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Adipose Organ Nerves Revealed by Immunohistochemistry#



Brown and white adipose tissue have recently gained prominence as key players in obesity and related health problems, such as type-2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Brown adipose tissue-dependent nonshivering thermogenesis significantly affects the body's energy balance. Originally considered as a passive store of lipids, white adipose tissue has recently been found to secrete a number of hormones and cytokines and to be thus involved in the control of body metabolism and energy balance at multiple sites. These findings have renewed the interest in adipose organ biology, including its innervation by the autonomic nervous system and sensory nerves. Here, we describe our protocols for detecting different types of adipose tissue nerves by light microscopy using peroxidase immunostaining and by laser scanning confocal microscopy using immunofluorescence. With these techniques, the presence, distribution, and colocalization of autonomic and sensory nerves can be effectively investigated in subcutaneous and visceral adipose depots of normal and obese animals.
... WAT has a dense vascular and nerve supply, formed by unmyelinated noradrenergic nerve fibers and myelinated sensitive nerves (42,43,45,46,169). Many fibers are present in the perivascular areas but rare small noradrenergic fibers can also be found in the parenchyma (i.e., in contact with adipocytes) (332,335). ...
... BAT is also highly innervated (Fig. 4A). Both myelinated and unmyeli-nated nerves are present in BAT (47,111,229,332). Parenchymal nerve fibers run among adipocytes and confocal and electron microscopy reveal synaptoid contacts between parenchymal nerve varicosities and brown adipocytes (Fig. 4B). ...
During the last decades, research on adipose tissues has spread in parallel with the extension of obesity. Several observations converged on the idea that adipose tissues are organized in a large organ with endocrine and plastic properties. Two parenchymal components: white (WATs) and brown adipose tissues (BATs) are contained in subcutaneous and visceral compartments. Although both have endocrine properties, their function differs: WAT store lipids to allow intervals between meals, BAT burns lipids for thermogenesis. In spite of these opposite functions, they share the ability for reciprocal reversible transdifferentiation to tackle special physiologic needs. Thus, chronic need for thermogenesis induces browning and chronic positive energy balance induce whitening. Lineage tracing and data from explant studies strongly suggest other remodeling properties of this organ. During pregnancy and lactation breast WAT transdifferentiates into milk‐secreting glands, composed by cells with abundant cytoplasmic lipids (pink adipocytes) and in the postlactation period pink adipocytes transdifferentiate back into WAT and BAT. The plastic properties of mature adipocytes are supported also by a liposecretion process in vitro where adult cell in culture transdifferentiate to differentiated fibroblast‐like elements able to give rise to different phenotypes (rainbow adipocytes). In addition, the inflammasome system is activated in stressed adipocytes from obese adipose tissue. These adipocytes die and debris are reabsorbed by macrophages inducing a chronic low‐grade inflammation, potentially contributing to insulin resistance and T2 diabetes. Thus, the plastic properties of this organ could open new therapeutic perspectives in the obesity‐related metabolic disease and in breast pathologies. © 2018 American Physiological Society. Compr Physiol 8:1357‐1431, 2018.
... The anatomical well-known difference between subcutaneous and visceral fat consists mainly of their size, i.e., smaller in visceral fat [78]. Furthermore, a higher vascular and parenchymal-nerve-fiber density in visceral fat was also found [79,80]. The reason for these differences is not known; however, considering that a large proportion of visceral fat is BAT in infants [81] and in people affected by pheochromocytoma or living in cold countries [22,23], it could be speculated that the visceral fat of adults is derived from a BAT-WAT conversion due to the normal reduced activity of the sympathetic nervous system with age [82]. ...
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White and brown adipose tissues are organized to form a real organ, the adipose organ, in mice and humans. White adipocytes of obese animals and humans are hypertrophic. This condition is accompanied by a series of organelle alterations and stress of the endoplasmic reticulum. This stress is mainly due to reactive oxygen species activity and accumulation, lending to NLRP3 inflammasome activation. This last causes death of adipocytes by pyroptosis and the formation of large cellular debris that must be removed by macrophages. During their chronic scavenging activity, macrophages produce several secretory products that have collateral consequences, including interference with insulin receptor activity, causing insulin resistance. The latter is accompanied by an increased noradrenergic inhibitory innervation of Langerhans islets with de-differentiation of beta cells and type 2 diabetes. The whitening of brown adipocytes could explain the different critical death size of visceral adipocytes and offer an explanation for the worse clinical consequence of visceral fat accumulation. White to brown transdifferentiation has been proven in mice and humans. Considering the energy-dispersing activity of brown adipose tissue, transdifferentiation opens new therapeutic perspectives for obesity and related disorders.
... Figure 2c and d show an example of iBAT TH-immunostaining. Additional information concerning the study of BAT innervation can be found in Giordano et al. 2008 [11]. ...
The Brown Adipose Tissue (BAT) is composed by mitochondrial rich, multilocular adipocytes, in strict topographical and functional relation with vasculature and noradrenergic nerves. Brown adipocytes are able to dissipate energy to produce heat, in a process known as non-shivering thermogenesis. Due to its contribution to energy expenditure, BAT is intensely studied for its potential to counteract metabolic diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia and cardiovascular diseases. BAT displays specific morphological characteristics that allow to assess its functional state. In this chapter we describe methodologies to properly dissect BAT depots, evaluate their gross anatomy, and assess its activation by light microscopy using peroxidase immunostaining and by laser scanning confocal microscopy using immunofluorescence. We also describe methodologies to study BAT ultrastructure by transmission and scanning electron microscopy, to visualize peroxidase immunostaining reactions at an ultrastructural level and to perform immunofluorescence reactions on paraffin-embedded samples, more often available in the clinical setting (due to the possibility to store them long-term) as opposed to fresh samples. The described techniques can be employed to study BAT morphology and activation in response to various stimuli (e.g., cold exposure; specific dietary composition) and in different pathological conditions (e.g., obesity; type 2 diabetes).
... 38 In our hands, this strategy was successful as demonstrated by the specific staining of sympathetic neurons, both in cell bodies and in fibers proximal to the brown adipocytes. 22,39,40 Furthermore, we functionally characterized the thermogenic response evoked in ChR2 infected mice by optogenetic stimulation both at the BAT and the systemic level. This result is further evidenced by the significant induction of the preUCP1 RNA (the nascent UCP1 transcript 30,31 ) in ChR2 infected mice compared to controls. ...
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The brown adipose tissue (BAT) is a thermogenic organ that plays a major role in energy balance, obesity, and diabetes due to the potent glucose and lipid clearance that fuels its thermogenesis, which is largely mediated via sympathetic nervous system activation. However, thus far there has been little experimental validation of the hypothesis that selective neuromodulation of the sympathetic nerves innervating the BAT is sufficient to elicit thermogenesis in mice. We generated mice expressing blue light‐activated channelrhodopsin‐2 (ChR2) in the sympathetic nerves innervating the BAT using two different strategies: injecting the BAT of C57Bl/6J mice with AAV6‐hSyn‐ChR2 (H134R)‐EYFP; crossbreeding tyrosine hydroxylase‐Cre mice with floxed‐stop ChR2‐EYFP mice. The nerves in the BAT expressing ChR2 were selectively stimulated with a blue LED light positioned underneath the fat pad of anesthetized mice, while the BAT and core temperatures were simultaneously recorded. Using immunohistochemistry we confirmed the selective expression of EYFP in TH positive nerves fibers. In addition, local optogenetic stimulation of the sympathetic nerves induced significant increase in the BAT temperature followed by an increase in core temperature in mice expressing ChR2, but not in the respective controls. The BAT activation was also paralleled by increased levels of pre‐UCP1 transcript. Our results demonstrate that local optogenetic stimulation of the sympathetic nerves is sufficient to elicit BAT and core thermogenesis, thus suggesting that peripheral neuromodulation has the potential to be exploited as an alternative to pharmacotherapies to elicit organ activation and thus ameliorate type 2 diabetes and/or obesity.
... Serial paraffin sections 4 µm in thickness were obtained from ING tissue and mounted on slices. Some were stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) to assess morphology; the others were used for immunohistochemical procedures (n = 6 for each procedure) (27). Adipocyte size was calculated as the mean adipocyte area of 300 random adipocytes (100 per section) from each depot of each mice using a drawing tablet and the Nikon Lucia Image software (version 4.61) of the morphometric program. ...
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Obesity results from critical periods of positive energy balance characterized by caloric intake greater than energy expenditure. This disbalance promotes adipose tissue dysfunction which is related to other comorbidities. Melatonin is a low-cost therapeutic agent and studies indicate that its use may improve obesity-related disorders. To evaluate if the melatonin is efficient in delaying or even blocking the damages caused by excessive ingestion of a high-fat diet (HFD) in mice, as well as improving the inflammatory profile triggered by obesity herein, male C57BL/6 mice of 8 weeks were induced to obesity by a HFD and treated for 10 weeks with melatonin. The results demonstrate that melatonin supplementation attenuated serum triglyceride levels and total and LDL cholesterol and prevented body mass gain through a decreased lipogenesis rate and increased lipolytic capacity in white adipocytes, with a concomitant increment in oxygen consumption and Pgc1a and Prdm16 expression. Altogether, these effects prevented adipocyte hypertrophy caused by HFD and reflected in decreased adiposity. Finally, melatonin supplementation reduced the crown-like-structure (CLS) formation, characteristic of the inflammatory process by macrophage infiltration into white adipose tissue of obese subjects, as well as decreased the gene expression of inflammation-related factors, such as leptin and MCP1. Thus, the melatonin can be considered a potential therapeutic agent to attenuate the metabolic and inflammatory disorders triggered by obesity.
... The adipose organ plays an important role in regulating wholebody energy and glucose homeostasis through cross-talk with other organs as adipose tissues are endowed with secretory abilities of different bioactive compounds (paracrine/autocrine/endocrine) (Ailhaud, 2000;Wang and Yang, 2016;Villarroya et al., 2017). The adipose organ can be divided into two distinct types of adipose tissues, white and brown: WAT is specialized for the storage and release of chemical energy (Giordano et al., 2008;Cohen and Spiegelman, 2016). In contrast, brown adipose tissue (BAT) dissipates energy in the form of heat (thermogenesis) by uncoupling the mitochondrial electron transport chain activity from ATP formation through the specific expression of uncoupling protein 1 (UCP-1) (Ricquier, 1990;Nedergaard et al., 2001;Frontini and Cinti, 2010). ...
Obesity has reached epidemic proportions world-wide and constitutes a substantial risk factor for hypertension, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and certain cancers. So far, regulation of energy intake by dietary and pharmacological treatments has met limited success. The main interest of current research is focused on understanding the role of different pathways involved in adipose tissue function and modulation of its mass. Whole-genome sequencing studies revealed that the majority of the human genome is transcribed, with thousands of non-protein-coding RNAs (ncRNA), which comprise small and long ncRNAs. ncRNAs regulate gene expression at the transcriptional and post-transcriptional level. Numerous studies described the involvement of ncRNAs in the pathogenesis of many diseases including obesity and associated metabolic disorders. ncRNAs represent potential diagnostic biomarkers and promising therapeutic targets. In this review, we focused on small ncRNAs involved in the formation and function of adipocytes and obesity.
... Given the differences in core body temperature despite the activation of the thermogenic program in WAT at room temperature, we next asked whether this is due to changes in the thyroid-adrenergic axis induced by thyroidal dysfunction. Immunohistochemical staining of tyrosine hydroxylase, which is the rate-limiting enzyme for catecholamine synthesis 30 , revealed no differences in abundance in the BAT of hyperthyroid and hypothyroid mice (data not shown). Furthermore, while we did not observe changes in gene expression of the β -adrenergic receptor 1 (Ardb1) in BAT, there was a significant increase in gene expression of Ardb3 in BAT of hypo-vs hyperthyroid mice (Fig. 4A). ...
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The present study aimed to determine the effect of thyroid hormone dysfunction on brown adipose tissue activity and white adipose tissue browning in mice. Twenty randomized female C57BL/6NTac mice per treatment group housed at room temperature were rendered hypothyroid or hyperthyroid. In-vivo small animal 18F-FDG PET/MRI was performed to determine the effects of hypo- and hyperthyroidism on BAT mass and BAT activity. Ex-vivo14C-acetate loading assay and assessment of thermogenic gene and protein expression permitted analysis of oxidative and thermogenic capacities of WAT and BAT of eu-, hyper and hypothyroid mice. 18F-FDG PET/MRI revealed a lack of brown adipose tissue activity in hypothyroid mice, whereas hyperthyroid mice displayed increased BAT mass alongside enhanced 18F-FDG uptake. In white adipose tissue of both, hyper- and hypothyroid mice, we found a significant induction of thermogenic genes together with multilocular adipocytes expressing UCP1. Taken together, these results suggest that both the hyperthyroid and hypothyroid state stimulate WAT thermogenesis most likely as a consequence of enhanced adrenergic signaling or compensation for impaired BAT function, respectively.
White, beige and brown adipose tissues play a crucial role in maintaining energy homeostasis. Due to the heterogeneous and diffuse nature of fat pads, this balance requires a fine and coordinated control of many actors and therefore permanent dialogues between these tissues and the central nervous system. For about two decades many studies have been devoted to describe the neuro-anatomical and functional complexity involved to ensure this dialogue. Thus, if it is now clearly demonstrated that there is an efferent sympathetic innervation of different fat depots controlling plasticity as well as metabolic functions of the fat pad, the crucial role of sensory innervation capable of detecting local signals informing the central nervous system of the metabolic state of the relevant pads is much more recent. The purpose of this review is to provide the current state of knowledge on this subject.
Les adipocytes sont les unités fonctionnelles du tissu adipeux (TA). Les adipocytes blancs du TA blanc assurent le stockage et la libération de l'énergie au sein de l'organisme, principalement sous forme d'acides gras1. A l'opposé, les adipocytes bruns du TA brun ont une grande capacité à consommer les acides gras par l'activité de la protéine UnCoupling Protein 1 (UCP1)2. Enfin, il a été observé des adipocytes UCP1+ dans le TA blanc, notamment en réponse à une exposition au froid3. Ces adipocytes sont appelés adipocytes beiges et sont issus de deux processus : d'une part via l'adipogenèse à partir des cellules souches/stromales mésenchymateuses du TA (ASC), et d'autre part par la conversion des adipocytes blancs en beiges4. Ce processus de conversion est réversible, ce qui montre le caractère très plastique de ces cellules. Le but de la thèse a été de caractériser les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans les processus d'adipogenèse et de plasticité cellulaire. Pour ce faire, nous avons utilisé des modèles innovants de culture d'ASC humaines et réalisé des expériences in vivo chez la souris. Compte tenu de la localisation péri-vasculaire et péricytaire des ASC in vivo5,6, nous nous sommes intéressés à l'utilisation du milieu Endothelial Growth Medium 2 (EGM2) pour leur expansion in vitro, comme une alternative aux méthodes de culture Standard (milieu de type Eagle's medium supplémenté en sérum de veau fœtal). Nos travaux ont montré que le TGFß1 contenu dans le sérum de culture altérait le caractère immature des ASC par leur engagement dans des voies de différenciation de type ostéoblastique, chondroblastique et vasculaire musculaire lisse. Aussi, grâce à sa faible quantité en sérum, et donc en TGFß1, le milieu EGM2 permet de conserver l'immaturité des ASC en culture ainsi que leurs fortes capacités à se différencier en adipocytes, notamment vers le phénotype beige. D'autre part, nous montrons que les ASC qui présentaient un fort potentiel à générer des adipocytes beiges sur-exprimaient la protéine SOX2. Nos résultats montrent que l'expression de SOX2 est positivement corrélée d'une part à la formation des adipocytes beiges et d'autre part à l'activation des adipocytes bruns in vivo chez la souris exposée au froid. [...]
Longtemps décrit comme un simple tissu de réserve énergétique, le tissu adipeux blanc est, depuis l’identification de la leptine en 1994, considéré comme un véritable organe endocrine. En effet, ce tissu secrète de nombreuses hormones et cytokines agissant de manière paracrine et endocrine pour contrôler le métabolisme énergétique. Par ailleurs, en plus des préadipocytes et des adipocytes, le tissu adipeux blanc contient également des cellules immunes innées et adaptatives ; lui conférant ainsi un rôle important dans le développement et le contrôle de l’immunité. Cependant, le rôle joué par le tissu adipeux blanc dans les infections - notamment pulmonaires - reste encore peu étudié. C’est dans ce cadre général que s’est inscrit ce travail de Thèse. La susceptibilité accrue des individus obèses (expansion du tissu adipeux blanc) à l’infection par le virus de la grippe (influenza) est largement étayée dans la littérature. Nous avons évalué l’impact de l’infection par le virus influenza sur le tissu adipeux blanc, chez des souris minces et des souris obèses. Nos résultats montrent que, de manière inattendue, le virus est détecté dans les tissus adipeux, sous-cutané (inguinal) et viscéral (périgonadique), de souris infectées par voie intra-nasale (détection du génome viral par RT-qPCR). La présence de virus dans le tissu adipeux est associée à l’augmentation de la sécrétion de cytokines pro- et anti-inflammatoires, à la diminution de l’expression de gènes impliqués dans la lipolyse et la lipogénèse, et à l’augmentation de l’expression des gènes impliqués dans l’induction d’une réponse immune anti-virale. De manière intéressante, l’infection par le virus influenza est associée au brunissement du tissu adipeux sous-cutané chez les souris minces. Chez les souris obèses, l’infection par le virus de la grippe n’induit pas l’effet dépôt spécifique observé chez la souris mince et ne montre pas de brûnissement au niveau du tissu adipeux sous-cutané 7 jours p.i. In vitro, nous montrons que le virus influenza peut infecter les préadipocytes et les adipocytes (lignée murine et cellules primaires humaines). Cependant, alors que le virus effectue la totalité de son cycle dans l’adipocyte, le préadipocyte libère très peu, voire pas, de nouveaux virions infectieux (PCR, transcriptomique, technique de plages de lyse, microscopie confocale et électronique). Ainsi nos résultats, très originaux, identifient le tissu adipeux blanc comme un nouveau tissu cible de l’infection par le virus de la grippe, in vivo. Au sein de ce tissu, les préadipocytes et les adipocytes sont potentiellement infectés par le virus, comme le montrent nos données in vitro, les adipocytes seuls permettant la production de nouvelles particules infectieuses.Contrairement à l’infection grippale, les données épidémiologiques et/ou expérimentales concernant la susceptibilité des obèses à l’infection par la bactérie Streptococcus pneumoniae sont contradictoires, du fait de l’utilisation de différents modèles d’obésité d’origine génétique et de sérotypes de pneumocoques. Dans ce projet, nous avons utilisé un modèle d’obésité d’origine nutritionnelle ; le modèle de souris nourries par un régime enrichi en lipides. Nous montrons que les souris obèses infectées (sérotype Sp1) développent un syndrome de type méningite, mortel, tandis que les souris minces contrôlent l’infection. Si les réponses pulmonaires à l’infection sont comparables entre les souris minces et obèses (dénombrement des colonies bactériennes, histologie, PCR, ELISA, cytométrie en flux), le nombre de bactéries dans le cerveau est significativement plus élevé chez les souris obèses, associé à une altération de la perméabilité de la barrière hématoencéphalique [...]
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Rat periovarian adipose tissue contains unilocular adipocytes and some multilocular adipocytes that, following acclimation to cold, become more numerous and give rise to periovarian brown fat areas. We studied the occurrence and distribution of tyrosine hydroxylase, neuropeptide Y, substance P, calcitonin gene-related peptide, vasoactive intestinal peptide, methionine enkephalin, neurotensin, galanin, and cholecystokinin 9–20 in the nerves of rat periovarian tissue maintained at 20 C (control rats), acclimated at 4 C (cold-acclimated rats) and at 28 C (warm-acclimated rats). In the periovarian tissue of control and warm-acclimated rats, tyrosine hydroxylase-like, neuropeptide Y-like, substance P-like and calcitonin gene-related peptide-like immunoreactive elements (putative nerves) were present in the blood vessels. In the periovarian tissue of cold-acclimated rats, we found: (1) a more widespread vascular distribution of these neuropeptides; (2) tyrosine hydroxylase-like and calcitonin gene-related peptide-like immunoreactive elements among paucilocular and multilocular adipocytes (parenchymal-like nerves); (3) vasoactive intestinal peptide-like immunoreactive elements in some arteries. Investigation by EM showed the presence of heterogeneous non-myelinated axons both associated with capillaries and among paucilocular and multilocular adipocytes (parenchymal fibres) in periovarian brown fat areas. In conclusion, periovarian brown fat contains the same neuropeptides, with the same vascular and parenchymal distribution, already seen in typical depots of brown fat.
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Rat periovarian adipose tissue contains a low number of uncoupling protein-expressing brown adipocytes scattered into lobules of white fat. Their increase following cold acclimation is matched by a major increase in noradrenergic and neuropeptide Y-, substance P- and calcitonin gene-related peptide-containing nerves. To ascertain whether periovarian fat is provided with sensory nerves, and whether any relationship exists between such nerves (in particular the calcitonin gene-related peptide-containing fibers found in cold-acclimated rats in close association with brown adipocytes) and brown fat recruitment, the effects of capsaicin desensitization on neuropeptide-containing nerves and brown adipocyte density were studied in the periovarian tissue of rats kept at 20 degrees C and on a group acclimated to 4 degrees C for 14 days. In both groups, systemic capsaicin administration considerably reduced the expression of substance P and calcitonin gene-related peptide in vascular-nerve bundles and parenchyma. In cold-acclimated rats, the increase in brown adipocyte density was significantly checked by capsaicin administration (21.11 versus 7.96 brown adipocytes/mm2, P<0.05). Finally, ultrastructural investigation showed the occurrence of brown adipocyte precursors filled with aggregates of glycogen and poorly differentiated multilocular adipocytes in capsaicin-treated cold-acclimated rats. These data suggest that periovarian adipose tissue is indeed provided with sensory neuropeptide-containing nerves and that they play a role in the recruitment and differentiation of brown adipocytes.
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We review the extensive physiological and neuroanatomical evidence for the innervation of white adipose tissue (WAT) by the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) as well as what is known about the sensory innervation of this tissue. The SNS innervation of WAT appears to be a part of the general SNS outflow from the central nervous system, consisting of structures and connections throughout the neural axis. The innervation of WAT by the SNS could play a role in the regulation of total body fat in general, most likely plays an important role in regional differences in lipid mobilization specifically, and may have a trophic affect on WAT. The exact nature of the SNS innervation of WAT is not known but it may involve contact with adipocytes and/or their associated vasculature. We hypothesize that the SNS innervation of WAT is an important contributor to the apparent "regulation" of total body fat.
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Interscapular brown adipose tissue (IBAT), a site of nonshivering thermogenesis in mammals, is neurally controlled. The co-existence of sympathetic and peptidergic innervation has been demonstrated in different brown adipose depots. We studied the morphological profile of IBAT innervation and tested by immunohistochemical methods whether cold and warm stimulation are accompanied by modifications in the density of parenchymal noradrenergic nerve fibers. We also studied the immunoreactivity of afferent fibers--which contain calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and substance P (SP)--in different functional conditions. IBAT was obtained from adult rats (6 weeks old) acclimated at different temperatures (4 degrees, 20 degrees, and 28 degrees C). Tissue activity was evaluated by studying the immunolocalization of uncoupling protein (UCP-1), a specific marker of brown adipose tissue. Noradrenergic and peptidergic innervation were seen to arise from morphologically different nerves. Fibers staining for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) were thin, unmyelinated hilar nerves, and CGRP- and SP-positive fibers were in thick nerves containing both myelinated and unmyelinated fibers. Under cold stimulation, noradrenergic neurons produce greater amounts of TH, and their axons branch, resulting in increased parenchymal nerve fibers density. Neuropeptide Y (NPY) probably co-localizes with TH in noradrenergic neurons, but only in the perivascular nerve fiber network. The parenchymal distribution of NPY to interlobular arterioles and capillaries suggests that this peptide must have other functions besides that of innervating arteriovenous anastomoses, as hypothesized by other researchers. The different distribution of CGRP and SP suggests the existence of different sensory neuronal populations. The detection of CGRP at the parenchymal level is in line with the hypothesis of a trophic action of this peptide.
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Light microscopy (LM) allows study of the anatomy of the adipose organ. For instance, it permits investigation of its microscopic organization (possible lobular subdivision) and the arrangement in the tissue of vessels, nerves, and main cell types (1). The unilocular or multilocular organization of adipocytes is already clearly visible at low magnification (×2.5), but the identification of other cell types, such as mast cells (particularly frequent in brown tissue), histiocytes (particularly frequent in white tissue, especially in fasting animals and in animals under diet restrictions), and inflammatory cells, requires magnification of at least ×40–100. Other cell types such as fibroblasts, preadipocytes and pericytes, are not easily recognized at LM. This technique also provides data on the functional state of the adipose tissue (AT): the size of white adipose tissue (WAT) adipocytes is indicative of the animal’s nutritional state and areas of capillary bed expansion appear in fasting animals. In brown adipose tissue (BAT), multilocularity is observed in various degrees, depending on the functional state of the organ. When this is stimulated by cold exposure or diet, lipid vacuoles are small and numerous, at rest (i.e., at warm environmental temperature or in fasting animals), they increase in size and gradually merge into fewer vacuoles, and eventually into a single vacuole. The functional activation of mitochondriogenesis in BAT also determines increased eosinophily of adipocyte cytoplasm. LM observation requires specimen processing by the following steps: fixation, dehydration, embedding, sectioning, and staining (2).
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To evaluate morphological aspects and immunohistochemical markers of brown adipose tissue (BAT) activation following chronic treatment with sibutramine, a novel anti-obesity drug which increases thermogenesis and energy expenditure in mammals, and to establish whether chronic sibutramine treatment induces recruitment of BAT in white adipose tissue (WAT) depots. Adult rats were administered 7 mg/kg/day oral sibutramine for 4 weeks. Body weight was monitored daily. At the end of the 4 weeks rats were perfused with buffered paraformaldehyde solution; interscapular BAT and retroperitoneal and epididymal WAT were carefully dissected for weight and volume measurements and processed for light microscopic studies and immunohistochemistry on paraffin-embedded sections. Where possible, semiquantitative morphometric analyses were performed. Chronic sibutramine treatment determined a significant (about 8%) reduction in body weight. Compared with controls, sibutramine-treated rats showed: (1) interscapular brown adipocytes staining more intensely for uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1), the thermogenic mitochondrial protein; (2) a significantly larger number (about 45%) of brown adipocyte nuclei positive for peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma, the transcription factor driving UCP1 expression; (3) surprisingly, a significant reduction (about 30%) in BAT parenchymal noradrenergic nerve staining; and (4) a significant weight and volume reduction of WAT depots, but no significant signs of transdifferentiation of white into brown adipocytes. This study confirms the ability of sibutramine to induce weight loss by selective and sustained activation of BAT in rodents without recruitment of brown fat in WAT depots. The parallel findings of a high level of brown adipocyte activation and low parenchymal noradrenergic innervation are discussed and a possible direct effect of sibutramine and/or its active metabolites on peripheral BAT sympathetic nerve terminals is hypothesized.
White adipose tissue was obtained from the mesentery, epididymis, omentum and subcutis of rats which were fed, fasted or fasted and then refed. Tissue samples were prepared using the glyoxylic acid method to detect adrenergic nerves by fluorescence histochemistry. Other tissue samples were fixed with an aldehyde solution containing sodium molybdate which is specific for catecholamine granules in nerve terminals. Thin and serial thick sections (0.25-0.5 micron) were viewed with a conventional electron microscope and with the high voltage electron microscope. With fluorescence microscopy it was found that most of the blood vessels except veins and venules were richly innervated. The most extensive branching of nerves down to the capillary level was found in the mesentery and epididymal fat of fasted-refed rats. Relatively few adipocytes appeared to be innervated. With electron microscopy, nerve terminals were found distributed with most blood vessels including capillaries, and with some adipocytes. Only 2-3% of all dipocytes were innervated by adrenergic nerves. It is suggested that in the adipose tissue sites studied the major adrenergic innervation is mainly for the supply of blood vessels.
The occurrence of neuropeptides in rat brown adipose tissue has been investigated. Immunohistochemical studies on interscapular and perirenal brown fat have demonstrated unequivocally the presence of substance-P (SP)-like, neuropeptide-Y (NPY)-like and calcitonin gene related-peptide (CGRP)-like immunoreactive elements (putative nerves) in adventitial distribution on inter- and intralobular supply arteries and in accompanying nerve bundles. At a more peripheral level, some NPY-like immunoreactive elements and a greater number of CGRP-like immunoreactive elements were observed in the parenchymal field. Somatostatin, bombesin, neurotensin, enkephalin, and vasoactive-intestinal-polypeptide immunoreactivities were not detected. No differences in neuropeptide distribution were noted between interscapular and perirenal brown fat. There is a degree of coincident distribution of SP, NPY and CGRP with that of noradrenergic nervous elements as visualized by condensation histochemistry. Since after 6-hydroxydopamine treatment not all the nerve terminals in rat brown adipose tissue are stigmatized (earlier report), the present results have been discussed in the light of a possible pluralism in innervation of brown adipose tissue.
The use of avidin-biotin interaction in immunoenzymatic techniques provides a simple and sensitive method to localize antigens in formalin-fixed tissues. Among the several staining procedures available, the ABC method, which involves an application of biotin-labeled secondary antibody followed by the addition of avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex, gives a superior result when compared to the unlabeled antibody method. The availability of biotin-binding sites in the complex is created by the incubation of a relative excess of avidin with biotin-labeled peroxidase. During formation of the complex, avidin acts as a bridge between biotin-labeled peroxidase molecules; and biotin-labeled peroxidase molecules, which contains several biotin moieties, serve as a link between the avidin molecules. Consequently, a "lattice" complex containing several peroxidase molecules is likely formed. Binding of this complex to the biotin moieties associated with secondary antibody results in a high staining intensity.