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Agricultural Field Extraction with Deep Learning Algorithm and Satellite Imagery


Abstract and Figures

Automatic detection of borders using remote sensing images will minimize the dependency on time-consuming manual input. The lack of field border data sets indicates that current methods are ineffective. This article seeks to promote the detection of field borders from satellite images with general process based on a multi-task segmentation model. ResUNet-a is a convolutional neural network with a completely linked UNet backbone that supports sprawling and conditional inference. The algorithm will significantly increase model efficiency and its generalization by reconstructing connected outputs. Then individual field segmentation can be accomplished by post-processing model outputs. The model was extremely exact in field mapping, field borders, and thus individual fields using the Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 images as inputs. The multitemporal images replacement with a single image similar to the composition time decreased slightly. The proposed model is able to reliably identify field borders and remove irrelevant limits from the image to acquire complex hierarchical contextual properties, thus outstriking classical edge filters. Our method is supposed to promote individual crop field extraction on a scale, by minimizing overfitting.
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Agricultural Field Extraction with Deep Learning Algorithm
and Satellite Imagery
Alireza Sharifi
Hadi Mahdipour
Elahe Moradi
Aqil Tariq
Received: 19 May 2021 / Accepted: 2 December 2021
ÓIndian Society of Remote Sensing 2021
Automatic detection of borders using remote sensing images will minimize the dependency on time-consuming manual
input. The lack of field border data sets indicates that current methods are ineffective. This article seeks to promote the
detection of field borders from satellite images with general process based on a multi-task segmentation model. ResUNet-a
is a convolutional neural network with a completely linked UNet backbone that supports sprawling and conditional
inference. The algorithm will significantly increase model efficiency and its generalization by re-constructing connected
outputs. Then individual field segmentation can be accomplished by post-processing model outputs. The model was
extremely exact in field mapping, field borders, and thus individual fields using the Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 images as
inputs. The multitemporal images replacement with a single image similar to the composition time decreased slightly. The
proposed model is able to reliably identify field borders and remove irrelevant limits from the image to acquire complex
hierarchical contextual properties, thus outstriking classical edge filters. Our method is supposed to promote individual
crop field extraction on a scale, by minimizing overfitting.
Keywords Convolutional neural networks Edge detection Field borders Sentinel-2 Remote sensing
Many of the automated agriculture promises support
farmers in monitoring agricultural fields during the season
of growth. With specific field border, a requirement for
field measurement has become essential and farmers are
often required to provide precise digital records of their
limits while they are signed up with the service provider
(Sharifi, 2018). This procedure is mainly manual and time
consuming and discourages people from doing so. Crop
yield forecasting and food safety control are also used for
predicting areas of crop yields through Earth Observation
programs (Paudel et al., 2021). The recurring extraction of
field borders through broad areas will benefit greatly in
such applications. Automation not only promotes the
inclusion of farmers and thus encourages more extensive
use of automated agricultural services, but also allows for
the provision by means of remote sensing (Tariq et al.,
2021). Several techniques were developed to extract field
borders from satellite images, which regularly and globally
cover high-resolution cropping areas. These methods are
divided into three models: edge-based models (Khan et al.,
2019), region-based models (Meher et al., 2019), and
hybrid models (Shi et al., 2020).
Edge-based methods are dependent on filters in an epoch
in which pixel values shift quickly to detect discontinuities.
Each filter describes a certain kernel that is converted into
emphasizing edges with an input image (Scharr, Sobel and
Canny operator are typical examples) (Kumar, Afzal, and
Afzal 2020). There are a variety of problems while dealing
with edge operators because their susceptibility in high
frequency sometimes produces misrepresentatives and their
parameterization is subjective and important to unique
&Alireza Sharifi
Department of Surveying Engineering, Faculty of Civil
Engineering, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University,
Tehran, Iran
Chief Innovation Office, Sinenta Corp., La Can
04120 Almeria, Spain
State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in
Surveying Mapping and Remote Sensing (LIESMARS),
Wuhan University, Wuhan 430079, China
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing,-volV)(0123456789().,-volV)
circumstances (Rabbi et al., 2020). Thresholds that are
post-processed and adapted locally can solve problems that
resulting in better established, closed borders. Region-
based methods are groups of adjacent entity pixels’
dependent on a certain criteria of homogeneity. The quest
for optimum segmentation for regional methods remains a
test and error procedure that is expected to produce inap-
propriate results. For example, objects with low parame-
terization might cease expanding, creating sliver polygons
and moving the extracted borders into them, before hitting
actual borders (Burdick et al., 2018). Methods dependent
on region often aim to oversegment areas with strong
internal variability and slight neighboring undersegment
areas (IdBenIdder & Laachfoubi, 2015; Sharifi, 2020). Any
of these adverse reactions can be mitigated by overseg-
menting images intentionally and determining whether
neighboring features are fused into machine learning (Park
et al., 2021). While edge-based and region-based methods
are available, the user group seems to have no use of these
methods and suggests a lack of fitness to do so. For
example, from crowdsourced, manually digitized polygons,
the only global field map is found (Ciobanu et al., 2019;S.
Wang et al., 2019).
Multitemporal image features appear redundant when
the borders of fields have been extracted from well-targeted
one-date images in certain situations. In addition, it is
impossible to produce a constant sequence of times in
places such as the tropics because of continuous cloud
coverage (Sudmanns et al., 2020). While multitemporal
data would likely improve their accuracy, particularly in
highly dynamic systems, we believe that large-scale field
border extraction and uptake are needed for models with
minimal preprocessing and parameter setting. Deep neural
networks have new ways of extracting field borders
because they need no designed features and since their
design is highly adaptable to new problems (Mohammadi
& Sharifi, 2021). Convolutional neural networks (CNNs)
are used more and more in image processing so they can
use hierarchical characteristics, from local to global images
(Krizhevsky et al., 2017). Their depth is based on a deep
network that uses convolutional operations. While filters
are hand-made in an edge-based technique, these filters can
learn from CNNs. These networks were originally devel-
oped for natural images and have been adapted for use in
remote sensing applications such as road extraction (Gao
et al., 2019), cloud detection (Chai et al., 2019), crop
identification (Wu et al., 2021), and river and water body
extraction (Guo et al., 2020). Thus, CNNs appear to be
particularly well-suited for extracting field borders based
on their size, though this has not been empirically
The objective of this study is to use ResUNet-a, for field
border extraction. We also implemented the post-
processing methods, because CNNs can produce discon-
tinuous borders, that utilize their outputs to produce better
borders and find different field. By using a composite of
Sentinel-2 images with geometrical accuracy, we carried
out a series of experiments that show that overfitting has
been minimized without re-calibration to be implemented
in a variety of conditions.
Method and Materials
Field borders are extracted by labeling each pixel with
these classes: ’border’ or ’not ’border’. If groups of interest
are predictable, then training signals for similar learning
tasks that could contribute to the accuracy of the initial task
are ignored. Similar tasks can help a model better gener-
alize the initial task. In the last layer of the architecture,
these can also be combined to further restrict the inference
of the initially task stabilize graduated changes and thereby
increase model accuracy instead of forecasting all associ-
ated tasks concurrently and independently (Kosari et al.,
2020). Therefore, field borders extraction was developed as
a semantic segmentation problem in which several class
labels are predicted. The four related tasks are to map
areas, define borders, approximate the distance to a closest
border and reconstruct images in the fields. Extracting field
borders entails classifying each pixel in a multispectral
image into one of two categories: ‘‘border’’ or ‘‘not bor-
der.’’ Although single-tasking can produce satisfactory
results, it lacks training signals from similar learning tasks
(Waldner & Diakogiannis, 2020).
Model Architecture
The encoder compresses the contents of the knowledge of
an arbitrarily large image. The decoder increases the
encoded functionality progressively up to the main reso-
lution and locates the categories of interest specifically.
Two simple architectures have been introduced that vary in
the encoder–decoder’s layers. In the encoder there are six
rest blocks in the ResUNet-a D6, and then in the PSP
Pooling layer, then in the encoder there are seven building
blocks in the ResUNet-a D7.
Border Extraction
Both make use of multiple semantic segmentation outputs
and are data-driven, enabling the configuration of a small
sample of reference data to be automated. In the watershed
process, the three output masks are segmented using a
seeded watershed segmentation algorithm. When catch-
ment basins hit other catchments, they stop growing; their
borders are lines that divide neighboring catchment basins.
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing
By comparison, the centers of each field (seed) can be
identified and developed prior to them colliding with the
borders of other fields or pixels that do not belong to the
field (background). The seed is identified by the distance
mask’s threshold, and the topographical surface is identi-
fied by the extent mask’s threshold.
The post-processing system thresholds are installed in
two stages: the first stage optimizes the scope of fields
collected (the scale mask’s threshold); the second stage
optimizes the form and size of fields (thresholds on the
border and distance masks). This technique therefore needs
reference dataset for optimal threshold values to be avail-
able. In the first place, the degree threshold is defined by
the maximization of the correlation coefficient of the
Matthew (Ghaderizadeh et al., 2021). The MCC is calcu-
lated as below.
where true positive, true negative, false positive, and false
negative rates are denoted by TP, TN, FP, and FN,
respectively. MCC values range from -1 (complete dis-
agreement) to ?1 (complete agreement), with 0 indicating
that the matter is correct.
Second, border and distance mask borders are optimized
together to reduce the inappropriate separation into smaller
(oversegmentation) of larger objects and an improper
aggregation into larger neighboring small objects (under-
segmentation). In the reference fields (T) and in the
extracted field (E) data using Eqs. (2) and (3) (Wang &
Wang, 2012):
Soverseg ¼1Ti\Ej
jj ð2Þ
Sunderseg ¼1Ti\Ej
We have chosen Sentinel-2 images, which acquired from
some agricultural fields from Sarab County in East Azer-
baijan Province, Iran. This dataset increases the probability
of cloud-free images acquired while also data which sup-
port multi-temporal composites with 10-m resolution. The
sentinel- 2 images are given for large-scale applications
free of charge. Additionally, we obtained Landsat-8 images
in the visible and near-infrared bands that were cloud-free.
Preprocessing consisted of two steps: subtraction of the
blue, green, red, and near infrared bands from the satellite
images and standardization of pixel values to ensure that
each band had a mean of zero and a standard deviation of
one. Standardization is important because the input vari-
able size of the neural network is responsive and gradient
optimization approaches (Mancino et al., 2020).
Also, field borders were generated by digitizing manu-
ally all fields across the study area using google earth
images. Field polygons were rasterized at 10 m, matching
the grid of the Sentinel-2 and supplying a collection of
reference pixels for validation. Pixels of ‘‘non-field’’ have
been set to 0. Each image examined (representing various
study areas) was divided into a training and testing area in a
3:2 ratio. Due to the limited GPU memory, each Sentinel-2
tile has been partitioned into a series of smaller images
(256,256 pixels) as input images. There was only one
preprocessing step: standardizing pixel values to have a
mean of zero and a standard deviation of one for each band.
Standardization is required because neural networks are
sensitive to the scale of their input variables and gradient
optimization methods converge faster when features have a
mean of zero and a variance of one.
Evaluation Method
A frequent problem in classification is determining the
appropriate threshold for class assignment given a contin-
uous classifier. The threshold value selected is highly
dependent on the user requirements and their tolerance for
false positives and negatives (Mahdipour et al., 2016). The
Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve is fre-
quently used to assess a continuous classifier’s ability to
correctly identify a binary array, in this case a map of
‘boundary’’ and ‘‘not boundary’’ pixels. The true positive
rate (the fraction of mapped boundary pixels that are cor-
rectly classified as ‘‘boundary’’) is plotted against the false
positive rate for a range of classifier threshold values (the
fraction of mapped not boundary pixels that are incorrectly
classified as ‘‘boundary’’). As the threshold is lowered from
a value where all pixels are classified as ‘‘not boundary’’ to
one where all pixels are classified as ‘‘boundary,’’ a good
classifier will identify true positives more quickly than it
accepts false positives. The ROC curve plots the true
positive rate against the false positive rate, with more
accurate classifiers resulting in a curve that is closer to the
plot’s upper left corner (Mahdipour et al., 2020). Thus, the
area under the curve can be used to quantify a classifier’s
overall performance (AUC). The ROC plots as a straight
line between (0,0) and (1,1) with an AUC of 0.5 for a
random classification surface where each pixel has a 50%
chance of being classified as boundary or not boundary.
The AUC of a classifier is expected to be between 0.5 and
1.0. (Fig. 1).
The performance of various methods was evaluated
using two widely used metrics, namely the overall accuracy
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing
(OA) and the mean average precision (mAP). For com-
parisons, four cutting-edge FCN models were used: SegNet
(Badrinarayanan, Kendall, and Cipolla 2017), DeconvNet
(Hyeonwoo Noh, Hong, et al., 2015; Noh, Seunghoon,
et al., 2015), FCN8s (Shelhamer et al., 2017), and U-Net
(Ronneberger et al., 2015a). These methods were chosen
because they have all been demonstrated to be effective in
semantic labeling for remote sensing images and are all
open source and simple to implement.
Result and Discussion
The model was implemented on Python platform using a
computer with a 1.2 GHz quad-core CPU, 6 GB of mem-
ory, and a Linux 4.4 based Raspbian operating system. We
trained ResUNet-a D6 and D7 models (it took 73 s); We
trained ResUnet-a D6 and D7 models using Adam as the
optimizer. Adam calculates individual adaptive learning
rates for different parameters using estimates of the gra-
dient’s first and second moments. Adam achieves faster
convergence than other alternatives, as demonstrated
empirically (Kingma & Ba, 2015). The weight decay (WD)
approach incorporates a weight decay parameter into the
learning rate in order to incrementally decrease the weight
and bias values of the neural network during each training
iteration. This technique is equivalent to adding an L2
regularization term to the loss function and can accelerate
convergence. For 200 epochs, we trained models with
different weight decay parameters (10
, and 10
For 200 epochs, the network is trained. We chose this large
number of epochs to ensure that each network performs
optimally and to save the optimal set of weights for each
network to avoid overfitting. The first three iterations were
parameterized with weight decay (WD) values, while the
final iteration was configured interactively. After each
epoch, the loss function and MCC were calculated for the
test set. We concluded that it was unlikely that models
would increase accuracy over more than 200 epochs
because training curves showed overfit signs in seventy
Ground truth map were created using digitizing of
Google Earth images. The maps were then converted to a
binary file including the farm border (one) and the fore-
ground (zero). Finally, using evaluation metrics, compar-
isons were made and numerical results were obtained
according to Table 1. The average accuracy is 85% and the
MCC is 74%. The cropland grade was marginally lower
than the non-cropland grade by 85 percent. Tuning the map
scale threshold to optimize MCC only resulted in small
deviations in comparison with a 50% defect threshold.
However, we maintained the optimized threshold because
we tried to reach the grading with the most balanced
accuracy for croplands and non-croplands. Also, the results
suggest that temporal data must also be taken into account
in certain situations.
As can be seen in Table 2, our model defined borders
with considerably higher sharpness and less noise than an
edge-based benchmark tool (more than 0.86 for hit rates).
This shows, by using hierarchical contextual knowledge,
that convolutional neural networks reduce the value of
temporal information. Current neural networks are invari-
ant of size. The model functions are object-based, which
means they don’t depend on pixel values but rather on the
fact that they all belong to the same object. This process is
not subject to a specific resolution.
We contrasted the mask found on the borders of the
Canny filter with our ResUNet-a (Fig. 2). The edge-based
approach has generated slightly less and noisier interfaces.
Inside pixel values were by average higher with traditional
rim detection and wider than those achieved with ResU-
Net-a. The retracted edges become clearer as the neural
network learns to be adaptive to specific edge shapes. As
compared to a monthly composite, feeding the method with
single data has no effect on the model’s performance. For
example, oversegmentation and undersegmentation
Fig. 1 The overall performance of models by the area under the curve
Table 1 Pixel-based assessment of proposed model for the single
image with different thresholds, multitemporal images, and resampled
Sentinel-2 image with specific thresholds
Threshold OA MCC F
Single (50%) 85.40 74.12 78.34 87.15
Single (35%) 86.19 73.75 78.52 86.83
Multitemporal (35%) 78.21 69.09 78.96 81.59
Resamples 30-m (35%) 75.83 71.33 73.41 79.20
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing
premiums fell, while the compensation remained
The quantitative results obtained using various methods
are summarized in Table 3. ResUNet produced the best
result, with an overall accuracy of 85.60 percent and a
mean AP score of 88.05 percent, when compared to all
other methods utilizing encoder-decoder network
architectures. SegNet outperformed the ResUNet model in
terms of accuracy. ResUNet and SegNet are demonstrated
to perform admirably. UNet outperforms DeconvNet and
FCN8s in terms of stable classification performance across
a variety of scenes.
The statistically relevant variances were only for the
sub-segmentation rate, which means that it is a valid
alternative to derive field borders from single dated images.
The model has been trained on Sentinel-2 images and
attained a high degree of pixel and field accuracy. The
same model was correctly created, without retraining. The
same model was acquired by Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 for
single images of the same site. In areas where cloud cov-
erage is continuous as in the tropics, the ability to remove
borders from a one-date image is cost-efficient. It shows
that by exploiting contextual knowledge at multiple levels,
convolutional neural networks minimize the impact of
spectral and temporal information.
This study demonstrates that solving the issue of the field
border extraction of satellite images with a convolutional
neural network as multiple semantic segmenting tasks
delivers excellent efficiency at pixel and object stage.
ResUNet-a as to extract field borders from rougher artifacts
can be associated, but this needs to be confirmed experi-
mentally, through the use of several convolutions to clas-
sify features on various scales. We observed a reduced hit
rate and geometric accuracy up to 11% while we were
applying the model to resampled Sentinel-2 to 30-m and
Landsat-8 images. The main reason was that smaller fields
in the 30-m image were not resolved. Differences between
the reference resolution and extracted maps may lead to
artificial distortions in the precise evaluation. The differ-
ence between the results of resampled Sentinel-2 to 30-m
and Landsat-8 images is lack of accuracy is partially due to
differences in spectral and spatial responses in these
satellite images. The results showed that semantic seg-
mentation in combination with multitasking is used to
increasing the potential to recover individual areas from
satellite image. One of the main limitation of this study was
the computational density of the proposed model, which
requires significantly more FLOPS than similar models
EfficientNets. ResNets are typically run on GPUs and they
are computationally heavy. Also, the maximum pixel-to-
spatial level accuracy of segmentation which our proposed
model can achieve was one of our limitation. Many sup-
pliers of automated agriculture services urgently require
the ability to automatically detect field borders from remote
sensing images. In order to forecast the likelihood for any
pixel to belong to the field, to the border of the field and to
Table 2 Object-based assessment of proposed model for the Sentinel-
2 image, resampled Sentinel-2 image, and Landsat-8 image
Image Sentinel-2 Sentinel-2 (30 m) Landsat-8
Hit rate 0.952 0.879 0.865
Oversegmentation 0.893 0.797 0.781
Undersegmentation 0.897 0.795 0.778
Eccentricity 0.941 0.915 0.903
Shift (m) 5 7 8
Fig. 2 (a) Agricultural fields in the study of area and comparison of
the field borders extracted using (b) proposed method, (c) references
borders, and (d) Canny filter
Table 3 The quantitative results
using the deep learning models Model mAP OA
FCN8s 63.88 75.09
DeconvNet 65.22 77.87
UNet 69.21 81.11
SegNet 72.04 83.80
ResUNet 75.62 85.60
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing
predict the distance to the closest border, our model was
based on multitasking and conditioning. These projections
were then post-processed such that individual fields were
segmented and extracted. The proposed method demon-
strated suitable efficiency in field border detection and
strong generalization skills over time, space and sensors.
Conflict of interest The authors whose names are listed immediately
below certify that they have NO affiliations with or involvement in
any organization or entity with any financial interest (such as hono-
raria; educational grants; participation in speakers’ bureaus; mem-
bership, employment, consultancies, stock ownership, or other equity
interest; and expert testimony or patent-licensing arrangements), or
non-financial interest (such as personal or professional relationships,
affiliations, knowledge or beliefs) in the subject matter or materials
discussed in this manuscript.
1. Alireza Sharifi
2. Hadi Mahdipour
3. Elahe Moradi
4. Aqil Tariq
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Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing
... Foivos et al. developed the ResUNet-a network, which combines a UNet encoder/decoder backbone with residual connections, atrous convolution, pyramid scene parsing pooling, and multi-task inference to achieve simultaneous edge detection and semantic segmentation [26]. Waldner and Sharifi applied the ResUNet-a network to large-scale parcel boundary extraction on medium-resolution satellite images such as Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 [27,28]. Li et al. built a semantic edge-aware multi-task neural network (SEANet) with three tasks [29]. ...
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Extracting agricultural parcel boundaries from remote sensing images based on deep learning methods is currently the most promising method. Due to the diversity of agricultural types and limitations of deep learning networks, parcel boundaries extracted by edge detection deep learning networks lack target specificity, and parcel boundaries extracted by semantic segmentation deep learning networks generally causes a loss of precise boundary information. Based on the principles of multi-task deep learning networks PsiNet, BsiNet, and ResUNet-a, we constructed a parallel multi-task deep learning network capable of simultaneously performing edge detection and semantic segmentation for extracting agricultural parcel boundaries from high-resolution remote sensing images. To improve the effectiveness of parcel boundary recognition, the edge enhancement concept from the context-aware tracing strategy (CATS) is introduced into the multi-task parallel deep learning network, which enhanced the continuity and effectiveness of parcel boundary recognition and accelerated network training convergence. Finally, we conducted experiments on three different study areas with different remote sensing data sources and agricultural parcel types. The experimental results demonstrate that the method we proposed achieved better continuity in identifying parcel boundaries and improved the recognition of boundaries between neighboring parcels with strong similarities in remote sensing features such as texture and spectral characteristics.
... In the field of smart agriculture, the emergence of unmanned systems represents a significant evolutionary breakthrough. Currently, smart agricultural unmanned systems encompass four spatial dimensions: sky (including navigation, remote sensing, meteorological, and communication satellites) [1,2], air (comprising plant protection drones, remote sensing mapping drones, long-duration solar drones, airships, and biomimetic flying robots) [3,4], land (featuring unmanned farming/harvesting machinery, biomass energy systems, soil improvement biomimetic robots, and unmanned livestock robots) [5,6], and water (including unmanned underwater vehicles, underwater operation robots, and unmanned aquaculture systems) [7,8]. These developments promise a bright future. ...
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Automation is crucial for the advancement of modern agriculture [...]
... The research area is located in the centre of KP tourist industry and is a mountainous region surrounded by the Hindu Kush Himalayas (HKH) [23]. The climate of Swat ranges from semiarid to subhumid to humid [24] [25]. From a geological point of view, the study site is situated within a Suture Zone (SZ) resulting from the convergence of the Indian Plate and the Kohistan Island Arc (KIA). ...
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In a world where water is indispensable, Pakistan grapples with the challenge of ensuring its availability. Freshwater demand from domestic, industrial, and agricultural uses has strained the country's reservoirs. Financial and political barriers have hindered the construction of large dams, making it imperative to seek alternative solutions. However, small dams have the potential to address Pakistan's water security concerns. This study uses advanced technology, engineering expertise, socioeconomic factors, and environmental awareness to find multipurpose small dam sites in Swat District, Pakistan. Water storage and community and economic development are goals. This study examines criteria using RS and GIS. Dam site selection considers rainfall patterns, slopes, land use, soil types, and drainage density. The study uses Elevation Area Capacity (EAC) curves to view potential reservoirs. The map divides areas into High, Moderate, and Low suitability. This analysis yields some sites where R4 is impressive for its suitability and storage capacity of 358,237 at 2080 m. R1 and R2 are promising with moderate suitability and large storage capacities of 121,346 and 271,964, respectively. These sites are more than numbers on a map they represent local aspirations. Their benefits include electricity, flood protection, irrigation, and drinking water. Small dams are progress catalysts with low maintenance and political support. This study concludes that socioeconomic and environmental factors should be considered when engineering small dams. This small dam can store water and provide essential services to local communities and economies. These multipurpose small dams advance water security.
... Res-U-Net (Residual U-Net, as shown in Figure 7) is a deep learning neural network model used for image segmentation tasks that is capable of both capturing the local features of an image and overcoming the problem of gradient vanishing in deep network training [45]. This network can improve the performance of image segmentation tasks, which is especially effective when facing large-scale datasets and complex tasks [46,47]. We also used an adaptive moment estimation (Adam) optimizer [48] for model optimization. ...
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Aquatic vegetation is an important component of aquatic ecosystems; therefore, the classification and mapping of aquatic vegetation is an important aspect of lake management. Currently, the decision tree (DT) classification method based on spectral indices has been widely used in the extraction of aquatic vegetation data, but the disadvantage of this method is that it is difficult to fix the threshold value, which, in turn, affects the automatic classification effect. In this study, Sentinel-2 MSI data were used to produce a sample set (about 930 samples) of aquatic vegetation in four inland lakes (Lake Taihu, Lake Caohai, Lake Honghu, and Lake Dongtinghu) using the visual interpretation method, including emergent, floating-leaved, and submerged vegetation. Based on this sample set, a DL model (Res-U-Net) was used to train an automatic aquatic vegetation extraction model. The DL model achieved a higher overall accuracy, relevant error, and kappa coefficient (90%, 8.18%, and 0.86, respectively) compared to the DT method (79%, 23.07%, and 0.77) and random forest (78%,10.62% and 0.77) when utilizing visual interpretation results as the ground truth. When utilizing measured point data as the ground truth, the DL model exhibited accuracies of 59%, 78%, and 91% for submerged, floating-leaved, and emergent vegetation, respectively. In addition, the model still maintains good recognition in the presence of clouds with the influence of water bloom. When applying the model to Lake Honghu from January 2017 to October 2023, the obtained temporal variation patterns in the aquatic vegetation were consistent with other studies. The study in this paper shows that the proposed DL model has good application potential for extracting aquatic vegetation data.
... The work aims to allow URLLC (Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communication) in highly challenging remote sensing scenarios. The authors in [115] focus on field border extraction from satellite images using a convolutional neural network that performs multiple semantic segmentation tasks. The model offers high efficiency in detecting field borders accurately at both pixel and object levels. ...
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Agriculture can be regarded as the backbone of human civilization. As technology evolved, the synergy between agriculture and remote sensing has brought about a paradigm shift, thereby entirely revolutionizing the traditional agricultural practices. Nevertheless, the adoption of remote sensing technologies in agriculture face various challenges in terms of limited spatial and temporal coverage, high cloud cover, low data quality and so on. Industry 5.0 marks a new era in the industrial revolution, where humans and machines collaborate closely, leveraging their distinct capabilities, thereby enhancing the decision making capabilities, sustainability and resilience. This paper provides a comprehensive survey on remote sensing technologies and related aspects in dealing with the various agricultural practices in the Industry 5.0 (I5.0) era. We also elaborately discuss the various applications pertaining to I5.0- enabled remote sensing for agriculture. Finally, we discuss several challenges and issues related to the integration of I5.0 technologies in agricultural remote sensing. This comprehensive survey on remote sensing for agriculture in Industry 5.0 era offers valuable insights into the current state, challenges, and potential advancements in the integration of remote sensing technologies and Industry 5.0 principles in agriculture, thus paving the way for future research, development, and implementation strategies in this domain.
... A deep learning classifier, employing neural networks, categorizes data by learning hierarchical features from extensive datasets. In contrast, deep learning tasks have distinct goals, such as image classification (Sharifi et al., 2022). In deep learning approach, features are autonomously extracted directly from RGB images as input, allowing the model to extract meaningful features for classification purpose. ...
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Knowledge of medicinal plant species is necessary to preserve medicinal plants and safeguard biodiversity. The classification and identification of these plants by botanist experts are complex and time-consuming activities. This systematic review's main objective is to systematically assess the prior research efforts on the applications and usage of deep learning approaches in classifying and recognizing medicinal plant species. Our objective was to pinpoint systematic reviews following the PRISMA guidelines related to the classification and recognition of medicinal plant species through the utilization of deep learning techniques. This review encompassed studies published between January 2018 and December 2022. Initially, we identified 1644 studies through title, keyword, and abstract screening. After applying our eligibility criteria, we selected 31 studies for a thorough and critical review. The main findings of this reviews are (1) the selected studies were carried out in 16 different countries, and India leads in paper contributions with 29%, followed by Indonesia and Sri Lanka. (2) A private dataset has been used in 67.7% of the studies subjected to image augmentation and preprocessing techniques. (3) In 96.7% of the studies, researchers have employed plant leaf organs, with 74% of them utilizing leaf shapes for the classification and recognition of medicinal plant species. (4) Transfer learning with the pre-trained model was used in 83.8% of the studies as a future extraction technique. (5) Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is used by 64.5% of the paper as a deep learning classifier. (6) The lack of a globally available and public dataset need for medicinal plants indigenous to a specific country and the trustworthiness of the deep learning approach for the classification and recognition of medicinal plants is an observable research gap in this literature review. Therefore, further investigations and collaboration between different stakeholders are required to fulfilling the aforementioned research gaps. CITATION Mulugeta AK, Sharma DP and Mesfin AH (2024) Deep learning for medicinal plant species classification and recognition: a systematic review.
... A deep learning classifier, employing neural networks, categorizes data by learning hierarchical features from extensive datasets. In contrast, deep learning tasks have distinct goals, such as image classification (Sharifi et al., 2022). In deep learning approach, features are autonomously extracted directly from RGB images as input, allowing the model to extract meaningful features for classification purpose. ...
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Knowledge of medicinal plant species is necessary to preserve medicinal plants and safeguard biodiversity. The classification and identification of these plants by botanist experts are complex and time-consuming activities. This systematic review’s main objective is to systematically assess the prior research efforts on the applications and usage of deep learning approaches in classifying and recognizing medicinal plant species. Our objective was to pinpoint systematic reviews following the PRISMA guidelines related to the classification and recognition of medicinal plant species through the utilization of deep learning techniques. This review encompassed studies published between January 2018 and December 2022. Initially, we identified 1644 studies through title, keyword, and abstract screening. After applying our eligibility criteria, we selected 31 studies for a thorough and critical review. The main findings of this reviews are (1) the selected studies were carried out in 16 different countries, and India leads in paper contributions with 29%, followed by Indonesia and Sri Lanka. (2) A private dataset has been used in 67.7% of the studies subjected to image augmentation and preprocessing techniques. (3) In 96.7% of the studies, researchers have employed plant leaf organs, with 74% of them utilizing leaf shapes for the classification and recognition of medicinal plant species. (4) Transfer learning with the pre-trained model was used in 83.8% of the studies as a future extraction technique. (5) Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is used by 64.5% of the paper as a deep learning classifier. (6) The lack of a globally available and public dataset need for medicinal plants indigenous to a specific country and the trustworthiness of the deep learning approach for the classification and recognition of medicinal plants is an observable research gap in this literature review. Therefore, further investigations and collaboration between different stakeholders are required to fulfilling the aforementioned research gaps.
... In RS, the occurrence of various objects with the same spectrum is rather typical [8][9][10]. Only using an object's own textures, spectra, and shape information is challenging. ...
Segmentation of high-resolution remote sensing images is of great importance for urban development planning. Moreover, while monitoring land covers through high-resolution satellite images, crops are significantly easy to be confused with the dark object's spectra like, shadows, dense vegetation and asphalt roads. The previous semantic segmentation approaches do not pay enough attention to the location information among horizontal position and direction, which causes inaccurate segmentation of remote sensing images. To overcome these issues, an innovative Optimized Segmentation Network (OptSegNet) based remote sensing image segmentation is proposed which is a hybridization of convolutional network and dual-path UNet with Resnet_50. It consists of four stages such as, pre-processing, feature extraction, segmentation and post processing. Initially, the hyperspectral images which are derived from the Indian Pines dataset, Salinas, and Pavia University are preprocessed by using the guided box filtering technique. Secondly, the proposed method extracts the spatial and spectral features from the satellite images and also generates accurate segmentation results. In order to enhance the performance of proposed method, Enhanced Mountain Gazelle Optimization (EMGO) algorithm is used. Finally, in the post processing stage the proposed pairwise neural conditional random field method enhances the final segmented images into a high-resolution remote sensing image. Experimental outcomes illustrate that the introduced method achieves better performance when compared with the other traditional algorithms. Especially, the accomplished overall accuracy is 99.13%, 99.71%, and 99.34% on Indian Pines dataset, Salinas, and Pavia University dataset respectively.
The high frequency of floods and the foundation of glacial lakes in recent years have correlated to incidences of glacier melting, and it is seen because of recent climatic changes and global warming. However, Karakoram glaciers have not been adequately surveyed because such a survey is cost-intensive for developing countries. This chapter attempts to assess the spatiotemporal effects of global warming on the mass balance of the Ghulkin glacier, Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan. To do so, field measurements of glacier mass balance from 36 ground points have been used by employing aerial photography, digital elevation model (DEM), and images from Landsat data for the years from 1990 to 2015. The images have been used to calculate (i) changes in the glacial limits at the ablation zone, (ii) the Normalized Differentiate Water Index (NDWI) to delineate glacial lakes, and (iii) temperature extraction from thermal bands. The results show that the lake’s area in the ablation zone was 4892 sq. m in 1990 which increased to 18,099 sq. m by 2015. Furthermore, the glacier ablation zone lost 163,853 cubic meters of ice mass from the side moraine of the glacier. The findings of this study can help researchers who are predicting the impact of changing glacier dynamics as the climate of the region changes.
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Soil erosion is a destructive consequence of land degradation caused by deforestation, improper farming practices, overgrazing, and urbanization. This irreversible effect negatively impacts the limited renewable soil resource, causing soil truncation, reduced fertility, and unstable slopes. To address the anticipation of erosion modulus resulting from long-term land use and land cover (LULC) changes, a study was conducted in the Swat District of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Kpk), Pakistan. The study aimed to predict and evaluate soil erosion concerning these changes using remote sensing (RS), geographic information systems (GIS), and the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) model. We also evaluated the impact of the Billion Tree Tsunami Project (BTTP) on soil erosion in the region. Model inputs, such as rainfall erosivity factor, topography factor, land cover and management factor, and erodibility factor, were used to calculate soil erosion. The results revealed that significant soil loss occurred under 2001, 2011, and 2021 LULC conditions, accounting for 67.26%, 61.78%, and 65.32%, falling within the category of low erosion potential. The vulnerable topographical features of the area indicated higher erosion modulus. The maximum soil loss rates observed in 2001, 2011, and 2021 were 80 t/ha−1/year−1, 120 t/ha−1/year−1, and 96 t/ha−1/year−1, respectively. However, the observed reduction in soil loss in 2021 as compared to 2001 and 2011 suggests a positive influence of the BTTP on soil conservation efforts. This study underscores the potential of afforestation initiatives like the BTTP in mitigating soil erosion and highlights the significance of environmental conservation programs in regions with vulnerable topography.
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Due to the unique feature of the three-dimensional convolution neural network, it is used in image classification. For There are some problems such as noise, lack of labeled samples, the tendency to overfitting, a lack of extraction of spectral and spatial features, which has challenged the classification. Among the mentioned problems, the lack of experimental samples is the main problem that has been used to solve the methods in recent years. Among them, convolutional neural network-based algorithms have been proposed as a popular option for hyperspectral image analysis due to their ability to extract useful features and high performance. The traditional CNN-based methods mainly use the 2D-CNN for feature extraction, which makes the interband correlations of HSIs underutilized. The 3D-CNN extracts the joint spectralspatial information representation, but it depends on a more complex model. To address these issues, the report uses a 3D fast learning block (depthwise separable convolution block and a fast convolution block) followed by a 2D convolutional neural network was introduced to extract spectral-spatial features. Using a hybrid CNN reduces the complexity of the model compared to using 3D-CNN alone and can also perform well against noise and a limited number of training samples. In addition, a series of optimization methods including batch normalization, dropout, exponential decay learning rate, and L2 regularization are adopted to alleviate the problem of overfitting and improve the classification results.
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Very high resolution (VHR) satellite imagery and image processing algorithms allow for the development of remote sensing applications including multi-temporal classification, tracking of specific targets, multimedia data integration, ecosystem processes analysis, and land cover/land use (LULC) mapping. Classification algorithms are the primary source to generate LCLU maps. Since texture information is essential to generate LULC maps from VHR images, the object-based classification methods should be used instead of pixel-based methods. Also, in urban mapping, it is vital to select the appropriate classifier according to the type of land covers. Recently, in addition to machine learning algorithms, deep learning methods have also been used to classify VHR images. In this study, we compare the accuracy of convolutional neural network (CNN) algorithm with some machine learning methods, for classification of Pleiades satellite image with 50 cm spatial resolution. The results showed CNN algorithm has the highest classification accuracy when the training samples are increased. However, the difference between the classification accuracy of the CNN and relevance vector machine (RVM) models is not that significant so that one could use a more straightforward method with less training data rather than a complicated one with large volumes of data.
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Most forest fires in the Margalla Hills are related to human activities and socioeconomic factors are essential to assess their likelihood of occurrence. This study considers both environmental (altitude, precipitation, forest type, terrain and humidity index) and socioeconomic (population density, distance from roads and urban areas) factors to analyze how human behavior affects the risk of forest fires. Maximum entropy (Maxent) modelling and random forest (RF) machine learning methods were used to predict the probability and spatial diffusion patterns of forest fires in the Margalla Hills. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve and the area under the ROC curve (AUC) were used to compare the models. We studied the fire history from 1990 to 2019 to establish the relationship between the probability of forest fire and environmental and socioeconomic changes. Using Maxent, the AUC fire probability values for the 1999s, 2009s, and 2019s were 0.532, 0.569, and 0.518, respectively; using RF, they were 0.782, 0.825, and 0.789, respectively. Fires were mainly distributed in urban areas and their probability of occurrence was related to accessibility and human behaviour/activity. AUC principles for validation were greater in the random forest models than in the Maxent models. Our results can be used to establish preventive measures to reduce risks of forest fires by considering socio-economic and environmental conditions.
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In situ ground truth data are an important requirement for producing accurate cropland type map, and this is precisely what is lacking at vast scales. Although volunteered geographic information (VGI) has been proven as a possible solution for in situ data acquisition, processing and extracting valuable information from millions of pictures remains challenging. This paper targets the detection of specific crop types from crowdsourced road view photos. A first large, public, multiclass road view crop photo dataset named iCrop was established for the development of crop type detection with deep learning. Five state-of-the-art deep convolutional neural networks including InceptionV4, DenseNet121, ResNet50, MobileNetV2, and ShuffleNetV2 were employed to compare the baseline performance. ResNet50 outperformed the others according to the overall accuracy (87.9%), and ShuffleNetV2 outperformed the others according to the efficiency (13 FPS). The decision fusion schemes major voting was used to further improve crop identification accuracy. The results clearly demonstrate the superior accuracy of the proposed decision fusion over the other non-fusion-based methods in crop type detection of imbalanced road view photos dataset. The voting method achieved higher mean accuracy (90.6–91.1%) and can be leveraged to classify crop type in crowdsourced road view photos.
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Even though computer vision has been developing, edge detection is still one of the challenges in that field. It comes from the limitations of the complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) Image sensor used to collect the image data, and then image signal processor (ISP) is additionally required to understand the information received from each pixel and performs certain processing operations for edge detection. Even with/without ISP, as an output of hardware (camera, ISP), the original image is too raw to proceed edge detection image, because it can include extreme brightness and contrast, which is the key factor of image for edge detection. To reduce the onerousness, we propose a pre-processing method to obtain optimized brightness and contrast for improved edge detection. In the pre-processing, we extract meaningful features from image information and perform machine learning such as k-nearest neighbor (KNN), multilayer perceptron (MLP) and support vector machine (SVM) to obtain enhanced model by adjusting brightness and contrast. The comparison results of F1 score on edgy detection image of non-treated, pre-processed and pre-processed with machine learned are shown. The pre-processed with machine learned F1 result shows an average of 0.822, which is 2.7 times better results than the non-treated one. Eventually, the proposed pre-processing and machine learning method is proved as the essential method of pre-processing image from ISP in order to gain better edge detection image. In addition, if we go through the pre-processing method that we proposed, it is possible to more clearly and easily determine the object required when performing auto white balance (AWB) or auto exposure (AE) in the ISP. It helps to perform faster and more efficiently through the proactive ISP.
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Many studies have applied machine learning to crop yield prediction with a focus on specific case studies. The data and methods they used may not be transferable to other crops and locations. On the other hand, operational large-scale systems, such as the European Commission's MARS Crop Yield Forecasting System (MCYFS), do not use machine learning. Machine learning is a promising method especially when large amounts of data are being collected and published. We combined agronomic principles of crop modeling with machine learning to build a machine learning baseline for large-scale crop yield forecasting. The baseline is a workflow emphasizing correctness, modularity and reusability. For correctness, we focused on designing explainable predictors or features (in relation to crop growth and development) and applying machine learning without information leakage. We created features using crop simulation outputs and weather, remote sensing and soil data from the MCYFS database. We emphasized a modular and reusable workflow to support different crops and countries with small configuration changes. The workflow can be used to run repeatable experiments (e.g. early season or end of season predictions) using standard input data to obtain reproducible results. The results serve as a starting point for further optimizations. In our case studies, we predicted yield at regional level for five crops (soft wheat, spring barley, sunflower, sugar beet, potatoes) and three countries (the Netherlands (NL), Germany (DE), France (FR)). We compared the performance with a simple method with no prediction skill, which either predicted a linear yield trend or the average of the training set. We also aggregated the predictions to the national level and compared with past MCYFS forecasts. The normalized RMSE (NRMSE) for early season predictions (30 days after planting) were comparable for NL (all crops), DE (all except soft wheat) and FR (soft wheat, spring barley, sunflower). For example, NRMSE was 7.87 for soft wheat (NL) (6.32 for MCYFS) and 8.21 for sugar beet (DE) (8.79 for MCYFS). In contrast, NRMSEs for soft wheat (DE), sugar beet (FR) and potatoes (FR) were twice as much compared to MCYFS. NRMSEs for end of season were still comparable to MCYFS for NL, but worse for DE and FR. The baseline can be improved by adding new data sources, designing more predictive features and evaluating different machine learning algorithms. The baseline will motivate the use of machine learning in large-scale crop yield forecasting.
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Purpose Attitude determination and control subsystem (ADCS) is a vital part of earth observation satellites (EO-Satellites) that governs the satellite’s rotational motion and pointing. In designing such a complicated sub-system, many parameters including mission, system and performance requirements (PRs), as well as system design parameters (DPs), should be considered. Design cycles which prolong the time-duration and consequently increase the cost of the design process are due to the dependence of these parameters to each other. This paper aims to describe a rapid-sizing method based on the design for performance strategy, which could minimize the design cycles imposed by conventional methods. Design/methodology/approach The proposed technique is an adaptation from that used in the aircraft industries for aircraft design and provides a ball-park figure with little engineering man-hours. The authors have shown how such a design technique could be generalized to cover the EO-satellites platform ADCS. The authors divided the system requirements into five categories, including maneuverability, agility, accuracy, stability and durability. These requirements have been formulated as functions of spatial resolution that is the highest level of EO-missions PRs. To size, the ADCS main components, parametric characteristics of the matching diagram were determined by means of the design drivers. Findings Integrating the design boundaries based on the PRs in critical phases of the mission allowed selecting the best point in the design space as the baseline design with only two iterations. The ADCS of an operational agile EO-satellite is sized using the proposed method. The results show that the proposed method can significantly reduce the complexity and time duration of the performance sizing process of ADCS in EO-satellites with an acceptable level of accuracy. Originality/value Rapid performance sizing of EO-satellites ADCS using matching diagram technique and consequently, a drastic reduction in design time via minimization of design cycles makes this study novel and represents a valuable contribution in this field.
This paper formulates cloud and cloud shadow detection as a semantic segmentation problem and proposes a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) based method to detect them in Landsat imagery. Different from traditional machine learning methods, deep CNN-based methods convolve the entire input image to extract multi-level spatial and spectral features, and then deconvolve these features to produce the detailed segmentation. In this way, multi-level features from the whole image and all the bands are utilized to label each pixel as cloud, thin cloud, cloud shadow or clear. An adaption of SegNet with 13 convolutional layers and 13 deconvolution layers is proposed in this study. The method is applied to 38 Landsat 7 images and 32 Landsat 8 images which are globally distributed and have pixel-wise cloud and cloud shadow reference masks provided by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). In order to process such large images using the adapted SegNet model on a desktop computer, the Landsat Collection 1 scenes are split into non-overlapping 512 * 512 30 m pixel image blocks. 60% of these blocks are used to train the model using the backpropagation algorithm, 10% of the blocks are used to validate the model and tune its parameters, and the remaining 30% of the blocks are used for performance evaluation. Compared with the cloud and cloud shadow masks produced by CFMask, which are provided with the Landsat Collection 1 data, the overall accuracies are significantly improved from 89.88% and 84.58% to 95.26% and 95.47% for the Landsat 7 and Landsat 8 images respectively. The proposed method benefits from the multi-level spatial and spectral features, and results in more than a 40% increase in user's accuracy and in more than a 20% increase in producer's accuracy for cloud shadow detection in Landsat 8 imagery. The issues for operational implementation are discussed.
Kernel methods are a class of algorithms for pattern analysis to robust them to noise, overlaps, outliers and also unequal sized clusters. In this paper, kernel-based fuzzy c-means (KFCM) method is extended to apply KFCM on any crisp and non-crisp input numbers only in a single structure. The proposed vectorized KFCM (VKFM) algorithm maps the input (crisp or non-crisp) features to crisp ones and applies the KFCM (with prototypes in feature space) on them. Finally the resulted crisp prototypes in the mapped space are influenced by an inverse mapping to obtain the prototypes’ (centers’) parameters in the input features space. The performance of the proposed method has been compared with the conventional FCM and KFCM and other new methods, to show its effectiveness in clustering of gene expression data and segmentation of land-cover using satellite images. Simulation results show good accuracy of proposed method in compare to other methods.
The continuous shift of shoreline boundaries due to natural or anthropogenic events has created the necessity to monitor the shoreline boundaries regularly. This study investigates the perspective of implementing artificial intelligence techniques to model and predict the realignment in shoreline along the eastern Indian coast of Orissa (now called Odisha). The modeling consists of analyzing the satellite images and corresponding reanalysis data of the coastline. The satellite images (Landsat imagery) of the Orissa coastline were analyzed using edge detection filters, mainly Sobel and Canny. Sobel and canny filters use edge detection techniques to extract essential information from satellite images. Edge detection reduces the volume of data and filters out worthless information while securing significant structural features of satellite images. The image differencing technique is used to determine the shoreline shift from GIS images (Landsat imagery). The shoreline shift dataset obtained from the GIS image is used together with the metrological dataset extracted from Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications, Version 2, and tide and wave parameter obtained from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast for the period 1985-2015, as input parameter in machine learning (ML) algorithms to predict the shoreline shift. Artificial neural network (ANN), k-nearest neighbors (KNN), and support vector machine (SVM) algorithm are used as a ML model in the present study. The ML model contains weights that are multiplied with relevant inputs/features to obtain a better prediction. The analysis shows wind speed and wave height are the most prominent features in shoreline shift prediction. The model's performance was compared, and the observed result suggests that the ANN model outperforms the KNN and SVM model with an accuracy of 86.2%.