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Business value appropriation roadmap for artificial intelligence



Purpose Artificial intelligence (AI) is deemed to have a significant impact as a value driver for the firms and help them get an operational and competitive advantage. However, there exists a lack of understanding of how to appropriate value from this nascent technology. This paper aims to discuss the approaches toward knowledge and innovation strategies to fill this gap. Design/methodology/approach The discussion presents a review of the extant strategy and information systems literature to develop a strategy for organizational learning and value appropriation strategy for AI. A roadmap is drawn from ambidexterity and organizational learning theories. Findings This study builds the link between learning and ambidexterity to propose paths for exploration and exploitation of AI. The study presents an ambidextrous approach toward innovation concerning AI and highlights the importance of developing as well as reusing the resources. Research limitations/implications This study integrates over three decades of strategy and information systems literature to answer questions about value creation from AI. The study extends the ambidexterity literature with contemporary. Practical implications This study could help practitioners in making sense of AI and making use of AI. The roadmap could be used as a guide for the strategy development process. Originality/value This study analyzes a time-tested theoretical framework and integrates it with futuristic technology in a way that could reduce the gap between intent and action. It aims to simplify the organizational learning and competency development for an uncertain, confusing and new technology.
Business value appropriation
roadmap for articial intelligence
Arindra Nath Mishra and Ashis Kumar Pani
Department of Business Management, XLRI, Jamshedpur, India
Purpose Articial intelligence (AI) is deemed to have a signicant impact as a value driver for the rms
and help them get an operational and competitive advantage. However, there exists a lack of understanding of
how to appropriate value from this nascent technology. This paper aims to discuss the approaches toward
knowledge and innovation strategies to ll this gap.
Design/methodology/approach The discussion presents a review of the extant strategy and
information systems literature to develop a strategy for organizational learning and value appropriation
strategy for AI. A roadmap is drawn from ambidexterity and organizational learningtheories.
Findings This study builds the link between learning andambidexterity to propose paths for exploration
and exploitation of AI. The study presents an ambidextrous approach toward innovation concerning AI and
highlights the importance of developing as well as reusing the resources.
Research limitations/implications This study integrates over three decades of strategy and
information systems literature to answer questions about value creation from AI. The study extends the
ambidexterity literature with contemporary.
Practical implications This study could help practitioners in making sense of AI and making use of
AI. The roadmap could be used as a guide for the strategy development process.
Originality/value This study analyzes a time-tested theoretical framework and integrates it with
futuristic technology in a way that could reduce the gap between intent and action. It aims to simplify the
organizational learning and competency development for an uncertain, confusing and new technology.
Keywords Ambidexterity, Business transformation, Organizational learning,
New product development, Articial intelligence, E-business strategy
Paper type General review
1. Introduction
Articial intelligence (AI) is an attempt to understand and build a machine capable of doing
intelligent tasks. AI could be pivotal to the second machine age (Brynjolfsson and McAfee,
2016) and help us in mastering our physical and intellectual environment, leading to
prosperity for the humankind. We have dabbled in creating a thinking machinefor several
decades. However, recent headway into AI encourages us to seriously consider the projected
impact on the world (Kurzweil et al., 1990;Kurzweil, 2006;Agrawal et al.,2017). This
burgeoning transformation of our world hints at an immense opportunity for rms. It has
been discussed that companies could use AI for optimizing the business departments like
operations (Baryannis et al., 2019), marketing (Roos and Kern, 1996;Sterne, 2017) and
human resources (HR) (Sivathanu and Pillai, 2018;Stone et al.,2018). AI adoption promises
value embedded in its untapped potentials and warrants a detailed investigation (Mckinsey.
com, 2018).
Despite the widespread understanding of the potential of AI, it is not fully understood,
which prevent rms from implementing AI-based technology solutions andextract business
value from them. Ransbotham et al. (2017) reported that about 85 per cent of the executives
believe AI can help them in business. However, only5 per cent of companies had extensively
Business value
Received 12 July2019
Revised 30 January2020
Accepted 1 March2020
VINE Journal of Information and
Knowledge Management Systems
Vol. 51 No. 3, 2021
pp. 353-368
© Emerald Publishing Limited
DOI 10.1108/VJIKMS-07-2019-0107
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available on Emerald Insight at:
incorporated AI, and 20 per cent had partially used AI. This points toward a gap between
potential and actual adoption. Another survey found that while 83 per cent banks had
considered using AI or machine learning in their business, the implementation rate was
around 67 per cent (Dougal, 2018). The gap has been explained by Dougal as a lack of
knowledge about the application of these technologies into business problems. The
knowledge would come through organizational learning, post which value can be extracted.
We have differentiated process into three steps learning, research and development (R&D)
and value creation. This exploration is guided by three pertinent research questions (RQs)
around deriving business value from AI:
RQ1. How could organizations develop knowledge in AI?
The approach toward developing technological competencies required to appropriate value
from AI would come from organizational learning (OL) (Crossan and Berdrow, 2003;Real et
al.,2006). These competencies could be developed through the exploration of new avenues
for AI developmentas well as making exploitative use of AI by incremental innovation:
RQ2. What are the ways of deriving value from AI for an organization?
An organization can exploit extant knowledge as well as explore new ways of using AI as
proposed by March (1991). However, extending the extant discussion on value creation in
current technological context could potentially help formulate a robust strategy for delivery
RQ3. What are some themes of current uses of AI in businesses?
Some of the AI-based tools are part of information systems in organizations and could help
in improving the processes. If we can highlight how it has impacted departments like
marketing and operations, we could show the potential use cases of AI-based technologies in
process improvement.
2. Articial intelligence
We live in a post-industrial, information-based society (Duff, 2004;Webster, 2007). Over the
past four decades, information systems have moved from a peripheral to a central one.
Transitioning from decision support systems to data warehouse to real-time warehouse to
big data analytics, we are eventually moving toward the cognitive-computingera
(Watson, 2017). AI will drive this new wave of information technology (IT) at the core of
information-based systems, thus opened up avenues for the use of AI in analytics, language
processing and visual processing. AI could benet humanity through a massive increase in
information processing accuracy and efciency, unlocking economic and social
development (Hall and Pesenti, 2017). Some of the recent applications have been to chatbots
(Hill et al., 2015), translation services (Bahdanau et al.,2014;LeCun et al.,2015;Wu et al.,
2016;Johnson et al.,2017), robotics and autonomous agents (Dirican, 2015;Reitman, 1984;
Tirgul and Naik, 2016) and virtual assistants like OK Google, Siri, Alexa and Cortana
(Bushnel, 2018). It is interpolating from these developments that it can be estimated that in
the future, machines could replace humans in tasks like driving cars, solving problems or
managing logistics (Brynjolfsson and McAfee, 2016). This is achieved by mimicking the
way we humans learn. Tasks like reading a newspaper, is essentially recognizing the letters,
assembling them into meaningful words and sentences. AI can do the same using
algorithms that are broadly called machine learning (ML) algorithms. ML uses statistics for
nding patterns in huge amounts of data (Hao, 2018).
AI makes it possible for machines to be able to adapt and solve problems in uncertain
domains. However, the way AI may acquire knowledge and makes sense of the world could
shape its perception of the world (Sanzogni et al.,2017). This would require careful
deliberation of sources and boundaries of knowledge within AI.
3. Classical technology dilemma: exploration vs exploitation
According to March (1991), there are two broad ways to generate value from technology:
rstly, through exploitation, which is extension of existing competencies, technologies, and
paradigms,while exploration is about nding new alternatives. Factors like uncertainty in
the results, time of development, novelty of the development compared to the current
process could help decide which path to take (Kuittinen et al., 2013). However, over-reliance
on one of these strategies could be detrimental as it leads to competency trap; hence, it is
suggested to strike a balance between both (Liu, 2006). Ambidextrous organizations are
those that attempt to balance both (Tushman and OReilly, 1996;OReilly and Tushman,
This means that organizations need to have skill sets to survive in mature markets,
which play by the rules of efciency, and new products markets, which play by the rules of
innovation, agility and exibility (Tushman and OReilly, 1996). Though there exist
competing schools of thoughts who prescribe focusing on one or the other or both, we look
into value creation as a function of ambidexterity as it has been shown to work best for
survival of new ventures (Hill and Birkinshaw, 2014).
While the competencies and the R&D are integral components of any OL strategy, the
major rethinking for AI would be based on the two aspects that have come up in recently:
servicitization and open development. Servicitization is turning products into service where
possession of physical hardware is with the purveyor who lets the buyers subscribe to them
without the hassle and cost of procurement (Ramiller et al.,2008). One of the ways to achieve
servicitization is technology development over a platform.
On the other hand, open development, as the name suggests, involves a non-proprietary
approach of managing intellectual property. Open innovation has also been termed as
external knowledge exploration (Lichtenthaler, 2011). This can come in the form of
outsourcing, sharing and collaboration, thereby developing competencies. Open innovation
is an emergent method of R&D (Enkel et al.,2009). We have tried to explore the relevance of
open innovation in AI R&D.
4. Roadmap for articial intelligence
We build our roadmap from the empirical ndings of Turulja and Bajgori
c (2018). They
demonstrated that knowledgeis the precursor to innovation,in turn leads to business
performance in rms. This broad knowledge innovation strategy can be played out by
several combinations, as shown in Figure 1.
There are four different pathways presented, two each for type of knowledge strategy
and two types of innovation strategies. As discussed earlier, two approaches to knowledge
could be either to apply existing knowledge (exploitation) to solve business problems or seek
new knowledge (exploration) to address business problems (March, 1991). The goal of all
business processes is to convert inputs into valuable outputs. New technology is expected to
improve these processes through innovation. Business value can be created either through
new products (product innovation) or through optimizing the business process (process
innovation). In the context of AI, the innovation in product comes through new product
development (NPD). Another type of innovation would be innovation in process which
would be brought about by business process transformation (BPT).
Business value
The technology transformation roadmap is indicated as an approach toward business value
appropriation from AI as it moves from its current to future state. The current state is the
one where the rm has not yet embraced AI for its business, while the future state is the one
where it would have embraced and used AI. The three steps of OL, R&D and value creation
are not strictly sequential neither chronological. However, Figure 2 depicts a general
direction toward the future state, which is dependent on the organizational learning, which
would be elemental for the R&D process that would be used for the value creation. This is
seen through the dimensions of either explorationor exploitation of technology.
4.1 Organizational learning
OL is dened as development of insights, knowledge, and associations between past
actions, the effectiveness of those actions, and future actions(Fiol and Lyles, 1985). OL is a
continuous, irreversible and path-dependent process (Nieto, 2004), which is a process of
encoding learning into a guiding framework for the organization (Levitt and March, 1988).
One of the critical aspects of OL is organizational knowledge (OK). OK is the ability to carry
out business processes based upon the past collective understanding of the domain and
context (Tsoukas and Vladimirou, 2001). It has been shown that OK can serve both as a
Figure 1.
KM, innovation and
Figure 2.
barrier as well as a source of inspiration for the NPD (Carlile, 2002). On the other hand, there
is a strong link between success of BPT and knowledge management practices (Jang et al.,
Exploitation is essentially knowledge application and it gets operationalized in sensing
and seizing new opportunities for the rm (Teece, 1998). Exploitation strategy works like an
adaptation that can be done quickly and predictable, while exploration has inherent risk,
and it is a time-taking process (Real et al., 2006). This could be more suited for rms that
needs to implement fast and frugal AI innovation. On the other hand, the exploitation
strategy works through knowledge acquisition and represents the rms ability to recognize
usable knowledge, then endeavor to absorb it (Liao et al., 2009). The development of a
proprietary algorithm (one that is more accurate in prediction or faster or computationally
efcient than previous algorithms) will lead to a distinctive competency. These types of
distinctive competencies (Real et al.,2006) help the organization in developing an inimitable
value proposition for the customers, leading to a competitive advantage (Crossan and
Berdrow, 2003).
In the case of NPD, primarily, there needs to be a focus on exploration. On the other hand,
for BPT, exploitation priority is a better approach. However, in both cases, the
complementary approach should also take place to balance out the benets.
The takeaway for a rm indulging in BPT is that IS competencies lead to increased
entrepreneurial agility for the rm (Chakravarty et al.,2013), which in turn leads to higher
rm performance (Sambamurthy et al., 2003).
4.2 Research and development
Each company may have different requirement and needs, which would result in differing
information systems requirements (Gregory, 1995). R&D serves the core function of
exploration, and we will have a look at different kinds of R&D. There are three kinds of
R&D setups: decentralized, network and integrated (DeSanctis et al.,2002). Decentralized
designs are more suitable for rms that want to improve the existing product. This would be
better for rms that are indulging in BPT using AI. It would also be optimum for a rm that
is AI producer doing NPD if AI is one of the many products it makes because of the
reusability prospects of the research insights.
4.2.1 Open innovation, outsourcing and collaboration. One of the exploitation methods
could be through outsourcing of the process to save time and reduce uncertainty (Kuittinen
et al., 2013). This is supported by an increasing trend toward external resources is upheld by
the value in sharing the development, deployment and maintenance. Open innovation is an
approach suited to such business environments with marked uncertainty in resources like
AI. AI applications can be developed using components like codes, open APIs, JSON streams
and algorithms from easily available open sources. It has been rightly said that Most
innovations fail. And companies that dont innovate die(Chesbrough, 2006). The solution
proposed by Chesbrough is open innovation where a rm uses both internal and external
ideas that can result in faster product-to-market, lower cost and higher rm sustainability. It
was estimated that there were less than 10,000 professionals with the right skill set for AI
development (Nott, 2018), which leads to a skyrocketing in the salaries of AI professionals
(Metz, 2017). In this landscape, it makes even more sense to have open innovation and
indulge in collaborative development.
The second approach toward development is to outsource. Outsourcing is taking
external help in lling the gaps in an organizations IS capabilities. These gaps are a
function of the resource attributes and resource allocation (Cheon et al., 1995). AIs
complexity and resource dependencies call for greater need for outsourcing. It has also been
Business value
shown to reduce effort, increase protability and reduce risks (Choi et al.,2018;Loh and
Venkatraman, 1995). Collaboration can also be a mechanism for the acquisition of external
resources. Universities and independent research laboratories can be of help in exploration
of knowledge for rms. It has been demonstrated by Paunov et al. (2019) that corporate
patent lings had higher citations of university publications that were located near. The
best examples are Google, Microsoft and Uber who have collaborated with universities in
Canada and the USA to co-develop AI-based technological solutions. Another successful
example is the Catapul program in UK that helps link industry and research (Davis, 2015).
On the other hand, there are examples like Australia that has low collaboration between
industry and the academia (OECD, 2019). The willingness to collaborate could be lower due
to the gap between academic and practical perspective or due to lack of direct benets for
the practitioners (Rodríguez et al., 2014).
4.3 Value creation processes
The rst decision should be prioritizing on either acquisition or application of knowledge or
a mix of both. Second would be the way knowledge is used to create value. This requires
R&D activities, which result in innovation. The knowledge processes can lead to two kinds
of innovations product innovation resulting in new product development or process
innovation leading to an optimized process. Knowledge has been shown to leads to
innovation, which in turn leads to rm performance (Turulja and Bajgori
c, 2018).
4.3.1 New product development. One of the ways of value appropriation is NPD where
the rm may indulge in the identication of opportunities where it can enter the market with
a new offering. As discussed earlier, exploitation approach deals with the incremental
innovation, while explorative approach deals with the disruptive innovation. Incremental
innovation approach would improve a business process, while disruptive would be akin to a
new process (Norman and Verganti, 2014). However, IT projects are generally complex and
have a higher failure rate when compared to other engineering projects (Berti-Equille and
Borge-Holthoefer, 2015). It is essential to develop the AI-based technologies in a cooperative
manner where there is synergy between IT teams and business units to meet larger goals. It
can be further added that skills and knowledge need to be readjusted for adaptation in a
exible manner (Leonard-Barton, 1995).
4.3.2 Business process transformation. It has been rightly said that no business
survives over the long term without reinventing itself(Bertolini et al.,2015). BPT can be
dened as the transformation of products, processes and organizational aspects. The
genesis of BPT may be in the factors that could potentially make the current processes
inefcient and thereby threaten the sustainability of the rms. The internet changed some of
the business models and slowly brought an end to physical distribution of data.
BPT is essentially a redesign of the business processes with the intention of
improvements in cost, quality, service and speed (Hammer and Champy, 2009). The rst
step toward BPT is the same as that of NPD –“identication of opportunities.This is a
crucial step where the rms may question themselves on certain assumptions and business
processes. One of the questions they can ask is, how could they serve the customer better
with new technology?In the case of AI-based solutions like virtual assistants, the rm may
answer the question by saying that it would eliminate the waiting time for customer query,
it would standardize the experience and provide faster resolution of queries.
Similarly, we may ask how would the technology impact our business?On similar
lines, it can be answered as the use of chatbots would reduce the HR requirements and
reduce cost. Another way to question the business model is whether any new technologies
could make the current process simpler. The end goals may be improved customer
experience, reduced cost of operation, reduced cost of goods sold, improved revenue,
enhanced lead-time, higher quality (Jha et al.,2016). This would then serve as inputs in
deriving the OL and R&D strategies.
Once the rm decides on what processes to improve, it must consider alternatives if
available or benchmark it with existent technology or process to make sure that the
technology is worth upgrading. While this evaluative phase is undertaken, the criteria
should be very clearly laid out. Based on a review of extant literature, Mitropoulos and
Tatum (2000) enumerated ve attributes that govern the adoption process:
(1) Compatibility The task-technology ttheory suggests a stronger t between
the technology and the task for higher performance (Goodhue and Thompson,
1995). The application area of AI must be a holistically seen as an interaction with
the employees, teams, departments of the organization.
(2) Complexity It is the level of difculty associated with understanding the
technology like AI that encompasses lots of different types of approaches and
entails varying levels of complexities.
(3) Observability Unless the organization can contemplate upon and scrutinize the
alternatives they have at hand, they should not move forward.
(4) Triability Building upon the previous point, the proof of concept (POC) needs to
be tested out. This would reduce the problems later on.
(5) Relative advantage These POCs are rated and compared based upon their
performance, cost and risk as per the importance of these three attributes.
The comparison helps in selecting the best option from the different concepts. Once the
choice of technology is nalized, the business transformation process can be undertaken.
5. Contemporary implementation themes
5.1 Servicitization
Servicization is a business strategy to sell the functionality of a product rather than the
product itself(Örsdemir et al., 2018). The need for establishment and maintenance of
hardware and software is eliminated by a centralized service offering which is charged for
usage and remains on tap. As discussed earlier, in simple terms, it means converting a
product into a service. One of the common servicitization in IT is cloud computingwhere
the computing functions like storage and processing takes place on a remote computer
available to the user as service rather than as a physical product (Mell and Grance, 2011;
Varghese and Buyya, 2018;Belbergui et al.,2017). There is no need to set up, maintain and
upgrade computers, thereby helping in cost cutting. It also increases the accessibility and
use of resources which can be accessed anytime, anywhere.
Cloud computing is usually classied based upon the service that is provided and named
as X as a servicewhich is an acronym for anything as a service.There are three main
types of XaaS, namely, IaaS Infrastructure as a Service, PaaS Platform as a Service and
SaaS Software as a Service (Kavis, 2014). IaaS is a type of cloud where the cloud vendor
provides only the servers, storage and networking while the client sets up their operating
system and software on the vendors servers (, 2019). IaaS is most useful for
organizations that do not have physical space or infrastructure. PaaS is a cloud platform
where server as well as operating system and developmental tools are provided by the
vendor. It is useful for rapid and collaborate development of applications. SaaS provides
access to applications through network eliminating the need to install software on client
devices. This eliminates the hassle on maintaining the hardware as well as software.
Business value
SaaS is easiest to implement but least exible, which makes it more suitable for BPT,
while IaaS is more suitable for NPD because of the exibility and controls it offers at the cost
of reduced ease of use. PaaS is somewhere in between both and could be leveraged for both.
Apart from these, there are some other Xaas implementations that could benet AI.
Business process management over PaaS (or BPM PaaS) enables execution of customized
business processes on the cloud (Riemann, 2015). These preset instructions can help reduce
time and effort in managing business processes. BPaaS or business process as a serviceis
delivering business process outsourcing (BPO) over cloud (, 2019). Essentially it
is automation of human interactive agents like call center respondents.
There are different applications of AI, right from prediction engines to virtual assistants
to robotics and each case would t into an appropriate type of an X as a service platform. A
brief overview of three main XaaS architectures: IaaS, PaaS and SaaS and their relevance to
AI is provided in Table I where we present some examples of each of the types of XaaS.
An example of IaaS is Amazons Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) service, which is used by
Airbnb to analyze over 50 GB of data daily (, 2019). EC2 enables load balancing
of huge chunks of static data like user pictures and dynamic data like user activities into
different EC2 instances on cloud. One of the examples of PaaS would be Microsofts Azure
ML Service, which offers algorithms for text analytics (, 2019a). Text
analytics algorithms could be used by a retailer to analyze social media data to ascertain
whether discussions are positive or negative based on sentiment score (,
2019b). Similarly, a SaaS offered by IBM under Watson Developer Cloud is Tone
Analyzer,which can be easily integrated with chatbots and social streams to understand
the emotions and communication styles (, 2016).
However, we also need to discuss some of the key drawbacks of cloud-based AI
technologies. Though cloud would provide lower cost, higher quality of service, scalability
and time reduction, it may entail reliability and security issues as well as long-term cost
ineffectiveness. There is a lot of discussion around security and privacy of AI and having
some sensitive data and processing locally. This is possible by using hybrid cloud (Jain and
Hazra, 2019).
5.2 Decentralized value creation
There has been an overall trend toward decentralization of the rms role in value creation.
The change from being a content gatekeeperto customer gatekeeperopens up avenues
in value creation through content creation, infrastructure, access, modules and orchestration
(Pagani, 2013). As per our discussion on the platforms of AI value chain, there can be
different kinds of platforms. The second aspect is the shift of the power from the rms to the
users. This would mean that consumer have more say in what they want, how they want
and when they want. This information may either be explicitly stated by the customer or
Table I.
AI Cloud platforms
Cloud model AI solution Service provider
IaaS Infrastructure like storage, processing and AI engine for
higher customization
Amazon EC2
PaaS Platform to build and deploy AI solutions using reusable
codes and APIs
Amazon Web Services
ML, Microsoft Azure ML
SaaS AI-based apps and software through a subscription model Microsoft Cognitive
Services, Watson
Developer Cloud (IBM)
implicitly stated in howthey interact with the products. Consecutively, the rms would need
to align to these requirements and develop their strategy from these inputs (Brenner et al.,
6. Articial inteligence use cases in two managerial areas
6.1 Enhancing the customer segmentation
One of the traditional but powerful approaches in marketing is customer segmentation.
Segmentation is segregation of different types of buyers who will respond to different kinds
of marketing efforts. Traditionally, it has been successful in enhancing marketing
effectiveness; however, AI can help increase marketing accuracy further by delivering one-
to-one marketing. Micro-segmentation is classication of customers on a ner level and
reveals more nuanced aspects of their preferences, lifestyle and aspirations rather than
broader aspects like price-sensitivity. ML algorithms can be used to map the customer
journey to understand the patterns like effect of change of location on purchase of luxury
products or nding a subset of price-sensitive customers who may purchase specic luxury
products. Micro-segmentation can further enhance the personalization of the marketing
campaigns (Kushmaro, 2018).
An interesting case for micro-segmentation is that of Boeing Employees Credit Union,
which used micro-segmentation to optimize email communications resulting in higher
responses to promotion drives for loans, credit cards and mortgages (Rijn, 2019). This
resulted in a 10 per cent lift for the campaigns.
6.2 Operations and logistic eciency
There are many applications of AI in the eld of operations (Cohen and Sherkat, 1987;Lau
et al., 2009). The use of AI opens up new avenues for managing the operations not just for
rms that indulge in the movement of physical goods but also help improve the service
quality applying the same principles where it is applicable. Overall, the optimization of
operations management (Jacobs et al., 2004) using AI would provide the rm with a
competitive advantage over others because of increased performance because of better
prediction of the volatility of time because of large number of factors. These factors were
difcult to model without using advanced ML techniques.
DHL is one of the leaders in logistic services. They have developedan ML algorithm that
uses over 58 parameters to predict the average transit time a week in advance (Gesing et al.,
2018). This is one of the many use cases that have shown potential of AI in logistics and
supply chain optimization.
7. Discussion and conclusion
AI is an umbrella term for some of the most potent upcoming technologies that could open
up new avenues of development of solutions. It has been projected that AI could analyze the
data that was previously not analyzable, create real-time insights and enhance a rms
performance management (Clerck, 2018). Also, it can be applied to automate different kind
of processes, leading to reduced labor requirements and enhanced efciency. However, a key
difference between successful use of AI and unsuccessful would lie in the acquisition and
development of learning about this technology.
This requires developing technological competencies through OL as well as using the
developed competencies to develop products and services. This bifurcation helps in
simplifying the focus on development or acquisition of scarce resources. Technologies like
chatbots are a great starting point as POC for AI. They are found to be not just a novelty but
offer functional benets (Shawar and Atwell, 2007). It has already been used in many
Business value
organizations worldwide and gains more human-like abilities in expression and problem-
solving, as it learns from theinteractions (Hill et al., 2015). In a way, rms can readily exploit
it by making incremental changes and implanting it in their enterprise. There are also many
enterprises IT solutions making use of AI like the AI-based knowledge mining tools, AI-
based pattern recognition and robotic applications. We have also discussed general
directions of explorative research in marketing as well as operations where AI has been
used. However, as the current applications of AI stand, it is needs breakthroughs to develop
self-awarenessand reection to go beyond the automation of tasks and pattern
recognition. Once we develop a way to model such properties, AI can understand the
subjectivity of social milieu to have a collective experiential knowledge (Sanzogni et al.,
Lastly, there are also concerns regarding ethical and moral use of AI, which we have not
discussed here. We must not forget that the impetus should be on preserving our core
values, our belief systems and sense of well-being for not just humans, but the entire
ecosystem in which we thrive. We need to ensure that AI transformationdoes not happen at
the cost of our ability to think, ability to reect, ability to take stock and ability to keep the
wheel of world development rotating. It has been said by Elbert Hubbard: One machine can
do the work of fty ordinary men. No machine can do the work of one extraordinary man.
8. Implications, limitations and future directions
8.1 Implications for theory and practice
AI has been under development for over six decades. However, the recent developments
have poised it for becoming the next big disrupter for the businesses (Deloitte, 2019).
Usually, the early adopters gain market share as well as have higher revenues (Dos Santos
and Peffers, 1995;OConnor et al., 1998). We have discussed the approaches toward
developing competencies in AI through OL. Though the goals of a theorist and practitioner
may be different, a good theoretical model could serve both of them well (Dubin, 1976).
This paper has several implications from a managers perspective. Firstly, the roadmap
should be useful for the managers who are not sure where to begin. The overview of current
AI and OL literature could inform the strategic directions for AI adoption. Secondly, we
have shown that knowledge management (KM) should be the starting point while the
managers need to consider product or process innovation as mediator between KM and rm
performance (Turulja and Bajgori
c, 2018). Thirdly, the two broad approaches to innovation
through NPD and BPT could help in dening organizational priorities and help in extracting
rm performance through innovation. The proposed roadmap is exible enough to cater to
different organizations and could serve as a guiding light in navigating the uncertain
landscape of AI adoption and value appropriation.
8.2 Limitations and future directions
Through this paper, we have only touched theoretical foundations of rich literature in
strategy and IS. This rudimentary overview of concepts need much deeper understanding
and analysis and a deep dive could inform the reader about them in detail. This discussion
aimed to provide an executives overview of the AI strategy. However, internal technology
adoption is challenging. At an operational level, there are many factors that govern the
technology adoption and continued usage behaviors (Karahanna et al., 1999), but we
have not discussed about the adoption, rather limiting this discussion to learning and
R&D. The discussion presented here has been developed from extant literature.
However, it could be further developed through an empirical inquiry. Future work can
look into this area. Ambidexterity is one of the most difcult tradeoffs for an
organization (OReilly and Tushman, 2004), and the simplistic presentation of the
roadmap should not be taken as a remedy pill and needs due diligence. One of the major
challenges in development would be to conceptualize and create AI that can have
cognitive awareness, which is best described as subjective awarenessof the world
(Nagel, 1974). Future researchers can provide basis for such holistic approaches that go
beyond automation of tasks. There are many challenges in developing AI as well as
implementing those developments. This presents many opportunities too for researchers
as well as practitioners and they can look into these as future directions.
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Arindra Nath Mishra can be contacted at:
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... Recent research on the business value of AI suggests that AI resources and capabilities could offer firms a significant value-driving impact and help them achieve an operational and competitive advantage, even if there is a significant lack of understanding about how to appropriate value from AI [28]. An increasing number of studies focus on examining the specific dimensions of value that could be enabled through AI resources and capabilities. ...
... These articles were then examined independently by all co-authors and used as a source for the formulation of distinguishable actionable insights. The VP insights were complemented by insights extracted from some of the most representative references provided in the above 14 articles as well as from recent research articles focused on business ecosystems [63,64,66] and AI-based business value [28,30,35,36]. We searched the Web of Science Core Collection database for journal research articles containing the string "value proposition" in the titles, then selected the subset of articles corresponding to the Business or Management Web of Science categories, then searched everywhere within the last subset of articles for "business model", which narrowed down our search to a list of 84 articles. ...
... These articles were then examined independently by all co-authors and used as a source for the formulation of distinguishable actionable insights. The VP insights were complemented by insights extracted from some of the most representative references provided in the above 14 articles as well as from recent research articles focused on business ecosystems [63,64,66] and AI-based business value [28,30,35,36]. ...
Full-text available
The article suggests a Value Proposition (VP) framework that enables analysis of the beneficial impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) resources and capabilities on specific VP activities. To develop such a framework, we examined existing business and management research publications to identify and extract assertions that could be used as a source of actionable insights for early-stage growth-oriented companies. The extracted assertions were assembled into a corpus of texts that was subjected to topic modelling analysis—a machine learning approach to natural language processing that is used to identify latent themes in large corpora of text documents. The topic modelling resulted in the identification of seven topics. Each topic is defined by a set of most frequent words co-occurring in a distinctive subset of texts that could be interpreted in terms of activities constituting the core elements of the VP framework. We then examined each activity in terms of its potential to be enhanced by employing AI resources and capabilities. The interpretation of the topic modelling results led to the identification of seven topics: (1) Value created; (2) Stakeholder value propositions; (3) Foreign market entry; (4) Customer base; (5) Continuous improvement; (6) Cross-border operations; and (7) Company image. The uniqueness of the adopted topic modelling approach consists in the quality of the assertions and the interpretation of the seven topics as an activity framework, i.e., in its capacity to generate actionable insights for practitioners. The additional analysis suggests that there is a potential for AI to enhance the emerging four core elements of the VP framework: Value created, Stakeholder value propositions, Foreign market entry, and Customer base. More importantly, we found that the greatest number of assertions related to activities that could be enhanced by AI are part of the Customer base topic, i.e., the topic that is most directly related to the growth potential of the companies. In addition, the VP framework suggests that a company’s customer base growth is continuously enhanced through a positive loop enabled by activities focused on the Continuous improvement of the activities and the amount of Value created, the alignment of Stakeholder value propositions, and companies’ Foreign market entry. Thus, the multiple-stakeholder perspective on VP development and foreign market entry appears as a factor that helps in understanding the beneficial impact of AI on the enhancement of the VP of early-stage growth-oriented companies.
... Recent research on the business value of AI suggests that AI resources and capabilities could offer firms a significant value-driving impact and help them achieve an operational and competitive advantage, even if there is a significant lack of understanding about how to appropriate value from AI (Mishra and Pani 2020). An increasing number of studies focus on examining the specific dimensions of value that could be enabled through AI resources and capabilities. ...
... These articles were then examined independently by all co-authors and used as a source for the formulation of distinguishable actionable insights. The VP insights were complemented by insights extracted from selected recent research articles focused on business ecosystems (Jacobides et al. 2018;Dattée et al. 2018) and AI-based business value (Mishra and Pani 2020;Paschen et al. 2020). The process of developing these actionable insights included multiple interactive sessions including entrepreneurs, business mentors, representatives of organizations supporting small and medium company innovation, and other researchers. ...
... Given our findings, we can now broach our central question: how can the VP development activities of new growth-oriented companies be enhanced or empowered by the adoption of AI resources and capabilities, i.e., by AI-driven digitalization? Our choice of criteria for the selection of specific assertions was based on the insights of Mishra and Pani (2020), Güngör (2020), Majhi et al. (2021), and Rogers (2016) about the capability of the activities described by these assertions to be enhanced by AI-driven digitalization, more specifically sensing and seizing opportunities and reconfiguring key business aspects related to customers, competition, data utilization, innovation, and value creation. These included: ...
Full-text available
The article suggests a Value Proposition (VP) framework that enables the analysis of the beneficial impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) resources and capabilities on specific VP development activities. To develop such a framework, we examined existing management research publications to identify and extract assertions that could be used as a source of actionable insights for new growth-oriented companies. The extracted assertions were assembled into a corpus of texts that were subjected to topic modelling analysis – a machine learning approach to natural language processing that is used to identify latent themes in large corpora of text documents. The topic modeling resulted in the identification of seven topics. Each topic is defined by a set of most frequent words co-occurring in a distinctive subset of texts that could be interpreted in terms of activities constituting the core elements of the VP framework. We then examined each activity in terms of its potential to be enhanced by employing AI resources and capabilities. The interpretation of the topic modeling results led to the identification of seven topics: 1) Value created; 2) Stakeholder value propositions; 3) Foreign market entry; 4) Customer base; 5) Continuous improvement; 6) cross-border operations; and 7) Company image. The uniqueness of the adopted topic modeling approach consists in the quality of the assertions and the interpretation of the seven topics as an activity framework, i.e. in its capacity to generate actionable insights for practitioners. The additional analysis suggests that there is a potential for AI to enhance emerging the four core elements of the VP framework: Value created, Stakeholder value propositions, Foreign market entry, and Customer base. More importantly, we found that the greatest number of assertions related to activities that could be enhanced by AI are part of the Customer base topic, i.e., the topic that is most directly related to the growth potential of the companies. In addition, the VP framework suggests that a company’s customer base growth is continuously enhanced through a positive loop enabled by activities focused on the Continuous improvement of the activities and the amount of Value created, the alignment of Stakeholder value propositions, and companies’ Foreign market entry. Thus, Foreign market entry appears as a factor that helps in understanding the beneficial impact of AI on the VP development of new growth-oriented companies.
... Recent research on the business value of AI suggests that AI resources and capabilities could offer firms a significant value-driving impact and help them achieve an operational and competitive advantage, even if there is a significant lack of understanding about how to appropriate value from AI (Mishra and Pani 2020). An increasing number of studies focus on examining the specific dimensions of value that could be enabled through AI resources and capabilities. ...
... These articles were then examined independently by all co-authors and used as a source for the formulation of distinguishable actionable insights. The VP insights were complemented by insights extracted from selected recent research articles focused on business ecosystems (Jacobides et al. 2018;Dattée et al. 2018) and AI-based business value (Mishra and Pani 2020;Paschen et al. 2020). The process of developing these actionable insights included multiple interactive sessions including entrepreneurs, business mentors, representatives of organizations supporting small and medium company innovation, and other researchers. ...
... Given our findings, we can now broach our central question: how can the VP development activities of new growth-oriented companies be enhanced or empowered by the adoption of AI resources and capabilities, i.e. by AI-driven digitalization? Our choice of criteria for the selection of specific assertions was based on the insights of Mishra and Pani (2020), Güngör (2020), Majhi et al. (2021), and Rogers (2016) about the capability of the activities described by these assertions to be enhanced by AI-driven digitalization, more specifically sensing and seizing opportunities and reconfiguring key business aspects related to customers, competition, data utilization, innovation, and value creation. These included: 12 • automating business processes; • gaining decision-making insights through data analysis; • enhancing engagement or relationships with customers, employees, investors, partners and other relevant stakeholders; • identifying opportunities in the value chain from the adoption of a multi-stakeholder benefit analysis perspective; • building rich customer prospect profiles, enabling dynamic pricing, and automating workflows and post-order services; • uncovering new customer needs, business opportunities, and corresponding innovative offers. ...
Full-text available
The article suggests a Value Proposition (VP) framework that enables the analysis of the beneficial impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) resources and capabilities on specific VP development activities. To develop such a framework, we examined existing management research publications to identify and extract assertions that could be used as a source of actionable insights for new growth-oriented companies. The extracted assertions were assembled into a corpus of texts that were subjected to topic modelling analysis – a machine learning approach to natural language processing that is used to identify latent themes in large corpora of text documents. The topic modeling resulted in the identification of seven topics. Each topic is defined by a set of most frequent words co-occurring in a distinctive subset of texts that could be interpreted in terms of activities constituting the core elements of the VP framework. We then examined each activity in terms of its potential to be enhanced by employing AI resources and capabilities. The interpretation of the topic modeling results led to the identification of seven topics: 1) Value created; 2) Stakeholder value propositions; 3) Foreign market entry; 4) Customer base; 5) Continuous improvement; 6) cross-border operations; and 7) Company image. The uniqueness of the adopted topic modeling approach consists in the quality of the assertions and the interpretation of the seven topics as an activity framework, i.e. in its capacity to generate actionable insights for practitioners. The additional analysis suggests that there is a potential for AI to enhance emerging the four core elements of the VP framework: Value created, Stakeholder value propositions, Foreign market entry, and Customer base. More importantly, we found that the greatest number of assertions related to activities that could be enhanced by AI are part of the Customer base topic, i.e., the topic that is most directly related to the growth potential of the companies. In addition, the VP framework suggests that a company’s customer base growth is continuously enhanced through a positive loop enabled by activities focused on the Continuous improvement of the activities and the amount of Value created, the alignment of Stakeholder value propositions, and companies’ Foreign market entry. Thus, Foreign market entry appears as a factor that helps in understanding the beneficial impact of AI on the VP development of new growth-oriented companies.
... BI can be adopted in various departments of an HEI, leading to better decision-making processes and supporting strategic objectives. In order to be able to implement a BI system, it is essential to design a plan consisting of a roadmap, an architecture, and some guidelines [69]. In this sense, the architecture serves as a guideline for the development of the roadmap itself [70]. ...
... In this sense, the architecture serves as a guideline for the development of the roadmap itself [70]. The roadmap can be used as a guide for the process of developing a strategy [69], in which case it is responsible for presenting the processes needed to implement a BI system in HEIs [71]. On the other hand, a roadmap is an established concept in knowledge management, aimed at gathering knowledge and finding solutions to problems in a structured way [72]. ...
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Higher education institutions (HEIs) make decisions in several domains, namely strategic and internal management, without using systematized data that support these decisions, which may jeopardize the success of their actions or even their efficiency. Thus, HEIs must define and monitor strategies and policies essential for decision making in their various areas and levels, in which business intelligence (BI) plays a leading role. This study presents a systematic literature review (SLR) aimed at identifying and analyzing primary studies that propose a roadmap for the implementation of a BI system in HEIs. The objectives of the SLR are to identify and characterize (i) the strategic objectives that underlie decision making, activities, processes, and information in HEIs; (ii) the BI systems used in HEIs; (iii) the methods and techniques applied in the design of a BI architecture in HEIs. The results showed that there is space for developing research in this area since it was possible to identify several studies on the use of BI in HEIs, although a roadmap for its implementation was not identified, making it necessary to define a roadmap for the implementation of BI systems that can serve as a reference for HEIs.
... Research on artificial intelligence indicates that the potential benefits of its use include improving efficiency, productivity, effectiveness of tasks performed (Von Krogh, 2018), work design (Nguyen, Malik, 2022), and human resources management (Budhwar et al., 2022), task automation (Coombs et al., 2020), processing large amounts of information (Jarrahi, 2018), decision-making (Keding, 2021), innovating and transforming business processes (Wamba-Taguimdje et al., 2020), identifying opportunities to enter the market with a new offer (Mishra, Pani, 2020), improving the quality of existing products and services (Davenport, Ronanki, 2018), increasing revenues and reducing costs (Alsheiabni et al., 2019), improving reputation, and increasing share in the market (Toniolo et al., 2020). Research has shown that artificial intelligence also provides the opportunity to redefine business models (Duan et al., 2019). ...
... AI has quickly developed to the point where it can undergo transformations that enable intelligent automation and augmentation and create opportunities for ongoing digital innovation (Grewal et al., 2020, May et al., 2020, Abbad et al., 2021Enholm et al., 2021;Trocin et al., 2021;Akter et al., 2022;Johnson et al., 2022). Nonetheless, organisations continue to struggle with how to adopt and leverage AI technologies and realise performance gains (Mishra and Pani, 2020). ...
Purpose Although businesses continue to take up artificial intelligence (AI), concerns remain that companies are not realising the full value of their investments. The study aims to provide insights into how AI creates business value by investigating the mediating role of Business Process Management (BPM) capabilities. Design/methodology/approach The integrative model of IT Business Value was contextualised, and structural equation modelling was applied to validate the proposed serial multiple mediation model using a sample of 448 organisations based in the EU. Findings The results validate the proposed serial multiple mediation model according to which AI adoption increases organisational performance through decision-making and business process performance. Process automation, organisational learning and process innovation are significant complementary partial mediators, thereby shedding light on how AI creates business value. Research limitations/implications In pursuing a complex nomological framework, multiple perspectives on realising business value from AI investments were incorporated. Several moderators presenting complementary organisational resources (e.g. culture, digital maturity, BPM maturity) could be included to identify behaviour in more complex relationships. The ethical and moral issues surrounding AI and its use could also be examined. Practical implications The provided insights can help guide organisations towards the most promising AI activities of process automation with AI-enabled decision-making, organisational learning and process innovation to yield business value. Originality/value While previous research assumed a moderated relationship, this study extends the growing literature on AI business value by empirically investigating a comprehensive nomological network that links AI adoption to organisational performance in a BPM setting.
... This process can be improved by employing AI techniques. Wamba [27], refers that AI is expected to improve these processes, as AI enable the redesign of business processes to be performed by machine and in intelligent way [28]. ...
Conference Paper
The main objective of this study is to construct a comprehensive conceptual framework that link the relationship between artificial intelligence (AI), trust service framework of system reliability and reliability of accounting information system (AIS). To achieve this objective, the current related literature synthesized and analyzed using meta-analysis as a methodological approach. The findings of this study suggest that AI techniques can enhance the AIS reliability by supporting the security, confidentiality, privacy, processing integrity, and availability as five principles of trust service framework for system reliability. The proposed conceptual framework provides an explanation for such findings. The implications of this study will benefit a wide range of stakeholders including users, management, auditors. Some suggestions for future studies are provided in this study.
This research paper investigates the profound impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) strategies on Business Process Optimization (BPO) and the challenges encountered during their implementation. Through a quantitative approach, data was gathered from 229 managers across various industries, revealing significant positive outcomes in efficiency, decision-making precision, cost reduction, and overall output quality due to AI-driven BPO. However, challenges such as technical complexities, skill shortages, data management, organizational resistance, and privacy concerns emerged as substantial impediments. The study underscores the transformative potential of AI in reshaping business operations while highlighting the imperative for strategic solutions to address implementation challenges effectively.
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Revolutionary technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), multimedia developments, and the Internet of Things (IoT) are transforming daily life and industry in Africa. The swift proliferation of technology and dynamic business landscapes underscore the imperative of comprehending modern technologies for proficient administration. In this era of data, managing large datasets is essential, and information technology (IT) is needed to make archiving and processing easy. Understanding the effects of IoT, multimedia, and AI on financial growth in African countries is the main goal of the project. These technologies' confluence has the potential to bring about major changes that will promote innovation and long-term financial prosperity in a variety of regional industries. To propel revolutionary advancement, it is important to identify and comprehend their linkages. With an emphasis on African countries, this study attempts to offer a thorough and coherent viewpoint on the consequences and importance of IoT, multimedia, and AI in the context of financial growth. These technologies' confluence has the potential to significantly alter several industries, promoting innovation and being essential to the long-term financial success of the African continent. Thus, it is essential to identify and comprehend their synergy to propel revolutionary advancement.
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This paper presents preliminary evidence on the patenting activities of 21 200 research institutions - 20 091 higher education institutions (HEIs) and 1 109 public research institutes (PRIs) - for 36 OECD countries and China from 1992 to 2014. Our evidence, which builds on a database that matches research institutions to a sample of their patent applications, indicates patent applications to the European Patent Office (EPO) filed by research institutions grew faster than industry patents. Those jointly filed by industry and research institutions grew even faster. However, research institutions’ share in patent applications remains low and their ratio of patents granted to applications is below that of industry. An econometric analysis at postal code level shows that geographical proximity to research institutions is associated with higher industry patenting. Results from an instrumental variable estimation indicate that research institutions positively influence local industry patenting, including in life sciences and digital technologies.
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This report discusses challenges and opportunities in assessing the impacts of science-industry knowledge exchange on innovation. The report provides new evidence on joint industry-science patenting activity and academic start-ups, as well as on the impact of geographical proximity between research institutions and industry on local innovation. The report explores the complex set of knowledge-transfer channels, such as collaborative research, co-patenting, academic spinoffs, and their relative importance across science fields and industry sectors. It also experiments with using labour force survey data to assess the contributions of graduates in social sciences to different industries. Different policy mixes are used in OECD countries to stimulate science-industry knowledge transfer. This report presents a taxonomy of 21 policy instruments, which include grants for collaborative university-industry research and financial support to university spin-offs, and discusses their possible positive and negative interactions. Based on a number of country case studies, the report also sheds light on new policy approaches to support spin-off creation. The report also explores recent trends on the governance of public research of high relevance to science-industry knowledge transfer using newly developed policy indicators for 35 OECD countries. More info:
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Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) encompasses a wide variety of strategies aiming to identify, assess, mitigate and monitor unexpected events or conditions which might have an impact, mostly adverse, on any part of a supply chain. SCRM strategies often depend on rapid and adaptive decision making based on potentially large, multidimensional data sources. These characteristics make SCRM a suitable application area for Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques. The aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review of supply chain literature that addresses problems relevant to SCRM using approaches that fall within the AI spectrum. To that end, an investigation is conducted on the various definitions and classifications of supply chain risk and related notions such as uncertainty. Then, a mapping study is performed to categorise existing literature according to the AI methodology used, ranging from mathematical programming to Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics, and the specific SCRM task they address (identification, assessment or response). Finally, a comprehensive analysis of each category is provided to identify missing aspects and unexplored areas and propose directions for future research at the confluence of SCRM and AI.
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Purpose This paper aims to highlight the importance of Smart Human Resources 4.0 (Smart HR 4.0) and its role as a catalyst in the disruption process in the human resource domain. This paper illustrates the advantages of Smart HR 4.0 in the HR domain by using the example of Credit Suisse, which has extensively used people analytics to reduce employee attrition. Design/methodology/approach The paper discusses the role of Smart HR 4.0 as a disruptor in the human resource domain. With the help of the Smart HR 4.0 conceptual framework, this paper illustrates how Smart HR 4.0 disrupts the talent on-boarding, talent development, and talent off-boarding process. Findings An organization would require a successful Smart HR 4.0 strategy to cope up with the challenges of Industry 4.0 transformation. Emerging technologies such as Internet-of-Things, Big Data, and artificial intelligence will automate most of the HR processes, resulting in efficient and leaner HR teams. Both organization structure and leadership style changes would be required for efficient Smart HR 4.0 implementation that would allow HR departments to play a more strategic role in the overall organization growth. Originality/value This paper contributes to the existing literature and body of knowledge in the HR domain by developing a Smart HR 4.0 conceptual framework. This paper discusses how Smart HR 4.0 acts as a catalyst in the disruption of talent ion-boarding, talent development, and talent off-boarding process with the help of emerging technologies and change in the employee generation.
The relationship between management and digital technology: experts present a new agenda for the practice of management. Digital technology has profoundly affected the ways that businesses design and produce goods, manage internal communication, and connect with customers. But the next phase of the digital revolution raises a new set of questions about the relationship between technology and the practice of management. Managers in the digital era must consider how big data can inform hiring decisions, whether new communication technologies are empowering workers or unleashing organizational chaos, what role algorithms will play in corporate strategy, and even how to give performance feedback to a robot. This collection of short, pithy essays from MIT Sloan Management Review, written by both practitioners and academic experts, explores technology's foundational impact on management. Much of the conversation around these topics centers on the evolving relationship between humans and cognitive technologies, and the essays reflect this—considering, for example, not only how to manage a bot but how cognitive systems will enhance business decision making, how AI delivers value, and the ethics of algorithms. ContributorsAjay Agrawal, Robert D. Austin, David H. Autor, Andrew Burgert, Paul R. Daugherty, Thomas H. Davenport, R. Edward Freeman, Joshua S. Gans, Avi Goldfarb, Lynda Gratton, Reid Hoffman, Bala Iyer, Gerald C. Kane, Frieda Klotz, Rita Gunther McGrath, Paul Michelman, Andrew W. Moore, Nicola Morini-Bianzino, Tim O'Reilly, Bidhan L. Parmar, Ginni Rometty, Bernd Schmitt, Alex Tapscott, Don Tapscott, Monideepa Tarafdar, Catherine J. Turco, George Westerman, H. James Wilson, Andrew S. Winston
In the last forty years, the field of medicine has experienced dramatic shifts in technology-enhanced surgical procedures – from its initial use in 1985 for neurosurgical biopsies to current implementation of systems such as magnetic-guided catheters for endovascular procedures. Systems such as the Niobe Magnetic Navigation system and CorPath GRX have allowed for utilization of a fully integrated surgical robotic systems for perioperative manipulation, as well as tele-controlled manipulation systems for telemedicine. These robotic systems hold tremendous potential for future implementation in cerebrovascular procedures, but lack of relevant clinical experience and uncharted ethical and legal territory for real-life tele-robotics have stalled their adoption for neurovascular surgery, and might present significant challenges for future development and widespread implementation. Yet, the promise that these technologies hold for dramatically improving the quality and accessibility of cerebrovascular procedures such as thrombectomy for acute stroke, drives the research and development of surgical robotics. These technologies, coupled with artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities such as machine learning, deep-learning, and outcome-based analyses and modifications, have the capability to uncover new dimensions within the realm of cerebrovascular surgery.
Cloud providers such as Amazon, IBM and Microsoft are leasing their computing resources to various businesses providing them an alternative to investing in expensive hardware. Although recent information systems research has examined pricing‐related issues in cloud computing, several important questions still remain. For example, how should buyers decide on the capacity portfolio of private and public clouds? What is the impact of the buyer's demand uncertainty on the capacity portfolio decision? We address these questions in this paper through a stylized model. Our analysis reveals that the investment in cloud infrastructure (private, public or hybrid) is based on the profile of the buyer's demand. When a buyer faces demand with low mean, she relies on public cloud solutions. If the demand has high mean, then the buyer firm hosts applications on a private cloud. Implementing a hybrid cloud is the optimal strategy when the mean demand is in mid‐range. We find that high demand variability makes businesses to move towards public cloud solutions. We support these insights through examples from practice in the cloud computing industry. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Critics have argued that the field of information systems (IS) lacks a coherent theoretical framework. This paper attempts to further the theoretical development of a critical and pervasive contemporary phenomenon, outsourcing of IS functions, by synthesizing four theoretical models (resource-based theory, resource-dependence theory, transaction cost theory and agency theory) that are useful for understanding determinants of a firm's outsourcing strategy. From these theoretical models, a contingency model of outsourcing is developed which can be used to direct empirical research.
Problem definition: Servicization is a business strategy to sell the functionality of a product rather than the product itself. It has been touted as an environmentally friendly strategy as it encourages manufacturers to take more responsibility for their products. We study when servicization results in a win-win outcome where it can simultaneously increase a firm’s profits and decrease its environmental impact compared with selling products. Academic/practical relevance: Whereas policy planners are interested in strategies that reduce environmental impact, firms are unlikely to embrace them if they are not profitable. Hence, understanding when servicization results in a win-win outcome is critical both for firms and for policy makers. Methodology: We construct a stylized game-theoretic model that takes into account several key dynamics not accounted for in prior literature. In particular, we allow the servicizing firm to tailor the service to consumers’ needs, endogenize product durability choice, and also use an environmental impact metric that captures the low discretionary use nature of products. Results: For products that have a low use impact relative to their production and disposal impacts, servicization can be a win-win strategy only if the firm has sufficiently high operating efficiency. By contrast, for products that have a high use impact relative to their production and disposal impacts, servicization can be a win-win strategy only if the firm has sufficiently low operating efficiency and the consumer segments are adequately similar. Furthermore, servicization can improve consumer welfare and simultaneously improve profitability and environmental impact only for products with a low relative use impact. Managerial implications: Whether servicization leads to a win-win outcome cannot simply be determined by changes in product durability, as often argued. It critically depends on the firm’s relative operating efficiency, environmental impact of product in its use phase relative to the production and disposal phases, and the similarity of consumer segments. Our results explicitly characterize these relations.
The objective of article is to provide important empirical evidence to support the role of individual knowledge management processes and separate innovation types within firms. Specifically, knowledge acquisition and knowledge application are analyzed and empirically tested in relation to product and process innovation as well as business performance. The results support the direct impact of product and process innovation on business performance. In addition, the results show the indirect effect of knowledge acquisition and knowledge application on firm business performance through product and process innovation. Although KM represents a complex concept of knowledge management in a firm and can contain more processes, this article confirms that KM processes individually contribute to the innovation and indirectly on business performance. Besides, it confirms mediating effect of innovation between both knowledge acquisition and knowledge application and organizational business performance. In addition, most of the similar studies have been focused on the developed Western countries.