Conference PaperPDF Available

A review on different security issues and challenges in Cloud Computing

  • Amity University Haryana, Gurgaon

Abstract and Figures

In computer's world these days cloud computing plays very important role. It gives user facilities like group of things such as software, platform and infrastructure services. Virtualization is the backbone of cloud resource sharing. Security is also a main problem of cloud. Multiple users have their own perception related to the cloud. By using cloud computing, user can access resources anywhere by using internet. So this technique is very useful in user's daily life. One of the factors for cloud computing is cloud services which were provided by the cloud (IAAS, PAAS, and SAAS). These services enable users to access infrastructure, platform and software. Even resources are allocated to users according to their requirements. But many people think it is unsafe to use cloud resources and its services. It is unsafe to use cloud because there is no guarantee of information which is controlled or maintained by the vendors. There are some security issues that are noticed in cloud computing. In this paper, we have discussed a few issues with cloud computing and the challenges of cloud computing. This paper gives overall investigation of security on data, protection and issues in the cloud. The paper also defines the literature review related to the cloud computing issues and threats and also the various security concerns are discussed.
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A Review on Different Security Issues and
Challenges in Cloud Computing
Ashima Narang
Ph.D Scholar, Computer Science Department
Maharishi Markandeshwar University, Sadopur
Ambala, India
Dr. Deepali Gupta
Professor & Head, Computer Science Department
Maharishi Markandeshwar University, Sadopur
Ambala, India
Abstract In computer’s world these days cloud computing
plays very important role. It gives user facilities like group of
things such as software, platform and infrastructure services.
Virtualization is the backbone of cloud resource sharing.
Security is also a main problem of cloud. Multiple users have
their own perception related to the cloud. By using cloud
computing, user can access resources anywhere by using
internet. So this technique is very useful in user’s daily life.
One of the factors for cloud computing is cloud services which
were provided by the cloud (IAAS, PAAS, and SAAS). These
services enable users to access infrastructure, platform and
software. Even resources are allocated to users according to
their requirements. But many people think it is unsafe to use
cloud resources and its services. It is unsafe to use cloud
because there is no guarantee of information which is
controlled or maintained by the vendors. There are some
security issues that are noticed in cloud computing. In this
paper, we have discussed a few issues with cloud computing
and the challenges of cloud computing. This paper gives overall
investigation of security on data, protection and issues in the
cloud. The paper also defines the literature review related to
the cloud computing issues and threats and also the various
security concerns are discussed.
Index TermsCloud computing, Cloud Security, IAAS,
From the previous concept of deployment models, cloud
computing [1] is gaining the popularity. These days, several
companies, big enterprises, are enjoying the comforts of
cloud services and putting their applications and data into it.
This results in more efficiency and effectiveness in
developing and deployment and the burden of purchasing
and maintaining the infrastructure is no more a requirement.
One of the most useful and widely used definition of cloud is
NIST as “Cloud computing is a technique that allow
convenient, according to users requirement provides network
access to computing resources (e.g., networks, servers,
storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly
allocated and released with least management work. The
cloud model consists of five characteristics, three services,
and four deployment models.”[2] The three service models
of cloud are: Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a
Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and
deployment models are: Private cloud, Community cloud,
Public cloud and Hybrid cloud.
Fig. 1. Cloud computing and its services
But from the user’s perspective, cloud computing
security is always a major concern. Some of the security
issues are discussed in this paper. This paper consists of
various parts that includes Cloud’s applications, its issues,
literature review and some legal issues [3] of cloud
Some of the applications [5,6]are discussed below in
By using cloud computing users can access its resources
and services anytime from anywhere by using the
Internet [6].
By using cloud computing users don’t need to purchase
infrastructure and applications. Because User can access
these resources or pay them according to their needs. In
early time Organizations totally depend on systems for
processing their work and users need to purchase all
resources and licenses for a long time. In Cloud
computing user can take the benefits of all resources
without purchasing it. Payment is done by pay-per-use
policy in cloud computing [4,6].
Hardware costs are minimized by using cloud and
consumers have no requirements of purchasing the
system with large number of space, hard disk etc. [4] [6]
With cloud computing there is no problem of space.
Thus, users can access, unlimited space and can access it
by taking it on rent [6] [17].
2018 International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GUCON)
Galgotias University, Greater Noida, UP, India. Sep 28-29, 2018
978-1-5386-4491-1/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE
The cloud system uses the processing power of less
presented system to maximize the speed of the
computations [1][6][8]. It has various advantages as
compared to traditional techniques, but it also has its
own issues that are discussed below.
The main issue is security and privacy and these concerns
are discussed below in detail [4] [7] [8] [16]. Figure 2.
Shows various cloud security issues and are explained in
Fig. 2. Issues in cloud computing
A. Information security in cloud computing
It focuses on confidentiality, integrity and availability of
data and have no care of the form the data may take [9].
Information Security in cloud computing has various parts
that define its issues in detail.
Fig. 3. Types of information security in cloud computing
Losing control over data: Some banks never want
delivered data in the cloud that have no protection in
sharing data via communicating with some other system
[3][10]. Amazon S3 APIs gives bucket- and object level
access, with defaults that only allow authenticated
access by the bucket and/or object creator. Therefore,
there is full control of customer over who has access to
their resources [13].
Data Integrity: Data integrity is a major security concern
that means the data alters only in response to authorized
actions. It has been observed that the common standard
for data integrity does not yet exists [8]. In the area of
computing users are needed to accept the underlying
premise of trust. In fact, cloud computing facing biggest
concern in trust so most of the companies avoiding it for
their data [7].
Risk of Seizure: In public cloud computing user share
the environment in the cloud, may take data at risk of
seizure [4][8]. The Encryption of data is only the
security against the risk of seizure for the user.
Incompatibility Issue: Incompatibility issue is the main
concern in cloud computing that means services
provided by the cloud service provider may be
incompatible with service provided by another cloud
service provider. For example, Amazon’s “Simple
Storage Service” [S3] is not compatible with IBM’s
Blue Cloud, or Google, or Dell [4] [8][13].
Constant Feature Additions: Constant feature additions
always undergo by Cloud applications, and consumer
has to keep up to date with application alteration to
make sure that these applications are secured. The speed
of altering these applications in the cloud affects both
the security and Software development life cycle [4] [8].
Failure in Provider’s Security: The cloud provider
normally fails in providing security to the portions of its
infrastructure those results in the compromise of
subscribing systems. Cloud consists of various objects,
and for this configuration, no cloud can provide much
more security [3][7]. It is expected that User has to trust
provider’s security. It is very tough to give the details
that help to ensure that the right things are being done
Cloud Provider goes Down: A number of variants have
been noticed: bankruptcy that thinks to take the business
in another direction. Due to the actions of another
company, subscriber takes the risk of losing access to
the production system. It is also a risk that data might
not be secured in accordance with the service levels to
which they may have been previously committed [4].
B. Network security in cloud computing
Network security is necessary to secure data while
transmitting between a consumer and computer and also
between computer to computer [21][22]. Network security in
the cloud is discussed in detail. Figure 4 shows the types of
network security in cloud computing that are discussed
Fig. 4. Types of network security issues in cloud computing
Distributed Denial of Service Attack: In such type of
attack huge amount of network traffic is given to servers
and networks and consumers are denied the access to a
certain Internet based Service In order to stop hackers
from attacking the network, the provider faces
blackmail [21][14]. Proprietary DDOS mitigation
methods are widely used. AWS help in providing the
application Programming Interface to end users, various
resources, best infrastructure that help in making
Amazon world’s number one retailer [9].
Middle Attack: In such type of attack, there is the
independent connection of the attacker with the victim.
Messages send among them, make them believe that
both parties are communicating with each other through
secure connection, but in reality the conversation
between both of them is controlled and managed by the
attacker himself [21]. In such cases, users can use secure
APIs for accessing the host certificates before logging
on the user first time. Users are guided enough for using
SSL for all secure conversations [9].
IP Spoofing: In such type of attack, someone tries to use
the IP address of another user without his/her
permission. Attacker hacks all the confidential data of
the user and has an unauthorized way of accessing the
system, and can deliver messages to another system with
an IP address that shows the message is coming from a
trusted user. [18][19]. Spoofed network traffic cannot
send by Amazon EC2 instances [9].
Scanning of the ports: The cloud provider helps in
providing the security group for allowing the flow of
traffic from the source to a particular port, then that
particular port becomes vulnerable to that scan port. A
port is an area which helps in transferring the data in
and out, also help in checking open doors for the system
[17]. There is no way through which this attack can be
stopped because every time searching on the internet
opens a port which opens a door for attacking to your
system [8].
Sniffing of packets: It is a communication with the raw
network device for packets that interest you. When the
software finds interest in a packet that fulfills a certain
procedure, it logs it to a file. The most commonly used
procedure is “login” or “password” [18][19]. In
promiscuous mode this is an impossible thing to accept
or “sniff” traffic that is used for a different virtual
instance. The hypervisor never deliver any traffic to
users that are not addressed to them [9].
C. Security issues in cloud computing
Such type of issues is more complex in a virtualized
environment as cloud provider have to keep a trail of security
on both the tiers, i.e. in virtual machine security and in
physical host security. All the virtual machines residing on
the host server become impacted if the physical host server’s
security becomes compromised [23].
Fig. 5. Security issues
Isolation of systems: Isolation issues help in protecting
various instances which are working over equivalent
machine but are separated from each other. In cloud
computing, virtualization techniques charge different
virtual machines for various organizations for working
on the identical platform by sharing the physical
resources with each other.
Host Operating System: Bigger enterprises ought to
maintain the business plans which may be used by
different authentication for gaining the access for
building and configuring different hosts by cloud server
Fig. 6 Host operating system [18]
Guest Operating System: Consumers are totally
responsible for maintaining virtual instances[26].
Consumers have rights to control on resources,
applications. AWS has no rights to customer instances
and have no permission to log into the guest OS.
Fig. 7. Guest operating system [26] security is necessary to secure data while
transmitting between
D. General Security issues in cloud computing
There are some other general issues of security, they are
being deal by cloud computing these days and need to be
taken care. These are listed as below.
Fig. 8. General issues in cloud
Data Location: Users using the cloud don’t know where
their data have been exactly kept or hosted or in which
country their data is being residing [3][4][8]. Thus, it
becomes very difficult for the user to get information
about his data that he is storing on the cloud.
Data Sanitization: In this process sensitive information
is being removed from a system which is used to store
information. In the environment of a cloud, customers
using services are wondering about the information that
is placed and how it is maintained by the cloud. So this
is also one of issues which should be handled for
making the user know about the process [29].
E. Legal issues
Some of the legal issues of cloud computing are being
discussed as under. The legal issues consist of various types
such as Jurisdictional Issues and Cloud Stakeholder Rights
that are shown in figure.
Jurisdictional Issues: In a cloud environment, resources
are the provided to the users are not fixed to any location
or they don’t have any specific data center. They are
being migrated between different locations during their
lifetime [27,29]. So the decision of where to keep the
resources or where to do migration these resources may
be based on various factors that may include load
balancing, networks, data center for their performance
and availability or even on the characteristics of the
Fig. 9. Legal issues in cloud computing
Cloud Stakeholder Rights: The cloud stakeholder rights
contain 2 main things which are discussed as:
Cloud Provider: Because of migration [18] of host may
change the legality activities taking place on that host, to
what extent is she liable for illegal activity and what
restrictions should be on the provider that results in such
a move?
Cloud Resource End Users: Users of different resource
in a cloud-based system can be expected to know when
her activities are illegal?
Literature review of cloud security and threats are
discussed in detail in table I that is given below:
Name of
S. Subashini et
al in [6]
The author has done surveys on SQL
injection and storage insecurity. The author
has further investigated about security and
privacy issues in cloud with the special
relationship between the cloud provider
and cloud user. There are three parties that
are joined together in a relationship. Most
of the researches which are done earlier
discusses about the cloud security from a
collective viewpoint outside a cloud.
Gartner et al
in [10]
The author discussed an idea that whenever
the user is making a deal with the cloud
vendors, users must ask the cloud vendor
for 7 main different security issues : Data
location, data segregation, long-term
viability, Privileged user access, regulatory
compliance investigative support and
V. Kavitha et
al in [29]
The has discussed about the investigations
on security issues in cloud computing
delivery models and has given a detailed
analysis of different issues related to
security in cloud computing [8]. Further
author has explored more about the
security issues in cloud computing from
various perspectives which may include
various issues related to security, cloud
architecture, various delivery models.
Hamdaqa et al
in [25]
The author described that the cloud
computing is not considered as a new
emerging technology or any concept that
came into existence in recent years indeed
its having its root from very earlier time
when John McCarthy described cloud
computing as one of the abilities for
providing resources to the user as one of
the utility.
Espadas et al
in [17]
The author describes cloud computing as
the 5th characteristic of cloud that is
suggested by the Cloud Alliance. Cloud
computing help in modeling different
models for policy-driven isolates,
governance, service levels, charge
back/billing, enforcement and
segmentation of different users which are
using the cloud services.
Takabi et al in
The author helped in designing and
informing about various rules that should
be considered for security and various
policies of cloud service vendors.
However, the author has developed a
framework which is self-administered and
helps in supplying various services to
cloud users with some security and policies
which should be maintained by the cloud
Worm et al in
The author successfully helps in providing
3 decision criteria in a cloud that may
include executing cost, resting time to
deadline and service availability at the
decision instant. With the help of such
response time and with the availability of
services, various dynamic programming is
being used for achieving the objectives of
cloud, which is necessary for saving results
for selecting the best services between all
other services available to the user.
Zhou and Mao
et al in [28]
The author has proposed an approach for
semantic cloud-based web services dealing
with Bayesian decision. The authors with
the help of Bayesian approach help in
anticipating the web service for semantics
which may help in discovering the graphs
generated on the basis for the use of the
implementation in a cloud and also
obtaining the relations on the basis of
graph which may be formed with the help
of the Markov chain.
Sinnema &
Deelstra et al
in [24]
The author has discussed the basis of
modeling variability and cloud feature
models which are represented as the
mechanisms for explaining about the
services and requirements together for
preparing definite cloud service selection
Klein et al in
The author has discussed about an
approach which is used for considering
separately non-network and network QoS
of services. For such a technique author
has estimated the real network latency
which has desired services and have low
time complexity. Author has also
introduced an equation for QoS for
calculating the QoS network, their latency,
and their transfer rates. At the end of the
genetic algorithm approach, design of a
selection based algorithm is being
proposed for generating various services,
and the results are being compared with the
Dijkstra algorithm
Wang et al in
The author has introduced swarm
optimization in which integer array coding
is being applied for achieving a fast
method to solve the CCSC problem. For
achieving this goal author has emerged the
operators with variables of binary decision
used for eliminating the services which are
improper from the search space.
The phenomenon of cloud is making huge engrossment
in everywhere due to its features like scalability, small
workload for customers, quick and comfortable access of
resources and cheaper cost. It provides various benefits to the
user. Users are getting to know about this technique from
various sources. Many consumers have this perception that
cloud is not a secure area to work on, though some are
finding it much more secure than other security policies,
mainly those areas which don’t have enough resources for
securing themselves. Many big organizations and
government organizations are holding back to the cloud
environment because they feel it unsafe for storing their data.
So if cloud computing has to get accepted by consumers, or
by other areas to create big organizations, it should develop
some skilled standardization of security and also certification
should be done by third parties for ensuring that standards
are properly met.
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Full-text available
Cloud Computing is one of the biggest buzzwords in the computer world these days. It allows resource sharing that includes software, platform and infrastructure by means of virtualization. Virtualization is the core technology behind cloud resource sharing. This environment strives to be dynamic, reliable, and customizable with a guaranteed quality of service. Security is as much of an issue in the cloud as it is anywhere else. Different people share different point of view on cloud computing. Some believe it is unsafe to use cloud. Cloud vendors go out of their way to ensure security. This paper investigates few major security issues with cloud computing and the existing counter measures to those security challenges in the world of cloud computing..
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The prominence of the place of cloud computing in future converged networks is incontestable. This is due to the obvious advantages of the cloud as a medium of storage with ubiquity of access platforms and minimal hardware requirements on the user end. Secure delivery of data to and from the cloud is however a serious issue that needs to be addressed. We present in this paper the security issues affecting cloud computing and propose the use of homomorphic encryption as a panacea for dealing with these serious security concerns vis-à-vis the access to cloud data.
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When the data transferred to the Cloud we use standard encryption methods to secure this data, but when we want to do the calculations on data located on a remote server, it is necessary that the Cloud provider has access to the raw data, and then it will decrypt them. In this paper we propose the application of a method to perform the operation on encrypted data without decrypted and provide the same result as well that the calculations were carried out on raw data.
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It is well-known that cloud computing has many potential advantages and many enterprise applications and data are migrating to public or hybrid cloud. But regarding some business-critical applications, the organizations, especially large enterprises, still wouldn't move them to cloud. The market size the cloud computing shared is still far behind the one expected. From the consumers' perspective, cloud computing security concerns, especially data security and privacy protection issues, remain the primary inhibitor for adoption of cloud computing services. This paper provides a concise but all-round analysis on data security and privacy protection issues associated with cloud computing across all stages of data life cycle. Then this paper discusses some current solutions. Finally, this paper describes future research work about data security and privacy protection issues in cloud.
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Cloud computing is clearly one of today's most enticing technology areas due, at least in part, to its cost-efficiency and flexibility. However, despite the surge in activity and interest, there are significant, persistent concerns about cloud computing that are impeding momentum and will eventually compromise the vision of cloud computing as a new IT procurement model. In this paper, we characterize the problems and their impact on adoption. In addition, and equally importantly, we describe how the combination of existing research thrusts has the potential to alleviate many of the concerns impeding adoption. In particular, we argue that with continued research advances in trusted computing and computation-supporting encryption, life in the cloud can be advantageous from a business intelligence standpoint over the isolated alternative that is more common today.
This book introduces the fundamental concepts of homomorphic encryption. From these foundations, applications are developed in the fields of private information retrieval, private searching on streaming data, privacy-preserving data mining, electronic voting and cloud computing. The content is presented in an instructional and practical style, with concrete examples to enhance the reader's understanding. This volume achieves a balance between the theoretical and the practical components of modern information security. Readers will learn key principles of homomorphic encryption as well as their application in solving real world problems.
With the development of cloud computing, the sensitive information of outsourced data is at risk of unauthorized accesses. To protect data privacy, the sensitive data should be encrypted by the data owner before outsourcing, which makes the traditional and efficient plaintext keyword search technique useless. Hence, it is an especially important thing to explore secure encrypted cloud data search service. Considering the huge number of outsourced data, there are three problems we are focused on to enable efficient search service: multi-keyword search, result relevance ranking and dynamic update. In this paper, we propose a practically efficient and flexible searchable encrypted scheme which supports both multi-keyword ranked search and dynamic update. To support multi-keyword search and result relevance ranking, we adopt Vector Space Model (VSM) to build the searchable index to achieve accurate search result. To improve search efficiency, we design a tree-based index structure which supports insertion and deletion update well without privacy leakage. We propose a secure search scheme to meet the privacy requirements in the threat model. Finally, experiments on real-world dataset are implemented to demonstrate the overall performance of the proposed scheme, which show our scheme is efficient.
Conference Paper
Private set intersection enables two parties -- a client and a server -- to compute the intersection of their respective sets without disclosing anything else. It is a fundamental operation -- equivalent to a secure, distributed database join -- and has many applications particularly in privacy-preserving law enforcement. In this paper we present a novel protocol that has linear complexity, is secure in the malicious model without random oracles, is client set size-independent and efficient. Furthermore, the computation of the intersection can be outsourced to an oblivious service provider, as in secure cloud computing. We leverage a completely novel construction for computing the intersection using Bloom filter and homomorphic encryption. For outsourcing we require and introduce a new homomorphic encryption scheme which may be of independent interest.
Cloud computing economically enables the paradigm of data service outsourcing. However, to protect data privacy, sensitive cloud data has to be encrypted before outsourced to the commercial public cloud, which makes effective data utilization service a very challenging task. Although traditional searchable encryption techniques allow users to securely search over encrypted data through keywords, they support only Boolean search and are not yet sufficient to meet the effective data utilization need that is inherently demanded by large number of users and huge amount of data files in cloud. In this paper, we define and solve the problem of secure ranked keyword search over encrypted cloud data. Ranked search greatly enhances system usability by enabling search result relevance ranking instead of sending undifferentiated results, and further ensures the file retrieval accuracy. Specifically, we explore the statistical measure approach, i.e. relevance score, from information retrieval to build a secure searchable index, and develop a one-to-many order-preserving mapping technique to properly protect those sensitive score information. The resulting design is able to facilitate efficient server-side ranking without losing keyword privacy. Thorough analysis shows that our proposed solution enjoys "as-strong-as-possible" security guarantee compared to previous searchable encryption schemes, while correctly realizing the goal of ranked keyword search. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed solution.