Antonio Tarriño Vinagre

Antonio Tarriño Vinagre
Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea | UPV/EHU · Departamento de Geografía, Prehistoria y Arqueología



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December 2014 - December 2014
Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana
  • Researcher
December 2014 - present
Centro de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana
  • Researcher
June 2007 - December 2007
Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
  • Personal Docente Investigador


Publications (145)
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Presentamos un complejo minero dedicado a la extracción del sílex denominado Botorrita-Monegros, demandado en diferentes momentos de la Prehistoria. Para su documentación se programó una prospección a tres escalas: 1) prospección superficial intensiva para acotar las áreas de interés; 2) ortofotografía y MDE de las zonas de mayor potencial mediante...
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The Aïn Beni Mathar – Guefaït (ABM-GFT) region in Eastern Morocco is the object of anarchaeological, palaeontological, geological and geochronological research project, led by an interna-tional team since 2006. The research in this former fluvio-lacustrine basin, roughly 2000 km2, hasrevealed a significant number of Pleistocene and Holocene sites....
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This paper presents evidence of ceramic technology in western Tiris (Western Sahara), dated by thermoluminescence to the third millennium cal. BP. Western Tiris is an arid region mostly covered by desert where recent archaeological fieldwork has nevertheless revealed a significant network of settlements from the Neolithic period inhabited by nomadi...
Conference Paper
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En el yacimiento de La Leandra (La Muela, Zaragoza) afloran unidades miocenas lacustres que incluyen habituales niveles de especial concentración de nódulos de sílex. Éstos han sido explotados durante varios periodos y, dadas las características climáticas y demográficas, conservan en ocasiones la topografía original desde su explotación. Con el ob...
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The Cantabrian Zone (N of Spain) is characterized by an occurrence of Palaeozoic age materials, mainly belonging to the Devonian and Carboniferous. Among the different lithologies, certain facies contain black chert and radiolarite in a total of 13 geological formations. Textural (de visu, stereomicroscope and thin sections), mineralogical (X-ray d...
The Cantabrian Zone (N of Spain) is characterized by an occurrence of Palaeozoic age materials, mainly belonging to the Devonian and Carboniferous. Among the different lithologies, certain facies contain black chert and radiolarite in a total of 13 geological formations. Textural (de visu, stereomicroscope and thin sections), mineralogical (X-ray d...
The Cantabrian Zone (N of Spain) is characterized by an occurrence of Palaeozoic age materials, mainly belonging to the Devonian and Carboniferous. Among the different lithologies, certain facies contain black chert and radiolarite in a total of 13 geological formations. Textural (de visu, stereomicroscope and thin sections), mineralogical (X-ray d...
The lithic operational chains at the Mesolithic site of La Uña (León, N Spain) have been analysed and reconstructed through a joint study of the raw material provenance and technological characteristics of the assemblage. Differences in the management of each raw material have been observed, and three degrees of integrity of the chaîne opératoire (...
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This paper is divided into three sections. The first section describes the historiographic evolution of the study of prehistoric lithic raw materials in the Basque Crossroads (in the north of the Iberian Peninsula) during the last three decades. The second section explains the currently available information about geological outcrops of flint in th...
The lithic assemblage studied here comes from El Horno Cave (Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria, Spain) and is dated in the recent Magdalenian. It was recovered in Level 2 in this site, during fieldwork in 2000 and 2001, in association with a large collection of bone industry, portable art and fauna. The study has been conducted within an integral a...
Conference Paper
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The aim of this paper is to introduce the scientific works performed in the Sierra de Araico Neolithic Mining Complex, mainly located in the Treviño enclave of Spain, in the Basque-Cantabrian Basin, between Burgos and Álava provinces. Archaeological works were focused on the Pozarrate quarry, dated to the Neolithic period (6000-5600 BP). This site...
El Cierro Cave possesses one of the few sequences in SW Europe in which archaeological levels cover the transition from the late Pleistocene to the early Holocene. Information contributed by the palynological and anthracological studies indicates that this transition was marked by a steady expansion of broadleaf woodland and a reduction in herbaceo...
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Desde 2016 se vienen estudiando minas de sílex prehistóricas situadas en la localidad Zaragoza de La Muela, probablemente neolíticas. El núcleo principal se encuentra en las partidas de La Leandra-El Cerro y parecen extenderse por los alrededores en una extensión no menor de 90 ha. Con objeto de acotar las principales zonas de explotación e identif...
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The archaeological site of Cova Rosa (Sardéu, Ribadesella, Asturias) was excavated in 1958 and 1959 by Francisco Jordá Cerdá, professor of Prehistory at the University of Salamanca, who documented three layers (2, 3 and 4) that he ascribed to the Magdalenian and a further three layers (6, 7 and 8) attributed to the Solutrean. They were separated by...
Conference Paper
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The Neolithic quarry of Pozarrate is located in the Sierra the Araico (Grandival, Treviño) in the South Pyrenean Syncline of the Basque-Cantabrian Basin (North of Spain). The geological formation (Palustrine-Lacustrine carbonates) offers an exceptional quality nodular flint that was available for human groups knapping works since Prehistory. On th...
Cover Page
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Este volumen recoge los resultados de la intervención arqueológica realizada entre los años 2005-2009 en el despoblado medieval situado en la colina alavesa de Zornostil o los altos de Zornostegui, identificable con el poblado medieval de Zornoztegi. Con anterioridad se habían realizado durante los años 2001-2003 una serie de prospecciones intensiv...
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The existence of thick sedimentary series in the Basque-Cantabrian Basin and the Western Pyrenees helps the outcropping of many and vary geological formations with important silicifications. The study of their different types and their host rocks allows knowing which the disponibility of this important mineral resource was in Prehistoric times. The...
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RESUMEn Hasta el año 2000 en Asturias había poca información sobre las fuentes de mate-rias primas silíceas relacionadas con las industrias líticas prehistóricas. Desde esa fecha contamos con varios trabajos que profundizan en la ubicación, identificación y explotación de esas materias primas. Se expondrá lo conocido desde el punto de vista geológi...
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RESUMEn Las prospecciones arqueológicas llevadas a cabo en el término municipal de La Muela (Zaragoza), entre 2008 y 2009, han permitido documentar una compleja e interesante red de explotación minera de sílex. De esta actividad se conservan grandes escombreras y minas a cielo abierto adoptando diversas morfologías. En relación con las zonas de ext...
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In this paper we present the preliminary results obtained in the geoarchaelogical prospecting carried out in the south of the province of Alicante, a territory comprised of the regions of Camp d'Alacant, Medio and Bajo Vinalopó and Bajo Segura. The objective has been focused on documenting siliceous resources, mapping a total of 19 geological units...
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This work presents the first results about the use of siliceous raw materials by the hunter-gatherer societies during the Late Glacial in the level 5 of El Pirulejo. El Pirulejo is located within the municipality of Priego de Córdoba (Córdoba, Spain).The archaeological level P/5 is classified as a Solutrean, according to the technological analysis...
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The superposition of anthropogenic remains usually results in archaeological palimpsests, hindering an accurate characterization of the behavior underlying such remains. Aimed at facing this methodological constraint in the study of Palaeolithic contexts, we present a contextual approach to Neanderthal settlement dynamics based on an understanding...
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A. Palomo, R. Piqué y Xavier Terradas (ed.) Experimentación en arqueología. Estudio y difusión del pasado, Sèrie Monogràfica del MAC, Girona 2013, ISBN 978-84-393-9024-4 (pág. 245-254). 1. El presente trabajo se centra en el estudio del material lí-tico tallado procedente del yacimiento prehistórico "Ca-sas del Cejo", 1 ubicado en el término munici...
Conference Paper
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The Aïn Beni Mathar-Guefaït basin provides a long stratigraphic sequence and a faunal record that covers the Early and Middle Pleistocene. During the Pliocene and Early Pleistocene, a fluvio-lacustrine basin developed in the area. This landscape has been occupied by hominin developing a Mode 1 technology. This fluvio-lacustrine basin has its final...
Ambrona is located in a karst landscape, and occupies a key geographic position, a transit area with natural routes connecting the three main drainage basins in the interior of the Iberian Peninsula. The site dates from the middle of MIS 11 and consists of fluvial-lacustrine deposits.Investigation of Ambrona, traditionally linked to that of Torralb...
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This paper presents a new Lower Palaeolithic lithic assemblage recovered from the Urrúnaga reservoir (Álava, Basque Country, Spain). The collection consists of 70 artefacts, which have been analysed according to the petrological, modal-morphological (retouching structures), technological and metrical structures following the Analytical Typology app...
El Cierro Cave (Ribadesella, Asturias, Spain), located near the mouth of the River Sella, has yielded one of the most important Upper Palaeolithic sequences in northern Spain. To date, three major occupation periods at the cave have been identified and dated. The first was at the beginning of the Holocene (ca. 8500 BP; ca. 9000 cal BP); the second...
El Cierro Cave (Ribadesella, Asturias, Spain), located near the mouth of the River Sella ,has yielded one of the most important Upper Palaeolithic sequences in northern Spain.Todate, three major occupation periods at the cave have been identified anddated.The first was at the beginning of the Holocene (ca.8500BP;ca.9000calBP); the second at the end...
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This work provides the keys to the mineralogical and geochemical characterization of black chert from the Vegamián Fm. This formation crops out throughout the whole of the Cantabrian Zone (of Palaeozoic age), one of the geological zones of the Cantabrian Mountains (NW Spain). The geographical distribution of this formation is very wide, surfacing i...
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El complejo minero prehistórico de sílex aflora al Sur de la Cuenca Vasco-Cantábrica, concretamente en terrenos del Terciario continental lacustre-palustre del Mioceno (Aquitaniense) del Sinclinal Surpirenaico de Miranda-Treviño. Aquí se localiza una unidad paisajística que denominamos Sierra de Araico - Montes de Cucho, situada entre los municipio...
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We present the first rock magnetic study of archeologically-relevant chert samples from the Basque-Cantabrian basin (BCB) and surrounding regions, which was conducted in order to test the usefulness of non-destructive magnetic properties for assessing chert quality, distinguishing source areas, and identifying heated samples in the archeological re...
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Na monografía clásica de Puig y Larraz (1896: 250-252) amiéntense delles cavidaes del Conceyu de Piloña, pero non la Cueva d’El Sidrón (Fig. 1). Esta conocíase, ensin dulda, dende la Guerra Civil y el maquis al servir d’abellugu a persiguíos políticos, y guarda una alcordanza imborrable nuna de les sos múltiples entraes, yá qu’ellí ta enterrada Olv...
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En el presente trabajo se realiza una síntesis de los resultados obtenidos en las prospecciones geoarqueológicas realizadas en el Prebético de Alicante (parte más oriental de la Cordillera Bética). En este ámbito geológico se han podido documentar 12 tipos de silicificaciones que abarcan desde el Jurásico hasta el Mio-Plioceno. Se analizan los dive...
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The role played by the Magdalenian site of El Horno in the context of the Asón river basin (northern Spain) is considered in relation to its location and the physical characteristics of the surrounding area. This information has been integrated with data from the archaeological study. Special attention has been paid to the lithic tools and mammal r...
Se presenta un avance del estudio sobre las materias primas líticas del nivel Badegouliense de la Cueva del Gato (Épila, Zaragoza)
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Avance del estudio de las materias primas líticas del nivel Badegouliense de la Cueva del Gato 2 (Épila, Zaragoza)
A new classification system is proposed to describe the volumetric formats of clastic lithic products of geological and archaeological origin. In order to build this operative classification, the rectangular block or cuboid is established as the standard geometric format to represent their three-dimensional format (the X-axis being length or long d...
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The rockshelter of Atxoste (Alava, Spain) offers a complete stratigraphical sequence for the analysis of the evolution of the lithic industry in the Mesolithic period, recognising the different industrial phases defined for the Ebro valley: the microblade industries of the beginning of the Holocene, the notches' and denticulates' industries and the...
Currently, investigations about siliceous resources exploited during prehistoric times in the Cantabrian Mountain and Western Pyrenees are still scarce and, generally, they did not employ methods which go deeply into the provenance characteristics.A review of the studies of lithic resource exploitation offered by historiography indicates that the t...
The introduction of the Neolithic cultural and economic practices in the Basque region has been traditionally understood as a late process, in parallel to the achievement of the production of the first metals in neighbouring areas where the production economy has been considered to arrive much earlier. This paper presents an updated view of the beg...
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Although it may seem paradoxical, the mobility patterns of nomadic Paleolithic hunter-gatherer groups are usually discerned based on the study of a single, static site. By statistically analysing patterns of lithic procurement at the Gravettian camp of Ametzagaina (Basque Country), we attempt to interpret how different raw material types infl uence...
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English:The prehistoric Treviño flint mine complex is located in the Sierra de Araico-Cucho (Berantevilla, Alava - Condado de Treviño, Burgos), inside the lacustrine-palustrine Cenozoic (Aquitanian, Miocene) materials of the South-Pyrenean syncline of the Basque-Cantabrian Basin. It is a landscape unit constituted by a set of carbonated layers with...
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We present a bioanthropological study of dental remains recovered from El Salt Middle Palaeolithic site (Alcoy, Alicante, Spain). The dental remains were found in a sedimentary layer representing a calm depositional environment within a freshwater spring system. The corresponding archaeological context comprises a Middle Palaeolithic faunal and lit...
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El interés arqueológico de la Cueva de Baltzola (Dima, Bizkaia) se conoce desde el s. XIX pero la información disponible era escasa e imprecisa. Nuestro equipo ha realizado durante los años 2006 y 2007 varios sondeos mecánicos y arqueológicos en el yacimiento que nos han permitido definir al me-nos dos secuencias de interés, una junto a la boca pri...
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Abstract One of the lines of the research developed recently in the Area of Prehistory at the University of Oviedo is the characterization of lithic resources exploited at El Sidrón and the location of raw material procurement areas. The study is extended to the Middle and Upper Palaeolithic human groups of La Viña, Cueto de la Mina and Llonín site...
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The Sierras Marginales Catalanas (SMC) and the Eastern sector of the Ebro Basin have been surveyed with the aim of locating flint resources within this region. These resources have then been studied by petrographic (macro and microscopic characterization) and mineralogical (Xray Diffraction) methods. Results permit the scription of provenance of fl...
The nature and distribution of organic matter in geological cherts of archaeological use can serve to estimate the sources and origins of some remains of lithic industry. For example, organic and biomarker analysis can provide information to allow a deeper insight into source catchment areas, artefact displacement or the way in which the artefacts...
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Primera aproximación al estudio mineralógico y tecnológico de las producciones laminares procedentes del yacimiento calcolítico Casas del Cejo (Lorca, Murcia). El objetivo es la caracterización textural del sílex para poder caracterizar los tipos empleados, relacionándolos con sus formaciones geológicas de procedencia. El estudio tecnológico se cen...
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De acuerdo con los objetivos expuestos en los diferen-tes convenios con la Consejería de Cultura del Principado de Asturias relacionados con las intervenciones arqueo-lógicas en el yacimiento y las investigaciones derivadas, durante las campañas de 2007 a 2012 las actuaciones se han organizado en los ámbitos de la Arqueología, Geo-logía (exterior e...
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RESUMEN. Se estudian los primeros indicios pastoriles al aire libre de época romana en la Sierra de Aralar, concretamente dos cabañas. Se analiza su relación con otras evidencias contemporáneas en el País Vasco en entornos de las mismas características, en ocasiones interpretadas como testimonios de poblaciones marginales que reocupan cavidades en...
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En el presente trabajo damos a conocer los primeros resultados obtenidos en la prospección geoarqueológica del sector geomorfológico denominado Prebético de Alicante. Se han documentado diez niveles geológicos con silicificaciones relevantes, que abarcan un amplio lapso cronológico: desde el Jurásico superior hasta el Mioceno superior. También se h...
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La identificación de la talla bipolar puede ser controvertida debido fundamentalmente a la naturaleza petrográfica del cuarzo y a su fracturación heterogénea. Este trabajo pretende superar este problema mediante el desarrollo de un marco explicativo experimental destinado al reconocimiento de los rasgos diagnósticos en las lascas producidas por amb...
The analysis of hydrocarbons in chert rocks provides a worthwhile source of information regarding the geochemical features of a depositional setting. Since the typical analytical procedure requires long Soxhlet extractions and the use of large quantities of sample (30-50 g), in this work we have optimised the focused ultrasound extraction (FUSE) an...
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The limestones of the Sierra de Araico (Condado de Trevi ˜ no, Spain), located in the Miranda-Treviño syncline (Basque-Cantabrian basin, Pyrenean Range), show silicificated nodules (flint) which have been exploited by means of non-complicated mining works (trenches and shallow pits), from Pleistocene through to Holocene and historical times. The fl...
Conference Paper
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Diffusion et exploitation d'un traceur lithologique au cours du Paléolithique supérieur dans le sud de la France : l'exemple du type Chalosse Summary The authors propose a petroarchaeological approach to understanding the exploitation of the environment and its resources by prehistoric groups. Petroarchaeology broadly defined includes the geologica...
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S’hi donen a conéixer els primers resultats sobre la caracterització i l’origen de les primeres matèries lítiques de l’Abric del Pastor (Alcoi, Alacant) a partir de l’estudi comparatiu dels sílex procedents de les formacions geològics locals i els arqueològics de l’esmentat jaciment. Es confirma la riquesa de la zona en distintes varietats de sílex...
Recent re-excavation of Mumba Rockshelter unearthed an unbiased lithic sample from Bed V. Technological analysis has permitted a reinterpretation of the so-called Mumba Industry, a transitional industry between Middle and Later Stone Ages originally defined by Mehlman (1989). Our data confirm Mehlman’s observation that the “evolutionary” markers in...
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This paper evaluates the prehistoric lithic assemblage retrieved at Bardallo (Upper Rioja area). The inventory includes over 800 items, of which c 30% are retouched tools. The typology and typometry of most tools is compatible with an Upper Palaeolithic assignment, possibly from a later stage. Nevertheless, being open air finds, the mixing of eleme...


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