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Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis: Recent data on incidence and treatment



Recent studies have shown that spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP) is more common than previously thought among patients admitted to the hospital with cirrhotic ascites. Other recent studies have clarified which antibiotic regimens are most successful for treatment and prevention, often shortening the duration of treatment. Still, the prognosis is poor and recurrence of SBP is common.
ticularly susceptible to spontaneous bac-
terial peritonitis (SBP) due to altered gut per-
meability, suppression of the reticuloendothe-
lial system, and bacterial overgrowth. When
SBP is discovered, something must be done
quickly. Even then, the long-term outlook is
not good, and recurrence is common.
An increased willingness to perform para-
centesis to confirm SBP has led to the detec-
tion of more cases, and clinical trials have
added to our knowledge of how to prevent or
minimize recurrences. We present an overview
of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of
In 1971, Conn and Fessel described a syn-
drome of infected ascitic fluid in patients with
hepatic cirrhosis, which they named SBP.
SBP is by definition an infection of previously
sterile ascitic fluid, without any apparent
intra-abdominal source of infection.
infecting organisms are usually those found
among the normal intestinal flora.
The pathophysiology of SBP is not completely
understood, but evidence suggests that bacte-
ria translocate from the intestinal lumen to the
systemic circulation, causing bacteremia and
subsequent colonization of the ascitic fluid (
Bacteremia from the urine or the res-
piratory tract can also lead to infection of the
ascitic fluid and SBP, and SBP may also be
such as after endoscopic treat-
ment of esophageal or gastric varices.
Department of Gastroenterology and
Hepatology, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Department of Gastroenterology and
Hepatology, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Department of Gastroenterology and
Hepatology, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis:
Recent data on incidence and treatment
Recent studies have shown that spontaneous bacterial
peritonitis (SBP) is more common than previously thought
among patients admitted to the hospital with cirrhotic
ascites. Other recent studies have clarified which antibiotic
regimens are most successful for treatment and prevention,
often shortening the duration of treatment. Still, the
prognosis is poor and recurrence of SBP is common.
More than 92% of all cases are monomicrobial. Aerobic
gram-negative bacilli (
Escherichia coli, Klebsiella
sp) are
responsible for more than two thirds of all cases.
The diagnosis is based on testing of the ascitic fluid
obtained by paracentesis. A polymorphonuclear cell count
of more than 250 cells/mm
of ascitic fluid is considered
diagnostic and warrants immediate antibiotic treatment.
Several studies have since confirmed the effectiveness of
cefotaxime in patients with SBP. A short course of
cefotaxime is often as effective as a long course in these
patients. Treatment with albumin, in addition to
antibiotics, has been shown to improve survival.
Antibiotic prophylaxis to prevent a recurrence of SBP is
recommended in selected patients, but with caution so as
not to promote the development of resistance.
This paper discusses therapies that are experimental or are not approved by the US Food and
Drug Administration for the use under discussion.
Studies from the 1970s reported that the
prevalence of SBP was 5% to 10% in cirrhot-
ic patients with ascites.
Recent studies
using newer diagnostic criteria and improved
culture techniques have estimated a preva-
lence of 10% to 30% in cirrhotic patients with
ascites admitted to hospitals.
Factors contributing to mortality
SBP is deadly. In reports from the 1970s, the
mortality rate exceeded 90%.
Today, even
with intensive treatment, the in-hospital mor-
tality is still between 10% and 30%.
associated with poor outcome include several
indicators of poor liver function: eg, the devel-
opment of renal failure, hepatic encephalopa-
thy, high levels of serum bilirubin, and upper
gastrointestinal bleeding.
The development of renal impairment
after the diagnosis of SBP is probably the
strongest independent predictor of death. In a
study by Follo et al,
in 252 consecutive
episodes of SBP, the mortality rate was 100%
when associated with progressive renal impair-
ment, 31% when associated with steady renal
impairment, and only 7% in those without
renal impairment.
Presentation depends on stage
The clinical presentation of SBP depends on
the stage at which the infection is diagnosed.
In the early stages, most patients are asympto-
matic. As the disease progresses, patients show
signs and symptoms of peritoneal infection.
Even with
treatment, in-
mortality is
10% to 30%
Proposed pathophysiology of SBP
Other sources
(skin, urine, respiratory tract)
Enteric bacteria
Altered gut permeability
Bacterial overgrowth
Bacterial translocation
Portal vein
Mesenteric lymph nodes
Reticuloendothelial system
Systemic circulation
Leukocyte dysfunction
Bacterial infection of ascitic fluid
Altered ascitic fluid defenses
Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
FIGURE 1. Altered gut permeability and bacterial overgrowth in cirrhotic patients lead to
translocation of intestinal bacteria to the systemic circulation and bacteremia. Seeding of
bacteria to the ascitic fluid leads to spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. Leukocyte dysfunction
and decreased ascitic fluid defense mechanisms facilitate this process. Reprinted from
reference 2, with permission from Elsevier.
Fever is the most common presenting
symptom and is present in as many as two
thirds of patients at the time of diagnosis.
Approximately half of patients present with
abdominal pain or altered mental status, and
about one third present with diarrhea or para-
lytic ileus. Hypotension or hypothermia is
found in fewer than 20% of patients.
Because the presentation depends on the
stage of the disease, and because the signs and
symptoms are nonspecific, the diagnosis relies
on laboratory and microbiological tests.
Currently, paracentesis with laboratory testing
of the ascitic fluid is the only way to confirm
or rule out SBP in patients with cirrhosis.
Diagnostic paracentesis should therefore be
performed in:
Any patient with new-onset ascites,
including patients with congestive heart fail-
ure or Budd-Chiari syndrome
Any cirrhotic patient with ascites who
develops symptoms such as unexplained
encephalopathy or renal failure
Any patient with stable cirrhosis and
ascites whose condition deteriorates sudden-
If SBP is suspected in a patient with clin-
ically undetectable ascites, ultrasonography is
indicated to identify the ascites and to per-
form guided paracentesis.
Cell counts in ascitic fluid
A polymorphonuclear cell count of more than
in ascitic fluid is currently consid-
ered diagnostic of SBP and warrants the
prompt start of antibiotic treatment.
patients with hemorrhagic ascites or in those
with traumatic paracentesis, an adjustment of
the cell count should be made to account for
the presence of blood in the ascitic fluid. This
is done by subtracting one polymorphonuclear
cell for every 250 red blood cells in the ascitic
For instance, if the red blood cell
count in the ascitic fluid is 50,000/mm
the polymorphonuclear cell count is 350/mm
the adjusted polymorphonuclear cell count
will be 150/mm
Culturing ascitic fluid
The ascitic fluid obtained from paracentesis
should also be sent for Gram-staining and cul-
ture. Studies have shown that bedside inocu-
lation of the ascitic fluid into blood culture
bottles significantly increases the detection
rate for the responsible microorganism.
Compared with conventional culturing tech-
niques, bedside inoculation also provides
quicker identification of the culprit organ-
Optimal sensitivity is achieved when
at least 10 mL of ascitic fluid is inoculated
into the blood culture bottles.
The sensitiv-
ity of this culture technique decreases sharply
when lower volumes of ascitic fluid are used.
In patients with SBP, studies based on
quantitative cultures of ascitic fluid have
shown a median bacterial concentration of
one organism (one bacterium) per milliliter of
ascitic fluid.
This low concentration
explains the low sensitivity of conventional
culture techniques for detection of the respon-
sible microorganism, and it explains the low
sensitivity of Gram-staining for SBP (approx-
imately 10%).
Bacteria isolated from the ascitic fluid in
patients with SBP are usually those of the nor-
mal intestinal flora. More than 92% of all
cases of SBP are monomicrobial, with aerobic
gram-negative bacilli being responsible for
more than two thirds of all cases. Escherichia
coli accounts for nearly half of these cases, fol-
lowed by Klebsiella species and other gram-
negative bacteria. Almost 25% of cases are
caused by gram-positive organisms, with strep-
tococcal species being the most common.
SBP is only rarely caused by anaerobic
organisms or by more than one type of bacte-
ria, so their presence in ascitic fluid should
raise suspicion of bacterial peritonitis due to
some other cause.
In these cases, evaluation
for perforation of the gut or other hollow
organs is indicated. Imaging with upright
abdominal radiography, abdominal computed
tomography, or water-soluble gut contrast
studies may help in determining the diagnosis.
In some of these cases, surgical intervention
may be necessary and life-saving.
Starting empiric antibiotic therapy immedi-
ately improves survival in SBP,
although the
mortality rate is still about 10% to 30%, and
those who survive are at high risk of a recur-
Empiric antibiotic treatment
The only way to
confirm SBP is
by paracentesis
with lab testing
be started once the polymorphonuclear cell
count in ascitic fluid exceeds 250/mm
Since gram-negative aerobic Enterobac-
teriaceae and non-enterococcal streptococci
are the most common organisms to cause SBP,
initial empiric antibiotic therapy should
cover these bacteria. It should also achieve
high concentrations in ascitic fluid.
Antibiotic regimens in evolution
Initially, the regimen most often used to treat
SBP was a beta-lactam such as ampicillin or
cephalotin, and an aminoglycoside such as
gentamycin or tobramycin. However, in the
first randomized comparative study of two dif-
ferent regimens for SBP, cefotaxime was supe-
rior to ampicillin plus tobramycin for resolv-
ing SBP.
In that study, ampicillin plus
tobramycin was also associated with nephro-
toxicity or superinfections in approximately
10% of patients. Several studies have since
confirmed the effectiveness of cefotaxime in
patients with SBP.
Duration of therapy
Ten to 14 days of intravenous (IV) antibiotics
used to be the standard treatment. A study by
Runyon and colleagues,
however, showed no
difference in rates of infection or hospital-
related mortality, bacteriologic cure, or recur-
rence of infection in cirrhotic patients with
SBP treated for 10 days vs those treated for 5
days with IV cefotaxime.
A short course of
cefotaxime is therefore as effective as a long
course in these patients.
Other IV antibiotic regimens shown to be
as effective as cefotaxime in these patients are
ceftriaxone, ceftizoxime, ceftazidime, and the
combination of amoxicillin plus clavulanic
Dosages are shown in TABLE 1.
Route of administration
Although IV therapy for SBP has been the
standard, a trial investigating the effectiveness
of oral ofloxacin found it to be as effective as
IV cefotaxime in cirrhotic patients with SBP.
All patients enrolled in this randomized trial
had uncomplicated SBP (exclusion criteria
included shock, ileus, gastrointestinal hemor-
rhage, profound hepatic encephalopathy, or
serum creatinine concentration > 3mg/dL).
This regimen can therefore be used in patients
with uncomplicated SBP who are in relatively
good clinical condition.
Patients receiving quinolone to prevent SBP
Currently, in patients taking quinolones to
prevent a second episode of SBP, the infection
is commonly caused by gram-positive cocci or
quinolone-resistant gram-negative bacilli.
Oral treatment with ofloxacin, which is a
quinolone antibiotic, should therefore be
avoided in such patients. IV cefotaxime or cef-
triaxone is an effective alternative.
Assessing treatment response
Paracentesis should be repeated after at least 2
days of antibiotic therapy to assess the response
to treatment.
A decrease in the polymor-
phonuclear cell count of less than 25% of the
In less severe
SBP, oral
ofloxacin was
as effective as
IV cefotaxime
Options for empiric antibiotic therapy of SBP
Cefotaxime 2 g every 12 hours Intravenous (IV) 5 days 29,30
Ceftriaxone 2 g every 24 hours IV 5 days 31–34
Amoxicillin plus 1 g/0.2 g every 6–8 hours; IV; oral 2 days; 37,38
clavulanic acid 500 mg/125 mg every 8 hours 6–12 days
400 mg every 12 hours Oral 8 days 39
Dose may need to be adjusted according to renal function
Only in patients without complications (ie, sepsis, ileus, gastrointestinal bleeding, encephalopathy, or serum
creatinine concentration > 3 mg/dL) who have not received a quinolone prophylactically.
pre-treatment value indicates failure of antibi-
otic treatment.
In these cases, antibiotic ther-
apy should be modified on the basis of bacteri-
al susceptibility (in culture-positive SBP) or
empirically (in culture-negative cases). These
patients also require evaluation regarding the
possibility of secondary peritonitis.
Other treatments
In addition to antibiotics, treatment with
albumin has been associated with improved
survival in cirrhotic patients with SBP in a
randomized trial.
This trial demonstrated
that, in patients with SBP, treatment with IV
albumin plus an antibiotic reduces the inci-
dence of renal impairment (defined as more
than a 50% increase from baseline in blood
urea nitrogen or creatinine) and in-hospital
mortality. In this study, 126 patients with SBP
were randomly assigned to treatment with
cefotaxime alone or cefotaxime plus IV albu-
min, given at a dose of 1.5 g per kilogram of
body weight during the first 6 hours after ran-
domization, with the infusion repeated at a
dose of 1 g/kg 3 days later. Renal impairment
developed in 33% of patients receiving cefo-
taxime, but in only 10% of those receiving
cefotaxime plus albumin. The in-hospital
death rates were 28% and 6%, respectively,
and at 3 months the death rates were 41% and
22%, respectively.
Although the above findings need to be
confirmed in additional controlled studies,
based on the available data, it is appropriate to
give IV albumin as part of the treatment of
SBP because of the proven survival advan-
As SBP is associated with high rates of illness
and death in cirrhotic patients, it seems rea-
sonable to consider measures to prevent it.
Since aerobic gram-negative bacteria of
intestinal origin are the most frequent cause of
selective intestinal decontamina-
tion has been suggested as a way to prevent it
by inhibiting gram-negative flora of the gut
while preserving the remaining flora, especial-
ly anaerobic bacteria.
Preserving the anaer-
obic bacteria is important in maintaining
resistance against intestinal colonization,
overgrowth, and extraintestinal spread of
pathogenic bacteria.
However, antibiotics
should be used judiciously for this purpose, so
as not to encourage the development of resis-
tant strains.
Three specific groups of cirrhotic patients
known to benefit from SBP prophylaxis
Those with gastrointestinal bleeding
Those with ascites who are recovering
from a prior episode of SBP
Those with an ascitic albumin concentra-
tion of less than 1 g/dL.
Cirrhotic patients
with gastrointestinal bleeding
Bacterial infections are common in cirrhotic
patients with gastrointestinal bleeding. Up to
20% of cirrhotic patients with bleeding have a
bacterial infection upon hospital admission,
and another 50% develop a bacterial infec-
tion while hospitalized, compared with 5% to
7% in the general hospital population.
Furthermore, bacterial infections are associat-
ed with fivefold to sixfold increased in-hospi-
tal death rates for these patients.
Factors contributing to infection.
Gastrointestinal bleeding favors the develop-
ment of bacterial infections by several poten-
tial mechanisms, including an increase in bac-
terial translocation and an alteration of
intestinal permeability.
A retrospective
evaluation of risk factors for infections in
patients with cirrhosis and gastrointestinal
showed a strong association with
bacterial infections such as sepsis and SBP.
These results were replicated in a prospective
study showing that gastrointestinal bleeding
was by far the most common risk factor for the
development of bacterial infections among
cirrhotic patients.
Studies in portal hypertensive rats have
shown that hemorrhagic shock is followed by
increased bacterial translocation to mesen-
teric lymph nodes due to changed permeabili-
ty of the intestinal mucosa. In this respect,
gastrointestinal bleeding with shock is more
likely to lead to SBP than gastrointestinal
bleeding without shock.
However, cir-
rhotic patients with gastrointestinal bleeding
without shock are still at higher risk for SBP
than cirrhotic patients without gastrointesti-
Prophylaxis is
advised in those
with GI bleeding,
a prior episode
of SBP, or low
ascitic albumin
nal bleeding. This has been attributed to tem-
porary impairment in reticuloendothelial sys-
tem function, to breach of the mucous mem-
branes that usually function as barriers to bac-
terial entrance to the body, and also to endo-
scopic procedures in bleeding patients.
Recommended treatment. In cirrhotic
patients admitted for gastrointestinal bleed-
ing, regardless of whether they have ascites, a
7-day course of an antibiotic such as nor-
floxacin is shown to improve survival and is
thus recommended
(TABLE 2). In patients who
cannot take oral antibiotics, IV antibiotics
such as ciprofloxacin can be given.
Cirrhotic patients with ascites
and prior episode of SBP
In patients who have recovered from an
episode of SBP, recurrence of SBP is common,
estimated to be 43% at 6 months and 69% at
1 year.
Decreasing the risk of recurrence.
Selective intestinal decontamination, by
elimination of gram-negative bacilli from the
intestinal flora, has been shown to decrease
the risk of a recurrence of SBP. In a double-
blind, placebo-controlled study of oral nor-
floxacin 400 mg/day,
the overall probability
of recurrence was 20% in the norfloxacin
group vs 68% in the placebo group (P =
.0063). Even more significant, the chance of a
recurrence caused by gram-negative organisms
was 3% in the norfloxacin group vs 60% in
the placebo group (P = .0013).
Preventive therapy recommended.
Patients who have recovered from one or
more episodes of SBP should receive long-
term prophylaxis with antibiotics.
Antibiotic prophylaxis should continue until
the disappearance of ascites, or until trans-
plantation (
Cirrhotic patients
with low-protein ascitic fluid
A low concentration of ascitic fluid protein is
associated with an increased risk of SBP in cir-
rhotic patients with ascites.
A study of
127 cirrhotic patients with ascites
found five
variables associated with an increased risk of
SBP, but only an ascitic fluid protein concen-
tration less than 1 g/dL showed an indepen-
dent predictive value. Two later studies
also showed this association.
The endogenous antimicrobial activity
(opsonic activity) of human ascitic fluid has
been shown to correlate directly with the pro-
tein concentration of the ascitic fluid,
patients with deficient opsonic activity in the
ascitic fluid have been shown to be predis-
posed to SBP.
Recommended treatment. Prolonged use
of oral antibiotics leads to selection of resis-
tant organisms in the gut flora. Therefore,
only hospitalized patients with low-protein
is common:
43% at
6 months,
69% at 1 year
Recommended antibiotic regimens for the prevention of SBP
In cirrhotic patients with gastrointestinal bleeding, with or without ascites
Norfloxacin 400 mg orally every 12 hours 7 days
In cirrhotic patients with ascites and prior SBP
Norfloxacin 400 mg orally every 24 hours All three regimens should be given
Ciprofloxacin 750 mg orally every week indefinitely, or until transplantation
Trimethoprim/ 160/800 mg (one DS tablet) daily, or resolution of ascites
sulfamethoxazole 5 days a week
In cirrhotic patients with an ascitic albumin concentration below 1 g/dL
Norfloxacin 400 mg orally every 24 hours All three regimens should be given
Ciprofloxacin 750 mg orally every week only during hospitalization
Trimethoprim/ 160/800 mg (one DS tablet) daily,
sulfamethoxazole 5 days a week
ascites (ascitic fluid albumin concentration of
less than 1g/dL) should undergo prophylactic
antibiotic therapy, and therapy should be dis-
continued at the time of discharge. A ran-
domized trial
indicated that this strategy
may be the best compromise for preventing
ascitic fluid infection without selecting resis-
tant organisms.
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ADDRESS: Mansour A. Parsi, MD, Department of Gastroenterology and
Hepatology, A31, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, 9500 Euclid Avenue,
Cleveland, OH 44195; e-mail
... Enteric gram-negative rods are the usual culprits in about 90% of cases with the most common being Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Klebsiella pneumoniae [11,12]. Sphingobacterium species are exceedingly uncommon causative agents. ...
... Gram-negative rods such as E. coli and Klebsiella are the most common isolates in ascitic fluid as well as blood cultures in patients with simultaneous bacteremia [30]. Grampositive organisms are less common isolates and constitute about 25% of cases [11,12]. In certain situations, as in our patient, the ascitic fluid isolate may differ from the blood culture isolate, requiring broad-spectrum coverage. ...
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Sphingobacterium spritivorum (SS) is a ubiquitous gram-negative organism and an uncommon cause of infection in humans. To our knowledge, there are no reported cases of this bacterium causing spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP) in patients with cirrhosis. In this report, we discuss a case of a male patient in his late 60s who presented with severe sepsis from methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), in whom SS was subsequently identified via ascitic fluid culture. This unusual organism is known to have an innate resistance to multiple antibiotics and can cause life-threatening sepsis in cases of delayed or missed diagnosis. Clinicians should not be weighed down by anchoring bias and look for alternative, uncommon gram-negative organisms in cases of progressive sepsis in patients with ascites.
... The enteric organisms represent about 90% of the isolated organisms in SBP. An alternative proposed mechanism for SBP is hematogenous transmission of infection to the ascetic fluid [2][3][4]. ...
... At least 92% of SBP cases are monomicrobial [4]. The most frequent pathogens responsible for SBP are the Gram negative bacteria specially the E coli [1,5] but recent studies have shown an increased incidence in SBP cases due Gram positive cocci infection which is suggest to be associated with the frequent use of prophylactic antibiotics, the frequent long term hospitalization with exposure to invasive maneuvers and nosocomial infections [5][6][7]. ...
... SBP is one of the most important causes for both morbidity and mortality among cirrhotic patients with ascites. 13 Therefore, early intervention of prompt diagnosis and treatment of these patients is crucial for enhancing their clinical results. Methods typically utilized tests in the diagnosis of SBP take longer time which takes from few hours to many days. ...
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Background: Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP) is the most common and serious infection of liver cirrhosis patients with ascites. If not intervened with early antibiotic treatment leads to high morbidity and mortality. Thus, early diagnosis and treatment of SBP are needed for survival. Leukocyte esterase reagent can aid in early diagnosis. Aims and Objectives: This study aimed to assess the diagnostic accuracy of the leukocyte esterase dipstick test for the diagnosis of SBP in resource poor settings. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted during August 2018–January 2019 on patients with cirrhotic liver disease and ascites in a tertiary care medical college hospital, Puducherry. All patients underwent abdominal paracentesis, and ascitic fluid was subjected to cell counts, biochemistry tests, culture, and leukocyte esterase test (Multistrix SG8- Seimens) at 120 s and graded with five levels. Grade 3 was positive (125 polymorphonuclear leukocytes [PMNL]/mL) and grade 4 (<500/mL), which exceeds the threshold for SBP (<250 PMNL/mL). Sensitivity, specificity, positive, and negative predictive value (PPV and NPV) was calculated. Results: A total of 50 ascitic fluids were analyzed. Nine out of 50 (18%), 16 (32%), and 4 (8%) were positive for cell count method, Leucocyte esterase reagent (LER) test and culture, respectively. The sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV, and diagnostic accuracy for LER test were 6.25%, 91.18%, 25%, 67.39%, and 64%, respectively. Conclusion: The LER strip test is useful for SBP diagnosis in an emergency and resource poor setting. It provides good diagnostic accuracy and high NPV and it is cost effective and better bedside tool for SBP diagnosis.
... If the aspiration brings bloody fluid (>10 000 red blood cells/mm), then we should subtract one PMN for every 250 red blood cells to determine the ascitic PMN count. However, culture of the ascitic fluid is negative in 40% of cases of SBP diagnosed by elevated ascitic PMNs [5]. ...
... The most common infecting organisms isolated from ascites are Gram-negative enteric bacilli, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumonia and Streptococcus spp. 6,7 Use of appropriate empirical antibiotic (AEA) 8 or broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy as empirical treatment was associated with better survival. The current indications of antibiotic prophylaxis in cirrhosis are generally norfloxacin (administered as 400 mg/12 h PO for 7 days); whereas, patients with advanced cirrhosis (defined as at least 2 of the following: ascites, jaundice, hepatic encephalopathy, and malnutrition) receive ceftriaxone (administered as 1 g/day intravenous for 7 days). ...
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Background and objectives The most common Gram-negative bacteria, such as enteric bacilli, Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Gram-positive bacteria, such as Streptococcus spp., are seen in patients suffering from cirrhosis and/or chronic liver diseases. The objective of this prospective observational study was to compare the efficacy and pattern of antibiotic use in patients with bacterial translocation. Methods This 10-month study was conducted at the Gastroenterology Department of the KIMS hospital, Telangana, India. The patients were more than 18 years of age (n = 60) and diagnosed with liver cirrhosis and/ or chronic liver diseases. All data was analyzed statistically, at a significance threshold of p < 0.05. Results Among the 60 patients, the Child-Pugh-Turcotte scores were A in 30%, B in 35% and C in 14%. White blood cell count was reduced from 12,620 ± 1,266 (before treatment) to 8,385 ± 944 (after treatment with antibiotics; p < 0.05). Serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase values were reduced from 360.1 ± 87.3 (before treatment) to 141.9 ± 37.9 (after treatment with antibiotics therapy (p < 0.001), whereas serum bilirubin values were reduced from 6.064 ± 0.91 (Before treatment) to 3.514 ± 0.44 (after treatment with antibiotics therapy; p < 0.0001). The mortality rate was 6.6 %, i.e. only 4 patients died post-treatment. It was also observed that meropenem was prescribed in the majority of cases and norfloxacin was the least prescribed of all antibiotics. Conclusions Our study suggests that antibiotic treatment might be effective for patients suffering with cirrhosis or chronic liver diseases with improved life expectancy.
... If the aspiration brings bloody fluid (>10 000 red blood cells/mm), then we should subtract one PMN for every 250 red blood cells to determine the ascitic PMN count. However, culture of the ascitic fluid is negative in 40% of cases of SBP diagnosed by elevated ascitic PMNs [5]. ...
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Background Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP) is an infection of the ascitic fluid in the absence of other intra-abdominal sources. The risk is high in those with concomitant gastrointestinal bleeding, low ascitic fluid protein, or a previous attack of SBP. Norfloxacin is used widely in the primary prophylaxis of SBP but resistance usually develops where rifaximin was introduced. Patients and methods A total of 80 patients with advanced liver cirrhosis attending the Hemostasis Unit, Emergency Hospital, Mansoura University, with upper gastrointestinal bleeding were subjected to full history, clinical examination, laboratory assessment, and ascitic fluid analysis. The patients were divided into two groups: the first group received rifaximin plus norfloxacin and the second group received norfloxacin only and the two groups were followed up for 1 year. Results The study enrolled 80 patients, 51 men and 29 women with a mean age of 58.83±5.02 years for group 1 and 58.35±4.95 years for group 2. There were no statistically significant difference between the two groups as regards the clinical or laboratory characteristics except for the presence of focal lesions that was significantly present in group 2. A significant increase in the incidence of SBP in group 2 was present with P=0.014. The median time of developing SBP was significantly shorter in the second group. Conclusion The addition of rifaximin to norfloxacin decreased the incidence rates of SBP in patients with variceal bleeding with significant improvement in patient survival.
Ascites is the accumulation of fluid within the peritoneal cavity. In children, ascites can occur from many different etiologies that vary by age. Various pathophysiologic mechanisms contribute to the formation of ascites, with peripheral arterial vasodilation playing a central role. Determining the etiology of ascites depends on a constellation of clinical and laboratory findings that can be confirmed by imaging and ascitic fluid analysis via diagnostic paracentesis. Management of ascites in children is directed at the underlying etiology. General management strategies include sodium and fluid restriction and diuresis. Complications of ascites can be life threatening and primarily include spontaneous bacterial peritonitis and refractory ascites.
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Background: Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP) is one of the most common and life-threatening complications of ascites, mostly in patients with cirrhotic ascites and children with nephrotic syndrome. Recognition and prompt treatment of this condition is essential to prevent serious morbidity and mortality. It is therefore important to determine the prevalence of SBP among in-patients with ascites attending our facility and to determine the clinical characteristics associated with SBP among these patients. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted involving 140 patients with ascites irrespective of the underlying cause from 25th March 2016 to 25th November 2016. Demographic information and clinical data were collected using a standardized questionnaire. Ascitic fluid culture, the gold standard for SBP diagnosis and ascitic fluid cell count was done. Positive ascitic fluid culture and/ or ascitic polymorpho nuclear leukocyte ≥250cells/mm3 were diagnostic for SBP Results: Of the 140 patients with ascites the mean age was 44.7±13.2 years. There were seventy six (76) male and sixty four (64) female patients. The prevalence of SBP was 21.43% (30/140). Majority, (41.7%) of the bacteria isolated from ascitic fluid with SBP was Escherichia coli. History of jaundice, low arterial blood pressure on admission and encephalopathy were found to be independent predictors of SBP. Conclusion: SBP is common among patients with ascites admitted at the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital. Jaundice, encephalopathy and low blood pressure are highly suggestive of SBP and diagnostic paracentesis should be done immediately on admission to confirm the diagnosis. Funding: None Keywords: Ascites, Spontaneous, Bacterial, Peritonitis, Ghana
Bacterial translocation (BT) can be involved in the pathogenesis of severe infections due to bacteria of enteric origin that complicates bleeding cirrhotic patients. To assess the effect of hemorrhagic shock (HS) on the incidence of BT and if selective intestinal decontamination (SID) reduces this incidence, we studied six groups of Sprague-Dawley rats: ascitic rats, ascitic rats exposed to HS with and without previous norfloxacin prophylaxis, healthy rats, and healthy shocked rats with and without previous norfloxacin prophylaxis. BT tended to be higher in ascitic rats with shock than without shock (69% vs. 41%, P = .15) and was significantly higher in healthy rats with than without shock (50 percent vs. 0 percent, P = .01). Norfloxacin significantly reduced translocation in ascitic shocked rats in comparison with nondecontaminated ascitic shocked rats (31 percent vs. 69 percent, P = .038). This effect was due mainly to a reduction of gram-negative BT (O percent vs. 37 percent, P = .008). In addition, norfloxacin prevented translocation in healthy shocked rats. Accordingly, aerobic gram-negative bacteria disappeared from fecal flora in all rats administered norfloxacin, except for Klebsiella species in one control rat. Cecal severe submucosal edema, chronic inflammatory infiltrate, and intestinal lymphangiectasia were significantly more frequent in ascitic rats than in control rats. Intestinal mucosal injury related with HS, particularly subepithelial cecal edema, was observed only in ascitic shocked rats. In conclusion, HS increases the incidence of BT both in ascitic cirrhotic and healthy rats. Norfloxacin reduces significantly the incidence of translocation after shock, especially in those cases caused by aerobic gram-negative bacilli. (Hepatology 1996 Apr;23(4):781-7)
Although spontaneous bacterial peritonitis is considered a precipitating factor of renal impairment in cirrhosis, no study specifically addressing this problem has been reported. This study was aimed at assessing the incidence, clinical course, predictive factors and prognosis of renal impairment in cirrhotic patients with peritonitis. Therefore, 252 consecutive episodes of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis in 197 patients were analyzed. Clinical and laboratory data obtained before and after diagnosis of peritonitis were considered as possible predictors of renal impairment and hospital mortality. Renal impairment occurred in 83 (33%) episodes, and in every instance it fulfilled the criteria of functional kidney failure. Renal impairment was progressive in 35 episodes, steady in 27 and transient in 21. Blood urea nitrogen and serum sodium concentration before peritonitis and band neutrophils count in blood at diagnosis were independent predictors for the development of renal impairment. Renal impairment was the strongest independent predictor of mortality during hospitalization. Other independent prognostic factors were blood urea nitrogen level before peritonitis, age, positive ascitic fluid culture and serum bilirubin level during infection. These results indicate that renal impairment is a frequent event in cirrhotic patients with spontaneous bacterial peritonitis that occurs mainly in patients with kidney failure before infection. Renal impairment is the most important predictor of hospital mortality in cirrhotic patients with spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. (Hepatology 1994;20:1495–1501).
The reticuloendothelial system phagocytic activity, estimated by the plasma elimination rate constant of 99mtechnetium-sulfur colloid, was studied in 41 decompensated cirrhotics and 10 normal subjects. The results were related to the incidence and type of bacterial infections occurring during hospitalization and follow-up, and to survival. The elimination rate constant of 99mtechnetium-sulfur colloid was lower in cirrhotic patients (0.168 ± 0.007) (x ± S.E.) than in normal subjects (0.220 ± 0.005) (p < 0.01). Cirrhotics were divided into two groups. Group I (16 patients) and Group II (25 patients) had normal or reduced elimination rate constant of 99mtechnetium-sulfur colloid, respectively. Both groups were similar in relation to clinical and biochemical data, hepatic blood flow, and wedged hepatic venous pressure. However, the liver scan and the elimination rate constant of indocyanine green were more altered in Group II. Patients in Group II developed acute bacterial infections more frequently than did patients in Group I. During hospitalization (24 ± 2 days), bacteremia occurred in six patients in Group II and in none in Group I (p < 0.05). During follow-up (28 ± 3 months), 5 patients in Group II and none in Group I developed bacteremia (p < 0.05). The cumulative survival rate of Group I patients was higher (p < 0.05) than that of Group II patients at 3 months (100 vs. 80%), 6 months (94 vs. 68%), 24 months (74 vs. 42%), and 48 months (68 vs. 34%). We suggest that decompensated cirrhotics with depressed reticuloendothelial system phagocytic activity are at great risk to acquire bacteremia, and that reticuloendothelial system phagocytic activity has prognostic value in cirrhosis.
In a ten-year retrospective study 15 cases of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis were identified. All patients had cirrhosis and ascites. Abdominal pain was present in all and abdominal tenderness in 11. Diagnosis was established by paracentesis with the finding of either an elevated ascitic fluid cell count (>300 WBC/mm3) in 13 cases or organisms and numerous neutrophiles on gram stain in 6 cases. On ascitic fluid cultureE coli was the most common organism isolated in 6 cases, klebsiella was isolated in 3 cases, andDiplococcus pneumoniae (D. pneumoniae) in 2 cases. Positive blood cultures were obtained in 60% of the cases. Three patients responded to therapy, including antibiotics, and survived to leave the hospital. No features unequivocally differentiated the survivors. The nonsurvivors died from complications of advanced liver disease including hepatic coma, hepatorenal syndrome, and esophageal variceal hemorrhage. Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis is a potentially treatable cause of deterioration in the patient with cirrhotic ascites. Because of its varied presentation it may escape recognition despite ease of diagnosis. Prompt recognition requires awareness of this entity.
In order to determine the composition of "normal" ascitic fluid, the results of analysis of the first paracentesis on 347 consecutive cirrhotic patients with ascites at the West Haven Veterans Administration Hospital between 1955 and 1976 were examined. The ascites was considered "normal" in 259 patients. Bacterial peritonitis was present in 51, malignant ascites in 18, pancreatitic ascites in 15, and ascites of other types in 4 patients. Normal ascites is sterile, usually clear, and contains 281 +/- 25 leukocytes/mm3 (mean +/- SEM), 27 +/- 2% of which are polymorphonuclear. In spontaneous bacterial peritonitis the fluid is usually cloudy, contains 6084 +/- 858 white blood cells/mm3, 77 +/- 4% of which were PMN and culture is positive for a single bacterial species, usually enteric in origin. Malignant and pancreatitis ascites are sterile, often cloudy, and contain an average of 696 +/- 273 and 1821 +/- 833 leukocytes/mm3, respectively, about half of which are polymorphonuclear. Amylase activity is increased in pancreatitic ascites, but not in other types of ascites. Stained smears of sediment for bacteria are often positive in bacterial peritonitis, but not in the other categories. Neither the specific gravity, protein concentration, nor glucose level is useful in the differential diagnosis of ascites. Based on the critical number of leukocytes alone, (500/mm3), one can accurately differentiate infected from uninfected fluid in over 90% of ascitic patients.