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Comparison of Psychophysical, Electrophysiological, and fMRI Assessment of Visual Contrast Responses in Patients with Schizophrenia


Abstract and Figures

Perception has been identified by the NIMH-sponsored Cognitive Neuroscience Treatment Research to Improve Cognition in Schizophrenia (CNTRICS) group as a useful domain for assessing cognitive deficits in patients with schizophrenia. Specific measures of contrast gain derived from recordings of steady-state visual evoked potentials (ssVEP) have demonstrated neural deficits within the visual pathways of patients with schizophrenia. Psychophysical measures of contrast sensitivity have also shown functional loss in these patients. In the current study, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used in conjunction with ssVEP and contrast sensitivity testing to elucidate the neural underpinnings of these deficits. During fMRI scanning, participants viewed 1) the same low and higher spatial frequency stimuli used in the psychophysical contrast sensitivity task, at both individual detection threshold contrast and at a high contrast; and 2) the same stimuli used in the ssVEP paradigm, which were designed to be biased toward either the magnocellular or parvocellular visual pathway. Patients showed significant impairment in contrast sensitivity at both spatial frequencies in the psychophysical task, but showed reduced occipital activation volume for low, but not higher, spatial frequency at the low and high contrasts tested in the magnet. As expected, patients exhibited selective deficits under the magnocellular-biased ssVEP condition. However, occipital lobe fMRI responses demonstrated the same general pattern for magnocellular- and parvocellular-biased stimuli across groups. These results indicate dissociation between the fMRI measures and the psychophysical/ssVEP measures. These latter measures appear to have greater value for the functional assessment of the contrast deficits explored here.
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Comparison of Psychophysical, Electrophysiological, and fMRI
Assessment of Visual Contrast Responses in Patients with
Daniel J. Calderonea,b,c, Antígona Martineza,d, Vance Zemona,e, Matthew J. Hoptmana,b,c,
George Huf, Jade E. Watkinsa, Daniel C. Javitta,c,g, and Pamela D. Butlera,b,c
aNathan S. Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research, 140 Old Orangeburg Road, Orangeburg, NY
10962, USA
bDepartment of Psychiatry, NYU School of Medicine, 550 First Avenue, New York, NY 10016,
cDepartment of Psychology, The Graduate Center, City University of New York, 365 Fifth Avenue,
New York, NY 10016, USA
dDepartment of Neurosciences, University of California San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla,
California 92093, USA
eFerkauf Graduate School of Psychology, Rousso Building, Albert Einstein College of Medicine,
1165 Morris Park Avenue, Bronx, NY 10461, USA
fVerisci Corporation, Raritan, NJ 08869, USA
gDepartment of Psychiatry, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, 630 West
168th Street, New York, NY 10032, USA
Perception has been identified by the NIMH-sponsored Cognitive Neuroscience Treatment
Research to Improve Cognition in Schizophrenia (CNTRICS) group as a useful domain for
assessing cognitive deficits in patients with schizophrenia. Specific measures of contrast gain
derived from recordings of steady-state visual evoked potentials (ssVEP) have demonstrated
neural deficits within the visual pathways of patients with schizophrenia. Psychophysical
measures of contrast sensitivity have also shown functional loss in these patients. In the current
study, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used in conjunction with ssVEP and
contrast sensitivity testing to elucidate the neural underpinnings of these deficits. During fMRI
scanning, participants viewed 1) the same low and higher spatial frequency stimuli used in the
psychophysical contrast sensitivity task, at both individual detection threshold contrast and at a
© 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Corresponding Author: Daniel Calderone,, 412-491-0527, 140 Old Orangeburg Road, Orangeburg, NY
Conflicts of Interest: The authors report the following conflicts of interest: Dr. Daniel Javitt holds intellectual property rights for use
of NMDA agonists, including glycine, D-serine, and glycine transport inhibitors in treatment of schizophrenia. Dr. Daniel Javitt is a
major shareholder in Glytech, Inc. and Amino Acids Solutions, Inc. Within the past year, Dr. Javitt has served as a paid consultant to
Sepracor, AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Cypress, Merck, Sunovion, Eli Lilly, and BMS. Drs. George Hu and Vance Zemon are major
shareholders in VeriSci Corp. Daniel Calderone, Antigona Martinez, Matthew Hoptman, Jade Watkins, and Pamela Butler have no
conflicts of interest in relation to the subject of this study.
Publisher's Disclaimer: This is a PDF file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication. As a service to our
customers we are providing this early version of the manuscript. The manuscript will undergo copyediting, typesetting, and review of
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NIH Public Access
Author Manuscript
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2014 February 15.
Published in final edited form as:
. 2013 February 15; 67: 153–162. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2012.11.019.
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high contrast; and 2) the same stimuli used in the ssVEP paradigm, which were designed to be
biased toward either the magnocellular or parvocellular visual pathway. Patients showed
significant impairment in contrast sensitivity at both spatial frequencies in the psychophysical
task, but showed reduced occipital activation volume for low, but not higher, spatial frequency at
the low and high contrasts tested in the magnet. As expected, patients exhibited selective deficits
under the magnocellular-biased ssVEP condition. However, occipital lobe fMRI responses
demonstrated the same general pattern for magnocellular- and parvocellular-biased stimuli across
groups. These results indicate dissociation between the fMRI measures and the psychophysical/
ssVEP measures. These latter measures appear to have greater value for the functional assessment
of the contrast deficits explored here.
contrast sensitivity; fMRI; gain control; magnocellular; schizophrenia; visual
1. Introduction
Over recent years it has become clear that patients with schizophrenia exhibit sensory
processing deficits in a number of modalities (Javitt, 2009, Koychev et al., 2011, Leitman et
al., 2011, Silverstein and Keane, 2011, Butler et al., 2012). Indeed, perception was chosen as
one of the key domains for development of measures that could be used in clinical trials in
schizophrenia by the NIH-sponsored Cognitive Neuroscience Treatment Research to
Improve Cognition in Schizophrenia (CNTRICS) initiative (Green et al., 2009, Butler et al.,
2012). In the visual system, behavioral, electrophysiological, and functional magnetic
resonance imaging (fMRI) studies have revealed early-stage sensory deficits, including
deficient processing of contrast (Slaghuis, 1998, Kéri et al., 2002, Kéri et al., 2004, Butler et
al., 2005, Butler et al., 2009, Green et al., 2009), motion (Chen et al., 2003b, Chen et al.,
2004, Kim et al., 2006), and spatial frequency information (O’Donnell et al., 2002, Martinez
et al., 2008, Martinez et al., 2012). These visual sensory processing deficits appear to
contribute to higher level dysfunction in reading (Revheim et al., 2006), object processing
and grouping (Doniger et al., 2002, Kurylo et al., 2007, Sehatpour et al., 2010, Calderone et
al., 2012), and emotion processing (Turetsky et al., 2007, Butler et al., 2009).
Within the domain of perception, the CNTRICS initiative included the neurophysiological
and psychophysical tasks that are the focus of the current study. The measures of interest
here are ones that quantify the gain and sensitivity of contrast responses and their underlying
mechanisms (Green et al., 2009, Butler et al., 2012). The neurophysiological measures are
based on the use of visual stimuli designed to emphasize either the magnocellular or
parvocellular contributions to visual processing (Zemon and Gordon, 2006). The subcortical
magnocellular pathway contains rapidly conducting neurons that project preferentially
through primary visual cortex (V1) to dorsal stream cortical areas while the parvocellular
pathway contains smaller, more slowly conducting neurons that project preferentially
through V1 to ventral stream areas, with extensive interaction between these pathways
following activation of V1 (Kaplan, 2003). While response properties of the two pathways
overlap, they can be preferentially activated by stimuli that differ in contrast, spatial, and
temporal frequency. With regard to contrast, magnocellular neurons have a nonlinear
response function with steep initial slope as contrast increases through the low contrast
region followed by decreasing slope (response compression) as contrast increases above
~12%. The steep initial slope reflects initial gain and is referred to as ‘contrast gain.’
Response compression which occurs with increases in contrast reflects a nonlinear inhibitory
mechanism and is a component of ‘contrast gain control’ (Shapley and Victor, 1979,
Ohzawa et al., 1982, 1985, Zemon et al., 1995, Carandini et al., 1997). The subcortical
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parvocellular pathway and its recipient cortical neurons, on the other hand, do not respond
much at low contrast (<10%), and parvocellular response functions exhibit a shallow linear
slope in magnitude vs. contrast, i.e., low contrast gain (Kaplan and Shapley, 1982, 1986,
Tootell et al., 1988, Shapley, 1990, Benardete et al., 1992).
Patients with schizophrenia exhibit contrast response deficits in the visual system, which are
seen in electrophysiological (Butler et al., 2005, Green et al., 2009, Butler et al., 2012) as
well as behavioral studies (Slaghuis, 1998, Kéri et al., 2002, Kéri et al., 2004, Butler et al.,
2005, Butler et al., 2009, Green et al., 2009, Barch et al., 2012). An electrophysiological
technique that involves recording steady-state visual evoked potentials (ssVEP) to isolated-
check stimuli (Zemon et al., 1988, Zemon and Gordon, 2006) has previously been used to
demonstrate contrast gain deficits in schizophrenia (Butler et al., 2001, Butler et al., 2005,
Butler et al., 2008a). This technique can bias responses toward the magnocellular
contribution by keeping stimuli in the low contrast range, and can bias responses toward the
parvocellular contribution by modulating stimulus contrast around a high contrast “pedestal”
to keep stimuli within the contrast range at which magnocellular response saturation occurs
(Zemon and Gordon, 2006). Signal-to-noise ratios are obtained separately for
magnocellular- and parvocellular-biased responses over a range of increasing contrasts.
Schizophrenia patients have shown preferential deficits in the magnocellular-biased vs. the
parvocellular-biased contrast response function (Butler et al., 2001, Butler et al., 2005,
Butler et al., 2009). These deficits are thought to reflect a dysfunction in a nonlinear gain
mechanism. To better understand the neural underpinnings of these deficits, the current
study used the same stimuli from previous ssVEP work (Butler et al., 2005, Zemon and
Gordon, 2006) in an fMRI paradigm.
Schizophrenia patients also exhibit visual deficits in a psychophysical contrast sensitivity
task, in which contrast detection thresholds are found for grating stimuli of different spatial
frequencies. The magnocellular pathway responds preferentially to low contrasts (<10%) as
well as low spatial and high temporal frequencies, while the parvocellular pathway
preferentially responds to high spatial and low temporal frequencies (Tootell et al., 1988,
Shapley, 1990, Merigan and Maunsell, 1993, Wurtz and Kandel, 2000, Norman, 2002). For
contrast sensitivity tasks, shorter duration stimuli (i.e. higher temporal frequency), produce
the highest contrast sensitivities at low spatial frequencies, whereas longer duration stimuli
produce the highest contrast sensitivities at mid-range spatial frequencies (Tolhurst, 1975,
Legge, 1978). A number of studies show that patients with schizophrenia have higher
contrast thresholds (i.e., impaired contrast sensitivity) compared to healthy controls
(Slaghuis, 1998, Kéri et al., 2002, Chen et al., 2003a, Slaghuis, 2004, Butler et al., 2005,
Butler et al., 2008b, Norton et al., 2009, Dias et al., 2011). Selective deficits have been
found at low spatial frequencies in some studies (Butler et al., 2005, Butler et al., 2009),
though others found deficits across spatial frequencies (Slaghuis, 1998, Kéri et al., 2002) or
showed contradictory results of increased contrast sensitivity for first-episode schizophrenia
patients (Kiss et al., 2010).
The goal of the current study was to explore the cortical areas that underlie the deficits in
contrast responses in schizophrenia using stimuli from electrophysiological (Butler et al.,
2005, Zemon and Gordon, 2006) and psychophysical paradigms (Butler et al., 2001, Butler
et al., 2005, Butler et al., 2009). It is hoped that this work will assist in task development for
measures to be used in clinical trials aimed at assessing cognition in schizophrenia.
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2. Methods
2.1. Participants
Fifteen patients who met DSM-IV criteria for schizophrenia and 15 healthy volunteers
participated. Patients were recruited through inpatient and outpatient facilities associated
with the Nathan Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research. Diagnoses were obtained using the
Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID) (First et al., 1997) and available clinical
information. Controls were recruited through the Volunteer Recruitment Program at the
Nathan Kline Institute. All participants provided informed consent and received cash
compensation for their time. The study was approved by the Nathan Kline Institutional
Review Board. Healthy volunteers with a history of SCID-defined Axis I psychiatric
disorders were excluded. Patients and controls were excluded if they had any neurological or
ophthalmological disorders, including glaucoma or cataracts, that might affect performance
or if they met criteria for alcohol or substance dependence within the last six months or
abuse within the last month. All participants had normal or corrected-to-normal visual acuity
of 20/32 or better on the Logarithmic Visual Acuity Chart (Precision Vision). All patients
were receiving antipsychotic medication at the time of testing. Chlorpromazine equivalents
were calculated as previously described (Woods, 2003, 2005, 2011). All data reported below
are means ± standard deviation.
Controls and patients did not differ in gender (patients: 13 males, 2 females; controls: 12
males, 3 females;
(1) = .240,
p =
.63) or age (patients: 40.40 ± 9.90; controls: 36.87 ±
(28) = .972,
p =
.27). Patients had significantly lower socioeconomic status (SES) as
measured by the 4-factor Hollingshead Scale (patients: 23.31 ± 6.80; controls: 44.57 ± 9.88;
(25) = −6.463,
p <
.001), but parental SES did not differ between groups (patients: 39.92 ±
9.39; controls: 46.68 ± 14.05;
(14.17) = 1.260,
p =
.23). Patients had significantly reduced
IQ (patients: 97.46 ± 7.00; controls: 104.71 ± 8.65;
(25) = −2.38,
p =
.03) and education as
measured by highest grade achieved (patients: 11.54 ± 1.20; controls: 14.50 ± 1.99;
(25) =
p <
.001). Patients were ill for 14.58 ± 7.42 years, had an average Global Assessment
of Functioning (GAF) score of 48.67 ± 13.84, and were receiving antipsychotic doses
equivalent to an average of 783.33 ± 611.54 mg of chlorpromazine per day. Although
demographic data for some variables were unavailable for some participants, the overall
sample characteristics were similar to those in recent publications from our group (Dias et
al., 2011, Calderone et al., 2012, Martinez et al., 2012).
2.2. Psychophysical Contrast Sensitivity
Horizontal sine-wave gratings were presented on the left or right half of a computer screen
(VENUS system, Neuroscientific Corp., Farmingdale, NY), with the other side of the screen
blank. The mean luminance of each side of the display was 84 cd/m2. Participants indicated
on which side the grating pattern appeared in a two-alternative forced-choice paradigm
(Figure 1). Two sine-wave gratings of different spatial frequencies expressed in cycles per
degree of visual angle (c/deg) were used. The low spatial frequency (0.5 c/deg) stimuli were
shown for a short (32 ms) duration and the higher spatial frequency (4 c/deg) stimuli were
shown for a longer (500 ms) duration to bias stimuli toward eliciting responses from the
transient (magnocellular-like) and sustained (parvocellular-like) mechanism, respectively.
The entire display subtended 6 x 6 degrees of visual angle, viewed from a distance of 190
cm. For each spatial frequency, an up-down transformed rule (UDTR) procedure (Wetherill
and Levitt, 1965) estimated the threshold contrast at which participants correctly identified
the location of the stimulus on 70.7% of the trials. Initially, contrast was changed in 6
decibel (dB) steps for each correct (−6 dB) or incorrect (+ 6 dB) responses. After two
incorrect responses, the UDTR was implemented with 3 dB steps. Following two correct
responses, contrast was decreased by 3 dB, whereas following one incorrect response,
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contrast was increased by 3 dB. The threshold contrast was taken as the mean of ten contrast
reversals, and contrast sensitivity was calculated as the reciprocal of this threshold.
2.3. Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials (ssVEP)
2.3.1. Apparatus—Stimulus presentation, ssVEP recording, and data analysis were
performed with a Neucodia system (VeriSci Corp., Raritan, NJ). For improved measurement
of responses, this system uses synchronized data collection: electroencephalographic (EEG)
signal sampling at integer multiples (4x) of the stimulus display’s frame rate (150 Hz). A
single channel of EEG recording was used (gain = 20,000, bandpass: 0.5–100 Hz) with one
(active) electrode at Oz, referenced to a second one at Cz with a floating ground at Pz, in
accordance with the 10–20 system (Jasper, 1958).
2.3.2. Stimuli and Procedure—Isolated dark checks, subtending 18.75 minutes of arc of
visual angle each, were shown in 16 × 16 check arrays subtending a total of 10 × 10° of
visual angle viewed from a distance of 114 cm. The background luminance was ~50 cd/m2.
Check luminance was modulated sinusoidally at 12.5 Hz. Seven depths of modulation
(DOM) (0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32%) were presented for one second each in a seven-second
swept-parameter run. Ten such runs were obtained for M-biased and P-biased stimuli
separately, for each participant. For all runs, a standing check luminance (pedestal) was
used, with check luminance modulated above and below the pedestal according to the DOM.
In M-biased runs, the pedestal equaled the DOM, creating appearing and disappearing
stimuli (Figure 2). In P-biased runs, the pedestal was fixed at 48% Weber contrast, so that
stimuli never dropped below 16% contrast (Zemon and Gordon, 2006).
2.3.4. Analysis—A discrete Fourier transform was used to analyze the fundamental
frequency component of the ssVEP (response at the stimulus frequency) averaged for M-
and P-biased conditions separately. Signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) of the fundamental
frequency component computed for each set of 10 runs were used as the dependent measure
(Victor and Mast, 1991, Zemon et al., 1997) in a three-way ANOVA with group, DOM, and
bias condition as factors. A modified measure of initial gain was calculated as the slope of
the response function between 4 and 16% DOM, i.e. the change in SNR from 4 to 16%
DOM divided by the change in DOM (12%). A measure of maximal SNR was calculated as
the mean of the SNRs at 16 and 32% DOM.
2.4. Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI)
2.4.1. Apparatus—A 3T Siemens TIM Trio magnetic resonance scanner at the Nathan
Kline Institute was used for all functional and structural scans. Functional scans contained
34 axial slices, with TR=2000ms, TE=30ms, and voxel size=2.5×2.5×2.8 mm, with a 0.7
mm gap. High-resolution structural scans were performed with a 3-D magnetization
prepared rapid acquisition gradient echo (MPRAGE) sequence, having 192 sagital slices
with TR=2500ms, TE=3.5ms, FA=8°, and voxel size =1 mm3. Slice time correction, motion
correction, normalization to a value of 100, smoothing (8mm FWHM Gaussian kernel),
skull stripping, deconvolution of relevant time series, and first-order regression analyses
were performed using the AFNI (; (Cox, 1996)). Functional and
structural scans were coregistered and transformed into a common Talairach space using the
Automatic Registration Toolbox (Ardekani et al., 2004, Klein et al., 2009).
2.4.2. Stimuli and Procedure—Similar isolated-check stimuli as those used in the
ssVEP paradigm were presented to create M-biased and P-biased fMRI scanning runs.
Check size was slightly larger, with each isolated check subtending 24 minutes of arc of
visual angle. The background luminance was ~100 cd/m2. Check luminance was modulated
sinusoidally at 12 Hz. Five DOMs (2, 4, 8, 16, and 32%) were presented in a block design
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for both M-biased and P-biased conditions. For each DOM, 12 seconds of pattern
presentation was followed by 12 seconds of blank background luminance, and this cycle was
repeated four times. To maintain attention to the stimuli, participants pressed a response
button when a fixation cross in the center of the screen changed into a dot for 300ms. The
dot appeared randomly during half of the stimulus presentations.
Contrast sensitivity tasks were performed during fMRI scanning for the same two sinusoidal
grating stimulus conditions used in the psychophysical task: 0.5 c/deg displayed for 32 ms,
and 4 c/deg displayed for 500 ms. The mean luminance of each half of the display was 68.6
cd/m2. During structural scans, participants performed the task starting at 50% contrast. A
UDTR procedure similar to the one described above in section 2.2 that estimated an
accuracy of 84.09% changed stimulus contrast by 6 dB until the first incorrect response, and
then changed stimulus contrast by 3 dB afterwards. Following four correct responses,
contrast was decreased by 3 dB, whereas following 1 incorrect response, contrast was
increased by 3 dB. When five contrast reversals were obtained, the task paused until
structural scanning was complete. The threshold contrast was taken as the mean of the two
contrasts comprising the fifth contrast reversal. During a subsequent functional scan, the
task resumed at the contrast level reached at the end of the fifth reversal. Participants
continued performing the task at threshold contrast for 45 TRs, and then performed the task
at an unchanging high contrast of 71% for an additional 45 TRs. This entire procedure was
completed for each spatial frequency separately.
Display equipment used for the fMRI paradigm was limited to 256 gray levels, in contrast to
the 4096 gray levels utilized by the VENUS system for the psychophysical contrast
sensitivity task. Thus, the lowest contrast that could be displayed in the fMRI paradigm was
~1%. To partially compensate for this, a neutral density filter was used to reduce the
luminance of the display by 1 log unit during the contrast sensitivity paradigm only,
resulting in a mean luminance of 6.8 cd/m2. Contrast sensitivities, particularly to higher
spatial frequencies, are known to be reduced under conditions of lower luminance (Patel,
1966, Sperling, 1970, Peli, 1990). The fMRI paradigm utilized lower luminance in order to
bias threshold contrasts to be higher, though the display’s inability to show contrasts below
1% remained a limitation.
All stimuli were viewed through a mirror system mounted on the head coil that reflected a
projection screen behind the scanner. The luminance of the projection display was obtained
for the complete range of grayscale values by using a photometer (Photoresearch, Inc.
Spectrascan Model 650). This information was used to accurately calculate contrast when
designing stimuli.
2.4.3. Analysis—For each participant, first-order regression analyses isolated fMRI
activity related to specific task conditions, generating brain maps (termed “beta maps”) in
which each voxel contained a beta coefficient. The square of these beta coefficients
represent the amount of variance explained by the activity in that voxel during a specific
task condition. These analyses were restricted to the occipital lobe, based on the a priori
assumption that deficits in schizophrenia to these particular tasks occur in early visual
processing areas. These beta maps were used as input for higher-order group analyses and
averages. All
values were corrected for multiple comparisons using AlphaSim, such that
only clusters of 48 voxels or more were considered significant. For each task, two measures
were assessed. Volume of activation in milliliters was obtained for each individual based on
beta maps for each condition thresholded at
= .001. Strength of activation was measured as
the proportion of total variance explained by each condition obtained by squaring the beta
values and calculating the mean squared beta value over occipital cortex for values surviving
= .001.
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Data from the isolated-check scans included activity related to each DOM (2, 4, 8, 16, and
32%) separately for M-biased and P-biased conditions. Measures of activation volume and
strength were used as dependent variables in two separate three-way ANOVAs with group
as a between-subjects factor and DOM and bias condition as within-subjects factors. In
addition, location and direction of activation were determined by group averages of beta
coefficient maps thresholded at
= .001. These were displayed on a flattened anatomical
map of the occipital cortex.
Contrast sensitivity scans included four task conditions: 0.5 and 4 c/deg for near threshold
contrast and for high contrast conditions separately. Because this task showed stimuli on the
left or right visual field, first-order regression analysis yielded separate beta maps for left vs.
right hemispheric activation for each of the four task conditions. Volume of activation and
strength of activation were obtained for each task condition as described above, for
combined left-stimuli and right-stimuli beta maps.
3. Results
3.1. Psychophysical Contrast Sensitivity
A main effect of group (
(1,56) = 11.769,
< .005) showed that patients had lower contrast
sensitivities than did healthy controls to both the 0.5 and 4 c/deg spatial frequency
conditions (Figure 3). Further, a two-way Group × Condition interaction (
(1,56) = 4.632,
< .05) indicated that this deficit in contrast sensitivity was greater for the higher spatial
frequency as compared to the low spatial frequency condition.
3.2. Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials
Signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) of the evoked potential response were used as the dependent
measure (Victor and Mast, 1991, Zemon et al., 1997). A significant three-way interaction for
Group × Condition × DOM (
(6,392) = 7.001,
p <
.001) suggested greater deficits for
patients in the M-biased than the P-biased condition, which was confirmed by a significant
two-way interaction for Group × Condition (
(1,56) = 14.517,
= .001). Post-hoc t-tests
showed that these deficits occurred at 4, 8, 16, and 32% DOM, where controls had signals
greater than the noise (Figure 4).
For controls, the M-biased condition generated an initial steep rise in response indicative of
strong contrast gain. There was response compression and the response function exhibited
the greatest SNR at 16% DOM. Patients had decreased initial gain (i.e., decreased slope
from 4 to 16% DOM) (
(28) = 2.587,
p <
.05) and lower maximal SNR (i.e., mean SNR for
16 and 32% DOM) (
(28) = 3.335,
p <
.005) compared to controls. For both controls and
patients, the P-biased condition generated a steadily rising response function. No group
differences in SNR were found for any DOM where the signal was greater than the noise.
Initial gain (
(28) = 1.091,
p >
.28) and maximal SNR (
(28) = 1.815,
p >
.08) measures did
not significantly differ between groups.
3.3. Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI): Contrast Sensitivity Task
Contrast sensitivity tasks were performed during fMRI scanning at 0.5 and 4 c/deg, at near
threshold levels for each observer and at a fixed 71% contrast. Five controls were outliers
with near threshold contrast levels above 50% and one patient was an outlier with an error in
blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) signal acquisition, and they were removed from
all analyses. Controls and patients had similar contrast sensitivities for 0.5 c/deg at 32 ms (M
± SD contrast sensitivity: controls: 54.69 ± 17.03; patients: 50.70 ± 19.15) as well as for 4 c/
deg at 500 ms (M ± SD contrast sensitivity: controls: 41.43 ± 24.17; patients: 23.52 ± 21.68)
(data not graphed).
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For volume of activation, no interactions were found, but a main effect of group indicated
greater occipital recruitment for controls than for patients (
(1,88) = 17.583,
p <
.001). This
difference was significant for the 0.5 c/deg condition at both near threshold contrast and at
high contrast, but not for 4 c/deg condition at either contrast level (Figure 5A). For strength
of activation, no interactions or main effects were found, indicating equivalent activation
strength for all task conditions and both groups (Figure 5B).
3.4. Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI): Isolated Check Task
Volume and strength of activation were assessed for each bias condition and DOM (Figure
6). In addition, location of activation is represented in group-averages displayed on flattened
anatomical images of the occipital cortex, for each bias condition and DOM (Figure 7). For
both volume and strength of activation measures, there was no significant main effect of
group and no significant interactions containing group in a three-way ANOVA with group
as a between subjects factor and condition (M- vs. P-biased) and DOM as within subjects
factors. Collapsed across groups, there was a significant Condition × DOM interaction
(4,290) = 3.192,
p <
.05) for activation volume. While both the M- and P-biased
conditions showed a steep increase in volume of occipital activation from 2 to 8% DOM,
and a decrease in activation volume from 8 to 16% DOM across groups, the P-biased
condition yielded an increase in activation volume from 16 to 32% DOM whereas the M-
biased condition did not (Table 1). For strength of activation, a main effect of DOM
(4,295) = 17.280,
p <
.001) was found. The pattern of activation strength as DOM
increased was strikingly different from the pattern of activation volume. Activation strength
remained low over the 2 to 8% DOM range, and only increased at 16 and 32% DOM (Table
Group-averages displayed on flattened maps of occipital cortex (corrected
p =
.001) showed
differences in the location and direction of activation for different DOMs (Figure 7). For
both bias conditions, the activation maps showed that the foveal representation was activated
at all DOMs except 2%, where there was little activation. In addition, parafoveal areas
showed positive activation (i.e. increased activation relative to rest) at 4 and 8% DOM, but
negative activation (i.e. decreased activation relative to rest) at 16 and 32% DOM.
4. Discussion
This study investigated the cortical regions associated with contrast response deficits in the
visual system in schizophrenia. An ssVEP paradigm utilizing contrast stimuli (Zemon et al.,
1988, Zemon and Gordon, 2006) has previously revealed such deficits (Butler et al., 2001,
Butler et al., 2005, Butler et al., 2008a, Butler et al., 2009), as have psychophysical contrast
sensitivity tasks (Slaghuis, 1998, Kéri et al., 2002, Butler et al., 2005, Butler et al., 2009,
Dias et al., 2011), but no study has localized these processes in the visual cortex of controls
or patients. The current study utilized similar stimuli as those used in these
electrophysiological and behavioral tasks in an fMRI paradigm in order to elucidate the
neural substrates involved in visual contrast processing in healthy controls and patients with
4.1. Psychophysical Contrast Sensitivity
Psychophysical contrast sensitivity results obtained with the VENUS system indicated that
schizophrenia patients had contrast sensitivity deficits to both the shorter duration low
spatial frequency and longer duration higher spatial frequency conditions, indicating that
they were unable to detect low contrast stimuli as well as controls for both conditions.
Contrast sensitivity for controls was greater for the higher spatial frequency condition, and
the deficit for patients compared to controls was also larger for this condition. These results
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are consistent with studies showing contrast sensitivity deficits across spatial frequencies
(Slaghuis, 1998, Kéri et al., 2002), and suggest a robust and basic deficit in schizophrenia
for the perception of low contrasts.
4.2. Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI): Contrast Sensitivity Task
In the fMRI paradigm, contrast sensitivity tasks were performed at low spatial frequency
(0.5 c/deg) with short stimulus duration (32 ms) and at a higher spatial frequency (4 c/deg)
with long stimulus duration (500 ms). For the 0.5 c/deg condition, mean threshold contrasts
from the VENUS psychophysical paradigm (controls: 0.88%, patients: 1.22%) were close to
the lowest contrast possible in the scanner (1%), and to mean thresholds obtained during
fMRI scanning (controls: 1.83%, patients: 1.97%). On the other hand, for the 4 c/deg
condition, mean threshold contrasts from the VENUS psychophysical paradigm (controls:
0.34%, patients: 0.57%) were well below 1%. However, a lower luminance was used for the
scanner display (6.8 cd/m2) compared to the VENUS display (84 cd/m2) which increases
threshold contrasts, particularly for higher spatial frequencies (Patel, 1966, Sperling, 1970,
Peli, 1990). Indeed, the fMRI paradigm produced higher mean threshold contrasts for the 4
c/deg condition (controls: 2.41%, patients: 4.25%) than the 0.5 c/deg condition, though the
inability to obtain thresholds below 1% contrast remained a limitation.
Schizophrenia patients had lower volume of activation measures for the low spatial
frequency stimuli, at both threshold and high contrast (71%), but no significant differences
were seen between groups for the higher spatial frequency stimuli at either threshold or high
contrast. However, strength of activation measures were equivalent between groups and
across all stimulus conditions. This indicates a selective deficit in processing low spatial
frequency information for schizophrenia patients reflective of reduced volume of occipital
activation, rather than reduced activation strength. The psychophysical and fMRI measures
thus showed different deficits for schizophrenia patients. While psychophysical measures
showed a deficit in perception of low contrast across spatial frequencies, fMRI measures
showed a lack of cortical recruitment to low spatial frequencies across contrast. The loss of
cortical recruitment for the 0.5 c/deg condition at threshold in schizophrenia patients may
not be related to a deficit in psychophysical contrast sensitivity, as the same loss of
recruitment was found at high contrast. However, the deficit in volume of activation for low
spatial frequency is consistent with previous findings described below.
A recent study by Martinez and colleagues (Martinez et al., 2008) also found reduced
volume of activation to low spatial frequency (0.2–1.4 c/deg) stimuli in schizophrenia at
high (100%) and low (12%) contrast, in retinotopically defined V1 and V2. As in the current
results, this study also did not find deficits to higher spatial frequencies (3.5–4.9 c/deg) at
either contrast level. The current results extend this finding of a selective deficit in activation
volume for low spatial frequencies to even lower contrasts (1–2%). Martinez and colleagues
presented stimuli centrally and had participants press a button when a central fixation cross
dimmed. The current results show that this deficit is also present during the frequently used
psychophysical contrast sensitivity task. An even more recent study by Martinez and
colleagues (Martinez et al., 2012) found reduced fMRI activation to an attended low spatial
frequency (0.8 c/deg) compared to an attended high spatial frequency (5 c/deg) grating in
schizophrenia patients. However, no group differences were found in areas known to be
involved in feature-guided attention, suggesting that sensory processing of low spatial
frequencies is impaired in schizophrenia independent of attentional deficits. Additionally,
Calderone et al. (2012) recently found deficits in a network of cortical areas including
occipital cortex to low spatial frequency object stimuli (~6 cycles per image) in
schizophrenia. This finding indicates that low spatial frequency processing deficits are not
limited to simple grating stimuli, but also occur with complex images. These previous
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findings and the current results indicate a robust deficit in fMRI activation to low spatial
frequency stimuli in schizophrenia, across stimulus contrast and complexity.
Neither controls nor patients showed differences in activation volume or strength between
threshold and high contrast conditions for either spatial frequency. This is in contrast to the
isolated-check paradigm, which showed dramatic changes in these ssVEP measures as
contrast increased. Isolated check stimuli were passively viewed, while the contrast
sensitivity task required responses based on stimulus location. Equivalent activation at
threshold and high contrast may indicate that the active detection of a stimulus in this task
recruits a specific volume and strength of occipital activation regardless of stimulus contrast.
4.3. Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials
Consistent with our previous findings, schizophrenia patients showed a selective deficit in
the magnocellular- vs. the parvocellular-biased condition (Butler et al., 2001, Butler et al.,
2005, Butler et al., 2009). For the magnocellular-biased condition, healthy controls showed a
steep initial increase in response as contrast increased over the low contrast range, followed
by a peak SNR when contrast reached 16%. Patients showed a less steep initial increase in
response, indicative of reduced signal amplification to low contrasts. In addition, maximal
SNRs were lower for patients. For the parvocellular-biased condition, both groups
demonstrated a linear increase in response with a shallow slope over the full range of
contrasts, with no group differences for responses out of the noise (SNR > 1). The shape of
the curves is consistent with nonlinear gain in the magnocellular-biased condition and
supports previous studies (Butler et al., 2001, Butler et al., 2005, Zemon and Gordon, 2006,
Butler et al., 2007, Butler et al., 2008a, Green et al., 2009) that show schizophrenia is
associated with specific deficits in contrast gain.
Our previous ssVEP results (Butler et al., 2001, Butler et al., 2005, Butler et al., 2009) were
obtained utilizing a VENUS system (Neuroscientific Corp., Farmingdale, NY) for stimulus
presentation, VEP recording, and analysis, which is no longer manufactured. The current
results were obtained utilizing a recently developed Neucodia system (VeriSci Corp.,
Raritan, NJ) which includes the feature of synchronized data collection, utilizes modern
equipment, and provides ease of use. Thus, this deficit in contrast gain seen in the ssVEP
paradigm is robust across assessment systems and cohorts of patients.
4.4. Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Isolated-Check Task
Similar stimuli to those used in the ssVEP paradigm were shown in the fMRI task in order to
localize the ssVEP response to specific visual cortical areas. Across groups and for both
magnocellular- and parvocellular-biased stimuli, a general pattern emerged in which
increasingly greater volumes of occipital cortex were recruited as contrast increased through
the low contrast range, while higher contrasts showed reduced volume of activation (Figure
6A). Conversely, strength of activation remained low over the low contrast range, and
increased dramatically at higher contrasts (Figure 6B). These fMRI results conflict with the
ssVEP results, since they show similar patterns for magnocellular- and parvocellular-biased
conditions, as well as for controls and patients. Likewise, the lack of increase in fMRI
activation strength over the low contrast region conflicts with previous single-cell work,
which has shown increases in the firing rates of individual cells as contrast increases
(Kaplan and Shapley, 1986, Shapley, 1990). This indicates a dissociation between ssVEP
and fMRI for this task, and suggests that patients may recruit the same occipital areas with
the same amount of metabolic energy as controls, but are not able to utilize these areas for
enhanced contrast gain.
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Several studies have shown correspondence between negative VEP deflections and positive
BOLD activity under certain stimulus conditions (Whittingstall et al., 2007, Whittingstall et
al., 2008, Yesilyurt et al., 2010). Other studies, however, have shown VEP and BOLD
responses to be unrelated for particular stimuli (Janz et al., 2001), and that pharmacological
treatment can reduce BOLD activity without affecting VEP responses (Seaquist et al., 2007).
Di Russo and colleagues (Di Russo et al., 2007) recently demonstrated both correspondence
and dissociation between ssVEP and BOLD responses, such that some areas of occipital
BOLD activation were shown to contribute to ssVEP response, while other occipital BOLD
activation did not. The current results showing an overall pattern of similar BOLD responses
for magnocellular- and parvocellular-biased conditions across groups suggests that the
neural processes measured by ssVEPs are divergent from the broader class of processes
measured by fMRI, and that patient deficits to these particular stimuli occur at the neural
level measured by ssVEP.
4.5. Conclusions
Utilizing the CNTRICS domain of perception, this study examined the cortical
underpinnings of two tasks that utilized contrast responses and that have previously been
used to demonstrate deficits in early-stage visual perception in schizophrenia. Both
psychophysical contrast sensitivity and ssVEP measures demonstrated dysfunctional
processing of low contrasts for schizophrenia patients, while fMRI revealed only a deficit in
cortical recruitment for low spatial frequencies. The similarity between magnocellular- and
parvocellular-biased fMRI responses to the isolated-check paradigm, as well as equivalent
fMRI activation to high and low contrast in the contrast sensitivity paradigm, indicate that
these ssVEP and psychophysical techniques are of greater assessment value for the contrast
deficits explored. Further work is required to investigate the neural correlates of contrast
response deficits in schizophrenia.
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Previous findings of psychophysical contrast sensitivity deficits were replicated.
MRI deficits to only some of the contrast sensitivity stimuli were found.
Deficits in electrophysiological measures of visual gain control were replicated.
Normal recruitment of visual cortical areas was seen in a corresponding fMRI task.
Psychophysical, electrophysiological, and fMRI measures were dissociated.
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Figure 1.
Contrast sensitivity task used in the fMRI paradigm. Participants indicated whether stimuli
appeared on the left or right side of the screen. A. Low spatial frequency condition: stimuli
were presented at 0.5 c/deg for approximately 32 ms. B. High spatial frequency condition:
stimuli were presented at 4 c/deg for approximately 500 ms.
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Figure 2.
Sinusoidal modulation of isolated check stimuli used in the ssVEP and fMRI paradigms.
Stimuli were sinusoidally modulated at ~12 Hz, such that each cycle through contrast levels
shown in A and B occurred ~12 times per second. A. Magnocellular-biased condition:
pedestal around which contrast was modulated equaled the depth of modulation, resulting in
appearance/disappearance stimuli. B. Parvocellular-biased condition: pedestal around which
contrast was modulated equaled 48%, so that contrast remained high during modulation.
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Figure 3.
Psychophysical contrast sensitivities obtained with the VENUS system, displayed on a log
base 10 scale. Error bars show standard error. *
p <
.05, **
p <
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Figure 4.
Contrast response functions for the ssVEP paradigm. Error bars show standard error. *
p <
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Figure 5.
fMRI measures obtained during the contrast sensitivity task for 0.5 and 4 c/deg at either near
threshold contrast or at high contrast. A. Volume of activation measured in milliliters. B.
Strength of activation measured as first-order regression betas squared (percent of total
variance). Error bars show standard error. *
p <
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Figure 6.
fMRI measures for isolated check stimuli calculated for occipital cortex. A. Volume of
activation measured in microliters. B. Strength of activation measured as first-order
regression beta squared (variance). Error bars show standard error.
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Figure 7.
Flattened anatomical maps of occipital cortex showing direction and location of fMRI
activation to isolated check stimuli. Each map shows a group-average of first-order
regression beta values thresholded at
p =
.001. No differences between hemispheres were
found for any condition at
p =
.001, and thus right hemisphere maps are shown here as
representative of all occipital activation.
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Table 1
fMRI Isolated check task: Differences in occipital activation volume and activation strength across groups as depth of modulation increases in the M-
biased and P-biased conditions.
Volume of Activation Activation Strength
Condition Depth of Modulation t(29) p t(29) p
M-biased 2% vs. 4% −4.033 <0.001* 4.028 <0.001*
M-biased 4% vs. 8% −3.135 <0.005* −1.653 0.109
M-biased 8% vs. 16% 5.639 <0.001* −5.862 <0.001*
M-biased 16% vs. 32% −0.393 0.697 −1.751 0.091
P-biased 2% vs. 4% −6.603 <0.001* 1.798 0.083
P-biased 4% vs. 8% −2.217 <0.050* 0.854 0.400
P-biased 8% vs. 16% 8.050 <0.001* −4.868 <0.001*
P-biased 16% vs. 32% −3.611 <0.005* −2.396 <0.050*
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2014 February 15.
... We did not blindly include all reported comparisons from each study. For instance, we excluded comparisons of SSVEP at frequencies other than the harmonics (Goldstein et al., 2015), comparisons of activity before and after the presentation of SSVEP stimuli, or comparisons between groups for harmonics that failed to evoke a significant SSVEP in either group (Butler et al., 2001;Kim et al., 2005;Calderone et al., 2013). Across the 15 publications, our selections resulted in 228 relevant post-hoc tests with the parameters shown in Table 3. ...
... First, they can generate very high intensities. This can be advantageous if the magnitude of differences increases with stimulus intensity (Butler et al., 2001(Butler et al., , 2005Calderone et al., 2013) or to generate a high luminance (e.g., 5,023 cd/m 2 ) that generates SSVEPs even when the subjects' eyes are closed. The other advantage is that their intensity can be modulated continuously, which allows the experimenter to generate any desired temporal pattern. ...
... Their refresh rate (typically below 120 Hz) limits both the maximum attainable frequency (half the refresh rate; 60 Hz) and the frequencies that can be generated (integer divisions of the refresh rate; 40 Hz, 30 Hz, 24 Hz, 20 Hz, etc.). The primary advantage of computer monitors is that they can present spatially complex patterns (Butler et al., 2001(Butler et al., , 2005Clementz et al., 2004;Kim et al., 2005;Calderone et al., 2013) and are sometimes indispensable for other aspects of the experiment (e.g., providing instructions, or a central fixation point). Furthermore, the ability of computer monitors to present spatially complex stimuli allows experimenters to alter contrast in a spatial pattern in addition to modulating luminance (Butler et al., 2001(Butler et al., , 2005Calderone et al., 2013). ...
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Over the past decades, researchers have explored altered rhythmic responses to visual stimulation in people with schizophrenia using steady state visual evoked potentials (SSVEPs). Here we systematically review studies performed between 1954 and 2021, as identified on PubMed. We included studies if they included people with schizophrenia, a control group, reported SSVEPs as their primary outcome, and used quantitative analyses in the frequency domain. We excluded studies that used SSVEPs to primarily quantify cognitive processes (e.g., attention). Fifteen studies met these criteria. These studies reported decreased SSVEPs across a range of frequencies and electrode locations in people living with schizophrenia compared to controls; none reported increases. Null results, however, were common. Given the typically modest number of subjects in these studies, this is consistent with a moderate effect size. It is notable that most studies targeted frequencies that fall within the alpha and beta band, and investigations of frequencies in the gamma band have been rare. We group test frequencies in frequency bands and summarize the results in topographic plots. From the wide range of approaches in these studies, we distill suggested experimental designs and analysis choices for future experiments. This will increase the value of SSVEP studies, improve our understanding of the mechanisms that result in altered rhythmic responses to visual stimulation in schizophrenia, and potentially further the development of diagnostic tools.
... One of the most fundamental functions in the visual system is contrast perception, which is impaired in psychosis spectrum disorders including schizophrenia and bipolar disorder (Butler et al., 2007;Butler et al., 2005;Calderone et al., 2013;Fernandes et al., 2019;Keri et al., 2002;Lalor et al., 2012;Martinez et al., 2008;Skottun and Skoyles, 2007;Slaghuis and Bishop, 2001;Yoon et al., 2009). Visual contrast is the difference in luminance between adjacent pixels or image regions. ...
... Studies in humans have used psychophysical and functional MRI methods to link performance in visual contrast perception tasks to the magnitude of neural responses in early visual areas such as primary visual cortex (V1; Boynton et al., 1999;Olman et al., 2004;Zenger-Landolt and Heeger, 2003). With regard to psychotic disorders, early work indicated that impaired contrast perception might reflect a specific magnocellular deficit (Butler et al., 2007;Butler et al., 2005;Keri et al., 2002;Martinez et al., 2008), whereas more recent studies have suggested that contrast perception may be impaired more generally (i.e., for both magnocellular and parvocellular pathways; Calderone et al., 2013;Lalor et al., 2012;Skottun and Skoyles, 2007). A few studies have applied neuroimaging tools to investigate impaired contrast perception in PwPP, with some evidence suggesting reduced neural responses in early visual cortex (Butler et al., 2007;Calderone et al., 2013;Lalor et al., 2012;Martinez et al., 2008). ...
... With regard to psychotic disorders, early work indicated that impaired contrast perception might reflect a specific magnocellular deficit (Butler et al., 2007;Butler et al., 2005;Keri et al., 2002;Martinez et al., 2008), whereas more recent studies have suggested that contrast perception may be impaired more generally (i.e., for both magnocellular and parvocellular pathways; Calderone et al., 2013;Lalor et al., 2012;Skottun and Skoyles, 2007). A few studies have applied neuroimaging tools to investigate impaired contrast perception in PwPP, with some evidence suggesting reduced neural responses in early visual cortex (Butler et al., 2007;Calderone et al., 2013;Lalor et al., 2012;Martinez et al., 2008). ...
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Visual perception is abnormal in psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia. In addition to hallucinations, laboratory tests show differences in fundamental visual processes including contrast sensitivity, center-surround interactions, and perceptual organization. A number of hypotheses have been proposed to explain visual dysfunction in psychotic disorders, including an imbalance between excitation and inhibition. However, the precise neural basis of abnormal visual perception in people with psychotic psychopathology (PwPP) remains unknown. Here, we describe the behavioral and 7 tesla MRI methods we used to interrogate visual neurophysiology in PwPP as part of the Psychosis Human Connectome Project (HCP). In addition to PwPP (n = 66) and healthy controls (n = 43), we also recruited first-degree biological relatives (n = 44) in order to examine the role of genetic liability for psychosis in visual perception. Our visual tasks were designed to assess fundamental visual processes in PwPP, whereas MR spectroscopy enabled us to examine neurochemistry, including excitatory and inhibitory markers. We show that it is feasible to collect high-quality data across multiple psychophysical, functional MRI, and MR spectroscopy experiments with a sizable number of participants at a single research site. These data, in addition to those from our previously described 3 tesla experiments, will be made publicly available in order to facilitate further investigations by other research groups. By combining visual neuroscience techniques and HCP brain imaging methods, our experiments offer new opportunities to investigate the neural basis of abnormal visual perception in PwPP.
... The simplest, easiest, cheapest, and most portable way to quantify this ability is by querying directly-delivering appropriate visual stimuli and recording the resulting behavioral responses. Even with steady advances in quantifying physiological biomarkers of the retina and brain (Calderone et al., 2013;Yarmohammadi et al., 2016), no alternate diagnostic pathway is foreseen that will completely supplant psychophysical testing for evaluating visual system function. ...
... The simplest, easiest, cheapest and most portable way to quantify this ability is by querying directly-delivering appropriate visual stimuli and recording the resulting behavioral responses. Even with steady advances in quantifying physiological biomarkers of the retina and brain (Calderone et al., 2013;Yarmohammadi et al., 2016), no alternate diagnostic pathway is foreseen that will completely supplant psychophysical testing for evaluating visual system function. ...
Multidimensional psychometric functions can typically be estimated nonparametrically for greater accuracy or parametrically for greater efficiency. By recasting the estimation problem from regression to classification, however, powerful machine learning tools can be leveraged to improve both accuracy and efficiency simultaneously. Contrast Sensitivity Functions (CSFs) are behaviorally estimated curves that provide insight into both peripheral and central visual function. They are impractically long to be used in many clinical workflows without compromises of some sort, however, such as sampling only a few spatial frequencies or making strong assumptions about the shape of the function. This paper describes the development of the Machine Learning Contrast Response Function (MLCRF) estimator, which quantifies the expected probability of success in performing a contrast detection or discrimination task. A machine learning CSF can then be derived from the MLCRF. Using simulated eyes created from canonical CSF curves and actual human contrast response data, the accuracy and efficiency of the MLCSF was evaluated in order to determine its potential utility for research and clinical applications. With stimuli selected randomly, the MLCSF estimator converged toward ground truth. With optimal stimulus selection via Bayesian active learning, convergence was about an order of magnitude faster, requiring only tens of stimuli to achieve reasonable estimates. Inclusion of an informative prior provided no discernible advantage to the estimator as configured. The MLCSF exhibits performance characteristics on par with state-of-the-art CSF estimators and therefore should be explored further to uncover its full potential. Precis Machine learning classifiers enable accurate and efficient contrast sensitivity function estimation with item-level prediction for individual eyes.
... The consistency in the response gain modulations observed across these studies, as well as in the present study, suggests that the response gain of the early sensory response is a common neural mechanism that mediates the effects of attention on perceptual performance and on the appearance of visual stimuli. Interestingly, reductions in response gain of early sensory responses have been shown to underlie sensory and attention deficits in clinical populations, such as schizophrenia, neurofibromatosis, and amblyopia [108][109][110][111][112] . Based on these results and our recent findings, it is possible that these patients perceive the world in a manner that is different from the healthy populations due to the reduced influence of attention on gain amplification of early sensory processing. ...
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It has been debated if attention can penetrate early perceptual representations to alter visual appearance or it simply induces response biases. Here, we tested these alternative accounts by evaluating attentional modulations of EEG responses recorded from human subjects while they compared the perceived contrasts of cued and uncued visual stimuli of varying physical contrasts. We found that attention enhanced the response gain of neural contrast response functions (CRFs) computed based on the amplitude of the P1 component, an early visually evoked potential. Quantitative models suggested that the response gain of the P1-based CRFs could account for attention-induced changes in perceived contrast. Instead, attentional cues induced changes in the baseline offset of the CRFs based on 9-12Hz alpha-band oscillations and these baseline-offset changes better accounted for cue-induced response biases. Together, these results suggest that different neural mechanisms underlie the effects of attention on perceptual experience and on response biases.
... In addition, our exploratory whole brain analyses indicate cortical hypoperfusion extends beyond the frontal cortex, including both parietal and occipital cortices. This extends evidence that the function of these regions is altered during cognitive tasks in SCZ (Calderone et al., 2013;Hahn, Robinson, Leonard, Luck, & Gold, 2018;Weiss et al., 2009) to show perfusion is also altered early in illness course. In contrast to findings in antipsychotic-treated patients and people at clinical risk of psychosis (Allen et al., 2018;Kindler et al., 2018), we found no significant difference in relative-to-global CBF in the striatum or hippocampus relative to controls. ...
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Background Altered cerebral blood flow (CBF) has been found in people at risk for psychosis, with first-episode psychosis (FEP) and with chronic schizophrenia (SCZ). Studies using arterial spin labelling (ASL) have shown reduction of cortical CBF and increased subcortical CBF in SCZ. Previous studies have investigated CBF using ASL in FEP, reporting increased CBF in striatum and reduced CBF in frontal cortex. However, as these people were taking antipsychotics, it is unclear whether these changes are related to the disorder or antipsychotic treatment and how they relate to treatment response. Methods We examined CBF in FEP free from antipsychotic medication ( N = 21), compared to healthy controls ( N = 22). Both absolute and relative-to-global CBF were assessed. We also investigated the association between baseline CBF and treatment response in a partially nested follow-up study ( N = 14). Results There was significantly lower absolute CBF in frontal cortex (Cohen's d = 0.84, p = 0.009) and no differences in striatum or hippocampus. Whole brain voxel-wise analysis revealed widespread cortical reductions in absolute CBF in large cortical clusters that encompassed occipital, parietal and frontal cortices (Threshold-Free Cluster Enhancement (TFCE)-corrected <0.05). No differences were found in relative-to-global CBF in the selected region of interests and in voxel-wise analysis. Relative-to-global frontal CBF was correlated with percentage change in total Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale after antipsychotic treatment ( r = 0.67, p = 0.008). Conclusions These results show lower cortical absolute perfusion in FEP prior to starting antipsychotic treatment and suggest relative-to-global frontal CBF as assessed with magnetic resonance imaging could potentially serve as a biomarker for antipsychotic response.
... The study was conducted according to the guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki and approved by the Rockland Psychiatric Center/NKI Institutional Review Board. Resting state data (processed differently than herein) have been previously published [42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49]. ...
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Schizophrenia is widely seen as a disorder of dysconnectivity. Neuroimaging studies have examined both structural and functional connectivity in the disorder, but these modalities have rarely been integrated directly. We scanned 29 patients with schizophrenia and 25 healthy control subjects, and we acquired resting state fMRI and diffusion tensor imaging. We used the Functional and Tractographic Connectivity Analysis Toolbox (FATCAT) to estimate functional and structural connectivity of the default mode network. Correlations between modalities were investigated, and multimodal connectivity scores (MCS) were created using principal component analysis. Of the 28 possible region pairs, 9 showed consistent (>80%) tracts across participants. Correlations between modalities were found among those with schizophrenia for the prefrontal cortex, posterior cingulate, and lateral temporal lobes, with frontal and parietal regions, consistent with frontotemporoparietal network involvement in the disorder. In patients, MCS correlated with several aspects of the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale, with higher multimodal connectivity associated with outward-directed (externalizing) behavior and lower multimodal connectivity related to psychosis per se. In this preliminary sample, we found FATCAT to be a useful toolbox to directly integrate and examine connectivity between imaging modalities. A consideration of conjoint structural and functional connectivity can provide important information about the network mechanisms of schizophrenia.
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A prominent theoretical framework spanning philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience holds that selective attention penetrates early stages of perceptual processing to alter the subjective visual experience of behaviorally relevant stimuli. For example, searching for a red apple at the grocery store might make the relevant color appear brighter and more saturated compared to seeing the exact same red apple while searching for a yellow banana. In contrast, recent proposals argue that data supporting attention-related changes in appearance reflect decision- and motor-level response biases without concurrent changes in perceptual experience. Here, we tested these accounts by evaluating attentional modulations of EEG responses recorded from male and female human subjects while they compared the perceived contrast of attended and unattended visual stimuli rendered at different levels of physical contrast. We found that attention enhanced the amplitude of the P1 component, an early evoked potential measured over visual cortex. A linking model based on signal detection theory (SDT) suggests that response gain modulations of the P1 component track attention-induced changes in perceived contrast as measured with behavior. In contrast, attentional cues induced changes in the baseline amplitude of posterior alpha-band oscillations (∼9-12Hz), an effect that best accounts for cue-induced response biases–particularly when no stimuli are presented or when competing stimuli are similar and decisional uncertainty is high. The observation of dissociable neural markers that are linked to changes in subjective appearance and response bias supports a more unified theoretical account and demonstrates an approach to isolate subjective aspects of selective information processing. Significance Statement Does attention alter visual appearance, or does it simply induce response bias? In the present study, we examined these competing accounts using EEG and linking models based on signal detection theory. We found that response gain modulations of the visually evoked P1 component best accounted for attention-induced changes in visual appearance. In contrast, cue-induced baseline shifts in alpha-band activity better explained response biases. Together, these results suggest that attention concurrently impacts visual appearance and response bias, and that these processes can be experimentally isolated.
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Visual perception is abnormal in psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia. In addition to hallucinations, laboratory tests show differences in fundamental visual processes including contrast sensitivity, center-surround interactions, and perceptual organization. A number of hypotheses have been proposed to explain visual dysfunction in psychotic disorders, including an imbalance between excitation and inhibition. However, the precise neural basis of abnormal visual perception in people with psychotic psychopathology (PwPP) remains unknown. Here, we describe the behavioral and 7 tesla MRI methods we used to interrogate visual neurophysiology in PwPP as part of the Psychosis Human Connectome Project (HCP). In addition to PwPP (n = 66) and healthy controls (n = 43), we also recruited first-degree biological relatives (n = 44) in order to examine the role of genetic liability for psychosis in visual perception. Our visual tasks were designed to assess fundamental visual processes in PwPP, whereas MR spectroscopy enabled us to examine neurochemistry, including excitatory and inhibitory markers. We show that it is feasible to collect high-quality data across multiple psychophysical, functional MRI, and MR spectroscopy experiments with a sizable number of participants at a single research site. These data, in addition to those from our previously described 3 tesla experiments, will be made publicly available in order to facilitate further investigations by other research groups. By combining visual neuroscience techniques and HCP brain imaging methods, our experiments offer new opportunities to investigate the neural basis of abnormal visual perception in PwPP.
Perceptual disorders are not part of the diagnosis criteria for schizophrenia. Yet, a considerable amount of work has been conducted, especially on visual perception abnormalities, and there is little doubt that visual perception is altered in patients. There are several reasons why such perturbations are of interest in this pathology. They are observed during the prodromal phase of psychosis, they are related to the pathophysiology (clinical disorganization, disorders of the sense of self), and they are associated with neuronal connectivity disorders. Perturbations occur at different levels of processing and likely affect how patients interact and adapt to their surroundings. The literature has become very large, and here we try to summarize different models that have guided the exploration of perception in patients. We also illustrate several lines of research by showing how perception has been investigated and by discussing the interpretation of the results. In addition to discussing domains such as contrast sensitivity, masking, and visual grouping, we develop more recent fields like processing at the level of the retina, and the timing of perception.
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An essential reference book for visual science. Visual science is the model system for neuroscience, its findings relevant to all other areas. This massive collection of papers by leading researchers in the field will become an essential reference for researchers and students in visual neuroscience, and will be of importance to researchers and professionals in other disciplines, including molecular and cellular biology, cognitive science, ophthalmology, psychology, computer science, optometry, and education. Over 100 chapters cover the entire field of visual neuroscience, from its historical foundations to the latest research and findings in molecular mechanisms and network modeling. The book is organized by topic—different sections cover such subjects as the history of vision science; developmental processes; retinal mechanisms and processes; organization of visual pathways; subcortical processing; processing in the primary visual cortex; detection and sampling; brightness and color; form, shape, and object recognition; motion, depth, and spatial relationships; eye movements; attention and cognition; and theoretical and computational perspectives. The list of contributors includes leading international researchers in visual science. Bradford Books imprint
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Patients with schizophrenia exhibit cognitive and sensory impairment, and object recognition deficits have been linked to sensory deficits. The "frame and fill" model of object recognition posits that low spatial frequency (LSF) information rapidly reaches the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and creates a general shape of an object that feeds back to the ventral temporal cortex to assist object recognition. Visual dysfunction findings in schizophrenia suggest a preferential loss of LSF information. This study used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and resting state functional connectivity (RSFC) to investigate the contribution of visual deficits to impaired object "framing" circuitry in schizophrenia. Participants were shown object stimuli that were intact or contained only LSF or high spatial frequency (HSF) information. For controls, fMRI revealed preferential activation to LSF information in precuneus, superior temporal, and medial and dorsolateral PFC areas, whereas patients showed a preference for HSF information or no preference. RSFC revealed a lack of connectivity between early visual areas and PFC for patients. These results demonstrate impaired processing of LSF information during object recognition in schizophrenia, with patients instead displaying increased processing of HSF information. This is consistent with findings of a preference for local over global visual information in schizophrenia.
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A three-component model of spatial vision is proposed, consisting of (1) a feedback stage, (2) a feedforward stage, (3) a threshold detector. The components correspond to physiological processes; in particular, the feedforward control signal corresponds to the “surround’s” signal in the receptive fields of retinal ganglion cells. The model makes appropriate qualitative predictions of: (l)a square-root law (Δl ∞ l1/2) for detection at low luminances, (2) a Weber law (Δl ∞ l) at high luminances, (3) additivity of threshold masking effects at high background luminances, (4) receptive fields that, in the dark, consist only of an excitatory center and that, in the light, also contain inhibitory surrounds, (5) the variation of spatial characteristics of receptive fields depending on the temporal characteristic of the test stimulus used to measure them, (6) the subjective appearance of Mach bands, (7) sine-wave contrast-threshold transfer functions, (8) the frequent failure of disk-detection experiments to demonstrate inhibitory surrounds, and (9) various second-order threshold effects, such as reduced spatial integration for long-duration stimuli, reduced temporal integration for large-area stimuli, and the increased effect of background luminance on the detection of large-area stimuli. Predictions are improved by assuming there exist various sizes of receptive fields that determine thresholds jointly.
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The goal of the current project was to further develop a measure of gain control--the Contrast-Contrast Effect (CCE)--for use in clinical studies of schizophrenia. The CCE is based on an illusion in which presenting a medium contrast patch surrounded by a high-contrast patch induces individuals to perceive that center patch as having lower contrast than when the patch is presented in isolation. Thus, in the CCE, impaired gain control should lead to more accurate perceptions of the center patch. We tested 132 individuals with Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder and 130 demographically similar healthy controls. The results indicated that the CCE effect can be obtained with standard equipment, simplified scoring, and a short interstimulus interval (100 ms), revealing a robust suppression of perceived contrast of the center patch when surrounded by a high-contrast annulus. Furthermore, we found a significant reduction in the effect of the high-contrast surround among individuals with schizophrenia, though the effect size was smaller than original reported by Dakin. However, when we eliminated subjects who performed poorly on "catch" trials that controlled for off-task performance, the reduced surround effect among patients was no longer significant in the main analyses. Importantly, this suggests that at least part of the reduced surround effect (if not all) in schizophrenia could be attributable to impaired attentional mechanisms that contribute to off-task performance. Additional analyses suggested that the length of the task could be shortened without losing power to detect surround effects in healthy individuals.
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INTRODUCTION: Schizophrenia is currently diagnosed on the basis of patient reports and clinical observations. A diagnosis based on aetiology is inherently more reliable due to being closer to the disease process than the overt clinical manifestations. Accordingly, recent research in schizophrenia has focused on the development of biomarkers in a bit to improve the reliability and neurobiological relevance of the diagnosis. Visual information processing is one of these promising fields of recent biomarker research. AREAS COVERED: This article provides an overview of the available literature regarding deficits in schizophrenia detectable through psychophysical (contrast and motion sensitivity, visual backward-masking), ERP (P1 and N1 visual evoked potentials) and oscillatory (signal power and phase-locking factor of evoked oscilations) measures and their validity as trait or state biomarkers of the disease. The methodology included a search on articles related to visual information processing in schizophrenia on the PubMed database. EXPERT OPINION: Biomarker research in schizophrenia is a rapidly expanding area. Evidence exists to suggest that both psychotic and manic symptoms are associated with visual processing abnormalities. A specific impairment confined to the magnocellular component of the visual system might be a trait biomarker of schizophrenia.
THE VISUAL SYSTEM HAS THE most complex neural circuitry of all the sensory systems. The auditory nerve contains about 30,000 fibers, but the optic nerve contains over one million! Most of what we know about the functional organization of the visual system is derived from experiments similar to those used to investigate the somatic sensory system. The similarities of these systems allow us to identify general principles governing the transformation of sensory information in the brain as well as the organization and functioning of the cerebral cortex. In this chapter we describe the flow of visual information in two stages: first from the retina to the midbrain and thalamus, then from the thalamus to the primary visual cortex. We shall begin by considering how the world is projected on the retina and describe the projection of the retina to three subcortical brain areas: the pretectal region, the superior colliculus of the midbrain, and the lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus. We shall then examine the pathways from the lateral geniculate nucleus to the cortex, focusing on the different information conveyed by the magno-and parvocellular divisions of the visual pathways. Finally, we consider the structure and function of the initial cortical relay in the primary visual cortex in order to elucidate the first steps in the cortical processing of visual information necessary for perception. Chapter 28 then follows this visual processing from the primary visual cortex into two pathways to the parietal and temporal cortex.
A comparative study of three inter-subject brain image registration methods (SPM99, AFNI, and ART) is presented. It is shown that ART, which has a greater degree of freedom than SPM99 or AFNI, is able to more accurately remove the anatomical variability between high-resolution MR images of different subjects. The accuracy is assessed by the ability of the algorithm to reduce a measure of spatial dispersion among manually selected, homologous landmarks. We also investigated whether the superior ability of ART in removing inter-subject anatomical variance has any advantages for group analysis of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data. In this study, data from a group of 21 subjects performing the visual oddball task were analyzed using three registration methods. The impact of inter-subject registration on the resulting activation maps was assessed using reproducibility and sensitivity measures derived from a nonparametric statistical analysis of the data. Using these measures, it is shown that a statistically significant increase in the reproducibility of activation maps and empirical sensitivity of activation detection can be achieved when ART is used for inter-subject registration. We conclude that there are significant advantages to be gained by using high dimensional, inter-subject registration methods for group analysis of fMRI data.