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Neuromonitoring in the intensive care unit. I. Intracranial pressure and cerebral blood flow monitoring

  • University of Toronto and University Health Network, Canada

Abstract and Figures

Monitoring the injured brain is an integral part of the management of severely brain injured patients in intensive care. Brain-specific monitoring techniques enable focused assessment of secondary insults to the brain and may help the intensivist in making appropriate interventions guided by the various monitoring techniques, thereby reducing secondary brain damage following acute brain injury. This review explores methods of monitoring the injured brain in an intensive care unit, including measurement of intracranial pressure and analysis of its waveform, and techniques of cerebral blood flow assessment, including transcranial Doppler ultrasonography, laser Doppler and thermal diffusion flowmetry. Various modalities are available to monitor the intracranial pressure and assess cerebral blood flow in the injured brain in intensive care unit. Knowledge of advantages and limitations of the different techniques can improve outcome of patients with acute brain injury.
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Intensive Care Med (2007) 33:1263–1271
DOI 10.1007/s00134-007-0678-z
Anuj Bhatia
Arun Kumar Gupta
Neuromonitoring in the intensive care unit.
I. Intracranial pressure and cerebral b lood flow
Received: 18 March 2007
Accepted: 22 March 2007
Published online: 24 May 2007
© Springer-Verlag 2007
Part II of this article is available at: http://
Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Department of
Hills Road, CB2 2QQ Cambridge, UK
Tel.: +44-1223-217434
Fax: +44-1223-217223
A. K. Gupta
Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Neuroscience
Critical Care Unit,
Hills Road, CB2 2QQ Cambridge, UK
Abstract Background: Monitor-
ing the injured brain is an integral
part of the management of severely
brain injured patients in intensive
care. Brain-specific monitoring tech-
niques enable focused assessment of
secondary insults to the brain and
may help the intensivist in making
appropriate interventions guided by
the various monitoring techniques,
thereby reducing secondary brain
damage following acute brain injury.
Discussion: This review explores
methods of monitoring the injured
brain in an intensive care unit, in-
cluding measurement of intracranial
pressure and analysis of its wave-
form, and techniques of cerebral
blood flow assessment, including
transcranial Doppler ultrasonography,
laser Doppler and thermal diffusion
flowmetry. Conclusions: Various
modalities are available to monitor
the intracranial pressure and assess
cerebral b lood flow in the injured
brain in intensive care unit. Knowl-
edge of advantages and limitations of
the different techniques can improve
outcome of patients with acute brain
Keywords Traumatic brain injury ·
Intracranial pressure · Ultra-
sonography, Doppler, transcranial ·
Flowmetry, laser Doppler · Thermal
diffusion flowmetry
Abbreviations ABP: arterial blood
pressure · AMP: amplitude of
fundamental component of ICP
waveform · CBF: cerebral blood
flow · CBV: cerebral blood volume ·
: carbon dioxide · CPP:
cerebral p erfusion pressure · CSF:
cerebrospinal fluid · CT:
computerised tomography · DID:
delayed ischaemic neurological
deficit · EDP: effective downstream
pressure · FV: flow velocity · HDI:
haemodynamic impairment · ICP:
intracranial pressure · ICU: intensive
care unit · LDF: laser Doppler
flowmetry · MAP: mean arterial
pressure · MCA: middle cerebral
artery · MRI: magnetic resonance
imaging · nCPP: non-invasively
determined cerebral perfusion
pressure · nICP: non-invasive ICP
measurement · PET: positron
emission tomography · PI: pulsatility
index · PRx: pressure reactivity
index · RI: resistance index · RAP:
correlation of amplitude and pressure
of ICP waveform · SAH:
subarachnoid h aemorrhage · TBI:
traumatic brain injury · TCD:
transcranial Doppler · TD: thermal
diffusion · THRT: transient
hyperaemic response test · US:
ultrasound · ZFP: zero flow pressure
Whilst there is little that neurointensive care can offer
to prevent the brain damage sustained from the primary
insult, the use of appropriate protocol-driven management
can, however, minimise the effects of secondary insults
on outcome [1]. Monitoring the injured brain is an in-
tegral part of the management of severely brain injured
patients in intensive care and can be classified into general
(systemic) and brain-specific methods. Although general
systemic monitoring (e.g. invasive arterial blood pressure,
end-tidal carbon dioxide, oxygen saturation of blood) is
of vital importance in detecting gross global changes in
physiology, brain-specific monitoring techniques enable
more focused assessment of secondary insults to the
brain and may help the intensivist in making appropriate
interventions guided by the various monitoring techniques.
An important adjunct to these techniques is the use
of a variety of imaging modalities, which, as a result of
significant advances over the last two decades, allow us to
assess the brain with respect to structural abnormalities,
blood flow and metabolism. The advantage of these
techniques [computerised tomography (CT), magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI), xenon-CT, positron emission
tomography, single photon emission computerised emis-
sion tomography, magnetic resonance spectroscopy] is that
they allow us to assess the interindividual heterogeneity
by providing detailed information of different regions of
the brain. However this information is not continuous and
at present cannot be obtained at the bedside.
This review focuses on brain-specific monitoring and
will include aspects of intracranial pressure measurement
and its interpretation, and methods to monitor cerebral
blood flow.
Intracranial pressure monitoring
Intracranial pressure (ICP) is the pressure within the cra-
nial vault relative to the ambient atmospheric pressure and
is now regarded as a core monitoring parameter in the in-
tensive care management of p atients with acute brain in-
jury. The ICP increases when compensatory mechanisms
which control ICP, such as changes in cerebrospinal fluid
(CSF) dynamics, cerebral blood flow (CBF) and cerebral
blood volume (CBV), are exhausted.
Whilst routine ICP monitoring is widely accepted as
a mandatory monitoring technique for management of
patients with severe head injury and is a guideline sug-
gested by the European Brain Injury Consortium [2], there
is some debate over its efficacy in improving outcome
from severe traumatic brain injury. A survey of Canadian
neurosurgeons revealed that only 20.4% of the respondents
had a high level of confidence in ICP monitoring [3], and
a survey of neurointensive care units in the UK showing
that only 75% of centres monitor ICP may reflect some
of the drawbacks of ICP monitoring [4]. A recently
published trial in survivors beyond 24 h following severe
brain injury that compared ICP-targeted intensive care
with management based on clinical observations and
CT findings reported no improvement in outcome with
ICP monitoring [5]. However, a review of neurocritical
care and outcome from traumatic brain injury (TBI) sug-
gested that ICP-/cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP)-guided
therapy may benefit patients with severe head injury,
including those presenting with raised ICP in the absence
of a mass lesion and also patients requiring complex
interventions [1].
Measurement of ICP
ICP can be measured at different sites in the brain–intra-
ventricular and intraparenchymal measurements are more
common, while extradural and subdural sensors are used
occasionally. Intraventricular catheters are still thought
of as the “gold standard” [6] as they allow direct meas-
urement by insertion of a catheter into one of the lateral
ventricles, which is connected to an external pressure
transducer [7]. The advantages of these systems are that
the clinician can check for zero drift and sensitivity of
the measurement system in vivo. Access to the ventric-
ular system also allows CSF drainage if the ICP rises.
However, this interferes with ICP monitoring, and only
one currently available catheter allows concomitant CSF
drainage and ICP monitoring (Rehau, Switzerland). The
drawbacks of such catheters include difficulty or failure
of insertion in patients with advanced brain swelling, as
the ventricles can be narrowed or effaced. An increase
in risk of infection after a period of time is another
potential problem, with reported rates of up to 10% [8]
with modern ventricular micro-transducers even though
these have excellent metrological properties [9]. There
are now commercially available ventricular catheters
with antibiotic-coated tips [Codman Bactiseal
ventricular drain catheter] that may reduce infection rates
but more studies are required before their use in clinical
practice can be supported.
The intraparenchymal systems may be inserted through
a support bolt or tunnelled subcutaneously from a bu rr
hole. These have a micro-miniature strain gauge pressure
sensor side-mounted at the tip (Codman) or a fibre-optic
catheter (Camino, Innerspace). Change of pressure results
in a change of resistance in the former and an alteration in
reflection of the light beam in the latter. Intraparenchymal
probes are a good alternative to ventricular catheters and
have a low infection rate [10], but in one study a signifi-
cant increase in colonisation at 5 days after insertion was
reported [11]. The main problem with these catheters is
a small drift of the zero line. Neither of these systems
allows pressure calibration to be performed in vivo.
After these systems are zeroed relative to a tmospheric
pressure during a pre-insertion calibration, their output
is dependent on the zero drift of the sensor. Technical
complications such as kinking of the cable and dislocation
of the sensor have also been reported [12]. It should be
remembered that these sensors reflect a local pressure
value that may be misleading, as the ICP is not uniform
within the skull, e.g. supratentorial measurements may
not reflect infratentorial pressure. However, this is also
a problem with intraventricular catheters.
Subdural catheters are easily inserted following cran-
iotomy but measurements are unreliable because when
ICP is e levated, they are likely to underestimate the true
ICP. These are also liable to blockage. Extradural probes
have the advantage of avoiding penetration of the dura
but are even more unreliable as the relationship between
ICP and pressure in the extradural space is unclear. The
Gaeltec ICP/B solid-state miniature ICP transducers are
designed for use in the epidural space and are reusable,
and the zero reference can be checked in vivo. However,
measurement artefacts and decay in measurement quality
with repeated use have limited the acceptance of this
technology [13]. Despite these drawbacks, the subdural
and epidural catheters are associated with a lower risk
of infection, epilepsy and haemorrhage than ventricular
catheters [14, 15].
The Spiegelberg ICP monitoring system is a fluid-
filled catheter-transducer system that measures ICP using
a catheter that has an air-pouch balloon situated at the
tip. This device zeroes automatically in vivo and has
shown lower zero drift than standard catheter-tip ICP de-
vices [16]. This system can be used in epidural, subdural,
intraparenchymal and intraventricular sites. Despite its
obvious advantages, this system is still not used widely
and requires further evaluation.
ICP monitoring has several important applications,
some of which are discussed below:
Determination of CPP
Management of acute brain injury is largely CPP directed.
ICP is an important determinant of CPP [CPP = mean arte-
rial pressure (MAP)–ICP], which in turn affects CBF and
CBV. The optimal level of CPP is still under some debate,
with earlier studies recommending CPP > 70 mmHg [16]
although many other centres maintain CPP between 60
and 70 mmHg and one centre permits CPP as low as
50 mmHg [17].
ICP correlation with outcome
Experience from various centres with expertise in ICP
monitoring and research into TBI confirms that mean ICP
correlates with outcome with a threshold in the region of
25 mmHg. However no prospective study has been un-
dertaken (and is unlikely) to prove this and Brain Trauma
Foundation guidelines recommend ICP treatment should
be initiated at an upper threshold of 20–25 mmHg [18].
Waveform analysis
Analysis of ICP waveforms can be used to obtain infor-
mation about brain compliance. A computer program to
correlate mean ICP and AMP has been developed [19].
The ICP waveform consists of three components, which
overlap in the time domain but can be separated in the
frequency domain. The pulse waveform has several
harmonic components; the fundamental component has
a frequency equal to the heart rate. The amplitude of this
component (AMP) is very useful for the evaluation of
various indices. The linear correlation coefficient RAP
(R = symbol of correlation, A = amplitude, P = p ressure)
describes the relationship between pulse amplitude of
ICP and mean ICP value over short p eriods of time
(1–3 min). When RAP is positive, changes in AMP are in
the same direction as changes in mean ICP. When RAP
is negative, the change in AMP is reciprocal to those in
mean ICP value. Lack of synchronisation between fast
changes in amplitude and mean ICP is depicted by a RAP
of 0. A potential application of this model is to predict
outcome after severe head injury. This is possible because
of the nature of relationship between mean ICP and
AMP—as the ICP increases, the linear correlation with
AMP b ecomes distorted by an upper breakpoint which is
associated with a decrease in RAP coefficient from +1 to
negative values. A similar relationship between AMP and
ICP is seen in patients with severe brain injury. A plot o f
RAP against ICP shows similar results—RAP is positively
correlated to ICP in patients with good outcomes, whereas
the correlation decreases above ICP values of 20 mmHg
and becomes negative above 50 mmHg in patients who die
(Fig. 1) [20]. In the latter group of patients, the decrease
in RAP from +1 to 0 or negative precedes the final d e-
crease in ICP pulse amplitude and is a sign of impending
brainstem herniation.
Cerebrovascular pressure reactivity and derived indices
Cerebrovascular pressure reactivity, which is the change
in basal tone of smooth muscle in cerebral arterial walls
in response to changes in transmural p ressure, can be es-
timated from the ICP waveform by deriving the pressure
reactivity index (PRx). PRx has been used to determine
time responses to intracranial hypertension or changes in
mean arterial blood pressure in brain-injured patients [21].
PRx is calculated as a linear correlation coefficient be-
tween averaged arterial blood pressure and ICP from a time
window of 3–4 min. Good cerebrovascular reactivity is
associated with negative PRx and a poor reactivity with
a positive PRx value (Fig. 2). The PRx may be analysed as
Fig. 1 Pulse amplitude of intracranial pressure (ICP)
(AMP, fundamental harmonic component) increases
with mean ICP until critical threshold is reached,
above which it starts to decrease. The correlation
coefficient between AMP and ICP (RAP) marks this
threshold by decreasing from positive to negative
values [20]
Fig. 2 PRx index, calculated as linear correlation coefficient between averaged ABP and ICP. Good cerebrovascular reactivity is associated
with negative PRx (a) and poor reactivity with positive PRx (b) [21]
a time-dependent variable, responding to dynamic events
such as ICP plateau waves or incidents of arterial hypo-
and hypertension. The validity of PRx for monitoring and
quantifying cerebral vasomotor reactiv ity has been stud-
ied in patients with brain injury. A close link was found
between cerebral blood flow and intracranial pressure in
head-injured patients. This suggested that increases in arte-
rial blood pressure and cerebral p erfusion pressure may be
useful for reducing intracranial pressure in selected brain-
injured patients, i.e. those with intact cerebral vasomotor
reactivity [22].
There are drawbacks of monitoring ICP. It requires an
invasive procedure and personnel to monitor as well as to
react to changes. ICP monitoring is frequently performed
by non-neurointensivists. A survey of intensive care units
(ICU) in non-neurosurgical centres in the UK revealed that
though more than half of all such ICUs were admitting pa-
tients with severe TBI, only 9% used ICP monitoring as
a routine [23]. This has significant implications, especially
as there is a lack of class I evidence about the efficacy of
ICP monitoring in reducing morbidity and mortality.
It is possible that uptake of ICP monitoring may
increase if a non-invasive technique can be used. There
is currently keen interest in development of non-invasive
methods of ICP monitoring which include the use of
transcranial Doppler ultrasonography [24]. An example of
this is a procedure for continuously simulated ICP derived
from simultaneously recorded curves of ABP and flow
velocity (FV) in the middle cerebral artery (MCA) that has
been validated in patients with TBI [25]. This approach in-
volves a dynamic systems analysis technique and enables
modelling of physiological systems in which the inner
structure is too complex to b e d escribed mathematically.
The validity of this model was confirmed during infusion
studies in patients with hydrocephalus [26]. Use of such
non-invasive ICP (nICP) measurement techniques may
make ICP monitoring accessible to a wider range of ICUs.
Assessment of blood flow
Transcranial Doppler ultrasonography
Transcranial Doppler ultrasonography (TCD) is an ex-
tremely useful method for non-invasively monitoring
cerebral haemodynamics, by measuring red cell FV in real
time u sing the Doppler shift principle. Ultrasound (US)
waves are generated using a 2-MHz pulsed Doppler instru-
ment. In order to penetrate the skull, the same transducer
is used both for transmitting and receiving wave energy at
regular intervals. The moving blood acts as a reflector, first
receiving the transmitted wave from the transducer and
then reflecting it back. FV is calculated using the formula
for Doppler shift. Changes in FV correlate with changes
in CBF only if the angle of insonation and the diameter
of the insonated vessel remain constant [27]. Data are
generally derived from the MCA as it is easy to insonate,
carries a large proportion o f supratentorial blood and its
location allows easy fixation of the probe (to keep the
angle of insonation constant) for prolonged monitoring.
The transtemporal window through the thin bone above
the zygomatic arch is commonly used to insonate the
proximal segment (M1) of the MCA. In each patient, the
same insonation window should be used throughout the
entire study period.
As the volume of blood flowing through a vessel de-
pends on the velocity of the moving cells and the diameter
of the vessel concerned, then for a given blood flow, the
velocity will increase with decreases in vessel diameter.
Figure 3 shows a diagrammatic representation of a typi-
cal TCD waveform from the MCA. Mean FV (FV
the weighted mean velocity that takes into account the dif-
ferent velocities of the formed elements in the blood ves-
sel insonated and is normally around 55 ± 12 cm s
represents the most physiological correlate with the actual
CBF. The time-mean FV refers to the mean value of FV
and is determined from the area under the spectral curve.
The shape of the envelope (maximal shift) of the
Doppler spectrum from peak systolic flow to end-
diastolic flow with each cardiac cycle is known as the
waveform pulsatility. The FV waveform is determined
by the ABP waveform, the viscoelastic properties of
the cerebral vascular bed and blood rheology. In the
absence of vessel stenosis or vasospasm, changes in
ABP or blood rheology, the pulsatility reflects distal
cerebrova scular resistance. This resistance is usually
quantified by the pulsatility index (PI or Gosling index):
PI = (FV
. Normal PI ranges
from 0.6 to 1.1 with no significant side-to-side or cerebral
interarterial differences and shows better correlation with
Fig. 3 Method of determining systolic (V
), diastolic (V
av eraged mean flow velocity (V
) from the spectral outline. FV
is flow velocity and PI is pulsatility index [PI =(V
(Reproduced with permission from Greenwich Medical Media. In:
Gupta AK, Summors A, Notes in Neuroanaesthesia and Critical
Care, 2001)
CPP than ICP. Another index that can be used to quantify
vessel resistance is the resistance index (RI or Pourcelot
index): RI = (FV
Applications of TCD
There are many advantages of using TCD. It is non-
invasive, relatively inexpensive and provides real-time
information with high temporal resolution. Some of the
clinical applications of TCD include the following:
Assessment of cerebral autoregulation and vasoreactivity
TCD is used in assessment o f cerebral autoregulation
and vasoreactivity to carbon dioxide (CO
these mechanisms in patients with brain injury may
indicate a poor prognosis. Autoregulation can be tested by
response of the TCD trace to vasopressor infusion (static
autoregulation) or thigh tourniquet deflation (dynamic
autoregulation). Autoregulation may also be tested at
the bedside using the transient hyperaemic response test
(THRT) [28], which assesses the hyperaemic response
in the TCD waveform following 5–9 s of digital carotid
artery compression. Lam et al. found that following an
aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage, patients with
an initial impairment of the response to THRT were
more likely to develop delayed ischaemic neurological
deficits (DIDs) than patients with a normal response [29].
In a study using induced oscillations in the ABP (by
controlling ventilation) and calculating the phase shifts
between FV (measured using TCD) and ABP, cerebral
autoregulation was found to be impaired preceding the
onset of clinical vasospasm [30].
Detection of vasospasm following subarachnoid
TCD is often used in the clinical setting to determine
presence of vasospasm. The primary effect of a decrease
in vessel lumen diameter is an increase in flow resistance,
and this results in an increase in FV. An MCA FV
above 120 cm s
is regarded as being significant [31] and
may indicate either hyperaemia or vasospasm. Although
it is generally regarded that vasospasm is likely if the
ratio of MCA FV to extracranial ICA FV (Lindegaard
ratio) is greater than 3 [32] and hyperaemia is present
if MCA FV > 120 cm s
with a Lindegaard ratio less
than 3, the distinction is not well defined, especially
when commonly used TCD indices for diagnosis of
vasospasm are compared with cerebral perfusion findings
using PET. PET scans of patients following subarach-
noid haemorrhage (SAH) who developed DIDs showed
a wide range of cerebral perfusion disturbances, with
TCD indices failing to indicate these changes [33]. Thus
detection of vasospasm on TCD may not be associated
with delayed cerebral ischaemia and vice versa. Care
must therefore be taken when interpreting TCD data, and
these should be matched with clinical findings, and other
investigations such as xenon-CT flow measurements may
help to improve prediction o f vasospasm and hence avoid
repeated angiography [34]. However, when compared with
angiography for the MCA, TCD has been shown to give
high levels of specificity and positive predictive value for
vasospasm. Ratsep et al. found that vasospasm detected
by TCD is associated with haemodynamic impairment
(HDI, defined as blood flow velocity values consistent
with vasospasm in conjunction with impaired THRT);
thus, detection of HDI could identify patients at risk for
ischaemic complications [35].
Role of TCD in management of traumatic brain injury
Following traumatic brain injury, TCD monitoring can be
used to observe changes in FV, waveform pulsatility and
for testing cerebral vascular reserve. The autoregulatory
“threshold” or “breakpoint” (the CPP at which autoregula-
tion fails), which provides a target CPP value for treatment,
can also be determined by continuously recording the FV
from the MCA. At very low levels of CPP, as in brain
death, the microcirculation collapses. The net blood flow
diminishes, and the TCD pattern either shows low flow or
reve rsed flow during diastole.
Non-invasive determination of CPP
There is currently much interest in the use of TCD for non-
invasive determination of CPP (nCPP). This involves esti-
mation of CPP from parameters derived from MCA FV
and the ABP [24]. Schmidt et al. found that absolute dif-
ference between real CPP (i.e. MAP–ICP) and nCPP (i.e.
determined using TCD) was less than 13 mmHg in the ma-
jority of measurements for a range of CPPs between 60
and 100 mmHg. Such a difference may have significant im-
plications in patients with raised ICP (and possibly lower
CPP). The absolute value of side-to-side (i.e. interhemi-
spheric) difference in nCPP was significantly greater when
CT evidence of brain swelling was present and was also
correlated with mean ICP [36]. This technique needs to
be evaluated in further randomised trials focusing on its
accuracy, cost-effectiveness and validity before it can be
recommended for routine u se.
Measurement of zero flow pressure
A recent development is the use of TCD to measure zero
flow pressure (ZFP), i.e. the pressure at which CBF ceases,
which gives an estimate of the effective downstream pres-
sure (EDP) of the cerebral circulation (Fig. 4). EDP, rather
than ICP, is believed to determine the effective CPP in the
absence of intracranial hypertension. FV in the MCA is
measured by TCD. EDP is derived from the ZFP as extra-
polated by regression analysis of instantaneous ABP/MCA
FV relationships. Buhre et al. reported that extrapolation of
ZFP enables detection of elevated ICP in patients with se-
vere head injury [37]. Thees et al. studied the correlation
between critical closing pressure determined using TCD
and ICP measured invasively. They found that using ICP
to determine CPP might overestimate the effective CPP,
i.e. the difference between MAP and CCP [38]. Further
evaluation is needed before this non-invasive technique of
measuring CPP can be accepted as a standard.
Confirmation of brain death
TCD has been suggested as a highly specific and sensi-
tive test for confirmation of brain death. It can be a useful
method to confirm brain death in patients in whom tradi-
tional brain death criteria cannot be used because of pos-
sible residual effects of sedative drugs [39]. The transtem-
poral approach is commonly used but the transorbital ap-
proach has also been successfully employed [40].
The limitations of using TCD are that it requires a cer-
tain degree of technical expertise, is operator dependent,
and the skull thickness, which varies with age, gender and
Fig. 4 Direct assessment of cerebral zero ow pressure. In a patient
with severe intracranial hypertension, no ow was observed in the
middle cerebral artery during diastole. The epidurally measured ICP
was 48 mmHg. (Reproduced with permission from [37])
race, may cause problems with transmission of ultrasound.
In fact, 10% of normal subjects cannot be assessed due
to lack of an adequate temporal window. The incidence of
failure can be reduced by increasing the power and perhaps
by use of 1 MHz probes [41]. In addition, TCD monitoring
focuses on the major cerebral a rteries but flow character-
istics in the cerebral microcirculation may be quite differ-
ent to those in the major arteries. Despite these limitations,
TCD holds promise of further applications for real-time
indirect assessment of CBF, non-invasive ICP and CPP.
Laser Doppler flowmetry
Laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF) allows continuous real-
time measurements of local microcirculatory blood flow
(red cell flux) with good dynamic resolution. Doppler
shift of reflected monochromatic laser light induced by
movement of red blood cells within the microcirculation
is measured. The magnitude and frequency distribution
of the wavelength changes are directly related to the
number and velocity of red blood cells but unrelated to the
direction of their movement. A 0.5–1 mm diameter fibre-
optic laser probe is placed in contact with or within brain
tissue and conducts scattered light back to a photodetector
within the flowmeter sensor. The signal is processed to
give a continuous voltage uctuation versus time which is
linearly proportional to the real blood flow [42]. The probe
can be positioned in proximity to an area of intracranial
injury to monitor pathologic variations of microvascular
blood flow.
LDF is considered an excellent technique for instanta-
neous, continuous and real-time measurements of regional
CBF and for assessment of relative regional CBF changes.
LDF has a quick response to fluctuations in tissue per-
fusion and is relatively inexpensive. The relationship be-
tween LDF and CPP h as been found to change with time,
and this can indicate an improvement or deterioration in
autoregulation [43]. The main drawbacks of this technique
are that it is not a quantitative measure of CBF and mea-
sures CBF in a small brain volume (1–2 mm
). It is inva-
sive and prone to artefacts produced by patient movement
or probe displacement, which limits its clinical applicabil-
ity. However, it is a useful measure of local microcircula-
tory changes in combination with other monitoring tech-
niques and has been used to assess autoregulation, CO
reactivity and responses to therapeutic interventions [44]
and to detect ischaemic insults [45, 46].
Thermal diffusion flowmetry
Thermal conductivity of cerebral cortical tissues varies
proportionally with CBF, and measurement of thermal
diffusion (TD) at the cortical surface can be used for
CBF determination [47]. A monitor that measures TD
flowmetry consists of two small metal plates, which are
thermistors, one of which is heated. Insertion of a TD
probe on the surface of the brain at a cortical region of
interest allows CBF to be calculated from the temperature
difference between the plates. An intraparenchymal TD
probe has also been evaluated and the results are encour-
aging [48]. Although the changes in CBF are relative, the
probes may be calibrated against absolute methods such
as xenon-133 or xenon-CT measurement of CBF to give
absolute values that assess blood flow changes in a small
volume of brain (± 20–30 mm
). Placement of the sensor
over large surface vessels should be avoided. Similar
sensors have been used to guide therapy for patients with
severe brain injury and intracerebral haematomas [49, 50].
Animal studies by Vajkoczy et al. revealed that TD
microprobes provide continuous real-time assessment of
intraparenchymal regional blood flow that was compar-
able with measurement by xenon-enhanced CT [51]. TD
flowmetry was characterised by more favourable diagnos-
tic reliability and was reported to be more sensitive than
TCD ultrasonography in assessing patients with reversible
vasospasm following intra-arterial injection of papaverine
in patients with SAH [52].
TD flowmetry has the potential for bedside monitor-
ing of cerebral perfusion at the tissue level, but it is inva-
sive and more clinical trials are needed to validate its use.
The intraparenchymal probes have excellent temporal res-
olution and it is possible that in the future a large part of
a single vascular territory may be monitored with single or
multiple probes.
This review has explored methods of assessing and
measuring intracranial pressure and cerebral blood flow
in the injured brain in the intensive care unit. Appropriate
use and knowledge of benefits and limitations of these
techniques can improve the outcome of patients with acute
brain injury.
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... CSF analysis has an important role in the management of several infectious and non-infectious neurological conditions, as it provides information on the presence of blood, inflammation, infection as well as degenerative diseases [25,[32][33][34][35]. In acute brain injury patients, in whom an EVD has been inserted [36], CSF analysis is a readily available, easy-to-perform procedure to have important information on infectious complications [37], but also, as suggested by these findings, some insights on brain metabolism, with some prognostic value. [38] As a potential surrogate of anaerobic metabolism [21,22], low CGLR should be further studied in these patients to better understand its feasibility (i.e., how many measurements per day and over the ICU stay), its clinical use (i.e., guide therapies or better stratify ICP severity) and potential limitations (i.e., correlated with microdialysis findings, false positive, cutoff to predict the need for interventions) in clinical practice. ...
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Introduction Altered levels of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) glucose and lactate concentrations are associated with poor outcomes in acute brain injury patients. However, no data on changes in such metabolites consequently to therapeutic interventions are available. The aim of the study was to assess CSF glucose-to-lactate ratio (CGLR) changes related to therapies aimed at reducing intracranial pressure (ICP). Methods A multicentric prospective cohort study was conducted in 12 intensive care units (ICUs) from September 2017 to March 2022. Adult (> 18 years) patients admitted after an acute brain injury were included if an external ventricular drain (EVD) for intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring was inserted within 24 h of admission. During the first 48–72 h from admission, CGLR was measured before and 2 h after any intervention aiming to reduce ICP (“intervention”). Patients with normal ICP were also sampled at the same time points and served as the “control” group. Results A total of 219 patients were included. In the intervention group ( n = 115, 53%), ICP significantly decreased and CPP increased. After 2 h from the intervention, CGLR rose in both the intervention and control groups, although the magnitude was higher in the intervention than in the control group (20.2% vs 1.6%; p = 0.001). In a linear regression model adjusted for several confounders, therapies to manage ICP were independently associated with changes in CGLR. There was a weak inverse correlation between changes in ICP and CGRL in the intervention group. Conclusions In this study, CGLR significantly changed over time, regardless of the study group. However, these effects were more significant in those patients receiving interventions to reduce ICP.
... The risks associated with ventriculostomy, which are shared by cervical and lumbar drains, include infection, CSF leak, interference from air bubbles, clots and debris, secondary injury, haemorrhage from improper insertion, and other complications of prolonged monitoring such as slit ventricle syndrome (for ventricular catheters) [22][23][24][25][26][27][28]. More modern intraparenchymal ICP sensors, typically implanted through a burr hole to a depth of about 2 cm, carry a lower risk of complications and correlate closely with intraventricular pressure [1,29,30]. ...
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Intracranial hypertension and adequacy of brain blood flow are primary concerns following traumatic brain injury. Intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring is a critical diagnostic tool in neurocritical care. However, all ICP sensors, irrespective of design, are subject to systematic and random measurement inaccuracies that can affect patient care if overlooked or disregarded. The wide choice of sensors available to surgeons raises questions about performance and suitability for treatment. This observational study offers a critical review of the clinical and experimental assessment of ICP sensor accuracy and comments on the relationship between actual clinical performance, bench testing, and manufacturer specifications. Critically, on this basis, the study offers guidelines for the selection of ICP monitoring technologies, an important clinical decision. To complement this, a literature review on important ICP monitoring considerations was included. This study utilises illustrative clinical and laboratory material from 1200 TBI patients (collected from 1992 to 2019) to present several important points regarding the accuracy of in vivo implementation of contemporary ICP transducers. In addition, a thorough literature search was performed, with sources dating from 1960 to 2021. Sources considered to be relevant matched the keywords: “intraparenchymal ICP sensors”, “fiberoptic ICP sensors”, “piezoelectric strain gauge sensors”, “external ventricular drains”, “CSF reference pressure”, “ICP zero drift”, and “ICP measurement accuracy”. Based on single centre observations and the 76 sources reviewed in this paper, this material reports an overall anticipated measurement accuracy for intraparenchymal transducers of around ± 6.0 mm Hg with an average zero drift of
... Increased intracranial pressure (ICP) is a common condition in neurosurgery practice, being associated with several conditions, such as traumatic brain injury, cerebral hemorrhages, and neoplasia. Currently, the gold standard methods for monitoring ICP are invasive -intraventricular and intraparenchymal catheters -and complicate with hematomas, infections and misplacement in up to 10% of patients [1][2][3][4] . These techniques estimate ICP through tension measuring microsensors or fiber optic catheters, which detects changes in resistance and changes in light reflection, respectively. ...
For an organ measuring roughly 2% of the total body weight, the brain needs an average of 50 mL blood for every 100 g of brain tissue per minute, accounting for 15% of the total cardiac output. The need for a constant blood supply to maintain the normal function and structure of the brain owing to its high metabolic rate renders cerebral perfusion an extremely crucial cog in brain homeostasis. The brain’s inability to store oxygen or glucose makes the role of constant cerebral blood flow (CBF) all the more vital.
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Introduction Acute liver failure (ALF) is defined as acute loss of liver function leading to hepatic encephalopathy associated with a high risk of patient death. Brain injury markers in serum and tissue can help detect and monitor ALF-associated brain injury. This study compares different brain injury parameters in plasma and tissue along with the progression of ALF. Method ALF was induced by performing an 85% liver resection. Following the resection, animals were recovered and monitored for up to 48 h or until reaching the predefined endpoint of receiving standard medical therapy (SMT). Blood and serum samples were taken at Tbaseline, T24, and upon reaching the endpoint (Tend). Control animals were euthanized by exsanguination following plasma sampling. Postmortem brain tissue samples were collected from the frontal cortex (FCTx) and cerebellum (Cb) of all animals. Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and tau protein and mRNA levels were quantified using ELISA and qRT-PCR in all plasma and brain samples. Plasma neurofilament light (NFL) was also measured using ELISA. Results All ALF animals (n = 4) were euthanized upon showing signs of brain herniation. Evaluation of brain injury biomarkers revealed that GFAP was elevated in ALF animals at T24h and Tend, while Tau and NFL concentrations were unchanged. Moreover, plasma glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) levels were negatively correlated with total protein and positively correlated with both aspartate transaminase (AST) and alkaline phosphatase (AP). Additionally, lower GFAP and tau RNA expressions were observed in the FCTx of the ALF group but not in the CB tissue. Conclusion The current large animal study has identified a strong correlation between GFAP concentration in the blood and markers of ALF. Additionally, the protein and gene expression analyses in the FCTx revealed that this area appears to be susceptible, while the CB is protected from the detrimental impacts of ALF-associated brain swelling. These results warrant further studies to investigate the mechanisms behind this process.
Background: Ventriculostomy - related infection (VRI) is a common complication of patients who require placement of an external ventricular drain (EVD). The clinical outcomes of people who are diagnosed with VRI is poorly characterised. We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis to assess the association between VRI, and clinical outcomes and resource use, in patients treated with an EVD. Methods: We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL and the Cochrane Central Register of clinical trials to identify clinical trial and cohort studies that reported outcomes including mortality, functional outcome, duration of EVD insertion, and intensive care and hospital length of stay. Inclusion criteria and data extraction were conducted in duplicate. Where sufficient data were available, data synthesis was conducted using a random effects model to provide a pooled estimate of the association between VRI and clinical outcomes and resource use. We also pooled data to provide an estimate of the incidence of VRI in this population. Results: Nineteen studies including 38,247 patients were included in the meta-analysis. There were twelve different definitions of VRI in the included studies. The pooled estimate of the incidence of VRI was 11 % (95 % confidence interval (CI), 9 % to 14 %). A diagnosis of VRI was not associated with an increase in the estimated odds ratio (OR) for mortality (OR 1.07, 95 % CI 0.59 to 1.92, p = 0.83 I2 = 83.5 %), nor was a diagnosis of VRI associated with changes in neurological outcome (OR 1.42, 95 % CI 0.36 to 5.56, p = 0.89, I2 = 0.3 %). Those diagnosed with VRI had longer intensive care unit length of stay (estimated pooled mean difference 8.4 days 95 % CI 3.4 to 13.4 days, p = 0.0009, I2 = 78.7 %) an increase in hospital length of stay (estimated mean difference 16.4 days. 95 % CI 11.6 to 21.2 days, p < 0.0005, I2 = 76.6 %), a prolonged duration of EVD placement (mean difference 5.24 days, 95 % CI 3.05 to 7.43, I2 = 78.2 %, p < 0.01), and an increased requirement for an internal ventricular shunt (OR 1.80, 95 % CI 1.32 to 2.46, I2 = 8.92 %, p < 0.01). Conclusions: Ventriculostomy related infection is not associated with increased mortality or an increased risk of poor neurological outcome, but is associated with prolonged duration of EVD placement, prolonged duration of ICU and hospital admission, and an increased rate of internal ventricular shunt placement.
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Objectives-The Spiegelberg brain pressure monitor is a low cost intracranial pressure monitoring system that has been used clinically for some time, mainly in Germany. To provide a rigorous bench comparison of the Spiegelberg monitor with the Camino pressure monitor an evaluation programme has been carried out in the UK Shunt Evaluation Laboratory. Design-Drift over 72 hours and with temperature, a frequency response, and the accuracy of measurement of both static and pulsatile pressures have been tested simultanously in Camino and Spiegelberg transducers using a computerised rig. Results-Long term zero drift was less than 0.7 mm Hg in both transducers. The Spiegelberg monitor showed no temperature drift whereas the Camino monitor had a drift of around 0.3 mm Hg/degrees C. The Spiegelberg monitor underread mean pressures <40 rum Hg by <1 mm Hg, but the error increased to 4.7 mm Hg at 100 mm Hg. The frequency bandwidth of the Spiegelberg monitor was 4 Hz at a low pressure. Underreading of the amplitude increased with the mean pressure, with a delay of about 0.1 s in the detection of the peaks of pulse waveform. Conclusion-The Spiegelberg transducer had excellent accuracy for static intracranial pressure measurement, but complex waveform analysis may be biased by its limited dynamic response.
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Blood flow velocities were measured in both middle cerebral arteries (MCAs) of 36 healthy subjects using transcranial Doppler ultrasound. Measurements were first made using a hand-held probe. Velocities were then studied bilaterally with fixed probes under resting conditions and during simultaneous regional CBF (rCBF) measurements. A significant (p < 0.05) positive correlation was found between MCA flow velocities and rCBF in the estimated perfusion territory of this artery. The correlation coefficient was highest when the measurements were performed simultaneously (p < 0.001) or when velocities recorded with a hand-held probe were adjusted to take into account the significant velocity increase induced by the CBF study situation. The increased velocities during CBF measurements cannot be fully explained by the moderate but significant PCO2 increase. Other possible mechanisms are increased blood flow due to mental activation or MCA vasoconstriction secondary to stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system. The effect of mental activation and PCO2 differences should therefore be considered when comparing the results of repeated velocity and CBF measurements.
OBJECTIVE After aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage, approximately 30% of patients experience delayed neurological deficits, related in part to arterial vasospasm and dysautoregulation. Transcranial Doppler (TCD) ultrasonography is commonly used to noninvasively detect arterial vasospasm. We studied cerebral perfusion patterns and associated TCD indices for 25 patients who developed clinical signs of delayed neurological deficits. METHODS Patients were treated in a neurosurgical intensive care unit and were studied if they exhibited delayed focal or global neurological deterioration. Positron emission tomographic cerebral blood flow (CBF) studies and TCD studies measuring the mean flow velocity (FV) of the middle cerebral artery and the middle cerebral artery FV/internal carotid artery FV ratio (with the internal carotid artery FV being measured extracranially at the cranial base) were performed. Glasgow Outcome Scale scores were assessed at 6 months. RESULTS A markedly heterogeneous pattern of CBF distribution was observed, with hyperemia, normal CBF values, and reduced flow being observed among patients with delayed neurological deficits. TCD indices were not indicative of the cerebral perfusion findings. The mean CBF value was slightly lower for patients who did not survive (32.3 ml/100 g/min), compared with those who did survive (36.0 ml/100 g/min, P= 0.05). CONCLUSION Among patients who developed delayed neurological deficits after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage, a wide range of cerebral perfusion disturbances was observed, calling into question the traditional concept of large-vessel vasospasm. Commonly used TCD indices do not reflect cerebral perfusion values.
Many data have been published on different methods for measuring “ICP” via ventricular, epidural, subdural or parenchymal record. Also during this meeting, several new devices are presented. However, most investigations only consider the static criteria of the methods, like linearity, zero point stability and hysteresis (Gaab and Heissler 1984, 1988). Little attention has been paid to the dynamic properties of the devices. Such data on frequency resolution (band width) and phase, however, are especially important for computerized evaluation of ICP dynamics including waveform analysis (Chopp and Portnoy 1980; Gaab et al. 1983; Gaab and Heissler 1984, 1988; Portnoy et al. 1983; Varju 1977). ICP pulse waves and the transfer characteristics from arterial blood pressure (SAP) to ICP contain continuous information on intracranial elastance, vasoregulation and CSF dynamics (Branch et al. 1988; Chopp and Portnoy 1980; Portnoy et al. 1983). Dynamic analysis could therefore replace invasive methods like bolus and infusion tests (Anile et al. 1988; Branch et al. 1988; Chopp and Portnoy 1980; Portnoy et al. 1983). However, the waveform investigation e.g., with Fourier transformation up to the 5th harmonic of the ICP pulsation (Piper et al. 1988) requires a bandwidth for recording of > 40 Hz (Gaab and Heissler 1984, 1988). We therefore investigated the frequency resolution and the phase lag of current methods used for measuring ICP and blood pressures.
In reviews of the status of ICP monitoring in patients, presented at past ICP symposia, it has been emphasised that ICP monitoring is the only reliable indicant of intracranial hypertension, provides a means of continuously evaluating an important aspect of brain support in the comatose patient who is paralysed and artificially ventilated, indicates when therapy for raised ICP is needed and whether the treatment has been effective, or if further therapy is necessary. Finally, the peak ICP helps in arriving at a prognosis in the severely head injured patient; it adds confidence in identifying at an early stage patients who will die, and others who will survive with severe disability, and who therefore are in the most need of early rehabilitation measures.
MR measurements based on motion encoding gradients, such as intravoxel incoherent motion imaging, could provide, in principle, information on flowing blood volume and blood velocity. This note shows that, in addition, the knowledge of the capillary network organization may provide a link between these measurements and those obtained by conventional and MR perfusion techniques based on tracer uptake by tissues.
Techniques of monitoring surface blood flow in the brain allow observation of dynamic "real-time" changes in cortical blood flow (CoBF). These techniques have evolved from pial window observations that have not been quantitative and frequently are unreliable. Surface monitoring does not require the development of a clearance curve so changes in flow are seen immediately. On the other hand, the local vascular geometry may affect these techniques; therefore, large surface vessels must be avoided and the probe must be of large enough size so that some averaging effect of the cortical capillary bed will be obtained. At the present time, the two techniques available for surface monitoring are thermal diffusion flowmetry (TDF) and laser-Doppler flowmetry (LDF). Thermal methods have been available longer and more experience has been obtained in experimental, operative, and postoperative monitoring of CoBF with these techniques. LDF was used in retina, gastric mucosa, and skin, and has only recently been applied to the cerebral cortex. In the operating theater, both techniques have demonstrated increased CoBF in normal brain after arteriovenous malformation resection and have demonstrated reduced CoBF in normal brain around brain tumors. Acute changes in CoBF with vascular manipulation during aneurysm surgery have been demonstrated with TDF. Postoperative monitoring of aneurysm patients has demonstrated the development of cerebral vasospasm with TDF as well as increased flow preceding the development of malignant cerebral edema in trauma patients. Artifacts occur in TDF with irrigation, loss of surface contact, and contact with large surface vessels. LDF has artifactual changes with movement, light, if large surface vessels come in view of the probe, and changes in hematocrit. Surface monitoring shows a great deal of promise in continuous evaluation of CoBF intraoperatively and postoperatively.
Measurements of flow velocity in defined segments of the basal cerebral arteries can be obtained through the intact adult skull using 2 MHz pulsed Doppler ultrasound. We compared flow velocity in these vessels with findings from 56 cerebral angiographies obtained in 51 patients at from day 1 to day 21 after subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH). The diameter of the proximal segment of the middle cerebral, anterior cerebral, and posterior cerebral arteries (MCA, ACA, and PCA, respectively) were measured from anteroposterior films produced in one angiographie laboratory. In patients investigated on day 1–2, the median MCA diameter was 2.8 mm with range 2.3-3.4 mm. The median flow velocity was 56 cm/s, range 36–88 cm/s (within normal limits). There was a clear inverse relationship between the MCA diameter and MCA flow velocity. Eleven of the 13 MCA’s having diameter 1.5 mm or less showed flow velocity in excess of 140 cm/s. This seems a useful limit to diagnose pronounced MCA spasm (50% diameter reduction) with this method. Further clues to the severity of MCA spasm were obtained from the ratio calculated dividing the MCA flow velocity by the flow velocity in the ipsilateral, extracranial internal carotid artery (ICA), since spasm probably does not involve the neck vessels. This ratio was from 1.1 to 2.3, median 1.7 at day 1–2, but rose to over 10 in patients with the most severe MCA lumen narrowing. The PCA flow velocity was inversely related to the PCA diameter. Assessment of ACA spasm requires considering findings from both hemispheres combined, since the two proximal ACA’s usually anastomose through the anterior communicating artery. Therefore, and ACA spasm or developmental anomaly notwithstanding, the larger ACA showed the higher flow velocity in 17 of the 22 patients with a clear asymmetry of the circle of Willis.