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Body Composition, Muscle Capacity, and Physical Function in Older Adults: An Integrated Conceptual Model


Abstract and Figures

The aging process leads to adverse changes in body composition, (increases in fat mass and decreases in skeletal muscle mass), declines in physical function (PF), and ultimately increased risk for disability and loss of independence. Specific components of body composition or muscle capacity (strength and power) may be useful in predicting PF; however, findings have been mixed regarding the most salient predictor of PF. The development of a conceptual model potentially aids in understanding the interrelated factors contributing to PF with the factors of interest being physical activity, body composition, and muscle capacity. This review also highlights sex differences in these domains. Finally, factors known to impact PF, such as sleep, depression, fatigue, and self-efficacy are discussed. Development of a comprehensive conceptual model is needed to better characterize the most salient factors contributing to PF and to subsequently inform the development of interventions to reduce physical disability in older adults.
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Official Journal of ICAPA
The authors are with the Dept. of Kinesiology, University of Georgia,
Athens, GA. Address author correspondence to Anne Brady at aobrady@
Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 2014, 22, 441-452
© 2014 Human Kinetics, Inc.
Body Composition, Muscle Capacity, and Physical Function
in Older Adults: An Integrated Conceptual Model
Anne O. Brady, Chad R. Straight, and Ellen M. Evans
The aging process leads to adverse changes in body composition (increases in fat mass and decreases in skeletal muscle mass),
declines in physical function (PF), and ultimately increased risk for disability and loss of independence. Specic components
of body composition or muscle capacity (strength and power) may be useful in predicting PF; however, ndings have been
mixed regarding the most salient predictor of PF. The development of a conceptual model potentially aids in understanding the
interrelated factors contributing to PF with the factors of interest being physical activity, body composition, and muscle capac-
ity. This article also highlights sex differences in these domains. Finally, factors known to affect PF, such as sleep, depression,
fatigue, and self-efcacy, are discussed. Development of a comprehensive conceptual model is needed to better characterize
the most salient factors contributing to PF and to subsequently inform the development of interventions to reduce physical dis-
ability in older adults.
Keywords: interdisciplinary, physical activity, muscle quality
The number of individuals older than age 65 is rapidly increas-
ing across the world as well as in the United States. It is estimated
that by 2050, there will be 88.5 million older adults in the United
States, meaning one in ve individuals will be older than age 65
(Prole America: Facts for Features, 2011). Furthermore, during this
same time period, life expectancy in the United States is projected
to increase from 76.0 years to 82.6 years (Day, 1996). When com-
paring the sexes, older women continue to outnumber and outlive
older men (Werner, 2011).
It is well established that with increasing age, individuals are
more likely to experience functional declines, mobility limitations,
and physical disability (Homes, Powell-Grinder, Lethbridge-Cejku,
& Heyman, 2009). Therefore, with a large majority of baby boom-
ers (individuals born between 1946 and 1964) reaching old age in
combination with advanced life expectancy, the number of individu-
als with physical limitations will likely reach unprecedented levels.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, physi-
cal limitations can be dened as difculty performing any of the
following activities: walking 0.25 mi; walking up 10 steps without
resting; standing or being on your feet for about 2 hours; sitting for
about 2 hours; stooping, bending, or kneeling; reaching up over your
head; using your ngers to grasp or handle small objects; lifting or
carrying something as heavy as 10 lb (4.5 kg; Homes et al., 2009).
As indicated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s
denition and the examples of functional tasks, physical disability
is largely determined by the lower body. Current estimates indicate
that 23% of individuals ages 60–69 years report one or more physi-
cal limitations, and the presence of physical limitations increases
with age (Homes et al., 2009). In addition, across all age groups,
women are more likely than men to have one or more physical
limitations (Homes et al., 2009). Therefore, as women outnumber
and outlive their male counterparts, sex demographics will likely
contribute to increased societal rates of physical disability. For these
reasons, it is critical to understand the factors that affect functional
limitations of the older adult population, because they are associ-
ated with increased rates of nursing home admissions and mortality
(Guralnik et al., 1994).
The increased number of older adults in combination with
disability is of great concern from a public health perspective. In
addition to functional declines and physical disability, older adults
may also experience decreased health-related quality of life. A
recently published article cited age, medical care costs, leisure time
physical activity, and smoking as factors that were most strongly
associated with both physical and mental health in older adults
(Thompson, Zack, Krahn, Andresen, & Barile, 2012). Furthermore,
it was estimated that about 27%, or $400 billion, of all U.S. adult
health care expenditures in 2006 were due to disability, inclusive
of physical, mental, or emotional types (Anderson, Armour, Fin-
kelstein, & Wiener, 2010).
Moreover, another major health concern for many older adults
is the risk of falling. Older adults are at greater risk of falls because
of several contributing factors, including declines in muscle strength
and power, poor balance, and reduced reaction times. Approximately
one in three older adults falls each year, with each fall requiring
hospitalization with an average cost of approximately $26,500
(Davis et al., 2010). Therefore, an aging population with increased
physical disabilities and decreased health-related quality of life is
expected to have both public health and economic implications in
the United States.
Development of Conceptual Model
A large body of literature has supported the interrelationships among
various factors affecting physical function (PF) in older adults
(Villareal et al., 2011). Such factors include physical activity, body
composition (fat mass and skeletal muscle mass), muscle capacity
(leg strength and leg power), and muscle quality, an assessment
combining a measure of body composition and muscle capacity.
Sex also affects each of these factors and contributes to differences
in PF between men and women. For example, in comparison with
442 Brady, Straight, and Evans
older men, older women tend to have higher amounts of body fat
(Jankowski et al., 2008; Valentine, Misic, Rosengren, Woods, &
Evans, 2009), lower muscle quality (Reid et al., 2012), and poorer
PF (Ferrucci et al., 2000; Millán-Calenti et al., 2010; Murtagh &
Hubert, 2004; Valentine, Misic, et al., 2009). More specically,
between the ages of 70 and 90, the proportion of disabled women
increased from 22% to 81%, whereas the proportion of disabled
men only increased from 15% to 57% (Leveille, Penninx, Melzer,
Izmirlian, & Guralnik, 2000). A comprehensive understanding of PF
in older adults must also recognize additional contributing factors,
such as sleep, fatigue, depression, and self-efcacy. Even the most
recent review articles and meta-analyses have only analyzed the
relationship between a few of these factors and PF in older adults
(den Ouden, Schuurmans, Arts, & van der Schouw, 2011; Liu &
Latham, 2011; Schaap, Koster, & Visser, 2013), indicating a lack
of studies using a truly integrated approach. The individual and
synergistic effects of the primary variables (e.g., muscle strength,
body composition) must be considered in addition to the important
additional contributing factors (e.g., self-efcacy).
We use the conceptual model depicted in Figure 1 as a frame-
work to explore factors that inuence PF in older adults. Specic
areas of exploration include the relationships among age and
changes in (a) physical activity, (b) body composition, (c) muscle
capacity, and (d) PF. Because differences have been documented
between men and women in many of these areas, we also highlight
the impact of sex on these domains. In addition, the inuence of
other contributing factors on PF is also discussed. The development
and use of this conceptual model will aid in improving interven-
tion strategies by identifying target areas that contribute to PF and
physical disability.
Physical Activity Changes With Age
Research has indicated that older adults who engage in greater
amounts of physical activity have more favorable body composition
(Chastin, Ferriolli, Stephens, Fearon, & Greig, 2012) and greater
muscle strength (Van Roie et al., 2010). However, it has also been
well documented that the amount of physical activity declines with
age (DiPietro, Williamson, Caspersen, & Eaker, 1993; Schoenborn
& Adams, 2010; Westerterp, 2000). Declines in physical activity
affect body composition and muscle capacity and are associated
with decrements in muscle strength and PF (Evans, 2010). These
changes contribute to declines in PF and increased disability.
More specically, research has indicated that older adults tend to
engage in fewer high-intensity activities as they age, and there is
an increase in sedentary behavior (DiPietro, 2001). This trend is
specically evident among older women (DiPietro, 2001). The
age-related decline in physical activity is particularly concerning
because a recent prospective study reported that physical activity
is inversely related to all-cause mortality in older adults, with the
relationship being stronger in women than men across all levels of
physical activity (Brown et al., 2012).
Although the likelihood of physical limitations and disability
increases with age, multiple studies have demonstrated that exercise
is an effective intervention strategy for improving PF in older adults.
Figure 1 — Conceptual model: Factors affecting physical function in older adults. PA = physical activity.
Conceptual Model of Physical Function 443
In particular, the effects of resistance training interventions on PF
in older adults are robust (Hunter, McCarthy, & Bamman, 2004),
accounting for the inclusion of strength training in position state-
ments for physical activity and older adults (M. E. Nelson et al.,
2007). Several intervention trials have reported improvements in PF
after a resistance training program in relatively healthy older adults
(Avila, Gutierres, Sheehy, Lofgren, & Delmonico, 2010; Baker et
al., 2001; Capodaglio, Capodaglio Edda, Facioli, & Saibene, 2007;
Fiatarone et al., 1994; Henwood & Taaffe, 2005; Hruda, Hicks, &
McCartney, 2003; Miszko et al., 2003; K. R. Vincent et al., 2002)
as well as older adults with chronic health conditions (Brochu et
al., 2002; Kongsgaard, Backer, Jorgensen, Kjaer, & Beyer, 2004;
Ouellette et al., 2004; Weiss, Suzuki, Bean, & Fielding, 2000; Yang,
Wang, Lin, Chu, & Chan, 2006). Moreover, community-based
resistance training interventions that use a lighter training intensity
but have greater translational value have also been shown to be
effective at improving functional outcomes in community-dwelling
older adults (Straight, Lofgren, & Delmonico, 2012). In addition,
aerobic training is often a cornerstone of an exercise program and
has also been found to be benecial at improving PF in older adults
(Davidson et al., 2009; Ettinger et al., 1997). Furthermore, stud-
ies have shown that weight loss interventions have the capacity to
improve PF in obese older adults (Jensen, Roy, Buchanan, & Berg,
2004; Miller et al., 2006). However, recent evidence has suggested
that a combination of exercise and weight loss may result in greater
improvements in PF than either intervention strategy alone (Villar-
eal, Banks, Sinacore, Siener, & Klein, 2006; Villareal et al., 2011).
Thus, although exercise and weight loss interventions both confer
functional benets, additional research is necessary to ascertain the
optimal treatment strategy for improving PF in older adults.
Body Composition Changes With Age
The aging process is accompanied by changes in body composition,
specically an increase in adiposity and a decrease in muscle mass
(Goodpaster et al., 2006). Notably, obesity has been reported as
the leading cause of disability among older adults (Chen & Guo,
2008; Villareal, Apovian, Kushner, & Klein, 2005). It is estimated
that approximately 37% of men and 42% of women older than age
60 are obese, as dened by a body mass index of 30 kg/m
or more
(Ogden, Carroll, Kit, & Flegal, 2012). This is concerning because
a recent meta-analysis reported that older adults with a body mass
index of 30 kg/m
or more are 60% more likely to experience
functional declines than their normal-weight counterparts (Schaap
et al., 2013). Adiposity, specically central adiposity, is associated
with an increased risk for chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular
disease, diabetes, and cancer (Chang, Beason, Hunleth, & Colditz,
2012), which indirectly contributes to functional declines (Hung,
Ross, Boockvar, & Siu, 2012; Kalyani, Saudek, Brancati, &
Selvin, 2010). Furthermore, a recent review article highlighted the
signicant association between waist circumference, often used as
a surrogate measure of central adiposity, and functional declines
(Schaap et al., 2013). Less is known about the role of lower body
adiposity on PF; however, the ratio of trunk fat to lower limb fat is
not signicantly associated with disability in older adults (Foster et
al., 2010); rather, it is relative adiposity (i.e., body fat percentage)
that contributes to disability (Alley, Ferrucci, Barbagallo, Studenski,
& Harris, 2008; Villareal et al., 2005). When grouped by fat index
(total body fat normalized for height), PF is signicantly lower in a
high fat index group than in a low fat index group (Jankowski et al.,
2008). Furthermore, in comparison with older men, older women
tend to have greater amounts of fat mass, which has greater impli-
cations for PF, thus placing them at an increased risk for physical
disability (Jankowski et al., 2008; Valentine, Misic, et al., 2009).
In addition to increases in overall body fatness, thigh intermus-
cular adipose tissue increases with age (Buford et al., 2012; Del-
monico et al., 2009; Visser et al., 2005). In a recent cross-sectional
study, no differences in PF were found when comparing older adults
with high and low intermuscular adipose tissue (Buford et al., 2012).
In contrast, a longitudinal study by Visser et al. (2005) reported fat
inltration in the midthigh is an independent risk factor for mobil-
ity limitations. Thus, more research is warranted to determine the
impact of fat inltration within the muscle and its impact on PF.
Sarcopenia, meaning “poverty of esh,” is an age-associated
loss of skeletal muscle mass (Rosenberg, 1989). The underlying
mechanisms contributing to sarcopenia are multifactorial and
include altered endocrine function, increased inammation, mito-
chondrial dysfunction, inadequate nutrition, and cellular apoptosis
(Rolland et al., 2008). In community-dwelling older adults, sar-
copenia has been associated with reductions in muscle capacity
(Newman et al., 2003), which often results in physical functional
declines (Alley et al., 2008; Janssen, Heymseld, & Ross, 2002;
H. K. Vincent, Vincent, & Lamb, 2010) and physical disability
(Baumgartner et al., 1998; Janssen, Baumgartner, Ross, Rosenberg,
& Roubenoff, 2004). Older women tend to have lower amounts of
total skeletal muscle mass in comparison with older men (Jankowski
et al., 2008; Valentine, Misic, et al., 2009), again placing them at
greater risk for functional declines. However, the rate of skeletal
muscle mass decline should also be considered and is about 6%
per decade after age 50 (Lynch et al., 1999). With regard to the
impact of sex, a longitudinal analysis using the Health, Aging, and
Body Composition Study cohort found that the rate of decline in
leg muscle mass was similar across men and women (Goodpaster
et al., 2006).
Although both increases in adiposity and declines in skeletal
muscle mass independently contribute to functional declines, the
synergistic effects of these body composition changes further exac-
erbate the physical disability process. Individuals at greatest risk
for functional declines and subsequent disability are those with an
excessive amount of fat mass and inadequate skeletal muscle mass
(Schaap et al., 2013), a body composition disorder termed sarco-
penic obesity. Alarmingly, this somatotype represents a growing
proportion of the older adult population (Alley et al., 2008; Chen
& Guo, 2008; Jarosz & Bellar, 2009; Rolland et al., 2009; H. K.
Vincent et al., 2010). Among sarcopenic obese older adults com-
pared with normal-weight older adults, the relative risk for onset
of instrumental activities of daily living disability was 2.63 (95%
CI [1.19, 5.85]; Baumgartner et al., 2004). Compared with their
male counterparts, older women have greater amounts of fat mass
(Jankowski et al., 2008; Valentine, Misic, et al., 2009) and lower
amounts of muscle mass (Jankowski et al., 2008; Valentine, Misic,
et al., 2009), which may make them more predisposed to a sarco-
penic obesity phenotype. Furthermore, older women identied as
sarcopenic obese had a signicantly higher risk of difculty with
stair ascent and descent in comparison with sarcopenic, obese, and
normal-weight older women (Rolland et al., 2009). In contempo-
rary society, as physical activity levels decline, with subsequent
reductions in skeletal muscle mass and increases in obesity, body
composition will undoubtedly play a key role in the sex differences
in PF and disability rates in the future.
444 Brady, Straight, and Evans
Muscle Capacity Changes With Age
Muscle capacity measures, including muscle strength and muscle
power, more appropriately capture an individual’s functional abili-
ties because these assessments incorporate utilization of skeletal
muscle mass (Woods, Iuliano-Burns, King, Strauss, & Walker,
2011). Although muscle strength and power declines can be related
to changes in habitual physical activity, other changes in the mus-
culoskeletal system occur during the aging process, subsequently
affecting PF. Such alterations include signicant declines in neu-
romuscular function and performance (Doherty, Vandervoort, &
Brown, 1993; Doherty, 2001, 2003) and loss of skeletal muscle mass
(Newman et al., 2006). Our review is focused on changes occurring
in the major lower extremity muscle groups (gluteals, hamstrings,
and quadriceps) because one’s ability to complete activities of daily
living and functional tasks (i.e., rising from a chair, climbing stairs)
is largely determined by the lower body musculature.
Recent evidence has suggested that merely assessing body
composition or a cross-sectional area of the muscle may be an
inadequate measure to ascertain information regarding PF in older
adults. Indeed, several studies have found a disassociation between
loss of muscle mass and loss of muscle strength (Barbat-Artigas,
Dupontgand, Fex, Karelis, & Aubertin-Leheudre, 2011; Newman
et al., 2006; Visser et al., 2000). For this reason, the term dyna-
penia has been suggested to describe the age-related loss of muscle
strength to differentiate between declines in mass (sarcopenia) and
strength (Clark & Manini, 2008). In a 5-year longitudinal study
by Delmonico et al. (2009), the rate of strength loss, measured as
maximum isokinetic knee extensor torque, was about 3–4 times
greater than the loss of muscle size, measured as a cross-sectional
area of the midthigh via computed tomography. Related to this, a
recent meta-analysis reported that muscle strength, but not muscle
mass, is associated with functional declines, with odds ratios of 1.86
(95% CI [1.32, 2.64]) and 1.19 (95% CI [0.98, 1.45]), respectively
(Schaap et al., 2013).
Muscle Strength and Muscle Power
Comparing across ages, individuals in the oldest age groups have
lower muscle strength, muscle power, and muscle quality than
their younger counterparts (Bouchard, Héroux, & Janssen, 2011;
Newman et al., 2003, 2006). Specically, using a cross-sectional
sample of men and women from NHANES grouped by age (55–64,
65–74, 75 and older), Bouchard et al. (2011) reported that maximal
quadriceps strength measured via isokinetic dynamometry declined
as age increased. In addition, across each age category, women had
lower maximal values than their age-matched male counterparts
(Bouchard et al., 2011). In the longitudinal Health ABC study, older
adults’ (ages 70–79) quadriceps muscle strength as measured by
isokinetic dynamometry declined at an annual rate of 3.6% and 2.8%
in men and women, respectively (Goodpaster et al., 2006). Similar
to sarcopenic obesity, dynapenic obesity (low muscle strength in
combination with excessive adiposity) also increases risk for dis-
ability in older adults (Bouchard & Janssen, 2010; Stenholm et
al., 2009). The drastic declines in lower body muscle strength per
year contribute to loss of mobility and ultimately decrements in PF.
Muscle power also decreases with age, and the decline occurs
at a more rapid rate than that of muscle strength (Barry & Carson,
2004). It is estimated that declines in muscle power are 10% greater
than losses in muscle strength in older adults (Metter, Conwit,
Tobin, & Fozard, 1997). Numerous factors contribute to the loss of
muscle power with age, including changes in ber type, motor unit
recruitment, neural factors, and intermuscular coordination (Barbat-
Artigas, Rolland, Zamboni, & Aubertin-Leheudre, 2012). A recent
review article suggested that using a measure of muscle power may
be a more complex but more appropriate index (Barbat-Artigas
et al., 2012) and may more accurately predict PF in older adults.
Additional studies have supported the theory that muscle power is
a more robust predictor of PF than muscle strength (Bean, Kiely,
LaRose, & Leveille, 2008). In older adults, muscle power is strongly
associated with gait speed (Cuoco et al., 2004), balance (Orr et al.,
2006), and functional status (Foldvari et al., 2000). Furthermore,
muscle power has been found to be more important to activities of
daily living than muscle strength (Bean et al., 2002; Foldvari et al.,
2000), because many activities (stair climbing, lifting one’s body
from a bed or chair, and carrying groceries) require greater use of
muscle power relative to muscle strength. Across all age groups,
men have greater muscle power than women (Bassey et al., 1992;
Caserotti, Aagaard, Simonsen, & Puggaard, 2001; Metter et al.,
1997; Reid et al., 2012). However, the rate of decline in muscle
power is greater in men (3%) than women (1.7%; Skelton, Greig,
Davies, & Young, 1994). Because the age-related decrease in muscle
capacity (strength and power) exceeds the loss of muscle mass
(Barbat-Artigas et al., 2012; Delmonico et al., 2009; Goodpaster
et al., 2006), investigators have determined that an accompanying
decline in muscle quality also occurs.
Muscle Quality
One approach to operationalizing muscle quality is dening it as
muscle capacity per kilogram of body weight or muscle size (cross-
sectional area or mass; Lynch et al., 1999; Metter et al., 1999; Tracy
et al., 1999). A variety of techniques exist to measure muscle capac-
ity and muscle size. The most commonly used laboratory measure
of muscle capacity is isokinetic dynamometry (Delmonico et al.,
2009; Goodpaster et al., 2006; Misic, Rosengren, Woods, & Evans,
2007; Newman et al., 2003). Fewer studies have implemented a
measure of muscle power to dene muscle quality (Reid, Naumova,
Carabello, Phillips, & Fielding, 2008; Straight, Brady, Schmidt, &
Evans, 2013). With regard to muscle size, most studies have used
dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scanning to quantify leg
muscle mass (Bouchard et al., 2011; Goodpaster et al., 2006; Misic
et al., 2007; Newman et al., 2003). We should note that using DXA
to determine skeletal muscle mass does not take into account inter-
muscular fat, which may affect muscle quality. Methods allowing
for intermuscular adipose tissue quantication include computed
tomography and MRI. Despite the measurement method used,
consistent ndings have supported a loss of muscle quality with age
(Delmonico et al., 2009; Goodpaster et al., 2006; Newman et al.,
2003). Comparing across sex, longitudinal studies have indicated
that women experience a loss of muscle quality at a rate of about
2% per year, and men showed a slightly faster decline of about
2.5% per year (Delmonico et al., 2009; Goodpaster et al., 2006).
Physical Function
Reductions in habitual physical activity, adverse changes in body
composition, and declines in muscle capacity are all important
factors contributing to declines in PF in older adults. In studies
comparing PF across sex, men have higher PF than their female
counterparts (Tseng et al., 2013; Valentine, Misic, et al., 2009; H.
K. Vincent et al., 2010). As stated previously, men tend to have
lower fat mass, greater muscle mass, and greater muscle strength
Conceptual Model of Physical Function 445
and power than women. Studies have indicated that the disparity in
body composition, particularly higher fat mass in women, signi-
cantly contributes to lower PF compared with men (Tseng et al.,
2013; Valentine, Misic, et al., 2009).
A contemporary research theme regarding older adults and PF
is determining which component of body composition or muscle
capacity most strongly contributes to PF. Such research endeavors
could inform the investigation of effective intervention strategies
to prevent PF decline in older adults. Some evidence has suggested
that adiposity is a stronger contributor to lower extremity PF than
muscle mass or sarcopenia (Bouchard et al., 2011; Jankowski et al.,
2008; Kidde, Marcus, Dibble, Smith, & Lastayo, 2009). Still other
studies have suggested that the amount of lean mass is the strongest
predictor of PF in older adults (Reid et al., 2008). In particular, Reid
et al. (2008) reported that increasing leg lean mass by 1 kg decreases
the odds of functional limitations by 53% in mobility-limited older
adults. However, as previously discussed, merely assessing body
composition without muscle capacity information may provide
insufcient information to predict PF.
An inconsistency remains in the literature regarding which
muscle capacity measure best predicts PF in older adults. Cross-
sectional data from NHANES, including 1,280 older adults strati-
ed by age, indicated that leg muscle mass (assessed via DXA),
leg extension strength (assessed via isokinetic dynamometry), and
muscle quality (dened as strength per unit muscle mass) decreased
with age and, subsequently, PF also signicantly decreased with
age (Bouchard et al., 2011). Furthermore, leg strength and fat mass
were independently associated with PF, regardless of age and sex.
Muscle mass and muscle quality were not found to be independently
associated with PF in this sample (Bouchard et al., 2011). In con-
trast, numerous other studies have reported that muscle power is
strongly related to PF and is a signicant predictor in older adults
(Bean et al., 2002, 2003; Berger & Doherty, 2010; Sayers, Guralnik,
Thombs, & Fielding, 2005).
More recently, studies have investigated the association
between muscle quality and PF. Misic et al. (2009) reported that, in
a sample of community-dwelling older adults, muscle quality (leg
muscle strength via isokinetic dynamometry divided by mineral-free
lean mass of the leg as measured by DXA) was the most important
predictor of lower extremity PF, explaining 2–42% of the variance
(Misic, Valentine, Rosengren, Woods, & Evans, 2009). Likewise, a
recent study showed that an index of muscle quality incorporating
power is an independent predictor of lower extremity PF (6-min
walk, 8-ft up and go, 30-s chair stand) in community-dwelling older
women (Straight et al., 2013). Notably, a modest increase (10%)
in muscle quality predicted an improvement in lower extremity PF
of 4.4%. Collectively, these ndings support the contribution of
muscle quality as a salient contributor to PF in community-dwelling
older adults.
Which body composition or muscle capacity measure most
strongly contributes to and predicts PF in older adults remains
unclear. Findings vary depending on the type of assessments used
and PF status of participants. On the basis of the available evidence,
it appears that muscle power may be the strongest contributor to
PF in mobility-limited older adults (Bean et al., 2002; Sayers et al.,
2005), whereas adiposity may be the strongest contributor to PF in
higher functioning older adults (Bouchard et al., 2011; Jankowski
et al., 2008). However, no study has compared the relative contribu-
tions of body composition (fat mass and muscle mass) and muscle
capacity (strength and power) with PF in groups of low- and high-
function older adults.
Contributing Factors to Physical Function
Although our conceptual model focuses on the importance of physi-
cal activity, body composition, and muscle capacity measures for PF,
myriad additional factors may contribute to PF in older adults. These
factors include the presence of chronic health conditions (Boult,
Kane, Louis, Boult, & McCaffrey, 1994; Dunlop, Manheim, Sohn,
Liu, & Chang, 2002; Groll, To, Bombardier, & Wright, 2005; Stuck
et al., 1999; Wang, van Belle, Kukull, & Larson, 2002), markers
of inammation (Brinkley et al., 2009; Cesari et al., 2004; Cohen,
Pieper, Harris, Rao, & Currie, 1997; Hsu et al., 2009; Penninx et
al., 2004; Taaffe, Harris, Ferrucci, Rowe, & Seeman, 2000; Tiainen,
Hurme, Hervonen, Luukkaala, & Jylha, 2010; Verghese et al., 2011),
cognition (Atkinson et al., 2007; Auyeung et al., 2008; Burton,
Strauss, Bunce, Hunter, & Hultsch, 2009; Carlson et al., 1999;
Pereira, Yassuda, Oliveira, & Forlenza, 2008; Rosano et al., 2005;
Soumaré, Tavernier, Alpérovitch, Tzourio, & Elbaz, 2009; Stuck et
al., 1999; Tuokko, Morris, & Ebert, 2005; Wang et al., 2002), smok-
ing (H. D. Nelson, Nevitt, Scott, Stone, & Cummings, 1994; Stuck
et al., 1999; van den Borst et al., 2011; Wang et al., 2002), social
support (Hays, Saunders, Flint, Kaplan, & Blazer, 1997; Kaplan,
Strawbridge, Camacho, & Cohen, 1993; Unger, McAvay, Bruce,
Berkman, & Seeman, 1999), sleep (Dam et al., 2008; Goldman et
al., 2007), fatigue (Moreh, Jacobs, & Stessman, 2010; Vestergaard
et al., 2009), depression (Hybels, Pieper, & Blazer, 2009; Penninx,
Leveille, Ferrucci, van Eijk, & Guralnik, 1999; Stuck et al., 1999;
Wang et al., 2002), and self-efcacy (McAuley et al., 2006, 2007;
Rejeski, Ettinger, Martin, & Morgan, 1998). Although a compre-
hensive analysis of these factors is beyond the scope of this article,
the impact of sleep, fatigue, depression, and self-efcacy on PF is
of considerable interest and warrants particular attention.
A growing number of published studies have reported a rela-
tionship between sleep-related problems and compromised PF in
older adults. Early studies reported a relationship between sleep
complaints and physical disabilities (Foley et al., 1995), as well
as between daytime sleepiness and limitation of activities of daily
living in older adults (Whitney et al., 1998). Likewise, sleep dis-
turbance has been identied as a signicant predictor of perceived
limitations in usual role activities among community-dwelling older
men and women (Kutner, Schechtman, Ory, & Baker, 1994). More
recently, it has been shown that the risk of functional limitations is
greater among older women with poor sleep quality (Goldman et al.,
2007), and sleep-related problems are associated with poorer PF in
community-dwelling older men (Dam et al., 2008). Other research
has shown that both sleep duration and insomnia are associated
with decreased gait speed and mobility limitation in older men and
women (Stenholm et al., 2010). Thus, sleep-related problems appear
to contribute to reduced PF, and interventions that improve sleep
quality in older adults may confer functional benets.
In addition to its association with various dimensions of PF,
sleep likely contributes to the presence of fatigue in older adults. In
this context, subjective fatigue is dened as a general sensation of
tiredness or having difculty initiating physical or mental activity
over several days to weeks (Lou, 2009). The prevalence of fatigue
increases with age (Moreh et al., 2010) and is higher among older
women than older men (Vestergaard et al., 2009). Fatigue has also
been reported as a primary cause of disability by community-dwell-
ing older women (Leveille, Fried, & Guralnik, 2002). Although the
relationship between fatigue and PF has not been well characterized,
emerging evidence has suggested that fatigue may increase risk for
adverse physical functional outcomes in older adults. For instance,
446 Brady, Straight, and Evans
a recent cross-sectional study found that fatigue was associated with
total score on the short physical performance battery and walking
speed, as well as mobility and instrumental activities of daily living
disability (Vestergaard et al., 2009). These ndings corroborate
previous research that found tiredness in daily activities was asso-
ciated with onset of physical disability in nondisabled older adults
(Avlund, Rantanen, & Schroll, 2006). Recently, fatigue has been
associated with self-rated health, functional status, and physical
activity level in community-dwelling older adults (Moreh et al.,
2010). Notably, fatigue has been identied as the most common
reason for restricted activity among community-dwelling older
adults (Gill, Desai, Gahbauer, Holford, & Williams, 2001). Thus,
the efcacy of interventions designed to ameliorate fatigue in older
adults should be further examined because they may have a positive
impact on PF in older adults.
Another psychosocial factor likely contributing to PF in
older adults is the presence of depression. Previous longitudinal
research has shown that depressive symptoms are associated with
an increased risk of disability in activities of daily living (Bruce,
Seeman, Merrill, & Blazer, 1994). Likewise, older adults with
depressive symptoms have worse PF than those without depressive
symptoms (Callahan et al., 1998; Wells et al., 1989). Similarly,
depressive symptoms have been identied as a signicant predictor
of decline in PF in community-dwelling older adults (Hays et al.,
1997). Other research has shown that the risk of incident disability
in activities of daily living and mobility is 39% and 45% greater,
respectively, in depressed older adults relative to nondepressed
adults (Penninx et al., 1999). Despite the adverse consequences
of depression, studies have shown that both pharmacologic and
behavioral interventions to reduce depression can have a positive
impact on PF in older adults (Callahan et al., 2005; Lin et al., 2003;
Penninx et al., 2002).
Last, a large body of literature has supported the contribution
of self-efcacy to PF in older adults. Self-efcacy has been asso-
ciated with gait speed (Rosengren, McAuley, & Mihalko, 1998),
fear of falling (Fuzhong et al., 2002), and functional limitations
(McAuley et al., 2006) in older adults. Similarly, self-efcacy has
been identied as an independent predictor of declines in perceived
functional abilities among older men and women (Seeman, Unger,
McAvay, & Mendes de Leon, 1999). More important, self-efcacy
has also been identied as a determinant of exercise participation
(McAuley, 1993; McAuley & Blissmer, 2000) and mediates the
relationship between physical activity and functional limitations
in older women (McAuley et al., 2007). Likewise, self-efcacy
mediates the effects of exercise intervention on stair ascent in older
adults with knee osteoarthritis (Rejeski et al., 1998) and has been
implicated in improved PF after tai chi in older women (Li et al.,
2001). Thus, there is strong evidence that self-efcacy is a salient
determinant of PF and should be targeted in interventions designed
to improve PF in older adults.
As stated previously, a multitude of physical and psychosocial
factors likely contribute to PF in older adults, and our conceptual
model attempts to delineate some of the most salient determinants.
In addition, the interrelationships between these factors (i.e., sleep,
fatigue, depression, self-efcacy) are complex and have not been
fully elucidated. For instance, in healthy older adults, inammation
has been related to fatigue (Valentine, Woods, McAuley, Dantzer,
& Evans, 2011); however, fatigue has also been associated with
depression (Bixler et al., 2005; Valentine, McAuley, et al., 2009).
Moreover, a recent review indicated that sleep complaints are
observed in 50–90% of patients with diagnosed depression (Tsuno,
Besset, & Ritchie, 2005). The interaction between these factors and
the subsequent consequences for PF have not been well character-
ized and should be further explored.
In conclusion, the growing number of older adults combined with
the obesity epidemic is expected to result in unprecedented levels
of functional limitations and physical disability in older Americans.
Although much research has focused on the relationships among
body composition, muscle capacity, and PF, which component most
strongly contributes to and predicts PF in older adults has yet to be
determined. Our proposed conceptual model provides a framework
to aid in a comprehensive analysis of PF encompassing all of the
aforementioned variables. More important, there is a need to develop
an interdisciplinary approach to studying PF in older adults inclusive
of behavioral factors (physical activity), physiological factors (body
composition, muscle capacity), and additional contributing factors
(sleep, fatigue, depression, self-efcacy). A more comprehensive
approach to studying PF may help elucidate specic strategies
and intervention techniques to improve PF and delay disability in
older adults.
The authors have no nancial or other conict of interest to report.
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... Moreover, declines in physical function due to ageing and changes in body composition co-occur [6]. For instance, excessive body fat accumulation represents additional 2 of 14 body mass that provides no additional contribution to movement performance and potentially restricts physical function due to the energy cost of moving the enhanced load [7,8]. ...
... The association between body composition and physical function is multifaceted, with low and high body fat percentages potentially negatively impacting physical function. Low body fat percentages are associated with poor health, frailty, osteoporosis, and decreased muscle strength [6,15,16], potentially leading to compromised knee and hip joint functions essential for maintaining balance [17]. On the other hand, high body fat percentages can result in destabilised postures, contributing to static and dynamic stability difficulties, and are associated with musculoskeletal conditions that further impair physical function [18,19]. ...
... In light of the existing research, there is a growing interest in comprehending the underlying causes for the enhancements in physical function due to power training and, specifically, the potential power training-induced changes in body composition. It is well-established that cross-sectional measurements of poor body composition are associated with impaired physical function and that power training can prevent and counteract the negative age-related declines in body composition and physical function [6,14,20,21,28,29]. However, individual differences in body composition and physical function at cross-sectional investigations are considerably larger than within-subject training-induced changes. ...
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Background: It is well-established that cross-sectional measurements of poor body composition are associated with impaired physical function and that power training effectively enhances total lean mass and physical function in older adults. However, it is unclear if power training-induced changes in body composition are associated with improved physical function in older adults. Aim: The present study investigated associations between body composition and physical function cross-sectionally and with power training-induced changes in older men. Methods: Forty-nine older men (68 ± 5 yrs) completed a 10-week biweekly power training intervention. Body composition was measured using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Physical function was assessed as a composite Z-score combining measures from Sit-to-stand power, Timed up-and-go time, and loaded and unloaded Stair-climbing time (15 steps). Linear and quadratic regression analyses were performed to assess associations between body composition and physical function. Results: At baseline, total (R2 = 0.11, p < 0.05) and percentage body fat (R2 = 0.15, p < 0.05) showed a non-linear relationship with physical function. The apex of the quadratic regression for body composition was 21.5% body fat. Furthermore, there was a non-linear relationship between changes in body fat percentage and physical function from pre- to post-intervention (R2 = 0.15, p < 0.05). Conclusion: The present study's findings indicate that participants with a body composition of ~20% body fat displayed the highest level of physical function at baseline. Furthermore, despite small pre-post changes in body fat, the results indicate that those who either preserved their body fat percentage or experienced minor alterations observed the greatest improvements in physical function.
... There are a number of conceptual models and proposed definitions of PF [5][6][7][8][9][10][11]-most of which are organized by level of activity from basic bodily functions (e.g., moving to participation in activities). Some incorporate contextual factors, such as peoples' environments [5,6], personal factors [6], and even sleep [9]. ...
... There are a number of conceptual models and proposed definitions of PF [5][6][7][8][9][10][11]-most of which are organized by level of activity from basic bodily functions (e.g., moving to participation in activities). Some incorporate contextual factors, such as peoples' environments [5,6], personal factors [6], and even sleep [9]. None of these definitions were developed specific to patient reports of PF. ...
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Purpose Successful patient-focused drug development involves selecting and measuring outcomes in clinical trials that are important to patients. The U.S. Food & Drug Administration’s definition of clinical benefit includes how patients feel, function, or survive. Patients are considered the experts in describing how they feel and function. In cancer trials, patient-reported measures of physical function provide insight into how patients function at baseline, benefit from the interventions being studied, and the impact of treatment side effects. We conducted a qualitative study with adults diagnosed with cancer to describe facets of physical function from their perspective and to identify which facets are most important to this patient population. Methods Using concept elicitation and cognitive interviewing techniques, we conducted semi-structured interviews with 72 adults ≥ 22 years of age with cancer who received treatment with an anticancer drug or biologic within six months of the interview. We selected participants using purposive sampling with the aim to elicit diverse experiences regarding how they may interpret and respond to questions related to physical function. Participants were presented with patient-reported outcome (PRO) items representative of PRO measures used in cancer and general populations. Results Five facets of how physical function relates to activities were defined from the patient perspective: ability, difficulty, limitation, satisfaction, and completion. More than half of the participants indicated that ability was the most important facet of physical function. The next most important were satisfaction (18.3%), limitation (14.1%), difficulty (5.6%), and completion (2.8%). Conclusion This study demonstrates that we must be more specific about the facets of physical function that we set out to assess when we use PRO measures to describe the patient experience. These results have implications for the specificity of physical function facets when measured in cancer clinical trials.
... Other studies have indicated positive outcomes when older adults engage in physical training for a more extended period (≥ 16 weeks) (87)(88)(89). Furthermore, studies have shown that participating in conventional physical activities and implementing dietary control can enhance body composition in older people (90,91). Additionally, high-intensity training has been reported to effectively reduce visceral and subcutaneous fat (92). ...
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Background The global population is experiencing a rapid rise in the quantity and percentage of older people. In an effort to enhance physical activity among older adults, active video games (AVGs) are being suggested as a compelling alternative and are currently under scrutiny to evaluate their efficacy in promoting the health of older people. Objective This review aims to synthesize current studies and formulate conclusions regarding the impact of AVGs on the health-related physical fitness of older adults. Methods Seven databases (PubMed, Web of Science, SCOPUS, SPORTDiscus, EMBASE, MEDLINE, and CINAHL) were searched from inception to January 21, 2024. Eligible studies included randomized controlled trials examining the effect of AVGs compared to control conditions on health-related physical fitness outcomes in older adults. The methodological quality of the included trials was assessed using the PEDro scale, and the certainty of evidence was evaluated using the GRADE approach. A random-effects model was used to calculate effect sizes (ES; Hedge’s g) between experimental and control groups. Results The analysis included 24 trials with a total of 1428 older adults (all ≥ 60 years old). Compared to controls, AVGs produced significant increases in muscular strength (moderate ES = 0.64–0.68, p < 0.05) and cardiorespiratory fitness (moderate ES = 0.79, p < 0.001). However, no significant effects were found for body composition (trivial ES = 0.12–0.14; p > 0.05) and flexibility (trivial ES = 0.08; p = 0.677). The beneficial effects of AVGs were greater after a duration of ≥ 12 vs. < 12 weeks (cardiorespiratory fitness; ES = 1.04 vs. 0.29, p = 0.028) and following ≥ 60 minutes vs. < 60 minutes of session duration (muscular strength; ES = 1.20–1.24 vs. 0.27–0.42, p < 0.05). Conclusion AVGs appear to be an effective tool for enhancing muscular strength and cardiorespiratory fitness in older adults, although their impact on improving body composition and flexibility seems limited. Optimal improvement in cardiorespiratory fitness is associated with a longer duration of AVGs (≥ 12 weeks). Moreover, a session duration of ≥ 60 minutes may provide greater benefits for the muscular strength of older adults. Systematic review registration, identifier CRD42023482568.
... Association between the number of lower trunk hyperextension repetitions via the newly instrumented device and the time on the Biering-Sørensen test was further calculated by Pearson's correlation coefficient to examine the concurrent validity of using the trunk muscle testing instrument as a surrogate to the Biering-Sørensen test. The magnitude of the associations was classified by the following recommendations: trivial (r < 0.1), small (r from 0.1 to 0.3), moderate (r from 0.3 to 0.5), strong (r from 0.5 to 0.7), and robust (r from 0.7 to 0.9) [35]. A p value of less than 0.05 was considered significant. ...
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Purpose Measuring trunk extensor muscle endurance is important for identifying non-specific low back pain (LBP) risk factors and prognostic indicators, planning treatment goals, and measuring patient progress. This randomized cross-over study evaluated the reliability and validity of a newly instrumented device for measuring lumbar spine extensor muscle endurance. Methods Thirty healthy men participated in this study. The Biering-Sørensen test (for the endurance time) and the newly invented device (for the number of repetitions) were applied to measure lumbar spine extensor muscle endurance in two separate weeks at a similar time of a day and with the same rater. Test–retest reliability and validity of the devices were examined via an intra-class correlation coefficient [ICC (2,1)], 95% confidence intervals (95% CI), standard errors of the measurement (SEM), minimal detectable change (MDC), and Pearson’s correlation coefficient, respectively. Results Test–retest reliability of the newly instrumented device demonstrated an excellent level of reliability [ICC (2,1): 0.969; 95% CI: 0.934–0.985; SEM: 2.65 repetition; MDC: 3.75 repetition]; while a moderate to good degree of test–retest reliability was found between the Biering-Sørensen test measurements [ICC (2,1): 0.884; 95% CI: 0.758–0.944; SEM: 13.31 s; MDC: 18.82 s]. Compared to the Biering-Sørensen test, the newly instrumented device had a moderately positive correlation (r = 0.283). Conclusion The newly instrumented device demonstrated adequate reliability and validity compared with the Biering-Sørensen test. Future studies should assess its clinometric properties in patients with musculoskeletal pain also including female participants.
... It is a multidimensional concept consisting of conceptually related but distinct subdomains, e.g., lower limb function or muscle performance [5,8]. One of the key factors determining PF is muscle strength [9,10]. In a recent endeavor, Jiang et al. [11] sought to develop a model to identify structural dimensions that are most pertinent in assessing physical function among community-dwelling adults and identified muscle strength as one of the three explaining factors. ...
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Functional assessments are crucial for the evaluation of rehabilitation after total knee (TKA) and hip (THA) arthroplasty. Muscle strength, a key determinant of physical function (PF), is often measured with isokinetic dynamometry (ID), which is considered the gold standard. However, studies lack evaluations of responsiveness—the ability to detect changes over time. This study aims to determine the responsiveness of ID in measuring PF in TKA and THA rehabilitation—is muscle strength a valid indicator for assessing improvement in rehabilitation processes? The pre- and post-surgery PF of 20 osteoarthritis patients (age 55–82) was assessed, using ID, performance-based and self-reported measures. Responsiveness was evaluated by comparing the observed relationship of changes in ID and PF scores with the a priori defined expected relationship of change scores. While the perfor-mance-based and self-reported measures showed significant improvements post-surgery (Cohen’s d [0.42, 1.05 ] p < 0.05), ID showed no significant differences. Moderate correlations were found between changes in some ID parameters and selected functional tests (r ≈|0.5|, p < 0.05). Responsiveness was solely found for the peak torque of knee extension at 180°/s on the operated side. Responsiveness is an often-overlooked psychometric property of outcome measurements. The findings suggest that ID may not be fully responsive to the construct of PF after TKA and THA, raising questions about its role and usefulness in this context and the need for more appropriate assessment methods.
... As individuals enter older adulthood, physiological and body composition changes occur, resulting in various declines in performance [3]. Older adults experience reductions in musculoskeletal weight [47] and vitamin D absorption [48], as well as decreased production of testosterone, estrogen, and growth hormones [49]. This population also faces various health issues, including sarcopenia [4]. ...
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Objective This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to assess the prevalence and identify factors associated with sarcopenia in older Thais. Methods Research studies were searched in online databases, including PubMed, Embase, Scopus, and Thai-Journal Citation Index. The articles included in this review were limited to being published between January 1, 2013 and January 31, 2023 and observational study designs. The research quality was evaluated using the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) critical appraisal tool for prevalence studies. A meta-analysis was performed using the JBI SUMARI software. The review protocol has been registered on PROSPERO with the assigned ID CRD42023420514. Results A total of 265 research articles were initially identified, out of which 17 articles were included in this study, including a total of 4,668 participants aged 60 years and over, consisting of 1,380 (29.6%) men and 3,288 (70.4%) women. The overall prevalence of sarcopenia in Thai older adults was 20.7% (95% CI 14.4%–27.8%). Subgroup analysis of the sarcopenia prevalence based on the study areas revealed that the prevalence was 33.4% (95% CI 28.7%–38.3%) in hospitalized individuals, 23.2% (95% CI 12.5%–35.9%) in outpatient clinic settings, and 17.3% (95% CI 9.4%–26.8%) in community-living older adults. Advanced age (OR = 4.60, 95% CI 3.07–6.91), being male (OR = 2.30, 95% CI 1.37–3.85), low body mass index (BMI) (OR = 8.95, 95% CI 6.05–13.25), and malnutrition (OR = 2.78, 95% CI 2.09–3.70) are strong predictors of sarcopenia in older adults in Thailand. Conclusions This systematic review represents the first assessment of the overall prevalence and factors associated with sarcopenia in Thai older adults, indicating its significant concern within this population. These findings are of importance for public health management aimed at preventing and managing sarcopenia in the country.
Introduction: Although arterial stiffness has been suggested to be associated with poor physical function and mild cognitive impairment (MCI), its association with cognitive frailty (CF), a comorbidity of both, is unclear. This study aims to examine the association between CF and arterial stiffness in community-dwelling older adults. Methods: A cross-sectional analysis of 511 community-dwelling older adults aged 65 years or older (mean age 73.6 ± 6.2 years, 63.6% women), who participated in a community cohort study (Tarumizu Study, 2019), was conducted. Poor physical function was defined as either slowness (walking speed <1.0 m/s) or weakness (grip strength <28 kg for men and <18 kg for women). MCI was defined by the National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology Functional Assessment Tool as a decline of at least 1.5 standard deviation from age- and education-adjusted baseline values in any one of the four cognitive domains (memory, attention, executive, and information processing). CF was defined as the combination of poor physical function and MCI. Arterial stiffness was measured using the Cardio-Ankle Vascular Index (CAVI), and the average of the left and right sides (mean CAVI) was used. Results: Multinomial logistic regression analysis adjusted for covariates was performed with the four groups of robust, poor physical function, MCI, and CF as dependent variables and mean CAVI as an independent variable. Using the robust group as reference, the poor physical function and MCI groups showed no significant relationship with the mean CAVI. The mean CAVI was significantly higher in the CF group (odds ratio 1.62, 95% confidence interval: 1.14-2.29). Conclusion: A significant association was found between CF and the higher CAVI (progression of arterial stiffness). Careful observation and control of CAVI, which is also an indicator of arterial stiffness, may be a potential target for preventive interventions for CF.
Estradiol and estrogen receptor α (ERα) have been shown to be important for the maintenance of skeletal muscle strength in females, however little is known about the roles of estradiol and ERα in male muscle. The purpose of this study was to determine if skeletal muscle ERα is required for optimal contractility in male mice. We hypothesize that reduced ERα in skeletal muscle impairs contractility in male mice. Skeletal muscle specific knockout (skmERαKO) male mice exhibited reduced strength across multiple muscles and several contractile parameters related to force generation and kinetics compared to wildtype littermates (skmERαWT). Isolated EDL muscle specific isometric tetanic force, peak twitch force, peak concentric and peak eccentric forces, as well as the maximal rates of force development and relaxation were 11-21% lower in skmERαKO compared to skmERαWT mice. In contrast, isolated soleus muscles from skmERaKO mice were not affected. In vivo peak torque of the anterior crural muscles were 20% lower in skmERαKO compared to skmERαWT mice. Muscle masses, contractile protein contents, fiber types, phosphorylation of the myosin regulatory light chain, and caffeine-elicited force did not differ between muscles of skmERαKO and skmERαWT mice suggesting that strength deficits were not due to size, composition, or calcium release components of muscle contraction. These results indicate that in male mice reduced skeletal muscle ERα blunts contractility to a magnitude similar to that previously reported in females, however, the mechanism may be sexually dimorphic.
[Purpose] This review aimed to identify differences in the effects of co-intervention with resistance training (RT) and protein supplementation according to sex and provide meaningful information for future research on the development of exercise programs to improve muscle volume and muscle function.[Methods] PubMed, Science Direct, and Google Scholar were searched to identify clinical and nonclinical studies that assessed the effects of RT in older adults with sarcopenia; these studies were published between 1990 and 2023. Cross-sectional and double-blind studies (randomized controlled trials, RCTs) were examined in this review.[Results] The effects of parallel intervention with RT and protein supplementation on muscle volume and physical function were found to differ according to sex. Both males and females had improvements in muscle strength, muscle mass, and physical function after RT and protein supplementation; however, many studies found a greater increase in muscle volume and function in males than in females. Such difference may be due to differences in physiological characteristics between males and females.[Conclusion] Based on the findings of this review, the effects of combined intervention with RT and protein supplementation on muscle strength, muscle mass, and physical function to differ according to sex. Owing to these sex differences in the response and physiological characteristics caused by the parallel intervention of RT and protein supplementation, such differences must be considered to maximize the effects of RT and protein supplementation.
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Objectives The aims of this study were to investigate the association between educational level and musculoskeletal pain and physical function, respectively, in persons 60–70 years old, and to investigate if the association changed from 2010 to 2017. Design and participants This is a sex-stratified, cross-sectional study based on data from the Danish Health and Morbidity Survey in 2010 (n=15 165) and in 2017 (n=14 022). Self-reported data from respondents who were 60–70 years old and reported data for pain or physical function, sociodemographic, education and behavioural factors were included. Primary outcome measures Prevalence of pain and physical limitations. Results Among men, a high educational level was associated with reduced odds of pain compared with low educational level (OR 0.56 (95% CI 0.41; 0.74)). Medium and high educational levels were associated with reduced odds of pain in women (0.74 (0.59; 0.92) and 0.64 (0.41; 1.00), respectively). High educational level was associated with reduced odds of physical limitations in men (0.35 (0.19; 0.65)) and women (0.33 (0.14; 0.78)). The interaction terms between time and education were not associated with pain and physical function, respectively. Conclusion High education was associated with reduced musculoskeletal pain and reduced limitations of physical function. The association between education and musculoskeletal pain and physical function did not change significantly over time. Musculoskeletal pain during the past 14 days and chronic pain among old men and women 60–70 years and their level of physical function contribute to important knowledge of a group near the retirement age. The future perspectives illustrate trends and importance of focusing on adapting job accommodations for senior workers.
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Sarcopenia is associated with substantial health and economic consequences and is emerging as a major public health problem in the older population. The effects of sarcopenia may increase the risk for adverse health outcomes in older adults, and strategies need to be developed to maintain healthy aging. Although several intervention strategies have been proposed, resistance training (RT) has been suggested as the most effective stimulus for optimizing improvements in physical function and body composition with age. Although RT has been established as a safe and efficacious intervention for the prevention and treatment of sarcopenia, very few older adults regularly participate in RT programs. Community-based RT programs may be a feasible strategy because of their accessibility, cost-effectiveness, and lower-intensity training stimuli. However, the effects of these interventions on health outcomes in older adults have not been adequately reviewed. This report will describe the health effects associated with sarcopenia and summarize the major findings from community-based RT interventions on different health outcomes in older adults. Finally, it is suggested that all older adults who demonstrate the ability to safely participate in RT comply with the guidelines recommended by the American College of Sports Medicine.
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Poor physical function status in elders is a robust predictor of not only medical service use and institutionalization but also mortality. We assessed whether depressive symptoms and low social support would predict deficits in three domains of physical function among 3,240 community-dwelling older adults in the Piedmont of North Carolina over one year. Between 7-23% of the sample declined in functional ability, depending on the domain tested. Depressive symptoms and receipt of instrumental support predicted declines in all domains of physical function. Giving instrumental support and subjective social support protected elders against declines, and subjective social support buffered the detrimental effect of depression on risk of physical decline. This study suggests that significant risk of functional impairment could be reduced among elderly persons if coincidental depressive symptoms could be alleviated and/or deficits in their social environment remedied.
OBJECTIVE: To issue a recommendation on the types and amounts of physical activity needed to improve and maintain health in older adults. PARTICIPANTS: A panel of scientists with expertise in public health, behavioral science, epidemiology, exercise science, medicine, and gerontology. EVIDENCE: The expert panel reviewed existing consensus statements and relevant evidence from primary research articles and reviews of the literature. Process: After drafting a recommendation for the older adult population and reviewing drafts of the Updated Recommendation from the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the American Heart Association (AHA) for Adults, the panel issued a final recommendation on physical activity for older adults. SUMMARY: The recommendation for older adults is similar to the updated ACSM/AHA recommendation for adults, but has several important differences including: the recommended intensity of aerobic activity takes into account the older adult's aerobic fitness; activities that maintain or increase flexibility are recommended; and balance exercises are recommended for older adults at risk of falls. In addition, older adults should have an activity plan for achieving recommended physical activity that integrates preventive and therapeutic recommendations. The promotion of physical activity in older adults should emphasize moderate-intensity aerobic activity, muscle-strengthening activity, reducing sedentary behavior, and risk management. Language: en
Obesity causes serious medical complications and impairs quality of life. Moreover, in older persons, obesity can exacerbate the age-related decline in physical function and lead to frailty. However, appropriate treatment for obesity in older persons is controversial because of the reduction in relative health risks associated with increasing body mass index and the concern that weight loss could have potential harmful effects in the older population. This joint position statement from the American Society for Nutrition and the NAASO, The Obesity Society reviews the clinical issues related to obesity in older persons and provides health professionals with appropriate weight-management guidelines for obese older patients. The current data show that weight-loss therapy improves physical function, quality of life, and the medical complications associated with obesity in older persons. Therefore, weight-loss therapy that minimizes muscle and bone losses is recommended for older persons who are obese and who have functional impairments or medical complications that can benefit from weight loss.
Fatigue is one of the most common non-motor complaints of Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients and is associated with reduced activity and poorer quality of life. Fatigue can be experienced as a state of being tired or weary (subjective fatigue) or as a process of becoming tired or fatigued (fatigability). Subjective mental and physical fatigue are evaluated using self-report questionnaires such as the Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory. Physical fatigability is studied in a laboratory setting using physical exercise protocols and transcranial magnetic stimulation. Mental fatigability is evaluated by measuring attention over time using a reaction-time paradigm called the Attention Network Test (ANT). PD patients report more subjective physical and mental fatigue than controls on a variety of fatigue questionnaires. PD patients have increased physical fatigability in force generation and finger tapping. Levodopa and modafinil improve physical fatigability in PD subjects. Methylphenidate is useful for treating subjective physical fatigue. PD subjects have greater mental fatigability than control subjects and display abnormal performance in all three attention networks in the ANT. Therapies targeting the neurotransmitter systems involved in attention may be helpful for treating mental fatigability. Future fatigue research should focus on developing gold standards for fatigue measurement and developing treatments for fatigue and fatigability in PD.