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Combined Transcutaneous Electrical Spinal Cord Stimulation and Task-Specific Rehabilitation Improves Trunk and Sitting Functions in People with Chronic Tetraplegia


Abstract and Figures

The aim of this study was to examine the effects of transcutaneous electrical spinal cord stimulation (TSCS) and conventional task-specific rehabilitation (TSR) on trunk control and sitting stability in people with chronic tetraplegia secondary to a spinal cord injury (SCI). Five individuals with complete cervical (C4-C7) cord injury participated in 24-week therapy that combined TSCS and TSR in the first 12 weeks, followed by TSR alone for another 12 weeks. The TSCS was delivered simultaneously at T11 and L1 spinal levels, at a frequency ranging from 20-30 Hz with 0.1-1.0 ms. pulse width biphasically. Although the neurological prognosis did not manifest after either treatment, the results show that there were significant increases in forward reach distance (10.3 ± 4.5 cm), right lateral reach distance (3.7 ± 1.8 cm), and left lateral reach distance (3.0 ± 0.9 cm) after the combina-tional treatment (TSCS+TSR). The stimulation also significantly improved the participants' trunk control and function in sitting. Additionally, the trunk range of motion and the electromyographic response of the trunk muscles were significantly elevated after TSCS+TSR. The TSCS+TSR intervention improved independent trunk control with significantly increased static and dynamic sitting balance, which were maintained throughout the TSR period and the follow-up period, indicating long-term sustainable recovery.
This content is subject to copyright.
Citation: Tharu, N.S.; Alam, M.;
Ling, Y.T.; Wong, A.Y.; Zheng, Y.-P.
Combined Transcutaneous Electrical
Spinal Cord Stimulation and
Task-Specific Rehabilitation Improves
Trunk and Sitting Functions in People
with Chronic Tetraplegia.
Biomedicines 2023,11, 34. https://
Academic Editor: Nicolas Guerout
Received: 5 December 2022
Revised: 19 December 2022
Accepted: 20 December 2022
Published: 23 December 2022
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
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Combined Transcutaneous Electrical Spinal Cord Stimulation
and Task-Specific Rehabilitation Improves Trunk and Sitting
Functions in People with Chronic Tetraplegia
Niraj Singh Tharu 1, Monzurul Alam 1, * , Yan To Ling 1, Arnold YL Wong 2,3 and Yong-Ping Zheng 1 ,3 ,*
1Department of Biomedical Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR, China
2Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR, China
3Research Institute for Smart Ageing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR, China
*Correspondence: (M.A); (Y.-P.Z.)
The aim of this study was to examine the effects of transcutaneous electrical spinal cord
stimulation (TSCS) and conventional task-specific rehabilitation (TSR) on trunk control and sitting
stability in people with chronic tetraplegia secondary to a spinal cord injury (SCI). Five individuals
with complete cervical (C4–C7) cord injury participated in 24-week therapy that combined TSCS
and TSR in the first 12 weeks, followed by TSR alone for another 12 weeks. The TSCS was delivered
simultaneously at T11 and L1 spinal levels, at a frequency ranging from 20–30 Hz with
0.1–1.0 ms
pulse width biphasically. Although the neurological prognosis did not manifest after either treatment,
the results show that there were significant increases in forward reach distance (10.3
4.5 cm), right
lateral reach distance (3.7
1.8 cm), and left lateral reach distance (
3.0 ±0.9 cm
) after the combina-
tional treatment (TSCS+TSR). The stimulation also significantly improved the participants’ trunk
control and function in sitting. Additionally, the trunk range of motion and the electromyographic re-
sponse of the trunk muscles were significantly elevated after TSCS+TSR. The TSCS+TSR intervention
improved independent trunk control with significantly increased static and dynamic sitting balance,
which were maintained throughout the TSR period and the follow-up period, indicating long-term
sustainable recovery.
Keywords: transcutaneous electrical spinal cord stimulation; trunk control; sitting balance; tetraplegia;
spinal cord injury
1. Introduction
Spinal cord injury (SCI) often results in a permanent loss of motor, sensory, or au-
tonomic functions below the level of injury [
]. The worldwide annual incidence and
prevalence of SCI range from 8 to 246 and from 236 to 1298 per million people, respec-
tively [
]. Depending on the level of neurological damage, SCI may cause tetraplegia or
paraplegia [
]. One-third of people with SCI are found to have tetraplegia, and 50% of them
have a complete lesion [
], with C5 (cervical vertebrae) being the most commonly affected
level [
]. People with tetraplegia experience severe trunk muscle weakness that inhibits
sitting and trunk functions, thus restricting their overall functional activity [
]. In addition,
individuals with complete or incomplete tetraplegia have greater trunk impairment, which
results in more trunk instability and sitting imbalance than people with paraplegia [
and often struggle to perform the daily functions of sitting [
]. They are also more
prone to postural instability and fall-related injuries [
]. For people with tetraplegia, trunk
stability is more important than trunk mobility [
]. Individuals with tetraplegia report
significantly more limitations and restrictions in their activities of daily living (ADL) than
people with paraplegia [
]. Similarly, more than 60% of SCI survivors consider trunk
function to be an important factor for mobility and performing ADL [
]. Around 70–80%
Biomedicines 2023,11, 34.
Biomedicines 2023,11, 34 2 of 18
of people with SCI are wheelchair-bound, and consider trunk control an essential factor for
those with sitting difficulties [16].
Traditionally, SCI management focused on teaching compensatory skills. Recently, this
approach has gradually shifted toward neural restoration through the use of innovative,
intensive therapy strategies that successfully address physiological changes and regenera-
tion concepts [
]. Of various approaches (activity-based therapy, impairment-based
training, etc.), task-specific rehabilitation (TSR) has been shown to be more beneficial than
conventional rehabilitation for motor recovery in people with chronic SCI [
]. “The TSR
is a therapeutic approach that involves intensive practice of actions or functional tasks” [
which is based on the idea that motor output can be shaped and retrained in response
to specific sensory inputs [
]. It focuses on regaining muscular strength and improving
functional abilities through targeted and repeated specific exercises [
]. Motor or sensory
recovery is often restricted to minimal success in people with tetraplegia [
]. In addi-
tion, TSR has been observed to be advantageous for improving upper limb functions [
The locomotion ability was reported to be enhanced in individuals with incomplete SCI
using TSR strategies [
]. Although TSR has shown some benefits over conventional
rehabilitation, more studies are needed to confirm its efficacy [29,30].
It used to be believed that people with complete SCI would not experience motor
recovery below the lesion [
]. Yet prior research has indicated that individuals with com-
plete or incomplete SCI showed motor and sensory improvement with neuromodulation
treatment [
]. In addition, transcutaneous electrical spinal cord stimulation (TSCS) has
recently emerged as a potential treatment for SCI, among other neuromodulation tech-
niques [
]. It modulates the activity of neural pathways through spinal stimulation
to generate therapeutic benefits [
]. The TSCS produces an electric field that triggers the
neural connectome via sensory pathways in the dorsal roots, which provides subthreshold
excitation to interneurons and motor neurons distal to the injury. Motor neurons near the
threshold are then more rapidly triggered and produce volitional movement [
]. Previous
studies indicated that TSCS may decrease spasticity [
], modify neuronal connections [
assist in locomotion [
] and stepping [
], and initiate volitional movement [
]. Moreover,
TSCS produced immediate trunk self-control in people with chronic SCI with a more steady
and upright sitting position [
], and quickly restored the ability to sit up straight [
However, these studies on trunk control have only been conducted on people with para-
plegia or incomplete cervical SCI [
]. More research is warranted to investigate trunk
recovery in people with complete tetraplegia [42].
The current study aimed to investigate the effects of adding TSCS to TSR treatment on
trunk control and sitting function in people with tetraplegia following complete cervical SCI.
To achieve this aim, two specific objectives were set to investigate the (1) efficacy of TSCS
for improving trunk control and sitting function with TSR in people with tetraplegia; and
(2) effect of TSCS on motor and sensory functions of the study participants. We hypothesized
that the combined treatment (TSCS+TSR) could improve trunk and sitting functions in people
with complete chronic tetraplegia. To our knowledge, this is the first study to report the use of
TSCS for trunk control in people with complete cervical SCIs; the outcomes may be applicable
to people with various levels of neurological damage caused by SCI.
2. Methods
The study was approved by the Human Subjects Ethics Sub-Committee of The Hong
Kong Polytechnic University (Reference no: HSEARS20190201002-01).
2.1. Study Participants
Five individuals with chronic SCI with impaired trunk and sitting function were
recruited. Each participant had sustained a traumatic complete cervical SCI (Table 1).
Participant consent was obtained prior to the start of the experiment.
Biomedicines 2023,11, 34 3 of 18
Table 1. The demographic and clinical characteristics of the participants.
Participants Age Gender Time since Injury (Years) Type of Injury NLI AIS Category
P1 57 F 1.5 Traumatic C6 A
P2 55 F 19 Traumatic C7 A
P3 26 F 12 Traumatic C5 A
P4 40 M 12 Traumatic C5 A
P5 32 M 2 Traumatic C4 A
NLI, neurological level of injury; AIS, American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale.
As shown in Table 1, the mean age of the participants was 42.0 years (
SD = 13.7 years
range = 26–57 years), and the mean time since injury was 9.3 years (SD = 7.4 years,
range = 1.5–19 years
). Each participant had a traumatic cervical SCI based on the American
Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale (AIS), and the injury level varied from C4–C7.
The inclusion criteria were people with SCI aged between 18 and 60 years; a cervical SCI
resulting in complete tetraplegia; injury duration of at least 1 year; an injury level between
C4–C8; absence of independent trunk control; being unable to sit independently; stable
respiratory functions; and no prior neuromodulation treatment. People were excluded if
they had received injections (Botox or Dysport) within the previous 6 months, had spasticity
(more than grade 1
based on the Modified Ashworth Scale), contracture, pressure injuries,
infections, or internal fixations at the site of the injury, transplants (cardiac pacemakers and
defibrillators), or had comorbidities (e.g., asthma, hypertension).
2.2. Study Design
This was a case series study design where people with chronic tetraplegia underwent
two phases of treatment (first TSCS+TSR followed by TSR alone). The participants were
recruited through a convenience sampling method. The treatment frequency was divided
into three groups depending on the availability and schedules of the study participants:
(a) three sessions per week; (b) two sessions per week; and (c) one session per week. In
addition, participants P1, P2, and P4 attended three sessions per week, whereas P3 and P5
attended one session and two sessions per week, respectively. The outline of the study is
described in Figure 1.
Biomedicines 2022, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 19
Five individuals with chronic SCI with impaired trunk and sitting function were re-
cruited. Each participant had sustained a traumatic complete cervical SCI (Table 1). Par-
ticipant consent was obtained prior to the start of the experiment.
As shown in Table 1, the mean age of the participants was 42.0 years (SD = 13.7 years,
range = 2657 years), and the mean time since injury was 9.3 years (SD = 7.4 years, range
= 1.519 years). Each participant had a traumatic cervical SCI based on the American Spi-
nal Injury Association Impairment Scale (AIS), and the injury level varied from C4C7.
The inclusion criteria were people with SCI aged between 18 and 60 years; a cervical SCI
resulting in complete tetraplegia; injury duration of at least 1 year; an injury level between
C4C8; absence of independent trunk control; being unable to sit independently; stable
respiratory functions; and no prior neuromodulation treatment. People were excluded if
they had received injections (Botox or Dysport) within the previous 6 months, had spas-
ticity (more than grade 1+ based on the Modified Ashworth Scale), contracture, pressure
injuries, infections, or internal fixations at the site of the injury, transplants (cardiac pace-
makers and defibrillators), or had comorbidities (e.g., asthma, hypertension).
Table 1. The demographic and clinical characteristics of the participants.
Participants Age Gender
Time since injury
Type of injury NLI AIS category
NLI, neurological level of injury; AIS, American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale.
2.2. Study design
This was a case series study design where people with chronic tetraplegia underwent
two phases of treatment (first TSCS+TSR followed by TSR alone). The participants were
recruited through a convenience sampling method. The treatment frequency was divided
into three groups depending on the availability and schedules of the study participants:
(a) three sessions per week; (b) two sessions per week; and (c) one session per week. In
addition, participants P1, P2, and P4 attended three sessions per week, whereas P3 and P5
attended one session and two sessions per week, respectively. The outline of the study is
described in Figure 1.
Figure 1. The outline of the study, divided into four phases: (i) The preparatory phase, in which
participants were enrolled and screened to ensure their eligibility for the study. During this period,
their response to TSCS was tested and optimal stimulation settings were determined. The visual
analog scale was used to record their response to the stimulation. After completing a baseline as-
sessment over a period of 2 weeks, the participants received two phases of therapy, each lasting for
12 weeks, with two half-way assessments completed every 6 weeks. (ii) Training phase 1, transcuta-
neous electrical spinal cord stimulation (TSCS) with task-specific rehabilitation (TSR); (iii) training
phase 2, TSR alone; and (iv) the follow-up phase, during which no therapy was performed, and
assessments were repeated 6 weeks following the completion of the TSR training period.
2.3. Experimental protocol
Figure 1.
The outline of the study, divided into four phases: (i) The preparatory phase, in which par-
ticipants were enrolled and screened to ensure their eligibility for the study. During this period, their
response to TSCS was tested and optimal stimulation settings were determined. The visual analog
scale was used to record their response to the stimulation. After completing a baseline assessment
over a period of 2 weeks, the participants received two phases of therapy, each lasting for
12 weeks
with two half-way assessments completed every 6 weeks. (ii) Training phase 1, transcutaneous
electrical spinal cord stimulation (TSCS) with task-specific rehabilitation (TSR); (iii) training phase 2,
TSR alone; and (iv) the follow-up phase, during which no therapy was performed, and assessments
were repeated 6 weeks following the completion of the TSR training period.
2.3. Experimental Protocol
The 12th free rib was palpated and followed to identify the T11 and T12 vertebrae.
The iliac crest was palpated and followed to the posterior superior iliac spine, and then to
the L1 and L2 levels. Two stimulation electrodes were then attached between T11–T12 and
L1–L2 spinous processes in the middle, targeting the spinal cord (hereinafter called T11
and L1 electrodes), while another two referencing electrodes were placed above the iliac
crests bilaterally. For the active electrodes, we utilized a pair of self-adhesive electrodes
Biomedicines 2023,11, 34 4 of 18
with a size of 3.2 cm (ValuTrode, Axelgaard Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Fallbrook, CA, USA)
and another pair of internally linked 6.0
9.0 cm self-adhesive rectangle-shaped electrodes
(Guangzhou Jetta Electronic Medical Device Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Guangdong, China)
as ground electrodes. The T11 and L1 regions of the study participants were stimulated
using two specifically designed constant current stimulators (DS8R, Digitimer, UK). In order
to activate the stimulators, a function generator (AFG1022, manufactured by Tektronix,
Inc., Beaverton, OR, USA) was used to produce a burst of 10 kHz, which was transmitted
at a frequency of 20–30 Hz [
]. The burst configuration was raised to 10 biphasic pulses
1.06 ms
burst duration, henceforth referred to as 1 ms), and the pulse lengths of each cycle
were maintained constant at 50
s for both devices. The previous study of [
] showed
that a shorter pulse of 0.5 ms was more effective in improving functional movements. In
addition, it has been reported that short pulse durations (0.05–0.4 ms) preferentially activate
motor axons, while the use of longer pulse durations (0.5–1 ms) activates sensory axons [
Therefore, the short pulse duration of 0.05 msec. was chosen in the current study.
To determine the optimal stimulation intensity, the investigators used the Visual
Analog Scale to measure the pain intensity. The participants were asked to experience
involuntary extension of the trunk (straightening of the spine), and asked to feel when
the trunk became more stable in the presence of the stimulation. Based on the individual
participant’s response, he/she experienced the best trunk stability and tolerable stimulation
intensity, which ranged between 95–115 milliamperes (mA), depending on each individual’s
response. The other stimulation settings (such as frequency, carrier frequency, and burst
configuration) were kept constant for all the participants throughout the experiment. The
stimulation intensity varied between individual participants, which was set based on their
response as described above. During every treatment session, the participant was asked
to experience trunk extension with increased trunk stability in sitting as the intensity was
gradually increased. A previous study demonstrated that stimulation of the rostral portion
of the lumbar enlargement (corresponding to the T11–T12 vertebral level) at a frequency of
30 Hz could specifically facilitate voluntary movements, whereas stimulation delivered over
the caudal area of the lumbar enlargement (corresponding to the L1–L2 vertebral level) at a
frequency of 15 Hz would facilitate tonic extensor activity specific for postural control [
The 10 kHz carrier frequency was found to be suitable for stimulating the spinal circuits of
both injured and uninjured individuals [
]. Therefore, the above-mentioned parameters
were adopted for the stimulation settings. The TSR included spinal mobility exercises such
as flexion, extension, lateral flexion, and rotation, as well as static and dynamic seated
balancing exercises. The participants were trained in a variety of experimental settings and
positions, ranging from sitting in a wheelchair to lying on a bed to lying on a floor mat,
with the help and supervision of a physiotherapist.
For combinational treatment, after the placement of stimulating electrodes, the stim-
ulation parameters were set and the intensity gradually increased until the individual’s
maximum tolerance was reached. Then the participant was asked to perform various
task-specific exercises. Each session lasted for 45–60 min, divided into three sub-sessions of
15–20 min each. A break was given after each sub-session, and the stimulation was turned
off during the rest period. The participants were stimulated throughout each session, except
during the break. Because all participants in the present study had complete tetraplegia,
TSCS+TSR was delivered in the first 12 weeks to determine whether the combinational
treatment could improve trunk and sitting functions. Another 12 weeks of TSR alone was
followed to determine whether the functional gains could be maintained.
2.4. Outcome Measures
The functional assessment was conducted using the following outcome measures:
(1) Modified Functional Reach Test (mFRT) to determine the functional reach distance;
(2) Trunk Control Test (TCT) to assess static and dynamic balance (3) Function in Sitting
Test (FIST) to measure functional sitting balance; and (4) International Standards for Neuro-
logical Classification of Spinal Cord Injury (ISNCSCI) to assess sensory and motor levels
Biomedicines 2023,11, 34 5 of 18
on both the right and left sides, the neurological degree of damage, and the completeness
of the injury. The mFRT [
], TCT [
], and FIST [
] have proven reliability and validity
for assessing people with SCI. The TCT comprises 0–24 points and FIST 0–56 points, where
a higher score indicates improvement in function. Additionally, the trunk kinematics
(i.e., range of motion, ROM) were assessed using a motion capture system (Vicon Nexus
2.5.1, Vicon Nexus TM, Vicon Motion Systems Ltd., Yarnton, UK) (ROM), while surface
electromyography (EMG) (Model DE-2.1; Delsys USA, Inc., Boston, MA, USA) was used
to the measure muscle activity of four pairs of trunk muscles (rectus abdominis, external
oblique, erector spinae, and latissimus dorsi).
2.5. Vicon Marker and EMG Electrode Placement
The placement of the Vicon reflective markers and EMG electrodes was performed
by an experienced physiotherapist. Specific bony landmarks were identified, and Vicon
markers were placed as follows (Figure 2A): anteriorly, at the acromia, sternum, right
and left anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS), and right and left patella; posteriorly, at the
cervical spinous process (C7), thoracic spinous process (T3, T8, T12), lumbar spinous
process (L2, L4), sacrum spinous process (S1), and right and left posterior superior iliac
spine (PSIS) [
]. The EMG electrodes over the rectus abdominis muscle were positioned
5 cm below the xiphoid process, while for the external oblique they were placed 5 cm
superior to the anterior superior iliac spine and 10 cm lateral to the umbilicus. Likewise,
electrodes for the latissimus dorsi were placed 2 cm inferior and lateral to the scapula’s
inferior angle, while those for the external oblique were placed 3 cm lateral to the L3 spinous
process [
]. The tested movements included trunk flexion, trunk extension, bilateral trunk
lateral flexion, and bilateral trunk rotation. Each movement was performed thrice, and
the best one was selected for data analysis. All assessments were conducted without
using TSCS. The placement of Vicon markers and a flexion movement performed in the
assessment are shown in Figure 2.
Biomedicines 2022, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 19
Figure 2. (A) Vicon markers positioned over the anatomical bony landmarks of a participant in a
normal straight sitting position; (B) a flexion movement performed during the assessment.
2.6. Data processing and analysis
The functional outcome scores were graphically and statistically analyzed through
GraphPad Prism version 9.0. Similarly, the kinesiologic and electrophysiologic data ac-
quired from Vicon and EMG were extracted, processed, and analyzed using MATLAB
(version 2016a, The MathWorks Inc., Natick, MA, USA). The sampling frequency was
2,000 Hz and the filters applied were 10 Hz to 40 Hz during data collection. Different
cutoff frequencies from 10 Hz to 50 Hz had been trialed, and 40 Hz was found to be the
best based on visual inspection. The descriptive analysis (mean ± SD) was calculated for
each phase. The trunk ROM angles were calculated by connecting selected markers at
specific landmarks (Figure 3). A Friedman one-way repeated measures ANOVA with
multiple comparisons was used to compare temporal differences in functional assessment
(mFRT, TCT, and FIST) and ROM among the baseline, post-TSCS+TSR, post-TSR, and the
final follow-up. The root mean square (RMS) value of EMG of each muscle was calculated
in microvolts V), and the above-mentioned repeated measures of ANOVA was used to
show significant improvements. In addition, Spearman correlation analysis was per-
formed to determine the correlation between these assessment parameters (mFRT, TCT,
FIST, EMG, and ROM). A pvalue of 0.05 was set as the statistical level of significance.
Figure 3. The principle of data analysis process of Vicon data for trunk flexion movement: (i) The
erect sitting posture with knees in 90 degrees flexion and feet flat on the floor. For measuring flexion
angle (ii-a) segments C7, S1, and the midline connecting the left knee (LK) and right knee (RK), (ii-
b) an axis connecting the C7, S1 segments with a perpendicular line through the middle of the knees,
(ii-c) flexion movement was performed, and angle measured in degrees (θ). The participant was
allowed to take the required time to successfully and independently complete the movement.
Figure 2.
) Vicon markers positioned over the anatomical bony landmarks of a participant in a
normal straight sitting position; (B) a flexion movement performed during the assessment.
2.6. Data Processing and Analysis
The functional outcome scores were graphically and statistically analyzed through
GraphPad Prism version 9.0. Similarly, the kinesiologic and electrophysiologic data ac-
quired from Vicon and EMG were extracted, processed, and analyzed using MATLAB
Biomedicines 2023,11, 34 6 of 18
(version 2016a, The MathWorks Inc., Natick, MA, USA). The sampling frequency was
2000 Hz
and the filters applied were 10 Hz to 40 Hz during data collection. Different cutoff
frequencies from 10 Hz to 50 Hz had been trialed, and 40 Hz was found to be the best
based on visual inspection. The descriptive analysis (mean
SD) was calculated for each
phase. The trunk ROM angles were calculated by connecting selected markers at specific
landmarks (Figure 3). A Friedman one-way repeated measures ANOVA with multiple
comparisons was used to compare temporal differences in functional assessment (mFRT,
TCT, and FIST) and ROM among the baseline, post-TSCS+TSR, post-TSR, and the final
follow-up. The root mean square (RMS) value of EMG of each muscle was calculated in
microvolts (
V), and the above-mentioned repeated measures of ANOVA was used to
show significant improvements. In addition, Spearman correlation analysis was performed
to determine the correlation between these assessment parameters (mFRT, TCT, FIST, EMG,
and ROM). A p–value of 0.05 was set as the statistical level of significance.
Biomedicines 2022, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 19
Figure 2. (A) Vicon markers positioned over the anatomical bony landmarks of a participant in a
normal straight sitting position; (B) a flexion movement performed during the assessment.
2.6. Data processing and analysis
The functional outcome scores were graphically and statistically analyzed through
GraphPad Prism version 9.0. Similarly, the kinesiologic and electrophysiologic data ac-
quired from Vicon and EMG were extracted, processed, and analyzed using MATLAB
(version 2016a, The MathWorks Inc., Natick, MA, USA). The sampling frequency was
2,000 Hz and the filters applied were 10 Hz to 40 Hz during data collection. Different
cutoff frequencies from 10 Hz to 50 Hz had been trialed, and 40 Hz was found to be the
best based on visual inspection. The descriptive analysis (mean ± SD) was calculated for
each phase. The trunk ROM angles were calculated by connecting selected markers at
specific landmarks (Figure 3). A Friedman one-way repeated measures ANOVA with
multiple comparisons was used to compare temporal differences in functional assessment
(mFRT, TCT, and FIST) and ROM among the baseline, post-TSCS+TSR, post-TSR, and the
final follow-up. The root mean square (RMS) value of EMG of each muscle was calculated
in microvolts V), and the above-mentioned repeated measures of ANOVA was used to
show significant improvements. In addition, Spearman correlation analysis was per-
formed to determine the correlation between these assessment parameters (mFRT, TCT,
FIST, EMG, and ROM). A pvalue of 0.05 was set as the statistical level of significance.
Figure 3. The principle of data analysis process of Vicon data for trunk flexion movement: (i) The
erect sitting posture with knees in 90 degrees flexion and feet flat on the floor. For measuring flexion
angle (ii-a) segments C7, S1, and the midline connecting the left knee (LK) and right knee (RK), (ii-
b) an axis connecting the C7, S1 segments with a perpendicular line through the middle of the knees,
(ii-c) flexion movement was performed, and angle measured in degrees (θ). The participant was
allowed to take the required time to successfully and independently complete the movement.
Figure 3.
The principle of data analysis process of Vicon data for trunk flexion movement: (
) The
erect sitting posture with knees in 90 degrees flexion and feet flat on the floor. For measuring flexion
angle (
) segments C7, S1, and the midline connecting the left knee (LK) and right knee (RK),
) an axis connecting the C7, S1 segments with a perpendicular line through the middle of the
(ii-c) flexion
movement was performed, and angle measured in degrees (
). The partici-
pant was allowed to take the required time to successfully and independently complete the move-
ment. Similarly, measurements for other movements are presented in the Supplementary Materials
(Supplementary Figure S1).
3. Results
3.1. Combinational Treatment Initiated Functional Improvements in Reaching, Trunk Control, and
Sitting Balance
As shown in Figure 4, the overall (mean
SD) forward reach distance (FRD) was
2.0 ±1.6 cm
at the baseline, which increased by 10.3
4.5 cm after TSCS+TSR (to
12.3 ±6.1 cm
and further slightly raised by 1.4
0.7 cm during TSR (to 13.7
6.8 cm), which was main-
tained throughout the follow-up period in the absence of any intervention (to 13.4
6.9 cm).
Statistical analysis showed significant improvements between the baseline and TSCS+TSR
(p= 0.025), TSR (p= 0.024), and follow-up (p= 0.026), respectively. For right lateral reach dis-
tance, the baseline mean
SD was 0.9
0.7 cm, which increased by 3.7
1.8 cm after the
introduction of TSCS+TSR (to 4.6
2.6 cm), followed by a further increment of
1.2 ±0.5 cm
during the TSR training period (to 5.8
3.0 cm), and then reduced to
5.7 ±3.0 cm
at the
final follow-up. Significant improvements were found between the baseline and TSCS+TSR
(p= 0.037), TSR (p= 0.029), and follow-up (p= 0.030), respectively. At the baseline, the left
lateral reach distance was 1.0
0.8 cm, which increased to 4.0
1.7 cm after TSCS+TSR,
and further increased to 4.5
1.96 cm throughout TSR, and then remained constant during
the follow-up period (4.5
2.0 cm). Significant improvements were observed between
the results of the baseline and TSCS+TSR (p= 0.014), TSR (p= 0.016), and follow-up
(p= 0.017), respectively.
As demonstrated in Figure 5A, the overall mean TCT score was 3.0
0.7 at the baseline,
which significantly increased to 11.6
3.4 after TSCS+TSR administration, which increased
further by 1.4
1.1 during TSR to 13.0
4.5, followed by a slight reduction to 12.8
4.1 at
the follow-up period. All these values of TCT were significantly greater than the baseline
values (p< 0.01). Likewise, the overall mean FIST score (Figure 5B) was 12.6
4.5 at the
baseline, which underwent the greatest increase, by 29.0
8.8, after TSCS+TSR, which
Biomedicines 2023,11, 34 7 of 18
further rose to 31.0
9.7 during TSR, with a minor decrease of 0.4
1.3 at the follow-up
period (to 30.6
8.4). All the FIST scores at the follow-ups were significantly larger than
the baseline values (p< 0.01). However, there was no significant difference in the TCT or
FIST scores between TSCS+TSR and TSR, between TSCS+TSR and follow-up, or between
TSR and follow-up.
Biomedicines 2022, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 19
Similarly, measurements for other movements are presented in the Supplementary Materials (Sup-
plementary Figure 1).
3. Results
3.1. Combinational treatment initiated functional improvements in reaching, trunk control, and
sitting balance
As shown in Figure 4, the overall (mean ± SD) forward reach distance (FRD) was 2.0
± 1.6 cm at the baseline, which increased by 10.3 ± 4.5 cm after TSCS+TSR (to 12.3 ± 6.1
cm), and further slightly raised by 1.4 ± 0.7 cm during TSR (to 13.7 ± 6.8 cm), which was
maintained throughout the follow-up period in the absence of any intervention (to 13.4 ±
6.9 cm). Statistical analysis showed significant improvements between the baseline and
TSCS+TSR (p = 0.025), TSR (p = 0.024), and follow-up (p = 0.026), respectively. For right
lateral reach distance, the baseline mean ± SD was 0.9 ± 0.7 cm, which increased by 3.7 ±
1.8 cm after the introduction of TSCS+TSR (to 4.6 ± 2.6 cm), followed by a further incre-
ment of 1.2 ± 0.5 cm during the TSR training period (to 5.8 ± 3.0 cm), and then reduced to
5.7 ± 3.0 cm at the final follow-up. Significant improvements were found between the
baseline and TSCS+TSR (p = 0.037), TSR (p = 0.029), and follow-up (p = 0.030), respectively.
At the baseline, the left lateral reach distance was 1.0 ± 0.8 cm, which increased to 4.0 ± 1.7
cm after TSCS+TSR, and further increased to 4.5 ± 1.96 cm throughout TSR, and then re-
mained constant during the follow-up period (4.5 ± 2.0 cm). Significant improvements
were observed between the results of the baseline and TSCS+TSR (p = 0.014), TSR (p =
0.016), and follow-up (p = 0.017), respectively.
As demonstrated in Figure 5A, the overall mean TCT score was 3.0 ± 0.7 at the base-
line, which significantly increased to 11.6 ± 3.4 after TSCS+TSR administration, which in-
creased further by 1.4 ± 1.1 during TSR to 13.0 ± 4.5, followed by a slight reduction to 12.8
± 4.1 at the follow-up period. All these values of TCT were significantly greater than the
baseline values (p < 0.01). Likewise, the overall mean FIST score (Figure 5B) was 12.6 ± 4.5
at the baseline, which underwent the greatest increase, by 29.0 ± 8.8, after TSCS+TSR,
which further rose to 31.0 ± 9.7 during TSR, with a minor decrease of 0.4 ± 1.3 at the follow-
up period (to 30.6 ± 8.4). All the FIST scores at the follow-ups were significantly larger
than the baseline values (p < 0.01). However, there was no significant difference in the TCT
or FIST scores between TSCS+TSR and TSR, between TSCS+TSR and follow-up, or be-
tween TSR and follow-up.
Figure 4. The increased functional scores of mFRT measured from the baseline. Statistical analysis
was conducted between the baseline with TSCS+TSR, TSR, and follow-up. (A) Forward reach dis-
tance, (B) right lateral reach distance, and (C) left lateral reach distance, respectively, measured for
each participant during the study. mFRT, Modified Functional Reach Test; TSCS, transcutaneous
electrical spinal cord stimulation; TSR, task-specific rehabilitation; F/U, follow-up; * p < 0.05, ** p <
0.01, all in comparison to the baseline value.
Figure 4.
The increased functional scores of mFRT measured from the baseline. Statistical analysis
was conducted between the baseline with TSCS+TSR, TSR, and follow-up. (
) Forward reach distance,
) right lateral reach distance, and (
) left lateral reach distance, respectively, measured for each
participant during the study. mFRT, Modified Functional Reach Test; TSCS, transcutaneous electrical
spinal cord stimulation; TSR, task-specific rehabilitation; F/U, follow-up; * p< 0.05, ** p< 0.01, all in
comparison to the baseline value.
Biomedicines 2022, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 19
Figure 5. The increased functional scores of (A) TCT (024 points) and (B) FIST (056 points) meas-
ured from the baseline for each participant during the study. Statistical analysis was conducted be-
tween the baseline with TSCS+TSR, TSR, and follow-up. TCT, Trunk Control Test; FIST, Function in
Sitting Test; TSCS, transcutaneous electrical spinal cord stimulation; TSR, task-specific rehabilita-
tion; F/U, follow-up; p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, all in comparison to the baseline value.
3.2. Increased trunk range of motion after TSCS+TSR treatment
Figure 6 shows that trunk flexion, extension, left lateral flexion, and bilateral rotation
ROM at TSCS+TSR, TSR, and the final follow-up were significantly higher than the re-
spective baseline values. However, the right trunk lateral flexion underwent significant
improvement in ROM only after TSCS+TSR. Specifically, the overall trunk flexion ROM
was 12.2° ± 4.7° at the baseline, which significantly increased to 23.1° ± 9.0° after
TSCS+TSR, followed by a 3.7° ± 0.4° reduction in motion after TSR (to 19.4° ± 9.37°), which
further decreased by 0.3° ± 1.7° to 19.1° ± 7.7° at the final follow-up. The trunk extension
ROM at the baseline was 5.7° ± 2.0°, which was significantly increased to 12.4° ± 4.5° after
TSCS+TSR, then back to 10.0° ± 4.0°, and then increased to 10.4° ± 3.9° at the follow-up.
Likewise, the trunk right lateral flexion was 5.8° ± 5.6° at the baseline, which significantly
increased to 9.1° ± 5.4° after TSCS+TSR, followed by a decrease to 8.4° ± 5.3° after TSR, and
then to 8.7° ± 5.1° at the follow-up. At the baseline, the left lateral flexion ROM increased
from 6.0° ± 2.8° to 9.8° ± 2.9° after TSCS+TSR, and then decreased to 8.8° ± 2.3° after TSR,
and further dropped to 8.2° ± 2.6° at the follow-up. The right rotation increased from 1.7°
± 2.3° at the baseline to 4.5° ± 2.7° after the TSCS+TSR, then dropped to 3.0° ± 2.2° after
TSR, followed by an increase to 4.1° ± 1.9° at the follow-up. The mean ± SD for left rotation
was 18.4° ± 10.1° at the baseline, which increased by 21.2° ± 3.3° to 39.6° ± 13.4° after
TSCS+TSR, followed by a decrease of 4.3° ± 0.2° to 35.3° ± 13.2° after TSR, and further
reduction to 31.8° ± 8.2° at the follow-up. However, no significant difference was observed
in any trunk ROMs between TSCS+TSR and TSR, between TSCS+TSR and follow-up, or
between TSR and follow-up.
Figure 5.
The increased functional scores of (
) TCT (0–24 points) and (
) FIST (0–56 points) measured
from the baseline for each participant during the study. Statistical analysis was conducted between
the baseline with TSCS+TSR, TSR, and follow-up. TCT, Trunk Control Test; FIST, Function in Sitting
Test; TSCS, transcutaneous electrical spinal cord stimulation; TSR, task-specific rehabilitation; F/U,
follow-up; * p< 0.05, ** p< 0.01, all in comparison to the baseline value.
3.2. Increased Trunk Range of Motion after TSCS+TSR Treatment
Figure 6shows that trunk flexion, extension, left lateral flexion, and bilateral rotation
ROM at TSCS+TSR, TSR, and the final follow-up were significantly higher than the re-
spective baseline values. However, the right trunk lateral flexion underwent significant
improvement in ROM only after TSCS+TSR. Specifically, the overall trunk flexion ROM was
at the baseline, which significantly increased to 23.1
after TSCS+TSR,
followed by a 3.7
reduction in motion after TSR (to 19.4
), which further de-
creased by 0.3
to 19.1
at the final follow-up. The trunk extension ROM at the
baseline was 5.7
, which was significantly increased to 12.4
after TSCS+TSR,
Biomedicines 2023,11, 34 8 of 18
then back to 10.0
, and then increased to 10.4
at the follow-up. Likewise, the
trunk right lateral flexion was 5.8
at the baseline, which significantly increased to
after TSCS+TSR, followed by a decrease to
after TSR, and then to
at the follow-up. At the baseline, the left lateral flexion ROM increased from
to 9.8
after TSCS+TSR, and then decreased to
after TSR,
and further dropped to 8.2
at the follow-up. The right rotation increased from
at the baseline to 4.5
after the TSCS+TSR, then dropped to
after TSR, followed by an increase to 4.1
at the follow-up. The mean
SD for left
rotation was 18.4
at the baseline, which increased by 21.2
after TSCS+TSR, followed by a decrease of 4.3
to 35.3
after TSR, and further
reduction to 31.8
at the follow-up. However, no significant difference was observed
in any trunk ROMs between TSCS+TSR and TSR, between TSCS+TSR and follow-up, or
between TSR and follow-up.
Biomedicines 2022, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 19
Figure 6. The trunk range of motion measured with Vicon for each participant during the study.
Statistical analysis was conducted between the baseline with TSCS+TSR, TSR and follow-up. (A)
Flexion, (B) extension, (C) right lateral flexion, (D) left lateral flexion, (E) right rotation, and (F) left
rotation, respectively. TSCS, transcutaneous electrical spinal cord stimulation; TSR, task-specific re-
habilitation; F/U, follow-up; * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001, non-significant (ns) p > 0.05, all in
comparison to the baseline value.
3.3. Elevated electromyographic response of the trunk muscles
The right latissimus dorsi (Rt LD) and left latissimus dorsi (Lt LD), as well as the right
erector spinae (Rt ES) and left erector spinae (Lt ES) during extension, and the right exter-
nal oblique (Rt EO) and left external oblique (Lt EO) during left rotation, exhibited the
significantly highest EMG amplitude at TSCS+TSR and TSR than the respective baseline
values in comparison to other trunk ROMs, i.e., flexion, bilateral lateral flexion, and right
rotation. However, there was no significant difference observed in the EMG response at
follow-up for Rt LD or Lt LD during extension, as well as for Rt EO and Lt EO for right
rotation and left rotation, and Rt ES during left lateral flexion, respectively, compared with
the baseline values (Table 2). The EMG responses of other trunk ROMs (excluding exten-
sion and left rotation) are presented in the Supplementary Materials (Supplementary Ta-
ble 1). Specifically, the EMG response for extension was 2.20 ± 1.60 µV for Rt LD and 2.57
± 1.81 µV for Lt LD at the baseline, which was significantly increased to 8.86 ± 6.04 µV (Rt
LD) and 9.94 ± 6.70 µV (Lt LD), respectively, after TSCS+TSR, which further reduced to
5.01 ± 3.71 µV (Rt LD) and 5.70 ± 4.86 µV (Lt LD) after TSR. In addition, the EMG values
remained almost unchanged after the follow-up for Rt LD (5.02 ± 3.03 µV) and Lt LD (6.07
± 4.45 µV) in comparison with the baseline value, similar for the subsequent descriptions.
Likewise, the EMG values during extension were 1.62 ± 0.95 µV (Rt ES) and 1.79 ± 1.25 µV
(Lt ES) at the baseline, and increased to 6.93 ± 6.32 µV (Rt ES) and 7.53 ± 5.47 µV (Lt ES),
respectively, after TSCS+TSR, followed by a further decrement to 4.11 ± 2.68 µV (Rt ES)
and 4.57 ± 3.02 µV (Lt ES) after TSR. Additionally, the EMG amplitude remained almost
unchanged after the follow-up for Rt ES (4.19 ± 2.58 µV) and Lt ES (4.69 ± 2.97 µV). For
left rotation, the EMG response was 1.55 ± 0.93 µV for Rt EO and 2.07 ± 1.17 µV for Lt EO
at the baseline, which significantly increased to 6.86 ± 3.94 µV (Rt EO) and 13.47 ± 7.49 µV
(Lt EO) after TSCS+TSR, respectively, and further reduced to 6.06 ± 3.38 µV (Rt EO) and
12.06 ± 6.73 µV (Lt EO) after TSR, which remained almost consistent after the follow-up
Figure 6.
The trunk range of motion measured with Vicon for each participant during the study. Sta-
tistical analysis was conducted between the baseline with TSCS+TSR, TSR and follow-up. (
) Flexion,
) extension, (
) right lateral flexion, (
) left lateral flexion, (
) right rotation, and (
) left rotation,
respectively. TSCS, transcutaneous electrical spinal cord stimulation; TSR, task-specific rehabilitation;
F/U, follow-up; * p< 0.05, ** p< 0.01, *** p< 0.001, non-significant (ns) p> 0.05, all in comparison to
the baseline value.
3.3. Elevated Electromyographic Response of the Trunk Muscles
The right latissimus dorsi (Rt LD) and left latissimus dorsi (Lt LD), as well as the right
erector spinae (Rt ES) and left erector spinae (Lt ES) during extension, and the right external
oblique (Rt EO) and left external oblique (Lt EO) during left rotation, exhibited the signifi-
cantly highest EMG amplitude at TSCS+TSR and TSR than the respective baseline values
in comparison to other trunk ROMs, i.e., flexion, bilateral lateral flexion, and right rotation.
However, there was no significant difference observed in the EMG response at follow-up for
Rt LD or Lt LD during extension, as well as for Rt EO and Lt EO for right rotation and left ro-
tation, and Rt ES during left lateral flexion, respectively, compared with the baseline values
(Table 2). The EMG responses of other trunk ROMs (excluding extension and left rotation)
are presented in the Supplementary Materials (
Supplementary Table S1
). Specifically, the
Biomedicines 2023,11, 34 9 of 18
EMG response for extension was 2.20
V for Rt LD and
2.57 ±1.81 µV
for Lt LD at
the baseline, which was significantly increased to 8.86
V (Rt LD) and
9.94 ±6.70 µV
(Lt LD), respectively, after TSCS+TSR, which further reduced to
5.01 ±3.71 µV
(Rt LD) and
V (Lt LD) after TSR. In addition, the EMG values remained almost unchanged
after the follow-up for Rt LD (5.02
V) and Lt LD (6.07
V) in comparison
with the baseline value, similar for the subsequent descriptions. Likewise, the EMG values
during extension were 1.62
V (Rt ES) and 1.79
V (Lt ES) at the baseline,
and increased to 6.93
V (Rt ES) and 7.53
V (Lt ES), respectively, after
TSCS+TSR, followed by a further decrement to 4.11
V (Rt ES) and
4.57 ±3.02 µV
(Lt ES) after TSR. Additionally, the EMG amplitude remained almost unchanged after
the follow-up for Rt ES (4.19
V) and Lt ES (4.69
V). For left rotation, the
EMG response was 1.55
V for Rt EO and 2.07
V for Lt EO at the baseline,
which significantly increased to 6.86
V (Rt EO) and 13.47
V (Lt EO) after
TSCS+TSR, respectively, and further reduced to 6.06
V (Rt EO) and
12.06 ±6.73 µV
(Lt EO) after TSR, which remained almost consistent after the follow-up period for Rt EO
V) and Lt EO (11.19
V), respectively. Furthermore, no significant
difference was observed in EMG amplitudes for any trunk ROMs between TSCS+TSR and
TSR, between TSCS+TSR and follow-up, or between TSR and follow-up.
Table 2. The responses recorded from trunk muscles measured through EMG.
Study Timeline
Rt. ES Lt. ES Rt. LD Lt. LD
Mean ±SD p-Value Mean ±SD p-Value Mean ±SD p-Value Mean ±SD p-Value
Baseline 1.62 ±0.95 - 1.79 ±1.25 - 2.20 ±1.60 - 2.57 ±1.81 -
TSCS+TSR 6.93 ±6.32 * 7.53 ±5.47 * 8.86 ±6.04 *** 9.94 ±6.70 *
TSR 4.11 ±2.68 *** 4.57 ±3.02 *** 5.01 ±3.71 *** 5.70 ±4.86 *
Follow-up 4.19 ±2.58 *** 4.69 ±2.97 *** 5.02 ±3.03 ns 6.07 ±4.45 ***
Study timeline
Left rotation
Rt. EO Lt. EO
Mean ±SD p-Value Mean ±SD p-Value
Baseline 1.55 ±0.93 - 2.07 ±1.17 -
TSCS+TSR 6.86 ±3.94 * 13.47 ±7.49 *
TSR 6.06 ±3.38 * 12.06 ±6.73 *
Follow-up 5.84 ±3.40 * 11.19 ±6.23 *
LD, latissimus dorsi; ES, erector spinae; EO, external oblique; Rt, right; Lt, left; Lat, lateral; SD, standard deviation;
TSCS, transcutaneous electrical spinal cord stimulation; TSR, task-specific rehabilitation; * p< 0.05, *** p< 0.001,
non-significant (ns) p> 0.05, all in comparison with the baseline value.
3.4. Improvements of Trunk Control and Function in Sitting after Combinational Treatment
The functional improvements of trunk control and function in sitting were correlated
with each other (Figure 7), demonstrating a strong positive correlation between the TCT
and FIST after TSCS+TSR (R
= 0.916, p= 0.001). Similarly, the TCT and mFRT (R
= 0.774,
p= 0.017), TCT and EMG (R
= 0.743, p= 0.009), EMG and ROM (R
= 0.626, p= 0.004), and
= 0.746, p= 0.0125), respectively, exhibited mild positive correlations
after the TSCS+TSR. Conversely, FIST and mFRT (R
= 0.305, p= 0.009), EMG and mFRT
= 0.233, p= 0.047), and TSR and TSCS+TSR (R
= 0.217, p= 0.094) displayed weak
correlations following TSCS+TSR.
3.5. Treatment Effect on Sensorimotor Recovery
The ISNCSCI underwent some changes in the sensorimotor scores, but the neurological
level of injury and AIS remained unchanged (Supplementary Table S2). Figure 8shows that
for ISNCSCI, a participant (P1) revealed an increase of 8 points and 18 points in response
to light touch and pinprick sensation (68/64 to 76/82), respectively, while P3 showed
Biomedicines 2023,11, 34 10 of 18
a 4-point elevation in response to pinprick sensation (64/64 to 64/68) after TSCS+TSR.
Moreover, throughout TSR and the follow-up period, the increased motor and sensory
scores remained unchanged. However, over the entire study period, there was no change
in ISNCSCI scores for P2, P4, or P5.
Biomedicines 2022, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 19
period for Rt EO (5.84 ± 3.40 µV) and Lt EO (11.19 ± 6.23 µV), respectively. Furthermore,
no significant difference was observed in EMG amplitudes for any trunk ROMs between
TSCS+TSR and TSR, between TSCS+TSR and follow-up, or between TSR and follow-up.
Table 2. The responses recorded from trunk muscles measured through EMG.
Study time-
Rt. ES
Lt. ES
Rt. LD
Lt. LD
Mean ± SD
Mean ± SD
Mean ± SD
Mean ± SD
1.62 ± 0.95
1.79 ± 1.25
2.20 ± 1.60
2.57 ± 1.81
6.93 ± 6.32
7.53 ± 5.47
8.86 ± 6.04
9.94 ± 6.70
4.11 ± 2.68
4.57 ± 3.02
5.01 ± 3.71
5.70 ± 4.86
4.19 ± 2.58
4.69 ± 2.97
5.02 ± 3.03
6.07 ± 4.45
Study timeline
Left rotation
Rt. EO
Lt. EO
Mean ± SD
Mean ± SD
1.55 ± 0.93
2.07 ± 1.17
6.86 ± 3.94
13.47 ± 7.49
6.06 ± 3.38
12.06 ± 6.73
5.84 ± 3.40
11.19 ± 6.23
LD, latissimus dorsi; ES, erector spinae; EO, external oblique; Rt, right; Lt, left; Lat, lateral; SD, stand-
ard deviation; TSCS, transcutaneous electrical spinal cord stimulation; TSR, task-specific rehabilita-
tion; p < 0.05, ⁎⁎ p < 0.01, ⁎⁎ p < 0.001, non-significant (ns) p > 0.05, all in comparison with the
baseline value.
3.4. Improvements of trunk control and function in sitting after combinational treatment
The functional improvements of trunk control and function in sitting were correlated
with each other (Figure 7), demonstrating a strong positive correlation between the TCT
and FIST after TSCS+TSR (R2 = 0.916, p = 0.001). Similarly, the TCT and mFRT (R2 = 0.774,
p = 0.017), TCT and EMG (R2 = 0.743, p = 0.009), EMG and ROM (R2 = 0.626, p = 0.004), and
FIST and EMG (R2 = 0.746, p = 0.0125), respectively, exhibited mild positive correlations
after the TSCS+TSR. Conversely, FIST and mFRT (R2 = 0.305, p = 0.009), EMG and mFRT
(R2 = 0.233, p = 0.047), and TSR and TSCS+TSR (R2 = 0.217, p = 0.094) displayed weak cor-
relations following TSCS+TSR.
Figure 7. The correlation between the functional improvements regarding the Trunk Control Test
(TCT) and Function in Sitting Test (FIST).
Figure 7.
The correlation between the functional improvements regarding the Trunk Control Test
(TCT) and Function in Sitting Test (FIST).
Biomedicines 2022, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 19
3.5. Treatment effect on sensorimotor recovery
The ISNCSCI underwent some changes in the sensorimotor scores, but the neurolog-
ical level of injury and AIS remained unchanged (Supplementary Table 2). Figure 8 shows
that for ISNCSCI, a participant (P1) revealed an increase of 8 points and 18 points in re-
sponse to light touch and pinprick sensation (68/64 to 76/82), respectively, while P3
showed a 4-point elevation in response to pinprick sensation (64/64 to 64/68) after
TSCS+TSR. Moreover, throughout TSR and the follow-up period, the increased motor and
sensory scores remained unchanged. However, over the entire study period, there was no
change in ISNCSCI scores for P2, P4, or P5.
Figure 8. The International Standards for Neurological Classification of Spinal Cord Injury
(ISNCSCI) scores with light touch and pinprick sensory sub-scores obtained in this study.
3.6. The impact of treatment frequency on functional outcome
The frequency of treatment delivered to the study participants is illustrated in Figure
9, where P1, P2, and P4 received the intervention thrice per week with C6-, C7-, and C5-
level cervical cord injuries, respectively. P3, who attended once a week, had a SCI at the
C5 level. Furthermore, P5, who participated twice a week, had a C4 SCI. P1 and P2 im-
proved the most in regard to mFRT (forward reach), TCT, and FIST. Additionally, P4, who
attended the same treatment sessions as P1 and P2, presented with minimal improvement,
relative to P1 and P2, in comparison to the increased functional scores. Interestingly, P3
scored better than P5 in terms of the above functional outcome measures. However, their
injury levels differed from each other. Additionally, P3, who received fewer weekly ses-
sions, improved more than P4, although they had the same injury level. Furthermore, P1
and P2 were able to independently perform transfers from their wheelchairs to their beds
and vice versa, using a sliding board, under the supervision and assistance of caregivers.
They also reported feeling more secure and having less fear of falling.
Figure 8.
The International Standards for Neurological Classification of Spinal Cord Injury (ISNCSCI)
scores with light touch and pinprick sensory sub-scores obtained in this study.
3.6. The Impact of Treatment Frequency on Functional Outcome
The frequency of treatment delivered to the study participants is illustrated in Figure 9,
where P1, P2, and P4 received the intervention thrice per week with C6-, C7-, and C5-level
cervical cord injuries, respectively. P3, who attended once a week, had a SCI at the C5 level.
Furthermore, P5, who participated twice a week, had a C4 SCI. P1 and P2 improved the
most in regard to mFRT (forward reach), TCT, and FIST. Additionally, P4, who attended
the same treatment sessions as P1 and P2, presented with minimal improvement, relative
to P1 and P2, in comparison to the increased functional scores. Interestingly, P3 scored
better than P5 in terms of the above functional outcome measures. However, their injury
levels differed from each other. Additionally, P3, who received fewer weekly sessions,
Biomedicines 2023,11, 34 11 of 18
improved more than P4, although they had the same injury level. Furthermore, P1 and P2
were able to independently perform transfers from their wheelchairs to their beds and vice
versa, using a sliding board, under the supervision and assistance of caregivers. They also
reported feeling more secure and having less fear of falling.
Biomedicines 2022, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 19
Figure 9. The increased functional scores based on treatment frequency obtained by the participants
(cervical cord injury level: C4, C5, C6, C7) during the functional assessment of Modified Functional
Reach Test (mFRT), Trunk Control Test (TCT), and Function in Sitting Test (FIST). A higher score
indicates an improvement in function.
4. Discussion
The present investigation examined the effects of combining TSCS and TSR treatment
on trunk control and sitting function in individuals with complete cervical SCI. The study
demonstrates that the combined intervention (TSCS+TSR) could improve trunk stability
along with static and dynamic sitting balance in people with complete tetraplegia. The
results substantiate that all participants trunk control and sitting function progressively
improved during TSCS+TSR, no matter whether they received one, two, or three treat-
ment sessions per week with an injury at C4, C5, C6, or C7 level. In addition, functional
improvements were maintained throughout the subsequent TSR and follow-up periods,
demonstrating positive long-term treatment effects. Our findings highlight that trunk re-
covery is possible even in people with chronic complete cervical SCI, and the functional
gains can be achieved using TSCS+TSR.
4.1. Functional reaching ability in sitting
TSCS+TSR can enhance the forward reaching ability of people with SCI, which is es-
sential in order for wheelchair users to accomplish everyday tasks [50]. The present study
reported an increase in FRD (10.3 ± 4.5 cm) after TSCS+TSR, which enabled the partici-
pants to reach objects placed in front of them. Additionally, the lateral reach distances also
increased to assist the maintenance of trunk balance. Prior research demonstrated that
implanted electrical stimulation in SCI individuals with thoracic-level injuries exhibited
improved FRD (5.5 ± 6.6 cm) in sitting [8]. Another study revealed that people with tho-
racic SCI receiving epidural stimulation displayed increased FRD, while lateral reach
lengths remained unchanged [51]. The current results support these findings; addition-
ally, the lateral reach distances also significantly increased. It has been previously revealed
that those with higher FRD exhibited greater sitting control and postural stability [50].
Likewise, the current investigation indicates that participants with increased FRD demon-
strated improved trunk and sitting function. This may assist clinicians to individualize
exercise regimens to improve the wheelchair-based ADL of people with SCI based on their
abilities [45]. Prior research showed that off and on epidural spinal cord stimulation
settings affected the reach lengths, where the individuals reaching abilities returned to
normal when the stimulator was switched off, but the FRD increased while the stimulator
was on [51]. However, the present study shows that the increased reaching distances
Figure 9.
The increased functional scores based on treatment frequency obtained by the participants
(cervical cord injury level: C4, C5, C6, C7) during the functional assessment of Modified Functional
Reach Test (mFRT), Trunk Control Test (TCT), and Function in Sitting Test (FIST). A higher score
indicates an improvement in function.
4. Discussion
The present investigation examined the effects of combining TSCS and TSR treatment
on trunk control and sitting function in individuals with complete cervical SCI. The study
demonstrates that the combined intervention (TSCS+TSR) could improve trunk stability
along with static and dynamic sitting balance in people with complete tetraplegia. The
results substantiate that all participants trunk control and sitting function progressively
improved during TSCS+TSR, no matter whether they received one, two, or three treatment
sessions per week with an injury at C4, C5, C6, or C7 level. In addition, functional
improvements were maintained throughout the subsequent TSR and follow-up periods,
demonstrating positive long-term treatment effects. Our findings highlight that trunk
recovery is possible even in people with chronic complete cervical SCI, and the functional
gains can be achieved using TSCS+TSR.
4.1. Functional Reaching Ability in Sitting
TSCS+TSR can enhance the forward reaching ability of people with SCI, which is
essential in order for wheelchair users to accomplish everyday tasks [
]. The present
study reported an increase in FRD (10.3
4.5 cm) after TSCS+TSR, which enabled the
participants to reach objects placed in front of them. Additionally, the lateral reach distances
also increased to assist the maintenance of trunk balance. Prior research demonstrated that
implanted electrical stimulation in SCI individuals with thoracic-level injuries exhibited
improved FRD (5.5
6.6 cm) in sitting [
]. Another study revealed that people with
thoracic SCI receiving epidural stimulation displayed increased FRD, while lateral reach
lengths remained unchanged [
]. The current results support these findings; additionally,
the lateral reach distances also significantly increased. It has been previously revealed
that those with higher FRD exhibited greater sitting control and postural stability [
Likewise, the current investigation indicates that participants with increased FRD demon-
strated improved trunk and sitting function. This may assist clinicians to individualize
Biomedicines 2023,11, 34 12 of 18
exercise regimens to improve the wheelchair-based ADL of people with SCI based on their
abilities [
]. Prior research showed that “off and on” epidural spinal cord stimulation settings
affected the reach lengths, where the individuals reaching abilities returned to normal when
the stimulator was switched off, but the FRD increased while the stimulator was on [
However, the present study shows that the increased reaching distances following TSCS+TSR
were maintained even in the absence of further stimulation during the follow-up period.
4.2. Trunk Control and Seated Postural Stability
While falls have been reported in up to 75% of people with SCI, lack of trunk control is
the predominant reason for falls in these individuals [
]. As trunk stability is a significant
contributor to falls, rehabilitation programs should aim to increase sitting balance [
Interestingly, the present results indicate that TSCS+TSR could improve static trunk control
in all participants, with the ability to sit independently with or without support of the upper
limbs, while dynamic trunk control was restored in two participants. Therefore, improved
trunk control could reduce the risk of falling from a wheelchair. Although a chest strap
is beneficial for stabilizing the trunk of individuals with paraplegia in a wheelchair, it is
only a temporary external method [
]. Given that TSCS+TSR could improve independent
sitting and trunk function with increased FRD in people with tetraplegia, this method may
complement or even replace traditional techniques such as chest straps, seating adjustments,
and other manual support. The promising results suggest that this intervention may
have the potential to help individuals with tetraplegia to turn in bed, which is critical in
preventing the development of pressure injuries.
Sitting stability is essential for the functioning of those who cannot stand. The inability
to complete transfer tasks may limit an individual’s independence in a wheelchair, thereby
interfering with ADL [
]. It was thought that a decrease or increase in trunk strength might
predict sitting balance in people with SCI, although this premise remains inconclusive [
Our outcomes show that individuals with a lower cervical SCI displayed greater recovery
in seated function, trunk strength, and sitting stability than those with a higher cervical SCI.
A recent study using TSCS also showed an immediate effect on the upright sitting ability of
SCI individuals that improved trunk stability and maintained sitting balance [
]. However,
participants in that study had less severe injuries, and the level of injury was lower than that of
our participants. That said, three of our participants reported improvements in their ability to
propel their wheelchairs. They switched from motorized wheelchairs to manual wheelchairs.
4.3. Trunk Muscle EMG Response and Range of Motion
TSCS can increase trunk muscle activity and active ROM. Individuals with SCI above
the L1 level experience trunk instability due to impaired trunk musculature [
]. A recent
study showed that TSCS significantly increased the EMG response of the ES, RA, and EO
muscles, which promoted trunk stability and sitting balance in people with chronic SCI [
These findings concur with those of the current study. Although invasive functional elec-
trical stimulation (FES) together with therapeutic exercise increased trunk muscle tone
and improved dynamic sitting stability, the effects reverted without FES [
]. Conversely,
our participants demonstrated increased EMG responses in ES, EO, LD, and trunk ROM
(maximum for flexion and rotation) following 12 weeks of TSCS+TSR. These effects per-
sisted even without further stimulation. Previous research showed that stimulating trunk
muscles with TSCS for thoracic-level SCI resulted in an increased mean trunk extension by
in sitting [
], whereas the current study yielded an even greater increased mean
extension of 12.4
. Collectively, these EMG changes may indicate the initial stage of
neuromuscular recovery [
], which may result in further functional improvements with
prolonged treatment. Interestingly, the right rotation (4.5
) was significantly lower
than the left rotation (39.6
). A prior study reported that an individual who had right
hand dominance before the SCI showed greater gains in relation to right hand function than
the left side after bimanual task-oriented training, likely due to hand dominance [
]. As such,
it was possible that hand dominance might contribute to the current findings. However, a
Biomedicines 2023,11, 34 13 of 18
recent study on sensorimotor and functional recovery between dominant and non-dominant
upper extremities showed no significant differences in outcomes [
]. Therefore, further
research is required to determine the veracity of this statement.
4.4. TSCS and TSR for Sensorimotor Improvement
In recent years, TSCS has become increasingly popular as a treatment option for people
living with SCI. During locomotion training, TSCS has demonstrated exceptional gains
in motor performance that were previously believed to be unattainable for individuals
with chronic SCI [
]. Researchers have hypothesized that TSCS may have long-term
benefits even in cases of complete SCI [
]. The TSCS treatment has shown continual
improvements in locomotion [
], standing [
], upper extremity function [
], and sitting
posture [
] in individuals with SCI. A few studies have also reported the immediate
effects of TSCS on maintaining postural stability in people with SCI [
]. The present
study adds to the findings of previous studies [
] by demonstrating that TSCS+TSR
induced sustainable improvement in trunk function in people with complete tetraplegia.
Our findings may assist clinicians and rehabilitation experts in the planning of trunk
rehabilitation programs for individuals with complete tetraplegia to enhance patients’
trunk stability and sitting balance.
Furthermore, the effects of TSCS on the sensory functions of the study participants
revealed that pinprick and light touch sensations were improved, particularly in P1, with no
prognosis at the neurological level. This may be attributed to the fact that individuals with
SCI often reach a plateau in their spontaneous physical recovery approximately 1.5 years
after SCI [
]. While most of our participants were 2–19 years post-SCI, for P1, post-SCI
injury duration was 1.5 years. This could be one of the potential causes of the sensory im-
provement in P1 only. Further studies are needed to confirm this hypothesis. A prior study
reported similar outcomes, where no change in ISNCSCI scores was observed in individu-
als with complete SCI (AIS A) [
]. Some studies showed improvements in neurological
levels. However, the recovery was demonstrated in people with incomplete SCI [
Simultaneously, motor function improvements have been observed in individuals with
complete SCI, but evidence on clinical prognosis is lacking [61].
The present study also shows that people with complete tetraplegia are unlikely
to recover by TSR alone. This statement is supported by a review study evaluating the
effectiveness of TSR for improving independent sitting and standing function in people
with chronic SCI, which highlighted the minimal effect of TSR on functional recovery [
Indeed, little benefit to motor improvement has been reported in people with incomplete
], and another review paper presented little evidence on the benefit of conventional
therapeutic exercise for increasing motor strength after SCI [
]. The current study findings
support the above statements, where no significant improvements were observed when the
TSR treatment was administered alone.
Research suggests that the combination of neuromodulation with a specific rehabilita-
tion approach may recover adequate function after SCI [
]. The current findings support
this notion, where significant improvements were seen after TSCS+TSR. Interestingly, the
findings indicate that TSCS with TSR increased trunk stability and improved sitting bal-
ance, which assisted the study participants to advance the functional tasks (such as being
able to perform rolling, accomplish transfer tasks, achieve progression in spinal mobility
functions, and maintain erect sitting posture) independently or with minimal assistance.
The impact of treatment frequency on functional outcome shows that improvement varied
between individuals. These differences in existing functional outcome may be related to
SCI level. Participants with lower tetraplegia had significantly more improvement than
those with higher tetraplegia, despite attending similar treatment sessions. Given that a
participant (P3) with lower cervical SCI, who attended fewer treatment sessions than an-
other participant (P1) with higher cervical SCI, had better improvements, it is possible that
improvement depends on the SCI level of neurological damage rather than the frequency
Biomedicines 2023,11, 34 14 of 18
of treatment. Future research should evaluate whether continuous intervention sessions
may yield further recovery.
4.5. Relationship between Functional Improvement of mFRT, TCT, and FIST
The TCT and FIST were found to have a stronger correlation than other assessment
parameters. Both TCT and FIST assessments have several trunk-based static and dynamic
balancing assessments. These activities provide a more stable sitting position [
Therefore, when the trunk control is increased, the sitting function will also improve. This
may explain their strong correlation in the current study. The mFRT did not show a strong
correlation with other outcome measures. Daily activities or functional movements require
a wide range of motions. Forward or lateral body movements alone may not accurately
reflect the functional ability of an individual [
]. A prior study also found no correlation
between mFRT and the mobility assessment of spinal cord independence measure III in
people with chronic SCI [
]. Similarly, the lack of correlation between ROM and other
functional assessment parameters in our study may be because SCI individual’s ability to
flex or extend their trunks had no effect on sitting stability [
]. Specifically, prolonged
sitting in a wheel chair may lead to the development of a C-shaped spinal sagittal profile
in people with SCI due to hyperkyphosis, hypolordosis, and a posterior pelvic tilt, which
could affect sitting stability [
]. In fact, trunk muscle strength and endurance [
pelvic alignment [
], and forward reaching ability together are the determinants of seated
performance [
]. Therefore, improved ROM alone may not result in the corresponding
improvement in sitting ability.
4.6. Study Limitations and Indications for Future Research
The research described herein has several limitations. First, the participants had vary-
ing levels of tetraplegia, which affected their ability to perform motor tasks to different
extents. Although motor improvements were observed in all of the study participants re-
gardless of the number of treatment sessions, greater functional gain was observed in those
with lower levels of tetraplegia. Second, the participants were recruited via convenience
sampling, which might lead to selection bias. Third, because one participant with C4 SCI
(AIS A) had a sudden increase in blood pressure, the training was hampered by the need
for frequent pauses to avoid autonomic dysreflexia. Fourth, one participant developed skin
rashes after stimulation, which required a week to recover, necessitating the suspension of
training for a week. To successfully complete all sessions, the treatment time was prolonged
for that participant. Fifth, because the data collection was performed by the same investigator,
there was a possibility of some bias. It was difficult to blind the participants because they
underwent the treatment. Given the difficulty of double blinding, we adopted single blinding,
where the rater was blinded in order to reduce the potential bias.
Despite our promising results, the mechanisms underlying the combined treatment
effects remain unknown. One possible mechanism could be that supraspinal adaptations
significantly improve balance performance following externally challenged balance training
which is facilitated by a feed-forward mechanism [
]. Since the posterior root reflexes
were not studied, the investigators did not know which structures were activated by the
stimulation and parameters used [
]. Future studies should investigate the mechanisms
and posterior root reflexes. Furthermore, future research should validate the current
findings in a larger sample from a wider geographic region. Randomized controlled
trial studies are warranted to compare the effects of TSCS+TSR and TSR alone under
different treatment regimens with adjustment for various confounders (e.g., body mass
index, duration of injury, residual upper limb function, and grasp function) in order to
inform clinical practice. Future work should also evaluate the effects of TSCS+TSR on the
quality of life of people with chronic complete cervical SCI.
Biomedicines 2023,11, 34 15 of 18
5. Conclusions
The current study demonstrates that 12 weeks of TSCS+TSR treatment significantly
improved functional reach distance and trunk muscle activation in multiple directions
among individuals with chronic complete cervical SCI. These improvements persisted even
after TSCS had been stopped for 18 weeks. The resulting increase in sitting balance may
reduce the risk of falling from a wheelchair and improve functional independence when
carrying out the purposeful tasks in sitting. The findings may be considered preliminary,
and future studies should determine the optimal treatment regimen and duration to attain
the maximum long-term treatment effects.
Supplementary Materials:
The following supporting information can be downloaded at: https://, Figure S1: The detailed analysis process
of Vicon involves connecting selected markers at specific anatomical landmarks; Table S1: The
responses recorded from trunk muscles measured through EMG; Table S2: The ISNCSCI classification
of the participants.
Author Contributions:
Conceptualization, N.S.T., M.A. and Y.-P.Z.; investigation, N.S.T., Y.T.L.,
A.Y.W. and M.A.; writing—original draft preparation, N.S.T.; writing—reviewing and editing, N.S.T.,
M.A., Y.T.L., A.Y.W. and Y.-P.Z.; project administration, Y.-P.Z.; funding acquisition, M.A. and Y.-P.Z.
All authors have read and agreed to the final version of the manuscript.
The work was supported by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (UAKB) and the
Telefield Charitable Fund (ZH3V).
Institutional Review Board Statement:
The study was conducted in accordance with the Declara-
tion of Helsinki, and approved by the Human Subjects Ethics Sub-Committee of The Hong Kong
Polytechnic University (Reference no: HSEARS20190201002-01).
Informed Consent Statement:
Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Written informed consent has been obtained from the patient(s) to publish this paper if applicable.
Data Availability Statement:
The data generated from this work can be obtained from the corre-
sponding author upon reasonable request.
We are grateful to the participants and their caregivers for their efforts and
commitment throughout the experiments. Our special thanks go to Lyn Wong for her support toward
the success of our research. We also thank Mohammad Akhlasur Rahman and Vaheh Nazari for
their valuable contributions in this study. This paper is an extended version of our conference paper
published in Artificial Organs, Volume 45, Issue 3, Page E42.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... Actually, postural rehabilitation to improve trunk function has been identified as one of the highest priorities for optimizing the recovery of SCI individuals. While transcutaneous spinal cord stimulation (tSCS) shows promise as a treatment for trunk stability in subjects with cervical spinal cord injuries, it is important to note that this technique is still in the early stages of development [19,17,8]. When tSCS was applied at Th11-12 and/or L1-L2, there was an improvement in trunk and sitting functions with increased static and dynamic balance [19]. ...
... While transcutaneous spinal cord stimulation (tSCS) shows promise as a treatment for trunk stability in subjects with cervical spinal cord injuries, it is important to note that this technique is still in the early stages of development [19,17,8]. When tSCS was applied at Th11-12 and/or L1-L2, there was an improvement in trunk and sitting functions with increased static and dynamic balance [19]. The application of tSCS also increased trunk extension, enabled upright sitting posture and improved ability to perform transfers [8], and increased unilateral reaching [17]. ...
... They reported increased trunk extension, enabled upright sitting posture. Tharu et al. (2022) [19] included just five subjects with chronic complete cervical SCI participated in 24-week therapy that combined tSCS and conventional task-specific rehabilitation (TSR) in the first 12 weeks, followed by TSR alone for another 12 weeks. tSCS was delivered simultaneously at T11 and L1 spinal levels, at a frequency ranging from 20-30 Hz with 0.1-1.0 ...
... In this study, T10-T11 and T12-L1 segments were stimulated using two specifically designed constant current stimulators (DS8R, Digitimer, Welwyn Garden City, UK) and a function generator (AFG1022, manufactured by Tektronix, Inc., Beaverton, OR, USA) that triggered the stimulators and produced a 10 kHz burst signal delivered at 30 Hz [13,27,28]. The stimulation parameters were set at the start of each session and were kept constant throughout the session. ...
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Background: The recovery of locomotion is greatly prioritized, and neuromodulation has been emerging as a promising approach in recent times. Study design: Single-subject research designSettings: A laboratory at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Objectives: To investigate the effects of augmenting activity-based therapy (ABT) to transcutaneous electrical spinal cord stimulation (TSCS) on enhancing specific lower limb muscle strength and improving locomotor ability in an individual with chronic incomplete spinal cord injury (iSCI). Methods: An individual with iSCI underwent two phases of treatment, ABT alone followed by combined ABT+TSCS, each for a period of 10 weeks. The TSCS stimulated T10-T11 and T12-L1 segments with a frequency of 30 Hz at an intensity between 105 mA and 130 mA. Manual muscle testing, 6 min walk test (6MWT), and surface electromyography (EMG) responses of specific lower limb muscles were measured. Additionally, spasticity and sensorimotor examinations were conducted every two weeks, while pain tolerance was recorded after each treatment session. Results: After the ABT+TSCS treatment, there was an increase in overall muscle strength grading (from 1.8 ± 0.3 to 2.2 ± 0.6 out of 5.0). The 6MWT showed a greater increase in walking distance (3.5 m to 10 m) after combined treatment than ABT alone. In addition, the EMG response of the anterior rectus femoris, biceps femoris, medial gastrocnemius, and tibialis anterior after ABT+TSCS increased more than after ABT alone. The spasticity grade was reduced (from 0.8 ± 0.7 to 0.5 ± 0.6) whereas the average lower limb motor score increased from 17 to 23 points. No adverse effects were reported. Conclusions: ABT+TSCS increased the target-specific lower limb muscle strength and walking ability more than ABT alone in an individual with chronic iSCI.
... In contrast, within the technologies used in the selected articles, we can distinguish technologies used for electrical stimulation (ES), systems that enhance different types of feedback for improving performance, and robotic training technologies. ES is widely used in SCI, with beneficial effects on trunk control and trunk muscles' activity [120,123,124]. It has also been proven to be beneficial for stroke patients, as it improves both trunk control and standing balance [69,102]. ...
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Objective: The purpose of this scoping review is to provide valuable insights for clinicians and researchers for designing rehabilitative interventions targeting the trunk and core for individuals who have experienced traumatic events, such as stroke or spinal cord injury, or are grappling with neurological diseases such as multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease. We investigated training methods used to enhance balance, trunk control, and core stability. Methods: We conducted an extensive literature search across several electronic databases, including Web of Science, PubMed, SCOPUS, Google Scholar, and IEEE Xplore. Results: A total of 109 articles met the inclusion criteria and were included in this review. The results shed light on the diversity of rehabilitation methods that target the trunk and core. These methods have demonstrated effectiveness in improving various outcomes, including balance, trunk control, gait, the management of trunk muscles, overall independence, and individuals’ quality of life. Conclusions: Our scoping review provides an overview on the methods and technologies employed in trunk rehabilitation and core strengthening, offering insights into the added value of core training and specific robotic training, focusing on the importance of different types of feedback to enhance training effectiveness.
... Tharu et al. compared the effects of a neuromodulation technique, transcutaneous electrical spinal cord stimulation, with a physiotherapy technique, conventional task-specific rehabilitation, in patients with spinal cord injuries, demonstrating that both treatments induce functional recovery [25]. ...
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Traumatic injuries of the spinal cord (SCIs) are still pathologies with a disastrous outcome [...]
... Another study utilising combined transcutaneous electrical spinal cord stimulation and task-specific exercise for trunk function showed increased forward reaching distance, together with increased activity of a number of trunk muscles, including obliques, rectus abdominis, and latissimus dorsi 48 . However, while our participants improved their reaching distance, we did not observe increased EMG activity of the thoracic ES during forward reaching after the training. ...
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Arm cycling is used for cardiorespiratory rehabilitation but its therapeutic effects on the neural control of the trunk after spinal cord injury (SCI) remain unclear. We investigated the effects of single session of arm cycling on corticospinal excitability, and the feasibility of home-based arm cycling exercise training on volitional control of the erector spinae (ES) in individuals with incomplete SCI. Using transcranial magnetic stimulation, we assessed motor evoked potentials (MEPs) in the ES before and after 30 min of arm cycling in 15 individuals with SCI and 15 able-bodied controls (Experiment 1). Both groups showed increased ES MEP size after the arm cycling. The participants with SCI subsequently underwent a 6-week home-based arm cycling exercise training (Experiment 2). MEP amplitudes and activity of the ES, and movements of the trunk during reaching, self-initiated rapid shoulder flexion, and predicted external perturbation tasks were measured. After the training, individuals with SCI reached further and improved trajectory of the trunk during the rapid shoulder flexion task, accompanied by increased ES activity and MEP amplitudes. Exercise adherence was excellent. We demonstrate preserved corticospinal drive after a single arm cycling session and the effects of home-based arm cycling exercise training on trunk function in individuals with SCI.
... The technique involves the application of electrical stimulation to the skin overlying the spinal cord, allowing for indirect modulation of spinal cord activity (Field-Fote, 2004). In the case of SCI, tSCS may provide more significant functional recovery than rehabilitation alone (Tefertiller et al., 2022;Tharu et al., 2023), especially in cases of complete SCI, where the signal is obstructed from descending below the level of the injury. While some circuits are spared in patients with complete SCI, these circuits are frequently insufficient to create a satisfactory level of excitability for stimulating motor neurons below the level of injury. ...
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Rehabilitation approaches for individuals with neurologic conditions have increasingly shifted toward promoting neuroplasticity for enhanced recovery and restoration of function. This review focuses on exercise strategies and non-invasive neuromodulation techniques that target neuroplasticity, including transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), vagus nerve stimulation (VNS), and peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS). We have chosen to focus on non-invasive neuromodulation techniques due to their greater potential for integration into routine clinical practice. We explore and discuss the application of these interventional strategies in four neurological conditions that are frequently encountered in rehabilitation settings: Parkinson’s Disease (PD), Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), stroke, and Spinal Cord Injury (SCI). Additionally, we discuss the potential benefits of combining non-invasive neuromodulation with rehabilitation, which has shown promise in accelerating recovery. Our review identifies studies that demonstrate enhanced recovery through combined exercise and non-invasive neuromodulation in the selected patient populations. We primarily focus on the motor aspects of rehabilitation, but also briefly address non-motor impacts of these conditions. Additionally, we identify the gaps in current literature and barriers to implementation of combined approaches into clinical practice. We highlight areas needing further research and suggest avenues for future investigation, aiming to enhance the personalization of the unique neuroplastic responses associated with each condition. This review serves as a resource for rehabilitation professionals and researchers seeking a comprehensive understanding of neuroplastic exercise interventions and non-invasive neuromodulation techniques tailored for specific diseases and diagnoses.
The review presents recent data on the recovery of motor functions after spinal injuries: on spontaneous neuroplasticity; about plasticity, depending on physical activity; about the results of using epidural and transcutaneous electrical stimulation of the spinal cord to restore movement control; on neurophysiological changes and mechanisms initiated by spinal electrical stimulation that may contribute to functional recovery after spinal cord injury.
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Spinal cord injuries (SCI) can result in sensory and motor dysfunctions, which were long considered permanent. Recent advancement in electrical neuromodulation has been proven to restore sensorimotor function in people with SCI. These stimulation protocols, however, were mostly invasive, expensive, and difficult to implement. In this study, transcutaneous electrical stimulation (tES) was used to restore over-ground walking of an individual with 21 years of chronic paralysis from a cervical SCI. After a total of 66 weeks of rehabilitation training with tES, which included standing, functional reaching, reclined sit-up, treadmill walking, and active biking, significant improvement in lower-limb volitional movements and overall light touch sensation were shown as measured by the International Standards for Neurological Classification of Spinal Cord Injury (ISNCSCI) score. By the end of the study, the participant could walk in a 4-m walking test with the aid of a walking frame and ankle-foot orthoses. The successful sensorimotor recovery of our study participant sheds light on the future of non-invasive neuromodulation treatment for SCI paralysis.
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Purpose: Transcutaneous spinal cord stimulation (TSCS) is a novel neuromodulation modality developed to promote functional restoration in patients with neurological injury or disease. Previous pilot data suggest that lower urinary tract dysfunction (LUTD) due to stroke may be partially alleviated by TSCS. In this study, we examine the mechanism of this effect by evaluating bladder-related brain activity in patients before and after TSCS therapy and comparing it to healthy volunteers. Materials and methods: Patients who developed storage LUTD after a stroke and healthy volunteers without LUTD were recruited. Patients and healthy volunteers underwent simultaneous urodynamics and functional MRI. Patients then completed 24 biweekly sessions of TSCS and underwent another simultaneous urodynamics-functional MRI study. Clinical outcomes were assessed using validated questionnaires and voiding diary. Results: Fifteen patients and 16 healthy volunteers completed the study. Following TSCS, patients exhibited increased blood-oxygen-level dependent activity in areas including periaqueductal grey, the insula, the lateral prefrontal cortex, and motor cortex. Prior to TSCS therapy, healthy controls exhibited higher blood-oxygen-level dependent activity in 17 regions, including multiple regions in the prefrontal cortex and basal ganglia. These differences were attenuated after TSCS with no frontal brain differences remaining between healthy volunteers and stroke participants who completed therapy. Neuroimaging changes were complemented by clinically significant improvements in questionnaire scores and voiding diary parameters. Conclusions: TSCS therapy modulated bladder-related brain activity, reducing differences between healthy volunteers and stroke patients with LUTD. These changes, alongside improved clinical outcomes, suggest TSCS as a promising approach for LUTD management.
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Arm cycling is used for cardiorespiratory rehabilitation but its therapeutic effects on the neural control of the trunk after spinal cord injury (SCI) remain unclear. We investigated the effects of single session of arm cycling on corticospinal excitability, and the feasibility of home-based arm cycling exercise training on volitional control of the erector spinae (ES) in individuals with incomplete SCI. Using transcranial magnetic stimulation, we assessed motor evoked potentials (MEPs) in the ES before and after 30 minutes of arm cycling in 15 individuals with SCI and 15 able-bodied controls (Experiment 1). Both groups showed increased ES MEP size after the arm cycling. The participants with SCI subsequently underwent a six-week home-based arm cycling exercise training (Experiment 2). MEP amplitudes and activity of the ES, and movements of the trunk during reaching, self-initiated rapid shoulder flexion, and predicted external perturbation tasks were measured. After the training, individuals with SCI reached further and improved trajectory of the trunk during the rapid shoulder flexion task, accompanied by increased ES activity and MEP amplitudes. Exercise adherence was excellent. We demonstrate preserved corticospinal drive after single arm cycling session and feasible home-based arm cycling exercise training for individuals with SCI for trunk rehabilitation.
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Loss of arm and hand function is one of the most devastating consequences of cervical spinal cord injury (SCI). Although some residual functional neurons often pass the site of injury, recovery after SCI is extremely limited. Recent efforts have aimed to augment traditional rehabilitation by combining exercise-based training with techniques such as transcutaneous spinal cord stimulation (tSCS), and movement priming. Such methods have been linked with elevated corticospinal excitability, and enhanced neuroplastic effects following activity-based therapy. In the present study, we investigated the potential for facilitating tSCS-based exercise-training with brain-computer interface (BCI) motor priming. An individual with chronic AIS A cervical SCI with both sensory and motor complete tetraplegia participated in a two-phase cross-over intervention whereby they engaged in 15 sessions of intensive tSCS-mediated hand training for 1 h, 3 times/week, followed by a two week washout period, and a further 15 sessions of tSCS training with bimanual BCI motor priming preceding each session. We found using the Graded Redefined Assessment for Strength, Sensibility, and Prehension that the participant's arm and hand function improved considerably across each phase of the study: from 96/232 points at baseline, to 117/232 after tSCS training alone, and to 131/232 points after BCI priming with tSCS training, reflecting improved strength, sensation, and gross and fine motor skills. Improved motor scores and heightened perception to sharp sensations improved the neurological level of injury from C4 to C5 following training and improvements were generally maintained four weeks after the final training session. Although functional improvements were similar regardless of the presence of BCI priming, there was a moderate improvement of bilateral strength only when priming preceded tSCS training, perhaps suggesting a benefit of motor priming for tSCS training.
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e purpose of this study was to determine caregivers' knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) on the prevention and care of pressure injuries (PIs) in individuals with spinal cord injury. A quantitative cross-sectional study with descriptive correlation design was used to implement a modi ed semistructured questionnaire using a convenient sampling method. McDonald's standard of learning outcome measurement criteria was used to categorize caregivers' KAP. A Pearson product-moment correlation coe cient (r) was utilized to assess the relationships between caregivers' KAP, with a p value of 0.05 or less considered statistically signi cant. e study ndings indicate that caregivers had a moderate level of knowledge (M 73.68%, SD 6.43), a neutral attitude (M 70.32%, SD 6.89), and a moderate level of practice (M 74.77%, SD 9.08). A positive correlation existed between caregivers' knowledge and attitude (r 0.30, p < 0.01), as well as between knowledge and practice (r 0.37, p < 0.01). Nevertheless, there was no correlation between attitude and practice (r 0.12, p > 0.05). e study ndings suggest that caregivers need to develop a positive attitude and expand their knowledge in order to improve their practice. e KAP factors that require higher priority were positioning and turning the patient, preventing skin breakdown, assessing weight changes over time, interest in patient care, additional care for PIs, frequently changing the individual's position, priority to PI care, interest in other types of care other than PIs, using special cushions, consulting doctors on a regular basis, being aware of clothing and fabrics, proper transfer technique, pressure relief, and skin inspection, among others.
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Study design: Post hoc analysis of prospective multi-national, multi-centre cohort study. Objective: Determine whether cerebral dominance influences upper extremity recovery following cervical spinal cord injury (SCI). Setting: A multi-national subset of the longitudinal GRASSP dataset (n = 127). Methods: Secondary analysis of prospective, longitudinal multicenter study of individuals with cervical SCI (n = 73). Study participants were followed for up to 12 months after a cervical SCI, and the following outcome measures were serially assessed - the Graded Redefined Assessment of Strength, Sensibility, and Prehension (GRASSP) and the International Standards for the Neurological Classification of SCI (ISNCSCI), including upper extremity motor and sensory scores. Observed recovery and relative (percent) recovery were then determined for both the GRASSP and ISNCSCI, based on change from initial to last available assessment. Results: With the exception of prehension performance (quantitative grasping) following complete cervical SCI, there were no significant differences (p < 0.05) for observed and relative (percent) recovery, between the dominant and non-dominant upper extremities, as measured using GRASSP subtests, ISNCSCI motor scores and ISNCSCI sensory scores. Conclusion: Despite well documented differences between the cerebral hemispheres, cerebral dominance appears to play a limited role in upper extremity recovery following acute cervical SCI.
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Background Transcutaneous spinal cord stimulation (tSCS) is a non-invasive modality in which electrodes can stimulate spinal circuitries and facilitate a motor response. This review aimed to evaluate the methodology of studies using tSCS to generate motor activity in persons with spinal cord injury (SCI) and to appraise the quality of included trials. Methods A systematic search for studies published until May 2021 was made of the following databases: EMBASE, Medline (Ovid) and Web of Science. Two reviewers independently screened the studies, extracted the data, and evaluated the quality of included trials. The electrical characteristics of stimulation were summarised to allow for comparison across studies. In addition, the surface electromyography (EMG) recording methods were evaluated. Results A total of 3753 articles were initially screened, of which 25 met the criteria for inclusion. Studies were divided into those using tSCS for neurophysiological investigations of reflex responses (n = 9) and therapeutic investigations of motor recovery (n = 16). The overall quality of evidence was deemed to be poor-to-fair (10.5 ± 4.9) based on the Downs and Black Quality Checklist criteria. The electrical characteristics were collated to establish the dosage range across stimulation trials. The methods employed by included studies relating to stimulation parameters and outcome measurement varied extensively, although some trends are beginning to appear in relation to electrode configuration and EMG outcomes. Conclusion This review outlines the parameters currently employed for tSCS of the cervicothoracic and thoracolumbar regions to produce motor responses. However, to establish standardised procedures for neurophysiological assessments and therapeutic investigations of tSCS, further high-quality investigations are required, ideally utilizing consistent electrophysiological recording methods, and reporting common characteristics of the electrical stimulation administered.
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Electrical spinal cord stimulation (SCS) has been gaining momentum as a potential therapy for motor paralysis in consequence of spinal cord injury (SCI). Specifically, recent studies combining SCS with activity-based training have reported unprecedented improvements in motor function in people with chronic SCI that persist even without stimulation. In this work, we first provide an overview of the critical scientific advancements that have led to the current uses of SCS in neurorehabilitation: e.g. the understanding that SCS activates dormant spinal circuits below the lesion by recruiting large-to-medium diameter sensory afferents within the posterior roots. We discuss how this led to the standardization of implant position which resulted in consistent observations by independent clinical studies that SCS in combination with physical training promotes improvements in motor performance and neurorecovery. While all reported participants were able to move previously paralyzed limbs from day 1, recovery of more complex motor functions was gradual, and the timeframe for first observations was proportional to the task complexity. Interestingly, individuals with SCI classified as AIS B and C regained motor function in paralyzed joints even without stimulation, but not individuals with motor and sensory complete SCI (AIS A). Experiments in animal models of SCI investigating the potential mechanisms underpinning this neurorecovery suggest a synaptic reorganization of cortico-reticulo-spinal circuits that correlate with improvements in voluntary motor control. Future experiments in humans and animal models of paralysis will be critical to understand the potential and limits for functional improvements in people with different types, levels, timeframes, and severities of SCI.
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In children with spinal cord injury (SCI), scoliosis due to trunk muscle paralysis frequently requires surgical treatment. Transcutaneous spinal stimulation enables trunk stability in adults with SCI and may pose a non-invasive preventative therapeutic alternative. This non-randomized, non-blinded pilot clinical trial (NCT03975634) determined the safety and efficacy of transcutaneous spinal stimulation to enable upright sitting posture in 8 children with trunk control impairment due to acquired SCI using within-subject repeated measures study design. Primary safety and efficacy outcomes (pain, hemodynamics stability, skin irritation, trunk kinematics) and secondary outcomes (center of pressure displacement, compliance rate) were assessed within the pre-specified endpoints. One participant did not complete the study due to pain with stimulation on the first day. One episode of autonomic dysreflexia during stimulation was recorded. Following hemodynamic normalization, the participant completed the study. Overall, spinal stimulation was well-tolerated and enabled upright sitting posture in 7 out of the 8 participants.
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Locomotor training (LT) is intended to improve walking function and can also reduce spasticity in motor-incomplete spinal cord injury (MISCI). Transcutaneous spinal stimulation (TSS) also influences these outcomes. We assessed feasibility and preliminary efficacy of combined LT + TSS during inpatient rehabilitation in a randomized, sham-controlled, pragmatic study. Eighteen individuals with subacute MISCI (2–6 months post-SCI) were enrolled and randomly assigned to the LT + TSS or the LT + TSSsham intervention group. Participants completed a 4-week program consisting of a 2-week wash-in period (LT only) then a 2-week intervention period (LT + TSS or LT + TSSsham). Before and after each 2-week period, walking (10 m walk test, 2-min walk test, step length asymmetry) and spasticity (pendulum test, clonus drop test, modified spinal cord injury—spasticity evaluation tool) were assessed. Sixteen participants completed the study. Both groups improved in walking speed and distance. While there were no significant between-groups differences, the LT + TSS group had significant improvements in walking outcomes following the intervention period; conversely, improvements in the LT + TSSsham group were not significant. Neither group had significant changes in spasticity, and the large amount of variability in spasticity may have obscured ability to observe change in these measures. TSS is a feasible adjunct to LT in the subacute stage of SCI and may have potential to augment training-related improvements in walking outcomes.
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Paralysis of the upper extremity severely restricts independence and quality of life after spinal cord injury. Regaining control of hand and arm movements is the highest treatment priority for people with paralysis, 6-fold higher than restoring walking ability. Nevertheless, current approaches to improve upper extremity function typically do not restore independence. Spinal cord stimulation is an emerging neuromodulation strategy to restore motor function. Recent studies using surgically implanted electrodes demonstrate impressive improvements in voluntary control of standing and stepping. Here we show that transcutaneous electrical stimulation of the spinal cord leads to rapid and sustained recovery of hand and arm function, even after complete paralysis. Notably, the magnitude of these improvements matched or exceeded previously reported results from surgically implanted stimulation. Additionally, muscle spasticity was reduced and autonomic functions including heart rate, thermoregulation, and bladder function improved. Perhaps most striking is that all six participants maintained their gains for at least three to six months beyond stimulation, indicating functional recovery mediated by long-term neuroplasticity. Several participants resumed their hobbies that require fine motor control, such as playing the guitar and oil painting, for the first time in up to 12 years since their injuries. Our findings demonstrate that non-invasive transcutaneous electrical stimulation of the spinal networks restores movement and function of the hands and arm for people with both complete paralysis and long-term spinal cord injury.
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Purpose: The study compares the quality of life (QOL) in tetra-and paraplegic patients over the first 3 years after injury. An additional goal is to determine whether there is correlation between selected factors based on medical records, the WHOQOL-BREF (World Health Organization Quality of Life-short version of the questionnaire), and the SIP68 (Sickness Impact Profile-short version of the questionnaire) scales and these groups of patients. Methods: A total of 72 patients with locomotor disability, following spinal cord injury (SCI), were involved in the study. Patients completed the WHOQOL-BREF and SIP68 scales. The comparative analysis between the paraplegic (n = 33) and tetraplegic (n = 39) group, and correlations between selected factors based on medical records and the above-mentioned scales was made. Results: There were statistically significant differences in the assessment of SIP68 subscales: the somatic autonomy score was higher in paraplegic patients and the social behavior and mobility range scores were higher in patients with tetraplegia. Correlations between total WHOQOL-BREF score and ability to concentrate, refraining from any recreational activity, lack of gait and no professional activity were noticed in tetraplegia patients. Statistical significance was observed in correlations between total WHOQOL-BREF score and inability to bathe and get dressed without assistance, doing the washing, shopping and reduced socializing in paraplegia patients. Conclusions: The presented differences in the assessment of QOL between both patient groups revealed the specific social, psychological and physical needs of patients. This is necessary for the development of effective treatment, depending on the level of injury, which may enable a faster return to optimal QOL for SCI patients.
Spinal cord injuries lead to permanent physical impairment despite most often being anatomically incomplete disruptions of the spinal cord. Remaining connections between the brain and spinal cord create the potential for inducing neural plasticity to improve sensorimotor function, even many years after injury. This narrative review provides an overview of the current evidence for spontaneous motor recovery, activity-dependent plasticity, and interventions for restoring motor control to residual brain and spinal cord networks via spinal cord stimulation. In addition to open-loop spinal cord stimulation to promote long-term neuroplasticity, we also review a more targeted approach: closed-loop stimulation. Lastly, we review mechanisms of spinal cord neuromodulation to promote sensorimotor recovery, with the goal of advancing the field of rehabilitation for physical impairments following spinal cord injury.