Annabelle Moatty

Annabelle Moatty
French National Centre for Scientific Research | CNRS · Laboratoire de Géographie Physique : environnements quaternaires et actuels



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Publications (38)
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Alternatives for sustained disaster risk reduction’ was published in 2010 by Francophone and Anglophone researchers as a critique on the way disasters were studied and disaster risk reduction handled in the Francophone sphere. The authors criticized the dominant Francophone approach for being heavily hazard-centred and called for more emphasis on v...
Merapi is a two-sided, paradoxical volcano: on the one hand 1.8 million people live on its flanks. It is one of the most densely populated volcanoes on Earth, with population densities averaging 764 inhabitants per square kilometre within a 10 km radius from the summit. The main reasons for the high densities are land resources and associated livel...
Nos sociétés sont devenues très crisogènes. La gestion de ces crises est un véritable enjeu pour les territoires qui ont souvent des solutions différentes, que ce soit avant, pendant ou après la crise. Il découle souvent de ces crises une forme d’inertie territoriale. Cependant certains innovent, imaginent des territoires renouvelés, préparent la r...
Post‐disaster recovery is a relatively recent concept in the francophone scientific literature on risk studies in geography. Internationally, research on recovering from disasters emerged in the 1970s with the development of multidisciplinary teams. This chapter focuses on the challenges and resources of post‐disaster recovery. It begins with a pre...
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This paper discusses whether existing coastal risk reduction policies in French Polynesia—a French Overseas Territory with a high degree of political autonomy—(i) consider current and future coastal risks from climate variability and change, and (ii) are designed to evolve as new knowledge on climate change emerges. The analysis relies on the study...
On September 6, 2017, Hurricane Irma (category 5 on the Saffir-Simpson scale) passed through Saint Martin (French West Indies). Based on a field survey conducted in the French part of the island, this work aims to characterise the preventive opportunity of the post-disaster reconstruction period by questioning the land use reorganisation (via the r...
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The 2017 hurricane season in the Caribbean Basin recorded 18 events (storms and hurricanes), including Category 5 hurricane Irma on which this article focuses. The aim of this study is to analyse the ‘window of opportunity’ of the post-Irma reconstruction in Saint Martin. Located 250 km north of Guadeloupe, Saint Martin is a small bi-national islan...
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This empirical and interdisciplinary study investigates the contribution of deeply enrooted social-political factors to the accumulation of exposure and vulnerability and amplification of cascading impacts of disasters, with implications on the creation and reinforcement of path dependency maintaining social-ecological systems on a maladaptive traj...
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Le projet TIREX (Transfert des apprentissages de retours d'expérience scientifiques), dirigé par Pr. Frédéric LEONE, part du constat que les résultats des retours d'expérience scientifiques ne sont pas assez communiqués aux acteurs des territoires concernés. En analysant la saison cyclonique 2017 dans les Petites Antilles, TIREX répond à la fois à...
The post-disaster reconstruction and recovery phase is a critical time for societies and territories, during which managers and decision-makers adapt strategies and programmes for local stakeholders, that ideally organises and supports the response of societies in crisis. The idea of “taking advantage” of the post-disaster period to rebuild differe...
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On 3 September 2017, as cyclone Irma approaches Saint-Martin, the rectorate postponed sine die the school start for 8 000 students registered in public schools and 900 national education staff. As the cyclone damaged a majority of buildings and infrastructure (including schools), some of the island's pupils did not attend school for two months. In...
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L’augmentation du volume des débris, les impératifs de protection de l’environnement, le coût de la collecte et du traitement pour les collectivités territoriales ou les entreprises sont des défis de plus en plus complexes dans les territoires soumis à des catastrophes naturelles, technologiques ou géopolitiques (conflits) destructrices. Le passage...
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In the aftermath of a disaster, the debris caused by the destruction of property or vegetation become a crucial problem. The increase in the volume of debris, the growing requirements for environmental protection, the cost of waste collection and treatment for local authorities or companies are increasingly complex challenges for lands subject to n...
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Le passage de l’ouragan Irma le 6 septembre 2017 dans les Antilles françaises, sur les Îles de Saint-Martin et Saint-Barthélemy a été le théâtre de plusieurs rumeurs. Nous nous intéressons ici à la rumeur sur le nombre de morts. A Saint-Martin, le bilan humain est de 11 morts et 2 disparus dont certains étaient sur des bateaux. Du point de vue des...
Successive French governments have progressively decentralised flood control policy to increase the role of local authorities in planning and crisis management. In 1982, a law mandated local risk maps for 5 types of exceptional natural hazards and set up Cat’ Nat’, a national system of damage compensation based on an insurance super-fund. While thi...
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In the aftermath of a disaster, the debris caused by the destruction of property or the vegetation become a crucial problem. The increase in the volume of debris, the growing requirements for environmental protection and the cost of waste collection and treatment for local authorities or companies are challenges increasingly complex for the territo...
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La reconstruction, entendue comme l'ensemble des mesures pour rétablir un fonctionnement acceptable du territoire, est une notion de plus en plus traitée dans la littérature scientifique des risques. Elle peut faire l'objet, sans que cela soit systématique, de stratégies d'adaptation collectives et individuelles, planifiées et spontanées, aux objec...
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Although sanitation networks are critical infrastructures, their impact on territorial vulnerability and social resilience is still underestimated. The role played by the energy, transport and telecommunication networks in crises and post-disaster recovery is better understood, both from a theoretical and operational point of view. On the contrary,...
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Dans la nuit du 3 au 4 août 2008, une tornade de force 4 (échelle de Fujita améliorée) s’abat sur quatre communes du département du Nord. Elle touche le sol à 22h28 et parcours 19 kilomètres pour disparaître à 22h42. Un millier de maisons ont été sinistrées, dont 45 complètement détruites soit 183 familles à reloger. La tornade a fait 4 morts et 18...
In 2016, floods represented 34% of the cost of natural disasters, amounting to 175 billions US dollars. Construction in at-risk areas has increased in number for various reasons, including land pressure and risks oversight and underestimation. The reconstruction period, which covers the definitive replacement of damaged infrastructures and building...
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Le présent article interroge les liens entre catastrophe et développement par le prisme des périodes post-catastrophe en s’appuyant sur de multiples exemples afin d’étayer les apports théoriques. La période de reconstruction est une phase critique pouvant accélérer ou entraver le développement d’une région affectée. La difficile conciliation entre...
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This article addresses the links between disaster and development through the perspective of post-disaster reconstruction. It draws upon multiple examples to contribute to the broad literature on disaster, reconstruction and development. Reconstruction is a critical period that can speed up – or, conversely, hamper – the development of an affected...
Ce chapitre présente l'enchaînement de circonstances qui a conduit à la catastrophe de Malpasset le 2 décembre 1959. La rupture du barrage a causé la mort de 423 personnes et un montant de dommages de 110 millions d'euros (valeur 2015). Si l'origine de la catastrophe provient d'un état de l'art insuffisant à l'époque sur la mécanique des roches, il...
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The recurrence of disasters, sometimes in the same territories, questioned the effectiveness of the preventive logic and of the post-disaster recovery process. The present reconstruction approach aims at analysing the interactions between risk, societies and territories. The study of the recovery process in a holistic way through a medium and long-...
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La reconstruction post-catastrophe est apparue relativement récemment dans la littérature scientifique des risques. On a longtemps fait, en France et dans les pays développés, comme si les sommes d’argent drainées par le processus d’indemnisation et par la solidarité étaient suffisantes pour reconstruire efficacement. Pourtant, la récurrence des ca...


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