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Dietetic Benefits of Yogurt Based Beverage (Lassi) Becoming Fact-Finding Probe in Research


Abstract and Figures

LASSI is a yogurt-based beverage that began from the Indian subcontinent. It is a wonderful gainful element and an attribute beverage to hydrate and assemble physique digestion. Since Lassi is produced of yogurt or Dahi and it is said to be very beneficial for our stomach associated framework and it is moderate on the belly and consists of lactobacilli which are stable microbes that grease up the digestive organs and help in smooth processing and Lassi is a sound and regular reply for stomach swelling. Lassi can be overwhelmed with the aid of salt or sugar and is excellent in retaining from getting warmness strokes which are stacked with Probiotics and being a probiotic drink helps in the improvement of correct microbes and maintains in the test the enhancement of terrible microorganisms in the gut. Overabundance water in the body reasons swelling and Lassi is a notable deal counseled as it consists of secure microscopic organisms that help ward off the horrible microbes and in preserving off stomach swells. After being wealthy in Probiotics, Lassi wipes out horrible dimensions of cholesterol in the body. The point of this article is a mission to structure and stir up the importance of the above said probiotic drink to define of one-of-a-kind worthwhile viewpoints and enable the movement of Lassi of emotional compounding subjective into a chart for an unmistakable instructive cause and consolation for everyday time table use.
Content may be subject to copyright.
1150| International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | July - Sep 2021 | Vol 13 | Issue 3
Review Article
Dietetic Benefits of Yogurt Based Beverage (Lassi)
Becoming Fact-Finding Probe in Research
1M.Pharm, Pharmacology, NSHM College Of Pharmaceutical Technology, NSHM Knowledge Campus, B.L.
Saha Rd., Kolkata - 700053, WB.
2Assistant Professor, Department Of Pharmacology, Bharat Technology, Uluberia, Howrah 711316, WB.
3Assistant Professor, Department Of Pharmacognosy, School Of Pharmacy, Techno India University, Salt
Lake Sec-V, Kolkata - 700091 , WB.
*Corresponding Author
Received: 21.02.21, Revised: 14.03.21, Accepted: 08.04.21
LASSI is a yogurt-based beverage that began from the Indian subcontinent. It is a wonderful gainful element and an
attribute beverage to hydrate and assemble physique digestion. Since Lassi is produced of yogurt or Dahi and it is
said to be very beneficial for our stomach associated framework and it is moderate on the belly and consists of
lactobacilli which are stable microbes that grease up the digestive organs and help in smooth processing and Lassi
is a sound and regular reply for stomach swelling. Lassi can be overwhelmed with the aid of salt or sugar and is
excellent in retaining from getting warmness strokes which are stacked with Probiotics and being a probiotic drink
helps in the improvement of correct microbes and maintains in the test the enhancement of terrible
microorganisms in the gut. Overabundance water in the body reasons swelling and Lassi is a notable deal
counseled as it consists of secure microscopic organisms that help ward off the horrible microbes and in
preserving off stomach swells. After being wealthy in Probiotics, Lassi wipes out horrible dimensions of cholesterol
in the body. The point of this article is a mission to structure and stir up the importance of the above said
probiotic drink to define of one-of-a-kind worthwhile viewpoints and enable the movement of Lassi of emotional
compounding subjective into a chart for an unmistakable instructive cause and consolation for everyday time table
Keywords: Probiotics, Probiotic Benefits, Lassi, Health Drink, Yogurt, Deficiency Diseases.
As mostly known Lassi is a Punjabi drink, which is
for the most part devoured after a meal. There's a
whole other world to Lassi than being simply one
more reviving summer drink as there are numerous
benefits of consuming dairy products or products
which are made from milk and especially Lassi
being one of the most beneficial drink. Expending
Lassi accompanies incredible nutritional benefits
uniquely for wellness and insusceptibility.
Nourishment under Lassi furnishes with
unbelievable advantages over health whenever
devoured at the required rate it shows the best of its
effects, yet ought to be avoiding overconsumption
which may cause otherwise. So it aids digestion as
Lassi is made by agitating yogurt which is very
useful for the assimilation of food or digestion.
Lassi is exceptionally light on the stomach and
contains great microbes that are important for
greasing up the digestive organs and help in
absorption. This is the reason Lassi is flushed after
dinner as it prevents stomach problems. This drink
is sound and a natural beverage that can forestall
stomach swelling and clog and warding off the
stomach issues by drinking a glass of it. It is
recommended in many places in India.
Safeguarding of milk by maturation is a seniority
procedure. Aged milk have accepted noticeable
position in eating routine, and they are delighted
wherever on the planet for their qualities
invigorating taste. Lassi can be portrayed as an
aged milk refreshment, got after the development
of chose lactic microscopic organisms in warmth
treated milk pursued by improving with sugar[1]. It
is a good source of Probiotics and Lassi impacts the
development of sound microbes and lessens the
development of awful microorganisms in the gut. It
contains Probiotics that gives assistance to lessen
the cholesterol level in the body with satisfaction to
the consumer by drinking a glass loaded with Lassi.
Consumers concern for healthy, natural, and low-
calorie foods that have generated more demand in
ISSN 0975-2366
Anupam Saha et al/ Dietetic Benefits of Yogurt Based Beverage (Lassi) Becoming Fact-Finding Probe in
1151| International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | July - Sep 2021 | Vol 13 | Issue 3
the market for fat-free or reduced-fat products. It is
devoured as a cold drink, invigorating helpful
beverage. It is also famous indigenous aged milk
refreshment which is normally arranged by
blending dahi and water in a consistent balance. It
is a ready-to-serve, matured dairy item gotten after
the development of chose culture, typically Lactic
streptococci, in warmth treated milk pursued by
separating the curd into fine particles by unsettling
improving with sugar and/or natural product added
substances. It has a smooth consistency, sweetish
rich fragrance, and a gentle to acidic flavor, which
makes the item refreshingly satisfactory. Milk acidic
flavor and sweetish taste of it, makes it a refreshing
soft drink. Lassi with low-fat content are often
looked upon together as one such option with profit
oriented viability [24].
2. Some Common Facts of LASSI
To prepare this drink Curd/Yogurt is mixed with Ice
and Water and along with that sweeteners or sugar,
salt to taste and a little amount of cumin (optional)
and blended properly as to make a uniform drink.
Fruits can be added for flavors and nutrients. (Plain
Lassi is better for heath Fig No. 1.) Numerous
sustenance things in the market accessible by
various organizations are main stream because of
their adequacy and usefulness viz. Natural
refreshments, Arjuna ghee, and yogurt. The
matured items are prescribed for utilization by
lactose narrow minded people and patients
experiencing atherosclerosis and it has been clearly
demonstrated that aged milk has one of a kind
significance in the eating routine of person[5]. It
can happen that Lassi is prepared by camel’s milk
to further enhancement of nutritional benefit. As in
Camel’s milk the vitamin C levels are quite 3 times
that of cow milk and one-and-a-half that of human
milk and it's also having low protein, low sugar and
high minerals like sodium, iron, potassium, zinc,
copper, selenium and magnesium[6]. Lassi with low
fat substance can be viewed as one such choice
with business practicality and also Low fat Lassi may
affect the rich taste and pleasant flavor of milk fat,
but addition of natural herbal flavor may suppress
this drawback[7]. As it is a good source of Vitamin
D, it may be used in the case of Rickets disease
which causes bones soft and weak. Not only
Vitamin D but also a good source of mineral such
as calcium, which can be very effective in people
suffering from Osteoporosis & osteoarthritis. Some
general facts are described in the following table no
Table 1. Different Charecteristics of Lassi
Types of Lassi
Health Benefits
Plain Lassi.
Mango Lassi.
Apple Lassi.
Chocolate Lassi.
Coconut Lassi.
Papaya Lassi.
Mint Lassi.
Walnut Lassi.
Ginger Lassi.
Berry Lassi.
Cucumber Lassi.
Cumin Lassi.
Water 96.2%
Fat 0.8%
Protein 1.29%,
Lactose 1.2%,
Lactic Acid 0.44%
Ash 0.4%,
Calcium 0.6%
Phosphorus 0.04%
Sweeteners (Honey; Mapl e
Sy rup; Molas ses; Sucrose;
Stevi a; High Fructose Corn
Sy rup, e tc) .
*For Plain Lassi, different
recipes may differ
Maintenance of Skin.
Great source of
Boost Immunity.
Helps in Weight
Makes Bone Stronger.
Regulates blood
Helps in Digestion.
Acid Level Check in
Prevents Bloating.
Regulates Body Heat.
Anupam Saha et al/ Dietetic Benefits of Yogurt Based Beverage (Lassi) Becoming Fact-Finding Probe in
1152| International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | July - Sep 2021 | Vol 13 | Issue 3
Fig.1:Plain Lassi
Being a probiotic drink, Lassi is rich source of
calcium that has a prime effect on bone health, and
thus drinking Lassi can help improvement of bones
being strong and healthy[10]. Dr. Rita Bakshi,
Senior Gynecologis t and Founder, International
Fertility Center expressed that adding Lassi to
every day diet can give incalculable advantages
and particularly main ingredient being curd
Lassi helps in dige stion as it contains
lactobacillus, which lubricates the digestive
tracts and smoothens the entire cycle of
processing and it is additionally a superb
wellspring of Probiotics which guarantees
appropriate prosperity of health. Lassi helps in
converting the food into energy and guarantees
high vitality levels because of the presence of
proteins, nutrients , minerals, calcium,
potassium, magnesium and different
compounds important for the body. It even
aides in diminishing body fat, particularly on
the stomach. It is an extraordinary wellspring of
lactic acid and Vitamin D, which helps in
boosting the immunity. This improves immune
system, the dige stion and in the long run helps
in weight loss[11].
3. Lassi as Dietetic Boons
At different stages of life, the constitution of the
human body changes and it needs unique eating
habits to undergo standard physiological
Numerous explores are experiencing,
like nutrient A stronghold was arranged utilizing
dairy based matured drinks or items like Lassi and
Dahi, as it is constantly acknowledged that dairy
items are great hotspots for fortress techniques not
just because of overall utilization by all gatherings
in danger of lack yet in addition on account of the
high dietary benefit, alongside included focal points
of cradle impact in assimilation and retention
process, and the constructive outcomes on
development, comprehension, and dreariness[13].
Symbiotic is characterized as "a blend of Probiotics
and Probiotics that positively influences the host by
improving the survival and implantation of live
microbial dietary enhancement in the GI Tract. The
symbiotic idea joins adequate probiotic strains with
explicit probiotic mixes in a solitary item. Keeping
these focuses in view, an undertaking to create
symbiotic Lassi with carrot juice which could be an
invigorating and revitalizing with wellbeing
advancing properties was done. Henceforth this
examination was taken up by (Sudheendra,
Madhavi, Gopikrishna, Rajiv, 2018) with the
accompanying destinations[14]. It can be estimated
that organic Lassi composed of nutrients and trace
elements could be a supplement to deferent
deficiency diseases. The term trace elements touch
on chemical elements present in a natural material
Anupam Saha et al/ Dietetic Benefits of Yogurt Based Beverage (Lassi) Becoming Fact-Finding Probe in
1153| International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | July - Sep 2021 | Vol 13 | Issue 3
at very limited amounts and these elements have
several important roles in human bodies, some are
essential for enzymes reactions where they attract
and facilitate conversion of substrate molecules to
specific end products[15]. The utilization of herbs in
blend with various sustenance has turned out to be
an ordinary practice to preserve the utilitarian just
as nourishing characteristics from the herb.
3.1. Fundamental Benefits of Lassi
The functionality of Lassi increases with the addition
of probiotic microorganisms and incorporation of
antioxidant rich fruit juice provides strong
antioxidant power endow with value addition to the
finished product[16]. It is accepted that
consumption of Probiotics contributes to the
improvement and maintenance of well-balanced
intestinal micro biota. Many evidences support the
use of these Probiotics in prevention and treating
diseases and health disorders such as high blood
pressure & serum cholesterol, lactose intolerance
moreover, numerous gastrointestinal issue (fractious
inside disorder, Crohn's ailment, peptic ulcers, anti-
infection related looseness of the bowels, and so
forth.) and Probiotics additionally have hostile to
cancer-causing impacts and improve the safe
system[17]. It has been reported that fermented
milk products can protect against certain sorts of
cancers and a few of epidemiological support is
additionally there. Consumption of butter milk,
yoghurt, Gouda cheese protects against breast
cancer carcinoma. Animal studies have shown that
lactic acid bacteria exert anti-carcinogenic effect
either by prevention of cancer initiation or by
suppression of initiated cancer. Anti-carcinogenic
effects of fermented milk and yoghurt with L.
acidophilus are reported in mice[18]. Lassi is
served on very large scale in cold drink bars and
restaurants during summer in almost every state.
Many times “Chhash” is also referred to as, "Lassi"
by technocrats in literature[19]. Fruits have been
traditionally added to dairy products for flavor
enhancement in heat-treated milk followed by
sweetening with sugar and / or fruit additives. It has
a creamy consistency, sweetish rich aroma, and a
mild to acidic flavor, which makes the product
refreshingly palatable[20]. The health benefits of
Lassi are the consequence of biologically active
components that are present in native milk. Due to
their suitably modulated activities produced through
the action of lactic acid bacteria, recognition of the
immense therapeutic and nutritional value are used
for the treatment for dysentery, diarrhea, chronic
specific and non-specific colitis, jaundice and
3.2. Lassi as Probiotics
They are defined as living microorganisms, which
when ingested in sufficient amounts, beneficially
influence the health of the host by improving the
composition of intestinal micro flora. Additionally to
improving gut health, probiotics may play a
beneficial role in several medical conditions,
including lactase deficiency, allergies, hepatic
disease, Helicobacter pylori infections, tract
infections, hyperlipidemia, assimilation of
cholesterol and cancer. Probiotics are defined as
viable microorganisms which can be consumed
separately or with foods, which assist dietary and
microbial balance by regulating them systemically
with immunity and beneficially affecting the
consumer’ body[21]. A good probiotic strain should
confer benecial property like protection against
pathogens, immune stimulation, improve
metabolism, be non-pathogenic, immune to low pH
and acids, thereby persisting within the intestine,
and ready to adhere to the gut epithelium[22].
Probiotics can kill or inhibit pathogens by strain-
specic mechanisms rely on molecule secretion,
and/or immune induction. Most of the described
interactions imply a prokaryotic pathogen that
colonizes an equivalent gut compartment. Recently,
several studies have investigated whether Probiotics
could control the proliferation of eukaryotic
pathogens, either within the gut because the
probiotic, or during a dierent compartment[23].
3.3. As Yogurt Based Beverage
Yogurt/Curd is a semisolid sourish sustenance
arranged from matured milk, which can be eaten
plain or with expansion of
salt/pepper/sugar/natural products. Its starting
point is connected to India, where it is devoured
consistently. The word ‘da-hi’ is by all accounts
gotten from the Sanskrit word dadhi, one of the five
elixirs (panchamrita) frequently utilized in Hindu
ceremonies. Curd (Indian Dahi) is famous because
of its positive effect on wellbeing and high healthy
benefit. It has been assigned as practical
sustenance, which helps normal just as obtained
resistance and improves stamina. Curd/Yogurt
shapes the most extravagant wellspring of
"Probiotics". Probiotics contain living
microorganisms (great microbes), which upon
ingestion apply medical advantages past inborn
general nutrition[24]. Yogurt has been an
indispensable piece of ordinary eating routine for
quite a long time, ascending as the second most
Anupam Saha et al/ Dietetic Benefits of Yogurt Based Beverage (Lassi) Becoming Fact-Finding Probe in
1154| International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | July - Sep 2021 | Vol 13 | Issue 3
famous nibble among youngsters on the planet.
Textural properties of yogurt, for example,
consistency, smoothness and thickness, and basic
protection from stress, are essential credits to
decide its customer acknowledgment, and these
characteristics these days are went with certain
wellbeing benefits[25] and it is utilized to plan Lassi
alongside old water sugar or sweeting specialists
and some salt. Anyway there are assortments of
flavors which can be set up with various leafy foods
explicit veggies like carrot, cucumber, beetroot, and
so forth. Stop drying innovation deals with
maintenance of cancer prevention agents from
natural product parts and fortifying lactic corrosive
microscopic organisms from the matured dairy item
and makes this item reasonable for utilization in
high elevation districts and desert zones where
officers are deployed[26]. Curd could also be
became raita by mixing it with grated cucumber,
little onion, diced boiled potato, fried bits of gram
flour batter, or pulsed based vadas[27]. Lassi serves
great role in breast feeding women. Breastfeeding
ladies are at a high hazard for not getting enough
of the supplements they need, yet by eating the
correct sustenance can take in the fundamental
supplements to help keep tyke solid. More protein
and calcium are required than ladies that are not
breastfeeding a result of are imparting supplements
to your infant through the breast milk.
Breastfeeding females of age 18 and more youthful
are as yet building up their very own bone structure
notwithstanding giving supplements in their bosom
milk, so it is particularly vital to get enough calcium
if are under 18. While breastfeeding, it requires an
extra 500 calories for each dayyogurt can go
about as an additional wellspring of calories while
giving key supplements required by mother and the
Probiotic is great for health and isn’t any doubt
about that. There are enough evidence and
publication to prove the wonders of using
probiotics, and it should be incorporated into daily
regime. Lassi being a probiotic drink serve
immense benefits to health. It is largely consumed
in northern parts of India but to its benefits it should
be made popular all over the globe. This article
provides insights on this particular drink and how
simple it is to make and above all its fundamental
benefits. There are different recipes to make
different flavored Lassi and to enjoy its delicious
taste and nutritional property. Not only is it simple
to make but also delicious to drink. It is our
attempt to spread awareness about this healthy
drink which can be used to treat deficiency of
Vitamin D, Calcium diseases. Above all, Lassi aids
in digestion. The probiotic drink enriched with
Lactobacillus improves the digestive system. It aids
in many ways such as maintenance of skin with
anti-ageing property, boosting immunity, weight
management, makes bone stronger, regulation of
blood pressure, helps in digestion and prevents
bloating, stomach acid level management and
regulates body heat. In summer it’s a fantastic drink
to keep the body temperature cool. As it states this
simple yogurt based drink filled with goodness is
very essential for healthy wellbeing.
Based on the above facts it is clear about the
importance of dairy product in diet and the
nutritional value of Lassi. The health benefits are
rewarding which gives an extra boost to use this
food item on daily basis keeping in check the over
consumption. Also, that is one reason it is for the
most part smashed amid the mid-year as Lassi is
wealthy in electrolytes, which can undoubtedly
battle parchedness in the body. Drinking Lassi
improves skin surface and make singular look
progressively young and it washes down the flavors
of the sustenance and quiets an excited stomach
lining. Lassi contains potassium and riboflavin that
expel overabundance poisons from your body and
lift the resistant framework and in this way bringing
down pulse additionally keeps bones solid and
Authors would like to thank Mrs. Rina Saha, mother
of Anupam Saha for this review idea.
Credit Authorship Contribution
Anupam Saha
Literature Review & Investigation, Software, Data
Curator, Visualization, Writing Original Draft
Preparation & corresponding author. Moulima
Das: Table preparation, Writing Reviewing and
Editing, Reformatting. Arijit Das: Software work and
other essentials. Suprodip Mandal: Visualization,
Correction, Instructions and Supervisor.
Conflict of Interest
Authors do not claim any conflict of interest.
Anupam Saha et al/ Dietetic Benefits of Yogurt Based Beverage (Lassi) Becoming Fact-Finding Probe in
1155| International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | July - Sep 2021 | Vol 13 | Issue 3
Source of Funding
Authors declare that there is no such funding
related to this article.
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Walnuts are consumed worldwide as healthy food and are rich in functional components. There are several species of walnuts including Japanese native walnuts. It is well known that native walnuts contain more phytochemicals than cultivated ones. Therefore, the composition of the beneficial components found in native walnuts is of scientific interest. This review aimed to summarize the recent findings and potential uses of native walnuts, including their (1) use as food, (2) functional components (general composition, fatty acids, peptides, phytosterols, tocopherols, polyphenols, and other components), and (3) health-related prospects. Through this review, unexpectedly, we found that even though many are interested in the health benefits of Japanese native walnuts, which have functional components much differ to cultivated species, there is limited information on their contents. This review suggests a need to clarify the detailed amounts of these components.
Microspheres have free-flowing powder characteristics consisting of synthetic polymers and proteins with a particle size of 1-1000 μm. Microsphere improves bioavailability, stability and targets the drug to a selected site at a predetermined rate. Sorts of microspheres are bioadhesive, floating, radioactive, polymeric, and biodegradable microspheres. Therefore, the array of practices for the groundwork of microspheres offers a chance to regulate drug administration properties and develop the therapeutic efficacy of a given drug. The microsphere is spherical microparticles & is employed where predictable & consistent particle area is vital. The microspheres have the drug located centrally within the particle encased within the unique polymeric membrane. The present review highlights various sorts of microspheres, different methods of preparation, their applications, and various parameters to gauge their efficiency. Microspheres have received much attention not just for prolonged release but also for targeted medicine. A systematic review of one of the most promising drug delivery systems should be easier to read than the medical research articles, as they target a wider audience. The systematic reviews of the microparticles conclude that spherical microspheres & are accustomed to delivering the drug at the target site with specificity if modified and take care of the specified concentration at the location of interest without the untoward effects presented during a consistent therapy to help research and retrieval of health.
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Probiotics are live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host, mainly through the process of replacing or including beneficial bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. Fermented dairy foods such as yogurt, fermented milk and cheese are the major vehicle in delivering probiotics, and probiotic delivery have been traditionally associated with these fermented dairy foods. Additionally, many other non-dairy probiotic products and non-food form such as capsules, pills and tablets are also available and some of these non-food forms are highly popular among the consumers. Certain non-dairy probiotic foods, especially beverages that are non-fermented products, can also play an important role in probiotic delivery. There is an increasing demand for non-dairy probiotic foods (both fermented and non-fermented) including fruit and vegetable juices, soy and certain cereal products due to vegetarianism, lactose intolerance and dairy allergies, as well as interest in low cholesterol foods. In this context, this review mainly focus on the different types of probiotic food products including beverages with special reference to their viability followed by a brief account on the applicability of using fermented and non-fermented beverage products in probiotic delivery.
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Micronutrient deficiency diseases is one of the common and widespread problem which requires immediate attention. Amongst various deficiency issues, vitamin A deficiency as occupied a prominent role not only in rural population but amongst urban population as well. The reasons can be attributed to either changing lifestyle or ignorance towards health. Therefore, the remedial action should be such which requires minimum efforts to combat the same. Dairy products only provide about 6-9% of total vitamin A intake in Indian diet without any fortification. Hence, fortification of such kind of milk and milk based products with vitamin A will improve the nutritional status of such foods as functional foods. Considering the same, mango and beetroot powder were used for fortification and different ratios were assessed for overall acceptability.
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Trace elements are naturally occurring inorganic substance required in humans in amounts <100 mg/day. They are essential components of biological structures and have an important effect on and play a key role in a variety of the processes necessary for life throughout mediate vital biochemical reactions. Excessive levels, a level higher than needed for biological functions, of these elements can be toxic for the body health. Therefore, it has been found that the imbalances in the optimum levels of trace elements may adversely affect biological processes and are associated with many fatal diseases, such as cancers. Recently, efforts have been focused to attempt to advance understand of the relationship between heavy metal, trace elements, and their role in cancers. Many studies indicated the remarkable of specific elements that may be of value and may have prognostic significance in the early diagnosis, prognosis, and therapy evaluation of some diseases, especially various types of cancer.
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Background: Curd is an important fermented food which is generally consumed by the community people in large scale and becomes a functional upon incorporating probiotics-live microorganisms due to a great variety of positive health effects. Methods: were inoculated to pasteurized Amul Milk separately to produce curd. Different physiochemical and antimicrobial characteristic of curd against some pathogen were analyzed to assay the quality of curd. Results: The results of the study revealed that the moisture content of the curd samples ranged between 86.36%-88.71% and the pH values of the samples ranged between 3.96-5.43, which were reasonably suitable for curd processing industries in tropical countries. Titratable acidity (0.81-1.71), protein (range 1.4g-9.6g) and fat (2.2g-6.8 g) content also varied with respect to different lactic acid bacterial strains. All seven lactic acid bacteria (LAB) strains showed their antagonistic activity (zone of inhibition 5-10 mm) against four enteropathogenic bacterial strains (Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, Klebsiella pneumonia ATCC 15380, Streptococcus mutans ATCC 25175, Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633). L ingluviei ADK10 and L. rhamnosus strains showed wide inhibitory spectrum against all the tested strains. Conclusions: It can be conclude that the physiochemical parameters were varies according to their starter culture with antimicrobial activity against some entero-pathogens and has been fruitful starter culture for the preparation of curd having better health promoting effects.
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The present study reports the preparation of fruit fortified probiotic buttermilk (lassi) using Lactobacillus rhamnosus. Probiotic lassi was prepared by supplementing commercial lassi (Verka, India) with probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus (5%). Probiotic lassi samples were fortified with antioxidant rich fruit juice (10% v/v) of Rubus ellipticus, Prunus domestica, Prunus armeniaca and Syzygium cumini. The probiotic lassi samples were prepared using free, alginate (2%) and carrageenan (2%) encapsulated probiotic culture. The microencapsulated beads were characterized by FTIR technique wherein the intensity of peak increased when bacterial cells were entrapped within the matrix. The acidity of lassi samples increased (0.56 ± 0.02-0.84 ± 0.02%) and pH decreased (3.92 ± 0.05-2.40 ± 0.05) continuously during 15 days of storage. Probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus count decreased during storage, however, alginate microencapsulated culture was more stable as compared with carrageenan encapsulated and free culture. Apricot and raspberries fortified lassi prepared using alginate encapsulated probiotic culture retained recommended probiotic values of 6.42±0.03 and 6.55±0.03 log CFU/ml respectively up to 5 days of storage. The antioxidant power of fruits fortified probiotic lassi samples decreased successively during storage. In DPPH radical scavenging and NORS assay the percentage scavenging decreased from 64.22±0.86 to 38.93±1.59 and from 65.60±1.62 to 39.29±3.29 respectively. In FRAP assay the optical density decreased from 0.657±0.02 to 0.423±0.01 during storage up to 15 days.
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19 Streptococcus thermophilus with high exopolysaccharide production were isolated from traditional Chinese fermented dairy products. The exopolysaccharide and viscosity of milk fermented by these 19 isolates were assayed. The strains of Streptococcus thermophilus zlw TM11 were selected because its fermented milk had the highest exopolysaccharide content (380 mg/L) and viscosity (7716 mpa/s). Then Streptococcus thermophilus zlw TM11 was combined with Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus 3 4.5 and the combination was named SH-1. The quality of the yogurt fermented by SH-1 and two commercial starter cultures (YO-MIX 465, YF-L711) were compared. It was shown that the exopolysaccharide content of yogurt fermented by SH-1 was similar to that of yogurt fermented by YF-L711 and significantly higher than YO-MIX 465 ( p < 0.05 ). In addition, the yogurt fermented by SH-1 had the lowest syneresis (8.5%) and better texture and sensory than the samples fermented by YO-MIX 465 and YF-L711. It manifested that the selected higher exopolysaccharide production starter SH-1 could be used as yogurt starter and reduce the amount of adding stabilizer, which can compare with the imported commercial starter culture.
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Abstract Traditional foods and dietary habits in India have been coming down from ancient vedic times. The Ayurveda contains wealth of knowledge on health sciences. Accordingly traditional foods and their dietary guidelines are prescribed in Ayurveda. There is so much similarity in ayurvedic dietetics and traditional foods that many of the traditional health foods in India can be called as ayurvedic foods. This review articles introduces the concepts of ayurvedic health foods in India and describes several traditional heath foods across various regions of India. Recommended dietary guidelines accordingly to age and health condition of consumer, and seasonal considerations are presented for each of the traditional health foods of India. In the era of globalization of population and international food trading, health conscious citizens around the globe will benefit from the wealth of knowledge on traditional Indian and ayurvedic health foods of Indian origin.
The study evaluates the effect of two different packaging materials on storage stabililty of and instant fruit-dairy functional beverage mix. Freeze dried Pineapple lassi (PL) powder was packaged in Aluminium Laminated Polyethylene (ALP) and Metallised Polyester (MP). Quality changes at elevated temperature conditions (38±1°C, 33 % relative humidity) were evaluated. Shelf life was calculated to be 44 and 62 days in MP and ALP pouches, respectively. Moisture, water activity, Vitamin C, Lactococci, TBA, colour change and Browning Index were studied in both packaging materials. ALP was found to be better than MP as samples kept in ALP preserved most of the antioxidant properties. The kinetics of Vitamin C degradation was of first order (K=-0.017 , R2= 0.99). Moisture content increased and l actococci count decreased during storage
The objective of the study was to formulate and study sensory acceptability and probiotic cell count of fresh and stored lassi prepared using probiotic cells immobilized on two selected dry fruits. Free cells of the probiotic microorganism and cells immobilized in alginate beads were used for control lassi preparation. The organism used was L. Paracasei and the dry fruits selected for immobilization were figs and dates. Sensory evaluation (using modified Hedonic score card) of the fresh and stored products was carried out and L. paracasei count (on RCABV Agar) was also enumerated. Results indicated that for all storage days (0d, 7d, 15d & 21d) fig lassi followed by date-lassi obtained scores higher than 8. But as the number of days of storage increased acceptability showed a decrease in dates whereas in the case of free cells and alginate beads the product showed an increase in acceptability. For microbial analysis date-lassi showed higher L. paracasei count (above 9 log cfu/gm) in the fresh product and during the storage period. All the stored products showed a count above 7 log cfu/gm upto 21 days of storage. The study concludes that dry fruit-immobilized lassi is highly acceptable and may be stored upto a period of 21 days without a decrease in probiotic count.