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Parametric Investigations at the Head-Disk Interface of Thermal Fly-Height Control Sliders in Contact


Abstract and Figures

Accurate touchdown power detection is a prerequisite for read-write head-to-disk spacing calibration and control in current hard disk drives, which use the thermal fly-height control slider technology. The slider air bearing surface and head gimbal assembly design have a significant influence on the touchdown behavior, and this paper reports experimental findings to help understand the touchdown process. The dominant modes/frequencies of excitation at touchdown can be significantly different leading to very different touchdown signatures. The pressure under the slider at touchdown and hence the thermal fly-height control efficiency as well as the propensity for lubricant pickup show correlation with touchdown behavior which may be used as metrics for designing sliders with good touchdown behavior. Experiments are devised to measure friction at the head-disk interface of a thermal fly-height control slider actuated into contact. Parametric investigations on the effect of disk roughness, disk lubricant parameters, and air bearing surface design on the friction at the head-disk interface and slider burnishing/wear are conducted and reported.
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Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Advances in Tribology
Volume 2012, Article ID 303071, 11 pages
Research Article
Parametric Investigations at the Head-Disk Interface of
Thermal Fly-Height Control Sliders in Contact
Sripathi V. Canchi,1David B. Bogy,1Run-Han Wang,2and Aravind N. Murthy2
1Computer Mechanics Laboratory, Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA
2HGST, a Western Digital Company, San Jose, CA 95135, USA
Correspondence should be addressed to Sripathi V. Canchi,
Received 3 August 2012; Accepted 12 November 2012
Academic Editor: Bo Liu
Copyright © 2012 Sripathi V. Canchi et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
Accurate touchdown power detection is a prerequisite for read-write head-to-disk spacing calibration and control in current hard
disk drives, which use the thermal fly-height control slider technology. The slider air bearing surface and head gimbal assembly
design have a significant influence on the touchdown behavior, and this paper reports experimental findings to help understand
the touchdown process. The dominant modes/frequencies of excitation at touchdown can be significantly dierent leading to very
dierent touchdown signatures. The pressure under the slider at touchdown and hence the thermal fly-height control eciency as
well as the propensity for lubricant pickup show correlation with touchdown behavior which may be used as metrics for designing
sliders with good touchdown behavior. Experiments are devised to measure friction at the head-disk interface of a thermal fly-
height control slider actuated into contact. Parametric investigations on the eect of disk roughness, disk lubricant parameters,
and air bearing surface design on the friction at the head-disk interface and slider burnishing/wear are conducted and reported.
1. Introduction
In order to realize higher magnetic storage densities in
hard disk drives, it is necessary to reduce and control
the read-write head-to-media spacing, or, equivalently, the
physical spacing/clearance separating the head from the
disk. Current hard disk drive (HDD) products operate
with subnanometer clearances using the thermal fly-height
control (TFC) technology, where the TFC heater locally
deforms the region around the read-write head of the slider
bringing it closer to the disk. The head-to-disk clearance can
therefore be adjusted by changing the power supplied to the
TFC heater.
A touchdown test is used to calibrate the TFC heater
power to the clearance. The heater power required to make
the head contact the disk lubricant surface, that is, the touch-
down power (TDP), is first determined, and the heater power
is then reduced to retract the head away from the disk in
order to achieve a target clearance. Accurate TDP detection
is therefore a key enabling step to using the TFC technology.
Inaccurate TDP detection can severely compromise the drive
performance: if the actual clearance is too high, the recording
performance suers, and if the actual clearance is too low, it
increases the probability for head-disk contact, which leads
to unwanted head wear, thus compromising drive reliability.
Research studies on the slider-disk contact interactions
and the resulting slider vibrations have been of interest to the
HDD community for a long time. Research investigations on
the traditional (non-TFC) slider dynamics were motivated
by the need to design low flying sliders while mitigating the
contact-induced slider vibrations and slider-lubricant inter-
actions, and extensive literature exists on these topics [18].
After the introduction of TFC sliders, several researchers have
tried to understand and explain the contact and touchdown
behavior of TFC sliders owing to its importance in HDD
spacing calibration. It has been shown through experiments
and simulation that in addition to the slider air bearing
surface (ABS) design the disk lubricant and suspension
design play an important role in the slider touchdown
process [9]. Numerical and analytical simulations accounting
for the nonlinear forces at the head-disk interface (HDI) have
also successfully explained the strong vibration dynamics of
2Advances in Tribology
the slider close to the TDP and the subsequent suppression
of vibrations for powers higher than the TDP [1012], and
they qualitatively support the experimental results reported
for certain ABS designs [12,13]. A full understanding of the
touchdown behavior of TFC sliders is still lacking, and it
continues to be an active topic of research.
In this work, acoustic emission (AE) sensors and laser
doppler vibrometers (LDVs) are used in spin stand experi-
ments focused on touchdown detection and slider dynamics
studies. The similarities and dierences in the touchdown
signature for dierent slider ABS designs are highlighted.
Parametric investigations are conducted to explain the
dependence of friction and head wear on disk roughness and
lubrication condition. In conjunction with recent work on
the interactions of TFC sliders with the disk lubricant during
touchdown/contact [14,15], these results help develop a
better understanding of the touchdown process of TFC
sliders and the complex interactions at the HDI.
2. Experiments
Experiments are conducted on a spin stand equipped with
an AE sensor to detect contact and an LDV to detect vertical
flexure motions of the head gimbal assembly. Three dierent
ABS designs mounted on the same suspension are used in
this study. The TDP (i.e., power required to achieve zero
clearance or contact with the disk lubricant) is determined
experimentally by supplying the TFC heater with a square
pulse lasting 70 ms with increasing power. The AE signal
standard deviation is monitored during each power pulse,
and the power at which the AE signal standard deviation
crosses a specified threshold (set to be 20% above baseline) is
recorded as the TDP.
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Touchdown Behavior/Characteristics. The touchdown
plots for three dierent ABS designs are shown in Figure 1
where ABS-3 shows a favorable “sharp touchdown” while
ABS-1 shows an unfavorable gradual touchdown, and has
a slow rise in AE signal for increasing TFC power. ABS-2
has touchdown performance which falls between ABS-1 and
ABS-3. A sharp touchdown behavior is preferred as it gives
a well-defined estimate of the exact power at which contact
with the disk lubricant is achieved.
The sharp touchdown for ABS-3 is characterized by
strong individual spikes in the time history of the AE signal
while the gradual touchdown for ABS-1 shows a uniformly
increased AE signal during the TFC pulse as shown in
Figure 2. (The AE signal on these plots have been shifted by
1 V to show them clearly.)
In addition, tests in overpush (i.e., TFC power above the
TDP) reveal that ABS-3 with “sharp touchdown shows an
“overshoot behavior” with very strong AE signal at powers
slightly above the TDP and a subsequent suppression of AE
signal when the power increases into overpush as seen in
Figure 3. In contrast, ABS-1 with the “gradual touchdown
shows no “overshoot” behavior but a gradual increase in
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
TFC power (mW)
Normalized AE σ
Figure 1: Touchdown plots for the three dierent ABS designs.
Figure 2: Touchdown signature for the three dierent ABS designs
(plots oset by 1 V for clarity).
AE detected contact with overpush. ABS-2 has behavior in
between those of ABS-3 and ABS-1.
Simulations for these three ABS designs show that
the increasing sharpness of touchdown correlates with
decreasing pressure under the TFC protrusion at touchdown,
increased TFC eciency, and lower TDP (Ta b l e 1 ). It is also
observed that lubricant pickup is higher for ABS-3 compared
to ABS-2 or ABS-1.
While an explanation of the physical mechanism behind
the dierent ABS touchdown signatures requires a further
comprehensive study, important correlations may be drawn
from these results. The strong individual spikes for ABS-
3 are evidence of a snap-in/snap-out behavior, which is
an indication of the spontaneous instability of the slider
Advances in Tribology 3
Figure 3: Contact behavior in overpush for the three dierent ABS
Tab le 1: Simulated results for the three dierent ABS designs.
ABS design
Simulation TFC
Touchdown power
Pressure at
ABS-1 0.108 96 60
ABS-2 0.119 91 38
ABS-3 0.145 69 27
during touchdown. It is highlighted that the circumferential
locations of the spikes do not remain fixed upon repetition of
the touchdown test and hence are not caused by disk defects
as such. The snap-in/snap-out process causes a higher level
of head-disk lubricant interaction, which correlates well with
the higher amount of lubricant pickup for ABS-3. It may
also be reasoned that the lower pressure at the TFC bulge for
ABS-3 makes it more susceptible for lubricant transfer from
disk to the slider in comparison to ABS designs with higher
pressure at the TFC bulge, such as ABS-1 and ABS-2.
3.2. Analogous Experimental Results. A separate set of exper-
iments with ABS-2 reveals that the touchdown can be sharp
or gradual depending on the disk RPM (or the linear
velocity) as shown in Figure 4. Specifically, a lower disk RPM
increases the touchdown sharpness and a higher disk RPM
degrades the touchdown sharpness. It is also observed that
the touchdown performance degrades for a burnished slider
(as shown by the dashed lines in Figure 4), where the slider
is burnished in a controlled fashion by increasing the TFC
power above the TDP on a separate disk track. The results
for the 7200 RPM case on Figure 4 highlight the possibility
of false TDP detection: for the same 20% AE threshold,
the unburnished case shows a gradual AE rise until about
95 mW, but the sharp AE rise at 102 mW is the actual TDP.
However, the burnished case reads a false TDP at 93 mW
owing to the gradual rise in AE that occurs before the sharp
AE rise marking touchdown. The time history of the AE
signal is similar to that observed with the dierent ABS
designs; namely, strong individual AE spikes appear for the
3600 RPM case with sharp touchdown, and a uniformly
increased AE signal appears for the 7200 RPM case with
gradual touchdown (Figure 5). These analogous results for
ABS-2 provide a way to probe the same HDI under dierent
disk RPM to understand the changes that occur in the AE and
LDV signals for “sharp” and gradual” touchdown signatures
as well as in overpush.
3.3. LDV Spectrum and AE Signal Content. Experiments are
conducted with ABS-2 to simultaneously capture the AE
signal and the LDV signal in order to identify the frequencies
that correspond to the flexure and slider vertical motions
and to see how they appear in the AE signal. The tests are
conducted with the power increased above the TDP (i.e., into
overpush). For this ABS-2 design, the simulated air bearing
frequencies at 5400 RPM and 1 nm minimum spacing are
142 kHz (roll), 167 kHz (pitch-1), and 324 kHz (pitch-2).
For each of the overpush tests conducted at dierent
RPM, Figure 6 shows the profile of the applied TFC voltage
and the time history of the LDV signal on one plot, and the
corresponding joint time frequency spectrum of the LDV
signal on a separate plot. As seen on the figures, the TFC
voltage increases from zero to the target overpush value
(between 50 ms to 100 ms), remains at this value (between
100 ms to 200 ms), and decreases back to zero (between
200 ms to 250 ms). During the overpush regime, the slider
vibrations are excited due to contact, and the dominant
excitation frequencies are identified on the plots showing
the joint time frequency spectrum. It is observed that for
3600 RPM the lower frequencies (notably 139, 148, and
165 kHz which are close to simulated roll and pitch-1 air
bearing frequencies) are dominant, while for the 7200 RPM
the higher air bearing frequency 321 kHz (corresponding
to pitch-2 air bearing frequency) is dominant. This result
indicates that the mechanism/nature of touchdown and
contact at the HDI is significantly altered by the disk RPM.
Specifically in this case, the excited vibration modes at
contact are shifted from the lower frequency pitch-1 and roll
modes at lower disk RPM, to the higher frequency pitch-2
modes at higher disk RPM. The pitch-1 nodal line passes
through the trailing end of the slider, and its excitation in
general is associated with stronger motions of the entire
slider body. Such excitation may, in fact, be responsible for
the stronger “sharp touchdown signature. In contrast, the
pitch-2 nodal line lies closer to the leading end of the slider,
and its excitation only causes the vertical bouncing motion of
the trailing end, resulting only in localized contact at the TFC
bulge location, and, therefore, leading to the weaker gradual
touchdown” signature. It is surmised that, in an analogous
fashion, the touchdown process excites dierent vibrations
modes for the three dierent ABS designs presented in
Section 3.1, hence causing the very dierent sensitivities at
4Advances in Tribology
Figure 4: Touchdown plots for ABS-2 at dierent disk RPM
(dashed lines for a burnished slider).
0 10203040506070
Time (ms)
AE signal (V)
3600 RPM
5400 RPM 7200 RPM
Figure 5: Touchdown signature for ABS-2 at dierent disk RPM
(plots oset by 1 V for clarity).
The components of the AE signal at the dierent frequen-
cies observed in the LDV signal are plotted in Figure 7 to
observe how they change as a function of the TFC power.
(The cumulative eect of adding all these components would
result in the plot shown in Figure 4.) At 3600 RPM the
touchdown is marked by the sharp rise in the 148 kHz
component and there are no components that show gradual
rise. At 5400 RPM, the 148 kHz component shows a gradual
rise, but touchdown is marked by a sharp rise in the 321 kHz
component. At 7200 RPM, there are no components with a
sharp rise, and the 321 kHz component shows a gradual rise.
These results indicate that at 3600 RPM the contact
is dominated by the slider’s pitch-1 and roll motions
(together with any suspension-related motions that give rise
to frequency peaks in the 65–100 kHz region.) At 7200 RPM,
contact is mainly dominated by the vibration of the slider
at the pitch-2 frequency. At 5400 RPM, the interaction is a
combination of the above two modes: as the TFC powers
increase, a gradual rise in the 148 kHz component occurs
first, but a strong vibration in the pitch-2 mode (321 kHz)
eventually marks touchdown.
These results are in agreement with recent studies that
show that at close spacing and at the onset of lubricant-
contact, the in-plane shear forces and friction can destabilize
the slider for certain ABS designs resulting in vibrations
dominantly occurring at suspension and lower air bearing
frequencies (60–200 kHz in our case), while stronger contact
with the disk causes slider vibrations with higher frequency
content (above 200 kHz) [9].
3.4. Friction Measurements in Contact. Friction forces at
the HDI become important during contact conditions and
may in fact play a dominant role in HDI performance and
slider dynamics. Friction-induced slider wear, as well as disk
lubricant redistribution and disk overcoat damage, needs
to be examined carefully to explore future designs that can
accommodate a certain level of head-disk contact.
Experiments are devised to measure the friction forces
in the downtrack direction during contact and overpush
conditions by instrumenting a strain gage on the fixture
which holds the head gimbal assembly on the spin stand.
The voltage signal from the strain gage may be converted
into force measurement by determining the calibration
constant for the strain gage. Such a calibration is performed
using the usual technique: by noting the strain gage voltage
signal corresponding to dierent standard forces, which are
applied by suspending standard weights from the fixture, and
subsequently fitting a linear curve.
Once the TDP is determined on the test track, the TFC
is powered with a voltage profile having 100ms dwell time
at the maximum power. It is noted that strain gages have a
low bandwidth, and several experiments reveal that a dwell
time of at least 100 ms is necessary to allow the strain gage
to respond to the friction force and give good, repeatable
measurements. All experiments are conducted with ABS-2
on a reference “standard disk” unless specified otherwise.
3.4.1. Friction, AE, and Slider Bouncing in Contact. Figures
8(a) and 8(b) show the TFC voltage profile and the resulting
slider bouncing (displacement and velocity), AE detected
contact, and the friction force, for 10 mW and 20 mW
overpush, respectively. It is evident that slider bouncing
and AE signal remain high throughout the overpush region
for 10 mW overpush case, and they get suppressed (after
an initial overshoot region) for the 20 mW overpush case.
The friction force measured by the strain gage, however,
continues to increase with the amount of overpush indicating
a higher level of interference and contact for larger overpush
powers even though the AE detected contact and slider
Advances in Tribology 5
(a) (b)
Figure 6: Applied TFC voltage profile, vertical velocity time history, and the joint time frequency spectrum of the vertical velocity for ABS-2
at dierent disk RPM.
dynamics get suppressed. (It is noted that the amplitude of
the AE signal in the suppressed state is noticeably higher than
the baseline AE signal with no TFC power, implying a certain
amount of contact).
3.4.2. Eect of Disk Roughness. Disk roughness plays an
important role in HDI performance. The combined slider
and disk roughness aect the nominal physical spacing at
the HDI, the magnitude of interaction forces (intermolec-
ular/adhesive, etc.), and the actual area of contact, thereby
influencing the magnitude of contact and friction forces. A
parametric study is conducted with three disk types: disks A,
B, and C with decreasing roughness, in that order, and with
surface roughness parameters tabulated in Table 2 ,whereRq
is the root mean square roughness, Rpis the maximum peak
height, and Rvis the maximum valley depth. These disks are
coated with ZTMD lubricant of nominal 12 ˚
A thickness.
First, several tests are conducted using the same slider
to determine the TDP on a standard disk and on each
of the disks A, B, and C. Tabl e 2 presents the change in
the TDP (i.e., δTDP) on each of the disks A, B, and C
compared to the TDP on a standard disk. The roughness
of the standard disk is similar to that of disk A. This
dierence in TDP is converted into a clearance gain value
(i.e. a gain in clearance from that on a standard disk) using
a conversion factor of 0.119nm/mW, which is the TFC
eciency estimated for ABS-2 from simulations. Figure 9
shows the same information in graphical form and highlights
the linear relationship between the disk roughness (Rp
or Rq) and clearance gain. Since the thermal protrusion
comes into contact with the peaks of the roughness, the
relationship between the clearance gain and Rp(Figure 9(b))
is of importance, and it is seen that for every 1 nm decrease
in Rpthere is a 0.8 nm actual gain in clearance at the HDI
for the range of surface roughness values considered in these
Next, the dependence of friction on the disk roughness
is investigated by conducting a friction test” on each of
the three disk types. A new (unburnished) slider is flown
on a fresh test track, the TDP is determined, and the TFC
heater is then supplied with the power profile with a 100 ms
6Advances in Tribology
0 102030405060
TFC power (mW)
AE component (a.u.)
65 kHz
74 kHz
78 kHz
88 kHz
98 kHz
139 kHz
148 kHz
165 kHz
321 kHz
345 kHz
3600 RPM
TFC power (mW)
AE component (a.u.)
65 kHz
74 kHz
78 kHz
88 kHz
98 kHz
139 kHz
148 kHz
165 kHz
321 kHz
345 kHz
5400 RPM
0 20406080100
TFC power (mW)
AE component (a.u.)
65 kHz
74 kHz
78 kHz
88 kHz
98 kHz
139 kHz
148 kHz
165 kHz
321 kHz
345 kHz
7200 RPM
Figure 7: AE signal components in the touchdown plot for ABS-2 at dierent disk RPM.
dwell time (as shown in Figure 8). The peak TFC power is
increased from TDP to a maximum of TDP + 50 mW in
5 mW increments, and it is then similarly decreased back
to TDP. The average friction measured by the strain gage at
each power step is tabulated. All tests are conducted on the
same disk track. The measured friction values are plotted as
those for the “unburnished” case. The same slider, which is
now deemed “burnished” because of the overpush testing, is
flown on an adjacent track and the friction test is repeated to
obtain friction values for the “burnished” case. Figure 10(a)
shows a representative plot for the strain gage measured
friction values as a function of overpush power supplied to
the TFC heater.
A quadratic curve passing through the origin is fit
to the friction measurements for the “unburnished” and
“burnished” cases, and the slope of this curve at the 10 mW
overpush point is used to obtain the “friction (μN) per
milliwatt of overpush power” value. Figure 10(b) plots these
friction values measured on the three disk types (A, B, and
C) based on experiments conducted with three new sliders
Advances in Tribology 7
Tab le 2: Disk roughness parameters and its eect on TDP/clearance
Disk Rp
Clearance gain
A2.02 0.49 1.87 0.08 0.01
B1.89 0.36 1.47 0.97 0.12
C1.00 0.24 1.11 6.71 0.84
on each disk type. While there is no particular trend relating
the measured friction and surface roughness, the friction is
higher for the burnished slider compared to the unburnished
slider in all tests. Slider burnishing wears and smoothens
the slider surface, increasing the actual contact area between
the thermal protrusion and the disk, thereby resulting in the
slightly higher friction force.
In order to directly compare the friction values between
the three disk types, another set of experiments is conducted
by flying the same “burnished” slider on the three disk
types in succession. The slider is burnished in a controlled
fashion separately before use in this test. The friction against
the overpush power is plotted in Figure 10(c) using data
from two “burnished” heads. It is concluded based on these
results that within the range of disk roughness considered
in this work there is no significant eect of the disk surface
roughness on the measured friction.
3.4.3. Eect of Lubricant Parameters. Friction tests are con-
ducted to determine the eect of lubricant type/bonding on
the friction in contact. Disks with three dierent lubricant
type/bonding ratios are used: Lube A (61% bonded ratio,
10.5 ˚
A), Lube A (69% bonded, 10.5 ˚
bonded, 12 ˚
A). Figure 11(a) shows the friction measured for
the three media for the “unburnished” and “burnished”
slider cases (based on three experiments each). The friction
values are comparable for the unburnished sliders on all
three disks types. While the friction values for the burnished
and unburnished sliders are comparable on the disks with
Lube A 61% and 69% bonded ratio, the friction for the
burnished slider on the disk with Lube B 82% bonded
ratio is relatively higher than that for the unburnished
slider. This result is consistent with results for the change
in TDP occurring because of a friction test, where the TDP
change after and before a friction test is a measure of slider
burnishing. As shown in Figure 11(b), the highest burnishing
(indicated by highest δTDP) occurs to a new “unburnished”
slider on the Lube B 82% bonded disk. As a result of greater
slider burnishing on this disk, the friction is higher when a
subsequent test is conducted with this burnished slider.
A direct comparison of friction values is reported in
Figure 11(c) based on tests conducted in succession on the
three dierent disks using two “burnished” sliders, and it
shows marginally higher friction values on the disk with Lube
B 82% bonded ratio.
Friction tests are conducted to understand the eect of
the mobile part of the lubricant on friction and slider bur-
nishing. The disk with Lube A 10.5 ˚
A 61% bonded fraction is
delubed by immersing it in a solution of Vertrel XF solution
Tab le 3: EectofTFCeciency (ABS/heater design) on friction.
ABS design
Simulation TFC
ABS-A (ABS-1) 0.108 9 17
ABS-B 0.111 24 31
ABS-C (ABS-2) 0.119 37 54
ABS-D (ABS-3) 0.145 56 67
to remove the mobile lubricant. The delubed disk has a
lubricant thickness of 6 ˚
A (bonded lubricant). Figure 12(a)
shows the measured friction on the lubed and delubed
disks for the unburnished and burnished slider cases. The
friction values for the unburnished as well as burnished
slider on the lubed disk are similar and comparable to the
friction value measured for the unburnished slider on the
delubed disk. However, the friction is substantially higher
for the burnished slider on the delubed disk. Figure 12(b)
shows that slider burnishing (indicated by δTDP after a
friction test) is higher for tests conducted on the delubed
disk implying that an unburnished slider is substantially
burnished on this disk type, and the friction is higher for
the subsequent test conducted with such a burnished slider.
These results highlight the important role of the mobile part
of the lubricant in reducing friction and slider burnishing,
thereby increasing the reliability of an HDI with contact.
3.4.4. Eect of TFC Eciency. The thermal protrusion size
and shape make a significant dierence in the slider’s touch-
down and contact behavior. The friction during contact for
dierent slider ABS/heater designs is plotted in Figure 13
for the unburnished and burnished cases, and the same
data is tabulated in Tabl e 3 togetherwitheachdesignsTFC
eciency estimated from simulations. It is observed that the
friction forces increase as the TFC eciency increases and
may be explained by the following argument. For the same
amount of overpush power, a higher TFC eciency slider
will have greater level of interference (because of a larger
protrusion). As a result, the eective contact area is larger
for the higher TFC eciency case, reflecting in a higher
measured friction.
3.4.5. Eect of Disk RPM. The similarities between the
touchdown plot and contact signature of ABS-2 at dierent
disk RPMs to those of ABS designs with dierent TFC
eciencies are highlighted in Section 3.2. Particularly, it is
shown that at a higher RPM ABS-2 behaves like a design with
low TFC eciency (showing a gradual touchdown plot), and
at a lower RPM ABS-2 behaves like a design with high TFC
eciency (showing a sharp touchdown plot).
The friction results from tests with ABS-2 at dierent
RPM are consistent with the above analogy and with the
results presented in Section 3.4.4.Figure 14 shows that the
friction increases as the disk RPM decreases; that is, when
8Advances in Tribology
0 100 200 300
Time (ms)
Disp. σ(nm)
AE σ(V)
Vel. σ(mm/s)
Fric. (mN)
0 100 200 300
Time (ms)
Disp. σ(nm)
AE σ(V)
Vel. σ(mm/s)
Fric. (mN)
Figure 8: Time history of TFC power, vertical displacement, vertical velocity, AE signal, and friction. (a) 10mW overpush, (b) 20 mW
δTDP (mW) referenced to standard disk
0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.25
Rp (nm)
Clearance gain (nm) referenced
to standard disk
0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55
Rq (nm)
Clearance gain (nm) referenced
to standard disk
Figure 9: Eect of disk roughness on clearance.
Advances in Tribology 9
Overpush (mW)
Friction (mN)
Burnished Unburnished
Poly. (burnished) Poly. (unburnished)
0 102030405060
Friction (μN/mW overpush)
0 10203040505040302010 0
Overpush (mW)
Friction (mN)
Disk A
Disk B
Disk C
Figure 10: Eect of disk roughness on friction.
eciency by decreasing RPM, it exhibits the characteristic
sharp touchdown plot and higher friction.
4. Conclusion
The touchdown behavior of TFC sliders is investigated
through experiments. Certain sliders exhibit a sharp rise of
Lube A: 69%
Lube A: 61%
bonded bonded
Lube B: 82%
Friction (μN/mW overpush)
Lube A: 61%
Lube A: 69%
bonded Lube B: 82%
Friction test: δTDP (mW)
0 10203040505040302010 0
Overpush (mW)
Friction (mN)
Lube A: 61% bonded
Lube A: 69% bonded
Lube B: 82% bonded
Figure 11: Eect of lubricant parameters on friction and slider bur-
AE signal at touchdown when the power is increased in
milliwatt steps while others show a gradual rise making it
dicult to exactly define the TDP to milliwatt resolution. An
analogous behavior occurs when the disk RPM is changed
for a particular slider ABS. It is found that the dominant
modes/frequencies of excitation at touchdown are signifi-
cantly dierent in these cases leading to the very dierent
touchdown signatures. Particularly, the sharp touchdown
10 Advances in Tribology
Lubed Delubed
Friction (μN/mW overpush)
Lubed Delubed
Friction test: δTDP (mW)
Figure 12: Eect of mobile lubricant on friction and slider
ABS/heater design
Friction (μN/mW overpush)
Figure 13: Eect of TFC eciency (ABS/heater design) on friction.
case is characterized by strong individual contact events
as observed in the AE signal, and the dominant excitation
occurs at frequencies that correspond to the slider’s first pitch
and roll modes in addition to suspension related-frequencies.
In contrast, the gradual touchdown case is characterized by
a uniform rise in AE signal over the duration of the TFC
3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Disk RPM
Friction (μN/mW overpush)
Figure 14: Eect of disk RPM on friction for ABS-2.
pulse, and the dominant excitation occurs at the slider’s
second pitch mode. The pressure under the TFC protrusion
at touchdown, the TFC eciency, and the propensity for
lubricant pickup show correlation with touchdown behavior
and may be used as metrics for designing sliders with good
touchdown features. Experiments are devised to measure
the friction at the HDI during TFC-induced contact, and
several parametric investigations are carried out. In the range
of parameter values considered, the disk surface roughness
does not significantly aect the friction during contact. The
mobile part of the lubricant plays an important role in
reducing friction as well as slider burnishing. A burnished
slider shows a higher friction value than an unburnished
slider because of an increase in eective/actual contact area,
and, for the same reason, sliders with higher TFC eciency
show higher friction compared to sliders with lower TFC
This work was supported by the Computer Mechanics
Laboratory at the University of California at Berkeley and
Hitachi Global Storage Technologies. The authors thank Q.
Dai, L. Dorius, XC. Guo, B. Marchon, and R. Waltman for
their support and helpful discussions during the course of
this work.
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... Recent publications employed the repeatability of the touchdown power (TDP) that indicates the head-disk contact, as a measure of reliability of the HDI under various lubricated surfaces [9]. While several recent papers used the change in TDP as a measure of slider wear to explain the head-disk contact phenomenon, the wear regimes and the amount of wear still need to be explicitly investigated [9,13,15]. In this study, a method based on TFC technology for in situ monitoring of the carbon overcoat (COC) wear on the head is proposed, experimentally verified, and further applied to evaluate the wear resistance of the molecularly thin PFPE lubricant layers composed of different molecular structures. ...
... The tested track on the disk shows no detectable signs of COC wear under OSA inspections. The same observation was reported in [16,17], and the amounts of wear are expected to be much larger on nonlubricated disks [9,15]. Figure 2 shows the actual progression of change in TDP on lube A, as a function of TDN cycles. ...
Current hard disk drives (HDD) use thermal fly-height control (TFC) during read/write operations. In this paper, we use TFC sliders and study the correlation between physical wear of the head carbon over coat and the amount of TFC overdrive beyond head disk contact. An Acoustic Emission (AE) sensor was used as the contact detection indicator. TFC induced contacts were calibrated and various TFC overdrive levels were applied for specific time spans. The actual physical wear on the head was then measured via Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) to determine the amount of carbon overcoat burnished. The wear properties of different lubricants for the same test were studied to understand the lubricant related contact physics. It is shown that using this method, we can effectively evaluate the wear resistance of the lubricant and quantify the angstrom-level wear. Copyright © (2013) by Politecnico di Torino (DIMEAS) All rights reserved.
... There are several methods to detect touchdown (TD) but the most common is using an AE (acoustic emission) sensor [7]. The AE sensor is more of a microphone that detects the acoustic waves in the surrounding. ...
Conference Paper
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Device characterization and reliability analyses of magnetic heads have never been more important in HDD industry now that the spacing between the head and disk is overly minimized to a few nanometers. New head prototypes have to be characterized to verify the design and evaluate their performance. Topographical wear test is used to characterize the spacing performance of the designs by examining the wear pattern on the heads. In this study, a different approach of systematically producing controlled wear on heads is introduced. The method uses both AE and friction sensors to determine the needed over push power to be applied to be able to wear the magnetic heads effectively. The method is then used to characterize the robustness and map out the wear locations of the head samples with different designs.
... Clearance is controlled precisely using the embedded micro-heater in the head. 31,32 We estimate the wear depth by continuous monitoring of the micro-heater power and later verified the wear using AFM, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and Auger electron microscopy (Auger). 33 Contact between head and disk is detected using an acoustic emission (AE) sensor. ...
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The understanding of tribo- and electro-chemical phenomenons on the molecular level at a sliding interface is a field of growing interest. Fundamental chemical and physical insights of sliding surfaces are crucial for understanding wear at an interface, particularly for nano or micro scale devices operating at high sliding speeds. A complete investigation of the electrochemical effects on high sliding speed interfaces requires a precise monitoring of both the associated wear and surface chemical reactions at the interface. Here, we demonstrate that head-disk interface inside a commercial magnetic storage hard disk drive provides a unique system for such studies. The results obtained shows that the voltage assisted electrochemical wear lead to asymmetric wear on either side of sliding interface.
... The micro-heater generates a localized protrusion on the head surface, thus bringing it in contact with the disk. Contact between the head and the disk is detected using an acoustic emission (AE) sensor, which detects elastic propagating waves generated during the head-disk contact events [17]. A calibrated strain gauge is instrumented to measure the friction force at the head disk interface along the sliding direction. ...
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The kinetic friction and wear at high sliding speeds is investigated using the head-disk interface of hard disk drives, wherein the head and the disk are less than 10 nm apart and move at sliding speeds of 5–10 m/s relative to each other. While the spacing between the sliding surfaces is of the same order of magnitude as various AFM based fundamental studies on friction, the sliding speed is nearly six orders of magnitude larger, allowing a unique set-up for a systematic study of nanoscale wear at high sliding speeds. In a hard disk drive, the physical contact between the head and the disk leads to friction, wear, and degradation of the head overcoat material (typically diamond like carbon). In this work, strain gauge based friction measurements are performed; the friction coefficient as well as the adhering shear strength at the head-disk interface is extracted; and an experimental set-up for studying friction between high speed sliding surfaces is exemplified.
This paper presents a novel method of Head-on-Media (HOM) detection with Pb-Zr-Ti (PZT) self-sensing actuation. Dissimilar to conventional approaches based on X-ray scanning, the proposed method is able to detect HOM drives automatically prior to spin-up activities. As spin-up retries are avoided, the drives can be preserved for failure analysis or data recovery. The mechanism of HOM detection using self-sensing actuation is discussed by deriving the analytical model of PZT active suspension. The HOM detection methodology is established incorporating Enhanced Indirect-Driven Self-Sensing Actuation (EIDSSA) circuit. Experiments have been carried out to evaluate the effectiveness and consistency of the proposed method.
To achieve higher hard disk drive areal density, the head–disk clearance had been reduced to <2 nm recently. Head–disk interaction monitoring with high sensitivity and resolution is desired to monitor the intense interactions at near-contact and to prevent head–disk contact. In this paper, head–disk interaction monitoring based on the electrostatic force manipulation (EFM) principle is discussed. The mechanisms of the two setups to apply alternating electrostatic force ( $F_{mathrm {es}}$ ) across the head–disk interface were investigated. It was shown that the distribution of the applied $F_{mathrm {es}}$ was different for the two setups. This led to further studies of the effects of the $F_{mathrm {es}}$ distribution on interactions monitoring. The results showed that when an alternating $F_{mathrm {es}}$ was distributed at the pole region, the magnitude of the electrodynamically excited first-harmonic vibration increased significantly as the gap fly height was reduced. It was very sensitive to spacing change and useful for the head–disk interactions monitoring at the near-contact regime. The second harmonic was found sensitive to head–disk contact. When the alternating $F_{mathrm {es}}$ was distributed at the slider body, the magnitudes of the first and second harmonics were larger due to larger effective surface area. However, the fly height of the slider body was mainly affected by the protrusion push-up effect, and hence the first and second harmonics showed a reverse trend as compared with the case where $F_{mathrm {es}}$ was distributed at the pole region. In addition, slider pitch motion was also significantly affected. The effective EFM setup was constructed to demonstrate its effectiveness in head–disk interactions monitoring and contact detection.
We utilize thermal fly-height control (TFC) technology to perform in situ measurements of carbon overcoat wear at the angstrom level at the read–write area of magnetic recording heads. We also study the durability of the molecularly thin lubricated disk surface. Experimental findings reveal a linear relationship between the quantified carbon wear depth on the flying head versus the head–disk contact level produced by the TFC power. It is demonstrated that this method can serve as a measurement and probing technique of wear resistance for different types of lubricants. Lubricants possessing more polar hydroxyl end-groups and less mobility tend to show a superior surface stability under head–disk contacts, but raise concerns on head carbon overcoat wear.
Conference Paper
Current hard disk drives (HDD’s) use thermal fly-height control (TFC) during read/write operations. In this study, we use TFC technology during the disk glide process to determine sub-5nm height defects. We also utilize TFC to measure the height of the defect during glide operation. Addtionally, we magnetically mark the disk locations where defects are detected for further post-processing of the defects using optical surface analysis (OSA), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The defect height estimation during the glide was confirmed to be accurate by AFM and SEM analysis. Finally, we will present the TFC glide sensitivity showing capability of detecting smaller defects than conventional non-TFC glide technologies.
This paper proposes a feedforward control scheme to control the bouncing instability of active-head air-bearing slider. The principle of the scheme for stability control of bouncing slider is discussed. Simulation results show that the control scheme is proved to be able to substantially reduce the bouncing vibrations. Compared to other controllers, the proposed scheme is less computationally intensive and is thus suitable for real time implementation.
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A model is presented that accounts for the observation of periodic lubricant ripples formed when a slider is flying on-track over a lubricated disk surface. It is shown that lubricant flow modulation from the air shear stress due to the low flying slider acting as a spring is responsible for the observed corrugation, as repeated flying over the same track enhances the effect. This is somewhat moderated by the relaxation of the lubricant perturbation, by surface diffusion. Depending on the relative magnitude of the shear and diffusion processes, the system can find itself into regions of stability where small perturbations decay away, or regions of instability where they increase exponentially. Instability is enhanced for lower fly height and higher disk rotational frequency, making it a challenge for future growth in disk drive performance and areal density. © 2004 American Institute of Physics.
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In this article, we explore the physical mechanisms for lubricant migration on recording head slider surfaces and how this migration leads to increased slider–disk spacing during disk drive operations. This is done using both a new experimental methodology, called the “droplet stress test,” and through simulation. In our simulations, we compare the air shear-induced lubricant migration modeled either as viscous flow of a continuum liquid film with zero slip or as wind driven slippage of molecules across the surface. The experimental data are best fitted using the viscous flow model to determine an effective viscosity for the sub-nanometer thick lubricant films. This effective viscosity tends to be somewhat less than the lubricant bulk viscosity due to air shear promoting the slippage of lubricant molecules across the surface. Our experimental results also indicate that the potential spacing increase from the pickup of disk lubricant on the slider is limited by the mobile fraction of the dewetting thickness of the lubricant film on the slider. KeywordsMagnetic data storage-Magnetic data recording heads-Boundary lubrication-Viscosity
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This paper presents experimental investigations of the lubricant ripple formation when the slider flies on the track. We quantified the impact of ripple amplitude on slider flying height modulation (FHM). Comparisons were made between experimental observations and a previous modeling study where rippling was shown to be caused by slider-induced air shear modulation. We confirmed our model predictions and demonstrated conditions under which ripple formation is enhanced or reduced.
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In a modern disk drive, the total slider-to-disk distance, or magnetic spacing, needs to scale with the size of the recorded bit, and nowadays, it amounts to a mere 10 nm or less. As disk lubricant often transfers to some extent to the slider surface, it can potentially increase the magnetic spacing. Therefore, it is important to quantify the thickness and flow dynamics of these molecularly thin films on the slider surface. In this paper, modeling, as well as experimental data, is shown that demonstrate the effect on recording performance of a subnanometer thin lubricant layer on the slider. Cleanup by air shear can be predicted reasonably well using the shear map calculated from an air-bearing solver, and reflow by surface diffusion highlights the importance of controlling lubricant transfer from the disk to the slider.
Thermal fly-height control sliders are widely used in current hard disk drives to control and maintain subnanometer level clearance between the read-write head and the disk. The peculiar dynamics observed during touchdown/contact tests for certain slider designs is investigated through experiments and analytical modeling. Nonlinear systems theory is used to highlight slider instabilities arising from an unfavorable coupling of system vibration modes through an internal resonance condition, as well as the favorable suppression of instabilities through a jump condition. Excitation frequencies that may lead to large amplitude slider vibrations and the dominant frequencies at which slider response occurs are also predicted from theory. Using parameters representative of the slider used in experiments, the theoretically predicted frequencies are shown to be in excellent agreement with experimental results. This analytical study highlights some important air bearing surface design considerations that can help prevent slider instability as well as help mitigate unwanted slider vibrations, thereby ensuring the reliability of the head-disk interface at extremely low head-disk clearances. [DOI: 10.1115/1.4003483]
Future magnetic storage density targets (>4 Tb/in. 2) require subnanometer physical clearances that pose a tremendous challenge to the head disk interface (HDI) design. A detailed understanding of slider-lubricant interactions at small clearances and contact is important to not only address magnetic spacing calibration and long term HDI reliability but also to meet additional challenges imposed by future recording architectures such as heat assisted magnetic recording (HAMR). In this work, the behavior of the disk lubricant is investigated through controlled tests using TFC sliders which are actuated to proximity (i.e. backoff) and into contact (i.e. overpush) on one specific half of the disk per rotation by synchronization with the spindle index. Observations for lubricant distribution in contact tests (i.e. overpush) reveal an accumulation of lubricant on the disk near the onset of contact suggesting a migration of lubricant from the slider to the disk as the slider approaches the disk. Experiments also reveal that there is a similar deposition of lubricant even in the absence of contact for backoff tests. Furthermore, light contact tests result in significant lubricant rippling and depletion with associated slider dynamics. The lubricant rippling frequencies correlate well with the slider’s vibration frequencies. Interestingly, strong overpush may lead to stable slider dynamics (for certain air bearing designs) that is also associated with noticeably lower lubricant distribution (compared to the light contact case), and the greatest lubricant changes are observed only at the onset and the end of contact. This paper reveals the complex nature of slider-lubricant interactions under near-contact and contact conditions, and it highlights the need for further studies on the topic to help design a HDI for recording architectures of the future.
With the wide application of thermal flying-height control (TFC) technology in the hard disk drive industry, the head-disk clearance can be controlled to as low as ~1 nm. At this ultra-low clearance, the air bearing slider is subject to relatively large interfacial forces, and it experiences more complicated dynamics, compared with the flying case. In this study we conduct a numerical analysis to investigate the dynamics of TFC sliders during touchdown. The general trend of the slider’s motion predicted by the numerical simulation qualitatively agrees with experimental findings. The touchdown process begins with a slight intermittent contact between the slider’s trailing edge and the disk, followed by a partial slider-disk contact at the trailing edge accompanied by a large pitch motion at the 1st air bearing mode; this pitch motion gets suppressed and the slider comes into stable sliding on the disk as the protrusion is further increased.
The spatial and temporal characteristics of slider motion resulting from writer-induced pole tip protrusion are studied. Head-disc contact results from protrusion and the amount of contact is varied by varying the steady-state write current, the amount of overshoot, and the write frequency, all of which change the amount of heat dissipated in the writer. We measure the resulting slider motion via three orthogonal LDVs and a position sensitive detector to give five of the six possible degrees of freedom of motion. We compare the relative magnitudes of motion in different directions and we explore how higher power gives more continuous contact. We also investigate the time scales associated with protrusion and with air bearing pitch angle changes. We measure the speed with which the writer protrudes and find that slider pitch angle change increases linearly with the amount of current.
When the magnetic spacing in hard disk drives is reduced to sub-3nm, contact between the slider and disk becomes inevitable. Stability analysis is used in this study to investigate the head–disk interface (HDI) stability of thermal fly-height control (TFC) sliders in light contact with the disk lubricant or solid roughness. We implement an improved DMT model with sub-boundary lubrication into the CML air bearing program and analyze the stability of equilibrium states of a TFC slider under different thermal actuations. It is found that stability is lost when the slider penetrates deeper into the lubricant layer, due to a fast growth in the adhesion force, and it is restored when the solid roughness contact develops. In addition, the critical point for the onset of this instability and the range of this instability region is found to vary with lubricant thickness and protrusion surface steepness, while keeping the air bearing design the same. KeywordsMagnetic recording-Thermal flying-height control-Head–disk interface-Interfacial forces-Instability
We have successfully designed, fabricated, and tested contact recording sliders where most of the suspension load is supported by an air-bearing surface with only a small contact force (<5 mN) acting on the rear contact pad. To understand the contact dynamics, we have developed an integrated approach where experimental results from friction and laser doppler vibrometry are modeled using an air-bearing code modified to include contact forces. A low bounce (<1 nm mean-to-peak) is achieved in our designs by reducing the real area of contact to minimize friction, by increasing disk roughness, and/or by reducing the width of the slider contact pad. Due to the reduced magnetic spacing, these contact recording heads have bit-error rates several orders lower than conventional flying heads.