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Conceptualizing Visual Analytic Interventions for Content Moderation

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Abstract and Figures

Modern social media platforms like Twitch, YouTube, etc., embody an open space for content creation and consumption. However, an unintended consequence of such content democratization is the proliferation of toxicity and abuse that content creators get subjected to. Commercial and volunteer content moderators play an indispensable role in identifying bad actors and minimizing the scale and degree of harmful content. Moderation tasks are often laborious, complex, and even if semi-automated, they involve high-consequence human decisions that affect the safety and popular perception of the platforms. In this paper, through interdisciplinary collaboration among researchers from social science, human-computer interaction, and visualization, we present a systematic understanding of how visual analytics can help in human-in-the-loop content moderation. We contribute a characterization of the data-driven problems and needs for proactive moderation and present a mapping between the needs and visual analytic tasks through a task abstraction framework. We discuss how the task abstraction framework can be used for transparent moderation, design interventions for moderators' well-being, and ultimately, for creating futuristic human-machine interfaces for data-driven content moderation.
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Conceptualizing Visual Analytic Interventions
for Content Moderation
Sahaj Vaidya, Jie Cai, Soumyadeep Basu, Azadeh Naderi, Donghee Yvette Wohn and Aritra Dasgupta
—Modern social media platforms like Twitch, YouTube, etc., embody an open space for content creation and consumption.
However, an unintended consequence of such content democratization is the proliferation of toxicity and abuse that content creators
get subjected to. Commercial and volunteer content moderators play an indispensable role in identifying bad actors and minimizing the
scale and degree of harmful content. Moderation tasks are often laborious, complex, and even if semi-automated, they involve high-
consequence human decisions that affect the safety and popular perception of the platforms. In this paper, through an interdisciplinary
collaboration among researchers from social science, human-computer interaction, and visualization, we present a systematic
understanding of how visual analytics can help in human-in-the-loop content moderation. We contribute a characterization of the
data-driven problems and needs for proactive moderation and present a mapping between the needs and visual analytic tasks
through a task abstraction framework. We discuss how the task abstraction framework can be used for transparent moderation,
design interventions for moderators’ well-being, and ultimately, for creating futuristic human-machine interfaces for data-driven content
Index Terms—Content Moderation, Social Media, Task Abstractions, Real-time Decision-Making
Content moderation has emerged as a major challenge confronting the
safety and acceptance of modern social media platforms, like Facebook,
Twitter, YouTube, Twitch, etc. Companies are increasingly allocating
valuable resources, in terms of building automated models [10,23, 24]
and training or hiring human moderators [43, 47] to deal with the
growing menace of negativity and toxicity online. Data-driven ap-
proaches, like those based on machine learning, have become necessary
for automatically detecting content that violates community guidelines.
However, these approaches remain opaque, unaccountable, and poorly
understood [19]. Additionally, automated moderation is not sufficient
due to the inherent complexity and ambiguity of moderation tasks [44].
In this paper, through interdisciplinary collaboration among researchers
from social science, human-computer interaction, and visualization,
we study human-in-the-loop content moderation processes through the
lens of visual analytics. We analyze how visual analytic interventions
can empower content moderators with greater data-driven awareness
about who to monitor, what kind of messages need attention, and how
to ensure transparent implementation of rules and policies (Figure 1).
While the term “content” can be broadly interpreted, we focus
our discussion on moderation activities in platforms that involve syn-
chronous communication among users of live-streaming platforms like
Twitch, YouTube, Discord, Clubhouse, etc. For moderators, the real-
time interactions and the need to make consequential decisions with
very limited lead time can often lead to high cognitive load [7] and take
an emotional toll [49]. The conventional understanding is that modera-
tion of online conversations in live-streaming platforms is inherently
reactive, where moderators see and then react to content generated by
users, typically by removing them. However, a significant portion of
work performed by volunteer moderators is social and communicative
in nature [47]: moderation decisions need to be transparently com-
municated to the users and there is a high consequence for decisions
Sahaj Vaidya is with NJIT. E-mail:
Jie Cai is with NJIT. Email:
Soumyadeep Basu is with NJIT. Email:
Azadeh Nadari is with NJIT. Email:
Donghee Yvette Wohn is with NJIT. Email:
Aritra Dasgupta is with NJIT. E-mail:
Manuscript received xx xxx. 201x; accepted xx xxx. 201x. Date of Publication
xx xxx. 201x; date of current version xx xxx. 201x. For information on
obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail to:
Digital Object Identifier: xx.xxxx/TVCG.201x.xxxxxxx
that can be perceived as unfair or incorrect. A shared vision among
researchers in content moderation and visualization, who are co-authors
of this paper, is that access to visual analytic techniques has a transfor-
mative potential on moderation activities in live-streaming platforms.
Visual analytics tools and interfaces will allow moderators to summa-
rize conversations, interpret and reason about why automated methods
might have flagged certain messages, and ultimately, engage in a more
proactive, data-driven moderation process.
To realize this vision, in this paper, we discuss the results from our
six-month-long collaborative effort towards distilling the data-driven
problems and corresponding visual analytic interventions for proac-
tive content moderation. Following Munzner’s nested model [34],
we first analyze the content moderation goals and the associated data
abstraction. Next, we contribute a visual analytic task abstraction frame-
work for mapping the problems and challenges to concrete moderators’
decision-making tasks. We also discuss the applications and implica-
tions of our framework for future research on data-driven, human-in-
the-loop content moderation processes.
Grimmelmann [20] defines moderation as “the governance mechanisms
that structure participation in a community to facilitate cooperation and
prevent abuse.” With the proliferation of online communities, the num-
ber of human moderators is vastly outnumbered by the user-generated
content and the increased negativity, which is a concern when content
creation is growing at an exponential speed and a core element of many
of the major informational and social platforms today. To reduce online
negativity, commercial platforms apply many techniques to filter abu-
sive language, such as improving algorithms and applying automation
tools [10,23]. Though these automated tools can identify new instances
of negativity such as harassment and hate speech with pattern matching,
violators always seek ways to circumvent the algorithms and cheat
the tools with variants [9]. To supplement algorithmic moderation,
platforms also rely on human moderators to remove flagged content or
review instances in context-sensitive situations.
2.1 Moderation Goals and Challenges
The moderation process involves how human moderators govern both
content and community members and the standards development for
the governance. There are mainly two threads of research about human
moderators handling offensive content and users: proactively prevent-
ing mechanism and reactive punishing mechanism. A thread of research
focuses on proactively preventing offensive behaviors via norm-setting
such as setting a good example in the chatroom to influence other view-
ers in live streaming chat [7,46], or engaging in rule developments [47].
Moderation Scenario
Social Media Users
to channels
post chat!
Social Media Users
to channels
Social Media Users
to channels
post chat!
Visual Analytic Tasks Decision-making
Offline Real Time
Data Entities
User’s reactions &!
A user sends an abusive message on
the channel, but it’s their first time doing
so. How can moderator take actions?
A user has prior history of violations,
and the same pattern is seen recurring
in their chat logs. What can a moderator
do to avoid toxicity?
(G2, G3)
On a channel subscribers are now
trying to mask their original usernames
to prevent identification. What kind of
rules can be set to resolve such an
Users keep on verbally attacking the
streamer in spite of rules in place. How
can moderator analyze the rules?
Channel subscribers,
Platform users
User behavior
guidelines &
A streamer is trolled using inappropriate
words. How can moderator filter the
irrelevant content?
A channel is getting flooded with
several topics of violence and
misinformation. How can a moderator
get a quick summary of these topics to
dilute the conversation?
Monitor messages
Summarize conversations
Prioritize users
Analyze audience sentiment
Build/Update rules
Analyze rule efficacy
Utilizing user
sentiments for
Analyze user
through prior
Determine rule
through chat
Role of
M1, M2
U1, U2
R1, R2 Determine
rules to apply
Detection of!
Ranking of
Group !
Match rules!
& behavior
Visualize rule!
Fig. 1.
Mapping between content moderation goals and visual analytic tasks.
Scenarios illustrating how moderators can leverage the expressive
power of visualizations for making offline and real-time decisions about the who,what, and how dimensions of data-driven moderation.
Another thread of research focuses on reactively removing content
and punishing users, such as deleting content and banning users [11]
and explaining and communicating rules to violators [7]. This thread
of research also explores how moderators collaborate with automated
tools [6, 23], and how to use computational approaches to automat-
ically detect and filter harmful content [3]. According to empirical
research about content moderation and Grimmelmann’s moderation
goal to create a productive, open, and accessible online community [20],
the moderation goals are summarized as follows:
Get rid of harmful messages/comments and users, at the same
time, curate valuable information in the community ( [11]).
Retain newcomers and foster the community via interaction and
engagement ( [7, 47]).
Distinguish between good and bad actors and punish the latter but
avoid excessive punishment towards unintentional violators or first-time
violators ( [4, 8]).
Develop and clarify the moderation guideline and maintain the
transparency of moderation ( [5,26]).
Much of the existing research explores how to achieve these goals
with varied socio-technical configurations. Our focus is to explore
the influence of data-driven methods on human moderator’s decision-
making process. We address questions such as: How do moderators
use aggregate information of users to guide the decision-making in
moderation actions? How can visualization help moderators to facilitate
moderation in context-sensitive situations?
2.2 Data Abstraction
To address the goals and research questions, we first describe the spe-
cific data entities that be considered as the building blocks of algorith-
mic moderation tools and that can be used to develop human-in-the-loop
moderation tools. The moderation process comprises three main data
entities: Messages, User Profiles, and Rules.
Messages (M)
: Messages encode the response of the users towards
the actual content and their interactions with other users of a channel.
Moderators can leverage text-based analysis of messages to analyze
and monitor the conversations on the channel. This monitoring of
chat helps to flag messages and detect violations of established rules
or signals of abusive content. Human moderators have to accurately
identify negative behaviors on time and rapidly take appropriate actions
to prevent the spread of abusive content. In live streaming environments
such as Twitch [7], this is cognitively demanding as a large volume
of messages is posted in a short span of time making it difficult for
moderators to make timely decisions. Platforms often employ crowd-
sourced moderation strategies in the form of flagging tools that allow
users to express concerns about potentially offensive content and report
them to moderators [28]. This strategy does not perform effectively in
the context of real-time moderation because of the time gap between
reporting bad content and reviewing it [49].
User Profiles (U)
: Users of social media platforms are central to the
moderation process. The goal is to encourage user participation in
online communities by providing them value-based content. Moder-
ators can characterize the users based on their engagement in online
activities. On the other hand, moderators can also punish those users
who do not abide by the norms. Data such as message histories and
replies are not accessible by users but can be accessed by the modera-
tors. Online communities do not share the users’ information of each
micro community with customized community guidelines (one user’s
history in one micro-community cannot be seen by moderators from
another). As for live voice moderation, it is even more challenging to
collect voice information for moderators to make decisions [25] such
as Discord Voice chat and Clubhouse. The history of a user’s prior be-
havior is obtained from archival data and does not change dynamically
with time.
Rules (R)
: Rules define the code of conduct regarding a user’s online
behavior. Moderators take data-driven decisions matching user profiles
with rules that are set for a particular stream. The severity of punishment
varies based on the user profile and the importance of the rule [5]. A
key challenge faced by moderators is to go over real-time messages
and fine-tune their mental model for applying chat rules by assessing
the severity of the violation [6]. This exhaustive and tricky process
of uncovering niggling chat messages amongst the other messages
becomes more rigorous when myriad messages need to be scrutinized
promptly. Similar to user profiles, rules defining online behavior are
mostly static and do not evolve in real-time.
In this section, we map the moderation goals to entity-level visual ana-
lytic tasks, focusing on message analysis (M1, M2), user profiling (U1,
U2), and rule building (R1, R2). We discuss the role of analytical
methods and visualization for addressing moderation goals using exam-
Circular plot to visualize shift in
conversation’s topic
M1 M2
Scatter plot to identify
abusive messages
Violin plot to identify
relevant conversational
Fig. 2.
Examples of techniques for visualizing conversations.
ConToVi identifies the shifts in conversation topics for navigating the
online discussions [17], (b) Park et al. describes a user-centric design
approach to select flagged comments with the help of comment analytic
scores which can detect only a small set of messages because of key-
word limitations [41], (c) Seebacher et al. displays relevant conversational
dynamics while fading out the non-relevant ones [45].
ples from the visual analytics literature (a detailed list included in the
supplemental material) and also highlight key gaps and challenges.
3.1 Message Analysis Tasks
M1: Reasoning about Violations:
The real-time nature of the stream-
ing data requires the moderator to maintain the pace of processing the
continuous data and analyze it. This task aims to achieve the goal of
filtering out abusive messages and provide users with qualitative con-
tent (
). The task of determining violations involves two components:
monitoring messages to identify anomalies and identifying message
attributes. If we look at the two scenarios in Figure 1a, monitoring
helps to flag messages based on their content. Identifying message
characteristics is another way to detect patterns in the chat streams.
Annotating and deleting spam messages [36, 46] through user interven-
tion can be helpful to recognize signatures of messages for flagging to
identify change.
The dynamic nature of streaming data makes it difficult to analyze
the chats for offensive content and make timely decisions. Therefore,
platforms are increasingly turning to automated systems to detect abu-
sive content within a shorter duration [40]. When moderators engage
in the task of monitoring messages one of the ways in which they can
overcome the hurdle of information overload is by leveraging the visual
analytics methods to review contextual information. Several visual
analytic approaches provide support to analyze real-time content us-
ing interactivity for anomaly detection in the message streams [1,30].
The Sedimentation View [17] shown in Figure 2a is an example of
representing only the relevant pieces of communication from the entire
conversation. T-Cal [18] is a timeline-based approach that highlights
areas with high information density. This provides a visual cue to the
moderator to monitor those highlighted regions closely.
The challenge for visualizing the dynamic of chat streams lies in the
automatic identification of appropriate cues from the message dynam-
ics. However, incorporating this information into an automated tool
produces the risk of getting inaccurate results. Additionally, because of
various nuances in vocabulary and language, the process of automated
content moderation suffers from the limitation of deriving contextual
insights from the messages.
M2: Summarizing Real-time Conversations:
Communication via
stream chat involves interaction between multiple users containing
a large volume of messages. Because of this information density,
simplification is required. The topic summary identified using this
task help moderators to set the tone of the conversation and maintain
the regulations to provide a positive atmosphere for online discussion,
potentially providing insights for them to foster the community via
interaction and engagement (G2).
Generating a summary of conversations involves two components:
text summarization and topic identification. Automatic summarization
of messages in a channel is valuable to the moderators but it has certain
limitations. The summarization of conversation necessitates addressing
the trade-off between information loss (e.g., leaving out potentially
relevant information) and abstraction of key topical patterns so that
harmful content can be quickly detected [33]. As chats are dynamic,
it is possible to have multiple topics being discussed simultaneously
and changing with time. Visual analytics interfaces (Figure 2c) can
help identify the shifts in conversation topics for navigating online
discussions. Approaches like trains of thoughts [48] and conversation
clusters [2] group messages of the same theme together. These ap-
proaches can allow moderators to have a better understanding of the
topics of conversation.
Using a visual analytics system to explore the conversations based
on topics is helpful to extract relevant linguistic features from the chat.
With all the approaches discussed above, scalability and adaptation of
visualizations to changes in dynamic conversation streams [13] remain
a challenge. This challenge needs to be handled by assessing the
perceptual limitations of the alternative designs in communicating the
number, frequency, and degree of changes in conversation streams.
3.2 User Profiling Tasks
U1: Ranking user profiles using prior history:
This task aims to
analyze data about users’ past online behavior. This includes analyzing
users’ historical data and ranking users based on their profiles. Study-
ing user’s online behavior helps moderators identify the type of users
they need to pay special attention to (
). Consequently, this task can
help moderators to foster a healthy community of users and retain their
participation (G2).
The collection of user’s historical data incorporates the study of
their characteristics, interests, ratings, usage patterns, and chat logs
to recognize behavioral patterns. It facilitates the understanding of
their online behavior on different social media platforms, reveals in-
sights into characteristics of their communication, and extracts relevant
information to get an idea about the conversations and topics under
discussion. Scoring profiles based on recently opened accounts and
user activities [6] helps understand the punishment based on the context
and weight of the violation. This further helps to determine the type of
punishment for the user when situations arise as described in Figure 1b.
An example of this is the work by Oliva et al. which ranks user profiles
based on the toxicity level [39]. This can be useful for a moderator to
monitor highly sensitive users based on their profile toxicity scores.
For the methods described above, it remains a challenge to perform
manual tagging and examination of chat logs. This task is often limited
by the ability of automated programs to process the numerous amounts
of user’s archival data and the algorithm used for ranking.
U2: Reasoning about audience sentiment
: Research in NLP has
investigated the problem of sentiment analysis, which is generally clas-
sified as positive, negative, or neutral at the granularity of words. The
task of utilizing the user’s sentiments serves the purpose of determining
the level of toxicity. This task can potentially help moderators to better
understand the potential meaning of each message to avoid excessive
punishment (
). As moderators expressed, sometimes it is challeng-
ing to distinguish between a joke and a serious violation. Thus, making
use of user sentiments avoids such circumstances.
Moderators often face challenges when detecting abusive content
from online communications. They try to mitigate the problem by
implementing refined filters [22]. But these systems often fail due to
a lack of correlation between the semantic space and user sentiments.
Several authors have proposed solutions for semi-automatic detection
of toxicity. For example, the interface CommentIQ in Figure 2b en-
ables flagging of messages based on keywords [41]. However, this
approach can detect only a small set of messages because of keyword
limitations [37]. Nobata et al. [38] trained a machine learning model to
identify hate speech using a custom-built lexicon. Some other papers
used the bag-of-words method to detect cyber-bullying [16,42] on so-
cial media platforms. All these lexicons have drawbacks that arise from
the limited set of vocabulary. Chatzakou et al. [12] considered senti-
ment as an input to their neural network but did not discuss the impact
on user perception. Visual analytic techniques can enable moderators
to draw inferences based on group sentiment within their audiences,
where groups can be defined based on interests, behavior, etc.
3.3 Rule-Building Tasks
R1: Augmenting the Rule Book: Rules are made to educate the plat-
form users about norms for expected behavior. These rules include
respecting others in the community, following the guidelines made by
the community, etc. The task of augmenting the set of rules includes
building rules and modifying rules based on a user’s behavior. This task
aligns with
at the broad level, helping the community moderators un-
derstand how rules match with violations and add community-specific
rules based on the streamer’s requirements.
Modifying the rules can be grounded in assessing users’ relative
standing in the community. This includes analyzing the history of
past rule-breaking cases and the severity of the rules that have been
broken [5,7, 49]. Using the set of rules allows the creation of automatic
filters that remove the unwanted content by comparing it with existing
rules. Such filters can be leveraged by visual analytics techniques. For
example, the chat circles and vertical line approach described in [15]
can be used to visualize user messages based on rules. With posting
rules from time to time, it is important to visualize the user involvement
before and after posting the rules. Like the distribution of messages
shown in [27] per participant before and after posting rules by a chatbot.
However, a shortcoming of these methods is that they cannot detect the
dynamic reactions to the rules and thus can hinder real-time filtering
and decision-making.
R2: Determining Rule Efficacy
: The task of determining the effec-
tiveness of rules fulfills the purpose of developing moderation guide-
lines to maintain transparency of content moderation (
), by compar-
ing the existing rules with violations and identifying the effective rules
and the missing parts. For this, rule-based techniques help moderators
to detect abusive content and filter out those messages. It helps mod-
erators to revise the guideline and regulate situations like Figure 1c.
This task composes of inspecting rule accuracy and categorizing rules
based on the severity.
Most of these rules are designed manually. Kontostathis et al. pro-
posed a rule-based system to automatically detect harmful messages
in relay chat [29] using an existing set of rules. Developing a visual
approach that helps moderators to directly examine the effectiveness
of rules facilitates the moderation process. Visualizing the numerical
profile scores and the rule-breaking severity scores of the users will
help the moderators understand the similarity and differences among
“good” or “bad” rules. It will be beneficial in both cases - a popular
channel crowded with users and also newer channels where the moder-
ator lacks prior experience. Maintaining and modifying the rules is a
time-consuming process. It also cannot guarantee that a given set of
rules work under all the circumstances. For example, there may be a
message containing conflicting keywords in an appropriate context, but
it can be marked as offensive based on the rules. Whereas in other cases,
a message containing abusive content may still be accepted and marked
as appropriate. Visual analytic interventions can help detect and fill
these gaps by enabling provenance-based retrieval and validation of
In this section, we discuss how our task abstraction framework can be
applied in practice to addressing open problems in visualization design
and human-machine interface development.
Ensuring moderation transparency
: Using the visual analytic tasks,
moderators can examine the rules and criteria through the lens of trans-
parency. Many content moderation systems on social media sites are
black-box in nature; users have to figure out on their own about why
content is removed [35]. This lack of transparency can create barriers
for user engagement for volunteer moderators who need to proactively
communicate to users about guidelines and action consequences. In
such a high-consequence setting, tasks like M1, R1, U2 can allow
moderators to achieve a balance between preserving the safety of their
communities and mitigating the effects of negative responses to their
corrective actions with transparent communication. Visual analytic
interventions can help achieve this balance using evidence-based com-
munication to explain moderation actions between moderators and
platform users.
Facilitating social and communicative moderation
: Though auto-
mated moderation tools can potentially detect signals of violation within
a large volume of text stream, moderators are still irreplaceable, be-
cause ultimately a moderation process is about social communication.
To foster and grow online communities, volunteer moderators play
multiple roles with social and communicative attributes [7,49] and are
related to tasks U1 and U2. Our framework can guide designers to de-
velop visualization tools to meet the needs of different communities of
volunteer and commercial content moderators. For example, volunteer
moderators have more flexible guidelines for their communities while
commercial moderators have to follow the universal platform policy.
This implies that volunteer moderators are in greater need of tools for
mining users’ behavior (M1, U2) and adapting their rules (R1) accord-
ingly. On the other hand, commercial moderators can benefit from rule
evaluation tasks (R2) for data-driven validation of their policies.
Designing for moderators’ well-being
: Along with reducing the cog-
nitive load of moderators, realizing tasks like M1 and M2 enables
exploration of the visualization design space for addressing psycho-
logical implications of content moderation. Decision-making about
negative content often leads to psychological and emotional distress.
Though reducing distress is not the primary goal of moderation, it can
be embedded in the visualization design space. While not many studies
focus on designing for moderation in live-streaming environments, vi-
sualization design strategies that optimize emotional impact [21] can
reduce moderators’ exposure to problematic content and can work as
interventions to mitigate distress [14, 31].
Instantiating human-machine moderation interfaces
: Mainstream
moderation tools list violators and violations with limited explanations,
and more importantly, lack proactive moderation capabilities. Our
task abstraction framework can be applied for instantiating human-
machine collaboration interfaces, where human and machine efforts
are complementary, leading to optimal task performance as a team [32].
Moderators can ground their exploration process based on facets of
interest (person, topic, region, flagged content, etc.), flag particular
users or sensitive topics, while a machine learning model can be trained
for learning from their interactions and suggesting corrective actions.
Our work introduces a visual analytic task abstraction framework for
addressing data-driven problems in proactive content moderation. We
discuss the implications of the visual analytics framework for influenc-
ing the future of transparent and communicative moderation practices.
As a next step, we plan to realize our proposed visual analytic tasks
within existing content moderation workflows. We will conduct em-
pirical studies to evaluate how visual analytic interventions and the
resulting human-machine interfaces help reduce the cognitive load and
emotional toll of content moderators.
This work was funded by the National Science Foundation (award
number 1928627).
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Conference Paper
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Figure 1: These are screenshots from the channel of popular streamer SypherPK. Left (A), is the "about" page for the streamer's channel, which has a section for rules. Right (B) is a screenshot of when a stream is happening. When a user tries to type in the channel's chat for the first time, a pop-up window will appear with "chat rules". ABSTRACT Rules and norms are critical to community governance. Live streaming communities like Twitch consist of thousands of micro-communities called channels. We conducted two studies to understand the micro-community rules. Study one suggests that Twitch users perceive that both rules transparency and communication frequency matter to channel vibe and frequency of harassment. Study two finds that the most popular channels have no channel or chat rules; among these having rules, rules encouraged by streamers are prominent. We explain why this may happen and how this contributes to community moderation and future research. CCS CONCEPTS • Human-centered computing → Empirical studies in HCI.
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Content moderation is an essential part of online community health and governance. While much of extant research is centered on what happens to the content, moderation also involves the management of violators. This study focuses on how moderators (mods) make decisions about their actions after the violation takes place but before the sanction by examining how they "profile" the violators. Through observations and interviews with volunteer mods on Twitch, we found that mods engage in a complex process of collaborative evidence collection and profile violators into different categories to decide the type and extent of punishment. Mods consider violators' characteristics as well as behavioral history and violation context before taking moderation action. The main purpose of the profiling was to avoid excessive punishment and aim to integrate violators more into the community. We discuss the contributions of profiling to moderation practice and suggest design mechanisms to facilitate mods' profiling processes.
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Link to access full content: Companies operating internet platforms are developing artificial intelligence tools for content moderation purposes. This paper discusses technologies developed to measure the ‘toxicity’ of text-based content. The research builds upon queer linguistic studies that have indicated the use of ‘mock impoliteness’ as a form of interaction employed by LGBTQ people to cope with hostility. Automated analyses that disregard such a pro-social function may, contrary to their intended design, actually reinforce harmful biases. This paper uses ‘Perspective’, an AI technology developed by Jigsaw (formerly Google Ideas), to measure the levels of toxicity of tweets from prominent drag queens in the United States. The research indicated that Perspective considered a significant number of drag queen Twitter accounts to have higher levels of toxicity than white nationalists. The qualitative analysis revealed that Perspective was not able to properly consider social context when measuring toxicity levels and failed to recognize cases in which words, that might conventionally be seen as offensive, conveyed different meanings in LGBTQ speech.
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As government pressure on major technology companies builds, both firms and legislators are searching for technical solutions to difficult platform governance puzzles such as hate speech and misinformation. Automated hash-matching and predictive machine learning tools – what we define here as algorithmic moderation systems – are increasingly being deployed to conduct content moderation at scale by major platforms for user-generated content such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. This article provides an accessible technical primer on how algorithmic moderation works; examines some of the existing automated tools used by major platforms to handle copyright infringement, terrorism and toxic speech; and identifies key political and ethical issues for these systems as the reliance on them grows. Recent events suggest that algorithmic moderation has become necessary to manage growing public expectations for increased platform responsibility, safety and security on the global stage; however, as we demonstrate, these systems remain opaque, unaccountable and poorly understood. Despite the potential promise of algorithms or ‘AI’, we show that even ‘well optimized’ moderation systems could exacerbate, rather than relieve, many existing problems with content policy as enacted by platforms for three main reasons: automated moderation threatens to (a) further increase opacity, making a famously non-transparent set of practices even more difficult to understand or audit, (b) further complicate outstanding issues of fairness and justice in large-scale sociotechnical systems and (c) re-obscure the fundamentally political nature of speech decisions being executed at scale.
Conference Paper
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Although group chat discussions are prevalent in daily life, they have a number of limitations. When discussing in a group chat, reaching a consensus often takes time, members contribute unevenly to the discussion, and messages are unorganized. Hence, we aimed to explore the feasibility of a facilitator chatbot agent to improve group chat discussions. We conducted a needfinding survey to identify key features for a facilitator chatbot. We then implemented Groupfeed-Bot, a chatbot agent that could facilitate group discussions by managing the discussion time, encouraging members to participate evenly, and organizing members' opinions. To evaluate GroupfeedBot, we performed preliminary user studies that varied for diverse tasks and different group sizes. We found that the group with GroupfeedBot appeared to exhibit more diversity in opinions even though there were no differences in output quality and message quantity. On the other hand, GroupfeedBot promoted members' even participation and effective communication for the medium-sized group.
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Many of the challenges associated with cybersecurity operations are also ripe opportunities for the application of human-machine teaming. Advances in cognitive science, artificial intelligence, and machine learning promise the technology to achieve the level of intelligence and sophistication necessary to create a true intelligent teammate. This panel gathers experts from across the community to discuss the challenges and opportunities for human-machine teaming in cybersecurity operations.
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Online community moderators are on the front lines of combating problems like hate speech and harassment, but new modes of interaction can introduce unexpected challenges. In this paper, we consider moderation practices and challenges in the context of real-time, voice-based communication through 25 in-depth interviews with moderators on Discord. Our findings suggest that the affordances of voice-based online communities change what it means to moderate content and interactions. Not only are there new ways to break rules that moderators of text-based communities find unfamiliar, such as disruptive noise and voice raiding, but acquiring evidence of rule-breaking behaviors is also more difficult due to the ephemerality of real-time voice. While moderators have developed new moderation strategies, these strategies are limited and often based on hearsay and first impressions, resulting in problems ranging from unsuccessful moderation to false accusations. Based on these findings, we discuss how voice communication complicates current understandings and assumptions about moderation, and outline ways that platform designers and administrators can design technology to facilitate moderation.
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Twitch is one of the largest live streaming platforms and is unique from other social media in that it supports synchronous interaction and enables users to engage in moderation of the content through varied technical tools, which include auto-moderation tools provided by Twitch, third-party applications, and home-brew apps. The authors interviewed 21 moderators on Twitch and categorized the current features of real-time moderation tools they are using into four functions (chat control, content control, viewer control, settings control) and explored some new features of tools that they wish to own (e.g., grouping chat by languages, pop out window to hold messages, chat slow down, a set of buttons with pre-written/pre-message content, viewer activity tracking, all in one). Design implications provide suggestions for chatbots and algorithm design and development.
Transparency in moderation practices is crucial to the success of an online community. To meet the growing demands of transparency and accountability, several academics came together and proposed the Santa Clara Principles on Transparency and Accountability in Content Moderation (SCP). In 2018, Reddit, home to uniquely moderated communities called subreddits, announced in its transparency report that the company is aligning its content moderation practices with the SCP. But do the moderators of subreddit communities follow these guidelines too? In this paper, we answer this question by employing a mixed-methods approach on public moderation logs collected from 204 subreddits over a period of five months, containing more than 0.5M instances of removals by both human moderators and AutoModerator. Our results reveal a lack of transparency in moderation practices. We find that while subreddits often rely on AutoModerator to sanction newcomer posts based on karma requirements and moderate uncivil content based on automated keyword lists, users are neither notified of these sanctions, nor are these practices formally stated in any of the subreddits' rules. We interviewed 13 Reddit moderators to hear their views on different facets of transparency and to determine why a lack of transparency is a widespread phenomenon. The interviews reveal that moderators' stance on transparency is divided, there is a lack of standardized process to appeal against content removal and Reddit's app and platform design often impede moderators' ability to be transparent in their moderation practices.
In this paper, we introduce a novel sociotechnical moderation system for Reddit called Crossmod. Through formative interviews with 11 active moderators from 10 different subreddits, we learned about the limitations of currently available automated tools, and how a new system could extend their capabilities. Developed out of these interviews, Crossmod makes its decisions based on cross-community learning---an approach that leverages a large corpus of previous moderator decisions via an ensemble of classifiers. Finally, we deployed Crossmod in a controlled environment, simulating real-time conversations from two large subreddits with over 10M subscribers each. To evaluate Crossmod's moderation recommendations, 4 moderators reviewed comments scored by Crossmod that had been drawn randomly from existing threads. Crossmod achieved an overall accuracy of 86% when detecting comments that would be removed by moderators, with high recall (over 87.5%). Additionally, moderators reported that they would have removed 95.3% of the comments flagged by Crossmod; however, 98.3% of these comments were still online at the time of this writing (i.e., not removed by the current moderation system). To the best of our knowledge, Crossmod is the first open source, AI-backed sociotechnical moderation system to be designed using participatory methods.