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Association between the dopamine transporter gene and posttraumatic stress disorder


Abstract and Figures

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a chronic anxiety disorder that follows exposure to extreme events. A large twin study of Vietnam veterans had demonstrated a significant genetic contribution to chronic PTSD upon exposure to combat.(1,2) The underlying genes, however, have not been described. Given previous findings of abnormal dopamine (DA) function in PTSD, and given the putative effect of dopamine neurotransmission in shaping the responses to stress in animals, this study examined the association of the dopamine transporter (DAT) SLC6A3 3' variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) polymorphism with PTSD. The study evaluated 102 chronic PTSD patients and 104 carefully-documented trauma survivors (TS) who did not develop PTSD. Significant excess of 9 repeat allele was observed among PTSD patients (43% vs 30.5% in TS controls; chi(2) = 6.3, df = 1, P = 0.012). An excess of 9 repeat homozygous genotype was also observed in PTSD (20.43% in PTSD vs 9.47% in TS controls; chi(2) = 6.11, df = 2, P < 0.047). These findings suggest that genetically determined changes in dopaminergic reactivity may contribute to the occurrence of PTSD among trauma survivors.
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Molecular Psychiatry (2002) 7, 903–907
2002 Nature Publishing Group All rights reserved 1359-4184/02 $25.00
Association between the dopamine transporter gene and
posttraumatic stress disorder
RH Segman
, R Cooper-Kazaz
, F Macciardi
, T Goltser
, Y Halfon
, T Dobroborski
and AY Shalev
Department of Psychiatry, Hadassah Hebrew University Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel;
Center for Addiction and
Mental Health, University of Toronto, Canada
Keywords: posttraumatic stress disorder; dopamine trans-
porter; genetic association
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a chronic
anxiety disorder that follows exposure to extreme
events. A large twin study of Vietnam veterans had dem-
onstrated a significant genetic contribution to chronic
PTSD upon exposure to combat.
The underlying
genes, however, have not been described. Given pre-
vious findings of abnormal dopamine (DA) function in
PTSD, and given the putative effect of dopamine neuro-
transmission in shaping the responses to stress in ani-
mals, this study examined the association of the dopa-
mine transporter (DAT) SLC6A3 3 variable number
tandem repeat (VNTR) polymorphism with PTSD. The
study evaluated 102 chronic PTSD patients and 104
carefully-documented trauma survivors (TS) who did
not develop PTSD. Significant excess of 9 repeat allele
was observed among PTSD patients (43% vs 30.5% in
TS controls;
= 6.3, df = 1, P = 0.012). An excess of 9
repeat homozygous genotype was also observed in
PTSD (20.43% in PTSD vs 9.47% in TS controls;
6.11, df = 2, P 0.047). These findings suggest that gen-
etically determined changes in dopaminergic reactivity
may contribute to the occurrence of PTSD among
trauma survivors.
Molecular Psychiatry (2002) 7, 903–907. doi:10.1038/
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an extreme
and sustained maladaptive response to stressful events.
The disorder consists of symptoms of intrusive recall,
avoidance of cues reminding of the traumatic event and
hyper-arousal. These symptoms may persist for years,
and are often associated with significant disability and
distress. The etiology of PTSD is complex and multi-
Importantly, exposure to a traumatic event
does not fully explain the occurrence of the disorder.
Exposure, in fact, triggers a cascade of biological events
that ultimately lead to the occurrence of chronic
Individuals with prior vulnerability are at
higher risk for developing PTSD upon exposure to a
traumatic event. Inherited vulnerability is among the
better researched vulnerability factors, as follows:
True et al,
studied 4042 twin pairs from the Vietnam
Twin Registry and found that inherited factors
accounted for up to 32% of the variance of PTSD symp-
toms, above and beyond the contribution of trauma
intensity. Xiang et al,
examined 3304 twin pairs of the
Vietnam Twin Registry and similarly found 35.3%,
inherited liability to develop PTSD upon combat
exposure, 20% of which pertained specifically to PTSD
and an additional 15.3% were common to both PTSD
and substance dependence. Other studies
have shown
an aggregation of anxiety disorders in families of
PTSD patients.
The molecular basis of the above-mentioned vulner-
ability is hardly known at this point. Two association
studies evaluated the Taq-I RFLP site near the D2 dopa-
mine receptor (DRD2) gene in PTSD. The first study
compared 37 drug and alcohol addicts with PTSD with
19 addicts without PTSD and found higher frequency
of the A1 allele among the former. The second study
failed to replicate this finding in a sample of 52 PTSD
patients and 82 normal controls.
Beyond their conflicting results, these studies are
limited by their small sample sizes, by the salient pres-
ence of co-morbid substance abuse and by fact that the
occurrence of a traumatic event was not evaluated
among control subjects of the second and larger study.
In such case, some control subjects may have under-
gone a traumatic event whereas others have not been
exposed to a trauma. Importantly, those not exposed
could not have expressed the clinical phenotype of
PTSD, despite a possible underlying vulnerability.
PTSD, in fact, required a triggering trauma in order to
be expressed. Thus, the control group could have
included both genetically vulnerable and non-vulner-
able individuals. Yet, the rationale for implying dopa-
minergic neurotransmission in the etiology of PTSD is
sound. Several human studies have shown increased
urinary excretion of dopamine (DA) in PTSD.
nary excretion of DA correlated with the severity of
PTSD symptoms. Higher levels of plasma dopamine
were also found in PTSD.
In animal studies, dopami-
nergic innervation of the basolateral nucleus of the
amygdala, the medial prefrontal cortex, and other lim-
bic regions is highly responsive to stress and may be
altered by stress.
Additionally, genetically deter-
mined strain-dependent alterations in DA release and
DA receptor expression in relevant brain regions of C57
and DBA mice strains have been implicated in differ-
ential strain-specific behavioral abnormalities induced
by chronic stress.
This finding was interpreted as sug-
gesting that stress-induced alterations of central dopa-
RH Segman
et al
Molecular Psychiatry
minergic neurotransmission may be genotype-depen-
dent and expressed in behavior.
Finally, exposure to
stress augments the locomotor responses to cocaine
challenge, partly through altering DA release. Such
sensitization was seen as relevant to the pathogenesis
of PTSD.
The dopamine transporter (DAT) is located pre-syn-
aptically on dopaminergic neurons. Reuptake of dopa-
mine released into the synaptic cleft limits the extent
and duration of dopamine receptor activation. A poly-
morphic VNTR region has been described in the
SLC6A3 3 untranslated region cDNA sequence,
has been previously associated with several behavioral
phenotypes including attention decit, hyperactivity
and tobacco addiction.
Functional rel-
evance for the SLC6A3 for in vivo DAT availability has
been reported, based on striatal [I123]
-CIT binding,
taken to reect DAT binding availability based on dis-
placement studies of dopamine and serotonin trans-
porter inhibitors.
A single positron emission tom-
ography (SPECT) study reported reduced [I-123]
striatal binding in 10 repeat homozygotes compared
with 9 repeat carriers in normals,
whereas another
study reported reduced [I-123]
-CIT putamen binding
in 9 repeat10 repeat heterozygotes compared with 10
repeat homozygotes in a mixed sample of normals and
abstinent alcoholics.
Although unassociated with
amino acid substitution, the 3 VNTR site may affect
DAT expression through mRNA transcription and stab-
ility, or through linkage disequilibrium with another
functional site.
Given this rationale we investigated DAT gene poly-
morphism in PTSD and trauma-exposed healthy sub-
jects. We compared a group of 102 patients with
chronic PTSD (PTSD group) with 104 trauma survivors
who did not develop PTSD (TS control group). The TS
group consisted of survivors seen in previous prospec-
tive studies of PTSD,
whose exposure to traumatic
events and whose initial responses to those events had
been comprehensively documented, as well as the fact
that none of them developed PTSD. Traumatic events
among controls included road trafc accidents (75%),
war events and terrorist acts (18%) and other traumatic
events, such as work accidents, street- and domestic
violence (7%). Traumatic events among PTSD patients
included road trafc accidents (69%), terrorist acts
(25%) and other events (6%). The difference between
the groups in not signicant statistically.
As shown in Table 1, there was a signicant excess
of 9 repeat alleles in chronic PTSD patients (43% vs
30.5% in non-PTSD;
= 6.3, df = 1, P = 0.012). The 9
repeat allele was associated with increased risk for
PTSD (OR = 1.72, 95% CI = 1.122.62). Genotype distri-
bution among the two groups was also signicantly dif-
ferent (
= 6.11, df = 2, P = 0.047). There was an excess
of 9 repeat homozygotes among the chronic PTSD
patients (20.43%) compared to TS (9.47%). Compared
to the other genotypes, homozygosity for the 9 repeat
allele was associated with an increased risk for chronic
PTSD (OR = 2.45, 95% CI = 0.986.52).
A linkage disequilibrium (LD) model for phase
unknown data
also supported association/LD
between the DAT VNTR site and PTSD (
= 6.34,
df = 2, P = 0.011). SLC6A3 allele distribution was in
accordance with HardyWeinberg equilibrium (P
0.1) in both PTSD and TS groups.
Breakdown of the non-Ashkenazi group into respect-
ive countries of origin including North Afrika, Yemen,
Iraq, Iran, and other Asian, showed the following
results: North Africa (n = 44; 22 with PTSD), Yemen (n
= 8; three with PTSD), Iran (n = 8; ve with PTSD), Iraq
(n = 11; eight with PTSD) and other Asian (n = 11; nine
with PTSD;
(4,80) = 7.68, P = 0.11). Additionally
there was no statistically signicant difference in geno-
type distribution (99, 910, 1010) between the above
mentioned non-Ashkenazi ethnic groups (
(8,71) =
13.2, P = 0.11), nor a statistically signicant difference
in allele (9, 10) distribution (
(4,79) = 5.4, P = 0.25).
Logistic regression analysis was applied to evaluate the
effect of population origin and diagnosis (ie PTSD or
non PTSD) as predictors of the DAT alleles and geno-
types frequency; the likelihood ratio (LR) test of the
two models (model 1: population + diagnosis and
model 2: population alone) determines the signicance
of diagnosis, controlled for the potential confounding
effect of population. The LR test for DAT alleles shows
a signicant association between DAT and PTSD after
controlling for the confounding effect of population
stratication (
= 6.42, df 1, P = 0.011), and remains
signicant when restricting the analysis to the larger
Non-Ashkenazi group only (
= 3.93, df = 1, P =
0.0475). The LR test for association between DAT geno-
types and PTSD controlling for population, shows
again a positive association of DAT with PTSD (
6.43, df = 2, P = 0.04). Both analyses conrm that the
increased risk to develop PTSD is associated with the
DAT locus and cannot be attributed to population
based genetic biases.
Fourteen (13.5%) of 104 TS subjects and ten (9.8%)
out of 102 PTSD subjects suffered from anxiety dis-
orders (
(4,213) = 1.25, P = 0.87). Eighteen (17.3%) of
104 non PTSD subjects and 62 (60.8%) out of 102 PTSD
subjects suffered from depressive disorders (
= 43.1, P 0.0001). The distribution of DAT genotypes
between PTSD subjects with (n = 38) and without (n =
55) depression was statistically similar (
= 0.61, P =
0.73) with 21.8% of those with depression and 18.4%
of those without depression showing the 99 genotype;
41.8% and 50% showing the 910 genotype and 36.4%
and 31.5% showing a 1010 genotype. DAT allele fre-
quency (9 and 10 repeats) did not differ between PTSD
patients with and without depressive disorders (
0.00, P = 0.97). DAT genotypes were similarly distrib-
uted among PTSD patients with (n = 8) and without (n
= 85) anxiety disorders (
= 1.58, P = 0.45) with 18.8%
of those with and 37.5% of those without anxiety dis-
orders showing the 99 genotype; 45.9% and 37.5%
showing the 910 genotype and 35.3% and 25% show-
ing the 1010 genotype. DAT allele frequency was equ-
ally distributed among PTSD patients with and without
anxiety (
= 1.42, P = 0.23.)
Our results point to a signicant association between
RH Segman
et al
Table 1 SLC6A3 9 and 10 repeat allele and genotype frequencies in patients with chronic PTSD and trauma survivors without
PTSD, and
analyses for the two groups
Group n Allele frequency Genotype distribution
% (n) % (n)
9 repeat 10 repeat 9–9 9–10 10–10
No PTSD (TS) 95 30.5 (58) 69.5 (132) 9.5 (9) 42.1 (40) 48.4 (46)
PTSD 93 43.0 (80) 57.0 (106) 20.4 (19) 45.7 (42) 34.4 (32)
(df) P 6.31 (1) P = 0.012 6.1 (2) P = 0.047
the SLC6A3 9 repeat allele and 9 repeat homozygous
genotype and susceptibility for chronic PTSD. The
above-mentioned twin studies,
suggest a polygenic
contribution to susceptibility to develop PTSD among
twins exposed to combat. In accordance with this
model, our ndings indicate that the 9 repeat allele and
genotype may contribute to such vulnerability.
The lifetime prevalence of PTSD in the general popu-
lation is estimated to be of 10%, and the incidence of
new cases of PTSD among survivors of traumatic
events varies between 2% and 49%.
This suggests
that among samples not selected for trauma exposure,
some proportion of subjects may carry a genetic vulner-
ability for PTSD, which remains unexpressed for lack
of exposure. Assuming multifactorial polygenic
inheritance for PTSD,
common allelic variation which
may possess a small pathogenic effect given a context
of adequate trauma exposure, would be expected to be
found in different frequencies among differentially
selected samples. A frequency gradation should be
observed with highest pathogenic allele frequency
expected among susceptible samples, intermediate fre-
quency among subjects not selected for trauma
exposure (ie reference population controls, a pro-
portion of whom may be expected to carry unexpressed
genetic vulnerability for PTSD), and lowest frequency
among a less susceptible sample of trauma survivors
not expressing PTSD. Alternatively an allele pos-
sessing protective effect would be expected to show the
reverse gradation. A previous study of SLC6A3 allele
frequencies in normal Jewish population non selected
for trauma exposure, has shown 15% and 35% for 9
repeat homozygotes and allele carrier frequencies
Compared with our nding, this fre-
quency is indeed between that found for PTSD and that
found in trauma-exposed non-PTSD subjects (ie,
between 20.4% and 9.5% 9-repeat homozygotes,
respectively for PTSD and TS, and between 43% and
30.5% 9 allele carrier frequency for the same groups;
see Table 1). The group difference (PTSD, Trauma sur-
vivors without PTSD, normal Jewish population) is
statistically signicant (
(df = 2) = 6.5; P 0.05)
Differences in allele frequencies for the SCL6A3
polymorphic site
have been reported among different
ethnic populations. Ethnic stratication, however, is
unlikely to explain our results, as both our data and
the above-mentioned study of non-traumatized Jewish
Molecular Psychiatry
show similar allele frequencies among Ash-
kenazi and non-Ashkenazi Jews. Moreover, our study
groups had a similar ethnic distribution. Independent
replication, preferably through transmission disequi-
librium design is required to conrm our results. Such
design would be immune to both ethnic confounds and
false-negative diagnoses which may occur in case-
control studies of trauma survivors.
These results provide direct evidence for the
involvement of SLC6A3 allelic status in the etiology of
PTSD. If replicated, they imply that variations in dopa-
minergic neurotransmission may mediate the patho-
logical response to trauma, and, in general, the vulner-
ability to the effect of stress. They also suggest that
trauma-exposure should be monitored in case control
studies of PTSD.
Materials and methods
All subject candidates for this study signed a written
informed consent, as sanctioned by the Human Use
Committee of Hadassah University Hospital. Subjects
were considered for inclusion in this study if they were
between 18 and 65 years old, had experienced an event
meeting DSM-IV PTSD criterion A (an operational
denition of a traumatic event) and were Jewish of
denite Ashkenazi or non-Ashkenazi origin (both par-
ents being of Ashkenazi or non-Ashkenazi origin). Sub-
jects were not included in this study if they suffered
from head injury, burn injury or serious physical
injury. Additionally, subjects with current or lifetime
use of alcohol or illicit drugs, those with past or
present psychosis, and those suffering from medical or
neurological illness that could confound the assess-
ments, were not included.
PTSD subjects (n = 102) were recruited among parti-
cipants of follow-up studies of this disorder
among subjects presenting for treatment in outpatient
clinics in Jerusalem. All PTSD subjects met DSM-IV
diagnostic criteria for current PTSD as obtained by the
Clinician Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS)
a struc-
tured clinical interview for PTSD. The co-occurrence
of other mental disorders was ascertained by the Struc-
tured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Mental Disorders
Both instruments had been extensively used
in previous studies of PTSD and other mental disorders
RH Segman
et al
Molecular Psychiatry
and were administered by clinicians with extensive
experience in research, diagnosis and treatment of
Control subjects (n = 104) were equally recruited
among participants of prospective longitudinal studies
of PTSD.
Participants in these studies were followed,
for up to 6 months, from the time of their admission
to an emergency room, following a traumatic event.
Information regarding the traumatic event and the early
psychological responses was obtained within 10 days
of admission to the emergency room. The presence of
PTSD was detected, via clinical interviews using the
CAPS, at 1 and 4 months following trauma. Control
subjects did not have PTSD at both 1 and 4 months.
The study groups had similar gender distribution
(55.8% vs 47.1% males among PTSD and non-PTSD
= 1.58, df = 1, P 0.20). The mean age
at the time of the traumatic event was somewhat higher
among PTSD subjects (39.7 ± 11.7 vs 33.9 ± 10.2 years,
P 0.05). Lifetime history of mental disorders was
higher among PTSD subjects (12.6% vs 1.1% in TS;
= 9.07, df = 1, P 0.005).
The study groups were of similar ethnic origins
(Ashkenazi 37.6% vs 39.7%, among PTSD and non-
PTSD respectively; P 0.1). Further breakdown of the
non-Ashkenazi group into respective countries of ori-
gin including North Africa, Yemen, Iraq, Iran, and
other Asian, showed no signicant differences between
PTSD and controls (
(df = 4,80) = 7.6; P = 0.11), and
there was no signicant difference in DAT allele (
= 4,79) = 5.4; P = 0.25) or genotype (
(df = 8,71) =
13.2; P = 0.11) distribution among subjects from the
different countries of origin within the two groups.
Genotyping of the SCL6A3 DAT 3 VNTR polymor-
phism was performed by PCR based restriction analy-
sis, as previously described.
Statistical analyses
The Stata-6 program and Statistica for Windows were
used for statistical analyses. There were no differences
in allele frequency for the SCL6A3 alleles between sub-
jects of Ashkenazi and non-Ashkenazi origin among
the control and patient groups; therefore, the groups
were combined for statistical analysis. Maximum
likelihood chi-square statistics were used for categ-
orical analyses. Differences between groups on con-
tinuous variables were evaluated by t-test. Signicance
levels are for two-tailed tests; P values 0.05 (two-
tailed) were regarded as signicant.
A linkage disequilibrium (LD) model for phase
unknown data was employed as previously described
by Mander & Clayton (2000).
This method calculates
allele/haplotype frequencies using log-linear modeling
embedded within an EM algorithm. The EM algorithm
handles the phase uncertainty and the log-linear mode-
ling allows testing for linkage disequilibrium and dis-
ease association. The log-linear model is tted using
iterative proportional tting which is implemented in
a specic routine of the Stata 6.0 program which can
handle very large contingency tables and converges to
maximum likelihood estimates. The data to be entered
consist of paired variables representing the alleles at
each locus. If phase is known then the pairs are the
genotypes. When phase is unknown the algorithm
assumes HardyWeinberg equilibrium so that models
are based on chromosomal data and not genotypic data.
To evaluate the relationship of more than one inde-
pendent variable to DAT alleles and/or genotypes, a
logistic regression procedure was implemented. The
outcome variable of the logistic regression was the
presence of the DAT alleles or genotypes, employing a
multinomial logistic regression test. The covariates of
the model were the clinical phenotype of interest (ie
presence/absence of PTSD) and the ethnicity, given a
possible population effect on the frequency of DAT
alleles and genotypes. In this case, the phenotype of
interest is regarded as a predictor of the outcome, and
ethnicity as a potential confounder. To increase the res-
olution for detecting a possible ethnic stratication
effect, in addition to the traditional dichotomous
division of subjects to Ashkenazi or Non Ashkenazi
groups, we further evaluated their specic country of
birth, as well as their fathers and mothers country of
birth. Results from the model are presented as Likeli-
hood Ratio Tests. P values of 0.05 (two-tailed) were
regarded as signicant in all analyses. With this
approach, we checked for the homogeneity of the Odds
Ratios (OR) across possible population differences and
tested whether the observed association between DAT
(alleles and genotypes) and PTSD is due to a true
association or is an effect of a population-specic
variability. This method has been previously success-
fully applied in other studies where there was the need
to assess for a potential effect of population varia-
HardyWeinberg equilibrium (P 0.1) in both PTSD
and TS groups was calculated with the utility program
of J Ott (
This work was supported in part by grants from the
Ministry of Health (Chief Scientist), and the Milton
Rosenbaum Foundation (Hebrew University), to RHS
and AYS.
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Correspondence: RH Segman or AY Shalev, Department of Psychiatry,
Hadassah University Hospital, PO Box 12000, Ein Karem, Jerusalem
91120, Israel. E-mail: or
Received 9 May 2001; revised 21 July 2001; accepted 24 September
... Dopamine is widely studied in the context of associative learning [6][7][8][9][10][11][12] as well as in the context of anxiety and stress disorders, where its dysregulation is a disease hallmark. [13][14][15] Dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) is sufficient and necessary for the acquisition and expression of conditioned associations for both rewarding and aversive stimuli. 10,11,[16][17][18][19] Some have suggested that, even in aversive contexts, dopamine in the NAc transmits a reward/safety signal, as an increase in dopamine release is often observed at the time of an omitted aversive outcome. ...
... As mentioned above, impaired safety learning is a prominent symptom of disorders like PTSD, 2,39-45 and the involvement of dopaminergic processes has been implicated in these conditions. [13][14][15]46 In conjunction with a recent study demonstrating that dopaminergic activity in the human NAc signals the omission of expected aversive outcomes, 47 our results suggest that targeted suppression of dopamine during the omission of aversive stimuli (or in contexts related to safety learning) may hold therapeutic potential for clinical populations. ...
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Dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) is causally linked to adaptive aversive learning, and its dysregulation is a core phenotype in anxiety and stress disorders. Here, we record NAc core dopamine during a task where mice learn to discriminate between cues signaling two types of outcomes: (1) footshock presentation and (2) footshock omission. We show that dopamine release is evoked by footshock omission. This dopamine response is largest when the omission is unexpected and decreases over learning, and artificially increasing this signal disrupts discrimination learning. Conversely, optogenetic inhibition of dopamine responses to the footshock itself impairs learning. Finally, theory-driven computational modeling suggests that these effects can be explained by dopamine signaling the perceived saliency of predicted aversive events. Together, we elucidate the role of NAc dopamine in aversive learning and offer potential avenues for understanding the neural mechanisms involved in anxiety and stress disorders.
... 89 Moreover, twin and family studies have linked PTSD to genetic variability and exposure to traumatic events, 90,91 suggesting the involvement of genetic predisposition. Table 3 summarizes studies on candidate gene association with PTSD [92][93][94][95][96][97][98][99][100][101][102][103] Several studies 36,89,104 on ADRB2 function in the stress response have focused on its common SNP (rs1042713). Certain SNPs in the promoter region of ADRB2 may play a role in modulating the susceptibility to PTSD symptoms, particularly in individuals who have experienced childhood trauma. ...
Trauma is a serious public health issue, and remains a major cause of mortality and disability worldwide. The notion that genetic factors contribute to an individual's response to traumatic injury has advanced significantly. Genetic variations in severely injured patients have been linked to mortality, morbidity, and psychological outcomes. We conducted a comprehensive review of beta-adrenergic receptor polymorphisms and their impact on the pathogenetics of traumatic injuries, which could pave the way for a transformational frontier of personalized medicine in neurotrauma. It remains unclear why some individuals are vulnerable to worse outcomes, whereas others are resilient. Although genetic factors may be significant, the intricate interplay between environmental and genetic factors may be responsible for variations in the presentation and outcome after injury. Recent advancements in genetic analysis and molecular physiology have helped to shed light on the causes of such variability. Although exposure to trauma can initiate a cascade of stress-related responses, these responses alone are insufficient to explain etiopathogenesis. Therefore, gaining insights into how trauma and genetic predispositions to adrenergic variations interact at the molecular level to affect an individual's susceptibility and recuperation could provide an essential understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of traumatic injuries. Therefore, it is imperative to identify potential genetic and physiological markers to guide early management and prognosis of trauma. Such knowledge could pave the way for the discovery of novel biomarkers that can identify a transdiagnostic subgroup that is at high risk and requires early intervention. This could lead to the adoption of personalized medical approaches in neurotrauma care.
... A meta-analysis of human medicine elucidated the striatal DA D2 receptor decreased in patients with anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder (49). Indeed, higher alterations in the dopaminergic system and DAT-genotype polymorphism have been associated with anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in humans, which is often accompanied with a hypervigilant state (50)(51)(52). Similar results were also found in rat studies, DAT knockout rats showed hyperlocomotion, repetitive behavior and deficits in working memory, which were relevant for OCD and ADHD (53-55). ...
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Aim The neurobiological effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation are believed to run in part through the dopaminergic system. Accelerated high frequency rTMS (aHF-rTMS), a new form of stimuli delivery, is currently being tested for its usefulness in treating human and canine mental disorders. However, the short-and long-term neurobiological effects are still unclear, including the effects on the dopaminergic system. In aHF-rTMS, multiple sessions are delivered within 1 day instead of one session per day, not only to accelerate the time to response but also to increase clinical efficacy. To gain more insight into the neurobiology of aHF-rTMS, we investigated whether applying five sessions in 1 day has direct and/or delayed effects on the dopamine transporter (DAT), and on dopamine metabolites of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in beagles. Materials and methods Thirteen beagles were randomly divided into two groups: five active stimulation sessions (n = 9), and 5 sham stimulation sessions (n = 4). Using DaTSCAN, DAT binding indices (BI) were obtained at baseline, after 1 day, 1 month, and 3 months post stimulation. CSF samples were collected after each scan. Results Active aHF-rTMS significantly reduced striatal DAT BI 1 day post-active stimulation session (p < 0.01), and the effect lasted to 1 month (p < 0.01). No significant DAT BI change was found in sham group. No significant changes in dopamine metabolites of CSF were found. Conclusion Although no significant effects on CSF dopamine metabolites were observed, five sessions of active aHF-rTMS significantly decreased striatal DAT BI after 1 day and up to 1 month post stimulation, indicating immediate and delayed effects on the brain dopaminergic system. Our findings in healthy beagles further substantiate the assumption that (a)HF-rTMS affects the brain dopaminergic system and it may pave the way to apply (a)HF-rTMS treatment in behaviorally disturbed dogs.
... A significant increase in the number of 9R alleles was observed in PTSD patients (P = 0.012). Additionally, more homozygous duplication alleles of 9R were found in PTSD patients (P < 0.047) [80]. Consistent with the results, a subsequent study with 62 PTSD patients and 258 healthy controls also revealed a higher risk of PTSD for carriers of the 9R allele than for carriers of the 10R allele (p = 0.008). ...
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Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a neuropsychiatric disease closely related to life-threatening events and psychological stress. Re-experiencing, hyperarousal, avoidance, and numbness are the hallmark symptoms of PTSD, but their underlying neurological processes have not been clearly elucidated. Therefore, the identification and development of drugs for PTSD that targets brain neuronal activities have stalled. Considering that the persistent fear memory induced by traumatic stimulation causes high alertness, high arousal, and cognitive impairment of PTSD symptoms. While the midbrain dopamine system can affect physiological processes such as aversive fear memory learning, consolidation, persistence, and extinction, by altering the functions of the dopaminergic neurons, our viewpoint is that the dopamine system plays a considerable role in the PTSD occurrence and acts as a potential therapeutic target of the disorder. This paper reviews recent findings on the structural and functional connections between ventral tegmental area neurons and the core synaptic circuits involved in PTSD, gene polymorphisms related to the dopamine system that confer susceptibility to clinical PTSD. Moreover, the progress of research on medications that target the dopamine system as PTSD therapies is also discussed. Our goal is to offer some hints for early detection and assist in identifying novel, efficient approaches for treating PTSD.
... In candidate gene association studies, only a few selected genetic markers are involved in the analysis, and the selection is mainly based on existing biological knowledge obtained from prior research on PTSDrelated neurobiological processes 17,20,[24][25][26] . Much research efforts have been made in candidate gene association studies [27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43] . For instance, the FKBP5 gene, which is an important regulator of the stress system, has been suggested to have single-nucleotide polymorphisms associated with PTSD through interactions with child abuse 3,27,31 . ...
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Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a common debilitating mental disorder, that occurs in some individuals following extremely traumatic events. Traditional identification of Genetic Markers (GM) for PTSD is mainly based on a statistical clinical approach by comparing PTSD patients with normal controls. However, these statistical studies present limitations, often generating inconsistent results. Few studies have yet examined thoroughly the role of somatic mutations, PTSD disease pathways and their relationships. Capitalizing on deep learning techniques, we have developed a novel hierarchical graph attention network to identify highly correlational GM (HGMs) of PTSD. The network presents the following novelties: First, both a hierarchical graph structure and a graph attention mechanism have been integrated into a model to develop a graph attention network (GAtN) model. Second, domain-specific knowledge, including somatic mutations, genes, PTSD pathways and their correlations have been incorporated into the graph structures. Third, 12 somatic mutations having high or moderate impacts on proteins or genes have been identified as the potential HGMs for PTSD. Fourth, our study is carefully guided by prominent PTSD literature or clinical experts of the field; any high saliency HGMs generated from our model are further verified by existing PTSD-related authoritative medical journals. Our study illustrates the utility and significance of a hybrid approach, integrating both AI and expert-guided/domain-specific knowledge for thorough identification of biomarkers of PTSD, while building on the nature of convergence and divergence of PTSD pathways. Our expert-guided AI-driven methodology can be extended to other pathological-based HGM identification studies; it will transform the methodology of biomarker identification for different life-threatening diseases to speed up the complex lengthy procedures of new biomarkers identification.
... We would like to point out that several human diseases have been linked to a reduction or polymorphism of DAT but not to a full DAT KO. Dysregulation of DAT has been described, including Parkinson's Disease [93,94], ADHD [95], PTSD [96,97] bipolar disorder [98], Excited Delirium Syndrome [99] and obesity [100]. This new rat model represents an innovative genetic rat that will help the development of new target strategies for drug addiction, but not limited to it. ...
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Cocaine is a powerful psychostimulant that is one of the most widely used illicit addictive. The dopamine transporter (DAT) plays a major role in mediating cocaine’s reward effect. Decreases in DAT expression increase rates of drug abuse and vulnerability to comorbid psychiatric disorders. We used the novel DAT transgenic rat model to study the effects of cocaine on locomotor behaviors in adolescent rats, with an emphasis on sex. Female rats showed higher response rates to cocaine at lower acute and chronic doses, highlighting a higher vulnerability and perceived gender effects. In contrast, locomotor responses to an acute high dose of cocaine were more marked and sustained in male DAT heterozygous (HET) adolescents. The results demonstrate the augmented effects of chronic cocaine in HET DAT adolescent female rats. Knockout (KO) DAT led to a level of hyperdopaminergia which caused a marked basal hyperactivity that was unchanged, consistent with a possible ceiling effect. We suggest a role of alpha synuclein (α-syn) and PICK 1 protein expressions to the increased vulnerability in female rats. These proteins showed a lower expression in female HET and KO rats. This study highlights gender differences associated with mutations which affect DAT expression and can increase susceptibility to cocaine abuse in adolescence.
Disorders of behavior represent some of the most common and disabling diseases affecting humankind; however, despite their worldwide distribution, genetic influences on these illnesses are often overlooked by families and mental health professionals. Psychiatric genetics is a rapidly advancing field, elucidating the varied roles of specific genes and their interactions in brain development and dysregulation. Principles of Psychiatric Genetics includes 22 disorder-based chapters covering, amongst other conditions, schizophrenia, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, Alzheimer's disease, learning and developmental disorders, eating disorders and personality disorders. Supporting chapters focus on issues of genetic epidemiology, molecular and statistical methods, pharmacogenetics, epigenetics, gene expression studies, online genetic databases and ethical issues. Written by an international team of contributors, and fully updated with the latest results from genome-wide association studies, this comprehensive text is an indispensable reference for psychiatrists, neurologists, psychologists and anyone involved in psychiatric genetic studies.
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Volunteer clinical experiences as part of the New York Police Department's Police Organization Providing Peer Assistance (POPPA) program are described in providing critical incident stress debriefings (CISD) to NYC emergency rescue personnel. Also, there is a discussion of distinctive aspects of September 11th that both characterize and confound a successful post-9/11 recovery, to include the intertwining of personal and national reactions to global terrorism and sociopolitical forces. Such factors, along with concerns about the efficacy of “one-shot clinical interventions,” form the rationale for a “Phase 2 CISD intervention model” that is described.
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The neurotransmitter dopamine is a key factor in central nervous system (CNS) function, regulating many processes including reward, movement, and cognition. Dopamine also regulates critical functions in peripheral organs, such as blood pressure, renal activity, and intestinal motility. Beyond these functions, a growing body of evidence indicates that dopamine is an important immunoregulatory factor. Most types of immune cells express dopamine receptors and other dopaminergic proteins, and many immune cells take up, produce, store, and/or release dopamine, suggesting that dopaminergic immunomodulation is important for immune function. Targeting these pathways could be a promising avenue for the treatment of inflammation and disease, but despite increasing research in this area, data on the specific effects of dopamine on many immune cells and disease processes remain inconsistent and poorly understood. Therefore, this review integrates the current knowledge of the role of dopamine in immune cell function and inflammatory signaling across systems. We also discuss the current understanding of dopaminergic regulation of immune signaling in the CNS and peripheral tissues, highlighting the role of dopaminergic immunomodulation in diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, several neuropsychiatric conditions, neurologic human immunodeficiency virus, inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and others. Careful consideration is given to the influence of experimental design on results, and we note a number of areas in need of further research. Overall, this review integrates our knowledge of dopaminergic immunology at the cellular, tissue, and disease level and prompts the development of therapeutics and strategies targeted toward ameliorating disease through dopaminergic regulation of immunity. Significance Statement Canonically, dopamine is recognized as a neurotransmitter involved in the regulation of movement, cognition, and reward. However, dopamine also acts as an immune modulator in the central nervous system and periphery. This review comprehensively assesses the current knowledge of dopaminergic immunomodulation and the role of dopamine in disease pathogenesis at the cellular and tissue level. This will provide broad access to this information across fields, identify areas in need of further investigation, and drive the development of dopaminergic therapeutic strategies.
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Susceptibility and resilience to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are recognized, but their mechanisms are not understood. Here, the hexobarbital sleep test (HST) was used to elucidate mechanisms of PTSD resilience or susceptibility. A HST was performed in rats 30 days prior to further experimentation. Based on the HST, the rats were divided into groups: (1) fast metabolizers (FM; sleep duration < 15 min); (2) slow metabolizers (SM; sleep duration ≥ 15 min). Then the SM and FM groups were subdivided into stressed (10 days predator scent, 15 days rest) and unstressed subgroups. Among stressed animals, only SMs developed experimental PTSD, and had higher plasma corticosterone (CORT) than stressed FMs. Thus, resilience or susceptibility to PTSD was consistent with changes in glucocorticoid metabolism. Stressed SMs had a pronounced decrease in hippocampal dopamine associated with increased expressions of catecholamine-O-methyl-transferase and DA transporter. In stressed SMs, a decrease in monoaminoxidase (MAO) A was associated with increased expressions of hippocampal MAO-A and MAO-B. BDNF gene expression was increased in stressed FMs and decreased in stressed SMs. These results demonstrate relationships between the microsomal oxidation phenotype, CORT concentration, and anxiety, and they help further the understanding of the role of the liver–brain axis during PTSD.
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Dopaminergic genes are likely candidates for heritable influences on cigarette smoking. In an accompanying article, Lerman et al. (1999) report associations between allele 9 of a dopamine transporter gene polymorphism (SLC6A3-9) and lack of smoking, late initiation of smoking, and length of quitting attempts. The present investigation extended their study by examining both smoking behavior and personality traits in a diverse population of nonsmokers, current smokers, and former smokers (N = 1,107). A significant association between SLC6A3-9 and smoking status was confirmed and was due to an effect on cessation rather than initiation. The SLC6A3-9 polymorphism was also associated with low scores for novelty seeking, which was the most significant personality correlate of smoking cessation. It is hypothesized that individuals carrying the SLC6A3-9 polymorphism have altered dopamine transmission, which reduces their need for novelty and reward by external stimuli, including cigarettes.
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We investigated whether and to what degree genetic and environmental contributions overlap among posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), alcohol dependence (AD) and drug dependence (DD). Subjects were 3304 monozygotic and dizygotic male–male twin pair members of the Vietnam Era Twin Registry who participated in 1992 telephone administration of the Diagnostic Interview Schedule Version 3 Revised (DIS-3R). Genetic model fitting was performed to estimate the magnitude of genetic and environmental contributions to the lifetime co-occurrence of DSM-III-R PTSD, AD and DD. The liability for PTSD was partially due to a 15.3% genetic contribution common to AD and DD and 20.0% genetic contribution specific to PTSD. Risk for AD was partially due to a 55.7% genetic contribution common to PTSD and DD. Genetic influences common to PTSD and AD accounted for 25.2% of the total risk for DD. Specific family environmental influence accounted for 33.9% of the total variance in risk for DD. Remaining variance for all three disorders was due to unique environmental factors both common and specific to each phenotype. These results suggest that PTSD, AD and DD each have etiologically distinct components and also have significant genetic and unique environmental contributions in common.
• A test-retest reliability study of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R was conducted on 592 subjects in four patient and two nonpatient sites in this country as well as one patient site in Germany. For most of the major categories, ks for current and lifetime diagnoses in the patient samples were above.60, with an overall weighted k of.61 for current and.68 for lifetime diagnoses. For the nonpatients, however, agreement was considerably lower, with a mean k of.37 for current and.51 for lifetime diagnoses. These values for the patient and nonpatient samples are roughly comparable to those obtained with other structured diagnostic instruments. Sources of diagnostic disagreement, such as inadequate training of interviewers, information variance, and low base rates for many disorders, are discussed.
• We studied 4042 Vietnam era veteran monozygotic and dizygotic male twin pairs to determine the effects of heredity, shared environment, and unique environment on the liability for 15 self-reported posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms included in the symptom categories of reexperiencing the trauma, avoidance of stimuli related to the trauma, and increased arousal. Quantitative genetic analysis reveals that inheritance has a substantial influence on liability for all symptoms. Symptoms in the reexperiencing cluster and one symptom in the avoidance and numbing cluster are strongly associated with combat exposure, and monozygotic pairs are more highly concordant for combat exposure than dizygotic pairs. By fitting a bivariate genetic model, we show that there are significant genetic influences on symptom liability, even after adjusting for differences in combat exposure; genetic factors account for 13% to 30% of the variance in liability for symptoms in the reexperiencing cluster, 30% to 34% for symptoms in the avoidance cluster, and 28% to 32% for symptoms in the arousal cluster. There is no evidence that shared environment contributes to the development of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms.
Background: Data were obtained on the general population epidemiology of DSM-III-R posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), including information on estimated lifetime prevalence, the kinds of traumas most often associated with PTSD, sociodemographic correlates, the comorbidity of PTSD with other lifetime psychiatric disorders, and the duration of an index episode.Methods: Modified versions of the DSM-III-R PTSD module from the Diagnostic Interview Schedule and of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview were administered to a representative national sample of 5877 persons aged 15 to 54 years in the part II subsample of the National Comorbidity Survey.Results: The estimated lifetime prevalence of PTSD is 7.8%. Prevalence is elevated among women and the previously married. The traumas most commonly associated with PTSD are combat exposure and witnessing among men and rape and sexual molestation among women. Posttraumatic stress disorder is strongly comorbid with other lifetime DSM-III-R disorders. Survival analysis shows that more than one third of people with an index episode of PTSD fail to recover even after many years.Conclusions: Posttraumatic stress disorder is more prevalent than previously believed, and is often persistent. Progress in estimating age-at-onset distributions, cohort effects, and the conditional probabilities of PTSD from different types of trauma will require future epidemiologic studies to assess PTSD for all lifetime traumas rather than for only a small number of retrospectively reported "most serious" traumas.
This paper describes how to use the command hapipf and introduces the command profhap written for Stata that analyzes population-based genetic data. For these studies, association can be linkage disequilibrium within a set of loci or allelic/haplotype association with disease status. Confidence intervals for odds ratios are calculated with or without adjustment for possible factors that are confounding the relationship. Additionally, this command allows the specification of many models of association that are not widely implemented. Copyright 2001 by Stata Corporation.
The human dopamine transporter (DAT1) gene is localized to chromosome 5p15.3 by in situ hybridization and PCR amplification of rodent somatic cell hybrid DNA. Analysis of a 40-bp repeat in the 3' untranslated region of the message revealed variable numbers of the repeat ranging from 3 to 11 copies. These results will aid in the investigation of a role for this gene in genetic disorders of the dopaminergic system in humans.
In the present study, we replicated and extended our previous findings of increased 24-hour urinary catecholamine excretion in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine concentrations were measured in 22 male patients with PTSD (14 inpatients and eight outpatients) and in 16 nonpsychiatric normal males. The PTSD inpatients showed significantly higher excretion of all three catecholamines compared with both outpatients with PTSD and normal controls. Dopamine and norepinephrine, but not epinephrine, levels were significantly correlated with severity of PTSD symptoms in the PTSD group as a whole. In particular, these catecholamines seemed related to intrusive symptoms. None of the catecholamines were correlated with severity of depression. The findings support the hypothesis of an enhanced sympathetic nervous system activation in PTSD, and suggest that increased sympathetic arousal may be closely linked to severity of certain PTSD symptom clusters.