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The Role of Context in Volitional Control of Feature-Based Attention



Visual selection can be biased toward nonspatial feature values such as color, but there is continued debate about whether this bias is subject to volitional control or whether it is an automatic bias toward recently seen target features (selection history). Although some studies have tried to separate these 2 sources of selection bias, mixed findings have not offered a clear resolution. The present work offers a possible explanation of conflicting findings by showing that the context in which a trial is presented can determine whether volitional control is observed. We used a cueing task that enabled independent assessments of the effects of color repetitions and current selection goals. When the target was presented among distractors with multiple colors (heterogeneous blocks), Experiment 1 revealed clear goal-driven selection effects, but these effects were eliminated when the target was a color singleton (pop-out blocks). When heterogeneous and pop-out displays were mixed within a block (Experiment 2), however, goal-driven selection was observed with both types of displays. In Experiment 3, this pattern was replicated using an encoding-limited task that included brief displays and an A' measure of performance. Thus, goal-driven selection of nonspatial features is potentiated in contexts where there is strong competition with distractors. Selection history has powerful effects, but we find clear evidence that observers can exert volitional control over feature-based attention. (PsycINFO Database Record
Feature-based attention 1
The role of context in volitional control of feature-based attention
Artem V. Belopolsky1 & Edward Awh2
VU University Amsterdam1
University of Oregon, Eugene2
Journal of Experimental Psychology: HPP
(In Press)
©American Psychological Association
This article may not exactly replicate the final version published in the APA journal. It is not the copy of
Address for correspondence:
Artem Belopolsky
Dept. of Cognitive Psychology
VU University Amsterdam
Van der Boechorststraat 1
1081 BT Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 20 598 8714
Fax: +31 20 598 8971
Feature-based attention 2
Visual selection can be biased towards non-spatial feature values such as color, but there is continued
debate about whether this bias is subject to volitional control or whether it is an automatic bias towards
recently seen target features (selection history). Although some studies have tried to separate these two
sources of selection bias, mixed findings have not offered a clear resolution. The present work offers a
possible explanation of conflicting findings by showing that the context in which a trial is presented can
determine whether volitional control is observed. We used a cueing task that enabled independent
assessments of the effects of color repetitions and current selection goals. When the target was
presented amongst distractors with multiple colors (heterogeneous blocks), Experiment 1 revealed clear
goal-driven selection effects, but these effects were eliminated when the target was a color singleton
(pop-out blocks). When heterogeneous and pop-out displays were mixed within a block (Experiment 2),
however, goal-driven selection was observed with both types of displays. In Experiment 3 this pattern was
replicated using an encoding-limited task that included brief displays and an A’ measure of performance.
Thus, goal-driven selection of non-spatial features is potentiated in contexts where there is strong
competition with distractors. Selection history has powerful effects, but we find clear evidence that
observers can exert volitional control over feature-based attention.
Keywords: feature-based attention, goal-driven control, top-down control, biased competition
Feature-based attention 3
The role of context in volitional control of feature-based attention
Since the typical visual scene contains far more information than an observer has the capacity to
process at once, selective attention is crucial for directing limited processing resources towards the most
relevant aspects of the environment. Thus, a central research question in psychology has been to
understand how selective attention is controlled. The most prominent models of attentional control
propose that attention can be allocated in a voluntary fashion (consistent with the observer’s current
goals) or in an automatic fashion that is determined by the physical properties of the stimulus display
(i.e. “top-down vs. bottom-up” control, Corbetta & Shulman, 2002; Egeth & Yantis, 1997; Jonides, 1981;
Posner, Davidson, & Snyder, 1980; Theeuwes, Olivers, & Belopolsky, 2010; c.f. Awh, Belopolsky, &
Theeuwes, 2012). In line with this framework, a consensus has emerged that observers can direct spatial
attention to specific locations “at will” (e.g., Eriksen & Hoffman, 1973; Moran & Desimone, 1985; Posner
et al., 1980) or spatial attention can be “captured” at specific locations regardless of the observer’s will by
salient events such as an abrupt onset (Jonides, 1981; Yantis & Jonides, 1990). In either case, target
discrimination at attended locations is faster and more accurate than at unattended locations (Eriksen &
Hoffman, 1973; Jonides, 1981; Posner et al., 1980; Yantis & Jonides, 1990).
In line with the findings from the spatial attention literature, many influential theories of visual
selection also describe control processes that direct attention towards non-spatial features such as color,
orientation or motion. For example, Guided Search (Wolfe, Cave, & Franzel, 1989) suggests that
observers can prepare to search for a target with a certain feature (e.g. red) or dimension (e.g. color), by
placing a ‘higher weight on the output of one channel than on others’ (Wolfe, 2007, p.105). Similarly,
according to the Dimensional Weighting Account (Found & Müller, 1996) preattentive saliency
computations may be biased by top-down signals reflecting expectations of particular stimulus attributes
(Müller et al., 2010, p.118). This in turn biases the processing in favor of the elements sharing the target
feature or dimension in a subsequently presented display. In support of this idea it has been
demonstrated that observers are more efficient in finding the target among distractors, when they
possess the advance knowledge of the target feature (Müller, Reimann, & Krummenacher, 2003), and
they have difficulty ignoring distractors that share features with the target (Folk, Remington, &
Jonhnston, 1992). Similarly, neuroimaging studies have demonstrated that attending to color or motion
results in increase in baseline activity in the corresponding areas of early visual cortex (Chawla, Rees, &
Friston, 1999; Saenz, Buracas, & Boynton, 2002), spreading across the whole visual field, including the
empty areas (Serences & Boynton, 2007). In addition, recent work (Zhang & Luck, 2008) has shown that a
distractor that shares a color with the target elicits a larger visually-evoked neural response even when it
is presented at an unattended location.
Feature-based attention 4
Nevertheless, despite the diverse array of evidence showing that selection can be biased towards
non-spatial features, the extant data do not yet make a strong case for goal-driven control over these
visual biases. Many past studies are ambiguous because they relied on blocked designs in which the
relevant non-spatial feature (e.g., the target-defining color) was held constant across multiple trials (e.g.,
Folk et al., 1992; Wolfe, Butcher, Lee, & Hyle, 2003). This design allows for inter-trial priming effects in
which the repetition of a target feature yields long-lasting benefits in both the speed and accuracy of
responses. Moreover, these selection history effects have been shown to occur automatically, regardless
of whether the observer is aware of the repetition or whether their current goals have shifted to a
different feature value (e.g., Maljkovic & Nakayama, 1994). Thus, when selection history is confounded
with the putative effects of goal-driven selection, there is no clear evidence that goal-driven selection has
had an effect (Awh et al., 2012; Belopolsky, Schreij, & Theeuwes, 2010; Theeuwes, 2013).
This point was clearly illustrated in a study by Theeuwes and Van der Burg (2007) that directly
compared the effect of spatial and non-spatial precues in a visual search task. To allow separation of goal-
driven selection and selection history, Theeuwes and Van der Burg varied the specific location or color
that was cued on a trial-by-trial basis. In addition, to prevent priming from the physical presentation of
the cues, the locations and color precues were communicated with words that did not require the
physical presence of the cued feature value. Finally, all targets in this study were color singletons, because
they reasoned that such “pop-out” targets (combined with brief, masked displays and a behavioral
measure of perceptual sensitivity) would provide a cleaner index of early stages of visual processing that
occur during the first feedforward sweep of visual activity (Nothdurft, Gallant, & van Essen, 1999;
Treisman, 1988). The results showed a striking contrast between the efficacy of the spatial and non-
spatial cues. Clear evidence for goal-driven selection independent of selection history effects was
observed with the spatial precues, but no such effect was observed with the color precues. Thus,
Theeuwes and Van der Burg (2007) concluded that while observers could exert goal-driven control over
spatial attention, only automatic priming of specific feature values was possible with non-spatial cues.
Indeed, when the color word cues were replaced with physical cues that contained the cued feature
value, Theeuwes and Van der Burg (2007) observed reliable benefits of the color cues; critically, this effect
was observed regardless of whether the cue was predictive or not, suggesting that it was not connected
with the volitional selection goals of the observer.
To summarize, despite clear evidence for goal-driven selection in the spatial domain, the role of
volitional control in the selection of non-spatial features is less certain. Clear evidence for goal-driven
selection of non-spatial features requires an experimental design that can disentangle the automatic
biases that are caused by selection history and the biases in visual selection that are subject to volitional
control. This motivates an experimental design that includes trial-by-trial variations in the cued feature
value (so that it is possible to test whether current goals bias visual selection in the absence of repetition
Feature-based attention 5
priming), and that employs abstract cues rather than physical presentations of the cued feature value. To
date, a handful of studies have fulfilled these criteria (Leonard & Egeth, 2008; e.g., Mortier, Theeuwes, &
Starreveld, 2005; Müller & Krummenacher, 2006; Müller et al., 2003; Theeuwes, Reimann, & Mortier,
2006; Theeuwes & Van der Burg, 2007; Zehetleitner, Krummenacher, Geyer, Hegenloh, & Müller, 2011),
but the findings have been mixed. While some studies have seen evidence of goal-driven selection that
cannot be explained by selection history (Müller & Krummenacher, 2006; Müller et al., 2003; Zehetleitner
et al., 2011), the size of the effects (about 10 ms faster for valid than for neutral trials) has often been
modest. In a recent study large cueing effects were observed, but only for the smaller display sizes
(Leonard & Egeth, 2008). One concern with this result is that with only a few elements in the display,
there is a large uncertainty about the target feature, which could imply the decisional and not attentional
origin of the cueing effects (Meeter & Olivers, 2006). Moreover, various studies that used almost identical
experimental designs did not find reliable benefits of the non-spatial cues (Mortier et al., 2005; Theeuwes
et al., 2006; Theeuwes & Van der Burg, 2007). Thus, our goal in the present work was to examine the
boundary conditions of goal-driven selection with non-spatial cues, with an eye towards reconciling some
of the conflicting findings in the literature.
One characteristic of all of the prior work noted above is that the target stimuli were color
singletons within an array of homogenous distractors. Because pop-out stimuli are highly salient even
when they are not relevant to the current task (e.g., Maljkovic & Nakayama, 1994), one might question
whether or not observers in these studies were strongly motivated to use the color cues. Both Theeuwes
et al. (2006) and Muller and Krummenacher (2006) attempted to address this concern by including filler
trials on which participants had to report the cue or compliance with the cue; participants were extremely
accurate in reporting the cue or indicated high compliance. Nevertheless, we hypothesized that increased
competition between the target stimulus and the surrounding distractors might help to elicit more robust
evidence of goal-driven selection. Such an interaction between the effects of visual selection and the
degree of distractor interference is predicted by the biased competition theory of selective attention
(Desimone & Duncan, 1995). According to this framework, attention enhances the signal-to-noise ratio for
relevant stimuli by biasing competitive interactions between targets and distractors. In line with this
claim, many studies have shown that the effects of visual selection are indeed enhanced when there is
substantial distractor interference in a target display (Awh, Matsukura, & Serences, 2003; Awh, Sgarlata,
& Kliestik, 2005; Dosher & Lu, 2000; Kastner, De Weerd, Desimone, & Ungerleider, 1998; Shiu & Pashler,
All of these considerations led us to employ a task similar to that used by Theeuwes and Van der
Burg (2007), except that we also included an active manipulation of the strength of distractor interference
in the target display. Observers searched for either a blue or an orange target. Before the search display
participants received a word cue indicating the likely target color. We included two types of search trials.
Feature-based attention 6
In the pop-out condition the target was a singleton, presented among homogeneously colored distractors.
In the heterogeneous condition, the target was presented amongst an array of distractors that each had a
unique color thereby amplifying the amount of distractor interference. Motivated by the biased
competition perspective, we reasoned that the latter condition would provide a clear incentive to engage
in goal-driven selection based on the cue, and would magnify the performance benefit observed for
validly cued stimuli. To anticipate our findings, in Experiment 1 where the pop-out and heterogeneous
conditions were blocked, cueing effects were either absent or minimized in the pop-out condition
depending on the analytic approach. By contrast, when the pop-out and heterogeneous conditions were
intermixed within blocks in Experiment 2 we found more robust evidence of goal-driven selection in the
pop-out condition. These findings suggest that the pop-out target displays used in past studies may not
have been conducive to robust goal-driven selection effects. Finally, Experiment 3 replicated these
empirical patterns using masked displays and with accuracy as a dependent measure. This suggests that
the benefits of goal-driven selection influenced the perceptual encoding of the target stimuli rather than
just efficiency of post-perceptual decision or response processes.
Experiment 1
Participants received a word cue indicating the upcoming target color (orange or blue) with 80%
validity. The word cue did not share any features with the upcoming target; thus, this cue eliminated the
possibility of low-level priming from the physical presentation of the relevant hue. Participants received
ample time to use the cue and bias their visual selection. The pop-out and heterogeneous conditions
were blocked. This design allowed us to examine whether there were goal-driven selection effects that
were not contingent on selection history.
Twenty naïve participants (7 females, mean age of 24, age range 20-32 years) from VU University
Amsterdam with normal or corrected to normal vision participated in the experiment.
Apparatus & Stimuli
Experiment was programmed in E-Prime (Schneider, Eschman, & Zuccolotto, 2002). Stimuli were
presented on a 22-inch Samsung Syncmaster 2233RZ monitor at 120 Hz.
A trial started with the presentation of a white instructional cue (“ORANGE” or “BLUE”, Courier
new; Font size 18) at the center of a black display for 2000 ms (see Figure 1). It was followed by a display
with a fixation dot (0.5°) which after 300 ms was replaced by a search display. The search display
Feature-based attention 7
consisted of six outline circles (2.8° in diameter) positioned on an imaginary circle with a radius of 6.7°
(clock positions 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11). One of the circles was the target and could be either orange (CIE:
.475, .467; 16.5 cd/m2) or blue CIE: .153 .106; 6.3 cd/m2). In the pop-out condition the target circle was
unique and all distractor circles were green (CIE: .196, .701; 15.9 cd/m2). In the heterogeneous condition
the target was not unique since the distractor circles were all different colors (red (CIE: .574, .390; 14.0
cd/ m2), green (CIE: .196, .701; 15.9 cd/m2), purple (CIE: .302, .219; 9.0 cd/m2, yellow (CIE: .39, .54; 96.0
cd/m2 and pink (CIE: .409, .393; 43.6 cd m2). Inside each circle there was a light gray line segment (CIE:
.256, .440, 30.8 cd/m2). In the distractor circles, the line segments were tilted 22.5° to either side of the
horizontal or vertical plane. The target circle always contained either horizontal or vertical line segment.
The search display was presented until response was made or until 2000 ms have elapsed. The inter-trial
interval was 1500 ms.
Design & Procedure
Each observer was seated 70 cm from a computer screen, with head positioned on a chinrest. Participants
were instructed to search for either an orange or a blue circle among distractor circles and to determine
the orientation of a line segment inside of it. On every trial the color of the target was equally likely to be
either orange or blue, while its position on the imaginary circle and the line orientation inside of it was
chosen randomly. Participants were asked to respond quickly and accurately by pressing the “z” key when
the line segment inside the target circle was oriented vertically and the “m” key when it was oriented
horizontally. Participants were informed that the word cue preceding the search display indicated the
target color with 80% validity. The pop-out and heterogeneous conditions were presented in separate
blocks, while target color and the presentation of valid (80% of trials) or invalid (20% of trials) color cue
were mixed randomly within blocks. Half of the participants started with the pop-out condition (10 blocks
of 40 trials) and the other half started with the heterogeneous condition (10 blocks of 40 trials). Each
search condition was preceded by two respective practice blocks (40 trials each). In practice blocks
participants received feedback about correctness of their response after each trial (a word “correct” or
“incorrect” in the middle of the screen). After each block, participants received feedback about their
average reaction time and accuracy.
Feature-based attention 8
Figure 1. Time-course of a typical trial in Experiments 1 and 2. Participants had to search for either an
orange (thick line) or a blue (dashed line) circle and determine the orientation of the line inside it.
Before the search display they were provided with a word cue, which indicated the likely color of the
target with 80% validity. Top: an example of a trial in the pop-out condition. Bottom: an example of a
trial in the heterogeneous condition. In Experiment 1 pop-out and heterogeneous conditions were
blocked, while in Experiment 2 they were mixed.
Feature-based attention 9
Results and Discussion
Error rates
Overall, participants made very few errors (3%). The analysis on error rates showed no significant effects
or interaction.
Reaction times
Trials in which participants responded faster than 150 ms or slower than 1500 ms were excluded
from further analysis. This led to a loss of 1.8% of the trials.
A within-subject analysis of variance (ANOVA) with search condition (pop-out vs. heterogeneous)
and cue validity (valid vs. invalid) revealed a main effect of search condition (F(1,19) = 129.33, p<.001),
indicating that as expected it took longer to find the target in the heterogeneous condition (787 ms) than
in the pop-out condition (610 ms). The cue validity was also significant (F(1,19) = 33.76, p<.001),
indicating that participants were faster in finding the target when the word cue indicated the upcoming
target correctly. The search condition by cue validity interaction was significant (F(1,19) = 34.02, p<.001),
indicating that the cueing effect was larger in the heterogeneous condition (142 ms) than in the pop-out
condition (14 ms). Importantly, planned comparisons revealed that a significant cueing effect was present
in both conditions (heterogeneous condition, t(1, 19) = 5.90, p<.001; pop-out condition t(1, 19) = 3.04,
p<.01). These cueing effects, however, do not yet demonstrate goal-driven selection of the cued color,
because the analysis did not correct for the expected effects of selection history. Instead, these effects
could have been caused by the automatic benefits of responding to a target color that is the same as the
target color in the preceding trial. To examine this possibility, we performed an inter-trial analysis.
Inter-trial effects
There are two ways to examine the inter-trial effects in this task. On the one hand, trials can be
grouped based on whether or not the color cued in a trial is the same as the color of the most recently
presented target. This approach allows us to examine whether having an immediate experience with
selecting a specific color facilitates the voluntary selection of the same color on the next trial. In other
words, selecting the color “blue” on one trial should facilitate the usage of the cue word “BLUE” in guiding
attention on the next trial. This is similar to the logic that was previously used to parse out the inter-trial
and goal-driven influences in control of visual attention (Belopolsky et al., 2010; Folk & Remington, 2008).
On the other hand, trials could be grouped based on whether the color of the current target matches the
color of the most recent target, regardless of the cued color. This approach enables a focus on the
stimulus-driven consequences of repeating a target color. Throughout this paper, we report the results of
both analytic approaches, and discuss their distinct strengths and weaknesses.
Previous target-current cue analysis. The results of this inter-trial analysis are presented in Figure
2. A within-subject analysis of variance (ANOVA) with search condition (pop-out vs. heterogeneous), cue
Feature-based attention 10
matching the previous target (match vs. mismatch) and cue validity (valid vs. invalid) revealed that the
cueing effect was much larger on the trials on which the word cue matched the previous target feature
(cue match by cue validity interaction (F(1,19) = 49.33, p<.001), and this effect was much larger for the
heterogeneous trials than for the pop-out trials (three-way interaction, F(1,19) = 25.99, p<.001). There
was no main effect of cue match or cue match by search condition interaction (both Fs <1). Planned
comparisons showed that the cueing effect was significant in all conditions, except when the cue did not
match the previous target feature on the pop-out trials. For the heterogeneous condition the cueing
effect was 215 ms when the cue matched the previous target feature (t(19) = 8.94, p<.001) and 68 ms
when it mismatched (t(19) = 2.33, p<.05). For the pop-out condition the cueing effect was 29 ms when the
cue matched the previous target feature (t(19) = 4.42, p<.001) and -4 ms when it mismatched (t(19) =
0.67, p=.5).
The inter-trial analysis suggests that inter-trial priming has a profound effect on biasing feature
selection in both heterogeneous and pop-out conditions. The apparent cueing effect diminished from 215
ms to 68 ms in the heterogeneous condition, and from 29 ms to -4 ms in the pop-out condition. Thus, this
analysis suggests that only the heterogeneous condition produced reliable evidence of goal-driven
selection in Experiment 1
Feature-based attention 11
Figure 2. Mean reaction times (RTs) in the pop-out and heterogeneous conditions as a function of cue
validity and whether the word cue matched the color of the target on the previous trial in Experiment
1. The error bars represent standard error of the mean for within-subject designs normalized for the
cue validity factor (Loftus & Masson, 1994). The inset illustrates the conditions plotted on the graph,
the search target was either orange (thick line) or blue (dashed line).
One possible concern with this analysis is that the magnitude of the cueing effects co-varied with
overall response speed. For example, Zehetleitner et al. (2011) found larger cueing effects for targets of
relatively low salience. They argued that since the evidence accumulation rate is higher for salient
targets, then the effect of top-down dimension cueing on further rate increase is limited (e.g., a ceiling
effect). To partial out the large differences in response speed between the two search conditions we
performed the inter-trial analysis on normalized data. The data was normalized per search condition
relative to the respective mean and standard deviation (z-score). All main effects and interactions were
preserved. The cueing effect was much larger on the trials on which the word cue matched the previous
target feature (cue match by cue validity interaction (F(1,19) = 48.46, p<.001), and this effect was much
larger for the heterogeneous trials than for the pop-out trials (three-way interaction, F(1,19) = 17.76,
Feature-based attention 12
p<.001). There was no main effect of cue match or cue match by search condition interaction (both Fs <1).
Note that the normalization procedure does not change the planned comparisons for each condition. This
analysis suggests that the overall response speed did not determine the pattern of results.
To reiterate, the preceding analysis grouped trials based on whether the current cue word
matched or mismatched the color of the most recent target. One concern for this analysis is that
repetition priming effects were imbalanced in the valid and invalid conditions. For example, in the
mismatch condition (see the inset in Figure 2), the target color repeats for the invalid cues, but not for the
valid cues. Therefore, target repetition priming would have enhanced performance in the invalid (but not
the valid condition) yielding a smaller validity effect. Thus, we next present an analysis that groups trials
based on whether the target color repeated or not.
Previous target-current target analysis. Here, the data were analyzed by grouping trials based on
whether the color of the prior target matched the color of the current target (regardless of the currently
cued color). This analysis can assess whether repetitions of the target color interact with the cue validity
(e.g., Leonard & Egeth, 2008; Weidner & Müller, 2013). A within-subject analysis of variance (ANOVA)
with search condition (pop-out vs. heterogeneous), target repetition (same target vs. different target) and
cue validity (valid vs. invalid) revealed a significant main effect of target repetition (F(1,19) = 49.33,
p<.001), as well as significant search condition by target repetition interaction (F(1,19) = 25.99, p<.001)
and search condition by cue validity interaction (F(1,19) = 32.35, p<.001). Importantly, there was no
interaction between target repetition and cue validity and no three-way interaction between search
condition, target repetition and cue validity (all F<1). This analysis suggests that both target repetition
priming and goal-driven control have independent effects on visual selection. One caveat for this
conclusion, however, is that the previous target-current target analysis suffers from a confound between
cue validity and the match between current cue and past target colors. For example, in the different
target condition the currently cued color differs from the color of the most recent target in the valid trials
but not the invalid trials. Selection of the cued color may be stronger in the invalid condition, such that
more time is needed to find targets in an uncued color. Such an effect would slow RT in the invalid
condition, thereby leading to an overestimate of cueing effects in the different target condition.
To summarize, both trial-by-trial analyses indicate that selection history has a strong influence on
performance in this task, although the precise consequences for cueing effects depend upon whether
history effects are defined based on the current target or the currently cued color. These differences
notwithstanding, both analytic approaches support two clear conclusions. First, cueing effects are larger
in the heterogeneous condition than in the pop-out condition, dovetailing with past studies showing that
visual selection effects are amplified in the displays that contain strong distractor interference (Awh et al.,
2003, 2005; Dosher & Lu, 2000; Kastner et al., 1998; Shiu & Pashler, 1994). Second, this study provides
clear evidence of goal-driven selection of color that cannot be explained by selection history.
Feature-based attention 13
Experiment 2
Depending on the analytic approach, Experiment 1 showed that cueing effects were either
absent or much smaller in the pop-out condition than in the heterogeneous condition. The goal of
Experiment 2 was to examine whether this was due to an experimental context in which target
localization could be efficiently guided without color selection. Although previous studies showed that
participants actively process color cues like the ones in the present study (Müller & Krummenacher, 2006;
Theeuwes et al., 2006), this does not establish that they actively use it to guide their attention. To
examine this issue we intermixed the pop-out and heterogeneous trials within each block. Because
observers did not know which type of target array would be presented, we reasoned that they would be
more likely to engage in goal-driven selection even during pop-out trials.
Twenty- eight naïve participants (8 females, mean age of 23, age range 19-30 years) from VU
University Amsterdam with normal or corrected to normal vision participated in the experiment. One
participant’s data was discarded from analysis because of extremely high error rate (23%).
Stimuli, Design & Procedure
The experiment was exactly the same as Experiment 1, except that the pop-out and
heterogeneous conditions were now randomly mixed within blocks. That is participants were equally
likely to get a pop-out or a heterogeneous trial. Participants completed 20 blocks (40 trials each) of
experimental trials, preceded by 2 blocks of practice (also 40 trials each).
Results and Discussion
Error rates
Overall, participants made very few errors (4%). The analysis on error rates showed no significant effects
or interaction, only the cue validity approached significance (F(1,26) = 3.94 p=.06), with slightly fewer
errors being made when the cue was valid (3.8% vs. 4.7% for valid and invalid conditions, respectively).
Reaction times
Trials in which participants responded faster than 150 ms or slower than 1500 ms were excluded
from further analysis. This led to a loss of 1.6% of the trials.
A within-subject analysis of variance (ANOVA) with search condition (pop-out vs. heterogeneous)
and cue validity (valid vs. invalid) revealed a main effect of search condition (F(1,26) = 341.81, p<.001),
Feature-based attention 14
indicating that as expected it took much longer to find the target in the heterogeneous condition (763
ms) than in the pop-out condition (604 ms). The cue validity was also significant (F(1,26) = 97.0, p<.001),
indicating that participants were faster in finding the target when the word cue indicated the upcoming
target correctly. The search condition by cue validity interaction was also significant (F(1,26) = 75.01,
p<.001), indicating that the cueing effect was larger in the heterogeneous condition (142 ms) than in the
pop-out condition (31 ms). Importantly, planned comparisons revealed that a significant cueing effect was
present in both the heterogeneous condition (t(1, 26) = 9.79, p<.001) and in the pop-out condition (t(1,
26) = 6.08, p<.01). Just as in Experiment 1, however, these cueing effects cannot be clearly interpreted
until the effects of selection history are examined. Thus, we again performed analysis conditional on the
trial-by-trial match between the prior target and either the current cue or current target.
Inter-trial effects
Previous target-current cue analysis. The results are presented in Figure 3. A within-subject
analysis of variance (ANOVA) with search condition (pop-out vs. heterogeneous), cue matching the
previous target (match vs. mismatch) and cue validity (valid vs. invalid) revealed that the cueing effect was
much larger on the trials on which the word cue matched the previous target feature (cue match by cue
validity interaction (F(1,26) = 96.38, p<.001), and this effect was larger for the heterogeneous trials than
for the pop-out trials (three-way interaction, F(1,26) = 53.52, p<.001). Unlike Experiment 1 there was a
main effect of cue match (F(1,26) = 5.37, p<.05), indicating that RTs were faster when the word cue
matched (648 ms) the target feature on the previous trial relative to when it mismatched it (667 ms). The
cue match by search condition interaction was not significant (F <1). Planned comparisons showed that
the cueing effect was significant in all conditions. For the heterogeneous condition the cueing effect was
217 ms when the cue matched the previous target feature (t(26) = 14.07, p<.001) and 63 ms when it
mismatched (t(26) = 3.63, p<.005). For the pop-out condition the cueing effect was 47 ms when the cue
matched the previous target feature (t(26) = 7.36, p<.001) and 13 ms when it mismatched (t(26) = 2.25,
p<.05). Thus, although there were strong inter-trial priming effects, Experiment 2 also provided reliable
evidence of goal-driven selection in both the heterogeneous and pop-out conditions. That is, goal-driven
selection was clearly present when we controlled for target-cue priming. These findings suggest that a
higher probability of distractor interference elicited more robust goal-driven selection effects with the
pop-out displays, a result that falls in line with past work examining the impact of distractor probability on
visual selection (Awh et al., 2003, 2005).
Feature-based attention 15
Figure 3. Mean reaction times (RTs) in the pop-out and heterogeneous conditions as a function of cue
validity and whether the word cue matched the color of the target on the previous trial in Experiment
2. The error bars represent standard error of the mean for within-subject designs normalized for the
cue validity factor (Loftus & Masson, 1994). The inset illustrates the conditions plotted on the graph,
the search target was either orange (thick line) or blue (dashed line).
Previous target-current target analysis. A within-subject analysis of variance (ANOVA) with
search condition (pop-out vs. heterogeneous), target repetition (same target vs. different target) and cue
validity (valid vs. invalid) revealed a significant main effect of target repetition (F(1,26) = 96.38, p<.001), as
well as significant search condition by target repetition interaction (F(1,26) = 53.52, p<.001) and search
condition by cue validity interaction (F(1,26) = 75.87, p<.001). Importantly, there was a significant
interaction between target repetition and cue validity (F(1,26) = 5.37, p<.05). The three-way interaction
between search condition, target repetition and cue validity was not significant (F<1). This analysis
suggests that the influences of target repetition priming and goal-driven control on visual selection are
not independent. Specifically, for both search conditions the cueing effects were larger when the target
did not repeat (25 ms vs 35 ms and 130 ms vs 150 ms, respectively for the pop-out and heterogeneous
Feature-based attention 16
search conditions). This seems to be primarily driven by the trials on which the target feature did not
repeat and the word cue was invalid. Note that in this case, the word cue matched the target on the
previous trial (see the inset of Figure 3). Thus, when participants were cued to attend the same color as
the target that had just been processed in the prior trial, strong selection of the cued color may have
extended the time required to find a target in the uncued color. Qualitatively similar effects consistent
with this account were observed in both the pop-out and heterogeneous search conditions.
To summarize, both analytic approaches provide clear evidence for goal-driven selection of
colors that was stronger in the heterogeneous than in the pop-out condition. Moreover, in the pop-out
condition, these selection effects were enhanced relative to those observed in Experiment 1, suggesting
that a higher probability of distractor interference potentiated this form of non-spatial selection.
Experiment 3
Experiment 2 demonstrated that goal-driven selection effects can be reliably observed even with
pop-out targets when there is a strong need to resolve interference between targets and distractors. The
stage of processing affected by goal-driven selection, however, is somewhat ambiguous. Faster RTs in the
valid condition could reflect either changes in the initial perceptual encoding of the stimulus, or changes
in the efficiency of post-perceptual response or decision processes. To further examine whether goal-
driven selection of colors affected the initial perception of the target, Experiment 3 employed brief
stimulus displays and backward masks. A’ was the primary dependent variable in this unspeeded task, and
discrimination difficulty was staircased within-subjects. As in Experiment 2 the pop-out and
heterogeneous trials were intermixed.
Twenty-six participants (7 females, mean age of 23, age range 19-30 years) from VU University
Amsterdam with normal or corrected to normal vision participated in the experiment. Two participants’
data were discarded from analysis because in more than 20% of the trials they did not produce any
response. Due to a network malfunction the experiment ended early for two participants. They had only
slightly fewer number of trials (553 and 580 out of 600).
Stimuli, Design & Procedure
The experiment was very similar to Experiment 1, except that it was modified for measuring A’.
The search display was presented for 100 ms and backward masked (Figure 4). The mask consisted of 20
randomly generated gray line segments randomly positioned within each circle. The mask display was
Feature-based attention 17
presented for 1500 ms. The inter-trial interval was 500 ms. Participants completed 15 blocks of 40 trials
each, preceded by 2 practice blocks (also 40 trials each). As in Experiment 2 participants were equally
likely to receive a pop-out or a heterogeneous trial. The orientation of the line segment within the target
circle was also equally likely to be either horizontal or vertical. All conditions were mixed randomly within
each block. Half of the participants responded by pressing the “z” key when the line segment inside the
target circle was oriented vertically and the “m” key when it was oriented horizontally. The response
mapping was reversed for the other half of the participants. It was stressed that participants should be as
accurate as possible. The difficulty of the task was adjusted online by using a procedure similar to
Theeuwes & van der Burg (2007). Specifically, the length of the target line was adjusted to ensure that the
performance was kept around 75% correct. Each 10 trials we calculated the accuracy and increased the
length of the line by 0.05° if the accuracy dropped below 75% and decreased the length by 0.05° of the
line if the accuracy exceeded 75%.
Figure 4. Time-course of a typical heterogeneous trial in Experiment 3. Participants had to search for
either an orange (thick line) or a blue (dashed line) circle and determine the orientation of the line
inside it. The search displays were presented for 100 ms and quickly masked. The pop-out trials looked
exactly the same except that the distractor circles were all green. The staircase was used to keep
performance around 75 %.
Results and Discussion
Trials on which participants did not make any response were not included in the analysis. This
resulted in rejection of 0.9% of all trials. The data was analyzed using Aas a dependent measure. A’ is a
nonparametric analogue of the d’ statistics (Stanislaw & Todorov, 1999). A’ ranges from .5, which
indicates that signal cannot be distinguished from noise, to 1, which corresponds to perfect performance.
Feature-based attention 18
We used A’ and not d’ because in the inter-trial analysis some participants did not make any false alarms
(FA) in some conditions1.
A within-subject analysis of variance (ANOVA) with search condition (pop-out vs. heterogeneous)
and cue validity (valid vs. invalid) revealed a main effect of search condition (F(1,23) = 92.56, p<.001),
indicating that as expected participants performed worse in the heterogeneous condition (0.71) than in
the pop-out condition (0.80). The cue validity was also significant (F(1,23) = 45.62, p<.001), indicating that
participants performed better in reporting the target when the word cue indicated the upcoming target
correctly. The search condition by cue validity interaction was also significant (F(1,23) = 9.67, p<.01),
indicating that the cueing effect was significantly larger in the heterogeneous condition (0.17) than in the
pop-out condition (0.09). Importantly, planned comparisons revealed that cueing effect was significant in
both the heterogeneous (t(1, 23) = 7.45, p<.001) and the pop-out condition (t(1, 23) = 3.63, p<.005). To
test whether these cueing effects included a goal-driven component, we examined the inter-trial effects.
Inter-trial effects
Previous target-current cue analysis. The results of this analysis are presented in Figure 5. They
showed that the cueing effect was much larger on the trials on which the word cue matched the previous
target feature (cue match by cue validity interaction (F(1,23) = 7.27, p<.05), and this effect was larger for
the heterogeneous trials than for the pop-out trials (three-way interaction, F(1,23) = 7.09, p<.05). The cue
match by search condition was also significant F(1,23) = 6.62, p<.05), suggesting that cue matching the
previous target feature resulted in better performance on the pop-out trials, but not on the
heterogeneous trials. Planned comparisons showed that the cueing effect was significant in all conditions.
For the heterogeneous condition the cueing effect was 0.26 when the cue matched the previous target
feature (t(23) = 8.77, p<.001) and 0.10 when it mismatched (t(23) = 2.46, p<.05). For the pop-out
condition the cueing effect was 0.10 when the cue matched the previous target feature (t(23) = 3.70,
p<.005) and 0.07 when it mismatched (t(23) = 2.44, p<.05).
Previous target-current target analysis. A within-subject analysis of variance (ANOVA) with
search condition (pop-out vs. heterogeneous), target repetition (same target vs. different target) and cue
validity (valid vs. invalid) revealed a significant main effect of target repetition (F(1,23) = 7.27, p<.05), as
well as significant search condition by target repetition interaction (F(1,23) = 7.09, p<.05) and search
condition by cue validity interaction (F(1,23) = 12.82, p<.005). There was a marginally significant
interaction between target repetition and cue validity (F(1,23) = 3.17, p=.09) and a significant three-way
interaction between search condition, target repetition and cue validity (F(1,23) = 6.62, p<.05). This
analysis suggests that the influences of target repetition priming and goal-driven control on visual
selection are not independent. Specifically, for the heterogeneous search condition the cueing effects
were larger when the target did not repeat (0.11 vs. 0.24, for same and different, respectively). As in
Feature-based attention 19
Experiment 2, this seems to be primarily driven by performance in the invalid trials when the cued color
matched the color of the prior target. Our hypothesis is that selection of the cued color was potentiated
by the match with the recently processed target color, yielding a greater cost when the current target did
not match the selected color. Unlike Experiment 2, this was not the case for the pop-out search condition
(0.1 vs. 0.07, for same and different target conditions, respectively).
To summarize, Experiment 3 replicated and extended the conclusions of Experiment 2. We
observed goal-driven selection of colors in both the pop-out and heterogeneous conditions. Because this
was an encoding-limited task and we employed an A’ measure of performance, these data suggest that
goal-driven selection enhanced the initial perception of targets in the cued color.
Figure 5. Mean A’ in the pop-out and heterogeneous conditions as a function of cue validity and
whether the word cue matched the color of the target on the previous trial in Experiment 3. The error
bars represent standard error of the mean for within-subject designs normalized for the cue validity
factor (Loftus & Masson, 1994). The inset illustrates the conditions plotted on the graph, the search
target was either orange (thick line) or blue (dashed line).
Feature-based attention 20
General Discussion
The present results demonstrate that the context in which visual search is performed has a clear
influence on whether evidence of goal-driven control over feature-based visual selection will be observed.
When pop-out and heterogeneous conditions were blocked in Experiment 1, volitional control over
selection of target features was clear in the heterogeneous condition, but either absent or much smaller
in the pop-out condition. The findings in the pop-out condition are consistent with the previous findings in
the literature that argue against the possibility of goal-driven attention to features (e.g., Theeuwes, 2013).
However, when in Experiments 2 and 3 the two search conditions were intermixed within the same
blocks, robust evidence for volitional control was observed in the pop-out condition. Thus, a task context
where there is a high probability of distractor interference appears to potentiate the goal-driven selection
of non-spatial features. Finally, Experiment 3 replicated and extended this empirical pattern with a task
that employed data-limited displays and an analysis of perceptual sensitivity, showing that attention
affected the initial perceptual encoding of the stimulus rather than the efficiency of post-perceptual
response or decision processes.
As noted above, many earlier demonstrations of voluntary feature-based selection relied on
block designs and thus confounded voluntary orienting with automatic effects of recent selection history
(e.g., Folk et al., 1992; Wolfe et al., 2003). The present results indeed show that inter-trial priming of
previous target features plays an important role in feature-based selection (Kristjánsson, Wang, &
Nakayama, 2002), though the nature of this effect depended on how selection history was defined. When
we focused on the correspondence between the color of the current cue and the color of the most recent
target, we found that cueing effects were approximately four times larger when those colors matched
than when they did not. This analysis, however, was affected by differential effects of target repetitions in
the valid and invalid conditions of the study. When we focused on the correspondence between the color
of the previous target and the color of the current target (regardless of what color was cued), we
observed larger cueing effects when those colors did not match in two of the three studies (Experiments 2
and 3). This finding echoes the results of a study by Weidner & Müller (2013) who used displays similar to
those in our heterogeneous condition. The previous target-current target analysis also had a limitation,
however, because cue validity was confounded with whether the voluntarily selected color (i.e. cued
color) matched the most recent target color.
Nevertheless, although both analytic approaches have their limitations, three primary
conclusions were clearly supported by both approaches. First, cueing effects were much larger in the
heterogeneous condition where there was strong distractor interference. This is consistent with many
studies that have shown enhanced visual selection with increased competition from distractors (Awh et
al., 2003, 2005; Dosher & Lu, 2000; Kastner et al., 1998; Shiu & Pashler, 1994). Second, goal-driven
Feature-based attention 21
selection effects were clear even when we accounted for selection history effects, in line with models that
argue for volitional control over feature-based attention (e.g., Müller et al., 2010). And finally, the
strength of goal-driven orienting effects was augmented in an experimental context where there was a
high probability of distractor interference. This context effect dovetails with past studies that have shown
enhanced spatial selection when the probability of interference is high (Awh et al., 2003, 2005), and it is
consistent with the claim that excluding interference is one of the primary functions of visual selective
attention (Desimone and Duncan, 1995; Dosher and Lu, 2000; Kastner et al., 1998; Shiu and Pashler,
1994). Moreover, our findings offer an explanation for why there have been mixed findings in past studies
of non-spatial selection that have employed displays that contain relatively low levels of distractor
interference (e.g., Leonard & Egeth, 2008; Mortier et al., 2005; Müller & Krummenacher, 2006; Müller et
al., 2003; Theeuwes et al., 2006; Theeuwes & Van der Burg, 2007; Zehetleitner et al., 2011). Thus, these
findings may help to establish the boundary conditions for procedures that will produce consistent
evidence for goal-driven selection of non-spatial features.
To summarize, we provide clear evidence that volitional control over feature-based selection can
enhance processing during the initial stages of stimulus encoding. We show that the context determines
the degree to which the observers use cue information to bias visual selection. This insight regarding the
boundary conditions for observing these goal-driven effects may help to reconcile the conflicting findings
that have been reported in past studies of feature-based selection.
Feature-based attention 22
1. We also re-analyzed the data using accuracy as the dependent measure, since in the forced-
choice tasks it is typically considered to be a measure of sensitivity unaffected by response bias
(Stanislaw & Todorov, 1999). The results were statistically identical.
Feature-based attention 23
Table 1
Mean Percentage Hits, mean percentage False alarms (FA) and mean A’ as a function of search
condition, match between the word cue and the previous target feature and cue validity in Experiment 3
Pop-out trials
Heterogeneous trials
Cue mismatch to
previous target
Cue match to previous
Cue mismatch to
previous target
Hits (%)
FA (%)
Standard deviations are shown in parentheses
Feature-based attention 24
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... To differentiate between these two interpretations, Belopolsky et al. (2010) had participants alternate from trial-to-trial between looking for a color singleton or an object-onset target, and found that what captured attention was more related to what the participants had responded to on the previous trial (i.e., priming) than what they were supposed to be looking for on the current trial (i.e., voluntary control). Although this finding led to some early proposals that attentional control settings may only ever be generated though bottom-up priming (Theeuwes, 2013), findings have also emerged suggesting control settings are sometimes determined voluntarily (Belopolsky & Awh, 2016;Lamy & Kristjánsson, 2013;Lien, Ruthruff, & Johnston, 2010;Lien, Ruthruff, & Naylor, 2014). Nevertheless, it is clear that modulations of attentional capture effects do not only result from voluntary control of attentional control settings, but can also be driven by bottom-up priming (Awh et al., 2012;Belopolsky & Awh, 2016;Belopolsky et al., 2010;Silvis, Belopolsky, Murris, & Donk, 2015). ...
... Although this finding led to some early proposals that attentional control settings may only ever be generated though bottom-up priming (Theeuwes, 2013), findings have also emerged suggesting control settings are sometimes determined voluntarily (Belopolsky & Awh, 2016;Lamy & Kristjánsson, 2013;Lien, Ruthruff, & Johnston, 2010;Lien, Ruthruff, & Naylor, 2014). Nevertheless, it is clear that modulations of attentional capture effects do not only result from voluntary control of attentional control settings, but can also be driven by bottom-up priming (Awh et al., 2012;Belopolsky & Awh, 2016;Belopolsky et al., 2010;Silvis, Belopolsky, Murris, & Donk, 2015). ...
... Looking back over the last 15 years, the findings surrounding priming are mixed. Some studies have found that priming plays a prominent role in attentional control (Belopolsky & Awh, 2016;Belopolsky et al., 2010;Theeuwes, 2013), and other have argued it plays little-to-no role (Ansorge, Kiss, & Eimer, 2009;Lien et al., 2010Lien et al., , 2014. Given the mixed literature on this topic, Büsel et al. (2020) were able to provide a clearer picture on the role of priming through their recent meta-analysis of contingent capture effects. ...
Observers can adopt attentional control settings that regulate how their attention is drawn to salient stimuli in the environment. Do observers choose their attentional control settings voluntarily, or are they primed in a bottom-up manner based on the stimuli that the observer has recently attended and responded to (i.e., target-selection history)? In the present experiment, we tested these two accounts using a long-term memory attentional control settings paradigm, in which participants memorized images of 18 common visual objects, and then searched for those objects in a spatial blink task. Unbeknownst to participants, we manipulated priming by dividing the set of target objects into two subsets: nine objects appeared frequently as targets in the spatial blink task (frequently primed objects), and nine infrequently (infrequently primed objects). We assessed attentional capture by presenting these objects as distractors in the spatial blink task and measuring their effect on task accuracy. We found that both subsets of objects captured attention more than non-studied objects, and frequently primed objects did not capture attention more than infrequently primed objects. Moreover, a follow-up analysis revealed that all studied objects captured attention, even before those objects had appeared as targets in the spatial blink task. These findings suggest that priming through target-selection history plays little-to-no role in long-term memory attentional control settings. Rather, these findings align with a growing body of evidence that attentional control settings are primarily implemented through voluntary control.
... Perhaps due to this long-standing gap in knowledge, some had asserted that there is no distinction between endogenous FBA and bottom-up priming effects (Awh, Belopolsky, & Theeuwes, 2012;Theeuwes, 2013; but see Belopolsky & Awh, 2016;van Es, Theeuwes, & Knapen, 2018). Note that this view conflicts with several findings that can only be accounted for by top-down orienting to particular feature values (e.g., Belopolsky & Awh, 2016;Herrmann et al., 2012;Liu, Hospadaruk, Zhu, & Gardner, 2011;Liu, Larsson, & Carrasco, 2007a;Liu, Slotnick, Serences, & Yantis, 2003b;Liu et al., 2007b;Serences & Yantis, 2007;White & Carrasco, 2011;White, Rolfs, & Carrasco, 2013;White et al., 2015). ...
... Perhaps due to this long-standing gap in knowledge, some had asserted that there is no distinction between endogenous FBA and bottom-up priming effects (Awh, Belopolsky, & Theeuwes, 2012;Theeuwes, 2013; but see Belopolsky & Awh, 2016;van Es, Theeuwes, & Knapen, 2018). Note that this view conflicts with several findings that can only be accounted for by top-down orienting to particular feature values (e.g., Belopolsky & Awh, 2016;Herrmann et al., 2012;Liu, Hospadaruk, Zhu, & Gardner, 2011;Liu, Larsson, & Carrasco, 2007a;Liu, Slotnick, Serences, & Yantis, 2003b;Liu et al., 2007b;Serences & Yantis, 2007;White & Carrasco, 2011;White, Rolfs, & Carrasco, 2013;White et al., 2015). In any case, in order to have a comprehensive understanding of the factors that limit and alter perception and performance, it is crucial to verify and characterize the effects of exogenous FBA, as well as to distinguish them from those of endogenous FBA. ...
... Crucially, this hypothesis is in conflict with our current findings, in addition to being limited in its ability to explain a wide range of findings in the field whose designs and findings rule out the possibility of priming (e.g., Liu et al., 2007a;Liu, Slotnick, Serences, & Yantis, 2003a;Liu et al., 2007b;Serences & Yantis, 2007;White & Carrasco, 2011;White et al., 2013White et al., , 2015. More recently, however, these authors have acknowledged instances of endogenous FBA that are not explained by bottom-up priming (Belopolsky & Awh, 2016), or at least implicitly accepted that endogenous FBA can be top down (van Es et al., 2018). Had we found an effect of bottom-up, exogenous FBA precues, a discussion about its relation to priming would have been appropriate and perhaps necessary. ...
Visual attention prioritizes the processing of sensory information at specific spatial locations (spatial attention; SA) or with specific feature values (feature-based attention; FBA). SA is well characterized in terms of behavior, brain activity, and temporal dynamics—for both top-down (endogenous) and bottom-up (exogenous) spatial orienting. FBA has been thoroughly studied in terms of top-down endogenous orienting, but much less is known about the potential of bottom-up exogenous influences of FBA. Here, in four experiments, we adapted a procedure used in two previous studies that reported exogenous FBA effects, with the goal of replicating and expanding on these findings, especially regarding its temporal dynamics. Unlike the two previous studies, we did not find significant effects of exogenous FBA. This was true (1) whether accuracy or RT was prioritized as the main measure, (2) with precues presented peripherally or centrally, (3) with cue-to-stimulus ISIs of varying durations, (4) with four or eight possible target locations, (5) at different meridians, (6) with either brief or long stimulus presentations, (7) and with either fixation contingent or noncontingent stimulus displays. In the last experiment, a postexperiment participant questionnaire indicated that only a small subset of participants, who mistakenly believed the irrelevant color of the precue indicated which stimulus was the target, exhibited benefits for valid exogenous FBA precues. Overall, we conclude that with the protocol used in the studies reporting exogenous FBA, the exogenous stimulus-driven influence of FBA is elusive at best, and that FBA is primarily a top-down, goal-driven process.
... Evidence from this body of research has revealed that attention is of importance in controlling the contents of WM. Whereas past selection history affects the allocation of attention on target selection (Awh et al., 2012;Belopolsky and Awh, 2016), it remains unexplored whether selection history can influence WM. The goal of this study aims to investigate whether the history of attentional processing can modulate WM capacity. ...
... Recently, an inspiring attention framework suggests that the history of attentional control affects the selective biasing of information processing (Awh et al., 2012;Belopolsky and Awh, 2016). In this framework, recent history of attentional selection (i.e., selection history) elicits a lingering consequence of past selection episodes or goals (Awh et al., 2012, p. 437). ...
... Goal-directed behaviors depend upon the allocation of attention toward a subset of relevant information from the external environment and within the internal representations (Awh and Jonides, 2001;Chun et al., 2011;Gazzaley, 2011;Gazzaley and Nobre, 2012). A growing body of evidence has revealed that the context-driven selection history of attentional deployment can generate a lingering bias in selection (Eimer et al., 2010;Kristjánsson and Campana, 2010;Geyer et al., 2011;Awh et al., 2012;Belopolsky and Awh, 2016;Jost and Mayr, 2016). The FIGURE 3 | (A) Schematic illustration of the delayed response task of Experiment 3. Participants were instructed to remember four colors (high WM load) or one color (low WM load) within the memory array for a delayed response. ...
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Recent studies have shown that past selection history affects the allocation of attention on target selection. However, it is unclear whether context-driven selection history can modulate the efficacy of attention allocation on working memory (WM) representations. This study tests the influences of selection history on WM capacity. A display of one item (low load) or three/four items (high load) was shown for the participants to hold in WM in a delayed response task. Participants then judged whether a probe item was in the memory display or not. Selection history was defined as the number of items attended across trials in the task context within a block, manipulated by the stimulus set-size in the contexts with fewer possible stimuli (4-item or 5-item context) or more possible stimuli (8-item or 9-item context) from which the memorized content was selected. The capacity measure (i.e., the K measure) was estimated to reflect the number of items that can be held in WM. Across four behavioral experiments, the results revealed that the capacity was significantly reduced in the context with more possible stimuli relative to the context with fewer possible stimuli. Moreover, the reduction in capacity was significant for high WM load and not observed when the focus was on only a single item. Together, these findings indicate that context-driven selection history and focused attention influence WM capacity.
... Faster RTs were found when the same target repeated across two trials, compared with when it switched. In fact, this speeding of responses occurred even when participants knew with 100% certainty the identity of the target on the upcoming trial, indicating that selection history can guide attention even when it differs from one's current goal (Belopolsky & Awh, 2016;Theeuwes, Reimann, & Mortier, 2006;Theeuwes & Van der Burg, 2013). Because some researchers have theorized that selection history may independently contribute to threat biases (Peschard & Philippot, 2016), it was also studied in the current experiment by examining participants' ability to orient to the cued facial expression separately for trials in which the target repeated from the previous trial, compared with when it switched. ...
... In contrast, selection history effects may occur for faces, but detection of such an effect may require a greater number of repetitions than used in the present study. Although this is possible, multiple pieces of evidence speak against this as selection history effects have been observed for simple stimuli with the same number of repetitions present here (Belopolsky & Awh, 2016;Leonard & Egeth, 2008;Maljkovic & Nakayama, 1994;Mortier, Theeuwes, & Starreveld, 2005;Müller, Reimann, & Krummenacher, 2003;Theeuwes et al., 2006;Theeuwes & Van der Burg, 2007;Zehetleitner, Krummenacher, Geyer, Hegenloh, & Müller, 2011). Altogether, the present results are promising in pointing to the imperviousness of more complex or category-level stimuli to the effects of selection history, but further research where selection history effects are compared for simple versus complex stimuli, and individual stimuli versus category-level groupings is required in order to answer this definitively. ...
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One of the fundamental factors maintaining social anxiety is biased attention toward threatening facial expressions. Typically, this bias has been conceptualized as driven by an overactive bottom-up attentional system; however, this potentially overlooks the role of top-down attention in being able to modulate this bottom-up bias. Here, the role of top-down mechanisms in directing attention toward emotional faces was assessed with a modified dot-probe task, in which participants were given a top-down cue ("happy" or "angry") to attend to a happy or angry face on each trial, and the cued face was either presented with a face of the other emotion (angry, happy) or a neutral face. This study found that social anxiety was not associated with differences in shifting attention toward cued angry faces. However, participants with higher levels of social anxiety were selectively impaired in attentional shifting toward a cued happy face when it was paired with an angry face, but not when paired with a neutral face. The results indicate that top-down attention can be used to orient attention to emotional faces, but that higher levels of social anxiety are associated with selective deficits in top-down control of attention in the presence of threat. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).
... Some researchers have gone as far as to argue that participants cannot use top-down attention, and that all previous evidence for top-down effects can be explained purely by selection history (Theeuwes, 2013;Theeuwes, Reimann, & Mortier, 2006). More recent evidence, though, has shown that this is not the case; for example, when more complex arrays are employed, attention is guided by the participant's top-down set (Belopolsky & Awh, 2016). ...
... However, Belopolsky and Awh (2016) found top-down guidance of attention for visually complex arrays in which pop-out was not present. That is, these researchers used a similar design to Theeuwes et al. (2006) in which participants were presented with a verbal colour cue and then viewed a six-item display and were asked to respond to the orientation of the line segment contained in the target. ...
Research indicates that humans orient attention toward facial expressions of emotion. Orienting to facial expressions has typically been conceptualised as due to bottom-up attentional capture. However, this overlooks the contributions of top-down attention and selection history. In the present study, across four experiments, these three attentional processes were differentiated using a variation of the dot-probe task, in which participants were cued to attend to a happy or angry face on each trial. Results show that attention toward facial expressions was not exclusively driven by bottom-up attentional capture; instead, participants could shift their attention toward both happy and angry faces in a top-down manner. This effect was not found when the faces were inverted, indicating that top-down attention relies on holistic processing of the face. In addition, no evidence of selection history was found (i.e., no improvement on repeated trials or blocks of trials in which the task was to orient to the same expression). Altogether, these results suggest that humans can use top-down attentional control to rapidly orient attention to emotional faces.
... Across studies, attention has been defined as prioritization of information at specific locations [Jans et al., 2010, Summerfield et al., 2006, Williams and Castelhano, 2019, of specific objects' features [Castelhano and Heaven, 2010, Folk and Remington, 1998, Thayer et al., 2022 as well as when unexpected events occur [Belopolsky and Theeuwes, 2010, Theeuwes, 2004, Yantis and Jonides, 1990]. The influences on attention are thought to arise from bottom-up stimulus-based properties, task-based top-down properties as well as developed over time through statistical learning [Awh et al., 2003, Belopolsky and Awh, 2016, Duncan and Theeuwes, 2020, Huang et al., 2022, Kershner and Hollingworth, 2022, Turk-Browne et al., 2009, Wang and Theeuwes, 2018. Recently, researchers have begun to examine the influence of prediction, both spatial and temporal, based on acquired associations either in the short-term or long-term. ...
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Eye movements are often taken as a marker of where attention is allocated, but it is possible that the attentional window can be either tightly or broadly focused around the fixation point. Using target objects whose location could either be strongly predicted by scene context (High Certainty) or not (Low Certainty), we examined how attention was initially distributed across a scene image during search. To do so, an unexpected distractor object suddenly appeared either in the relevant or irrelevant scene region for each target type. Distractors will be more disruptive where attention is allocated. We found that for High Certainty targets, the distractors were fixated significantly more often when they appeared in relevant than irrelevant regions, but there was no such difference for Low Certainty targets. This finding demonstrated differential patterns of attentional distribution around the fixation point based on the predicted location of target objects within a scene.
... That is, the singleton was the target on 25% of trials. Although observers had no incentive to prioritize the singleton during search, such exogenous cues capture attention automatically (Awh et al., 2012;Belopolsky & Awh, 2016;Desimone & Duncan, 1995;Pfister et al., 2012;Posner, 1980;Theeuwes, 1992). Following the same logic applied in Experiment 1, if agency and exogenous cues provide additive benefits, response times on valid trials should be faster when the target was previously controlled compared with situations where the previously controlled object becomes a distractor. ...
Attentional selection is driven, in part, by a complex interplay between endogenous and exogenous cues. Recently, one's interactions with the physical world have also been shown to bias attention. Specifically, the sense of agency that arises when our actions cause predictable outcomes biases our attention toward those things which we control. We investigated how this agency-driven attentional bias interacts with simultaneously presented endogenous (words) and exogenous (color singletons) environmental cues. Participants controlled the movement of one object while others moved independently. In a subsequent search task, targets were either the previously controlled objects or not. Targets were also validly or invalidly cued. Both cue types influenced attention allocation. Endogenous cues and agency-driven attentional selection were independent and additive, indicating they are separable mechanisms of selection. In contrast, exogenous cues eliminated the effects of agency, indicating that perceptually salient environmental cues can override internally derived effects of agency. This is the first demonstration of a boundary condition on agency-driven selection.
Recent studies have shown that past selection history affects the allocation of attention on target selection. However, it is unclear whether context-driven selection history can modulate the efficacy of attention allocation on working memory (WM) representations. This study tests the influences of selection history on WM capacity. A display of one item (low load) or three/four items (high load) was shown for the participants to hold in WM in a delayed response task. Participants then judged whether a probe item was in the memory display or not. Selection history was defined as the number of items attended across trials in the task context within a block, manipulated by the stimulus set-size in the contexts with fewer possible stimuli (4-item or 5-item context) or more possible stimuli (8-item or 9-item context) from which the memorized content was selected. The capacity measure (i.e., the K measure) was estimated to reflect the number of items that can be held in WM. Across four behavioral experiments, the results revealed that the capacity was significantly reduced in the context with more possible stimuli relative to the context with fewer possible stimuli. Moreover, the reduction in capacity was significant for high WM load and not observed when the focus was on only a single item. Together, these findings indicate that context-driven selection history and focused attention influence WM capacity.
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Four experiments tested a new hypothesis that involuntary attention shifts are contingent on the relationship between the properties of the eliciting event and the properties required for task performance. In a variant of the spatial cuing paradigm, the relation between cue property and the property useful in locating the target was systematically manipulated. In Experiment 1, invalid abrupt-onset precues produced costs for targets characterized by an abrupt onset but not for targets characterized by a discontinuity in color. In Experiment 2, invalid color precues produced greater costs for color targets than for abrupt-onset targets. Experiment 3 provided converging evidence for this pattern. Experiment 4 investigated the boundary conditions and time course for attention shifts elicited by color discontinuities. The results of these experiments suggest that attention capture is contingent on attentional control settings induced by task demands.
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Larger benefits of spatial attention are observed when distractor interference is prevalent, supporting the view that spatial selection facilitates visual processing by suppressing distractor interference. The present work shows that cuing effects with identical visual displays can grow substantially as the probability of distractor interference increases. The probability of interference had no impact on spatial cuing effects in the absence of distractors, suggesting that the enlarged cuing effects were not caused by changes in signal enhancement or in the spatial distribution of attention. These findings suggest that attentional control settings determine more than where spatial attention is directed; top-down settings also influence how attention affects visual processing, with increased levels of distractor exclusion when distractor interference is likely.
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Visual input is processed in parallel in the early stages of the visual system. Later, object recognition processes are also massively parallel, matching a visual object with a vast array of stored representation. A tight bottleneck in processing lies between these stages. It permits only one or a few visual objects at any one time to be submitted for recognition. That bottleneck limits performance on visual search tasks when an observer looks for one object in a field containing distracting objects. Guided Search is a model of the workings of that bottleneck. It proposes that a limited set of attributes, derived from early vision, can be used to guide the selection of visual objects. The bottleneck and recognition processes are modeled using an asynchronous version of a diffusion process. The current version (Guided Search 4.0) captures a wide range of empirical findings.
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Feature-based attention (FBA) enhances the representation of image characteristics throughout the visual field, a mechanism that is particularly useful when searching for a specific stimulus feature. Even though most theories of visual search implicitly or explicitly assume that FBA is under top-down control, we argue that the role of top-down processing in FBA may be limited. Our review of the literature indicates that all behavioural and neuro-imaging studies investigating FBA suffer from the shortcoming that they cannot rule out an effect of priming. The mere attending to a feature enhances the mandatory processing of that feature across the visual field, an effect that is likely to occur in an automatic, bottom-up way. Studies that have investigated the feasibility of FBA by means of cueing paradigms suggest that the role of top-down processing in FBA is limited (e.g. prepare for red). Instead, the actual processing of the stimulus is needed to cause the mandatory tuning of responses throughout the visual field. We conclude that it is likely that all FBA effects reported previously are the result of bottom-up priming.
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In order to efficiently deploy our limited visual processing resources, we must decide what information is relevant and to be prioritized and what information should rather be ignored. To detect visual information that we know is relevant but that is not very salient, we need to set our system to prioritize and combine information from different visual dimensions (e.g., size, color, motion). Four experiments examined the allocation of processing resources across different visual dimensions when observers searched for a singleton target defined by a conjunction of size (primary dimension: the target was always large) with either color or motion (secondary dimension: variable across trials) within heterogeneously sized, colored, and moving distractors. The results revealed search reaction times to be substantially increased in a given trial in which the secondary target dimension was changed from the preceding trial-indicative of a suboptimal distribution of dimensional weights carried over from the previous trial and of attentional weight being bound by the (need to filter within the) primary dimension, thereby reducing the weight available for processing the secondary dimensions. Semantic precueing of the secondary dimension and visual marking of the search-irrelevant items in the primary dimension reduced these costs significantly. However, observers were limited in their ability to implement both top-down sets simultaneously. These findings argue in favor of a parallel distribution of dimensional processing resources across multiple visual dimensions and, furthermore, that visual marking releases attentional weight bound to the primary dimension, thus permitting more efficient (parallel) processing in the secondary dimensions.
We review evidence for partially segregated networks of brain areas that carry out different attentional functions. One system, which includes parts of the intraparietal cortex and superior frontal cortex, is involved in preparing and applying goal-directed (top-down) selection for stimuli and responses. This system is also modulated by the detection of stimuli. The other system, which includes the temporoparietal cortex and inferior frontal cortex, and is largely lateralized to the right hemisphere, is not involved in top-down selection. Instead, this system is specialized for the detection of behaviourally relevant stimuli, particularly when they are salient or unexpected. This ventral frontoparietal network works as a 'circuit breaker' for the dorsal system, directing attention to salient events. Both attentional systems interact during normal vision, and both are disrupted in unilateral spatial neglect.
A typical scene contains many different objects, but the capacity of the visual system to process multiple stimuli at a given time is limited. Thus, attentional mechanisms are required to select relevant objects from among the many objects competing for visual processing. Evidence from functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in humans showed that when multiple stimuli are present simultaneously in the visual field, their cortical representations within the object recognition pathway interact in a competitive, suppressive fashion. Directing attention to one of the stimuli counteracts the suppressive influence of nearby stimuli. This mechanism may serve to filter out irrelevant information in cluttered visual scenes.
In visual search for singleton feature targets, detection RTs are faster when the target-defining dimension is constant across trials rather than variable; in the latter case, RTs are faster when the target dimension on a trial is the same, rather than different, relative to preceding trial (with little effect of a feature change within a repeated dimension); and RTs are expedited when the target dimension is validly indicated by a symbolic precue on a given trial (e.g., Found & Müller, 1996; Müller, Heller, & Ziegler, 1995; Müller, Reimann, & Krummenacher, 2003). Müller and his colleagues have explained these effects in terms of a “dimension-weighting” account, according to which these effects arise at a preattentive, perceptual stage of saliency coding. In contrast, Cohen (e.g., Cohen & Magen, 1999) and Theeuwes (e.g., Theeuwes et al., 2006 this issue) have recently argued that these effects are postselective, response-related in nature. The present paper examines these challenges and puts forward counterarguments in support of the view that dimensional weighting operates at a preattentive stage of processing.