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Extraction of Chitosan from Crab Shell and Fungi and Its Antibacterial Activity against Urinary Tract Infection Causing Pathogens

  • Kamaraj College Tuticorin
  • Manipal University College Malaysia

Abstract and Figures

In this study, shells of sea crab and fungus Aspergillus niger were subjected for chitosan extraction which has been done following demineralization, deproteination and deacetylation. Chitosan yield from crab shell and fungi was 37.5% and 39.3% respectively and water binding capacity was 58.44% and 60.21% respectively. The extracted chitosan was characterized using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and subjected for antibacterial activity against Urinary tract infection (UTI) pathogens – Klebsiella pneumoniae, Proteus mirabilis and E. coli. Chitosan of crab shell showed better antibacterial activity than fungal derived chitosan. Chitosan gel was prepared using the extracted chitosan where it was also showing good antibacterial activity.
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(Received: August 30, 2020; accepted: May 25, 2021)
 Abirami S, Emilin RR, Antony VS, et al. Extracon of Chitosan from Crab Shell and Fungi and Its Anbacterial Acvity
against Urinary Tract Infecon Causing Pathogens. J Pure Appl Microbiol. 2021;15(2):968-975. doi: 10.22207/JPAM.15.2.55
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Print ISSN: 0973-7510; E-ISSN: 2581-690X
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1Department of Microbiology, Kamaraj College, Thoothukudi - 628 003, Tamil Nadu, India.
2Department of Food Processing Technology, School of Agriculture and Biosciences, Karunya Instute of
Science and Technology, Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore - 641 114, India.
3School of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing, and Bioscience, MAHSA University, Jalan SP 2,
Bandar Saujana Putra, 42610 Jenjarom Selangor, Malaysia.
4Department of Microbiology, Sree Narayana College, Alathur, Palakkad, Kerala - 678 682, Kerala, India.
5Department of Biotechnology, School of Bio and Chemical Engineering, Sathyabama Instute of Science and
Technology, Chennai - 600 119, Tamil Nadu, India.
 Aspergillus niger
pneumoniae, Proteus mirabilis and E. coli. 
 
Crab shell, fungal cell, chitosan, anbacterial acvity, UTI pathogens
Abirami et al. | J Pure Appl Microbiol | 15(2):968-975 | June 2021 | hps://
Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology
Chitin, an abundant natural amino
polysaccharide which is a constituent of
exoskeleton of shrimp, crab etc and also seen
on fungi cell walls1,2. Deacetylated form of
chin is chitosan which consists of polymer of
N-acetyl D-glucosamine bonded through β-1,4-
glycosidic bond3,4. This chitosan has multiple
functional properties and biological activities
thus used in pharmaceutical, nanotechnology
and agricultural industries 5- 8. Its anmicrobial
acvity made them to be used in food preservaon
as coang agents on wrapper of various foods
8. Its non-toxicity and non-allergenicity made
them to be used in biomedical applications
and also used in treang wounds9- 12,4. Chitosan
coated nanoparcles are used for heavy metal
removal, nanocarrier synthesis, drug delivery
etc13-18. Urinary tract infecons (UTI), commonly
caused by bacteria and their pathogenicity
depends on host biological behavioral factors
and properes of the infecng uropathogens19.
The major bacteria causing UTI are Proteus
mirabilis, Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia
coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Klebsiella
pneumoniae20. Emergence of drug resistance
making the treatment harder, and development
of new drugs become inevitable21-23. If derived
from biological sources it might be having less side
eect22, chitosan is one such which can be derived
from crab shell and fungal cell wall. Thus, in this
study, chitosan of crab shells and fungal cell walls
was extracted and used for anbacterial acvity
against UTI pathogens.
The crab shells required for the
experiments were brought from local fish
processing industries in Tucorin, Tamil Nadu,
India. The crab shells were washed, cleaned,
dried at 70°C in hot air oven, powdered using
blender and stored in air ght container in room
Soil fungi Aspergillus niger was isolated
from soil and inoculated into 100 mL of yeast
peptone glucose (YPG) medium (2.0% glucose,
yeast peptone glucose - 0.2% yeast extract, and
1.0% peptone) and incubated at 28°C for 5 days.
The fungal mycelium was transferred into 500 mL
of YPG medium. The asks containing inoculum
were kept for incubation without shaking at
28°C for 5 days. Mycelium was obtained through
filtration process using Whatman filter paper
and harvested mycelia was washed with dislled
water and dried in hot air oven and ground to a
powder and stored in a sterile airght container
at room temperature for extracon for chitosan.
The extracon of chitosan consisted of three steps
such as, deproteinizaon, demineralizaon and
Deproteinizaon of both the fungi and crab
shell was done as prescribed24. Demineralizaon
and deacetylaon of chin were done following
the earlier reports25- 26. Determinaon of yield of
crab shell and fungal biomass chitosan was done27.
The fat binding capacity and water binding capacity
of chitosan were measured using the protocol of
No et al.28.
FTIR characterization of sample was
performed with a Perkin Elmer spectrum RX1
instrument within a frequency range of 400 – 4000
cm-1. Degree of deacetylaon of chitosan was
Urine sample isolates were collected from
AVM hospital, Tucorin, Tamil Nadu, India. Sterile
nutrient agar plates were prepared and inoculated
with urine sample. After 24 h of incubation,
observed colonies were idened through the
morphological and biochemical characteriscs.
All the organisms were checked for their anbioc
resistance paern against commercial anbioc
discs. Anbioc suscepbility was determined
using commercially available disc diusion assay.
Chitosan soluon was done by dissolving
chitosan in 1% of acec acid. This soluon was used
for tesng anbacterial acvity30. For anbacterial
acvity, Mueller Hinton agar (MHA) medium was
prepared and sterilized. The culture of pathogenic
microorganisms was swabbed onto the surface
of sterile MHA plates. The anbacterial acvity
was performed by agar well diusion method31.
Chitosan soluon of dierent concentraon (10 µg,
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Abirami et al. | J Pure Appl Microbiol | 15(2):968-975 | June 2021 | hps://
20 µg, 30 µg) was added using a micropipee into
the wells (6 mm) punched over the MHA plates
using a sterile cork borer. These agar plates were
incubated for 24 h at 37°C. Zone of inhibion was
observed and measured around the wells aer the
period of incubaon.
      
In order to form the gel, method
described by Samano-Valencia et al.32 was followed
and anbacterial acvity was performed by agar
well diusion method.
The yield of extracted chitosan of crab
shell and fungi was found to be 38% and 39.3%
respecvely (Table 1). The moisture content of
the chitosan extracted from crab and fungi was
found to be 64.34% and 66% respecvely. The
water binding capacity and fat binding capacity of
crab and fungal chitosan was found to be 58.44%,
60.21% and 40%, 41% respecvely (Table 2).
 Percentage of extracted crab and fungal chitosan
S.No Source Inial weight Final weight % of extracted
(g) (g) Chitosan
1. Crab shell 20 7.5 37.5
2. Fungal biomass 20 7.86 39.3
 Physicochemical characterizaon of extracted chitosan
S.No Physicochemical Characteriscs  Values
Crab Shell Fungal Biomass
chitosan Chitosan
1 % Water binding capacity of 58.44 60.21
Extracted Chitosan
2 % Fat binding capacity of 40 41
extracted Chitosan
3 Moisture content 64.34 66
4 Degree of deacetylaon (%) 90 60
Extracted chitosan a) Crab shell derived b) fungal derived
The appearance of extracted chitosan
from crab shell was yellowish white in color
(Fig.1a) and from fungi it was black in color due
to its conidial nature (Fig.1b). FTIR spectrum of
crab chitosan recorded major peaks lying between
500.05 cm-1 and 3880.60 cm-1 (Fig. 2). FT-IR
spectrum of the fungal chitosan recorded major
peaks lying between 564.67cm-1 and 3451.92 cm-
1. In this way, our study of FT-IR analysis showed
spectral peaks of extracted chitosan from crab
Abirami et al. | J Pure Appl Microbiol | 15(2):968-975 | June 2021 | hps://
Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology
and fungi were conrmed with their funconal
groups and crab and fungal chitosan with degree
of deacetylaon (DD) of 90%, 60% respecvely.
The idened organisms of urine samples
were Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis and
Klebsiella pneumoniae through its biochemical
characteriscs. All the organisms were showing
resistance to one or two antibiotics used in
this study (Table 3). 20 µg of crab shell derived
chitosan showed 6 mm zone of inhibion against
Escherichia coli whereas 30 µg showed 8 mm
against K.pneumoniae (Table 4 and Fig. 3). The
highest zone of inhibion was observed at 30 µg
of both crab shell chitosan and fungal chitosan
against all bacteria (Table 4, Fig. 3 and 4).
 Anbioc suscepbility of UTI pathogens
S.No Pathogens Tetracycline Streptomycin Noroxacin Methicillin
(30mcg) (10mcg) (10mcg) (10mcg)
1 E. coli R I R R
2 P. mirabilis I I R R
3 K. pneumoniae R R I R
R- resistant, I - intermediate
 Anbacterial acvity of crab chitosan against the urinary pathogens
Organism     Zone of inhibion (mm)
used Crab Fungal Crab Fungal Crab Fungal
chitosan chitosan chitosan chitosan chitosan chitosan
(10 µg) (10 µg) (20 µg) (20 µg) (30 µg) (30 µg)
E. coli - 2 6 5 8 6
P. mirabilis - - - 2 5 2
K. pneumoniae - - 1 - 2 3
 Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIIR) of chitosan a) Crab shell derived b) fungal derived
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Anbacterial acvity of crab shell chitosan
gel showed maximum zone of inhibion i.e. 6
mm against Escherichia coli (Fig. 5) where fungal
chitosan showed maximum zone of inhibion at
100 µg against Proteus mirabilis (4 mm).
 Anbacterial acvity of crab shell chitosan a) E.coli b) Proteus mirabilis c) K.pneumoniae
 Anbacterial acvity of fungal chitosan a) E. coli b) Proteus mirabilis c) K. pneumoniae
 Anbacterial acvity of chitosan gel against UTI pathogens
Abirami et al. | J Pure Appl Microbiol | 15(2):968-975 | June 2021 | hps://
Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology
The wider applicaons of chitosan are
because of its biodegradability, biocompability
and low toxicity33. The maximum yield of chin and
chitosan in fungi was obtained in late logarithmic
phase34. Yield% of chitosan from Scylla serrata
was 38.23%35,36 where in this study, it has also
shown crab chitosan yield% of 37.5%. Chitosan
extracon using NaOH helps in binding with acetyl
group of chins, forms sodium acetate aids in the
extracon of chitosan37. It was found that the fat
binding capacity was more with fungal derived
chitosan than the crab derived chitosan. No et al.28
reported this as a physical property of chitosan to
hold water or fat held and geng trapped in the
structure and swells, thus can be used for drug
delivery. Chemical methods for deproteinaon
and demineralizaon are eecve38, the colour of
chitosan obtained was dierent which might the
inuence of conidia of fungal strain. Kobayashi et
al.39 pointed that increased advantage of chitosan
of fungi made them to receive great aenon
compared to chitosan extracted from crustacean
shell. The major advantage of using chitosan
extracted from fungi mycelium is, it is obtained
easily by fermentaon process and available at all
seasons and geographical locaon but collecon
of crustacean waste supplies is limited by shing
industry locations and seasons40. chitin from
fungal species can be derived from Phycomycetes,
Basidiomycetes, and Ascomycetes41.
Peaks at 564.67cm-1 and 3451.92 cm-1 of
fungal chitosan and 500.05 cm-1 and 3880.60 cm-1 of
crab shell derived chitosan where there are on par
with the earlier reports of chitosan extracted from
various sources42-44. The degree of deacetylaon
(DD) is calculated by idenfying the funconal
group present in the extracted chitosan45. The DD
of crab shell derived chitosan and fungal chitosan
were 90% and 60% respecvely, Thus, DD was
more with crab shell chitosan than fungal, so crab
shell chitosan was purer than fungal chitosan.
Chitosan behaves like a polyelectrolyte by geng
dissolved in the acid aqueous soluon when the
degree of deacetylaon reaches above 50%46. In
our study, both extracted chitosan was insoluble
in water and highly soluble in acidic aqueous
soluons. Chitosan molecules do have a pH below
6 with a strong posive charge when the DD is
high (> 85%)47. Chitosan extracted from crab shell
showed excellent anbacterial acvity compared
to fungal chitosan.
Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis and
Klebsiella pneumoniae were idened by their
biochemical characteriscs48. The highest zone
of inhibion was observed for crab shell chitosan
as well as the chitosan gel than fungal chitosan
/ chitosan gel against all bacteria. Kong et al.49
reported that crab shells are rich source of chitosan
and this chemical constituent greatly effects
anbacterial acvies. And also, Klaykruayat et
al.50 reported that smaller oligomeric chitosan
can penetrate into the cell membrane and inhibits
RNA transcripon and prevents the cell growth
therefore it is observed that molecular weight
plays a major role in determining the anbacterial
acvies of chitosan. Moreover, chitosan absorbs
the electronegave substrate of proteins and may
disrupt the physiological acvies of microbes
and leads to cell death51. Lim and Hudson52
reported that the interacon between the anionic
components and intracellular components are due
to the leakage caused by changing the cellular
permeability by the polycaonic nature of chitosan
and leading to cell death.
In this study, crab shell and fungi were
used for deriving chitosan. The derived chitosan
were characterized using FTIR and used for making
chitosan gel. Both the chitosan and chitosan gel
were found to have anbacterial acvity against
UTI pathogens, where crab shell derived chitosan
and chitosan gel were showing more acvity than
the fungal chitosan.
S. Abirami would like to thank the
Management, Kamaraj College for their support
to do this work.
The authors declare that there is no
conict of interest.
All authors listed have made a substanal,
direct and intellectual contribuon to the work,
and approved it for publicaon.
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All datasets generated or analyzed during
this study are included in the manuscript.
Not applicable.
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... 4), is an unbranched polymer obtained from deacetylation of chitin. It originates from natural sources such as the exoskeletons of crustaceans and arthropods (such as prawn, shrimp, crab shells) (Gamiz-Gonzalez, Correia, Lanceros-Mendez, Sencadas, Gomez Ribelles, & Vidaurre, 2017;Roy, Salaun, Giraud, Ferri, & Guan, 2017;Rezaee, Askari, EmamDjomeh, & Salami, 2018;Abirami et al., 2021), mushroom (Janesch, Jones, Bacher, Kontturi, Bismarck, & Mautner, 2020), silkworm chrysalis (Simionato, Villalobos, Bulla, Cor o, & Garcia, 2014) and even microorganisms (Hassainia, Satha, & Boufi, 2018;Abirami et al., 2021). It is the most abundant biopolymer after cellulose and is extensively considered as a renewable preservative material, with safety, inherent antimicrobial properties, compatibility, antioxidative activities and edibility. ...
... 4), is an unbranched polymer obtained from deacetylation of chitin. It originates from natural sources such as the exoskeletons of crustaceans and arthropods (such as prawn, shrimp, crab shells) (Gamiz-Gonzalez, Correia, Lanceros-Mendez, Sencadas, Gomez Ribelles, & Vidaurre, 2017;Roy, Salaun, Giraud, Ferri, & Guan, 2017;Rezaee, Askari, EmamDjomeh, & Salami, 2018;Abirami et al., 2021), mushroom (Janesch, Jones, Bacher, Kontturi, Bismarck, & Mautner, 2020), silkworm chrysalis (Simionato, Villalobos, Bulla, Cor o, & Garcia, 2014) and even microorganisms (Hassainia, Satha, & Boufi, 2018;Abirami et al., 2021). It is the most abundant biopolymer after cellulose and is extensively considered as a renewable preservative material, with safety, inherent antimicrobial properties, compatibility, antioxidative activities and edibility. ...
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Both gelatine and chitosan are safe, odourless, edible, biodegradable, biocompatible, cost‐efficient and commercially available biopolymers, which promotes the possibility of forming complex. Many factors, including origin, molecular weight, deacetylation degree, pH, salts, concentration, temperature, active materials, modifiers, etc., could impose effect on the process of producing gelatine‐chitosan complex. The formed gelatine‐chitosan complex has excellent physicochemical properties such as antibacterial property and antioxidant property, and could effectively preserve practical food (such as meat, vegetables and fruits). This article comprehensively reviews recent advances in factors affecting the complex forming process and practical food preservation application of gelatine‐chitosan complex. It aims to provide an overview of the value of gelatine‐chitosan complex as an effective preservation alternative in food technology.
As the most abundant natural polymer on the planet, cellulose has a wide range of applications in the biomedical field. Cellulose-based hydrogels further expand the applications of this class of biomaterials. However, a number of publications and technical reports are mainly about traditional preparation methods. Sonochemistry offers a simple and green route to material synthesis with the biomedical application of ultrasound. The tiny acoustic bubbles, produced by the propagating sound wave, enclose an incredible facility where matter interact among at energy as high as 13 eV to spark extraordinary chemical reactions. Ultrasonication not only improves the efficiency of cellulose extraction from raw materials, but also influences the hydrogel preparation process. The primary objective of this article is to review the literature concerning the biomedical cellulose-based hydrogel prepared via sonochemistry and application of ultrasound for hydrogel. An innovated category of recent generations of hydrogel materials prepared via ultrasound was also presented in some details.
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In this study, chitosan was obtained from the chitin of shrimp waste. It was further purified, and the degree of acetylation was measured by FTIR and NMR analysis. Further, it was subjected to antimicrobial activity against wound infection-causing bacteria and phytopathogenic fungi. It was showing good activity against both. It was used as a preservative for grape juice, where it was decreasing the turbidity. The chitosan had seed germination activity on paddy seed. Chitosan was subjected for the formation of chitosan film and subjected for antifungal activity against phytopathogenic fungi, thus used as a preservative on wrapping tomato. It was increasing the shelf life of the tomato. Chitosan was also used for microparticle formulation, where it was able to form microparticles of size about 100 µm and it possessed antifungal activity.
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The Urinary tract infections (UTI) are common in men and women and the most common in postoperative patients. In this study, antibiogram of urinary isolates among the Inpatients (IP)-85 samples and Outpatients (OP)-73 samples were determined. Organisms were isolated from the collected midstream urine sample and subjected for identification and evaluated for the susceptibility pattern. Mainly the Urinary Tract Infection causing organism in OP and IP was Escherichia coli. Others include Klebsiella sp., Pseudomonas sp., Proteus sp., and Staphylococcus sp in which various degrees of susceptibility patterns were recorded. Inpatients isolates showed high degree of resistance to the antibiotics used. In both IP/OP, the major uropathogen was Escherichia coli.
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Background Super-paramagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) are widely used metal nanoparticles for various applications for its magnetic property and biocompatibility. In recent years, pollution of our environment especially with heavy metals in waterbodies has become a major threat and has left us very minimal sources of freshwater to drink. SPIONs or surface modified SPIONs can be used to remove these heavy metals Methods SPIONs were synthesized by co-precipitation method and further coated with a biopolymer, chitosan. Chromium solution was treated with the synthesized SPIONs to study the efficiency of chromium removal by surface adsorption. Later, the adsorption was analysed by direct and indirect analysis methods using UV-VIS spectrophotometry and isotherm studies. Results Stable chitosan-coated SPIONs were synthesized and they adsorbed chromium better than the uncoated SPIONs, where it was adsorbing up to 100 ppm. Adsorption was found to be increasing with decrease in pH. Conclusion The surface-modified SPIONs expressed cumulative adsorption action. Even after the adsorption studies, chitosan-coated SPIONs were possessing magnetic property. Thus, the surface-modified SPIONs can become an ideal nanotechnology tool to remove the chromium from groundwater.
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Chitosanases is a class of enzymes which hydrolyse chitosan, a natural biopolymer consisting of d-glucosamine in various degrees. In this study, chitosanase producing Bacillus sp. was isolated from soil sample. Chitosanase production was optimized using response surface methodology and the produced chitosanase was characterized. The crude enzyme was found to possess antibacterial and antifungal activity. Chitosanase enzyme was used for trimming chitosan based polymeric nanoparticles produced using sodium trimetaphosphate chelator. Chitosanase enzyme was also utilized for synthesis of silver nanoparticles which were then characterized by UV–Vis, FTIR, SEM, TEM and AFM. The produced nanoparticles were checked for antibacterial and antifungal activity.
Chitin and chitosan are natural biopolymers found in shell of crustaceans, exoskeletons of insects and mollusks, as well as in the cell walls of fungi. These biopolymers have versatile applications in various fields such as biomedical, food industry, and agriculture. These applications are back to their biocompatibility, biodegradability, strong antibacterial effect, and non-toxicity. The fungal biopolymers have many features that made them more advantageous than those biopolymers from seafood waste origin. Chitin and chitosan are not components of cell wall in all fungal species. The fungal classes of Basidiomycetes, Ascomycetes, Zygomycetes, and Deuteromycetes are known to contain chitin and chitosan in their cell walls. The amounts and characters of fungal biopolymers are affected by many factors so they should be optimized before increasing the scale of production. The statistical design of experiments is the most recent and advanced approach for optimization of various factors with more reliable results. Although extensively studied, further studies concerning fungal chitin and chitosan should be conducted in order to be sure of safety for human use.
Sustainable and controlled delivery of drugs is at the centre of a huge amount of undertaken researches. The ability of hydrogels, high water content materials, to achieve a local and delayed-delivery has already been demonstrated for a wide variety of therapeutic agents and various polymer natures. In particular, chitosan, a natural polymer, stands out as a first choice material for hydrogels elaboration in biomedical, cosmetic, and health related applications, owing to its interesting properties (as biocompatibility, biodegradability, antimicrobial capacity, and mucoadhesivity). Moreover, chitosan also allows drugs to go easier through biological barriers. The main objective of this review is to report the various uses of chitosan hydrogels as drug delivery devices to control and/or delay the release of drugs loaded into their three dimensional matrix. A wide spectrum of corresponding biomedical applications of these systems can be encountered in the literature, whatever the physicochemical nature of drugs (hydrophilic, hydrophobic, macromolecular), as detailed in this review.
Chitosan derived from crustaceans is biodegradable as well as biocompatible and can be made into nanoparticles when chelated with chelators, such as sodium tripolyphosphate and barium chloride. In this study, crab shells-derived chitosan was chelated using sodium trimetaphosphate to form nanoparticles. Curcumin was encapsulated into nanoparticles and characterized using Fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, and X-ray diffraction analysis. The particles were found to be 18 nm in size, while the curcumin-loaded particles were 25 nm in size. The particles were observed to encapsulate 90% of the drug used. The nanoparticles produced were analyzed for in vitro controlled drug release against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus subtilis, and Candida albicans.
Chitosan (CS) is a linear polysaccharide which is achieved by deacetylation of chitin, which is the second most plentiful compound in nature, after cellulose. It is a linear copolymer of β-(1 → 4)-linked 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-β-D-glucopyranose and 2-amino-2-deoxy-β-D-glucopyranose. It has appreciated properties such as biocompatibility, biodegradability, hydrophilicity, nontoxicity, high bioavailability, simplicity of modification, favorable permselectivity of water, outstanding chemical resistance, capability to form films, gels, nanoparticles, microparticles and beads as well as affinity to metals, proteins and dyes. Also, the biodegradable CS is broken down in the human body to safe compounds (amino sugars) which are easily absorbed. At present, CS and its derivatives are broadly investigated in numerous pharmaceutical and medical applications including drug/gene delivery, wound dressings, implants, contact lenses, tissue engineering and cell encapsulation. Besides, CS has several OH and NH2 functional groups which allow protein binding. CS with a deacetylation degree of ~50% is soluble in aqueous acidic environment. While CS is dissolved in acidic medium, its amino groups in the polymeric chains are protonated and it becomes cationic which allows its strong interaction with different kinds of molecules. It is believed that this positive charge is responsible for the antimicrobial activity of CS through the interaction with the negatively charged cell membranes of microorganisms. This review presents properties and numerous applications of chitosan-based compounds in drug delivery, gene delivery, cell encapsulation, protein binding, tissue engineering, preparation of implants and contact lenses, wound healing, bioimaging, antimicrobial food additives, antibacterial food packaging materials and antibacterial textiles. Moreover, some recent molecular dynamics simulations accomplished on the pharmaceutical applications of chitosan were presented.