%, 9.3%, 7.6%, 12.5%, 9.8%, 9.8%, 13%, and 4.9%
prevalence rate of HPV infection, respectively (25-31). In
comparison with these numbers, the infection rate in this
study is the lowest in the region. Several reasons might
account for this difference and are mainly attributed to
cervical sample collection bias. This is because these
samples were collected only from women attending one
gynecology clinic. Furthermore, HPV infections might be
transient, and thus the infection rate might change with
time and reflects only the current time-point.
Our results further showed that 36% and 64% of infected
women had mixed or single HPV infection, respectively,
which is in agreement with the findings of Martins et
al (32) representing mixed infection in 113 cases (35%)
compared to 210 cases (65%) of single genotype infection
(Table 4). Moreover, 71% (10/14) of HPV infections were
reported in women with a mean age of 34 years while
the prevalence reduced to 4 cases only with a mean age
of 54 years (the data are not presented). Our findings are
consistent with those of other studies which demonstrated
that the frequency of HPV infection decreases with age
(31-33). On the other hand, AlObaid et al reported an
increase in the frequency of HPV infection with age,
suggesting community-specific differences (27).
The most prevalent HPV in this study was genotype 16
at 42.9%, which is in line with the findings of most studies
conducted in the region (28,31,33,34), and other areas of
the world where the HPV vaccine was not implemented
effectively (32,35). Other results in this study might
deviate from the findings reported elsewhere due to a
difference in the age group compared to other studies.
In the present study, the mean age was almost 43 years,
which is 20-25 years more than the peak age incidence
of HPV infection (36). Another reason might be sexual
and socio-behavioral differences governed by cultural and
religious values in a conservative community.
Finally, factors such as women’s immune status, parity,
smoking, and alcohol play a role in the progression of
Table 3. HPV Genotypes Distribution Among HPV Positive Women (n=14)
Sample Number HPV Genotype
1 16, 35, 56 70, 73
2 18, 68
3 73
4 70
5 53
6 18
7 16
8 16
9 16
10 68 73, 82
11 16 6
12 56
13 56 82
14 16
Samples numbered 1-14 represent HPV positive women. In addition, samples
1, 2 10, 11, and 13 show mixed HPV infection while the others demonstrate
single HPV genotype infection. Further, genotypes 16, 18, 35, 56, and 68
represent high-risk HPV while 53, 70, 73, and 82 are considered as pHR
genotypes. Finally, HPV 6 is a low-risk genotype.
Note. HPV: Human papillomavirus; HR: High-risk; pHR: Potential high-risk;
LR: Low-risk.
Table 4. HPV Genotypes in Infected Women
HPV Prevalence/Genotype n %
Single infection 9 64.3
Multiple infection 5 35.7
Any LR-HPV 1 7.1
6 1 7.1
Any pHR-HPV 6 42.9
53 1 7.1
70 2 14.3
73 3 21.4
82 2 14.3
Any HR-HPV 11 78.6
16 6 42.9
18 2 14.3
35 1 7.1
56 3 21.4
68 2 14.3
Single HPV genotype infection was noticed in 64.3% of HPV positive women
while 35.7% of them had mixed HPV infection. The frequency of infection
for each genotype is displayed as the number of HPV positive cases (n) and
percentage (%).
Note. HPV: Human papillomavirus; HR: High-risk; pHR: Potential high-risk;
LR: Low-risk.
Khasawneh et al
International Journal of Women’s Health and Reproduction Sciences, Vol. 9, No. 1, January 2021
HPV infection into pre-cancerous or cancerous lesions
(37). Nonetheless, the above-mentioned factors had no
significant association with HPV infection in the current
Bivalent and quadrivalent vaccines provide coverage
against the HR HPV 16 and 18. Moreover, some recent
studies have reported cross-protection against HR non-
vaccine genotypes (37,38). Considering that most HPV
infections in Jordan are caused by HPV 16, Jordanian
women might benefit from the introduction of the bivalent
vaccine to provide protection against cervical cancer.
Eventually, this study had some limitations. First, the
samples were taken from women visiting a gynecology
clinic in a single hospital in Jordan, and this renders our
samples non-representative of the Jordanian population.
In addition, the interpretation of the genotyping data
might be affected by the limited sample size and the low
number of HPV positive women (n=14). Finally, single
women with no previous history of sexual intercourse
were excluded from sample collection due to the
inability to perform Pap smears on patients with intact
hymens. Unfortunately, the current screening practice
in the country excludes the inclusion of single women
from routine cervical swab collection. Thus, these data
represent HPV prevalence in married or separated
Jordanian women. Accordingly, future studies are directed
toward estimating the prevalence of the HPV of a larger,
more representative population of Jordanian women. This
includes collecting cervical samples from several health
institutions providing gynecological care spread over all
Jordanian governorates of both private and public sectors.
We also believe that it is important to investigate the use
of new tools that allow the detection of HPV infection
in single women since their exclusion continues to be a
major drawback for a more accurate estimation of the
HPV infection prevalence rate in Jordan.
To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first one
to evaluate the prevalence of HPV infection in Jordan.
It has been also shown that the HPV infection rate in
Jordan is considered the lowest in the Middle East and
Gulf countries. However, the current numbers suggest a
potential increase in infection rates when compared to
previous reports on the prevalence of cervical dysplasia.
This study has enabled us to obtain a rough estimation of
the HPV prevalence in Jordan and to realize circulating
genotypes in the local community. Finally, the finding
suggests that future vaccination programs should include
HPV bivalent vaccine since HPV 16 is the most common
subtype among infected Jordanian women.
Authors’ Contribution
Conceptualization, validation, formal analysis, original draft preparation,
supervision, funding acquisition: AIK. Methodology: JAAR, NMH, MAS,
and GHAG. Investigation, and sample collection: RMK and FFA. Review
and editing: TS.
Conflict of Interests
Authors declare that they have no conflict of interests.
Ethical Issues
The research project was approved by the institutional review boards of
The Hashemite University (ethics no. 7/2.2015/2016) and Prince Hamza
Hospital (ethics no. MH/32/112).
Financial Support
This project was funded by a grant provided by the Scientific Research
Deanship, Hashemite University, Jordan.
The authors would like to thank Noor Bondoqgi for her contribution
at the clinic, Prince Hamzah Hospital. Special thanks also go to Dr.
George Sahyoun from the MedLabs Consultancy Group for providing
HPV positive controls.
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... HPV detection and genotyping were performed by real-time PCR (RT-PCR) using the HPV Genotypes 21 Real-TM Quant Kit (Sacace Biotechnologies, Como, Italy). The HPV Genotypes 21 Real-TM Quant Kit is capable of identifying 21 HPV subtypes, including three low-risk (HPV 6,11,44), six probable high-risk (HPV 26,53,66,68,73,82), and 12 high-risk (HPV 16,18,31,33,35,39,45,51,52,56,58,59). The kit amplifies a target of DNA sequence. ...
... As suggested by previous studies, it seems that the heterogeneity in HPV prevalence is attributed to geographic differences, sociocultural differences, sensitivities of the methods used, sample size, and, finally, the histologic subtypes of the studied cases. Evidently, in Jordan, the prevalence of oncogenic HPV is relatively low in comparison to Western countries, with some studies reporting a general prevalence of 4% in a subpopulation of patients [45]. In this work, no statistically significant association was identified between the HPV status and other clinicopathological variables. ...
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Background and Objectives: Human papillomavirus (HPV) was previously investigated in lung cancer with wide inter-geographic discrepancies. p16INK4a has been used as a surrogate for detecting high-risk HPV (HR-HPV) in some cancer types. This study assessed the evidence of HPV in non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) among Jordanian patients, investigated the expression of p16INK4a, and evaluated its prognostic value and association with HPV status. Materials and Methods: The archived samples of 100 patients were used. HPV DNA detection was performed by real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). p16INK4a expression was assessed by immunohistochemistry (IHC). The Eighth American Joint Committee on Cancer protocol (AJCC) of head and neck cancer criteria were applied to evaluate p16INK4a positivity considering a moderate/strong nuclear/cytoplasmic expression intensity with a distribution in ≥75% of cells as positive. Results: HPV DNA was detected in 5% of NSCLC cases. Three positive cases showed HR-HPV subtypes (16, 18, 52), and two cases showed the probable HR-HPV 26 subtype. p16INK4a expression was positive in 20 (20%) NSCLC cases. None of the HPV-positive tumors were positive for p16INK4a expression. A statistically significant association was identified between p16INK4a expression and the pathological stage (p = 0.029) but not with other variables. No survival impact of p16INK4a expression was detected in NSCLC cases as a group; however, it showed a statistically significant association with overall survival (OS) in squamous cell carcinoma (SqCC) cases (p = 0.033). Conclusions: This is the first study to assess HPV and p16INK4a expression in a Jordanian population. HPV positivity is rare in NSCLC among a Jordanian subpopulation. P16 INK4a reliability as a surrogate marker for HPV infection in lung cancer must be revisited.
... This study argued against the implementation of population HPV testing and vaccination based on the low prevalence of cervical cancers in the country [26]. In 2020, the prevalence of HPV infection in Jordan was reported as 4% among women attending the Gynecology Clinic at Prince Hamza Hospital (Amman, Jordan) with HPV-16 being the most common subtype (43%) [27]. ...
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Background and objectives Although penetrative sex is the most common route of HPV infection, there is strong evidence of non-sexual modes of transmission. As the first of its kind, this study aimed to investigate the knowledge and awareness of Jordanian physicians on such routes. Methods A questionnaire was conducted among a national Jordanian sample of physicians from Jordanian health sectors. The survey included questions assessing participants’ knowledge on HPV, non-sexual routes of infection and HPV vaccines. Physicians’ attitudes towards HPV screening and vaccination were covered. Statistical analysis was carried out using SAS 9.4, ANOVA, post-hoc Tukey-Honest test and Kruskal-Wallis test. All significant differences were set at α = 0.05. Results A total of 412 participants completed the survey. Physicians showed a huge deficit in knowledge on nonsexual routes of HPV transmission. They agreed that the most and least common routes of non-sexual transmission are skin to mucosa (64%) and contaminated water (15%), respectively. Females showed significantly better knowledge in all aspects of HPV transmission and vaccination (p<0.0001) and more positive attitudes towards HPV screening and vaccination compared to males (p = 0.03). Age group ≤ 25 and academic physicians demonstrated higher knowledge on HPV vaccines compared to their counterparts in non-academic places (p = 0.002). Specialty and experience seemed to have no impact on knowledge or attitudes of participants. Higher knowledge physicians had more positive attitude towards vaccination and screening compared to lower knowledge fellows (p<0.001). Conclusions The noteworthy findings of this study is the extremely low level of knowledge on non-sexual routes of HPV infection among Jordanian physicians. Increasing the level of awareness of physicians and healthcare workers on these routes and their association with cervical and other cancers through university curricula and other reliable sources is strongly recommended.
... It is the most deadly type of cancer in women in developing countries that cannot overcome the problem of lacking sufficient number of health-care professionals who are well trained in implementing this procedure for high-risk populations [4]. This signifies the importance of developing a computerized screening test using artificial intelligence and machine learning strategies [5]. ...
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According to recent studies and statistics, Cervical Cancer (CC) is one of the most common causes of death worldwide, and mainly in the developing countries. CC has a mortality rate around 60%, in less developing countries and the percentages could go even higher, due to poor screening processes, lack of sensitization, and several other reasons. Therefore, this paper aims to utilize the high capabilities of machine learning techniques in the early prediction of CC. In specific, three well-known feature selection and ranking methods have been used to identify the most significant features that help in the diagnosis process. Also, eighteen different classifiers that belong to six learning strategies have been trained and extensively evaluated against a primary data which consists of five hundred images. Moreover, an investigation regarding the problem of imbalance class distribution which is common in medical dataset is conducted. The results revealed that LWNB and RandomForest classifiers showed the best performance in general, and considering four different evaluation metrics. Also, LWNB and Logistic classifiers were the best choices to handle the problem of imbalance class distribution which is common in medical diagnosis task. The final conclusion could be made is that using an ensemble model which consists of several classifiers such as LWNB, RandomForest, and Logistic is the best solution to handle this type of problems.
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The investigation into the potential association between retroviruses and breast cancer (BC) presents a fascinating area of research. In this study, the focus was on assessing the presence of two retroviruses, Mouse Mammary Tumor Virus (MMTV) and Bovine Leukemia Virus (BLV), in BC samples and exploring their relationship with relevant clinicopathological variables. The study involved analyzing BC samples from 103 Jordanian female patients diagnosed with BC, as well as breast tissue samples from 25 control patients without evidence of breast malignancy. Real-time PCR was used to investigate the evidence of MMTV and BLV infection in these samples, and the findings were then correlated with various clinicopathological characteristics of BC. The results showed that BLV was detected in 19 (18.4%) of the BC samples, while MMTV was detected in only seven (6.8%). Importantly, none of the control samples tested positive for MMTV or BLV. Additionally, MMTV/BLV co-infections were reported in 1.9% of the BC cases. However, the analysis did not reveal any statistically significant associations between the presence of these retroviruses and various clinicopathological variables, such as age, molecular subtypes of BC, stage, grade, lymph node involvement, tumor size, smoking status, or family history. Despite these findings, it is crucial to acknowledge that further investigation with a larger cohort is necessary to establish a clearer association and elucidate the underlying mechanisms that may explain the exact role of retroviruses in breast carcinogenesis. This study provides insights into the potential infection by MMTV and BLV of BC and lays the groundwork for future research in this area.
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Background and Objectives: The investigation of oncogenic viruses and their potential association with breast cancer (BC) remains an intriguing area of study. The current work aims to assess evidence of three specific viruses, human papillomavirus (HPV), cytomegalovirus (CMV), and Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) in BC samples and to explore their relationship with relevant clinicopathological variables. Materials and Methods: The analysis involved BC samples from 110 Jordanian female patients diagnosed with BC and breast tissue samples from 30 control patients with no evidence of breast malignancy, investigated using real-time PCR. The findings were then correlated with various clinico-pathological characteristics of BC. Results: HPV was detected in 27 (24.5%), CMV in 15 (13.6%), and EBV in 18 (16.4%) BC patients. None of the control samples were positive for HPV or CMV while EBV was detected in only one (3.3%) sample. While (HPV/EBV), (HPV/CMV), and (EBV/CMV) co-infections were reported in 1.8%, 2.7%, and 5.5%, respectively, coinfection with the three viruses (HPV/CMV/EBV) was not reported in our cohort. A statistically significant association was observed between HPV status and age (p = 0.047), and between clinical stage and CMV infection (p = 0.015). Conclusions: Our findings indicate the presence or co-presence of HPV, CMV, and EBV in the BC subpopulation, suggesting a potential role in its development and/or progression. Further investigation is required to elucidate the underlying mechanisms that account for the exact role of oncoviruses in breast carcinogenesis.
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Human papillomavirus (HPV) causes nearly all cervical cancers and some cancers of the vagina, vulva, penis, anus, and oropharynx (1).* Most HPV infections are asymptomatic and clear spontaneously within 1 to 2 years; however, persistent infection with oncogenic HPV types can lead to development of precancer or cancer (2). In the United States, the 9-valent HPV vaccine (9vHPV) is available to protect against oncogenic HPV types 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, and 58 as well as nononcogenic types 6 and 11 that cause genital warts. CDC analyzed data from the U.S. Cancer Statistics (USCS)† to assess the incidence of HPV-associated cancers and to estimate the annual number of cancers caused by HPV, overall and by state, during 2012-2016 (3,4). An average of 43,999 HPV-associated cancers were reported annually, and an estimated 34,800 (79%) of those cancers were attributable to HPV. Of these 34,800 cancers, an estimated 32,100 (92%) were attributable to the types targeted by 9vHPV, with 19,000 occurring among females and 13,100 among males. The most common were cervical (9,700) and oropharyngeal cancers (12,600). The number of cancers estimated to be attributable to the types targeted by 9vHPV ranged by state from 40 to 3,270 per year. HPV vaccination is an important strategy that could prevent these cancers, but during 2018, only half of adolescents were up to date on HPV vaccination (5). These surveillance data from population-based cancer registries can be used to inform the planning for, and monitor the long-term impact of, HPV vaccination and cancer screening efforts nationally and within states.
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Background: The aim of this paper was to conduct a baseline survey of HPV infection in unvaccinated women in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region before the mass use of HPV vaccine. Methods: Between 2008 and 2018, the HPV genotype detected by a PCR-based hybridization gene chip assay of 37,722 women who were from Gynecology Department and Health Management Center of the First Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University were tested HPV genotype by a PCR-based hybridization gene chip assay. All statistical analysis methods were performed with this statistical software including Python version 3.6.1, R Software 3.5.1 and Excel 2011. Results: The total positive rate for HPV was 14.02%, the most prevalent genotypes were HPV 16 (3.79%), HPV 52 (2.47%), HPV 58 (1.76%), HPV 53 (1.35%) and HPV 31 (0.72%). The single infection (11.34%) and high-risk HPV (HR-HPV) infection (9.72%) was the main prevalence of HPV. Age-specific HPV distribution was presented as a bimodal curve, while the youngest age group (≤25 years) presented the highest HPV infection rate (20.78%), which was followed by a second peak for the 36-40 age group. According to the ethnic stratification, the HPV infection prevalence ranging from the high to low was: Mongol (16.36%), Hui (15.15%), Kazak (14.47%), Han (14.43%), Other (14.37%), Uygher (10.96%). From 2009 to 2013, the HPV infection rate fluctuated but did not changed much. It peaked in 2014 and then fell significantly, reached the bottom point in 2017 and rose slightly in 2018. In 2015, the infection rate of HPVl6 and 52 in the population was almost the same (both 3.40%) the infection rate of HPV52 type (3.31%) was higher than that of HPVl6 type (2.18%) and became the dominant type in 2016. Conclusions: We present data regarding the prevalence and type distribution of HPV infection, which could serve as the valuable reference to guide nationwide cervical cancer screening. These baseline data enable the estimates of maximum HPV vaccine impact across time and provide critical reference measurements which are important to the assess of clinical benefits and potential harms in HPV vaccination and the increase in non-vaccine HPV types.
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Aim This cross-sectional study of a group of women with abnormal cytology and high-risk human papillomavirus (hrHPV) infection compared genotyping HPV DNA and mRNA assays according to two age categories of women (S1: ≤30 and S2: >30 years). Methods The hrHPV DNA positive results of 105 cervical samples of women were pooled and those harbouring HPV-16, 18, 31, 33 and/or 45 DNA were tested for the type specific HPV oncogene E6/E7 overexpression (mRNA). Results Although HPV DNA testing showed a higher proportion of women infected by any of five hrHPVs in S1 group, total agreement of hrHPV DNA and mRNA positive results was higher in S2 group of women (75.8% v. 83.9%). The most prevalent type in both age groups was HPV-16. A 100% agreement of positivity of both tests was noted for HPV-18 and 33 in S1 group, and for HPV-18 in S2 group. Increasing concordance of HPV-16 and 31 DNA and mRNA positive results with the severity of cervical cytology was observed in S1 group of women. Absolute matching (100.0%) of positivity of both diagnostic tests was recorded in S2ASCUS group (for HPV-16, 18 and 33), in S1HSIL (for HPV-16, 18, 31 and 33), in S1LSIL category (for HPV-18 and 33) and in S2HSIL group (for HPV-18). Conclusion The results indicate the possibility of predicting the risk of persistent infection only by HPV DNA typing test, with no need for additional RNA testing in categories of infected women showing a high (absolute) agreement of positivity of both tests.
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Abstract Cervical cancer is the fourth most frequent cancer in women worldwide and a major cause of mortality in developing countries. Persistent infection with high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) is a necessary cause for the development of cervical cancer. In addition, genetic and epigenetic alterations in host cell genes are crucial for progression of cervical precancerous lesions to invasive cancer. Although much progress has been made in understanding the life cycle of HPV and it’s role in the development of cervical cancer, there is still a critical need for accurate surveillance strategies and targeted therapeutic options to eradicate these cancers in patients. Given the widespread nature of HPV infection and the type specificity of currently available HPV vaccines, it is crucial that molecular details of the natural history of HPV infection as well as the biological activities of viral oncoproteins be elucidated. A better understanding of the mechanisms involved in oncogenesis can provide novel insights and opportunities for designing effective therapeutic approaches against HPV-associated malignancies. In this review, we briefly summarize epigenetic alterations and events that cause alterations in host genomes inducing cell cycle deregulation, aberrant proliferation and genomic instability contributing to tumorigenesis.
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Background Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection globally. High-risk HPV types can cause cervical cancer, other anogenital cancer, and oropharyngeal cancer; low-risk HPV types can cause genital warts. Cervical cancer is highly preventable through HPV vaccination and screening; however, a lack of awareness and knowledge of HPV and these preventive strategies represents an important barrier to reducing the burden of the disease. The rapid development and widespread use of mobile technologies in the last few years present an opportunity to overcome this lack of knowledge and create new, effective, and modern health communication strategies. Objective This study aimed to describe the development of a mobile app called FightHPV, a game-based learning tool that educates mobile technology users about HPV, the disease risks associated with HPV infection, and existing preventive methods. Methods The first version of FightHPV was improved in a design-development-evaluation loop, which incorporated feedback from a beta testing study of 40 participants, a first focus group of 6 participants aged between 40 and 50 years and a second focus group of 23 participants aged between 16 and 18 years. Gameplay data from the beta testing study were collected using Google Analytics (Google), whereas feedback from focus groups was evaluated qualitatively. Of the 29 focus group participants, 26 returned self-administered questionnaires. HPV knowledge before and after playing the game was evaluated in the 22 participants from the second focus group who returned a questionnaire. Results FightHPV communicates concepts about HPV, associated diseases and their prevention by representing relationships among 14 characters in 6 episodes of 10 levels each, with each level being represented by a puzzle. Main concepts were reinforced with text explanations. Beta testing revealed that many players either failed or had to retry several times before succeeding at the more difficult levels in the game. It also revealed that players gave up at around level 47 of 60, which prompted the redesign of FightHPV to increase accessibility to all episodes. Focus group discussions led to several improvements in the user experience and dissemination of health information in the game, such as making all episodes available from the beginning of the game and rewriting the information in a more appealing way. Among the 26 focus group participants who returned a questionnaire, all stated that FightHPV is an appealing educational tool, 69% (18/26) reported that they liked the game, and 81% (21/26) stated that the game was challenging. We observed an increase in HPV knowledge after playing the game (P=.001). Conclusions FightHPV was easy to access, use, and it increased awareness about HPV infection, its consequences, and preventive measures. FightHPV can be used to educate people to take action against HPV and cervical cancer.
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Estimates of the worldwide incidence and mortality from 36 cancers and for all cancers combined for the year 2018 are now available in the GLOBOCAN 2018 database, compiled and disseminated by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). This paper reviews the sources and methods used in compiling the cancer statistics in 185 countries. The validity of the national estimates depends upon the representativeness of the source information, and to take into account possible sources of bias, uncertainty intervals are now provided for the estimated sex‐ and site‐specific all‐ages number of new cancer cases and cancer deaths. We briefly describe the key results globally and by world region. There were an estimated 18.1 million (95% UI: 17.5–18.7 million) new cases of cancer (17 million excluding non‐melanoma skin cancer) and 9.6 million (95% UI: 9.3–9.8 million) deaths from cancer (9.5 million excluding non‐melanoma skin cancer) worldwide in 2018.
Introduction: To date, the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine has not been integrated into the national vaccination program of most countries of the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMRO), except for the United Arab Emirates and Libya. The knowledge of HPV genotype distribution in cervical neoplasia is valuable to predict the impact of current HPV vaccines on cancer prevention and can help the health policymakers to select the most appropriate vaccine types in their countries. Methods: Hence, this meta-analysis recapitulates all available data on HPV prevalence and genotypes in women with atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS), cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) I-III or low- and high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSIL and HSIL, respectively), and invasive cervical cancer (ICC) in EMRO countries. Results: The meta-analysis included 5,990 cases of cervical precancer and cancer. The overall HPV prevalence was 85.4, 71.3, 59.2, and 34.8% in women with ICC, CIN II-III or HSIL, CIN I or LSIL, and ASCUS, respectively. HPV 16 was the most common genotype followed by HPV 18, representing 58 and 16.5% in ICC cases, respectively. Conclusion: This meta-analysis showed that the introduction of current HPV vaccines into national vaccination programs and the establishment of comprehensive screening programs in EMRO countries is beneficial by preventing 74.5% of cervical neoplasia.
Human papillomavirus genotype 16 (HPV16) is by far the genotype most strongly associated with cervical cancer; viral variant and/or viral load of HPV16 could modulate this association. Objective: to determine the association between the viral variant and viral load of HPV16 and the presence of cervical high-grade lesions. This cross-sectional study included all women in whom HPV infection was found by cervical smear during routine gynecological health checks. Women with single or multiple HPV16 infections (n=176) were selected for viral variant and viral load analysis. Smear results were classified using the Bethesda system. HPV types were classified according to the International Agency for Research on Cancer. Odds ratios (ORs) with their 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated by logistic regression, adjusted for age, immigrant status, and coinfection with other high-risk genotypes. No statistically significant associations were found regarding the detected viral variants. A viral load above the median (>1367.79 copies/cell) was associated with a significant risk of high-grade epithelial lesion or carcinoma, after adjusting for age, immigrant status, coinfections, and viral variant: (adjusted OR 7.89; 95% CI: 2.75-22.68). This relationship showed a statistically significant dose-response pattern after categorizing by viral load tertiles: adjusted OR for a viral load greater than the third tertile was 17.23 (95% CI: 4.20-70.65), with adjusted linear p trend=0.001. In patients infected with HPV16, viral load is associated with high-grade intraepithelial lesions or cervical carcinoma. This could be useful as prognostic biomarker of neoplastic progression and as screening for cervical cancer.
Objective To retrospectively analyze the incidence of high‐grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSILs) and SCC (squamous cell carcinoma) in women of different ages with high‐risk human papilloma virus (HR‐HPV) but with normal cytology test results stratified by age and HPV genotype. Methods In total, 1858 women with HR‐HPV infection but with a normal smear who received a colposcopy and biopsy between 2015 and 2016 at our institution were included. The pathological results were retrospectively analyzed after stratifying by age and HPV genotype. Results Among the 1858 cases, the HSIL% in women aged 21‐29 years (10.54%) was significantly different from that in women aged 40‐49 years (19.85%) (p<0.05), whereas there was no significant difference in the HSIL% among women aged 21‐29 years and those in the other age groups (p>0.05). In total, 295 cases had single HPV16 infection. The HSIL% in patients with HPV16/18 infection was >15%, and the 40‐49‐year age group had the highest percentage at 48.48%. For other HR‐HPV infections, the HSIL and SCC incidence rate was 10.41%, and there was no significant difference among the age groups; thus, women with other types of viral infections, regardless of age, should be referred to colposcopy. Conclusions Although HPV16 is the HPV with the highest risk, other HR‐HPV infections can also cause a high percentage of HSILs and SCC in women with normal cytology. Therefore, it is necessary to refer HR‐HPV‐infected women aged ≥21 years for colposcopy in a timely manner to exclude potential cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) and cervical cancer. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Cervical cancer is a malignant epithelial tumor that forms in the uterine cervix. Most cases of cervical cancer are preventable through human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccination, routine screening, and treatment of precancerous lesions. However, due to inadequate screening protocols in many regions of the world, cervical cancer remains the fourth-most common cancer in women globally. The complete NCCN Guidelines for Cervical Cancer provide recommendations for the diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment of cervical cancer. This manuscript discusses guiding principles for the workup, staging, and treatment of early stage and locally advanced cervical cancer, as well as evidence for these recommendations. For recommendations regarding treatment of recurrent or metastatic disease, please see the full guidelines on