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Brain Tumor Detection using Deep Learning and Image Processing

Brain Tumor Detection Using Deep Learning and
Image Processing
Aryan Sagar Methil
Narsee Monjee Institute of
Management Studies
Mumbai, India
Abstract Brain Tumor Detection is one of the most
difficult tasks in medical image processing. The detection task
is difficult to perform because there is a lot of diversity in the
images as brain tumors come in different shapes and textures.
Brain tumors arise from different types of cells and the cells
can suggest things like the nature, severity, and rarity of the
tumor. Tumors can occur in different locations and the
location of tumors can suggest something about the type of
cells causing the tumor which can aid further diagnosis. The
task of brain tumor detection can become aggravating by the
problems which are present in almost all digital images eg.
illumination problems. Tumor and non-tumor images can have
overlapping image intensities which makes it difficult for any
model to make good predictions from raw images. This paper
proposes a novel method to detect brain tumors from various
brain images by first carrying out different image
preprocessing methods ie. Histogram equalization and opening
which was followed by a convolutional neural network. The
paper also discusses other image preprocessing techniques
apart from the ones that are finalized for training and their
impact on our dataset. The experimental study was carried on
a dataset with different tumor shapes, sizes, textures, and
locations. Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) was employed
for the task of classification. In our work, CNN achieved a
recall of 98.55% on the training set, 99.73% on the validation
set which is very compelling.
Keywords Brain Tumor Detection, Computer-aided
Diagnosis, Computer Vision, Convolutional Neural Networks,
Deep Learning, Image Processing, Transfer Learning.
A Brain Tumor is a mass of tissue in which the cells
multiply uncontrollably. It arises from different cells - both
in the brain and outside. Primary tumors are the ones that
originate in the brain itself whereas secondary tumors are
the ones that metastasize to different parts of the body.
Tumors can have different origins and based on the cells or
the origin obtained from different types of tumors. For
example, gangliogliomas are tumors that include neoplastic
neurons and are mostly grade I or low-grade tumors which
indicates that the tumor is well-differentiated and has slow
growth [16]. Another example is meningioma which
originates from the meninges (The set of 3 membranes
covering the brain and spinal cord) and can be grade I, II, or
III and it is slow-growing [16]. Symptoms of a brain tumor
include headache which can be acute and persistent,
muscular disorders, dizziness, cognitive disorders, etc.
Treatment of the same includes chemotherapy, radiotherapy,
tomotherapy, and surgery (craniotomy). Although brain
tumor is comparatively infrequent ie. 1.4% new cases per
year [17], in developed countries, fatalities due to brain
tumors have increased over the past few decades. CNS
tumor cases in India range from 5 to 10 per 100,000
population with an increasing trend and it accounts for 2%
of malignancies[11][12][13].
In recent times, Computer-aided diagnosis of diseases is
gaining interest and is helping doctors take swift decisions.
One such approach is using Convolutional Neural Networks
(CNN) to learn the spatial and temporal features from the
given dataset which are necessary to identify the disease. A
Convolutional Neural Network is a special type of neural
network which specializes in handling image datasets. The
very fundamental principle of this neural network is
performing a convolution operation between the kernel and
the image to extract the features. All neural networks learn
by the iterative updation of the weights matrix. Here, it is
required to find the optimal kernel values for all layers of
the CNN model. Hence, the kernel values themselves act as
the weights of this model and the optimal values of the
kernel are gradually learned through backpropagation and
gradient descent. Backpropagation is the computation of
derivatives of the loss function with respect to the weights
and biases in a backward fashion. Gradient descent is the
periodic updation of the weights such that the loss or the
error is decreasing with each iteration. A convolutional layer
is often coupled with a pooling layer and we can connect
multiple such convolutional layer-pooling layer pairs. In the
end, we can have few Dense layers and dropout layers for
the final learning process. Dropout layers are used for
tackling the overfitting problem. The last output layer does
the classification job and can have only 1 neuron in case of a
binary classification task or more than 1 for a multi-class
classification task. Special types of neural networks called
Capsule networks which encode the spatial information well
along with the probability of the object being there in the
image are gaining popularity and they are used in some
recent works [18][19].
Brain tumors in MRI scans (or any other scans) are
identified by abnormal blobs in the brain. These blobs or
regions have a different illumination than the rest of the
brain and are usually brighter than the background.
However, the process of segmenting the tumors in MRI
images is a very difficult task. The tumors have different
sizes, textures, and even the positions where they are found.
If we consider segmenting the tumor by properties such as
illumination, we may face issues such as overlapping pixel
intensities with the normal tissues. Identification and
segmentation of brain tumors in MRI images is important as
it indicates the presence of the abnormal tissues for
treatment or patient follow-up purposes. Most brain tumors
also cause edema [14] which is also a factor that distorts the
nearby structures and can change the pixel intensities around
the tumor. CNN along with some preprocessing techniques
can give accuracy comparable to or even higher than
In this paper, we have presented a novel brain tumor
detection method in MRI images. The first step was image
preprocessing involving morphological techniques as well
as histogram equalization to enhance our dataset. Then, the
tumor and non-tumor image classification is carried out
using the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). This paper
strongly emphasizes the use of image processing as digital
images suffer from various problems such as the
illumination problem discussed above and so without proper
image preprocessing techniques, even CNNs can get
misguided to learn incorrect features and produce wrong
outputs. It is also necessary that we choose the right
techniques because a major problem with image processing
for datasets is that the chosen technique might be beneficial
to only a particular type of image instead of generalizing
well to the entire dataset. As such, while experimenting with
the techniques, we found some techniques to be harmful to
the dataset even before fitting a model to it while some
techniques looked promising and so we decided to go ahead
with the training process.
In this paper, we start by discussing the methodology we
used ie starting from the dataset followed by discussing
the effects of different image processing techniques on the
dataset and then preparing the proper dataset format for
training, image augmentation, and training and through the
performance metrics to the result and conclusion.
A. Block Diagram
B. Dataset
The input dataset was mostly made up of a subset of a
dataset[1] consisting of 3762 tumor images and the subset
contained 2297 images. The subset selection was done
based on removing the images which might have
misdirected the model training. Another small dataset of 253
images was added[2]. This dataset has 155 tumor images
and 93 non-tumor images. For more non-tumor images, all
105 non-tumor images from another dataset were used[3].
The non-tumor images folder was named “no_tumor” in the
original dataset on Kaggle. The images were preprocessed
and then a 70%-30% split was performed to get the training
and validation dataset. The preprocessing which was applied
consisted of histogram equalization followed by opening.
The resultant dataset was upsampled to get the final dataset
of 4222 images consisting of 1861 training tumor images,
563 training non-tumor images, 1463 validation tumor
images, and 315 validation non-tumor images. Upsampling
was done as the dataset should be large enough for the
Test Dataset consists of 20 randomly picked images
from the internet out of which 10 had tumors and 10 didn’t.
Figure 1 and 2: Sample non-tumor images from dataset.
Figure 3 and 4: Sample tumor images from dataset.
Image Preprocessing
Train- Validation Split
Image Augmentation
C. Image Preprocessing
Figure 5 and 6: Image Processing on tumor images
Figure 7 and 8: Image Processing on non-tumor images
1. Global Thresholding:
This method proved to be quite ineffective. The
reason being, the different levels of illumination,i.e
the different pixel intensities in different images.
Thus, a global threshold cannot be chosen for all
the images, because of their different pixel
intensities. In the tumor images, the tumor is
brighter than the rest of the brain area. If we set a
threshold value, which separates the bright tumor
portion and the darker brain portion, it disrupts
with some non-tumor images in which the entire
brain portion is bright. Setting a threshold will
classify these non-tumor images as tumor images,
hence proving to be ineffective. See figure 7 where
global thresholding makes the brain MRI image
look like there is a tumor but the true label states
2. Adaptive Thresholding:
Adaptive thresholding does not use a fixed
threshold value for all pixels in the image. Instead,
the threshold is calculated based on the range of
intensities in the pixel’s local neighborhood.
Therefore, different regions of the image will have
different threshold values. This allows the
thresholding to be done dynamically for different
images. We can observe from the adaptive
thresholding output that the outlines are
highlighted. The issue is that even in the area of the
tumor, the outlines are about equally abundant as
there are in non-tumor regions. This makes it
difficult to distinguish the tumor from the rest of
the brain.
3. Sobel filter
Sobel filter is an edge detection filter and consists
of a pair of convolutional kernels. The first of the
pair detects edges running in the vertical direction
while the other detects edges running in the
horizontal direction.
Figure 9: Sobel Filter Kernels
This technique has a tragic effect on the images.
The Sobel filter leads to the introduction of
unwanted noise resulting in ample false detections.
Hence this technique proved to be completely
4. High Pass filter
A 3x3 high pass filter kernel consisting of 8 in the
center and -1 everywhere else is applied to the
images. Since it is a derivative filter, it highlights
the edges and turns the background black. Here it
does a similar job and in doing so, we make the
tumor indistinguishable from the background
which is a tragic effect. So we cannot use this
technique for our task.
5. Median Blur
The median filter is good at eliminating Salt and
Pepper noise. It does so by replacing the central
values of the window of the image under
consideration with the median of all the values in
that window. Since the pixel intensities of the salt
and pepper noise pixels are on the extreme ends ie.
around 0 for black and around 255 for white in an
8-bit image, while computing the median, they lie
on the extreme ends of the list of pixel intensities
(arranged in ascending order for median
computation) of a window. Therefore they rarely
become the median and the non-noise pixels
become the central value; eliminating the noise
pixels. Here we observe that the edges and
boundaries are preserved. Here very little
difference is observed between the original and
preprocessed image. Hence it is not very effective.
6. Histogram Equalization
This preprocessing method results in an overall
improvement. This is because histogram
equalization normalizes the pixel intensities,
thereby normalizing some of the illumination
problems. The technique does a great job in
normalizing the pixel intensities of the brain MRI
image in figure 7. The image belongs to the non-
tumor class but the whiter patch on the top left part
of the brain looks like a tumor although it is not.
Histogram equalization reduced the visual
difference between that area and the rest of the
brain. This was an encouraging result and we can
proceed to fit a Convolutional Neural Network
(CNN) model on histogram equalized images.
7. Dilation
Dilation is an image preprocessing technique
which adds pixels to the boundaries of objects.
White regions such as tumors grow in size after
dilation due to the addition of white pixels on the
boundaries and the gaps in the white regions get
filled as well (See the tumor region in Figure 6). If
we take a structuring element of size 3x3
containing all 1s and we convolve on our image,
any background pixel that is surrounded by at least
1 white pixel, will get changed to foreground pixel.
Thus there is an overall decrease in darker regions
and an increase in the whiter regions thus
highlighting the tumor more. This technique looks
promising and we will proceed with this image
processing technique as well.
8. Erosion
Erosion works opposite of dilation as it removes
the pixels from the boundaries of the objects.
White regions such as tumors shrink in size after
erosion and the gaps and holes in the white regions
increase in size. If we take a structuring element of
size 3x3 containing all 1s and we convolve on our
image, any foreground pixel that isn’t surrounded
everywhere by white pixels, will get changed to
background pixel. This can lead to the tumors (the
main focus of our work) being played down.
Although at first thought, erosion seems to be bad
for this job, erosion combined with dilation
(opening or closing) can prove to be effective.
Opening (erosion followed by dilation) removes
the small objects from the foreground which can be
used to put the focus on the tumor region. Closing
(dilation followed by erosion) removes the small
gaps and holes in the foreground which can be used
to eliminate the darker central regions of the tumor.
Conclusion: Histogram Equalization, erosion, and dilation
were the promising techniques for this task and we tried
different combinations of these for the preprocessing
Training on histogram equalized images gave an accuracy of
98% on the train set and 80% on the test set which suggests
Training on opened (erosion and dilation) images gave an
accuracy of 96% on the train set and 84% on the test set.
Training on histogram equalized and closed (dilation and
erosion) images gave an accuracy of 96% on the train set
and 84% on the test set.
The preprocessing pipeline opted for in the end was
Histogram Equalization followed by opening. This is the
novelty of our method as the 2 techniques chosen in the end
handle the illumination problem very well and also enhance
the morphological features of brain tumors which will help
the CNN.
D. Split the dataset into Train, Validation, and Test sets
The processed dataset has to be divided into Train and
Validation datasets. The training dataset is the one on which
CNN is trained while after each epoch or iteration, the
learned model till that iteration can be tested on a validation
set. The validation set becomes a type of test data as the
model was not trained on that; thereby becoming unseen
Through the metrics we use on the validation dataset, we
can track the progress of the model.
A 70% -30% split on the original dataset gave us the train
and validation set.
Images were duplicated for a good dataset.
Test Dataset:
It has the same folder hierarchy as those of the train and
validation datasets. It contains 20 images downloaded from
the Internet out of which 10 contain tumors whereas 10 do
E. Image Augmentation
Image Augmentation is the artificial increase in the
image dataset by applying specified transformations such as
rotation, horizontal flipping, etc. The need for image
augmentation arises when the existing dataset is not
sufficient for the neural networks or if there is a scope
improvement in the neural net’s performance if more data is
provided. Thus augmentation increases the size of the
dataset. It also prevents the neural network from
memorizing the data by adding some spatial variations to
the images, thus preventing overfitting. The
ImageDataGenerator of TensorFlow makes a generator for
images that can be fed into the neural network for training
and testing purposes.
The need for augmentation here is because neural
networks get better when the datasets are large and since our
dataset contains 4222 images, we should increase it. We can
create multiple variants of the image. Consider a cat image,
if we mirror it from left to right or top to bottom, it still
stays a cat. If we rotate the image, then also it stays a cat.
We can create such variants manually and store them in the
dataset but by doing this, we will require more memory and
ImageDataGenerator creates such variants internally
thereby taking extremely less time and not taking a lot of
Augmentation applied :
1. All images are resized to 150x150 pixels.
2. Rotation of image between -30 degree and +30
3. Horizontal shift by 20% of the image width to the
left or right.
4. Vertical shift by 20% of the image height to the top
or bottom.
5. Shear - Distort the image along an axis.
6. Zoom in the image by 20%
7. Apply horizontal flip to the image
Figure 10-a: Original Image
Figure 10-b: Shear
Figure 10-c: Rotation
Figure 10-d: Horizontal Flip
F. Training
We used a convolutional neural network as our model as
CNNs are the neural networks that are best suited for
Transfer learning [15] has been applied which means the
training our neural network will do will be based on a pre-
trained network. We have used a pre-trained model that has
already learned a lot of complex features. The pre-trained
model used is ResNet101v2 which will become our base
model on top of which we will fine-tune our task to classify
tumor and non-tumor images.
Reason for using ResNet :
In the case of normal neural networks, an increase in the
number of layers will decrease the error up to a particular
point but will then start increasing again. These additional
layers should not hamper the training so the solution was
provided in ResNet.
ResNet employs a skip connection where the output of
previous layers will not only affect the next layer but also
layers quite ahead of it. Using Regularization can stop the
adverse effects of additional layers.
On top of the ResNet, a flatten layer was used to flatten
out the matrix output of the previous layer into an array. A
dense layer for further training and to avoid any case of
overfitting, a Dropout layer was used. A Dropout layer
drops nodes with a probability p such that any
overdependence of the output on only particular nodes is
avoided. The value of p used was 0.2.
The activation function used was Rectified Linear Unit
(ReLU) and a sigmoid activation in the last layer as it is a
binary classification-yes or no problem.
ReLU activation function outputs y=x if the input x is
positive and 0 otherwise. It has gained popularity as an
activation function for the non-output layers because it is
easier to train and it also tackles the problem of vanishing
gradients. Sigmoid activation function outputs 1/ (1+e^-x)
for an input x. It outputs a probability between 0 and 1 for
the input to belong to the positive class (1). Sigmoid is used
in the output layer of the model and since it outputs a single
value ie. the probability, there is only 1 neuron in the last
The model was compiled using Adam as the optimizer
with a learning rate of 0.0002 and the loss used was binary
crossentropy and then the entire model was trained for 20
G. Performance Metrics
Performance metrics measure the performance of a
model based on the predictions made v/s the true labels. The
3 metrics were accuracy, precision, and recall. F1 score is
another metric that makes use of precision and recall.
Accuracy is the percentage of correctly classified
data points. Accuracy is not a good metric as it fails to
suggest anything in the case of imbalanced classes. Consider
10 images out of which 9 are tumor images and 1 is a non-
tumor image. If the model learns badly and predicts every
image as tumor images, then also the accuracy would be
90% in this case which is good on paper but it fails to tell us
that the model was bad.
Precision is a metric that says out of all the images
which the metric classified as tumor images, how many of
those were tumors. Suppose the model identifies an image
to be a tumor image, the person can consult a doctor to
check if there’s a tumor. In this case, there is no health risk
ie in case of a false positive, the person will only have to
spend that extra money and time for consulting a doctor.
Recall says that of all tumor images, how many of
those did the model predict that there is a tumor. This is an
extremely important metric and the one we will focus on in
this task. Suppose if a person had a tumor, and the model
classifies it as non-tumor. The person would not consult a
doctor and could die due to the lack of attention given to
that case. Health risk increases if the model predicts a false
F1 score is a metric that conveys the balance
between precision and recall. It is the harmonic mean of
precision and recall and penalizes the model a lot even when
only one of them is low.
Figure 11: Metrics
In the above figure:
TP - True Positive
FP - False Positive
TN - True Negative
FN - False Negative
We trained our CNN model for 20 epochs and we
recorded the performance metrics after the 20th epoch.
Table 1: Metrics values
The high values of the performance metrics are indicators of
a well-trained model for the given dataset and the absence of
underfitting which is good. The recall seems to be lower for
the test set than on the validation set which can be attributed
to the fact that the model was trained on a dataset of MRI
images of a particular distribution while random images
from the Internet might not necessarily belong to that
distribution so the test data can be completely foreign to our
We also have the graphs below depicting the metrics values
associated with the training and validation sets after each
epoch. This can show the entire learning process of the
model and even the presence of overfitting or underfitting
(if any).
Figure 12-a: Accuracy
Figure 12-b: Precision
Figure 12-c: Recall
(The red line graph - Training set
The blue line graph - Validation set)
From the graphs, we can observe that the training process
was smooth and the less gap between the training and
validation lines, indicates high generalization to the
validation images and absence of overfitting.
The test images were plotted and we could see which
images were correctly labeled and which were not.
Figure 13: Wrongly Predicted Test Image
The 1.0 image title in red indicates that the image should
have been classified as a tumor image (1.0) but it got
classified as non-tumor (0.0). The reason for the
misclassification of the above image may be attributed to
the fact that the test images may not necessarily belong to
the same distribution as that of the training or validation set.
Some already existing methods:
While looking at the research papers, we realized that the
standard pipeline for image processing looked something
like greyscaling followed by skull stripping ie. all non-brain
tissues are removed using contouring or segmentation. This
is followed by thresholding using histogram analysis to find
out the appropriate valley region for the threshold value.
The grayscale black and white image is then eroded. In
some places, Berkeley wavelet transform is applied as an
effective segmentation technique. This pipeline was used by
Nilesh Bhaskarrao Bahadure et al. in their paper [4].
A lot of these papers used machine learning techniques that
did not require as many dataset images as deep learning
techniques such as CNN. Hence the experimentation in
these papers was carried out using very few images.
One of the most commonly used techniques is SVM
(Support Vector Machines) which uses what's known as a
kernel trick to find an optimal boundary between the
classes. The reason for its popularity is that it is a robust and
accurate algorithm. In Arakeri et al’s paper [5], the
preprocessing involved rotation correction, image denoising
followed by shape and texture feature extraction, and then
the result was fed into an ensemble learning method that
used SVM, ANN, and KNN. It was used to classify benign
and malignant tumors.
Other papers to use SVM are Mariam Saii et al’s paper [9],
and L. Guo et als paper [10]. In the former paper, at the
preprocessing level, an anisotropic diffusion filter is applied
to the image for denoising it. In the latter paper, the immune
algorithm was used to search the optimal weights and
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is also a popular
algorithm that has its use in representing multivariate data
tables into sets of smaller variables. This algorithm is
extensively used for feature selection in a lot of research
papers and this brings down the very large feature count to a
reasonable one. In Sachdeva J et al’s paper [6], 856 regions
of interest (SROI) are extracted by the content-based active
contour model. 218 intensity and texture features are
extracted from these SROIs. Then PCA was used for
dimensionality reduction and the result was fed into an
Deep learning techniques such as ANN (Artificial Neural
Network) are also used but it is a very basic and generalized
type of neural network and gets combined with other
techniques such as PCA and KNN (K Nearest Neighbors) to
provide good results.
The metric used was Accuracy in most of the cases and the
best result was observed in D.Sridhar et al’s paper who
performed dimensionality reduction using DCT and then
used a Probabilistic neural network (PNN) for classification.
The accuracy was 100% [7].
Apart from MRI images, tumor classification has also been
performed on CT scan images as seen in Padma
Nanthagopal et al’s paper [8]. A wavelet-based statistical
texture feature set was derived from 2 level DWT. Genetic
algorithm and principal component analysis were used for
optimal texture feature selection. Then SVM was used for
classification purposes.
Most of the research works done on this topic were on very
small datasets whereas our work was done on a
comparatively larger dataset giving it a better ability to
generalize. Our novel method emphasizes the power of
image processing easy, simple to implement but very
useful at the same time.
Brain tumors especially the malignant ones are
considered almost incurable and fatal. The need for early
detection arises from the fact that brain tumors can have
symptoms that do not seem to be alarming at first. The most
common symptom of brain ailments is a headache which
worsens over time in the case of brain tumors. Hence there
are lots of cases where the fatality from brain tumor
increased due to the diagnosis not being done early.
Brain tumor diagnosis begins with an MRI scan which is
followed by studying a tissue sample for determining the
type of tumor. MRI scan can also reveal additional details
such as the size of the brain tumor.
This paper presents a novel method involving image
processing techniques for image manipulation which would
aid our CNN model to classify tumor and non-tumor images
better. Image Processing techniques helped us solve the
illumination issues and brought the tumor into focus. Data
augmentation was used to reduce the chances of overfitting,
as it artificially expands the size of a training dataset, thus
bringing out an improvement in the performance and the
ability of the model to generalize. Transfer learning is also
used as a pre-trained model, ResNet101v2 was used as the
base model, upon which further training was applied to tune
our task. The system recorded an adequate accuracy of
97.94% with an excellent training recall of 98.55 % and
validation recall of 99.73%.
There are limitations to our work as there are small chances
that the image preprocessing applied can damage the
information which makes a tumor image appear non-tumor
in the eye of the CNN model. The input image should be of
a good enough size because if it’s not, after resizing the
image to the size we have set in the image augmentation
step ie. 150x150, the image can become unsuitable for use
(Figure 14-a and 14-b). For future improvements, we can
use ensemble techniques and combine the performance of
different models for better performance.
Figure 14-a: Before Resizing
Figure 14-b: After Resizing
In conclusion, image processing proved to be effective
in solving the illumination problems of the different images
and reducing the noisy details thereby bringing the tumor in
focus. Different variants of the images were created using
image augmentation techniques which augmented the
images and internally created more images for the model.
CNN combined with transfer learning proved to be an
effective training model which can be seen in the extremely
good values of the three performance metrics.
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Artificial Intelligence 1, no. 01 (2019): 37-44.
... Deep learning can learn from amorphous and anonymous data without human intervention [4]. A number of complex problems requiring extremely high precision and self-learning from data have been solved using DL techniques and models recently. ...
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Accurate detection and classification of brain tumors play a critical role in neurological diagnosis and treatment.Proposed work developed a sophisticated technique to precisely identify and classify brain neoplasms in medical imaging. Our approach integrates various techniques, including Otsu’s thresholding, anisotropic diffusion, modified 3-category Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) for segmentation after skull stripping and wavelet transformation for post-processing for segmentation, and Convolution neural networks for classification. This approach not only recognizes that discriminating healthy brain tissue from tumor-affected areas is challenging, yet it also focuses on finding abnormalities inside brain tumors and early detection of tiny tumor structures. Initial preprocessing stages improve the visibility of images and the identification of various regions while accurately classifying tumor locations into core, edema, and enhancing regions by segmentation as well. Ultimately, these segmented zones are refined using wavelet transforms, which remove noise and improve feature extraction. Our CNN architecture uses learned abstractions to distinguish between healthy and malignant regions, ensuring robust classification. It is particularly good at identifying tiny tumors and detecting anomalies inside tumor regions, which provides substantial advances in accurate tumor detection. Comprehensive hypothetical evaluations validate its efficacy, which could improve clinical diagnostics and perhaps influence brain tumor research and treatment approaches.
... 92% accuracy was attained by this model. In [11], the model suggests a novel technique for identifying brain tumors from distinct brain images by using various image processing techniques. Edema, which is a common in brain tumors, can alter the pixel intensities around the tumor and distort neighboring structures. ...
One of the most aggressive disorders affecting both children and adults is brain tumors. Brain tumors develop very quickly, and if not treated at the proper time, they decrease the patient's chances of survival. It is crucial to find brain tumors at an early stage. To increase patients’ life expectancy, proper treatment planning and precise diagnostics are most important. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is the most effective method for finding brain tumors. Therefore, to find the types of tumors, an automated brain tumor detection system is needed [1]. This work uses Deep Learning (DL) architectures like Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and EfficientNetB0 for Transfer Learning to detect the brain tumor. This model is used to predict the types of brain tumors
... The primary drawback of this method is that object coherency cannot be ensured. There may be picture features like excess pixels or blank regions[25].however, it has also proven to be an efficient tool in the diagnosis of musculoskeletal ailments. Thediagnostic application of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for illnesses affecting the human body's internal organs has become commonplace due to recent advancements in both technology and MRI technology. ...
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Brain cancer classification is a difficult task due to the variety and complexity of tumors shown in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) pictures. This research presents two neural network approaches for categorizing MRI brain images. The proposed neural network method consists of three steps: feature extraction, dimensionality reduction, and classification. First, we extracted features from MRI images using discrete wavelet transformation (DWT). In this second stage, we reduce the salient features of MRIs using principal component analysis (PCA). For the classification step, two supervised machine learning classifiers have been developed. Artificial neural networks are used by both classifiers; however, the second one employs back propagation (BPN) while the first one uses feed-forward (FF-ANN). Using the classifiers, MRI brain images of the subjects were classified as normal or abnormal. Artificial neural networks have numerous applications, including function approximation, feature extraction, optimization, and classification (ANNs). They are specifically intended to enhance photos, distinguish and categorize items, separate and register objects, and extract features. Among these, object and picture recognition is the most important for complex processing tasks such as classifying brain tumors. Radial basis function (RBF), cellular, multi-layer perceptron (MLP), hop field, and pulse-coupled neural networks have all been used in image segmentation. These networks can be categorized as feed-forward (associative) or feedback (auto-associative).
Brain tumor detection is a hard process in medicine. These brain tumors were brought on by the development of defective brain cells. It is classified into benign and malignant tumor which is cancerous and non-cancerous. Brain tumors are divided into three types Glioma, Meningioma, and Pituitary Tumor. By using magnetic resonance images, brain tumor prediction is carried out quickly with greater accuracy when these algorithms are applied to MRI scans. This aids inpatient treatment. The radiologist can make speedy decisions thanks to these predictions. Deep learning is used to analyze enormous datasets and to create clear images of the body for brain tumor diagnosis. In the proposed work, the CNN algorithm is applied in the current model for computation accuracy as well as speed.
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The segmentation, detection, and extraction of infected tumor area from magnetic resonance (MR) images are a primary concern but a tedious and time taking task performed by radiologists or clinical experts, and their accuracy depends on their experience only. So, the use of computer aided technology becomes very necessary to overcome these limitations. In this study, to improve the performance and reduce the complexity involves in the medical image segmentation process, we have investigated Berkeley wavelet transformation (BWT) based brain tumor segmentation. Furthermore, to improve the accuracy and quality rate of the support vector machine (SVM) based classifier, relevant features are extracted from each segmented tissue. The experimental results of proposed technique have been evaluated and validated for performance and quality analysis on magnetic resonance brain images, based on accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and dice similarity index coefficient. The experimental results achieved 96.51% accuracy, 94.2% specificity, and 97.72% sensitivity, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed technique for identifying normal and abnormal tissues from brain MR images. The experimental results also obtained an average of 0.82 dice similarity index coefficient, which indicates better overlap between the automated (machines) extracted tumor region with manually extracted tumor region by radiologists. The simulation results prove the significance in terms of quality parameters and accuracy in comparison to state-of-the-art techniques.
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Tumors of the central nervous system (CNS) constitute approximately 2% of all malignancies. Although relatively rare, the associated morbidity and mortality and the significant proportion of affected young and middle-aged individuals has a major bearing on the death-adjusted life years compared to other malignancies. CNS tumors encompass a very broad spectrum with regards to age, location, histology, and clinical outcomes. Advances in diagnostic imaging, surgical techniques, radiotherapy equipment, and generation of newer chemotherapeutic and targeted agents over the past few years have helped improving treatment outcome. Further insights into the molecular pathways leading to the development of tumors made in the past decade are being incorporated into routine clinical practice. Several focused groups within India have been working on a range of topics related to CNS tumors, and a significant body of work from India, in the recent years, is being increasingly recognized throughout the world. The present article summarizes key published work with particular emphasis on gliomas and medulloblastoma, the two commonly encountered tumors.
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Automated and accurate classification of computed tomography (CT) images is an integral component of the analysis and interpretation of neuro imaging. In this paper, we present the wavelet-based statistical texture analysis method for the classification of brain tissues into normal, benign, malignant tumor of CT images. Comparative studies of texture analysis method are performed for the proposed texture analysis method and spatial gray level dependence matrix method (SGLDM). Our proposed system consists of five phases (i) image acquisition, (ii) discrete wavelet decomposition (DWT), (iii) feature extraction, (iv) feature selection, and (v) analysis of extracted texture features by classifier. A wavelet-based statistical texture feature set is derived from two level discrete wavelet transformed approximation (low frequency part of the image) sub image. Genetic algorithm (GA) and principal component analysis (PCA) are used to select the optimal texture features from the set of extracted features. The support vector machine (SVM) is employed as a classifier. The results of SVM for the texture analysis methods are evaluated using statistical analysis and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis. The experimental results show that the proposed system is able to achieve higher classification accuracy effectiveness as measured by sensitivity and specificity. Graphical Abstract
The Brain cancer is the most dangerous and found commonly in multitude of people in the younger stage and the adolescent stages. The early stage identification about the tumors in the brain and the appropriate type of the cancer would help the physicians in deciding the accurate treatments and further analyzing based on the responses from the patients to the treatment done. The paper puts forth the capsule neural network, the machine learning system that can be trained using a less number of dataset unlike convolutional neural network and is sturdy against the rotation or the affine conversions, to identify the type of cancerous tumors in brain at its early stage. The evaluation of the training and the testing accuracy of the proposed method for classification of the brain cancer type using the capsule neural network proves that Caps Net based classification have outperformed the convolutional networks.
Cancer is a deadly disease that is costing the lives of many people. Over 9.6 million death is reported in 2018 due to cancer. We propose an ideal methodology to identify and classify cancer cells using pathological images with the help of capsule network. Capsule network’s capability to learn patterns based on previous iterations can be exploited for this purpose. This can help in identification of cancer at early stages and work at the root cause of the disease and walk towards completely shutting down the disease. Image processing is done along with fuzzification and further, it is handled with capsule network classifier and analysed.
Conference Paper
In this paper, a new method for Brain Tumor Classification using Probabilistic Neural Network with Discrete Cosine Transformation is proposed. The conventional method for computerized tomography and magnetic resonance brain images classification and tumor detection is by human inspection. Operator assisted classification methods are impractical for large amounts of data and are also non reproducible. Computerized Tomography and Magnetic Resonance images contain a noise caused by operator performance which can lead to serious inaccuracies in classification. The use of Neural Network techniques shows great potential in the field of medical diagnosis. Hence, in this paper the Probabilistic Neural Network with Discrete Cosine Transform was applied for Brain Tumor Classification. Decision making was performed in two steps, i) Dimensionality reduction and Feature extraction using the Discrete Cosine Transform and ii) classification using Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN). Evaluation was performed on image data base of 20 Brain Tumor images. The proposed method gives fast and better recognition rate when compared to previous classifiers. The main advantage of this method is its high speed processing capability and low computational requirements.
Accurate diagnosis is crucial for successful treatment of the brain tumor. Accordingly in this paper, we propose an intelligent content-based image retrieval (CBIR) system which retrieves similar pathology bearing magnetic resonance (MR) images of the brain from a medical database to assist the radiologist in the diagnosis of the brain tumor. A single feature vector will not perform well for finding similar images in the medical domain as images within the same disease class differ by severity, density and other such factors. To handle this problem, the proposed CBIR system uses a two-step approach to retrieve similar MR images. The first step classifies the query image as benign or malignant using the features that discriminate the classes. The second step then retrieves the most similar images within the predicted class using the features that distinguish the subclasses. In order to provide faster image retrieval, we propose an indexing method called clustering with principal component analysis (PCA) and KD-tree which groups subclass features into clusters using modified K-means clustering and separately reduces the dimensionality of each cluster using PCA. The reduced feature set is then indexed using a KD-tree. The proposed CBIR system is also made robust against misalignment that occurs during MR image acquisition. Experiments were carried out on a database consisting of 820 MR images of the brain tumor. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed system and show the viability of clinical application.
Multiclass brain tumor classification is performed by using a diversified dataset of 428 post-contrast T1-weighted MR images from 55 patients. These images are of primary brain tumors namely astrocytoma (AS), glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), childhood tumor-medulloblastoma (MED), meningioma (MEN), secondary tumor-metastatic (MET), and normal regions (NR). Eight hundred fifty-six regions of interest (SROIs) are extracted by a content-based active contour model. Two hundred eighteen intensity and texture features are extracted from these SROIs. In this study, principal component analysis (PCA) is used for reduction of dimensionality of the feature space. These six classes are then classified by artificial neural network (ANN). Hence, this approach is named as PCA-ANN approach. Three sets of experiments have been performed. In the first experiment, classification accuracy by ANN approach is performed. In the second experiment, PCA-ANN approach with random sub-sampling has been used in which the SROIs from the same patient may get repeated during testing. It is observed that the classification accuracy has increased from 77 to 91 %. PCA-ANN has delivered high accuracy for each class: AS-90.74 %, GBM-88.46 %, MED-85 %, MEN-90.70 %, MET-96.67 %, and NR-93.78 %. In the third experiment, to remove bias and to test the robustness of the proposed system, data is partitioned in a manner such that the SROIs from the same patient are not common for training and testing sets. In this case also, the proposed system has performed well by delivering an overall accuracy of 85.23 %. The individual class accuracy for each class is: AS-86.15 %, GBM-65.1 %, MED-63.36 %, MEN-91.5 %, MET-65.21 %, and NR-93.3 %. A computer-aided diagnostic system comprising of developed methods for segmentation, feature extraction, and classification of brain tumors can be beneficial to radiologists for precise localization, diagnosis, and interpretation of brain tumors on MR images.
Tumor detection using medical images plays a key role in medical practices. One challenge in tumor detection is how to handle the nonlinear distribution of the real data. Owing to its ability of learning the nonlinear distribution of the tumor data without using any prior knowledge, one-class support vector machines (SVMs) have been applied in tumor detection. The conventional one-class SVMs, however, assume that each feature of a sample has the same importance degree for the classification result, which is not necessarily true in real applications. In addition, the parameters of one-class SVM and its kernel function also affect the classification result. In this study, immune algorithm (IA) was introduced in searching for the optimal feature weights and the parameters simultaneously. One-class immune feature weighted SVM (IFWSVM) was proposed to detect tumors in MR images. Theoretical analysis and experimental results showed that one-class IFWSVM has better performance than conventional one-class SVM.