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Experiences and Lessons Learned from Onsite and Remote Teamwork Based Courses in Software Engineering


Abstract and Figures

Education is changing rapidly towards digital and online forms in universities. E.g. digitalization and Massively Open Online Course (MOOC)s evolve remote education tools, which changes the teaching approaches. Covid-19 accelerated digital transition from classroom-based education towards hybrid models, then online classes and finally to fully online education. While the education has moved from classrooms to Internet environment, the suitability of this transition has not really been evaluated. This is especially important to teamwork based courses in which the collaboration within teams and between teams is considered a major part of the learning outcomes of the course. Our study presents experiences on transforming a set of software engineering courses from a fully onsite course to a fully online course and lessons we have learned on that transition. We analyze hackathon and capstone style courses for traditional and remote execution modes. We have used hackathons for decades and have experience of different types of implementations. For capstones we have two different courses that we have experience with. Analyzing the team-based courses shows focal points which area hard to solve with online approaches. Online environment does not only make students faceless to the teacher but also to other teammates. This is especially visible in the long-lasting capstone courses.
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Jari Porras
LUT School of Engineering Science
LUT University
Lappeenranta, Finland
Ari Happonen
LUT School of Engineering Science
LUT University
Lappeenranta, Finland
Jayden Khakurel
LUT School of Engineering Science
LUT University
Lappeenranta, Finland
Abstract—Education is changing rapidly towards
digital and online forms in universities. E.g.
digitalization and Massively Open Online Course
(MOOC)s evolve remote education tools, which
changes the teaching approaches. Covid-19 accelerated
digital transition from classroom-based education
towards hybrid models, then online classes and finally
to fully online education. While the education has moved
from classrooms to Internet environment, the suitability
of this transition has not really been evaluated. This is
especially important to teamwork based courses in
which the collaboration within teams and between
teams is considered a major part of the learning
outcomes of the course. Our study presents experiences
on transforming a set of software engineering courses
from a fully onsite course to a fully online course and
lessons we have learned on that transition.
We analyze hackathon and capstone style courses
for traditional and remote execution modes. We have
used hackathons for decades and have experience of
different types of implementations. For capstones we
have two different courses that we have experience with.
Analyzing the team-based courses shows focal points
which area hard to solve with online approaches.
Online environment does not only make students
faceless to the teacher but also to other teammates. This
is especially visible in the long-lasting capstone
Keywords—online education, hackathon, capstone,
software engineering, teamwork, collaboration, digitalization
1. Introduction
Education is changing rapidly, and new teaching
methods emerge as the competencies of both teachers
and students evolve [1]. For some years, universities
have been emphasizing online education and/or online
tools supported courses as an integral part of their
teaching methods. For example, in our university the
two distinct campuses (some 200km apart) with shared
degree programmes require the use of online education
tools. In history, our university has for years promoted
the possibilities for time and location independent
learning due to a number of adult (master’s) education
programmes and high proportion of master’s students
working on their last years of studies (especially in
software engineering field). At the same time various
MOOC platforms set the pressure for quality
implementations of online courses and evolved tools
provide new possibilities. Online education was already
recommended and applied to courses that seemed to fit
best for online methodologies. Suddenly Covid-19
changed everything [2-3, 29] and all courses, regardless
of the applied teaching methods and base ideologies,
had to be considered to online teaching adaption.
This study reports our experiences of transforming
two different types of teamwork based courses on
software engineering education into online education
format and compare these online implementations to the
traditional implementations of the same courses. We
seek for answers to our research questions “How are
team-based courses affected by the fully online teaching
approach? and What should be taken into account to
provide similar learning experience for the team
members?”. Thus, we are particularly interested in the
challenges in teamwork aspects of these courses as these
courses emphasize the teamwork and other soft-skills
related to that as the main learning outcomes. Our
hypothesis is that the remote teamwork will make the
collaboration harder. We approach our research
questions by thematically analyzing the reports from
each course (qualitative data rather than quantitative due
to small number of courses in our study).
2. Related work
The impacts of online education have been studied
in the literature from different perspectives. Bernard et
al. [4] did meta-analysis of the comparative distance
education (DE) for 1985-2020 literature to analyze
independent achievement, attitude, and retention
outcomes. The findings strongly suggested that many
remote education applications outperform their
classroom counterparts and that many also perform
poorly too. Dividing achievement outcomes into
synchronous and asynchronous forms of DE produced a
somewhat different impression. In general, mean
achievement effect sizes for synchronous applications
favoured classroom instruction, while effect sizes for
asynchronous applications favoured DE.
In 2016, Chen et al. [5] compared the achievements
and learning experiences of 192 onsite and online 311
Experiences and Lessons Learned from Onsite
and Remote Teamwork Based Courses in
Software Engineering
Chinese students participating in a Massively Open
Online Course (MOOC). The study found, i) onsite
learners had a lower attrition rate with learning
performance than the online students, ii) learners who
had completed all their learning assignments, no
significant difference was detected between onsite and
online participants’ average assignment scores and they
had equally likelihood to win learning awards, iii) based
on their learning experiences, no significant difference
was detected between the online and onsite students’
ratings of technology quality and usability instructional
content, and the design of learning assessment.
Ali [6] adopted a meta-analysis methodology, and
pertinent literature review captured the essence of
continued learning during these unprecedented times.
The study illustrated that, i) universities worldwide
move towards online learning or E-Learning, ii) apart
from resources, staff readiness, confidence, student
accessibility and motivation play an essential function
in ICT integrated learning. Based on the findings,
authors proposed use of technology and technological
gadgets by the staff members to enhance learning,
especially in exceptional times. Moreover, they pointed
online and remote learning as an expected necessity in
covid-19 like pandemics, which require lockdowns and
social distancing. Also, Olasile and Soykan [7]
summarized the challenges and opportunities raised by
the Covid-19 pandemic towards online learning serving
as the educational platform. The authors concluded that
previously adopted online learning is different from
emergency remote teaching. At the same time, the
authors pointed online learning to be more sustainable
and instructional activities will become more hybrid
based on the experiences gained during the pandemic.
3. Teamwork based courses
Teamwork is well studied in academic literature,
but still employers require universities to do more to
improve graduate’s readiness to work in team-based
environments [8]. This should be easy as almost any
course may apply teamwork [9] or team assignment [10]
as a part of the course completion. Sometimes, adding
teamwork for a course is a tool for teachers to ease up
their workload. For example, on a large course (e.g.
500+ students on some Fundamentals of Software
Development course) grading only 80 assignments of 5
students compared to 400 individual assignments is
definitely a much less demanding task. In this approach
teamwork is typically not the core learning outcome that
is evaluated. There are, however, courses that
emphasize teamwork and other related soft-skills as the
main learning outcomes [11]. In software engineering
capstone courses [12] and hackathons [13] typically rely
on teamwork skills and other related soft-skills [14, 40
Capstones are heavily used as the “final project” of
the graduates in software engineering (Merriam-
Webster defines capstones as “the high point: crowning
achievement”). Capstones have been analyzed from
various perspectives. Palacin et. al studied the
implementation of the capstones from the design
thinking perspectives in [17] and the extension of the
capstone by sustainability content in [18]. Khakurel and
Porras [19] analysed the soft skills learned in a
developing capstone course with a heavy emphasis on
real world projects and with actual industrial customers.
Hackathons [20] is second teamwork based course
emphasized in this paper. The implementation and
definition of hackathons were closely studied in a recent
literature review [21]. The outcome of that literature
review was that the hackathon represents a rather short-
time event dedicated to solving some challenge, usually
with some industry connection [22, 38-39] or in specific
university - industry collaborative setting [31], for
example to use hackathons to boost innovations as
university - industry collaboration activity [23]. The
three most emphasized learning outcomes of hackathons
presented in [21] were a) creativity or innovation skills,
b) teamwork or collaboration skills and c) some context
specific skill (e.g. Java programming skills). Based on
the previous studies, hackathons are not so widely used
as a part of education although they could provide
similar types of learning outcomes capstones are
intended to have [23]. As such hackathons are seen more
as an informal learning platform [25]. Hackathons have
many synonyms like code jams or code fest [26] but the
term, code camp, has earlier been used for hackathon
type of events used for educational purposes [27][28].
Reports from hackathons often document the challenges
tackled, formats of the events and not so much the
learning outcomes. Overall, both hackathons as well as
capstones rely heavily on teamwork effort. While in
hackathons, time limitation requires efficient teamwork,
in capstones the project size is the main limiting factor.
In both cases efficient communication among the team
and with the external stakeholders (other hackathon
teams and customer in capstones) is crucial for the work.
4. Courses in our study
In this section we describe shortly the courses under
study. Both types of the courses have strong emphasis
on teamwork and as such the transition from onsite to
online courses has had some major consequences.
4.1. Capstone type of courses
We have selected two different capstone type of
courses with a bit different learning objectives.
4.1.1. Software and application innovation (Course
1). Software and application innovation course is a
semester-long (14 weeks) project type master’s level
multidisciplinary course with both Finnish as well as
international students from software engineering,
industrial engineering, and business administration
programmes. This course is built around teamwork and
related soft skills and the course has been run for more
than 10 years. First implementations were fully onsite,
classroom teaching based, with a set common lectures,
active weekly team-wise tutoring and public
presentations. One of the key activities in the beginning
of this course is the theme based collaborative analysis
and innovation session that provides teams the ideas to
start with. For example, last few years the theme of the
course has been linked with the UN sustainable
development goals and how digitalization can be used
to tackle those. Students with different backgrounds
(discipline, culture) will have a good chance of having a
broad view to the challenges before starting the actual
innovation processes. Teaming up process is also
important so that the students find team members that
are interested in the similar topic. One could argue that
in industry professionals don’t pick their teams at work
and because of that students shouldn’t pick their teams
at school, but to our experience many startups are
formed around people who want to work together and
develop something they share same interest. All in all,
both ways of forming teams have their pros and cons.
As the number of common classroom activities in
the first implementations of the course were rather
limited, the course added a set of online meetings some
5 years ago to enable better linking of different teams.
These online meetings were common to all teams and
required teams to prepare some presentations and be
active with the other teams. Thus the course transformed
into a hybrid onsite-online model for 2014-2019. Course
on fall 2020 was implemented fully online due to Covid-
19 situation. This course has strong cultural flavor due
to the different nationality and cultural backgrounds of
the students and use of the global challenges as topics.
4.1.2. Running a software project (Course 2).
Running a software project course is a semester-long
(14 week) master’s level capstone course for software
engineering students (equal amount of Finnish and
international students). The evolution of this course has
already been reported in [17],[18] and [19] from the
skills, content and teaching methods perspective, but
COVID-19 forced the implementation to change from
onsite to online model. The course was a traditional
project based course with weekly lectures and tasks that
help the teams to advance their projects with the real
customers [19]. In this course a set of customers and
their challenges are provided to teams and students form
the teams by selecting what they want to do. Typically,
this course has 40-60 students forming groups of 4-6
persons. The main point of our capstone is that the
students need to listen to the customer rather than
innovate their own solution [19]. Like with the software
and application innovation course the students have few
common steps in which the teams present their work to
other teams, e.g. internal testing of the prototypes or
public testing days. This course requires teams to use
some internal workspace that will have proper interfaces
to the customer and to the teachers (to follow the team
activities). The Covid-19 situation changed the spring
2020 course to be a hybrid model (teams managed to
have face to face meetings among the groups and with
the customers) and spring 2021 a fully online course (all
communication happened through online environment).
4.2. Hackathons
Our university has been one of the first universities
to use a hackathon type of event as an educational
approach and also as a tool for university - industry
collaboration [23]. In the educational context
we traditionally have been arranging these events onsite
during exam weeks or intensively during a
weekend. The currently dominant industry focus in
hackathons existed partly already in our original events
but the emphasis was on the learning of students [32],
coding with software language X and studying a new
technology Y, and not on the benefits of the company
[33]. We have selected a few implementations of our
events from the long history [24], to illustrate different
implementations of these events.
4.2.1. .NET Code Camp. .NET code camps were a
week long master’s level hackathons arranged on fully
onsite mode. The events were pretty typical hackathons
with a challenge setting, lectures, innovation, teaming,
development and presentation phases. Length of the
events were 5 to 7 days and a computer classroom was
dedicated for the course. The events were arranged
outside the normal lecturing periods (e.g. intensive
course weeks, exam periods, etc.) and students were
expected to participate actively in the course by staying
in the selected facility. Our slogan for the events “no-
one is left alone” was also highly visible in the
evaluation of the outcomes as the “hackathon spirit” was
worth 20% in the evaluation. All this with the goal of
learning some new technology (e.g. .NET platform with
a link to the Microsoft Imagine Cup) resulted in a very
active participation and collaboration within the
course. These events were highly education oriented and
as such students participated in the events like any
mandatory lectures. Students felt that these events
provided them new hard skills in addition to the soft
skills normally emphasized in hackathons. These events
were open for any software engineering student and they
attracted both Finnish as well as international students.
Team sizes in hackathons are limited to 3-4 as based on
our experience that small/large group enables efficient
peer support within and between teams (one member
can always discuss with other teams which is one of the
key elements for successful operation).
4.2.2. ICT4S Hackathon. ICT4S Hackathon was a
summer 2019 special university - company
sustainability and AI/ML focused 1-2 weeks long
hackathon event. The event was an international
master's level hackathon aimed for the last year's
students. Two implementations of the hackathon were
provided. Some students took a shorter one week
version and only participated in one challenge, while
some others took a full 2 weeks and contributed to two
separate challenges. The company providing the
challenges, offered real case data and area specific
knowledge for the students, remote startup lecture,
expert database lecture, Q&A session and questioning
and mentoring hours (all remote). With the
collaboration in the hackathon, the company was
seeking to develop new business opportunities [15],
build long lasting digital age collaboration models with
the university [37] and to start changing their
organization culture to be more open [35]. The event
had 2 different remote locations offering local onsite
sessions simultaneously (multiple facilitators were
used) as well as 100% remote participation. The final
results presentation was 3 hours session. Best
presentation was selected to show the results for ICT4S
conference audience as a hackathon result presentation.
In this hackathon some of the non-typical parts
were: 1) option of new students to join to teams in the
middle of the event (1 week participants to full length
participating teams), 2) typical session was organized in
evening hours thus providing possibility to students
with a summer job, 3) various mentoring session (expert
lecture, open Q&A session, mid hackathon
presentations for the teams to receive direction guidance
from the company) and 4) multiple injection of self
learning additional support materials from the lead
teacher. Students had the right to study 100% remotely,
but it was also possible to participate in the ICT4S
conference lectures and meet the conference experts.
4.2.3. DevOps Hackathon. DevOps development
hackathon was arranged in early autumn 2020 as a fully
online event with recorded expert lectures and online
participation. Well known remote conferencing tools
TEAMs and Zoom were used in the arrangements. This
particular hackathon was a longer event (3 weeks) than
traditional hackathons as activities were mostly in
evening and weekend times. This event could even be
called flipped-hackathon as the students were provided
the necessary knowledge of DevOps (recorded expert
lectures) and their task was to build the actual course.
As such, this was one of the first hackathons where
students themselves had the opportunity to develop the
course content for the software engineering master
programme and all this needed to happen online.
5. Discussion and lessons learned
The selected set of courses are compared (See Table
1 and Table 2), from a teamwork perspective, on
different modes of implementation (fully onsite, hybrid,
fully online). In addition to team reports (that also
consist of student reflection), each course collects
student feedback on the course implementation issues.
Both of these sources were used to collect the student
perceptions of the impacts of transition to online
education. The following tables compare the course
implementations based on a) lectures (or lessons), b)
innovation activities, c) team forming, d) internal team
activities (within teams), e) external team activities (e.g.
towards teachers and customers), f) presentations.
Table 1. Capstone course Implementation description and comparison
Course 1 Onsite Course 1 Hybrid Course 1 Online Course 2 Onsite Course 2 Online
Lectures Students had to be present in the classroom,
so it was hard to start the course, if a student
missed the lectures.
It was easy to activate students.
Students were active in class and with the
natural setting for working in small groups.
Easy to pinpoint questions and get all
Possibility for flipped
classroom activities.
Recorded videos provided
more time for team
activities, not all watched
those beforehand.
Difficult to observe
students and activity of the
students was weak.
Same as in
Onsite/Hybrid course
Same as in Online
course 1.
Improved use of
technologies in 2021
improved outcomes.
Innovation Classroom activity in small groups with the
use of whiteboards to share ideas.
Ideas spread across teams, easy to continue
another group’s idea
Hard to separate friends into different
Innovation action in small
randomly generated groups
in Zoom using shared Miro
board for innovation.
Easier to allocate strangers
Teamwise innovation as the topics are provided
by customers. Teams needed to discuss with the
customers and find their requirements. Teacher
divided topics based on priorities. Complaints of
not allowed to have their own topic.
Teaming Teaming in the classroom with
requirements to have both technology and
business people. Easy to locate talents for
the team as everybody may discuss at the
same time
No clear process how to
team up. Students in the
random groups mostly
stayed together.
Teaming in the
classroom. Some
predefined groups.
Students formed
teams by themselves
and informed the
Internal Teams should select a suitable workspace for themselves. Different cloud
services have been used.
Team needed to set internal workspace and
communication channels.
External Only final
presentation. No
knowledge of what
the others were
doing. Request for
Possibility of onsite
tutoring for the teams
was semi-actively
used. Online
presentations and
discussions with the
other teams.
Complaints that
these should have
been onsite rather
than online.
Possibility for online
tutoring was rather badly
Online presentations and
discussions with the other
teams. No complaints of the
online activities as
mandatory and all others
were also online.
Teams managed and
documented their
customer meetings
(teachers wasn’t
always there). Weekly
onsite tutoring sessions
with teachers. Other
teams were activated
by having in-class
testing days and public
testing days.
Teachers were
invited to the online
customer meetings
which helped in
following the teams.
Tutoring meetings
were held online
Presentations Onsite presentation day extremely active in
discussion and feedback. Easy to follow the
student focus.
Online presentations do not
initiate questions. Hard to
see student’s activity level.
Onsite presentations,
teams actively
Quality of the
decreased, hard to
get any comments
Capstones in an online environment shows both
positive as well as negative effects to the students.
Participation to lectures seems to be easier as lectures
are (pre)recorded and provided for the students. This
kind of flipped-classroom activity requires more control
as students do not necessarily watch the videos
beforehand. Some students think that they may start the
course whenever they wish and there might not be
suitable groups for them (they become aliens in a group
if they have not been there from the beginning). Whole
class activities (group to group communication) is easier
in an onsite event as current tools like Zoom and Teams
do not really support multiteam discussions (for
presentations they are fine). In general, the innovation
activities are easier in a shared space (miro provides one
tool but misses the discussion element). Internal team
discussions are well supported with different tools, e.g.
teams, but the proper use of them required some
experiences (i.e. the fully online 2021 capstone course
was much bigger success, than hybrid 2020 course due
to experiences of both teachers and students from the
first covid-19 season and thus better operation modes).
Table 2. Hackathon course comparison
Traditional Hack Hybrid Hack Online Hack
Lectures Classroom activity in the beginning
of the hackathon (and few lessons
every now and then). Common
lectures got the students motivated to
course work.
Presence (onsite, online) in opening and closing
sessions recommended, recording of all technical
sessions recommended, dealing with different
types of teams (onsite, online) challenging, lengths
of sessions should be carefully considered
(especially online)
In online streamed form, pre-
recorded and recorded online to
give students multiple review
times options
Innovation Typically the end of day one was
used for common innovation with
team results focus. Teams did
discuss with each other and helped to
fine tune the idea so that the
implementation could be started with
clear plans.
Provides a wide variety of possibilities but if real-
time multi location event that has its own
challenges, presentations can be controlled in
online environment more efficiently
Invisibility of student activities
to the teacher, proper tools need
to be provided, difficulty to
students to get the hackathon
Teaming In the first traditional hackathons the
teams were mostly pre-formed or
were formed easily in the class as
most of the students knew each
others (as they all represented
software engineering).
Teaming like in traditional hacks in local physical
event, opening day needs to create the hackathon
and team spirit locally and across network, use of
multiple sites provides possibilities but local event
better for socializing
Pre-teaming and “on-site”
teaming possible, getting to
know others and team members
challenging, pre-made profiles
for each participant
Internal Open and commonly used Wiki site
has been used for both internal as
well as external communication. The
original idea “no-one is left alone”
required open communication and
sharing of knowledge. Students
appreciated the doing and learning
together approach or so called “code
camp spirit”.
Teams were formed with the
idea that 2 team members can work
together and the third or fourth can
discuss with other teams. Lots of
discussions happened face to face
though some persons were much
more active than others [37].
Discussions happened in the
classroom but some common issues
were collaboratively documented to
the Wiki.
The team communication is tried to be supported
in a hybrid model by arranging physical spaces
where the teams can meet, if they do choose to do
so. It has been noted previously, that e.g. if the
University premises have extras like free
breakfast, air conditioner, good and affordable
lunch easily available and so on and the students
feel they do not have all these options available
they do prefer to use the premises and steer
towards physical meetings. On the other hand,
many students did comment on their feedback, that
it is really easy just to sit in home and use remote
tools, if the meeting does not offer any “perks”. So
it seems students do not seem to think that working
F2F itself is not good enough, they need
something extra to justify the time and effort
needed to e.g. move from home to University.
Technologies for internal team
communication available,
online meetings easier to
“omit”, huge variations in the
skills, teamwork spirit,
readiness to flex on own time
tables and willingness to be
available “all the time” in online
hackathons, difficult to measure
“code camp spirit” or “no one is
left behind” attitude
External Students have best team level external
communication experiences when these are base
organized by the mentoring teacher, Challenge of
communication between remote and local teams,
recording of shared sessions valuable,
Availability of external resources important
Facilitation and mentoring
support for external
communication is quite crucial
for team success, Frequent Q&A
and technical sessions needed.
Presentations All presentations and demonstrations
happened in the classroom and was
the highlight of the hackathon.
Students wanted to show their best in
this event.
Challenge of presentation in multi-location events,
engaging all students important, local activities,
connections should work in multi-location events,
lack of common spirit, considering roles of team
Pre-recorded presentations
suggested, Multiple
presentations for feedback and
dissemination. Students value in
situ feedback more than
recording / delayed feedback.
The transition from fully onsite course / events to
fully online events has taught as few valuable lessons.
In these lessons we aim to emphasize both teacher and
students perspectives. These lessons are based on
thematic analysis of the student reports and teacher
experiences from these courses. The analysis is of
qualitative nature due to small sample size.
Online environment hides feelings and make
people look like “neutral”
This lesson can be seen in all of the activity
categories. In lectures and presentations the online
environment makes it impossible for the teacher to read
the listening students’ faces or impressions. Highly
talented teachers can get some specific reactions out of
the student group but getting into the individual level is
extremely challenging. In team building activities
students have difficulties in getting familiar with the
other students and as such finding proper teams
becomes harder. This also may result in teams in which
everybody is not equally committed or people do not
continue up until the end of the course. Teachers can
have per team (remote) discussion sessions to alleviate
these challenges. Our guidance to this challenge is to ask
the students keep their cameras on and pinpoint
questions to specific students. For example, in our
capstone courses the students have roles in their teams
and it is possible to address “customer interface
responsible” to answer the question. Thus, students can
answer questions that are related to their responsibilities
and other teams get to know the other persons in the
similar role. As such this can be tackled partly within
online environment.
Online environment decreases visible activity
In an online environment the visible student activity
decreases considerably. This is partly due to the
“faceless” nature of the online environment (lesson
one). It seems to be easier to be quiet than ask questions.
It may also be possible to focus on other things than the
required activity (this is also case in online meetings
etc.). This would be harder in onsite events. In
teamwork activities the inability (either teacher or
fellow students) to follow contributions may lead to a
badly working team. In the latest online implementation,
the students were asked to record their customer
meetings. As meetings covered different aspects it was
easier to see if the responsible persons were doing their
share of the work. Our guidance to this is that each team
member should have clear role and responsibilities that
can then be followed (lesson one). Most of the activity
is not necessarily visible in real time communication but
the teams may use their internal working areas (like
Teams, GitHub etc.) that enable visibility of different
Online environment may shift responsibility
While an online environment provides a set of
possibilities to teachers and students, e.g. pre-recording
lectures or recording, these new possibilities shift some
responsibility to the student. Like seen in our courses the
existence of a lecture recording does not mean that the
students watch that. Teachers may require a set of in
progress content deliverables to keep the work in flow
and to give the teacher the option to use continuous
evaluation means of giving final grade. In courses that
are practically oriented, e.g., capstones and hackathons,
the work should be divided in phases and each phase
needs to have a deadline. This enables students to
schedule their work and the teachers see that the work
progresses. The phases and communication of schedules
are thus extremely important.
Online environment decreases team to team
Our experiences show that the online environment
makes the teamwork more as a separate team rather than
a peer to the other teams. Team to team communication
has been an important element of our team based
courses and the online environment seems to miss
elements that would promote this activity. The students
of the software and application innovation course
requested especially this element and it does not seem
to fully work online. On the other hand, teams may
communicate but that part is not visible to the
teacher. We see this as the major challenge that is not
fully supported by any tool. Tools like Zoom and Teams
provide an interface for mostly one-sided
communication, for example presentation, while
interactive communication is not possible. Use of
breakout rooms has been used in our testing events,
when participant amount was around 20 or more. Miro
board and wikis provide ways on interactive planning
and writing but the missing communication part leaves
this as a major drawback in online implementations.
Challenging hybrid approach
The hybrid approach can be categorized in two
types; courses that have both onsite and online
education (not at the same time) and courses that have
both local and remote education at the same time. The
software and application innovation course is an
example of the previous. The challenge in this course is
that students would like to have only onsite sessions as
they feel those are more natural and communication
between teams is easier. On the other hand, then
students would have to be at the university all the time,
which would make remote teams impossible, but
students can be on-campus but dispersed.
The ICT4S hackathon is an example of the second
type of hybrid courses. The main challenge in this
hybrid approach is that it needs to be “script” for both
the traditional and for the online way, this is especially
demanding if some students are 100% remote
participating in a hybrid hackathon, which demands the
teacher to organize almost everything in both ways.
Somewhat easier case is the model where the teacher has
traditional modules and remote modules inside one
hackathon event. To our experience, when a hybrid
model is successful, it is one of the most involving
models which give e.g. companies most minutes to be
part of action, is least restricting in a sense how students
can participate and is most flexible on getting differently
minded people to enlist to a hackathon event. The
flipside is that the hybrid format can be the most
demanding to master and organize elegantly. For teams
the hybrid multi location model is also challenging as
one easily communicates locally and forgets the online
participants. Our advice is to have separate organizing
teams in both ends so that there are both local parts as
well as common multi-premise parts.
Suitable tools exists but operation models are
still evolving
Digitalization has given us the needed tools (e.g.
Zoom, Teams, Miro, wiki, Discord, slack, Teams, etc.)
to move towards hybrid models and fully onsite models
but we lack the proper processes to utilize them in all
activities. We have observed the instructors to be in
need to have more data on intra- and inter-team
collaborations, especially in agile workflows. The same
is true for both the teachers as well to the students. The
experiences of several implementations of online
courses (both capstones as well as hackathons in 2020
and 2021) have shown us that both teachers as well as
students have slowly adjusted to the “new” operation
mode. Teachers have learned not to copy their
traditional lectures to online environment but to use
flipped classroom approaches, mixed working methods
and shorter sessions (90-minute lecture over zoom
would be suboptimal learning method for most). On the
other hand, the students have learned to take some
responsibility of their learning. More of the students do
watch the videos beforehand or do the pre-tasks.
Students have also found the best ways for them to stay
connected. Thus, the success of this transition towards
online education even in teamwork-based courses is
highly dependent on the evolution of working habits of
both teachers as well as students. So far, we have
succeeded in engaging the students with the tools and
processes in most of the activities. The biggest challenge
is to enable larger scale discussion between all teams.
6. Conclusion
The study reflects our experiences on transition
from onsite teamwork-based courses to a fully online
version of the same courses. We have a long history of
team-based courses in our software engineering
education and we wanted to reflect how the change of
the course delivery affects teamwork and its evaluation.
Both the traditional capstone type of courses as well as
educational hackathons from master’s level were
evaluated, which revealed that both onsite as well as
online education has some clear benefits. In onsite
implementation the teaming and partly the innovation is
easier for the students and activation of the students
more visible to the teacher. Online implementation
provides better possibilities to the lectures as teachers
may use live online lectures or record the lectures
beforehand (for flipped classroom) but decrease the
visibility to the students and their activation. The
internal teamwise work might not suffer in online
education but the team to team collaboration decreases.
This is especially destructive in hackathon type of
courses that are based on wide collaboration.
These experiments are based on reflections on the
lessons learned so far. Collaboration environments and
tools are evolving and provide us tools to implement
online activities. Now we need proper ways to utilize
these tools, e.g. new ways to activate companies to
collaborate with universities [38] and students to
teamwork within their teams and between their teams.
We should also gather more knowledge what drives and
motivates [36] non university students to participate to
open hackathons organized as online courses and seeks
to understand deeper the success in digital innovation
efforts [30]. Additionally, we assume that in post covid-
19 new normal, many campuses will go back to face-to-
face teaching as primary teaching method, albeit with
additional online/hybrid contact hours.
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... A possible solution to the limitations of both physical-and virtual-space hackathons is to use a hybrid design. In hybrid hackathons, some stages are executed in person and some online Mubaraz et al., 2021;Porras et al., 2021). Alternatively, some participants participate in the physical space while others join virtually (Ribault et al., 2022). ...
... Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (2023) 12:6 interest (such as ideation, idea selection, information gathering, and perceived quality of the final product. See: Khan et al., 2021;Porras et al., 2021). Thus, a hybrid hackathon format allows organizers to capitalize on the most important aspects of physical and virtual hackathons (Porras et al., 2021). ...
... See: Khan et al., 2021;Porras et al., 2021). Thus, a hybrid hackathon format allows organizers to capitalize on the most important aspects of physical and virtual hackathons (Porras et al., 2021). For example, when establishing and promoting a team spirit is essential (e.g., team formation stage), organizers can decide on conducting them in a physical space, where socialization processes are most effective (Porras et al., 2021). ...
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This article aims to offer a comprehensive overview of the existing literature on the hackathon phenomenon to offer scholars a common ground for future research and managers and practitioners research-based guidelines on best planning and running a hackathon. A review of the most relevant literature on hackathons was conducted to serve as the research basis for our integrative model and guidelines. This article synthesizes the research on hackathons to offer comprehensible guidelines for practitioners while also providing questions for future hackathon researchers. We differentiate between the different design characteristics of hackathons while noting their advantages and disadvantages, discuss tools and methodologies for successful hackathon setup and execution step-by-step, and provide recommendations to encourage project continuity.
... Environmental factors such as onsite and remote collaboration in SE courses may impact teamwork. Onsite collaboration increases active participation of team members with facial expressions and body language, which potentially increases teamwork effectiveness [10]. While remote collaboration may result in less engaged teams [11]. ...
Conference Paper
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Teamwork in software development life cycle (SDLC) and Software Engineering (SE) is a cooperative process that all Computing Science (CS) undergraduates need to undergo. It is a critical skill for the industry and is usually trained through group projects in Higher Education. Due to the nature of software development, most software projects involve collaborative efforts of a group of developers. Although teamwork has been studied in many prior works, it is still considered as a dynamic element in SDLC. As the level of complexity, type of deliverables and range of stakeholders in software projects can vary widely, prior experience cannot be applied directly to new projects. The current implementation of SE education in the Professional Software Development (PSD) and Team Project (TP) subjects contains elements to promote teamwork. Students are required to work in groups on real-world problems. This paper examines the current teamwork simulating real-world software projects through an evaluation with the existing and previous cohorts of students, who have experienced the PSD and TP subjects. Several improvements are then proposed by this study. Based on the results, the majority of the respondents agree that our proposed methods such as self-selection of groups, pair programming, and prototyping model will bring about improved teamwork in their group projects.
... Since only a museum was studied, further studies may also expand by including multiple museums in order to establish a richer context and various cultural factors that may help in understanding deeper the extent of using augmented reality technologies within museums. From technology point of view, it would be beneficial to study things museum application developers should know from application and technology specifics points of views [86][87][88]. ...
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The study demonstrates Augmented Reality usage for reimaging the museum experience in Namibia. A special focus was on the National Museum of Namibia as a reference point and context to implement the proposed augmented reality solution. The purpose of this proposal is to demonstrate how Augmented Reality can enhance the museum experience by providing complimentary visual information to the exhibits. This is to increase the museum visiting interest, especially among young people. An online survey was done to understand the general public's personal experiences when visiting a museum the traditional way in order to understand what improvements they would like to see in museums for a better experience. 64 participants took part in the study. This survey was a foundation for implementing a software-based solution, focusing on the target users. Our results showed that Augmented Reality enhances the museum experience, knowledge, and learning, as well as an emotional connection of the museum visitor when using the augmented reality mobile application, compared to the traditional museum experience. From an expansion perspective, this study emphasized the need to consider implementing a similar solution on other mobile app platforms, as iOS was used as the benchmark for this study.
... However, challenges such as limited infrastructure, interoperability issues, and data overload must be solved, and problems overcome. For future studies, we suggest university -industry [25] collaboration models like code camps [32] [58], hackathons [40][43] [66], course collaboration [61] with customer and design thinking perspectives [78] in their different forms [72] and so on. Nevertheless, the opportunities presented by IoT, such as enhanced situational awareness, improved response times, and optimized resource allocation, outweigh clearly the previously mentioned challenges. ...
... The educational sector was in crisis at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Globally, most school systems were not prepared to jump to a complete remote teaching model [43], but on the other hand, the crisis did generate a huge load of new educational innovations, too [44]. Additionally, the global stock markets and crude oil prices were severely hit [45,46]. ...
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COVID-19 is a major global crisis affecter, changing global norms and societal behavioral models. Many companies have faced existential crises, but on the other hand, businesses that were and are helping others to boost digitalization, ICT and software solutions deployment, remote communications integration, e-commerce & e-services, and so on, have boosted their businesses, as people shifted online during the global lockdown and international travel restrictions. Our work explores the trend of e-commerce and e-services utilization during the ease of restrictions and the social distancing period to forecast the trend continuation patterns after the pandemic. An online survey was conducted and targeted individuals in Saudi Arabia and Egypt, resulting in 155 participants. The data were analyzed from four perspectives: demographics, COVID-19 health impact, trend analysis, and regression analysis. The results indicate heavy utilization of e-commerce and e-services during the global movement restrictions and travel bans. This trend has, however, significantly reduced during the ease of restrictions and social distancing period. Utilizing e-commerce and e-services in Saudi Arabia and Egypt, based on the research data, is positively correlated to the outbreak conditions. On the other hand, current data still does not give clear indications, and this pattern is going to be mostly, partly, or not at all permanent now as societies are returning to mostly a free movement of people and marginally restricted social distancing times.
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Research on university – industry collaboration ideologies, operations and activities for improvement of effective cooperation in industry 4.0 era. Utilizing over 65 years of experience on effective collaboration, inc. advisory notes, experiences, proven models, industry case studies and collaborators' recommendations for rich, long and successful partnerships. A five step model for cooperation is proposed: goal setting, key stakeholder analysis, legal framework definition for interaction, best practice experience analysis, and goal readjustment. Model facilitates effective interactions to achieve the set goals by adequately focusing on main issues. We contribute to the proper collaboration approaches discussions, allowing good outcome UIC. Academics and practitioners should seek specific signs, activities & outputs to avoid near term challenges in changing world. Virtual environments and metaverse collaboration are suggested to be considered as next level UIC platforms and future research is in need of extended range of interactions and novel new long-term cooperation model studies.
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Software engineering (SE) and computer science (CS) programs in universities worldwide are marked by a gender gap, which subsequently translates into a gender gap at the industry level. However, there are positive activities that can help attract more women to these male-dominant professions. This study maps the literature related to the achievement of gender balance in SE and CS university-level education and identifies future research directions. More specifically, this article reports on a systematic mapping study of female-inclusive SE and CS tertiary education programs. The authors collected 882 publications between 2015 and 2022 from five databases (ACM, IEEE, Scopus, Web of Science, and Science Direct), selecting 143 peer-reviewed papers for further analysis. The results showed that the main academic contributors were researchers from the USA. The majority of the publications contained observations and explanations regarding the gender gap in computing education. However, an important part of the literature considered proposals and practical activities for achieving gender balance in SE and CS programs. Finally, the authors classified the literature related to female-inclusive SE and CS tertiary education programs, identified the main research focuses and regional distribution, and considered ideas for future research.
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In developed countries, companies face constant growing legal enforcement and pressure from governments and local municipalities to become more environmentally friendly. Nowadays, sustainability is a business advantage and a clear competitive edge as an integral part of some front-line companies’ business models too [1-3]. In this complex environment, several options are available for companies to become more sustainable in terms of their services and products, operative actions and business models. For example, this can be achieved by reducing income inequality [99] and minimizing the negative environmental impact [4]. Companies can hire expensive consultants and study step by step guidebooks for making less waste and running their operations more environmentally friendly, or they can innovate and jump new level of sustainable production. In the innovation strategy, different organizations typically do collaborate with higher education institutions, with the goal to acquire and implement new sustainable solution seeds for the business operations. Such collaborations exist in the form of hackathons, code camps and similar events which have been proven to be powerful and successful sources of innovation seeds. The study objective was to map different strategies in hackathon event collaboration to achieve better results in sustainability matters in company – university collaboration relationship. This study is based on published materials and experience-based evidence of successful creation of new business ideas by several companies in Russia, Finland and Estonia. In addition to the gained sustainability in operations, the companies have also minimized energy consumption and reduced own and their customers CO₂ emissions and carbon footprint.
Conference Paper
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The hackathons related systematic literature review findings, from the past 15 years, show that academics mostly focus on giving overview, describing and explaining the events. It also seems to be quite popular to present an overview of event arrangements. The research, which appears to be missing, is the new style of hackathons, which were a requirement for online hackathons and remote events because of the social distancing, e.g., what covid-19 did demand from global society. By core design, hackathons have always been social gatherings and innovation events. Especially in these exceptional times with social distancing requirements, hackathon organizers turned towards online models. As this is not the original way these events have been organized, it was hard to get the best practices to how to proceed as there are few to none general guidelines and models for online/remote hackathons. By studying the current academic literature, our systematic literature review concludes that contemporary academic literature does not give too much guidance either. This review concludes that more practical, on-site, and educational problem-based development research studies about online and remote hackathon events are needed. Especially research on means and tools to utilize to organize.
Conference Paper
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This study aims to investigate a digitalization-related business model as a result from the university-SME collaboration. The SME of the case study (Preventos Informatics Ltd) specializes in water distribution systems in industrial scale, telemetry, and sensor data-based monitoring of the water distribution. The business model of the company is a result of an innovation process during 2016-2017. The SME was established 2018. This study examines the commercialization process’s success factors and compares the original business model to the finally implemented one after two years. The study reviews the current literature of sustainable business models and digitalization and reflects the results from this study. Based on the results, by quantifying the sustainability, environmental aspects and digitalization, value added can be brought to the business model. Our study suggests that by adding more digitalization, sensor technologies, and data-analysis, quantifying the real value of innovations is possible.
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Digital citizen science platforms are prominent examples of modern volunteerism that provide people with opportunities to observe natural phenomena and to engage in scientific processes. In this study, we explore the values and motivations underlying sustained participation in digital citizen science projects through the lenses of two social psychology theories (Schwartz’s Human Values Theory and Self-Determination Theory). We present in-depth analyses of interviews with 15 long-term volunteers in two digital citizen science initiatives (Järviwiki and Safecast) that have been collecting environmental data for a decade in Finland and Japan. Our results advance the understanding of the values underpinning motivations. Our analyses show that openness-to-change values, such as self-direction, are important for initial participation, yet a diverse range of values, except for power, play a role in sustaining participation. Our study also shows that the values related to sustained participation are linked with extrinsic motivations, suggesting that when extrinsic motivators are self-directed, people will not only perform tasks willingly and enthusiastically but also in a sustained manner. Conceptualizing the behavioral continuum that drives volunteering actions provides practical insights that can assist the design, development, and evaluation of digital citizen science platforms.
Conference Paper
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Research suggests that employers value various soft skills highly when recruiting software engineering (SE) graduates in the software industry; however, SE graduate students tend to lack those soft skills. This study examines the effects of a capstone course with a problem/project-based approach in the acquisition of soft skills. In this capstone, the graduate students worked closely on a real-world project with the customers from Finnish public and private organizations. Moreover, the study maps out the identified soft skills from the capstone course to the desired requirements of soft skills in various roles in the software industry. Thematic data analysis of reflections given by 48 students identified fifteen soft skill categories that are mainly acknowledged by the students after the completion of the course. In particular, we have shown that the majority of identified soft skills in this course correspond to the desirable soft skills in the software industry. To conclude, the approach taken in this course is a powerful means to improve the soft skills of the graduate students to meet the needs of employers, and thus increase their employment prospects.
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In the UAE, the Ministry of Education (MOE) ordered the closure of higher education institutions’ facilities in March 2020 as a precautionary measure to contain COVID-19 and allowed online distance learning to take place. In this paper, a study on the readiness of higher education institutions in the UAE to transition to distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic is conducted, and the preparedness of several institutions is discussed. In addition, this study highlights the foundations of the distance learning system adopted by higher education institutions along with the adopted educational platforms. MOE played a crucial role in this crisis by governing, monitoring and supporting the transition among universities to assure business continuity in higher education institutions. Moreover, higher education institutions encountered several challenges while implementing a distance learning system which is presented in this paper along with possible solutions and scenarios. Furthermore, multiple initiatives were launched by the UAE government to support distance learning that resulted in maintaining learning continuity among higher education students and faculty.
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The World Health Organization has declared Covid-19 as a pandemic that has posed a contemporary threat to humanity. This pandemic has successfully forced global shutdown of several activities, including educational activities, and this has resulted in tremendous crisis-response migration of universities with online learning serving as the educational platform. The crisis-response migration methods of universities, faculty and students, challenges and opportunities were discussed and it is evident that online learning is different from emergency remote teaching, online learning will be more sustainable while instructional activities will become more hybrid provided the challenges experienced during this pandemic are well explored and transformed to opportunities.
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Software engineering programs intend to connect with industry practices to provide the most relevant up to date knowledge to the students. Students tend to pay more attention and attach more credibility to the academic knowledge when they see the endorsement of the program by the industry. For various reasons, faculty members find it difficult to connect to the industry, while as we noted those relations are essential both for education and research. Companies, while generally keen for recruitment of fresh graduates, may experience difficulty to convey their needs in terms of required capabilities and to influence education programs. We address these issues by introducing a hackathon as a part of the software engineering program curriculum and proposing a particular setup of this event. Incorporating educational hackathons into software engineering programs will ensure a connection between academic educational programs and current industrial practice.
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In light of the rising concerns about the spread of COVID-19 and calls to contain the Corona Virus, a growing number of tertiary institutions have shut down in regards to face-to-face classes globally. The Corona virus has revealed emerging vulnerabilities in education systems around the world. It is now clear that society needs flexible and resilient education systems as we face unpredictable futures. A meta-analysis methodology was adopted for this study and pertinent literature was visited to capture the essence of continued learning during these unprecedented times. Findings reveal that universities worldwide are moving more and more towards online learning or E- Learning. Findings also reveal that apart from resources, staff readiness, confidence, student accessibility and motivation play important function in ICT integrated learning. This exploratory paper proposes that staff members should use technology and technological gadgets to enhance learning especially during these exceptional times. Findings also propose online and remote learning as a necessity in times of lock downs and social distancing due to COVID-19 pandemic. It also provides a strong platform for further research.