Arusmalem Ginting

Arusmalem Ginting
Universitas Janabadra · Civil Engineering

Master of Engineering


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Publications (45)
Conference Paper
The challenge of applying soil–cement stabilization as a soil–cement composite foundation layer (LFSKT) in Indonesia is to find quarry soil with a grain content of less than 35% passing filter no. (additive) to achieve the required strength. This paper presents a laboratory study's results on adding Matos soil stabilizer additives to cement-free so...
Conference Paper
Fire exposure is very dangerous to the column. The strength of the column will be reduced due to exposure to fire. Stirrups can be used to confine concrete from spalling and minimize buckling of reinforcing steel. Based on these reasons, it is necessary to conduct research on the improved resistance of reinforced concrete columns in fire exposure b...
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Beton hijau adalah beton ramah lingkungan yang dibuat dengan menggunakan limbah atau bahan sisa. Beton hijau dibuat menggunakan bahan alternatif untuk menggantikan sebagaian semen atau agregat. Tempurung kelapa merupakan limbah padat dari hasil pengolahan kelapa yang belum dimanfaatkan secara maksimal sehingga abu tempurung kelapa perlu dicoba untu...
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Cement factories in Indonesia rarely produce OPC due to the high cost of production and less environmentally friendly, so they prefer to produce PPC or PCC. Cement factories located in areas that are rich in natural pozzolan will prefer producing PPC. In general, there is an assumption that increasing the compressive strength of concrete using PPC...
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The raw materials used for the manufacture of cement consist mainly of lime, silica, alumina, and iron oxide. Chemical analysis of coconut shell ash contains these elements. Therefore, coconut shell ash can be used effectively as an additive in concrete. Based on these reasons, it is necessary to do research on the effect of adding coconut shell as...
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ABSTRAK Beton non pasir adalah beton ringan berpori yang dibuat dengan menghilangkan pasir dari campuran beton normal. Beton non pasir dapat digunakan sebagai dinding. Salah satu cara untuk melakukan perkuatan beton adalah dengan penambahan serat. Limbah dari pengolahan sagu yang berupa serat belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal. Penelitian tentang p...
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Beton porous dapat digunakan sebagai sistem drainase untuk meresapkan air ke dalam tanah, mengurangi aliran permukaan air hujan, dan mengisi kembali air dibawah permukan tanah. Beton porous adalah beton yang terdiri dari agregat kasar dan pasta semen. Sisa penambangan batu di sungai berupa kerikil ukuran tanggung yang sering disebut batu blondos be...
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White Portland cement (WPC) in Indonesia is generally used for architectural work. WPC is still rarely used in structural concrete because the price is relatively higher than grey cement. This research reviewed the compressive strength of concrete using WPC and compared it with concrete using grey cement. Compressive strength testing of concrete us...
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The gravel from sand and gravel mining waste has not been used optimally as a building material. Based on these reasons, it is necessary to conduct research on the utilization of gravel from mining waste as a substitute forstandard gravel in concrete mixtures. The weight ratio between standard gravel and gravel from mining waste used is: 100:0, 70:...
Conference Paper
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Aggregate is the largest proportion of concrete so it has a major effect on the properties of concrete. Aggregates consist of combined fine aggregates and coarse aggregates. Deficiency or excess of fine aggregate affects the fresh concrete and hardened concrete. The proportions of sand by weight used in this study are: 30%, 35%, 40%, 43.5%, 45%, 50...
Conference Paper
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Cement factories have rarely produced OPC because of high production costs and environmental friendliness. Cement that is easily available on the market is the PCC type. Based on these reasons, it is necessary to do research on the characteristics of PCC cement so that it can provide additional information to the people who are familiar with OPC ce...
Conference Paper
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Porous concrete is made by mixing Portland cement, coarse aggregate, with or without fine aggregate, additives, and water. Concrete that uses white or colored cement creates a highly contrasting visual and enhances traffic safety. A study was carried out on porous concrete using white cement as a binding agent. There are 6 types of gravel/cement ra...
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Penggunaan faktor air semen yang terlalu tinggi pada beton porous mengakibatkan pasta semen terlalu cair dan mengalir meninggalkan agregat sehingga terjadi endapan di bagian dasar. Untuk mengatasi endapan diperlukan bahan pengisi pori antar agregat kasar yang masih memungkinkan air untuk menembus beton, dan penggunaan faktor air semen (fas) yang se...
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Beton membutuhkan bekisting (acuan) yang baik untuk mendapatkan bentuk sesuai dengan rencana setelah beton mengeras. Bekisting balok dan pelat lantai didukung oleh scaffolding (perancah). Keruntuhan struktur beton dapat terjadi karena pembongkaran scaffolding yang terlalu dini. Kuat tekan beton pada umur tertentu merupakan salah satu acuan boleh ti...
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Karena keterbatasan dalam proses pengangkutan (transportasi) maka panjang batang tulangan baja hasil industri yang tersedia di pasaran umumnya dibatasi. Keterbatasan panjang batang tulangan baja ini mengakibatkan perlunya diadakan penyambungan tulangan. Sambungan yang umum digunakan adalah sambungan lewatan karena harganya lebih ekonomis. Panjang s...
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Kebutuhan beton untuk struktur saat ini terus meningkat, sehingga menuntut perkembangan teknologi beton yang lebih baik. Salah satu jenis beton yang sering digunakan adalah beton ringan. Beton ringan dapat dibuat sebagai beton pracetak berbobot ringan sehingga dapat mempercepat pelaksanaan pembangunan dan mengurangi resiko kerusakan akibat gempa. P...
Conference Paper
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Kuat tekan dan porositas merupakan hal yang penting pada beton porous. Untuk mendapatkan porositas yang tinggi digunakan agregat kasar bergradasi seragam. Ukuran maksimum agregat kasar merupakan salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kuat tekan beton. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka perlu dilakukan penelitian mengenai pengaruh ukuran agregat kasar bergr...
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Porous concrete is a uniformly graded material consisting of Portland cement, coarse aggregate, little or no fine aggregate, admixture, and water. The compressive strength and porosity of porous concrete are a function of density. Based on these reasons, the research aimed to determine the differences in compressive strength and porosity of the...
Conference Paper
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Porous concrete is a special type of concrete with high porosity. Porous concrete mix consisting of cement, water, and single sized coarse aggregate (graded uniformly). Uniformly graded coarse aggregate difficult to obtain in the market and are usually available are continuously graded coarse aggregate. Compressive strength and porosity are two ver...
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Porous concrete is a special type of concrete with a high porosity that allows water from precipitation and other sources to pass through it, thereby reducing runoff and recharging ground water levels. Compressive strength of porous concrete is lower than the conventional normal weight concrete due to increased porosity. Factors that influence comp...
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Porous concrete consisting of Portland cement, coarse aggregate, little or no fine aggregate, admixtures, and water. Porous concrete have high pore volume, which resulted lower compressive strength. To increase the compressive strength of porous concrete is done with sand added into the mixture to reduce the pore volume to some extent. Based on the...
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Aggregates generally occupy 70% to 80% by volume of concrete so it has important influence to concrete properties. The proportion of fine aggregate and coarse aggregate in the concrete mix required to obtain a good combined aggregate gradation. Good proportion of fine aggregate and coarse aggregate is in accordance with the standard curve of the co...
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On the Procedure for Calculation of Unit Price Work Concrete Construction Building and Housing (SNI DT- 91-0008-2007) was available for a variety of quality mix proportions of concrete that can be directly used. Aggregate conditions used in this procedure is not be mentioned so that the intended is the ideal condition i.e. saturated surface dry (SS...
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Mixing of concrete in the project site (site mix) must be conducted if there is not concrete plant or away from the project site. In the water need calculation of mix, the aggregate is considered in a state of saturated surface dry. Aggregate condition that is often found at the project site is dry air state. Based on these issues, it needs to do r...
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Concrete mix design with the proportions by volume are often used because it is very easy in implementation. Proportion by volume of cement, sand, and split / gravel is often used is 1 : 2 : 3 and 1 : 1.5 : 2.5 with water cement ratio (wcr) specific. The water content of aggregate (split / gravel and sand) in the field can be either air dry or wet....
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Wood is often used as compression chords in trusses and as the column in frame construction. The large dimension of a single solid compression member is needed to support the heavy load action. A single solid compression member can be replaced with spaced column that built up two or more individual members (shafts) that was joined together. Space b...
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Beton mempunyai kekuatan yang besar dalam menahan gaya tekan (compression), namun lemah dalam menahan gaya tarik. Bagian beton yang menahan gaya tarik akan diperkuat atau digantikan oleh baja tulangan. Baja tulangan berfungsi untuk meningkatkan daktilitas, sehingga kapasitas beton untuk mendukung beban menjadi meningkat. Pada waktu komponen struktu...
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ABSTRACT One of the factors that must to be calculating in the design of the reinforced concrete was development length of reinforcement. Development length is anchor length required to develop yield stress of reinforcing bar which is a function of yield strength of the reinforcement, diameter of the reinforcement bar, and bond stress. Development...
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Sometime reinforcing bars that was needed longer than that was available. This problem was caused manufacturing, fabrication, and transportation limitations make it impossible to provide full length continuous reinforcing bars, or because used reinforcing bars that not full length. To resolve this problem then was carried out splice the reinforcing...
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The bond was an important factor in designing and analysis of reinforced concrete structure. One of the methods that often used to investigate bond stresses was direct tension pullout bond test. In this method the concrete surrounding the bar is subjected to compression. In actual concrete constructions, such state of stresses is unlikely to happen...
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Pada peraturan beton bertulang diatur mengenai tebal minimum selimut beton yang diperlukan untuk melindungi tulangan dari korosi dan suhu yang tinggi pada saat terjadi kebakaran. Secara teoritis tebal selimut beton di bawah tulangan tarik tidak berpengaruh terhadap kuat lentur. Kuat lentur dipengaruhi oleh tinggi efektif yaitu jarak dari serat teka...
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Beton merupakan bahan bangunan yang cukup berat, dengan berat volume sekitar 2400 kg/m3. Untuk mengurangi beban mati yang berasal dari berat sendiri struktur digunakan beton ringan. Beton ringan adalah beton yang beratnya kurang dari 1800 kg/m3. Beton ringan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah beton yang menggunakan bahan susun pasir dan poli...
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The requirement of sand in producing mortar and concrete continues to increase in large scale resulting reserve of nature aggregates decrease quickly. At last, it causes evironmental damage. One method to reduce the use of nature sand is by recycling it. Masonry debris are often found in construction demolition waste and building rubble resulting f...
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Connection was the weakest point in wood structures especially that still was conventional connection. Safe factor that was used still quite high so as the use of wood became wasteful. Development modern timber connector was expected to be able to save wood. The goal of this research was to know the physical and mechanics characteristics of bangkir...
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Moisture content was influential towards the strength of wood. In wood connection, moisture content was influential towards dowel bearing strength. In code appointed the minimal spacing of fastener. This research aimed to study the influence of moisture content and spacing of bolt towards the strength of connection of coconut wood as alternative wo...
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Decreasingly of good quality and big size wood supplied caused the scarcity and the high price of wood in the market. The efforts to over came this problem among other thing are by using small size wood, low quality wood and wood production residue. One of them is lamination beam, that made by compose some wood layers with different quality became...
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Perbedaan kelangsingan antara kedua sumbu pada batang desak tampang ganda mengakibatkan pemborosan pemakaian kayu. Hal ini terjadi karena dasar perhitungan berdasarkan sumbu terlemah, sehingga pada sumbu kuat secara teoritis terjadi pemborosan. Pada sumbu bahan besarnya radius girasi tergantung dari tinggi tampang, sedangkan pada sumbu bebas bahan...
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Beton merupakan bahan bangunan yang banyak digunakan dan mempunyai berat sendiri cukup besar sehingga rawan terhadap gempa. Salah satu cara mengurangi berat sendiri beton adalah dengan menggunakan agregat yang berbobot ringan yang sering disebut dengan beton ringan. Pada penelitian ini beton ringan dibuat dengan mengganti agregat kasar dengan styro...
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Beton merupakan bahan bangunan yang banyak digunakan dan mempunyai berat sendiri cukup besar sehingga rawan terhadap gempa. Salah satu cara mengurangi berat sendiri beton adalah dengan menggunakan agregat yang berbobot ringan yang sering disebut dengan beton ringan. Pada penelitian ini beton ringan dibuat dengan mengganti agregat kasar dengan styro...


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