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DeGATraMoNN: Deep learning memetic ensemble to detect spam threats via a content-based processing

  • Federal University of Petroleum Resources Effurun
  • Dennis Osadebay University
  • Dennis Osadebay University Anwai


Technological growth is targeted at advancing society to higher sophistication with ease. The birth and advances of the Internet to ease sharing of resources can be attributed to features such as its ease of use, low transaction cost, ubiquitous nature, and user-trust level in adoption. These feats, while advancing its popularity and adoption, also threaten data integrity with a rise in the birth of adversaries. Thus, the quest of detecting intrusion and provisioning countermeasures is now a continuous task. Our study advances a memetic deep-learning modular neural network to detect phishing attacks. Results show model accurately detects malicious contents using a heuristic approach of text identification processing to detect compromised links within an email. Our results show model performance with 98 percent sensitivity, an 87-percent specificity, and 95 percent accuracy, respectively. The model also yields a 4-percent misclassification error rate, for dataset acquisition alongside the generation of ruleset addition to the knowledgebase that was not originally included and used for training of the model from the outset.
ISSN: 1001-0920
Volume 38, Issue 01, April, 2023
DeGATraMoNN: Deep Learning Memetic Ensemble to
Detect Spam Threats via a Content-Based Processing
Arnold Adimabua Ojugo1, Maureen Ifeanyi Akazue2, Patrick Ogholoruwami Ejeh3, Christopher
Chukwufunaya Odiakaose4, Frances Uche Emordi5
Department of Computer Science, Federal University of Petroleum Resources Effurun, Effurun, Nigeria1
Department of Computer Science, Delta State University Abraka, Delta State, Nigeria2
Department of Computer Science, Dennis Osadebey University, Asaba, Delta State, Nigeria3,4
Department of Cybersecurity, Dennis Osadebey University, Asaba, Delta State, Nigeria5
ABSTRACT Technological growth is targeted at advancing society to higher sophistication with ease.
The birth and advances of the Internet to ease sharing of resources can be attributed to features such as its
ease of use, low transaction cost, ubiquitous nature, and user-trust level in adoption. These feats, while
advancing its popularity and adoption, also threaten data integrity with a rise in the birth of adversaries.
Thus, the quest of detecting intrusion and provisioning countermeasures is now a continuous task. Our study
advances a memetic deep-learning modular neural network to detect phishing attacks. Results show model
accurately detects malicious contents using a heuristic approach of text identification processing to detect
compromised links within an email. Our results show model performance with 98 percent sensitivity, an 87-
percent specificity, and 95 percent accuracy, respectively. The model also yields a 4-percent
misclassification error rate, for dataset acquisition alongside the generation of ruleset addition to the
knowledgebase that was not originally included and used for training of the model from the outset.
KEYWORDS: Credit-card, fraud detection, malware, phishing, spam and ham, transactions
The Internet along with a plethora of connected enabled-device forms a giant network that connects over a
3.484billion users as of 2019. It advances an avenue to share resources among users, and is also rife as a
tool to exploit potential victims via phishing [1] revealing how vulnerable, connected devices are within a
network. An attacker seeks to compromise a potential victim, and often succeeds based on the target's
judgment [2]; Rather, than on security measures in place on the victim's network. 2018 alone witnessed a
launch of fake Facebook pages with over 60% phishing attacks [3]. While in 2019, social media attacks saw
a 74.7-percent increase [4], [5]. These statistics affirm that the attacks are not receding; Rather, the thoughts
of the gains to be exploited therein often provides for an attacker as entry point motivation against
potential compromises, and serve as a pivot point for attack propagation on a network [6- 9].
These scams and attacks have evolved to include network messages, emails, and SMS with over a 30%
increase as they have now migrated to social media platforms [10- 12]. They use spam (i.e. harmless
advertising) that is often laced with malware designed to exploit recipients. Spam attacks are deployed to
target high-volume, low-value victims [13], [14]. They require no coordinated expertise and are overlooked
as insignificant even with their estimated daily volume of over 422 billion in 2017 and 612 billion in 2020
to constitute about 85 percent of daily global traffic [15], [16] with a distribution, eased by spammers who
are capable of sending tons of messages via botnets in seconds with recipients databank that are potentially
vulnerable due to ineffective anti-virus and other countermeasures [17].
Ojugo,, 2023 KZYJC
Phishing is an identity theft aimed at stealing sensitive user data, from an unsuspecting, compromised
victim [18]. It may also involve the creation of compromised websites, acquisition of email lists and
botnets, and spoofing of emails/SMS targeting an unsuspecting victim to download its malicious contents as
originating from a trustworthy source [19]. A phishing attack has 3-elements: lure, hook, and catch. A lure
message is sent to a potential victim, and it seeks to exploit a potential victim’s desire for (a) curiosity to
click the compromised links, (b) fear that urges the potential victim to give out their data, and (c) empathy
as the attacker tries to impersonate a close associate in need [20], [21]. A hook message includes a
compromised link; while a catch obtains and uses extracted data. This technique constantly evolves to
reflect new trends and to evade detection [22]. The frequency and diversity of these attacks vary
increasing their chances of success [9], [23- 25].
All scams are socially engineered to appeal to different human vulnerabilities suggesting that some users
have ‘traits’ that make them susceptible to a scam [26], [27]. Some compromised users are scammed,
repeatedly. [8] some users are incapable of resisting persuasion and offers, which leaves them more
susceptible. Thus, over 20% of users are vulnerable to scams. Some may experience scams repeatedly [28].
Phishing success is more now, attributed to social engineering methods, which seek to appeal to a potential
victim’s emotions as the attacker portends to create trust via personalized conversations. The attack
occurs in 2-stages: (a) first, an attacker befriends a potential victim [29] via a request that grants an attacker
access to a potential victim's details and contacts, and (b) the attacker then uses data as provided on the
(now) compromised victim’s page to requests for personalized data [30], or extends his attacks to contacts
on the victim’s page. Often, the attacker employs compromised links with malware attached therein that
will impact an unsuspecting victim’s device as the phisher is often viewed as a mutual friend. Thus,
making believability easier and a bit more legitimate [31], [32].
2. Materials and Methods
2.1 Review of Related Literature
Studies have since begun to examine feats such as personality traits, demographics, web content, etc as
potential factors that contribute to victim susceptibility. [14] noted that people with high score neuroticism
showed a worse probability of detecting lies. They will rather believe friends are truthful to avoid the pains
of emotion. Premeditation is highly correlated with the capability to detect lies. Summarily, some studies
believe that some traits equip potential victims with an agreeable feat to detect lies; while others disagree
based on these features [33- 35]:
1. Personality Traits show a consistent pattern of how users respond to their environments and
different tasks. [36] investigated personality as 5-unique traits: (a) neuroticism as the tendency to
experience negative feelings (e.g. sadness and fear); And studies have shown that high neuroticism yields
increased susceptibility to irrational thoughts and less control over impulses, (b) conscientiousness is the
tendency to show high self-control and strong-willed, (c) openness is a willingness to try new
experiences, become more imaginative and intellectually curious, (d) agreeable is the willingness to help
others via believing, and (e) extroverted persons are more friendly and interact more as supported by
[37- 39].
2. Demographics feats such as gender, online presence, and age as in previous studies have noted that
users ranging from 18-to-29years were more vulnerable to attacks based on email and web content; while
females between 24-to-42years were identified as most vulnerable due to their addiction and quest to
reduce social seclusion. Excess online presence and dependence create opportunities for phishers, which
in turn exposes a target’s close associates. Other studies have also linked age to risky behavior, and
increases their chances of being phished as young adults are less cautious about financial risk and; Thus,
ISSN: 1001-0920
Volume 38, Issue 01, April, 2023
less exposed to phishing training. Women are more vulnerable as they are easier to entice via emails.
Other studies have also shown that women are equally capable and proficient as men in detecting a
deceptive message [40], [41].
3. Online Presence A victim’s presence online can evolve into habits, leading to susceptibility.
Active users on social media are more susceptible. A user’s online habits influence how they process
attacks as they may be poised to click compromised links as well as respond to conversations without
engaging in adequate cognition and/or granting adequate attention to their perceived online behavior [14]
leading to their being lured, hooked and captured over social media sites. It increases the chances of a
user thoughtlessly clicking a malicious link, or accepting a request from a faked profile without re-course
to the impact of such an action. Actions like clicking on links, and sharing/liking wall posts without
recourse to details on web content can often impact negatively the user’s trust and risk perception [42],
4. Media Content Processing can be achieved via 2-modes: heuristic and systemic. Systemic
processing allows a user to perceive if the available data is sufficient to determine a choice to be
undertaken. Most user utilizes both heuristics (i.e. take cues that impact the limited cognitive resources to
judge and decide), and systemic (i.e. involves a careful examination of the data to reach a decision) [44],
[45]. The risk of message overload on websites encourages users to heuristically, process content. This
often leads to quick and effortless judgment [46], [47]. While heuristic processing is more efficient, it
significantly increases attack vulnerability as users will then overlook cues that suggest a message is
malicious and poses a threat. Heuristic content processing relies on the credibility of cues and lures that
leads users into trusting phishing conversation cum messages [48].
2.2 Motivations / Statement of Problem
This study is motivated by the following problems:
1. Detection of phishing spam is not often reported. And, when and if reported they are often limited
in their implementation strategies.
2. It is quite unwise for the detection employed by organizations for the detection of phishing to be de-
scribed in great detail over such an uncensored public domain as such will further equip phishers and
attackers with the requisite knowledge required to evade detection.
3. Limited data availability and censored results often make implementing these schemes, tedious to
de-velop and deploy
4. Many of these schemes are also rippled with unreliable performance, which often results from noisy
data, improper cum mismatch of features/parameters selected for use, and anomalies. However, noisy
features can be eliminated by accurately optimizing our classifier.
Some users have been noted to remain online considerably, engage in repetitive actions that form, sug-gest,
and help establish habit patterns such as liking pages and posts, and not thoroughly analyze conversa-tions
or comments adequately. To curb such, we propose a deep-learning memetic network to detect mali-cious
content via a hybrid heuristicsystemic paradigm such that when reviewing communication, partici-pants
can engage in two modes of content processing.
2.3 Proposed Experimental Phishing Detection Ensemble
We use a hybrid deep learning model as seen in figure 1, which consist of 3-blocks as adapted by [49], [50]
as follows: (a) deep learning modular Kohonen neural net-work, (b) the supervised cultural genetic
algorithm, and (c) the knowledgebase.
Ojugo,, 2023 KZYJC
Figure 1. Phishing Detection Framework / Architecture
1. The Cultural Genetic Algorithm: Basically, a GA-block uses 4 operators (initialize, fitness function
and select, mutation, and crossover) to uncover probable solution(s). A gene is fit if its value is close to
optimal. A variant of GA is the Cultural GA (CGA), which uses 4-belief spaces to define its solution
space namely: (a) the normative belief which defines the specific value ranges to which a gene is bound,
(b) domain belief contains knowledge about the task being undertaken, (c) temporal belief con-tains
knowledge about the available problem space, and (d) spatial belief contains knowledge about the
topography for the task. Furthermore, it uses the influence function to bridge the belief spaces and the
gene pool to ensure any modified genes still conform to the belief space(s). The CGA should yield a
result pool that does not violate its belief space and assist in reducing the number of potential genes
generated by the GA until an optimum is discovered [13], [51].
2. The Kohonen Modular Network (MNN) is a gridlike, feed-forward network whose first layer
accepts input, and re-sends unbound to its second layer, which uses the transfer function to offer
competitive computation. The competitive layer then maps similarity patterns into relations. Pattern
relations noticed are used to determine the result after training [49], [52]. We modify the parameters and
carefully create our deep-learning Kohonen MNN through a deep architecture. Our deep learning is
achieved by training the network component via 2-stages namely the pre-trained, and fine-tuned processes
as described in [53], [54].
So, we adapt [55], [56], [50] to our experimental ensemble (see figure 2) and are trained as thus [57]:
Figure 2. Deep Learning Genetic Algorithm Trained Modular Neural Network (DeGATraMoNN)
1. Input: The dataset forms the input used to train the GA-unit with operators as encoder, selector,
Training / Testing
Spam Data
Feature Extraction
Lexical Patterns
Deep Learning
Feat Optimization
Trained Classifier
Model Evaluation
Decision Support
Confusion Matrix
Error Analysis
ISSN: 1001-0920
Volume 38, Issue 01, April, 2023
swap-per, changer, and terminator. The knowledgebase stores the optimized and learned dataset features
as classified.
2. Our Deep MNN receives the optimized data as labeled and unlabeled rules and propagated it as
en-hanced, predefined data (i.e. genuine- and benign- classes) via the network. Each rule is a systemic
pro-duction structured to consist of 4-modules: (i) a rule set, where each rule contains how it is to be ap-
plied, and the corresponding task to be performed or carried out by the rule, (b) a knowledgebase of op-
timized rules stored in classes, (c) control strategy of how the rules are searched within a knowledge-base
to successfully find a match, and the how to resolve conflicts if several rules are matched at the same
time, and (d) MNN applier also functions as the principal component analyzer with rules im-proved using
GA's diversity and recombination so that a trained network can autonomously and suc-cessfully classify
transactions onto both classes.
3. The decision support of predicted rule output automatically updates the ensemble’s knowledge
base. And where there are new data acquired, corresponding transaction rules are also generated and now
en-countered within the model. And are thus, subsequently classified as either normal data type or mali-
cious data type.
2.4 Parameters/Features Tuning and Estimation
The study adopts the KDD’99 CUPS dataset. The dataset is split into training (70%) and testing (30%). The
rule-based optimized dataset's data labels are used to identify a model's prediction ability. At the input layer
of our deep learning Kohonen map, we use 10 neurons (a neuron for each feature). The out-put layer is
made up of two neurons (a neuron for each possible class of normal and benign rules). The learning rate(s),
epoch size, transfer function, and hidden layer structure, are among the parameters to be tuned. Thus, we
used a 500-epoch Rectified Linear Unit Transfer Function [58]. Mindful of our model’s mean convergence
time and precision, optimal values were found with epoch configuration (of 100, 300, and 500 respectively)
[59], [60] to yield the least amount of error, and best-fit results. The trial-and-error method was used to
determine the number of hidden layers. For rules classified by normal and harmful content classes, the
model generated 22-fit rules partitioned to correspond to an array of chromosomes [61], [62].
3. Findings and Discussion
3.1 Result and Findings
Simulation on testbeds with a single-layered network of 1-to-10 neurons yields the highest f-score and least
training loss time to result in the best number of layers. Adding a second and a third hidden layer also
resulted yielded good results with the highest number of neurons yielding the best scores. Table 1 shows the
resulting analysis in the use of the first hidden layers.
Table 1. First hidden layer configuration analysis
F1 Score
Train Loss
Ojugo,, 2023 KZYJC
For the overall (best) with only one-hidden layer configuration, we have that the 9th iteration yields the best
overall result. It has 14 neurons with a 92% f-score, and 1.140 training loss. An f-score shows each run’s
accuracy within an unbalanced dataset used to train/test the model. Table 2 shows the first layer
configuration with 10 neurons and extra 2 neurons for optimal extra processing. The hidden layers of 9,11-
neurons resulted in a 93% f-score and 0.39 training loss value. The ensemble favors the adoption and con-
sequent use of a second hidden layer with a greater value for the f-score as in agreement with [63- 66].
Table 2. Second hidden layer configuration analysis
Hidden Layer
F1 Score
Training Loss
9, 1
9, 2
9, 3
9, 4
9, 5
9, 6
9, 7
9, 8
9, 9
9, 10
9, 11
9, 12
3.2 Discussion of Findings
To evaluate performance, we adapt classification and improvement percentage rates (as compared for both
the train/test datasets) as provisioned by Eq. 4 to yield the summary of obtained values for classification
error rates as seen in Table 3; While, Equation 5 is the improvement rate of the ensemble equation which
yields the improvement rate as seen in Table 4.
󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜
Table 3. Classification Rate of Each model
Classification Errors
Experimental Ensemble
Benchmark Models
 󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜
Table 4. Improvement Percentage
Proposed Ensemble
Benchmark Models
ISSN: 1001-0920
Volume 38, Issue 01, April, 2023
Tables 3 and 4 respectively shows that PHMM outperforms GANN with a 13.7% classification error rate
(i.e. false positives and true negatives). It yields 87.3% classification accuracy with a 56.03% improvement
rate at training. Conversely, GANN has a misclassification rate of 21.3% (false-positives and true-negatives
error rate) and promises an improvement of 42.79%. Both underperformed when compared to our proposed
hybrid Genetic Algorithm trained Modular neural network as in tables 3 and 4 respectively. It follows thus
to reason why and how many social media platforms including Facebook, can then regularly retrieve and
analyze web content to investigate, blacklist, and prosecute phishers [21], [23], [67], [68].
3.3 Model Evaluation and Performance
To compute the sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of the ensemble we evaluate its performance using
Eq. 1 to Eq. 3 respectively. So, given that TN = 7, FP = 1, TP = 53, and FN = 1. We then compute thus:
 
  
  󰇛󰇜
 
 
 󰇛󰇜
  
    
 󰇛󰇜
The ensemble is found to yield a sensitivity of 98%, specificity of 87.5%, and prediction accuracy of 95%
for data not included from outset (i.e. not originally used to train the model).
4. Conclusion
It is worth noting that social media networks have rules and safeguards in place to educate consumers and
protect them against phishing. For example, Facebook’s is a dedicated email address for
reporting phishing attempts. This gives Facebook the capability to investigate, blacklist, and prosecute
phishers. They also provide information and instructions for users who have been phished on Facebook or
whose device has been infected with malware. Both the social media platform and the user are held
accountable for phishing attack prevention, dissolution, reporting, and awareness. The social media
platform is in charge of informing users about phishing and giving controls to prevent them. Conversely,
users must stay ahead of the curve with and about preventing these attacks as well as implementing safety
controls to limit such accidents.
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... The efficiency of the feature selection technique is evaluated on how well the model fits [105]- [107] in its quest for ground truth (adoption of relevant feats concerning its nearness to the target class) [108]- [110] -which in some cases, may not always be available during training [111]- [114] to often result in poor generalization and model overfit/overtraining [115], [116]. We adopt a chi-square scheme to determine how relevant a feature supports our target -and test if the occurrence of a selected feature via frequency distribution relates to a target (churn) class [117]- [119]. We set a 0 if no correlation exists and a 1 if it correlates. ...
... shows that the RF ensemble can correctly classify its test instances with over 99.73% accuracy, with only 18 incorrect classifications and 9,628 correctly classified test instances, and agrees with [139]- [141]. The ensemble's best performance is with SMOTEEN data resampling method combined with chi-square feature selection as adapted [119]. Overall, the Random Forest ensemble yields an F1 of 0.9898, an accuracy of 0.9973, a precision of 0.9457, and a recall of 0.9698, respectively. ...
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Customer attrition has become the focus of many businesses today – since the online market space has continued to proffer customers, various choices and alternatives to goods, services, and products for their monies. Businesses must seek to improve value, meet customers' teething demands/needs, enhance their strategies toward customer retention, and better monetize. The study compares the effects of data resampling schemes on predicting customer churn for both Random Forest (RF) and XGBoost ensembles. Data resampling schemes used include: (a) default mode, (b) random-under-sampling RUS, (c) synthetic minority oversampling technique (SMOTE), and (d) SMOTE-edited nearest neighbor (SMOTEEN). Both tree-based ensembles were constructed and trained to assess how well they performed with the chi-square feature selection mode. The result shows that RF achieved F1 0.9898, Accuracy 0.9973, Precision 0.9457, and Recall 0.9698 for the default, RUS, SMOTE, and SMOTEEN resampling, respectively. Xgboost outperformed Random Forest with F1 0.9945, Accuracy 0.9984, Precision 0.9616, and Recall 0.9890 for the default, RUS, SMOTE, and SMOTEEN, respectively. Studies support that the use of SMOTEEN resampling outperforms other schemes; while, it attributed XGBoost enhanced performance to hyper-parameter tuning of its decision trees. Retention strategies of recency-frequency-monetization were used and have been found to curb churn and improve monetization policies that will place business managers ahead of the curve of churning by customers.
... Zawislak et al., (2022) investigated the automatic password-based door lock system by utilizing electronic technology to build an integrated, fully customized home security system at a reasonable cost. The project is useful in keeping thieves and other sorts of dangers at bay [49], [80]- [82]. Zardi et al., (2023) designed a password-protected home automation system with an automatic door lock using the Arduino Uno board which is controlled by the ATmega-328. ...
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Superstores are often rippled with people from a variety of the pyramid structure from lower, middle and higher-levels of the pyramid. These malls often transform onto a busy-bee hub with people wishing to explore the merits of discounted product prices and special offers. This, however causes a surge in traffic coupled with the enticing promotions that then lead to endless queues at the various cash-sales point and check-out counters. This case often poses inherent challenges both for business owners and customers due to time constraint, product substitution and quantity tracking in such malls. The study proposes WiSeCart-a wireless sensor-based shopping cart with near feature compatibility feat. Result shows that the integration of a self-payment system via the NFC tech provisions the system with: (a) reduced queue time so that customers can finish their shopping quicker with fast-paced checkout process, (b) yields increase inventory management efficiency with reduced errors from customer data entry using NFC communication stickers, and (c) improved data management capability that allow for further study of customer behaviour for improved customer experience and service delivery, which will in turn equip business owner with better managerial decision support.
... Evidence suggests that the likelihood of repeat pandemic has increased in the past century [14], [43], [44]. These have been attributed to the increased (im)migration [45], global integration [46], urbanization [47], technological advances [48]- [50], land-use changes [51]- [53], and exploitation of natural environment vis-à-vis its resources [54]- [56]. These trends will likely continue to intensify and significant attention with well-formulated policies be enforced on the need to identify and limit emerging outbreaks, to expand and sustain investment to build up preparedness and health capacity to handle future occurrence [57]- [59]. ...
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As competitive market and globalization continue to ripple a range of issues across the asset chain (i.e. safety, quality, tracing, and overall management efficiency). Pandemics are bound to occur without warning and has revealed the unpreparedness of many nations. Thus, the Nigerian Government aiming to shore up revenue/monetization via customs exercise duties to augment the nosedive in revenue of the oil sector-must formulate policies and adapt technology to harness its inherent benefits therein. Study advances a sensor-based blockchain NiCuSBlockIoT, which will provision a decision-support scheme for cargo goods traceability and asset movement on a value-chain by first ensuring that accurate records of cargo goods are registered, tagged and reported using the sensor-based units. These are then broadcasted on to the NiCuSBlockIoT as record and/or blocks via a P2P chain on the network as a decentralized framework executed on a distributed hyper-ledger fabric via smart-contract transaction logic. Result show model eliminate fraud that often accompanies a centralized scheme via its sensor-layered model that reports all such errors as data on NiCuSBlockIoT supply value chain.
... Newer search engines today -have also continued to leverage on the processing prowess of collaborative filtering fused with content analysis, as means to deliver more pertinent results for ambiguous queries; And thus, enhances the overall user search experience and their requisite relevance to a user [69]- [72]. Collaborative filter recommender system capabilities can also be extended to significantly enhance user experiences across various online platforms, advanced more user engagement, improve user satisfaction, enhance user-trust level and in time, ensure more monetization [73]- [75]. ...
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With home entertainment, selecting the perfect movie is a pervasive challenge, amplified by many streaming platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime. This study advances a movie recommender system with collaborative filtering approach as implemented in Python titled StreamBoostE. We used the user-based and item-based similarity schemes on feature embedding to aid faster model construction and training for the tree-based gradient boosting ensemble. Employing both user-and item-based collaborative filtering with cosine similarity to ease feature embedding, the system assesses movies interrelations via personalized user interest and preferences as submitted user titles with a focus on movie genre classification. Results shows the ensemble yields a recommender prediction accuracy of 0.9984 with F1 of 0.996. The major contribution of StreamBoostE is in its capability to expedite the movie selection process when integrated using flask API and streamlit for cross-channel integration in web-based platforms. It presents users with a list of top-10 recommended movies by genre similarity. The XGBoost ensemble performed best with the user-/item-based collaborative filtering scheme fused with feature embedding approach as a sampling method.
... To curb this, banks have ushered in agent banking today, as means to improve her coverage areas [4]. These too, have been eased with the adoption of wallet [5] and debit/credit card techs [6], [7] -allowing digi-pass authenticator-enabled access (code-sequence) that validates customer transactions over the banking platforms [8], [9] or wallet apps [10]; And thus, eased connectivity to their numerous customers, and promote the needed financial inclusivity [11]. Cards as issued by financial institutions have become the fulcrum that eases the payments for transactions in the form of goods cum services [12]- [14]. ...
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The unauthorized use of credit card information for fraudulent financial benefits by fraudsters without the knowledge of an unsuspecting users has become rampant due to financial inclusivity of financial institutions in their bid to reach both semi-urban and rural settlers. This in turn-has continued to ripple across the society with huge financial losses and lowered user trust implications for all cardholders. Thus, banks cum financial institutions are today poised to implement fraud detection schemes. 5-algorithms with(out) application of the synthetic minority over-sampling technique (SMOTE) were trained to assess how well they performed namely: Random Forest (RF), K-Nearest-Neighbor (KNN), Naive Bayes (NB), Support Vector Machines (SVM), and Logistic Regression (LR). Tested via flask, and integrated via streamlit as application programming interface on to various platforms-our experimental proposed RF ensemble performed best with an accuracy of 0.9802 after applying SMOTE; while LR, KNN, NB, SVM and DT yielded an accuracy of 0.9219, 0.9435, 0.9508, 0.5 and 0.9008 respectively. Our proposed ensemble achieved F1-score of 0.9919; while LR, KNN, NB, SVM and DT yields 0.9805, 0.921, 0.9125, and 0.8145 respectively. Results implies that proposed ensemble can be used with SMOTE data balancing technique for enhanced prediction for card fraud detection.
... To curb this, banks have ushered in agent banking today, as means to improve her coverage areas [4]. These too, have been eased with the adoption of wallet [5] and debit/credit card techs [6], [7] -allowing digi-pass authenticator-enabled access (code-sequence) that validates customer transactions over the banking platforms [8], [9] or wallet apps [10]; And thus, eased connectivity to their numerous customers, and promote the needed financial inclusivity [11]. Cards as issued by financial institutions have become the fulcrum that eases the payments for transactions in the form of goods cum services [12]- [14]. ...
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The unauthorized use of credit card information for fraudulent financial benefits by fraudsters without the knowledge of an unsuspecting users has become rampant due to financial inclusivity of financial institutions in their bid to reach both semi-urban and rural settlers. This in turn-has continued to ripple across the society with huge financial losses and lowered user trust implications for all cardholders. Thus, banks cum financial institutions are today poised to implement fraud detection schemes. 5-algorithms with(out) application of the synthetic minority over-sampling technique (SMOTE) were trained to assess how well they performed namely: Random Forest (RF), K-Nearest-Neighbor (KNN), Naive Bayes (NB), Support Vector Machines (SVM), and Logistic Regression (LR). Tested via flask, and integrated via streamlit as application programming interface on to various platforms-our experimental proposed RF ensemble performed best with an accuracy of 0.9802 after applying SMOTE; while LR, KNN, NB, SVM and DT yielded an accuracy of 0.9219, 0.9435, 0.9508, 0.5 and 0.9008 respectively. Our proposed ensemble achieved F1-score of 0.9919; while LR, KNN, NB, SVM and DT yields 0.9805, 0.921, 0.9125, and 0.8145 respectively. Results implies that proposed ensemble can be used with SMOTE data balancing technique for enhanced prediction for card fraud detection.
... To curb this, banks have ushered in agent banking today, as means to improve her coverage areas [4]. These too, have been eased with the adoption of wallet [5] and debit/credit card techs [6], [7] -allowing digi-pass authenticator-enabled access (code-sequence) that validates customer transactions over the banking platforms [8], [9] or wallet apps [10]; And thus, eased connectivity to their numerous customers, and promote the needed financial inclusivity [11]. Cards as issued by financial institutions have become the fulcrum that eases the payments for transactions in the form of goods cum services [12]- [14]. ...
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The unauthorized use of credit card information for fraudulent financial benefits by fraudsters without the knowledge of an unsuspecting users has become rampant due to financial inclusivity of financial institutions in their bid to reach both semi-urban and rural settlers. This in turn-has continued to ripple across the society with huge financial losses and lowered user trust implications for all cardholders. Thus, banks cum financial institutions are today poised to implement fraud detection schemes. 5-algorithms with(out) application of the synthetic minority over-sampling technique (SMOTE) were trained to assess how well they performed namely: Random Forest (RF), K-Nearest-Neighbor (KNN), Naive Bayes (NB), Support Vector Machines (SVM), and Logistic Regression (LR). Tested via flask, and integrated via streamlit as application programming interface on to various platforms-our experimental proposed RF ensemble performed best with an accuracy of 0.9802 after applying SMOTE; while LR, KNN, NB, SVM and DT yielded an accuracy of 0.9219, 0.9435, 0.9508, 0.5 and 0.9008 respectively. Our proposed ensemble achieved F1-score of 0.9919; while LR, KNN, NB, SVM and DT yields 0.9805, 0.921, 0.9125, and 0.8145 respectively. Results implies that proposed ensemble can be used with SMOTE data balancing technique for enhanced prediction for card fraud detection.
The pharma-sector has maintained improved productivity and profitability via a concerted effort to address critical issues such as an unorganized regulatory system, lack of safety data, no standards in manufacture process, non-adaptation to pharma-chain, and no-harmony of inventory supports. Study proposes blockchain trace-support to ensure drugs quality, consumer safety, and its trading as asset. It uses a radio-frequency identification sensor to register manufacture and administration process, and provide a databank to trace drug records. Results notes: (a) presents a roadmap for adoption by the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) to ensure a traceable pharmaceutical blockchain, (b) show ensemble is scalable for up-to 7500users to yield a performance of 1138-transactions per seconds with response time of 88secs for page retrieval and 128secs for queries respectively, and (c) yields slightly longer time for increased number of users via its world-state as stored in the permissionless blockchain hyper-fabric ledger. Thus, the framework can directly query and retrieve data without it traversing the whole ledger. This, in turn, improves the efficiency and effectiveness of the traceability system. Keywords: Blockchain, Counterfeit drugs, Healthcare, Nigeria, CORDA, hyper-ledger fabric, HIPPA Journal Reference Format: Ifioko, A.M., Yoro, R.E., Okpor, M.D., Brizimor, S.E, Obasuyi, D., Emordi, F.U., Odiakaose, C.C., Ojugo, A.A., Atuduhor, R.R, Abere, R.A., Ejeh, P.O., Ako, R.E. & Geteloma, V.O. (2024): CoDuBoTeSS: A Pilot Study to Eradicate Counterfeit Drugs via a Blockchain Tracer Support System on the Nigerian Frontier. Journal of Behavioural Informatics, Digital Humanities and Development Rese Vol. 10 No. 2. Pp 53-74
The pharma-sector has maintained improved productivity and profitability via a concerted effort to address critical issues such as an unorganized regulatory system, lack of safety data, no standards in manufacture process, non-adaptation to pharma-chain, and no-harmony of inventory supports. Study proposes blockchain trace-support to ensure drugs quality, consumer safety, and its trading as asset. It uses a radio-frequency identification sensor to register manufacture and administration process, and provide a databank to trace drug records. Results notes: (a) presents a roadmap for adoption by the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) to ensure a traceable pharmaceutical blockchain, (b) show ensemble is scalable for up-to 7500users to yield a performance of 1138-transactions per seconds with response time of 88secs for page retrieval and 128secs for queries respectively, and (c) yields slightly longer time for increased number of users via its world-state as stored in the permissionless blockchain hyper-fabric ledger. Thus, the framework can directly query and retrieve data without it traversing the whole ledger. This, in turn, improves the efficiency and effectiveness of the traceability system. Keywords: Blockchain, Counterfeit drugs, Healthcare, Nigeria, CORDA, hyper-ledger fabric, HIPPA Journal Reference Format: Ifioko, A.M., Yoro, R.E., Okpor, M.D., Brizimor, S.E, Obasuyi, D., Emordi, F.U., Odiakaose, C.C., Ojugo, A.A., Atuduhor, R.R, Abere, R.A., Ejeh, P.O., Ako, R.E. & Geteloma, V.O. (2024): CoDuBoTeSS: A Pilot Study to Eradicate Counterfeit Drugs via a Blockchain Tracer Support System on the Nigerian Frontier. Journal of Behavioural Informatics, Digital Humanities and Development Rese Vol. 10 No. 2. Pp 53-74
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The pharma-sector has maintained improved productivity and profitability via a concerted effort to address critical issues such as an unorganized regulatory system, lack of safety data, no standards in manufacture process, non-adaptation to pharma-chain, and no-harmony of inventory supports. Study proposes blockchain trace-support to ensure drugs quality, consumer safety, and its trading as asset. It uses a radio-frequency identification sensor to register manufacture and administration process, and provide a databank to trace drug records. Results notes: (a) presents a roadmap for adoption by the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) to ensure a traceable pharmaceutical blockchain, (b) show ensemble is scalable for up-to 7500users to yield a performance of 1138-transactions per seconds with response time of 88secs for page retrieval and 128secs for queries respectively, and (c) yields slightly longer time for increased number of users via its world-state as stored in the permissionless blockchain hyper-fabric ledger. Thus, the framework can directly query and retrieve data without it traversing the whole ledger. This, in turn, improves the efficiency and effectiveness of the traceability system.
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In this observational quasi-experimental study, we recruited 200 participants during the Federal University of Petroleum Resources Effurun's (FUPRE) orientation, who were exposed to socially engineered (phishing) attacks over nine months. Attacks sought to extract participants' data and/or entice them to click (compromised) links. The study aims to determine phishing exposure and risks among undergraduates in FUPRE (Nigeria) by observing their responses to socially-engineered attacks and exploring their attitudes to cybercrime risks before and after phishing attacks. The study primed all students in place of cybercrime awareness to remain vigilant to scams and explored the various scam types with their influence on gender, age, status, and their perceived safety on susceptibility to scams. Results show that contrary to public beliefs, these factors have all been found to be associated with scam susceptibility and vulnerability of the participants.
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Competitive asset markets and increased globalization have continued to ripple the food value chain with complex dynamics, which has led to a range of challenges such as food safety and quality, traceability, and overall supply chain inefficiency. These have further continued to endanger the general well-being of society. With rice as a staple food in Nigeria, the rice food supply value chain consists of a series of tasks, processes, and activities that are linked together from freshly harvested products to consumer demand and supply. Study advances the SmartRice, a sensor-based block-chain framework that decentralizes as well as provides a decision-support for the food supply value chain process by first ensuring that accurate data of harvested goods are reported, and passed on to a chain. The study advances a decentralized framework to eliminate various forms of fraud rippled across the existing centralized system, minimize corruption through its sensor-based layered model as well as minimize the error in reported data along the value chain.
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Access ease, mobility, portability, and improved speed have continued to ease the adoption of computing devices; while, consequently proliferating phishing attacks. These, in turn, have created mixed feelings in increased adoption and nosedived users’ trust level of devices. The study recruited 480-students, who were exposed to socially-engineered attack directives. Attacks were designed to retrieve personal data and entice participants to access compromised links. We sought to determine the risks of cybercrimes among the undergraduates in selected Nigerian universities, observe students’ responses and explore their attitudes before/after each attack. Participants were primed to remain vigilant to all forms of scams as we sought to investigate attacks’ influence on gender, students’ status, and age to perceived safety on susceptibility to phishing. Results show that contrary to public beliefs, age, status, and gender were not among the factors associated with scam susceptibility and vulnerability rates of the participants. However, the study reports decreased user trust levels in the adoption of these new, mobile computing devices.
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In our exploratory quasi-experimental study, 480-student were recruited and exposed to social engineering directives during a university orientation week. The directives phishing attacks were performed for 10 months in 2021. The contents attempted to elicit personal user-data from participants, enticing them to click compromised links. The study aimed to determine cybercrime risks among undergraduates in selected universities in Nigeria, observe responses to socially-engineered attacks, and explore their attitudes to cybercrime risks before/after such attacks. The study generalized that all participants have great deal awareness of cybercrime, and also primed all throughout study to remain vigilant to scams. The study explores various types of scam and its influence on students' gender and age on perceived safety on susceptibility to phishing scams. Results show that contrary to public beliefs, none of these factors were associated with scam susceptibility and vulnerability rates of the participants.
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There has been an increase in credit card fraud as e-commerce has become more widespread. Financial transactions are essential to our economy, so detecting bank fraud is essential. Experiments on automated and real-time fraud detection are needed here. There are numerous machine learning techniques for identifying credit card fraud, and the most prevalent are support vector machine (SVM), logic regression, and random forest. When models penalise all errors equally during training, the quality of these detection approaches becomes crucial. This paper uses an innovative sensing method to judge the classification algorithm by considering the misclassification cost and at the same time by employing SVM hyperparameter optimization using grid search cross-validation and separating the hyperplane using the theory of reproducing kernels like linear, Gaussian, and polynomial, and the robustness is maintained. Because of this, credit card fraud has been identified significantly more successful than in the past.
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An unstable economy is rife with fraud. Perpetrated on customers, it ranges from employees’ internal abuse to large fraud via high-value contracts cum control breaches that impose serious consequences to biz. Loyal employees may not perpetrate fraud if not for societal pressures and economic recession with its rationalization that they have bills to pay and children to feed. Thus, the need for financial institutions to embark on effective measures via schemes that will aids both fraud prevention and detection. Study proposes genetic algorithm trained neural net model to accurately classify credit card transactions. Compared, model used a rule-based system to provide it with start-up solution and it has a fraud catching rate of 91% with a consequent, false alarm rate of 9%. Its convergence time is found to depend on how close the initial solution space is to the fitness function, and for recombination and mutation rates applied.
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Great technological advancement in printing and scanning industry made counterfeiting problem to grow more vigorously. As a result, counterfeit currency affects the economy and reduces the value of original money. Thus it is most needed to detect the fake currency. Most of the former methods are based on hardware and image processing techniques. Finding counterfeit currencies with these methods is less efficient and time consuming. To overcome the above problem, we have proposed the detection of counterfeit currency using a deep convolution neural network. Our work identifies the fake currency by examining the currency images. The transfer learned convolutional neural network is trained with two thousand, five hundred, two hundred and fifty Indian currency note data sets to learn the feature map of the currencies. Once the feature map is learnt the network is ready for identifying the fake currency in real time. The proposed approach efficiently identifies the forgery currencies of 2000, 500, 200, and 50 with less time consumption.
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Advances in technology and the proliferation of mobile device have continued to advance the ubiquitous nature of computing alongside their many prowess and improved features it brings as a disruptive technology to aid information sharing amongst many online users. This popularity, usage and adoption ease, mobility, and portability of the mobile smartphone devices have allowed for its acceptability and popularity. Mobile smartphones continue to adopt the use of short messages services accompanied with a scenario for spamming to thrive. Spams are unsolicited message or inappropriate contents. An effective spam filter studies are limited as short-text message service (SMS) are 140bytes, 160-characters, and rippled with abbreviation and slangs that further inhibits the effective training of models. The study proposes a string match algorithm used as deep learning ensemble on a hybrid spam filtering technique to normalize noisy features, expand text and use semantic dictionaries of disambiguation to train underlying learning heuristics and effectively classify SMS into legitimate and spam classes. Study uses a profile hidden Markov network to select and train the network structure and employs the deep neural network as a classifier network structure. Model achieves an accuracy of 97% with an error rate of 1.2%.