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Ariel S. Espinosa-Blanco

Ariel S. Espinosa-Blanco
Universidad Internacional del Tropico Americano · Biología

Biologist; MSc Wildlife Management; Ecology PhD candidate Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas IVIC


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Additional affiliations
September 2013 - present
Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research
  • Research Assistant
January 2013 - August 2013
University of the Andes (Venezuela)
  • Professor (Assistant)
February 2011 - November 2012
University of the Andes (Venezuela)
  • Research Associate
October 2013 - December 2018
October 2007 - June 2010
Universidad de Los Llanos Occidentales Ezequiel Zamora, UNELLEZ
Field of study
  • Wildlife Ecology and Management
January 2000 - December 2005


Publications (33)
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In this Project, we quantified the ecosystem services provided by birds in coffee-forest mixture landscapes from the Tenza Valley: Pollination, seed dispersal, pest control, and birding. To reach this goal, for six months we worked on farms from four municipalities to (1) Estimate the bird diversity and functionality by net captures, (2) determine...
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La alondra cornuda (Eremophila alpestris peregrina) es una subespecie endémica al Altiplano Cundiboyacense en peligro de extinción debido a la degradación y fragmentación de su hábitat. El Lago de Tota es una localidad con registros previos; sin embargo, aún no hay un estimado fiable del tamaño de su población en esta localidad. Desde febrero a oct...
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The Colombian Horned Lark Eremophila alpestris peregrina is an endemic bird of the Colombian Andean Plateau that is endangered due to habitat loss. Information on the population status, habitat use and reproductive biology of this species is therefore vital. We studied these aspects in the La Copa reservoir, where the largest population of this spe...
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La alondra cornuda (Eremophila alpestris peregrina) es una subespecie endémica al Altiplano Cundiboyacense en peligro de extinción debido a la degradación y fragmentación de su hábitat. El Lago de Tota es una localidad con registros previos; sin embargo, aún no hay un estimado fiable del tamaño de su población en esta localidad. Desde febrero a oct...
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Las aves han sido una fuente inspiradora de conocimiento para los seres humanos; bien podrían ser ilimitados los beneficios intangibles que ellas proporcionan, pero tal vez uno de sus roles más importantes es la conexión positiva que generan entre las personas y su entorno ambiental (Belaire, Westphal, Whelan, & Minor, 2015). En un contexto donde e...
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Los servicios ecosistémicos son el conjunto de beneficios que se generan en los ecosistemas y que son aprovechados por los habitantes en su entorno cercano. En muchos casos se trata de elementos de consumo directo, como alimentos o insumos, o de servicios que brindan bienestar físico y espiritual. En otros casos los beneficios son de tipo indirecto...
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La ilustración de la fenología café y aves en el Valle de Tenza es el resultado de la estrategia de apropiación social del conocimiento, en el cual se plasma las aves que se pueden identificar en la región de acuerdo a la fenología del café. Producto realizado por el grupo de investigación GEO de la Uptc.
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Ilustración resultado de la estrategia de apropiación social del conocimiento realizado mediante cartografía social con comunidades de los Municipios de Macanal, Pachavita, Santa María, La Capilla y Garagoa en el departamento de Boyacá. El mapa registra puntos de observación de aves y especies más representativas del territorio. Las aves se encuent...
Helicobacter species can colonize digestive tract of animals and humans and have been associated with gastrointestinal diseases; however, this genus has not been studied in crocodiles. Our objective was to detect by PCR Helicobacter genus and Helicobacter pylori in oral and cloacal swabs from Orinoco crocodiles of two wild (Cojedes River System and...
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The population and reproductive ecology of Crocodylus intermedius in the Cojedes River System was evaluated as a tool for assessing the individuals release program. From February to May 2016, 20 day and night censuses were conducted to determine the density (IP, ind / km), population structure (EP) and reproductive population (PR). A total of 24.6...
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The growth of 12-month-old hatchlings of C. crocodilus in captivity was evaluated with two experimental diets at the captive rearing center of UNELLEZ-Guanare. The hatchlings were separated into two groups (nine individuals each) and were fed for 105 days. The diets were related to 10% of the total weight of the hatchlings. Diet I 40% fish, 40% por...
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Correlating the distribution patterns of a species with environmental factors can become an important tool in the formulation of biodiversity and conservation actions plans within species conservation management scenarios. In the present work, we explored the potential distribution for Caiman crocodilus chia-pasius in Mexico, through the correlatio...
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Conservation of large predator species has historically been a challenge because they often overlap in resource utilization with humans; furthermore, there is a general lack of in-depth knowledge of their ecology and natural history. We assessed the conservation status of the Orinoco crocodile (Crocodylus intermedius), defining regional habitat pri...
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Venezuela is one of the four countries in the world that has the greatest richness of crocodilians. Of the 23 existing species, five occur in this country: the Orinoco crocodile and the American crocodile (Crocodylus intermedius and C. acutus), spectacled caiman (Caiman crocodilus) and Dwarf caiman and Schneider's smooth-fronted caiman (Paleouchus...
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Due to the reduced population size and constrained geographical distribution, Crocodylus intermedius has been considered one of the most threatened crocodiles in the world. Frequency of flooding events as well as human and animal predation reduces the amount of eggs and slows the recovery of its populations. The potential for egg collection along t...
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The overexploitation of Crocodylus intermedius between the decades of the 20s and 60s of the last century decimated its populations to critical levels or even extirpated them in some areas and regions. In the present study, we evaluated the population of the Cojedes River System (CRS), ranked as the most important for the conservation of C. interme...
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La disposición inadecuada de los desechos sólidos residenciales (basura) y la inexistencia de sistemas de tratamiento de aguas negras, las cuales son arrojadas directamente a ríos o quebradas, son algunas de las principales fuentes de contaminación de los páramos en los Sitios Piloto de Venezuela. Así mismo, los residuos peligrosos generados por la...
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El monitoreo de poblaciones de caimán del Orinoco (Crocodylus intermedius) por medio de conteos nocturnos es esencial para evaluar tendencias, pero estos conteos muestran una gran variabilidad por factores que no siempre están bajo control en las investigaciones. El conteo de nidos o de grupos de crías recién nacidas ofrece una mejor estimación del...
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Although widespread in South America, the yellow-headed sideneck turtle Podocnemis unifilis is considered ‘Vulnerable’ in Venezuela. A large proportion of eggs of this riverine species may be lost due to predation (including collection by humans) and flooding. As a technique to enhance reproductive success, transfer of wild-laid eggs to protected z...
Conference Paper
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El caimán del Orinoco Crocodylus intermedius, ha sido considerado como uno de más amenazados del mundo, dado sus bajos niveles poblacionales y reducida distribución geográfica. Una de las razones por las que se ha retardado la recuperación de sus poblaciones, es la pérdida de huevos debido a crecidas repentinas del río y por depredación humana y an...
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The Orinoco Crocodile (Crocodylus intermedius) and the spectacled Caiman (Caiman crocodilus) are species that coexist in the Cojedes River System, Venezuela. This area is currently home to the largest population of Orinoco Crocodiles found throughout its range. Researchers undertook nocturnal counts and collected microhabitat information about wher...
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La terecay (Podocnemis unifilis) está clasificada Vulnerable en el Libro Rojo de la Fauna Venezolana. Gran parte de las nidadas de las tortugas del género Podocnemis se pierden por depredación e inundación, sin embargo, es factible la transferencia de nidadas a zonas protegidas. Este trabajo evaluó el éxito de eclosión de nidadas transferidas a lug...
Conference Paper
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Wild (n=36) and captive-released (n=19) juvenile Orinoco crocodiles (Crocodylus intermedius) have been recaptured one or several times in the Cojedes River System (CRS) in Venezuela. Elapsed time between captures ranges from 8 days to 7.14 years. Capture location allowed calculating or estimating their travelled distances along the river. Most reca...
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Crocodylus intermedius it is a species of crocodile whose distribution is restricted to the Orinoco river basin. Today this species is found in only a fraction of its original distribution range. This species is listed in critical danger of extinction by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the by Red Book of the Venezuelan...
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Diurnal and nocturnal counts sustained the determination of the size structure of the population of spectacled caiman in Masaguaral and, at the same time, the comparison of the efficiency of both methods. The size categories were defined in agreement with that proposed by Ayarzagüena (1983). Class II was the dominant (61%), followed by III (27%), I...
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Apolinar's Wren (Troglodytidae, Cistothorus apolinari) is an endangered species endemic to the Cordillera Oriental of Colombia comprising two subspecies that are separated by elevation and habitat. One of these forms (C. a. hernandezi) occurs in páramo habitats and was known only from two distant localities, Sumapaz and El Cocuy. We here document t...
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Se comparó la avifauna frugívora y las plantas ornitócoras en una zona no quemada con otra quemada, entre los meses de febrero a julio de 2005, en el Santuario de Fauna y Flora de Iguaque, las áreas de estudio se localizaron en el sector Chaina, Cerro San Pedro. Se encontraron 22 especies de aves frugívoras y 24 especies de plantas ornitócoras. La...


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